Book. Gochar Phaladeepika - Dr. U.S. Pulippani

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Torch on Transit of Planets

Dr. U.S. Pulippani

(Sundara Varada Chary)
I write this Foreword at a time when there appears a grow-
ing awareness, acceptability and belief in Hindu Jyotish. This has
been further stimulated primarily by Astrological Magazine and
books of Dr. B.V. Raman; secondly, by the weekend classes run by
numerous Chapters oflndian Council of Astrological Sciences, now
over 18, and thirdly, by the computerised horoscopes.
The highly educated students and lovers of astrology, no
doubt, are influenced by "Chamatkaars" of astrology but they are
also keen to know the niceties, nuances and rationale behind these
"Chamatkaars". Correct astrological predictions falling in the cat-
egory of "Chamatkaars" are based on correct astrological data pa-
tiently verified by the learned astrologer, his deep knowledge of
the subject, his "Vaaksiddhi" and "Vaakshuddhi". In order to know
the niceties and nuances and rationale behind such "Chamatkaars"
one has to study Parashar Horashastra, Sarwarth Chintamani,
Uttarkalamril and some good books on transit.
1 myself was in search of a good book to appreciate the impact
of planetary transits, its impact on various Parashari and Jaimini
dasas. I read articles of Sh .U.S. Pulippani in the Astrological Maga-
zine on transits of Jupiter and Saturn. The first reading created a
vivid interest and the second reading prompted me to get the
articles photo-copied for circulation to students in my lecture on
"Planetary Transits" in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi way
back in 1989. When Sh. U.S. Pulippani met me for the flfSt time I
requested him that he should write an appropriate book covering
all the principles given in Phal Deepika and other astrological
literature specifically in Tamil, relating to transit in corelation with
dasa. The reason was Paryaya (cycle) of Jupiter and Saturn in
addition to Moortinimaya, transit through "Nakshatras" and other
usual and known features of planetary transits. What is Paryaya?
One cycle of transit of Jupiter or Saturn is one Paryaya (cycle). The
viii/ Foreword

planets do not give similar transitory results in all ages, for you
could not expect a person to marry when he is of two years of age
or when above 85 or 90 years of age. Results arc thus bound to
vary. For this reason the Paryayas (cycles) introduced a nicety in
the transit results. These Paryayas (cycles) of transit of Jupiter,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu make a world of difference in different ages.
Every Astrologer knows that transit of Sun is bad in first, sec-
ond, fourth, fifth, eighth and nineth from the natal Moon. "Which
is the worst transit of the Sun out of the aforesaid houses? "has not
been clearly stated in the books on transit. But the author on the
authority of a Tamil text, informs the reader that transit of the Sun
in the fifth house may be the worst.
Nor such books clarify, what shall be the effect of transits on
eclipse points in lagna or in other houses and how their adverse
impacts would be moderated oraggravated by the aspect of benefic
or malafic transitory aspects.
This book "TORCH ON TRANSIT" is the third book of Sh.
U.S. Pulippani. He has already written two unusual books on
"Panchpakshi" relating to "Prashna Shastra" and "!CHING", the
Chinese 'Ramala Shastra". The learned author in this book has
taken into consideration following niceties and nuances of
planetary transits:
(i) Paryayas of Saturn and Jupiter for laying emphasis on the
age of "Patra" out of Ocsh Knal and Patra;
(ii) Shukla and Krishna Paksha-wise, Gocharphal culled out fium
(iii) Effects of retrogression of planets;
(iv) Effects of "Purolattas" and "Prusthalatta";
( v) Table of Tripataka Chakra to identify three planets who rule
each year in the life cycle of 108 years.
(vi) Identification of the worst transits; and
(vii) Modification of worst "Dasa Phal" and "Dina Phnl" results
by the counter-balancing effects of planetary transit.
The learned author has also illustrated the principles
mentioned in the book by giving illustrations.
I am happy to hear fium Sh. U.S. Pulippani that in next edition
Foreword I ix

he will also include "Sarvatobhadra Chakra" and other Chakras

which may throw more light on planetary transits and their impact
on individuals.
This book is meant for "Guna Grahnk' lovers and students of
astrology as well as learned Aacharys in Hindu Jyotish and all
will benefit and feel obliged to Sh. U.S. Pulippani for this work
focussing on fine points of planetary transits and thus, providing
a precision instrument in the hands of astrology lovers.

S.N. Kapoor
High Court of Delhi

4-B, Dr. Zak:ir Hussain Marg,

New Delhi-110003
As heavenly will would have it, I am prompted to produce
for the benefit of students of Astrology as well as others who are
in the line. I have been contributing articles on "Transit of Jupiter",
and "Transit of Saturn" in the Astrological Magazine since 1980.
Astrological Magnzmcpublishes my articles whenever Jupiter and
Saturn enter new signs of Zodiac. As it occurred to me, I had
established specific pattern on transit result through various tables
quantifying both separate and cumulative quantum of transit re-
sults for Jupiter and Saturn. This includes conventional and special
aspects of results of transit of main planets, received wide
recognition among the readers of the Astrological Magazine. More
or less this is considered as a standardised way of knowing transit
results which included, among other things, Moorthi Nirnaya,
Stellar Occupational Effects of Planets, Cyclic Effects of Jupiter (first
time introduced to the English readers by me). Various ways of
delineation of SadeSathiSani, Ard,1shtma,Asthma Sani etc including
vedha and Vipareetha Vedha places forplanets etc.

For the first time I have also introduced to the English readers
the Transit results of planets separately for Shukla Paksha and
Krushna Paksha which is not found any where in Sanskrit Texts
except in one of the ancient Tamil Text "SUNDARANANDAR
JODHIKA KAVIYAM" and in the present new book of mine (in
After ten years of my articles of transit of Jupiter and Saturn
having been popularised among the readers by providential force,
I have drawn into the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences as
National Secretary in April I990. A month later I went to Badri
Nath and met Justice S.N. Kapoor who surprised me by saying
that he took Xerox copies of my articles and distributed them
among the students of Astrology in his Lecture on "Transit of
11:ii I fufacc

Planets", since there was no such informative literature on the

subject in English though many books were available. Since then,
he has been persuading me to write a book un "Transit of Planets"
(running to about three hundred pages)?
Last time when I was in Delhi, Shri M.N. Kedar, another friend
of mine, who is National Vice President of ICAS, and one of the
prominent men who established ICAS, requested me to translate
my Tamil book to English or at least compile all my articles on
Jupiter and Saturn published so far. But this second proposal will
not give full picture of transits and, hence, 1 thought it is the right
time to produce this independent book on "Transit" which is the
English form of my original Tamil version, which I have now
completed. This version includes among other things all basic
principles of Astrology including features of Lagna, bad and good.
Planets of each Lagna, difference between Badaka and Maraka,
scientific way of delineation of Dasa bhukthis, formula for deciding
longevity approximately etc. I think that this will also serve as a
standard textbook especially for the student of Astrology on the
subject "Transit." It is to be noted that transit results for Shukla
and Krishna Paksha for each planet is given for the first time on
Transit subject.

After early five decades of learning in the field of Astrology I

am convinced that:
l. The permanent features of various aspects of life are reflected
in the Natal Chart of an individual.
2. These features are distributed by Dasa Bhukthis and Transit
results both of which are based on Natal Moon signs (1l1e
former on the birth Star and the later on Moon sign).
3. In a way, the present trend of life of an individual indicated
by the Natal Chart is projected by Dasa Bhukthi results, but,
through the window of transit results which modify final
pattern of trend of life enjoyed by the native from time to
4. Hence Transit results is the final focus point on which
prediction is to be based, of course, with the background of
basic horoscopes and Dasa Bhukthi.
Preface I xiii

All the above contemplations have gone in shaping this book.

Now 1 remember with great regard and reverence Dr. B.V.
Raman, the legend, stalwart on Astrology, founders, National
President of lCAS, who is. also my Manasik Guru. His "Hindu
Predictive Astrology" was the starting point of my learning in
Astrology and remains even now my guiding star, since it includes
all features.
Next 1 thank Sri R. Jagannathan, my wife's cousine who cor-
rected the technical part of the book, and who initiated me into
the science of Astrology.
Next 1 thank Shri A.V. Sundaram, my Joint Secretary who
was instrumental to drag me into ICAS. He still remains to be a
safety valve for my sensitive pattern of nature and guides me now
and then.
Last but not the least, 1 want to thank Shri S.N. Kapoor, who
is one of my well wishers and who gave me inspiration and
Foreword of this book providing a nutshell review.
1 have to thank specially Shri M.N. Kedar who is one of my
dearest friends and well wishers who has arranged for publication
of this book through Alpha Publication.
1 remember with respect and honour my spiritual guru who
is also my Guru in Astrology, Shri Kupusamy Achari, who
imparted me details of special features in branches of Astrology
available in Tamil texts.

Flat C, Ground Floor

32, Hindi Prachara Sabha Street (U.S. PULIPPAN1)
T. Nagar, Chennai-600017,
Tamil Nadu
PPhone: 044-4347702
Quite sometime back when. I first read earlier edition of this
book, the contents of the book looked quite impressive. The treatise
not only contains well known principles of Astrology and transit
of planets but also the wisdom and experience of thinkers of
Astrology from south not available to English readers. The reaction
then was that the book could be revised to make it lucid and
The third edition of "Gochar Phaladcepika" has been
thoroughly revised keeping soul of the original intact. The text
has been rewritten at places, the material has been rearranged and
some information has been presented in tabular from. It is hoped
that this book in its present from will be linked by learned readers.
M.G. Kastwar
Faculty Dellri Chapter-!
ICAS Dellri
Forr:word v
Preface viii

1. Chapter One

2. Chapter Two 3
Graha Sheela or Planetary Signification

3. Chapter Three 19
Significations Pertaining to Twelve Rasis

4. Chapter Four 23
Details about the Twelve lagna~

5. Chapter F!ve 36
The Signification of the Twelve Bhavas

6. Chapter Six 42
Benefic and Malefic ( Planets)

7. Chapter Seven 51

8. Chapter Eight 53
Reconciliation of Transit and Dasha Bhuk1i

9. Chapter Nine 61
Effect of Mrityubhag, f.W<Istna etc.

10. Chapter Tr:n 67

Fundamentals of Gochara Phala (Transit)

11. Chapter Eleven 77

Transit Results of Sun

12. Chapter Twelve 90

Transit Results of Moon

13. Chapter Thlrteen 102

Transit Results of Mars
xvi I Content

14. Chapter Fourteen 116

Transit Results of Mercury

15. Chapter Fifteen 130

Transit Results of Jupiter

16. Chapter Si~teen 146

Transit Results of Venus

17. Chapter Seventeen 161

Transit Results of Saturn

18. Chapter Eighteen 177

Transit Results of Rahu

19. Chapter Nineteen 185

Transit Results of Ketu

20. Chapter Twenty 192

Transit Results at a Glance

21. Chapter Twenty One 200

Aspects in Transit

22. Chapter Twenty Two 205

Gochara Vedha and Vipareetha Vedha

23. Chapter Twenty Three 20S

Nakshathra Vedha

24. Chapter Twenty Four 210

Transit Stellar Occupational Results

25. Chapter Twenty Five 220

Moorthy Nlmaya
26. Chapter Twenty Six 22S
Saturn and Saturn's various Special
Transitional Effects

27. Chapter Twenty Seven 241

Gochar and Ashtakvarga

28. Chapter Twenty Eight 254

Transit over Tenth House from Lagna

29. Chapter Twenty Nine 257

Transit over Natal Planets

30. Chapter Thirty 273

Transit and Eclipses
Conlt•n/1 "vii

31. Chapter Thirty One 277

Transits-Miscellaneous Information

32. Chapter Thirty Two 284

Example Horoscopes

33. Chapter Thirty Three 294

Thrlpatha Chakra
34. Chapter Thirty Four 318
Sarvato Ohadra Chakra

35. Chapter Thirty Five 331

Jupiter Transit in Gemini

36. Chapter Thirty Six 345

Sudharsana Chakra
Chapter One


The point of the zodiac rising at the eastern Horizon when a

man is born, is called Lagna or Ascendant. The position of the
planets incorporated in relation to this point in various Zodiacal
signs is generally called as 'J athaka' or horoscope. While the Lagna
can be considered as 'soul', the Rasi occupied by Moon can be
understood as body. Moon sign of the chart is generally called as
Janma Rasi (Chandra Rasi and the birth star is called 'janma
Nakshatra'). The day-to-day effects caused by transitory motion of
the planets with reference to Janma Rasi and Janma Nakshahatra is
called 'Gochara Phala' or transit results of planets. The results are
also co-related to 12 Bhavas in relation to Janma Rasi for day-to-
day life trends. Since the commencement of actual life is denoted
by Lagna, it is called Soul. But the planets travel each of the 12
Rasis and 27 stars and produce effects in relation to Lagna and Janma
Rasi. The permanent position of planets at the time of birth in
relation to Lagna signifies the strength and inherent features of
various aspects of life that are in store for native. This cannot be
changed. But the effects produced thereafter in relation to Janma
Rasi by the planetary positions at various times in day-to-day affairs
of life is called Gochara, which keeps on changing every moment.
Both while dealing with the permanent features of Horoscope
and the effect of planets for day-to-day affairs, the 12 Bhavas,
reckoned from lagna for the former and from Janma Rasi in
reference to the latter give the result of various aspects of life.
We have to note a significant difference between planet and
stars. Planets are bodies in constant motion having definite cycles
of time during which these appear to revolve through the Zodiac.
But stars are fixed, which emit a particular pattern of cosmic rays

from their permanent positions. The cumulative cyclic effect of

movement of planets over that of Rasis and the Nakshatras (fixed
Stars) produce the change in day-to-day affairs. In a way we can
conclude that the effect of planets on human life can be judged in 3
1) The permanent features of the chart with reference
to lagna indicates the individual's permanent features of life.
2) The result of directional effect of planets based on
the birth stars or Janma Nakshatra, from the time of birth
throughout the life in succession, is termed as 'Dasha Bukthi' which
distributes the promise in the horoscope during the periods of
'Dasha Bukthi' of planets. It is to be seen that while calculation of
Dasha Bukhti is from one's Janma Nakshatra Gochara Phala is
related to the Natal sign of Moon's or Janma Rasi in the chart. Thus
both are reckoned from Moon's position. Hence Moon's position is
given prime importance in Gochara Phala or transit. The result of
Dasha Bukthi and Gochara or Transit have to be weighed and given
proper importance in deciding the results of the trend of the life
during particular period.
Any action of a human being is prompted by the mind. The
Moon represents mind. As Such, this is the prime reason for
considering Moon sign for Gochara result. The Dasha Bukthi result,
in fact can be called as Directional Astrology in Vedic Astrology.
The directional astrology in the West considers the imagined
planetary positions in progression in relation to radical point of
planets, ascendants etc. This cannot be termed as more scientific
since there is no Dasha Bukthi system in the western astrology.
Directional astrology of Hindus is unique since it takes its clues
from Moon position at birth and gives the results through the
allotted periods of planets throughout the life in relation to their
Lordship, signification, etc. Transit results are also unique in Hindu
Astrology since it gives the day-to-day results taking its base fium
the Moon sign. Hereafter we will dwell in detail regarding the
results of transit of planets after outlining the basic principles.
Chapter Two



1n Vedic Astrology, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,

Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the 9 planets. Out of these, Rahu
and Ketu are shadow planets called Chhaya Grahas. The
apparent paths of planets are contained within a celestial belt called
The apparent path of Sun is called the ecliptic that is Centre
Line of the Zodiac. When Moon revolves round the Earth during
its motion through the zodiac, it cuts the ecliptic at two points, which
arc called nodal points. The North Nodal point is called Northern
Node or Dragon's head which, in Vedic Astrology is known as
'Rahu', while the South Nodal point is called Southern Node or
Dragon's tail which, is called 'Ketu'. Over these points the shadow
of our earth falls and produces peculiar malefic effects. Hence these
arc accepted as planets in Astrology. Out of these two, Rahu's effect
is said to be that of Saturn and Ketu's that of Mars. Now we will
outline the details of various attributes or significations of these
planets to enable us to predict, based on these.
1. Sun-Father, soul, medicine and medicinal treatment, science,
politics, help from government, governmental status, fame, honour,
courage, mental strength, valour, health, longevity, electricity, right
eye etc.
In radical Horoscope Sun gives benefic results in 3, 6, 10 and
11th houses from Lagna. At the same time, if other planets are placed
in 12th, 6th, 4th and 5th houses, he will not give benefic results.
This is called Jathaka Vedha, The Vedha points in transit are
explained separately as Gochara Vedha. Sun docs not suffer Vedha
due to Saturn. Sun is bad in 12th, 6th, 4th, and 5th house in birth
horoscope, if at the same time other planets arc in 3rd, 6th, lOth and
11th houses, the bad results get nullified. This is VJ.l.oma Vedha. Sun
is strong during mid-noon and in the lOth house as well as during
his Northern course. The good or bad effects of Sun will reflect in
life of individuals from 22nd to 24th year. In transit, Sun gives good
or bad results five days earlier to the day of entry into a new Rasi in
2. Moon-Mother, feelings, sleep, good finance, comfort through
vehicles, female and benefit from them, long travels,
good smell, glow of the face, sharp intellect, beauty, long life, left
eye etc.
When Moon is placed in 1, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11th houses from
Lagna in radical horoscopes, he gives good results. Jataka Vedha
houses are 5th, 9th, 12th, 2nd, 4th and 8th houses. Similarly Viloma
Vedha should be understood as in the case of Sun. Moon is strong
during Dakshinayana, in 4th house, during night. When travelling
through Stars Rohini, Sravana, Punarvasu, Vishaka and
Poorvabhadrapada, he gives always good results, but bad results
when travelling through Stars Krithika, Uttara Phalguna, Jycshta,
Utharashada and Revathi. He gives good or bad effects from the
age 24 to 26 and one hour twelve minutes earlier to his entry to a
new Rasi. He is also strong when he approaches the end ofRasi.
He is also strong from Shukla Paksha Ekadashi to Krishna
Paksha Panchami, from 6th Lunar day of Krishna Paksha to lOth
Lunar day of Krishna Paksha and again from 6th Lunar day of
Shukla Paksha to lOth Lunar day of Shukla Paksha, Moon is called
Madhyama Chandra where he gives moderate results. Poorna
Chandra is benefic while Ksheena Chandra is malefic.
3. MiUS-Brothcr:> (particularly younger ones), courage, valour,
strength of the body, quarrel, war, leadership, commander-in-chief,
earth, landed property, wounds due to weapon, fire clc., robbery,
theft, anger, scandal, police department, medical science, science
in general, dental treatment, work of gold and blacksmith,
metallurgy and metallurgical engineering, death, soldiers etc. It also
denotes urgent desires, opposition and cousins.
Mars gives good results in 3rd, 6th and 11th places from Lagna.
and Jataka Vedha places are 12th, 5th and 9th. Conversely, Viloma
Vedha positions should be understood.
Graha Shre/.1 or Planetary Signification 5
Mars is strong in his week day, in his Navmnsa, in Rasis Meena,
Vrischika, Makara, Kumbha, Mesha, in the South direction, in the
beginning of a Rasi and in the lOth place from Lagna. He gives the
results of a Rasi 8 days before entering a new Rasi and his results
between the 28th to 32nd years of age.
4. Mercury-Keen intellect, heavy reading habit, inquisitiveness
to know everything, eloquence in speech, clever, well educated,
arguing, well versed in astrology, writing, publishing, mathematics,
computer education, orators, editors, auditors, secretaries, postman,
brain, diplomacy, planning capacity, politics, capability, maternal
uncle, friends, philosophy, wit, dance, drama, and professions
pertaining to such things, sprouting trees, plants, gemmology, white
magic, nephew, maternal uncle etc.
Mercury gives good results in 5th, 3rd, 6th, 1st, 9th and 12th
houses and Jataka Vedha in 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 11th places.
Opposite to above are Viloma Vedha places. Mercury is strong in
his own Rasi, navamsa, in his week day, in Sagittarius and in
Uttarayana. He is good while passing through Ashlesha, Jyeshta,
Revathi, Rohini, Hastha and Sravana Nakshatras; and bad through
Aridra, Swathi, Pushya, Anuradha, Chi1ra and Makha.
He starts giving results 7 days before his entry into a new Rasi.
He is also strong in lOth and 7th Houses. He giv~ his effects
between 32nd and 35th year of age in one's life and while passing
through whole star or house indicated during transit.
5. Jupiter-High standards of life, wealth, riches, birth of
children, happiness, knowledge, intellect, good qualities, advising,
ministers, religions and connected things, dharma (judiciary),
honours, status, knowledge of Vedas, indulging in good acts, fatness
of the body and its development, philosophy, love, affection, respect,
male progeny, preachers, religious heads, Moulvees, Christian
Fathers, fruits, fiuit yielding trees, astrology, elder brother, sister,
honour and titles received from government, national awards,
friends, justice, straight-forwardness, managerial capability,
lecturer, principals of colleges, vice-chancellors, legal experts,
fortunes, husband in a female horoscope, discrimination, expertise
in various branches and high status. He also indicates Judges,
Advocates, spiritual thinking, health, broad-mindedness, following
right path, working for establishing Justice, sober nature, political
diplomacy, engaged in family priest work, the respect that wife has
for her husband, wealth, purity, control over senses, grandchildren,
diseases pertaining to Gulma, Sleshma, etc.
Jupiter gives good results in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses.
At the same time, if other planets are placed in 12th, 4th, 3rd, lOth
and 8th places, the good results are cancelled. Conversely, Viloma
Vedha positions should be understood, Jupiter gives good results
in Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. He gives good
results also in his own vargas, his week days, during Uttarayana
and during dawn and twilight (sandhyas). He is also strong when
he is in Lagna. Jupiter does not give good results when he is
retrograde, Athichari or combust. He gives good results in the stars
Utharashada Punarvasu, Utharabhadrapada, and Vishaka. He gives
bad results when he passes through Aridra, Sathabisha, Hastha and
swathi. He gives full results when he is in mid-Rasi. He gives results
two months before entry into a new Rasi. He takes one year to transit
a full sign and gives good results in the middle two months of the
6. Venus-Wealth, vehicles, textile, dress, jewels, females and
sex pleasure enjoyed with them, marriages, sensual pleasures,
perfumes, luxuries, independent business without partnership,
gains thereof, Veerya or shukra in females, sex pursuits, flowers,
selling and buying them, cows, water, resources, white colour, sex
organs, the professions pertaining to film industry, dance, drama,
textile, perfumes, business relating to females, music, catering, hotel,
honour, respect, honorary titles, status, high standard, pleasures,
foreign pleasure tours, tasty food, drinks, the spring season,
theatres, studios, bedrooms, keen intellect and keen knowledge,
poets and poetry, literature, epics and capability in composing
musical pieces, tendency to help others, work of personal secretaries,
receptionists etc. Professions are photography, make up, beauty
parlours and connected profession, underground wealth, winning
lottery, speculation, as well as receipt of sudden wealth.
He gives good results in his Vargas, Rasi, his exaltation Rasi.
He gives good and bad results in 6th houses. He gives bad results
in 7th house. He gives good results in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th,
9th, 11th and 12th houses and Jataka Vedha positions are 8th, 7th,
1st, lOth, 9th, 5th, 11th, 3rd and 6th. Viloma Vedha should also be
similarly seen. He gives good results in the stars Ashlesha, Jyeshta,
GrohaShccla or Planetary Signification 7
Revathi, Krithika, Swnthi and Aridra but in the stars Bharani, Poorva
palguni, Poorvashada, Mrugasirsha, Chitra and Dhanistn stars. But
the bad results in his own stars will be less compared to those in
other stars. He is especially strong in the Rasi Libra. If he is placed
• in kendra in a horoscope he is said to remove crorcs of Dosh::.s. He
gives results from 25th to 28th years age, 7 days before his entry
into new Rasi. He gives good results when he is in the middle of
the Rasi. He is strong in 4th Bhava in a chart. He is also strong in
spring. He makes the native attractive, beautiful and delicate with
well proportioned limbs, which always provokes sexual instincts.
7. Satum-One'sprofession, employment, life, longevity, death,
fate, evolution of life in stages, fear, poverty, labourer, labouring
workers, bodily effort, humiliation, diseases, science expertise,
agriculture, minerals, metals, oil, things hidden below ground,
hidden treasures, archaeology, servants, slaves, very old people,
theft, heartless or uncourteous acts, lnme, being made lame, over
greediness, provocations and temptations, a leader in politics.
Slavery, steel, iron and iron connected items, black coloured
items, machines, workshop, head of industry, beggars, earning
through begging, unending difficulties and sorrows, rotten and
spoiled eatables.
Places dumped with soiled wastes, latrines, places where eaten
leftovers arc thrown, abandoned houses, danger, accident, mental-
agony, spoiled character, unjust behaviour, concubine, cruel
mindedncs.o;, lameness, handicapped, glass, manure, oil, buffaloes,
gingely, grain, salt, camel etc.
. Judiciary, position of judges, penance, fasting, post-death
rituals, eating food on these occasions, courage, laziness, slowing,
transports expenses and low strata of employment.
Saturn is good in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses, from Moon and
Jataka Vedha are in 12, 9 and 5th houses. Conversely, if Saturn is
in later houses and other planets are in former set of houses, the
bad results of Saturn in the later set of houses will be cancelled.
Saturn gives suffering in houses other than 3, 6 and the 11th, as
Ashtama Sani, Ardhashtama.Sani, SadesathiSani and in many other

He is strong in 7th house. He gives good results in Capricorn,

Aquarius and Libra Rasis. He is also strong at the end of a Rasi in
his week day, in his own vargas, during Krishna Paksha etc., He is
Pithrukaraka (significative of father) for those born at night. He
gives his own result from 30 to 42nd years of age and 6 months
before his entry into a new Rasi.
8. Rahu-Paternal grandfather, false arguments, bonding,
restlessness, foreigners, very low caste people, wondering speech,
smokes, snake bite, dreams, wicked thoughts, widows, swellings
in body, empires, states, philosophy, divine thinking, poison,
undiagnosable disease, leprosy, black decolouring, skin disease,
pilgrimage to holy places, all rituals and work of black magic, ripe
knowledge of politics, high status, name and fame, gives both
benefic and malefic results, life, smuggling, speculation, gambling.
break in education in younger days, getting experienced in Manthra
Thanthra Sastras, Rahu becomes instrumental at times to denigrate
a man through a low caste woman or a widow giving him sex
pleasure. Muslim community, Arabic, Persian, Parsi, Urdu, and such
other foreign languages, conspiracies, foul play, gorilla war etc In
Kaliyuga he gives instant results.
Servants, slaves, laziness, sharp intellect, butchery, working on
stones (breaking gravels, stones etc, but not sculpture), glass,
infertile barren land, dried green leaves and wood, Garuda Vidya,
snake charming, excess and unlimited bodily strength, brute
courage, wicked happenings, conspiracies, all destructive works
like bomb blasting, poisoning somebody, conspiracy in politics, food
poisoning through black magic, religious rites and performance,
leather, other mean activities, cement, mustard seeds, mustard oil,
rotten goods, vegetables, leather-tanning, sharp piercing knives,
unnatural dreams etc.
He gives good results in Mesha, Rishaba, Kataka and Makara
Rasis something like &ya yo gas to Dusthanas or any other bhavas
belong to Rahu.
Which ever Bhava he stays, he spoils that bhava but gives the
best results of the lord of that bhava. If he is alone, he has to be
considered to be placed in Swakshethra (in his own place) for
consideration of Dasa Bukthis.
Graha Sht>ela or Planetary Signification 9

He is also considered as strong in Rishaba and Kanya Rashis.

He gives benefic result in stars Aridra, Swathi and Sathabhisha,
which are his stars.
He gives good or bad results from 42nd to 48th years of one's
age. He is strong in first bhava. He starts to gives result 3 months
before entry into a new Rasi in transit.
9. Ketu- Maternal grandfather, wounds, skin eruptions, vaisoori
badha, black magic, homed animals, death due to attack of such
animals, dog, hen, tuberculosis, cough, trouble through enemies,
white spots over skin surface, Leucoderma, self realisation and
understanding one's own self, (since he is Gnana Karaka)
philosophy, self-analysis, Vedhanta, knowledge, liberation from
birth-death cycles, yoga, science etc., devotion to lord Shiva, yajnas
or sacrifices, religions doctrines, fanaticism and other attachment
to religions all are introspected by him. He is responsible for various
rogas or illnesses and also gives cures for them. He is strong in 7th
He is strong in Vrischika and Meena Rasis.He also gives good
or benefic results when he is placed in Mithuna, Dhanus, Kanya,
Makara, Meena and in star Aswini, Magha and Moola which are
his own stars. Some scholars take Ketu as a complete benefic planet.
He gives good or bad results in one's life from 48th year of age. He
gives results 3 months before his entry into a new Rasi.
Table-1 Abstract Significations of Planets
S.No. Subject Sun Moon Mars Mercury
1. Caste Kshathriya Vaisya Kshathriya Vellala (Shudra)

2. Gender Male Ferrnle Male Hermaphrodite

3. Colour Red White Rosywhite Cream
4. GWla Sath\'01 Sathva Thama.<> Raj.lsa
5. Profession King Queen Commander Prince
in Chief
6. Deity Agni &war a Subramanya I Vishnu
7. Sub-dcitv Rudra Govvri Mother Earth Purushotham.l
s. Direction East Northwest South North
9. Element Agni Water Agni Earth

10. Vidya Sanskrit ~ami! or other Manlhra Astrology

II. Dhathu Bone Blood Bone Skin
12. Stage of life Old Boyhood Youth Boy

13. Vehicle Rath.l Pearl VimaM Goat Horse

(car) (aeroplane)
14. Time Day Night Day Morning
15. Taste Bitter Saltish Bitter Six tastes
(Taste of chilly
16. Nature Krodah Soumya 'Krura Soumya
17. Exaltation Mesha Rishaba Makara Kanya
18. Debilitation Thula Vrishchika Karka Mccna
19. Own House Simha K.irk.JI<lk Mesh Mithunil
Vrishchika K.-!nva

20. Aspect 7 7 4,7.8 7

21. MiUU"a Mars, Moon, Sun Sun, Muon Venus, Sun

friend Jupiter Mars, Jupiter Jupiter Saturn

22. Equal Moon Sun Venus Saturn

23. Enemy Saturn Saturn Merury • ltl<tdtl

24. Grain Wheat Paddy Toordal Green Gram

25. Samith Arka l'alash.l Black teak Nayurivi
26. Rower Red Lotus White Lotus Champa V .rhite long lotus

27. Metal Copper Gun metal Copper Gun metal

28. Ratll..l Manik Pearl Coral Emerald

29. Charity Black cow Chunk Ked bull Horse
30. Clothing Red silk White silk Red silk Green silk
31. Seat . Square Triangle Arrow shape

32. Nature Malefic W;>xing bmtHc Papa Benefic

Waning m•lefic
33. Sight Equal Front Looking Upper Sight Equal
Sight (Bad nature)
Grahu Sheela or Plunetury Signification II

S.No. Subject Sun Moon Mars Mercury

34. Nadi Bilious Shleshma Bilius Vata pitta

35. Food Hot Cold Hot Middle

36. Strength Beginning Always Beginning Always

37. Limb Chest Throat Head Neck

38. Gothra Kashyapa Athreya Bharadwaja Athreya

39. Shape Middle Short Short Tnll

40. The nine Right Left Mouth Left

holes in body Nose Nose Ear

41. Strong planet Rahu, Ketu Sun Sal urn Mars

42. Nature Fixed Unsteady Ugra Mixed

(Temperament) (fierce)

43. Rules Over Soul Mind Valour Speech

44. Relation Father Mother Brothers Maternal Uncle

45. Knowledge Raja,;dya Jyothisha Dhanur Ganitha

politics (language) Vidya

46. Season Greeshma Varsha Greeshma Shmad

(Rainy) (late sumrn{"l") (prNa iny)

47. Animals Bird Jungle Fast Animate Quadrupeds Bird

48. Abode Mountain Water places Jungle Home of


49. Years so 70 10 0.6

50. Praying Temple NcarW.1ter Near Fire Store

51. Time Ayana Muhurlh Day Month

52. Defeated by Saturn Mercury Jupiter

53. Fortunate 24-27 24-25 28-32 32-36

Periods (age)

54 Transit Time I Month 2-25days 15 month I Month


55. Back sight 5 days 3 Ghatika 8 days 7 days

56. forward sight 7 days 3 8 days 7 days

57. Dusthana 8.12 3,8,12 3,12 3,8,12

58. Country Kalinga Yavana From Sri to Vindhya

(Orissa Bihar) (Foreign) Krishna River Ganga
59. Kshethra Adudhurai Tirupathi Vaithe\!S Madurai
Balaji ·waran koil
60. Dasa Years 6 10 7 17

S.No. Subject Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Keto

I. Caste Brahmin Brahmin Depressed Neecha Neecha
z Gender Male Female Herrnaph- Hermaph- Hermaph
rodite rodite rodite
3. Colour Yellow White Black Black Milky
4. Gun Sath\•ik Rajas a Thamas Thamas Thamas

5. Profession Minister Minister Servant Server Butler


6. Deity Indra lndrani Y= Kal..t Brahma

7. Sub-deity Brahma Sasidevi Psajapathi Sarves- ChitTa
wara gupta
8. Direction North South West South North
East East West
9. Element Ether Water Wind Ether Water

10. Vidya Sanskrit S.1nskrit Foreign Foreign Foreign

langaugc language language

II. Dhathu Brain fndriya Nerve Skin Skin

12. Stage of Youth Middle Old Old Youth
life age
13. Vehicle Elephant Garuda Crow Goat Simha
14. lime of the
Day Morning Night Evening Evening Day
Gratia Sheela or Planetary Signilica tion 13

15. Taste Sweet Sour Bitter Sour Sour

Sour mixed
16. Nature Soumya Soumya Kroora Kroora Kroora
17. Exaltation Karaka Meena libra Vrishabha Vrischik.,

18. Debilitation Makara Mayna Mesha Vrischika Rishabha

19. Own house Dhanus Rishaba Makara Kanya Meena

Meena Thula Kumbha

20. Aspect 5,7,9 7 3,10 7 7

21. Mithra Sun, Moon Mercury Mercury - -

Mars Saturn Saturn - -
22. Equal Moon, Sun Jupiter Jupiter - -
Saturn Saturn

23. Enemy Mercury !:un,Moon Sun, Moon - -

Venus Kuja - -
24. Grain Bengal Soya Gingerly Black Brown
Gram (fil) Gram

25. Samith Aswatha Fig Vahni Long Kusha

26. Flower Jasmine White Neeloth- Mandhra Red
Lilly pala Lilly

27. Rathna Pnkhraj Diamond Sapphire Gometha Vaidoory;

28. Metal Gold Silver Steel Blackstone Redstone

29. Charity Elephant Sari to Gingely The Goat Redgram
Su\'3Sini Buffalo BlackgTam

30. Clothing Yellow White Blue Black Rrosilk

silk silk silk silk

31. Seat Rectangular Pentagon Bow Trapezium Creeper

32. Nature Subha Subha Malefic Malefic Malefic

33. Aspect Equal Looking Looking Looking Looking

up down up up

34. Nadi Vata Sleshma Vata Bilious Bilious

35. Food Cool Cool Medium Medium Medium
36. Strength In mid In mid End of End End
rasi rasi rasi

37. Limb Stomach Face Thigh Knee r ..!m

or foot

38. Gothra Angeeras B!urgav,, Kashyap p,,L<hntcb Jaimini

39. Shape Tall ~lodcr .. tc Tall Tall Tall
40. Nine hoks Right Ear Genital Anus Right Eye Left Eye

41. Strong Sukra Moon Jupiter - -

42. Nature Mridu Laghu nneekshanya - -
1.3. Rules over G:una karaa Dukka Dukka
44. Relative Good son Wif" Servant Butcher Butcher
45. Know Philosophy Music Kdydha Garudi Thantra
-ledge Vedantha (traditional) Manta
46. Season Late rain Spring Cold Too cold Too hot
47. Animal Two Two Quadruped - -
legged legged
48. Signifying
49. Years
I Jungle

50. PlJying Stores Bedroom Mean End of Burial
place place village ground
51. Time I month Fortnight 1 year I year I year

52. Defeated by Moon by Mercury - . .

53. Good 16-22 25-28 36-12 42-48 48-54
years in

54. Transit 1 y.:-.u I month 2.!.

thr.e years vears vears
55. Backsight 2 month 7 days 3 months 3 months 3 months

56. Forward 2 month 7 days 3 months 3 months 3 months

57. Dhu:>tdnd 3,8,12 3,8 8,12 8,12 8,12

58. Country From From Ganges Amb~r Mountains

Gouthami Krishna to Himalaya
to Vindya to Gouthami

59. Kshl.'tr.l Trichendur Sn.'<!rn- Thirunallar K.1l~h~sthi Kal.1h.1sthi


60. Dasa years 16 20 19 18 7

CrahiJ Sheda or Planetary Signification 15
Some more important information regarding the nine planets
arc given below.
1. Jupiter and Venus are benefics, Venus gives the pleasures
of this world where as Jupiter gives spiritual traits, things pertaining
to the next world or Moksha, attachment towards Bhakthi, Yoga,
Swarga-Sukha to be enjoyed after this world etc. Venus makes men
selfish while Jupiter shapes men with sacrificing ideal mind,
servitude to the human society and looking to the welfare of others.
2. Saturn and Mars are malefic planets. Though Saturn is the
most malefic, his shaping of men will end in good. He makes him
ideal human after giving him all pains, sorrows, difficulties etc.
But Mars gives anger, intention to revenge, provocations, negative
emotions which are ultimately bad.
3. Rahu is a shadowy planet and Ketu is Rahu's part.
Hence Ketu is less malefic than Rahu and gives more benefic rL'Sults.
4. Whichever planet is strongest in a horoscope, the
native is predominantly endowed with the nature of that planet.
5. In Kaliyuga, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are very strong planets.
Mithuna and Kanya are Thrikona Sthanas of Rahu and Ketu,
Makara and Kwnba for Mars and Saturn, and for other planets
Simha and Dhanus. Thrikona here means the most benefic sign for
a planet. The exaltation, debilitation, Swaskshethra etc., are not to
be linked here.
6. In a horoscope, houses from Lagna to 6th are below horizon
and are in invisible half of the chart, Lagna is just rising at the
earstem point. Planets in these houses are less powerful either to
give benefic or malefic results, i.e. the planets in the visible half
from 7th to 12th are more powerful to give benefic or malefic results.
Based on this principle, when transit results are seen from
Moon sign, planets that are placed from 7th to 12th from Janma
Rasi are capable of giving enhanced malefic or benefic results. Quite
contrary to this the planets between 1 to 6 houses will give less
benefic or adverse results.
For example, Jupiter in transit is benefic in 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11th
houses from Moon. Out of these he will be more benefic in houses
which are 7th to 12th house from Lagna.

Similarly for Saturn, adversity in 1, 2, 4 and 5th will get reduced

and in 7, 8, 9, JOand 12th places, will be intensified.
7. In houses of friends, own places and in exaltation, benefic
effects will be more. They give madhyama phala in Janrna Rasis
and in enemy's and Neecha Rasis, malefic results are more .
8. Affliction caused by planets are, Ravi face and head, Moon
neck, Mars stomach and back, Mercury hands, Jupiter in hips and
knees, Venus genitals and Saturn feet. Rahu acts as Saturn and Ketu
as Mars in this respect.
9. In transit, the planets are stronger in descending order
Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun.
10. Planet aspected by benefic becomes stronger.
11. In exaltation a planet has full strength, 3/4th in Moo\a
Thrikona, half own house, l/4th in friend's house, 1/8 thin Sarna
Rasi and in Neecha Rasi, its strength will be of 1/16 i.e., weakest
state. Moon and Venus are strong in even signs namely Rishaba,
Karke, Virgo, Scorpio, Makara and Meena. The remaining planets
i.e., Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are strong
in the odd Rasis.
12. In a horoscope, Lagna is cast, 7th is west, 4th is North and
lOth is South. Mercury and Venus arc strong in Lagna, Sukra and
Moon are strong in 4th house, Saturn is strong in 7th house and
Sun and Mars are strong in lOth house.
13. Malefics are strong in Krishna Paksha and benefics in Shukla
14. According to Jairnini, the planet at the highest degree is
called Athmakaraka. A planet in 1, 4, 7, lOUl from Athrnakaraka
is.strongest. Planets in 2, 5, 8, 11th, houses (Panapara) arc next in
strength and possesss strength 50% to that of Kendra planets. Planets
in Apoklim houses i.e., 3, 6, 9 and 12th are the weakest equivalent
to 25% strength.

Second from Sun, a planet attains higher speed said to be '

Atichari', in 3rd it is normal while in 4th it is 'Mand' (slow). During
his stay in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th sign it is retrograde, in 9th and lOth
Graha5hf.'t'la or Planetary Signification 17

it is kulil (stationary) and in 11th and 12th planet is again Atichari.

The duration for the above motions can be known from Almanac
or panchanga.

15. What is called Avastha ph ala of planets is also taken into

account in transit as in predictive Astrology.

Planets in odd rasis, if placed in first 6 degrees, are supposed to

be in 'Ba[ya' Avastha, in next 6 degrees in Kumar A wastha
(adolescent), 12* 18° in Yuva Awastha (youth) in next six degree
(18-24) Vridha Awastha and in next 6 degress (24 to 30) in Mrita
(dead) state. The condition of planets will be in the reverse order in
the even Rasis. Full results will be given by planets in prime youth
state. Planets in the state of old age generally give negligible results.
Planets in dead stage will be as good as dead.

16. Combust, retrograde, direct and Atichara motions of planets

have different effects. Planets within certain degree to Sun is called
combust. When a planet, after conjunction, parts away from Sun it
is said to be rising. There is no retrograde motion to Sun and Moon.
Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. Hence for above 4 planets
there is no difference in results due to their motional difference.

A malefic planet in retrograde motion becomes worse and a

benefic planet gives better results as compared to its normal motion.
17. Under ordinary conditions the benefic results of planets are
as under.

(i) Full Moon, Jupiter and Venus are benefics.

(ii) Venus is 3/4 benefic.

(iii) Mercury is 114 benefic.

(iv) Waning Moon (from Krishnashtami to Shukla

Panchami) is 1/4 benefic.
(v) When waning Moon joins Mercury, he IS only 1/8
(vi) During transit where a planet has to give good results
the quantum can be computed according to paras.l-16.
18 Godrar l'hi!LJdrt,-pika
18. The malefic quantum of planel'> :
(i) Saturn, Ketu and Rahu are fully malefic.
(ii) Mars is 3/4 malefic.
(iii) Sun is 1/2 malefic.
(iv) When Mercury joins Moon, both are 1/4 malefic.
(v) Jupiter conjunct with Rahu becomes full malefic.
The quantum of adverse results due to placement of malefic
planets can be calculated as above. But when they are due to give
good results due to placement the quantum is full.
In this way the net transit results of a planet good or bad have
to be computed according to the conditions metioned in para 1 to
18 above.
• ••
Chapter Three


Judgement of either transit results or the natal chart is based on

12 Rasis and placement of planels in them. The sign occupied by
Moon is considered for transit results. The sign rising at the time of
birth is important for judgement of natal chart. Hence one has to
know various significations pertaining to the Rasis as well as planets.
Planets have already been covered in Cha ptcrTwo. Details in respect
of the 12 Rasis are listed below.
Table-No. 2
Significations of 12 Rasis
S.Nol Subject Mesh a I Rishaba Mithuna Karka
1. Body part Head Face Chest Heart
2 Direction East South West North
3. Colour Red White Green Pink
4. Form Short Short Moderate Moderate

5, Water Waterless Little Little More

content Water Water Water
6. Caste Kshathriya Brahmin Valshya Peasant
7. Country Patal.1 Kamataka Kerala Chola Region
8. Gender Male Female Male Female
9. Element Fire Earth Air Water
10. Chara Movable Fixed Mutable Movable
Sthira (Fixed)
Ubaya (Mutable)
r-rr. Feet Quaarupca Quadruped Human Reptile
12. Sound Shouting Shouting More sound Soundless
13. Month Ch.1itr;) Vaishakha J)•cslha Asadha

14. Day/Night Night Night Night Night

15. Measurement Least Equal More More

16. Blind etc. Blind 0<-af Dumb lame

17. Three ills Pitha Vatha Vatha Sleshma

18. Heat etc. Heat Cold Heat Cold

19. Ascending Back Back Head Back

20. Three Guna Rajasa Rajasa Rajasa Salh\•ika

21. Place I Mountain Village Village Forest

22. Lord Mars Venus Mercury Moon

23. Nature Malefic Benefic Malefic Benefic

24. Shape Goat Bull Couple Crab

S.No Subject Simha Kanya Tu1a Vrichika

1. Body part Stomach Navel Lower Yoni!Linga


2. Direction East South West North

3. Colour Pale white Multiple Black Gold colour


4. Form T:~ll Tall Tall Tall

5. Water Waterless More water Waterless More water


6. Caste Kshathriya Peasant Vaishya Brahmin

7. Country Pandiya Kerala Kollam Kerala

8. Gender Male Female Male Female

9. Element Fire Earth Air Water

10. Chara etc Fixed Mutable Movable Fixed

Significations Pertaining to 12 Rasis 21

11 Feet Quadruped Human Human Reptile

12. Sound High Volume Middle Soundless Soundless


13. Month Shr<IV<~n Bhadrapoda Ash win K<~rthik<~

14. Day/Night Day Day Dav Day

15. Measurement Less Less Less More

16. Blind etc. Blind Deaf Dumb Lame

17. Three Ills Pitha Vatha Vatha Sleshma

18. Heat etc. Heat Hcat+cold Heat Cold

19. Ascending Head Head Head Head

20. Three Gun Sathvika Thamasa Rajasa Rajasa

21. Place Forest Mountain Earth Water

22 Lord Sun Mercury Venus Mars

23. Nature Malefic Benefic Malefic Benefic

24. Shape Lion Girl Scale Scorpio

S.No Subject Dhanusb Makar Kumbha Meena

I. Body part Thigh Knee Ankle Foot

2. Direction East South West North

3. Colour Yellow Pale Red Dull white White

4. Form Moderate Moderate Short Short

5. Water Waterless More water Little More water

Contents water

6. Caste Kshathriya Peasant Vaishya Brahmin

7. Country Sainda\·am North Foreign Around

Punjab (Yavana) Koshala

8. Gender Male Female Male Female

9. Elctnt!nl Fire Earth Air Water

10. Char a etc Mutably Movable Fixed Mutabl<"

11. Feet First half First half Human Reptile

Human Quadrupled
Second half Second half
Quadruped Human
12. Sound Half sound Half sound Half sound Soundless
13. Month Marga..~cersha Poush Magha Phalguna
14. Day/Night Night Night Day Day and Nigh I

15. Measure· Equal Equal Equal More

16. Blind etc. Blind Deaf Dumb Lome
17. Three Ills Pitro Vatha Vatha Slcshm.l
18. Heat Etc. Heat Heat Heat& Cold
&Cold &Cold

19. Ascending Back Back Head Back&Head

20. Three Sathva Thamasa Thamasa Sathvika
21. Place Earth Earth Water Water
22. Lord Jupiter Saturn Satrurn Jupiter
23. Nature Malefic Benefic Malefic Benefic
24. Shape Narsawa Crocodile A man Fish
(Horse& carrying
Human) Pot
Chapter Four


Though transit result does not have direct relevance with
Lagnas, the knowledge about them will help in judgement
of transit results. The nature and features of the 12 Lagnas arc
furnished below. Good or bad planets for all lagnas are given in
tabular form at the and of Chapter Six.
The man born in Aries Lagna is copper coloured and lean body.
His body has Kapha (mucus) in nature. He is very short tempered
and steady. Male indulges in sex gratification, endowed with many
good qualities, helping friends and comes to the top by his own
effort. He is always sensitive but aggressive and does not leave
without completing an endeavour or .work he undertakes. He is
not upset by any type of sorrow or misery. He is a good a writer
than an orator. He has medium body structure.
He is much appreciated by the Government and gains through
public contacts. He is courageous, adamant and clever. He will have
servants and strong followers.
He has sharp intellect. He has creative and strong mind. There
is chance of his getting married more than once. He may be wounded
by falling from height, by sharp weapons, being shot, stoning, fall
of old walls upon him and in many other similar ways.
He lives with name and fame. He may have only limited number
of children. At the ages of 4,5,7,10,22,and 25, he may get affected
by fire, fever, itches, eruptions, small pox, food poisoning and the
His death may occur on poomima (full moon period) joined
with star 'Rohini' during night due to headache. If Lagna; its Lord
Mars, Ayushkaraka Sani and the 8th Lord are well disposed and
strong, he may live up to 100 years.

Those born in this Lagna are courageous, valourous and
endowed with many good qualities. He has much respect and
devotion towards his guru and God. He may get wounded by
weapon like thing soon after his birth and lot of money may be
spent on account of that. He may have to be away from his family
many ~imes. He may suffer from diseases of bilious nature called
pitha roga.

Such natives will be handsome, with well developed limbs. He

will be fair and has attractive face. He has curly and black hair.
Even men born in this Lagna have attractive feminine beauty and
charm. His body structure is delicate. He will be adept in music
drama and dance.

Taurus native has the capability of adding other's property to

his own. He has many servants and attendants and gets children
mostly in later years of life.

He has taste for literature. While he is of steady mind but at

times will be lazy. He likes sweets. Taurus natives like to wear
(especially females) beautiful dresses. They are inclined towards
sex gratification. He may be leader among his own men. He may
be rich and friend to his own people and has connections with.
V.I.P.s. He is interested in gardening and planting beautiful
creepers, trees, growing flower, plants etc. He has liking for keeping
pets . He will work in orderly manner with patience. Native has
courtesy as well as iove for others. He will work hard to seek and
get all comforts and luxuries in life. He likes to enjoy life fully.

He may get dental diseases and similar diseases. He has also

Kalathra Dosha or hindrances in married life. At the ages of 5,13,16,
19, 26 and 27 he may get afflicted with fevers, boils around neck
(kanta mala), tuberculosis, itches etc. If Lagna Lord, 8th Lord and
Saturn, the Ayushkar.ll<a, are well disposed, he may live up to the
age of 77.

Generally he dies in the first half of Makara month, when Rohini

and Monday come together, on the night of that day due to heavy
Details about the Twelve Lagnas 25

Those born in this Lagna are fair complexioned, sweet speaking,
clever, generally rich, broadmindcd, good to their parents and well
behaved. They are also good friends, capable and resourceful. They
may have difference of opinion with their children. They may be
dual minded and at times with conflicting qualities.
Their body is longer from hips, with long hands, having
protruding face and bulging belly. They walk fast but with catching
style. Mithuna refers to Maha Vishnu who took the form of
capativating Mohni the damsel while distributing Amritha. These
people therefore, captivate others with their attractive form and
gesture. They look younger than their age.
Such natives are clever in arguments, witty and talk with
double meaning. They will not be aggressive towards their enemies,
but will make them surrender by being friendly with them or by
deception and diplomacy. They are great scholars, well versed in
Astrology and allied sciences.
Their professions are all based on intellect and communication
related." They may be cartoonists, editing magazines, newspapers
etc, may be secretaries or engaged in postal department etc. at times,
as also musicians.
They may suffer from tuberculosis and diseases related to
respiratory,system, mucus, stomach etc.
They will be always selfish and look after their own work. They
are generally henpecked husbands and male taking pleasure in
more sex. During the age of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 18, 25 and 28, they
may suffer fire accidents, attacks from weapons, fever, eye diseases
etc. If Lagna Lord, A yush Karaka Sani (8th Lord), all are well placed
they will live up to 75 years. The Gemini native passes away in the
frrst half of Lunar month Simha on a Friday coinciding with Tithi
Chathurdasi night.

Those born in this Lagna nrc intcllcdual, eloquent speakers,

humble, clever in arguing, appreciate the difficulties and miseries
of others and will help them. They are methodical and precise. They
look after their spouses with love, affection and care.

They are generally rich and lead high standard oflife. Happiness
through sex will be less. At times the males may have cunning,
argumentative and humiliating wives, but listen to the advice. But
these people's sex appetite is limitless.
They have fewer children, They have liking to serve in
war. They could be sorrowful and melancholic and do not abide
by their father's advice. They are bilious in nature. In the core they
arc pure and clean hearted. They have liking for swimming, other
acquatic sports and liquids.
Cancer natives have moderate build up, round face, limbs and
right side body may be more fleshy, have wide teeth, fair,
complexion and beautiful. The Lord of Lagna for Cancer is Moon,
True to the nature of Moon, such people are of unsteady nature.
They are mostly home loving and looks after domestic affairs well.
They will engage themselves in aims beyond their capacity. Some
of them are social workers and become famous. Their professions
include those connected with sea (fishery, marine work etc.) hotels,
professions pertaining to food and eatables etc. As the Lord of the
sign waxes and wanes, the life of these people will have ups and
downs coming alternately. They may suffer from what is called
Mahodhara over bilious liquid, stomach and other sicknesses to
water, at the age of 5, 8, 14, 16, 20, 25 and 40. If Lagna Lord, 8th
Lord and Ayushkaraka Sani, are well placed they may live up to 90
years. They are said to pass away in Shukla Paksha ofMagha month
on a day when Panchami conjoins with Mrgaseersha Nakshatra
during day time.


Those born in this Lagna will live permanently at one place,

lead a disciplined life and get educated with perseverance. They
chart their own way of life and follow that path and fear sin and
unethical acts. They are very much skilled in warfare. Their speech
is commanding, have good appetite and healthy food. The
constitution of their body is very strong. They are natural rulers
clever, intelligent, discrimatory, clear headed, hard working and
proud and learned in arts and culture. They may often suffer due to
They are somewhat short tempered. Their appearance is
Details about the Twd1·e Lagnas 27
graceful, has well proportioned and developed limbs. Their body
will have good signs according to Samudrika Lakshanas.
These people are frank, speak clearly, confident and broad
minded. They are energetic and do anything with full capacity. They
have some objective in life and work to realise it, but safeguard
their self esteem. They are free birds and do not bind themselves
with any thing. They have good discriminative faculty. Their
marriage or love affairs will consummate quite contrary to
expectations. They may be engaged in professions like Music, Film,
Drama, Government, and will have high status.
During the age of 5,10,27 and 30, they get affected with fever. If
lagna is aspcctcd by benefic planets, and if their 8th Lord and
Ayushkaraka Sani are well placed they may live upto 60 years of
They may pass away during Meena Masa on Krishna Paksha,
first Lunar day coinciding with first Lunar thithi (Prathama) and
Aswini Nakshathra, during day time.


These natives arc very good natured. They look after their
parents with care and affection. They may suffer much during their
younger days. They will understand the ups and downs of their
life clearly and adjust themselves to the situation and live up to
their full satisfaction. They are clever speakers and also talk sweet
and captivating language. They may have some scar or mark in
their legs.
Those born in this Lagna arc charitable, well natured,
knowledgable, alert, clever curious, orthodox, of good character ,
selfish and cunning. They may get professional and business
opportunities from other's help. They will earn a lot during later
part of their life. They may be afflicted by diseases connected with
all the three principal constituents of the body-vatha (wind), pitha
(bile) and sleshr>ta (mucus). They may be dual minded with
conflicting views. At times to earn their bread, they may also work
in unethical ways, and lack discriminative faculty.
Native has square or elliptic face, look younger, may walk with
bend on one side, moderate body but attractive. Their walking style
28 Goch.uPh:ilidapika
is gentle with delicate movements of a female. They are always
engaged in some work or other. They are reserved type and lack
push and drive. Their profession are intellect based inculding arts,
literature, writing, music, literary criticism etc. They are good
advocates, experts in astrology, mathematics (computer etc). They
may at times, go in the field of medical science. They are found to
be expert in religious discourses. They are much involved in
pilgrimage, traditional ways of prayer and spirtual approach. They
may <~lso earn their bread as petty shopskeepers, clerk or as
accountants, auditors, publishing, salesmen, registrars, secretaries,
share brokers etc.

They usually sufferfrom viral fever, stomach disorders, cholera,

dysentery, ulcer etc. at the age of 5, 8, 9, 10, 18 and 19th yc<~r. When
Lagna Lord, lOth Lord, 8th Lord and Ayush Karaka Sani are well
placed and .strong they will live up to 77 years of age.
Mostly in their 77th year during Lunar month Krishna
Paksha 14th Thithi coinciding with Chithra N akshathra and
during mid-noon due to Gulma Roga (chest pain) they may pass


The Libra Lagna people are well-read, merciless but not bad or
wicked. They are successful and trained and skilled in many arts.
They are patronised by Government heads. They have good
qualities, patient, clever, easy going, rich, intelligent and gain name
and fame. They like perfumes and live with all comforts and
luxuries.They are liked by all, though lack mental strength. They
speak truth, have much respect for their teachers and well wishers.
They have business capability of high order and like to perform
good acts. They are the torchbearers for their own people and society.
They often suffer from excess of Shlcshma or mucus disorders.
They have well proportioned limbs with compelling and
attractive appearance, have glowing eyes and cheeks, face is shining,
but pot bellied and like to have moustaches. Libra ladies arc like
damsels from heaven having delicate movement and be witching
gesture. They arc curious, always engaged in punya karmas, having
great devotion towards their Gods.
Details about the Twelve Lagnas 29

They are creative scholars and found in professions of music,

dance and dramas etc. Few among them could be judges,
philosophers and they serve mankind in many ways.
They marry at the prime age. They will suffer from hip joint
pain, diabetes, leprosy etc. At the age of 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 28 they
may suffer acute Agni Manda (Indigestion) and troubles from
enemies, dysentery, vasoori badha and like.
May die in 85th year, during 3rd Lunar month, during Shukla
Paksha coinciding with 3rd Lunar date, due to acute stomach or
chest pain.


Those bomin this Lagna have strong body and legs, well shaped
shoulders, swift walk etc. They are chairtable, humourous, clever
in conversation and sweet speaking but deceptive. They are clever,
honourable but reserved from their relations and try to finish all
work promptly. They have attachment to their wives, may create
conflict between people. Such natives are valorus, orthodox and
traditional. They are aggressive towards enemies but ultimately
win over them.
Appearance of native will be a rude type. They can keep up
secrets but somewhat cruel nature. They have fixed views but
pretending tendency. Native may have over liking for something
of his choice. They may have connection with underground people
and are unreliable.
Chemical line, mines, native medical sdence, speculative works
and money lending, cabaret dandng arc some of their professional
lines. They will also be found in professions of port trust, electric
department, sports etc.
They may be afflicted with hydrocele, females may suffer from
mcnsus troubles, disorders pertaining to sex organs, sex diseases
like AIDS, gonorrhoea etc. At the age of 3,5,10,18 and 40th, they
may suffer from stomach troubles, indigestion, high fever etc. If
Lagnadipati, 8th Lord and Ayush Karaka are well placed they may
live up to 87 to 90 years.
During the above periods in the Lunar month of Dhanus

(Sagittarius) on Sunday, mid-night, coinciding with Swathi star, they

may pass away


These persons will be calculative of gain-loss in anything

they do, will be wealthy which their look will reflect. They are
attractive, like perfumes, good reader, well educated, sincere,
truthful and courageous. They will look after their parents with
love and affection. They are good orators, easy going, self reliant,
friendly and will be enjoying life with all comforts. They will have
good job and also talented in warfare. They respect Brahmins (highly
cultured) and those who arc great. They arc cheerful, humble,
obedient, and helpful. They are innocent, keep up their
commitments and will be working for their aims. They have faith
in their traditions and others are orthodox. They are influenced by
fair sex. They will have vehicles, servants and attendants.

Their body is well shaped with proportionate limbs, captivative

face with hair in the lower lip which is a sign of good fortune. They
have pimples all over the body.

The have liking towards spiritual logic, philosophy, Vedhantha,

ethics, economics etc. They may be employed in Government. They
may be involved in professions like headmaster, adovcates, auditor,
economic expert, judge, priest, banking, religious heads in
educational department, publishing etc.

At the age of 3, 4, 5, 12, 18, 32,40 and 47, they may suffer from
eye diseases, diseases pcrtaning to over heat etc. If the Lagna Lord,
lOth and 8th lords me strong and Ayush Karaka Sani ilrc well
disposed, they may live up to 77 years.

At this age during the Lunar month of Dhanus on

Krihsna Paksha fifth night coinciding with star Vishaka, they may
pass away.


Those born in this Lagna arc wandering m nature, have

Details about the Twr:/ve Lagnas 31

wavering mind, but equipped with various branches ofknowledge.

They can complete any undertaking. At times they have wicked
intentions, cunnin& perverse thi.nki.n& be selfish, bad tempered but
clever in arguing. They are devoted to their wives.
According to Sage Brigu they are dull in education, misers and
uncharitable. They will have good progeny. They will have very
lean, pale, thin appearance, and with chest and other bones
protruding. Their hair will be rusty in colour, have wide teeth,
sluggish cheeks, drooping , slim and bent shoulders. They have
moles on their face.
They are calculative in all affairs and whenever they help others,
it will not be without any expectations. They will be deceptive even
to their friends. They will be normally found with pangs of anger,
with some health trouble. If Saturn is well disposed, they may have
helping and sacrificing tendencies. At times, they may be skilled in
prophecies. Their professions are in Government, industries,
factories, oil refineries, agriculture, gardening etc.They may suffer
from joint pairs, rheumatism, weak legs etc. At the age of 3, 4,5,
7.8, 10, 12, 32 and 37 they may also suffer from drowning etc. If
that lagna Lord, lOth Lord and the 8th Lord are well disposed, they
will live up to 75 years. They may pass away during Simha month
in Krishna Paksha on a Sunday early morning coinciding with
Uttarabadrapada star.


Those born in this Lagna will be well behaved, straight fonvard,

highly educated, deep thinking, highly intellectual with good
arguing faculty, generally steady mind, (at times wavering), helpful.
They will be much indulgent in sexual pleasure. They will be much
attached to wife, children and friends. They may be also deceivers.
They will enter into enmity with most of their circles. Hence, have
many opponents.
They are dark in complexion, tall and well built, longish face,
deep and thin cheeks and bulging belly.
They are adept in arts, literature, dandng,sculpture and related
arts. They serve human sodety. They are apt in giving proper
judgements after hearing conflicting arguments. They may be in
professions of writing, philosophy, logic (lecturers) etc and may also
shine as scientists. Whatever they undertake, they will complete
the same without any deficiency.
They have taste for meditation, yoga, japa, pooja, pranayama
etc and have deep liking for sprituality.
Married life will not be very happy and successful for them.
The couple will not have mutual understanding.
Generally they are healthy but at the age of 9, 10, 11, 20 and 32,
they may suffer from heart troubles, high fever or bilious and wind
troubles. IfLagna, Lord and 8th Lord are strong they will live up to
SO years.
During that age on Chaithra month Krishna Paksha Panchami
day, coinciding with Aridra star, and on a Thursday early morning
they may pass away.

