Inter-Academy Report On GM Crops: Prepared Under The Auspices of
Inter-Academy Report On GM Crops: Prepared Under The Auspices of
Inter-Academy Report On GM Crops: Prepared Under The Auspices of
The Indian Academy The Indian National The Indian National Science
of Sciences Academy of Engineering Academy
September, 2010
We have great pleasure in presenting a report on GM crops prepared under the auspices
of the six academies listed below, at the request of Shri Jairam Ramesh, Minister of Environment
& Forests and Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member of Planning Commission. The way the document
has been prepared is detailed in the report itself. The report also contains an appraisal of the issue
and a set of recommendations. We hope that this document would be useful to decision makers.
In the context of the national debate earlier this year on transgenic crops with special reference to
Bt-brinjal, Shri Jairam Ramesh, Minister of Environment & Forests, and Dr. K. Kasturirangan,
Member of Planning Commission, expressed their interest in meeting the Presidents of the
different National Academies and a few experts to discuss the issue. In pursuance of this
suggestion, a meeting was held at the premises of INSA on 19th March. In addition to Shri Jairam
Ramesh and Dr. Kasturirangan, the meeting was attended by the Presidents of the three Science
Academies and the Academies of Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Medical Sciences, and
officers of the Planning Commission and the Indian National Science Academy and a few
experts. In the light of the discussions at the meeting, Shri Jairam Ramesh requested the
Academies to provide him and the Planning Commission with a report on the subject of
biotechnology in food crops with focus on transgenic crops and on the Biotechnology Regulatory
Bill, presently under discussion in the government. This was followed by a letter from Shri
Ramesh confirming this request. This letter and the background information were widely
circulated among the Fellows of different Academies and their views were solicited. Many
Fellows and representatives of Academies sent their comments on the issue. Subsequently, a
brain storming meeting was held at INSA on June 1, which was attended by a cross section of
Fellows and nominees of the Academies. The meeting involved a few introductory presentations
and in-depth discussions. The present document is based on the discussions at this meeting, the
written comments given by Fellows and the documents brought to the attention of the meeting by
different Fellows.
The issue
Even before the laws of heredity became well-known through the rediscovery of the work of G.
Mendel, C. Darwin observed the appearance of ancestral traits of domesticated organisms in the
progenies of crosses, leading to the view that human selection is responsible for domestication
from wild relatives. The traits helpful in domestication of crops include reduced seed dispersal,
plant architecture, increased seed number/size and loss of dormancy. Most of these traits are
represented by mutant alleles of pre-existing genes which have their origin in evolution. Thus,
many organisms have similar genes. Human beings and rice have been identified to have
thousands of similar genes, a few hundreds are shared even by bacteria, but rice genes produce
only grain and not a human organ. Essentially, all genes produce proteins or RNAs of variable
Hybrids of organisms contain genomes derived from both parents. For crop
improvement, during breeding, selected parents with desirable traits are hybridized allowing
recombination of a large number of parental genes. Selection in the subsequent generations for
desirable traits leads to the development of a new ‘variety’ containing stable novel combination
of genes. Sometimes, a single gene for known trait is also introduced into the genome of a
popular variety by “backcross breeding”. Breeding approaches are limited to plants capable of
crossing and sexual reproduction. Genetic engineering, having its origin in recombinant DNA
technology that evolved in 1970s, allows use of a wider gene pool to produce Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs), Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) or Transgenics. Even new
genes can be generated and tested. Once demonstrated for superior trait, transgenics can be
maintained like a variety and used to produce other superior varieties.
The cultivation of transgenic crops started in 1996 in USA and in 2009, about 14 million
farmers in 25 countries planted about 330 million acres (134 million hectares) under transgenic
crops. India cultivated transgenic Bt cotton in 2002 for the first time and covered 20 million
acres in 2009. Concerns about bio-safety, food-safety, environment, economic and social issues
have been raised regularly despite the available regulatory system for release of transgenic crops.
It was, therefore, important to examine the issue of GM food crops, with special reference to the
Indian scenario. Particular attention needed to be paid to Bt brinjal in view of the ongoing
discussion on the issue.
The approach
The scientific approach does not involve absolute certainties. Some uncertainties are likely to
remain in every conclusion. An action is proposed based on the balance of evidence obtained
from experimentation, observation and logical reasoning. Scientific conclusions also do not
involve absolute unanimity. There is no central authority which directs or controls scientific
pursuit. It is important to minimize uncertainties and to strive towards broad consensus.
