Calculation of Earthwork Quantity
Calculation of Earthwork Quantity
Calculation of Earthwork Quantity
Volume 2 Issue 2
In a new highway project, the engineer has to plan, design and construct either a net – work
of a new road or a road link. There are also projects requiring re-design and re-alignment of
existing roads for upgrading the geometric design standards. In most of frequently used
methods for earthwork quantity calculation, the valuation of accuracy may contain some
uncertainties. This article discusses the relationship between the manual process and digital
process data for earthwork calculation and how to easily create a better profile for any road
construction for smoothness in driving with safety parameters. The main purpose of this
research is to propagate error. In this a formula is formed which expresses the earthwork
quantity relationship that how the errors of manual data effects the accuracy of earthwork
calculation using the digital approach. By setting the different values of the parameters, we
can calculate the relative errors. At last, we have also discussed the calculation of earthwork
quantity using the software sources as well as focused on profile of road, cross section, slope
and gradient also etc. The work of profile correction and earthwork is the main step in any
highway Engineering. So, it is very necessary for any contractor to carry this work with full
precautions and complete the work without any errors in the calculation. The highway and
road works or the drainage constructions are very important constructions as it shows the
economy of a country. It beautifies the surrounding of a place. If the design of road and
profile is not done properly then it may lead to many accidents and other major losses can
occur. So, it is important for all the road profile designers to design a proper profile by
which the vision, sight distance and curve gets clear technically. And with this we have to
make sure that the quantity of earthwork according to road condition should be economically
suitable. But seeing today’s scenario which is coming up in Advance Technology
Construction field, such as heavy machinery equipment which can complete any work in a
short time and in a situation, where work need to be completed in short time, it would be very
difficult to calculate the quantity in the old way and if the old way is adopted then it will take
a lot of time to complete the work so that to get rid of problem and to bring progress and
accuracy to work, we get a lot of help from this software.
Keywords:-Slope Gradient, Cut and Fill, Buffer, Delimited Text Layer, Elevation Terrain
in their paper is employed. For both area. The grades of the slopes in the land
surfaces represented by TIN and GRIDs, where the streets were built were achieved
the 3D surface and volume are calculated using a digital terrain model. Calculating
using 6 distinct method. And the resulting cut and fill volumes, and using these
volumes were compared with the exact calculations in the phase of determining
volume calculation estimated by using various choices within the planning
average end area method. Furthermore, a process, considerably reduces the expenses
comparison between cut volume and fill and the time spent on the plans and
volumes required for grading the study projects of forest roads. These calculations
cases at a positive elevation was done. should be taken into consideration before
Finally, the results show that for slope the roads are constructed [3].
surface, Triangular Irregular Network and
all interpolation techniques provided The earthwork volume calculation is the
results very close to the exact calculation. most important points in vertical and
For steep slope terrain, Kriging horizontal alignment optimization, so the
interpolation gave the best results. most studies firstly focused on the cut and
Comparing earthwork volume to the fill volume balancing to minimize the
average end area method, TIN surface, expenses. Stark and Nicholls (1972) began
IDW, Topo to raster and Nearest using linear earthwork optimization
Neighbour methods gave the best results programming, and Mayer and Stark (1981)
[2]. and Nandgaonkar (1981) created this
technique Easa (1988) [4] incorporated
Selcuk Gumus road grade selection and earthwork
In Turkey, forestry studies are carried out minimization into one issue by listing all
in separate parts of the nation on a region technically viable grades and solving the
of 20 million ha. Working in such a issue of linear programming. But the
widespread and mostly mountainous technique of Easa could not ensure
region is only feasible if these regions worldwide optimality, so Moreb (1996) [5]
have a well-built forest road network. And suggested a model which not only
the forest area road construction works succeeded in decreasing the time issue but
grounded on General Forest Road Network also in achieving worldwide optimality
Strategies began in Turkey country in based on the principle of Easa. Goktepe
1964 & ended in 1974. At present, only and Lav (2003) [6] then developed a
60% of the forest area roads we need have method called weighted ground elevation
been completed. that considered the material properties in
grade line selection to balance the cut and
The aim of this research is to calculate the fill volume. All this research was
cut and fill quantity with analyses of conducted by average-end-method.
digital terrain models obtained from
geographic information systems to When some scientists realized the
decrease expenses. Four forest road inaccuracy and constraints of the 2D
projects were selected as study locations technique in quantity calculation (Easa,
within the boundaries of Antalya Forest 1989 [7] and 1992 [8]), they began to
Regional Directorate, Sütleğen and create some changes in the average end
Lengüme Forest Enterprise. The results for technique. The most familiar enhancement
each portion of the highway were achieved for us is the prismoid formula that can
by calculating the cut and fill difference improve the precision. Anderson, Hikhail
between the cut volume and fill volume and Woolnough [9] (1985) submitted a
quantities and determining the surface Pappus-based model for the horizontal
curved region volume calculation. Easa Company, Ltd. The head manager of
(1992) [10] created a mathematical model Techology Division 1 at Yachiyo also
that calculates earthwork quantities on the stated, “Civil 3D is great for other tasks,
basis of triple horizontal curve integration, such as calculating soil volume” [13].
but it was relevant when the longitudinal
ground profile varied linearly between the MATHEMATICAL STANDPOINT
stations and the floor cross-slope between FOR CALCULATING
the stations. Thus Easa (2003) [11] VOLUME/QUANTITY (CUT & FILL)
estimated earthwork volumes calculation Depth Area Method (DAM)
of curved roadways in Monte Carlo This is the simplest method for calculating
simulation technique but this model has the earthwork volume. In this method, the
not yet been expanded to mixed road thickness of strata to be excavated is
alignments (where horizontal and vertical multiplied by the surface area of the strata.
curves overlap). Kim and Schonfeld This can be done with any reasonable
(2001) [12] introduced two methods using accuracy but the stratum has to be
vector and parametric representation for consistently thick and area extent must be
precisely estimating cross sectional areas known. It is suitable for estimating the
of excavation or fill to minimize errors in amount of top soil to be stripped at a
the total earthwork cost calculation. consistent depth (usually 15 cm).