Natives born in this Lagna are good to others, educated, truthful,

courgeous and innocent. They have agricultural lands and cam from
the same and will be sucessful in all endeavours.
They are devoted to saints, philosophers, highly placed, great
people in all walks of life. They have liking for perfumes, are
spendthrift, charitable but watchful.
These persons are famous, clever, short tempered, worried
having lot of hestitation and may lack in drive and push. They eat
little have a liking for high class dresses and jewellery. They have
piercing look and keen observation.
They are of moderate height, fair, fattish, average in appearance
with proportionate limbs haying longish, normal or triangular face.
They talk fast and walk briskly.
They arc serene, broad minded, peace loving, bulid castles in
the air. When problems or riddles arise, they do not have the courage
to face and balance them. Due to this, they get worrried quickly. If
Lagna has malefic conjunction and aspects, they get involved in
sexual pleasures. In the company of ladies they are happy and
elevated. They do not enter into disputes, but will try to settle them
Details about the Twelt'l? Lagnas 33
They are spiritualists and attached to yoga, meditation etc. They
are found to be adept in music, dance, drama etc. They get much
disturbed by tragedies. They are cunning. They will concentrate
on supernatural and occult things. Their professions will always
belong to mental faculties. Their professions are also connected
with water (sea, fishery etc.), film industry, education department
Though initially they will labour and achieve all comforts in
life. They should be careful against hidden enemies.
They may suffer from eye and ear troubles and problems related
to excess mucus. During the age of 3, 4, 7 and 12, they get afflicted
with cough, fever, diseases connected with over heat of body etc.
They also suffer often from prolonged periods of worries. At the
age of 86, due to the above health and mental problems during the
Lunar month of Karkataka, on a Saturday conciding with Vishaka
Star and during Krishna Paksha, at the time of Sun set, they may
pass away. If they cross this hurdle they may live up to 100 years.
Descriptions given above about the 12 Lagnas are based on
Tamil Mar.magandi Shasthra and from observations.
Other important points of the 12 Lagnas are given below:
1. Mesha : 0° to 3"20' and if Mars is well fortified, it will give
benefic results.
2. Rishaba: Middle age and old age periods will be satisfactory
and the native will have an easy going life if they are born
between 13°·20 to 16°-40. The standard of their life will be high. If
Venus is in Lagna or in 7th, then also life will be of very high
3. Mithuna: Those born between 26°-40' to 30°-00' will have a
very high standard of living. If Mercury is in Lagna life will be still
4. Karka : Like the Lord of IA1gna Moon, the life of those bom
in this Lagna will also be with ups and downs,just like waxing and
waning periods of Moon. These people are submissive to their wives.
If these people arc born from ()C to 3°-20', their life will be of very
high standards.
5. Simha: They arc attached to their mothers. If they are born
from 13G-20' to 16°-40', they will have very high standard of living

6. Kanya : Those born from 26°-40' to 30°-00' will lead good

life with all comforts.
7. Tula : They will be very happy during the last portion of
their life. Those born from 0°- to 3°-20' will lead a better life.
8. Vrischika : Native will be sick during their younger age.
Those born between 13°-20' to 16°-40' will have better standards of
9. Dhanu : Those born between 26"-40' to 30°-00' will live
happily with high standards of life.
10. Makara : Most of these people may face scandals allegedly
with wicked women much older to them and lead better life when
Lagna is between oo to 3°-20'.
11. Kumbha: Those born from 13°-20' to l6°-40'will have high
standards of life.
12. Meena : These people do not work hard but get help from
connections. Those born between 26'-40' to 30'-00' will be happy. 1f
Jupiter is strong in Lagna their life will be still better.
Each Rasi indicates a limb of Kala Purusha. 1n whichever Rasi
malefic planets are placed, that limb will be inflicted with some
defect or disease.
Simha is puthra sthana for Kala Purusha. If malefics are placed
there, the children will suffer, similarly if malefic results are indicated
by transiting planets there will be puthra dosha.
IfDhanu happens to be strong and subh:~sthana in a horoscope
and the Lord Jupiter is also well placed, native will have faith in
religion and orthodoxy. He may undertake many foreign travels.
Similarly if good results are indicated here by transiting planets,
such foreign travels will be happy and successful.
The native may gain monetary benefits through the men
belonging to the caste indicated by the Rasi which happens to be in
Labha Sthana.
When in a chart more planets are placed in male Rasis, they
will be strong type like males, even if in signs the native is like
female the same convention applies to transit results.
Details about the Twelve Lugnas 35
When Jupiter and Venus are in odd signs they are more benefic
while Mars and Saturn in even signs give more malefic rcsul ts. This
applies to both transit results and for birth charts.
There are rasis which are blind during day, and those which are
blind during night. If one of these happen to be and from Lagna
and its Lord gets affected by malefic planetary influence aspect clc.
eye sight will get affected. This will also apply to lame Rasis,limbless
(kabandha with head) rasis etc.
Planets in movable signs will give results in the beginning, in
moveable signs in the middle and in fixed signs at the end. This
will apply to transit as well as dasa bukthi results. This is how the
judgement of various features and aspects of life have to be made
with reference points so far enumerated.
• ••
Chapter Five


Previous chapters have described about planets and signs and

also dwelt into the details of the characteristics of those born in 12
Any one of the 12 Rasis can become Lagna. The 12 signs
reckoned from the Lagna are called Bhavas, which indicate various
aspects of life. For example, Lagna generally indicates nature, shape,
aptitude, health in general, well being etc. of the individual and
12th Bhava will indicate expenditure, foreign land, liberation or
Moksha etc. As in Natal chart, transit results are also determined
with reference to those 12 Bhavas. For example if in transit, Saturn
is 5th house for Kanya Rasi born people, the children may fall sick
and there could bad time for them. Children may go aggressive
against the native during the time. If Jupiter is in 5th, the native
will have good children and he will be very happy. Therefore
significations (Karakatwas) of the 12 Bhawas should be clearly

1sT BHAVA (Lagna or Shareera Bhava)

The Physical the body of the native, its aura, shape, weruth,
stomach, head, jewels, thinking, mental worries, beauty, fame,
happiness, longevity, taste, good habit, to protect somebody,
profession, body development (pushti), sleep, dream, hair in the
head, the five senses etc.
During transit, suppose Saturn is in Lagna, the signification
detailed above will be affected.
The significator or Bhava Karaka for lstbhava is Sun.
The Signification of the Twelve Bhavas 37

2ND BHAVA (Kutumba Bhava)

Kutumba or family, fortune, increase of wealth, money, right

eye, academic education, great wealth, eloquence of speech, rcsea rch
in sdence, sastras, fast walk, mind, to refute, gold, gems, selling
and buying, grains, earning wealth, income, friends, income from
unknown or outsiders, clothing, horse (vehicles), face, tongue, nails,
bhojana (good food), the capability of doing things, or that which
cannot be done (asadyam), anger, fixed mind, deception, belongings,
property etc.
The significator for this Bhava is Jupit~r, He is also Dhana karaka
or significator for Money.

JRD BHAVA (Sahodhara Bhava)

Coborn, younger brothers or sisters, success, eight kinds of

enjoyments (sex, dress, jewellery, perfume, food, tambula, music
and bed pleasure), servants, attendants, strength of body, car and
connected diseases, ear rings (kama bhoosh;ma), the utensil for food
(silver plate etc.), valour, progress in education, courage, the master,
landed property, gain through lands and properties, good deeds,
good acts, comforts, feet, neck, tone (own), purity, earning bread
with difficulty and agony accruing to mother etc. are indicated by
third Bhava.

Third is 8th to 8th. Hence this is accepted as 2nd Ayusthana.

Longevity can also be seen from 3rd bhava. If in transit, benefic
planet is in 3rd from Moon sign, the time will be dangerous to
longevity, if it is Jupiter, the danger will be more.

4TH BHAVA (Matru Bhava)

Mother, education, knowledge, vehicle, auspicious functions,

house, business, fame, comforts, relatives, hidden treasure,
perfumes, availability of milk (cow, cattle), property, service to
temples, friends, medicine, transport, going to other places,
displact?ment of work and living, selling and buying real estate and
gains therefrom, house warming and entering to new home,
friendship with VIPs. Travelling facilities, comforts (vehicles etc.),
right of ruling country (M.L.A., M.P etc.), higher education,

valourousness, success, fun (Vinodha), consultations, dreams,

worries regarding father or about paternal side, observing religious
vows (Vratha), fasting, travel to nearby places (short travels).
The Karaka for this Bhava is Mercury for education, Moon for
Mother, Mars for property and Venus for vehicles.

5™ BHAVA (San tan Bhava)

Sons, daughters, the affinity between them, paternal grand

father, own descendants, Punya of previous Janma, enjoying
literature, impregnating the wife, mantra and initiation training in
Atharva Vedha (Black magic), intelligence and sharp intellect,
alchemy, concentration and clarity of mind, study of ethics and
ancient literature, mantralochana, working in news agency, good
and auspicious words, auspicious predictions, mourning news
received from far off countries, sorrowful news, eloquency of speech
in various subj.-:cts etc.
Karaka for this Bhava is Jupiter. He is mainly Putra Karaka.

6TH BHAVA (Ripu, Roga Bhava)

Maternal uncle, diseases, enemies, loan, wounds caused by

weapons, paternal relations, the pain caused to body in many ways,
loss of money (through pickpocketing etc.), fear of indulgence,
danger of snake bite, prison-life, danger caused by attack of homed
quadruped (bull, cow and similar animals), one's own servants,
impediments in any endeavour, unjustified accusation, doubting,
dull-headedness, all cruel acts, affliction of diseases like small pox,
vmsoori badha etc.
Here, only evils are listed. However, if malefic planets like Mars
transit on this Bhava, he gives good results. Benefics in this places
create enmity and ill results during transit.
Mars and Saturn are significators for this Bhava.

7™ BHAVA (KaJatra Bhava)

Marriage, wife, sexual gratification, legal suits, living with

relatives, awards and rewards, business (specially in Partnership),
The Signiiica tion of the Twelve Bha vas 39

time of marriage, longevity of wife, business of textile, sexual

appetite and capability, comforts and sorrows pertaining to wife
(husband) etc.
For a male Seventh house indicates sex pleasure derived from
wife and 4th place indicates the sex pleasure enjoyed from concubine
and other women.
Karaka for 7th bhava is Venus and he is also Karaka for wife
(for males), for females. Jupiter is Karaka for husband.

8TH BHAVA (Ayush Bhava)

Longivity, wounds caused by swords, guns etc., wars, quarrels,

fall from height, life, multi-storeyed buildings, mountain, and losing
one's own life (suicide), chronic and incurable diseases, impediment
in the way of endeavour, ever lasting mental agony and worry,
sorrow, miseries, difficulties, ordeals, humiliation, litigation, never
ending enmity, lack of knowledge, ignorance, enmity with wife,
fear etc. Karma Vyadhi (terminal diseases).
In transit both malefic and benefic planets brive evil results only
in 8th house.

6th house indicates curable diseases and 8th indicates incurable
Karaka for 8th Bava is Saturn.

9TH BHAVA (Bhagya or Pitru Bhava)

Poorva Punya, father and related matters, progeny and the

increase through father or from paternal side, religious endowments
religious, charitable trusts governing churches etc. ethical matters
digging wells and ponds to gain wealth as per one's wish, Vedas,
Upanishads, ltihasas, Puranas and their knowledge, guru and
getting initiation from guru, looking after the work of guru, going
on pilgrimage, travel to far off places (both inland and foreign),
spiritual and divine thinking, contemplation, devotion, visiting
elders, great people, saints, sages, going to foreign places by sea
and also residing there, coronation , temporary portfolio of
ministership, taking charge as Minister, Prime Minister, happiness
and sorrow through co-boms, service to guru and other sacred

people, confidence in them, getting consecrated into special spiritual

disdpline (saiv.lit<', Vaishnavite etc.), the skill of distributing charities
and related things. The karaka for this Bhava is Guru or Jupiter.


Profession, business, livelihood, employment, business etc.

Participation ingovcmanceasM.L. A., M .P, Minister etc. establishing
countries, cities etc, divine grace and blessings, religious rituals
(pooja), military strength of a country, defence department,
protecting force, fame, name, self prestige, respect, kayakalpa,
medicines, news from far off places (both inland and foreign), the
dress one wears, rain, one's Important profession and main
employment, one's own power (ruling), yoga etc. The karakas for
lOth bhava are Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. These are called
as Jeevana Karakas. Mercury is called Karma Karaka.
I I™ BHA VA (Labha Sthana)

Gains, elder brothers-sisters, servants, those rendering service

to native, second wife while the first is living, gain through alchemy,
high class vehicles like palenquin (cars of higher value), gain
through agricultural lands, owning horse, elephants and riding
them, distinctive knowledge in andent sciences (sastras), removal
of worries, agony and miseries, honour through various ways in
public functions, success in endeavours, all acts which result in gain
from profession and business, regaining lost money or wealth,
sincerity or insincerity, affection, kindness, the attachment and
affection with mother. According to transit rules for malefic or
. benefic planets, this is the only place where both give good results.

Karaka for this Bhava is Guru. He is also Dhana Karaka or

significator for money, wealth etc.

12TH BHA VA (Vigaya Bhava)

Expenditure, expenditure occurring due to sinful acts,

profession in foreign lands, spending money and getting
gratification through such spending, litigation, moksha or the
liberation from birth, swarga (heaven) or narak (hell after death),
receipt of money (for expenditure), ascetic life, perform yagnas etc,
The Signification of the Twelve Bhavas 41
acts of punya karma, sorrow, co-father, difficulties, sexual pleasure,
pleasure or pain caused by maternal uncle, bondage or
imprisonment and release there from.
Karakas for 12th Bhava are Saturn for expenditure and Ketu for
liberation or Moksha.
If a benefic planet like Venus passes 12th sign from natal Moon,
the native enjoys sexual pleasure and increases expenditure on this.
If Jupiter crosses 12th, expenditure will be on auspicious events
like marriages or for temples etc. If malefic planet crosses 12th pain,
sorrow and expenditure will happen as per the signification of the
planet in question.
• ••
Chapter Six


The natural benefic and malefic planets, have already been

explained in Chapter 2. Here, it is proposed to give some details
about functional beneficiences and rnaleficience. Malefic planets give
benefic results under certain circumstances and vice-versa.
According to each Lagna lordship of different Bhavas changes. Thus
even natural benefic planets get bad lordship and malefic planets
own a good Bhava. Therefore bad and good nature of planets has
to be decided with reference to each of the Lagnas. We will explain
the same.
(1) Position of Moon
(a) Those who are born during waxing Moon period i.e.,
Shukla Paksha;
Jupiter, waxing Moon are fully benefic
Venus is 3/4 benefic
Mercury is 1/2 benefic
Mars and Sun are 1/4 benefic
Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and planets connected to them are
(b) Those born during Krishna Paksha
Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are fully benefic
Sun and Mars 3/4 benefic
Mercury 1/2 benefic
Venus 1/4 benefic
Jupiter and Moon -totally malefic
Venus 3/4 malefic
Mercury 1/2 malefic
Sun and Mars 1/4 malefic
Benefic and Malefic Planets 43

Note : The above mles are applied with reference to certain

special conditions.
(2) Maraka Sthana and Marakas: Maraka is the word derived
from the word Mrithyu, which means the planet which
causes mrithyu or death.
Hence maraka is death inflicting planet.
Maraka : We have to judge a horoscope and find out the
longevity group to which Jataka belongs. Horoscope can identify
poomayu jataka (full life of 100 years) madhyamayu jathaka (60
years) and Alpayu jathaka (32 years and Jess) With limit oflongevity
completed, the dasa bukthi coinciding. the period of the planet who
is maraka, native may pass away.
(a) Marakas for chara or movable lagna are 2nd and 7th Lords, for
sthira lagna, 3rd and 8th Lords and for Ubaya Lagna, 7th and
11th Lords.
(b) For Madhyamayu Jataka 3rd, 5th, 6th Lord dasasprove Maraka.
For Alpayu native 1st and 3rd Lords dasas may become Maraka.
For Dheerghayu persons dasas of 7th and 9th Lords may inflict
(c) If 1st, 8th and lOth Lord are strong longevity may be counted
upto 100 years. (Dheerghayu)
If two planets are strong out of the above, the longevity may be
medium or up to 60 years (Madhyayu Supper side)
If only one planet is strong out the three, the life span will only
be half of the above or 32 years, (madhyayu lower side)
If all the three planets are weak, it will be Alpayu (i.e., only up
to 12 years.
3. Badhakadipati: For Chara or moveable lagna 11th Lord, for
fixed sign 9th Lord for dual sign 7th Lord is badhaka thipati.

Tablc-3 Badhaka Sthana and Badhakapatis

S.No Lagna Badhaka Badhaka Bhava
Sthana Lord
1. Mesha Kumbha Saturn 11

2. Rishaba Makara Saturn 9


3. Mithunn Dhanus Jupiter 7

4. Kataka Rishaba Venus 11

5. Leo Mesha Mars 9

6. Kanya Meena Jupiter 7
7. Tula Leo Sun 11

8. Vrischika Kataka Moon 9

9. Dhanu Mithuna Mercury 7
10. Makara Vrischika Mars 11

II. Kumbha Tula Venus 9

12. Meena Kanya Mercury 7

There is difference between Maraka and Badhaka. Maraka is

death inflicting but, Badhak indicates difficulties, impediments
obstructions, sorrows, miseries, etc. except death. Badhaka sthana
is a bad place for any planet. The Bhava where badhakathipatis is
placed and planets aspected or conjoined with Badhakathipati gets

(a) Natural benefic planet owning kendra becomes neutral.

But if he owns a kana also, he becomes benefic.
• If natural malefic becomes Kendradipati they become
neutral and are said to give no bad results.
• At the same time, the Kcndradipathis should not own
the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.
(b) Benefic or malefic planet if owns n trikona, act as benefic, but
if a trikonadipati also owns sixth hosue, gives mixed results.
(c) Lagna Lord also a Kendradipati, is benefic. But Lords of 6th,
8th and 12th if also happen to own Lagna, then their malefic
effect gets reduced.
• If 4th and lOth Lords (whether natural malefic or Benefic)
Benefic and M.1lefic Planets 45
happen to own Lagna also, give both good and bad results.
• For Simha, Thula and Kumbha Lagna, Mars, Merury and
Venus are benefics as owner of one of the trikona.
(d) 7th Lord is maraka even if he is natural benefic and acts as
malefic. Except Saturn, the other planets who also become 7th
Lord , are neither benefic nor malefic.
• If 2nd and 12th Lords are benefic when they do not
possess Lordship of 3, 6, or, 8th but have connection with
• 2nd Lord, even with benefic aspect will be considered as
maraka. As maraka, if benefic, will give moderate results.

(e) Trikona Lords are stronger from L;gna5th to 9th Lords in that
• In the same way the kendra's Lords 1,4,7, lOgain strength
in the order given.
• If one planet gets lordship of 5th and 4th and the other that
of 9th and lOth, the latter will be more benefic.
• Amongst trishadaya houses malefic effect grow from 3, 6,
to 11.
• Malefics will be less malefic if they own kendra and trikona
(0 When a planet owns 8th and Lagna placed in own sign are
not malefic. As 8th Lord any other planet generally gives
malefic results.
• ll 3rd, 6th, 8th Lords, are also kendrathipati, and get
connection with thrikonathipath, they give good results.
(g) 5th and 9th Lords are yoga karakas. When a planet owns both
a kendra and a kona, he is parama yoga karaka. Lagna is neither
a kona nor a kendra. Its lords are neither benefic nor malefic.
But Lagna Lord will protect the native.
• If a yoga-karaka also owns 8th house the benefic nature
will get reduced.
(h) Natural malefic planets getting 7th Lordship are no more

Bcnefics like Mercury and Moon become ordinary marakas. If

the 7th Lord is Jupiter or Venus and connected with malefic, they
become strong marakas.
(i) When a benefic planet becomes 7th Lord, he is strong Maraka.
In this respect Venus is stronger than Moon, Moon is stronger
than Mercury and strongest is Jupiter. If malefics get
Marakatva by Lordship of7th or 2nd house their marakatva is
much reduced.
G) lf benefic planets get thrikona lordship and join malefic owning
kendras, strong Raja Yoga is formed but during bhukthi and
antharas of 7th Lord they give Rajayoga in the beginning, then
inflict marakatva.
(k) Sun and Moon are not malefic as 8th Lord. Other planets as
8th Lords, even if they are in own houses, are malefics.
(1) Rahu and Ketu give the results of the Bhavas they occupy. If
they are not joined with any other planet, they give the results
of the lord of Bhava they occupy. In trikona, they give benefic
In 12th house give moderately good results. In 3, 6 and 11th
they are malefics, where they join lrikonadhipati, they become
benefics equivalent to yoga karaka.
If Rahu and Ketu are in kendra and konas and are joined with
other kona-kendra lords respectively, they will be considered as
yoga karakas.
If Rahu and Ketu are alone in 3rd, 6th and 11th, during An tar as
ofbenefics, extreme malefic results occur. They give malefic results
during the period ofmalefics and good results during the period of
benefics. If Rahu and Kctu are alone in 2nd and 7th, they are
ATHIMARAKA which means more evil and powerful maraka. But
since they do not possess kendrathipathya dosha they are little bit
weaker in their malefic influence. But if they are either in 3, 6, 11 or
in 2, 8, 12 and joined with marakas, they themselves become
(m) lf 3rd, 6th and 11th Lords (not having Kendra/Kona Lordship)
are connected with other yoga karakas, they give mixed results.
(n) Out of 2nd and the 7th, the latter is stronger maraka. A maraka
lJt.'tl<!fiC and Malefic 47
alone does not give marakatva unless joined with another
(o) When Saturn joins the marakas, he derives the power of
marakatva from them, and becomes capable to inflict
(p) When kendra/konadipatis are joined but one of them is
maraka as well as thrikonadipati duing their dasa bukthi, they
give mixed results. If a maraka also becomes a kendradipati
he becomes a definite maraka.
(q) Maraka planets do not kill during the periods of planeLs which
are connected to them. But they will kill during the dasa bukthi
of malefics not connected with them.
(r) Strong lOth 9th Lords (even when they become
Dustanadhipatis) if conjoin they give powerful &ya yoga. ln
this context out of 9th and lOth Lords only one planet gets
Dustannthipa thy a.
(s) If Rahu and Ketu are in 3th, 6th, 8th and 11th houses from
Lagna and at the same time in 2nd or 8th from Moon, they
become marakas. If malefics, Jupiter and Venus arc connected
with ther.l, they also become marakas. But there is exception
for Rahu in Rishaba.
(t) Mecnu Rahu, if in 2nd or 8th from Moon, becomes maraka.
But if he is 8th or lOth he will give only malefic results but will
not have marakatva
When malefics pass though maraka places from Chandra lagna
in transit we can definitely expect the bad results. This information
can be helpful in judgement ofbothplanetaryinfluences and transit
result on native.
For example, the dasa of the badhakatipati is bad. The planets
conjoined with or aspected by badhakatipati may also become
malefic. The bhava occupied or aspected by badhakatipati may
cause difficulties. Planet placed in badhakasthana causes negative
influences with reference to the Bhava or Bhavas he owns.
This is how we have to judge the malefic and benefic results of
planets from various angles. The essence of the benefic and malefic
influence so far discussed is incorporated in the table given ahead
for various Lagnas.
Table-4 Benefic and Malefic Planets for each of the 12 Lagnas
lagna Malefics Bene lies Yoga karaka's benefic Badhakns Marakas Explanation
results of conjunction
0) (2) (3) with other planets (5) (6) (7)
1.11.1~ha Saturn )upil"" S.1tum-)upitcr con- Saturn Venus will not Waning Moon malefiC. Waxing
Venus Sun junction not good. Sun kill. Moon benefic. lf Moon b waning
Mercury Mars and Moon Yoga Mercury and may give ordinary good results.
Karakas. and Saturn will kill Waxing Moon will give
good mults. Sun and Moon yoga

2 Rishaba Jupiter Sun, Venus SMum Yoga Knra 1:.1 Saturn Jupiter & Mars Jupiter as 8th lard bad.
Saturn will give yoga
Moon Mercury, Sloturr but as badhaka he will also be evil

3. Mithuna Jupiter Venus Saturn is not yoga Jupiter Moon Jupiter Sun as 3rd Lord is malefic and
Mars Mercury karaka (8th Lord). Venus maraka. Moon is also maraka as
Sun Mecnry Conjunction will 2nd lord
give yoga

4. Kataka Venus Mars, Mars-yoga Karaka Venus Merncry Saturn will kill. Venus as llth Lord
Merncry Jupiier Venus is malefic. Mercury as 2nd and 12th lord
Saturn Moon Saturn is malefic. Sa tum is maraka and malefic.

5. Simha Venus Mars Jupiter, Mars Mars Jupiter Jupiter though 5th lord is malefic as
Saturn Jupiter Conjunction bad. Mercury 8th lord. Mercury as 2nd, 11th lord
Mars yoga Karaka is malefic as well as maraka. Among
Jupiter and Mercury the latter is
strong maraka. Mars as 9lh Lord is
badhaka and bad
Lagna Malefics Benefics Yoga k.lrak.l's benefic lladhakas Marakas Explanation
results of conjunction
(1) (2) (3) with other planets (5) (6) (7)

6. Kanya M:...,. Venus V enos .._ Mercury Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter is badhaka as 7th lord. Mars
Jupiter yoga karakas Mars as 8th lord is malefic. Moon as 11th
Moon Lord is malefic. fu 01 way he is also

7. Tula Jupiter Venus Moon •• Mercury Sun Venus, Mars Sun "' 11 th lurd is badhaka. Venus
Mars Mercury, Saturn yoga Karak.'l as 8th Lord though bad as lagna lord
is n"utrJI.lhc 2nd and 7th lord Mars
is slrcng

8. Vrischika Mercury Jupiter Sun + M<Xlfl a""

both Moon Venus Mercury is malefic as 8th and lllh
Venus, Mars, Jupiter yoga karakas Jupiter lord. Jupiter as
Ntors Moon 2nd Lord and Venus as 7th Lord are
both marakas.

9. Dh.1nu• Venus Sun Sun + Mercury Mercury Mercury As 7th Lord Mercury is mar~k.l. As
raja yoga. Both Saturn 6th and 11th Lord Venus is malefic
ate yoga karakas As 2nd Lord Saturn Is also maraka.

10.1\lakara Ntars Mirs Venus Mc:rcurJ Venus Mars Sun As 7th and SlhLord• Moon and Sun
Moon Venus is pararna yoga Moon are secondary marakas. As 1llh
Jupiter karaka lord Mars is Badhaka as well as
Maraka. As 9th Lord Mercury is
benefic as 6th lord bad but he is yoga

Lagna Malefics Benefics Yoga karaka' s benefic Badhakas Marakas Explanation

results of conjunction
(I) (2) (3) with other planets (5) (b) (7}

II. Kumbha Jupiter Venus Mars+ Venus Venus Jupiter Jupiter as 2nd and Uth Lord is
Moon \~nus is alone Mercury m~lclic.As lith lord in a way he is
p.1rarna yoga l:~rJb maraka. As 6th Lord Moon is malefic.
As 9th lord Venus is badluka.
But as yoga karaka he will also
do good.

12. Meena Saturn Jupiter Jupiter + Mars R/Ya :I.! .us Mercury Mercury as 7th Lord is badhaka as
Venus Moon Yoga Saturn well as marJka. But as 4th Lord he
Sun Mars will also do good, S..!um as lith Lord
is rnaral:.a. Though Mars is 2nd Lord
he will not kill since he is 9th Lord.
Chapter Seven


The life pattern of an individual like profession, financial status,

wife, health, life span etc., follows the inherent features promised
in his horoscope. These come to meet the individual through planets
during their transit and directional periods called Dasa Bukthis at
various stages of life. On any given day in individual's life both
Dasa Bukthi transit have effects and a combined result may give
better judgefl).et in respect of trend of life. But to be able to enjoy all
these the life span is very important for an individual. If it is long
life then only all these are possible.
But in Astrology Ayu Nirnaya or computing life span has always
been a riddle. lt has to be computed on the net average of life spans
arrived under various heads such as Amsayurdaya, Lagnayurdaya,
Pindayurdaya, Ashtavargayurdaya, N aisargika-yurdaya etc. But to
do all these calculations and arrive at a correct life span, even with
computers is difficult.
However, our ancient Tamil authors have given some dictums
for assessing the life span, which is close to the true one.
When dasa bukthi and transit promises is good the period will
be moderate. If both are bad the period will be bad. During such a
bad period, when the estimated life span coincides with the dasa of
a maraka planet together with bad transit, death may occur. It is
actually the Gochara or transit that gives the def"mite indication of
timing of events.
Now we will take up ways of computing life span by
approximations as given by Tamil sages. Before that we take up
certain other factors. Generally we follow Vimshothari dasa system.
The cumulative period of 9 planets is 120 years. That means
poornayu is 120 years. But due to various factors we are now
52 Gcxhi!rI'l~m&'
considering only 100 years as the full life span. This is also confirmed
by Vedic mantras. In daily Sandhya V andhana ritual, during Surya
Namaskar, we say:
Pashyema sharadhah shatam
Shrunuvama sharadhah shatam
Nandama sharadhah shatam
Modama sharadhah shatam
Jeevema sharadhah shatam
We pray to Lord Surya to let our vision be good and sharp up
to 100 years, let us hear clearly for 100 years, let us be happy for
100 years, let us rejoice for 100 years and let us live for 100 years.
Through these prayers the author has fixed 100 years as
poornayu and starts at lower level from 60 to 75 and above. 36 to
60 years is Madhyamayu and up to 32 years it is Alpayu. The
following combinations are given in the ancient Tamil palm leaf
manuscripts to assess the Ayu.
1. H 8th Lord is either in 12th or 9th, one lives upto 100 years.
2. If 8th Lord is in 8th or 11th, one lives up to 75 years.
3. If 8th Lord is in 6th house, one lives up to SO years.
4. If 8th Lord is in 4th, lOth and 7th houses, the span of life will
be very short i.e., Alpayu.
S. If a chart has one or more of Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas,
person lives longer. When life span is categorised in the above
five groups, some conditions as given below also are stipulated
in ancient Tamil texts.
If Lagnadhipati, the Lord of the sign occupied by Moon, the
Eighth Lord, the Ayush Karaka Saturn, the Lord of the sign occupied
by Saturn and Jupiter all these six planets are friends and well placed
in the chart, the native will live for hundred years. According to
the deficiency occurring due to one or more of these six planets,
100 years can be modified as under.
For example poornayush is 75years, assuming that the 8th Lord
is in the 1 1thhouse, and that in the same chart, out of the six planets
4 are strong and well placed. Then 75 years will get reduced further
by following approximation.
75 Y. 416 =SO years.
So the life span of the native will be 50 years.
• ••
Chapter Eight



The life on earth begins when an individual is born. How the

life further evolves in various aspects is indicated by the directional
results Dasa Bukthi which is based on the Janma N akshathra. Transit
are also reckoned from Moon sign. Hence it can be seen that both
are based on position of Moon at birth.
It can therefore be said that Transit influence and Dasa Bukthi
results are interlinked
In the previous chapters it has been discussed that:
a. If both transit and Dasa Bukti indicate good results, the period
will be very good.
b. If one of them indicates good and the other bad time the results
will be mixed.
c. If both indicate bad results, the period will be very bad.
But we cannot ascertain the effect of the dasas in detail unless
transit, good or bad are fully understood. The present work does
not give scope for analysis in detail ofDasas, Bukthis and Antaras.
Therefore some salient features of dasa system me explained here,
as required in the present context.


As we all know, first dasa is based on birth star second dasa of

2nd star, third star will be that of the third star and so on. The 27
stars are distributed in cycles of 9 stars. For a span of 120 years. of
the complete dasa period, these 9 stars take turn and dasa periods
are owned by 9 planets in a particular order. We also know that

each planet is alloted 3 stars. Counting from the birth star these
nine stars are called Janma, Sampat Vipath, Kshema, Pratyak
Daivanukula, Vadha or Nidhana, Mitra and Parama Maitra Tara.
These names repeat again in the next two cycles of 9 stars each.
Thus 3 cycles cover 27 stars. Thus first dasa will be that of birth
star, second that of Sampath Tara and so on.
The nature of the results of the Taras will be in accordance with
name of star as can be seen from below:
1st dasa of Janma Nakshatra-\'lrill give moderate results.
2nd dasa of Sampat Tara, As the name implies, the dasa will
give good results and financial status may increase.
3rd dasa of Vipat Tara, in this dasa, impediments, difficulties,
dangerous accidents etc. may take place.
4th dasa is that of Kshema Tara. This will give all comforts,
peace of mind and progress in all walks of life.
5th dasa will be that ofPrathyak Tara there may be opposition,
enemity, impediments, difficulties, etc.
6th dasa ofDaivanukula Tara, will give good results, by way of
spontaneous fulfilment of everything and help from others etc.
7th dasa that of Vadha or Nidhana Tara, is worst of the dasas,
and will give very bad and dangerous results. This even causes
death, if 7 1/2 years Saturn also jointly runs in 3rd round.
8th dasa is that of Maithra Tara. This dasa will be moderately
good. There may be external help etc.
9th dasa is called Parama Maithra Dasa. This dasa will also be
good to a greater extent than that of 8th.
These are only general indications. The dasa by themselves will
be prosperous or evil according to the nature of the Lords of Dasa
Bukthis antaras etc. This will be moderated by catagory of Tara as
given above to a certain extent. It may further be modified by the
As seen above, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th dasas produce ill effectS. It
is noted that one may not live the life span of all dasas. Now, the
views regarding dasas with reference to particular planet are
explained below:
Rcroncilia rion of1ransit and DJsa Bukthi 55
Some of the texts declare (Phala Deepika and Tamil
Jathakalankara) that the following dashas may cause death if they
come in the order given.
Saturn Dasa comes as 4th.
or Mars Dasa is 5th Dasa,
or Jupiter Dasa as 6th Dasa,
or Rahu Dasa as 7th Dasa,
In the above texts nothing is said about Sun, Moon, Ketu and
Venus Dasas. Is there no power for other planets to inflict
If we dwell deep into it there may be no truth. If Saturn has 4th
Dasa, native should have born in Mars Dasa and Shani Dasha may
start dasa from 36 to 40 years of his age. If the chart belongs to
PoomayuJataka, then he may not even pass away during 7th dasa.
The same explanation applies to other dasas mentioned above. If
Rahu Dasa falls as 7th dasa, native should have been born in
Mercury Dasa and may be nearing 67th year during span of Rahu
Dasa. If he belongs to alpayu group he might have passed away
Here we should clearly understand:
(a) Category of life span the native belongs (alpayu, madhyamayu
and poomayu).
(b) If Maraka Dasa Bukthi falls at the particular end of life span
and malefic transit such as 3rd Jupiter, Janma Sani in 71h years,
etc. coincide,
If both the above mentioned conditions are met with and Saturn
as 4th dasa, Mars as 5th dasa etc. come at the same time then the
native will certainly pass away.
It is in the above context we have to interpret the dictum
mentioned above.
(a) If a native passes through dasas not menioned above the same
rule applies viz qualified Maraka Dasha and life span as well
as evil transit then only death occurs.
56 Godnr Ph.11adeepika

(b) 8th Lord, the planet in 8th, the planet aspecting the 8th house,
22nd decanate Lord from Lagna, 64th Navamsadhipati, and
the enemy of 8th Lord are very significant since dasas
belonging to these planets are called CHHIDRA' Dasa (period
in which holes develop).These periods are said to be very bad
and may cause death, if other two conditions do not coincide
with the life span.


(a) The 4th, 7th and lOth arc Kendras. The dasas of Kendra Lords
will not be good. But if malefic planet becomes Kendradhipati,
good results may be expected.
(b) The 1st, 5th and 9th are thrikonas. The Lords of these konas
benefic or malefic, during their dasas will be favourable.
(c) 3rd, 6th and 11th Lords dasas will be evil only in respect of
Out of these 6th Lords Dasa gives malefic results, 11th Lord
Dasa is a qualified maraka dasa, but gives financial status. As he
gives prosperity even as a qualified maraka he may inflict death.
For a fixed Lagna, the third lord is not a qualified maraka.
If 8th Lord is also Lagna Lord, his dasa as the 8th Lord will not
inflict any danger to life. Sun and Moon are not malefics even if
they own 8th houses.


1. Dasas ofLagna Lord will give wealth as well as normal good

2 During Dasas of 2nd Lord, one gets money, peaceful home
etc., as a mar aka he may inflict death, if the judged life span is
over during later portion of this dasa.
3. Dasas of 3rd Lord is good.
4. In Dasas of 4th, Lord plots, new home, vehicles, academic
excellence etc·. are obtained.
5. Dasas of 5th Lord is responsible for development of intellectual
keenness, higher education as also progeny.
Reconciliation of Transit and Dasa Bukthi 57

6. Dasas of 6th Lord may give trouble through enemies, diseases,

loans etc.
7. In Dasas 7th Lord native encounters, unnecessary misery and
sorrow. For Ubhaya Lagna, if other conditions match then it
may also inflict Marakatava.
8. The dasa of 8th Lord, native faces litigation, incurable disease
and subject to other conditions Marakatva.
9. The dasa of 9th Lord will bestow all benefic results, how-
ever, for fixed Lagna it may turn Maraka.
10. Dasa of lOth Lord, one get status and fame.
11. Dasa of 11th Lord gives over all gain of money and may
also be Maraka especially for chara Lagnas.
12. Dasa of 12th Lord may bring disease, illness, damage to one's
belongings etc. to native.


(a) Dasas of planets in kendra give full results (1, 4, 7, 10)

Dasas of planets in panaparas (2,5,8, 11) will give 1 /2 results.
Dasas of Planets in apoklima (3, 6, 9, 12) give only 1 /4 results.
(b) Planets in Sheershodaya rasis give results during the beginning
of their dasas, planets in Pristhodaya rasis during end of the
dasa and Planets in Rasi Ubhayodaya in the middle of dasa.
(c) Unit value of results will be 1,3/4, 1/2, 1/4,1/Sand 1/16 of
dasa results by planets in exaltation, Moolathrikona, own
house, friends house, enemy's house and in debilitation sign,
(d) If Rahu and Ketu are alone in Rasis, they should be
considered as owner of that Rasi and give dasa and other
results accordingly.
(e) Take the Rasi where dasa Lord is placed at the time of beginning
of the dasa. He gives first results of that bhava and followed
by other bhavas in succession for all the 12 bhavas. For this
purpose the dasa period may be divided into 12 equal parts.
(f) In the dasa of Vakra planet (Retrograde) generally there will
be loss of money, comforts, unwanted transfer, foreign travel
S8 GocharPhalaclapi.ka
under compulsion etc. When he becomes direct there will be
name, fame, honour, high status etc. When he goes forward in
6th, 8th, 12th bhavas, bad results follow.


Dashas can be examined in yet another way. Dasha planet are
interrelated to each other in a particular manner and modify the
results as given below:
(a) Bodhaka: a planet which helps the dasanatha to give full
results. If a bodhaka comes as bukthi antara natha dasanath
gives his benefic results.
(b) V cdhaka: The dasa of a vedhaka planet obstructs the dasa
natha to give the results during latter\; bhukthi etc.
(c) Poshaka: Poshaka is the ripener of dasa results during its
antara etc. Such periods will be doubly benefic and he adds
his own results to that of dasanatha.
(d) Karaka : Karaka supports the Dasa Lord and other planet to
give their results. He also adds to the results of the dasanatha.
This is how each Dasha Lord comes across bhukti nath who
helps or obstructs the results of dashanatha. They also similarly
make planets in transit to give good results. The following table
shows the details of Bodhaka, Vedhaka, Poshaka and Karaka.
Rahu and Ketu do not influence as Bodhaka, Vedhaka etc.

Table-5 - Bodhaka, Vedhaka, Poshaka and Karaka (ALT~l)

Name Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Moon

Dasa Dasa Dasa o~s.~ Dasa Dasa Dasa

Bodhaka Mars Mars Moon Jupiier Mars Jupiter Moon

Vedhaka Venus Sun Mercury M~~ Saturn Mercury Venus

Posh aka Saturn Venus Sun Moon Saturn Mercury Venus

Karaka Jupiter Saturn Saturn v,us Moon Sun Jupiter

For example, in Sun Dasa Bodhaka is Mars, Vedhaka is Venus,

Poshaka is Saturn and Karaka is Jupiter.
Rccondliation of Transit and Dasa Bukthi 59

The above Bodhaka, Vedhaka, Poshaka and Karaka are also

considered in an alternative way as explained as below. Here a
planet is termed as Bodhaka, Vedhaka etc. based on its position in
a specified bhava from the planet in question:
Table-6 - Poshaka, Bodhaka, Karaka & Vcdhaka (ALT-2)
Main Plane! Poshaka Bodhaka Karaka Vedhaka

p B p B p B ~ B
Sun Saturn 6 Mars 7 Jupiter 9 Venus II

Moon Venus 7 Mars 9 Saturn 11 Sun 3

Mars Sun 2 Moon 6 Saturn 11 Mercury 12

Mercury Moon 2 Jupiter 4 Venus 5 Mars 3

Jupiter S<lium 6 Mars 5 Moon 7 Sun 12

Venus Moon 2 Mecury 6 Sun 12 Saturn 4

Saturn Venus 3 Moon 11 Jupiter 6 Mars 7

Note: P shows planet which takes the role ofPachaka, Bodhaka

etc. and B shows the bhava where Pis placed from the planet under
In the first method (TabiC'-5) different planets act as Bodhaka,
Vedhaka, Poshaka and Karaka for each of the 7 dasas excepting
Rahu and Ketu. In the table for instance for Sun Dasa Mars is
Bodhaka, Venus Vedhaka, Saturn Poshaka and Jupiter Karaka. But
the alternative way of interpreting these terminologies differ from
the first method in that, different planets act separately as Bodhaka
etc. for each dasa in the first method.
In the second method (Table-6) a planet positioned in specified
bhava from a particular planet becomes Bodhaka, Poshaka etc.
This gives room to understand that Bodhaka etc. are not only
to be considered for Dasa Bukthi but also in judgment of
horoscopes. Referring to the table Saturn in 6th from Sun acts as
Poshaka. There could be two interpretations to this:
(a) that Saturn is Poshaka for Sun's dasa if he is in 6th from Sun
and gives good results, during own bukthi.
(b) that Saturn will improve the results for Sun as owner of a
particular bhava say, for Simha Lagna, if Sun is in Vrishabha

and Saturn is in Tula, Saturn improves the results of Sun as

Lagna Lord apart from being in lOth from Lagna will give the
native status, fame etc. Thus the alternative method works for
Dasa Bukthi as well as for judgement of horoscopes.


1. The planets combust and defeated in Graha Yuddha reduce

benefic results similar to retrograde planets.
2. In the dasas of debilitated or of a planet in inimical sign, the
native goes outside his place or country under compulsion.
He will be away from his relatives, friends, shall have enmity
with others, suffering due to disca~s. unnecessary arguments
with others, risky events, accidents etc.
3. Sun and Moon do not behave as marakas. But at the same
time, if the transit is very bad, there is possibility of death of
the native.
• ••
Chapter Nine


When planets travel through the 12 Rasis, they pass through
certain degrees in each Rasi which are called MrityuBhagas. In transit
when a planet gives malefic result in a certain Rasi from Moon sign,
at the same time, the said planet passes through Mrithyu Bhagas
and period of Maraka is running, then there is possibility of passing
away of the native. Sade Sathi specially in the middle portion of
Janma Sani, Maraka period when Saturn, Dasanatha, or Maraka
Planet, one or more of them pass through respective Mrithyubhagas
then the native's death is more probable.
MrithyuBhagas of 12 Rasis with reference to each planet is
furnished below:
Table-7 MrithyuBhagas of 12 Rasis with Reference to Planets
Planet Mesha Rishaba Mithuna Kataka Simha Kanya
Sun 20 9 12 6 8 24
Moon 26 u 13 25 24 11
Mars 19 18 25 23 29 28
Mercury 15 14 13 u 8 18
Jupiter 19 29 12 27 6 4
Venus 28 15 11 17 10 13
Saturn 10 4 7 9 12 I 16
Rahu 14 13 u 11 24 23
Ketu 8 18 20 10 21 22
Mandi 23 24 11 12 13 14
Lagna 1 9 22 22 25 2

Planet Tula Vrischika Dhanu Makara Kumbha Mcena

Sun 16 17 22 2 3 22
Moon 26 14 13 25 5 12
Mars 14 21 2 15 11 6
Mercury 20 10 21 22 7 5
Jupiier 13 10 17 11 15 28
Venus 4 6 27 12 29 19
Saturn 3 18 28 14 13 15
Rahu 22 21 10 20 18 s
Ketu 23 24 11 12 13 14
Mandi 8 18 20 10 21 22
Lagna 4 23 18 20 24 10

Table-S The Positive Degrees of Rasis ofLagna or Moon

Mesha Rishabha Milhuna Kataka Simha Kanya

Lagna 03-20 13-20 26-40 26-40 03-20 26--10

16-40 30 30 20 30
Moon 21 14 18 8 19 9

Tula Vrischika Dhanu Makara Kumbha Meena

Lagna 03-20 13-20 26-40 03-20 13-20 26-40
16-40 30 16-40 30
Moon 24 Jl 23 14 19 9

In table 8 positive degrees are given for Lagna and Moon, If

these degrees fall in Lagna then one can safely say that the life of
the native will be very happy. Similarly, when Moon passes through
his positive degrees in all the 12 Rasis, the native feels elevated in
spirit and happy. The transiting planet or Dasa planets will give
more or less benefic results during the travel of Moon through these
positive degrees.
2. Modification of transit results due to Awastha of planets.
(a) Awasthas of planets are given in Table 9.
Effect ofMrityubhag. A wastha etc 63

Table-9: Awasthas of Planets

Odd sign Degree Even Sign
Balyavastha 0-6 Mruta
Kumar 6-12 Vruddha
Youth 12-18 Youth
Vruddha 18-24 Kumar
Mruta 24-30 Balyavastha
Planets in Balyavastha give 1 /4 results
Planets in prime youth give full results
Planers in Vruddha or old age have evil effects
If a Maraka is in dead Awastha death or death like results are
possible. If planets pass through these Aw<1sthas, similar effect are
expected. In case the transiting planets are to give bad results when
they are in good Awasthas, "the bad results are reduced by 1/4,1/2,
3/4 or full according to their Awasthas. But when they pass through
the Death Awastha, they may cause death more certainly than said
in the case of transiting planets where they indicate good results, as
discussed above.
(b) There is yet another way of finding out Awasthas of planets.
These are as follows for odd signs:
J<~ghruthi! Awastha -(Waking state) 0-10
Swapna Awastha- (Dreaming state) 11 -20
Sushupti Awastha- (Deep sleep) 21-30
The order will reverse in the case of female rasis.
Sushupli A wastha - (Deep sleep state) 0-10
Swapna Awastha- (Dreaming state) 11-20
Jagrutha Awastha- (Waking state) 21-30
A planet in dreaming state gives mixed results with more
towards maleficence.
A planet in sushupthi state, is bad but in Jagrut Awastha good.
The transit results get modified as discussed in the previous
classification of Avasthas i.e., Baly<~, Kumara etc.
64 Goo'w .l'fu1.1drepika


Generally it is believed that when Moon passes through 8th from

natal Moon, it is called Chandrashtama and there will be melancholy,
ordeals, troubles, losses etc.
But in experience it is seen that it is not so for the all ras1s.
Contrary to this quite good results arc seen in some cases.
Trouble monger Rasis are called GHATA Rasis. These rasis in
Tamil are called as Paattu' rasis or suffering Rasis. In Table 10
trouble monger Rasis for each of the 12 Moon signs along with Ghata
months, Lunar date, yoga, karana, Nakshatra, week day, and the
bad yamas on each week day are also given. When daily Gochara
results are estimated this aspect also needs consideration to arrive
at net transit results.

Table-10 Ghatha Vara, Tithi, Nakshatradi

ble Rasis,
Month M~sh~ Rish~bha Mithuna Kataka Simha Kanya

Rasi Vrichika Simha Makara Simha M~cna Simha

Month Kartika Margashirsha A.<adha Magha Jyestha llhadrapad<

Day Sunday Saturday Monday 1\'t"dn~sda y Saturday Saturday

Yoga Vishkumba Shukla Paridh Vyaghat Dhruti Shukla

Nakshatra Makha Hastha Swathi Anuradha Moo! a Sravana

Karana B.lva Sakuni Kolava Naga Bava Kolava

~lthusp.l<iun 4 3 l 1 1 1

Tithis Prathama Panchami O..vithiya Dwithiya Trithiya Panduni

Shasti Dasami Sapthami Saptiklmi Dasami

EkadilSi Poumima Dwad<l!>i O..vad.t>i r'l:> ta mi Poumima

Amavasy.., Trayodasi Amavasa

Effect of .\frityubhJgAwastha etc 65

able Rasi
Month etc Thula Vrichlk.1 Dh.lnu Makara Kumbha Me.-na
Rasi Kauya Mithuua Meena Simha Makara Meena
Month Pausha Ashwin Asadha ShravanJ VJsishakhJ Phalgun.a

Day Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday

Yoga Shukla Vyadhl VaJra Valdh Ganda Vajra

Nakshatra Shatabhisha Rcvathi Bharani Rohini ArdJ ,\sl~sh~

Ki\VI.E".1 Taitil Gu., To iii] S.lkuni Kirn;thusna Chath"~

5-lltw..<p>adm p~d·

Yama 4 l 1 4 3 4

Thithl; Chaturthl Prathama Triliya Chaturthi Triliya Pandwni

N.,·ami Asthami Navami Ashtami Da.sami
Ch.lturdasl Ekadasl Trayodasl Chaturdasi Trayodasi Poumima

Note: One yama is 7 1 /2 Gatikas which is equivalent to 3 hours.

Note the figures against yama in the table 4th Yama indicates 4th
Yama in the day and also in the night (i.e.) after 6 p.m. on the same


From Prathama (both Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha up

to the 14th Lunar date) two signs are said to attain shoonya (Vacuum
or nothingness) on that day. The planets who are the Lords of these
signs, also get nothingness. Therefore, during that particular day if
Shoonva planets in transit passing through benefic or maletic result
giving sign from Moon, the net result gets cancelled. This is how
transit results get modified.

Table-11 Shows Tithis and Shoonya Rashis Rashi Shoonya Planets

Prathama Makar, Tula Saturn, Venus

66 GocharPhaJ.xfrepika

Dwithiya Dhanu, Meena Jupiter

Thritiya Makara, Simha Saturn, Sun
Chathurthi Kumbha, Rishabha Saturn, Venus
Panchami Mithuna, Kanya Mercury
Shasthi Mesha, Simha Mars, Sun
Sapthami Dhanu, Kataka Jupiter, Moon
Ashtami Mithuna, Kanya Mercury
Na\·ami Simha, Vrischika Sun, Mars
Dasami Simha, Viischika Sun, Mars
Ekadasi Dhanu, Meena Jupiter
Dwadasi Makara, Thula Saturn, Venus
Trayodasi Rishabha, Simha Venus, Sun
Chaturdasi Meena, Mithuna Jupiter, Mercury
There is no shoonya tithis for full Moon and Amavasya. If Lords
of shoonya rasis are in Rasis owned by malefic planets or in Rasis
where they give malefic results or joined with malefic planets, they
will give good results only.
Conversely if they are in Rasis where they give good results, or
when they are alone or conjoined with benefic planets, they give
bad results.
Chapter Ten


It is a common pratice to judge transit results from ones' Moon

sign i.e., Janma Rasi. The reasons for considering Moon for Transit
results have already been explained earlier. So far the basic principles
of Vedic Astrology have been discussed, which are to be understood
to judge and quantify Gochara or Transit results.
We shall see how transit of planets, in signs reckoned from natal
Moon sign affects the individual. For instance we want to know
the transit results on a particular day. From Fanchanga position of
planets in different Rasis can be seen. Good or evil results will
depend upon placement of the planet from Moon sign as per the
dictums of Gochara Phala enumerated by our ancients which are
explained in this book in the following chapters. If more planets
indicate good results, the day will be very good. Opposite effect
will come to pass in case of evil transits. The Dasha Bhukti should
also be checked. Effect will be after consideration of both as follows:
(a) If both the Dasa Bukthi and transit arc good then the day will
be very 'good.
(b) If one is bad and the other indicates good, then the day will
have mixed effects.
(c) Ifboth indicate evil, then the day will be very bad.
Above results further modified by other special traditional and
conventional ways are explained below in brief and will be discussed
in detail where required, later.
MOORTI NIRNAYA: When a planet is entering a new sign from
previous one, the transit Moon will be in a particular sign from
natal Moon. Position of transit moon from the natal sign Lc;· noted.
Based on this, the planet is said to transit the new sign, as
Swarnamoorthy (gold) or Rajatamoorty (silver) or Tambramoorty
(copper) or Lohamoorty (iron).
seen from natal Moon gets further modified or cancelled due to the
presence of some planet in a specified sign. When benefic
results get cancelled, it is called Gochara Vedha and if bad effects
get nullified it is Vipareetha Vedha. This will also be explained in a
separate chapter.
planet passes through particular star counted from the birth star of
the native.When a planet occupies particular star from one's birth
star, trouble giving tranist is through 1st (Janma), 3rd (Vipat), and
5th (Prathyak), 7th (Vadha), the good results in 2nd (Sampath), 4th
(Kshema), 6th (Deivanukula), 8th (Maitra) and 9th (Parama Maitra).
This is called Nakshathradipathya Gochara phala and will be
explained separately in detail.
NAKSHATRA ANGA PHALA : The Planet travel through
twenty seven stars during their journey in all the 12 Rasis. Different
limbs of the body have been assigned to the stars. Therefore when
planets benefic or malefic pass through the Nakshatras, one or the
other part of the body gets affected. This is known as Nakshatra
Anga phala.
ASHTAKAVARGA PHALA-Ashtakavarga is a seperate branch
and quantifies the capacity of planets and bhava to give benefic or
ill effects. From basic Prastaraka chart, Bhinnastakavarga and
Sarvastakavargas are calculated. The nature of the result by transit
planet can be assessed when judged in Bhinnastak of individual
planet or Sarvastakavarga.
SAMAGAMAM OR DHRISI-m : There is yet another way of
reconciliation of Gochara Phala. A planet may pass through its own
radical position in the birth chart or over other planets.This is called
In addition to this planet in transit may aspect its own position
in the horoscope. This aspect has a special effect on transiting planet.
This is called Drishti Phala. The transiting planets may not aspect
itsown natal position, but some otherbhavas. Here also the aspected
bhava gets affected.
Funtf.1mmt.1/s of Gochara Phala (Transit) 69
DASAMA SAMAG AMAM : In the natal horoscope of a person
lOth Bhava Madhya is called meridian. The aspect of the transiting
planet over this point has a special effect based on the aspecting
planet aspected bhava as well as presence of any planet in that
bhava. This is called Dasama Samagama.
VARSHA GRAHA GOCI·!ARA: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
stay longer time in a rasi, so thty are called Varsha Gmha:; giving
long standing effect and leaves a great impact on the life.



Jupiter completes its passage through all the 12 Rasis roughly

in 12 years. This cycle is called Paryaya ora round. In each cycle he
is said to give specific effects in particular Rasis reckoned from
one's Janma Rasi. Jupiter, passing through 1, 3,4, 6, 8, 10 and 12th
houses from one's Janma Rasi is said to give bad results. Even among
these bad results in each place there is some subtle difference.


Saturn is stronger than Jupiter. He completes a round of 12 rasis

very slowly in 30 years. He is good only in 3rd, 6th and 11th signs
from one's birth Moon. In all other Rasis, he is malefic important
among these is 7 1/2 years of Saturn Sadesathi. Saturn's passage
through 4th and 8th houses is called Ardhasthama Sani & Kantak
Sani respectively.
This is how we can identify various effects of Gochara. General
transit results get modified by moorthy nimaya, stellar occupation,
Sadhe Sathi, Kantaka Sani etc.
Hereafter in all following nine Chapters, the transit of each
planet will be explained scperate!y based on traditional and ancient
texts. These authoritative texts are :
Sanskrit: Brihat-Samhita, Phala Dccpika, Yavana Vakya,
Vyavahara Jotisha Prakasika, Brigu Sutra, Chamatkar Chinthamani
Tamil : Authors' own palm leaf manuscripts initiated by his
Gurus, Jyothisha Kalanjiyam, Periya Varushadhi Nool Pulippani
70 Ph.'lladeepikil
Muni 300, Pulippani Mother Daughter EASAL (argument),
Choodamani Ullamudaiyan, etc.
All the texts have been consulted and the essence of the above
texts is being given in the following pages.


Before giving detailed readings the transit results from Moon
are being given in table below:

Planet The Transiting Results
house of a planet
from Janma Rasi

1 2 3

Sun 1, 2. 4, 89th and 12th In these houses the native will not
get success in his efforts. He will
suffer from eye trouble, headache,
stomach pain, itches, fever etc.
5th Out ol all the places where Sun
gives bad results, this is the only
place where he is most evil.
According to ancient Tamil texts,
the worst results of Sun are felt in
5rh house. There will be fear of
imprisonment, danger to life, loss
in law suits, many diseases, over
expenditure etc.
3, 6 lOth and 11th The native enjoys good health,
rest, gains income from many
sources, properties, promotion,
new job opportunities, gain in
business etc.

Moon 2, 4, 5 and 12th Sorrows, miseries and many

dieseases occur to the native. There
will be impediments and
ob!>tructions in all his efforts.
Unwanted expenditure, bad
reputation etc.
Fund;unmtals ofGochara PhaJ,l (Transit) 71
8th According to ancient Tamil texts this
is the only place where Moon gives
very bad results out of other malefic
houses. There will be unbearable
sorrow, misery, danger to life,
mental agony, bad tim~: to mother,
law suits, quarrels and fear of
1, 3, 6, 7, lOth and 11th Recovery from sickness, comforts,
delicious food, conveyance
facilities, increase oflncnme, supply
of essential nl'\.'<IS in the house etc.
Venus 7th and lOth Difftculties, sorrows, unwanted
enemies, bad health to wife, enmity
with her, loss of status, sickness, bad
food, lack of sexual pleasure etc
6th Venus gives the worst results out of
the other houses according to
ancient Tamil texts. Many diseases,
sexual diseases, heavy loans,
quarrels, imprisonment,
humiliation due to foul play of
wicked women, Maraka, danger to
life etc.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11th and Easy going life, sound health, peace
12th of mind, maximum sexual pleasure
from wife, sometimes from outside,
delicious good food with sweets.
Supply of essential needs in home,
flow of wealth, gain in business,
profession, promotion in job, help
and progress through females.
Saturn 2, 4, 5, 12, 7th Bad results are moderate. Out of
these Saturn in 2nd is the last two
and a half years of Sade Sathi In
12th, first period runs. There will be
burden of loans, unwanted
expenditure, difficulties, affliction of
many diseases etc.
4th Saturn is called Ardhashama Sani,
unwanted transfer, displacement,
fight with wife, destruction of
properties etc. This is also called
Kant."1 Sani.

7th This is called Kanta Sani. Here also

Saturn gives similar results as in 4th.
Here the wife suffer much due to
sickness, the native suffers losses in
business due to partner's foul play.
8th This is called Ashtama Sani. The
same bad results as he gives in 4th
and 7th houses are intensified here.
Next to &1de &1thi, S.lhlmalso gives
bad results here.
1st This is calloo Jan rna Sani, the middle
two and half years periods of Sade
Sa th i. According to ancient Tamil
texts, Saturn gives the worst results
while transiting over the natal
moon. Several diseases, loss of
respect, humiliation, danger to life,
loss of parents, loss of huge
amounts, chronic diseases,
imprisonment, even death may
occur, if it is 3rd round coindding
with life span and Maraka dasa.
3,6, 9,th and 11th According to traditional texts,
Sa tum gives good results in 3,6, and
9th houses only. 1n these houses he
gives all comforts, gain of money,
pleasure through women, progress
in business and profession,
promotion in job. According to
Tamil texts good results are also
gi\·e11 when saturn transits over the
11th house as indicated above.
Mars 1 ,2,3,5,8,9 lOth and 12th Bad results in these places, miseries,
sorrows, difficulties, unwanted
expenditure, lm;$, disca.5t..os related to
over heat, accidents, impediments
will happen.
7th According to Tamil texts Mars is
very malefic in 7th house. There will
be quarrel, confusion, conflict,
imprisonment, danger to life if
maraka period nms. litigations and
loss thcrc'Of, man~· diseases etc.
Fundamentals ofGochara Phala (Transit) 73

3,6,11th Happiness, gain from many

sources, comforts, income increase,
easy going life, all happen here.

Mercury I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 ;md 12ti Unwanted expenditure, diffculties,

I quarrels, losing law suits, nervous
diseases, restlessness.
2nd This is the only place where he
gives malefic results according to
Tamil texts. Critical situations in all
aspects, petty quarrels, many
di.:>l.-~-.;. imprisonment, danger lo
life if maraka period runs, loss, pain

6, 8, lOth and 11 th Very good results. Improvement of

health, mental happiness, success
in education and other aspects,
relief from mental worries, increase
in income, receipt of all essential
commodities at home etc., all
varieties of comforts, progress in
business, profession and job,
success in litigation etc.

Jupiter 1. 4th and lOth Fear complex, worries, danger to

life, unwanted transfer, loss of
status, comforts, sleeplessness, over
expenditure, bad health, diseases
pertaining to mucus etc.
3rd Here Jupiter's worst results are felt.
Affliction of many diseases, danger
to life, if Maraka period runs, fear
of imprisonment, humiliation, loss
of respect, quarrels, enmity with
others etc.
2, 5, 7, 9th and 11th Jupiter gives good results, good
health, rest and comfort, happiness,
delicious food, new vehicles, new
clothes and jewels, gain of gold,
progress in business, promotion in
job, and improvement in
profession, inland and foreign
travels and gains therefrom.

Rahu& Ketu ], 2, 4. 7, B. lOth 12th Pain, sorrow,menlal agony, falling

pray to foul enmity with others,
many undiagnosable dbcasc~.
unwanted transfer, wasteful
expenditure, down-fall in
business, profession and job.
9th Out of a II the houses in 9th house
worst results. Misfortune, defeat,
losing law suits, imprisonment,
many diseases, danger to life if
Maraka period runs.
3, 6th and 11th Regaining good health, delirious
food, sex gratification with many
ladies, gain. success over enemies,
Incr-ease in Income and fulfilment
of essential needs, comforts etc. in
home, progress in business and
profession as well as in job and
over all good results.



1. Major planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars produce con-

siderable effect when transiting over the natal planets or sensitive
points of natal chart.
2. When retrograde planets arc stationary over the natal planet
or sensitive points, the effects are powerful which results in some
memorable events to occur either before or after the exact lime,
they become stationary.

