Karamba3D 1 3 2 Manual
Karamba3D 1 3 2 Manual
Karamba3D 1 3 2 Manual
User Manual
(Version 1.3.2)
Contents 1
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Citing Karamba3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Getting started 6
2.1 Karamba3D Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Define the Model Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.2 View the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.3 Add Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.4 Define Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.5 Choose an Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.6 Provide Cross Sections – or Use the Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.7 Specify Materials – or Use the Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.8 Retrieve Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Physical Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 Quick Component Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4.1 License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4.2 Params . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4.3 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4.4 Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4.5 Cross Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4.6 Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4.7 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4.8 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4.9 Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.10 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Contents 2
A Appendix 120
A.1 How to obtain a pro- or pro-student-license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
A.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
A.2.1 Normal Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
A.2.2 Silent Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A.3 What’s new in version 1.3.2. with respect to version 1.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A.3.1 New features which change the behavior of older definitions . . . . . . . . 121
A.3.2 New features in Karamba3D 1.3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A.3.3 Known limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A.3.4 Third party products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A.4 Background information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A.4.1 Basic Properties of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A.4.2 Additional Information on Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
A.4.3 Tips for Designing Statically Feasible Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
A.4.4 Hints on Reducing Computation Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
A.4.5 Natural Vibrations, Eigen Modes and Buckling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
A.4.6 Approach Used for Cross Section Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Bibliography 127
Chapter 1
Karamba3D is a Finite Element program like many others. However it has advantages over these
programs in several important respects: It is easy to use for non-experts, has been tailored to the
needs of architects and engineers in the early design phase, works interactively and costs slightly
less than the rest.
Karamba3D is fully embedded in the parametric environment of Grasshopper which is a plug-in for
the 3d modeling tool Rhinoceros. This makes it easy to combine parameterized geometric models,
finite element calculations and optimization algorithms like Octopus or Galapagos.
Besides the free and full version for non-commercial use only, there exists also a pro-version of
Karamba3D for commercial use. Table 1.1 lists their main features. Those parts of this manual that
apply to the full-version only, are either blue or have blue section headings.
In case you use Karamba3D for your scientific work, please cite the following paper:
Preisinger, C. (2013), Linking Structure and Parametric Geometry. Archit Design, 83: 110-113. doi:
1.2 Disclaimer
Although being tested thoroughly Karamba3D probably contains errors – therefore no guarantee can
be given that Karamba3D computes correct results. Use of Karamba3D is entirely at your own risk.
Please read the license agreement that comes with Karamba3D in case of further questions.
Chapter 2
Getting started
If all goes well during installation you will notice upon starting Grasshopper (GH) that there is a new
category called Karamba3D on the component panel. It consists of roughly ten subsections (see
figure 2.1). In case you do not see any icons select “Draw All Components” in Grasshoppers “View”-
menu. The installation can be tested by placing a Karamba3D “License”-component on the canvas:
it should not issue a warning or error. If not, see section 4.3.1 for how to solve that issue. On Apple
machines make sure to have Microsofts .NET Framework 4.0 installed in case of Rhino5 and version
4.5 in case of Rhino6.
• “1.Model”: lets you create a basic models with default settings for cross sections and materials
• “3.Cross Section”: contains components to create and select cross sections for elements.
2.1 Karamba3D Entities 7
• “8.Utilities”: contains some extra geometric functionality that makes it easier to handle and
optimize models.
The colors of Karamba3D’s icons have a special meaning: black or white designates the entity or
entities on which a component acts. Products of components get referenced by a blue symbol.
Grasshopper (GH) is an object oriented, visual scripting environment. It provides items like points,
curves, surfaces, . . . for geometric computing. The full range of geometric items can be inspected
in the subcategory “Geometry” of the toolbar section “Params”. Karamba3D adds seven entities for
building structural models:
• “Element Set”: groups together elements in a given order, makes them accessible under a
common name.
• “Material”: provides information regarding the physical behavior of what a cross section is
made of.
• They can be stored in containers (see the “Params” subcategory of the “Karamba3D” toolbar).
• When converted into text by plugging them into a panel they provide textual output regarding
their fundamental properties.
In order to build a structural model not all of the above entities need to be present. Karamba3D
assumes default settings for materials and cross sections:
• If no material is given, Karamba3D chooses steel (S235 according to EC3 with fyk = 23.5 kN/cm2 )
for all cross sections.
• For beams the default is a circular hollow cross sections (CHS) with an outer diameter of
114.4 mm and a wall thickness of 4 mm. The default thickness of shells amounts to 10 mm.
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis 8
1. “ModelView”: sets the general display properties. These are stored in the model and stay valid
until overwritten by a downstream “ModelView”-component.
2. “BeamView”: lets you control the display properties specific for beams. Renders e.g. the cross
section as a mesh.
Fig. 2.3 shows hot the “ModelView”- and “BeamView”-component team up for rendering the beam-
model. In order to unfold the viewing-components click on the black section headings on the compo-
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis 9
nents. In the “Tags” section of “ModelView” the “Elements” checkbox is on by default. This enables
the display of the elements middle axis. When activated, the “Nodetags”-option makes the node
numbers show up. The nodes in a Karamba3D model are numbered starting with zero. The same
applies to model elements. Showing their identifiers via “Element Ids” is sometimes more useful.
In case of more than one element the “Assemble”-component rigidly connects them if their nodes co-
incide. If working with imprecise geometry this can give unexpected results: Although two elements
may appear connected, there could ne in fact inaccuracies in the node positions. A gap in a model
usually has a large impact on its physical behavior. Enabling the display of node indexes can help to
find such gaps, since there will be two node numbers in one place.
Figure 2.4 Supports specify how a structure interacts with the ground.
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis 10
For static analysis, a structure needs to be supported in such a way that it can not fly around freely.
In three dimensional space, a rigid body has six modes of movement or degrees of freedom (DOFs):
three translations and three rotations (see fig. 2.5). Thus there need to be at least six support condi-
tions in a structural model to fix it. When a model or parts of it are moveable, the “Analyze”-component
either refuses to calculate or returns huge displacements. Should you encounter a problem like this
plug your model into the “Eigenmodes”-component. It can detect the rigid body movements which
cause the problem.
In Fig. 2.6 a point-load of 1kN is added at the tip of the cantilever beam. A Vector at the input-plug
“force” specifies direction and magnitude of the load: since the global Z-axis points upwards a load
acting downwards has a negative z-component.
The input-plug “LCase” can be used to set the number of the load case in which the load acts. This
allows different load scenarios (e.g. wind from different directions) to be created.
The dropdown list at the bottom of the “Loads”-component lets one choose between different types
of loads as shown in fig. 2.7. Gravity loads (1) act on the whole structure. The location of point loads
(2) can be specified by node index or position. Beam loads (3) act on elements given by element iden-
tifiers. Distributed loads on arbitrary meshes (4) get reduced to approximately statically equivalent
node and beam loads.
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis 11
Figure 2.7 definitions of gravity load (1), point load (2), uniformly distributed load on a beam (3) and distributed
load on a mesh (4)
The directions of gravity and point-loads refer to the global coordinate system. The direction vector
of beam- and mesh-loads can be specified relative to the global or local (relating to the element or
mesh) coordinate system.
Figure 2.8 Deflection and stress-wise utilization of a cantilever beam with a point-load at its tip.
Karamba3D offers various options of analyzing a structural model. The “Analyze” component (see
fig. 2.8) calculates the deformation and stresses of a model under external loads. The “Deformation”-
slider in the submenu “Display Scales” of the “ModelView”-component allows you to scale the graph-
ical output of the displacements. The default magnification factor is 50. In case the numeric range
of the “Deformation”-slider does not fit it can be adapted. A double-click on the knob of the slider
invokes a window for adapting the slider settings.
In order to get the numbers which correspond to the colors of the utilization output a “Legend”-
component is used in fig 2.8. Dividing the normal stress in a point of the cantilever by the strength of
its material gives the stress-wise utilization output of the “BeamView”-component. Negative values
correspond to compression, positive values to tension. Stress-wise utilization can be misleading:
Slender beams under axial compression buckle and thus collapse before the compressive stresses
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis 12
reach the material strength. The “Utilization”-component includes stability and should be used in
such cases.
Fig. 2.9 shows how to attach a custom cross section to an element. It is an I-profile with a height and
width of 50cm. The physical unit of any input- or output-value is mentioned in the help text which
pops up when the mouse pointer hovers over the corresponding plug.
There are to options for attaching cross sections to elements:
• Directly at the component where the element is created as shown in fig. 2.9.
• Via element names (“B” and “S” in fig. 2.10) or regular expression by plugging cross sections
into the “Assemble”-component.
Figure 2.10 left: definition of a beam cross section (1); Middle: definition of a shell cross section (2); Right:
selection of a cross section from the default cross section library. (3)
Arbitrary I-, hollow box, filled trapezoid and hollow circular cross sections can be defined for beams.
Alternatively Karamba3D lets the user select a predefined standard cross section. In case of shells,
it is possible to attach a different cross sections to each element.
The Karamba3D cross sections are available as multi-components: they can be accessed via the
single component “Cross Sections”. The drop down menu lets one select the cross section type.
2.2 Setting up a Structural Analysis 13
Figure 2.11 left: definition of an isotropic custom material (1). Middle: definition of an orthotropic custom
material (2). Right: selection of a material from the material library (3)
• Assignment via the “Assemble”-component. The “Elems|Id” input-plug specifies the names
of the elements to which the material shall be attached. Alternatively a regular expression
can be used to select elements. Leaving “Elems|Id” empty sets the material for all elements.
Materials are not attached to elements directly but to the element’s cross section. In order
to avoid side effects on other elements, cross sections get copied before a new material is
A material definition via the cross section overrides assignment via “Assemble”-component. Fig. 2.11
Figure 2.13 There are three components for visualizing the model: “ModelView”, “BeamView” and “ShellView”
Karamba3D offers three components for visualizing a structural model (see fig. 2.13):
1. “ModelView”: Sets the basic visualization properties like scaling factor of displacements, sizes
of symbols, number of displayed load case, . . .
Each of these components contains submenus which can be expanded by clicking on the black
caption bar. The numerical range of sliders can be set by double-clicking on their black knob. Visual-
ization properties stick to the model and stay valid until they get overruled by another downstream
visualization component.
Structural response properties can be used to inform the model and e.g. optimize it. Fig. 2.14 shows
some of the available options.
Figure 2.14 Retrieval of numerical results: nodal displacements (1), level of material utilization (2), resultant
cross section forces (3) and reaction forces (4).
On installing Karamba3D one can specify the family of physical units to be used for input and results.
The default option is metric (e.g. meters, centimeters, degree Celsius, Newtons, . . . ) but Karamba3D
can also deal with Imperial units (e.g. feet, inch, degree Fahrenheit, kiloponds, . . . ).
The set of units to be used can be changed any time by editing the “karamba.ini” file.
Depending on the family of units Karamba3D interprets geometric input either as meters or feet. The
kind of physical units that components expect to receive shows up in the tool-tip which appears when
the mouse pointer hovers over an input-plug.
Changing the type of physical units during the creation of a GH definition may give rise to problems:
The help text of Grasshopper components does not change dynamically. Switching from SI to Im-
perial Units leaves the help text of those components already placed on the canvas unaltered. The
interpretation of the input values however changes. Opening a GH definition with a Karamba3D ver-
sions with differently set physical units entails the same problem.
Karamba3D comes with databases for predefined cross sections and materials. The properties
there are given in SI units. The same applies to physical constants (e.g. “gravity”) defined in the
Throughout the rest of this manual SI units will be used exclusively in order to ensure good readability.
When specific differences exist between using Karamba3D with Imperial Units and SI units, this will
be mentioned in the text.
2.4.1 License
License: Returns the program version, license information and can be used to manage the
license file.
2.4 Quick Component Reference 16
2.4.2 Params
Karamba3D introduces seven new classes for defining structural models and corresponding contain-
Cross-section: Container for cross section objects
2.4.3 Model
This subcategory contains components for assembling a model, converting geometry into finite ele-
ments and defining support conditions.
Assemble Model: Creates a finite element model by collecting given entities (points, beams,
shells, supports, loads, cross sections, materials, . . . ).
Disassemble Model: Decomposes a model into its components.
Activate Element: Activates the elements of a model according to the activation list. Uses
the soft kill approach for inactive elements.
Line to Beam: Creates beams with default properties from given lines. Lines that meet at a
common point are by default rigidly connected with each other. Karamba assumes input to
be in meter or feet.
Connectivity to Beam: Creates beams with default properties from given connectivity dia-
Index to Beam: Creates beams with default properties from given node indexes.
Mesh to Shell: Creates shells with default properties from given meshes. Quad faces are
split to triangles.
2.4 Quick Component Reference 17
Modify Element: Multi-component for modifying elements. Works either directly on an ele-
ment or indirectly as an autonomous agent:
Point-Mass: Attaches a point mass to a node of given index or position. Does not result in
additional weight, only translational inertia.
Disassemble Element: Decomposes elements into their components.
Make Beam-Set: Puts beams designated by their beam identifier into a group.
Orientate Beam: Sets the local Z-axis of beams according to a given vector and adds a
rotation angle DAlpha [deg] about the longitudinal axis. Flips beam direction according to a
given x-vector.
Select Beam: Selects beams according to a given identifier and puts all incoming beams in
two groups: selected or rejected. The identifier may be the element index, name or a regular
Support: Creates supports at nodes of given node-indexes or node-coordinates. Lets you
select translations/rotations which should be zero and the support orientation with respect
to the global coordinate system.
2.4.4 Load
The component in this subcategory let one define and manipulate external actions which impact a
Loads: Multi-component for defining loads:
• Gravity (default): Creates gravity from a specified direction vector for given load-
• MeshLoad Const: Creates approximately equivalent point- and line-loads from a const
surface load on a mesh. The constant surface load is defined by one vector.
• MeshLoad Var: Creates approximately equivalent point- and line-loads from a vari-
able surface load on a mesh. The variable surface load is defined by one vector for
each mesh face. The longest list principle applies when the mesh-faces outnumber the load-
Disassemble Mesh Load: Splits a mesh-load into corresponding line- and point-loads.
• Box-Profile (default): Creates rectangular, trapezoid and triangular hollow cross sec-
• Shell Const: Lets you set the height and material of a shell with constant cross sec-
• Shell Var: Lets you set the height and material of each face of a shell.
• ShellRC Std Const: A standard reinforced concrete cross section consists of four
layers of orthogonal reinforcement. This component allows to define such a cross
section which is constant throughout a shell.
• ShellRC Std Var: Same as above, lets one set the reinforced concrete cross section
properties for each shell face separately.
Beam-Joint Agent: Crawls around in the model and adds joints to beams on the basis of
geometric relations. Is of type cross section.
2.4 Quick Component Reference 19
Eccentricity on Beam: Sets the eccentricity of a cross section relative to the element axis
in global coordinates.
Eccentricity on Cross Section: Sets the eccentricity of a cross section relative to the ele-
ment axis in local beam coordinates.
Modify Cross Sections: Multi-component for modifying cross sections. Works either di-
rectly on a cross section object or indirectly as an autonomous agent:
• Modify Beam Cross Sections (default): Modifies beam cross sections only.
Cross Section Range Selector: Lets you select cross sections by country, shape, family or
maximum depth or width.
Cross Section Matcher: Returns for a cross section the best fitting cross section contained
in a given list. The matched cross section is equal or better in all mechanical aspects at
minimum weight.
Cross Section Selector: Lets you select cross sections by name, regular expression or index
from a list of cross sections.
Generate Cross Section Table: Converts a list of cross sections into a string which can be
streamed as a csv-file and used as a cross section table.
Read Cross Section Table from File: Reads cross section data from a csv-file.
2.4.6 Material
Material Selection: Lets you select a material by name, regular expression or index from a
list of materials.
Read Material Table from File: Reads a list of materials from a table given in csv-format.
