Chapter 6 - Micropropagatioon
Chapter 6 - Micropropagatioon
Chapter 6 - Micropropagatioon
Shoot meristem cells retain the embryo capacity for unlimited division
Isolated smaller meristem explants require more complex culture media for survival
Meristem and meristem tip culture are methods for disease eradication
Increased auxin concentration increases rooting percentage and root number, but
decreases root elongation
Negative carryover effects of auxins used for Stage III rooting may effect ex vitro
survival and growth of plantlets
Four basic methods are used to propagate plants in vitro depending on the species and
cultural conditions that can be achieved by the following:
(1) Enhanced axillary shoot proliferation (shoot culture)
(2) Node culture
(3) De novo formation of adventitious shoots through shoot organogenesis
(4) Nonzygotic embryogenesis
Currently, the most frequently used micropropagation method for production utilizes
enhanced axillary shoot proliferation from cultured meristems
This method provides genetic stability and is easily attained for many species
Consequently, the shoot culture method has played an important role in development of
a worldwide industry that produces more than 350 million plants annually
Besides propagation, shoot meristems are cultured in vitro for 2 other purposes:
(1) The production of pathogen-eradicated plants
(2) The preservation of pathogen-eradicated germplasm
Shoot growth in mature plants is restricted to specialized regions that exhibit little differentiation,
and in which the cells retain the embryogenic capacity for unlimited division
These regions, called apical meristems, are located in the apices of the main and lateral buds of
the plants
Cells derived from these apical meristems subsequently undergo differentiation to form the main
tissues of the plant body
Due to their highly organized structure, apical meristems tend to be genetically stable
There exist significantly differences in the shape and size of shoot apices among different
taxonomy plant groups (Fahn, 1974)
A typical dicotyledonous shoot apical meristem consists of a layered dome of actively dividing
cells located at the extreme tip of a shoot, and measures about 0.1-0.2mm in diameter and 0.2-
0.3mm in length
The apical meristem has no connection to the vascular system of the stem
Below the apical meristem, localized areas of cell division and elongation represent sites of a
newly developing leaf primodia (fig11.1)
Lateral buds, each containing an apical meristem, develop within the axils of the subtending leaves.
Lateral buds is usually inhibited by apical dominance of the terminal shoot tip
Organized shoot growth from the apical meristem of plants is potentially unlimited and is said to be
indeterminate; and, however, shoot apical meristems may form determinate organs such as flowers
Fig 6.1: Diagrammatic representation of a dicotyledonous shoot tip.
The shoot tip comprise the apical meristem, subtending leaf primordial, and lateral buds
Structure of apical meristem
- Having 2 layers: L1, L2 (tunica)
- Having 1 layer: L3 (corpus)
- Having 2-3 layers
L1: leaf epidermis, stem epidermis, flower epidermis
L2: palissade parenchyma and margin of the leaf gamets, petals, stems
L3:spongy parenchyma of the leaf, veins, roots, central parts of the stem
Ball (1946) provided the first detailed procedure for the isolation and production of plants from
cultured shoot meristem tips and the successful transfer of rooted plalets into soil
These studies demonstrated the feasibility of regeneration of shoots from cultured shoot
tips, the procedure typically yielded unbranched shoots
Several important findings facilitated application of in vitro culture techniques for large-scale
clonal propagation from meristem
(1) Culture meristems for virus-eradiated plants for free-virus plant (Morel & Martin, 1952; Styer
& Chin, 1984)
(2) Culture shoot tip for rapid production of orchid (Morel, 1960, 1964) through the cultured
meristems become disorganized and form spheroid protocorm-like bodies (PLB) that are
actually nonzygotic embryos
The final discovery was the elucidation of the role of cytokinin in the inhibition of apical
dominance (Wickson & Thimann, 1958) and application to enhance of axillary shoot
production in vitro
Application of this method was expedited by development of improved culture media that
supported the propagation of a wide diversity of plant species (Murashige & Skoog, 1962; Lloyd
& McCown, 1980)
Apical meristem culture
Iris meristem culture
Regeneration of cucumber meristem
Meristem and meristem tip culture are used to generate pathogen-eradiated shoots
that subsequently serve as propagules for in vitro propagation
Culture of the apical meristematic dome alone (fig11.2) from either terminal or lateral
buds, for the purpose of pathogen elimination, is termed meristem culture
In reality, true meristem culture is rarely used because isolated meristems of many
species exhibit low survival rates and increased chance of genetic variability
following callus formation and indirect shoot organogenesis
The meristem tip is comprised of the meristem + 1/2 subtending leaf primodia
(fig11.2). This procedure termed meristem tip culture.