3. Retrograde planet: When a retrograde planet is stationary

before changing direction, it radiates great energy on earth. This is
more when it aspects the natal planets. Both retrograde and
stationary planets are powerful in producing effects when they get
direct but specially when the retrograde planets turn direct.

4. A retrograde benefic planet when transits a favourable

position will intensify the good results. If the position Is
unfavourable, the evil effects are reduced to minimum.
Fundamentals of Gochara Phala (Transit) 75

5. A retrograde malefic planet while transitting a favourable

position will neutralise the benefic results while in an
unfavourable position, the malefic results will be intensified.
6. When a planet gets retrograde and enters the previous sign
and then re-enters the orginal sign, behaves as triple transit. The
transit effects will be all the time favourable or unfavourable, as
the case may be, pertaining to the original sign occupied before the
retrogression started.

(a) The following stars counted in forward direction from that
occupied by a planet are called Forward Ldtta stars of the
1. Twelfth star from that occupied by Sun.
2. Third star from that occupied by Mars.
3. Sixth star from that occupied by Jupiter.
4. Eighth star from that occupied by Saturn.
These are called Puro Latta or forward Lattas. For example if
Sun is in chitra the forward latta star 12th from that is Purva
(b) The following stars counted in backward direction from that
occupied by a planet called Rear Latta stars of the planets.
I. Fifth star counted backwards from the star occupied by
2. The 7th star from that occupied by Mercury.
3. The 9th star from that occupied by Rahu and Ketu.
4. The 22nd star from that occupied by Moon.
These are called Prustha Lattas, For example, if mercury is in
Jyestha the star Utthava Phalguni will receive backward Latta, The
results will be:
(a) If the Latta position on both the direction falls on the natal
star, there will be sickess and worries.
(b) During Sun's Latta over the natal star, the complete business
will be ruined.
(c) During the Latta of Jupiter over the natal star, there
may be death, misery to some relation and fear as well as
(d) During the Latta of Rahu and Ketu over the natal star there
will be difficulties of all kinds.
(e) During the Latta of Venus over the natal star there will be
(f) During the Latta of Moon over the natal star, there will be
humiliation and loss of honour.
(g) During the Latta of Mercury on the natal star, there will be
loss of status and other unwanted events.
(h) During the Latta of Saturn over the natal star, there
will be many difficulties and even danger to life
Chapter Eleven



'"1"'l::qitil«<'ll<t: ~.rqcffif fq~ <til<aUIII~
~ ~ ~ T:l~ ~<r=Rf ~ "'qj

~mtft<i ~ t11f-4'<14~1 <iii?<l<lp-«tlfi:~il!

wro ~~ >:114fu ~ ~: wmt ~II
The Sun passing through the sign of the natal Moon causes
fatigue, reduces wealth, brings about diseases of the bowels, and
wearisome journeys. He causes, in the 2nd house, loss of wealth
and happiness, eye diseases and deceit. In the 3rd house acquisition
of a new position, advent of much wealth, happiness, sound health
and destruction of enemies. In the 4th house, the Sun causes
diseases, and constant impediments to the native in the enjoyment
of conjugal happpincss.

1ftsl: l=!J: q:sqq~ tlfctl11f< ~ <'t•llf{>llf-1111:

~s<lil b'Rt Urn-~ T:J ftR ~n<oi~q ~·
Jlurr=i ti41'lt'!ll ~qtf ~ <l ~
~ ill'<!'iM ~fu ~ ~ t<UM qf.rnn
When the Sun passes through the 5th house, there will be
innumerable troubles caused by illness and enemies; through the
6th, he removes illness, enemies and grief; through the 7th, he causes
wearisome travelling, stomach diseases, and humiliation; through
the 8th, the person will suffer from illness and fright; and
consequently his own wife will speak harshly to him.
76 Gochu l'h<ilidt'Cf'ika

Nt<M\.~ ~ ~ f<ntiltetf<n)tit
~'!>H"'1M!i '<;O'lili'Ji$11 <tlrffuf.: iPtn11
~ lfr-i ~~ ~Cfile;~'l 'UrRrfi
{W'iiHi ~ 'lCifu ~ ~~dd41"(11
When Sun passes through 9th from Moon sign, causes danger,
poverty (or humiliation), disease and impediments to acquisition
of wealth and undertakings; in the lOth house, a mighty task will
be completed successfully, and all the projects will be carried to
success. In the 1th house, the native will attain an illustrious position,
honour, wealth and freedom from disease. When the Sun passes
through the 12th house, the activities of only those of an ideal
character will be successful and not others.

tts::h1 <6 ltq fq q15 ~"'<l ~ihrw:nff.-t lllfo.;-1 G11:_1
~ 'WIII:&·t<rdi:{: ~ 021~~4'i~'l'lf'"l ~II
~'.mu t.~ VC{'fu 'l<foq<~) ~<\f<lql<\<tiiilll
When Sun passes through the Moon sign, there will be heart
disease, mental agony, unhappy marriage, the native gels angry
without reasons, he is afraid of facing even ordinary affairs. When
he passes through the third, the native will be happy, will get money,
honour, status, comforts and will be loved by others (relatives).
When Sun passes through 4th from Moon, he will be afflicted by
various ills, his livelihood is disturbed, and he enters into arguments
with his relatives.

141<l*;ir•HitP~~CfiOI~IfmR: q3'tjqffi~rrthq;:l
311ii'<ltft&liRf<41i~lt\q@IRrf:><llf.afo&'fl'<:( i1 -qr.o: II
'i1 IM 3(•j(J'..ft ~ {\01 if'ri'Rlt<R1'l IJtl uifq Qi-~ I
~s'/.Vl F.l~:'@anf~ll
When Sun passes through 5th from Moon, there will be
difficulties imposed by the Government, enmity with own son, the
native may have to be modern, loss of some relative.
When Sun passes through 6th from Janma Rasi, there will be
Transit Results of Sun 79
good health, comforts, enemies will be conquered, there will be
happiness, name and fame and all efforts of the native will get a
When Sun passes through the 7th from Moon sign, there will
be diseases of blood contamination, fevers. He will suffer from
fatigue, indigeslion and may also suffer from food poisioning.
\¥hen Sun passes through 8th from Moon, the native may suffer
due to loss of son, wife, relatives. He will suffer some illness or
other. There may be even Marakatva dosha.

~fu.,.i:tl!!<!"fq<I~IIG4Clii( (O<ll••wi If~~: I

~ fS:iltlUI"~f~(O"'a'411'4(i.11'4Ciid\ll
~ ~= ~~~tif4tal:(l11il 1 "1\!@51~~:
~ f.:W<ffi ~ Wtffi: f""'l'll11tlldiff<;:•~·HI:(flll
When Sun passes through 9th from Moon sign, the native is
pushed to lower ranks and humiliation, he is displaced both in his
work and living place. He may have to earn enmity of his Guru,
relatives etc.
When Sun passes through lOth from Janma Rasi, he may gain
from humans and quadrupeds. He will have relationship with new
females and get satisfaction through them. He will gain gold, silver,
new clothings and monetary gain.
When Sun passes through 11th from Moon sign, he gets fame
in his own place, he will be happy and get sweet meats, delicious
food. He gets good health and comforts.
When Sun passes through the 12th from Moon sign, his efforts
will fail and go in vain.

~t\lfd;oi'I<Hidlq: ~I
~51ti&\G4: T:iw~l 1 1d ~ IIIII
During the transit of the Sun on the natal moon, the native will
incur physical troubles and menial distress. He will take untimely
food and earn the displeasure of his relatives and friends.
80 C>Cdw l'tu13deepik.J

~ 5«!tiwi'i41«Mf.m:w~~m
f1<41d~fi:l41fu1'4 f~uu~JIId clJ1
When Sun transits the 2nd place from the natal Moon sign, mean
mindedness, evil associations, mental distress, headaches, and
unfruitful phases in agriculture and trading activities
(i.e., professional debacles) will be experienced by the subject.
3lR'rn:l f1e:<niti14: ~~@1'14:1
altffil'l: · :{~fll~f4«!f~fu::«tdl4~ 1
When Sun passes through the third from Moon sign, the native
will enjoy health, continuous happiness, financial gains, association
with kinsfolk and friends, and happiness from progeny.
3Rt: ~ 'JofiO~ tfHYl61:flG\{l"'41
Sl4Ju)fq&ll'tict'tfd ~~ <f<i~·~' II
When Sun passes U1.rough fourth house from the Moon sign,
mental agony, family quarrels, loss of happiness, lack of food, and
obstacles in travel plans will come forth.

·Sffii_f<i41@4. tJ&<'<R?I~l ~I
·~,&'GI'''''k441cflfd ~ {fq~~li
When Sun passes through the 5th, the person will develop
laziness. He will be mentally depressed, will incur enmity with his
friends, spend all his money and be of unstable disposition.
. .
~ ~i@'llld
• ~ I. .
<tA<fll4 tmJl.Ai
~~i<l•i41f<; m:ftif ~~1"4141f<;iiii~ II
When Sun passes through the 6th, there will be much hapiness.
The subject will achieve success in his undertakings, be of a sound
body, happy and will have gains of robes, grains and others.

'{ll4'<1"11fq~Q: c;;J<I4lsi<fid14til
3ffilpi's~i<Mii'Ui ft tl"d'h<fln
When Sun passes through the 7th, he will incur the displeasure
of his neighbours. His wife and progeny will fall sick. His
enthusiasm and undertakings will be crippled.
Transit Results of Sun 81
~: '(l'l«qJ~I lflR!Sllll1<42fll
<\:€i41i1i~lii:it~ ~ ~ ~:II
When Sun passes through the 8th, evils, arguments with foes,
distress in journey and getting grievous news will be brought forth.

~ f.roqsa.q~:l
~"'mSI:q 'f<r•m1=t<ti! ~~~
When Sun passes through 9th from the Moon, blames, crimes,
quarrels, destruction of money for no fault of the native and no
gains of wealth as well as destruction of meritorious deeds.
3l~fflf.&HI<IsUnf ~"131(!41'1'11:
When Sun passes through lOth from Moon sign, the person
will have fulfilment of his objectives, will enjoy physical sound
health, be associated with his kinsfolk and friends, will meet the
king for discussion (or high ups on important matters), and enjoy
much happiness.
~ 'i ~'¥!1'<11<: ~Sf1t'41ffiq: ~I
·~sa.q ~oil~<tll<\~l ~ IIIII
When Sun passes through the 11th from Moon sign, one will
fmancially gain and follow his family codes. There will be happy
occasions and auspicious events at his home. He will enjoy sweet
' f, . --......l. ••
"ll1DI4ll"i1414 iiHSCft!R o-~<l «U II 2 II

Whe Sun passes through 12th from Moon sign, native will lose
hLc; place or position. His kinsfolk will incur diseases. His money
will be spent away. His own life will be endangered and humiliated.
82 Goch.lrPh.lLJd<'f.'J'ika

Sun gives benefic results in 3rd, 6th lOth and 11th from Moon.

1. Sun is In Janma Rasi

There will be bad dreams, headache. The native may have to

leave his home. Diseases due to over heat, stomach pain etc. will
come. Itches and other skin diseases will afflict the native. Due to
bad temper the native will breed enmity with everybody. There
will be facial disease and excess bilious trouble. The native may get
very much tired and resdess. The native may surffer from heart
desease, there may be sorrow and pain. The native may quarrel
with his wife or he may get separated from her for the time being
due to some scandal in the marriage. The native may get humiliated
by something or the other. The native will have untimely meals.

2. Sun in second house from Moon

There may be eye afflication, headache, difference of opinion
with wife and temporary separation from her due to bad temper.
The native may pick up enmity with many. There may be loss of
cattle belonging to the native. Nativc·s may have sharp tongue,
and bad temper. Native's money will get spent due to punishment
by Government etc, (fine). He becomes greedy. Effort and labour
may be fruitless. He may pick up friendship with bad and wicked
people. May suffer loss in agriculture and business and theft of
valuables. The native becomes very adamant.

3. Sun in third house from Moon

Money comes in and native becomes charitable. He wins over
his opponents.Childless ladies wi:l become pregnant. All
discomfo ts disappear and long standing illness will get cured. He
will get married to the girl of liking. There will be honour, name
and fame. He will win over arguments. But there may be enmity
with one's'own children. Brothers may suffer. The man becomes
more clever to make correct decisions etc. and more courageous.
Much improvement in all aspects of life. Some may become judges.
Transit Results n£ Sun 83

People will get transfer of jobs to the place of their liking. Others
will become friends to the native. There will be difficulties as well
as comforts through the children.

4. Sun in fourth house from Moon

There will be no peace of mind at home. The native may have
to leave home either due to his own wish or on compulsion. There
may be difference of opinion and quarrels between husband and
wife. The native may be indecisive and may have conflict with
relatives, friends and others. The women folk in home will suffer
from some sickness or other. The native may meet with some
accidents and may lose limb as a result. There will be loss of money
food, agriculture, .]and or house property. There will be
impediments and disturbances in getting sexual pleasure. Man may
suffer from blood fever, bodily pain and mental worries. There may
be disputes at home. Comfort and sleep will get spoiled.

5. Sun In fifth house from Moon

Here also Sun is bad. There will be bad dreams and unsteady
mind. The native may get affected by mental diseases like hysteria.
The children go against the native. There will be much longing for
sexual pleasure, which may not be fulfilled. Health of wife may get
spoiled and father may also suffer. Native may feel mental agony,
enmity with others and relatives will not help. Desires remain
unfulfilled. Native gets afflicted by many health troubles. There
may be humiliation and sufferings due to unsettled mind. Sun is
said to be worst in 5th from Moon. The ancient Tamil texts say that
there may be imprisonment, many diseases, mental agony. IfDasa
Bukthi indicates maraka there may be even fear of death.

6. Sun in sixth house from Moon

This is good period for men. There will be victory over enemies.
Improvement of financial status rise, of bank account and recove::y.
ofloans given to others. Long standing sickness will be cured. There
may be birth of child. The native may have desire for spiritual
elevation. There may be gain through Government and agriculture
as well as rise in pay or promotion in job. Native will have good
food, comforts and luxuries. There may be long travels and also
gain and favour from such travels. Worries and difficulties will
disappear. Those endeavours left half and considered impossible,
will be achieved and get completed. There will be mental peace
and a confidence in the native. Fame, name, and respect will

7. Sun in seventh house from Moon

Delay in marriage, liking for other ladies and quarrel with wife.
Delayes and impediments in everything. Stomach pain, itches, skin
diseases will afflict the native. The mind will be involved in negative
thinking. The man may be forced to go out of home on compulsion.
Digestive troubles, stomach pain, itches, skin disease, dysentery -
like diseases may spoil the health. Men get tired easily, and may
have food poisoning. Native will be subjected to humiliation and
may take aimless travels, resulting in unncessary expenditure. There
can be loss in business. Those in jobs may suffer punishment and

8. Sun in eighth house from Moon

All work get delayed and native may be driven out of home
every often. There is danger to life and native may turn wicked.
There may be head and eye diseases and headache. Children may
suffer. Sun in 8th gives Putra dosha (lack of progeny). Income will
get reduced. Family will suffer and cattle may be lost. Native may
have anxiety, conflict and enemity with others. There may be fine,
punishment etc. from government. There will be quarrel and fight
between husband and wife. Some near relative may pass away.
The man may be forced to take part in funerals and post death
rituals. The native suffers for his past deeds. Cough like diseases
may affect the health, Man may suffer due to Sun stroke etc.

9. Sun in ninth house from Moon

The native develops enmity with father. Father gets afflicted
with sickness and passes through bad time. Obstruction and
impediments in all endeavours. The native develops enmity and
aggression with elders, priests and those in higher status. He
becomes stubborn and egoistic. There may be unexpected accidents.
Money saved will get spent quickly leading to poverty. Problems
in getting properties, loss of status and honour in the society and
Transit Results of Sun 85
native will suffer humiliation. The bodily lusture will be lost. The
native's friends and relatives go against him.

I 0. Sun in tenth house from Moon

Here Sun is very good. The native's financial staus improves
Native becomes intellectually more sharp and succe_eds in education
and studies. He will have faith in spiritual aspect and God. He will
have charitable attitude and gets vehicles. He will have fame and
name. Natives earning capacity increases and he will donate, build
temples, dig ponds etc. All round success, gains from men and cattle,
comfort in the family will increase. New jewels, money, dress etc,
will be added to his family. He gets support from YIPs in
Government. He will be very happy and gets help from his friends
relatives etc.

II. Sun In eleventh house from Moon

The native gets income from many sources and will be
sympathetic towards others wins over his enemies, becomes
charitable. Long worrying problems get solved and will have peace,
comforts and happiness in the family and home. He gains from
Go\·emment. He gets new high class vehicles and gains through
eloquent speech. There will be a fortunate turn in life and he will
get new status, promotion in job, honour and fame. His sickness is
cured and he achieves perfect health. He will have delicious food
at home and outside. His endeavour will succeed through the help
of elders and YIPs. Happy and auspicious occasions and ceremonies
etc, will be celebrated at home. In 11th Sun gives good health.

ll. Sun in twelfth house from Moon

Here Sun gives bad results. The native becomes antagonistic
and aggressive towards his wife. He gets wounded in legs, develops
itches, skin diseases, chest pain, stomach ache, fever etc. He may
be driven out of home or country under compulsion and will incur
unwanted expenditure. The father of the native may suffer bad
health and difficulties. He indulges in uri ethical behaviour and mean
acts. He develops enemity with friends and relatives. His charitable
tendency increases and he endeavours to do good things.
Note: Sun stays in Rasi only for one month, hence when he
passes through 3, 6, 10, 11th houses from Moon there will be
good months. In addition to this, when Sun goes to his exaltation,
or own house or friends house, similar results could be experienced,
whatever may be that house from Moon. When he goes to enemy's
houses or to his debilitation, whatever may be that house from
Moon, he will suffer from health problem, difficulties etc.
According to Jyothish Kalangiam in Tamil, good results will accrue,
when Sun passes through his exaltation, own, or friendly
houses even where Sun has to give bad results. Hence we may
expect Sun to give good results in most of the months during the
As a general rule, it is to be understood that a planet giving
benefic results in transit if passes through its debiliatation, enemical
houses, the benefic results get reduced and bad results, get intensi-
fied. This should be judged properly and the cumulative monthly
results should be understood according to benefic and malefic
influence of all planets in transit.

An ancient Tamil work Sundarananda Jyothisha Kavya gives
transit results separately during Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha.
Now l am giving below the translated version for Sun's transit.
1. When Sun passes through Janma Rasi. During Poorva
Paksha, the paternal side including father will suffer, or the
native suffers due to them. There will be litigation with regard
to paternal properties. It is bad time for father.
During second half, the native wins over his enemies, he will
gain through white coloured materials. He will go on
pilgrimage to holy places and temples. But if it is Amara
Pakshas, he will s~ffer.
2. When Sun passes through 2nd from Janma Rasi. During
waxing Moon, paternal properties get scattered and these will
be danger to life of father. In second part, the native will have
timely delicious food and enjoy music, goes to holy temples
and all will be happy. ..
Transit Results of Sun 87
During waning Moon there will be moderate results only and
mostly on the malefic side.
3. When Sun passes through 3rd from Janma Rasi. In the first
part, he succeeds in education and becomes courageous.
During second part difficulties through father and paternal
relations occur. Relatives will suffer. The native will help others
and others will gain through the native.
During waning Moon the time will be good for the native but
it will be bad time for others connected with him.
4. When Sun passes through 4th from Janma Rasi. There
will be gain of properties (both landed and agricultural) and
new vehicle but there will be difficulties in the middle.
During waning Moon the wife will not co-operate in sex. The
native is afflicted with many ills and there will be little
5. When Sun passes through 5th from Janma Rasi. During
waxing Moon, the spiritual knowledge increases., The native
becomes devoted to God. He deeply studies mathematics and
connected subjects and suffers due to his sons. In the second
part, there will be little comfort and happiness.
During waning Moon the native will suffer from mental
worries, afflicted by many ills and his enemies will grow
stronger and harass him and there will be conflict.
6. When Sun passes through 6th house from Janma Rasl.
During waxing moon, there will be name and fame, addition
of landed property, enemies will vanish. There will be good
health and happiness.
During waning moon, the native has to submit to his enemies,
he will be able to do his own work with the help of others, he
will be affected by stomach pain and connected diseases and
his mind will always be worried.
7. When Sun passes through 7th house from Ja.nma RasL During
waxing Moon the wife will suffer due to some disease. She
will have mental agony and only little happiness.
During waning Moon, there will be difficulty to get money
and the native will suffer mental agony and stomach pain and
connected diseases.
88 Godlar l"haladeepika
8. When Sun passes through 8th house from Janma Rasi.
During waxing Moon, there will be loss on paternal side. The
native suffers from heat in the naval region, and will receive
curse from devotees of Lord Shiva and there will be little com-
fort and happiness.

During waning Moon, there will be fear from Government,

conflict and enmity with others.

9. When Sun passes through 9th house from Janma Rasi.

During waxing Moon, there will be danger to life of father or
paternal relations and native suffers sorrow on account of
them. The father and relations will suffer due to lack of com-
forts. The paternal property will be destroyed to the extent of
50% and there will be fear from Government. On the other
hand, the native will receive spiritual lessons and improve-
ment in education. He will however be loved by others.

During waning Moon, there will be danger to the native

himself. He will be suffering mental worries. There will be
danger to life of father and he will suffer from diseases.

10. When Sun passes through loth from Janma Rasi. During
waxing Moon, all good acts will be completed, The native
succeeds in all his efforts and he will get good elevation of
aristocratic status (Raja Yoga).

During waning Moon, the native will face minor mental

worries. He will get 50% of the results described above and
the native will be cured of his diseases, will regain good health,

11. When Sun passes through 11th from Janma Rasi.

The native gets servants, attendants and will be getting
work as accountant. There will be expansion of business. He
will receive awards from the Government and he will have
all round progress.

During waning Moon, he will get only 50% of the above good
results, with few mental worries and thereafter some

12. When Sun passes through 12th house from Janma

Rasi. During waxing Moon, there will be little happiness, the
Transit Results of Sun 89
native will lose law suits and will also suffer mental worries.
During waning Moon, the native will be transferred to some
other place under compulsion, loss of money and material.
He will develop enmity with others, suffer from fever and also
mental worries.
Chapter Twelve




mft "' ""1 ll "'111 <I {!( Ill 1"4 '11 "'0 Ie;'1 <6 <)
mftit '11RT~ lt'J4llfcl ~ '1<ffifl
~ qf-..j~~'1f<l"'llm&ilf1 ~
~~sf<Wlltl: f!iiGI1:fUI ~ ~:II 811
When Moon passes through the natal sign, one gets excellent
food, couches and clothes; through the second house, one loses
honour and wealth and experiences obstacles; through the 3rd one
gets garments, wealth, victory and happiness throng the 4th house,
one loses trust in others, as in a mountain infested with snakes.

~ ~ ~ mit ~ '11'f~ci
~ fc«i ~ ~ !tla<)•le.f<l' "fl
"tl"A ~ :ti<wm1 ~~
'l"<:lltlioiJ q;fUJf.l il!1:Pfr ~ 1ir.f ~II 2 II
When Moon passes through 5th house from Moon sign, it brings
about humiliation, illness, grief and obstruction in journey. Through
the 6th, confers wealth and happiness, and destroys enemies and
diseases; through the 7th, confers vehicles, honour, couches, food
and money. Who is not frightened when the Moon is in the 8th
house, as when a snake is accidentally treaded upon?

-::r1q"'"'q.,..,~r.riJ1'*0 ~1Jt'l)~C 1 iifi~

<;!i'i'l'i<"l~ iii~IIChSifuf,sifl(: mTII
Transit Results of Moon 91
aQ<l<l'd~cfit~i•n2ill•it"'l41"f4'n 1
<ri'l qf(tu ~ q11til q;iffiy -q aoq q1"lll
When Moon passes through 9th from Janma Rasi, it causes
imprisonment, agony, weariness and stomach diseases; in the lOth,
confers a position of authority and accomplishment of one's objects;
in the 11th prosperity, association with friends, riches and joy; in
the 12th, causes expenses and blemishes caused by one's own foolish
acts, as in the case of a bull which spoils both its hoofs and horns by
striking the earth etc.)


~ ~qlwl11tl'd&&MM<:;: "flm{_l
~ fl;mll~ ~ <i~lllttf<Ni<!O<t>iilli
~ <H~'ilfttu'lll'lfilestiil~il~ ~:1
When Moon passes through Janma Rasi the native gets good
delicious food, gets perfumes, has connection with ladies and sexual
pleasure with them. He gets new friends.
When Moon passes through the second from Janma Rasi, the
native gets tired due to over work. He enters into arguments with
everybody he meets.
When Moon passes through third from Janma Rasi the native
gets new dresses, gold, gets connection with new ladies and enjoys
sex with them (mostly with own wife, which is applicable for now-
a-days society. This context should be understood in the same way
in other similar places.) He gets new friends. He gets timely and
good food.
When Moon passes through 4th from Janma Rasi, his relatives
suffer due to illness and other reasons. His finance is spent away.
He also suffers mental agony.
92 Gochar l'h.lladt't'pika
When Moon passes through 9th house from Moon there will be
destruction of finance. There will be expenditure due to one's own
enemies. The native suffers loss of respect and humiliation and
suffers many diseases.
When Moon passes through lOth from Moon sign the native
cams much respect and he will be very much happy. But there will
be abortion if the native is female.
When Moon passes through 11th from Janma Rasi the native
gets married to young and beautiful girl. He gets and enjoys
company of women, delicious food and all comforts.
When Moon passes through 12th from Janma Rasi the native
suffers humiliation, loss of honour etc. He seems lazy and affected
by jealousy.

~l!,itiR)III.f'iJil:SI~~ ~ ~ "l:fCO:II
·~ ~'311Gl::tj:tl~41f~J<;OtiifMI14{C::: ~1~11'5:_'6 :I
~¢rrffl ~l!.i4'l%q'\)S~:II

When Moon passes through 5th from Moon sign, the native
incurs financial loss, he suffers humiliation, mental agony and
When Moon passes through 6th house, the enemies are
defeated. He gets good health. He gets comforts and gains money.
When Moon passes through 7th house he enjoys company of
young ladies in comfortable bed. He gains gold, new dress etc.
When Moon passes through 8th from Janma Rasi, the native
suffers ailments. He is trapped in conflicts. He suffers from intense
mental agony also. If maraka period runs, there may be danger to
life. There will be much pain and difficulties.

Transit Results of Moon 93
When Moon passes through Janma Rasi, the native will
enjoy physical felicity, happiness, wealth (or financial
advancement), general progress, sweet food, company of females
and honour.

~= ~ &l<l<:;t=«cf~q:l
~~ ~~"'IIlA ~ fcltj:ll
When Moon passes through the second from Janma Rasi,
will give mental distress, loss of money, expenditure, various
kinds of blemishes or shortcomings, bad food and sickness of the

3itfmti'l ~oqfsc:qffiffl&i ~:1

<:fiH11f"'lf<tii!*l~14: ~ fcl"tlr II
When Moon passes through third from Janma Rasi, the native
will have gains of money, robes, happiness and mental resolute.
He will gossip with females to his heart's content (i.e., he will enjoy
the company of fclllillcs).

firnmf ~ ~~
<:fi~Cfi€"4<:fll4 ~""@~~';!:II
*' ~I
When Moon passes through fourth from Janma Rasi, the native
will lose his mental equilibrium, incur enmity with his kinsfolk, be
of unstable disposition and will indulge in acts that will destroy his
own undertakings.

~ ~S~ lR: ~ \1lt ('IP.fJI

~m ~ ~~ tro fcf~:u
When Moon passes through the 5th house from Janma Rasi,
excess of humour, wind in the body (i.e., proneness to windy
disorders), indolence, mental distress and destruction of articles or
undertakings dear to the native will follow.

~11111Nl'll<i•qqtft1t\l ~I
tiltl'H?t1 ~ ~ "r;jll~l::;<q1:11

When Moon passes through the 6th from Janma Rasi, the subject
will earn a place for himself and will enjoy health, financial gains,
fame, happiness and association with females .

., =tRi1<!d 'l~ nctf.i -m'l!"'7.i q t.RfiTli 1

f'.fiHt«><i ~~H~&<i <i ~ ~ ~:II
When Moon passes through the 7th from Janma Rasi,
mental happiness, increase of fame, fortunes, acquisition of
money and happiness through spouse will come to pass with
the transit of Moon.

31"1loli"''4 ~~ niht <il

~ ~ti'"ll'h<i "'llolill'<'l 1 FW~illl
When Moon passes through 8th from Janma Rasi there will be
indigestion, grief, pain in the knees, bad food, physical illness and
distress will be produced by the Moon's transit.

q~=tl~l ~ V<m{ ~I
~ <nNi ~ "lRI ftr'l:ll
When Moon passes through the 9th house, there will be
destruction of robes, enmity with progeny, going away to a distant
place, diseases, distress, loss of undertaking and quarrels will occur.

~'lf«Riffi<Js"{rni ~~
~ ~: '4H<:fillli~t~·:jl

When Moon passes through the lOth house, it will lead to

fulfilment of desires and a healthy body. One's relatives will gain
happiness. The native will enjoy quality food and will beget success
in his efforts.

'l1€fi11§'0i ~ $G!IJ6ft~l
~ ffi'Wml, ~·?JOlct>l<:;~i·li'lll
When Moon passes throgh the 11th from Moon sign the native
enjoys mental peace, continuous happiness, good quality of food
at home and gain of wealth, grains etc. will come to pass.
Transit Results of Moon 95

lil'1~1f1: ~ 'I:A~:I
~ ~ ~ ~t\R1t4 'l6fu4((11

When Moon passes through 12th house from Moon, there will
be mental distress, loss of honour, enmity with relatives, loss of
wealth, laziness and great danger will follow.


Moon gives good result in 1, 3, 6, 7, 10and 11th houses from its

own position in the radical chart.

I. Moon in Janma Rasi

Here Moon gives good results in all respects. All comforts will
be enjoyed. Good for progeny, favourable for learning Tantra and
Mantra. The native will get good conveyance. He will have
relationship with elders of high status. He may get promotion and
instant lli!ja Yoga as per the inherent features of original chart. There
will be satisfaction, happiness, lustre of the body will improve. There
may be short travels. He will get chances of learning ancient
literature and Sastras. He will have eloquence of speech and
sharpness of intellect. Good fortune will smile on him. He will enjoy
timely and delicious food, perfumes and other luxurious things.
Native gets satisfaction in family life in all respects including sexual
pleasure. He will get new clothing_ jewellery etc.

2. Moon through Second house from himself

There will be neither timely nor good food. Income, family

comforts and peace of mind all gets reduced. Wife and children
may suffer from illness. There shall be fear of imprisonment and
many kinds of miseries due to forced death of a pregnant woman
in the family. There will be sorrow and suffering in the family. The
native will meet with failures in all his endeavours and mental
happiness will get reduced. There will be unwanted expenditure.
The native may fail in examination etc. He may suffer humiliation.
There will be unwanted fears. The body will get tired. The native
will develop enmity without any reason. Eyes may get afflicted.
But it is to be noted that these sufferings will be only for a short

3. Moon through third house from himself

There will be mental peace, happiness, comforts and satisfaction
from all sides. There may be a child birth. Clothings and jewelleries
will be added. Native will have attachment with his children. His
mind will be clever and keen. He will develop self-confidence to
face the life. Wife will cooperate with him. The native will enjoy sex
pleasure. Brothers will have some progress. All endeavours will be
successful. Money will come from many sources. Native will have
new friends, become cour<~gcous and will develop a new confidence
and meaning in life.

4. Moon through fourth house from himself

There will be no peace at home. There will be lack of comforts
and mental peace. There will be theft, stomach pain, dysentery and
digestive disorders to the body. This will be a bad period for mother.
She may suffer bad health. There will be fear and mental agony.
Money will be wasted. There will be poverty. All work and
endeavours will suffer impediment. There will be fear of drowning.

5. Moon through fifth house from himself

Children will suffer due to some sickness or the other. The wife
may suffer abortion. However capable and skilful one may be, at
last the native will be declared as 'fool'. Worries will grow, misery
and suffering will mount up. Mind will suffer due to worries. Native
will develop enmity with others and may reach to the low level of
living. Native's mind will suffer shocks. During travel there may
be obstructions and accident. There will be wasteful expenditure.
Native will suffer from digestive trouble. There may be loss of status.
Some precious belonging of the native may be stolen away.

6. Moon through sixth house from himsefl

Here Moon gives benefic results. Enemies will come to terms.
He will feel all round improvement. There will be comforts during
travel. When Moon is in Krishna Paksha (Waning) money will come;
Friends will help; whatever the native wants, it will be achieved.
Transit Results of Moon 97
Fame and name will spread. The native may have liaison with new
females and happiness and pleasure through them. The native may
get his own house.
7. Moon through seventh house from himself

Here moon gives happiness and pleasure from different

sourcess. The native will get knowledge in ancient sciences and
sastras.There will be timely delicious food. He will derive comforts
through vehicles and money will come from many sources. Status
will go up and his name will be among VIPs. The native
may have the pleasure of the company of lady. His efforts will
succeed due to his sweet speech and correct approach.Thcre
will be gain from the Government. Relatives will help him. New
clothing and jewellery will be added to him. There will be help
through wife.
8. Moon through eighth house from himself

Here Moon is most malefic and called by special name of

Chandhrashtama. The native may suffer from piles, cough, bad
health etc, The native may involve in theft, litigation and may have
to suffer punishment. He will be thinking of evil about others. But
due to his own rough attitude, he has to face many hardships. He
will not follow right path. He may not have facility of conveyance
in time. Due to mischievous behaviour of wife, he will earn the
enmity of his relatives. All things happen against his own will. He
will suffer sudden mental agony and fear ofMaraka Dasa. If Sadhe
sati coincides with completion of judged life span, even death may
occur. There may be digestive disorders. He will pick up petty
quarrels with others. If Rahu is ill placed in the chart, he may also
suffer snake bite.
Since this is the worst place for Moon, the native, should be
very careful to avoid any critical situation.
9. Moon through nineth house from himself

According to Sanskrit texts Moon is bad here. But Tamil texts

says that Moon gives good results. We follow the latter.
There will be good results in all respects. Future is better. Native
has faith in spirituality and God will give the native self-confidence.
If wife becomes pregnant during these days or there will be child
birth. The native will have temptation towads sex. Fame and name
will spread. Man will engage himself in services of lcmpk'S and
spiritual centres. Life will have better turns, comforts, happiness,
pleasure trips, all will be enjoyed.
But according to Sanskrit texts, Moon gives here malefic result?.
In midst of all above good results, there will be difficulties and bad
waves in general. But according to Tamil texts these will not be
permanent. In a nutshell, there will be good results only.

I 0. Moon through tenth house from himself

Here Moon gives benefic results. All efforts will succeed. There
will be help from government, YIPs etc. The native will have new
job opportunities. Native will learn Mantra, Tantra arid Sastras.
He will have new ideas and self confidence. He will maintain good
health and will be courageous. His intellect will be sharp.
Opportunities of progress will spontaneously arise. He may
undertake pilgrimages. He will engage in good acts. His wants will
be fulfilled. He may get status of ordering others and respect and
honour will increase. But the native earns the enmity of others. In
theend all difficulties will disappear. Health will improve, generally
Moon is good in tenth from Janma Rasi.

I I. When Moon passes through eleventh from Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, the native is in more contact with

relatives and gets help from them. There will be monetary gain, life
will be full of comforts and happiness etc. During waning Moon,
the native learns mathematics, he will have servants and attendants.
He gets success in efforts. These may have mental worry with regard
to his maternal relatives. But he will get friendship with persons
from outside his circle.

12. Moon through twelfth house from himself

Mental peace will be disturbed and native will be very much
uneasy. The native has to leave home. There will be unnecessary
and unwanted expenditure. There will be expenses through women.
There will be loss of money in many ways. There will be no timely
food and that too of bad quality. Money will be spent in bad ways.
Transit Results of Mcxm 99
Due to short temper, he will earn enmity and engage in quarrels.
Even mind will become dull. He will become lazy. He will be pushed
down to lower level of standards in life. He will be jealous of others.
There will be difficulty from many sources. He will quarrel with
relatives and friends. There may be some mourning. He may have
to wander aimlessly.
How to compute quantum of daily transit results based on
Moon goes through a Rasi in 2 1/4 days and covers 12 Rasis
roughly in 30 days from Janma Rasi. It is good in 7 places in the
complete Zodiac which means that he will be good about 16 days
in a month The good results are not continuous but intermittent.
During the same time the other planets give either good or bad
results. Suppose we take the value of good results as one unit, other
planet's contribution will be 8/9 success. Suppose the result of Moon
on a certain day is good, and we take it as 1, if we add 8/9 th portions
of the benefic results of the other planets for that day, we may be
able to arrive at the net good results on a particular day.

1. When Moon passes through Janma Rasi. During wax-
ing Moon, the native will have timely and delicious food, and
get full gratification in sex from his wife or outside marital
life. He will also have good fortune and complete happiness.
During waning Moon, he will have fear from his enemies,
affliction from diseases, he may have to mourn loss of relatives
from mother's side and take part in feast of postfuneral rites.
But he will have 75% of benefic results explained above.
2. When Moon passes through second from Janma Rasi.
During waxing Moon, he will have good reputation, much
happiness, increase in income, and will complete his efforts as
desired. ·
During waning Moon, he will not follow religious discipline.
His money will be wasted. He will have sorrows and mental
3. When Moon passes through third house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, there will be impediments in his
100 Gochar l'haLldet!pika
efforts, he may have to mourn loss of relatives from maternal
uncle's side. He will suffer diseases and will be worried on
account of that.
During waning Moon he will succeed in all his efforts and
will have sexual pleasure and gratification with his wife or
other ladies. He will also get new clothing, jewels etc and also
gam money.
4. When Moon passes through fourth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he has fear of drowning in water.
He will have to leave the country on compulsion but will have
comforts on that account. He may have exile but at the
samctime he will be happy.
During waning Moon, he will have worries from mother's side,
expenditure due to father-in-law's side and may have to travel
towards North West direction.
5. When Moon passes through fifth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he will have good reputation, hap-
piness through children, increase in income, he may buy land
and house properties and will enjoy music.
6. When Moon passes through sixth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he will have to mourn loss of
somebody from mother's side, will have suffering during
travel, fear and harassment from the Government, he will lose
civil law suits, fear of drowning. He may have to sell his house
and may borrow money.
During waning Moon, there will be good comfortable life,
happi?ess, his disease..,will be cured and he will win over his
7. When Moon passes through seventh house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, there will be comforts and luxuries
in life more and more. The native will have good reputation, a
marriage in family may take place and the native may go on a
pilgrimage to a holy place. He will have perfumes and
cosmetics and will have full satisfaction of sexual pleasure and
will also have gain of money.
During waning moon, there will be lack of comforts, the man
will be running from pillar to post without any aim, his mind
will be unsteady and his wife may suffer from some disease.
8. When Moon passes through eighth house from Janma Rasi.
Transit Results of Moon 101
During waxing Moon there will be little comforts and sorrow
thereafter. During waning Moon, there will be danger of being
poisoned (food poisoning etc.), mourning, melancholy,
conflicts and mental worries and in worries every respect.
9. When Moon passes through ninth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, the native's enemies get defeated,
He wins civil law suits, remains ·happy and may buy fertile
lands, get delicious and timely food etc. He gets into contact
with saints and pious elders.
During waning Moon, he builds his house, clears his loans, at
the same time, he may suffer from stomach diseases, mental
worries, fear of being imprisoned, mourning from mother's
side and also suffers mental worries.
10. When Moon passes through tenth house from J anma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he gets acquainted with saints
and pious men, he enjoys tasty and timely declicious food, he
is happy and his business expands and his wife and children
are very much affectionate to him.
During waning Moon, there will be fear during travel, men-
tal worries, little comforts and there will be tolerable difficulties.
11. When Moon passes through eleventh from Janma Rasi.
During waxing Moon, the native is in more contact with
relatives and gets help from them. There will be monetary gain,
life will be full of comforts and happiness etc. During waning
Moon, the native learns mathematics, he will have servants
and attendants. He gets success in efforts. These may have
mental worry with regard to his maternal relatives. But he will
get friendship with persons from outside his circle.
12. When Moon is passing through twelfth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he will have full satisfaction in
sex from his wife or outside marital connections. He visits holy
temples, he goes to North west on pilgrimage. He becomes a
devotee of Lord Vl<;hnu, and he is made happy through hi..B
maternal uncle and connected relatives. During waning Moon
his efforts will fail. His money is wasted and lost. He will suffer
from mental worries.

Chapter Thirteen




CflJSNmo: 11211l ~ "'{•~Aht>ICbt161R~Q:I

"Fi q fi:ldl'11.1ii'l<{it>q~(j"j51fd'lhfll "C:J: l<l~Cf..ii
When Mars passes through the Janma Rasi it causes bodily
affliction; through the second sign, trouble from the king and
enemies, quarrels, excessive biliousness, fire accidents, robbery and
disease, though the person may be like Upcndra (Vishnu) or the
~tilq•riid'it<fillR<fi44l ,frn: t!CflliWNI~41e;mftf
!'l<fj N1'11~i ~"'iflfUICfllfu 'tllt£11Cfl(i@4ilf1 f<til.114{1fUIII
When Mars passes through 3rd from Janrna Rasi, it confers
benefits through thieves and urchins, energy, authority, wealth,
woollen articles, mineral wealth and the like.
1J<ffir ~ ~~ 'l<:i('J'\dlJII'!J~!}'\qq:l
Cfij<'4"1f.ldi'C'q Bs~lllioi~>tt:trfi:l ~ i11tr4'1J'
When Mars passes through 4th fromJanma Rasi, it causes fever,
stomach ailments and bleeding as well as great harm through
association with the wicked.
R~•I<:;Cfi)q~ ~ d"''!l'1]511:(il ~ ~I
~ ~ ~ ~ 1mfu ~ ~ <ltllli
When Mars passes through 5th from Janma Rasi, gives enmity,
anger, fear, illness, grief on account of children and a quick loss of
energy like the tossing of a Jasmine wreath for the head of a monkey.
Transit Results of Mars 103

ftlj'tittif><.1~fqejf.ifd: Wf>1Cfifq~dl<tilli'l: I
ftlj~ ~ fcott4<Ci#ifqCfiiV1l~u
When Mars passes through 6th from Janma Rasi, one will be
free from danger from enemies (or from enemies and fear) as well
as quarrels; one will also get gold, corals and copper, so that one
may hold one's head up and one need not look for signs of others'
(pleasure and pain).
''fl E'il'l'fl E'i ~ j ~{>I"' dW I( 'flrti"<i q
?.;K"~S;TII: ll:tfqdf<"iijlii'11S1V)I
~ 1<14~f~ ~~11'?11f~f'"l­
'fcf<.1fki11Rlfqq('ifl((.1~tt:ll!l'R1&: II
When Mars passes through 7th from Janma Rasi, it
causes quarrels with one's wife, eye disease and stomach-
ailment; in the 8th, makes the native weak through bleeding,
and loss of wealth and weight owing to the loss of bodily flu-
ids and consequent weakness.
·e;~I4 1Wid tp:{ ~~ ~~
•>H414<::!J4R ~ ~ q:n"i{q Q~"4{0f: ~II
When Mars passes through lOth from Janma Rasi, it produces
average effects, in the 11th confers various types of riches as well
as success and enables one to exercise power and authority over
the country, just as the bee has free movements and enjoyments in a
forest of abundant flowers.
111t&lZGT<::ii'fl1 ~ ·•!H11C4d~ llRCI:I
B'il'fll qfq ~ :t i4 .!ili'fl'l~ e;~4fS <il ~<!·"! I{;N!"'I i\ Tff<fu: II
When Mars passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, it tortures a
person with expenditure on various counts, innumerable disasters,
wrath of women (of wife), bilious afflictions and eye-troubles though
he may be proud of his being a scion of Indra.

1411E'IOlllctCI'Ifi1¥1B'!Olllt:li¢nm ll:tll"l~ 1 iq,lij I
~: ltl~lf\!11111i1l ~ (!ftt_lllfl<lqq:;;qOj(<fi<l.,ll
104 Ga:h.u-.f'llilladt'lpika

When Mars passes through Janma Rasi, it causes danger to the

native through Government, fire, snake and poison. It also causes
wounds through weapons and exhaustion of one's financial
resources. It produces various kinds of diseases.
When Mars passes through the second from Janma Rasi,
it destroys one's finance, luxuries and creates jealousy with
ltS>.CI4111 yf~ 4Cfli (I qCil <HH~il 5""1 WI ufc.:;:e :q I
~~'l«i_~({il"!(l~ifi,SI"!fdfotckcf;U ~II
When Mars passes through 3rd from Janma Rasi, it gives the
native good gain of money, his personality shines with beauty,
remains happy and gets good food and gold.
When Mars passes through 4th fromJanma Rasi, the native gets
diseases pertaining to stomach. He becomes weak, develops aged
outlook and always suffers from mental worries.
~thmr;ta4<'l.IQOQI~m: 4~'
When Mars passes through 5th from Janma Rasi there will be
danger to his children, his fmancial resources get destroyed. He
suffers due to harassment by his enemies. He also suffers due to
incurable disease.
~ <w)sfuaq'il1tlcfii&4141Hl"m'ff.SifiiU "I
"llf"l~Hlfi.ll ~Hf"l;;(11~1#J~ilc;;:<l~i'le;Jtitl'lifii'P~I((_II

When Mars passes through 6th house from Janma Rasi, native's
enemies are defeated. He commands respect and honour, enjoys
sound health and remains always happy. His house is full of many
When Mars passes through 7th from Janma Rasi, his fmancial
position becomes weak. His friends also leave him. He suffers fium
diseases pertaining to stomach and also T.B. Generally he remains
~S~ "Wcfq ·~·~II
When Mars passes through 8th from Janma Rasi, the native is
poisoned and suffers at the hands of enemies. He gets wounded
Trnnsit Results of Mars 105

from weapons, and also suffers from T.B. He faces many difficulties.
He is pushed to low levels and suffers humiliation.
~~ ~:1
~ O!lMR~H?i"q.h<ilollfii'h.Q. fflf.Sifl<N ~II
When Mars passes through 9th, the native is wounded by
weapons and loses comforts and remains restless·. His gold and
jewels get lost. He suffers with never ending mental worries.
When mars passes through lOth from Janma Rasi, the
native suffers from many diseases. He suffers due to his
enemies, he is wounded by weapons and at the end, his aims get
""1111i"'"'I~Ufa.Jf{ldiM~"'\l{fdiiC::I . ~sf<f"'-.,q I
·f?11f<me1e~1qlc::il•lt<t'"'ll"rilsll~: ~~~~
When Mars passes through 11th from Janma Rasi, the native's
honour and respect improves. His children have good time (he gets
child). His personality shines, with copper mixed golden hue.
When Mars passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the native
has conflict with his enemies and his wife quarrels with him. She
will be angry with him. He gets foot diseases and gets bad dreams.
He is humiliated. He has to labour hard.

~ <t9'('1¢10j;"iq ~•.JifitH
:q '1\<t ~I' 1 ~ <ifd<te.i «4\ 11
When Mars passes through Janma Rasi, the native will have
fever, injury from sword (sharp weapon), enmity with spouse and
children, and troubles from spirits and demons (i.e., from evil or
wicked forces)
~ m ~: «42fll4~'11~1"il
«G:i$if1B'l<i1: -.flfd<E41:&"1i'J'fi"'li I
When Mars passes through 2nd from Janma Rasi there will be
loss of physical vigour, grief, destruction of all undertakings,
association with wicked people and fear will come forth.
](Xi CocJ=Ph.llilchpika

~s~n:jfq t<!ftif-G.EtVliiCi&: t
<W-ffi!\1) li1SIIfta~ffi<H4H~ ~II
When Mars passes through 3: i fromJanma Rasi, one will have
financial gains, will enjoy physical felicity, fulfilment of
undertakings, gain of robes and acquisition of wealth.
'll'<lii.\lf1: '!i<i "if,ii ~tR~:I
U 1 1<il:SI~ ~: ~ ~II
When Mars passes through 4th from Janma Rasi the native will
lose his fortunes, be struck by fear, be cruel in disposition, and will
incur enmity with relatives, financial losses and diseases.
~g;;ucz4 ~ ~· <iiti?llfitifil1~t
~<,i'hi:f~11qJGl '¥Jiil 4""14tiTMII
When Mars passes through 5th from Janma Rasi, the native
will fall ill, be distressed, will not enjoy timely meal and will indulge
in sinful acts.

<wffiN: ~= ~= ~t.tll
"1'1lct1Hi: ~:· ~ ~II
When Mars passes through 6th from Janma Rasi, one will gain
robes, grains, wealth, fame and happiness and will perform
charitable activities.
a:i"<i<'H"4fc:;d%a" ~;;:1#1~1: ~'1: I
~ !p'!iiiQOij ~tlffi'<14~ ~II
When Mars passes through 7th from Janma Rasi, the native will
be deprived of food and robes. He will be put to anguish by his
kinsfolk. His speech will be foul and he will incur the wrath of his
co-born and progeny.
V<ml: <ii14i$1f1AAitt_ CflJ«(PtSictl:S1"t
f\!11111'<1 . :ijuJi:J<; ~ ~II
When Mars passes through 8th from Janma Rashi, the person
will have to go away from his place. His undertakings will be
impeded. He will incur breathing disorders, will lose his place or
position and be troubled by debts.
Transit Results of Mars 107

3l'<Hiu.J0,<;'14(1 ~ "tf 'Cfur-i1

~ fcro~ "!'~~:II
When Mars passes through 9th from Janma Rasi, the subject
will not enjoy robes and food. His body will start shivering and
paining. He will lose his position (or place) and will earn enmity
with others.

~ ~: t'I<;Jo<nfu: nm 'l),l'1$dilli.l
oorr:><m odrri ~ •JUWI II
When Mars passes through lOth from Janma Rasi, one will be
anguished, be continuously ill, will not beget nutritious food and
will have to wander from place to place on account of his work.

~~q q t#rt1 ~~Ai"l

"1M'hl4ijii'>...fltti il4f1<nl<:;!(1 <fiiii:ll

When Mars passes through 11th from Janma Rasi, one will
acquire sound health, financial gains, happiness, garments, success
in undertakings and courage.
"5lmti -vm~ ~ tm.flit
~" ~ ~ ~-..'1:11
When Mars passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the native
will go away from his place, will suffer from sickness, will incur
enmity with his relatives, will have bodily troubles and be moving


Mnrs is a first grade malefic planet. Hence it gives good results

only in 3, 6, 11th houses from janma Rasi. Now we will see the
detailed reading.

I. Mars through Janma Rasi

He will be accused in many ways by others and experience
mental agony. His qualities also get spoiled. He will be suffering
from wounds in several spots in the body. His eyes get afflicted.
He also suffers from stomach pain and gastric diseases. The glow
and beauty of his face fades. He will suffer mental torture. Some of
his dear relatives will leave him alone and go away. HLs blood gets
contaminated, because of this he will suffer from diseases pertaining
to impure blood. There may be fear of snake bite. He may suffer fire
accidents, vehicle and other accidents. His money will be spent on
unwanted things. He may also suffer tuberculosis.
2 Mars through second house from Janma Rasi
There will be loss of money and other things. There may be
danger to life. The native will be accused for no fault of his and
may suffer humiliation. He will suffer from eye defects and facial
diseases. The beauty of his face becomes dull. There will be mental
agony. There will be quarrels with wife and children. The native
fails to get knowledge. He suffers due to high fever. Due to his
harsh speech, he invites enmity with others. He may be harassed
by Government or by other enemies. He picks up quarrels with
others. There will be theft of gold, jewels and other valuables from
home. Even though he may live aristocratic life of very high order
when Mars passes through 2nd, he cannot escape the bad results.
There will be no peace in the family, and mental agony will also
add to it.

3. Mars through the third house from Janma Rasi

Here Mars gives very good results, from all angles. Marriage,
birth of child etc. may take place. Health will improve and life span
also increases. There will be gain through agriculture and as also
from real estate. New clothing and jewels get added. There will be
gain of money and milk products from dairy. The native may take
to study of Vedas and shine in his studies. He will be courageous.
He may gain from brothers, sisters etc. He will have the self-confi-
dence to do any difficult undertaking. In illl his efforts ;,e will succeed
and will be happy. He will gain from those placed in lower levels.
His body will shine with a new glow of cheer and happiness. There
will be no shortage of household goods including provisions etc.
His courage increases.

4. Mars through fourth from birth Moon Jan am Rasi

The native suffers many difficulties, calamities, etc. There will
be mental agony. The native suffers through disorders of blood. He
Transit Results of Mars 109
may suffer humiliation. There may be theft of valuables from home.
There may be fire accidents, vehicle accidents etc. The native may
be wounded by sharp weapon. He will earn the enmity of his friends
and relatives. There will be conflict and confusion at home. The
mother may fall sick. The native may be forced to go out of the
home under compulsion. He may fall prey to conspiracies and foul
plays of his enemies. His mind will get confused, status and honour
will be lost. Stomach pain, indigestion, dysentery and like diseases
will give much trouble and the health will fall down. There will be
scarcity at home even of basic necessities. One may have to mourn
the death of his very near relatives. Poverty will prevail. There will
be opponents to the native from many corners. He will indulge in
all bad and sinful acts.

5. Mars through fifth house from birth Moon Janam Rasi

Here Mars gives bad results. There may be difficulties in many
ways. There may be danger to life. Mind will be confused and
worried. He will pick up quarrels with others easily. Due to this,
there will be more and more enemies around him. The native will
indulge in illegal and unethical acts. He will become angry even on
petty matters. All hLc; endeavours will get spoiled. This will be bad
time for children the native may have to mourn death of a child.
There will be scarcity of money even for day to day expenses.
Poverty will grow. Health of wife will get spoiled. She may have to
suffer abortion. The native will be tempted towards unethical de-
sires. He may develop friendship with bad and wicked minded
persons. Because of this he will be defamed. His self respect will be
lost. His body structure will lose its original build up and become
slim due to lack of nutrition. He will be afflicted by many ills.
Capability of doing things will fall down. His savings will flow
away in many ways. He will not have timely meals and will have
only sub-standard food. His desires will grow. He will have more
and more enemies around him and will be harassed by them.

6. Mars through sixth house from Janma Rasi

Mars is very good here. There will be income from many
sources. Home will be full of all types of eatables, grains etc. All
efforts will succeed. There will be gain from all ends. There will be
happiness in the family. The native will win over all his enemies.

Auspicious events like marriage will be celebrated at home. All the

loans will be cleared. The native will recover from chronic illness
and and will regain sound health. All the differences of opinion
and quarrels so far existed will subside and there will be an
atmosphere of friend-ship around the native. All cases and litigation
at the court will be won by the native. The native gives away charity
to the poor. His finance will build up. Those unmarried will get
married. There will be birth of child. There will be good income
from agriculture. The native will have much sex appetite and it
will fully be gratified by his house lady and others. His digestive
power will increase. His position in the society will be very much
elevated and he will be respected by one and all. He will not worry
what happens to others but will always be bent upon getting his
things done. Fear from opponents will disappear. His name and
fame will increase.

7. Mars through seventh house from Moon Janam Rasi

lncome will get reduced. There will be scarcity of money and
the native will be in poverty. There will be scarcity of eatables and
basic needs at home. The native earns the enmity ofhis friends and
relatives. There will be quarrel with wife and married life will
become a misery. The native also does not get on well with his co-
horns. He will be affected by diseases like eye troubles, stomach
pain etc. He may meet with fire, weapon, and vehicle accident. He
will get tired easily. He will have joint pain and pain in hands. He
will breed bad thoughts. The wife will fall ill and his personal
pleasure will be very much affected. Some scandal or other may
fall on the native. Health will fail badly. The native will suffer
humiliation. All the money saved will be spent out on unwanted
pursuits. The native may get separated from his wife and children.
The native may be afflicted with diseases like tuberculosis etc.
Mars gives bad results except 3, 6, 11th from Janma Rasi. In all
other 9 places he gives bad results, out of these 7th is the place
where he gives worst results. In addition to the above bad results,
the native picks up bad habit of drinking. He will be afflicted by
many diseases. There may bo imprisonment. If maraka dasa runs,
with the completion of judged life span, there may be danger even
to life. Hence the native should be alert and avoid any untoward
Transit Results of Mars 111

8. Mars through eighth house from Moon Janam Rasi

Here also Mars gives very bad results. The native will suffer
many difficulties and losses. All his effort will get obstructed and
fail. He will be forced to go away from home and his country. There
will be feilr of imprisonment. He will be affected by many diseases.
He will be burdened with loans while he borrows every now and
then to meet his financial obligations. There will be heavy loss of
business. The native may suffer humiliation. He may be wounded
by sharp weapons. Ladies will meet with fire accidents while
cooking and may get bad name, for no fault. The native will get
trapped in unsolvable problems and will not be able to come out of
the same. Wife may suffer very much and there is danger to her
life. Longevity will get reduced. The native will suffer front urinary
trouble and ills pertaining to large intestines. The lustre of the body
will be dull. The native may have to face failure in law suits and
there will be expenses on that account.

9. Mars through ninth from Moon Janam Rasi

Here Mars is said to give bad results. But JOTHISHA
KALANJIYAM of Tamil ancients indicate good results for Mars in
9th from Janm?. First I will give this then go to Sanskrit text. As
said the native gets clothings, jewels, pending marriages arc
solemnised for the native. There will be child birth. He will have
milk and other dairy products in abundance. He will have timely
food. He will have cattle (vehicles) etc.
But according to traditional Sanskrit texts, Mars is malafic here.
The native will suffer loss of respect and humiliation. His body will
become weak. There will be scarcity of money given for basic
expenses and poverty will embrace the native. This will be bad time
for father and brothers. The native may get unwanted transfer in
his job. He may suffer wounds through sharp weapons. There will
be mental agony. Basic cells, blood etc. in the body will become
below normal level and the native may suffer many ills. The body
loses its lustre and his appearance will be ugly, enemies may attack
him and he suffers many difficulties.

I0. Mars through tenth house from Moon Janam Rasi

All the efforts of the native fail and native will face many
obstructions. He falls sick due to various reasons. He suffers much

on account of his enemies. He may be attacked by sharp weapon.

There will be theft of gold, jewels and other valuables. There will be
endless difficulties. His character will get perverted and he spoils
himself. Varaha Mihira gives both good and bad results for Mars in
lOth. According to him due to some reason or the other, he may
have to go on foreign travel. Due to this, with his own effort and
hard work his endeavours will succeed. There will be gain also.
But the native may pick up enmity with others and start quarreling
with them. Fire, machinery accidents may happen. F.very thing ends
in misery only.

I I. Mars through eleventh house from Moon Janam Rasi

Here Mars gives good results in abundance. The native will
recover from sickness and his health will improve. There will be
new progress in life. Money will come from many sources. Financial
status will improve. Clothing and jewellery will be added. New
comforts will be enjoyed by him. All his efforts will succeed. He
will be happy and will have all recreations. There will be birth of
child. He will buy landed property, new home. He will also get
good income from agriculture. If unmarried he will get married.
His life span will increase (if he runs Maraka dasa coinciding with
his judged life span as long as Mars is in 11th he will not die). He
may have foreign trip. He may also gain from foreign and inland
trade. Due to skill and outstanding character, he will gel all tilings
done even if they are very odd and hard ones. He will command
status. He will have comfortable and happy life. He will get many
awards, rewards etc. He will enjoy freedom without any restraints.
He will get gold, jewels, money etc. His body now will be full of

12. Mars through twelfth from Moon Janam Rasi

There will be unwanted and unplanned expenditure. He may
have to go out of his home town or country on his job or business.
But will suffer much in the new place. He will pick up quarrels
with his wife and children. He will suffer bad health due to over
heat. He may be trapped in some offence. There may be
imprisonment also. He may be attacked by sharp weapons and
suffer wound and cuts. He may slip and fall down and suffer
fracture in leg and if not attended properly, he may also lose a limb.
Transit Results of Mars 113

He will suffer blood contamination. He may meet with fire and

vehicle accidents. He may be afflicted with eye trouble and may
even lose an eye. He may also be afflicted with gastric and bilious
diseases. His loan burden will mount up. There will be poverty.
There will be mental worry and agony. His vitality will fall down.

He may have orgasm during dreams. He may suffer connected

diseases. He will not have good sleep. In this way, Mars gives bad
results only in 12th.

1. When Mars passes through Janma Rasi. During waxing Moon
there will be unhappiness through co-boms, gains from grains
and the native will win over his enemies.
During waning Moon his endeavours get fruitless, there will
be difficulties through enemies, mental depression, loss of
money and material and also afflicted by bilious disease.
2. When Mars passes through second house from Janma Rasi.
During waxing Moon, his endeavours fail, he may meet
vehicular accidents.
During waning Moon, he will gain from grains through his
opponents, in the !>ccond half. There is fear of being attacked
by horned or wild animal. He may meet fire accidents and
also afflicted by sickness.
3. When Mars passes through third house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he will get servants and attend-
ants, but develops enmity with his relative, buys properties
with encumbrances and he also wins over his enemies.
During waxing Moon, there will be gain of money and gold
Gewels) and enjoys comforts and happiness.
4. When Mars passes through fourth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, the native buys landed property
and vehicles. He may bt: separated from mother, law
suits with riddle of encumbrances will also be won.