2.4.7 Algorithms
AnalyzeThI: Calculates the deflections of a given model using first order theory.
AnalyzeThII: Calculates the deflections of a given model including the effect of axial or in-
plane forces.
2.4 Quick Component Reference 20
Analyze Nonlinear WIP: Handles calculations involving large deformations. Is work in progress:
the speed of convergence will be improved in future releases. Currently it works best for
beams, but can also handle shell structures.
Large Deformation Analysis: Does an incremental geometrically non-linear analysis for
loads in load case zero. Return displacements only, no stresses of cross section forces.
Buckling Modes: Calculates the buckling-modes and buckling load-factors of the given
model under normal forces N II .
Eigen Modes: Calculates the eigen-modes of the given model according to the special eigen-
value problem.
Natural Vibrations: Calculates the natural vibrations of the given model.
Optimize Cross Section: Iteratively selects optimum cross sections for beams, trusses and
BESO for Beams: Optimizes the topology of beams in a a structure by using Bi-directional
Evolutionary Structural Optimization.
BESO for Shells: Optimizes the topology of shells in a a structure by using Bi-directional
Evolutionary Structural Optimization.
Optimize Reinforcement: Performs reinforcement design for shells. It uses linear elastic
cross section forces and the assumption of zero tensile concrete strength for determining
reinforcement quantities
Tension/Compression Eliminator: Removes beams or trusses under axial tension or com-
pression. By default compression members will be removed.
2.4.8 Results
Model View: Lets you inspect the general properties of the model.
Utilization of Elements: Multi-component that returns the utilization of elements. “1” means
100 %:
• Utilization of Shells: Returns the maximum Van Mises stress in each sub-element of
the shell.
2.4 Quick Component Reference 21
Beam View: Lets you inspect beam properties: section forces, cross sections, displacement,
utilization and stresses. Is to be plugged into the definition after the ModelView-component.
Shell View: Lets you inspect shell properties: displacement, utilization, principal stresses
and Van Mises stress. Is to be plugged into the definition after the ModelView-component.
Shell Line Results: Multi-component for generating line results on shells:
• Force Flow Lines on Shells (default): Computes flow lines for forces in given direc-
tion at user defined positions.
• Isolines on shells: Creates lines that connect points of same value for selected shell
results (e.g. principal stresses, displacement, utilization, cross section thickness) at
user defined positions. Also returns values and can thus be used for probing the shell state.
• Principal Moment Lines on Shells: Returns the principal moment lines that originate
from user defined points on shells.
• Principal Stress Directions on Shells: Outputs the principal stress directions in the
center of each shell element.
Shell Vector Results: Multi-component for generating vector results in each element of a
• Principal Forces on Shells (default): Outputs the first and second principal normal
forces and moments in the center of each shell element as vectors.
• Principal Stresses on Shells: Outputs the values of first and second principal stress
on a given layer in the center of each shell element.
Shell forces: Outputs the values of first and second principal normal forces and moments
in the center of each shell element.
2.4.9 Export
Export Model to RStab: Exports a model to RStab5, RStab6, RStab7, RStab8 or Robot by
creating a DStV-file.
2.4.10 Utilities
2.4 Quick Component Reference 22
Nearest Neighbors: Connects each node of one set to a given number of nearest neighbor
nodes or neighbors within a specified distance of another set.
Multi-dimensional Nearest Neighbors: Performs a multidimensional nearest neighbor search
on a two sets of vectors.
Cull Curves: Inputs a data tree of straight lines and thins them out so that no lines in different
branches are closer than a given limit distance.
Detect Collisions: Counts the number of intersections between the model and a given mesh.
Get Cells from Lines: Creates closed cells from a graph and vertices on a user supplied
Line-Line Intersection: Intersects given lines and returns resulting end-points and pieces.
Line-Mesh Intersection: Returns the points where given lines intersect given meshes.
Mesh Breps: Takes multiple breps and generates a unified mesh from them. The algorithm
takes account of common edges and insertion points. This lets one define positions for
supports or point-loads on shells.
Principal States Transformation: Transforms given principal vectors of stresses, moments
or in-plane forces to an arbitrary direction.
Remove Duplicate Lines: Eliminates identical lines.
Element Felting: Felts elements of a model by connecting them at their mutual closest
Interpolate Shapes: Interpolates between a base geometry (0.0) and given shape(s) (1.0).
Simple Stitch: Multi-component for defining modes of connection between sets of beams:
• Stacked Stitch: Connects beam sets by a preset number of elements that do not
intersect each other.
• Proximity Stitch: Connects beam sets by a preset number of elements whose maxi-
mum inclination can be controlled via min/max offset-limits from their starting point.
User Iso-Lines: Creates iso-lines on a model based on user supplied nodal values.
User Stream-Lines: Creates stream-lines on a model based on user supplied vectors at the
Chapter 3
3.1 Model
The subsection “1.Model” of Karamba3D contains components for handling the basic aspects of a
statical model.
Figure 3.1 The “Assemble”-component gathers data and creates a model from it.
In case that some beams were defined by node indexes then these will refer to the list of points given
at the “Pt”-input-plug: the first node in the list has index zero in the model, the next one index one,
and so on. The “Pt”-input can also be used to give the model nodes a specific order.
The value at the input-plug “LDist” defines the distance of points below which they will be merged
to one. This helps in dealing with inaccurate geometry. The limit distance default value is 5 mm.
Snapping together of nodes does not apply to points given via the “Pt”-input-plug. This can be used
for defining zero length springs between.
By default, elements with coincident nodes get rigidly connected. Sometimes however it is necessary
to introduce a spring element of zero length in order to get more control over how elements interact
3.1 Model 24
– think e.g. of the bolt which connects the two pieces of a scissor mechanism. In such a case one
can provide duplicate points via the “Pt”-input. Elements, which connect to these points do so in
alternating fashion: the first element in the model connects to the first duplicate node, the elements
after that to the second, and so on. The actual connection between the elements can be made via a
spring with zero length as shown in fig. 3.2. The local axes of zero length spring elements correspond
to the global coordinate system.
Figure 3.2 In order to define zero length elements provide duplicate points at the “Pt”-input of the “Assemble”-
and “LineToBeam”-component. Elements attach to these nodes in alternating fashion.
Cross sections of elements and materials can be defined either upon creating an element or at the
“Assemble”-component. The letter option overrides the former and assigns cross sections and mate-
rials via element identifiers. Using regular expressions for selecting identifiers of elements provides
a flexible means of attaching cross sections and materials to different parts of a model.
The output-plug “Mass” renders the mass of the structure in kilogram, “COG” the position of its center
of gravity. When being plugged into a panel the model prints basic information about itself: number
of nodes, elements, and so on. At the start of the list the characteristic length of the model is given,
which is calculated as the distance between opposing corners of its bounding box.
Figure 3.5 The “Connected Parts”-component groups beams into sets of elements that have at least on node
in common each.
3.1 Model 26
Figure 3.6 Setting the activation state of all elements of a model with a list of boolean values.
The activation state of an element can be controlled with the “Activate Element”-component (see fig.
3.6). This component expects a model and a list of boolean values as input. The list of true/false
values will be mapped to the activation status of the elements in the model. “True” corresponds to
active, “False” to inactive. Section 3.5.9 shows, how the “Activate Element”-component enables one
to view the solution history of the iterative “BESO for Beams”-algorithm.
Karamba3D sets elements inactive by giving them a very weak material with zero weight.
Figure 3.7 The “LineToBeam”-component that turns two lines into beams
Elements can be given non-unique names via the “Id”-input . It takes a list of strings as identifiers for
beams. The default value is an empty string. Each beam has a name by default: its zero based index
3.1 Model 27
in the model. Identifiers provide a useful means to group the beams in order to modify or display
Cross sections can be attached to elements with the “CroSec”-input. Cross section definitions via
the “Assemble”-component override these settings.
A click on the “Options” submenu heading reveals additional input-options of the “LineToBeam”-
• “Pts”: The order in which points appear in the output node-list is random by default. However
it is sometimes advantageous to identify certain points by their list index in order to put loads
on them or to define supports. This can be achieved by feeding a list of coordinates into the
“Points”-plug. They will be placed at the beginning of the output nodes-list. So in order that
the end-points of the structure in figure 3.7 have index 0 and 1 it is necessary to input a list of
points with coordinates (0/0/0) and (8/0/0).
• “New”: If this plug has the value “False” only those lines will be added to the structure that
start and end at one of the points given in the input points-list.
• “Remove”: If this option has the value “True” the LineToBeam-component checks for lines
that lie on each other and merges such duplicates into one. This prevents an error that is
hard to detect by visual inspection alone: Two lines on the same spot mean double member
stiffness in the statical model. Alternatively apply the “Remove Duplicate Lines”-component
from the karamba3D utilities section on the list of incoming lines. This assures a one-to-one
correspondence between lines and elements.
• “LDist”: Sets the limit distance for two points to be merged into one. Points supplied via lines
count as identical if their distance is less than that given in “LDist”. The default value of “LDist”
is 5 mm. The snapping of nodes does not apply to points supplied via the “Pt”-input-plug.
The mechanism for attaching duplicate nodes to elements is identical to that used by the
“Assemble”-component (see section 3.1.1).
• “Z-Ori”: The default orientation of beams and trusses is described in section 3.1.14. The “Z-
Ori”-input lets one define a non-standard direction for the local Z-axis.
• “Bending”: Allows to switch off the bending stiffness of beams. For details see section 3.1.10.
Beams that meet at a common point are by default connected rigidly in the statical model like they
were welded together. See section 3.3.6 on how to define joints at the end of beams. The “Info”
output-plug informs about the number of removed nodes and beams.
In order to be of immediate use, beams come with a number of default properties. They can be
seen in the top right string-output of figure 3.7: “active” means that a beam will be included in the
statical model. The default cross section is a circular hollow profile of diameter 114 mm with a
wall-thickness of 4 mm. The default material is steel of grade “S235” according to Eurocode 3.
Figure 3.8 The “Connectivity to Beam”-component turns connectivity diagrams into sets of beams.
The input-plugs “Z-Ori”, “Color”, “Id” and “CroSec” have the same meaning as for the “LineToBeam”-
component (see 3.1.6).
Figure 3.9 The “IndexToBeam”-component lets you directly define the connectivity information of beams.
Sometimes the initial geometry is already given as a set of points and two lists of node-indexes with
one entry for each start- and end-point of beams respectively. In such a case it would be cumber-
some to convert this information into geometric entities only for feeding it into the “LineToBeam”-
component which reverses the previous step. The “IndexToBeam”-component (see figure 3.9) ac-
cepts a pair of lists of node-indexes and produces beams with default properties from it. This speeds
up model generation considerably for there is no need to compare nodes for coincident coordinates.
The “IndToBeam”-component makes it possible to define elements with zero length. This proves use-
ful in case you want to connect elements that touch each other but should not be rigidly connected
(think of a scissor – see section 3.3.3 about springs).
The input-plugs “Z-Ori”, “Color”, “Id” and “CroSec” have the same meaning as for the “LineToBeam”-
component (see 3.1.6).
Each patch of shells can be given an identifier via input “Id” for later reference when attaching custom
material or cross section properties. By default shells have a thickness of 1[cm] and steel as their
material. Use the “CroSec”-input to change that. Clicking on the “Options” submenu header further
unfolds the component: The “Pts”- and “LDist”-input serve the same purpose as in the “LineToBeam”-
component – see sec. 3.1.6. Additionally mesh faces with an area smaller than LDist2 · 0.1 get
automatically removed
The shell elements used in Karamba3D resemble the TRIC-element devised by Argyris and coworkers
(see [1], [2] for details). They are facetted (i.e. flat) elements. Karamba3D neglects transverse shear
deformation in case of shell elements.
1. Insert it in front of the “Assemble”-component and let element objects flow through it (see e.g.
the modification of beams in fig. 3.11). By default the “ModifyElement”-component leaves all
incoming elements unchanged. Several “ModifyBeam”-components may act consecutively on
the same beam.
2. Create a stand-alone element-agent that can be fed into the “Elem”-input of the “Assemble”-
component. The input-plug “ShellId” or “BeamId” let you select the elements to be modified.
Use regular expressions to specify groups of elements.
Modify Beam
These element properties can be modified:
Activation status of beams
When input “Active” is set to false the corresponding beam is excluded from further calculations until
“Active” is reset to true. See section 3.1.5 for an alternative way of setting a beams activation state.
Bending stiffness
3.1 Model 30
Beams resist normal forces and bending moments. Setting the “Bending”-input of the “ModifyElement”-
component to “False” disables the bending stiffness and turns the corresponding beam into a truss.
There exist reasons that motivate such a step:
• Connections between beams that reliably transfer bending and normal force are commonly
more expensive than those that carry normal force only. The design of connections heavily
depends on the kind of material used: rigid bending connections in wood are harder to achieve
than in steel. Yet rigid connections add stiffness to a structure and reduce its deflection. There-
fore you are always on the safe side if you use truss elements instead of beams.
• For slender beams i.e. beams with small diameter compared to their length the effect of
bending stiffness is negligible compared to axial stiffness. Just think of a thin wire that is
easy to bend but hard to tear by pulling.
• Abandoning bending stiffness reduces computation time by more than half for each node with
only trusses attached.
• Karamba3D bases deflection calculations on the initial, undeformed geometry. Some struc-
tures like ropes are form-active. This means that when a rope spans between two points the
deformed geometry together with the axial forces in the rope provide for equilibrium. This
effect is not taken into account in Karamba3D first order theory (Th.I.) calculations. In such a
case only the bending stiffness of the rope (which is very small) keeps it from deflecting indef-
initely. One way to circumvent this lies in using a truss instead of a beam-element when doing
first order analysis. The second possibility would be to reduce the specific weight of the rope
to zero (see further below). The third possibility would be to start from a slightly deformed
rope geometry and apply the external loads in small steps where the initial geometry of each
step results from the deformed geometry of the previous one (see section 3.5.4).
Trusses only take axial forces. Therefore they do not prevent the nodes they are connected to from
rotating. In case that only trusses attach to a node, Karamba3D automatically removes its rotational
degrees of freedom. Otherwise the node could freely rotate which is a problem in static calculations.
3.1 Model 31
As soon as one beam with bending enabled connects to a node the node has rotational degrees of
freedom. Bear this in mind when the “Analysis”-component turns red and reports a kinematic system.
Transferring only axial forces means that a truss reduces a nodes movability in one direction. A node
that is not attached to a support has three translational degrees of freedom. Thus there must be three
truss elements that do not lie in one plane for a node to be fixed in space.
Height and Thickness of Cross-sections
“Height” – which in case of circular tubes is equivalent to the outer diameter D – and wall-thickness of
a cross-section influence a beams axial and bending stiffness. Karamba3D expects both input values
to be given in centimeter. The cross-section area is linear in both diameter and thickness whereas
the moment of inertia grows linearly with thickness and depends on D3 for e.g. full rectangular
sections and on D2 for e.g. I-profiles and box sections. So in case of insufficient bending stiffness it
is much more effective to increase a beams height (or diameter) than increasing its wall thickness.
Local and Global Eccentricity of the Beam Axis
The input-plugs “EcceLoc” and “EcceGlo” serve to set the eccentricity of the beam-axis with respect to
the connection line between its endpoints. Both expect a three dimensional vector. “EcceLoc” refers
the eccentricity to the local, “EcceGlo” to the global coordinate system. Eccentricities of beams can
also be defined via the “Eccentricity on Beam”-component (see sec. 3.3.7).
Orientation of the Beam
Lets you define the orientation of a beam. Works analogously to the orientate-beam-component (see
Buckling property for cross section optimization
Buckling can be turned off for cross section optimization. This lets you simulate pre-tensioned, slen-
der elements without having to really pretension them. The necessary pretension force is roughly
the negative value of the largest compressive axial normal force of all load cases.