However, to make action contingent on elimination of all uncertainties and unanimity among
scientists, would be a sure prescription for inaction. Most of the scientific advances, which
helped to shape the world as we see today, have been accompanied by uncertainties as well as
dissenting voices. While inaction is undesirable, as mentioned earlier, it is important to
continuously strive to minimize or eliminate uncertainties and to build the broadest possible
All human activities and beneficial technologies cause some environmental perturbations
and also involve some risk. Introduction of agriculture millennia ago certainly affected the
natural environment. Modern means of transportation involve elements of risk. There is no drug
which is entirely devoid of side effects. Wisdom lies in adopting technologies and practices, the
benefits from which far outweigh the harmful effects and in not taking undue risks. Gluten
allergy cannot be a reason for stopping cultivation of wheat. We should also remember occasions
when unexpected harmful effects ensued from practices which appeared to be almost wholly
beneficial to start with. Therefore, utmost caution should be exercised when introducing new
practices and technologies. New technologies and practices should be introduced only after
ascertaining that the deleterious effects caused by them are well within reasonable limits and are
very small compared to the benefits accruing from them.
Much has been written and several evidences have been produced for and against GM
crops. Different shades of opinion have also been expressed on the subject. It is not necessary to
repeat or refer to all of them. The attempt here has been to formulate a set of conclusions and
recommendations, based on the approach enunciated above, in the light of the spoken and written
comments of the Fellows, and the document brought to attention by them.
When a piece of DNA capable of producing a protein or RNA is introduced into the genome of
an organism thereby allowing the organism to transfer the introduced DNA or gene to its
progenies, the organism is known as Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). While introduction
of genes occurs in nature or in classical crossing of varieties to generate hybrids, the term GMO
has come to signify transgenics generated through the recombinant DNA route. LMO (Living
Modified Organism) refers to a GMO that is alive. A gene consists of a transcribed region,
normally endowed with the capacity to produce RNA which codes for a protein, a promoter
capable of initiating and producing RNA and a terminator responsible for defining the end point
of RNA. Living organisms have a large number of genes (up to 50,000) in their genome which
control various traits. Recombinant DNA technology allows to clone, modify and multiply a
gene. The gene cloned in a vector is maintained in a host cell and monitored using the presence
of a marker gene normally capable of coding for antibiotic resistance. A gene or a group of
genes can be introduced into plant cell by a physical method (e.g. particle bombardment) or
using a bacterium (e.g. Agrobacterium tumefaciens). For this, suitable vectors containing gene-
of-interest, an easy to follow reporter gene and a selectable marker gene (for antibiotic
resistance) are used. The transformed cells containing the introduced DNA in their genome are
selected in the presence of antibiotics and regenerated into plants. The number of copies of gene
introduced may vary, but generally it is possible to select transgenics with a single copy
transgene. Each such transformant is referred to as an Event. The expression of transgene in
transgenic plant is monitored by molecular methods. The phenotype of transgenic plant and
inheritance of the introduced gene/trait is monitored in subsequent progenies to achieve stable
integration of transgene.
World-wide transgenic crops have been grown in134 million hectares in 2009 starting from 1.7
million hectares in 1996. The share of developing countries is 46%. Out of 25 countries
growing transgenic crops, the countries growing transgenic crops in more than one million
hectare include USA, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada, China, Paraguay and South Africa. India
has grown 8.4 million hectares of transgenic Bt cotton. Six EU countries also planted 94,750
hectares of Bt maize in 2009. The major transgenic crops include soybean, maize, cotton, and
canola; and major engineered traits include insect resistance, herbicide tolerance and virus
resistance. New trends show the use of stacked genes on 28.7 million hectares (21% area planted
under transgenic crops). In USA, maize transgenics with eight different genes for pest resistance
and herbicide tolerance have been approved. World-wide, area covered by transgenic soybean,
cotton, maize and canola represents 43% of total area covered by these crops. While large
numbers of food, feed and fiber crops as well as other plants are being developed as transgenics,
in India trials of transgenic crops like brinjal, cabbage, cauliflower, cotton, groundnut, maize,
mustard, okra, potato, rice, sorghum and tomato are in progress.
Transgenic crops associated with food products include canola, cotton (oil), maize,
papaya, soybean and squash. Recently, transgenic Bt rice and phytase maize were approved by
China. However, it would require 2-3 years of the standard field registration trials before a step
towards cultivation in farmer’s field is taken. Japan initiated commercialization of transgenic
blue rose. It must, however, be noted that such crops are grown in green houses. In addition to
25 countries growing transgenic crops, 32 countries (making up a total of 57) have given
regulatory approvals for transgenic crops/products for the purpose of food/feed.
