CCTV Design Tool Help PDF
CCTV Design Tool Help PDF
CCTV Design Tool Help PDF
To calculate the field of view or lens focal length of CCTV camera you need to know some
parameters of installation. If you need to calculate the lens focal length you should specify
following parameters:
• Distance - How far the target could be from camera.
• Camera Height - Camera installation height.
• Object Height - Height of the target. When you select object and camera heights the
software calculates camera installation tilt.
• Object Width - Desired width of viewing area on target distance. If you modify this
parameter the lens focal length and Horizontal Angle - Field Of View will be automatically
recalculated. Other option is to specify Horizontal Angle (FOV) instead of Object Width. In
this case Object Width and Focal Length will be calculated automatically.
• Camera Sensor Size - CCD or CMOS sensor format. You can choose from : 1/4″, 1/3″,
1/2″, 2/3″, and 1″. Usually you can find the sensor format in camera specification. Typical
value for network camera with VGA resolution is 1/4″. For many cameras with CCD sensor
- 1/3″. Megapixel cameras can use other formats like 1/2″ or 1″.
After you have specified these parameters the software will calculate Lens Focal Length and
Camera Tilt.
In case if you have fixed lens with known focal length and need to calculate field of view you can
just modify Horiz. Angle (FOV) parameter until you have desired value in Focal Length field.
CCTV Design Tool Documentation JVSG
• Resolution - Camera resolution in pixels. You can select resolution from the drop-down list.
List contains most popular PAL and NTSC camera resolutions (like 352×288 CIF PAL,
704×576 4 CIF PAL) as well as some typical network cameras resolutions (like 640×480)
including megapixel resolutions (1280×1024, 1600×1200) and others.
• Compression - Video compression. You can choose from MPEG4, H.264, four levels of
Motion JPEG (MJPG) compression (from Low to High) and “RAW Data”. If you use
Motion JPEG you can use different JPEG compression levels. If you use low MJPEG
compression (level 10) you get best quality of picture and about 10 times lower frame size.
If you use Medium MJPEG compression (level 20) you get practically good picture quality
and optimal Quality/FrameSize ratio. With JPEG level more than 40 your picture became
bad for video surveillance purpose.
• FPS - Frames per second. Typical FPS for video surveillance - from 4 to 15 frames per
second. In some applications (like CCTV in casino) it is required to use higher speed values
(25-60 FPS).
• Days - Required length of video archive in days (24 hours). Used for storage space
• Cameras - Number of cameras in your CCTV installation with the same parameters.
• Activity % - Estimated motion recoding activity. 100% for constant recording. This
parameter is used to calculate disk storage space in case if video is recorded on evens from
motion detector.
As a result for each camera type you get:
• Frame Size (Kilobytes)- software can make frame size estimation based on resolution and
CCTV Design Tool Documentation JVSG
compression. In some special cases you can measure your real frame size and specify it in
this field.
• Bandwidth, (Megabits per second) - How much network traffic is required for these
• Disk Space, (Gigabytes) - Disk storage space required to store video archive.
At the bottom of the window you can find total bandwidth and disk space required for your video
surveillance system.
To make proper bandwidth planning you should know practical bandwidth values for your
netowork type.
• 1 Gigabit Ethernet - 500 Mbit/s
• 100 Mbit Fast Ethernet - 55..60 Mbit/s
• 10 Mbit Ethernet - 6..7 Mbit/s
• WIFI 802.11g 54 Mbit - 12..25 Mbit/s
CCTV Design Tool Documentation JVSG
Q: About Disk space calculation. We almost always use motion recording so therefore you
need some estimate on how much of the specified time is triggering motion recording. Of
cause this is very hard to know in advance, but it would be better to at least be able to specify
an percent (10-100%) and also be able to set the time interval for when that is relevant (say
between 10 AM to 9 PM, or as many prefer, 9:00-21.00 á la military style).
A: Starting from version 5.0 we have introduced Motion Activity (Activity %) parameter in disk
space calculation. It is even possible to calculate Activity from recording and motion activity
CCTV Design Tool Documentation JVSG
Q: I need to activate CCTV Design Tool on other PC because my previous became broken.
My hardware ID is xxxx-xxxx, reg name: xxxxxxx, password: xxxxxxxxx.
A: You can use automated software actiavation system. Just visit our login page and use your email
and password. Afther that select purchased product, copy new HardwareID and click Activate.