Buckling length in local beam directions
For doing cross section optimization it is necessary to know a beam’s buckling length. Karamba3D
approximates it using the algorithm described in section 3.5.8. For cases of system buckling this
approximation does not lie on the safe side. The input-plugs “BklLenY”, “BklLenZ” and “BklLenLT”
allow to specify the buckling length of a beam for its local Y- and Z- axis respectively as well as
for lateral torsional buckling. When specified, these values override those from the buckling length
calculation of Karamba3D. The value “lg” sets the distance of transverse loads from the center of
shear of the cross section. It defaults to zero. Positive values mean that the loads point towards the
shear center and thus act destabilizing for lateral torsional buckling. The property “lg” influences the
beams utilization with respect to lateral torsional buckling according to Eurocode 3.
Second order theory normal force N II
Axial normal forces influence the stiffness of a beam in second order theory (Th.II) calculations. If
compressive they lower, in case of tension they increase its bending stiffness. Think of a guitar
string which vibrates at a higher frequency (i.e. is stiffer) under increased tension. In Karamba3D
the normal force which impacts stiffness (N II ) is independent from the normal force which actually
causes stresses in the cross section (N ). This enables one to superimpose second order theory
results on the safe side by choosing N II as the largest compressive force N of each beam.
Modify Shell
3.1 Model 32
3.1.11 Point-Mass
Figure 3.12 Vibration mode of beam with point mass in the middle.
Karamba3D is capable of calculating the natural vibration modes and frequencies of structures (see
sec. 3.5.7). For results to match reality the inertia properties of a structure need to be modeled
correctly. Masses of elements (e.g. beams, trusses, shells) are automatically taken care of. All
other items need to be included via point-masses. Be aware of the fact that masses defined with the
“Point-Mass”-component do not have a weight but inertia only! Thus they effect only the calculation
of natural frequencies. The “Point-Mass” component expects a mass in kg at its input-plug “Mass”
(see fig. 3.12). Nodes where masses shall sit can be identified by supplying node indexes or positions
(just like for point-loads). Point masses get displayed as green spheres. Their diameters result from
the volume calculated as mass divided by density. The latter defaults to 7850 kg/m3 (steel) and can
be provided at the input-plug-“rho”.
length which may result from such a split. In case of potentially smaller segments the intersection
point snaps to its nearest neighbor.
In order to group a structure visually, beam-sets can be given different colors. These colors show
when “Cross section” is enabled in the “BeamView”component’s “Render Settings” (see section 3.6.7)
and the option “Elements” in the submenu “Colors” of the “ModelView”-component is on.
The identifier of a beam-set can be used anywhere instead of a beam identifier. In order to be
registered with the model, beam-sets need to be fed into the “Set” input-plug of the “Assemble”-
Orientate Beam
Figure 3.15 The orientation of the local beam coordinate system can be controlled with the “OrientateBeam”-
In Karamba3D the default orientation of the local coordinate system of a beam or truss follows these
• The local X-axis (of red color) is the beam axis and points from starting-node to end-node.
• The local Y-axis (green) is at right angle to the local X-axis and parallel to the global XY-plane.
This specifies the local Y-axis uniquely unless the local X-axis is perpendicular to the XY-plane.
If this is the case, the local Y-axis is chosen parallel to the global Y-axis. The default criteria
for verticality is, that the z-component of the unit vector in axial direction is larger or equal
to 0.999 999 995. This value can be changed in the karamba.ini-file via the “limit_parallel”
• The local Z-axis (blue) follows from the local X- and Y-axis so that the three of them form a
right-handed coordinate system.
3.1 Model 35
The local coordinate system affects the direction of locally defined loads and the orientation of the
element’s cross section. Use the “Orientate Beam” component to set the local coordinate system
(see fig. 3.15):
• The input plug “X-axis” accepts a vector. The local X-axis will be oriented in such a way that its
angle with the given vector is less than 90 degree. This allows to give a consistent orientation
to a group of beams.
• The local Y-axis lies in the plane which is defined by the local X-axis and the vector plugged into
the “Y-axis”-input. If the Y-axis is parallel to the beam axis it is not applicable to the element.
• If no vector is supplied at the “Y-axis”-input or the given Y-axis is not applicable, then the local
Z-axis of the beam lies in the plane which is defined by the local X-axis and the vector plugged
into the “Z-axis”-input.
• “Alpha” represents an additional rotation angle (in degree) of the local Z-axis about the local
In order to control the orientation of a beam, the “Orientate Beam”-component can be applied in two
2. “Agent”. Specify beams by identifier via input “BeamId” and plug the resulting beam-agent
directly into the “Elem”-input of the “Assemble”-component. This method allows to harness
the power of regular expressions for selecting elements (see section 3.1.15).
Orientate Shell
For shells the default orientation of their local coordinate systems can be seen in fig. 3.16. The
following convention applies: The local x-axis is parallel to the global x-direction unless the element
normal is parallel to the global x-direction. In that case the local x-axis points in the global y-direction.
The local z-axis is always perpendicular to the shell element and its orientation depends on the order
of the vertices of the underlying mesh face: If the z-axis points towards ones nose, the order of the
face vertices is counter-clockwise1
See fig. 6.17 in [12] for an unforgettable way of remembering the right-hand rule of rotation.
3.1 Model 36
The “orientate Shell”-component lets one control local x- and z- directions of the elements which
make up a shell: “X-oris” and “Z-Oris” inputs expect lists of direction vectors, one for each mesh face.
In case the number of vectors does not match the number of faces the longest list principle applies.
Infeasible directions (e.g. a prescribed z-vector which lies in the plane of an element) get ignored.
Regarding the application of the “orientate Shell”-component the same two options (“flow-through”
or “agent”) exist as for the “Orientate Beam”-component.
• “&.[1-2]”: a “.” matches any character; “[1-2]” matches one character in the range of “1” to “2”.
This is equivalent to “[12]”.
3.1 Model 37
• “&b.”: matches any identifier that starts with “b” followed by an arbitrary character.
• “&.[13]”: matches any identifier that starts with an arbitrary character followed either by “1” or
There are two output-plugs on the “Select Beam”-component: “SElem” renders the selected elements
which match the selection criteria, “RElem” returns the rest. The entries of the “SElem” and “RElem”
output data remember their spot in the original list of elements. Joining them results in the original
order of elements.
3.1.16 Support
Without supports a structure would have the potential to freely move around in space. This is not de-
sirable in case of most buildings. Thus there should always be enough supports so that the structure
to be calculated can not move without deforming i.e. exhibits no rigid body modes.
When defining the supports for a structure one has to bear in mind, that in three dimensional space a
body has six degrees of freedom (DOFs): three translations and three rotations (see figure 3.19). The
structure must be supported in such a way that none of these is possible without invoking a reaction
force at one of the supports. Otherwise Karamba3D will either refuse to calculate the deflected state
or render very large displacements. Sometimes you get results from moveable structures although
you should not: The reason for this lies in the limited accuracy of computer-calculations which leads
to round-off errors. Sometimes one is tempted to think that if there act no forces in one direction –
consider e.g. a plane truss – then there is no need for corresponding supports. That is wrong: What
counts is the possibility of a displacement.
Errors in defining support conditions are easy to detect with Karamba3D: In section 3.5.6 it is shown
how to calculate the Eigen-modes of a structure. This kind of calculation works even in cases of
moveable structures: rigid body modes – if present – correspond to the first few eigen-modes.
Figure 3.20 shows a simply supported beam. The “Support”-component takes as input either the
index3 or the coordinates of the point (or a list with indexes or positions of points) to which it applies.
In order to find out the index of a specific node, enable the node-tag checkbox in the “ModelView”-component. See
section 3.1.6 on how to predefine the index of specific nodes
3.1 Model 38
Figure 3.19 Metaphor for the six degrees of freedom of a body in three-dimensional space.
By default the coordinate system for defining support conditions is the global one. This can be
changed by defining a plane and feeding it into the “Plane”-input plug of the “Support”-component.
Six small circles on the component indicate the type of fixation: The first three correspond to trans-
lations in global x, y and z-direction, the last stand for rotations about the global x,y and z-axis. Filled
circles indicate fixation which means that the corresponding degree of freedom is zero. The state of
each circle can be changed by clicking on it. The string output of the component lists node-index or
nodal coordinate, an array of six binaries corresponding to its six degrees of freedom and the number
of load-case to which it applies. Supports apply to all load cases by default.
Supports cause reaction forces. These can be visualized by activating “Reactions” in the “Display
Scales” section of the “ModelView”-component (see section 3.6.1). They show as arrows with num-
bers in green – representing forces – and purple – representing moments. The numbers either mean
kN in case of forces or kNm when depicting moments. The orientation of the moment arrows corre-
sponds to the screw-driver convention: They rotate about the axis of the arrow anti-clockwise when
3.2 Load 39
looked at in such a way that the arrow head points towards the observer2 .
(a) (b)
Figure 3.21 Influence of support conditions – undeformed and deflected geometry. Left:All translations fixed
at supports. Right: One support moveable in horizontal direction.
From the support-conditions in figure 3.20 one can see that the structure is a simply supported
beam: green arrows symbolize locked displacements in the corresponding direction. The transla-
tional movements of the left node are completely fixed. At the right side two supports in y- and z-
direction suffice to block translational movements of the beam as well as rotations about the global
y- and z-axis. The only degree of freedom left is rotation of the beam about its longitudinal axis.
Therefore it has to be blocked at one of the nodes. In this case it is the left node where a purple
circle indicates the rotational support.
The displacement boundary conditions may influence the structural response significantly. Figure
3.21 shows an example for this: When calculating e.g. the deflection of a chair, support its legs in
such a way that no excessive constraints exist in horizontal direction – otherwise you underestimate
its deformation. The more supports one applies the stiffer the structure and the smaller the deflec-
tion under given loads. In order to arrive at realistic results introduce supports only when they reliably
By default the size of the support symbols is set to approximately 1.5 m. The slider with the heading
“Support” on the “ModelView”-component lets you scale the size of the support symbols. Double
click on the knob of the slider in order to set the value range.
3.2 Load
3.2.1 Loads
Currently Karamba3d supports these types of loads: gravity-, point-, imperfection-, pretension-, temper-
ature-loads, constant mesh-loads, variable mesh-loads and prescribed displacements at supports.
An arbitrary number of point-, mesh-, etc.-loads and one gravity-load may be combined to form a
load-case of which again an arbitrary number may exist. Figure 3.22 shows the definition of loads
with the help of the “Loads” multi-component. On the bottom of the “ModelView”-component (see
section 3.6.1) there is a drop-down-list (unfold it by clicking on the “Result-case Selection”-menu
See fig. 6.17 in [12] for an unforgettable way of remembering the right-hand rule of rotation.
3.2 Load 40
header) which can be used to select single load-cases for display. Select “–all–” in order to view all
existing load-definitions of all load-cases simultaneously. Use the force-slider to scale the size of
the load-symbols (double-clicking on its knob lets you change the value range and its current value).
It is the default setting when you place a “Loads”-component on the canvas.
Each load case may contain zero or one definition for the vector of gravity. In this way one can e.g.
simulate the effect of an earthquake by applying a certain amount of gravity in horizontal direction.
For Vienna, which has medium earthquake loads, this amounts to approximately 14 % of gravity that
a building has to sustain in horizontal direction. In areas with severe earthquake loads this can rise
to 100 % (this however also depends on the stiffness properties of the structure and underlying soil).
Gravity applies to all active elements in the statical model for which the specific weight gamma (see
section 3.4.1) is not zero. The gravity vector defines the direction in which gravity shall act. A vector
of length one corresponds to gravity as encountered on earth.
When working in SI-units Karamba3D assumes a value of 10 m/s2 for the acceleration of gravity. In
case of Imperial Units g = 9.806 635 2 m/s2 is used. Otherwise the conversion from pound mass
to pound force does not work. The value of g can be set in the “karamba.ini”-file, which resides in the
“Karamba3D” installation folder.
The component “Point-Load” lets you define loads on points. These get attached to their points
either by node-index6 or coordinate. Feed a corresponding list of items into the ”Pos|Ind”-plug (quite
analogous to the “Support”-component). Point-loads can be either a forces (kN) or moments (kNm).
In order to find out the index of a specific node enable the “node tag”-checkbox in the “ModelView”-component. See
section 3.1.6 on how to predefine the index of specific nodes or node-position
3.2 Load 41
Feed a force- or moment-vector into the “Force” or “Moment” input-plug. Its components define the
force or moment in global x-, y- and z-direction.
When set to “True” the boolean input “Local?” makes loads and moments follow the nodal rotations
in large displacement calculations (see section 3.5.4).
Plugging a point-load into a panel component gives the following information: Node-index where
the load gets applied or position, force-vector, moment vector, the number of load case to which it
belongs and whether the load is tied to the nodal coordinate system.
By default point loads will be put into load case zero. Any positive number fed into the “LCase”-plug
defines the load case to which the corresponding load will be attributed. A value of −1 signals that
the load acts in all existing load cases.
For more information on loads and some typical values see section A.4.2.
Figure 3.23 Displacements and reaction forces of an initially straight beam with a second order theory nor-
mal force of N II = 10 kN, an initial inclination of 0.1 rad about the local y-axis and an initial curvature of
0.1 rad/m.
There exists no such thing as an ideally straight column positioned perfectly vertical. The deviation
of a real column from its ideal counterpart is called imperfection. This term comprises geometric
and material imperfections.
The “Imperfection” variant of the “Loads” multi-component allows to specify geometric imperfections
(see fig. 3.23). “psi0” takes the vector of the initial inclination of the beam axis about the axes of the
local element coordinate system in radians. With “kappa0” one can specify the initial curvature. A
positive component of curvature means that the rotation of the middle axis about the corresponding
local coordinate axis increases when moving in longitudinal beam direction. Small inclinations and
curvatures are assumed.
Imperfection loads do not add directly to the beam displacements. They act indirectly and only in the
presence of a normal force N II . An initial inclination ψ0 causes transverse loads ψ0 · N II at the
elements endpoints. An initial curvature κ0 results in a uniformly distributed line load of magnitude
κ0 · N II and transverse forces at the elements endpoints that make the overall resultant force zero.
For details see e.g. [10].
Initial Strain-Load
Karamba3D lets you define axial initial strains. Fig. 3.24 shows a beam with both ends fixed, subject
to a positive initial constant strain and curvature. The unit of dimension of the pretension which gets
fed into the “Eps0” plug is mm/m. A positive value means that the element gets longer.
3.2 Load 42
Applying initial strain to an element is not the same as applying a pair of opposite forces or moments
at its endpoints: In case of initial strain, the axial force in the element depends on its boundary
conditions: If the structure to which it connects is very stiff then the resulting axial force will be N =
−0 · A · E. In figure 3.24 the supports are rigid, the elements cross section A = 25 cm2 , Young’s
Modulus E = 21 000 kN/cm2 and 0 = 0.00015. This results in an axial force of N = −78.75 kN
and shows up as horizontal support reactions. When the rest of the structure does not resist, then a
pretension-load merely results in lengthening or shortening the corresponding element.
The “Kappa0”-input is a vector of curvature values with respect to the local element axes. A positive
component value signifies an anti-clockwise rotation about the corresponding axis.
The input plug “ElemIds” defines the elements where the load acts and “LCase” the load-case.
Figure 3.24 Member under initial strains fixed at both ends and resulting support reactions.
The definition of temperature loads works analogously to defining pretension loads (see sec. 3.2.1).
The coefficient of thermal expansion (see section 3.4.1) characterizes the response of a material to
temperature changes.
Line-Load on Element
Figure 3.26 shows a tilted structure consisting of three beams under the action of a uniformly dis-
tributed load at elements “0” and “2”. The load acts parallel to the beams local z-axis. The compo-
nents of the load vector are assumed to be given in kilo Newton per meter kN/m. The input-plug
“BeamIds” receives a list of the identifier of the beams on which the load shall act. See section 3.1.6
for how to attach identifiers to beams. By default beams are named after their index in the FE-model.