Regulatory system
Most countries growing transgenic crops or importing transgenic food or feed have a regulatory
system in place. Already, 762 approvals for 155 events in 24 crops have been provided world-
wide. These approaches are also influenced by Substantial Equivalence, Principle of Familiarity
and Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) as working principles as well as by multilateral
negotiations related to environmental and human health safety (e.g., Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety, International Plant Protection Convention, Codex Alimentarius) and trade (e.g.,
Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Agreement on Technical
Barriers of Trade, Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) and
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
The regulatory system in India involves multi-layered recommending and approval
committees. The Institutional Bio-safety Committee (IBSC) and Review Committee on Genetic
Manipulation (RCGM) concern with laboratory research, green house experiments, contained
field trials and multi-location research trials as well as bio-safety. A Monitoring and Evaluation
Committee (MEC) monitors multi-location research trials and large-scale field trials and makes
an appropriate recommendation to RCGM. The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
(GEAC) is responsible for approvals related to large-scale field trials, experimental seed
production and commercial release by de-regulation. These committees work on behalf of the
Ministry of Science and Technology or Ministry of Environment and Forest or Ministry of
Agriculture. The regulatory guidelines, first proposed in 1990, have been up-dated from time-to-
time and recently in 2008, Guidelines and standard operating procedures for confined field trials
of regulated, genetically engineered (GE) plants, Protocols for food and feed safety assessment
of GE crops, and Guidelines for the safety assessment of food derived from genetically
engineered plants, were introduced. Further, in 2009, an Event Based Approval Mechanism
(EBAM) has been notified. Recently, a blueprint for Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of
India (BRAI) has been prepared and made public. Some of the concerns raised are being
addressed in the proposed Bill.
In the last century, the major increase in global food production was mainly due to the
improvement in yield through green revolution. This involved identification of gene(s)
controlling agronomic traits and their introgression into local varieties of staple crops like rice
and wheat. At the beginning of 21st century, such efforts could help produce food enough to feed
6 billion people. The number of people is likely to increase to 9 billion by 2050. This
necessitates a mega-jump in productivity, with dwindling land reserves, scarce water and
nitrogen and daunting challenges of climate change. Malnutrition of a billion people also needs
to be addressed urgently for a healthy world. The present growth of agricultural productivity, at
the rate of about 2% per year, is much lower in comparison to the 3% growth required for food
The food grain production in India has increased four times over the last five decades.
But, in India also, the yield of major food grain crops is reaching a plateau although its
population continues to rise and is expected to reach 1.5 billion people in 2050. Also, 27% of
world’s undernourished people live in India. This requires an increase of more than 50% in
agricultural production.
Production of transgenics involves use of constructs which include the target gene, the reporter
maker gene, the selectable marker gene with regulatory sequences and backbone DNA. Since
transgenic technology allows to cross the barriers of incompatibility, the source of gene (DNA)
could be organisms like viruses, bacteria, plants or animals etc. One may like to make a
distinction between genes from plants, particularly those in use as food or feed, and those
coming from other organisms. Concerns may arise if the target gene influences food quality or
confers antibiotic resistance rather than improving traits like drought tolerance. Genes producing
a pharmaceutically relevant product in transgenics may elicit a new response. Chemically,
however, all DNA are the same. Daily intake of DNA from food source is estimated to be 0.1 –
1g and transgene DNA may represent 0.5 – 5µg under average situations. This DNA is mostly
degraded in the digestive system and only small fragments of DNA have been detected in body
tissue. Regarding the fate of genes, the European Food Safety Authority released the statements
“After ingestion, a rapid degradation into short DNA or peptide fragments is observed in the
gastrointestinal tracts of animals and humans” and “To date a large number of experimental
studies with livestock have shown that rDNA fragments and proteins derived from GM plants
have not been detected in tissues, fluids or edible products of farm animals”.
Some viral promoters, e.g. CaMV35S, have been used to drive transgenes. It has been
demonstrated that it can be inactivated in transgenics if Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV)
infects. Use of such promoters may require appropriate investigations, particularly in crops
susceptible to the viral source. Alternatively, several other promoters allowing expression of
gene in the whole plant or in a particular organ or state can be utilized.
It has been noted that infection with multiple viruses results in homologous and
nonhomologous recombination between viruses, resulting in new viral strains. Similar to natural
situation, recombination with viral genes cannot be excluded altogether. However, it has been
found that most recombinant viruses are compromised in fitness. Although squash and papaya
transgenics with virus resistance genes have been grown for some time, no novel viruses have
been reported yet. The likelihood of detecting such an event would be high if new virus causes
adverse effect. Recently, use of small sequences by way of RNAi technology for viral resistance
has been proposed and it is also likely to reduce the chances of recombination.
Antibiotic resistance
A concern about transgenics is related to the use of antibiotic resistance genes as selectable
marker genes. In 1999, a report to Food Standards Agency, UK has articulated such concerns
and advised against increasing the opportunity of transfer of a resistance gene by way of
transgenics. For this to happen, a gene from the ingested plant cell must survive in the digestive
system and transform a bacterium. Even if the gene is transferred, it may not express in the
recipient. Experimentally, transfer of antibiotic resistance to gut bacteria was not observed in
chickens fed on transgenic maize. Still the use of GM food needs to be looked at in the context
of living organisms, present in the gut of animals and humans or taken along with food or feed,
which might already have acquired such genes due to the wide-spread practice of use of
antibiotics in human therapy. Similar concerns have been raised regarding horizontal gene
transfer from transgenic plant to soil bacteria. Although certain events of horizontal transfer on
evolutionary scale have been observed, transfer of such genes need to be coupled with selection
advantage to let the event become prevalent. Under experimental condition of sterile soils, such
a transfer was observed at a frequency range of 10-8 to 10-11. Lack of a selectable advantage for
antibiotic resistance genes in soil further minimizes the risk of its spread. However, the quantum
of risk would naturally be dictated by the nature of the gene. Use of genes like phosphomannose
and xylose isomerase, co-cultivation strategy, post-transformation excision of antibiotic
resistance genes or bombardment with target gene alone is likely to reduce the use of antibiotic
resistance genes in future.