During waning Moon, he will join with evil persons and suffers
from stomach pain, fever but thereafter enjoys rest and comfort.
5. When Mars passes through fifth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he has mental worry with regard
to his sons. He goes on pilgrimage to places of Lord
Subramanya and towards holy places in South.
During waxing Moon, there will be fear from enemies,
affliction from diseases, conflict with sons and aimless roaming
from place to place.
6. When Mars passes through sixth house from Janma.
Rasi. During waxing Moon, the native gets reputation, he will
progress. He will win over his enemies and make them
surrender to him. There will be gain of gold and jewel.
During waxing Moon his reputation may fall. He may have
to submit to his enemies. He goes on pilgrimage or on travel
towards south. He may suffer losses in grain business.
7. When Mars passes through seventh house from janma Rasi.
During waxing Moon, he may get separated from wife. She
may also suffer ill health. He is harassed by enemies and he
is pushed out of his town under compulsion.
During waxing Moon, the wife falls sick, he has to incur
expenditure on litigation and live under tension and fear on
account of his enemies etc.
8. When Mars passes through eighth house from Janma Rasi.
During waxing Moon his blood purifies but he may suffer from
enemies and also from mental worries and diffculties.
During dark Moon there will be comfort but at the
sametime there will be mental worries, he gets frustrated and
may be gloomy.
9. When Mars passes through ninth house from Janma Rasi.
During bright Moon, there will be danger to life of father,
his ancestor's properties may be destroyed, may have mental
tension on that account and will be roaming around
without any purpose.
During waxing Moon, he gets back his lost status including
properties due to the blessings of his ancestors. He earns and
Transit Results of Mars 115
gains money. But he will suffer from tension and worries on
account of his sons.
10. When Mars passes through tenth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon his efforts get fulfilled and he gains
landed property, money, reputation etc. He goes on pilgrimage
towards south.
During waxing Moon, he will fear in going forward and speak
boldly and is afraid of his enemies. He has grief regarding his
sons and daughters and develops enmity with his relatives.
11. When Mars passes through eleventh house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon, he gets money from many sources,
gets timely delirious food and also his landed property yields
high values. He is always happy and gets dairy products.
During waxing Moon his capability declines. He is afflicted
by dis\.'a~. There is (\.'ar of being attacked by weapons and
also there may be fire accidents.
12. When Mars passes through twelfth house from Janma
Rasi. During waxing Moon his money is wasted, he gets eye
diseases, bilious diseases and also diseases due to over heat.
During waxing Moon he suffers mental agony due to his sons,
there is loss in agriculture and goes on travel towards south .
Chapter Fourteen




!it<!<WWf'lU'JI fuo~..A: ~ 'if ~:1

~ "'lf<lttli qf<PI~1. ~m·~ ':! .llfOlfuu
When Mercury passes through J anma Rasi a man will be
deprived of his wealth by wicked persons (using foul language),
tale-bearers, enemies, duplicity, imprisonment and quarrels, and
he will not hear even a kind word of welcome in his travels.

·~ ~..f'llffi ~.ffi#;>..l: ti!i'li• ~Ifill~ ti~C::lJIM:I

14ft~~ra'Fmf~finil ~ ~ $"1iiM: ~:II
When Mercury passes through the 2nd house, one will suffer
humiliation, but acquire wealth. When he travels through the 3rd
one will have new friends, will be afraid of the king and enemies
and will run away as a result of his own wicked deeds.

~~ €CI»11Gf.W4"!'-'"ji ~ 'IJCifu ~ "'iltHfilttJil

~ d1l!Cf>(.1'4fcl!l~l ~ '1ii'E'fii(I4N ~II

When Mercury passes through the 4th house, the person's

kinsmen and family will prosper, and he will gain wealth; through
the 5th house, the native will have quarrels with his wife and sons
and will not be able to enjoy even his charming wife.
~ ~~ <1 ~ ~ 4l<.1t\4o1Cl ~ ~:
~ <lll!WJcH4fClijcliill ~ ~ llfc1!1Wtoflq'{IJ
Transit Results of Mercury 117

When Mercury passes through 6th house, the person concerned

gets popularity, victory and rise; through the 7th sign, he loses his
lustre and has frequent quarrels, through the 8th the will have gains,
success, children, clothes, money and skill that brings joy to his
f<("''CfiliJ -;mq; l/ll~l!!il ~ ~ ~I
~~ ~re ~sq q;~·mu~· "fll
When Mercury passes through 9th house he creates obstacles
to all undertakings; through I1Je lOth house, destroys the enemies
and bestows wealth, a beautiful damsel on a couch, her house
property, sweet words and comfortable bed.
~t\1f<f){Oi!!~ 111'111 '!'<!C!I<Pl :1-
.\Tciitil: ~ ~
-:r tm'd ~ •nfl.1·il<il'l4n::.-4'1J
When Mercury passes through 11th house from Moon, the
native will be jubilant with the attainment of wealth, sons,
happiness, wife, friends and vehicles; he will also speak sweetly
and pleasantly; when his transit takes place through the 12th house,
the person will be troubled by enemies, insults and diseases, and
consequently, he will not be able to enjoy the pleasure of union
with his bedecked beloved.

~ !ill/us,&>®,: lft'\Oii•<tf<1EJI4fi14h~dfl
f!id'i <nn<!.iAA qEl l<:ll i1<t1 ~~ fMI q:qfil <;:q :t> 1t'l11

When Mercury passes through Janma R01si the native to loses

his good fortune, his knowledge and learning. His intellect does
not function well. He loses self respect etc.
When Mercury passes through second house from Janma Rasi
he gets bad reputation. He has to mourn for loss of some-body. His
enemies m01ke him suffer and he is humiliated.
~ ~tdl•iU:Mfd<t>tli i!_fqo((4 ~:1
~$ir 411!!0ISI~ItliSIGI~<ll~1.,';'11.'11'1l<filill

When Mercury passes through 3rd house from Janma Rasi, he

earns the enmity of his relations. He meets with all sorts of
difficulties, ordeals and miseries. His finance is also ruined.
When Mercury passes through 4th house, the native gets self-
respect and honour. He is praised in the society. He lives very
happily. He gets money from his wife and other ladies.
q"'31::qg;g•ltt1~ 'fi.lll'\•1'~: 4xt4•il.mi "1"1
"Q13 ~ 1ffif: !>II; tfs;ffi IG<:"'l~ q;Ufu II
When Mercury passes through 5th house from Janma Rasi, the
native incurs loss, his mind is agitated. He has to meet with many
difficulties etc.
When Mercury passes through 6th house from Janma
Rasi there will be all round improvement and progress. The
native ishappy, cheerfulandhis gains increase by leaps and bounds.
"'11 fq ~~I ""'I f«:<f-1 Q)11'fB "iil q~041if"' l.httfilft I
f!lt,l<!"l~ ~ gf.&SH'It~f~fiH~&iifldil
When Mercury passes through 7th house from Janma Rasi,
nothing comes to pass what the native wishes, during travel he
meets with many troubles. He suffers humiliation and many
When Mercury passes through 8th from Janma Rasi, he gets
help from many sides. His intellect functions well, and he is clever
in taking all his decisions. His status goes up and he has all comforts.
'iis~ll4qt<::luMtl)>l441'*1<i<ll4'hU ~~:1
flfit~l!llf«f.& ~s~~ fcma.mA' 7Cf ~m wfu1
When Mercury passes through 9th from Janma Rasi, there will
be obstacles in all his efforts. He has to put forth more labour even
for small things. He suffers many difficulties.
When Mercury passes through lOth house from Janma Rasi,
the efforts of the native will succeed, he gets monetary gain. He
gets peace of mind and commands respect.
~ LJI1 '<tftUl~~f-<t"1'11tflll'tl 1 <if<l '1l'\<6C1i I
"Rm.s~ fcr.R ~ 'filll$.,=i &illiqfw:" ~~~
Transit Results of Mercury 117
When Mercury passes through 6th house, the person concerned
gets popularity, victory and rise; through the 7th sign, he loses his
lustre and has frequent quarrels, through the 8th the will have gains,
success, children, clothes, money and skill that brings joy to his
fCI~Cfllil -=t<fG': !111~1~ 'Cfl'lfrml fWq ~I
~ '1('I'<R' fq~ ~S~ 'Cfl"~ ~~II
When Mercury passes through 9th house he creates obstacles
to all undertakings; through the lOth house, destroys the enemies
and bestows wealth, a beautiful damsel on a couch, her house
property, sweet words and comfortable bed.
~ 1~11 ~@ <il Mf'"4?1 q I& If\{\\(«!
tW~1f<fi(Uj~~ m'1') ~(;!qjCf4:1-
ftT!ft-:~ ~
";{ ~ 11\q· 41ft1:ft4i•Jffi&4"1.1
When Mercury passes through 11th house from Moon, the
native will be jubilant with the attainment of wealth, sons,
happiness, wife, friends and vehicles; he will also speak sweetly
and pleasantly; when his transit takes place through the 12th house,
the person will be troubled by enemies, insults and diseases, and
consequently, he will not be able to enjoy the pleasure of union
with his bedecked beloved.

~ ~Fiii:S:,CfitG: W'41 14fCI'W4fd411611i I
fGffillt:H••4@WliC::~iiCf1~{ fsh414"4rn~::tlCflitlli
When Mercury passes through Janma Rasi the native to loses
his good fortune, his knowledge and learning. His intellect does
not function well. He loses self respect etc.
When Mercury passes through second house from Janma Rasi
he gets bad reputation. He has to mourn for loss of some-body. His
enemies make him suffer and he is humiliated.

~ ~ stfCIUJ/.4 m:l
~Wit "411!!0J!:Hit'l1!>14h<il~loi;1(11~1

When Mercury passes through 3rd house from Janma Rasi, he

earns the enmity of his relations. He meets with all sorts of
difficulties, ordeals and miseries. His finance is al<;a ruined.
When Mercury passes through 4th house, the native gets self-
respect and h::~nour. He is praised in the society. He lives very
happily. He gets money from his wife and other ladies.
~lidl"'4~''41~ <ti4i'\.<t~: q'*l'l•nsm ~~
~~11-m: swf!lf«lt\(11~ ~~~
When Mercury passes through 5th house from Janma Rasi, the
native incurs loss, his mind is agitated. He has to meet with many
difficulties etc.
When Mercury passes through 6th house from Janma
Rasi there will be all round improvement and progress. The
native is happy, cheerfuland his gains increase by leaps and bounds.
~ ~=tnf;;;<f.t<Gt~l•f{l~lq~O<!I~f.q{l~l
t<:llt::'<+i~ ~ gf.&!Hll<::f~fctdi&l'h\1\i
When Mercury passes through 7th house from Janma Rasi,
nothing comes to pass what the native wishes, during travel he
meets with many troubles. He suffers humiliation and many
When Mercury passes through 8th from Janma Rasi, he gets
help from many sides. His intellect functions well, and he is clever
in taking all his decisions. His status goes up and he has all comforts.

'>t:S'~IIqcHC;:I~~tl'ii~U141q<flil ~~:1
fso41!1fflf.,t;" ~s~q ~ ~ ~ ml
When Mercury passes through 9th from Janma Rasi, there will
be obstacles in all his efforts. He has to put forth more labour even
for small things. He suffers many difficulties.
When Mercury passes through lOth house from Janma Rasi,
the efforts of the native will succeed, he gets monetary gain. He
gets peace of mind and commands respect.
~ qj=JqgUJc;f'Alfil~l~\illQf<l'1~i"<ildfl
~s~ fcrin: ~ '{i4!~"1·i <wfqfi<tJ ·~m
Transit Results of Mercury 119

When Mercury passes through 11 th the native commands

respect, his cattle flourishes, he gets new female company and will
be happy with them. He gets whatever he thinks. He is witty,
fortunate and lives happily.
When Mercury passes through 12th from Janma Rasi his mind
is worried and agitated. He has to labour hard for every thing he

f•hl'!Hif ~ CflliflfdsM~I
fcmtc:: ~tie•f il~f<l•ld ~11
When Mercury passes through Janma Rasi, the person will lose
his mental balance, incur enmity with his relative, have his food
untimely, be involved in litigations and associated with evil persons.
'lf01'!1.11~.q ";'{ «e;«<&i ~ "'<1"1
' . ";'{
f.1fql{jlq ~'\11'<-: iGo1<1f>1Hfi'-:n.t
~ "'~

When Mercury passes through second house from Janma Rasi,

he will gain through precious gems, be healthy and will enjoy
continuing happiness and the company of good people.
~t%r-im-c~: ~crat nm lJfiil
~,.<;J\14it><i ~: tlt_;"'t"tl11'l ~:II
When Mercury passes through 3rd house from Janma Rasi, there
will be loss of wealth, royal wrath, enmity with relatives and loss of
memory, be mentally worried and distressed.
'll(ifi'i&i "if~: ~~ fqq¢l'l
When Mercury passes through 4th house, happiness to mother
and self will prevail. He will experience gain of grains and wealth.

The undertakings conceived by him will attain success.
... .
«Ws·'i'iUJI@Iq: ,. ...
~SI.q ";'f 1JRUTI.
3\CfiMif:fi<:'IP·-ftct "q~ ~ ~II
When Mercury passes through 5th house, there will be distress
to the person all over the body due to heat. Due to various blemishes,
120 C.od-..1t J'hll.tdc'<pik.l
he will face death (or death like evils) and will unexpectedly be
involved in quarrels.

cw.mi'1T ~'11: 1:Rffi'1T 11-iltfd": I

qtJJ Fc ' •' •
C41J~flJ@'.:j "' -!'"~.,-,ITI\1
h.=,..,.,.,..,. -;n.)

When Mercury passes through 6th form Janrna Rasi, native gains
garments, grains, wealth, courage, learning_ enjoyment and general
cfl~$!m.~>.~ "!;!~~ ~I
flqis·•)\i\Ji(ll!iwi ~ ~ ~i\11
When Mercury passes through 7th house from Janma Rasi,
declare misfortunes, loss of money, wrath of the employer, loss of
beauty and troubles to the entire body due to diseases and heat.
~t'\illit><:i tffiWt: 041'ti~illt"'1~1
3Tofi \J(llfilf!lls<GC'l(i{ ~~II
When Mercury passes through 8th house from Moon, he will
fall sick, be mentally distressed, anguished, will have less food,
indulge in falsehood and be haunted by fear.

~~IE'1f'•i 4'dlt:Jf1{<'lifl4G<41s=il
Mercury in transit in 9th from Janma Rasi, native will be lazy,
will lose fame, cause trouble to others, have taste loss food and
suffer from bilious problems.,
~: "Tt "' 3t~ f.t<l<iiRt:l
~ (1Jq1-~"' ~ ~ttll
When Mercury passes through lOth house fiDm Janma Rasi,
the native will get abuses from others, lack of tasty food, laziness
and distress.
~m-n"Wi.." lR :Sii Ia: 'lr<q1 wY
~ilfdzf~n ~~44il<;~1 ~t1:11
When Mercury passes througn 11th house, one will enjoy
physical felicity financial gains, mental happiness, comforts,
Transit Results of Mercury 121

satisfaction from kinsfolk, increase of fame and gains in general.

{ifi'l&:lt:lf.l'f"': m t>fi:pj''"'"'4~~='
l1MEictle: -e:rfu:'li ~ ~ ~tfll

When Mercury passes through 12th house from Moon, the

person will lose happiness, be distressed and face decline in respect
of work and food. He will be continuously involved in disputes or
litigations and be in the grip of utter poverty (or financial debacles).


Mercury gives good results in 4, 6,8,10 and 11th houses from

Janma Rasi. In other places he gives bad results. Now we will go
into the details:

I. Mercury through Janma Rasi

The native's mind is drawn into confusion. There will be poverty

and difficulties. He will be afflicted with bilious disease and eye
trouble. He may develop enmity with his co-boms, money gets
spent on unwanted items. He may be accused for no fault of his
own by others, fear of imprisonment etc. During travels he may
suffer diffculties mid way where nobody will come to his rescue,
His hard work will not be appreciated by boss, friend or any body.
There will be failure in gaining knowledge, if he is a student. Enmity
and quarrels will spring in the family. There will be bad and
untimely food. He will fall prey to bad company, will oppose others
and get bad reputation. Gold Jewels may be stolen. He will have
aimless wanderings and suffer consequently.

2. Mercury through second house from Janma Rasi

Here also Mercury gives bad results. There will be humiliation.

loss of property and will sufferunreasonable accusations. He will
get angry for no reason at all, will not adjust with others. Because of
this, he will become enemy to others. He will spend much on the
122 Cochar Phalildapika
persuasion of prejudiced, tale teller and back biting men. Family
peace will be lost. He will not have timely and tasty food. According
to BRlHAT SAMHITHA though Mercury gives bad results in 2nd,
there will be income and inflow of money.
But according to ancient tamil palm leaf manuscript out of all
other places where Mercury gives worst results. There will be in-
fection, sickness, quarrels, fear of death if the Maraka and judged
life span is getting completed at this time.

3. Mercury through the third house from Janma Rasi

There will be agony due to harassment by enemies. Money
gets spent wastefully and loss in everyway. He will serve others
and his own efforts go waste. He will pick up enmity with his co-
barns, lose courage. He will have to go out of his home by force.
There will be fear due to enmity from friends and Government. He
will also become aggressive towards his friends and relatives. There
will be theft of jewels (gold) and other valuables. He may suffer
scandal, properties slip away from his possession. There will be
fear of imprisonment. In all respects Mercury in 3rd from Moon
sign gives bad results.

4. Mercury through fourth house from Janma Rasi

The native becomes clever and his intellect becomes sharp. He
will get some wonderful suggestions and plans in his mind. He
will have comforts, peace of mind, joy and he will succeed in getting
education. His estranged relatives will support him. His capability
will improve all round. But at this time, the health of father and
mother may be at low profile. These men may get new vehicles. He
will be respected and honoured. He turns to become a refined man
of good character. He will have sexual pleasure. He will undertake
many travels both in and out of the country and gains thereof. He
will also go on business trips and cam well. He will obtain comforts
by many means. His family will get additional income through him.
He will become famous and will be happy in every way.

5. Mercury through fifth house from birth J anma Rasi

His wife will suffer from bad health, income will fall and poverty
and scarcity will overtake. There will be worries. The native becomes
Transit Results of Mercury 123
lazy, will postpone important activities and leave them undone. He
will be afflicted by many ills. Nobody will believe his words. The
native earns the enmity due to his own negative actions. His
maternal uncle will also suffer bad health. His children will also
suffer due to some sickness, one may have to adopt a child. He will
develop quarrels and enmity with his wife and children. He will
not be able to enjoy with her beautiful wife due to lack of virility
and health problem. He will be accused by others for no fault of
him. There will be unsolved problems, difficulties and mistakes.

6. Mercury through sixth house from Janma Rasi

The native gets high standards of life in many ways. He lives
like a king gets many servants and attendants, new clothing and
jewels etc. will be added to his possession. His maternal uncle will
prosper. The native may get employment in gove~nment. But he
may not improve his knowledge. The native will be courageous in
facing any situation in life and progress as a writer. He will get
respect, fame and name among the public and success in all his
endeavours. He will get public support. Income comes from many
sources. He will get honorary titles, will be happy and gets mental
satisfaction and peace. He will get momentos and rewards of
valuable things.

7. Mercury through seventh house from Janma Rasi

He will not get the pleasure of sex from his wife and peace at
home will be affected. Health of wife will go down. His very near
relative may pass away. He may have to go according to his wife
(henpecked). Both native and his partner may suffer bad health.
Both at home and outside there may be quarrels on petty matters.
All will happen against the will of the native. He will not get timely
meals, even that will be rotten and sub-standard. His paternal
relatives will deceive him. His partners also will give him trouble
and deceive him. Others will misunderstand the native. As a result,
there will be many troubles. The lustre of his body will be dull and
he will not be happy. He will have bad temptations to-wards mean
sexual pleasure and other wishes. All will go wrong for him.

8. Mercury through eighth house from Janma Rasi

Native will have high standard oflife in many ways. There will

be birth of children, mental peace and all comforts. He goes on

pilgrimage and also travel far and wide. I Ic will get timely and
delicious food. He regains his health. His appearance will attract
others with new trust and personality trait. He may get government
job or may get help from the government, may become V.IP. He
will gain money from his properties and real estates 3nd from many
sources. Others will help him. Due to this, his intellect and capability
will increase. He may get new home according to choice. He will
get job and promotion, new clothings, jewels etc. He may gain
instant money from share market. He may also gain from his
children. The joy and happiness in the family and home will improve
and grow. He will succeed in anything he lays hand on. His
intellectual power will grow.

9. Mercury through ninth from Janma Rasi

Native's discriminating power will fall. He will lose his
capability and rational application of mind. All his savings will be
spent leading to poverty. He may get skin diseases. He will be facing
many difficulties through his enemies. All his endeavours and
pursuits will fail. He may be accused by others for no fault of his.
His effort and labour will increase with less gain. Everybody will
take help from the native and deceive him and harm him. He will
indulge in action, projects that are fruitless and unproductive. His
body will lose strength and get tired easily. He will have to
undertake aimless travels.

10. Mercury through tenth house from Janma Rasi

The native gets status, positions, wins over his enemies and gains
from his effort. He will get servants and attendants, go on pleasure
trips. He gets married. He will engage himself in spiritual acts,
temple work etc. His endeavours succeed by his earnest prayers
and faith in god. He becomes follower of orthodox disciplines. He
does all work in a systematic and straight forward way. He becomes
adept in mathematical subjects. Money comes from many sourc~s.
He progresses more in profession of audit and the like. He is very
happy and gets the money even from his enemies. His capability
grow. He may get house through his wife. His name and fame
Transit Results of Mercury 125

spreads. His managerial skill is appreciated by all and he may be

mostly in north during this period.

II. Mercury through eleventh house from Janma Rasi

Native will have all good things, pleasures, comforts and
luxuries. Health of the native will improve and his name and fame
\ I ill spread. His relationship with friends and relatives will become
more cordial and his financial status will also improve. Persons
engaged in auditing, accounting professions will earn good money.
The native will command good respect in the society. He will have
servants and attendants. He will undertake both inland and foreign
travels. The native gets money even more than anticipated from
many sources. There will be birth of child. He will get the maximum
pleasure from his wife. He will also earn much through eloquence
of his speech (lovers will earn well). He will possess cattle, dairy
etc. Whatever the native wants will come to him. He will engage in
recreations, entertainments etc. and will enjoy peace of mind. He
will have new friends and will gain from them. He will get good
news from foreign and far off places.

12. Mercury through twelfth from Janma Rasi

There will be over expenditure without any control. He will not
get timely and lastly food. Though he has many friends, nobody
will be helping him. He may have para lytic attack, joint pain and
fracture of leg etc. He may get punishment due to other people's
faults. He may stand surety for loans of his known friends, who
may deceive him and he may have to pay the same. He will borrow
and do business which will result in loss. He may earn the
displeasure of government. He will have expenses on account of
auspicious celebrations as well as on Inauspicious heads (death etc.).
He will meet with humiliation from his enemies and suffer mental
agony on account of it. He will not h.we marital happiness at home
and will have quarrels with wife and no work will be carried out
correctly. The native has to work hard even for small things. There
will be aimless wanderings.
126 Plul.ldrepikil


I. When Mercury passes through Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, the time will be good and auspicious,

the native gets reputation in eduction due to his being a scholar,
his relatives and friends come to his help, he gets delirious, timely
food. He gets new dresses and jewels, and goes on pilgrimage
towards northern holy temples.
During waxing Moon there will be conflict with friends and
relatives, loss of money and material, he may have to go out of the
country under compulsion etc.

2. When Mercury passes through second house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be happiness, progress in
education, income increases and his eloquence in speech improves
as well as all his efforts succeed.
During waxing Moon, upto middle there will be loss,
mental worry and during the second half his business gains will
improve. He will have comforts of new vehicles and he will be

3. When Mercury passes through third house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he gains proficiency in mathematical
applications (computer, accountancy etc.). He gets happiness
through his mother and relatives. He goes on pilgrimage towards
North to Vishnu temple.
During waxing Moon there will be fear from government,
mental worries and fear of enemies.

4. When Mercury passes through fourth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he gets mental happiness from paternal
Transit Results of Mercury 127
relations, goes on pilgrimage to northern holy temples and gains
from business.
During waxing Moon, there will be loss of money on conflicts
with relatives, difficulties in the family nnd mental worries.

5. When Mercury passes through fifth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, the native gains a lot from business, buys
landed property, clears all his debts, he goes on foreign travel for
professional and business trips etc. He goes to Vishnu temples, there
will be child birth. His talent in mathematical applications improves
and he enjoys musical recital etc.
During waxing Moon, in the first half he gets mental tension
due to his paternal relations and his own children, he loses in foreign
business. There will be conflict with wife. There will also be loss of
paternal relations.

6. When Mercury passes through sixth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he goes on travel to northern regions.
He is afflicted with rheumatism and ulcer, loss in business, conflict
with paternal relation, fear from government and he sells his lands
and becomes indebted.
During waxing Moon he is happy with his wife and chilldren,
gets feasts from the side of maternal uncle and all his endeavours

7. When Mercury passes through seventh house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be happy functions at home,
he goes on pilgrimage to temples, there \'o'i.ll be marriage in the family,
he goes on voyage on business and gains, and he also goes to have
holy dips.
During waxing Moon, his wife turns enemical to him, there are
conflicts in the house and mental worries due to the same. He may
have to mourn loss of some child.

8. When Mercury passes through eighth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he will be sad due to his daughters
behaviour. There may be mourning from other relations, loss of
vehicles and fear of attack by horned animals.
During waxing Moon, he succeeds in all his endeavours and is
happy with wife and children and enjoys all comforts.

9. When Mercury passes through ninth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he is happy through his maternal
relations. He goes on travel towards north west to visit holy places.
He wins civil law suits and also defeats his enemies. He gains fium
business and has more friends.
During waxing Moon he gets rheumatism, bilious diseases, high
fevers but gets cured of them later. There will be loss fium relations,
business and profession.

IO.When Mercury passes through tenth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be gain of money, general
happiness fium wife and children. He expands business and gains
fium it. He gets bodily comforts. He gets cattle and dairy products,
gains fium money lending and reputation.
During waxing Moon, in the first half, there will be loss in all
aspects, and suffers from gastric diseases. He is sad about his
relations etc. During second half, he is providentially lifted by his
Ishta Deviltn. He goes on travel to northern side and gains in all

II.When Mercury passes through eleventh house from

Janma Rasi
During waxing Moon, there will be happiness at home, he
succeeds in all enterprises, he fulfills the desires of his lady and
gets pleasure from her. He gains from business pertaining to green
coloured materials etc.
Transit Results of Mercury 129

During waxing Moon, he loses in business done in the North.

There will be confusions in his family due to his daughters. He is
afflicted by wind diseases and incurs loss due to his enemies.

12. When Mercury passes through twelfth house from

Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, he succeeds wherever he goes and

becomes famous. He is happy in his family with his wife and
During waning Moon, he suffers rheumatism like diseases. He
goes on travel to northern side. He gains during second half.
Chapter Fifteen




~ JI"'G"44'ii1•.mft: ttlR~ -~§<r>clt>$1:1

~S~ ~ ~ <tiH11E41•;;;) ~II
When Jupiter in transit is in the natal Moon sign, the person
will lose wealth, intellect and position. He will have frequent
quarrels. When he moves through the 2nd house, the person will
obtain wealth, be free from enemies and will sport with his beloved
as does a bee with the lotus.
~mrtq_ ~~ ~s­
~ lJI11 ":JTN ~ ~II
..,iJq ~ tflf6df4d"'f ~ ~
'{q-11Jll 1lN q;t~ll
When Jupiter passes through the 3.rd house, the native will be
troubled by loss of position, and failure of his undertakings; When
through the 4th house, he will be afflicted by all kinds of worries
caused by his kith and kin, and consequently, he will neither get
peace of mind in the village (i.e., at home), nor in the forest
abounding in joyous peacocks.
·qRJI 1:U'l tJo Cfi f1:a<''"l: q, i.'
""lfui!]Oif1<6<¢q fcr~:
When Jupiter passes through the 5th house, it bestows servants,
meritorious acts (or auspicious rituals), sons, elephants, horses,
Transit Results uf Jupiter 131
bulls, gold, buildings in town, marriage with a young woman,
garments, gems and a number of virtues such as learning and valour.

1' ft(31<'l~·1 fi1{1<6l;;;R4{4 1' 'f <A' f.<lf&'hlfcfl{1'11f<::d'(l

6RUJ'Wtllll<'lfqf-qf'lii ~ "IFm: fi&<;~ll

When Jupiter passes through 6th house, even the wife's bright
face (attractive) with the tilaka will not please a person's heart; nor
will the forest that resounds with the voices of peacocks and cuckoo
and wonderful looks by frisking of the fawns.

fil<:;~I!F: "WR' ~ ~ CtJ.fil11"':(4<'ll~'(l

"\iRllfu ~NtllU~I!!?~ti) lilfc:1d4<;i 'l fiR f~ 'lll
Jupiter's passage through 7th house confers fine couches, erotic
pleasures, wealth, tasty food, flowers, vehicles, elegant speech and
intellectual eminence.
~ ?Xllf'-i "q]~ ~~ qp[£R!I:(i1_ 'ifSnt'41-<·~ "Urn1,1
~~~lii'C<t>"lit~ifnf:s" •..rii ~: \'uki=il"1i ~ t1l'lll.ll
When Jupiter passes through 8th house, imprisonment, disease,
intense grief, hardships on a journey and ailments almost amounting
to death are likely. ln the 9th, he confers skill in work, authority,
sons, success in undertakings, health and fertile lands.
~ ~ai•1~01~ 'I1Cffil t1J"qljt ":F:J
bR'iJs uWi ~:"t'J'WJ. <rrfu <WN'1<i ~:II
When Jupiter passes through lOth, he destroys one's position,
health and wealth; in the 11th, he bestows the .1bove things; in the
12th he gives grief arising from the person's severing from the right
path, though he may be rich enough to drive in a chariot.


~: ~T-Pm: ~ "{.2:1J1J('lFiJI~I'"m ~I
When Jupiter passes through Janma Rasi, the native's desires
are not fulfilled and his finance gets reduced. His status is di.sturbt.:d.

He suffers humiliation. He is affected by many ills and his own

men become his enemies and he is not able to live at peace in his
own native town.
When Jupiter passes through 2nd from Janma Rasi, there will
be child birth in the family. The native gets money from many
comers. His knowledge improves in many ways.
'J~~ffii! ~~ .SCij11<fit1,1
fCI'll1 iltal 4il41 qq IG;OI~ttl~1 1<6 <~ ilti~ II

When Jupiter passes through 3rd from Janma Rasi, he loses some
of his relatives. His finance is destroyed. All his efforts fail even
after taking more pains. He is deceived by others.
When Jupiter passes through 4th house, he may meet with
vehicular accidents. He is blamed for many reasons. His relatives
depart from him. His mind is much agitated.

"jr<ll k4 H-"'111 {f4 ul411 :JS1 ll C::: -q ~"'i'f'l11isft:f;;q I

~ ~<iqi<;~<S11«4'<lti2014'icllf1<6 I~ II
When Jupiter passes through 5th from Janma Rasi, the
native gets back his relatives. He gets status, respect and a child
Jupiter passes through 6th, the native earns enmity of his
relatives and his mentors as he enters into arguments with them.
He becomes afraid of his enemies. All his cndea\'ours fail and only
proves harmful to him.

"llf4;>~ 1 1: f';i\<Hi1Hqltti~M{!W.ld<l>Ci'll~l
~s~ cro~oumll'lfctql<:;<til~ II

When jupiter passes through 7th from Janma Rasi, the native
gets married, gets a woman of his choice to give him pleasure. He
gets new dress and good food, drink and comforts. He becomes
talented in arts.

When Jupiter passes through 8th fr~m Janma Rasi, the native
has to meet ordeals and may be imprisoned. He gets affected by
many diseases. His efforts go in vain and prove painful to him. He
is humiliated and subjected to unnecessary arguments by others.
Transit Results of Jupiter 133
~ ~~ ·~~I"Fll'11~*l'tf.&l1U41IJ..I
When Jupiter passes through 9th from Janma Rasi, the native
gels children and woman of his choice, most appealing to him. He
gets status and fmancially gains. He is ranked first and foremost in
his society.
When Jupiter passes through lOth from Janma Rasi, the native
is afflicted with eye diseases. His desires are not fulfilled. He gets
affected with cough related (Slesnma) disease. He gets very much
tired easily. There will be danger to the life of one of his children.
~ ~\!q 11M\ilf!'llfi:<o4tll'41kHCli51111IJ..1
.,. '<h\l'i!<\~~lii<Hi'iiCfiifllll
<:Jffi !&&.I<:::MISll -· i' {I

When Jupiier passes through lllh from Janma Rasi, the native
get lands, has child birth, gets a woman of his choice to have pleasure
and gold. His house becomes full of grains. He also gets new
When Jupiter passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the native
is forced to go out of his native place or country. He gels lot of
difficulties and sorrow.
..,.,...,.,.,.,.,.. ~ I>. 1 ~.,.......:

<l"'lifll'll "''<fii!lh(<'Qjllfll l<i~l«q) I

~,;i><n \ll'<ttlf1~ ~ '1!11

When Jupiter passes through Janma Rasi, the native will incur
the wrath of the rulers. His fame will be endangered. His work will
produce enmity. He will be mentally imbalanced and be in the grip
of fear.
4'1ffit&i · <~~n1F.&ffi~,ilJT"' ""' 't.RJlTlt =1
·~liE4<itJ'1ffil&i ~ 'ljUu
When Jupiter passes through 2nd from Janma Rasi the native
will enjoy mental happiness, increase of fame, good fortunes and
acquisition of money. He will spend on charities.
Olfoctci'fi ~ ~ ·~ii4'1s'1't
~~;(<t>cli ~~:II
When Jupiter passes through 3rd from Janma Rasi, it causes a
lot of anguish, enmity with relatives, financial debacles, physical
sickness, interruption of work, and strife.

~ W'<G.i!l;;;;o:(l<i d->~lt:lfoi ~I
~ "'<f &i("l~'$1~ ~:II
When Jupiter passes through 4th from Janma Rasi, the person
will go abegging and he will not be mentally stable. His splendour
(or physical energy) will be lost. He will spend away his money,
will go away to a distant land and be involved in quarrels.

3l~(f{t~ WCfltf<fdW«fl
~ W"t1W&.i "'<f·q:;;qqf'll 14Ct<~ II
When Jupiter passes through 5th from Janma Rasi, the
person's efforts will be gainful. He will acquire wealth, devoted to
his work and be happy. He will also gain happiness through his
<;1<3~f<HJ~ Sl"*'l" ~ Cfi Ci'lli W211 I
i!'mftr-pftfu Sl"*'l" q tid qM 'Jiq~ I~ II

When Jupiter passes through 6th from Janma Rasi, one will not
be in good terms with his wife and children. There will be litigations
or disputes with relatives. He will be endangered through thieves,
fire and ruler.
(I'SI'\~f'IGI<J•q" ~ 'i";:jij'jqUjJ
at\llt:C<t.J4f~Fo&$-_'il ijC(I'lM ~ :!Uu
When Jupiter passes through 7th fromJanma Rasi, one will visit
the king (or will gain through higher-ups). He will enjoy sound
health and be profound in character. His body will show signs of
physical growth and his desire will be fulfilled.
·,:;fRifU14\ftfu 1>."*'!' ~I
~ m~~n~iltM<J'lf\'.U ~ ~~~
When Jupiter passes through 8th from Janma Rasi, it will
produce danger through thieves, fire and king, and will destroy
one's physique and profundity of character. The person will be cruel
in speech, foolhardy .and irascible.
Transit Results of Jupiter 135

31~ ~ (<:l'tit"liill(l: ~~'

When Jupiter passes through 9th from Janma Rasi, the native
will have financial gains. He will follow the codes of his family,
gain house properties and quality food and be ever in the company
of females.
~1"<111~0 ~: <rm
(..... ,~sqoi ~ ~ ~ "!Jt':ll
When Jupiter passes through lOth fromJanma Rasi, one's grains
and wealth will be destroyed (i.e., one will have huge debacles in
respect of work and money). He will wander unfruitfully and will
dishonour his kinsfolk.

q~n1:f:&ctci ..d'ilfficf51 fctwit•ti~!i

~ "'i"'?ff«@'fll<l:l(l'ld :r{lll
When Jupi.ter passes through 11th from Janma Rasi, one's fame,
strength and splendour will be on the increase. He will gain all-
round success, will destroy his foes and gain through mantras (or
spiritually be successful).

\l"''iJIC4q ~
~ q ~ til~~lttll"'it ~
When Jupiter passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the native
will spend money on auspicious accounts. He will face difficulties
in respect of sales of animals, will lose his place (or position) and be
in utter financial difficulties.

Jupiter gives good results in 2, 5, 7, 9 and lith houses from
Janma Rasi. In other houses he gives bad results only.

I. Jupiter through Janma Rasi

The native may be transferred to an unwanted place much
against his wish. Even in the new place he will have sufferings. He

may have to be away from his relatives and will pick up enmity
with others. He will be running from pillar to post with no aim and
will have to meet unwanted expenditure. His capability of doing
things or the functional ability .viii go down. His intellect will
become dull. He will suffer from punshment in his job. He wiill
have no interest or liking in anything. He may suffer humiliation.
He may also be harrasscd by the government. He will lose his
valuables including jewels etc. by theft, will always be suffering
and have a feeling of fear even for petty things.

2. Jupiter through second house from Janma Rasi

Money will come to him from many sources and his financial
status will go up. His physical appearance will shine with new lustre
and beauty. His eloquence of speech will improve and there will be
gain also on this account. He will have clear thinking, sharp intellect
and knowledge will improve. All basic needs will be met at his
home. He will succeed in education and thus become famous. All
items of comforts and enjoyments will come to him on their own
accord. There will be peace of mind. Others will respect and follow
his words. There will be peace and serenity in the home/family.
He will succeed over his enemies. The native will be relieved from
their pinpricks. There will be satisfaction in his family and sex life,
his wife will live as per his wishes. He will gain new status,
promotion etc. His wealth will incease. He may get a male child.
He may also get promotion in his job. Those who are jobless will new employment.

3Jupiter through third house from (Moon) Janma Rasi

Here Jupiter is worst. Something unbearable, ominous, sorrow,
fear, difficulty may come to the native. His brother's or sister's health
will get affected. He will be displaced and transferred to other places
much against his wishes. There may be danger to the life of father,
if he runs Maraka Dasa on completion of judged lifespan. The native
himself may suffer many ills, chronic and incurable diseases. There
may be fear of imprisonment, petty quarrels humiliation and he
may become a laughing stock. Though he may be strong, with valour
and courage, he loses all hopes, confidence has no firnmcss to face
the life and its problems. He will be in debt and lose his functional
ability. He will have to embrace poverty, may lose his job, status etc.
Transit Results ofJupitct 137

There may be heavy loss in business from which he will not be able
to recover. HLs friends and relatives leave him alone to face the
difficulties. All his efforts and activities will get obstructed and go
in vain. He will be running from pillar to post for his livelihood
and will not be able to earn anything. He will not have any mental
peace or happiness.

4. Jupiter through fourth from Janma Rasi

The native is forcibly driven out of his home and there is loss of
cattle. He will indulge in speculation, gambling and lose his hard
earned money. There will also be loss in business. He will lose
properties. There will be no peace at home or outside as well as
comforts. His relatives v.'ill not like him and leave him alone to
suffer. There will be humiliation. He may be attacked and wounded
by quadrupeds. There may be danger to life. His mind will be
flooded with unsolved problems. He may meet with vehicle
accidents. He ·will be accused on false gzowtd. He will lose respect
in the sociey. He may be punished and demoted in respect of his
job or may lose job. He may also suffer punishment at the office.
He will not have a good dwelling place.

5. Jupiter through fifth house from Janma Rasi

The native will live happily with wife and children as well as
auspicious ceremonies at home. He will have new vehicles.
He will get the acquaintance of those who are in high
positions. His fame and name will spread and he will also get help
from rich persons. He will engage in secret projects, temple
work etc. He will get new connections which will be
advantageous to him. He will be quick to learn things and his
intellect gets sharper to grasp the difficult things and becomes a
scholar. He will give food in charity. He will be more serving to his
own people. He may get government employment, servants and
assistants. There will be birth of male child. He will start his own
dairy. Gold or Jewels and new clothing will be added to him and
his status, position, honour and respect will go up. Friends will
help him Unmarried will get married. He may become a village
head (Municipal Chairman) and wiH get higher positions in
government. He will follow justice.
138 C.ochar PhaLldetpika
6. Jupiter through sixth house from Janma Rasi
The native will lose his cattle. He will have to leave his home or
hometown forcibly to unwanted place. He will have to suffer
punishment for the faults committed by others. His paternal
partner will have wounds over his body by weapons etc. He
will get gastric/diseases, dysentery, digestive disorders etc. He
will suffer much due to the harassment by his opponents.
There will be quarrels with wife and chilldren. He will enter
into unnecessary arguments with others and due to that he will
pick up quarrels with others. Unwanted fear and difficulties
will overcome him. All his efforts will fail. There will be mourning
for somebody, fear from fire, humiliation etc. Government will be
angry with him. His mind will not be able to enjoy recreations, music,
drama et~:. He will always put up a face of bad temper and anger.
He will dislike others and become unsocial. He will fail in all his

7. Jupiter through seventh house from Janma Rasi

The native gets pleasure, money and other gains through his
wife. His financial status will improve. He will get awards, rewards
etc from government. He will get high class vehicles. If unmarried
he will be married to a rich or working girl with high financial and
good family background. Because of tills, there will be progress in
his life. He will succeed in education. Money comes to him from
many sources. The wife hither to not co-operative and submissive,
will now become an ideal, co-operative, submissive wife and give
him all the pleasures. He will work for some good, sacred aim and
succeed in it. He will undertake pilgrimage to sacred religious
centres. He may have business foreign tours and gain from them.
Childless will get child now. Jewels and new clothing will be added
to him. He will get delicious and timely food as well as perfumes.
He will attract others through his sweet character and behaviour.
He becomes a scholar and attracts others. He will get all comforts
and luxuries required for enjoying a happy life. He will get good
sweet drinks. Like waxing Moon, his happiness, finance etc. will
grow more and more.

8. Jupiter through eight house from Janma Rasi

The native's materials like eatables, grains etc are spoiled and
damaged. He will have to go away from his home town and move
Transit Results of Jupiter 139

to unwanted places. He will be relieved from his job (dismissed

etc). He will lose self respect and suffer humiliation. He may fall
sick; his longevity will be shortened (Maraka Dasa coincides with
to judged life span). He will have liaison with low ranked people
resulting in scandal and he will get defamed. Accidents may take
place. Misfortune and misery will follow. There will be shortage of
money. He will get involved in litigation and unnecessarily expenses
and fear of imprisonment. He will suffer due to lack of mental
peace. No effort or work will succeed. He will toil without gain.
There may be fire, and other accidents. Government may harrass
him. There will be bodily strain and pain. He will have to be in
unwanted restraints.

9. Jupiter through ninth house from Janma Rasi

The native becomes head of village or Municipal Chairman,

MLA, M.P. etc. and gains fame in politics and other wise. He shapes
himself as a man of good character. He observes religious rituals
discipline and sacred. His fortune will shine during this time. His
income increases and he gets support from his parents. Many people
come to the help of the native. He patroni ses many men and protects
them. He becomes very learned as a scholar. He attains higher status
of directing other people. All his endeavour succeed. His home will
have all necessities. He gets good income from agriculture. 9th
house Jupiter relieves the native from all difficulties as it is a

I 0. Jupiter through tenth house from J anma Rasl

The eatables, grains and essential material at the native's

posessions get damaged. He will have to wait on others for even
small things. He may be dismissed from job or be punished. His
health will get spoiled. He may be afflicted by eye or other diseases.
His own desires will not be fulfilled. He will be affected by mucus
and Shleshma Rogas. His mind will be easily tired and he will have
no confidence in him. He will be forced to be transferred to
unwanted place and may have to get separated from family for some
time. His children will suffer bad health and fear of danger to life
to one of them. He may lose his property. One of his near relatives
may pass away. It is said that Jupiter in lOth necessarily mars one's
140 Ccdtitr Phal;ldcepikit

II. Jupiter through eleventh house from Janma Rasi

He will become village head (chairman) MLA, M.R etc. Name
and fame will spread and he will get honour and respect from
Government. He will do charitable acts. He will get vehicles to suit
his status. He will shine, very intelligent and will be adept in many
branches of knowledge. He will gain through his knowledge and
scholarship, money comes to him from many sources. Gold jewels
and new clothing will be added to him. He will have progeny. His
financial status will go up more than expected. Sickness will be cured
and his health will improve. He will get land and house property as
also agricultural lands. He will get satisfaction in sex from his wife.
He may also get chances of foreign travel and may also gain through
it. Jupiter in 11th from Rasi gives the best results.

12. Jupiter through twelfth house from Janma Rasi

The native will be punished and move out of his home under
compulsion. He will lose his employment, job, status etc. If the native
is running Maraka Dasa coinciding with judged life span of life,
there may be even danger to life. There will be povc"rty and scarcity
of money. He will have to spend more with little or no income. He
may indulge in learning low ranked skills like speculation, gambling
etc. He may spend more on marriage like auspicious ceremonies.
He may get afflicted with incurable wounds (Granthi) cuts etc. He
may have liaison with higher caste lady and subjected to scandal
on account of it. There will be unwanted enemies and will be always
subjected to 'fear, hesitation etc. A near relative may pass away.
There may be loss of property. Though the native may be rich,
money will not be readily available during his dire need. It will not
be of any usc to help ·when he is in difficulties to keep up false
pride and his own dignity of the past and for charities. His property
will be spent away. He will have to put forth much hard work, but
he will have only melancholy and sorrow. Mind and body become
very much worried and the native undergoc'S all sorts of difficulties.
An ancient Tamil Text gives the comparative nature of
malefic effects of Jupiter going through Janma Rasi, 3rd
house, 4th house, 6th house, 8th house, lOth and 12th houses
from Janma Rasi which connects the nature of misery suf-
fered by important personalities of Ramayana and Mahn
Bharatha which is worth knowing from rendering of the verse. Now
Transit Results of Jupiter 141
we will go to the translation of verse.
1. When Jupiter was in Janma Rasi during transit, Rama
was sent to forest (Vanavas).
2. Similarly Seethawas in Ravan's confinement when Jupiter was
in Janma Rasi.
3. Duryodhana and hL~ soldiers were killed when Jupiter was
moving through 3rd from his Janma Rasi.
4. When jupiter was in 8th from Janma Rasi, native lost his crown
and life.
5. When Jupiter was in lOth from Janma Rasi Lord Siva due to
the sin of Brahmahathya, he committed in plucking every
heads of Lord Brahma, he lost everything including his abode,
with Parvathi etc and started begging alone in the same hollow
skull of the plucked head of Brahma.
6. When Jupiter was in 4th from Janma Rasi, Dharmaputra
(Yudhishthir) indulged in speculation, lost his kingdom and
had to go on vanvasa.
7. When Jupiter was passing through 6th from Janma
Rasi Mandavya Rishi (Sathyamuni) was punished and cruci-
fied on a sharp pointed steel pillar (was put on Shooli) on
false accusation of theft of jewel from the queen.
In all the above cases, Jupiter will torture the native with no
happiness at home.
Here name of heroes who suffered the malefic results of Jupiter
arc mentioned to stress the importance and intensity of the malefic
ordeals that one has to suffer in such conditions.



I. When Jupiter passes through Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, he gets good reputation. He gets
acquaintance with great people. There is child birth in his family,
he gets interviews with high government officials like Prime

Minister, President etc. He goes to holy temples and offers prayers.

Note : In Standard Texts bad results are given for Janma Guru
but the author of this Tamil ancient work seems to have said that
during waxing Moon Janma Guru will be doing good, perhaps due
to the reason that Jupiter is exalted in Moon's House.
During waxing Moon, he suffers melancholy, he is pushed out
and transferred to unwanted forest-like places in his jobs. He runs
from pillar to post and have many worries disturbing his mind.

2. When Jupiter passes through second house from Janma

During waxing Moon he gets monetary gain, landed property
and his income increases. He is happy and cheerful in his family
with his wife and children.
During waxing Moon, he goes on pilgrimage towards North
East side. He incurs loss in general. He is afflicted with diseases
due to over heat. His son enters into conflicts with him. During
second half he gets awards from government. He goes to holy
temples and gets acquainted with those in high positions.

3. When Jupiter passes through third house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he is pushed out of his place and made
to wander. He suffers from fever due to over work. His money is
locked and frozen. He is subjected to many mischiefs and
conspiracies. But he gets achievement in alchemy of getting Amrita
(Yoga Sidhi) of deathlessness.
During waxing Moon first half, there will be happiness and
comforts. He gets help from his sons and goes on pilgrimage and
returns. The second half will be slightly bad.

4. When Jupiter passes through fourth house from janma

During waxing Moon he gets new vehicles but he is displaced
from his existing living place. He roams about in forest and gets the
acquaintance of saints and elders. He enters into the business of
Transit Results of Jupiter 143
gold and silver.
During waxing Moon, he has to mourn loss of some near relative
from paternal side. He has to roam about without aim and gain.
There will be lack of comforts and he will suffer mental agony and

5. When Jupiter passes through fifth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, the native is happy with his paternal
relatives. He gets monetary gains, begets children and his debts
are cleared. He gets acquaintance with saints and gains through
them. His business expands and he is all happy.
During waxing Moon, he is mentally sad during first half
through his children and paternal relations. He goes to foreign lands
on business but incurs loss. But during second half, there is gain
and improvement.

6. When Jupiter passes through sixth house from Janma

During waxing Moon he is worried by his enemies. He sells his
house and landed properties. He incurs heavy losses. He loses his
business and suffers lack of happiness and comforts. He loses in
civil law suits and there will be harassment by government and
sufferings in many ways.
During waxing Moon, he maintains the current finance without
further loss, but always under pressure and has to roam about in
various places without any aim or gain.

7. When Jupiter passes through seventh house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be gain of money in business.
If unmaried, he gets married. He gets happiness through his wife
and children.
During waxing Moon, he goes on to travel towards North East.
He suffers due to his sons and daughters. He will be in conflict with
his relatives.

8. When Jupiter passes through eighth house from Janma

During waxing Moon he suffers many diseases and mental
agony. His expenditure goes beyond his control. He incurs loss in
business, and is inflicted by melancholy and worries.
During waxing Moon, he suffers by affliction of many diseases.
There will be lack ofco-operration in his family and loss due to
theft, and the native remains worried on that account.

9. When Jupiter passes through ninth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he wins civil law suits. He defeats his
enemies. He will be happy in the family with wife and children.
Auspicious ceremonies will be celebrated at home. He will build
his own house. His debts arc cleared. He goes on pilgrimage to
holy temples.
During waxing Moon, there may be danger to the life of
father or some paternal relatives, somebody may pass away. He
loses his ancestral properties. He also loses in the business of silver
and gold.

IO.WhenJupiter passes through tenth house from Janma

During waxing Moon he suffers mental illness. There will be
conflict with his sons. There will be lack of timely good food. His
own relatives become his enemies now.
During waxing Moon, he is transferred to unwanted places.
He suffers over expenditure. He is afflicted by many worries and
passes through very dificult time.

II .WhenJupiter passes through eleventh house from

Janma Ra;i
During waxing Moon, money comes from many sources.
There will be birth of a child and gain in business. The native is
very happy with all comforts.
Transit Results of Jupiter 145

During waxing Moon, he gets into mental agony, anxiety etc.

due to his sons. He goes on travel towards North East and incurs
loss. He loses in agriculture. He is afflicted by diseases and has fear
about them.

12. When Jupiter passes through twelfth house from Jauma

During waxing Moon there will be sorrow and difficulties in
the familv. There will be fear of enemies. There will be lack of food
and does' not also get in time. He is under mental tension always.
During waxing Moon, he incurs loss of child. He gets help from
others. He goes on travel towards North and returns with gain. He
gets 50% good results this time.
Chapter Sixteen




~~qllJi_:)q•i't ~· ~(lq'f){$J:
~'44'1ht•t Pl.! tt1Wtt k:lW 4'<1 <l q_t
1(141'li\lij11~111i1f!l ~lft~d
ijtgf<Hi'llf~:fl S~iiHtU"14~ii{Ult11 '{_II
When Venus passes through Janma Rasi, he confers on a person
all kinds of erotic requisites, fragrant, attractive perfumes, flowers,
garments, couches, houses, seats and tasty dishes. Consequently,
the person will act like a bee on the lotus of the face of an intoxicated
(or proudy) young beloved.
~ fe;:dl!:l'Ji\•'1 )lijq!~­
~ 'Mi'l<Hf<lf'4NM~
<iilti 4B"'rlfM1iflf:!fo1{4"llSMII
When Venus passes through the second house, bestows children,
wealth, com, royal favour, family prosperity, flowers and gems for
ornament. Consequently, the person though grown old with grey
hair (as white as the tilaka cierodendrum phlomoidL'S flowers in
the spring), enjoys sexual pleasures.
amtl~4111fllO::\{fo<m:wtl'i~ ~C"4!J<'~ol~ 1
~ ~~J>.q ~fwil:::il' <'~"M41Sifo4i -q ~,II
When Venus passes through the third house, the person gets
authority, wealth, honour, position, prosperity, clothes and
Transit Results of Venus 147
destruction of enemies. When he is in the 4th, the person associates
with friends, and gets power and strength similar to that of Rudra,
lndra and the thunderbolt.
~ Wfi: -q:..~ !!<>4Ro'iti ~~
~ tim tll\lll11Cif@tci :qlftCIJi~ll
When Venus passes through the 5th house, it leads to the
favours of elders and teachers, meeting with one's relations (or
getting new ones), attainment of wealth, friends and companions,
birth of sons and demoralization in the army of the enemy.

"tf!il "fl: ~: @t¥>• "11<11fd ~S'{l\11\1

<mils"!Vi \lq14R"0<:;5li!) "R&"i'IC!tll!f!1~fd fu;r<t ~ ~:II
When Venus passes through the 6th house, the native will suffer
humiliation, disease, and mental torture; then in the 7th, some
disaster pertaining to or caused by women; when in the 8th, he gets
houses, attendants and a rich woman as his partner.
-=rcrQ a~ 'f,fils~~ ~I
~Sqi41Cficl(:11_. f'1<l414t$if"'i11a.romrrq qq~II
When Venus passes through the 9th house, the subject performs
religious acts, gets women (or marries), happiness, wealth and
clothes; when through the lOth he suffers insults and quarrels
invariably, although he speaks very few words.

341'f'!l•n 'Pit: WJ: '@"1;:11"'1'1~:,

tl11'4{111'1h~TT; ~ 11kHJIJil:ll
When Venus passes through the 11th house, the person
gets friends, wealth, food and perfumes; when through the
12th, he gets wealth and garments, but loses some of them later.


ft5\U411U (~ ttlf<'l QI@ Iu "lH\411i!g'4C::I11 'i.l

"RT'i1' ~ "Wfi ~ 1tWlg CIM,'I11Nl'i.ll
When Venus passes through Janma Rasi, the native gets gold,
new vehicles, gains finance, his knowledge also improves. He gets
child, good status and also gets cattle.

4. Saturn through fourth from Janma Rasi

This transit is called Ardh<~shtruna Sani or Kantaka Sani. During
this period, there will be harrassment from government. The cattle
gets destroyed. The saved mo1.ey of the native will easily flow
away due to wasteful and unwanted expenditure resulting in
poverty and scarcity. He will have to leave his home or country,
under compulsion leaving all his belongings. If judged life span is
nearing its end and Maraka Dasa period is also on there may be
death also. Properties will slip away from hand. The native may
develop quarrel with his wife and may be separated. The native
develops paralysis, joint pain and other wind diseases. One leg
may become inactive due to rheumatism etc. He may suffer dog
bite or be attacked by horned animals. Wife or other fcm<~lc
relatives may fall ill. He will lose respect and suffer humiliation.
He will not have even good shelter to live. Mind will be afraid of
something or other and he will always be hesitating to act. He
will suffer ordeals at the hands of his opponents, perverted and

5. Saturn through fifth house from Janma Rasi

The native's children get affected with diseases, and their
education gets adversely affcctcd.Thc native lacks faculty
of discrimination and his mind will always be under state of
confusion. His plans and projects will fail. He may meet with
some accident and even lose some limb. His money will be spent
away. He will have to work at low level to earn his bread. He
may be forced to have liaison with wicked minded women and
lose money and health on that account. He may enter into quarrel
with everybody he meets. Any of his children may pass away if
Maraka Dasa is in operation for the same. He will become
antagonistic against his friends and relatives. He will be separated
from the family.

6. Saturn through sixth house from Janma Rasi

The native gets gold jewels, money. He will get help from his
family members and relatives. He will enjoy all comforts, will
subdue his enemies and succeed in building new home for himself.
Everything will happen in favour of him. His status will improve.
Transit Results of Sa turn 169
He may get new position and may be promoted in his job. He will
get timely and delicious good food. He may eat like a glutton but
will disgest it with no strain on the system. He will get money in
abundance. He will get high standard vehicles, cars etc. All his
sickness will disappear and body becomes sound and fit. All
comforts and luxuries will pour on him.
7. Saturn through seventh from Janma Rasi:
This is also known as Kantaka Shani, worse than his 4th. The
native will be under some trouble or other. There may be danger
to the life of wife if Maraka Dasa and judged life span coincides.
He may be displaced and transferred to places unwanted by him
or demoted. Accidents may happen during travel. His cattle will
get destroyed. His servants and attendants will leave him. He
will lose his self respect and suffer humiliation. He will lose his
status. Some have to earn their bread even by heavy labour, porter
etc. The body will suffer from some deficiencies, sickness headache
etc. He may have to undertake aimless travels. His mind will be
eclipsed by some fear, hesitation etc. He may mourn somcbody's
death. He may suffer unusual hunger and appetite. He may suffer
even for want of shelter. He may also be pushed to foreign land
but to suffer only.
8. Saturn through eighth from J anma Rasi
This is also called Ashtama Kantaka Sani, and will give trouble
equivalent to death. When Saturn is in 8th the native suffers acute
stomach pain. There will be scarcity of money, unsteady life and
his endeavours will fail. His catties get destroyed. His children
will suffer due to various diseases like eye trouble. Friends will
also have difficulties. He is harassed by governmC'nt. There is
fear of imprisonment restraints etc. If judged life span is complete
and Maraka Dasa also nms, there may be danger to the life of the
native. He will lose his respect, position and will be humiliated.
He will also develop enmity with his wife. Several obstructions
and impediments will come in his way. There will be wasteful
expenditure. He may be trapped in litigation and pay fine. He
will be transferred to unwanted place and also suffer in the new
place. He will never hesitate to tell lies- He will be pushed to do
all menial job. He may have to even starve for want of food. He
may be associated with a wicked woman and there will be scandal

and the native earns bad reputation. The grown up sons and
daughters are also aggressive to the native. His words will carry
no weight, next to ~ years of Saturn, this is most malefic place
where Saturn is very bad.

9. Saturn through ninth house from Janma Rasi

Here also Saturn is said to give bad results. But according to
ancient Tamil texts during these 2Vi years, the native enjoys the
life of Aristocrat with all pomp and show, comforts and luxuries
and status (Raja Yoga). All the efforts of the native succeed. The
native will have liaison with new women and will have sexual
pleasure through them. He will have high class vehicles and
commanding position. He will have timely delicious food. Money
will come from many sources. He will get attendants, servants
But as per traditional Sanskrit texts, Saturn in 9th also gives
bad results. Money will be spent on unwanted, useless purposes.
Good acts and constructive work will not earn him name. This
will be Marak period for father or an elderly relative equivalent
to him. If the judged life span coincides with Maraka Dasa at this
time the native may have to perform post funeral rites of those
elderly persons. (PlTHRU SAMAR NITHYA DUKHAM Phala
Deepika) The native will be plunging in some grief or other daily.
Whatever bad results are told for in 8th most of them will also
happen here. Many diseases will be afflicting the native. Accidents
may happen. The sources of income will get dried. His Poorva
Punya will not come to help. All good opportunities will be missed.
Fortune will be blocked. Mind will indulge always in wicked and
sinful acts. Summing up, the good results described in first part
and the bad results mentioned now both jointly give moderate
result. However there may be fear of imprisonment, separation
from family etc. The native loses faith in God and religion. He
will not follow daily religious rituals These bad results also should
be expected along with good results given by I<Jmil texts outlined
in the beginning.

IO.Saturn through tenth house from Janma Rasi

Status and job may be lost. The native will be subjected to
black magic. There will always be an undefinable fear lurking in
Transit Results of Saturn 171

the mind. Worries will multiply. The native becomes miserly. The
native may undertake a pilgrimage to Benares (Thus may be
sepc<Jrated from the family for long intervals of time). The native
will put forth hard labour with no gain or work for meagre pay
and the family will suffer poverty. He will indulge in actitivies
which are not paying. There will be all round failure. He will be
afflicted by many diseases. He will be involved in some scandal
and subjected to false accusation. He will lose his respect and will
be subjected to humiliation. The mind will not be clear, and the
native remains confused.

I I. Saturn through eleventh from Janma Rasi

The native gets money from many sources. He will be cured
from all diseases and gains good health. He will have new hopes
and confidence, respect status in profession and promoted to higher
posts. He may even become minister etc. A female child may be
born to him. His sex appetite will grow more and more. But that
will be gratified (by wife and outside women). He will get all
comforts and things of life to enjoy. Some may indulge in
scandalous relationship with wicked women and the native may
gain from them instead of being trapped by them. The native will
become very rough and tough. He will get money belonging to
others also. Many friends will help him. His house will be full of
grain, provision, luxuries etc.

12.Saturn through twelfth from Janma Rasi

This is starting of Sndhe Saati. There will be poverty, loss in
business, separation from family, aimless travels from place to
place and long distance travels with no purpose, expenditure
without control and more than the capacity of the native. All will
disturb and spoil the life trend of the native. Mind will be clouded
with worries and anxieties. He will become unemployed with no
income, suffers poverty. He will neither be able to seek new
employment due to difficulty of coming out of the prevailing
compulsions and limitations. Whatever little money is left out will
bo spent on unwanted expenses. If judged life span coincides
termination with Maraka Dasa period and also with third or 4th
round of Sadhe Sati then the native may pass away. Due to lack of
clarity in mind, the native will not be able to decide anything and
all his plans fail. His cattle will get destroyed. He will be transferred
to unwanted place where there will be troubles and difficulties.
New business ventures, partnerships, investments, standing
security with others will all fail and result in losses. Saturn as 7~
years Saturn will tempt native to indulge and plan for such things
and make him suffer. It is better to play safe in business during
this period.


1. When Saturn passes through Janma Rasi
During waxing Moon there will be heavy loss of money and
material, fear from fire accident, food poisoning, infection etc.
Forcibly going to foreign land and suffering there. The relatives
go against the native.
During waxing Moon, there will be comfort, happiness and
gain through business of black materials and travel towards west
direction and gains therefrom.

2. When Saturn passes through second house from Janma

During Waxing Moon, in the first half period the ancestral
properties are lost. All the efforts of the native fail, he faces many
difficulties in the family. He will be wandering about many places
without any aim or gain and his mind is eclipsed by moral worries.
During Waxing Moon in the first half, the native invites
difficulties by his own words. There will be loss of money and
material and during second half, there will be comforts and
Note: This is also Sade Sathi of Saturn but the last phase of
two and half years. Miseries contributed by Saturn during waxing
Moon in the 2nd half difficulties are sustained to the extent of
25% and there is relief at the end of last two and half years of the
Sade Sathi.
Transit Results of Saturn 173

1 When Saturn passes through third house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be reputation, he gets
chance of travel towards western countries and gains through
that. He gains in business of black colour grains like black
gram, til and other black materials. His efforts will succeed.
During waxing Moon, there will be lack of courage and native
incurs expenditure on travel to western countries. He earns the
enmity of elders and VIP's also.

4 When Saturn passes through fourth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be mental agony and he will
be away from mother and there will be conflict inside the family
at home, wasteful and unwanted expenditure, worries, sickness
of wife etc. The native suffers from endless sorrows and
difficulties and also loses money by travelling to foreign countries.
During waxing Moon, there is risk of vehicle accidents, being
atttackcd by buffalo, loss in business and agricultural yield
especially paddy and cotton will get reduced.
This is called Ardhastama Sani, and termed as Laghu K<ilyani
which is supposed to be quite bad.

5. When Saturn passes through fifth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be mental agony through
brothers and sons and there will be a mourning from mother's
side. The native may have to thrive in mountainous regions. His
relatives become his enemies.
During waxing Moon, the native undertakes to practice Yoga.
He gets sidhi or realisation in Manthra Yoga (Vision of Ishta
Devatha in dreams etc.) He also lives in mountains, caves etc. (A
period of spiritual practice and penance).

6. When Saturn passes through sixth house from Janma


During waxing Moon, he gains well in business of black

materials and his business expands. He goes on voyage to

foreign countries and succeeds in travel as well as in all his

During waning Moon, he wins over his enemies by developing
false friendship with them (Mithra Bedha). He gets income and
monetary gain and lives in mountains.

7. When Saturn passes through seventh house from Janma

During waxing Moon, he gets mental torture due to ladies.
He suffers from headache. He goes to foreign land under
compulsion and suffers there. He suffers during travel also and
under mental tension.
During waxing Moon_ he is afflicted by mental worries through
his wife. There will be lack of food and losses in business of black
coloured items.

8. When Saturn passes through eighth house from Janma


During waxing Moon, the efforts of the native fail. He is

afflicted by worries due to his sons and friends. He spends more
and there will be unwanted wasteful expenditure and conflict
within the family.
During waxing Moon, the native suffers from piles. He earns
the enmity of elders. He suffers mental sickness and has to roam
about without any aim or goal.

9. When Saturn passes through ninth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, those who help the native suffer
difficulties. The native's enemies grow more aggressive and the
native suffers due to them and mental agony.
During waxing Moon, there will be mental depression. He
suffers from rheumatism. There is fear from poison (food poisoning
etc.), the native is forced to live in mountains. He undertakes
voyages also without any gain.
Transit Results of Sa turn 175

10. When Jupiter passes through tenth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be mental agony, impediments
in the way of good and Punya Karmas (charities etc.). There will
be difficulties in the family. The native faces all sorts of difficulties
and obstruction.
During waxing Moon there will be mental agony, loss of money
and material, fear of vehicle accidents and in the end there will be
some comforts and relief.

II. When Saturn passes through eleventh house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be gain of money (and grains)
from many sources. The native will be very happy. He will do
charitable acts (dharmas). He goes to holy temples and offers
prayers to lshta Devatas, and he gets prominence in debates and
During waxing Moon, his talent in mathematical applications
improves. He spends his time in reading spiritual books. ·He goes
on pilgrimage to holy places and has dips in holy waters. He gains
in business of black coloured items.

12. When Saturn passes through twelfth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be difficulties in the family,
over expenditure and forcibly going to mountainous regions. His
wife and children become his enemies.
During waxing Moon, there will be mental agony. He
undertakes travel to west direction. He has to walk long distances
and gets some happiness and comforts.
• ••
Chapter Eighteen



Transit results of Rahu and Ketu arc not available in Sanskrit

text. In the traditional Tamil texts 'PERJYA VARUSHADHI NOOL'
and 'JODHIDAK KALANJIYAM' the transit results of Rahu and
Ketu are given in brief. Based on the above and our own
experience, we have illustrated the transits of Rahu and Ketu.
Here the word 'experience' is used not on any new dictum of the
writer but it is strictly brought out from the original expression
of our ancient sages, that they have described in the texts, found
out in various places. According to the saying that 'Sanivah Rahu'
and 'Kujavah Ketu' the results given for Saturn and Mars for transit
by our ancient Rishis are mainly taken as guiding factor in giving
readings for Rahu and Ketu.

I. Rahu through Janma Rasi (Moon sign)

There will be unsolved difficulties and problems. There will
be losses, many undiagnosable diseases befitting Rahu may occur.
But since sickness will not be deciphered, no treatment may be
possible and this aspect will become a mater of serious mental
worry. The native may suffer black magic since Rahu is karak for
it. The period will also be bad for parents.

2. Rahu through second house from Janma Rasi

The hard earned savings will be spent without any control or
proper thinking. Expenditure will go up with less or no income.
The native may have to suffer food poisoning and may lose
courage and self confidence. Many diseases of indigestion will
Transit Results ofRahu 177

ruin the health. There will be confusion and quarrel in the family.
Foul plays will be set up to put down the native. There may be
scandal due to a widow. This will be bad time for wife and children.
They may also suffer from some sickness or other.

3. Rahu through third house from Janma Rasl

This will be good time. All good things will happen and the
native enjoys all comforts and luxuries in many ways. Money will
come from many sources and income will increase. The native
becomes courageous to face any problem. The virility of the native
will increase. He may have sex pleasure with ladies outside
married life, particularly from widows. Native will enjoy timely
and delicious food and brothers and sisters will help the native.
Wife and children will recover from ill health. He will also receive
the monev of his enemies.

A. Rahu through fourth from J anma Rasi:

Here Rahu gives bad results. The native will be afflicted by
many diseases and his health suffers. The native will suffer many
difficulties at the hands of his enemies . The native may have to
mourn the loss of some near relative or friend. He will develop
enmity with others. The mother of the native may suffer from
some illness. He may meet with vehicular accidents. He may suffer
and have some losses during travel. He will have sleepless nights.
His wife and children may also suffer from sickness. Native's
education will be interrupted. The native may lose his home,
landed property etc.

5. Rahu through fifth house from Janma Rasi

Here also Rahu gives bad results. Native's financial status
worsens . There will be unwanted and over expenditure. He may
lose one of his children or the children in general will be afflicted
by some disease. His mind gets confused. He loses the power of
discrimination. Due to improper thinking all nctivitcs will be
carried out quite opposite to the method they should have been
carried out. There may be danger to life of one or both parents.
Wife will also suffer bad health. Whatever readings are given for
Saturn in 5th house, the same malefic results may happen to the
native here also. On the whole, Rahu gives bad results here. He is
also said to give Puthra Dosha to the native.

6. Rahu through sixth house from Janma Rasi

Here Rahu gives good results. Native gets money from many
sources. He gets relieved of all difficulties and feels free and
comfortable. In addition to own income, he will get money from
his opponents also. Enemies will be subdued and the native will
have the upper hand. All his diseases will be cured and he regains
sound health. He gets acquaintance of a lady speaking other than
the language of his own, and he gets pleasure and peace of mind
and intelligence. He commands respect and honour at his own
place. He will gain from his maternal uncle

7. Rahu through seventh from Janma Rasi

He loses his self respect. His reputation falls and is humiliated.
He becomes enemy to others due to his argumentative nature
and suffers many ordeals and difficulties as a consequence. His
relatives and friends leave him. His wife's health worsens. Due
to liaison with some wicked woman, he is trapped in a scandal
and his health also suffers. He is forcibly pushed out of his home
town or country. He suffers also in foreign land. His properties
get destroyed or slip away from him. Some of these people are
afflicted by venereal diseases. The native enters into quarrel with
his wife.

8. Rahu through eighth house from Janma Rasi

The native suffers in all aspects of his life. If judged life span
coincides with maraka period there will be danger to life. If 3rd
or 4th round of 7 Y2 years Saturn also runs the native may pass
away. He is affficted by many undiagonisable diseases and there
is complex of fear in his mind even for petty matters. He may get
disease in his private organ. Due to conspiracy of others, he fails
in his endeavours and loses property and in whatever efforts he
undertakes, all will fail. His business and profession get greatly
affected resulting in losses. He is afflicted by vaisuribadha and
small pox etc. There may be theft of jewels from home.

9. Rahu through ninth house from Janma Rasi

Saved money will be spent on unwanted heads causing scarcity
of money. He will have to embrace poverty. None of his efforts
will succeed. His friends and people well known to him will
Transit Results of Rahu 179
forsake him. Due to bad and wicked minded friends he invites
miseries and gets into trouble. His mind will indulge in sinful acts
only. He may resort to practice the discipline and code of religions
other than his own. His mind will not engage in good and
righteous deeds. This will be bad time for brothers, father and
mother. He may practice black magic. On the whole, the period is
not good for these people.

IO.Rahu through tenth house from Janma Rasi

According to some texts bad results are given for Rahu in
lOth. But Tamil texts in this context state that if some other planet
or planet(s) is/are there in the 1Oth, the results will be mixed.
This reflects the idea that along with bad results, good results can
also be expected. According to Tamil texts, there will be peaceful
and happy life. But properties will go out from hands. The support
given by government will be withdrawn. There will be transfer
to unwanted place. The native will suffer from black magic. If
Maraka Dasa coincides, there will be danger to life. He may also
have to do post funeral rites to his parents (lOth Rahu gives what
is called Karma Dasa). There will be confusion in all spheres of
life. The native may quarrel with his wife. He will not have timely
food. His sleep gets spoiled due to worries. He will not have
clear mind and capacity to make any decision. His
memory weakens. As such we can come to the conclusion that
according to Tamil texts all bad results will happen, during the
second half.

II. Rahu through eleventh from J anma Rasi:

Here Rahu gives good results. Timely good food with sweets.
will be available and money will come from many sources. Wife
will be cured of her ill health. Her look will have a new glow and
attraction. Children's health also improves and will be cheerful.
New jewels will be added. The native will command respect and
honour in the society. He develops faith and spiritual devotion
and gets providential help. Other's money also will come to him.
He may get income from abroad through sea voyage and through
water ways of rivers in business. In many ways Rahu in 11th from
Janma Rasi gives very good results.
180 Gochar l'h.lL:Jda:'J'ika
12. Rahu through twelfth house from Janma Rasi
The native loses money in many ways. There will be heavy
expenditure and less income. There will be many difficulties,
sorrows and miseries. Wife will have bad time and suffers from
ill health. Due to thL">, the sex life of the native gets disturbed and
he is always worried and spends sleepless nights. His landed and
house properties will slip away from hand. He may be affected
by some kind of peculiar disease, which will be undiagnosable.
His one or both legs may get fractured. He will start his work in
some way and will fmish it quite against the planned pattern and
may result in failure.


1. When Rahu passes through Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, there will be difficulties during first
half. There will be losses, danger from poison (food poisoning),
but there will be happiness through son, daughter etc.
During waxing Moon, there will be mental worries,
over expenditure, mourning for somebody and affliction of
diseases etc.

2. When Rahu passes through second house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be improvement in education,
talent in music, going on travel towan~s southwest and offering
prayers at temples.
During waxing Moon, there will be difficulty and scardty of
money, mental worries and the native may go on long travel to
foreign lands.

3. When Rahu passes through third house from Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, the life will be very much comfortable,
health improves, there will be receipt of money, expansion and
gain in business and success in endeavours all will happen.
Transit Results of Rahu 181
During waxing Moon, there will be mental worries and
expenditure through people of fatherin-law's side and there will
be unwanted wandering without aim or gain.
4. When Rahu passes through fourth hosue from Janma
During waxing Moon, the native will be pushed to foreign
lands under compulsion, mental worries. separation from mother,
mourning and melancholy thereof and enmity with friends and
During waxing Moon there will be gain in business of black
gram, sesamum etc. He will gain in travel towards southwest
5. When Rahu passes through fifth house from Janma
During waxing Moon, the children show progress in education,
there will be birth of female child, much cooperation from wife
and relations will happen. The native offers prayers to Ishta
During waxing Moon, there will be waste and loss of money
and conflict through sons, mental agony etc.
6. When Rahu passes through sixth house from Janma Rasi
During waxing Moon, there will be mental agony, loss of
money and material, and accusations from the relatives and fear
from government.
During waxing Moon, native will have mental peace and liaison
and sexual pleasure through outcJstc (with lower caste women
and widows) and there will be good delicious timely food etc.
7. When Rahu passes through seventh house from Janma
During waxing Moon, there will be affiiction to wife, going to
far off foreign lands and liasion with ladies outside married life,
business in iron and steel and gain thereof etc.
During waxing Moon, there will be mental worries due to
wife, loss in property sale, there will be loss in business etc.

8. When Rahu passes through eighth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, the endeavours will fail, fever and
danger of untimely death and sorrow and mourning due to passing
away of some relative from mother's side, loss in business, buying
and selling real estate, going to foreign lands etc.
During waxing Moon gain in business of black material, win
over enemies and there will be some gain in everything.

9. When Rahu passes through ninth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, number of enemies increase and can
expect harassment from them, some relative from paternal side
may pass away and there will be difficulties in the family.
During waxing Moon, there will be family happiness, money
lost will be regained and wins over enemies etc. will happen.

10. When Rahu passes throug tenth house from Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, there will be vision of lshta Devata

goddess Durga. The native may have to go in exile, transferred
to unwanted places. There will be good news from relations, gains
through money lending etc.
During waning Moon, there will be mental worries, infliction
of diseases, bad reputation, entering into loans and enemies will
grow more stronger.

II. When Rahu passes through eleventh house from Janma


During waxing Moon, there will be gains from money lending,

food grains and pending marriages will be celebrated. Contact
with ladies outside married life and pleasure through them (low
ranked women, widows etc.). There will be receipt of very happy
news from outside and all round progress will happen.
During waxing Moon, there will be heavy borrowing and loss
of ancestors' properties and mental worries etc.
Transit Results of Rahu 183
12. When Rahu passes through twelfth house from J anma
During waxing Moon, there will be happiness of bed (sexual
pleasure), happy news from relatives and offering of prayers of
lshta Devata will happen. And there will be gain through money
During waxing Moon, there will be sorrow and mourning
from paternal side, loss and waste of money, and there will be
failure in all endeavours etc. The native also enters into heavy
debts and loans.
• ••
Chapter Nineteen



I. Ketu through Janma Rasi

Here Ketu gives bad results. There will be mental worries
and agony, diseases like small pox, enmity with coborn etc.
Brothers also have bad time and may suffer ill health and loss of
property.' For females, there may be fire accidents while cooking.
Their skin will become decoloured. Since Ketu is Gnana Karaka,
devotion towards God develops.

2. Ketu through second house from Janma Rasi

Here also Ketu gives malefic results. The native develops
enmity with many, and gets un timely tasteless food. He may get
wound under and tip of the tongue. He may even be affected by
cancer at the lower portion of the tongue, if the Rogasthana in the
horoscope has indications . He will suffer from mental worry,
scarcity of money and lack of even essentials at home.

3. Ketu through third house from J anma Rasi

Here Ketu gives good results. He wins over his enemies and
succeeds to combat them. His income goes up and he gets money
from many sources. He may get afflicted with venereal and skin
diseases. He should be careful and take precautionary treatment
even when symptoms appear. But on the other side, he also gets
name and fame. He will become courageous. He lives a life of an
aristocrat (Raja Yoga).
Transit Results of Ketu 185
4. Ketu through fourth house from Janma Rasi
There will be some fear in his mind without any reason. He
loses money in speculation, horse race, gambling and by risky
business. Both his land and house property will slip away from
him. He may meet with fire and vehicular accidents, and may
suffer from stomach pain or heart diseases. If Rogasthana indicates
bad health, the native is afflicted with some sort of incurable
diseases in the part indicated by the limb of the kala purusha
signified by the 6th house in the natal chart. His appearance will
lose aura and will look ugly. He may at times become a sanyasi
leaving his family once and for all.

5. Ketu through fifth house from Janma Rasi

Here also Ketu is bad. He suffers many difficulties. The wife
is affected by diseases pertaining to womb. But since Ketu is Gnana
Karaka, here native shows sharp intellect, clear mind and power
of discrimination. His functional skills improve. He may suffer
ulcer in stomach and the outer skin of the stomach will also be
affected by skin eruption, bruises etc. He suffers due to loss of
one of his children and will always be in grief. The children's
health may also fail.

6. Ketu through sixth house from Janma Rasi

Native gains money from many sources. He wins over his
enemies. His maternal uncle may fall sick. The native shines as a
scholar and an eloquent speaker and may become famous. But he
will misunderstand others or will be misunderstood by others
and there will be restraints and mental tension on this account.
He will be afflicted by stomach pain, but will be cured. Though
females draw his attraction, the native will not show eagerness.
All his loans will be cleared. His diseases will be cured and he
will regain complete health. He will have keenness in pursuits of
spiritual knowledge. Here Ketu gives mixed results.

7. Ketu through seventh from Janma Rasi

There may be miseries an<;! troubles. The health of a female
native will be affected due to abortion. Even otherwise the native
will not be able to get any pleasure of sex from her. He will enter
186 Cochar l'halachpika
into liaison with wicked women. The unmarried may fall in love
with woman from other castes and may have to marry her
under compulsion. There may be danger of drowning. Some
near relative or somebody from wife's side may pass away. They
may have to visit many towns and villages without any purpose.
The mind of the native has no desire to do any useful work
and will waste the time.

8. Ketu through eighth house from Janma Rasi

Here whatever bad results have been told for Rahu will take
place in the case of Ketu too. There will be unresolvable problems
and difficulties. The native will suffer fear complex for each and
everything. Male native gets wound at the tip of his genitals. Some
disease or other will be troubling the native. Jewels, gold, money
may be stolen or will be sold for want of finance. The native will
suffer from eye trouble. He will be adopting all lower type of
discipline of religious behaviour. His mind will always be in the
state of confusion. There is fear of some poisonous insect bite like
snake etc. But during this period wife will be very much favourable
to him, submissive, attractive and keep him always happy.

9. Ketu through ninth house from Janma Rasi

Ketu gives somewhat bad result. At all stages, the native gets
humiliated, may be subjected to foul plays by others and may
lose money in speculation and gambling. He may become a
deceptive sanyasi. He may face and fail in many law suits. He will
speak many lies. Due to his short temper all efforts will fail. His
father-in-law may fall ill. The native and his father both will b<> in
trouble. The native will have spiritual bent of mind and due to
spiritual introspection, he gets clarity of mind and a new outlook
of life.

10. Ketu through tenth house from Janma Rasi

What all bad or good result are given for Rahu are also
applicable to Ketu in lOth. There will be receipt of money and
gain. But these people may indulge in speculation, gambling
etc. and lose the money. Due to fire accidents or electrical shock,
the body gets decoloured. He may turn to be a deceptive sanyasi.
Transit Results of Ketu 187

When compared to Rahu, Ketu gives less malefic results in lOth.

He may do religious Yajnas (sacrifices). He may undertake
pilgrimage to holy places, temples etc. He may become head
of some religious centre. The good and bad results occur to
the native more or less similar to the Ketu dispositor in the radical

II. Ketu through eleventh house from Janma Rasi

Here Ketu gives beneficial results in all ways. He will get
good income from agriculture, will never fail to keep up his
commitments and will succeed in all his enterprises. At home, all
essential provisions and luxuries will flow in abundance. He will
become VIP. He will succeed in many businesses. He may be given
status in judiciary, may be promoted in his job, will get
income from government and his financial status improves. But
the native will breed enmity with his relatives and friends. He
will win over his enemies and opponents. His elder brother or
sister will fall ill.

12. Ketu through twelfth house from Janma Rasi

Here Ketu gives mixed results more on the malefic side. The
native incurs losses in many ways. There will be heavy and
uncontrolled expenditure. His relatives suffer due to various
difficulties and sickness. He may suffer due to fire accidents and
small pox, eye problem etc. His mind will be more on spritual
side and he may become Sanyasi. He may not get
conveyance facilities. There will be conflict and will get confusion
in the family created by his relatives and friends. Ketu will confuse
his mind at times. 12th house is called Moksha Sthana, Ketu is
significator for spirituality and self-realisation. As such, when Ketu
comes to 12th house from Janma Rasi, the native will experience
self realisation.
Note : The results of Rahu are more malefic in nature and it
makes the native more attached towards worldly pleasure;
whereas the results of Ketu are less malefic and the native
contemplates on spiritual and devotional side. In Ketu, the benefic
results are more than those of Rahu.
188 Goch.lrPhal.ldeepika


I. When Kctu passes through Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, the enemies of the native become more
offensive and strong. The native will be afflicted with diseases,
and endeavours will fail. The native enters into heavy debts and
there will be mental worries.
During waxing Moon, there will be mental agony of diseases
due to over heat. There will be conflict in the family and during
the end there will be some happiness and comforts.

2. When Ketu passes through second house from Janma

The native is forced to move to new house of lesser comforts.
The native takes heavy loans, he suffers and heavy losses
unexpectedly. There will be fear of theft, fire accidents and also
mental worries etc.
During waxing Moon native will have mental illness. There
will be conflict with wife due to argument and enimical or enimical
behaviour with her and her relatives.

3. When Ketu passes through third house from Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, the native's mnthcmnticnl knowledge

increases. He travels towards northeast direction, on voyage and
gains in business. There will be mental happiness.
During waxing Moon, there will be loss in business. The native
has to wander through mountainous areas and there will be fear
of affliction of the native by bad spirits.

4. When Ketu passes through fourth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be fear of accidents of vehicles,
affliction by diseases, wicked friendship resulting in losses. The
native roams about without any aim or gain, failure in all efforts,
Transit Results of Kctu 189
selling of landed properties, entering into heavy loans, mental
worries etc.
During waxing Moon, the native takes part in post funeral
feasts, roaming about through mountainous regions and infliction
of diseases due to over heat etc.

5. When Ketu passes through fifth house from Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, there will be worries regarding children,
mourning due to passing away of some near relative, failure of all
endeavours, loss of some child etc.
During waxing Moon, there will be expenditure due to son's
mental agony, entering into heavy loans and enmity with relatives

6. When Ketu passes through sixth house from Janma Rasi

During wnxing Moon, there will be income of money from
many sources, mental happiness, picnic feasts, timely delicious
food, improvement in business, auspicious functions like marriage
in the family, gain of money from money lending etc.

7. When Ketu passes through seventh house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be troubles through wife.
The native is afflicted by many diseases, goes to unknown place
by force, enters into heavy borrowings and mental agony, all will
During waxing Moon, there will be mental sickness, loss of
grains and enmity with relatives, etc.

8. When Ketu passes through eighth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be increase in life span, mental
happiness, offering prayers in temples, timely delicious food and
all round progress, etc.
During waxing Moon, the native suffers from fever, difficulties
and over-expenditure and sorrowful events will happen.

9. When Ketu passes through ninth house from Janma Rasi

During waxing Moon, there will be over-expenditure, incurring
heavy loans, mental worries, going away to foreign land, roaming
about in mountainous regions etc.
During waxing Moon, there will be loss Through enemies,
conflict within the family and loss in business.

10. When Jupiter passes through tenth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be income through wicked
and rough people, progress in profession and mental happiness,
gain of money etc.
During waxing Moon, there will be loss of money and material
through wicked men, mental agony and loss in business and

II. When Ketu passes through eleventh house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be aquaintance with sages,
the natives does Sadhana in black mountain caves and attains sidhi
in manthras. He gets more money and also good fortune of getting
dairy products.
During waxing Moon, there will be mental sickness, the native
will engage in agriculture, there will be loss in business and enmity
with relatives etc.

12. When Ketu passes through twelfth house from Janma

During waxing Moon, there will be expenditure, incurring
heavy loans, bilious diseases afflicting the native and lack of sex
and bed comforts. The native also suffers due to piles and incurs
expenditure through wicked men.
During waxing Moon, there will be comfort and happiness
after the first half and there will be limited income and happiness.





Transit of Sun and Mars

;rcl ffi~ ~ €lR3t;q"flTS~ ~

R ~ -mft !SIRIIRq»f 'if']:
lll~ CII<RRt<R(OCIIG!I~W~ ~:
sWi1 ::i1041'J61f-' ~~ ~ ':1 :itw:II\!Jg:ll
The Sun and Mars during their transit through the 11th, 3rd
and 6th houses cause improvement in over all position, including
gain and honour. Transit through the 2nd house brings loss of ·
money; over 4th and 5th house fear and misery, over 7th house
diseases, over 9th house, great sorrow. Mars brings
disappointment in the lOth house, and the Sun in the same position
causes success in any business or enterprise.

3Wi~ICJf~q!i4'1Ji ~111lHif<;ZV111i
m m~tt ~!13=4'" ~\frfutt.l
<fil'ir ijljj0¢!l~14$1 ~ ~
m.n ~ fu1fu ~ q;4f~r....: ~=~~
When the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter transit over the 12th,
the 1st and 8th houses counted from the Moon's place, they cause
loss of wealth, much traveling, ailments and even risk to life.

am : 'I:Ji
1fCI ~rrrrrn~~ 'fl 1:11 ""~ q_1
~'<A'~~ 'lofl{i;;j't_l
¥I !'ii'W"t'tll <mJi "G1:sf tQ f5fi ~I lfl ct ' IJ
f«<R:n'lf ~ <wtfftH<fl< ~~
The Sun-the location of the Sun (at any given time) in the
Janma-Rasi signifies change of place; in the 2nd house, he bestows
wealth; in the 3rd he denotes success; in the 4th portends
dishonour; in the 5th he shows sorrow; in the 6th he causes ruin
of enemies; in the 7th favours travel; in the 8th, manifests affliction;
in the 9th breeds hatred; in the lOth gives gains of labour; in the
11th brings pecuniary gains; in the 12th pecuniary loss.


TJfu$j '3i\af{t"f. Tl ~ ~~ <Oll"''lcfiCI ~I

~~Sifltlfqfiilt<:fflfuclf~~ ~ ~II

Sun gives the following results when he passes through

12 houses respectively from Janma Rasi 1. travel, 2. fear, 3. income
and gain of money, 4. worry, 5. humiliation, 6. success over
enemies, 7. getting new vehicle, 8. trouble, 9. loss ofbodily lustre,
10. achievement of one's efforts, 11. gain of money and
12. expenditure.



~ 1ll•n-;~q~ ~ 'lF:i ~li'fi40fd~l

tj<ill'"'-lf"lti•l<;ftttlft"tf.S' * ?Xi<i ~ ~ ~: I
When the Moon traverses through 12 houses reckoned from
the Janma Rasi, the respective effects felt are 1. good fortune;
2. loss of wealth; 3. success; 4. fear and danger; 5. sorrow and
grief; 6. defeat of the enemy; 7. happiness; 8. unfortunate events;
9. ailment; 10. fulfilment of ambitions; 11. joy and 12. expenditure.
Transit Results at a Glance Sanskrit Texts 193

~ f<ffl:rm' ~ ~ 'Cfif~Hl~HII'{f
Cflt4ttlf1' ~ <ilf<HR?II"'l'"lf<r \llllt. f I
~1R. S::O!HI~ j lfl~ Oltf.i<'thTm
The Moon in the 12 houses from the Janma Rasi signifies
respectively 1. good eating, 2. loss of wealth, 3. gain of money,
4. stomach complaint, 5. spoiling of business, 6. pecuniary gain,
7. friendship with women, 8. trouble, 9. intimidation, 10. well
being, 11. pecuniary gain and 12. loss.

