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Detailed lesson Plan in Music

Grade 9 Music

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to:

a. Identify the Components of Opera;

b. Appreciate the different voices; and
c. Perform the different voices of male and female.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Components of Opera

b. Reference/s: Learner’s Material for Music and Arts
c. Materials: PowerPoint, speakers, pictures, illustration boards and

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning class

Good morning sir!
Please stand and let us pray!
(call random student to lead the prayer)
Student lead the prayer
Please take your seats

B. Motivation

Before we officially start with the

lesson, I will play a song and all I want
you to do is to guess the voice of the
singer. Yes sir!

The teacher will play some music’s.

So based on the music that I’ve played,

what do you think what voice is that,
(the students will share their idea to the
I will pick from the index cards to class )
C. Discussions

Our topic for today is about The

Components of Opera.
We have 4 components of Opera , these
1. Libretto
2. Score
3. Recitative
4. Aria

Libretto – is the text of an opera.

Librettist and the composer work
closely to tell the story.

Next we have SCORE. Mr. Blank kindly The book that the composer and
read what Score is. librettist put together.

Thank you!
Class, the score has all the musical
notes, words, and ideas to help the
performers tell the story.

Third one, we have Recitative. Recitative – Declamatory singing, used

(the teacher will call student to read the in those parts and dialogue of opera.
definition of Recitative) Different roles in operas are taking into
account different types of voices.

In Recitative class, each roles requires a

different types of singer, not only to
sing a given vocal range but also with
certain voice characteristics, color, and

Lastly, we have Aria.

Aria – Is an air solo singing part sung by
a principal character.

This song class is what the public will

remember best leaving the opera
house. Properly and well sung, a
beautiful aria can bring an audience to Yes Sir!
its feet and decide the fate of an entire

So class do you understand the

Components of opera? The student will recite:
1. Libretto
So what are they? 2. Score
3. Recitative
4. Score

Excellent! Let’s give him/her a round of


Let us move on now to the Voices for

1. Tenor – Highest male voice 1. Soprano – Highest Female Voice
2. Baritone – middle male voice, lies 2. Coloratura – highest soprano
between Bass and Tenor voices. voice
It is the Common male voice. 3. Lyric – bright and full sound
3. Bass – Lowest male voice 4. Dramatic – darker full sound
5. Mezzo – Soprano – most common
And we have, the voice for Female female voice; strongly middle
(the teacher will call student to read the voice, tone is darker or deeper
slide) than the soprano.
6. Contralto – lowest female voice
and most unique among female
7. Duet, trio, and other small
8. Chorus
9. Orchestra
10.Acts – main divisions of an opera
11.Scene – setting or place

Composers like Verdi, Puccini, and

Wagner saw he opportunity to explore
ways to develop the vocal power of a
Dynamics and vocal embellishments
were used to further affect the way
singers sing. Some musical terms are
used like:
 A Capella – one or more singers  Falsetto – a weaker and more
performing without instrumental airy voice usually in the higher
accompaniment pitch ranges
 Cantabile – in a singing style  Glissando – sliding quickly
 Capo – head, the beginning between 2 notes.
 Coda – closing section appended  Passiago – parts of singing voice
to a movement or song where register transitions occur
 Dolce – sweetly  Rubato – slight speeding up or
( please read the remaining slides) slowing down of the tempo of a
piece at discretion of the soloist.
 Tessitura – the most comfortable
singing range of a singer
 Vibrato – rapidly repeated slight
pitch variation during a sustained
note, to give a richer and more
varied sound.


Okay class! Our activity for today is you

are going to make a choir, in every
group there will be 4 members, 2 boys
and 2 girls. The male will sing a Tenor The teacher will group the class 10
and Bass Voice, while the female will groups, 4 member each. In every group
sing an Alto and Soprano Voice. there must be 2 boys and 2 girls.
I will play Bass, Alto, Soprano, and
Tenor voices in order for you to (the students starts counting)
memorize the voices.
Make sure that there is a blending of (the activity will finish in 10 – 15
your song. minutes)

None sir!

Before we end this discussion, is there
anything you would like to say in the
discussion class? Any clarification and

(the teacher generalized with the

IV. Evaluation
1. What is the highest voice for male? TENOR
2. The singers performing without instrumental accompaniment? A CAPELLA
3. A female vocal range between soprano and alto? MESSO-SUPRANO
4. The most comfortable singing range of a singer? TESSITURA
5. A weaker and airy voice usually in higher pitch of range? FALSETTO
6. What is highest voice of female? SOPRANO
7. What is the lowest voice of male? BASS
8. What is lowest voice of female and most unique voice? CONTRALTO
9. A sliding quickly between 2 notes? GLISSANDO
10. A book or story of the opera? Libretto

V. Assignment

Search on the components of Opera.

Prepared by:

Joan B. Binayug

Checked by:

Mrs. Roselyn T. Saquing

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