Since the time human beings started to domesticate plants, a huge amount of biodiversity has
entered the agri-system and a much larger amount remains in the wild. Subsequent practices of
breeding have yielded mega-varieties which led to monoculture in different regions of the world.
This erosion of genetic diversity is a reality and needs to be contained. As a consequence,
various nations, including India, have initiated wide collection of land races along with wild
species to be conserved and maintained in genebanks. Certain international genebanks have also
been established. Over 500 species are cultivated in India and three out of 34 hot spots of
biodiversity extend into India. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR)
maintains a National Gene Bank system with several thousand accessions of crops (e.g. 88681
for rice and 4350 for brinjal). Such activities need to be intensified. It would be appropriate to
consider the deployment of transgenic crops in the above context. If a transgenic crop provides
advantage to the farmer, it is likely to be cultivated more extensively as in the case of a mega-
variety already in use. An alternative for this could be the use of transgene in suitable local
varieties. This would, however, require suitable compensation to industry or intensification of
research in public sector. A transgene could contribute to loss of biodiversity only when it
enhances the invasiveness or susceptibility of target species through pollen flow. Pollen-
mediated transgene flow at low frequency has been observed, but such gene flow is not unique to
transgenic crops. Studies on it are part of the assessment of environment risk. Care need to be
taken for cultivation of transgenic as well as non-transgenic crops near the centres of crop
diversity and impact assessment should be a regular activity. Further, all efforts should be made
to minimize flow of transgene that may affect the environment and the farming community
should be made aware of the consequences, if any.
suppression and delay of resistance development. Despite this, emergence of field resistance in
insects against Bt has been observed. This has led to gene stacking in the next generation
techniques. In the long run, this entails search for better strategies like use of insect-bite
inducible promoter to drive the gene thereby minimizing the exposure, modification of cry
genes, introduction of stacked genes, deployment of RNAi against insects or incorporation of Bt
as part of IPM strategy.
Concurrent with resistance development is the fear of the adverse effect on non-target organisms.
The famous case of monarch butterflies has been followed by several investigations. Such
studies show limited influence of Bt and led to a conclusion that Bt corn was not a significant
factor in the field death of monarch larvae when compared with other factors like use of
pesticides. An analysis of 25 studies similarly revealed no significance of Bt on honeybee
survival, which is important for pollination of several crops. Similar influence on soil microbes
has not been confirmed by several investigators. Thus, one may like to compare the influence on
non-target organisms with those of other prevalent practices. The advantages that accrue from
each practice also may be taken into account.
Food safety
The issue of food safety from GE organisms is of paramount importance. Even before the
advent of transgenic crops, the use of L-tryptophan produced by GE bacteria for treating disease
became highly controversial due to death of people. Subsequently, a change in the process of
production was found to be responsible for the contaminant producing this effect. This entails
requirement of following safety studies in a larger context. Food safety assessment is generally
based on substantial equivalence. This should include qualitative as well as quantitative range.
New substances produced require testing in laboratory or animal models. Use of kanamycin
resistance gene and its product in Flavr SavrTM tomato was subjected to such testing and
approved as having GRAS status in USA which means that the nature of substance does not raise
significant safety issues.
Concerns about safety of genes and their products have been raised for various reasons.
The use of lectins for insect resistance was criticized due to lesions observed in rats fed on
transgenic potatoes. Follow-up scrutiny of data could neither confirm nor disprove the
observations as the study was found to lack appropriate controls. Major concerns have been
raised regarding safety of food containing Bt gene or protein. Bt as microbial insecticide is in use
for several decades and no report of harmful effect have been recorded except for a report on
immune response and skin sensitization in 2 out of 123 people after inhalation of spray
containing Bt. Since the Bt protein is expressed within the plant and not as an inhaleable
particle, the issue of respiratory allergy will not arise. Analysis of several Bt proteins has
indicated absence of features similar to protein allergens and toxins. Data on toxicity of Bt in
animals have been generated and evaluated in several countries including India. Multi-tiered
stepwise assessment for allergenic potential have been carried out, which includes matching the
amino acid sequence of the protein with allergen sequence databases and acid and thermal
stability ELISA tests for IgE binding. The results have been negative and they do not indicate
any allergenic potential for the Bt protein. Excess dose and acute toxicity with certain Bt forms
in plants has also not substantiated the safety concerns that have been raised. It may, however,
be noted that all Bt are not the same and tests for each Bt protein need to be conducted. For
example the Cry9C protein is slow to digest in human and it is also more stable to heat.
