The S303 Enemy Observation Report

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The S303 Enemy Observation Report

by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Clyde A. Hunter and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Aaron A. Johnson

Introduction ÊÊ The incorporation of adjacent and higher unit HUMINT

In July 2018, the 25 Infantry Division (25 ID) executed
th th reporting. The division G-2X disseminated reports ob-
Exercise Lightning Forge 18-03 (LF 18-03). The event was tained from other subordinate BCTs that pertained to
a brigade-level decisive action training exercise to prepare the 2IBCT’s area of operation to stimulate reactions
the unit for combat, to exercise mission command, and to against pre-established master scenario events list
evaluate operational readiness prior to a Joint Readiness activities.
Training Center rotation. During the exercise, the intelli- The Current Human Intelligence Reporting
gence warfighting function within the 2nd Infantry Brigade System
Combat Team (2IBCT) and the 25th ID simulated operations The Army HUMINT enterprise currently reports intelli-
in a degraded, intermittent, and limited communication en- gence using the intelligence information report (IIR) and its
vironment while maintaining mission command and intelli- associated Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)-mandated ar-
gence sharing between echelons. chitecture. The report is an unstructured format that does
The exercise simulated two aspects of human intelligence not feed Army mission command systems and resides in
(HUMINT) operations: DIA’s databases. This HUMINT reporting architecture re-
ÊÊ Interrogation of enemy prisoners of war. The prisoner quires analysts to generate entities in the database man-
role players were nested with opposing force elements ually, hindering timely situational awareness in a decisive
and captured by battalions on the battlefield, forcing action environment.
the brigade combat team (BCT) to exercise detainee Other single-source intelligence disciplines, such as signals
operations. intelligence and geospatial intelligence, maintain systems
Photo by U.S. Army 1LT Ryan DeBooy

U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment “Wolfhounds,” 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, provide fire suppression after the
breach at a local support-by-fire position during a combined arms live-fire exercise at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, August 3, 2018.

34 Military Intelligence
that use United States message text format (USMTF) re- telligence (C4I) technician, in collaboration with the 25th ID
ports and are interoperable with Distributed Common G-2X HUMINT analysis cell officer in charge, developed a
Ground System-Army (DCGS–A) and mission command sys- Java application called Sync, Modify, Transfer (SMT), which
tems. This allows these intelligence disciplines to immedi- is capable of simultaneously generating and disseminating
ately action and cross-queue intelligence information, using an S303 message and an IIR, allowing for the use of both re-
automated systems and tools within DCGS–A. HUMINT has ports. The Java application enables 25th ID HUMINT Soldiers
never had the capability to rapidly send information to mis- and managers to disseminate S303 reports quickly to the
sion command systems, such as the Advanced Field Artillery unit’s Tactical Entity Database.
Tactical Data System and Command Post of the Future, with- Using the S303 Report for LF 18-03
out manual entity generation. For this reason, 2IBCT S-2X During LF 18-03, the HUMINT collection teams reported
and 25th ID G-2X used the S303 Enemy Observation Report all information using the S303 report to the operational
(EOBSREP)1 for HUMINT dissemination during LF 18-03 to management team. Once the team received the S303 re-
address these deficiencies. port and reviewed it, the team populated the brigade’s
S303 Enemy Observation Report—A Different Tactical Entity Database with the S303 message, generated a
Form of Intelligence Reporting HUMINT source entity,3 and associated the S303-generated
For the first time, the 25th ID HUMINT enterprise exper- entities with the source. This allowed the brigade intelli-
imented with a different form of intelligence reporting in gence support element fusion cell to visualize all HUMINT
place of the IIR. The division G-2X and BCT S-2X replaced reporting on their Tactical Entity Database and on two-di-
the IIR with a USMTF report—the S303 EOBSREP—to dis- mensional maps in near real time simultaneously with in-
seminate HUMINT information. The 25th ID HUMINT enter- telligence information populated from other intelligence
prise had determined that the S303 EOBSREP better met disciplines. The HUMINT collection teams and operational
the needs of the division’s intelligence warfighting function management team used the Common Message Processor
while operating at the speed of the decisive action environ- on a P–MFWS. The 25th ID HUMINT analysis cell injected
ment. None of the current capabilities within the DCGS–A S303 reports from adjacent and higher using the SMT soft-
enterprise allow for the rapid, organized, object-based pro- ware application. The 2IBCT S-2X and the 25th ID G-2X used
duction of an unstructured HUMINT IIR. During LF 18-03, the upper-tactical internet and lower-tactical internet as a
the S303 report provided an innovative tactical solution for means to transport the S303 report to each echelon.
HUMINT dissemination in a decisive action training environ- During LF 18-03, the division G-2X simultaneously tested
ment never before attempted. and validated SMT by creating and disseminating S303
EOBSREP messages directly to the 2IBCT S-2X and division
Object-Based Production G-2 Intelligence Fusion Server (IFS). The intent of testing
According to DIA, “Object-based production [OBP] is a con- both routes of creating S303 EOBSREP messages was to
cept being implemented as a whole-of-community initiative identify which method better enabled HUMINT collectors
that fundamentally changes the way the [intelligence commu- to rapidly learn and employ the message creation software
nity] IC organizes information and intelligence. Reduced to its
in a decisive action training environment using upper-tacti-
simplest terms, OBP creates a conceptual “object” for people,
places, and things and then uses that object as a “bucket” to cal internet and lower-tactical internet primary, alternate,
store all information and intelligence produced about those contingency, and emergency (PACE) plans. In the end, the
people, places, and things.”2 Common Message Processor software seemed to best fit
the tactical needs of the HUMINT collection teams and op-
To create the report, the 2IBCT S-2X, the operational man- erational management team, while the SMT better suited
agement team, and the HUMINT collection teams used the the division-level management needs for rapid dissemina-
Common Message Processor, a message creation tool found tion across the battlefield.
within the baseline version of the Portable Multi-Function The S303 report format allowed all echelons to have direct
Workstation (P–MFWS). The Counterintelligence and input into their respective IFS and Tactical Entity Database.
HUMINT Automated Reporting and Collection System, The division G-2X used this validating event to better under-
the Army’s HUMINT program of record for HUMINT infor- stand how publication authority would work if the S303 re-
mation, does not currently have the Common Message port were used in an actual decisive action fight. To achieve
Processor on the image baseline. To bridge this gap, the 25th this, the division G-2X coordinated with the 25th ID C4I tech-
ID command, control, communications, computers, and in- nician and the lead technology integrator for the U.S. Army