~~~~~ ~ Cfll4fctGiol:"'l'*l'{l
fcre' ~ "U\ii~ W9' "if ~~ "if m ~ lj'IISCfl.:ll
According to Brihat Jyotish Sara Moon signifies. 1. delicious
food, 2. loss of money, 3. gain of money, 4. stomach disease, 5.
failure of effort, 6. gain of money, 7. gain of money, 8. fear of
disease, 9. fear fran government, 10. happiness, 11. gain of money
and 12. sorrow and misery.


~ ~·~·fttii: ~I
a:r${M "~:.A·· ~iiCfl~fd ~t:{'\iil{!'CI'{I
~ ""&ITUR~ T:f 'Sflltur ~6a ~:II
Mars in the 12 houses indicates, respectively. 1. trouble
from enemies, 2. loss of property, 3. pecuniary gain, 4.
reconciliation with foes, 5. loss of money, 6. wealth, 7. fatigue, 8.
danger to life, 9. indisposition, 10. sorrow, 11. acquisition oflands,
and 12. disease.


iTifu affit f<raliRSICif;s:q~ tRtt~l

~tf'AlQQtti -.:r ~ -.:r m trrr\l ~ "id+<mH)fdll

Mars gives the following results reckoned from Janma Rasi

(Moon-sign) 1. fear, 2. destruction of money, 3. gain of money,
4. increase of enemies, 5. destruction of money, 6. gain of money,
7. loss of money, 8. wounded by enemies, 9. affliction from
diseases, 10. sorrow and misery 11. gain of money, 12 over



"ll<ii~olfO::<t>cle: ~ ~~
~~'llll~ fCib1ti~lq~'l&i
~ ~tf!i "'if "lfiUfu ~:I
When Mercury transits through the 12 houses commencing
from the Moon in the birth chart, there will be following results.
In house 1. loss of wealth, 2. financial gain; 3. challenge from
enemies; 4. affluence of money; 5. dispute with wife and children;
6. success; 7. opposition; 8. birth of children and gain of wealth, 9,
obstacles; 10. all round happiness; 11. sound health 12. fear and


~-~e;<if~~ ~~I
~ ~~'ffiil ~~~:~I
Mercury in the 12 houses shows, respectively, 1. servitude, 2.
pecuniary gain, 3. fortune, 4. progress, 5, well-being, 6. stability,
7. illness, 8. wealth, 9. disease, 10. comfort, II. profit and 12.


<P:.A ~ ~ ~ -qm ~ ·~'lil\1

~ lit'i ~ Sfiql(lhd ~ ~:1
Transit Results at a Glance Sanskrit Texts 195
Mercury gives the following results when passing through 12
houses from Moon sign 1. imprisonment or confmed to one place
2. gain of money, 3. fear from enemies, 4. gain of money, 5. pain
and suffering, 6. permanence of status, 7. pain and sorrow, 8. gain
of money, 9. sorrow, mourning, 10. happiness, 11. gain of money
and 12. loss of money.


~:~ f<fdtl~f.t;" f~ft11Pii ~ ~~I

\f1•u""-'Puf.:a ti<!IIIINI. ~ fili1snfo:<'i "5:~ ~ -;:ftq-:1
Jupiter during his transit through the 12 houses will give 1. a
lot of miseries, 2. increase of wealth, 3. loss of position, 4. quarrels
with relatives, 5. pleasure from progeny, gain of wealth, 6. trouble
through enemies, 7. pleasure and entertainment, 8. ailments, 9.
influx of wealth and happiness, 10. loss of wealth, 11. gain of
position and status and 12. grief and fear.


~ ~ ~ ~Ollt;lf.:Hfl&i!{!T.f: ~I
~ tR ~1111~i ~ lft6i ~; ~I
Jupiter in the 12 houses denotes, respectively 1. fear, 2. reward,
3. indisposition, 4. loss of wealth, 5. happiness, 6. grief, 7. fortune,
8. dissatisfaction, 9. wealth, 10. risk oflosing place or position, 11.
stability and 12. affliction.


\ftffi m m ~m&t m ~ ~ ~~
~ ~ llRf<ffi "it T.ftm ~ ~ \il;;HI~l: ~ II
When Jupiter passes through the 12 houses from the Moon
sign, the following results happen 1. fear, 2. gain of money, 3.
pain and sorrow, 4. increase of enemies, 5. comforts and happiness,
6. sorrow and mourning, 7. honour from the government, 8.
diseases, 9. comforts and happiness, 10. humiliation 11. respect
and 12. pain and sorrow.



~ f<luf(if-6. f<t1t<it
gi!lfd"'f1ai.ltm m eftttlS!fi<i
Venus transiting over 12 houses from the Moon sign in the
birth chart will confer on the native 1. a variety of enjoyment, 2.
financial gain, 3. prosperity, 4. friends and prosperity 5. children,
6. trouble, 7. trouble through young women, 8. wealth, 9. gain
and happiness through wife, 10. disputes, 11. security and 12.
financial gain.


~~ ws· fcfii 1!fti ~- ~~

~ ~~~fcffi~:W!:II
Venus in twelve houses give respectively 1. pleasure, 2.
pecuniary gain, 3. happiness, 4. pecuniary gain, 5. happiness, 6.
fear of enemies, 7. grief, 8. money, 9. clothes, 10. indisposition,
11. profit and 12. r.1oney.


ftsa.r<i f.:t=a4dlCl oo: m @l'lifd4<1fn<!F"'l.'

m ~ cRCifl!t:'ll\f tftir ~~~~ ~ wn:l
When Venus passes through the 12 houses from Janma Rasi
the following results happen 1. destruction of enemies, 2. gain of
money, 3. much comforts, 4. gain of money, 5. attached to son
(brith of child), 6. increase of enemies, 7. sorrow mourning, 8.gain
of money, 9. getting costly dress, 10. pain and sorrow, 11. gain of
money and 12. gain.
Transit Results at a Glance Sanskrit Texts 197



1111{Pii{f'i '!P9t~ ftil'lltl'jMif~<ti"

t'Ai<~·t4'4~&'1fa ~'1~UJ'!i:ci ~lllll.•
'4i•!i{lf4d41{'q!i: ~ ~4SlOIIWII1411J
~ ~~ ~etl4iC::<k:il:ll

When Saturn passes through 12 houses from moon, 1. grief

from many ailments 2. devoid of wealth and happiness, 3. rise in
status, position or employment, servants and moriey, 4. loss of
wife, relations, wealth and happiness, 5. loss of wealth and
happiness, 6. defeat of enemies, 7. promotes travelling and
journeys, 8. a chain of miseries aliments etc, 9. diseases and ill-
name, 10. extreme poverty, 11. acquistion of wealth and in the 12.
loss of wealth.


fchHI~i lR:'!ft6i ~ fcl'€11(.1<i ~I

"' "" '
~441id0f111: ~
'il51 f. . 'IT:lb:-:'
S::&ll$1"' ...,
~~(11'141~ t:l' iiti41t<t);<'li't0q~GR: II
Saturn in the 12 houses denotes respectively, 1. loss of money
2. sorrow 3. gain 4. waste of money, 5. grief, 6. property, 7. mental
affliction, 8, physical affliction, 9. loss of money, 10. mental pain,
11. pecuniary gain and 12. pecuniary want


tM Cfffii•
'1flir ~f.N:«;:i
'q ~~~!>!<if.&. :filt(m&i ~ "q

141!>11f\a'111l"'tl \lliflj«t·liffi II

Saturn gives following results when he passes through the

12. houses from Moon sign 1. loss of discriminatory power
and decision making, 2. sorrow and misery, 3. comforts
and happiness, 4. increase of enemies, 5.comfort from
son, 6. comfort and happiness, 7. some defect in some aspect of
life, 8. bodily pain,9. comforts and happiness, 10. loss of money
and poverty,ll. gain of money and 12. loss and pain in various
Note: !n this sloka good results are given for Saturn in 5. But
this is not true. Perhaps the sloka should run as 'putradh
asoukhyam" meaning:lack of comfort from son. Similarly good
result for Saturn in 9th. But according to tamil dictum this is true.
Hence it can be accepted.



~: ~~ ~- "ti;jfCf(<hc:'l~?)ctJ
iji<!\i(ll«!'l'"1=tttm: N<i<t>i<&~l«'fll ~:I
~ • j;j)Ojfl·~ ~ tf'l~!l

The delineation of the influence of Rahu on Ketu in the twelve

signs from Janma Rasi arc the same as those of Mars. Saturn, Sun,
Mars, and Jupiter in the Rasi and in the 8th or 12th places
therefrom, portend fear of death, change or loss of position and
decline of wealth.


m; 00: ws<ltif1" ~<fj,<~TsU\l: "jm $R ~~<'{II
When Rahu and Ketu passes.through the 12 houses from the
moon sign, the following results happen. 1. pain, loss, 2. poverty,
3. gain of money, 4. enmity with others 5. sorrow and misery, 6.
gain of money, 7. argument with others 8. bodily pain and hard
work, 9. indulging in sinful acts, 10. enmity with others, II. comforts
and happiness and 12. loss of money and material.
Exceptions (a) A planet placed in own sign or sign of exaltation
in the birth chart, manifests nothing unavoidable even if its
position with reference to Janma Rasi may indicate adverseness.
(b) A planet placed in enemy sign or be in debilitation in the birth
chart shows no good even if its position with reference to Janma
Rasi is favourable.
• ••
Chapter Twenty One


In western system of astrology aspects, are taken different

than what we take in vedic system. In Vedic astrology, we follow
what the standard texts provide. For example all planets aspect
7th Rasi. Saturn, Mars, Jupiter have special aspects. This has been
discussed earlier.
In transit, the result of aspect has to be judged as follows.
A planet when in transit gives good or bad results according
to Rasi occupied by it from Janma Rasi or Birth Moon. This planet
also aspects certain Rasi by general aspect or special aspect. These
aspected Rasis or Bhavas if seen from Janma Rasi, give certain
results by virtue of their aspects. These general transit results
and aspect results should be well coordinated to give net result
We have tabulated these results. The results of aspect are
identified as follows. Let us consider Mesha Rasi where natal
moon is placed and in Kataka, fourth from Moon, Sun transits.
According to general dictum Sun in 4th is not good. But by 7th
aspect to the lOth Rasi from the natal Moon (the 7th Katak:a) Sun
is said to give good results. Referencing to the table if you move
across to where Sun is aspecting i.e lOth Bhava you will fmd that
there will be promotion. This is the result of aspect. Here we
should not consider the place where the planet is positioned,
but we should consider the place where the pl:\net aspects and
see its position from radical Moon. The results of aspected Rasi
plus the results of the rasi where the planet is placed should be
jointly seen and net results declared. In the above case Sun's
transit in 4th from radical Moon is bad but aspect of lOth house
is good, Combined effect of both is good and bad and hence net
effect is moderate and mixed.
200 Gochar Ph.ilideepfka

Table 13: Table showing results of planets aspecting

various Bhavas
Bhavas -4 1 2 3 4
Sun Bad Bad Good Bad
Tired Loss of Overall Loss of
Disease money good Comforts
Fear -
Moon Good Bad Good Bad
Fortune LJssof Success Stomach
money Gain of Pain
Good money .
Mars Bad Bad Good Bad
Disease Theft Gain Fear
Separation Destruction of money from enemies
of finance Success Stomach
Mercury Bad Good Bad Good
Destruction Gain Enmity Money
of money of money Trouble Progress
Compulsion Comforts in education
Jupiter Good Good Good Good
Good health Gain of Help to Comforts
Transfer money and from Progress
Timely brothers in education
good food
Venus Good Good Good Good
Sex Timely mcrease Education
Pleasure Good of sex Gain of new
from ladies food pleasure vehide
Saturn Bad Bad Good ·Bad
Transfer Destruction Help to Acddent
Loss of finance and from during travel
Conflict in brothers Failure in
family Courage education
Aspects in Transit 201

Bhavas~ 1 2 3 4
Rahu Bad Bad Good Bad
Undiagnos- Food Courage Failure and
able Poison Sex obstruction in
disease gratifica- education
Trouble tion Bad
time for
Ketu Good Good Good Bad Failure
Disease Gain of Courage and
Fear Knowledge Progress Obstruction
Spoiled food in education
Death of
Bhavas~ 5 6 7 8
Sun Bad Good Bad Bad
Confusion Elimination Acddent Endless
of disease during trouble
and travel Quarrel
enemies Wife falls Disease
Moon Bad Good Good Bad
Fear Gain Gain of Endless
Agony Elimination money trouble
of enemies Help from
Mars Bad Good Bad Bad
Loss of Gain of Loss of Wound by
money money Money weapons
Fear Success Mental Wound
Mercury Bad Good Bad Good
Bad time Success bad time Gain of
conflict in effort conflict money
Overall good
Jupiter Good Birth Bad Disease Good Good
of child Debt Marriage Longevity

Bhavas-) 5 6 7 8
Planets J.
Venus Bad Bad Good Bad
Death of Venereal Liaison Venereal
children disease with Diseases
Saturn Bad Good Bad Bad
Sorrow Destruction Sickness Law suit
Death of of enemies to wife Accusation
children Success Change of Difficulties
Gain of place
money Quarrel

Rahu Bad Good Bad Bad

Bad to Destruction conspiracy Venereal
Progeny of enemies by wicked disease
fear of women Many ills
snake bite Venereal
Ketu Bad Good Bad Bad
Abortion Success Conspiracy Skin
Trouble over by women disease
enemies wound
Bhavas --) 9 10 11 12
Planets J,
Sun Bad Good Good Bad
Bad time to Achievement Gain of Loss of sex
father of desires money pleasure
in job
Moon Good Good Good Bad
Profit Gain Loss
Pleasure of money Trouble
Mm Bad Good Good Bad
Disease Profit Gain of Over ex-
Shame Progress money penditure
Aspects in Transit 203

Bhavas -:l 9 10 11 12
Planets J.
Mercury Bad Good Good Bad
So now Profit Gain Destruction
Trouble Comforts money of finance
Jupiter Good Bad Good Bad
Pilgrimage Loss of gain of Auspidous
to holy status money expenses
temples and position
Venus Good Good Gain Good Sexual
Pleasure Gain of through pleasure
money ladies from wife
Official gain Auspidous
Saturn Bad Bad Good Bad
b.:td time Gainless Profit Over
to father labouring Maximum expense
Loss of comforts
money Fullest
Loss of satisfaction
Rahu Bad Good Good Bad
3ad fortune Gain of Overall Expenditure
employment comforts on bad
•mcome Profit wavs
Ketu Bad Good Over Good Bad
all success Profit Over
gain of Expenditure
money Wisdom
Travel on

During transit planets give good results at certain places from
Janma Rasi and adverse results in remaining houses. But at times
results are cancelled by presence of some other planet or planets
simultaneously, in some other spedfic _houses from Janma Rasi.
Such positions are called 'V edha Sthana'. When good results are
cancelled, it is called Gochara Vedha. The same is explained below:
1. Gochar Vedha-From the Janma Rasi or the Birth Mcon
sign places of benefic and corresponding 'Vedha' places for each
place are given below:-
1. Sun
(Benefic places) 3 6 10 11
There is no Vedha by Saturn to Stm
Gochara V edha 9 12 4 5
2. Moon
(Benefic places) 1 3 6 7 10 11
There is no Vedha by mercury for moon
Gochara Vedha 5 9 12 2 4 8
3. Mars
(Benefic places) 3 6 n
Gochara V edha 12 9 5
4. Mercury
(benefic places) 2 4 6 8 10 11
There is no vedha
Gochara V edha 5 3 9 1 8 12
There is no Vedha to Mercury by' Moon.
5. Jupiter
(benefic places) 2 5 7 9 11
Gochara Vedha 12 4 3 10 8
Gochara VedhaAnd Vipareetha Vedha 205
6. Venus
(Benefic places) 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 11 12
There is no Vedha by Sun to Venus
Gochara Vedha 8 7 1 10 9 5 11 3 6
7. Saturn
(Benefic places) 3 6 11
There is no Vedha by Sun to Saturn
Gochara V edha 12 9 5
8. Rahu
(Benefic places) 3 6 11 10
Gochara Vedha 12 9 5
9. Ketu
(Benefic places) 3 6 11 10
Gochara V edha 12 9 5
Explanation: Sun gives benefic results in the 3rd from Moon
sign. At the same time any other planet, suppose Jupiter, is in 9th
from Moon, the benefic results to be given by sun get cancelled
by presence of Jupiter in 9lh from Moon. ln case Saturn is placed
at 9th place, instead of Jupiter, the good results of Sun will not
get cancelled as there are no Vedha between Sun and Saturn.
Vipareetha Veda When a planet is to give malefic results in a
certain place from Birth Moon sign, and if some other planet is
positioned in specific other place from birth Moon sign, the malefic
results of the planet is cancelled. This is called Vipareetha Vedha.
Given below are the places where specific planet gives bad
results and corresponding Vipareetha Vedha positions.
Now to clarify, we give below the Vipareetha Vedha place
the top place and explain below.
1. Sun
Places where he gives 9 12 4 5
bad results from Janma Rasi
Vipareetha Vedha places for Sun 3 6 10 11
2. Moon
Places of malefic result 2 5 12 8 4 9
Vipareetha Vedha places of Moon 7 1 6 11 10 3
3. Mars's
Places of malefic results 12 5 9
Vipareetha Vedha places of Mars 3 11 6
206 GodUT Ph.1!.ld<.t.pik.1
4. Mercury's
Places of malefic results 5 3 9 1 8 12
Vipareetha vedha places 2 4 6 8 10 11
of Mercury
5. Jupiter's
Places of malefic results 12 s 10 4 3
Vipareetha Vedha places 2 11 9 5 7
of Jupiter
6. Venus's
Places of malefic results 8 7 1 10 9 5
11 6 3
Vipareetha Vedha places 1 2 43 5 8
of Venus 9 11 12
7. Saturn's Rahu's and Ketu's 12 9 5
Places of malefic results
Vipareetha Vedha places 3 6 11
of Saturn
Vipreetha vedha places are the same for Mars, Saturn and
There is no Vipareetha Vedha to Sun by Saturn and similarly
for Mercury by Moon.
The concept of Vipreetha Vedha is very useful. Suppose Saturn
is 12th from Janma Rasi for a native this beginning of 71h years
Sade Sathi and at the same time Jupiter is in 3rd from Janma Rasi.
The evil effects of Saturn's transit will not be felt by the native
during one year period when Jupiter is in 3rd from Janma Moon.
ln the same way other cases are to be understood. We have shown
Vipareetha Vedha positions for all the nine planets above. There
are other malefic transit positions than the ones shown above,
but there are no corresponding Vipreetha Vedha positions.
Therefore evil effects of this will be felt by native.
For example there is no Vipareetha Vedha for Janma guru
Therefore evil effects of this will be felt by native. If Sadhe Sati of
Shani is running and Jupiter is not his 3rd, fast moving planets
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars move through the same bhava,
there will be more ordeal during these short periods. This is how
combined effects of transit are judged.
• ••
Chapter Twenty Three


The good or evil effects of planetary transit through stars get

neutralised by occupation of certain specified stars by planets
reckoned from the stars occupied by the planet under
consideration. This is called Nakshathra Vedha. These are in all
16 (two each for the 7 planets and 2 jointly for the nodes) position
as under:


Natal Nakshatra Transit in Vedha causing

Occupied by transit by:
Sun 9th N akshatra Rahu/Ketu
Sun 15th Nakshatra Ketu
Moon 7th N akshatra Mars
Moon 12th N akshatra Sun
Mars 4th Nakshatra Mercury
Mars 12th N akshatra Moon
Mercury 5th Nakshatra Jupiter
Mercury 17th N akshatra Saturn
Jupiter 6th Nakshatra Ver us
Jupiter 12th N akshatra Rahu
Venus 8th Naksha tra Saturn
Venus 18th Nakshatra Mercury
Saturn 9th N akshatra Sun
Saturn 12th Nakshatra Jupiter
Rahu/Ketu 9th N akshatra Moon
Rahu/Ketu 13 th N akshatra Mars

In order to understand the above, suppose the Sun is in Aswini

Nakshatra in the birth horoscope. The 9th Nakshatra therefrom
is Aslesha. When Rahu or Ketu moves in Aslesha Nakshatra most
of the good effects indicated by other planetary transit will be
suspended and only malefic effects will come to pass. Again, the
15th Nakshatra from Aswini is Swathi. When Ketu comes io move
in Swathi, similar effects are expected. In the same way, the other
Nakshatra Vedhas as above should not be ignored in considering
any transit effect. It is a different matter, if the directional
influences are particularly favourable to the native.
Chapter Twenty Four



Transit results so far explained at best can be defined as

general. These results get modified by certain other factors. They
are explained below:
Nakshathra Gochara as found in Phala Deepika.
1. Stellar occupational effect.
2. Nakshathra Anga Phalam- occupation of certain parts of
one's body during transit of planets.
3. Moorthi Nirnaya method- This is based on the position of
transit Moon from Natal Moon when any planet enters a new
sign. This has been discussed in detail separately.

WI: «~H'I41f\"HlliQR'IIf&4'hl~ ~­
eft ~n<;f11~isftl •1o1 4<1fG:c<l"~r<t1ln
<hn~ ·'!Rrciqq'lll~~
~eff<HI~J:j ~ <fq~'€Jiffi4JCll ~li
Draw seven lines horizontally (from west to east) and over
them draw seven lines vertical. The 28 extremities or points
reckoned from the north east are to be allotted to the 28 stars
(includng Abhijit) counted from Krittika. If the star occupied by
the Sun at the time happens to be the vedha asterism to the natal
star, danger to life has to be foreseen, if to the Adhana Nakshatra,
19th from Janmanakshatra, there will be fear and anxiety; if the
lOth from Janmanakshatra, loss of wealth will be the result Should
however the Sun in the above positions be also assodated with a
malefic, death can be expected.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Dhani Shata P. Bha U.Bha Rev Aswn Shari


14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Vlsha Swat Chit Hast U.pha P.pha Magh

v_ct ~ ~: <t>«-4xf<ol'{.l
Wx4fcf.t1 lfffifcfiUI~cj ·~11
If any one of the three asterims referred to above be thus
marred by the occupation of other malefics (other than the Sun),
death may happen; if by benefics, there will be no danger to life.
Everything should be judged similarly.

~aJ ~11f:tl<fi ~~I

~ ~\l<i fcf<\UfliN o~ ~: 'U~II
Transit Stellar Occupational Results 211
If the 19th, lOth, 3rd, 1st, 23rd, 5th or 7th (all reckoned from
the Janmatara) are afflicted by malefics during their transit, there
will be danger to life. But if the planet be bene tic, failure in business
will be the only result.
For Adhana, Karmarksha Vainasika etc. refer Jatakaparijata.
311f<;;t'4tt:s,ifilf"{lf<\='t ~ S14~10ql wu) ~. ~I
<)f<fllf-14111 "ii ~~ ~~ f<l1'"4{UIIf<\$:~11
The three asterims (viz Janma Anujanma, Trijanma), 1st, lOth
and 19th falling on a day identical with the Sun's Sankramana
(Sun's entry into a new Rasi) or at a time when any of the other
planets transit from one Rasi to another or when there is an edipse,
unexpected occurrence, then death or a similar untoward event
should be expected.
Ulka denotes the lOth star from the one governed by the Sun
(vide Kalaprakasika Ch XXXlli : 116, Tanjore Edition). But
Balabhadra says it is the 21st star counted from that occupied by
the Sun.
All the above may be special aspects of consideration of
Gochara or Transit. The conventional special aspect should be both
weighed along with Dasa bukthi and then the trend of life at
particular time can be fmally judged correctly. First we take up
stellar occupational effect.
Our zodiac is occupied by 12 Rasis and 27 stars. The 27 stars
equally spread over the 12 Rasis at the rate 2 14 stars for each Rasi.
The 9 planets also pass through these 27 star one by one. While
they pass through 12 Rasis, native is born in any one of these
Rasis. Moon may be placed in any one of the 27 stars. The same
star becomes our birth star or Janma Nakshathra and the Rasi in
which the Moon is placed is called our Janma Rasi or Birth Moon
Stellar occupational effect is mainly considered in the 2 ways
namely Stellar Occupation and N akshatra Anga Phala
I. Stellar Occupational Effect

Native is born in any one of the 27 stars. This is called his

Janma Nakshatra or birth star. At any time a planet is found to be

transiting through a particular star, this star counted from birth

star forms the basis of dedding good or bad results. There are 27
stars. They are distributed in 3 cycles of 9 each as given below.
The cyde repeats during the transit.
1. Janma Nakshatra Medium
2. Sampath Nakshatra (Tara) Very Good
3. Vipath Nakshatra (Tara) Bad
4. Kshema Tara (Nakshatra) Good
5. Prathyak Tara (Nakshatra) Bad
6. Deivanukula Tara (Nakshatra) Good
7. Vadha or Widha Tara (Nakshatra) Bad
8. Maithra Tara (Nakshatra) Good
9. Parama Maitra (Nakshatra) Moderate
The planet may be occupying a star belonging to any one of
the three cycles 1-9, lG-18 or 19-27. The count of star occupied by
a planet reckoned from Janma Nakshatra may be in one of the 9
stars in any of the three cycles. Suppose it is in 3 it is in Vipath
Tara (first cycle). If it is in 12th star it is 3rd in the 2nd cycle, hence
Vipath Tara. If it is in 21st star it is again 3rd star but in the third
cycle. Accordingly for Janma Tara Aswini 3rd- 12th and 21st stars
are Vipath Tara, and complete list of all the Tara's will be as given
below in Table 15.
Janma Anujanma Trijanma Results

1. Aswini 10. Magha 19. Moola Janma

2. Bh:oranl 11. Poorvopalgunl 20. Poor..-oshada Sampath
3. Krithika 12. Uttira Palgunl 21. Uthirashada Vipat
4.Rohinl 13. H>slha 22. Sravana Kshcma
5. Mrigasirha 14. Chilra 23. Dhanishta Pralyak
6. Ardhra 15. Swalhi 24. Salhabisha Dcl\•anukula
7. FunarVasu 16. Visaka 25. Poor.·a Bhadra Padha Vada
8. Pushya 17. Anuradha 26. Uttira Bhadra Padha Maithra
9. Aslesha 16.Jyeshta 27. Rcvathi Parama Maithra
Transit Stellar Occupational Results 213
To summarise when reckoned from Janma Nakshatra if a
planet occupies the following stars, then that star will be called as
l-1Q-19 stars from birth star -Janma
2-11-20 stars from birth star - Sampath
3-12-21 stars from birth star - Vipath
4-13-22 stars from birth star - Kshema
5-14-23 stars from birth star - Prathyak
6-15-24 stars from birth star - Deivanukula
7-16-25 stars from birth star -Vada
8-17-26 stars from birth star - Maithra
9-18-27 stars from birth star - Parama Maithra
If the planet occupies the stars mentioned below from Janma
Tara the result will be as follows.

Planet Good Results Bad Results Remarks

1.Sun 2,4,8,9, 11' 13,24 1, 14, 16, 19, 23
2.Moon 4,6,8,9, 11' 13,16,26,27 1,3,5, 7' 12, 14,19 No results
in remain-
ing stars

3.Mars 9,11' 17,22,24 1,3 ,5, 7' 12, 14,19,21

4. Mercury 4, 6, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22,
24,26,27 - -
5- Jupiter 1, 3, 7, 10, 12,19 - -
and Venus

6. Saturn 2,4,6,8, 13, 15,17' 18,20 -

7.Rahu 22,24 1, 7, 10, 27

and Ketu
We can ascertain the net results of transit in the following
The benefic planets (Venus, Jupiter and waxing Moon, Mercury
if joined or aspected by the benefics) when passing through
trikonas (5 and 9) from Janma Rasi and also posited in benefic

stars stated above will give very much benefic results. If they
pass through kcndras (1, 4, 7, 10) and are also in benefic stars
they give moderate good results.
If these planets pass through benefic stars in other signs, they
will not give good results. It will be neutral only.
If Malefic planets (Sun, waning Moon, Mercury joined
and aspected by malefics, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu)
passes through 8th and 12th Rasis from Janma Rasi and also pass
through malefic stars, their conventional malefic results will be
If planets pass through Janma 5th, 9th Rasis (Trikonas) and
also pass through malefic stars, there will be neutral results. If
they transit benefic stars, the malefic results will be reduced and
there will be practically no bad results.
For example, we will take the case of Hasta Nakshatra born
native. Suppose Venus passes 9th from Hasta and Rishaba rasi
which has 9 quarters of 3 stars the later 3 quarters of Krithika, 4
quarters of Rohini and first 2 quarters of Mrigasirsha. Say Venus
is in Mrigasirisha, it happens to be 20th star from the Janma
Nakshatra for the native under reference, which is Sampath Tara,
Sampath Tara gives good results. Venus will be benefic by virtue
of occupying Sampath Tara. Therefore, naturally good results of
Venus will be intensified.
We can also understand the stellar occupational results in yet
another way. When a planet is expected to give conventional good
results in transit but passes through Janma, Vipath, Prathyak and
Vadha Tara, the malefic results will be moderate. During transit
over Vipat, Prathyak and Vadha Tara, results will be malefic go
on increasing. Similarly passage through Kshema, sampath,
Deivanukula , Mithra, and Parama Maithra stars intensifies good
effects more and more.
II. N akshatra anga phala
According to this we count the star over which planet is passing
through from the birth star of a person upto 27th star
continuously. These stars have been asssigned various limbs of
the body of a native and planets is imagined to be passing through
those limbs. In our ancient tradition, there is a way of ascertaining
results for these passages of planets through stars. These results
are shown below:
Transit Stellar Occupatio11ill Results 215
Count of Star Limb Results

1. Janma Face (Mouth) Destruction

2. 2nd to 5th stars Head Prosperity
3. 6th to 9th stars Chest Success
4. lOth to 13th stars Right Hand Wealth
5. 14th to 19th stars both Legs Poverty
6. 20 to 23rd stars Left Hand Body trouble,
7. 24, 25th stars Eyes Profit
8. 26, 27th stars Anus Body destruction
(incurable disease)

1. Janma and 2nd stars Face Great fear
2. 3rd to 6th stars Head Comforts

3. 7th, 8th stars Back Success over

4.9th, lOth stars Eyes Gain of money

5. 11th to 15th stars

I Chest Happiness
6. 16th. 17th stars Right Hand Enmity
7. 18th to 24th stars Legs Living in his own
8. 24th to 27th stare Left hand Gain of money

Note : Moon is a fast moving planet. It crosses a sig_n in 2_!

days or 54 hours. He gives bad results in 1, 2, 11 and 15th stars
1. Jamna and 2nd stars Face (Mouth) Death or death
2.3rd to 8th stars Leg Enemity, conflict
3. 9th to U th stars Neck Success
4. 12th to 15th stars Right Hand Ulss of Money

5. 16th, 17th stars Head Profit

6. I 8th to 21st stars Face Great fc;u

7. 22nd to 25th stars Left Hand Comforts

8. 26th and 27th stars Eyes Travel

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

1. Janma to 3rd stars Head Sorrow

2. 4th to 6th stars Face (Mouth) Profit

3. 7th to 12th stars Hands Sudden Evil Events

4. 13th to 17th stars Stomach Gain of Money

5. 18th, 19th stars Anus Loss

6. 20th, 27th stars Leg Honour

Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

1. Janma Nakshathra Face (Mouth) Sorrow

2. 2nd to 5th stars Right Hand Happiness

3. 6th to 8th stars Left Hand Travel

4. 9th to Uth stars Right Leg Loss

5. 12th to 15th stars Left Leg Profit

6. 16th to 20th stars Stomach Varieties of Sexual


7. 21stto 23rd stars Head Happiness

8. 24th, 25rh stars Eve Comforts

9. 25th to 27th stars Back Death

According to ancient Tamil Samhitha Choodamani

Ullamudaiyan different results given for Anga Phala of Transit
are given b~low:
Transit Stellar Occvpa tiona} Results 217
Saturn., Rahu Ketu
1. Jamnn Nakshatra Mouth Bad, danger

2. 2nd to 5th stars Right Hand Comforts, lovely

3. 6th to 11th stars Legs Travel

4. 12th to 15th stars Left Hand Failure

5. 16th to 20th stars Stomach Delicious food. Succ..'SS

in effort

6. 21st to 22nd stars Eyes Gain of Money

7. 23rd, 24 stars Shoulder Bad, Sorrow

8. 25th to 27th stars Head Good status

1. From Janma to 3 stars Head Government Job
Success in education

2. Next 3 stars Mouth Delicious Food

3. Next 5 stars Stomach Good Earning

4. Next 8 stars Hands Gain ofJewels

5. Last 8 stars Legs Good Status

1. First 3 stars Mouth Sorrow

2. Next 2 stars Right Eye Happy

3. Next 2 stars Left Eye Destruction

4. Next 3 stars Neck Progress

5. Next 3 stars Right Hand Progress

6. Next 3 stars Left Hand Sorrow

7. Next 1 star Right side of body Bad

8. Next 1 star Left side of body Bad

9. Next 5 stars Stomach Sumptuous food

10. Next 2 stars Right Leg Good

11. Next 2 stars Left Leg Travel


Jupiter, Mercury, Venus

1. First 3 stars Head Loss of Money
2. Ncxl 3 stare Neck Wealth
3. Next 3 stars Right Hand Good
4. Next 3 stars Left Hand Worries, Agony
S. Next 5 stars Stomach Gain of Money
6. Next 2 stars Hip IJ\:structiun, Loss
7. Next 8 star Upto foot Over all Good
There is yet another way of knowing the stellar results. Find
out in what week day your janma nakshatra falls. According to
that the results of the month will either be good or bad.
I. If it falls on Sunday - There will be travel
throughout the month.
2. If it falls on Monday - Good, timely delicious food.
3. if it falls on Tuesday - He will be lazy. Accidents
may occur due to fire,
4. if it falls on Wednesday - Fear in passing examination,
5. If it falls on Thursday - Timely delicious food,
comforts, happiness, freeness.
6. lf it falls on Friday - Happiness. Freeness.
7. If it falls on Saturday - There will be some trouble
during the month.
Let us see how Anga phala are seen:
For example, let us take Chitra as birth star of a certain person.
Suppose Saturn is passing through the Sravana star which is 9th
from Chitra. For this the result is given as loss as he passes through
Right leg.
According to Choodamani Ullamudaiyan he will be in legs.
For the result will be travel.
If in conventional, transit analysis the planet gives good results
and good in Panga Phala, the period will be very good. If one is
good and the other is bad, the result will be moderate and if both
are bad the result will be very bad.
Chapter Twenty Five


· Moorthy nirnaya is yet another method of judging results.

This is judged on the basic position of transit Moon from natal
Moon, when a planet goes to a new Rasi .
1. When a planet is entering a new Rasi the Rasi occupied by
transit Moon at that moment happens to be 1,6 and 11th
from Janma Rasi, the planet is said to be Swarna Moorty
2. If the Moon is in 2, 5 and 9th from one's Janma Rasi on that
day, then the planet becomes Rajatha Moorty (silver).
3. Likewise if Moon is in 3, 7, 10 from Janma Rasi, it becomes
Tamra Moorthy (Copper).
4. Moon in 8,4,12 from Natal Moon is Loh Moorthi (iron)
The results for Moorthy Nirnaya is as follows:
For Swarna Moorthy (Gold) good results
For Rajatha Moorthy (Silver) 3/4 good
For Thambra Moorthy (Copper) 1/2 good
For Loha Moorthy (Iron) 1/4 good
The above will be for benefic planets. But for the malefic
planets, the result for Moorthy's are :
1. Rajatha Moorthy good results
2. Tharnbra Moorthy 3/4 good
3. Loha Moorthy 1/2 good
4. Swarna Moorthy 1/4 good
The above is called special aspect and the method explained
earlier is called conventional. When we combine both, the result
can be put under following categories:
1. Benefic results as per conventional aspect.