Formula: V=T*A*(1/27)
In 2004 Yachiyo Engineering Company, Where,
Ltd. of Japan began adopting 3D design V= volume (cubic yards)
for a wider range of projects using A= surface slope area (square feet)
Autodesk‟s Civil 3D. Yachiyo claims T= thickness of strata or even cut (feet)
using 3D design allows for faster
completion and more efficient designs, Grid Method (GM)
taking on tasks in house that would This method is also known as Borrow Pit
otherwise need to completed by Method. This method is the extended form
outsources, and improve precision of route of the Depth Area Method (DAM) i.e. it
selection. extends DAM to an extent of varying
depths. Borrow pit levelling calculate the
The first 3D-designed project developed volume by using a grid to the excavation
by Yachiyo was for a hilly region highway area. These grids are arranged in the form
engineering, including three kilometres of squares. For every grid square, final
along a ridge. Yachiyo confronted a elevation established for every corner of
significant challenge with rigid public the grid square. These are subtracted from
regulations and the cost constraints. the existing elevations at the same Point to
Yachiyo started using the 3D design by evaluate the depth of cut or fill of every
inputting longitudinal 3D data and used corner.
the cleanup function of Civil 3D to Formula: V=
generate a polyline from existing drawings ((D1+D2+D3+D4)/4)*A*(1/27)
automatically and to add elevation data. Where,
Designers continued by created horizontal V= volume (cubic yards)
alignment using a topographic model. It A= area of grid square (square feet)
took only 20 hours to produce final output D= depth of cut or fill at each corner (feet)
of longitudinal and cross section diagrams
for the new route. End Area Method (EAM)
Thus, 3D design greatly expedited the It utilizes the area of parallel cross sections
design process for Yachiyo Engineering at regular intervals through the proposed
Fig.3: L-Section
1. Quantity-*.xls :- Gives a quantity
statement file.
2. LSdataTransfer.xls :- Gives a file
contains centre RL of all layers.
„ChRLtransfer.xls‟ gives a file contains all
Fig.4: Csx Command RLs of all layers.
3. AreaCalTable.txt/xls :- Gives
After that a box will open fill up all the „AreaCAlTable.xls‟ file for banking and
parameter related to the csx command now cutting area calculations.
„GL‟, „Other‟, „Colour‟ and „Heading‟ 4. AreaCAlTable.txt :- file for all layer‟s
sheets are ready. Save the XLS data file. area calculations.
Open a new blank file in AutoCAD. Give 5. Replace all existing files:- To replace
„CSx‟ command to generate all cross all old „DWG‟ and above mansion files, if
sections and quantity statement file. Type you repeat the same project.
6. Create DWG files :- to make cross
section DWG (drawing) files. If you off values of cut and fill at different points on
this, DWG files will not create and only the selected path. These values can be used
quantity will display quickly, because time for further process of estimation.
to be required to make DWG files will
save. The graph generated after the creation of
Click „OK‟ button. path on the elevation map of the study area
After creating all cross sections one by one helps in deciding the datum. Datum value
in few seconds, this will display: can vary from person to person. But datum
selection should be such that minimum cut
and fill is required. In this way the project
becomes economical.
From the above discussed software
approach, it becomes easy for any user to
calculate the cut and fill of any respective
path. But this calculation through software
Fig.7: Quantity Calculation Result is never 100% accurate. As mentioned
earlier that any estimator has to visit the
Cross Section site for proper estimation of earthwork
volume. Due to continuous change in
physical strata no software can achieve
100% accuracy in calculating the volume
of cut and fill. Software approach although
saves time and the mathematical
calculations are accurate but the process of
visiting the site is not eliminated
completely. This CSx software has
Fig.8: Cross Section accurate calculations but the on-site
calculations are very necessary so that any
RESULT earthwork that has to be constructed is safe
From the above procedures followed in and sound. Once the calculated values
software approach and formulas used in match the on-site calculations, the work
mathematical approach, it is crystal clear can be proceeded. Hence for the
that calculating the volume of cut and fill construction of any earthwork, estimator
in earthworks is a time taking and long or contractor must cross-check the values
procedural task. From the software obtained through manual calculation and
approach it is inferred that by sitting at one software calculations.
place one can plan the construction of any
canal, road works or river interlinking. The CONFLICT OF INTEREST
software approach makes it easy for the STATEMENT
engineer to estimate the amount of work On behalf of all authors, the corresponding
that has to be carried in constructing any author states that there is no conflict of
canal, road or river interlinking path. The interest.
software approach leads to easy problem-
solving methods. Selection of proper REFERENCES
datum for the process of cut and fill is very 1. Hintz, C.,Vonderohe, A.P. (2011).
important step in software approach. Here Comparison of Earthwork
we have decided some datum and got the Computation Methods. Proceeding of