July - September 2019 35

Figure 1. HUMINT S303 Report Flow

Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) to employ a ÊÊ All subordinate BCT IFSs.
“one-button push solution” to disseminate EOBSREPs at the ÊÊ Division IFS.
division G-2X level. They considered two key factors as the
ÊÊ I Corps’ IFS.
intelligence architecture was built to support the EOBSREP
dissemination. The first was that the reports must be discov- ÊÊ Multimedia Message Manager on SIPR and JWICS.
erable by the greater intelligence community on the SECRET ÊÊ Record Message Traffic on JWICS.
Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) and the Joint Worldwide ÊÊ INSCOM Cloud Initiative (ICI).
Intelligence Communications System (JWICS). The second ÊÊ 25th ID Tactical Exchange Server for a mass email to key
was that attachments must be transmitted with reports if leadership.
reporting was related to captured enemy media or docu-
To enable attachments to the EOBSREP, the 25th ID G-2X
ments. Figure 1 shows the report flow, from the collection
created an account to upload to the 25th ID and 500th Military
level to the publication authority.
Intelligence Brigade-Theater (MIB–T) DCGS Integration
Of note, all outlined solutions use current programs of re- Backbones (DIBs). Once these accounts are created, one
cord capabilities to facilitate EOBSREP dissemination. The can simply upload any type of file related to pocket litter,
25th ID G-2X can now press one button to disseminate the for example, or any other report attachment directly to the
EOBSREP to— DCGS–A DIB. Intelligence community members will find an