There are three options for the orientation of the load: “local to element”, “global” and “global proj.”.
Their meaning corresponds to the options available for mesh-loads (see fig. 3.29). The input-plug
“LCase” which designates the load case defaults to “0”.
3.2 Load 43
Figure 3.26 Line loads on a structure consisting of three beam elements defined in local beam coordinate
1. “MeshLoad Const”: for loads which are constant throughout the mesh.
2. “MeshLoad Var”: lets one set specific load-values for each face of the mesh.
These two variants differ with respect to the data-structure expected at the input “Vec” and “Vecs”
respectively: Either a single vector for specifying a constant load or a list of vectors. In the latter
case the list items are applied to the mesh-faces based on the longest list principle. In what follows
the “MeshLoad Const”-variant will be depicted but everything mentioned there applies to “MeshLoad
Var” also.
Figure 3.27 left side shows a simply supported beam and a mesh which consists of two rectangular
faces. Each face covers one half of the beam and has a width of 2 m perpendicular to the beam
axis. With a distributed load of 1 kN/m2 in negative global Z-direction a uniformly distributed load
of 2 kN/m results.
In order to define structure nodes where equivalent point-loads may be generated, plug a list of
their coordinates into the “Pos”-plug. These need to correspond to existing nodes – otherwise the
Assembly-component turns red. Offending nodes will be listed in its run-time error message. By
default all points of the structure are included. Uncheck “Point loads” to avoid point-loads.
With the input-plug “BeamIds”, groups of elements can be specified on which equivalent loads shall
be generated. By default all beams of the model are included. In case no beam loads shall be included
uncheck the “Line loads” button on the “Generation” submenu.
3.2 Load 44
Figure 3.27 Simply supported beam loaded with line loads that approximate a given, evenly distributed surface
load on a mesh.
The procedure for calculating nodal loads and uniformly distributed beam loads from surface loads
consists of the following steps: First Karamba3D calculates the resultant load on each face of the
given mesh. Then the resultant load of each face gets evenly distributed among its three or four
The second step consists of distributing the vertex-loads among the nodes of the structure. In order
to arrive at beam loads additional helper-nodes along their axes get generated. The mutual distance
of those is chosen equal to a third of the mean edge length of the given mesh.
Each mesh vertex transfers its load to the nearest node. In case that there are several nodes within
a radius of less than “LDist” as set at the Assemble-component (see section 3.1.1) the vertex load
gets evenly distributed among them. The loads received by the helper-nodes along beam axes get
summed up and divided by the element length. This results in the approximately equivalent uniformly
distributed load which is placed on the element. From the procedure described, one can see that a
crude mesh may lead to a locally incorrect distribution of loads. In the system shown in fig. 3.27
the points closest to the vertices are the element’s end-points. Therefore the helper nodes along the
beam-axis do not receive a share in the mesh-load and thus no line-load results.
Fig. 3.28 shows a similar setting as in fig. 3.27. The difference lies in the refined mesh with more
vertices along the beam axis. Now loads from the mesh vertices get distributed also to the helper
nodes along the element axis. This leads to the generation of a uniform line-load.
Set the “LCase”-input to the index of the load case in which the surface load shall act. Indexing of
load-cases starts with zero, “−1” is short for all load cases.
The right side of figure 3.28 shows what data the “MeshLoad const”-component collects: The input-
plug “Vec” expects a vector which specifies the surface load. Its physical unit is kilo Newton per
square meter kN/m2 . The orientation of the load-vector depends on the checkbox selected under
“Orientation” (see also figure 3.29):
• “local to mesh”: The convention for local coordinate systems for local loads corresponds to
3.2 Load 45
Figure 3.28 Simply supported beam loaded with point loads (dark orange) that approximate a given, evenly
distributed surface load on a mesh.
that given in section 3.1.14: The local x-axis is parallel to the global x-direction unless the
mesh-face normal is parallel to the global x-direction. In that case the local x-axis points
in the global y-direction. The local z-axis is always perpendicular to the mesh-face and its
orientation depends on the order of the vertices: If the z-axis points towards ones nose, the
order of the face vertices is counter-clockwise.
Z-component of the force vector is at right angle to the mesh-face; the Y-component acts hori-
zontally if the mesh-face X-axis is not parallel to the global Z-axis. Otherwise the Y-component
of the force is parallel to the global Y-axis. This means a surface load with components only
in Z-direction acts like wind pressure.
• “global”: The force-vector is oriented according to the global coordinate system. This makes
the surface load behave like additional weight on the mesh plane.
• “global proj.”: The force-vector is oriented according to the global coordinate system. The
corresponding surface load is distributed on the area that results from projecting the mesh-
faces to global coordinate planes. In such a way the action of snow load can be simulated.
Figure 3.29 Orientation of loads on mesh: (a) local; (b) global; (c) global projected to global plane.
By default, the “MeshLoad const”-component creates point- and line-loads. The radio-buttons in the
submenu “Generation” can be used to disable the first or the latter.
3.2 Load 46
Figure 3.30 The “Disassemble Mesh Load”-component splits mesh-loads into point- and element-loads for
further reuse.
Figure 3.31 Left: Deflection of a beam under predefined displacements at its end-supports; Right: “PreDisp”-
component for setting displacement condition at left support.
geometric linear calculations. For approximating effects due to large displacements see e.g. section
Displacements can only be prescribed if the corresponding displacement degree of freedom is re-
moved from the statical system. This means you have to activate the corresponding button in the
Conditions-section of the “PreDisp”-component. The first three buttons stand for translations the
last three for rotations. Only those components of the “Trans”- and “Rot”-vectors take effect which
correspond to activated supports.
Karamba3D offers cross section definitions for beams, shells and springs. They can be generated
with the “Cross Sections” multi-component. Use the drop-down list on the bottom to chose the cross
section type.
The dimensions of each cross section may be defined manually or by reference to a list of cross
sections (see section 3.3.10).
Cross sections can be plugged directly into the components for creating elements (“LineToBeam”,
“MeshToShell”, . . . ). Alternatively when fed into an “Assemble”-component (see fig. 3.32) they act on
the elements whose identifiers match the string given via “Elem|Id”. In case an element is provided
at the “Elem|Id”-input, its identifier is used for attaching the cross section to elements. A cross sec-
tion added via the “Assemble”-component overrides a cross section provided directly at an element-
The indirect cross section specification through the “Assemble”-component has the advantage that
elements can be specified using regular expressions. Upon assembly all element identifier are com-
3.3 Cross Section 48
pared to the “Elem|Id” entry of a cross section. In case of a match the cross section is attached to
the element. An empty string – which is the default value – signifies that the cross section shall be
applied to all elements. If two cross sections refer to the same element then that which gets pro-
cessed later by the assemble-component wins. It makes no sense to attribute beam cross sections
to shells and vice versa – Karamba3D ignores any such attempts.
• I-profile
Fig. 3.32 shows a cantilever with cross section properties defined directly at the “LineToBeam”-
component. Without eccentricities defined, the beam axis always coincides with the centroid a cross
section. Changing e.g the upper flange width of an I-section therefore results in a slight movement
of the whole section in the local Z-direction. In case the position of e.g. the upper side of a cross
section needs to be fixed, specify an eccentricity. This can be done either via a specific component
(see section 3.3.7) or through the input-plug “Ecce-loc”. Provide a vector there in order to move the
cross sections relative to the beam axis. The given eccentricity is relative to the local coordinate
system of the beam. The resulting position of the centroid can be retrieved from the “Disassemble
Cross Section”-component (see section 3.3.4).
Apart from the input-plugs that define the cross section geometry, the “Elem|Id”- and the “Ecce-loc”-
input there are:
• “Family”: Each cross section belongs to a family. When doing cross section optimization (see
section 3.5.8), Karamba3D selects only profiles that belong to the same family as the original
section. Families can be composed of arbitrary section types.
• “Name”: The identifier of a cross section – need not be unique. Enable “CroSec names” in
ModelViews “RenderSettings”-submenu in order to view them.
• “Color”: Lets one define a color for a cross section. In order to see it enable “Cross sections” in
submenu “Colors” of the “ModelView”-component and activate “CroSec section” in submenu
“Render Settings” of the “BeamView”-component.
• “Material”: Sets the material of the cross section. Indirect material assignments via the “Assemble”-
component override direct definition of the cross section material.
1. “Shell Const”: For shells with constant thickness and material over all elements
3.3 Cross Section 49
2. “Shell Var”: Lets one specify the thickness and material of each element of the shell individually
3. “ShellRC Std Const”: This allows to specify a standard (Std) reinforced concrete(RC) cross
section which is constant over the shell.
4. “ShellRC Std Var”: The same as above but lets one choose the reinforced concrete properties
differently for each element
When rendering the shell cross sections (see fig. 3.33) thicknesses get linearly interpolated between
the nodes. The cross section height at each node results from the mean thickness of shell elements
attached to it.
The input-plugs “Family”, “Name”, “Color” and “Materials” have the same meaning as described in
section 3.3.1.
1. “ShellRC Std Const”: For shells with constant height, material and reinforcement. It saves the
user thoughts about data trees.
2. “ShellRC Std Var”: This component allows to specify different heights, materials and reinforce-
ment for each element of a shell mesh.
Further below variant two will be explained. The “ShellRC Std Const”-component works similar to the
variable-variant. The only difference are the data structures expected at the inputs.
Figure 3.34 Shell made up of two elements with different thicknesses, materials and reinforcement defini-
Fig. 3.34 shows the definition for a reinforced concrete shell with two elements. The geometry
corresponds to that of fig. 3.33. A standard reinforced concrete cross sections consists of five layers:
Layer zero is the concrete cross sections. The layers one to four correspond to reinforcement. The
top layer (with respect to where the local z-axis points to) comes first, the bottom layer last. Their
orientation with respect to layer zero is 0°, 90°, 90° and 0°.
Besides the standard inputs of cross sections (“Family”, “Name”, “Elem|Id” and “Color”) the “ShellRC
Std Var”-component offers these.
• “Materials-Concr”: Expects a list of materials to be used for the concrete cross section. The
items of this list get mapped to the shell elements according to the longest list principle.
“C30/37” according to Eurocode 2 represents the default concrete.
• “Heights”: Heights of the concrete cross sections for each element. The longest list principle
applies. The default height is 20 cm.
• “Materials-Reinf”: List of materials to be used as reinforcement for each element – by default
“BSt 500” according to Eurocode 2 with a characteristic strength of 50 kN/cm2 . Again the
longest list principle applies.
• “Areas”: Expects a data-tree with a maximum of four entries per branch. The values define the
minimum reinforcement for each layer. The physical unit is cm. Thus the areas of the rein-
forcement bars need to be divided by their mutual distance in order to arrive at an equivalent
plate thickness. The layer thicknesses default to 0 cm.
• “Covers”: input here a data-tree with four values per branch. These specify the position of the
reinforcement layers with respect to the upper and lower side of the concrete cross sections.
Positive values give the distance from the upper, negative values the distance from the lower
side towards the interior. Without any input the covers default to 3.5 cm, 4.5 cm, −4.5 cm
and −3.5 cm.
3.3 Cross Section 51
• “Dirs”: Reinforcement layers can be given an angle with respect to the local shell coordinate
system. A positive value rotates in anti-clockwise direction about the local z-axis. A value of
zero – which is the default – aligns the first and last layer with the local x-axis. The angle of
rotation can be specified for each shell element individually.
With the input-plug “LayerInd” of the “ShellView”-component one can select specific layers for visual
inspection and results retrieval.
Figure 3.35 Spring fixed at one end and loaded by a point load on the other.
Springs allow you to directly define the stiffness relation between two nodes via spring constants.
Each node has six degrees of freedom (DOFs): three translations and three rotations. Using the
“Cross Sections” multi-component with “Cross Section” set to “Spring” lets one couple these DOFs
by means of six spring-constants. A relative movement ui,rel between two nodes thus leads to a
spring force Fi = ci · ui,rel . In this equation ui,rel stands for a relative translation or rotation in
any of the three possible directions x, y, z, ci is the spring stiffness. In Karamba3D the latter has
the meaning of kilo Newton per meter kN/m in case of translations and kilo Newton meter per
radiant kNm/rad in case of rotations. The input-plugs “Ct” and “Cr” expect to receive vectors with
translational and rotational stiffness constants respectively. Their orientation corresponds to the
local beam coordinate system to which they apply. In case of zero-length springs this defaults to the
global coordinate system but can be changed with the “OrientateBeam”-component.
In case one wants to realize a rigid connection between two nodes the question arises as to which
spring stiffness should be selected. A value too high makes the global stiffness matrix badly con-
ditioned an can lead to a numerically singular stiffness matrix. A value too low results in unwanted
relative displacements. So you have to find out by trial and error which value gives acceptable results.
Figure 3.35 shows a peculiarity one has to take into account when using springs: They are unaware
of the relative position of their endpoints. This is why the load on the right end of the spring does
not evoke a moment at the left, fixed end of the spring.
Figure 3.36 Properties of a given cross section can be retrieved via the “Disassemble Cross Section”-
Figure 3.37 Three different but equivalent possibilities for defining a hinge based on geometric relations using
a “Beam-Joint Agent”-component.
The “Beam-Joint Agent” creates hinges on beams based on geometric relations. Fig. 3.37 shows
three different but equivalent possibilities for defining a joint. The element or the group of elements
where the joint(s) shall be placed is set by providing a list element identifiers at the “AtElemsIds” input-
plug. Upon assembly the beam-joint agent crawls around in the model and places hinges when one
of the following conditions apply:
• The node on the at-element connects to an element whose identifier is listed in the “ToElemIds”
• The node on the at-element connects to a node which has a number listed in the “ToNodeInd”
3.3 Cross Section 53
• The node on the at-element lies on one of the geometric items supplied in “ToGeom”. This can
be points, curves, planes, breps or meshes. The tolerance for two geometric items touching
in space is “LDist” as defined on model assembly (see 3.1.1).
The meaning of “Ct”, “Cr” and “Dofs” is analogous to that of the Beam-Joints-component featured in
section 3.3.6.
3.3.6 Beam-Joints
Figure 3.38 Beam under dead weight, fixed at both supports with a fully disconnected joint at one end resulting
in a cantilever.
A structure usually consists of a large number of load bearing elements that need to be joined to-
gether. When rigidly connected, such a joint has to transfer three section forces (one axial force, two
shear forces) and three moments (one torsional and two bending moments). Depending on the type
of material such full connections are sometimes (e.g. for wood) hard to achieve, costly and bulky. A
solution to this problem consists in introducing hinges.
Figure 3.38 shows a beam under dead weight with fully fixed boundary conditions at both end-points.
At the right end the joint (which is in fact no joint any more) completely dissociates the beam from
the support there. The result is a cantilever.
The symbols for joints resemble that for supports: pink arrows represent translational joints, white
circles symbolize moment hinges. In Karamba3D joints are realized by inserting a spring between
the endpoint of a beam and the node to which it connects. This necessitates sufficient support
conditions at the actual nodes to prevent them from freely moving around. See for example the right
node in fig. 3.38 which has to be fully fixed – otherwise the system would be kinematic.
The “Beam-Joint”-component allows to define hinges at a beam’s starting- and end-node. A list of
beam-identifiers lets you select the beams where the joint definition shall apply. Filled circles mean
that the corresponding degrees of freedom represent joints. “T” stands for translation, “R” for rotation.
Feed the resulting cross-section into the “Joint”-plug of the “Assemble”-component. The orientation
of the axes of the joints corresponds to the local coordinate system of the beam they apply to.
Sometimes the stiffness of connections lies between fully fixed and zero. With the input-plugs “Ct-
start” and “Cr-start” it is possible to set the stiffness of the hinge in translation (kN/m) and rotation
(kNm/rad) respectively at the start of the element. “Ct-end” and “Cr-end” provide the same function-
ality for the end-point.