Fig 6.2: Micropropagation stages for production by shoot culture
Cultivation of potato meristem
Potato: Internode - Lateral bud - Meristem
Heat therapy
Although not the most sufficient procedure, propagation from axillary shoots has proven to be
a reliable method for the micropropagation of a large number of species (Kurtz etal, 1991)
Depending on the species, 2 methods, shoot and node culture, are used. Both methods rely on
the stimulation of axillary shoot growth from lateral buds following disruption of apical
dominance of the shoot apex
Shoot culture (shoot tip culture) referes to the in vitro propagation by repeated enhanced
formation of axillary shoots from shoot tip or lateral buds cultured on medium supplemented
with PGRs, usually a cytokinin (George, 1993)
The axillary shoots produced are either subdivided into shoot tip and nodal segments that
serve as secondary explants for further proliferation or are treated as microcuttings for
In some species, modified storage organs such as miniaturized tubers or corms (fig11.3)
develop under inductive culture conditions from axillary shoots or rhizomes and may serve as
the propagule for either direct planting or long-term storage
When either verified pathogen-free stock plants are used or when pathogen elimination is not
a concern, relatively large (1-20mm) shoot tip or lateral bud primary explants (fig11.2) can be
used for cultures
Adventages of using larger shoot tips include greater survival, more rapid growth response,
and the presence of more axillary buds
Fig 6.3: In some species, such as Sagittaria latifolia L.,
in vitro multiplication may occur through production of shoots (left) and corm (right),
depending on culture conditions. Bar=10mm
5.2. Node culture
Node culture, a simplified form of shoot culture, is another method for production from pre-
existing meristems
Numerous plants such as potato do not respond well to cytokinin stimulate of axillary shoot
proliferation observed in the micropropagation of many crops
Axillary shoot growth is promoted by the culture of either intact shoots (from meristem tip
cultures) positioned horizontally on the medium (in vitro layering) or single or multiple node
Typically, single elongated unbranched shoots, comprised of multiple nodes, are rapidly
Although node culture is the simplest method, it is associated with the least genetic
Node culture
Trouble shooting
Somaclonal variation
plant improvement
require clonal uniformity
explant status
Less using 2.4D
6.1. Why we micropropagation ?
Rapid clonal in vitro propagation of plants from cells, tissues or organs cultured
aseptically on defined media contained in culture vessels maintained under
controlled conditions of light and temperature
• Micropropagation is used commercially to asexually propagate plants,
millions of new plants can be derived from a single plant
• This rapid multiplication allows breeders and growers to introduce new
cultivars much earlier than they could by using conventional propagation
techniques, such as cuttings.
• Micropropagation also can be used to establish and maintain virus-free plant
• Micropropagation differs from all other conventional propagation methods
in that aseptic conditions are essential to achieve success
6.2. Micropropagation Applications
It is now agreed that there are 5 Stages (0-IV) critical to successful micropropagation
These Stages not only describe the procedure steps in the micropropagation
process, but also represent points at which the cultural environnment is altered
(Miller & Murashige, 1976)
This system has been adopted by most commercial and research laboratories
as it simplifies production scheduling, accounting, and cost analysis (Kurtz etal,
1991) (fig11.2)
Stage 0: Donor plant selection and preparation
Stage I: Establishment of aseptic cultures
Stage II: Proliferation of axillary shoots
Stage III: Pre-transplant (rooting)
Stage IV: Transfer to natural environment
Stage 0: Donor plant selection and preparation
Explant quality and subsequent responsiveness in vitro is significantly influenced by the
phytosanitary and physical conditions of the donor plant (Deberg & Maene, 1981; Read,
Phytosanitary conditions
(1) Selection and maintenance of the stock plants in cleans, controlled conditions for
reducing the propability of disease
(2) Maintenance of pathogen-tested stock plant under conditions of relative humidity, drip
irrigation and antibiotic spray
Physiological status
(1) Trimming to stimulate lateral shoot growth
(2) Pretreatment sprays containing cytokinin or gibberellic acid
(3) Use of forcing solutions containing 2% sucrose and 200 mg/l 8-hydroxyquinoline
citrate for induction of bud break and delivery of growth regulators to target explant
tissues (Read, 1988)
Stage 0 : Donor plants
Bud decapitalization
Based irrigation
In vivo
In vitro
In vivo / In vitro - Adventitous
In vivo
In vitro
In vivo / In vitro – Crown gall
(1) Explants were washed under with soap tap water washed by tap water
(2) Prepare explants: 10-20mm in hood sterilization
(3) Sterilization by alcohol (70%) washed by distilled water in 3 times
(4) Sterilization by Ca/Na-hypoclhorite or the other agents (HgCl2, antibiotics) washed by
distilled water in 3 times
(5) Prepare explants for in vitro culture shoot tip (0.5-5mm) node (0.5-15mm)
Cultured medium
(1) Choose the MS (1962) first
(2) Using cytokinin (BA, 2iP)
(3) Using combination of cytokinin and auxin (IAA, IBA, NAA)
(4) Antioxidants: activated charcoal, PVP, ascorbic acid and citric acid (150mg/l)
Growth room
(1) Temperature 25+2oC, humidity 65-70%, light intensity: 33μM/m2/s
(2) Lighting: 8-12hrs
A piece of plant tissue (called an explant) is:-
-cut from the plant,
-disinfested (removal of surface contaminants), and
-placed on a medium.