36 Military Intelligence
attachment link in the EOBSREP that points them to the to the brigade fires section through the DCGS–A infrastruc-
DIB website where they may download the associated at- ture. The targeting process showed HUMINT S303-derived
tachment. When operating in a degraded, intermittent, and targets as suspected targets until a confirmation of the tar-
limited communication environment, the SIPR intranet es- get location error and dwell time could be established.5 Field
tablished within the tactical operations center allowed the artillery intelligence officers at the division and corps level
division to upload attachments locally to the 25th ID DIB. or the BCT targeting officer at the BCT level must verify ac-
Once the upper-tactical internet was established, the 25th ID curate information from a reliable source before declaring
DIB federated with the 500th MIB–T DIB, ensuring that the it a target if the elapsed time exceeds dwell time. The dwell
information was readily available for all outside consumers. time of the target determines whether to engage based on
The division G-2X also identified several key uses of the the likelihood of the target moving.6
P–MFWS software to manage and distribute HUMINT infor- Over the course of the exercise, the 2IBCT S-2X and op-
mation rapidly. Since the EOBSREP automatically extracted erational management team assisted in the execution
entities into the Tactical Entity Database, once they entered of approximately four lethal fire missions as a direct re-
that database, division G-2X managers were able to set sult of HUMINT S303s. Figure 2 shows the data that typi-
up filters in the Journal Message Entry viewer to filter all cally feeds into the fire mission execution function. During
HUMINT reports that the IFS received. This allowed a man- each fire mission, the 2IBCT S-2X was able to send the enti-
ager to conduct a quick visualization of only HUMINT re- ties derived from the HUMINT S303 report directly to the
porting to identify trends in fires section. Immediately
Position Commander’s
reporting and facilitate col- Data Criteria upon receipt, the fires sec-
lection management needs tion began an assessment
for the development of prior- Fire Units Weapons of the suspected target. To
ity intelligence requirements. confirm targets derived from
The division G-2X manager Fire HUMINT reporting, the fires
was also able to set up alerts Meteorology
section cross-queued geospa-
to notify the managers when Execution tial intelligence and full mo-
new HUMINT EOBSREPs en- tion video platforms, almost
tered the IFS. As these mes- Battlefield instantaneous to the receipt
sages enter the IFS, HUMINT Geometry of the HUMINT S303 report
managers across echelons to verify the targets at the
Targets Weapon Selection
can automatically send the Fire Unit Selection reported locations. Once the
generated enemy entities di- Fire Control Data 2IBCT S-2X had received the
rectly to mission command Figure 2. Fire Mission Execution7 report, the process of dissem-
systems, such as the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data inating the HUMINT S303 information to execution of fire
System and Command Post of the Future, for action by ma- mission was 4 minutes. The overall process from point of
neuver and fires elements when warranted. collection to execution of fire mission was 15 minutes.
Many believe that HUMINT has no part in the fires pro- Lastly, the division G-2X established a data pipe directly
cess or integration with the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical to the ICI for EOBSREP analytic efforts. The ICI allowed the
Data System because of information validation concerns; EOBSREP to pass through text analytic software and be cor-
however, after using the S303 report during LF 18-03, 25th related against multiple other intelligence reports. This
ID realized a significant potential to increase the overall ef- also allowed the greater intelligence community to visual-
fectiveness of HUMINT reporting. According to ATP 3-60, ize in real time the 25th ID HUMINT common operational
Targeting, “Target selection standards are criteria applied picture and common intelligence picture. This validation
to enemy activity (acquisitions and battlefield information) proved that personnel across the intelligence community
and used in deciding whether the activity is a target. Target would have access to the reporting that the HUMINT S303
selection standards put nominations into two categories: report provided, in raw report format and in extracted en-
targets and suspected targets. Targets meet accuracy and tity format. After pushing the HUMINT S303 entities to the
timeliness requirements for engagement. Suspected targets ICI, HUMINT managers within the division G-2X could use
must be confirmed before any engagement.”4 the Unified Video Dissemination System overlay on the ICI
During exercise LF 18-03, 2IBCT successfully identified how to watch real-time geospatial intelligence full motion video
to use a HUMINT S303 report to relay HUMINT information feeds of the constructed and virtual environment within the

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Figure 3. Lower- and Upper-Tactical Internet HUMINT PACE Plan
scenario. This allowed the division G-2X to quickly attempt production to the 25th ID’s all-source analysts operating in a
to validate HUMINT reporting as it came in against what decisive action training environment. This, combined with
was being pushed via the ICI. the capability to integrate other intelligence disciplines’
object-based production, allowed 2IBCT to initiate fire mis-
The Importance of a Well-Developed PACE Plan sions based on initial HUMINT reporting. The reporting had
To ensure successful dissemination of the S303, 25th ID to be vetted, cross-queued, and verified before it could be
needed a well-developed PACE plan. During LF 18-03, the actioned; however, because of the 2IBCT HUMINT’s abil-
G-2X and S-2X employed a diversified lower-tactical inter- ity to execute object-based production for its analysts,
net and upper-tactical internet PACE plan to disseminate the HUMINT section was capable of increasing
the S303 EOBSREP. Figure 3 provides a snapshot of the de- overall HUMINT effectiveness in a decisive action
signed and implemented PACE plan used during LF 18-03. environment.
The PACE plan ensured the G-2X and S-2X remained syn- The use of the P–MFWS for HUMINT operations greatly in-
chronized on all S303 messages, but more importantly, creased throughout the duration of LF 18-03. The G-2X and
it allowed the analysis and control element and the bri- S-2X identified the following key capabilities that DCGS–A
gade intelligence support element to communicate while can offer HUMINT operations if implemented in conjunction
in degraded, intermittent, and limited communication with a well-thought-out PACE plan and use of the S303 re-
environments. port in a decisive action environment:
During LF 18-03, 25th ID successfully used the S303 report ÊÊ HUMINT teams employing a DCGS–A Multi-Function
as the HUMINT solution to assist in providing object-based Workstation are able to visualize the current common