3.3 Cross Section 54
In order to make the definition of hinges accessible to optimization the input-plugs “Dofs-start” and
“Dofs-end” can be used to set hinges at the beams endpoints with a list of numbers. Integers in the
range from 0 to 5 signify degrees of freedom to be released in addition to those specified manually
with the radio-buttons.
Figure 3.39 Beam positioned eccentrically with respect to the connection line of its two end-nodes.
Cross section forces of beam and truss elements relate to the line that connects the cross section
centroids. When a cross section changes, chances are high that also the position of its centroid
shifts. In case of elements predominantly loaded by bending moments, such a shift can normally be
neglected. In the presence of normal forces however – e.g. when considering columns – changes in
the centroid position lead to additional bending moments that may be decisive for a members cross
section design.
In Karamba3D there exist two components that can be used to take care of eccentricities (see fig.
3.39): One works on beams, the other on cross sections. When both variants of definition coincide for
an element, then they get additively combined. This enables one to define families of cross sections
of different size with e.g. the position of their upper sides at one level.
The definition of a local eccentricity for cross sections with a “Eccent-CroSec”-component is straight
forward: The “EcceLoc”-input plug expects a vector that defines the offset with respect to the local
beam axes. Values are expected in centimeters. “x” represents the longitudinal beam axis, “y” is
horizontal, “z” points vertically upwards. Cross sections with eccentricities can be stored in cross
section tables using the “Generate Cross Section Table”-component and thus be made reusable in
other projects.
The “Eccent-Beam”-component has one additional input-plug as compared to the cross section vari-
ant: “EcceGlo” lets one define beam eccentricities (cm) with respect to the global coordinate system.
• “General”: parameter which set the name, family, color, material and element identifiers.
• “Geometry”: properties that determine the cross section size and eccentricity
• “Resistance”: properties which are used by cross section deign procedures in order to deter-
mine the load-bearing capabilities.
3.3 Cross Section 55
Figure 3.40 A “Modify CroSec”-component can be used to imposes shear rigidity in local z-direction on a
cross section. Now the calculated maximum displacement coincides with the result of the formula without
shear effects.
The “Modify Cross Section”-component allows to change these properties. Two operation modes
exist for this component:
Flow through: When a Cross section is provided as input, the result on the left side is the same
cross section by default. Only those properties get changed, for which values are supplied as
Agent: The cross sections which shall be modified can be selected via the “Elem-Ids”-input. It is
possible to apply regular expressions. The resulting cross section agent is of type “Cross
Section” and gets active when being plugged into an “Assemble”-component.
Fig. 3.40 shows the definition of a simply supported beam under uniform load. Textbook formulas
for calculating the maximum displacement of such a system usually neglect the influence of shear-
deformations. In order to make a cross section nearly rigid in shear the “Modify Cross Section”-
component is used to set the shear area Az to a very large value.
In case the height or thickness of a cross section is changed along with deformation- or resistance
parameters, then evaluation proceeds from top to bottom: First, all parameters get updated accord-
ing to the new cross section dimensions, these may then be overwritten by new values for deforma-
tion of resistance properties. The drop-down list at the bottom of the component allows to switch
between beam- and shell-cross sections.
Figure 3.41 Selection of a range of cross sections from among a given list.
when clicking on the black “select”-bar offers further options for narrowing the search: country of
origin, general shape and family name.
In case one does not supply a list of cross sections at the “CroSec” input-plug, the cross section table
that comes with Karamba3D is used by default.
Figure 3.42 Cantilever with four different kinds of cross section taken from the standard cross section table.
The component “CroSecSelect” deals with selecting cross sections by name or index from a list of
cross sections. Provide the name(s) or index(es) of desired cross sections in the “Name|Ind”-plug.
Cross section names are not case sensitive. All characters coming after “#” count as remark. It is
possible to use regular expressions for selection (these start with “&”). Cross section names are
case sensitive. List indexes start from zero.
“CroSecSelect” lets you specify beams via the “Elems|Ids”-plug which shall be assigned a specific
cross section. The “Assemble”-component sets the cross-sections of elements accordingly. Alterna-
tively, cross sections can be directly plugged into the element-creation-components.
In case one does not supply a list of cross sections at the “CroSec”-input-plug, the cross section table
that comes with Karamba is used by default.
Figure 3.43 The “Cross Section Matcher”-component returning a standard profile for a custom profile.
“CSMatch”-component takes a cross section and a list of cross sections as input. Traversing the list
starting from the first element it proceeds until an appropriate profile is found which is returned as
the result.
• “family”: name of the group to which the cross section belongs (see section 3.3.1)
– “I”: I-section
– “[]”: hollow box section
– “V”: trapezoid, filled section
– “O”: circular tube
3.3 Cross Section 58
– “S”: spring
– “Sh”: shell
• geometric properties which are used for drawing the cross section
• area, moments of inertia, etc. that define the cross sections mechanical behavior. Can be
independently defined from the cross section geometry
A “#” in the first column means that the corresponding row serves as a comment.
The “GenCSTable”-component takes a cross section (or a list of cross sections) as input and returns
the equivalent table of data as a string. The physical units used for output are always metric. When
plugged into a panel the information can be streamed to a file which then constitutes a valid cross
section table. Karamba3D reads the data of cross section tables only once. So in order that changes
in a table take effect, restart Grasshopper.
Figure 3.45 List of cross sections generated from the standard cross section table.
Predefined cross sections stored in a csv-database can be used to generate lists of cross sections
via the “ReadCSTable”-component (see fig. 3.45). It works along the same lines as the “ReadMat-
Table” (see section 3.4.3) component. When given no path to a valid csv-table “ReadCSTable” uses
the cross section table that comes with Karamba3D and is situated in “. . . /Grasshopper/Libraries/-
Karamba/CrossSectionValues.bin”. This table contains definitions for a range of standard steel pro-
files. Depending on the given file extension the data is expected to either be in binary format (“.bin”)
or comma separated values (“.csv”). The former has the advantage of fast processing, the latter can
be viewed and extended using a text editor or OpenOffice. In csv-files “#” is used to mark the rest of
a line as comment. The physical units are always assumed to be metric – irrespective of the user
settings at installation. In case of an entry in a csv-file in the first column which is not a “#”, the cross
section properties get calculated based on the geometric dimensions of the cross section. In case
of a deviation between the given and the calculated values of more than 10 % a warning is output at
the “Info”-plug.
When opening the Karamba3D installation folder (double-click on the Karamba3D desktop icon for
that) you will find three differently named cross section tables: “CrossSectionValues.bin” and “Cross-
SectionValues_sortedForHeight.bin” contain cross sections sorted according to increasing height. In
“CrossSectionValues_sortedForWeight.bin” the area and thus weight per unit of length determines a
cross sections relative position within a family. When doing cross section optimization (see section
3.5.8) those two sorting options lead to different results. Depending on external requirements they
result in structures of minimum cross section height or structural weight.
3.4 Material 59
3.4 Material
There are two ways for defining materials in Karamba3D: Either select a material by name from a list
of materials (see section 3.4.2) or set mechanical material properties manually (see below).
The Appendix (see section A.4.1) contains additional information on mechanical properties of mate-
Materials constitute a property of cross sections. There are two ways of attaching materials to cross
1. In order to directly assign a material to a cross section, plug it into the corresponding cross
section creation component. This is overridden any indirect material definitions via the “As-
semble” component as described below.
2. Alternatively materials (like cross sections) may be plugged into the “Assemble” component.
They know about the elements (or element sets) they apply to by their “Elems|Ids” property:
This is a list of strings containing element identifiers (see 3.1.6) or regular expressions that
match a group of element identifiers (element-ids). Upon assembly each element-id is com-
pared to all “Elems|Ids” entries of a material. In case they match the material is attached to
the element. An empty string – which is the default value – signifies that the material shall be
applied to all elements.
Figure 3.46 The definition of the properties of two isotropic materials via the “Material Properties” component,
selection of the second material from the resulting list (mid, bottom) or selection from the default material
table (mid, top).
Material isotropy means that the material’s behavior does not change with direction. Karamba3D
uses the following parameters to characterize an isotropic material (see fig. 3.46):
3.4 Material 60
Family: Family name of the material (e.g. “steel”); is used for selecting materials from a list.
Name: Name of the material (e.g. “S235”); serves as identification when selecting materials from a
Elem|Id: An element with an identifier, a string containing an identifier or a regular expression that
depicts the elements that shall have the specified material
Color: Color of the material. In order to see it enable “Materials” in submenu “Colors” of the “ModelView”-
component, then enable “Cross section” in submenu “Render Settings” of the “BeamView”-
and/or “ShellView”-component.
G12: In-plane shear modulus (kN/cm2 ): In case of isotropic materials the following constraint ap-
plies: E/3 < G12 < E/2. in case this condition is not fulfilled, the structure may show
strange behavior.
G13: Transverse shear modulus (kN/cm2 ): Is the same as G12 in case of isotropic materials like
e.g. steel. This value can be chosen independently from E. In case of e.g. wood, the value
may be much smaller than G12.
The yield stress characterizes the strength of a material. The utilization of cross sections as dis-
played by the “BeamView”-component (see section 3.6.7) is the ratio of actual stress and yield stress.
In case of shells, utilization is determined as the ratio of Van Mises Stress (as computed from the
stresses in the shell) and yield stress (see section 3.6.11). Cross section optimization (see section
3.5.8) also makes use of the materials yield stress.
In case of temperature changes materials expand or shorten. “alphaT” sets the increase of strain per
degree Celsius of an unrestrained element. For steel the value is 1.0E − 5 (1.0E − 5 = 1.0 · 10−5 =
0.00001). Therefore an unrestrained steel rod of length 10 m lengthens by 1 mm under an increase
of temperature of 10 ◦C. “alphaT” enters calculations when temperature loads are present.
Figure 3.47 The definition of properties of an orthotropic material via the “Material Properties” component.
G12: In-plane shear modulus (kN/cm2 ): The value of G12 is liable to a constraint which is further
depicted below.
nue12: ν12 is the in-plane lateral contraction coefficient (also called Poisson’s ratio): In case ν12 =
−1 (the default) the approximate formula of Huber [8] is applied to calculate ν12 from E1 , E2
and G12 :
E1 E1
ν12 = −
2 · G12 E2
For ν12 the constraint |ν12 | < E2 applies. In case of ν12 = −1 this limits the possible
fy2: Yield stress in the second direction kN/cm2 is not used at the moment.
3.4 Material 62
Figure 3.48 Partial view of the default data base of materials. SI units are used irrespective of user settings.
Automatic conversion ensures compatibility with Imperial units.
Karamba3D comes with a table of predefined materials. The csv-file “Materialproperties.csv” resides
in the Karamba3D installation-folder. By default the “ReadMatTable”-component takes this file and
creates a list of materials from it. These are available at the output-plug “Material”. The data-base
currently holds properties for “steel”, “concrete”, “wood” and “aluminum”. There exist different types
of steel, concrete etc.. The generic term “concrete” will result in the selection of an everyday type of
concrete - a C25/30 according to Eurocode 2. More specific descriptions may be given: Have a look
at the data-base in order to get an overview. Material properties specified via table are assumed to
be in SI units. They get automatically converted when used in the context of Imperial units.
Fig. 3.48 shows examples of how to define isotropic materials via table. In case of orthotropic
materials, the item in column “D” needs to be set to something different from “iso”. The order of
orthotropic material parameters which follow from column “E” onward correspond to that of the
“Material Property”-component: E1 , E2 , G12 , ν12 , G31 , G32 , γ, αT 1 , αT 2 , fy1 , fy2 and “Color”.
The extension .csv stands for “comma separated value”. The file can be opened with any text editor
and contains the table entries separated by semicolons. It is preferable however to use OpenOffice or
Excel (both can read and write csv-files): They render the data neatly formatted (see fig. 3.48). Make
sure to have a “.” and not a “,” set as your decimal separator. In some countries “.” is used to separate
thousands which then needs to be adapted as well. The setting may be changed under Windows via
3.4 Material 63
Figure 3.49 List of materials resulting from the “ReadMatTable”-component reading the default data base of
materials. Selection of the default “Steel” via “MatSelect”.
“regional settings” in “system settings”. All lines in the table that start with “#” are comments. Feel
free to define your own materials.
The file path to the materials data-base can be changed in two ways: first right-click on the compo-
nent and hit “Select file path to material definitions” in the context menu that pops up. Second plug
a panel with a file path into “Path”. Relative paths are relative to the directory where your definition
Figure 3.50 The “Disassemble Material”-component gives access to all material properties.
In case one wants to retrieve the parameters which define a material, the “Disassemble Material”-
component does the job (see fig. 3.50). It can be applied to isotropic and orthotropic materials
alike. In order to be valid for both types of materials, the outputs “E1/2”, “G31/2”, “alphaT1/2” and
“fy1/2” return lists of numbers instead of single items. For isotropic materials these lists contain one
member only. In case of orthotropic materials two numbers are present, corresponding to the first
and second material direction respectively.
3.5 Algorithms 64
3.5 Algorithms
3.5.1 Analyze
With geometry, supports and loads defined, the statical model is ready for processing. The “Analyze”-
component computes the deflection for each load case and adds this information to the model.
The algorithm behind the “Analyze”-component neglects the change of length in axial or in-plane
direction which accompanies lateral deformations. This is justified in case of displacements which
are small with respect to the dimensions of a beam of shell. For dealing with situations where this
condition does not hold, geometric non-linear calculations need to be used (see sections 3.5.3 and
In case of the presence of second order normal forces (N II , see below) their influence on structural
stiffness is taken into account. Those N II -forces do not get updated by the “Analyze”-component.
Use the “AnalyzeThII” for that.
Figure 3.51 Deflection of simply supported beam under single load in mid-span and axial, compressive load.
Figure 3.51 shows a deflected beam with two load-cases. An axial load acts in load-case zero, a
transverse load in mid-span in load-case one.
The analysis component not only computes the model deflections but also outputs the maximum
nodal displacement (in centimeter), the maximum total force of gravity (in kilo Newton, if gravity is
set) and the structures internal deformation energy of each load case - see section 3.6.2 for details
on work and energy.
These values can be used to rank structures in the course of a structural optimization procedure: the
more efficient a structure the smaller the maximum deflection, the amount of material used and the
value of the internal elastic energy. Real structures are designed in such a way that their deflection
does not impair their usability. See section A.4.3 for further details. Maximum deflection and elastic
energy both provide a benchmark for structural stiffness, yet from different points of view: The value
of elastic energy allows to judge a structure as a whole; The maximum displacement returns a local
peak value.
In order to view the deflected model use the “ModelView”-component (see section 3.6.1) and select
the desired load case in the menu “Result Case”.
Looking at figure 3.51 one immediately notices that only beam center axes are shown. In order
to see beams or shells in a rendered view add a “BeamView”- or “ShellView”-component after the
“ModelView”. See sections 3.6.7 and 3.6.11 for details.
3.5 Algorithms 65
3.5.2 AnalyzeThII
Axial forces in beams and in-plane forces in shells influence the structures stiffness. Compressive
forces decrease a structure’s stiffness, tensile forces increase it. The influence of compressive
forces on displacements and cross section forces may be neglected as long as their absolute value
is less than 10 % of the buckling load.
Figure 3.52 Deflection of simply supported beam under single load in mid-span and axial compressive load.
Comparison of first and second order theory results.
In Karamba3D distinction is made between normal forces N which cause stresses in the members
and normal forces N II which result in second order effects (see also [10]). At first sight this concept
seems weird. How can there be two kinds of normal forces in the same beam? Well, in reality there
can’t. In a computer program it is no problem: stresses get calculated as σ = N/A and N II is used
for determining second order effects only. The advantage is, that in the presence of several load-
cases one can chose for each element the largest compressive force as N II . This gives a lower
limit for the structures stiffness. A reevaluation of the load-cases using these N II values leads
to a structural response which is too soft. However the different load-cases may then be safely
Use the “AnalyzeThII”-component for automatically determining the normal forces N II from cross
section forces Nx . N II influences a structures stiffness which in turn impacts the distribution of
cross section forces Nx . Thus an iterative procedure with repeated updates of N II -forces needs to
be applied.