StarlinkTM corn was recalled after deregulation for animal consumption to establish non-
allergenicity of Cry9C. Although certain studies show that the product may not be responsible
for the allergenic response, StarlinkTM was removed from market in 2000. Similarly,
development of soybean with a methionine-rich 2S albumin protein from Brazil nut was not
allowed since the possibility of allergic reaction could not be eliminated. It may be noted that no
food can be declared as 100% safe since allergenicity to a large number of natural food items has
been observed including those made from animal (milk, eggs, fish) and plant (peanuts, wheat,
soybean) sources. However, a robust testing system with transgenic food items would give the
opportunity to eliminate chances of allergenicity or toxicity to a large extent. At the same time,
transgenics can be generated with the objective of reducing allergens/toxins in certain crops.
One of the most robust evidences of safety, which has been practiced when any new
product or material or crop is brought in for human consumption, is its comparision with already
existing known material with established safety. For instance, GM brinjal is compared with its
non-GM existing brinjal variety for all identifiable and validated components like macro
nutrients, micro nutrients, moisture, minerals, anti nutrients and every known component and
when all these are similar and within acceptable variations it can be safely assumed that GM
brinjal is similar to the non-GM version except for the presence of the Bt protein whose safety
and allergenicity is already established through standardized methods. Even a greater level of
safety assurance is that the same Bt protein present in another food crop has been consumed
elsewhere in the world with no evidence for any scientifically established negative effect.
While complete safety of transgenic plants and products cannot be guaranteed, the safety
levels can be assessed as per existing best practice or a scientifically devised protocol. It cannot
be ignored that calculated knowledge-based risks are always taken in the technology intensive
present day world, while the individual’s acceptance and values are given due freedom and
credence. Many regulatory bodies in the world, including RCGM and GEAC, have evolved
safety protocols based on a variety of such inputs.
Transgenic crops are also being raised to provide an alternative to major micronutrient
deficiencies like vitamin A, iron and zinc deficiencies. Golden rice is in an advanced stage of
development and can potentially provide for up to 50% of requirement of nutrients in children.
Such transgenic crops would pose a challenge to science based regulatory process, keeping in
view the potential advantages of and reservations against transgenic food crops. Transgenics
against abiotic stresses (low rainfall, saline soil) would perhaps demand different parameters for
risk evaluation.
Equally engaging and requiring novel ways of regulation would be the use of plants for
producing pharmaceutical products with promise to reach common people and make health
management cost-effective.
Increasing demand for food and nutritional requirements are the major reasons to look for
alternative means of efficient food production. This could be coupled with the impact of
agriculture on environment, climate change, food pricing, food availability and affordability.
Transgenic crops are one possible alternative and complementary technology products which can
contribute to the on-going efforts of genetic enhancement of crops. The technology does not
replace traditional plant breeding, hybrid seed technology, molecular breeding or organic
farming but complements them in the over-all objective of attaining food security. Like any
other technology, it comes with some genuine and other perceived risks and affects different
social strata and cultures to variable extent. This is the reason for varied, sometimes extreme,
response of different social groups, countries and regions of the world to GM crops. This also
makes it necessary for the regulatory system for transgenic technology to take into account
socioeconomic factors. The system should also identify beneficiaries and losers and provide for
remedial action.
For obvious reasons, the socioeconomic issues would remain debatable. It is, however,
evident that the farmer could benefit due to improved yield, better protection against yield loss,
premium for quality, reduction in pesticide, insecticide or fertilizer use and can suffer due to cost
of transgenic seed or loss of market. While transgenic crops for more intrinsic yield are not yet
available, protection against yield loss due to pests, weeds or viruses is the primary target of
transgenic technology some of which could also contribute by saving cost of in-puts.
Transgenics with improved nutrient use efficiency would also benefit farmers as and when
produced as would be expected from drought tolerant crops. In any case, proper controls should
be in place to evaluate equivalence of yield in transgenics to common local varieties. Also cost
of seed should not out do the benefits that may accrue from the use of transgenic technology. A
few studies conducted in developed as well as developing nations have shown net benefit to the
farmer, but this may depend on prevailing conditions (e.g. high infestation). Thus, farmers
should be made aware of cost and benefits.
The desire to recover cost of investment and that for benefits encourage patent regime.