38 Military Intelligence
operational picture and common intelligence picture in nism to disseminate HUMINT information and execute
real time. object-based production at the division and brigade eche-
ÊÊ Using historical data from the Tactical Entity Database, lons. For the past few years, the HUMINT community has
real-time source-directed requirement generation sup- failed to adapt to the DCGS–A environment. Use of the
ports collection operations. S303 report allowed 25th ID HUMINT to better integrate
into the DCGS–A infrastructure and mission command sys-
ÊÊ Object-based production facilitates standardized re-
tem platforms, while simultaneously using the equipment
porting and visualization of intelligence across the bri-
the Army provides on the modified table of organization
gade intelligence warfighting function and mission
and equipment to execute data transmission in upper-tacti-
command systems.
cal internet and lower-tactical internet beyond line of sight
ÊÊ P–MFWS are able to visualize HUMINT source entities, environments.
which facilitates management and intuitive analyst ac-
tions in support of HUMINT operations.
ÊÊ HUMINT teams can see real-time data input from the
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency
Trainer and other intelligence disciplines, which facili- 1. The S303 Enemy Observation Report (EOBSREP) is an Army specific U.S.
tates the real-time generation of source-directed re- message text format report that can be generated within mission command
systems. It is used to exchange essential elements of enemy activity. Forward
quirements and priority intelligence requirements.
observers, scouts, or other forward elements use this message to report to
ÊÊ Management sections can execute past mission analy- their higher headquarters. Department of the Army, Field Manual (FM) 3-52,
sis against enemy prisoners of war levied against addi- Army Airspace Command and Control in a Combat Zone (Washington, DC:
tional intelligence disciplines in real time. Government Publishing Office [GPO], 1 August 2002 [obsolete]), A-3.

Subsequent Training Exercise 2. Catherine Johnston, Elmo C. Wright, Jr., Jessica Bice, Jennifer Almendarez,
and Linwood Creekmore, “Transforming Defense Analysis,” Joint Force
In the first quarter of fiscal year 2019, 2IBCT deployed to Quarterly 79, 4th Quarter 2015 (October 2015): 13,
the Joint Readiness Training Center. During the rotation, Portals/68/Documents/jfq/jfq-79/jfq-79_12-18_Johnston-et-al.pdf.
they once again employed the S303 as the primary tool for
3. The term HUMINT source entity refers to an object entity within the
reporting intelligence information at the tactical level. They Portable Multi-Function Workstation. The workstation is not designed for, nor
benefited from the use of structured data tools at the train- should it ever be used for, source management operations. This entity’s use
ing center. For example, the teams were able to report in- is primarily to visualize intelligence reporting associated to the source entity
formation in less than 10 minutes because the S303 could for link diagram purposes.
be generated quickly. In addition, the use of the P–MFWS to 4. Department of the Army, Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 3-60, Targeting
transmit structured data enabled small file sizes. The opera- (Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 7 May 2015), 2-4.
tional management team was also able to generate source- 5. Target characteristics consist of size, accuracy, and target location error
directed requirements easily because they had the brigade’s requirements for each weapon systems.
visualization of information via the Tactical Entity Database.
6. Department of the Army, ATP 3-60, 2-8.
Conclusion 7. Department of the Army, FM 6-60, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for
During LF 18-03, the 25th ID HUMINT enterprise success- the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Operations (Washington, DC: U.S.
fully validated the use of the S303 EOBSREP as a mecha- GPO, 23 April 1996 [obsolete]), 5-5.

CW2 Clyde Hunter is currently the G-2X Intelligence Contingency Funds Manager, U.S. Army Central, Shaw Air Force, SC. Previously he was
the G-2X, Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Analysis Cell officer in charge (OIC) at 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, HI. At 525th Military
Intelligence Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC, he served as a platoon leader and operational management team (OMT) OIC in the 519th Military
Intelligence Battalion HUMINT and Counterintelligence Company. He has deployed in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi
Freedom. CW2 Hunter has an associate’s degree in general studies from University of Phoenix and is working toward a bachelor of science in
information technology from Western Governors University.
CW2 Aaron Johnson currently serves as Architecture Chief of the Unit Engagement Team at the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Capability Manager-Foundation, Fort Huachuca, AZ. Previous assignments include G-2X HUMINT Analysis Cell OIC for 25th Infantry Division;
OMT OIC for 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, HI; and OMT OIC for 2nd Armored Brigade Combat
Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX. He deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. CW2 Johnson earned
his associate of applied science in intelligence operations from Cochise College and recently received the 2019 CW5 Rex Williams Award for
excellence in military intelligence.

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