Fig. 3.52 shows the same system as in fig. 3.51. This time with results according to first and second
order theory. When comparing the transverse deflections in load-case two one can see that the
maximum deflection increased from 0.24[m] to 0.28[m] due to the effect of the axial compressive
The “AnalyzeThII”-component features the following input-plugs:
LC: Number of load-case from which to take the normal force N II which cause second order theory
effects. If set to −1 (the default) the minimum normal force of all load-cases is considered.
RTol: The determination of N II is an iterative process. The value of “RTol” is the upper limit of
displacement increments from one iteration to the next.
3.5 Algorithms 66
MaxIter: Supply here the maximum number of iterations for determining N II . The default is 50. In
case “RTol” can not be reached within the preset number of iterations the component turns
NoTenNII: Tension forces increase the stiffness of a statical system. Setting “NoTenNII” to “True”
limits N II to non-positive values.
The normal forces N II get attached to the model and will be considered in all further analysis
steps. They impact the results of the “Analyze”-, “Buckling Modes”-, “Natural Vibrations”- and “Op-
timize Cross Sections”-components. For imperfection loads N II -forces have a direct impact on the
applied loads.
Use the “NII” button in submenu “Tags” of the “ModelView”-component to display N II -forces.
• Physical non-linearity: Comes into play when materials leave the linear elastic range (e.g. con-
crete that cracks, steel that yields, . . . )
– lateral displacements get so large, that their effect on the axial (in case of e.g. beams)
or in-plane (think of shells) deformation can not be neglected any more,
– a nodal rotation α reaches such a value, that the difference between α and tan(α) gains
The “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component lets one deal with geometric non-linearity. It is work-in-
progress. This means that especially for shells the algorithms may not converge within acceptable
time for some structures. If however a result is returned, then it should be sound.
With the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component one can chose from three variants of iterative solution
algorithms. Each of these has different benefits and liabilities which will be explained below. The
algorithms are based on the assumption of small strains, but allow arbitrarily large displacements.
The target of all three algorithms is to find a displacement state, where the external loads and the
internal forces are in equilibrium. Starting from a known initial displacement state, one has to guess
how the structure deforms under the given loads. This guess leads to a second displacement state
where the internal and external forces usually do not match. The remaining imbalance forms the
basis of a next prediction regarding the change of displacements and so on. Equilibrium is reached
when the residual-force or change of displacements falls below a given threshold. The three algo-
rithms offered by the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component differ in how they predict the displacement
3.5 Algorithms 67
Dynamic Relaxation
Figure 3.53 large displacement of cantilever beam with moment-load at its tip computed using the dynamic
relaxation method option of the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component.
Fig. 3.53 shows a cantilever beam with a bending moment load about the local y-axis at its tip.
It consists of 20 beam elements. For calculating its response the “DynamicRelaxation”-option is
used. This algorithm predicts the next move of a structure based on the direction of the residual
forces acting on each node. It is a robust procedure which converges to equilibrium quite reliably
but sometimes needs a large number of iterations to do so. This component offers the following
Model: Structure to be analyzed.
nLoadSteps: Number of load-cases which shall act as load-steps. The default is 1. When setting
it to e.g. 2 it means that the algorithm starts with finding equilibrium for load-case 0. After
that, the loads of load-case 0 remain in place and the loads of load-case 1 are added in order
to arrive at the final stage. This allows to model a loading history. The remaining load-cases
get added to the final stage separately and under the assumption of small displacements. In
the case of an active bending structure the first load-cases serve as those which cause the
deformed structure, whereas the rest of the load-cases constitute additional actions on the
deformed configuration like wind- or live-load. The scaling factor for displacements in the “Dis-
play Scales” submenu of the “ModelView”-component acts only on the loading-steps for which
small displacements are assumed. The large deformation share of the total displacements
does not get scaled and is displayed in real size.
nLoadIncs: Number of increments per load-case (the default is 5). External loads get divided into
several steps. In case of structures with nearly linear behavior, the number of increments can
be set to a small number. For highly non-linear problems a larger value can be advantageous.
The smaller the load-increments, the easier it is then for the algorithm to find equilibrium.
The number of iterations usually decreases with increasing number of load-steps (and thus
decreasing step size). The overall performance can however suffer if the number of load-steps
is set to a number which is too high for the given type of structural behavior.
maxEquiIter: Sets the maximum number of equilibrium iterations per load-increment and thus sets
a limit on computation time. It defaults to 200.
3.5 Algorithms 68
EquiTol: Tolerance for the iterative change of residual forces and displacements relative to their
incremental change in the current load-step. The default value is 1E − 7.
maxLimitIter: The range of problems which can be tackled using the dynamic relaxation (DR) al-
gorithm as implemented in Karamba3D is limited to stable structures. In case of phenomena
like buckling or snap-through, equilibrium states may exist beyond the point of initial instability.
They are however hard to reach due to their often large distance from the last known stable
configuration. In such a case the DR-algorithm does not converge to an equilibrium state
within the maximum number of equilibrium iterations. It then tries to close in on the point of
assumed instability by halving the load-increment which lead to divergence. By proceeding
in this manner, the so called limit load can be determined with arbitrary precision. “maxLimi-
tIter” sets an upper limit on the number of limit-load-iterations which is equal to 200 by default.
Sadly, divergence can also be caused by numerical problems in the algorithm. Thus the limit-
load-factor as determined by the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component constitutes only a lower
limit estimation.
StepSizeFac: A factor for scaling the predicted displacement increments of the DR-algorithm.
During a non-linear calculation lots of things can happen. In order to get an idea about why and where
something went wrong, the DR variant of the “DynamicRelaxation”-option produces the following
Info: Details regarding the solution process. It outputs five columns of text:
Lambdas: Informs about the load-factors for which equilibrium could be reached.
3.5 Algorithms 69
Figure 3.54 large displacement of cantilever beam with moment-load at its tip computed using the Newton-
Raphson method option of the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component.
Newton-Raphson Method
In practice, dynamic relaxation(DR) procedures are used for highly non-linear problems like numeri-
cal crash-tests of cars, bolts being shot into a wall, . . . . The reason is, that implementing non-linear
effects as DR code is relatively easy. This ease of implementation comes at the cost of high com-
putational effort: Many iterations are necessary to reach equilibrium with acceptable accuracy. The
way out of this is to invest more effort in a better prediction of the displacement increments. In
DR-methods the residual forces at the nodes form the basis of predicting the next position of a
node. Methods like the Newton-Raphson- or Arc-Length-method use a stiffness matrix for produc-
ing displacement predictions. There the computational cost per iteration is higher, but the number
of iterations can be made much smaller as compared to DR-methods. With a consistent stiffness
matrix quadratic convergence can be achieved under optimal conditions. This means that for the
iterative displacement- and force-errors the number of zeros after the decimal separator doubles in
each iteration. For the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component this is not yet the case and one reason for
the “work in progress”-label. Details on the Newton-Raphson- or Arc-Length methods can be found
in [6] on page 102 ff. and 214 ff..
Fig. 3.54 shows the same cantilever beam as before, this time analyzed with the “NewtonRaphson”-
option. The Newton-Rahpson variant of the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component comes with nearly
the same input- and output-plugs as the DR-version. The only difference is the missing “StepSizeFac”-
input. Since Newton-Raphson procedures have the same limitation with respect to unstable struc-
tures as DR-methods, an interval halving strategy for closing in on limit-points is applied as before.
Arc-Length Method
For many structures reaching a first point of instability is not yet the end of the story. Especially thin
plate and shell structures show large load bearing reserves when considering their post-buckling
behavior. The Arc-Length-method can be used for these kinds of situations. Fig. 3.55 shows the
calculation of a truss structure which snaps through from an unstable state to a stable post-buckling
The first two inputs of the “Arclength”-component have the same meaning as before. Here a descrip-
tion of how the rest of the input-plugs controls the solution process:
3.5 Algorithms 70
Figure 3.55 snap through of a structure consisting of two truss elements with default cross sections and
materials using the Arc-Length method option of the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component.
IniLoadFac: The displacement of the structure under the external load multiplied by “IniLoadFac”
serves as a first estimate for the target deformation increments.
TargetEquiIter: Sets the number of increments to be used in each increment. Is used to scale the
load-increments acordingly.
EquiTol: The tolerance for out of balance forces and displacement changes from one iteration to
the next.
Figure 3.56 Structure resulting from large deflection analysis with the “LaDeform”-component.
In Karamba3D the behavior of hanging models can be simulated with the help of the “Analyze Large
Deformation”-component. Figure 3.56 shows a geometry derived from an initially flat mesh under
evenly distributed point-loads. The algorithm behind the “Analyze Large Deformation”-component
handles geometric non-linearity by an incremental approach only: All external loads get applied in
steps. After each step the model geometry updates to the deflected state. The more and the smaller
3.5 Algorithms 71
the steps, the better the approximation of geometric non-linearity. This purely incremental method
however incurs an unavoidable drift from the exact solution. For form-finding this error is negligible
in most cases. The methods available under the “Analyze Nonlinear WIP”-component (see section
3.5.3) do not suffer from this lack of accuracy, since they apply an incremental-iterative approach.
Yet they normally require more computational effort to arrive at a similar shape as the algorithm
behind the “Analyze Large Deformation”-component.
Figure 3.57 Catenary resulting from point loads that do not change their direction when displaced.
Figure 3.57 shows a simply supported beam under the action of uniformly distributed point loads.
Due to its slenderness axial stiffness by far outweighs bending stiffness. Thus the deflected shape
corresponds to a rope under self weight.
The “LaDeform” component has four input-plugs:
Model: Structure to be deformed. “LaDeform” uses load-case 0 for calculating the deflected shape.
MaxDisp: Maximum displacement to be reached in meter. When supplied with a value, the incremen-
tal deflection in each step is scaled to M axDisp/Inc. This enables Karamba3D to handle
problems with overly large deflections at the beginning of the incremental procedure. Think
of an initially straight rope: Due to its negligible bending stiffness it tends to deform tremen-
dously in the first loading step.
With no value supplied in “MaxDisp” external loads get incremented proportionally in each step.
Aside from cases like mentioned above this results in an approximation of the structures real
deflections under the given loads.
Figure 3.58 Pneumatic form resulting from point loads that rotate along with the points they apply to.
In fig. 3.57 the point loads are defined with respect to the global coordinate system: The input-
plug “Local?” at the point-load component is set to “False”. Fig. 3.58 shows what happens if one
3.5 Algorithms 72
changes that property to “True”: The point-loads co-rotate with the points they apply to. This leads
to a pneumatic shape. The same happens for locally defined line-loads.
The two output plugs of the “LaDeform”-component supply the deflected model and the maximum
deflection reached in the calculation.
The local coordinate system of each element gets updated along with its positions. By default an
elements local Y-axis is taken parallel to the global X-Y-plane. If an element reaches a vertical position
however, its default coordinate system flips – the Y-axis is then taken parallel to the global Y-axis.
This may lead to unwanted results when using line-loads which flip along with the local coordinate
system. It is possible to avoid this by defining local axes via the “OrientateBeam”-component.
The deflected model contains no information regarding internal forces or stresses. The reason for
this is that, owing to the purely incremental approach, these properties would be utterly inaccurate.
Figure 3.59 Shape and load-factors of the first buckling mode of a cantilever analyzed as a beam and shell.
Axial forces in beams and trusses as well as in-plane forces in shells change the elements response
under transverse load. Tension makes them stiffer, compression has a softening effect.
Slender columns or thin shells may fail due to buckling before the stresses in the cross section reach
the material strength. Stability analysis therefore plays an important role in structural design.
When doing cross section optimization with the “Optimize Cross Section”-component, the design
formulas applied take account of buckling, based on the buckling length of the members. By default
local buckling of individual elements is assumed. So-called global buckling occurs if a structural
sub-system consisting of several elements (like e.g. a truss) loses stability. Global buckling can be
checked with the “Buckling Modes”-component (see fig. 3.59).
The “Buckling Modes”-component expects these input parameters:
Model: Structure with second order normal forces N II defined. These forces can either be taken
from a second order theory calculation (like in fig. 3.59) or specified via a “Modify Element”-
FromInd: Index of the first buckling mode to be determined. The default is 1. This is also normally
the only buckling shape of interest, since it corresponds to the mode of failure.
MaxIter: The determination of the buckling modes is an iterative procedure. “MaxIter” sets the max-
imum number of iterations.
Eps: : Represents the convergence criteria. For convergence the iterative change of the norm of the
displacements needs to fall below that value.
The model which comes out on the right side lists the computed buckling-modes as result-cases. The
buckling shapes get scaled, so that their largest displacement component has the value 1. “BLFacs”
returns the buckling load factors which are assumed to be non-negative. When multiplied with those
factors the current normal forces N II would lead to an unstable structure. The buckling load factors
are listed in ascending order. The calculation of buckling factors assumes small deflections up to
the point of instability. This may not always be the case.
Figure 3.60 Left: 14th eigen-mode with strain display enabled. Right: EigenMode-component in action.
Figure 3.61 Undeformed geometry (upper left corner) and the first nine eigen-modes of the structure.
Figure 3.62 Simply supported steel beam IPE100 of length 10 m with a point-mass at mid-span in its 24th
natural vibration mode.
Figure 3.63 Cross section optimization with the “OptiCroSec”-component on a simply supported beam.
First the “OptiCroSec”-component determines the cross section of each element in such a way that
their load-bearing capacity is sufficient for all load-cases. In order to achieve this, Karamba3D uses
the following procedure:
1. Determination of section forces at “nSamples” points along all beams using the initial cross
2. For each element or given set of elements: selection of the first sufficient entry from the family
to which each cross section belongs
3. If no changes were necessary in step two or the maximum number of design iterations is
reached, the algorithm stops. Otherwise it returns to step one using the cross sections se-
lected in step two.
In statically indeterminate structures the section forces depend on the stiffness (i.e. cross section
and materials) of the members. This necessitates the iterative procedure described above.
In fig. 3.64 one can see the example of a cantilever idealized with shell elements: The optimization
results in thicker shell elements at the top and bottom edge of the built-in side. The “CroSecs”-input
of the “OptiCroSec”-component consists of a family of constant shell cross sections.
For shells the mechanical utilization is calculated as the maximum Van Mises stress in a point divided
by the material strength. For cross section optimization of shells the same procedure applies as for
beams. Starting with the first item of a cross section family the algorithm tests all members and
stops when a cross section is encountered for which the utilization is less than a pre-set value which
is 1 by default. This corresponds to 100 %.
After ensuring safety against structural failure a second, optional step follows where Karamba3D
tries to reach a user supplied maximum deflection. Behind the scenes Karamba3D iteratively adapts
3.5 Algorithms 76
Figure 3.64 Cross section optimization with the OptiCroSec-component on a cantilever discretized with shell
temporarily the strength of the materials. This may lead to uneconomic results in case of structures
where the maximum displacement occurs in a small region, whereas the rest of the structure shows
a much smaller deformation. In order that the iterative adaption for the maximum displacement
works, the number of design iterations should be chosen appropriately – five is normally sufficient.
Building codes prescribe different levels of safety against reaching maximum displacement and load
bearing limits. When using external loads at ultimate limit state level one should keep in mind that
this is approximately 1.4 times the loads used to check maximum displacement requirements. Thus
one way of designing structures in Karamba3D is to limit material utilization to 1/1.4 ≈ 0.7 under
characteristic loads and use the resulting displacements directly for usability design.
When the given loads surpass the load bearing capacity of the biggest cross section available in a
cross section family, Karamba3D issues a warning via the “Info” output-plug (see fig. 3.64).