Developed nations and industry are in the forefront in this area due to better organization. This
makes one wonder if resource poor farmers would ever benefit from transgenic technology. It
should, however, be remembered that economics works for large-size consumer as well as large
number of consumers. Therefore, in order to protect the farmer and to ensure a level playing
field, it is necessary that public sector is encouraged to acquire patents and minimize exclusive
licensing. At the same time, suitable humanitarian models for freedom to operate (FTO) could
be evolved for the benefit of the society. This is exemplified by ‘Golden Rice’ and Public
Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA) where multiple technologies were put
together for public good willingly at no cost or pooled at appropriate cost and effort. There is
also need to give considerable importance and encouragement to indigenous development of
transgenics by public sector organizations and through public-private partnerships. Consumer
benefit is obviously an equally important issue. This would happen due to increased productivity
and even more importantly due to improved nutritive quality of grains. The government does
face issues of distribution, access, affordability etc., for which strategies beyond GM technology
are needed.
Transgenics in India
Research work on plant transformation in Indian laboratories started in the 1980s and transgenics
of certain crop plants were produced in the 1990s. Various crops being targeted for genetic
transformation include brinjal, cabbage, cauliflower, cotton, groundnut, chickpea, maize,
mustard, Okra, pigeonpea, potato, rice, sorghum, tomato, and wheat. The traits being targeted
include insect resistance, virus resistance, fungal resistance, nutritional enhancement, delayed
ripening and abiotic stress tolerance. Both public and private sectors are actively engaged in
transgenic research. The efforts of public research institutions in the area are summarized in
Table 1.
Table 1. Some important transgenic crop plants developed /tested by public research institutions
in India
Crop Trait Institution
1. Brinjal Insect resistance IVRI Varanasi, NRCPB, TNAU, UAS Dharwad
BI, Bose institute; CU, Calcutta University; CPRI, Central Potato Research Institute;DRR,
Directorate of Rice Research; DUSC, Delhi University South Campus; IARI, Indian
Agricultural Research Institute: ICGEB, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology; MSSRF, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation; NBRI, National Botanical
Research Institute; NIPGR, National Institute of Plant Genome Research; NRCPB, NRC on
Plant Biotechnology; TNAU, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
India cultivated its first transgenic Bt cotton crop, which was developed in the private
sector, on 0.05 million hectares in the year 2002. In 2009, transgenic Bt cotton was cultivated by
5.6 million farmers on 8.6 million hectares (43% single gene, 57% two genes). Further,
commercialization of Bt cotton variety Bikaneri Nerma and hybrid NHH-44, developed in the
public sector, has been initiated. In all, six Bt cotton events have been approved. India now
occupies second position in terms of global cotton production by turning out 30 million bales of
cotton in 2009 which is likely to increase up to 35 million bales in the year 2010. The benefits of
Bt cotton include decrease in yield loss which increases over-all yield, decreased production
costs, a reduction of at least 50% in insecticide applications resulting in substantial
environmental and health benefits to small producers, and significant economic and social
benefits. Reduction in use of pesticides leads to less insecticides in aquifers and the environment,
reduced farmer exposure to insecticides and improvement of human health, increased
populations of beneficial insects, reduced risk for wildlife, reduced fuel and raw material
consumption and decreased pollution. Failure of Bt cotton in a few pockets in the country is
often due to middle men, but does require a scientific analysis.
Bt Brinjal
Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), commonly known as eggplant, aubergine or guinea squash, is
an important vegetable crop of tropical and temperate parts of the world. It is a rich source of
vitamins and minerals, especially iron. Genus Solanum to which brinjal belongs is predominantly
of Central and South American origin; however, the question of centre of its origin is yet to be
resolved. Evidences seem to indicate that it originated in Asia. South West Asia including
Arabia, Indo-Burma region, Japan and China have been suggested as probable places of origin
by different investigators. Germplasm resources and collections have been well-documented,
evaluated and conserved throughout the world. Based on fruit shape, brinjal has been divided
into three main types namely, egg-shaped (S. melongena var. esculentum); long slender shaped
(S. melongena var. serpentium) and dwarf type (S. melongena var. depressum).
Brinjal has been cultivated for the last 4,000 years in India. Among the Solanaceous
vegetables, brinjal is the most common and popular vegetable crop grown in many geographical
parts in India. The area under brinjal is estimated at 0.55 million hectares with a total production
of 8.2 million tons ( A total of 1.4 million small, marginal and resource-
poor farmers grow brinjal and it is an important cash crop for poor farmers, who produce two or
three crops, each of 150 to 180 days duration.
formulation in agriculture over the past six decades, have been expressed in many crop species
with positive results. The Bt proteins are packed in the form of crystals and when ingested by the
insect larvae are processed to an active form in the highly alkaline larval gut. The active protein
binds to a compatible receptor protein present in the gut cell membranes resulting in perforations
of the membrane, cell lysis and death of the larvae. Human beings, other mammals and non-
target organisms including certain beneficial insects do not contain receptors to Bt proteins and
hence are not susceptible to Bt action. Furthermore, it is known that Bt proteins get degraded in
the acidic stomach of the mammal.