Multiple-shoots method
- Cytokinin / Auxin
Single node cutting
Microsorium pteopus Multiple-Shoots
BROWNING - Remedies
of browning
Contamination – Cure by ELISA
Stage II: Proliferation of axillary shoots
Cultured medium
(1) MS (1962) for agricultural plants and WPM (1980) for forest trees
(2) Single node cuttings: non-PGRs
(3) Multiple-shoots: a combination of cytokinin (0.1-3mg/l) and auxin (0.1-0.5mg/l) (fig11.5/6)
(4) Antioxidants: activated charcoal, PVP, ascorbic acid, citric acid
(5) Organic matter: coconut water, banana, potato…
Subculture (proliferation)
(1) Single node cuttings: using 1-2 node to produce unbranched shoots
(2) Multiple-shoots: divided to 1-3 cluster and cultured on proliferrated medium to produce
(3) Subculture interval: 21-45-days
Growth room
(1) Temperature 25+2oC, humidity 65-70%, light intensity: 33μM/m2/s
(2) Lighting: 8-12hrs
A growing explant can be induced to produce vegetative shoots by
including a cytokinin in the medium. A cytokinin is a plant growth
regulator that promotes shoot formation from growing plant cells
Fig 6.4: (a) Stage II shoot multiplication is achieved by repeated formation of axillary
shoot clusters from leaf explants containing lateral buds (Aronia arbutifolia L.).
Depending on the species, individual microcuttings or shoot clusters may be rooted and acclimatized ex
vitro. Bar=10mm. (b) For maximum survival. Stage III rooting may be required prior to acclimatization to
ex vitro conditions. (c) Rooted and acclimatized Stage IV plants
Stage II : Micropropagation – Cutting technique
Stage II : Micropropagation – Multiple-shoots technique
Stage II : Micropropagation - Double layer technique
Knop (macro=1/2)
Reduce production cost – Robotization (1)
Reduce production cost – Robotization (2)
Reduce production cost – Bioreactor (3)
RITA (Cirad)
(1) Elongation of shoots prior to rooting
(2) Rooting of individual shoots or multiple-shoots
(3) Fulfilling dormancy requirements of storage organs by cold treatment
(4) Pre-hardening cultures to increase survival
(1) Single node cuttings: regeneration to a single unbranched shoot
(2) Multiple-shoots: separation into each shoot (including leaves)
Cultured medium
(1) MS (1962) for agricultural plants and WPM (1980) for forest trees
(2) Single node cuttings: non-PGRs or auxin in low concentrations (0.1-0.5mg/l)
(3) Multiple-shoots: auxin (0.1-0.5mg/l) (fig11.7/8)
(4) Antioxidants
(5) Organic matter: coconut water, banana, potato…
Growth room
(1) Temperature 25+2oC, humidity 65-70%, light intensity: 33μM/m2/s
(2) Lighting: 8-12hrs
Natural conditions
Indirect sunlight (33-80μM/m2/s)
Growing shoots can be induced to produce adventitious roots by including
an auxin in the medium. Auxins are plant growth regulators that promote
root formation. For easily rooted plants, an auxin is usually not necessary
and many commercial labs will skip this step.
Stage III: Rooting
Stage III : Rooting
Heliathus annus
Varietgated hosta
Stage IV: Transfer to natural environment for acclimatization
Acclimatization in nursery:
light intensity = 3000lux,
humidity = 100%,
shaded cover = 15-day,
temperature = 28+2oC
A growing, rooted shoot can be removed from tissue culture and
placed in soil. When this is done, the humidity must be gradually
reduced over time because tissue-cultured plants are extremely
susceptible to wilting
Ultimate success of shoot culture depends on
ability to acclimatize vigorously growing
quality plants from in vitro to ex vitro conditions
Stage IV: Acclimatization – Mist house
Stage IV : Acclimatization - tunels
Stage IV : Acclimatization – humiditiy devices
Stage IV : Acclimatization – multi-layer cells
Stage IV : Acclimatization - substract
Stage IV : Acclimatization - transplanting
Micropropagation of Rose
Stage 0 : Preparation of explant and meristem tip culture
Explant sterilization
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
Micropropagation of Banana
National potato seed system
Agricultural characteristics
Step - 1
Step - 2
Micropropagation on soil row
Step - 3
Potato plantlets
Step - 4
G0 seed production - minituberlets
Step - 5
G1 seed production - tuberlets
G2 seed production - tubers
Potato commercial production