There is no guarantee, that the iteration procedure for finding the optimal cross sections eventually
converges. One can check the results via the “Utilization of Elements”-component. It applies the
same procedure as the “OptiCroSec”-component for assessing elements according to Eurocode 3
[5] and consider the load-bearing capacity of the whole cross section. The utilization-output of the
“ModelView”-component only shows the ratio between the stress in a point of a cross section and
the material strength there. Effects like buckling under compression are not considered. This is
why the utilization as displayed by the “ModelView”-component may deviate from the results of the
“Utilization of Elements”-component.
Due to the lower-bound theorem of plasticity, the structure will be sufficient for the given loads at
any iteration step – although some elements may show over-utilization – provided that the material
is sufficiently plastic (like e.g. steel). With increasing number of iterations the statical system tends
to become more and more statically determinate.
The profile selection procedure assumes that the cross sections of a family are ordered: starting
with your most favorite and descending to the least desired cross section. In the cross section ta-
ble “CrossSectionValues.bin” that comes with Karamba3D all families are ranked according to their
height. The cross section with the smallest height comes first, the one with the largest height last.
When using cross section area as sorting criteria, structures of minimum weight (and thus approx-
imately cost) result. See 3.3.12 for how to switch between minimum height and minimum weight
design. Ordering the profiles by area may lead to structures where the cross section heights vary
significantly from one beam to the next.
In order to check whether a given beam cross section is sufficient, Karamba3D applies a procedure
for steel beams according to Eurocode 3 (EN 1993-1-1) (see [5] for details). The interaction values
for the cross section forces kyy , kyz and so on get calculated according to EN 1993-1-1 appendix B.
3.5 Algorithms 77
The values Cmy and Cmz are limited to a minimum of 0.9. The design procedure takes account of
normal force, biaxial bending, torsion and shear force. For more details see section A.4.6 and the
master thesis of Jukka Mäenpää [9]. It is possible to switch off the influence of buckling for single
members or set user defined values for the buckling length (see section 3.1.10).
The adverse effect of compressive normal forces in a beam can be taken into account globally (see
section 3.5.5) or locally on the level of individual members. The procedure applied in Karamba3D for
cross section optimization works on member level. A crucial precondition for this method to deliver
useful results is the determination of a realistic buckling length lb of an element. For this the follow-
ing simplification – which is not always on the safe side – is applied: Starting from the endpoints of
an element, proceeding to its neighbors, the first nodes are tracked that connect to more than two
elements. The buckling length is determined as the distance between these two nodes. It lies on the
safe side in case of endpoints held by the rest of the structure against translation. When beams are
members of a larger part that buckles (e.g. a girder of a truss) then the applied determination of buck-
ling length produces unsafe results! One should always check this by calculating the global buckling
modes (see section 3.5.5). In case of a free end the buckling length is doubled. Compressive normal
forces in slender beams reduce their allowable maximum stress below the yield limit. Visualizing
the level of utilization with the “ModelView”-component will then show values below 100 % in the
compressive range.
The design procedure applied in Karamba3D takes lateral torsional buckling into account. An ele-
ments lateral torsional buckling length is calculated in the same way as for conventional buckling.
The buckling length for lateral torsional buckling can be set manually via the property “BklLenLT” of
the “Modify Beam”-component.
In the course of cross section optimization Karamba3D checks the cross sections for local buckling
and issues a warning if necessary. The check for local buckling uses the classification of cross
sections into classes 1 to 4 according to EN 1993-1-1. Class 4 cross sections are susceptible to local
During the optimization of cross sections normal forces N II are not updated. In order to include
second order theory effects either set N II manually or use “AnalysisThII” (see section 3.5.2) to
determine N II iteratively.
The OptiCroSec-component provides the following set of input-plugs:
Model: Structure to be optimized
ElemIds: Identifiers of elements that should be optimized. If not specified, optimization is carried
out for the entire model.
GroupIds: List of identifiers of groups of elements that take part in cross section design and shall
have uniform cross section. One can use the names of element sets and regular expressions
for defining groups..
CroSecs: Cross section-list that contains families of cross sections ordered from most favorite to
least desired. Family membership of cross sections is given via their “family” property.
MaxUtil: Target value of the element utilization where 1.0 means full utilization - the default. In
some situations (e.g. early stage design) loads or geometry can not be fully specified. Then
it makes sense to keep some structural reserves for later phases by setting this value to less
than 1.0. When working with characteristic loads this value should be less than 0.7.
3.5 Algorithms 78
MaxDisp: For usability of a structure it is necessary to put a limit on its maximum deflection. This
can be done using the “MaxDisp”-plug. By default its value is −1 which means that the maxi-
mum deflection is not considered for cross section design. When working with design loads
keep in mind that those are roughly a factor of “1.4” above the level to be considered for us-
In order to see all input-plugs click on the “Settings”-button to unfold the rest of the component:
ULSIter: Maximum number of design iterations for sufficient load bearing capacity in the ultimate
limit state (ULS). The default value is five.
DispIter: Maximum number of iterations used to reach the maximum displacement criteria in case
there is one. The design iterations for maximum displacement come after those for load
bearing capacity.
nSamples: Number of points along beams at which their utilization is determined. The default is
Elast: If set to “True” (the default) cross section design is done within the elastic range. This means
that under given loads the maximum resulting stress in a cross section has to lie below the
yield stress fy of the material. In case of materials with high ductility (like steel) the plastic
capacity of cross sections can be exploited. Depending on the cross section shape the plastic
capacity is 10 % to 20 % higher than the elastic capacity. Set “Elast” to “False” in order to
activate plastic cross section design. When enabling plastic cross section design do not be
surprised that the “ModelView” reports utilization-levels beyond 100 %. The reason is that
Karamba3D assumes linear elastic material behavior.
gammeM0: Material safety factor according to EN 1993-1-1 in case that failure is not initiated by
buckling. Its default value is 1.0. In some European countries this factor lies above 1.0.
gammeM1: Material safety factor according to EN 1993-1-1 in case that buckling initiates failure.
The default value again lies at 1.0 - may be specified differently in your national application
document of EN 1993-1-1.
On the output side the “Model”-plug renders the structure with optimized cross sections. Check the
“Info”-plug in order to see whether any problems occurred during optimization. The “Mass”-output
informs you about the overall mass of the optimized structure. “Disp”- and “Energy”-plugs return
the maximum displacement and internal energy of the structure after the last cross section design
The aim of the design procedure applied in Karamba3D is to render plausible cross section choices.
Be aware that it builds upon assumptions like the correct determination of buckling lengths.
Calculating the structural response will show that there are regions which carry more of the external
load than others. Now one removes a number of those elements of the structure that are least
strained and thus least effective. Again the response of the now thinned out model is determined,
under-utilized elements removed and so on. This iterative procedure stops when a target volume or
number of remaining structural elements is reached.
The above algorithm can be viewed as a way of tracing the internal force flow through a structure
and removing those elements that do not form part of it. Fig. 3.65 shows a cantilever after applying
the “BESO for Beams”-component on it. The algorithm works on beam and truss elements only. For
shells a separate component exists (see section 3.5.10).
Figure 3.65 Cantilever with initially regular mesh after application of the “BESO for Beams”-component.
Figure 3.66 shows the “BESO for Beams”-component at work. On the left side one can see the initial
geometry which is a triangular mesh derived from a surface. There exist two load cases with loads
acting in the plane of the structure in horizontal and vertical direction respectively. Three corner
nodes of the structure are held fixed. The right picture shows the optimized structure reduced to
45 % of its initial mass in the course of 20 design iterations.
Here the description of the input parameters:
• No input: The whole of the structure will be included in the optimization procedure.
• The input consists of a list of strings: All elements whose identifiers match take part.
LCases: List of load cases to be considered. Zero is the index of the first load case. Considering
the total effect of several load cases amounts to adding up their individual influences on an
TargetRatio: Ratio of the target mass of beam- or truss elements to the initial mass of beam-
s/trusses in a structure. When determining the initial mass all beam- or truss- elements of
3.5 Algorithms 80
the structure – irrespective of state of activation – count. In the target structure only active
elements contribute to its mass. This enables one to apply BESO-components in series. De-
pending on the activation status of the model elements applying “BESO for Beams” will lead to
an increase or decrease in the number of active elements. The activation status of individual
elements can be set by means of the “ModifyBeam”- and “ActivateModel”-components.
MaxChangeIter: Number of iterations within which the target mass of the structure should be reached.
If the number of iterations is selected too low then it may occur that single beams get discon-
nected from the main structure and they seem to fly. The reason for this lies in the fact that
Karamba3D applies a so called soft-kill approach for thinning out the structure: Elements are
not removed but simply given small stiffness values. This ensures that structural response
can be calculated under all circumstances.
MaxConvIter: Maximum number of additional iterations for convergence after the structures mass
has reached its target value using “MaxChangeIter” iterations.
GroupIds: Expects a list of strings. Elements that match a given list entry take part in the optimiza-
tion and belong to one group. They get collectively activated or deactivated during force path
finding. A structure may consist of active and non-active elements. The initial state of a group
is determined by the state of the majority of its elements. Groups need not be disjoint.
By clicking on the “Settings” bar you can unfold the following input-plugs:
Factors for weighting forces/moments: The “BESO for Beams”-component lets you select weight-
ing factors for the different force and bending components in an element. The weight of an
element is determined on the basis of the density of deformation energy induced by individual
cross section force components. Multiplication by the corresponding user given weighting fac-
tor and adding up the component contributions results in the element weight. The weight of
groups results from the average of their members. These are the available weighting factors:
BESOFac: Say in each iteration step there needs to be a mass of n[kg] removed in order to meet the
structures target mass in the given M axChangeIter number of iterations. With BESOF ac =
m there will be (m + 1) · n active elements moved to the pool of inactive elements. An eval-
uation of the structures response follows. In a second step m · n members get flipped from
inactive to active so that the balance is right again. This adds a bi-directional component to
the process which often leads to improved results.
MinDist: In some cases one wishes to limit the number of elements that get added or removed in a
certain area. “MinDist” lets you select the minimum distance in meter between the endpoints
of elements that may be changed in one iteration.
3.5 Algorithms 81
WLimit: At the end of the BESO-process it often occurs that a small fraction of the elements is much
less utilized than the average. “WLimit” lets you remove those elements whose weight is below
“WLimit” times the average weight of elements.
Figure 3.66 Triangular mesh of beams before (a) and after (b) applying the “BESO for Beams”-component.
Max.disp: maximum displacement of the resulting model from among all load cases.
Model: structure with element activation according to the force path found.
Hist: a data tree which contains for each iteration step a list of boolean values that signify whether
an element in active (true) or inactive (false). The boolean values map directly on the model
elements. Using a “Tree Branch”-component with a slider connected to a “Activate Model”-
component (see section 3.1.5) lets you inspect the history of the BESO-process (see fig. 3.66).
Is active: renders a list of “True”/“False” values – one for each element. “True” signals that the
corresponding element is part of the final structure (i.e. active). Otherwise it contains a “False”
Weights: List of element or group weights in ascending order in the final structure. This can be
used as a qualitative check of the result: The more evenly distributed the weights, the better
utilized the structure. There will always be force concentrations around supports and external
loads which show up as sharp peaks. A good way of visualization is to use a “Quick Graph”-
component (see fig. 3.66).
Figure 3.67 Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) for a rectangular plate under two corner
ElemIds: List of identifiers of shells that take part in the optimization. In case of an empty list (the
default) all shells are included.
LCases: List of load cases to be considered. Zero is the index of the first load case. Considering
the total effect of several load cases amounts to adding up their individual influences on an
TargetRatio: Ratio of the target mass to the initial mass of the shells in a structure. When deter-
mining the initial mass all shell elements of the structure – irrespective of state of activation
– count. In the target structure only active elements contribute to its mass. This enables one
to apply BESO-components in series.
Under the submenu “Settings” these additional options can be used to further customize the opti-
mization procedure:
ER: Is short for evolutionary ratio and defines the ratio between the volumes Vi and Vi+1 of the
optimized structure in two consecutive steps: Vi+1 = Vi · (1 ± ER). The sign of “ER”
depends on whether elements shall be added or removed. In case that ER < 0 – which is
the default – “ER” is set automatically: ER = (1 − T argetRatio)/M axIter + ARmax /2.
In case that “ER” is too small, the target mass of the optimized structure can not be reached
within “MaxIter” steps.
ARmax: The ratio between maximum number of elements to be added per step and all shell ele-
Nhist: Number of iterations between those steps which are used for calculating the convergence
Conv: Relative change of the mass between two iterations Nhist cycles apart below which conver-
gence is assumed.
Rmin: In order to avoid the formation of checkerboard patterns a filter scheme is used for calculating
the fitness of individual elements (see [7], section 3.3.2). Rmin defines the radius of influence
3.5 Algorithms 83
in meters for determining the element sensitivity. It is thus important to choose this value ac-
cording to the mean element size. If Rmin < 0 (the default) then Rmin is set equal to the char-
acteristic element length which is calculated as (totalArea/numberOf Elements)0.5 · 2.
Rexp: Determines how the strain energy at nodes within the distance Rmin of the element cen-
ter is P
weighted for calculating an elements sensitivity. The weight is determined as w =
(Rij / Rij )Rexp . Here Rij =P Rmin − R with R being the distance between a sample node
and the center of the element. Rij is the sum of the center distances of all nodes closer
than Rmin to the element center.
KillThick: The BESO for shell procedure makes use of a so called “soft kill”-approach. Instead of
removing elements from the model they are made very soft by reducing their thickness. With
the input-plug “KillThick” a value other than the default 0.000 01 m can be selected.
ModelHist: List of intermediate models – one for each iteration step of the BESO procedure.
CHist: History of the volume weighted compliance of the structure which drives the BESO proce-
dure. When fed into a “Quick Graph” component one can check whether the BESO procedure
converged: at the end the chart should be horizontal. If that is not the case try a smaller
VHist: List of values which chart the development of the volume of the shells to be optimized.
Info: Returns information regarding the solution process in case something goes wrong.
Figure 3.68 Calculation of reinforcement quantities for a plate of 1 m by 1 m and an in-plane tensile load of
50 kN.
Fig. 3.68 shows the a rectangular plate of size 1 m by 1 m with a uniform tensile line-load of 50 kN/m
which translates to two point-loads of 25 kN each. The first step consists of defining a reinforced
3.5 Algorithms 84
concrete cross section via a “Cross Section”-component (see section 3.3.2). The definition of rein-
forcement layers does not impact the displacements or cross section forces of the model. It merely
forms the basis for calculating reinforcement quantities using linear elastic cross section forces. For
reinforcement design it is assumed that the material in layer zero (usually concrete) has no tensile
and infinite compressive strength. Since the latter is a simplification, one should assure a sufficient
height of the concrete cross section by using the “Optimize Cross Section”-component first.
The input-plugs of the “Optimize Reinforement”-component are similar to those of the “Optimize
Cross Section”-component:
ElemIds: Identifiers of elements for which reinforcement quantities should be calculated. If not
specified, optimization is carried out for all reinforced concrete cross sections.
GroupdIds: List of identifiers of groups of elements that take part in reinforced cross section design
and shall have uniform reinforcement.
MaxUtil: Target value of the reinforcement utilization where 1.0 means full utilization - the default.
Under the submenu “Settings” reside two plugs which let you specify the partial safety factors for
concrete (“gammaMc”) and steel (“gammaMs”). The former exists for future use, since currently
concrete is assumed to be infinitely strong in compression. The latter is set to 1.15 which consti-
tutes the standard value according to Eurocode 2 (see [3]). The output of “Optimize Reinforement”
comprises these plugs:
The “ShellView”-component lets one display the thickness of the reinforcement layers and the stresses
there (see fig. 3.68). The input-plug “LayerInd” sets the index of the layer to be displayed. The con-
crete cross section has index zero, index one corresponds to the top, index four to the bottom-most
reinforcement layer. The Z-direction of the local coordinate system points to the top of the cross
section. The entry “Local layer axes” under “Display Scales” in the component “ModelView” lets one
enable, disable and scale the arrows of the local coordinate system.