2. Malefic results as per conventional aspect.

3. Benefic results as per special nspcct-Swama Moorthy.
4. Three quarter benefic results as per special aspect-Rajatha
5. Half benefic results as per special aspect-Thambra Moorthy.
6. Quarter benefic results as per special aspect-Loha Moorthy.
7. Full benefic results as per both aspects,
8. Full malefic results as per both aspects.
Now we can quantify the results by analysis of the 6 kind of
results according to both aspects quantify cumulative net results.
If we take the full benefic results as one unit and allot 1/2 unit
for special aspect, and we have to distribute this 1/2 unit for 4
kinds of special aspects then we can have the net results as follows:
l. Benefic results as per conventional aspect = 0.500
2. Malefic results as per conventional aspect =Nil
3. Benefic for Swarna Moorthy == 0.500

4. Benefic for Rajatha Moorthy = 0.250

5. Benefic for Thambra Moorthy = 0.125

6. Benefic for Loha Moorthy = 0.0625

Now we will explain this by an example.
On 9.1.1998 at 1.38 a.m. Jupiter entered Kumbha from Makara
and Moon in Mesha. Due to this Jupiter becomes as various
Moorthys as follows.
1. Swarna Moorthy for Gemini, Scorpio and Aries Janma
Rashis Quantum will be 1 /2
2. Rajatha Moorthy for Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces Janma
Rashis Quantum will be 1 /4
SJ.dc SJ.ti and Saturn s Various Special Transitional Effects 221
3. Thambra Moorthy for Cancer, Libra and Aquarius Janma
Rashis Quantam will be 1/8
4. He becomes Loha Moorthy for Virgo, Capricorn and
Taurus Janma Rashis Quantum will be 1116
As explained earlier, we have taken the unit value of benefic
results as one and out of 1/2 unit is for the conventional aspect
and 1/2 for the 4 Moorthy aspect which is further distributed
among 4 Moorthys as shown above. Now when we consider both
the aspects, the results are as follows.
Jupiter's transit in 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11 from Janma Moon is good
so for results are benefic Mesha (11) Mithuna (9) Simha (7) Tula
(5) and Makara (2). This is according to conventional aspect. Now
we will see how this gets modified due to Moorthy Nirnaya for
different Janma Rashis.
1. For Aries he becomes S warn a Moorthy. Hence Jupiter's
conventional good results in 11th from Moon. get enhanced.
2. For Mithuna also he becomes a Swarna Moorthy.
Jupiter's good results as per conventional aspects in 7th are
increased considerably.
3. For Simha, he becomes Rajatha Moorthy. Hence his
benefic results as per conventional aspect in 7th are increased
4. For Tula, he is in 5th and becomes Thambra Moorthy so no
Moorthy phala and his good results in 5th as per conventional
aspect will get reduced slightly.
5. For Capricorn people, he becomes as Loha Moorthy.
Hence Jupiter's good results in second as per conventional
aspect get greatly reduced.

II. Jupiter gives bad results for the remaining 7 Rasis, Taurus,
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. We
will now see how the bad results get modified.
1. Jupiter becomes Loha Moorthy for Taurus people. Jupiter
gives bad results in 10 as per conventional aspect. Hence
his bad results are intensified for these people.

2. For Cancer Jupiter becomes Thambra Moorthy. The bad

results as per conventional aspect for Jupiter in 8 get
intensified considerably more.
3. For Virgo people Jupiter goes to 6th house. Jupiter is Loha
Moorthy. Hence the bad results of Jupiter on conventional
aspect get greatly increased if not doubled.
4. For Scorpio people Jupiter becomes Swarna Moorthy. Hence
his bad results for these people in 4th as per conventional
aspect get reduced more than 50% for these people.
5. For Sagittarius born people Jupiter becomes Loha Moorthy.
Jupiter on conventional side gives the worst of the results in
3rd house. As Loha Moorthy he doubly increases the bad
results. As such, these people will suffer the most among all
Rasi people.
6. Jupiter in 12th for Capricorn people gives bad results. Here
also he becomes Loha Moorthy. Hence Jupiter's conventional
bad results in 12 get doubly increased. Hence Capricorn
people will also suffer very much.
7. Jupiter is in Janma (1) for Aquarius Rasi Born people.
He becomes Thambra Moorthy for Aquarius this time. Hence
the bad results.
ln this way we have to judge Moorthy and conventional aspect
of Jupiter jointly for all the 12 Rasis.
Now combining both the aspects, we can quantify the
cumulative quantum benefic results as shown below:
Rasi Conventional Quantum Special Total ToU!
Aries Good 11 0300 Swama 0.500 1.00
Taurus Bad 10 - Loha 0.125 0.125

Gemini Good9 0500 Swarna 0500 1.00

Cancer Bad8 - Thambra 0.250 0.250

Leo Good 7 0.500 Rajatha 0.375 0.875

Virgo !lad 6 - Loha 0.125 0.125
Transit Stellar Occupational Results 223

Scorpio Bad4 - Swarna 0.500 0500

Sagittarius Bad3 - Rajatha 0.375 0.375

Capricorn Good2 0500 Loha 0.625 0.5625

,Aquarius Bad 1
I - Thambra 0.250 0.250

Pisces Bad 12 - Rajatha I 0.375 0.375

In this way. the Transit result are judged on the basis of net
effect. It can be seen that:
1. Very good results are enjoyed by Mesha and Gemini
people (according to both rules).
2. Very bad results are suffered by Taurus and Virgo people
according to both rules. Jupiter and Saturn are Varsha
Grahas. Hence we can quantify net results by both aspects in
this way. Readers are referred to see my article that appeared
in Astrological magazine issue copy of which is furnished in
the appendix for more comprehension. They may also refer
to my articles regarding Saturn which appeared in
Astrological magazine, also "given in appendix. The Moorthy
Nimaya methods are greatly explained in tamil texts only.
But one of the Sanskrit text Vyavahara jyotisha Prakashika
has given Moorthy results for Saturn alone.
Chapter Twenty Six

Saturn is the most malefic planet and is feared very much.

Here his transit effects are studied from different angles.
1. Ardhashtama or Kamtaka Sani (Saturn in 4th from Moon)
2. Ashtama Sani (Saturn in 8th from Moon)
3. 7 1I 2 years Sade Sati Sani (Saturn in 12th, 1st and
2nd from Moon sign)


........... . _ ..... . _ _._._ ---- ·r ----- ---- ._.., ..... ._._ . . . ..,.._ -- -- .....,.., . . . . _ ..... _. _._. _._ --.... J _. ..... .._ ......... ._._ ......

remains in a Rasi for 2 1h years. He gives good results only in 3, 6

and 11th Rasis from birth Moon. In all the other houses, he is
malefic. This means that in one round of Saturn he gives good
results 2112 x 3 = 7 1h years 3/6111 from Moon and in remaining
9 Rasis, (221h year) bad results. At this rate for 90 years life span
he will complete 3 rounds and good results will be for 22 112 years
only, for most part of his life. Now we will see how the intensity
of malefic results are distributed during his each round.
1. He is good in 3, 6, 11th houses.
2. In 5, 9 and lOth houses he gives moderately bad results.
3. In lth house called Ardhashtama or Kantaka Sani 1s
considerably worse than in 5, 9 and lOth.
4. In 8th, he is called Ashtama Sani. This is little bit worse and
next for 7 1I 2 years of sadesathi and gives more bad results
5. In 12 and 2nd houses it is first and last 21/2 years of 7 1h
years of Saturn. This is highly malefic which needs to be
guarded well.
6. Janma Sani is the period of21 /2 years when Saturn is in birth
Moon sign and it is highly malefic period and dangerous
even to life.
Saturn gives worst results for 7 1h only during the period of
life, the bad results of Saturn in other Rasis will be endurable
with some remedial measures.
A detailed description in the chapter 17 on the transit of Saturn
is given for the convenience of the natives. Out of these, Ashtama
Sani and Ardhashtama Sani are called Kalyani and Laghu Kalyani
in some texts prevalent in northern India. For Laghu Kalyani
Ardhashtama Sani i.e. Saturn in 4th, the following results arc given.
There will be diseases, enmity with relatives and friends,
miseries, sorrows, wnvanted wandering to various places without
any aim and benefit and mental worries.
During Ashtama Sani(Kalyan) there is fear of maraka, danger
to life if judged life span coincides or sorrows and critical bad
effects equivalent to death, sorrows, pain, fear of fire accidents,
attacked by weapons and the like.
Now we will look into the results and various aspects ofSatum
7 1h years of Sadesathi.
It has already been stated that except 3,6 and 11th houses
from Janma Rasi, in all other 9 houses, Saturn gives bad to worse
results. Out of these he is worst as Janma Sani, the middle of
When we analyse the bad results which Sani gives as
Arthashtama Sani, Knnta Sani, Ashtama Sani, only in 4 places his
results arc very bad which comes to TO years including Janma
Sani. For three rounds of Saturn, this comes to 30 years. There is
a proverb in Tamil which says there is no body who has lived
continuously happily for 30 years nor anybody who has
continuously suffered for 30 years'.
This dictum conveys the sense that Sani gives bad results for
30 years in the whole life span of 90 years intermittently in 21 /2
226 Godur l'h;tladeepika

years periods. Out of all these only, the Janma Sani is worst and
detrimental. Now we will sec 7 1 /2 years Saturn for Jataka of
different Ayukanda. Madhyamayush Jathaka, will have 71/ 2 years
of Saturn SJdt..'Sati twice but for Alpayus Jathaka once only.
For the Deergayush Jataka, the first . .Jund of Saturn is called
in Tamil as 'Mangu Sani' which means dull Sani. The next round
of 7 1/ 2 years of Saturn is called 'Pongu' Sani which means
overflowing Sani. The third round S< is called 'Maraka' Sani
which means death inflicting Sani.
For a Jataka of more than 90 years life span even 4th round of
Saturn's 7 112 years are possible. In such a case, the third round
Saturn is called 'Kungu' Sani which means depressing Sani. Now
we will look into the nature of these 4 rounds of Saturn.
1. Mangu Sani : This can be also called manda (dull) Sani.
During this period there will be many difficulties. There will be
harassment from the government, many trials and ordeals
including bad health, Education will be spoiled.
2. Pongu Sani : This can be called as Fertile Sani. Auspicious
functions like education, marriages, fruitful project work etc. may
be finished by the native.
The first part will however be bad and in the last part two
parents may pass away. In this last part, all that is lost during
sadesathi will be regained or compensated.
3. Kungu Sani (frozen): This can be called depressing
Saturn. During third round of Saturn's sadesathi, those who
have poornilyush will suffer from mental worries, agony,
mourning, death of relatives, sonows, miseries. If judged life span
is also coinciding, the native may even pass away.

4. Marana Sani : This is very bad. If the native does not die
during third round Saturn, then during this period if judged life
span gets completed certainly passes away.
Out of all the above 4 rounds only the 2 1/2 years of Janma
Sani is very bad and critical and malefic results are maximum in
each of the rounds. Tamil texts declare special results for this Janma
Sani. There will be fear of death (during Janma Sani of 3rd round
or 4th round) In other rounds, there will be petty quarrels, many
Sade Sati and Saturn's Various Special Transitional Effects 227
chronic diseases, humiliation, loss of self-respect, fear of death,
mental agony, hysteria, confusion etc.
5. Anga Sani : This comes under 7 1h years Saturn and
is different from what has been told earlier under Nakshatra Anga
Sani. Here the 71 I 2 years period is distributed among various parts
of the body. During 90 months, Saturn is supposed to pass one by
one through certain parts of the b9dy for specific period
1. In first 21h years, Saturn passes through Head.
2. In second 21 I 2 years, Saturn passes through Heart.
3. In last 21h years, Saturn passes through Feet.
Among above when Saturn crosses the heart in the middle
21h years worst results are felt.
There is a special interpretation of malefic results of Saturn
and other planets during transit, in which each planet is said to
give very bad results only in a single house specified among all
the Rasis. The planet Saturn is said to give bad results specially
during 71 hyears as explained by ancient Tamil seer Pulippani in
his Pulippani '300'. We are giving below the Tamil verse in Roman
Kelappa katakam than singamjanmam
Keduth.i migachaivandadaa vcadalundu
Nalappa nalamagum matra rasi
Narach chugamum .kittumadaa veattamundu

The above verse explains the nature of 12 Rasis i.e. we have

Charam (Movable) Sthiram (Fixed) and Ubhayam (Mutable).
Mesham is Charam next Rishabam Sthiram and Mithunam
Ubhayam and so on.
71h years Saturn will be very bad to Chara Rasis falling under
influence of Karakata, lesser malefic to Sthira Rasis starting from
Simha but for Ubhaya Rasis not bad at all. In the above verse
Katakam and Vrichikam are mentioned, Katakam means rasis in
anti clockwise from upto kumbam belonging to Moon. There are
only two Chara Rashis in this half, the Karkata and the Mesha.
However, Mesha Rasi born people will not suffer very much in
7 1I 2 years Saturn.
Singham means rashis clockwise upto Makar belong to sun.
Singam means the fixed rashis, one of this 6 Rasis belonging to
Sun. In this group the fixed sign-Simha and Vrischika born people
will suffer less than Chara Rasi born natives in 71I 2 years Saturn.
It is very clear that the natives of Ubhaya Rasis will be not
effected by 71h years Saturn.
'Theal' which means Vrischika, Rasi natives will suffer more
than the natives of Simha Rasi.
To summarise,
1. Out of the Chara Rasi, Kataka born people will suffer most
since Saturn is in opposition to Moon, Here we can say that
he has left Mesha though its lord Mars is enemy to Saturn
but Saturn gets debilitated here. So the conclusion is that out
of the Chara Rasis only Kataka people will suffer the worst
2. Lords of Sirnha and Vrishchika, Sun and Mars respec-
tively, are inimical to Saturn. But Vrischika is next to Satums
exaltation sign hence more powerful to do bad. We should
understand that out of the fixed signs only Leo and Vrischika
people will suffer next to the Chara Rasi born people.
3. All other Rasis people, especially belong to Ubhaya Rasi will
not suffer the 71I 2 years Saturn much. Bad effects of Saturn
will be in the order given below:
a. Kataka only among Chara Rasis.
b. Simha and Vrischika among Sthira Rasis.
c. All the 12 Rasis when Saturn passes as Janma Sani.
d. The 4 Ubhaya Rasis people will not suffer at all during
7 112 years Saturn except for the middle 2112 years, as
Janma Sani.
The ancient Sage Pulippani has comprehensively covered
details within the above four lines.
Saturn's 71h years results can be analysed in yet another way.
The total 90 months period is distributed among the limbs of the
native with specific results as given below:
Sade Sati and Sa turn's Various Special Transitional Effects 229

House from No. of Parts of Results
Janma Rasi Months the body
t. Vyaya(12) 7 Head Difficulties and Loss

2. Vyaya (12) 9 Eyes Loss

3. Vyaya (12) 8 Face Gain of money

4. Vyaya (12) 6 Neck Gain of money

5. Janma Rasi (1) 10 Heart Gain of money

6. Janma Rasi (1) 11 Stomach Gain of money

7. Janma Rasi (1) 5 Naval Fear

8. Janma Rasi (1) 4 A !ius Death

9. Dhanam(2) 13 Knees Success

10. Dhanam (2) 12 Thighs. Comforts

11. Dhanam (2) 5
I Feet Travel

Total 90 months
It can be see from the above, in each round of the 7 1/2 years
Saturn does not give bad results throughout 90 months. Thus out
of 90 months more or less 60 months one good, only 4 months
fatal and rest moderately bad.
There is yet another set of interesting information indicating
in which part of Sadhe Sati, Saturn is worst with reference to
Janma Chandra Rashi.

Rasi Part Duration Result Rasi Saturn

is pl;~ced

1. Mesha Middle 2Viyears Very bad Mesha

2. Rishaba First 2'h years Very bad Mesha

3. Mithuna First 2'h years Very bad Rishaba

4. Kataka Middle 2'h years Very bad Kataka

5. Simha First 2 Vi years Very bad Kataka

6. Kanva First 2'h years Verv bad Simha

7. Thula Last 2~ years Very bad Vrischika
8. Vrichika Last 2~ years Very bad Dhanus
9. Dhanus First 21-l years Very bad Vrischika

10. Makara First 2 Vi years Very bad Dhanus

11. Kumbha IA"'ISI 2~ years Very bad MN'n.l

12. Meena Last 2~ years Very bad Mesha

If in the natal horoscope, Saturn is in one of the Kendra 7Y.l

years of Saturn will not give bad results. There is also another
way of judging the results of 7* years Saturn. When 7~ years
Saturn begins, it is imagined to 9ome on some vahana or animal
vehicle. This is found out as shown below. Find put the star in
which Moon is placed when Sadhe Sati starts .. This star should be
from the Janma Nakshatra and divided by 9.
The remainder decides the V ahana as follows:
1. Ass Bad
2. Horse Success
3. Elephant Comfort
4. Buffalo Moderate
5. Lion Destruction of enemies
6. Jackal Mourning
7. Crow Conflict
8. Peacock Gain
9. Hamsa Comforts
With the help of above information we can fmd out good or
bad part of Sadhe Sati or results of V ahana will show net effect
for the whole period. This will help to find out tendency either
good or bad for the 7Y.l years of Saturn.
In this chapter delineation of 7Vi years period has been outlined
in 10 different ways. By eliminating evil results we would notice
that suffering period is very much reduced.
Sade Sati and Saturn's Various Special Transitional Effects 231


So far, we have explained its cyclic effects with reference to

7Y.! years Saturn. Now we will discuss the same for all the
12 places from Janma Rasi for the various rounds of Saturn. This
is called Paryaya.


During 1st Paryaya, Sani gives the following results:

1. In first Rasi or Janma Rasi, this being child hood, the child
suffers from infantile diseases.
2. In the second Rasi, he gives the same results namely infantile
diseases. ~
3. In the third Rasi though Saturn is said to give very good
results, he gives many difficulties.
4. When he goes to 4th Rasi, though said to to be Ardhashtama,
the diflculties will be lesser. According to Ashtaka Varga
the effect will depend upon number ofbindus. This has been
discussed separately in detail. This may happen upto lOth
year of age.
5. When Saturn goes to 5th from Jaruna Rasi there may be risk
of danger to the life of mother (6, 7, 8th). When Saturn goes
to 6th house from Janma Rasi, during that time if there is
Maraka Dasa besides ashtamadhipathi bukthi running the
body becomes weak and tired. Bad time and melancholous
mood and displeasure from friends will come to pass. If in
6th house from Janma Rasi, where the 11th Lord is in navamsa
or in drekkana, then the mother may surely pass away.
6. When Saturn passes through 7th house from Janma Rasi, there
will be sickness to self or own brothers a.\d sisters. Both in
6th and 7th houses, there will be mental worry and hysteria
like condition, unwanted change of place, unnecessary fear
etc. The same thing will continue to prevail until saturn crosses
8th house from Moon. When Saturn passes through 9th Rasi
from Moon, the native gets fame and name and will start his
own earning. But generally in the first round, there will be
232 Godwffldl.ldt'lplkl
poverty for Saturn's transit from Janma Rasi to 8th house. In
9th house from Janma Rasi, there will be comforts. In lOth
house from J anma Rasi, there will be friendship with a
businessman or with a man who will help in the career. In
the last portion of this lOth Rasi, marriage of the native may
take place here after comforts, good employment or a
thriving business.
7. When Saturn goes to 11th from Janma Rasi, there will be
friendship with a business man or the native gets a business
partner or gets help from a friend for progress in job.
8. When Saturn passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the native
may be up to 28th year, there will be mainly health problem
which can be cured by adopting remedial measures.
In the natal horoscope, during first round, if Saturn is
Vargottama, there will be comforts and progress in education
even up to 30th year of age and good Raja Yoga (good
employment, marriage to partner of higher status, receipt of money
etc.) will happen. By this time, the native may have reached nearly
27th year of age.


1. In Janma Rasi there will be bodily comfort, easy going life,

progress in business, partnership and friendship with VlPs,
increase of income, name and fame. There may be enmity
with brothers and sisters, division of property (Pilhru or
Paternal etc.) among brothers and danger to the life of
brothers or sisters.
2. When Saturn goes to the second house from Janma Rasi there
will be comforts of high standard and happy days.
3. When Saturn is in 3rd house from Janma Rasi, increase in
income, copious supply of essentials in the house, provisions
etc. are enjoyed. There will be progress in education, fame
and name and little income to the mother or little income
from mother to the native.
4 When Saturn goes to 4th from Janma Rasi, there will be gain
of money and birth of child, especially for a female. There
will be comforts at home and out si¥. But senior paternal
S.ldl' Sati and Saturn's Various Special Transitional Effects 233
relation may pass away and then• may be quarrels between
paternal relations (Gnathis) for properties.
5. When Saturn goes to 5th house from Janma Rasi there will
be good income, sickness to the self, danger and bad time to
wife or his relatives.
6. When S.lturn goes to sixth house from Janma Rasi there may
be danger to the life of father or it may happen even when
Saturn passes through the end of 5th house.
7. When Saturn passes through 7th house from Janma Rasi, there
will be friendship with VIP and help from them, moderate
future, moderate comforts and bad time to children or
worries about children.
8. When Saturn passes through 8th house from Janma Rasi there
will be gain of money.
9. When Saturn goes to 9th from Janma Rasi there will be definite
comforts, little improvement in income and there will be fame
and name.
10. When Saturn goes to lOth from Janma Rasi there will be birth
of child and at the end there will be over expenditure.
11. When Saturn goes to 11th house from Janma Rasi there will
be over expenditure, bad health, bodily strain, bad time and
ill health to near relatives.
12. When Saturn goes to 12th house from Janma Rasi, there will
be both good and bad results.


1. In Janma Rasi, there will be little comforts and limited

progress in all asepcts of life.
2. In second house from Janma Rasi Saturn gives good comforts
and happiness. If Saturn in natal chart is vargottama, there
will be very good income even during old age.
3. When Saturn goes to 3rd house from Janma Rasi, there will
be bad time to brothers and sisters. In natal chart if Saturn is
in own house or in 11th Labhasthana, then also there will be
bad time to brothers or sisters.

4. When Saturn goes to 4th house from Janma Rasi, some

relatives may pass away. All the efforts are fruitless and there
will be loss due to law suit etc.
5. When Saturn goes to fifth from Janma Rasi there will be ill
6. In 6th house from Janma Rasi good comforts at home and
7. When in 7lh house from Janma Rasi, there will be bad time
to wife or even death of wife may take place.
8. When Saturn goes to 8th from Janma Rasi there will be ill

health and bodily suffering to the native .
9. When Sarumgoes to 9th house from Janma Rasi, if the judged
life span of the Jathaka coincides and also maraka period
runs, there may also be death of the native.
10. When Saturn goes to lOth Uth or 12th from Janma Rasi,
what is told in general readings for Saturn earlier will take

Other points to be considered in Gochara results of Saturn:

Where Sani in Gochara will be passing through the same Rasi
where he is in natal chart, he will be going through 9 navamsas of
that Rasi. Find out the navamsa and its Lord. Find out also which
Bhavas navamsa Lord owns in the natal chart and also their
karakatvas. These bhavas and karakatvas of the planet in question
gets affected in addition to general transit results of Saturn.
1. When Saturn passes through the Rasi or Navamsa where
Sun is in natal chart, then there is danger to life of father or
paternal relatives may have bad time.
This is also true when Saturn happens to go through thrikona
of the planets, the karakatvas of the planet get affected. Both
these two factors affect the karakatvas.
2. When Saturn crosses the Rasi and" navamsas where
L1gnadipati of the natal chart is placed, then the native gets
bodily pain, sickness etc.,
Sade Sati and 5.l rum's Various Special Transitional Effects 235
3. When it crosses the Rasi containing lord of 2nd, there will be
loss of money, bad health and danger to the life of wife, no
food or no timely food.
4. Similarly, if Saturn crosses the Rasi occupied by 3rd lords his
navamsa and drekkana, there will be bad time to brothers
or sisters, servants and ear trouble.
5. Again, when Saturn crosses the 4th lord, there will be danger
to the life of father, Guru and YIPs known to the native.
6. Similarly, if Saturn crosses the 5th Lord, or he crosses the
Rasl, Navamsa, and drekkana occupied by Jupiter, there will
be passing away of children or bad time to them. His
knowledge and discriminative power fails.
7. Again when Saturn crosses 6th Lord his elder brother gets
affected and may pass away or the relatives of elder brother
will have bad condition. The native also falls sick. His
maternal uncle gets affected and his relatives may also suffer.
8. Similarly, if Saturn crosses 7th Lord, there will be danger to
the life of native, impediments, difficulties during travel and
decline in income.
9. If Saturn crosses 8th Lord the native gets tired and weak,
there will be danger to life and generally difficult time is
10. If Sa tum crosses 9th Lord, there will be destruction of fortune
and good opportunities. There will be obstruction in native's
religious rituals, slipping away of good opportunities, there
will be difficulties and restraints within the family.
11. If Saturn crosses lOth Lord there will be danger to brothers
and sisters and bad time to the relatives, profession gets
lost, demotion in job, servants and friends leave the native
alone, viz. elder brother and sisters will have bad time. His
servants will meet with difficulties etc.
12. When Saturn crosses the 11th Lord under the same conditions
mother may pass away. The relatives suffer, property (landed)
will be lost; in agriculture, the harvest and yield will be low.
13. When Saturn passes the 12th Lord, there will be danger to
the life of the children. His name and reputation will be
236 GochtrPh.:tladetpika


In the same way, Jupiter's results can be explained. He will
give benefic results in most of the cases except Dusthanas.
In general, it can be said that if Jupiter crosses crosses the
Lagnadhipathi, Dasanath and their occupied Rasi and navamsa
etc. there will be marriage, success in business, getting jobs and
success in general; welfare will be achieved and there will be name
and fame.
Jupiter passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac in roughly 12
year. Each round is called paryaya. In most cases Jupiter may not
complete more than 6 paryayas in an individual's life. The effects
of such paryaya are given below according to Tamil tradition are:
Jupiter in his 1st round is is said to cause danger to life. If he
is in 8th house. It is also said that the father will enjoy quite
contrary results getting all comforts, elevation etc, while the native
will suffer.
If during the 2nd round Jupiter is in Aries or Taurus there
will not be bad results if the above signs happen to be the 1st,
3rd, 6th, 8th, lOth or 12th from the Moon-sign and there will be
no good results in the other houses. This will apply to natives
below 24 years.
During the 3rd paryaya, he does good in the 1st, 4th, 5th,
7th, 11th and 12th signs from one's Moonsign.
During the 4th round in Janma Rasi, he gives fear from
Goverment, gain of wealth in the 2nd and comforts in the 5th
house, gain of property iq the 9th and gain of money in the 11th
and 12th houses from the Moon-sign.
During the 5th round, he gives mental anxiety in Janma, gain
of wealth in the 2nd and comforts in the 41h from the Moon-5ign.
During the 6th round, he gives good effects in the 2nd, 5th, 7
th 9th and lith houses from the Moon-sign and gives danger to
life in the 8th provided there is a maraka dasa or the 3rd round of
7Vi year transit of Saturn is on.
For example, let us assume Jupiter is in Gemini during his 1st
round for a person born during July 1930 from the Moon-sign
virgo. When he passes through Taurus, the paryaya will end. When
the native Ls 69 years of age Jupiter will be in 6th round. During
this round jupiter is supposed to give good results in the 2nd, 5th,
5.:Jde Sati and S..1tum'sVarious Sped~/ Transitional Effects 237
7th, 9th and 11th from the Moon sign as usual. If he passes through
the 8th during this round and the period coincides with maraka
Dasa, there will be danger to life which may happen when Jupiter
passes through Aries 8th in this round viz. after June 1979. Cyclic
results for the other age groups can be ascertained similarly.
1. When benefic planets cross the sphutas of Lagna, chandra,
their behave karakas, the bavadhipathis and also sputas of
the planets who are Rasi lords of lagna and chandra, there
will be good Raja yoga, all around success etc.
But if the above said planet are in debilitation, in enemy's
house or cumbust then bad result are expected. The good and
bad things said above can also be referred to the sphutas of Lagna
Lord, 11th Lord and their navamsa Lord etc.
2. If Jupiter crosses the sphuta of 5th bhava madya or that of
5th Lord, or Moon, and benefic planets also aspect there will
be birth of children. Similarly results of transiting planets
over the other Bhava sphutas and that of this Lords should
be judged.
3. When Jupiter crosses the sphutas of the 4th, 5th Lords, and
those of Chandra Lagna Lords, then there will be happiness.
4. Similarly, when Jupiier passes through the sphutas of
Lagnadhipati, that of 2nd, 11th Lords then the native gets
income, comforts, luxuries etc.
5. Again Jupiter while transiting the sphutas of Lagnadhipathi
4th and 8th Lord gives the same results. If Jupiter crosses
the sputas of Lagn<~ or its Lagnadhipathi, all undertaking of
the native succeeds. 1n this condition there should be benefic
6. When Jupiter crosses the sphutas of 2nd, 11th and lOth houses
or their Lords and aspectcd by benefic (specially by Mercury)
there will be gain of properties etc.
7. When Jupiter crosses the sphutas of 2nd , 4th and 11th Lords
there will be gain of money landed property, vehicle, liaison
with new lady and pleasure from her or marriage.
8. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of the Lords of 2nd, 9th, and
12th Lords and also aspected by Ketu there is loss of child.
9. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of 12th and 3rd Lordsthere

will be definite loss of brother or sister.

10. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of 2nd, 7th, and 12th Lords
and aspected by Ketu, there will be heavy loss of money, loss
of health, mourning over death of some near one etc. In this
case Rahu also joins in the above bhavas, wife may also die.
11. When Venus crosses the sphutas of Moon, Venus, 7th Lord,
2nd Lord then the native gets acquaintance with a new
woman, pleasure from her and marriage may also take place.
12. When Jupiter crosses the sphutas of lagna, lOth and 11th
bhava Lords and aspected either by Moon or some other
benefic a very long cherished aim is achieved. A difficult
work is also completed.
13. When Rahu crosses the sphutas of 3rd, 12th Lords and the
sphutas of Rasis where these bhavadhipathis arc
placed, Jupiter is aspected by Rahu, there will be loss of
brother or sister. Affliction of chronic diseases to the native
may happen.
14. When Rahu crosses the sphutas of 3rd, 12th Lords and the
sphutas of Rasis where these bhavadhipathis are placed and
Jupiter is aspected by Rahu there will be loss of brother or
sister. Affliction of chronic diseases may happen.
15. When Mars and Rahu cross the sphutas to 5th and 12th Lords
there will be mental perversion, loss of discrimination, a deep
sorrow or mourning may also happen.
16. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of 11th Lord from Lagna
and Chandra and also sphutas of 11th Lord from Jupiter there
will be gain of money, or when Moon readies the thrikona
rasis of the above and if this Moon is aspected by transiting
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury (Benefic) then there will be
significant gain of money.
17. When the sphutas of lagna Lord, Moon or that of Jupiter, are
crossed by Ketu in transit then there will be a blow in
profession, heavy loss in business and loss of job or demotion
may happen.
18. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of radical Saturn, or Lagna
then there may be death of the native, subject to maraka
period running and also time coincides with completion to
judged longevity.
19. When Rahu aspects the sphutas of lord of lOth Bhavas
from lagna, Moon and Jupiter then there may be certainty of
Sade Sati and S.lhliTIS Various Special Transitional Effects 239

20. When Rahu in transit crosses the sphutas of bhagya
sthanadhipati as reckoned fom lagna, Jupiter and Moon then
there will be losses in future to the native.
21. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of 6th Lord, those born at
night may pass away.
22. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of Saturn, Maandi and Rahu,
if Mars or Rahu joins the transit of Saturn, then there will be
death without fail.
23. When Saturn crosses the sphutas of Moon, Sun and that of
6th Lord then there will be danger to the life of mother and
she may pass away.
24. When Venus crosses the sphutas of lord of 9th house from
Lagna Moon and also when Venus crosses the sphutas of
lagna Moon and seventh Lord, there will be bodily comforts,
happiness, and when Mars crosses the same 4 points there
will be gain of landed property and money.
25. When Rahu crosses the sphutas of the Lords of 6th bhavas
from Lagna, Moon and Sun, there will be attack by weapons.
26. When Jupiter crosses the sphutas of 2nd Lords from lagna,
Moon, Sun or Jupiter, then there will be significant gain of
money, wealth.
27. When Jupiter crosses the 4th bhava Lords from Lagna Moon
and Sun there will be gain of education.
28. When Jupiter crosses the sphutas of lOth bavadipathis from
Lagna, Sun, Moon the native will be elevated in profession,
business and will get promotion in employment.
29. When Mars crosses the sphutas of 12th bavadhipati from
Lagna, Mars, and Saturn, then the native will suffer stab-
bing by opponents.
30. When Saturn crosses the lOth bavadhipati from Lagna, Moon
and Sun, the native will be suffering from deadly chronic
31. When Moon crosses the sphutas of 11th bhavadhipati from
Venus and Sun, there will be significant gain of money.
32. When Moon crosses the Bhava madya sphutas of 9th, lOth
and 11th Bhavas and if not aspected by malefic, the native
achieves whatever he plans in all projects and also gains
Chapter Twenty Seven


The effect of transit of varions planets is known from Janma

Rasi or Chandra lagna in Indian system. In the west Sun Lagna is
taken as the starting point. In the natal Chart the point rising in
the eastern horizon at the time of birth of a native is Lagna. This
is taken as the reference point and different bhavas or houses
depict different features and aspects of the life of a native. We
also know good or bad position of different planets form Lagna.
There is yet another way of looking at this. In which places a
planet is good or evil from itself or what one such favourable
position of different planets from themselves in respect of a
particular planet. This is an answer in a unique system of
progression called 'Ashtakavt~rga' given by our sages.

Ashta means eight, seven planets and lagna are considered to

form 8 \'ilrgas or divisions. (Rahu and Ketu being Chaya Grahas
are not considered in Ashtakavarga). These 7 planets, do good or
evil from each of their own position for planet under consideration
based on proven principles. The good places are called hindus
and the bad places arc called 'rekhas' But generally good
points arc projected and taken for consideration. Cumulatively
all these hindus give a picture of good or bad results for each
bhava as reflected in 'Ashtakavarga'. Readers may refer to any
standard texts like 'Ashtakaharga System of Predictions' by Dr.
B.V. Raman for more details. Here we consider the good hindus
contributed by each planet in each bhava and the cumulative hindus
or filvourablepoints in each of the bhavas contributed by all planets.
The former is called Binnashtak vargil and the latter is called
Sarvashtak varga.
Gochar and A'>htakv.usa 241
To know the day-to-day results from Moon's pos1t10n is a
gross method . Ashtakavarga is very effectively used in Gochar
analysis. This is being explained here.
The total beneficial points are computed in Sarvashtak varga.
This is further reduced by thrikona shodhana and ekadhipatya
shodhana to know more definite results by adopting more
sophisticated calculations. We will consider the Sarvashtak varga
and Binnashtakavarga, and corelate them with transits. Let us
understand how to analyse.
1. First, Ashtakavarga results in each rasi or bhava. Each rasi
contains 30 degrees, which is divided into 8 equal parts of 3"-45'
each called Kakshal Each division is lorded by a planet in the
following manner:
1. 10 to 3 ~~u -Saturn
2. 3%0 to 7 v.zo - Jupiter
3. 71/.z" to lJlA" -Mars
4. lllh0 to ISO -Sun
S. 15° to 18 :3.4" -Venus
6. 18:3.4° to 22 lh 0
7. 22lh0 to 26 '14° -Moon
8. 26% to 30° - Lagna
During the transit a planet in a rasi, if it is expected to give
malefic result from the Janma rasi, but passes through the protion
which has benefic bindus, then net result is good only. Conversely
if the planet goes through the portion, where no benefic bindus
are contributed by other planets, then only bad result will happen.
We take an example of Kanya rasi native. Suppose Saturn is
moving in 4th house Dhanus and crosses 11° 15', of Mars. Moon
in Saturn's Ashtakavarga has contributed benefic bindus, then
until such time, Saturn finishes journey through the said portion
of Mars, Saturn will give good results and there will be no
Ardhashtama Shani's problems. But if Mars has not contributed
benefic bindu in Dhanu, then the problems of Ardhashtama Sani
will get intensified. Now let us take Meena lagna jathaka whose
Sani Ashtavarga (called the Prashtarak) is given below.
242 GcdLv Fhali!dt.''Pika


Portion Planet Mesha Rishaba Mithuna Kat aka Simha Kanya
3"-45' Saturn 0 0 - - - -

'72"-30' Jupiter 0 0 - - - -
nv-15' Mars 0 - - 0 - 0
15".00' Sun 0 - 0 0 - 0
18-'-45' Venus - - 0 0 - -

22"-30' Mercury 0 0 - - - -
26°-15' Moon - - - . 0 .
30"-0' Lagna - 0 0 - 0 -
Total 5 4 3 3 2 2

Portion Planet Tula Vrischika Dhanu Makara Kumbh Meena Total

3"-45' Sa tum 0 0 - - - - 4
7'-30' Jupiter 0 0 - - - - 4
11°-15' Mars 0 - - 0 - 0 6
15"..00' Sun - - 0 0 - 0 7
18"-45' Venus - - - 0 - - J
22"-30' Mercury - 0 - - - - 6
26°-15' Moon . - 0 - 0 - 3
30"-0' Lagna - 0 0 - 0 - 6
Total 3 4 3 3 2 5 39
In the above chart of Meena Lagna Mars has not contributed
any benefic hindu in Dhanu. Hence Saturn's Ardhashtama Sani's
bad results will be intensified until he crosses 7°-30' to 11 °-15',
the Mars portion in Dhanu. But take the case of Sun. He has
contributed benefic hindus in Dhanu. So when Saturn crosses the
portion 11°-15' to 15° of Sun, the malefic result of Ardhashtama
Sani will be considerably reduced. This can further be expanded.
In Dhanu in addition to Sun, Moon and Lagna have also contributed
benefic hindus. Hence we can say when Saturn passes through
these three portions namely from 15° to 18°-45' and 26°-15' to 30°
the Ardhashtama Sani's bad effects will be much reduced.
Goehar .md Ashlakv;uga 243

Now we will explain result of Gochara with reference to

contribution of each planet in Ashtakavarga.The results are to be
seen in the Ashtakavarga of the planet concerned.


1. If Sun in transit passes through a Rasi having 8 benefic bindus

there will be gain of money, help from government and
general progress in all aspects. The month will prove most
2. If Sun passes through Rasi having 7 bindus, he will be
courageous, command respect and will be happy.
3. If Sun passes through Rasi having 6 bindus, then he will
succeed in all efforts, gain of money, fame and yoga achieving
new vehicles, good status etc.
4. When he passes through Rasis having 5 bindus, there will be
gain of money and success in education.
5. When Sun passes through Rasi having 4 bindus, there will be
moderate gain of money but will be spent soon after.
6. When Sun passes through Rasi having 3 bindus, he will get
tired in travel, there will be unwanted wandering lack of
peace of mind at work, business etc.
7. When Sun passes through Rasi havin"g 2 bindus he
will have deception, fear from government, indulging in sin-
ful acts, thefts and losses etc.
8. When Sun passes through Rasi having only one bindu there
will be disease, worries and difficulties etc.
9. When Sun passes through Rasi having no bindu actual death
or ordeal equal to that may happen. There will be untold
miseries, bad fortune, mental agony, fear and harassment
from government, diseases, mourning for somebody's death.
10. As a general rule when Sun passes through Rasis
having benefic dots, the native will win over enemies, fulfil
ment of desires. All these will happen in connection with
karakatvas of the particular bhava concerned.
244 Gxhar Phaladrepika

1. lf Moon passes through Rasis having 8 bindus the native

gets all comforts, name, fame, status, respect etc.
2. If Moon passes through Rasi having 7 bindus, native gets
high class dress, timely delicious food, enjoys all sorts of
cosmetics, perfumes etc. takes part in entertaining festivals,
happy get together etc.
3. When he passes through Rasi having 6 bindus he learns occult
sciences, becomes adept in manthra shasthras. He may lead
religious institutions etc.
4. When Moon passes through Rasis having 5 bindus the native
will be courageous and will get all satisfaction in every aspect
of life.
5. When he passes through Rasis having 4 bindus there will be
happiness as well as difficulties and the native will have
moderate results and be happy by adopting a middle course.
6. When Moon passes through Rasis having 3 bindus the native
will enter into quanels with others.
7. When Moon passes through Rasis having 2 bindus the native
becomes aggressive with wife and quarrels. He may fight
due to property division among his paternal relatives, there
will be loss of money, parting way from his friends etc.
8:, When Moon passes Rasis having only one benefic bindus
then? will be unexpected miseries and difficulties.
9. When Moon passes through Rasis having no bindus, native
will be eclipsed by mental worries and will be having fear
complex etc.
When Moon passes through bhavas where there is contribution
ofbindus by others planets and crosses portion allotted to grahas,
there will be gain of jewels, new clothings, fulfilment of desires,
and he will also get acquaintance with YIPs and will be helped by
them etc.

1. When Mars passes through a Rasi having 8 bindus there will

be a purchase of landed property, gain of money, winning
over enemies etc.
Goch:Jrand.Ashtakmut;a 245

2. When Mars passes through Rasis having 7 bindus there

will good fortune, saving of money, good time to brothers
and sisters and help from them.
3. If Mars passes through a Rasi having 6 bindus help
from government and concession from them.
4. When Moon passes through Rasis having 5 bindus.
There will be happy experiences. The native himself looks
younger due to better health and elimination of worries.
5. When Mars passes through Rasi having 4 bindus, there
will be both happiness and sorrow.
6. When Mars passes through Rasi having 3 bindus, the native
will be separated from his wife or brother.
7. When Mars passes through Rasi having 2 bindus, there
will be quarrel and conflict due to his own wife and also lose
his property. He might be punished and may suffer humilia-
tion at the hands of enemies.
8. When Mars passes through Rasis having only one
bindu, the native may have to suffer from surgery, may be
attacked by weapons, wound etc. There will also be fever,
fire, accident, small pox etc.
9. If there is no bindu at all in a Rasi and Mars passes
over it, there will be stomach pain, eye trouble, fits due to
high fever, body losing strength and getting tired etc.
10. Generally when Mars crosses a Rasi having his own
contribution and courses that part, there will be financial
gain, achieving good health and natives appearance
will be bright. But if Mars passes through the portion of a
planet who has not contributed any bindus, there will be
indigestion, heavy headache, blood contamination, bileous
diseases etc.

1. When Mercury passes through a Rasi having 8 bindus, there
will be help from the government and good fortune.
2. When Mercury passes through a Rasi having 7 bindus, there
will be an increase in income, good intellectual improvement,
clear thinking, knowledge, progress and happiness.

3. When Mercury passes through a Rasi having 6 bindus all the

efforts of the native succeed.
4. When Mercury passes through a Rasi having 5 bindus the
native gets new friends and help from relatives.
5. If Mercury passes through a Rasi having 4 bind us, there will
be satisfaction, but the native will not have any keenness or
enthusiasm in any aspect of life.
6. When Mercury passes through Rasis having 3 bindus, the
native gets worries and many anxieties, lack of peace of mind,
unending agony etc.
7. When Mercury passes through a Rasi having 2 bindus, the
native will get afflicted by many diseases.
8. When Mercury passes through Rasi having one bindu only
there will be forced imprisonment, unexpected mourning for
death of near and dear one and harassment by enemies.
9. When Mercury passes through Rasi not having any bindu at
all, there will be heavy unexpected losses and unresolved
mental worries etc.
Gencarlly when Mercury crosses his own portion in a Rasi
where he has contributed bindu, there will be satisfaction,
comforts, timely delicious food, and the native indulges himself
in charitable deeds.
When Mercury crosses portion of Rasi where either Mercury
and other planets have not contributed any bindus, the body will
suffer due to mental worries, conflict with enemies, wars, bad
dreams, untimely food etc.


l. When Jupiter passes through a Rasi having 8 bindus, the

native may achieve status, high position, high posting in
government such as MLA, M.P., Minister etc.
2. When Jupiter passes through a Rasi having 7 bindus, there
will be gain of money, happiness in all respects of life, birth
of child, new vehicles, gold etc.

3. When Jupiter passes through Rasi having 6 bindus the native

gets new dress, jewels, gets all make up materials, bautifies
himself. There will be vehicular conveyance and also gain of
money and gold.
4. If Jupiter passes through Rasi having 5 bindus, the native
will win over his enemies, getting some material of red colour,
getting good and sincere friends and gain from them.
5. When Jupiter passes through Rasi having 4 bind us, there will
be both gain and loss and routine way of living.
6. When Jupiter passes through Rasi having 3 bindus there will
ear trouble, nerves weakness, poverty, lack of peace of mind
etc. J
7. When Jupiter passes through Rasi having 2 bind us the native
will suffer harassment from government, death of wife, death
of child, loss of landed and house property.
8. When Jupiter passes through Rasi having one bindu all the
belongings of the native will be lost. Unexpected worry on
account of enemies, relatives turning their face and becoming
enemies, harassment by enemies etc.
9. When Jupiter passes through Rasi having no bindu loss of
money, death of wife or child, worries etc
When Jupiter passes through a Rasi, where there are bindus
contributed by benefic planets, there will be receipt of money,
mental happiness, winning over enemies, mind will be happy.
Sexual pleasure to the maximum, status will increase, health
improves and body becomes stronger, all round success, progress
etc. all will happen. Native gets good dress, jewels, luxuries,
comforts come to him. Relatives help him and give him presents
most often.
If Jupiter crosses through Rasis where he does not contribute
bindu, his intelligence dulls down. His money get spent out, he
will always be worried about income and money, accident of
vehicles during travel, quarrel, humiliation, being accused for no
fault of his own. Uncontrolled expenditure harassment by enemies
all will happen.
z4s Goch.u.fhll.ldecpoo


1. When Venus passes through a Rasi having 8 hindus, the native

gets all kinds of enjoyments, luxuries, pleasures including
sex gratification, good dress and jewels etc. He gets help
from ladies and complete sex pleasure from them.
2. When Venus passes through a Rasi having 7 hindus, the native
gets high class jewels, all luxuries and comforts of life.
3. If Venus crosses a Rasi having 6 hindus, he gets a
beautiful young good natured wife and gets complete
pleasure from her.
4. If Venus passes through a Rasi having 5 hindus, he gets good
friends and help from them.
5. If Venus passes through a Rasi having 4 hindu, he will have
both good and bad things in life and moderately happy life.
6. If Venus passes through a Rasi having 3 hindus, he gets into
quarrel with his friends and neighbours.
7. If Venus passes through Rasi having 2 hindus, he gets many
diseases and is dismissed from his job.
8. If Venus passes through Rasi having 1 hindu only the native
has the danger of drowning and also has the danger of being
infected with poison.
9. Ifthere arc no hindus in the Ashtakavarga of Venus all types
of mourning comes upon him, sorrows and difficulties come
over him.
10. When Venus passes through a Rasa where other planets have
contributed hindus, his status goes up, and he may get
government job. He gets h'onour and commands respect from
others. There will be birth of female child, all sensual pleasure
including sex pleasure, indulges in speculation and gains from
it, success in sports and recreations and all round progress
and success will be achieved by him.
When Venus passes through a Rasi, where any of planets has
not contributed any hindu whichever planets portion he possess
. through, there will be difficulties, deterioration of money and
wealth by enemies and troubles by them, health of wife fails,
quarrel with his wife, both landed property and house properties
go out of his hands, accidents through travel etc.
Godlilr and Ashtakavarga 249


1. When Sa tum passes through a Rasi having 8 bind us, the native
gets positions and commanding status.
2. When Saturn passes through Rasi having 7 hindus, he will
get many servants and many pet animals.
3. When Saturn passess through a Rasi having 6 hindus, he will
be respected by many leaders, rough type rowdies like men
and thieves will respect him. He is also respected by leaders,
ancient tribal men etc. and all will help him.
4. When Saturn passes through a Rasi there are 5 hindus, he
expands his agriculture and gains from that.
5. When Saturn passes through a Rasi having 4 hindus, there
will be neither good nor bad. A moderate peaceful time will
pass on.
6. When Saturn passes through a Rasi having only 3 hindus,
there will be loss of money, mourning or separation from
wife, loss of servants and there will be many difficulties.
7. When Saturn passes through a Rasi there are 2 hindus, the
native has the possibility of suffering imprisonment,
unresolved endless mental worries, affliction by many
8. If Saturn passes through a Rasi having only one hindu, the
native is being pushed down to lowest level, ugliest way of
life and all sorts of miseries and sufferings will come.
When Saturn crosses in his Ashtakavarga through the portion
of planets who have contributed benefic hindus, he wins all his
law suits. He gets ancestral properties. He will win over all enemies
and enjoy righteous and religious acts and also gets unexpected
help from the government. He gains, from agriculture. But when
he passes through the portion of planet who has not contributed
any benefic hindus, there will be unendi!)g difficulties and pain,
fear from government, difficulties through relatives, accidents may
happen, getting wounds from attacked, destruction of money and
loss of wealth, mental agony, loss of landed and house property,
loss during travel etc.

Find out the Rasi that has least bindus. Throughout the life
when that Rasi rises as lagna each day, he will be suffering in one
form or the other. Similarly when Sun crosses that Rasi during
entire month, there will be untold miseries and difficulties. When
this lagna rises each day, and Maraka dasa period also runs, there
will be danger to life also.

1 The Rasis having more than Sarvashtaka 28 bind us, even
though these Rasis are 6, 8 and 12th from Janma Rasis,
whatever planet or planets crosses these Rasis, (though the
planets are supposed to give malefic results) they will give
benefic results.
2. In Sun's Ashtakavarga, whichevcr"Rasis contains more than 4
(benefic) bindus, during lunar month when Sun transits such
rasis it will prove to be beneficial and good for the native.
3. Counting from the Rasi where sun is posited divide all the
Rasis into 3 groups of 4 each. Total up the bindus in each
group. Now divide a day of 12 hours into 3 parts. Find out
which of the three groups contains more bindus. That part
of the day where more bindus are there throughout the iife
will be very beneficial and good. Similarly the part of the
day containing least of bindus, be bad.
Based on this you can take up your major works during that
part of the day which contains more hindus. For example we will
take up a chart and its sarvashtakavarga.
and Ashtakavarga 251

In this chart form Sun when we total up the bindus of the

three parts, the following total comes (Sun is in Mithun).

1st part 4th to 7th = 95 bindus

2nd part, 8th to 11th = 114 bindus
3rd part, 12th to 3rd = 128 bindus
On a day activities are from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. If we divide this
12 hours by 3 the last 4 hours from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. will be more
But if you take the whole day of 24 hours each part contains 8
hours. Hence the last part which contains more bind us will extend
from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. next day.This period will also be more
4. When Saturn passes through the Rasi having least number
of bindus in Sun's Ashtakavarga, there will be danger to life
of father. Similarly when Saturn passes through the Rasi of
least bind us in each of the rcspcctiv.c Karak planet, the relative
of native connected with particular karaka planet may face
danger to life. Similarly if Saturn passes through the Rasi
having least number of bindus in Lagna Ashtak Varga, the
native himself faces danger to his life.
5. When Moon passes through the Rasi having maximum bind us
in his own Ashtakavarga, there will be benefic results. All
efforts contemplated during this time will succeed. The girl
of that Rasi will bo the best wife for the native. 1n this way
relations with servant, son or daughter, one's mentor
(Guru)can be found. Their Lagna or Rasis in the native's chart
should contain maximum bindus in the Ashtakavarga of
particular Karaka planet pertaining to each relative. For
example Bhinnashtaka Venus, if the 'Lagna' of the wife or
concubine coincides with the Rasi of maximum bindus in
Ashtakavarga of Venus of native, she would prove to be
6. Find out which are the Rasis having 6 and more bindus in
Moon's Bhinnashtaka. If the native after night's sleep first
sees the face of a relative or some one born those Rasis (having
more than 6 bindus) they will be helping the native very

much and will be much cooperative with the native.

7. When Moon passes through Rasis having no bindus in Moon's
Ashtakavarga, the native falls ill and suffers due to various
8. When Mars passes through the Rasi having maximum bindus
in his own Ashtakavarga,the native may gain a lot. He sells
or buys landed and house property etc,
9. When Mercury passes through the Rasi having maximum
bindus in his own Ashtakavarga if the native gets initiated
during that time, in any mantra, the native's life will be very
bright and happy throughout.
10. Similarly when Jupiter passes through the Rasi having
maximum bind us in his own Ashtakavarga there may be birth
of child. If the native gets initiated in mantras, the life of the
native will be very bright throughout.
11. When Venus passes through the Rasi having maximum bindus
in his own Ashtakavarga, he gets maximum sexual pleasure
from his wife or other ladies. He gets luxurious articles for
all comforts, clothing etc.
12. In Sarvashtakavarga when Saturn passes through Rasis
having least number of bindus there will be sickness and
danger to life of the native. Similarly when Jupiter and other
similar benefic planets pass through the Rasi having maximum
number of bindus in Sarvashtakavarga the good things
signified by those planets will be enjoyed by the native.
13. If Lagna or Moon sign is having less than 25 bindus when
Moon passes through those Rasis, unfavourable things will
happen. In such times, it is better not to start any new job,
work or project.
14. Total up bindus from Lagna to the Rasi where Sani is
positioned in Sarvashtakavarga multiply and divide it by 27,
during the age indicated by the quotient, there may be
affliction of chronic diseases and setbacks as well as critical
conditions in many aspects of life.
Chapter Twenty Eight



The transit results reckoned from Moon sign, gives maximum

impact on life as considered in Vedic astrology. However, lagna
indicates the start of life and lOth place indicates the meridian
(Midnoon) in the life. The planets transit over Lagna Rasis and
lOth house have been given very much importance in western
astrology. Such results are furnished below.

Result of Transit from Lagna

1. Sun: When Sun passes through lagna, you will have new
responsibility and the capability to take it. A star of confidence
and hope rises in natural ilfe. Do not breed difference of opinion
with others. However you should be careful about your health.
2. Moon: When Moon passes through Lagna, you will be much
sensitive and emotional according to the strength of Moon. You
may get good relatives and bad relationship. You may have
relationship and cooperation from some member of opposite sex.
3. Mars: When Mars passes through Lagna, all confusions,
conflicts will arise and the native may suffer due to that you should
be clever in dealing with the situations and escape. But you will
have strength to get through any of your project, plan work.
However you should be careful about your food habits. You should
not put forth much effort to do anything. A void difference of
opinion and conflicts.
4. Mercury: When Mercury passes through lagna your
bargaining power and faculty of speech will go up to the
maximum. You will gain in business. You may succeed as a

writer. You will gain from travel and also profit by projects related
to mental work.
5. Jupiter: When Jupiter passes through lagna, the time will
be favourable for employment, and professional growth
(promotion etc.). Health will improve to normalcy. The native
gets name and respect among his friends and in society and will
get help from them. Life will improve due to help from YIPs.
There will be happiness, comfort and peace of mind. There will
be gain through business travels etc.
6. Venus: When Venus passes through lagna, there will be
affection and attachment with all relatives who will be
reciprocative. All the difference of opinions will disappear. If
unmarried, a new romance or love affair will begin or a new
friendship will start, and native will gain from the same. He will
be going to feasts in hotels and attending festivals and days will
be happy and entertaining. During this time all round progress,
increase in income and the economic status goes up.
7. Saturn: When Saturn passes through Lagna, the
time will coincide with a new turn in life. Responsibilities will
increase, you will have to work and toil more on that account,
old pending and incomplete endeavours will be success-
fully achieved. Your officers will burden you with more work.
Do not start any new plans or projects and try to complete the old
pending jobs and work only.
Rahu gives results like Saturn and Ketu like that of Mars when
they pass through lagna.
1. Sun: When Sun crosses lOth from lagna, it makes the native
more capable and strong. He will be able to achieve his objective
during this time. Higher officers at job will be more favourable to
the native. He will get fame, name, status etc. Income will also
2. Moon: When Moon passes through your lOth house, the
native will succeed in bargaining with others. You may have to
lead a group and also get gains from the same. There will be fame
Transit over Ten th House from Lagna 255

and name. Your own problems will get solved. If you do not push
and hurry you will manage all problems and succeed in any effort
you undertake now.
3. Mars: When Mars passes through your lOth house, do not
fall back or hesitate on any effort and plunge into action. There
will be success and gain of plan, do not get emotional. Do not do
anything suddenly. There will be success. You will succeed also
in all endeavours which you undertake with boldness and with
confidence and business will also improve if you adopt this
4. Mercury: When Mercury crosses lOth house you will gain
well, succeed in negotiation with others. You may succeed in some
way or other in your job or profession and you will gain from it.
You may receive some letter regarding the same. Your secret
personal matter may also be affected.
5. Jupiter: When Jupiter passes through lOth house, your belief,
faith, effort, confidence, hope, any work all will succeed. Business,
profession will expand more on a big scale, you may be promoted
in job. Your hard work and capability will be appreciated. Your
gain may increase through income or through your higher officials.
You may accomplish success in your difficult endeavours. All your
works, endeavours will get completed with high speed.
6. Venus: When Venus crosses your 10th house you will have
all pleasures including sex with wife or from outside also. You
will now concentrate on your marriage. A new fiance (love
connection) or a lover may enter your life. In employment there
will be promotion and progress. You will have new connections,
new friendships. You may indulge in entertainments and happy
picnic travels. You will get a good partner. Your marriage may
get settled. You will derive joy and pleasure in your love life.
This is undoubtedly a very good and favourable time.
7. Saturn: When Saturn passes through your lOth house, you
will have new work load and responsibilities and your aims,
endeavours will succeed. Look to your health and take care of. lf
you adopt short cuts you may fail in all your endeavours.
• ••
Chapter Twenty Nine



1. When transiting Sun crosses your natal Sun from this time
you should know that a new hopeful year starts for you. All
your new efforts will succeed. New lines of professions, job
for jobless will start. You will get a new hope, confidence
and positive energy in facing any problems or work or
projects during this time.
2. When transiting Sun crosses your natal Moon, this is the
strongest combination, there may be a total change. Standard
of life will be improved compared to the earlier conditions.
You may get new connections with other ladies and will gain
from the same. But for females this will not be advantageous.
3. When transiting Sun crosses your natal Mars, this will be
one of the critical times. Your over confidence will push you
down to failure. Your capability, strength will all improve
and you may also be more risk taking. But there will be
heavy expenditure. This is the time to begin new projects
and plans. Your mind will be bubbling with emotions and
internal conflicts. You may get diseases pertaining to Mars.
You may meet with fire accidents and get wounded due to
4. When transiting Sun crosses through your natal Mercury you
may gain through travels and by writing. New business will
thri•·e. Yru may succeed in correspondence with others. This
is the time to plan for future projects. Lawyers and those
who are in the field of literature will succeed during this
5. When transiting Sun crossing through your natal Jupiter,
there will be success, fortune, varieties of gains, respect in
Transit over Natal Planets 257

the society, success in endeavours, favourable turn of

completing your plans all may happen. There will be uniform
progress in life. You will get help from others, get useful
new connections and promotion in your job. This is one of
the best of times.
6. When Sun crosses your natal Venus in all possibility you may
get married.This is the time to establish new relationships.
Money and status will spontaneously come to you, without
seeking you may get connection with a young girl, your
romantic life will also start. You may get real gain and progress
through her, but you should not indulge in wasteful
expenditure and seek more sensual pleasures.
7. When transiting Sun crosses your radical Saturn this is one
of the difficult and critical times. The Sani will not be
advantageous. All projects will not go as planned. You will
be doubted and should adopt patience. Health will fail, you
may get paralysis, rheumatism and the diseases like these.
You will not be satisfied in any aspect of life. You may be
harassed by government and always be under the fear of
8. When transiting Sun crosses your natal Rahu this is one of
the fortunate times. You will get peace and good fortune
and be happy. You may gain in speculations. A time of joy in
the married life will start. In society your status and respect
will increase . But since Ketu comes now in 7th, there will be
some difference of opinion with your wife and you may be
parted from her, and there is even danger of maraka and
risk to life.
9. When transiting Sun crosses your natal Ketu the time will
not be good. All responsibilities of the house, children and
running the family will fall on you due to sickness of wife
etc. This itself will worry you. Do not develop enmity with
government officials.You will be pushed into a restless,
comfortless circumstances of compulsion.


1. When transiting Moon crosses your natal Sun you get some
status or progress in the society, your aims will be achieved.
But your health may deteriorate. You may be, afflicted with
258 Godw l'fiJW<tpi.k.l
fever. You may have to change your residence due to
circumstances. You may have to shoulder new responsibilities.
2. When transiting Moon crosses your natal Moon the period
will be very good. In whatever bhava Moon is placed the
significations pertaining to that bhava, now will be fulfilled
completely. You may change your home or there will be a
change in profession or employment. There may be gain
through new connections, but the period is only 2 1.4 days.
Hence, the influence may not be that much significant. In the
natal horoscope its dasa bukthi indicates these things, they
will happen now. For other planets also it should be similarly
3. When the transiting Moon crosses your natal Mars both good
and bad results will happen. You may get provoked to be
short tempered and easily go into pangs of anger. But
patiently you have to manage the situations. You may meet
fire and vehicular accidents. You may be affected with
contagious diseases. Avoid enmity with opposite sex, your
own efforts and plans will be affected.
4. When transiting Moon crosses your natal Mercury this will
be favourable time for you. The professions connected with
intellect like Ganitha, Jyothisha, writing, will succeed now.
The relationship with opposite sex will be much helpful now.
Your eloquence in speech will improve and you will also
gain out of it. Ladies will like you much.
5. When transiting Moon crosses your natal Jupiter your
position, finance, status may go up. Opportunities for
progress in life will spontaneously come to you. This is the
time more suitable to start new plans and projects. Comforts
and joy will increase. You may work more and also gain
more. You may get connections with new ladies and gain
from them. You will succeed in professions connected with
public. You may gain from all relatives except those of
husband or wife.
6. When transiting Moon crosses your natal Venus, combination
of two fair and delicate planets, your life will be full of joy,
comforts, easy going work and sexual pleasure to the
maximum. You may get new connections with opposite sex.
Transit ot•er Natal Planets 259
Ladies now will put up more attractive appearance. Marriage
may get settled. Health will improve and all will be well.
7. When transiting Moon crosses your natal Saturn, the time
will not be that good. There will be restraints, worries,
unexpressable sorrows will prevail. New efforts will not
succeed. Elders will not have any courtesy towards you.
There will be no comfort or pleasures from wife or other
women. But you will have facilities of conveyance and good
8. When the transiting Moon crosses your natal Rahu your image
will be imprinted in the mind of public. Ladies will take part
an important role in your life for your betterment.
9. When Transiting Moon crosses your natal ketu, there will be
much mental worries and agony and your emotional nature
will spoil peace of mind. Avoid contact with public. There
may arise differences of opinion with your parents.

