5B-Plant Tissue Culture PDF
5B-Plant Tissue Culture PDF
5B-Plant Tissue Culture PDF
Learning outcomes
1. To identify and exemplify the techniques of plant
tissue culture.
2. To describe different types of tissue culture
propagation and somaclonal variation.
Different types of Cultures
Organ culture
Cell suspension
Embryogenic culture and
Shoot Tip and Meristem Culture
Shoot tips (which contain the shoot apical
meristem) can be cultured in vitro, producing
clumps of shoots from either axillary or
adventitious buds.
Useful for clonal propagation.
Shoot meristem cultures are less genotype
dependent and more efficient (seedlings can be
used as donor material) – young, active cells are
very efficient for culture.
Shoot apical meristem culture
Production of virus free material
Mass production of desirable
Facilitate material exchange
between locations (production of
clean material)
Cryopreservation (cold storage) or in
vitro conservation of germplasm
Meristem Culture
Cultures can also be established directly from the
rapidly dividing cells of meristematic tissues or
embryos, or from haploid cells.
Roots and shoots contain meristematic tissue,
which is the source of all dividing cells in the
elongating roots and stem.
Root and shoot tips can be excised and cultured
directly on solid medium, and will give rise to new
organs that can be clonally propagated.
Root Culture
Can be established in vitro from explants of the
root tip of either primary or lateral roots.
Can be cultured on fairly simple media.
Growth of roots in vitro is potentially unlimited, as
roots are indeterminate organs.
But root cells are not widely used in plant
transformation studies. Why?
Root Culture
Production of important
economical secondary metabolites
eg. medicinal compounds…etc.
Ref: http://www.rombio.eu/rbl1vol17/21%20Sobri.pdf
Callus Culture
Conditions that maintain cells in an undifferentiated
Explants, on suitable culture media grow into an
undifferentiated mass known as a callus.
Can be propagated indefinitely by subdivision.
Usually maintained in the dark because light can induce
differentiation of callus cells.
correct balance of plant hormones are required
(phytohormones) to maintain the cells in an
undifferentiated state.
Calli derived from mature embryo of barley
Fig. 1A-F Shape of different culture stages. (A):3 week-old calli, (B):1 day-old initiated
shoots, (C): 3 day-old initiated shoots, (D): 6 day-old initiated shoots, (E): 10 day-old
initiated shoots, and (F): plantlet
Ref: http://www.cropscience.org.au/icsc2004/poster/3/2/1/554_seong.htm
Callus Types
Depending on the species and culture conditions, callus tissue can become
Friable callus Compact callus
• soft and easily breakable
• “hard and compact”
• loosely associated with each
other • difficult to form cell
• can be transferred into liquid suspension
medium, acts as inoculum and
form cell suspension, • Easy to subculture
• the cell mass breaks up to give • Necrosis might take place in
isolated cells, small clusters of the middle
cells, and larger aggregates
based on agitation .
Cell-Suspension Cultures
Formed using friable callus in liquid medium
Cells divide and the biomass of the culture
increases until nutrients in the medium are
exhausted and/or toxic byproducts build up to
inhibitory levels – called the stationary phase.
Cells should be transferred as they enter the
stationary phase, otherwise, they will die.
Figure 2. Details of cocoa cell suspension culture for BIOA variety on liquid DKW
medium supplemented with vitamins, zeatine, and antioxidants. A. Cocoa cells in
exponential phase. B. Cell suspension cultures of four weeks after establishment.
Brown friable callus is obtained approximately at sixth months.
Ref: http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0304-
Protoplasts Culture
are plant cells with the cell wall
removed, naked cells
can be produced from suspension
cultures, callus tissue, or intact tissues,
o e.g. leaf mesophyll cells, by mechanical
disruption or, preferably, by treatment
with cellulolytic and pectinolytic enzymes.
Two general approaches to removing
the cell wall: mechanical or enzymatic
Enzymatic isolation of protoplasts
Carried out in a simple salt solution with a high osmoticum, plus
the cell-wall-degrading enzymes (mix of both cellulase and
Pectinase is necessary to break up cell aggregates into individual
cells and the cellulase digests away the cell wall.
After enzyme treatment, protoplast suspensions are collected by
centrifugation, washed in medium without the enzyme, and
separated from intact cells and cell debris by flotation on a
cushion of sucrose.
When plated onto nutrient medium, protoplasts will synthesize
new cell walls within 5-10 days and then initiate cell division.
Embryo Culture
Embryos contain rapidly proliferating cells that
can be used as explants to generate callus
cultures or somatic embryos.
Both immature and mature embryos can be
used as explants.
The most widely applied strategy to
regenerate cereals and other
monocotyledonous plants is to use immature,
embryo-derived embryogenic callus.
Embryo culture
Growing embryo aseptically on artificial nutrient
Developed from the need to rescue embryos (embryo
rescue) from wide crosses where fertilization occurred,
but embryo development did not occur.
Aslo developed for the production of plants from
embryos developed by non-sexual methods (haploid
Overcoming embryo abortion due to incompatibility
Overcoming seed dormancy and self-sterility of seeds.
Shortening of breeding cycle.
Anther and Microspore Culture
culture source is the male gametophyte, or
microspores found in pollen grains.
Haploid tissue can be cultured in vitro by using
pollen or anthers as an explant.
Both callus and embryos can be produced from
Two main approaches can be taken to produce
cultures in vitro from haploid tissue.
Anther and Microspore Culture