Early efforts were made at IARI to develop transgenic brinjal expressing insecticidal
protein (Cry1Ab) of Bt way back in mid 1990s. The transgenic lines were field tested in 1996 on
IARI farm which demonstrated limited protection against BSFB. A novel codon-optimized gene
cry1Fa1 was introduced in Pusa Purple Long variety with very promising results in 2004. The
‘Event 142’ was licensed to four companies under Public Private Partnership. Currently
biosafety tests and field trials are in progress. Subsequently, an Indian seed company Mahyco
has developed transgenic brinjal expressing Cry1Ac protein of Bt. The best transgenic event
‘EE-1’ chosen out of several events showed a significantly lower number of BSFB larvae (0-20
larvae) on Bt brinjal, as compared to 3.5-80 larvae on the non-Bt counterpart. Multi-location
research trials and Large scale trials (2004-2008) conducted by Mahyco, and independently by
the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the All-India Coordinated Research
Program for Vegetable Crops (AICRP-VC), confirmed that insecticide requirement for Bt brinjal
hybrids was on average 80% less than that for the non-Bt counterpart, which translated into a
42% reduction in total insecticide usage. The average marketable yield of Bt brinjal increased by
100% over its non-Bt counterpart hybrids. It has been estimated that Bt brinjal farmers would
enjoy a net gain of Rs. 30,000-35,000 per hectare compared to those cultivating conventional
Bt brinjal being a transgenic food crop requires environmental clearance under Rules 8,
9, 10 & 11 of the Rules and Procedures notified by the Ministry of Environment and Forests vide
Notification no. 1037 (E) dated 05.12.1989. Prior to the deregulation of transgenic fruit and
shoot borer tolerant brinjal, data and information are necessary to be produced to demonstrate
that this Bt brinjal is equivalent to currently grown non-Bt brinjal varieties in composition and
agronomic performance and that the Bt protein expressed by the inserted gene causes no adverse
effect when consumed by domestic or wild animals and beneficial insects. The bio-safety and
environmental issues related to the Bt brinjal were assessed, which includes molecular
characterization of introduced gene, biochemical characterization of the expressed protein,
estimation of the level of the expressed insect control proteins in brinjal and brinjal products,
safety of the expressed proteins to non-target organisms, environmental fate of the Bt protein,
and agronomic, compositional and food and feed safety evaluation of Bt brinjal compared to
non-Bt brinjal.
Bt brinjal ‘Event EE-1’ has been subjected to a rigorous biosafety regulatory process
encompassing all aspects of toxicity, allergenicity, environmental safety, socio-economic
assessment etc. Studies on food and feed safety have been conducted on rats, rabbits, fish,
chickens, goats and cows. Similarly, environmental impact assessments to study germination,
pollen flow, invasiveness, aggressiveness and weediness, and effect on non-target organisms
were also carried out. Public research systems like CSIR, ICAR, SAU and ICMR, in addition to
private organizations, have been involved in these studies.
Two expert committees, Expert Committees I and II, constituted by the Genetic
Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) under the aegis of the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF) have analyzed the biosafety data thoroughly and deliberated upon the
representations made by various stakeholders including scientists and NGOs. Based on the
observations made by the Expert Committees, GEAC has approved the environmental safety of
Bt brinjal ‘Event EE-1’ on October 14, 2009. The ‘Event EE-1’ has been transferred to brinjal
varieties by the scientists of the Agricultural Universities at Dharwad and Coimbatore.
Furthermore, Indian Institute of Vegetable Research at Varanasi has also introgressed the event
into its varieties. After a critical analysis, the Expert Committee II concluded that all the
concerns raised by various persons / experts and organizations before and after the ‘Public
Consultations’ have been adequately addressed. It is possible to add more and more tests for field
assessment, but all the data generated so far confirm the safety and utility of Bt brinjal, especially
considering the fact that his gene has been in use globally for over 15 years
From a presumably common origin, different genomes evolved independently to have different
traits. In the course of evolution, there has been large scale gene transfer across species and
kingdoms. From the dawn of civilization, in addition to natural selection, there has been
conscious selection by humans to produce food crops. In recent times, plant breeders have
created new varieties by crossing and selecting for desired traits. In fact, the green revolution,
which freed India from “ship-to-mouth” existence, owes much to these efforts. Genetic
modification using modern techniques is a natural step forward. Modern genetic modification is
more precise and the time taken to implement is short. It can be, and it has been, argued that
there are differences between what have evolved through selection over millions of years or
millennia and those produced by human beings. These differences are in detail; the processes are
fundamentally the same. However, one should be cognizant of these differences and they should
be addressed.
Safety aspects and possible health hazards of GM crops have been studied and discussed
in detail. The evidences so far suggest that they are no more deleterious than ordinary crops. The
US experience on GM corn is a case in point. There is no evidence to suggest that GM food is
more allergic than other forms of food. It is unlikely that biodiversity, which has resulted from
large-scale vertical and horizontal transfer of genes, can be affected by the insertion of one or a
handful of genes in a few genomes. Hybrid maize varieties have been in cultivation for decades.