1. When the transiting Mars crosses your natal Sun the time
will not be good. There may be wounds because of fire, fever
and diseases due to over heat. If Mars does not get combust
your status and respect will go high. At the same time, life
will be without peace and full of conflicts.
2. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Moon, you may
develop enmity with your mother. You will indulge in
falsehood and deceiving others. If you are in business of
weapons, you may have some success. You may enter into
some affairs with women and that may prove favourable to
3. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Mars your body
will be more strong and energetic. But accordingly you may
have to toil and labour more and you will finish every hard
work or pursuit. You may succeed in sports. But do not work
anything with opposition there may be new projects. But at
the same time there may be opposition also.
4. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Mercury your mind
becomes fickle. In small matters there may be satisfaction,
you may be after the food cooked in other houses. But if thL'i
bhava happens to be a kendra you may get married. There.
will be happiness and joy, you may gain from business of
medicine and chemicals. You may enter into scandal due to
your liasion with wicked women There will be difficulties,
you will enter into difference of opinion with others quickly,
you should be patient all the time.
5. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Jupiter your
character will get refined. If you win your enemies you may
get leading positions. Money will come from many sources.
You may get experience in mantra tantra and astrological
science etc. ln critical times you may get some providential
help through agency of some people. You may work and
labour more which will be equally more gainful and financial
plans will succeed. Your health will improve very much. All
aspects will culminate in benefits only.
6. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Venus, you will have
hurrying tendencies and emotions. You will have sexual
appetite beyond limits. You will be more emotional and rude
to satisfy every dose of sexual urge. If Venus is connected to
malefics there will be separation between the husband and
wife. Relationships with other ladies at times will end in
scandal. You will be accused for no fault of yours.
7. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Saturn, you may
have to make major decisions. You should go accordingly.
You may enter into difference of opinion with your coborns.
New enemies, in addition to old one's, will crop up. Life
will be full of conflict and misery and may suffer from
diseases pertaining to windy and bilious nature. Somebody
may pass away in your relation. There may be theft and
robbery and you may lose jewels and money on that account.
Do not stand surety for any body. Now is the time, you
should be more careful and alert and wait with patience.
8. When transiting Mars crosses natal Rahu you may take part
in business or work connected with you. You may show much
keenness in sport. You may have excessive sex appetite. You
may get help from your coborns and on that account life will
Transit over Natal Planets 261

9. When transiting Mars crosses your natal Ketu, you may be

mad after getting commanding status and positions. But to
that extent there will be no public reputation. Profession will
get spoiled. You may also lose support in politics. You should
be careful and patient.


1. When transltmg Mercury crosses your natal Sun you will

have clear thinking. You will be able to give constructive
ideas and will be able to give positive plans, you will gain by
correspondence and writing. Your profession will progress.
You will get good gain through the same.
2. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Moon your
emotional level will not be uniform. You should adopt some
precaution or care while moving with others. Your
correspondence will bring you success. You may have family
worries. You may get advantage from females.
3. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Mars you will
take to healthy decisions and will be much bold in doing
things. You may earn bad name because of your
argumentative tendencies so you should adopt patience in
this respect.
4. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Mercury you
will have progress in writing, mathematical and astrological
fields and you will also succeed in these subjects. You will
take new varieties of research and earn name and money
from it. You may get awards for your outstanding literary
works in publishing magazine, books and as an author you
will succeed very much.
5. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Jupiter you will
succeed in business, share market, new investments etc. You
will also make much progress in intellectual pursuits like
lawyer, teacher, writer etc. You will have good arguing skill
and will gain also on that account. When you argue on any
subject you will succeed. Your status and respect in the society
will improve. You will get all things of luxuries and comforts.
Old enemies will subside and because of these you may have
advantage and gain.
6. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Venus you will
have much gain and fame in the art of dress making or model
making, music, dance, drama etc. Your skill and gain in these
arts will improve. Some may gain name and fame in literature
and connected pursuits. If unmarried you may have romance
with a girl you love. Money, status, power, complete sexual
pleasure, all sorts of luxury items and enjoyment will be in
7. When your natal Mercury crosses your natal Saturn you may
have to part with some one to whom you are very dear. You
should not do anything blindfolded. Your narrow
mindedness will push you down to pits. Hold your tongue
and talk less and avoid difference of opinions with others.
8. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Rahu, your
psychic power will grow. You will face the world with new
hope and confidence. You will get anticipated helps from
your coborns at moments when you may get a new turn in
9. When transiting Mercury crosses your natal Ketu you may
have some pressure and critical moments. In your new effort
and plans avoid arguing and unwanted talking. Do not enter
into conflicts with others. You may be trapped by your own
writing like standing surety for others. Proceed with care.
You may have to undertake aimless and useless travels to
long distances.


1. When Jupiter crosses your natal Sun, you will have good
health. From this time a new 12 year cycle or era bcgiri:.:.
New projects will be planned. Your profession will further
improve. Your income will increase by literary pursuits and
through business travels. You will get new contacts and
emotional feeling not coming under control. Do not invest
anything. If father and son live in the same house, there will
be more advantages.
2. When Jupiter crosses natal Moon during transit you will get
a commanding position and you will win over your enemies.
You will get a submissive and an obedient wife who will
Transit over Natal Planets 263
serve you, with total duty consciousness. Your brothers will
be cooperating with you. Eye sight may be affected. You
will have peace of mind and an unexpected providential help.
If this combination occurs except in 3, 6, 8 bhavas, this will
give you much progress and gain. You will get pleasure from
ladies and also gain through them.
3. When Jupiter crosses your natal Mars you will become
courageous and bold. You will get high status. There may be
a fortunate turn of life. Though your son is good natured, he
may become aggressive. You may toil and labour more and
equally gain more. You may meet with some accidents. You
should be alert and careful. This is good time to start new
endeavours and projects.

4. When transiting Jupiter crosses your natal Mercury you may

get money from many corners. You may attract others
towards you to your advantange. Your enemies will
disappear. You may earn also through music. Your self-
confidence will grow more strong. You may get new vehicles
and income will increase. You will win in law suits. Everything
good will happen.

5. When transiting Jupiter crosses your natal Jupiter, you are

starting a new 12 years cycle of progress. You may get sudden
fortunes and you may get a fortunate tum of life. There will
be increase in income. You may get the help ofVIPs.You may
demand your right with anybody because your authority is
established. Your progress in education will be assured. You
will also gain from travel. This is the proper time for new
projects and new investments. This is one of the best periods
in your life.

6. When transiting Jupiter crosses your natal Venus all difference

of opinion will disappear. A new conncctio,, of romance will
begin and there will be advantage to the native due to that.
Reduce your short temper. Be disciplined in eating. Over
eating may spoil your health. Your status will go up. You
will also become famous.

7. When transiting Jupiter crosses your natal Saturn, if this

happens in 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 12th houses, there will be
264 Gocnv l'haLldt't'pika
destruction of money, humiliation etc. But if this conjunction
happens in other houses there will be honour from
government. Status will go up. In all respects there will be a
new and good turn of J:f~ from this moment. Your
commanding and ruling status will go on. There will be
change of residence or change of job.
8. When transiting Jupiter crosses your natal Rahu your status
in society will go up. Your capability will be appreciated.
Your self-confidence will grow. You may like to follow
disciplines of other religions and castes. When Jupiter goes
in thrikona there will be opportunity of good fortune (getting
money through speculation, lottery etc.)
9. When transiting Jupiter crosses your natal Ketu your
image in public will get blackened and you may lose respect.
You may act according to whims and fancies and there will
be great difficulty and sorrow. Ketu will not allow you to go
in your own way. The time is not good.

1. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Sun, you will have
more affection and compassion on others, you may have
entertainment and joy beyond expectation. You will succeed
more if you do joint ventures along with your equal males
than with females. You may have more visualising capacity
and more imaginative skills to plot the situation. This will be
useful while serving for art.
2. When transiting Venus crosses the radical Moon, your mind
will be much unsteady. But there will be a fortunate tum in
life. Though you have compassion to give chance for others,
you will leave your own policies. Avoid talking much. Do
not exhibit your innocence anywhere. Your faculty in music
will shine. Others will approve your music skill and faculty
in fine arts will be much appreadated by others. You will be
surged with more sexual urge, and you will be getting
extramarital relationships. However you should have
restraints. If you sacrifice your adamance and adjust with
the situation and men there will be good progress. You may
be helped by ladies.
Transit over Natal Planets 265
3. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Mars your hurrying
tendency and short temper may let you down. You may be
spending your time with females. There may be gain from
this, but do not get much involved in such matters. You may
have pleasure picnics. You may gain from this. On the whole
this is one of the best limes. Your sex urge will go beyond
limits. However you should control the same.
4 When transiting Venus crosses your natal Mercury you will
be respected more. You will become famous. Your financial
status will improve alongwith your distinctive place in the
society. Your personality and appearance will put up a new
aura and glow of beauty. You will attract others with the
skill of your witty speech. You may get more chances of
moving with females. But you should see that you do not
cross any excesses with them. But you may gain by them.

5. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Venus all your

relationships will begin to yield help and assistance. Your
status in society will improve and you may get sudden income
of huge money through lottery or speculation. New
relationships will develop and you may gain also through
your marriage. Your reputation will grow. Your body will
put forth new aura and glow. You will look attractive and
beautiful. You may get a good, beautiful, young, submissive
wife with all best qualities. You will have over all progress.

6. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Jupiter you may

get new connections of romance. You may enter into new
projects and treaties and get results from them. You may
receive beautiful and artistic articles. Your knowledge in
music and literature will increase. You will get help from all
kinds of people.

7. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Saturn much

support and fame will be enjoyed by you in society. You
may get more and better opportunities of progress in life.
You feel mud1 enjoyment in solitude. If you work hard for
others without looking into your own comforts, you will
gain more. You may have to part way from your near and
dear ones. There may be many travels and gains thereof.
You may get true love offers just not based on passion, lust
266 Gochv.l'1ul.1dl.tpU...,
or emotion but out of true affection. Elderly and mature
people's guidance will pave the way for real progress in your

8. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Rahu you will get
cle\'aled social status and support. Your reputation will grow
more. You will get help from all kinds of people. If you are
unmarried, you will get married to an affectionate, loving,
supporting and well to do partner, which may be real fruitful
love marriage.
9. When transiting Venus crosses your natal Ketu, you may not
have much interest in public life. You will get solace only in
solitude and in spiritual contemplation. You may not be
emotional or hasty in love affair but will pursue a real
affectionate company of opposite sex. Your business will be
dull. If you hurry, your financial plans may not yield the
expected results. But this is not proper time for getting
married. Peace in family may get disturbed and there may
also be much commotions in the family.

1. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Sun, there will be
good progress in profession due to your personal hard work.
You may have to shoulder additional responsibilities. The
projects and plans, so far obstructed will now get realised.
You may meet accidents due to fire. You may be deceived
by others. You may incur loss due to this. Your sluggishness
and adamant nature will invite your failures. Sometimes your
ancestor's property may come to your hands now. Your
fortune will fail. The time will be difficult. If Sun is positioned
well in natal chart you get progress and help from your
children. You may develop difference of opinion with wife.
For politicians the time will be hard and trying only real
effort and hard work will give good results

2. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Moon, you will

get refined with good nature. But you may throw your
money for opposite sex. If Moon is in 3, 10, 11, your health
will get improved. Financial progress, all comforts will be
yours. Real hard work will yield you good gain, However,
Transit over Natal Planets 267
the time will be restless to you, you will be plunged into
unbearable difficulties, worrying the mind. Those running
Maraka period coinciding with completion of judged life span,
may have affliction of dangerous diseases. Fear of imprison-
ment, quarrels with others, mental agony etc. will trouble
you much. This is Janma Sani of Sade Sathi which is said to
be much detrimental especially if it happens to be 3rd or 4th
3. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Mars, your mental
courage and discriminative power will improve. You will
work for and achieve your objective. You may also incur
expenditure on your coborns. You will win over your
enemies. You may breed the tendency of quarreling for
anything and everything. ff this conjunction is in 3, 6,11 th
Rasis from Lagna, you may get an elevated life equal to a
king. You will get your paternal property. At the same time
you will be eclipsed by sorrow and failure. You may meet
with accidents, injury by weapons and get into fits of anger.
You have to subside these.
4. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Mercury, you may
lose your self-confidence, outer connections will not give
you any happiness, your plans and projects will fail. At times
you get progress in pursuits and professions connected
with writing and literature. You may have a revenging
5. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Jupiter there will
be a complete lack of peace. You should work hard with laid
up plan. lfJupiter is positioned well you will get the property
and comforts of your ancestors. You will work hard with
patience. 1f Jupiter is not positioned well, all your hard work
will go waste. You may have a change of job or residence. If
you keep up morality and discipline, your hard work will
pay you much.
6. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Venus your
responsibilities will increase. You may be in solitude and
feel much lonely. You may love to work hard without
worrying for your own comforts. Your relatives will sincerely
help you. Do not disclose your financial position or its
progress to anybody else.

7. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Saturn big changes

may take place in your life. This happens only once in 29
years. Hence this is of much importance. During first
conjunction there may be change of job, profession, new
relatives will come to you close. During second conjuction,
you may retire from employment, but there may be change
of residence most probably a new own house. The pending
problems and work will be solved positively and work
completed. You will look forward with hope and confidence.
A new fortunillc and turn of life.
8. When transiting Sa tum crosses your natal Rahu, you will go
against beliefs and disciplines of your own caste and religion.
You will not have faith in traditional orthodoxy and beliefs
in rituals etc. Problem will arise in your finance, job and
business. Mind wil be disturbed by unwanted worries. You
will be pushed to loneliness. If you resort to selfless public
service you will have good time.
9. When transiting Saturn crosses your natal Ketu you will
indulge in anti social acts. You will not have faith in caste,
religion, orthodoxy and problems and rituals. You will have
inferiority complex in everything. There will be failures and
dissatisfaction. This is malefic transit only. You should adopt
patience and care. Your near relative may pass away. Do not
begin any new project or plan.

1. When Transiting Rahu crosses your natal Sun, there will be
considerable progress in life. Fate will be in your favour.
But there may be separation between husband and wife.
2. When transiting Rahu joins your natal Moon, you will have
to shoulder new responsibility and you will benefit by it. All
your wishes will now be realised.
3. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Mars you will indulge
in sports like boxing etc. and you will also gain money on
that account. At times much sensual instincts will be aroused.
At times you may also indulge in sex beyond limits. You
may also get help from others and you will progress on that
Transit over Natal Planets 269
4. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Mercury,
your writing faculty improves. You will have much
internal imaginary vision which intcsify your creative and
intellectual faculty. You will get good and rare distinctions
and your life progresses due to that. You will have new hope
and confidence and you may get reciprocative assistance from
your coborns.
5. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Jupiter this time is
an indicator for good fortune. You will get high standard
philosphical scholarship. Your finance will grow much and
finandal status will also be more satisfactory. Your progress
in mundane level will also be more than expected. You may
get a fortunate and new rum of life now.
6. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Venus you will be
more passionate and have compassion for those around you.
All good things in life will come spontaneously unasked for
and wthout any effort. You may have good reputation in the
midst of ladies. You may get fortunate marriage connections.
7. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Saturn you may get
the facility of shouldering and negotiating any responsibility
small or big. But your health may be affected a little.
8. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Rahu, you will be
inspired with more saving tendency in money. This time you
may not be that much suitable to carry out any major change.
You should not undertake any heavy responsibility which
warrants great risk. If you have patience you may have good
time. Just undertake those efforts which seem to you are
really advantageous and good. Be alert and careful in moving
with your higher officers.
9. When transiting Rahu crosses your natal Ketu the results are
the same those given for Mars vide para 3 above.

1. When transiting Ketu crosses your radical Sun there will be
deception. You have to work hard. You may be involved in
unanticipated problems. Avoid speculations and gambling,
your health may go down. Your father and maternal relatives
equivalent to him may pass away. You will feel tired. You
270 Gcm1rfh1 Lldt"t"pikil

may develop contempt or dislike for everything. Due to your

rough and adamant behaviour your important efforts may
get destroyed.
2. When the transiting Ketu crosses your natal Moon you may
be separated from mother or her health may suffer. There
will be confusion at home. Adopt patience. Instead of going
in for buying new properties, try to hold and set right the
properties you hold to give good yield. Father may try to
use you for his own selfishness, do not let it eclipse you,
take precaution. Do not become target for dislike of your
relatives and friends. Your health may fail and females in
your home along with your children may not cooperate with
you or help. You may be hurrying. will be at times provoked
to fit of anger. You may suffer mental worry and become
jealous with others. Adopt a patient and judicial approach in
3. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Mars, you may
commit many mistakes. You may get depression, demotion
in your job. There may be loss in business. You may be
transferred to unwanted place in and follow your job under
compulsion. Be patient and try to avoid it. You follow just
and submissive approach. Do not give up your aims and
ambiitions for other's sake, do not try to buy new properties
but be satisfied with what you have. There may be confusion
and conflict at home. Do not become target of dislike of
4. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Mercury your mind
will be restless and there will be lack of peace at home. Be
slow in everything. You may try to help others but will get
only bad name and your work also get spoiled. When you
are dealing with big amounts handle with care, there may
be some loss or deception. Do not plan for long and time
consuming projects. Only undertake plans which can be
completed in short time.
5. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Jupiter, there may
be unexpected and heavy expenditure. There may be loss.
Try to contain your sex and sensual urges. Do not sleep on
high cots, benches etc. You may roll and fall down. Do not
Transit over Natal Planets 271

borrow money. Do not create situations which may spoil the

peace at home. Your health may fail. You may lose weight.
6. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Venus the time is
not favourable for romance or love affairs. This is also not
good for marriage. Avoid any misunderstanding with your
partner. There is possibility of divorce or separation Do not
put up proposals for new financial project. There may be
loss of money. Do not have any transfer of job or business or
7. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Saturn this is also
bad time. Do not develop any enmity with others. Try to
keep up your health. Sleep well and rest well. There may be
sorrow and melancholy. You stand the fear of separation
from your wife. Do not fall prey to emotions. Your blood
circulation system and bone connection may get affected.
8. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Rahu, you should
adopt a patient outlook in any work or effort. Safeguard
yourself against any deception. You may have sluggish mental
outlook and may not be interested in doing anything. But
try to bear it and plunge into action with renewed effort
with hope.
9. When transiting Ketu crosses your natal Ketu, the results
will be the same as in the case of Mars vide no. 3 above .
Chapter Thirty


During revolutions of Sun, Moon and Earth in space when

one of them comes in between, eclipses of Sun and Moon occur.
These eclipses cause many kinds of changes in the species of the
Earth. This is according to the Rasi, Star in which the eclipses
occur from one's birth star or Rasi.
These generally affect the significations the bhava where the
eclipses occur counted from the position of Moon. When these
are connected to Sun, Moon and lOth bhava it is found there will
be destruction, mourning and at times death of the native. In this
respect, the effects of solar eclipse will be found to be strong for
as many years as duration of Solar eclipse in hours and as many
months as the duration of the Lunar eclipse.
Every one knows that solar eclipses occur on Amavashya and
lunar eclipses occur only during full Moon days. This affects
maternal uncle if it falls on Mercury. When it falls on Jupiter it
affects one's children. When it falls on Venus, it affects wife and
other female relatives. When it falls on Mars, it affects brothers
etc. According to astrological dictum the following may be
1. When lunar eclipse occurs over the Sphuta of Sun, the native
suffers a lot and there is risk of very much critical condition
for him. This will also prove detrimental to the father of the
2. If this falls on Moon's Sphuta, there may be bad time to
mother and danger even to her life.
3. Solar and Lunar eclipses affect the people very much born in
Transit and Eclipses 273

stars in which the eclipse occur, its previous star, the star
that follows and also people bom in Anu Janma, Trijanma
stars of the above stars. Hence persons born in these stars or
Rasis should take to Parihara or remedial measures.
Now we will be giving the results of eclipses occuring in
various bhavas from Lagna.
1. When eclipses occur in Lagua or Janma Rasi the native's
health is affected. Native meets with accident due to vehicle
or slipping and falling down. Fractures may occur. If those
eclipse points are aspected by Jupiter or Venus, the native
may have long standing improvement in his efforts which
may be completed.
2. If the eclipses occur in 2nd bhava and ifbenefics are aspecting,
one's fmance will improve. During these time gaps, there
may be success in speculation and gambling. If this is aspected
by malefics, there may be heavy financial losses and failures
in all planned projects.
3. If the eclipses occur in 3rd bhava, and benefics aspect, life
will progress through help of friends and relatives. You may
get good news from many places. If malefics aspect there
will be aimless and useless travels and there will be troubles
through relatives and friends.
4. When eclipses occur in 4th place, supported by benefics aspect
there will be family happiness, freedom from worry, and
peaceful condition at home. You may get help from parents.
1f malefic aspects there will be bad time and danger to life of
5. When eclipses occur in 5th house and benefics aspect) there
will be all round happiness and progress for children. If
malefics aspect children will suffer from ill health and diseases
and their studies will be spoiled.
6. When eclipses occur in 6th house, if benefics occupy your
health will improve. Your job, business and profession all
will improve. If malefic aspect you will be afflicted by many
diseases. You may get punishments for wrongs committed
in your job.
7. If the eclipse happens at 7th house and benefics aspects your
274 Gochar Fflaladeepika
partners in business and profession will help you. You may
get new social relationships and also gain by such
connections. If aspected by malefics all the above aspects
will get spoiled. In joint business, your partners will deceive
you. In this condition you should not stand surety for others
including your partners.
8. If the eclipse happens in 8th house and aspected by benefics,
there will be gain in share market, unexpected money from
unexpeced sources, success in speculation and gambling. You
may win law suits and get back your own old paternal
properties. You may gain also from life insurance. If aspected
by malefics, there will be failure, borrowing of money, loss
of big_ amount of money etc.
9. If the eclipses occur in 9th house and aspected by benefics
there will be fmancial improvement at home, all and every
good thing will happen. You may have chances of long air
travels to foreign and inland and there may be gain and
happiness due to them. But if aspected by malefics there may
be accidents during travel and failure of health half way. All
endeavours will fail.
10. When eclipse occurs in lOth house and aspected by benefics
you may get high position in job or promotion. In your work
place, work load on you will be reduced much and you may
have easy going life at work. You may have many facilities
and comfortsat work. If aspected by malefics you may commit
mistakes at work and will get punishment. At the same time,
father or mother may pass away.
11. When eclipses occur at 11th house and aspected by benefics,
you wll be helped by higher officials and recommended for
promotion etc. You will have over all progress. If aspected
by malefics the same officers will push you down and put
you in many difficulties and miseries, deceptions and failures
will be more. During this time, you should identify true friend
and ask for help only when you are convinced that they are
your well wishers.
12. When the eclipses occur in 12th house and aspected by
benefics either his life will progress well with the help of
others or the native may help others since this house also
Transit and Eclipses 275
indicates Karma. If the natives are employed in institutions,
medical centres, and prisons he may be helped by others for
betterment. If malefic planets aspect the same people who
are said to help you will become the cause of your ill health
and yourself may have to go to hospital. You may have to
spend much for marriage of son or daughter or both. Due to
malefic aspect there may be unwanted wasteful expenditure
and loss of heavy amounts.
• ••

Chapter Thirty One



(Malefic transit result in only one of the many places)

All the 9 planets give bad results in many places from Janma
Rasi of individuals. Out of them it is said in ancient tamil verses
that each planet gives worst ,results only in one place Janma Rasi
and this should be feared and precautions taken. The verse is
given in Roman script and translation given thereafter.


1. Sun in transit gives bad results in 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 12th

places from Janma Rasi. But among them he gives very bad
results ony in 5th from J anma Rasi.
2. Moon gives bad results in 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 12th from Janma
Rasi. Among this he gives very bad results only in 8th house.
Transits-Miscellaneous · Information 277

3. Mars gives bad results except in 3, 6 and 11th from Janma

Rasi. Out of these places he gives very bad results only in
7th place.
4. Mercury gives bad results in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12
from Janma Rasi. Out of these he gives worst results
in 2nd from J anma Rasi.
5. Jupiter gives bad results in 1, 3, 4,6, 8, 10 and 12th
places from Janma Rasi. Out of these he is most malefic in
3rd from J anma Rasi.
6. Venus gives bad results in 6, 7 and 10 places from
Janma Rasi. The worst results are in its transit in 6th from
Janma Rasi.
7. Saturn gives bad results except 3, 6 and 11th houses
from Janma Rasi, out of them he gives most evil results
only in Janma Rasi. ·
8. Rahu and Ketu give bad results except in 3, 6, and
11th places from Janma Rasi. Out of these they give very bad
result in 9th from Janma Rasi.
In the above paragraphs for each planet houses giving worst
results are given. Malefic results given by them in other Rasis
need not be feared much.
In the above verse the malefic results given by each of the 9
planets are given in common as under.
'There will be fear of imprisonment and you may be arrested
and shocked. You may get many diseases, and may enter into
petty quarrels with others. You may suffer fear, humiliation. If
maraka dasa period runs and if the judged life span coincides,
there may even be death".
This is how the bad results of transit affects the native in only
one place out of many places where each of the planets are said to
give bad results. If remedial measures are undertake_n you need
not fear about result itself.


Just like Vimshothari Dasa calculated based on Janma

Nakshathra, our ancient Rishis have.formulated what is called

Varsha Dasa which gives the periods of Dasas for each year and
have given methods to calculate these Dasas. Here also one's janma
Nakshathra is taken into account in a different way.
Here we should first know about our lunar years. In order to
know V arsha Dasa, one should find out the star which falls on
Poorvapaksha Prathama of Phalguna month (when Sun is in
Meena) which roughly falls on 28th or 29th March each year. This
is the beginning of Hindu Chandra mana Varsha. From this date
you have to calculate the start of Varsha Dhasa. Count the
Nakshathra to the nakshathra falling on the above day (Phalguna
Poorvapratama). Then multiply that number by 5 and divide by
9, the balance from i to 9 should be taken and varsha dasa days
allotted as under. (Here balance of 0 should be taken as 9).
1. Sun Dasa 28 days
2. Mars Dasa 28 days
3. Jupiter Dasa 58 days
4. Ketu Dasa 21 days
5. Mercury Dasa 56 days
6. Venus Dasa 70 days
7. Saturn Dasa 36 days
8. Moon Dasa 50 days
9. Rahu Dasa 21 days

Total 360.days
Find out which Dasa comes first, and subsequently, other
Dasas in the order given. For example let us take the man whose
janma nakshatra is Chithra. Now we have to calculate Varsha
Dhasa for the Hindu year, Bhagu Dhanya. The lunar year starts
before the Solar year, the date being 28. 3.98 (Poorvapaksha
Prathama).The day is Saturday. Since the man was born during
night, we should find out the star running during the birth time.
In this case on 28.3.98 Uttara Badra Pada extends upto 1.38 p.m.,
hence the next star Revathi begins from that time and extends
upto 10.38 a.m. the next day 29.3.98. So during night (birth time
being 11.36 p.m. on 3.7.1930) we have to count from Chithra to
Transit:YM.iscel.laneous Infonmlion 279
Rcvzthi, both stars to be included. The number is 15 multiplied
by 5 is equal to 75 and further when divided by 9 remainder is 3.
Hence the third Dasa bcgifls for him from the Chaithra Mesha
Sankramana. Luni Solar year Bhagu Dhanya the days of dasas
will be as follows. Since the remainder-being 3 the third Jupiter
Dasa begins for him. The duration to be counted and dates of
beginning of each Dasa is being given below. The Hindu new
year Bhagu Dhanya begins on 14.4.98 the Dasas will be as follows:
From To
1. Jupiter Dasa 14.4.98 12.6.1998 (58 days)
2. Ketu Dasa 13.6.1998 3.7.1998
3. Mercury Dasa 4.7.98 29.8.89
4. Venus Dasa 30.8.98 9.11.98
5. SatumDasa 10.11.98 15.12.98
6. MoonDasa 16.12.98 6.2.99
7. Rahu Dasa 6.2.99 26.2.99
8. Sun Dasa 27.2.99 16.3.99
9. MarsDasa 17.3.99 16.4.99
The difference of 2 days IS due to the fact that February IS
also counted 30 days for taking the year as of 360 days. The
difference of these 5 days is to be divided in the ratio of dasas of
each Dasa to the total 360. The difference is negligible for all
practical purposes. The above table of Dasas will be correct.
Varsha Dasa can also be calculated in yet another way. Here
we have to take the degree in the Rasi where Sun is positioned
during the birth of the native. For a man born on 3. 7.1930, the
Sun was of 19° in Gemini. From this you have to add the days· of
dasa. In the present case it starts with Jupiter Dasa and ends in
Mars Dasa again nearing 3. 7.99 (from 3.7.19983 7.1999). Here we
follow Nirayana only. The results for each of these Dasas are to
be judged similar to the ri.lles and conventions followed in
Vimshottari Dasas.
For this we have to fmd out the star falling on the day when
the Hindu month begins. Count this from one's birth star. Multiply
the number by 7 and divide the total by 9. The remainder is the
number of the first Masa Dhasa that begins. Follow the Dasas and
duration as given below.
1. SunDasa 1.5 Headache
2. Budha Dasa 4.75 Meeting with relatives and help
from them.
3. Rahu Dasa 4.50 Friendship with menial people.
4. Jupiter Dasa 3 Timely delirious food and gain
of money.
5. Ketu Dasa 1.75 Bodily ill health.
6. Moon Dasa 2.5 If it is waxing Moon period gain
of money .If it is waning Moon
period loss of money.
7. Saturn Dasa 4.75 Confusion and conflict Ill
family and enmity, attack of
8. Venus Dasa 5 Gains of gems, jewels etc.
9. Mars Dasa 1.25 Untimely food, conflict.

For example, for the same Chithra star man if we want to

know the Masa Dasa result in Chaitra month of coming Baghu
Dhanya, the star on that day at the time of birth occurring again
on that day is 11..36 p.m. being Revathi. The star counted from
Chitra to Revati being 15 multiplied by 7comes to 105 and divide
by 9 remainder comes to 6. Hence the sixth dasa that of Moon
will start and run for 23 days from (our Hindu days begins at
sun rise) 6 a.m. on 14.4.98. This may last upto 12 Noon on 16.4.98.
Hence according to the· result given he may gain money from 6
a.m. of 14.4.98 to 12 Noon of 16.4.98 We have to add days for the
subsequent dasas and know the results similarly in the order given


We have already explained this while we gave the readings of
Transits-Miscellaneous Infonnation 281
transit results of Moon. However a traditional method knowing
Chandra Phala is given here. Reckon from your birth star to the
star falling on the particular day, for which you want to know the
result. Add to this the days/ thithi from Prathama, and the week
day from Sunday and divide by nine for the remainder the
following results arc indicated :
1. Worry and agony
2. Good
3. Receipt of bad news and bad, inauspicious words to be
4. Meeting with relatives (coming as guests)
5. Sex pleasure with wife or other ladies
6. Conflict, confusion
7. Confusion
8. Being cheated, deceived
9. Good news
For example let us take the case of a man born on 'Chitira'
star. The date being 2.1.98. On 2.1.98:
1. The star is Satabisha (after 4.00 pm. The result is wanted
for the period after that time)
2. Thithi is Tiueethiya
3. Week day is Friday
The following is the calculation.
1. No. of stars to Sathabisha
from birth star Chithra 11
2. Thithi 3
3. Week day 6
Dividing this by 9 we get remainder as 2
For 2 the result is good news. Hence some letter telling good
282 GocharPhaladeepika

news may be received.

We have to note that the birth star of the native is involved.
By taking the week day, the ruling planet of the day is considered.
Tithi being til ken indicates the strength which is the basis for transit
result. Since it is divided by 9, we have to understand that 9 planets
are considered. Involving all elements of timely planetary forces
on the particular day, the results should be only precise and
correct. Our ancients have formulated such system after deep
research and deep thinking.



Quantified results of all the nine planets, is one of the important

way of getting the correct judgement of good or evil forces
projected on us on a particular day. This has already been
explained in earlier chapter where we have given the method of
working transit results. Readers may refer to it.
Chapter Thirty Two


Here some Charts are Studied for some important events

1. Detailed study of events transit results:
An officer in I.I.T. and well versed in Astrology also.

Jupiter Sa tuna

Mars Venus

L Rahu

Chart No. 1
1. 1957 left Madras for Job-the Jupiter in transit is aspecting
the radical Jupiter from Virgo-Transit Jupiter is in lOth from
Lagna aspected by radical Jupiter.
2. 1966 problem in Job: Jupiter was in 12th from Moon in transit.
Saturn aspects lOH from 4H in transit.
3. 1967 July - marriage - though Jupiter was in Janma Rasi in
transit he was 5th from the natal Jupiter aspecting him and
again natal Jupiter aspecting transit Jupiter which is called
Guru Bala.

4. 1968 new Job. Note that transit Saturn was crossing the natal
Jupiter - At the same time birth of first son.
5. 1970 January - Birth of first daughter, transit Sun was
crossing the natal Saturn.
6. 1971 birth of second daughter, here also transit Saturn
was crossing Natal Saturn and at the same time Jupiter was
in 5th from Janma Rasi.
7. 1973 went abroad. Note that Jupiter in transit was 7th from
natal Moon in chara Rasi indicating foreign travel and crossing
natal Mars which is 7th from natal Moon. According to Uttara
Kalamrita Mars in 7th whether from Lagna or natal Moon
gives foreign travel. Here Jupiter, the lagna Lord has crossed
the natal Mars in 7th from natal Moon, making t_he native to
move to foreign.
8. 1976 involvement in astrology. In the Birth chart Jupiter in
4th from Lagna and Mercury 9th from Lagna as well as second
from natal Moon all these made him to learn astrology. But
in 1976 his natal Jupiter who is in the 4th (Vidya Sthana) as
well as Lagna Lord was crossed by transit Jupiter which
made him to start learning astrology.
9. 1989 - first daughter marriage, note that the transit Jupiter is
in 11th from natal Moon.
10. 1990- Birth of grandson-transit Jupiter was in trine in Cancer
to natal Jupiter in Pisces.
11 1991 April, second daughter's marriage - here also transit
Jupiter was in trine to natal Jupiter as indicated in the above
under 10.
12. 1995- son's marriage. Note that transit Jupiter was in scorpio
in 5th to natal Moon as well as in trine to natal Jupiter.
13. 1961 death of native's father - note that transit Jupiter was in
8th to natal Moon and Saturn was in 7th to natal Moon.
14. 1991 - Death of native's mother- note that transit Jupiter was
in 8th to natal Moon and Saturn was in 7th to natal Moon.
15. 1997 April - Health - Heart trouble for the native, the natal
Jupiter in 4th indicating heart is crossed by transit Saturn in
9th to natal Moon.
Example Horoscopes 285

Now when Jupiter is to move to Pisces in January 1999 will be

crossing native's natal Jupiter in 9th to natal Moon and will mark
some improvement and progress in the life of native.
Retired Technical Official - A versatile scholar, linguist and
well versed in astrology and allied sciences.

L Merrury
Rahu Suu

03.07.1930 Venus
1136 PM.
Mars B,,l.lnce

Saturn Keto Moon

Chart No. 2
1. 06-1949 First Employment - Jupiter just crossed the natal
lOth house, being 10th Lord-Note, he crossed the natal Saturn
in the lOth. Note the day was ruled by his birth star Chitra,
which is lOth to natal lOth.
2. January 1955 Marriage - natal Jupiter is crossed by transit
Jupiter who is again the 7th Lord from natal Moon.
3. February 1955 - promclion, the same combination fits in.
4. 1958 first child - Jupiter in transit was in conjunction with
natal Moon who is again the 5th Lord.
5. 1961 - second child, Son - Jupiter in transit was 4th from
Moon aspecting the radical Jupiter.
6. 1964 December third child - Jupiter in transit in 9th from
natal moon- in Taums.
7. 1966 fourth child -Jupiter in Cancer 5th to Lagna in transit
and also in 11th from natal Moon. He was just crossing natal
Jupiter and was in second to natal Jupiter.
8. 1977 mother's death - Saturn in Leo transit beginning of
Sade Sathi Saturn's second round. Jupiter was crossing natal
286 Gochar Phalilda:-pika

9. 1979 September -father's death- Saturn in Leo in 12th to

natal Moon the same Sade Sathi in second round.
10. 1990 April - Jupiter was crossing the natal jupiter and Saturn
was crossing the natal Saturn is - marked the bcgining of
new vistas in the native's life occupying a good status in a
public institution. This also marked beginning of publishing
of books.
Chart No.3 Lord Sri Rama

Venus Mercury Ketu

RASI Jupiter


Rahu Saturn

Chart No.3
According to an ancient Tamil verse, it is stated that when
Jupiter passes through the natal Moon sign, the native is deprived
of his status and driven out of his place. This is also said to be
true in the case of Lord Sri Rama. Actually the verse begins with
his name


Which means that when Jupiter was in Janma Rasi of Rama

Jupiter crossed his natal Moon sign Cancer, he was asked to go to
the Jungle . Another point in this is the transit Jupiter crossed his
natal Jupiter and Moon which resulted in a great change.
It is stated that in the beginning of the 14th year of his Vana
Vasa his wife Seetha was abducted by Ravana. This means that by
this time the Jupiter has completed one round after he went to
jungle and was in 3rd from natal Moon in Virgo. Jupiter gives
worse results in transit in 3rd house. The native suffers great
£-.;ilmp/1! lli.I!Wrop<"S 287

Chart no. 4 Indian Independence day chart

Rahu ·'"'~"'

15.08.1947 Slit\1!'1"

Ketu Jupiter

Chart No.4
Now in modem times, we can apply the same rule of Jupiter
crossing the natal Moon sign. In the above chart of Indian
Independence. The natal Moon sign is Cancer. The principle is
that the native is deprived of his status and driven out. But in the
context of a country, the same cannot be applied but the occupant
and the ruler is driven out when Jupiter crosses Cancer-the birth
Moon sign. The following instance may be noted:
Chart No. 5 Shri Morarji Desai

R.lhU 29.02.1896 Jupiter
1\brs Venus Balance
2~3~2 Moon
Mercury K<>h•


Chart No. 5
Chart no. 5 belongs to our former Prime Minister Sri. Morarji
Desai. In 1979 when Jupiier crossed Cancer the Moon sign of
Indian Independence chart, he was compelled to resign. lt is to be
noted that the Jupiter of Sri. Morarji Desai and also that of Indian
Independence day was in Cancer in the natal position.

In addition Moratji was running Sade Sathi Janrna Sani the

midde portion which is very bad and critical in the Sade Sathi


Mars Balance

\rmu~ L
Sun Rahu
!\krcury Mars

Chart No.6
Chart No. 6 belongs to the next Prime Minister Chaudhary
Charan Singh who resigned in the same year in 1979 from the
post of Prime Minister within a short period. This also occurs
when Jupiter crossed the natal Moon sign of the Indian
Indepcndcce Chart. The transit Jupiter was also in oppostion to
natal Jupiter and Saturn. This was also made further bad by
running of 1st phase of Sade Sathi of Sa tum which was in Leo, the
natal Moon sign of Charan Singh being Virgo.
Chart No. 7 Sri. V. F. Singh

Rahu Venus Sun

25-06-1'131 Mer<tJr}
Rasi Jupiter

Salum Moon Ketu

Chart No.7
Chart No.7 belongs to Sri. V. P. Singh our Ex Prime Minister.
He lost confidence motion in the Lok Sabha during the end of
Example 289

1990 when Jupiter was crossing the natal Moon sign of Indian
Independence day chart. In the next round to that of the earlier
prime Ministers Sri. Mormji & Sri Charan Singh. It is to be noted
that Saturn was this time in Capricorn which is 4th from natal
Moon sign called as Ardashtama Sani which is also critical.
Ardhastama Sani or Asthama Sani for that matter is said to drive
out the native out of his status according to standard texts.
Chart No. 8 Sri. Chandrashekhar
Mercury Sun Venus Rahu



Keto 5.ltum Moon

Chart No. 8
Chart 8 belongs to Shri Chandrasekhar, who also had to resign
on 06-03-91 within a short time. Here also the same Janma Rasi of
Indian Independence day chart crossed by Jupiter and
Chandrasekar was also running the same Ardashtama Sani, his
Janma Rasi was also Libra.
Chart No. 9 Late Smt Indira Gandhi

Jupit<'l" Keto

19.11.1917 S..1tum
11.01 a.m.

Moon Mars

Venus Suu
Rahu Mercury

Chart No.9
She was shot dead on 31·10.1984. Jupiter and Mars were in
12th from natal Moon sign and crossed her natal Rahu the mischief
monger which is also ominous. Saturn was in 4th to natal &1tum
and lOth to natal Moon indicated bad results. Transit Mars crossed
her natal Rahu in 12th from her natal Moon which caused her
sudden death due to gun shot.
Chart No. 10 Late Sri. Rajiv Gandhi

Sal urn

Moon Son
Ketu 7.3.26 \'tn~• L


Chart No. 10
His body was shattered by human bomb on 21-5-91 at about
10 a.m. 1t was a Tuesday coinciding with his own birth star Makha.
Here again Mars and Jupiter were crossing his natal Saturn
and his natal Rahu respectively. Jupiter in transit at that time being
in 12th from his natal Moon proved fatal similar to the case of his
mother. It is to be noted at that time Salum and Mars in transit
were in opposition.
Chart No. 11 Sri. P. V. Narasimha Rao- Ex Prime Minister
M<X>n Venus Mars
Ketu Mercury

28.06.1921 Sa:urn

Rahu L

Chart No. 11

He took charge on 21-6-1991. In 1996 he was running Janma

Sani in 7lh years Saturn. Sa tum was in Pisces in transit and Mars
and Rahu were in conjunction in Virgo and were aspecting Janma
Sani in opposition proved fatal. He has to suffer loss of status and
losing the majority.
Chart No. 12 Sri. Deve Gowda - Ex Prime Minister

M=ny 'knus

Saturn Jupiter

Chart No. 12
He was sworn in as Prime Minsiter on 01.06.1996. Here also it
is to be noted that he was running 7~ years Saturn passing second
round from Natal Moon along with Ketu and aspected by Mars,
Rahu conjunction in opposition from Virgo. Hence this proved
fatal to his post.
Note that the Jupiter was in 12th in natal Moon also proved
Chart No. 13 Sri. I. K. Gujral - Ex Prime Minister

Moon Ketu

Jhdurn Jupiter

Sun I.
~i('f('Uf) ~1.ll's

Chart No. 13

He was sworn in on 21-04-1997. Here again he was running

Janma Sani of seven and half years Saturn. Mars was aspecting
this Saturn and was also crossing his natal Mars. Jupiter and Rahu
were in 12th from natal Moon which is not conducive for his status,
hence proved fatal and he had to lose the post.
Chart No. 14 Late Princess Diana

Venus Mercury


Jupiter Rahu
Saturn Mars

Chart No. 14
She met with fatal death during end of August 1997. She
was running last phase of Sade Sathi of Saturn being retrograde
in Pisces. Transit Rahu was crossing natal Rahu Mars conjunction
in Leo lOth from Lagna and 7th to natal Moon in transit proved
Chapter Thirty Three


For persons born in 27 stars, during each year of their age, 3

planets rule the year. If all the three planets are benefics, the year
throughout will be good. If two of the planets are benefics and
the other is malefic, the result will be good but at the same time
there may also be problem to certain extent. If one planet alone is
benefic and the remaining two arc malefic, then the year will be
mostly troublesome with intermittent good results. If all the three
planets are malefic the complete year will be problematic. The
native has to suffer a lot throughout the year. This calculation of
knowing the results is prevalent mostly in northern districts of
India. Since this qauantifies in a way, the results of ruling planets
each year, it is also considered here under Gochar. Now let us see
this method of knowing yearly results.
1. Jupiter, Venus, waxing Moon, Mercury not connected
with malefics are the benefics.
2. Sun, Mars, waning Moon, Mercury connected with malefics,
S.1tum, Rahu and Ketu are malefics.
3. Note down the Janma Nakshatra of the person. Note down
the date and year of birth of the native which will give the
present age. From that day particular new year of age begins.
Tables have been given showing Janma Nakshatra, age for
which results are required and rulers of the year. Age is to
be selected out of the three given at the top and rulers of the
year should be seen against the birth star. As an example let
us take that the age of the native is at present 68 and his
Janma Nakshatra is Chithra. Now look down under
294 Godl.u Phaladt_Y'pika

68 in the horizontal column and read against Chithra you

find the planets Rahu, Ketu and Mars, all are malefics as
rulers. Hence during this 68th year he will have completely
bad results. HowC\"Cr, in his 72 years you will sec that Lords
arc Moon, and Jupiter, therefore this year will be very good.
From the above we can see that.
1. 68th year Lords arc Rahu, Ketu and Mars, a
bad year
2. 69th year Lords are Ketu, Mercury. Ketu
Moderate only l/3rd good
whenever Mercury's transit is not
connected with malefics.
3. 70th year Lords are Venus, Mars and Moon.
Here Venus will do good, Moon
will do good when waxing that is
for 6 months. Hence this year will
be 50% good for the native.
4. 71st year The Lords are Venus, Ketu and
Mercury. Here only Venus is good
and Mercury is good, whenever not
connected with malefics, that is he
functions as benefic planet for 50%
of the year including Venus. Hence,
he will have 50% good results and'
50% bad results intermittently
5. 72nd year Now take the 72nd year. The Lords
are Moon and Jupiter. Here Moon
will be good when he is waxing
hence he is 50% good. Jupiter is
good. Hence 1/3 + 1/3+ 116=51
6 the year will be good with
intermittent good and bad periods.
In this case, out of all the years
from 68 to there will be more good
\Vc car. know the results in yet another way. For each age 3
planets are given. These 3 planets can be given 4 months each in
the year beginning with the first planet given in the order. Thus
Thripatha Chakra 295

first planet gives result up to 4th month, second planet from 5 to

8th months and third planet from 9th to 12th month in that year.
Now with this in view if you look the case of the native given
1. 68th year will prove completely bad.
2. 69th year, the middle four months will only be good,
3. 70th year, the Lords being Venus, Mars and Moon here first
4 months will be good. 2nc! 4 months will be very bad. During
the third 4 months 2 months will be good with intermittent
15 days period each whenever Moon is waxing.
4. For 71st year also first 4 months wil be good, second 4 months
will be bad (Ketu rules) ;mq 3rd 4 month say 50% i.e. 2 months
period will be good' with intermittent gap whenever Mercury
is not connected with any m~efic.
5. 72nd year, the second and third 4 months period will he
very good. The Lord being benefic. But during the first 4
months period 50% will be good with intermittent gaps when
ever the lord Moon is through waxing phase.
This is how, we can analyse the results for each year of the
age for the native.





STAR 1 2 3 4 5
37 38 39 ~.l} 41
73 74 75 76 77

1. ASHWINI Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu

Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus

2. BHARANI Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer

Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sun
3. KRlTHIKA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Mer Jup Venus Sun Rahu

4. ROHINI Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup

Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
5. MRIGASRISHA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars

6. ARlDHRA Mars Jup Rahu Ketu Venus

Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Rahu Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
7. PUNARVASU Mars Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon

8. PUSHYA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun

Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer

9. ASHLESHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon

Ketu Mars Moon Ketu Venus
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup

lO.MAKHA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Ketu Moon mer Jup Venus
Thrip.11l~1 Chakra 297
1l.PURVA Moon Sun Moon Jup Mars
PHALGUN Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
12. UITARA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
PHALCUNI Jup Mon Ketu Venus Rahu
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu
13. HASTHA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Jup Venus sat Rahu Sun
14. CHITTA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
15. SWATH! Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
16. VISAKHA Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
17. AI\'URADHA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
18. JEYASHTA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sat
Mars Rahu Moon Mer Jup
19.MOOLA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
20. POORVA Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
SADHA Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat

21. UlTRA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat

-SADHA Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Mer Jup Venus Sal Rahu
22. SRAVANA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun

23. DHANlSTHA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu

Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mar
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
24. SHADABISHA Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Sat Sun Ketu Mer }liars
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
25.POORVA Sat Sun Rahu Ketu Venus
BAD RAPADA Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
26.UTIARA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
BADRAPADA Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
27. REVATHI Sun Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup
YOUR BIRTH 6 7 8 9 10
STAR 42 48 44 45 46
78 79 80 81 82
1. ASHW!NI Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Jup Moon Ketu Venus rahu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Kctu
--- .. . ·-- .. ·-·- ··-·. ·- -
Thripatha Chakra 299
2. BHARANI Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Moon Ketu Venus rahu Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon

3. KRITHIKA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun

Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer

4. ROHINI Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Mer

Ketu Venus Rahu Kctu Rahu
Rahu Ketu Moon Mer Jup

5. MRIGA- Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

SRISHA Ketu Vernis Rahu Ketu Mars
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
6. ARIDHRA Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Venus Rahu Ketu Mars Sun
Moon Mer Jup Mars Sat

7. PUNARVASU Sun Moon Mer Mer Mars

Venus Rahu Ketu Mars Sun
Mer Jup Venus Mars Rahu
8. PUSHYA Moon Mars Mer Mars Jup
Venus Rahu Ketu Mars Sat
Jup Venus Mars Rahu Sat

9. ASHLESHA Mars Mer Mars Jup Rahu

Rahu Ketu Mars Sun Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
lO.MAKHA Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu

11. PURVA- Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus

PHALGUNI Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Rahu Rahu Mars Ketu Moon
12. UTTARA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
PHALGUNl Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Sun Mer Ketu Moon Mer
13. HASTHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup
14. CHiTTA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
15. SWATH! Venus Sun Moon Moon Mer
Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
16. VISAKHA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Mer Juo Venus Sat Rahu
17. ANU Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
-RADHA Ketu Mer Mars Mars Jup
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
18. JEYASHTA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Vensus Sat Sat Sun Mars
19. MOOLA Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
20. POORV Sat Jup R..'lhll Ketu Venus
- ASADHA Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
Thripatha Chakra 301

21. U1TRA jtlp Rahu Ketu Venus Sun

-SADHA Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer

22. SRAVANA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon

Mars Kctu Jup Moon Ketu
Mars Ketu Venus Moon Jup
23. DHANISTHA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Ketu Jup Moon Keru Venus
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Sat
24. SHADABISHA Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Ketu Jup Moon Venus Venus
Moon Mer Jup Sat Sat
25. POORVA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
BADRAPADA Ketu Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu
26. UTIARA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
BADRAPADA Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
27. REVATHI Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
YOUR BIRTH 11 12 13 14 15
STAR 47 48 49 50 51
83 84 85 86 87

1. ASHWINI Venus Sun Moon Mars Jup

Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Jup
Moon Jup Jup Venus Sat

2. BHARANI Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat

Sat Sun Keth Mer Ketu
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu

3. KRlTHIKA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup

Sun Ketu Mer Mer Ketu
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
4. ROHINI Sun Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Mars Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
5. MRlGAS- Mer Mars Jup Rahu Ketu
RISHA Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Mars Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
6. ARlDHRA Mars Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
7.PUNARVASU Jup Rahu Ketu Vemus Sun
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mars
8.PUSHYA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup

9. ASHLESHA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
lO.MAKHA Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
Thripatha Chakra 303

11. PURVA- Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat

PHALGUNI Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Mars Jup Venus Sat Rahu

12. UITARA Moon Mars Mer Sat

PHALGUNI Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Jup Venus Sat Rahu
I3.HASTHA Mars Mer Sat Jup
Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars
14. CHTTTA Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars
IS. SWATH! Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu

16. V1SAKA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus

Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Sun Mars Ketu Moon
17. ANURADHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Mars Ketu Moon Mer
18. JEYASHTA Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Ketu Moon Moon Jup
19. MOOLA Venus Sat Sun Mars
Mars Ketu Venus Rahu
Moon Mer Mer Venus
304 Gochar Pnabdeepika

20.POORV Sun Moon Mars Mer

-ASADHA Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Mer Sat Venus Sat
21. UlTRA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
-SADHA Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
22.SRAVANA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
23. DHANISTHA Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
24.SHADABISHA Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
25. POORVA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
BADRAPDA Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
26. UTTARA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
BADRAPADA Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Mars Ketu Moon mer Jup
27. REVATH1 Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
STAR 16 17 18
52 53 54
88 89 90
1. ASHWINI Mars Jup Rahu
Mars Ketu Jup
Rahu Sun Mars
Thripatha Chakra 305

.Venus Rahu Ketu
Ketu Jup Moon
Sun Mars Ketu
3. KRITHlKA Rahu Ketu Vems
Jup Moon Ketu
Mars Ketu Moon
4. ROHINl Ketu Venus Rahu
Jup Moon Ketu
Ketu Sun Mer
5. MRIGASRISHA Venus Sun Moon
Jup Moon Ketu
Moon Mer Jup
6.AR1DHRA Rahu Moon Mer
Moon Ketu Venus
Mer Jup Venus
7. PUNARVASU Moon Mars Mer
Moon Ketu Venus
Jup Venus Mars
8. PUSHYA Mars Mer Mars
Moon Ketu Venus
Venus Mars Rahu
9.ASHLESHA Mer Sat Jup
Ketu Venus Rahus
Mars Rahu Sun
lO.MAKHA Sat Jup Rahu
Venus Rahu Ketu
. Rahu Sun Mars
11. PURVA- Jup Rahu Ketu
PHALGUNI Venus Rahu Ketu
Sun Mars Ketu

12. UTTARA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus

PHOL Venus Rahu Ketu Ketu
Sun Mars Ketu Moon

13.HASTHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun

Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Mars Ketu Moon Mer
14. CHiTTA Ketu Venus Sun Mars
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Ketu Moon Mer Jup
15. SWATHl Venus Sat Moon Mars
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Moon Mer Jup Venus
16. VlSAKA Sun Mars Mars Mer
Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Mer Jup Venus Sat
17.ANURADHA Moon Mars Mer Sat
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Jup Venus Sat Rahu
18. JEYASHTA Mars Mer Sat Jup
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun
19. MOOLA Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars
20.POORVA Mars Jup Rahu Ketu
SADHA Mars Sun Ketu Mer
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
Thrip.ltfu! Chakra 3(Jl

2I. U1TRA Rahu Ketu Venus

-SADHA Sat Ketu Mer
Mars Ketu Moon
22. SRAVANA Ketu Venus Sun
Ketu Mer Mars
Ketu Moon Mer
23. DHANISTHA Venus Sun Moon
Mer Mars Ketu
Moon Mer Jup
24. SHADAI3ISI-IA Sun Moon Mars
Mer Mars Ketu
Mer Jup Venus· .t>
25. POORVA Sun Mars Mer '
Jup Venus Sat
26. UTIARA Mars Mer Sat
Venus Sat Rahu
27. REVATHI Mer Sat Jup
Mars Ketu Jup
Sat Rahu Sun
STAR 19 20 21 22 23
55 56 57 58 59
91 92 93 94 95
l.ASHWINI Kctu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus

2. BHARANI Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer

Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
3. KRITHIKA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu
4. ROHINI Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
5. MRIGASRISHA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Venus Rahu Ketu Sat Sun
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
6.ARIDHRA Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Rahu Keihu Sat Sun Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
7. PUNARV ASU Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
8. PUSHYA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Rahu Ketu Sat Sun Ketu
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
9. ASHLESHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Ketu Sat Sun Ketu Mer
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup
lO.MAKHA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
11.PUBBA Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Mer Jup Venus Sat Sat
Thripatha Chakra 309

12. UTTARA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat

Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu
13. HASTHA Moon Mars Mer Sat Mer
Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
14. CHITTA Moon Mer Sat Jup Rahu
Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
15. SWATH! Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
16. VISAKA Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
17. ANURADHA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon.
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
18. JYESTHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup


STAR 19 20 21 22 23 24
55 56 57 58 59 60
91 92 93 94 95 96
19. MOOLA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu
Moon Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
20. RXJRVAS Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
-ADHA Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu

21.U1TARA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup

SADA Mars Ketu Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun

22. SRAVANA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu

Ketnu Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars

23. DHANLq Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu Kthu

-THA Jup Moon Ketu Venus Sat Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu

24. SHADABI Mer Sat Jup Rahu Rahu Venu

SHA' Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon

25.POORVA Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
DRAPADA Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer

26.UITARA!lA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Mon

DRAPADHA Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup

27.REVATHI Rahu Ketti Venus Sun Moon Mars

Moon Ketu Venus rahu Ketu Sat
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Jup Jup


STAR 24 25 26 27 28
60 61 62 63 64
96 97 98 99 100
1. ASHWINT Mer Sat Jup Rahu Ketu
Sat Sun Ketu Mer Mars
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Moon
2. BHARAN Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Sun Ketu Mer Mars Ketu
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
3. KRTTHIKA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
4. ROHINI Rahu Ketu Venus Venus Moon
Ketu Jup Mars Ketu Jup
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup
5. MRIGA5- Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
RISHA Ketu Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
6.ARIDHRA Venus Sat Moon Mars Mer
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Moon Mer Jup Venus Mars
7. PUNARVASU Sun Moon Mars Mer Mars
Mer Mars Ketu ~up Moon
Mer Jup Jup Sat Rahu
8.PUSHYA Moon Mars Mer Mars Jup
Mer Mars Ketu Jup Moon
Venus Mars Rahu Sun

9 ASHLESHA Mars Mer Mars Jup Rahu

Mars Ketu Jup Moon Kern
Venus M~s Rahu Sun Mars


STAR 29 30 31 32 33
65 66 67 68 69
101 102 103 104 105
l.ASHWIN1 Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Ketu "Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
2. BHARANI Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
Sun Moon Ketu Venus Sun
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu
3. KRITHIKA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
4. ROHINI Mars Mer Mars Jup Rahu
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars
5. MRlGASRlSHA Mer Mars Jup Rahu Ketu
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Mars Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
6. ARIDHRA Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Mars
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
7. PUNARVASU Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Mars
Sun Mars Ketu
. Moon Mer
Thripatha Chakra 313

S.PUSHYA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon

Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Mars
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup
9. ASHI.ESHA Ketu Venus Sun Mars Mars
Venus Rahu Kctu Moon Sun
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
lO.MAKHA Mer Sat Mer Rahu Ketu
Ketu Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Sat Rahu Sun Mars Ketu
11. PUBBA Sat Jup Rahu Ketu Venus
Ketu Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Rahu Sun Mars Ketu Moon
12. UTIARA Jup Rahu Ketu Venus Sun
Ketu Jup Moon Ketu Venus
Sun Mars Ketu Moon Mer
13. HASTHA Rahu Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Mars Ketu Moon Mer Jup
14. CHITTA Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Ketu Moon Mer Jup Venus
15. SWATHI Venus Sun Moon Mars Mer
Jup Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Moon Mer Jup Venus Sat
16.VISAKA Sun Moon Mars Mer Sat
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu
Mer Jup Venus Sat Rahu
17. ANURADHA Moon Mars Mer Sat Jup
Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Jup Venus Sat Rahu Sun
. 314

18. JYESTHA Mars Mer Sat Jup Rahu

Ketu Venus Rahu Ketu Sat
Venus Sat Rahu Sun Mars


STAR 34 35 36
70 71 72
106 107 108
l.ASHWINI Sat Jup Rahu
Rahu Ketu Sat
Rahu Sun Mars
2. BHARANI Jup rahu Ketu
Kevu Sat Sun
Sun Mars Ketu
3. KRITHIKA Rahu Ketu Venus
Sat Sun Ketu
Mars Ketu Moon
4. ROHINI Ketu Venus Sun
Sat Rahu Ketu
Ketu Moon Mer
5. MRIGASRISHA Venus Sun Moon
Mars Sun Ketu
Moon Mer Jup
6. ARIDHRA Sun Moon Mars
Sun Ketu Mer
Mer Jup • Venus
7. PUNARVASU Moon Mars Jup
Sun Ketu Mer
Jup Venus Mars
Thripatha Cha'kra 315

S.PUSHYA Mars Mer Mars

Sun Ketu Mer
Venus Mars Rahu
9.ASHLESHA Mer Mars Jup
Ketu Mer Mars
Mars Rahu Sun
Chapter Thirty Four


SARVAID BHADRACHAKRA is used for for predicting transit

of planets in a more precise way. The vedhas (m.} pronounced as
auspicious in the chakra bring happiness but those declared as
evil produce miseries and calamities.
Refer to the diagram of SARVA1D BHADRA CHAKRA (Fig).
The details of varga number and their constituents are as follows.
These pertains to the native, for whom transit results are to be
The Chakra is made by drawing 10 vertical and 10 horizontal
lines forming 81 vargas. Varga no. 1 starts at NE comer counting
clockwise. The main constituents are shown in the vargas as

Varga Numbers

1. Stars: 2 to 8, lOto 16, 18 to 24 & 26 to 32

2. Signs: 58 to 60, 62 to 64, 66 to 68, 70 to 72
3. Lunar Tithies 74, 76, 78, 80 and 81
4. Weekdays: 74, 76, 78, 80 and 81
5. Vowels: 1.9,17,2533,39,65.69,73,75,45,51,77, 79,57
6. Consonants 34 to 38, 40 to 44, 46 to 50, 52 to 56


After understanding the nature and characteristics of planets,

Sarva to lJhadrad!.'lkla 317

the next step is to determine their Vedha aspect on the five

important components of the individuals. These are as under:
-Star {Nakshatra including Abhijit) at birth occupied by
- Sign (Rasi) at birth occupied by Moon
-Lunar Tithi at birth and birthday
-Consonant -First word of the native's name
-Vowel- swara of the native's name
All these can be found out from the birth chart. In case the
birth chart is not available, decide on the basis of most populaT
latest name of the individual. To know the star of the person
from the frrst letter of name, please refer to the table given blew.

Stars--Padas & Consonants

s. Star pada 1 pada2 pada3 pada4 varga
No. conso conso conso con so number
nant nant nant nant
1. Asvini Chu Chay Cho La 31

2. Bharani Le Lu Lay Lo 32

3. Krittika Aa Ee u A 2

4. Rohini 0 Va Vi Ve 3

5. Mrigasirsa Vay Vo Ka Kl 4

6. Ardra KU Gha Na Chha 5

7. Punarvasu Kay Ko Ha Hi 6

8. Pusya Hu Hay Ho Da 7

9. Aslesha De DU Day Do 8

10. Magha Ma Me Mu May 10

11. P.Phalguni Mo Ta 1i Tu 11

12. U.Phalguni Tay To Pa Pi 12

13. Hasta Pu Sha Na Tha 13

14. Chitra Pay Po Ra Ri 14

15. Savti Ru Ray Ro Tha 15

16. Vis aka Thi Thu Thay Tho 16

17. Anuradha Na Ni Nu Nay 18

18. Jyestha No Ya Ye Yu 19

19. Mula Yay Yo Ba Bi 20

20. P.Sadha Bu Dha Ph a Da 21

21. U.Sadha Bhe Bho Ja Ji 22

22. Abhijit Ja Jay Jo Gha 23

23. Sravana Khi Khu Khe Kho 24

24. Dhanistha Ga Gi Gu Gay I 26

25. Satabhisaj Go Sa Si Su 27

26. P. Bhadrapada Say So Do Di 28

27. U. Bhadrapada Du Tha Jha Na 29

28. Revati De Do Cha Chi 30

Before judging the results you should note the following:

1. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefic planets. Mercury
associated with malefics is also malefics. Waning moon is
also malefic.
2. Jupiter, Venus, unaffiliated Mercury and strong Moon are
With inter-play of transit of planets through stars, the effect,
produced on certain stars by their aspect in any of the three ways
front, left and right is called Vedha. The vedha produced by
subha (benefic planets) grahas produces happiness, success etc. If


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produced by ashuba grahas (malefic planets) gives bad results.

