Jyotishya Deepika Compatibility
Jyotishya Deepika Compatibility
Jyotishya Deepika Compatibility
Kuppu Ganapati)
Boy: sai krishna byra born on: Thursday April 14 1988 11:00:00 AM at Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India,
80:21:0 E, 15:42:58 N, TZone: 5.5
Girl: loukya born on: Saturday November 03 1990 05:00:00 PM at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India,
78:28:28 E, 17:15:57 N, TZone: 5.5
Lagna sub lords in the charts of the boy and girl should be natural friends or neutrals. They should not be
natural enemies.
Marks Allocated: 10
The girls' lagna sub lord is a natural friend to the boy's lagna sub lord. The boy's lagna sub lord is a
natural friend to the girl's lagna sub lord.
The sub lords of the lagna and 7th cusp in the respective charts of the boy and girl should be natural
friends or neutrals. They should not be natural enemies.
Marks Allocated: 10
The lagna rasis of the boy and girl should be compatible, ie., with respect to Fire-Water-Air-Earth.
Marks Allocated: 10
The Janma rasi of the boy is Vaayu Tatwa (Air) and the girls' is Agni Tatwa (Fire). Hence they are
The aspects between the lagna sign lords of the boy and girl in their respective charts should be
favorable (Western Aspects Only).
Marks Allocated: 10
There is no favorable aspect between the boy's lagna sign lord and the girl's lagna sign lord in the boy's
chart. : There is no favorable aspect between the girl's lagna sign lord and the boy's lagna sign lord in
the girl's chart.
The aspects between the 7th Cusp sub lords of the boy and girl in their respective charts should be
favorable (Western Aspects Only).
Marks Allocated: 10
There is no favorable aspect between the boy's seventh cusp sub lord and the girl's seventh cusp sub
lord in the boy's chart. : There is no favorable aspect between the girl's seventh cusp sub lord and the
boy's seventh cusp sub lord in the girl's chart. : The aspect between the girl's seventh cusp sub lord and
boy's seventh cusp sub lord taken together is Sq(A)84.17 and is unfavorable.
RULE 6: Pleasure and Happiness
Lagna star lord of the boy should occupy houses 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 in the girls' chart and vice versa.
Marks Allocated: 10
The girl's lagna star lord occupies the 3 cusp in the boy's chart. : The boy's lagna star lord does not
occupy the houses 2/3/5/7/9 or 11 in the girl's chart.
The 7th cusp sign, star and sub lords of the boy should be the ruling planets of the girl at the time of her
birth and vice versa. The 7th cusp occupant/s can also be considered as ruling planets for this purpose.
Marks Allocated: 10
The number of planets common between the boy's seventh cusp lords and the girl's ruling planets at
birth are: 3. : The number of planets common between the girl's seventh cusp lords and the boy's
ruling planets at birth are: 1.
The ruling planets of the boy at birth time should be the significators of the houses 2, 7, 11 in the girls'
chart and vice versa.
Marks Allocated: 10
The number of planets common between the boy's 2, 7, 11 Significators and the girl's ruling planets at
birth are: 5. : The number of planets common between the girl's 2, 7, 11 significators and the boy's
ruling planets at birth are: 5.
The 11th cusp sub lord in either the boy's chart or the girl's chart should not be connected to houses 6, 8
or 12.
Marks Allocated: 10
Marks Scored: 6.67
Number of unconnected houses of 11th Sub Lord (w.r.t 6, 8, 12) in boy's chart is: 2 : Number of
unconnected houses of 11th Sub Lord (w.r.t 6, 8, 12) in girl's chart is: 2
The dasha lords (dasha-bhukti-antara) or the planets in their star/s, of the boy should be ruling planets
of the girls' birth time and vice versa.
Marks Allocated: 10
The number of planets common between the DBA Lords (at matching time) for the boy and the girl's
ruling planets at birth are: 0 : The number of planets common between the planets in the star/s of DBA
lords of the boy (at macthing time) and the girl's ruling planets at birth are: 2 : The number of planets
common between the DBA Lords (at matching time) for the girl and the boy's ruling planets at birth are:
2 : The number of planets common between the planets in the star/s of DBA lords of the girl (at
matching time) and the boy's ruling planets at birth are: 1
Boy: sai krishna byra born on: Thursday April 14 1988 11:00:00 AM at Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India,
80:21:0 E, 15:42:58 N, TZone: 5.5
Girl: loukya born on: Saturday November 03 1990 05:00:00 PM at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India,
78:28:28 E, 17:15:57 N, TZone: 5.5
Points Allocated: 1
Points Scored: 1
Explanation: The Varna of the Boy is higher than that of the Girl.
Points Allocated: 2
Points Scored: 0
Explanation: Vashya (mutual attraction) does not exist between the rasis of the boy and girl.
Points Allocated: 3
Points Scored: 3
Points Allocated: 4
Points Scored: 0
Points Allocated: 5
Points Scored: 5
Points Allocated: 6
Points Scored: 6
Points Allocated: 7
Points Scored: 7
Explanation: The rasi of the boy should be among 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 as counted from the rasi of the
girl. This agrees and the match is perfect.
Points Allocated: 8
Points Scored: 8
Explanation: The Naadi of the boy's janma nakshatra is not the same as the Naadi of the girl's janma
nakshatra. This is desirable and hence there is a perfect match.
Points Allocated: 0
Points Scored: 0
Explanation: The Rajju of the boy's janma nakshatra is not the same as the Rajju of the girl's janma
nakshatra. This is desirable. Hence there is a good match.
Stree Deergha
Points Allocated: 0
Points Scored: 0
Points Allocated: 0
Points Scored: 0
Points Allocated: 0
Points Scored: 0
Explanation: Vedha does not exist between the nakshatras of the boy and girl. This is desirable and
hence the match is perfect.
Boy: sai krishna byra born on: Thursday April 14 1988 11:00:00 AM at Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India,
80:21:0 E, 15:42:58 N, TZone: 5.5
Girl: loukya born on: Saturday November 03 1990 05:00:00 PM at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India,
78:28:28 E, 17:15:57 N, TZone: 5.5
The boys' chart shows the presence of Kuja Dosha on counting from the Lagna.
Kuja (Mars) occupies the 8 sign counted from the lagna. Hence Kuja Dosha is present.
Kuja does not occupy the houses 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 as counted from the Moon. Hence there is no Kuja
dosha from the Moon.
The girls' chart shows the presence of Kuja Dosha on counting from the Lagna.
Kuja (Mars) occupies the 2 sign counted from the lagna. Hence Kuja Dosha is present.
Checking From Moon (Chandra):
The girls' chart shows the presence of Kuja Dosha on counting from the position of the Moon.
Kuja (Mars) occupies the 2 sign counted from the Moon. Hence Kuja Dosha is present.