There does not appear to be any evidence to suggest that they have affected biodiversity. The
extent of usage of different varieties would of course depend upon the choice by farmers. All the
same, safety and health issues should be continuously examined before and after the introduction
of each GM crop. The same applies to biodiversity. The interest of the farmer and the consumer
and the national interest, particularly in relation to food security, should always be kept in mind.
1. After taking into consideration all available evidences and opinions, the overwhelming view is
that transgenic crops, along with traditional breeding, molecular breeding and other innovative
alternatives, should be used for sustainable agriculture to meet the increasing food, feed and fiber
demand of the growing population of India. GM crops are not a panacea, but they should be an
important component of our strategy. Decisions have to be made on a case to case basis.
2. GM crops which are already in use and which are proposed to be introduced, should be
continuously studied for environmental and health effects. Post-introduction monitoring is as
important as studies prior to introduction. Particularly, in relation to food crops, perceptions are
nearly as important as facts. Sometimes, it is difficult to easily distinguish between the two.
Therefore, facts as well as perceptions need to be adequately addressed. For instance, while use
of antibiotic resistance selection markers in present day transgenics do not seem to compromise
biosafety, use of alternative as well as marker free technology should be encouraged.
3. While the role of the private sector in the development of GM crops is important, food
security is too critical and strategic an area to be left wholly or predominantly in private hands.
The main responsibility for the development of transgenic technology in the country should rest
with publicly funded institutions. This calls for massive government investment in the
programme. Capacity should be expanded and further strengthened for designing and
implementing different biosafety tests of international standards, including those for long term
effects, where necessary. Mechanisms should also exist for sharing experience and expertise
among different institutions. A PPP model may be considered for commercialisation.
4. The available scientific evidence does not indicate any appreciable effect of GM crops on
biodiversity. However, it is necessary to address the perceptions in relation to this issue. In any
case, biodiversity is seriously threatened on account of other human activities. Therefore, the
effort at collection, conservation and preservation in relation to biodiversity needs to be further
6. The regulatory mechanism in place in India for approval of release of transgenic crops is
strong. However, the same is not true about monitoring after release. A specific mechanism
should be created for post-release monitoring, which should include provisions for providing
effective technical advice to the farmer.
7. The issue of Bt brinjal deserves special attention in terms of its immediate relevance. The
overwhelming view is that the available evidence has shown, adequately and beyond reasonable
doubt, that Bt brinjal is safe for human consumption and that its environmental effects are
negligible. It is appropriate now to release Bt brinjal for cultivation in specific farmers’ fields in
identified states. Appropriate distance isolation needs to be maintained, although no deleterious
environmental effect is anticipated. The performance in the field, in all its aspects, should be
monitored by an independent committee which should not include the suppliers or their
representatives. The limited release of Bt brinjal need not wait for the establishment of BRAI.
9. Immediate steps should be taken to restore confidence and allay fears that the moratorium
would influence research on transgenics and their use on individual merit. Spreading public
awareness on Bt brinjal, indeed transgenics in general, is important and mechanisms for doing so
should be set up. Transparency should be maintained in methods of testing, different procedures,
results and impact assessment.
10. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) already holds 4350 accessions of
brinjal germplasm. In parallel to the limited release of Bt brinjal, NBPGR along with other
concerned persons, should work towards ensuring that the collection is as exhaustive as possible.
11. As indicated earlier, there does not seem to exist any reasonable doubt on the biosafety of Bt
brinjal. However, particularly to address public concerns as well as to doubly ensure biosafety, a
group of experts or/and institutions should be constituted for conducting post market
surveillance study of short, medium or long term health hazards, if any, of Bt brinjal and other
genetically modified food items. This group should regularly submit its follow up report to the
Government/Regulatory Body.
It might be appropriate to end this report with two quotations, one from a joint statement of six
major Academies of the world and the other from an article by the acknowledged leader of Green
“…..GM technology, coupled with important developments in other areas, should be used to
increase the production of main food staples, improve the efficiency of production, reduce the
environmental impact of agriculture, and provide access to food for small-scale farmers.” –the
Royal Society of London, the US National Academy of Sciences, the Brazilian Academy of
Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Indian National Science Academy, the Mexican
Academy of Sciences, and the Third World Academy of Sciences, In Transgenic Plants and
World Agriculture (2000), Document made available by the Indian National Science Academy,
New Delhi
“The affluent nations can afford to adopt elitist positions and pay more for food produced by the
so-called natural methods; the 1 billion chronically poor and hungry people of this world cannot.
New technology will be their salvation, freeing them from obsolete, low-yielding, and more
costly production technology.” –Dr. Norman E. Borlaug (Nobel Prize Laureate for Peace 1970),
Plant Physiology (2000). 124, 487-490