All the nine planets have three types of vedha aspects as under
In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, speed of a planet is of vital
importance because types of Vedha depends on speed in following
Motion-speed Vedha-Aspect
-Direct motion -Normal speed Front
- Direct motion - High speed (Atichari) Left
- Retrograde motion - Backward Right
Types of Vedha aspect
The 9 planets have three types of Vedha aspect as under:
Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu can aspect in all the 3 direc-
Retrograde planet can aspect only on the right direction.
Fast planet can aspect only on the left direction. Planet
with normal speed can aspect in front direction only.
- Front Vedha of a planet can only cause Vedha of star &
pada in opposite direction.
Right side Vedha aspect by a retrograde planet can cause
Vedha of all the five components.
Left side Vedha will also cause Vedha of all the five compo-
- Mars, Mer, Jup, Ven, Saturn, have Vedha aspect in one
direction only depending on their speed.
As regards front Vedha by a planet some Sages suggested
that this Vedha should also cover the other 4 components.
Right and left Vedha aspects is always angular at 45° and
causes Vedha of all components occupying vargas in that
Special Vedha Aspect
Planet in 4th pada of Bharani causes Vedha of 1st (First)
pada of Krittika and A vowel (by left aspect).

Planet in 4th pada of Aslesha causes Vedha of 1st pada of

Anuradha and 'E' vowel (by left aspect).
Planet in 4th pada of Sravan causes Vedha of 1st pada of
Dhanistha and 'EE' vowel (by left aspect).
Planet afflicting Aridra Star, the ku, ghaang, Chha conso-
nants are also afflicted.
Planet afflicting Hasta Star, the pu, sha, ana, tha, conso-
nants are also afflicted.
Planet affliction Purvashada Star, the Mu, Dha, Pha and
adha consonants are also afflicted.
These consonants are not provided in SBC. Hence their
Vedha may be examined in this way. These (words) con-
sonants belong to different pada of stars.
Similarly planets occupying 4th pada of Bharani, Ashlesa,
Visaka and Sravan cause Vedha of 5, 10, 15, 30Lunar Tithies
and Saturday which is not possible in normal course.
Benefic planets :Strong Moon, unafflicted Mercury, Jupiter
and Venus cause benefic vedha aspect only.
Malefic Planets : Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, will
cause malefic Vedha aspect only, although they may be in
their own signs or even exaltation signs. They are 100%
Moon is benefic when it is waxing.
Mercury is benefic when it is alone, specially without any
malefic planet.
Vedha aspect of a planet is of2 types. Macro-when a planet
aspects a particular sign. Micro-when a planet aspect a
particular pada of a Star. Pada Vedha is more effctive.
Vedha by 2/3 planets in the same pada, the impact of vic-
torious planet will prevail. Mars, Mer, Jup, Ven and Sat
have only one aspect at a time depending on their speed.
Malefic planet, if retrograde becomes highly malefic -
Benefic planet, if retrograde becomes highly benefic -200%.
Malefic planet when it leaves the Vedha Star and shifts to
another Star, it cannot give malefic results.
322 GadurP1u!.1deepika

Vedha of Lunar Tithi in bright half ( Shukla Paksha ) is

100%, whereas Vedha in dark half is only 50% effective.
- Each Tithi has its own consonant. So when Tithi has Vedha
aspect, the consonant is also having Vcdha automatically.
Similarly, sign of a Tithi is also having Vedha
When a planet is causing Vedha of a particular sign, it's
vowel consonant & Tithis are also having Vedha automati-
Retrograde planet on first pada of Kritika, 4th pada of
Magha, 151 padaofAnuradha, 1 stpadaofDhanisthacauses
Vedha of 4 Vowels- 5,10,15,30 Tithis & Saturday.

Special Note on Vedha

Vedha means a special relationship between the planet in
motion and other celestial bodies, which arc fixed in the SBC of
the native. Aspects by planet play important role in influencing
human life, nations, commerce, trade, influencing agicultural
products, market fluctuations. The benefic or malefic nature, it's
motion (speed), its conjunction with other planets-when 2 planets
occuping same longitude in a star or its pada or aspect by 2 planets
occupying 2 different signs but planets opposite each other at a
distance of 180 degree eg Sun 10 degree in Aries and Saturn 10
degree in Libra. This aspect is most dangerous.
In addition to the above, when birth star is not known, the
vedhas aspect should be considered by the first letter of the indi-
vidual name either vowel or consonant.
Total effect of vedha aspect of subha and subha planets are to
be considered and the greater side will give good or bad result as
may be indicated

Example· I

1. Let us consider that retrograde Saturn is passing through

the star "Rohini". Hence the Saturn causes right vedha
affecting 'U'Vowcl and Aswini star. Hence the transit is bad
for people having first name starting with 'U' vowel and
also those born under Aswini star.
San 'atoBhadrachakra 323

If in the place of Saturn, Vedha is passing through the star

Rohini, then the results will be very good.
2. If in the above case, the planet is Athichari then Saturn will
have left Side Vedha on the letter Va,. Mithuna Rasi lettters
'RA 'OU' the star Swathi, people having names starting with
VA, ou RA, Mithuna Rasi also Swathi born people will have
malefic results.
Now let us take that Saturn is in ordinary transit·, it aspects
front side. It will affect the people born in Abhijit nakshathra.
The result are as under for the front aspect.
1. Front aspect of Sun causes worries.
2. Front aspect of Mars results in loss of money.
3. Sani similarly causes affliction of health and longevity.
4. Rahu or Ketu causes impediments and obstruction.
5. Waning Moon causes difficulties and full Moon causes benefic
results (comforts, etc).
6. Venus in similar position gives dress, jewels, vahana yoga
and new vehicles.
7. Mercury in the similar Vedha gives keen intellect, progress,
especially through writing and publication of books.
8. If Jupiter is causing vedha all benefic results, including
comfort, enjoying luxuries , money, marriage, children, etc
will be enjoyed.

Suppose Sun is placed in Aridra Star its aspect will be front
aspect, this will affect Poorvasadha nakstra born people.
In the same position, if waxing Moon is transiting it will also
cause vedha to Poorvasadha people and will give them good
results. Similarly, the results of vedha caused by other planets
should be considered.
The result of planet occupying the 27 stars and how they cause
vedha is given below:
1. Aswini, the planet positioned in the star aspects the letter
Cha, Meena Rasi, the vowel 'AI' by right side aspect. It aspects
324 Godur Ffuladeepil<a
the letter U, the star Rohini by left side aspect also Poorva
Phalguni by front Vedha.
2. The planet positioned in Bharani aspects the letter La Aries
Rasi, Riktha and Jaya Thithis letter 'Na"and Scorpio Rasi by
right side aspect. It aspects star Krithika by left aspect
3. The planet positioned in Krithika creates vedha with Bharani
star, Taurus Rasi, the star vishaka and snravana. Out of these
it asp~cts bharani star by right side, it aspects the letter 'A'
Taurus Rasi, Nanda and Badra Thithis, Thula Rasi by side
aspect and creates vedha with shravana star by front aspect.
4. The planet positioned in Rohini creates vedha with letter-
VA, Kanya Rasi the consonant 'RA' and the star Swathi by
left side aspect and creates vedha with the letter 'V the star
Aswini with right side aspect and aspects the star Abhijit
with front aspect.
5. The planet positioned in Mrigasccrsa creates vcdhas by
aspecting Kataka and Simha rasis, the consonant 'PA' the
star Chitra by left aspect. It creates vedha by aspecting the
vowel' A" the consonant' La", and Star Revathi by right aspect
, and the star Uttarashada by front aspect.
6. The planet positioned in the Star ardhra creates vedha by
aspecting the consonant ha, the vowel 'LRI' the consonant
'Ta' and the star Hastha with left aspect. It creates vedha
with the consonants VA, Cha, and the vowel 'LRI' and the
star Utharabhadra by right side aspect and the star Purva
Ashadha a by front side aspect.
7. The planet in the star punarvasu creates vedha by
aspecting consonant 'Da', 'Ma', the star Uthara Phalgun left
aspect. It creates vedha by aspecting consonant Ka, Masha
Rasi the consonant 'Dha', the star Poorvabadhrapadha by
right side aspect and aspects Moola star by front aspect and
causes vedha with it.
8. A planet positioned in pushya star produces vedha by
aspecting the vowel 'oo' and the star poorva phalguni by
left aspect, by aspecting the consonant 'Ha', vowel 'o',
consonant Sa, Mithuna rasi, meena rasi and star Sathabisha
by right as-pect, and produces vedha by aspecting the star
Jyeshta by front aspect.
SarvatoBhadrachakra 325

9. A planet positioned in the star Ashlesha produces vedha by

aspecting star by left aspect, the consonant Da, Ga, Cancer
rasi Nanda and Riktha Thithis, the star Dhanistha, as well as
Kumba Rasi by right aspect and creates vedha with the star
Anuradha by front aspect.
10. A planet positioned in Magha produce vedha by aspecting
Sirnha rasi, consonant ' Ma', Bhadra and Jaya Tithis, the
Makara Rasi the consonant Kha, and the star Shravana by
left aspect. The star Ashlesha by right side aspect and aspects
the star Bharani by front aspect.
11. A planet positioned in Poorvaphalguni produces vedha with
consonant Ta, kanya rasi, vowel AM, Dhanus Rasi, the conso-
nant JA and the star Abhijit by left aspect with vowel 'oo',
star Pushya by right side aspect and star Aswini by front
aspect respectively.
12. A planet positioned in star Utharaphalguni produces vedha
with consonant PA, Thula Rasi, Scorpio, later 'Bha' and star
Utharashada by left aspect it produce vedha with consonant

MA, DA, the star Punarvasu by rights aspect and with star
Rcvathi front aspect.
13. A planet positioned in Hastha Nakshathra produces vedha
with consonant RA', 'YA' vowel 'AE' and star Poorvashada
by left aspect with the consonant TA, HA, vowel LRI and
star Aridra by right aspect and the star Utharabadrapadha
by front aspect.
14. A planet positioned in Chitra star produces vedha with
consonnat ta, Na and star Moola by left aspect with consonant
PA, KA, and Kataka Rasi by right side aspect with the star
poorvabadrapadha by front aspect.
15. A planet positioned in Swathi star produces vedha with vowel
Ri star Jycshta by left aspect with the consonant Ra, vowel
ou, the Mithuna Rasi by right side aspect and the star
Sathabisha by front aspect, respectively.
16. A planet positioned in Vishaka star produces vedha with the
star Anuradha by left aspect with the consonant tha, Thula
Rasi, Rishaba rasi Bhadra, Nandha Tithis, the Vowel A and

the Consonant TA' and star Krithika by right side aspect

and witp star Dhanistha by front side aspect.
326 O:x:harl'fubdcr:pika
17. A planet positioned inAnuradha star produces vedha with
Vishaka star by right side aspect with the consonant Na, La,
Scorpio and Aries Rasi, Bharani star and Jaya and Riktha
tithis by left aspect and with star Ashlesha by front aspect.
18. A planet positioned in Jyestha star produces vedha by
aspecting consonant ya, Dhanus rasi, vowel AH, Meena rasi,
consonant "Cha" 'YA' and star Aswini by left aspect with
star Swathi, vowel RI by right side aspect and produes vedha
with the star Pushya by front aspect.
19. A planet placed in star Moola produces vedha with the
consonant Bha, Makara rasi, Kumba rasi, the consonant Da,
Revathi star by left side aspect with the consonant Na, Ta,
the star Chitra by right side aspect and with the star
Punarvashu by front side aspect.
20. A planet positioned in the star Poorrvashshada produces
vedha with consonant JA, SA, vowel 'AI' Uthirabadrapdha
star by left side aspect with consonant YA, vowel 'AE'
consonant RA, the star Hastha by right side aspect and the
star Aridra by front aspect.
21. A planet positioned in the star Uthirashada producesvedha
with consonant Kha, Ga, and the star Poornrabhadrapada by
left aspect, the consonants BHA, P A, rasi Scorpio, Thula and
the star Uthiraphalguni by aspect with the star Mrugaseera
by front aspect.
22. A planet positioned in the star Abijit produces vedha
with vowel RTT, the star Shathabisha by left aspect with the
consonant JA, TA, the vowel AM, the star
Poorva phalguni by right side aspect and the star Rohini by
front aspect.
23. A planet positioned in Shravana produces vedha with star
Dhanistha left side aspect with the consonants KHA, MAA
with the Tithis Jaya and Bhadra, Capricorn and Simha rasis
and the star Makha by right side aspect and Kittika by front
24. A planet positioned in Dhanistha produces vedha with con-
sonants GA, DA, Riktha and N andha Tithis, Kumba and
Kataka rasis, the star Ashlesha by. left aspect, the star SraY<ma
by right side aspect and the star Vishaka by front side aspect.

25. A planet positioned in Sathabisha nakshathra produces vedha

with the consonants SA, HA, and Mithuna rasis, the star
Pushya by left aspect with the vowel RIT and the star Abhijit
by right side aspect and with the star Swathi by front aspect.
26. A planet positioned in Poorvabadrapadha star produces
vedha with consonants DA, KA with Mesha and Rishaba
rasis, and with star Uthirashada by right side ilspect and
with the star Chitra by front aspect.
27. A planet positioned in the star Uthirabadrapadha produces
vedha with the consonants CHA, Rl, VA, the star Aridra by
left aspect with the consonants SA, JA, the the vowel 'AI',
the star Poorvashada by right side aspect and with the star
Hastha by front aspect. . '
28. A planet positioned in Revathi star produces vedha with
consonants DA BHA with Kumbha and Makar rasis and the
star Moola by right aspect with the consonant LA, the vowel
A, the star Mrigsira by left aspect with the star Uttar Phalguni
the by front side aspect.

Though we can work out actual examples for transit of all

planets, for the present we will consider only Jupiter and Saturn.
As on date 22-12-2000 Jupiter was transiting Krithika 4th padha
retrograde gets direct motion on 25.01.2001 and passes to the star
Rohini on 13.02.2001. In this case, the planet is retrograde. Hence
his aspect will be towards right in creating vedha.
(1) According to the standard texts, in this case the Jupiter
create vedha to people born in Bharani star people with the first
letter of this first name in the vowel A people born in Rishaba
rasi, people with the first letter of their name in the consonant TA
as well as people born in Vishaka star by right side aspect. These
people will have good results due to the vedha cealed. It should
be noted that benefic planet (Jupiter in this case) give good results
when they cause vedha to stars. When they are retrograde, it
gives immense good results.
Now let us take the case of an individulal whose birth star is
Bharani. This man should get good results now creating vec.lha to

third star by right side aspect due to Jupiter being in 2nd. Now
Jupiter being retrograde, will give immense good results. Jupiter
should give bad results in the conventional dictum the reverse
results namely very good results should happen. This is is the
uniqueness of Sarvatho Bhadra Chakra.
2. Now take the case of Saturn. Saturn is malefic planet who
gives evil results only to the constituents with which he produces
vedha. He was retrograde in Krittika star. He becomes direct
only on 25.01.2001, after which his malefic results get somewhat
Saturn, for that matter any planet in Krittika star, produces
vedha with same star given above for Jupiter.
Now let us take the case of same man who is born in Bharani
star. Saturn creates vedha to Bharani star with right side aspect.
For Bharani people Saturn will be in second house from their
rasi Krittika i.e. Sampath Thara from their birth star. Though this
is last 25 years of Sadesathi begining in Sampath thara, he may
minimise the bad result. But since he produces vedha with Bharani,
effect will be malefic only. If retrograde in vedha, it gives double
malefic results. Unfortunately since both these varsha grahas are
in the same star and also retrograde and those good and bad
results get cancelled. However we can conclude that as long as
Jupiter will be in the star Krittika, Saturn's bad result as Sadesathi
will not affect the native. This is a rare consideration only. Along
with this, the effects produced on the planets by aspects over the
Thithis, the rasis etc., of birth of the native can also be assessed
and the nature of collective good and bad effects can also be judged.
However the prominent consideration is only ofvedhas produced
on rasis and birth stars.
Chapter Thirty Five


Jupiter's entry into a sign can bring about significant change

both at the mundane and individual level. It has more impact
especially with reference to his position from Janam rasi in the
evil effects during the transit of Saturn.
Jupiter entered Gemini on 15.6.2001 at 22.43 PM. His passage
through the three stars Mrigasira, Aridra, & Punarvasu was as
1. Mrigasira 3rd Pada 15.6.2001
2. Aridra 15.7.2001
3. Punarvasu 29.9.2001
4. Retrograde 04.11.2001
5. Aridra 4th Pada 06.12.2001
6. Direct 28.2.2002
7. Punarvasu 17.5.2002
8. Punarvasu 4th pada (enters Kataka) 4.7.2002
The transit of Jupiter affects people in four ways:
1. The results of Jupiter of the cyclic transit of Jupiter.
2. General conventional aspect.
3. Effects due to Moorthi Nirnaya.
4. Effects of stellar occupation of Jupiter with reference to
one's birth star.

I. Cyclic Effects

Jupiter passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac roughly in 12

years. Each round is called a Paryayas. In most cases Jupiter may
not complete more that 6 Paryayas in an individual's life time.
The elfects of such paryayas are given below according to Tamil
a. Jupiter in his lst round is said to cause danger to life if he
is in the 8th house. lt is also said that the father will enjoy
quite contrary results getting all comfort, elevation etc while
the native will suffer.
b. If during the 2nd round Jupiter is in Aries or Taurus there
will not be bad results if the above sign happens to be the
1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, lOth, or 12th from the moon sign and there
will be no good results in tite other houses. This will apply
to native below 24 years.
c. During the 3rd Paryayas, he does good in the 1st, 4th,
5th, 7th, 11th, and 12th signs from one's Moon-sign.
d. During the 4th round in Janma Rasi he gets threat from
Government, gain of wealth in the 2nd house, comforts in
the 4th house, gain of property in the 9th house and gain of
money in the 11th and 12th houses from the Moon sign.
e. During the 5th round, he gives mental anxiety in Janma,
gain of wealth in the 2nd and comfort in the 4th from the
Moon sign.
f. During the 6th round, he gives good effects in the 2nd,
5th, 7th, 9th and 11, houses from the Moon sign and gives
dangers to life in the 8th (provided there is Maraka Dasa or
the 3rd round of 7'/.z year transit of Saturn is on).
For example, let us assume Jupiter is in Gemini during his 1st
round for a person born during July 1'-IJO from the Moon sign
Virgo. When he passes through Taurus, the Paryaya ended. In
this 6th Paryaya, however, native did not suffer. Due to transit
of Jupiter in 8th house during thus Paryaya, since there was neither
Maraka Dasa nor 71-2 year. Saturn, and according to Ayurdaya,
native has long life, there was no danger to life.
Jupiter's Transit in Gemini 331
2. General conventional Aspects
a. Jupiter gives good result when he passes through the 2nd,
5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs from the Moon sign. The results
can be described briefly as follows:-
Jupiter in Gemini adds to wealth in 2nd house for Taurus
people. He gives birth of children in 5th house for Aquarius
peo-ple, marriage or harmonious conjugal life for Sagittarius
people, help from father, and gain from travel elc. He gels
gain in the 11th house for Leo born people.
b. Jupiter is said to give bad results when he is in 1st, 3rd, 4th,
6th, 8th, lOth and 12th from the Moon sign. As mentioned in
one of the ancient Tamil works (vid~A.M. January 1998 issue,
page 95) Jupiter gives the worst results in the 3rd house such
as quarrels, fear of imprisonment, loss of respect and honour,
humiliation, affliction from many diseases, danger to life etc.
subject to other conditions to Aries born people.
According to another ancient Tarnil work, Jupiter passing
through the bad house from the Moon sign, gives results as
1. When Jupiter passes through Janma Rasi for Gemini people
they will be forced to shift to unwanted places amounting to
exile with fear of imprisonment and there may be danger to
women from men
2. When Jupiter passes through 3rd house, he gives very
bad results compared to other houses. Those born in Aries
may suffer fear of loss of life, if maraka period runs. There
will also be loss of status.
3. When Jupiter passes through 6th house for Capricorn
people they will have to face false allegations and may have
to endure untold sufferings.
4. When Jupiter passes through the 8th house, Scorpio
people will meet with loss of position and there will be danger
to life if Maraka Dasa also coincides.
5. When Jupiter passes through the lOth house, for Virgo
people there will be financial difficulties, lack of resources
and earnings will come down. Status will come down.
6. When Jupiter passes through the 12th house for Cancer
people, they will be subjected to loss of position and status.

7. When Jupiter passes through the 4th house for Pisces

people, they will be forced to go into exile (transferred to
unwanted places)

3. Moorthl Nirnaya

This has already been discussed in detail earlier

1. A planet become Swarna Moorthy when Moon is
in 1, 6, 11th rasis from the birth Moon Birth Moon will be in
sign pisces during his entry into Gemini. Jupiter becomes
Swarna Moorthy for pisces, Taurus and Libra people . Due
to this the bad results of Jupiter in 4th for pisces people will
be much reduced and good result of Jupiter in 2nd and 9th
for Taurus and Libra people will be enhanced, since benefic
planet is said to give very good result as Swarna Moorthy.
2. When Moon is in 2nd, 5th and 9th rasis from ones birth during
the entry of a planet to a new rasi, he becomes Rajatha
Moorthy. Jupiter becomes Rajatha Moorthy for Cancer,
Scorpio and Aquarius people. Due to this the bad results of
Jupiter in 12th for Cancer and 8th for Scorpio people
respectively will be considerably reduced and good results
of Jupiter in 5th for Aquarius will be enhanced, since Jupiter
as Rajatha Moorthy is said to give beneficial results.
3. When Moon is in 3rd, 7th and lOth from one's Birth Moon,
during the entry of a planet into a new rasi he becomes
Thambra Moorthy. So Jupiter becomes Thambara Moorthy to
Gemini. Virgo and Capricorn. Due to this the bad results of
Jupiter in Janmarasi lOth and 6th house for Gemini, Virgo and
Capricorn people respectively, will be slightly reduced, since
as Thambara Moorthy a planet is said to give moderate results.
4. When the Moon is in the 4th, 8th and 12th from one's birth
Moon during the entry of a planet into a new rasi, he becomes
Loha Moorthi. Jupiter becomes Loha Moorthi for Aries, Leo,
and Sagittarius born. The bad results of Jupiter in 3rd for
Aries people will be much intensified, the good results of
Jupiter in 11 th and respectively for Leo and Sagittarius born
people will be reduced as Loha Moorthi Jupiter is said to
give bad results. Out of these Aries people will suffer worst
Jupiter's Transit m Gemini 333
of these bad results since Jupiter in 3rd house will be giving
already results according to conventional aspect, in addition
Jupiter being Loha Moorthi will give bad results only. Hence
difficulties and miseries will increase for such natives.
Summing up, we may summarise the results of Jupiter in
Gemini for the 12 Rasis as follows :

Conventional Aspect

Good results accrue to Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and

Aquarius people for Jupiter being in 2nd, 11, 9th, 7th & 5th houses
Bad results accrue to other rasis namely, Aries, Gemini, Cancer,
Virgo, Scorpio. Capricorn and Pisces people.

Moorthi Nirnaya Aspect

1. According to Moorthy Nimaya very good result accrue to

Taurus, Libra and Pisces people (Swama Moorthy)
2. Good results accrue to Cancer. Scorpio and Aquarius people
(Rajatha Moorthy)
3. Bad results accrue to Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn people
(Thambara Moorthy)
4. Very bad results accrue to Aries and Sagittarius people (Loha

Combined Results of Both

1. Rasis having very good results according to both aspects

Taurus and Libra.
2. Rasis having bad results according to both aspects Aries
people only.
3. The net good effect combining both the aspect for Jupiter's
transit in Gemini can be quantified as follows.
Taking the cumulative unit value for both the aspects and
allotting 0.5 to each for the 4 Moorthy Nimaya aspects can be
allotted as below.

(a) Swarna Moorthy - 0.500

(b) Rajatha Moorthy - 0375
(c) Thambra Moorthy - 0.250
(d) l.oha Moorthy - 0.125
The cumulative good effect for each Rasi according to both
Rasi Convention Quantum Special Quantum Total

ARIES V.DAD(3) - LOHA 0.125 0.125

TAURUS GOOD (2) 0.500 SWARNA 0.500 0.500

GEMINI BAD(I) - THAMBRA 0.250 0.250

CANCER BAD(2 - RAJATHA 0.375 0.375

LEO GOOD (II) 0.500 LOHA 0.125 0.125

VIRGO BAD (1 0) . THAMBRA 0.250 0.250

LIBRA GOOD (9) 0.500 SWARNA 0.500 0.500

SCORPIO BAD (8) - RAJATHA 0.375 0.375

SAGITIARIUS GOOD (7) 0.500 LOHA 0.125 0.125

CAPRICORN BAD (6) - THAMBRA 0.250 0.250

AQUARIUS GOOD (5) 0.500 RAJATHA 0.375 0.375

PISCES BAD (4) SWARNA 0.500 0.500

Aspects for Jupiter is shown in Table

Table 24 shows the cumulative good effect of both Jupiter
and Saturn according to both the aspect allotting 0.5 for Jupiter
and 05 for Saturn, this being further distributed as 0.250 will be
further distributed as follows:
(a) Swama Moorthy - 0.250
(b) Rajatha Moorthy - 03250
(c) Thambra Moorthy - 0.125
(d) Loha Moorthy - 0.06250

ARIES V.bAD(3) 0.250 LOHA 0.06250 BAD-2. LOHA 0.125 0.750

TAURUS GOOD (2) - SWARNA 0.250 BAD-I. THAMBRA 0-1825 0.4375
GEMINI BAD(I) . THAMBRA 0.125 BAD-12. RAJATHA 0.250 0.375
CANCER BAD{2 0.250 RAJATHA 0.3250 GOOD-II 0.250 SWARNA 0.6250 0.6375
LEO GOOD (II - LOHA 0.6250 BA0-10 LOHA 0.125 0.1875
VIRGO 13AD(10) 0.250 THAMBRA 0.125 BAD-9 SWARNA 0.625 0.1875
LIBRA GOOD (91 . SWARNA 0,250 BA0-8 1HAMBKA 0.1875 0.4375
SCORPIO BAD(S) 0.250 RAJATHA 0.3250 BAD-7 RAJATHA 0.250 0.575
$,\(.]11/>R(t,"$ GOOD(7) - LQHA 00.625 COOD-Ii 0-~50 LOHA 0-1~;; 0,4375
CAPRICORN BAD{6) 0.250 THAMBRA 0.1250 BAD-5 THAMBRA 0.1875 0.3125
AQUARIUS GOOD(5) - RAJATHA 11.3250 llAD-4 SWARNA 0.0625 0-3875
PISCES IJ,\0(4) SWARNA 0.250 G000-3 0.250 RAJATHA 0.250 0.750

NOTE: Malefic planets give very bad results as Swarna Moorthy and very good results as Rajatha
Moorthy in the following order, RAJATHA, THAMBRA, LOI-IA AND SWARNA MOORTHfFS.The quantum
for Saturn is calculated accordingly.

4. Stellar Occupational Aspects

When a planet passes through the 1st Oanma), 3rd (vipat), 5th
(pratyak), and the 7th (vadha or vaidhana) from the birth star the
effects will be very bad. It will be specially detrimental to the
native with reference to the Vadha star. The passage of a planet
through the 2nd (Kampath) the 4th(Kshema)the 6th (Daivankula),
the 8th (Maitra) and the 9th (Parama Maitra) from one's birth star
will give good results.
Table 25 shows these who get bad effects among all the 27
stars with reference to transit of Jupiter during his stay in Gemini.






VIrArnARA fl\.')1.11U!.", RAID OL'ElOTRAI' 1:-.1 TOV,\RIOU$




Jupiier's Transit in Gemini 337
ANURADHA ~~E"IA5w~6'6~'A



5. Nakshatra Anga Guru

The details of Nakshatra Anga phala in general have already
been discused.
For Jupiter the result are assessed according to the part of the
body through which Jupiter transits. Table 26 shows good and bad
effects and the location of transit of Jupiter in the body giving such
results. The above Table can be referred to for determining the
distribution of the 27 stars over the body giving bad and good
results. For example when Jup'iter transit the first to third stars
come under the head, it causes sorrow and destruction.
SI. Order or Star Body Part Effect

I. 1st to 3rd stars Head Sorrow & Destruction

2. 4th to 6th stars Face & Neck Gain of money
3. 7th to 12th stars Right hand Overall good
4. lOth to 12th stars Left hand Mental worry
5. 13th to 17th stars Stomach Improvements in
various aspects
6. 18th & 19th stars Hip & Private Destruction
7. 20th to 27 stars Feet Overall good
338 .

6. Neutralisation of Bad Effects (C.P.C.L)

The bad effects due to Jupiter's movement through the 1st,
3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, lOth and 12th houses from ones Moon sign are
said to get cancelled if any other planet or planet occupy certain
houses causing vipareetha vedha.
I ] :! § ~ 1!! 1.2
nil 7 5 nil 11 9 2
1. When Jupiter passes through Janma Rasi and 6th from
Janma Rasi viz. Mithuna and Makara, poeple suffer the
bad results since there is no Vipareetha vedha for them.
2. When Jupiter occupying 3rd,4th,8th, lOth and 12th places
from their Janma Rasi, if some other planet occupy 7th, 5th,
11th, lOth and 2nd from their Janma Rasi at the same time
then Jupiter comes under Vipareeta Vedha for the entire
period of transit. For example the bad effects of Jupiter in
the lOth get cancelled by Saturn in 9th at the same time.
For others planets, such period will be very short and for
which the monthly forecasts may be referred to.
Remedial Measures:
1. Aries natives should perform remedial measures, since they
will suffer from worst result due to Jupiter in the 3rd. They
will also be under the last 2 1/2 years of the 71/2 years Saturn
2. Gemini born people will have to take remedial measures
for Janma Guru. They will also suffer due to Saturn in the
12th which marks the first phase of the 71/2 years Saturn
3. Cancer people should take remedial measures for Jupiter in
12th . But Saturn in 11th for them give them very good results
for the entire period. Hence they need not worry.
4. Virgo people will suffer due to Jupiter in lOth, since he suffers
Vipareetha vedha due to Saturn in 9th for the entire period
thus cancelling the bad effects. Hence they need not worry.
5. Scorpio people will have to take remedial measures, since
Jupiter will be giving them very bad results in 8th, at the
same time Saturn also in 7th will be very bad. Hence double
suffering. Remedy is very much necessary.
jupiter's Transit in Gemini 339
6. Capricorn people will have to take remedial measures due
to Jupiter being in 6th and at the same time Saturn in 5th.
7. Aries born people will suffer due to Jupiter in 4th. But since
Saturn in 3rd will at the same time give them good results,
there will be no suffering. Hence remedy is not necessary.
Stellar Occupation of Jupiter
I. When Jupiter passes through Mrigaseera from 15. 6 .2001
to 14.07.2001, since this is only a short period no remedial
measures are needed.
II. When Jupiter passes through the star Aridra 16. 7. 2001
top 28. 9. 2001 again from 6. 2. 2002 to 17. 5. 2002. the following
people have to take the remedy:
1. Barani, Pubba and Poorvashada people will have to take
remedies for passages of Jupiter through 5th star from birth
star being transit through prathyartara. Out of these, Barani
people will alone suffer. Pubba will have Jupiter in 11th and
Poorvashada people in 7th respectively will give them good
results. Hence they will not suffer.
2. P.ohini, and Sravana will suffer due to Jupiter in vipath tara.
Out of these Hastha people will not suffer since Jupiter will
suffer vedha due to Saturn in 9th. Rohini people will also not
suffer being in 2nd.
3. Aridhra, Swathi and Sathabisha people should take remedy
due to Janamathara transit but Swathi and Sathabisha peo-
ple need not worry since Jupiter will be in 9th and 5th respec-
tively giving good results. Aridha people illso should take to
4. Ashlesha, Jeyestha and Rcvathi people will have to take to
remedy due to Jupiter passing through Vadhathara.
HI. When the Jupiter passing through Punarvasu from29.9.2001
to 4.1.2001 and again from 18.5.2002 to 4.7.2002.
1. Ashwini, Makha, Moo!<~ people will have to take to remedy
for Jupiter's passage through Naidhanatara, which will give
very bad results. Among these Makha people will not suffer
since Jupiter will give them good results being 11th from
their Moon sign.
2. Similarly Moola people will not also suffer since Jupiter will
be giving good results to them being in 7th for their Moon

3. Krithika, Uthara Phalugni and Uttarashada people will suffer

due to passage of Jupiter through Pratheyakthara which is
bad. But Uttara Phalugni 1st pada, Uttarashada 1st pada
people will not suffer bad results of Jupiter since he will be
giving good results in 11th and 7th for them respectively.
Similarly Krithika last three padha people will not suffer since
Jupiter will be giving them good rcsu 1ts. Hence they need
not take remedy. Others will have to take to remedial
4. Mrigaseera, Chitta, and Dhanish!a people will have to take
remedial measures. Since they will suffer passage of Jupiter
through Vipaththara. Among these Chttra last 2 padas and
Dhanishta last 2 padas people will not suffer due to Jupiter
giving good result in 9th and 5th respectively.
5. Punarvassu, Vishaka and Poorvabadra pada people should
take to remedy for the bad results of passage of Jupiter
through Janma Thara. Out of these Vishaka 1st 3 pada born
people will not suffer since Jupiter will be giving good results
for them being in 9th. Poorvabadra 1st 3 padas people will
not suffer due to Jupiter being in 5th for them will be giving
good results only.
III. Remedial Measures
The following Yantra (talisman) has to be inscribed in a thin
square plate of gold or copper of 1.25 inches size. This may be
consecrated by chanting either of the following two Mantras for
19,000 times in 40 days. This Yantra is from Y.·mtm Chintamani.
Thereafter, the plate, put in a talisman can be worn.
10 5 12
n 9 7
6 13 8
J. Hn.'em Devanam cha Rishecn.m1 cha
GurumKanchana Sannibham
Buddhi Bhootam Triioke;am
Tarn NamamiBrih.lspatim
This Mantra is from the Puranas.
Jupiter is the most benefic of the planets. He will transit both
inimical and friendly stars. Hence, we can expect both good and
bad results during this passage through Gemini.

51. Jupiter's Mrigashira Aridra Punarvasu


Birth Star Part Result Part Result Part Result

1. Ashwini Head, face Gain of money Face and Gain of money Right hand Over all good
and neck neck
2. Bharani Face and Gain of money Face and Go1in of money Face and Gain of money
neck neck neck
3. Krittika Head Sorrow and Fo1ccand Gain of money Face and Gain of money
destruction neck neck
4. Rohini Head Sorrow and Head Sorrow and Face and Gain of money
destruction destruction neck

;,. Mrigasira Head Sorrow and Head Sorrow and Head Sorrow and
destruction destruction destruction
6. Aridra Feet Overall good Head Sorrow and Head Sorrow and
destruction destruction
7. Punarvasu Feet Overall good Feet Overall good Feel On~r.lll good
8. Pushya Feet Overall good Feet Ovcro1ll good Feet Overall good
9. Aslesha Feet Overall good Feet Overall good Feet Overall good
10. Makha Feet Overall good Feet Over~ll good Feet Overall good
11. PurvaPh<JI Feet Overall good Feet Overall good Feet Overall good
12. Uttara phai Feet Overall good Feet Overall good Feet Overall good "'.......
13. Hasta Feet Overall good Feet Overall good Feet Overall gooJ
14. C..nitta Hips and Destruction Feet Overall good Feet Oveall good
private parts
15. 5Willi Hips and Destruction Hips and Destruction Feet Overall good
private parts private parts
16. Visakha Stomach lmpro\•ements Hips and Destruction Hips and Destmction
private parts private parts
17. Anuradha Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements Hips and Destruction
private parts
18. Jye.shla Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements
19. Moola Stom~~h impr(_lvements Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements
20. Poorvashada Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements
21. Uttarashada Left hand Mental worry Stomach Improvements Stomach Improvements
22. Sravana Left hand Mental worry Left hand Mental worry Stomach Improvements
23 Ohanishla Left hand Mental worry Left hand Mental worry Left hand Mental warry
24. Satnbhisha Right hand Overall good Left hand Mental worry Left hand .Men 1.11 worry
25. Porvabhadra Right hand Overall good Right hand Overall good Left hand Mental worry
26. Uttarabhadra Right hand Overall good Right hand Overall good Right hand ev.. rall good
27. Re\•ati Mane and neck Gain of money Right hand Overall good Right hand Overall good
Chapter Thirty Six


Sage Parasara has conceived the unique system of Sudharsana

Chakra and its applications. He said that Lord Brahma himself
evolved this system. This system will help in predicting exact
results from the ascendant about various houses and for the
persons from birth to death for each year, month and day. In this
system three ascendants are used- first is the ascendant itself,
second is the Chandra Lagna (Moon ascendant - the rasi where
Moon is placed) and the third one is the Sun ascendant or the
Surya Lagna (the rasi where Sun is placed). They are drawn one
over other in three circles first inner the ascendant, the second
one the Moon ascendant, and the third and the last one is the
Surya Lagna.
In this system, predictions are based on combining all the three
lagnas with the position of planets remaining the same as at birth.
Here the Sun is considered auspicious in the ascendant and
inauspicious in other houses. The combined effects are judged by
occupation of or aspect of benefic or malefic planets in each bhava
from the three lagnas. If a particular bhava has more benefic
influences in the combined system that will flourish. Contrarily if
a bhava has more malefic influences according to this, that bhava
gets totally bad effects. The main points of this system are as
follows: ·
1. The results of a particular bhava will be in accordance with
occupation of planets either malefic and benefic.
2. In the absence of a planet in a particular bhava the results
are judged based on the aspects it receives.
3. It is vital to judge the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of
the planets in a house. If it is judged majority of planets prove
auspicious for particular bhava, that bhava prospers and vice-

4. If a bhava has both the influences, the net effect on the bhava
will be in accordance with more number of planets
concentrating on the bhava either good or bad.
5. The benefic and malefic influences on a bhava being
equal, the results will be mixed. This condition applies to the
previous item no. 4.
6. If planets arc in more benefic vargas influene will be counted
favourable and vice-versa.
In the conventional system, we judge the horoscope from the
birth ascendant. But very often results go wrong including dasa
bhukthi periods. But when you combine all the three lagnas and
consider the yoga karakas for each lagna, better results arc
expected. The following are the observations when we apply the
Sudharsana Chakra in the horoscope given.

I. Judgement of Bhavas (chart-2 ch.32)

First Bhava : There is no planet in the lagna. Moon is aspecting
the lagna who has only two subha varghas. Lagna lord is in
kendra, fourth house, who has four subha vargas. Out of the other
two lagnas, Sun and Moon both belong to Mercury who has again
achieved four subha varghas. Hence in a way the first bhava
connected with lagna Sun and Moon arc moderately auspicious.
The native is hale and healthy and has achieved success in his life.
He had ordeals in the way due to the aspect of Saturn over the
Sun and Moon lagnas. But Saturn has attained five subha varghas.
So in a way he is functionally benefic though naturally malefic.
Hence his life will be more successful.
Second Bhava : This is occupied by Mars in his own Rasi as
well as Rahu. Mars has obtained six subha varghas and Rahu has
obtained three subha varghas. Hence his family life will be good
and peaceful and finance will also be little above average. The
second bhava from Sun and Moon belongs to Moon and Venus
respectively. Venus is in the former and Ketu is in the latter. Moon
has obtained only two subha varghas
Example Chart: Date of Birth 03.07.1930
Time: 11:15 PM. Zone: 5: 30 DST: 0
Longitude: SOE 01 "Latitude: 12N02 Current Dasa Me/Ra/Me
Lahiri Ayanamsa: 22: 53 365.25 day year
Balance of Mars Dasa at Birth 05-10-15

Planetary Position:
Sun -18:11 Venus -24:20
Moon-25: 21 Saturn - 15 : 30
Mars -29:30 Rahu -7: 15
Mercury - 4: 48 Ketu -7: 15
Jupiter- 8 : 40

and Ketu has obtained three subha vargas. But second hnu.c;e from
Moon lagna is aspected by Jupiter who is again in four subha
vargas. Hence judging the second house from all the three lagnas
it can be said it is little above average.
Fourth House: This is the pivot of the horoscope. This is
occupied by Sun, Jupiter and Mercury and receives the aspect of
Saturn. Sun has obtained six, Mercury four and Jupiter four subha
vargas. The aspecting planet Saturn has obtained five subha vargas.
As such, this is far above average on the benefic side. The native
is a scholar in several languages, and in intellectual field. The
fourth house from Sun is occupied by Moon who has obtained
two subha vargas. The lord of the sign occupied by the Moon,
Mercury has obtained four subha vargas, hence this has also gained
more strength. Hence his home life is very good with all comforts
and due to the Mercurial influence, he has keen intellect and
judgement. Now take the fourth house from Moon, it is occupied
by Saturn who has got five subha vargas. It is aspected by Sun,
Jupiter and Mercury who have six, four, and four subha vargas
respectively. So all these planets have gained more subha vargas.
One among the aspecting planets Jupiter is the Lord of the sign
fourth from the Moon who is a benefic. Hence this house has got
the maximum benefic influences. As such this being the lOth from
the birth lagna also in the second portion of his life, he has great
achievement, success and shines as an author of several books
and earns much reputation and fame.

I have taken only three bhavas from the three lagnas to

establish the truth behind the judgement of horoscope through
Sudharsana Chakra, which is scientific and wonderful. We have
taken only seven vargas for consideration. Even malefic planets
become benefic by getting more subha vargas and makes the
horoscope on the positive side which should be borne in mind.
Similarly the other bhavas from all the three lagnas can be judged
which will give a panoramic view of the whole life.
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign Lord Sign

Rasi Mercury 3 Mercury 6 Mars 2 Mercury 3 Mercury 3 Moon 4 Jupiter 9 Mars 1 Venus 7

Hora Moon 3 Sun 6 Moon 2 Sun 6 Sun 6 Sun 5 Moon 12 Sun 8 Sun 7

Drekkana Venus 7 Mars 8 Jupiter 9 Mercury 3 Mercury 3 Jupiter 12 Mars 1 Mars 1 Venus 7

Navarnsa Jupiier 12 Sun 5 Jupiter 9 Mars 8 Jupiter 9 Saturn 11 Sun 5 Venus 2 Mars 8

Dwadasamsa Saturn 10 Moon 4 Jupiter 12 Moon 4 Mercury 6 Mars 1 Mercury 3 Mercury 3 Jupiter 9

Trimsamsa Mercury 3 Mars 8 Venus 7 Mars 1 Saturn 11 Saturn 10 Jupiter 9 Saturn 11 Sa tum 11

Saptarnsa Venus 7 Stm 5 Venus 7 Moon 4 Sun 5 Mercury 3 Jupiter 12 Venus 2 Mars 8

Varga 6 2 6 4 4 3 5 3 3

Varga 1 5 1 3 3 4 2 4 4

All the four kendras of this chart from lagna are concentrated
with subha vargas and the lords are all positioned in kendras
who have obtained more snbha vargas. There is Chathussagara
Yoga (Lords of all kendras in Kendras only) and a Mahapurasha
Yoga, caused by Mercury called Bhadhra Yoga, due to Satumic
influence over expected in his second part of life and the Badra
yoga has made him learned and an intellectual.

2. Dasabukthi

1. Budha dasa of native started on 12.06.89. We consider Budha

the dasa Lord as per Sudharsana Chakra. We have already
explained about Budha while discussing the 4th house which may
be referred again. He is more benefic of the chart.
Budha is the Lord of 4th and 7th houses from lagna, being in
his own house in kendra has created Bhadra Maha Purusa Yoga
from Moon Lagna. He is again lagna and lOth Lord in his own
kendra which is strongest of the 4th kendras. Here again he
operates Badra Maha Purusa Yoga.
Now, consider the Sun Lagna. He is in lagna itself in his own
kendra again operating the Maha Purusa Yoga.
The Badhakadhipathya dosha of Mercury considering from
lagna is nullified by the aspect of malefic Saturn over Budha. As
such this dasa is proving the most bcnefici.JI dasa considering all
the three lagnas.
Bhukthi: The natives Guru bukthi was from 2706.2001 to
03.10.2003. Jupiter is in 4th kendra from lagna and again at lOth
kendra from Moon lagna, similar to Mercury in the lagna kendra
considering Sun lagna. As already stated in connection with 4th
house under judgement ofbhava Jupiter has obtained more subha
vargas. The dispositor Mercury has also obtained more subha
vargas both being bukthi and dasa nathas. The aspecting Saturn
on these planets has obtained 5 subha vargas out of 7 and has
become benefic according to the Sudharsana Chakra principle.
This Jupiter is lagna and lOth lord, from Sun lagna he is 7th and
lOth lord, from Moon I.Jnga he is 4th and 7th lord, so he strengthens
all the four kendras. In this way Jupiter is proving the most benefic
bukthi in the benefic dasa of Budha. We can say that he enjoyed
Sudharsana CJlakra 349

the best period of life during this period. Budha being intcllcchl<ll
planet influencing all the four kendras, so also the Jupiter. His
illustrious, books were published. He had more income and
enjoying all comforts of life. In this way we can discuss all the
dasas and bukthis and arrive at a conclusion whether a particular
dasa or bukthi will prove more benefic or malefic.

3. Gochara

Gochara results are considered only from Moon lagna.

However according to Sudharasana Chakra principle we will
consider all the three lagnas and see what we can decide about
the present trend of the life of the native. Here we will consider
only major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
1. Jupiter: Jupiter is 9th from Moon sign in 3rd from lagna
and in 12th from Sun lagna as on 19.8.2000 Jupiter in 9th
gives best results. Jupiter in 3rd from Lagna is moderately
bad. He gives 113 benefic results. But considering him having
obtained four more benefic vargas. His occupation in bad
houses will also prove beneficial.
2. Saturn : Saturn in 9th is bad from Moon sign, in 3rd from
agna is very good, and in 12th from Sun lagna in a
way gives the start of first two and half years of sadhe sati.
Here again he proves 113 beneficial. But Saturn has obtained
maximum benefic vargas six out of7. Hence he will give the
best results.
3. Rahu : Rahu is in lOth from Moon lagna, in 4th from lagna
and in lagna itself considering the Sun lagna. Hence in all the
three cases he gives very bad results. But he has obtained
three benefic vargas.
4. Ketu : Similarly Ketu is in 4th from Moon lagna in 7th from
Sun lagna and in lOth from lagna itself. Where he gives malefic
results from nil the three . Both Rahu and Ketu have obtained
three benefic vargas out of 7. So they will give atleast 40%
good results in any case. Putting up all these together we
can decide the native can enjoy good results at least 70%
considering the lxmeficvargasobtained by all the four planets.
350 Gochar l'11al;rdeepika
4. Jeeva Sareera Principle

Though this principle can be applied for judgement of

horoscope, dasabukthi and gochara from all the three angles of
Sudarsana Chakra principle explaining this in detail we will involve
voluminous space. This may be advantageously applied to
Gochara. In this system the Lord of the house where a planet
transits become Jeeva planet and the lord of the house where
Jeeva planet is situated is Sareera planet. When we take the case
of Jupiter and Saturn transiting Taurus, its lord Venus was placed
upto 26.08.2000, in Simha. Venus is the Jeeva planet The lord of
house, where Venus is placed is Sun who Ls placed there itself.
When these both planets Venus and Sun move through favourable
bhavas from the three lagnas Jupiter and Saturn will give more
benefic results. In transit results the Jeeva planet Venus gives
benefic results in 9 places, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12th from Moon
signs, or from the other two lagnas so to say for almost months in
the year the results will be more benefic even in the case of malefic
planets giving malefic results while in transit. Similarly the Sareera
Lord can also be considered. In this way bad or good transit
results get diluted and get a new shape with more percentage on
the beneficial side in this case particularly, the other planets can
also be judged like this.
In the same way occupation of planets in constellations and
occupation of constellation lords in some other constellations can
be interpreted in terms of Jeeva and Sareera Principle. This will
also involve more explanations. Readers themselves may consider
and judge their results horn the principle given.

5. Yearly, Monthly and Dally results according to Sudarsana

Chakra Principle
1 .The yearly results: 1n this system the 12 years beginning
from the lagna will operate for each year from the date of birth.
1n the example the date of birth is 03.07.1930, the native was
running 71st year after completing 5 cycles of 12 years each on
2001. That was 11th year in the 6th cycle which belongs to 11th
bhava from lagna between 03.07.2000 to 02.07.2001. The bhava
lord is Saturn and is well placed (refer to our discussions earlier).
Hence the native should enjoy good finance and comforts in this
Sudharsana Chakra 351
2,The monthly results: Let us consider 2nd months in the
11th year of the 6th cycle so the first month starts from the 11th
bhava and ends in lOth bhava on 02.07.2001. Here also the first
month is influenced by Saturn the bhava lord. As such this month
is very much fruitful upto 02.09.2000. From 03.09.2000 the 2nd
month starts which operates 12th bhava, here also the lord being
Satum who has proved benefic by achieving more subha vargas,
he proves more benefic and fruitful though ruling the 12 the
bhava. Similarly each month should be judged by respective bhava
lords and their obtaining subha vargas or vice-versa.
3. The Daily Results : Now the month should be divided
considering the 12 bhavas by 12 of 2 and 1/2 days each. Now in
the 11th month the native was runing, as on 20.U8.2000, the 8th
2nd and 1/2 days portion of the 2nd month which started on
03.08.2000 in the 11th year. Now counting hom 12th bhava which
belongs to the 2nd month, the 8th gap of 2 and 1/2 days belong to
7th bhava from lagna. This operates upto 11.15 p.m. of 20.08.2000.
The 7th lord Mercury has obtained the maximum benefic vargas,
this 2 and 1/2 period will prove more benefic and satisfactory to
the native.
Similarly these 3 results may be judged with reference to Moon
and Sun lagnas also. Peculiarly enough in this particular case the
concerned planets from all the 3 lagnas occupy kendras and give
similar benefic results only.
Conclusion : The core principle of Sudarsana Chakra
as explained by Sage Parashara is taken by me as
the main theory and I have explained this theory in my
own way following traditional methods hitherto followed so far
and in different ways. Going out of the tradition in certain cases
to get best results in judgement which may please be borne in
mind while going through this subject.
T.lblt' 30 Cumul.llh•e (Conv.,nlional) Rl-sults oF Tr,u\.~il S.1lum. JupiiN, Rdhu, and Kelu Durlng Saturn's Tr,ln,il oF Arlo
Rolsi Ist Time /rum 17.~.1998to 10.1.1999 2nd tim<! frC>m 11.1.1999to 25.5.1999 3rd Time from 27.5.1'»'11o7.6.200J
$.1rum Jup!lcr Rahu I<Rtu Tol.ol $.11".Jm Jupllcr R.lhum Ketuin TO!~ I Sa tum Jupoter R.lhutn Krru in Tot~ I
Aries Ln In leo In in lnPto;n-s ~. F"~rrirom In LnAtlts Cu""'r C~pricon1 Qwn
199S IO ~quo~rl"' up10 rum 111-1-1999 from Irom Art.,. from
17.4.1999 llp¢11 I 0.1.9'1';
:trillS ''""" to 0.1,199< 111.1.\WI 12.1.199'.

10 0.1.1~ up to 26.5.1999
7.6200) 10.1.1999
1\rit"$ I Wry II Good 51~1<1 IICood 0.~2 IVery 121.!.ld 41.!.1d Ill IJ,>.I l,\'ry 1 Very I \l.ld 4&d 10 l~1d \\-ryb.>d
rod 0.250 0.250 'Nd 'Nd bold
T~urus IODad 4 B.Jd Very 12Bad II F.ood 3Good 9V~ 0.5002 12 Bad 3Cood
12 Hold 9Very 0.250 3
n.d 0.250 0.~50 R>..i 0.2SO h.ld

c..,mini II Go.>d 'JGood 3G<'Od 0.750 1 11 Coot IO&d 2&d 8Jl.o!J \)2.."0 3 11 Go<.'>d 11\.ood 2Bad 8fud 0.500 2
0 2'i0 0.2<;~ 0.2$0 0.2.~0 0.2SO 0$0
c.........,, llii!..Jd 8 B.Jd ~&d S&d \'<'ry&d ({l B.1d 9Good I ll.1d 7&d 0.250 3 10 l~ld IOB.ld )Rod 71l.>d \Try&d
L.m 9BJd 7Cood IBJd 71J.ld 0250 3 9BJd SBJd 121l.lJ 6G0<.~ 02:'() 3 9 B.ld 9Good 12 B.1d 6Gooo.l 0.500 2
o.zs~ 0.2.i0 0.250 0.250
Vi'b~' s B.lJ 1\lbd 121l.>d 6G~ 0 250 ;I 81bd 7Gnod II GooJ 51l.>d 0$00 2 MB.1d !l8Jd II G.:>od SIW 0.2503
0.250 0.~50 0250 0.250
Libra 71Jad 5 Sad II Good 51J.l.d 1)500 2 71litd 61J.l.d 10 ll.ld .~ryllit( 7Good 10 !l.'ld 41hd 0.250 3
0.250 0.250 0.2.~
S..'\')!pi<) 6Go.,J ~ ll.ld IOil;ld ~ ll.l.J 02$0 3 nGCloo.l SQkl<l 'I \\•ry :H-;0<~ (1.750 6\...>d 611.\d 9\\-ry 30:kl<i 0.5<10 2
0250 11.250 11.~5<1 b.>d O.l>a raJ 0.2..0.0
Su~:in· 5 8.1<1 3 \1.")' 9\hy J('.ood Ill.;() 3 5 8.1o.l 41l.1J 61l.ld 2li.1J ,;,.ry b.o• 5fi.Jd 5Goud 8b.oJ 2U.Kl !l:t.503
~rius t>.•d Nd 0 25U 11.2"'
c~pri· .. u...l 2GooJ iiU..d ~ 8.1<1 0.250 3 ~u..J 3Very 7&<1 I U..J ""'}'!;,.. 4 Bad 4!JOO 7u.-d IIJ.•d \h~b.\d
com o. :!.50 Nd
Aqta.lriu:: 3G<>Od lll.>d 7e...J I&J 0 2.t;(l .3 3\.oo.J 2GooJ 6Good 2B.d 107!:<.) I 3Goo.-.d 3&d E-Grod I~ ll.1d 11.~~
0.253 0.2.'i0 0.~50 0.2.'0 0.250 02511
Pi><.._.. 2 B.ld 6CooJ 128Jd 02!{) 3
12S.d I B.ld 2.50 3
2Ek>d 5 B.ld :1 B.ld 2Go00 SB.lJ II Good 0.500 2
0.250 0.250 0.2.50
Note: )up11cr mov~ throu,;h 3 R.tsb 4nd lh~! Nodt-:; through 2 Ra~is durin); period
Table- 31 Stellar Occupational Result~
bitlll A...·ini Kntbl..l R..hlrtl Mn~~Jir Andr• I\m..n·a.;u I'U>twJ Aw·J\1
Sur MJ>J..a 1\uNI'tul l!tt.t:.. !'lui llbli OJN \'i!OI~N\.1 J~'llllu
M<>.1l• I\ •orn~~ l.itl~r•:Ju& s:.\'m.:a I.Jh.ant-ht• S..····
Sol Jt>hi;.hJ
I T'ro!T.lN\y Utw•t>turdr• ltn·•u
~~ r~

Mfu \mlft !"ul

I~''"' M•n R.IJlU Jwpiln
Lonl-..'i&l•m l..otd·Mnnuy
j.ll'm .. R.od PJr•numitu S•i4Niu O.olivuw1ul• I'Wpk
-~ . \'ny -~ -Good

F1lf •rl•'ll, llrl1•lmn lldp[rom vnY NJ IUilC' Stl<cn• w•th lm~ Con\k'tts, lbn~. (",.In In 1-u•~
\Try t>.ul d.Jm,VIJ'!, fridlds. ~~SO!,kU Quunyctlorn dn1ly In •U ~d.-!i..""i.·u• ll(OJ.,,"' rrol~kln, !(olin
1'11\k'.l\'11\111\, i.I.JI"', li.INn rotitl'l<'nhip,oldnllhrcor pn•motlon mdtol\'tiWS h>ro. J'C'Ia' oi
rhrum1!bm thloor)l prlnlln,(..
P.w n( •h··• th wl~1lt1W ~·!n,~lpiMT ~....alhr ln•tll luio;un with mind,hdp ollltl "'h•'f publi< ~ lllllt,
oluthn~. ronldn~ S""-emm..'fll pror!r, lnk•VliUN, l~w r•nlJn!; frotndd~l') di:-A.'ol:.<., ulrvl~y. prutool•on
A!Wiltt S\lffl'T\~ ~~~..,. r~w lrlenhhlp mN'fic-, \)UII.III"AIO riJC'IIy wum~11 luppn':l ttiCI.~pltJ( y by In ~lb. h1<ur~ ftllrn
illnru, 'kin plto.t<UII' ~nd g.1in Sflrf()W)I, ht ~p hum ,11\J scan~ I throuf.h Sl' .. by tho-.· lnluy a.11tm.,
di'W·l!W', ~m•ll lromt~m. PI"O!:~in ordt·~J,, nllll'fv, hdp lh~ll'\.>1 lw.iurie9,galn wlu•wotlln •114round •"''~"~
pcwrk', hrlplrom business prn COO"i'if,\C)' hy (rom p<~l«'. ,.r
rt'mri•·'C)' by lll('ITIC>' s•in IDWl'f rJnM.
lmrri"•uumt v•riuu~ ie:.:.J<11H~1c. eld.'1fy LiJicJ, Jclrn<l'.Joiolin lht-m,di.."<'~ in bu.i nc:» )OftO'n',
LOll (I WI, n•mr-rs k)l.' U1 t>u:Jn~ In t-UJI.nt1.~ unl!l.lgt\QSol~ promulion Dl difliculti~
t~hJc..t' Jon. d~nutinn rtc.: p•:r1•inln~ II> l'Uikrin!;by jcl'o('!t. runi.'>hmrnl in
dtm~lmric. tilt', dtnnlral~ blAck ma~lr. ~obltMI.n~
ttr. J;Jin In ~dl"'fMCnn -in<-... o.•wry-
pn1fl1(~JM in
m"tlLII "'lflic- lhin~;,;t. '"~
rt'. ~ini!L:rw's
~&I.IM.i.'\ll 1ril1 .u
IIUCn& Uilum.
Sampat-good J.IM\3-Bad ParJtrul mi tr a- Mitra.(".ood :-bidmru 0.1innulo.ul~ !lrJty~k·&d K..;,lxm.l-('.oo;i V'lpoll -&ld
~ goOO

In..·onu! from Vtryblld 1-'~lpfrom llii!.on with V('l)'rud. ~In all lmptdimtnt:s, r~otmind, Ae<idml:lkm
many SOurtl'S lor A!its, elderly eldetl)' fwohl~~th ~'OW'S de-lays in ;aU comlor1s, inbusi.'1tS5
hdpfran ~the WOinef\, from WOCI'ol, lor~1cllt" Y.ithcul~ny milttm, li.1ison with 1\t!\'OUS
W\lmenand ft.~rofdC';alh, Govcmmm~ gratilic;ation lor MirigasiN l'fforts, COOS1Jiracy ;md low rankins; w....aknrss, loss
luson with di.Soc:ISO!t'tt'. (or fl('W lrimdshi~ from them. f'l.'.'ple, otlx>rs pl\widentW COIIflicl 1\'0CI'ICII, help In public3tion
other Lldies dhct'~ serious, golinin hclp from them (molllre. help nom thwut;h ~:un, u..,n. Auditing
;a rod s.~tis/Mticm illn~s. men !.II bus~ gain in ~di.'J\Is, tru~ny conlel$ "'O!IIel\ ~l\'}' tim~lyfood prolrmon,
BMt.mi fromlhtm, WOrrlQ, profl".'.'litwl, bu.•ilv;,., d~rrtll, lv:lpfrom l~inbmm hdp fro~nt>ld lmllydil':=
Spiritual . vc.'r1(1\'QJ promobonln ~thrclu;;h memitywith Y.idDWS .wi punMma1tin rwple.g.Un mental~>·orri~
punuit:s, Dl'Vi diz.ra~ IK-.lvy job. new in film bro!Mrs, Uaison with job,rrony, throtisJ! milllY ronfiict and
Poqaetc. m, demotion 5tatus, ~WeraU industry. an s~ter.; hL'Jvy tt.em,galn dL<,(>~ ~.p!3('e worrlcs
pro~Mt!on l.n l.n Jol', gwi mll:iicett. tht ~ of, l)Oli., :illffain&\, cfmlnd, tlvuugh
j00,!)4in ~I prumo6onin ~inblcinrn In bu1int.-:ss, !IOrrow~, h.1~ m~t~mal
Uv'ou&h lie. p!,,o,mU punishment in prumo6onout llll~fi(S ctc. un:le'ssidP
~rb, !ibn good job, 50mlW5, altum. overall etc. ~
iMustJy etc. m.iseties B.P. sucress.
Tlble 31(Conld.

V!pit-W SampM<.ood Janma P~ramamltn M.ltn-Cocxt Nald!WI.l D.alvanukula Pratyak-B1d Ksh<m.\.Cood
-Good .coo.J

Acddenl5. Gain from Feu, many Hdpfrom Ncwfrimd· \Tiy bad time, J'ro\'idmlicll ~I:S c"om/omhappiness
dtbys.firt I'J\IJIY di'lr'Olt,rS, olilt'r.l. ships. gain fl'arol death helplrrm dell)'3,m.lny ~lp from la<!io>i,
IICI:ldenls, SOUI'll5, w.u ci dmth ddm.VD\ thtou&h wilitgl~b!e n\UiyliOU~ dlffKU!til~ ~~with other
har&-umrnl by incn>~ ol krittika. romforts p.l~p dist'J.9..'S, SUcct'!.S in aU sorrows, \\'cmm-help
Krlttl1; pMTIUTil'!\( of income. 5.1de$alhe peactofmind. Mlpfrom infliction ol erufc4YOW'S lolilwes in from n\A!em.ll
tax. raid. hc.aV) lrlplmn othmdangtt, &~tn In Gal'emment'~ black tnJglc. wilhoot~ny er.j~~vours.. ~.!Jh.iaru
bsln WOQ'\I!J\and ~ bu5im;s, progress in K'X "'ith clforn, mmblwomcs sukN, 'Uro.'SS
buslntSS pleasure heavy~in help from professioo widows, htlpfran
dtmolionin thtoush bu!lness, brolhm in job !ll and scar.del flders ftar from klw In all.upoosol
jobett li'£m, WOrrl£.19, ct roond~ !l'm'Of go\'eftUIIOll u'\klng peopll! hfe every thing
in JOO, gnln In rvtrything difficultil"$, gain in C'Vt'!}'tlting Yl'r)' good, J'H'il("('
bu.~ de. 1M. aU 1'01.11\d Mnc5\ bOO a mind('IC.
f3.ilum pro~ion
promotion jot
. all round

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