In the example of fig. 3.68 the default reinforcement material BSt500 with a characteristic yield
strength of fy,k = 50 kN/cm2 leads to a necessary amount of reinforcement of as = 2·50 50 kN·1.15
0.575 cm2 /m. This is equivalent to a layer thickness of 0.005 75 cm. The “2” in the denominator
results from the fact that there are two reinforcement layers (of index one and four) which point in
the direction of the tensile force.
3.6 Results 85
MaxIter: The removal of tensile or compressive elements works in an iterative fashion. The proce-
dure stops either when no changes occur from one step to another or if the maximum number
of iterations “MaxIter” is reached.
BeamInds: Indexes of the elements that may be removed in the course of the procedure. By default
the whole structure is included.
LC: You can specify a special load case to consider. The default is 0.
Compr: If “True”, then only members under compression will be kept. Otherwise only members
under tension will survive. This value is “False” by default.
Elements selected for removal are assigned a negligible stiffness (i.e. a soft-kill approach is used).
3.6 Results
The results category consists of three sections. The first contains components that apply to a struc-
ture in general. Components of the second and third category apply specifically to beams and shells
3.6.1 ModelView
The “ModelView”-component of the “Results” subsection controls the general display properties of
the statical model (see figure 3.70). More specific visual properties that relate to beam and shell
elements can be defined with the “BeamView” and “ShellView”-component. The viewing options get
stored in the model. Settings of view-components thus stick with the model and remain valid further
down the data-stream until changed by another view-component.
3.6 Results 86
When adding a “ModelView” to the definition it is sometimes a good idea to turn off the preview of
all other components so that they do not interfere. Clicking on the black menu headings unfolds
the “ModelView”-component and unveils widgets for tuning the model display. Each of these will be
explained further below. The range and current value of the sliders may be set by double-clicking on
their knob.
R-Factors: There exist two options for scaling the deflection output. First there is a slider entitled
“Deformation” in the menu “Display Scales” that lets you do quick fine-tuning on the visual out-
put (see below). Second option: the input-plug “R-Factors” which accepts a list of numbers that
“ModelView” uses to scale the displacement-output. Its default value is 1.0. Each item in the
list applies to a result-case. If the number of items in this list and the number of result-cases
do not match then the last number item is copied until there is a one to one correspondence.
This option for scaling displacements can be used in the course of form-finding operations:
The “def.Model”-plug at the right side of the “ModelView” (see below) outputs the model with
displaced geometry which can be used for further processing. Selecting item “–all–” on the
drop-down-list for the selected load case results in a superposition of all load cases with their
corresponding scaling factor.
ResCase: Lets one select the visible result-case. The value in “ResCase” will be added to the result-
case selected in the drop-down-list of “ModelView”. “—all—” at the drop-down-list and “ResCase”
set to 0 result in the first result-case to be displayed. If the resulting number is larger than the
number of available result-cases the “ModelView” turns red. If the resulting value is smaller
than 0 (the default) all result-cases are superimposed. The possibility of using a number-slider
for selecting load-cases makes life easier in case that there are many of them.
Colors: Color plots for e.g. stresses use a color spectrum from blue to white to red by default. One
can customize the color range by handing over a list of RGB-values to the “Colors”-plug. There
have to be at least four colors given. The first color is used for values below, the last color
for values above the current number range. The remaining colors get distributed over the
number range (see fig. 3.71). The colors are centered on zero if zero is part of the number
range. Otherwise the colors spread evenly between lower and upper numerical limit. In case
3.6 Results 87
you want to change the coloring defaults, set them in the “karamba.ini”-file. There it is also
possible to switch off the centering around zero by setting “center_color_range_on_zero” to
Ids|Breps: This plug lets one select those parts of a model which shall be displayed. It expects a
list of strings or Breps. The default value is an empty string which means that all of the model
shall be visible. As one can see in fig. 3.70 it is possible to input regular expressions. These
must start with the character “&” and adhere to the conventions for regular expressions as
used in C#. The identifier of each element of the model is compared to each item of the given
string list. In case a list entry matches the element identifier the element will be displayed.
Fig. 3.70 contains four examples of “Id” lists: The first would limit visibility to element “A”,
the second to element “B”. The third is a regular expression which matches elements “A” or
“C”. The fourth matches elements “A” to “C”. Alternatively one can plug closed Breps into the
“Ids|Breps”-plug. In that case only those elements get displayed which lie inside one of the
volumes with at least one of their end-nodes.
• “Model” Is the model which was fed in on the left side with viewing options attached.
• From the “defMesh” output-plug you can get the mesh of the shells and beam cross sections of
the deformed model for further processing. It is a list of meshes with each item corresponding
to one shell or beam.
• The “defAxes” plug delivers the axes of the beams of the deformed structure as interpolated
3rd degree nurb-splines. Use the Length/Subdivision slider to set the number of interpolation
• “defModel”: When there are results available from a statical calculation deflections are scaled
and added to the node coordinates of the original model so that it contains the deformed
3.6 Results 88
Figure 3.72 Local axes of cantilever composed of two beam elements, reaction force and moment at support.
The “Display Scales”-submenu contains check boxes and sliders to enable/disable and scale dis-
placements, reaction forces at supports, load-symbols, support-symbols, local coordinate systems
and symbols for joints at the endpoints of elements. The displacement scale influences the display
and the output at the model-plug. It has no effect on stresses, strains, etc.. The colors of the local
coordinate axes red, green, blue symbolize the local X-, Y-, and Z-axis.
Limiting the value range of utilization values can be confusing: If the result thresholds are given
in percent, then setting the lower threshold to zero and the upper to 100 displays the full range of
utilization values. If the result thresholds are given as absolute values then a lower threshold of
−100 and an upper threshold of 100 limit the color range to the areas where the material resistance
is sufficient.
The “Tags”-submenu
The “Structure Tags” menu contains checkboxes for adding visual information to parts of the model:
Elements: If enabled the “defAxes” output-plug emits the axis of the deformed elements as lines
and shows them on the Rhino-canvas.
Load values: adds the numerical values of loads or point masses to the corresponding sysmbols.
NII: prints the value of second order theory normal forces N II for all element where it is not equal
to zero. For the meaning of N II see 3.5.2.
The “Result-Case”-submenu
The “Result-Case” menu contains a drop-down list from which one can choose the result-case which
should be displayed. When used on a model with loads, the result-cases are equivalent to load-
cases. After a buckling-modes, eigen-modes or natural frequency calculation the result-cases con-
tain buckling-, eigen- or natural modes respectively.
By default it is set to “—all—” which means that the results of all result-cases are superimposed.
Define displacement-factors by feeding a corresponding list of numbers into the “R-Factor” input-plug.
The “Result-Case”-selection sets the result-case to be queried for some shell results-components
placed further downstream (e.g. “Force Flow Lines on Shells”, “Principal Stress Lines on Shells”, . . . ).
3.6.2 Deformation-Energy
In mechanics, energy is equal to force times displacement parallel to its direction. Think of a rubber
band: If you stretch it, you do work on it. This work gets stored inside the rubber and can be trans-
formed into other kinds of energy. You may for example launch a small toy airplane with it: Then the
elastic energy in the rubber gets transformed into kinetic energy. When stretching an elastic material
the force to be applied at the beginning is zero and then grows proportionally to the stiffness and
the increase of length of the material. The mechanical work is equal to the area beneath the curve
3.6 Results 90
that results from drawing the magnitude of the applied force over its corresponding displacement. In
case of linear elastic materials this gives a rectangular triangle with the final displacement forming
one leg and the final force being its other leg. From this one can see, that for equal final forces the
elastic energy stored in a material decreases with decreasing displacements which corresponds to
increasing stiffness.
Figure 3.73 Simply supported beam under axial and transversal point-load: List of axial deformation energy
and bending energy for each element.
Via the input “ElemIds” one can supply identifiers of those parts for which the deformation energy
shall be calculated. An empty list means that all elements are considered. The “LCase”-input lets
one select the load-case for which results shall be retrieved. The structure of the data trees returned
from the “D-Energy”-component (see fig. 3.73) contains one branch per element. In case of shells
the branches contain the axial or bending energy of each element of the shell.
Figure 3.74 Simply supported beam under axial and transverse point-load: List of nodal displacements: vec-
tors with translations and rotations for each node and load case.
The “NodeDisp”-component lists the displacements of each node for the load cases specified via the
“LCase”-input. Two lists consisting of vectors make up its output at the plugs “Trans” and “Rot”. For
each node there is a vector which contains the three nodal translations or rotations (see fig. 3.74)
respectively. The vectors refer to the global coordinate system. Their units are meter or radiant.
A positive rotation say about the global X-axis means that the node rotates counter clockwise for
someone who looks at the origin of the coordinate system with the X-axis pointing towards him or
Figure 3.75 Approximation of principal strains in a simply supported slab simulated with beam elements
under a point-load. Irregularity of principal strain directions is due to the irregularity of the element grid.
component can be used to determine the approximate principal strain directions of such structures
(see fig. 3.75). It works on arbitrary sets of deformed points.
The calculation of principal strains is based on the assumption of a continua. When applied to nodes
connected with linear elements the result can thus only result in a qualitative picture – therefore the
term “Approximate”.
The “Approximate Principal Strains”-component expects as input a reference model (input-plug “Model”)
and the same model in a deformed configuration (input-plug “def.Model”). The deformed model can
be the output of a “ModelView”-component. Hand over a list of points to the input-plug “Point” where
principal strain directions shall be computed. For each point in this list the following two steps are
applied: First those three nodes of the reference model that do not lie on a line and have minimum
distance to the given point are determined. Second the strains in the sides of the thus found triangle
determine the principal strain directions – plane stress is assumed. The conversion of first (output-
plug “VT1”) and second principal strains (output-plug “VT2”) to vectors occurs in such a way that
they align with the average displacement of the triangle that defines the corresponding strain-state.
The size of the vectors emanating from “VT1” and “VT2” can be scaled by providing a factor in the
input-plug “Scale”.
The principal strains are tangents to the principal stress lines of a structure. Use e.g. Daniel Hamble-
ton’s “SPM Vector Components” (see http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/spmvectorcomponents)
to retrieve these lines from the strain-vector-field.
Figure 3.76 Beam under axial and transverse point-load: Reaction forces and moments for both load cases.
Figure 3.77 Beam under axial and transverse point-load: Utilization of the cross sections of the elements.
Use the “Utilization of Elements”-component in order to get the level of utilization for each element. It
comes as a multi-component where the drop-down list on the bottom decides whether the utilization
of shell of beam elements shall be returned. With beam-utilization selected, the utilization output
of shell patches will be output as zero - and vice versa. This serves to maintain the one to one
relationship between elements and results.
The input-plug “Model” expects an analyzed model. With “ElemIds” it is possible to limit the range
of elements which shall be considered. By default the component returns results for all elements.
The “LCase” selects the load-case to be used for calculating the utilization. By default it is set to “-1”
which means that the maximum utilization of all load-cases will be returned.
Utilization of Beams
Fig. 3.77 shows the utilization component for beams. In case of shells, 0 is output as utilization. The
meaning of the input-plugs “nSamples”, “Elast”, “gammaM0” and “gammaM1” exactly corresponds to
that of the “Optimize Cross Section” (see 3.5.8). The algorithm for determining an elements utilization
3.6 Results 93
is the same as that underlying the cross section optimization procedure. Set the input-plug “Details?”
to “true” in order to get intermediate values of the utilization calculation at the output-plug “Details”.
For large structures the generation of the detailed output may take some time.
Utilization numbers for beams rendered by this component (output-plug “Util”) and the “ModelView”
show differences – especially for compressive axial forces: The “ModelView”-component returns
the ratio of stress to strength stress as the level of utilization, whereas the “Utilization of Elements”-
component also includes buckling. See for example the two utilization entries on the in fig. 3.77:
The second load case (i.e. number “1”) is made up of an axial load acting in the middle of the beam.
As both ends are axially fixed, one beam is in tension, one in compression. The absolute value of
the normal force in both elements is the same. Yet the beam under compression has a utilization of
0.26, the one under tension only 0.05. “1” means 100 %.
The output-plugs “sig-max” and “sig-min” return the minimum and maximum stress in each beam.
In order to diagnose the reason why a specific beam shows over-utilization the output-plugs “Util-N”,
“Util-Vy”, “Util-Vz”, “Util-Mt”, “Util-My” and “Util-Mz” return the contribution of each cross section force
component to the overall utilization. When enabled via “Details?” the output-plug “Details” renders a
detailed account of intermediate values used for the calculation of the element’s utilization according
to EN 1993-1-1 [5].
Utilization of Shells
The utilization calculated for shells (see fig. 3.78) is the ratio between yield stress and Van Mises
stress in each element of the shell. The output-plug “Util” lists the utilization of each element of the
shell in the same order as the mesh-faces are listed in the mesh which underlies the shell geometry.
In case of beams or trusses, 0 is output as utilization.
3.6.7 BeamView
The “BeamView” component controls the display options related to beams and trusses (see fig. 3.79).
This concerns the rendering of cross section forces, resultant displacements, utilization of material
and axial stress.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.80 Rendered images of the beam. Left: “Cross section”-option enabled. Right: “Axial Stress” enabled.
The color range of the results starts at the minimum value and stretches to the maximum. You can
define individual color ranges for all result quantities in the “karamba.ini”-file. A “Legend”-component
lets you inspect the meaning of the colors.
The mesh of the rendered image is available at the “Mesh”-output of the “BeamView”-component.
Two sliders control the mesh-size of the rendered beams: First “Length/Segment” of “ModelView”
determines the size of sections along the middle axis of the beams. Second “Faces/Cross section”
of “BeamView” controls the number of faces per cross-section. For rendering circular hollow cross
sections the number of “Faces/Cross section” is multiplied by six in order to get a smooth visual
It is instructive to see which parts of a beam are under tension or compression. Activate the “Stress”-
checkbox in menu “Render Settings” in order to display the stresses in longitudinal beam direction.
Red (like brick) means compression, blue (like steel) tension. In some models there may exist small
regions with high stresses with the rest of the structure having comparatively low stress levels. This
results in a stress rendering that is predominantly white and not very informative. With the sliders for
“Upper Result Threshold” and “Lower Result Threshold” of the “ModelView” you can set the range of
the color-scale. Result values beyond the upper limit appear yellow, below the lower threshold green
3.6 Results 95
Figure 3.81 Mesh of beams under dead weight with upper and lower results threshold set to 53 % and 50 %
Figure 3.82 Moment My (orange) about the local beam Y-Axis and shear force Vz (blue) in local Z-direction.
The “Section Forces” sub-menu lets you plot section forces and moments as curves, meshes and
with or without values attached. All generated curves and meshes get appended to the “BeamView”
“Curves” and “Mesh” output. The graphical representation is oriented according to the local coordi-
nate axes of the beam and takes the deflected geometry as its base. The index of bending moments
indicates the local axis about which they rotate, for shear forces it is the direction in which they act
(see also fig. 3.85). Customize the mesh-colors via “karamba.ini”. The slider “Length/Subdivision”
3.6 Results 96
Figure 3.83 Beam consisting of two elements under axial and transverse point-load: List of displacements
along the axis: three components of translations and rotations for each section and load case.
In case you want to know how displacements change over the length of a beam use the “Beam
Displacements”-component (see fig. 3.83). The “BeamIDs”, “LCase”, “maxL” and “NRes” input-plugs
work analogously to those of the “Section Forces”-component (see section 3.6.9).
Figure 3.84 Simply supported beam under axial and transverse point-load: List of normal forces, shear forces
and moments for all elements and all load cases along an the elements.
Figure 3.85 Normal force “N”, shear force “V” and resultant moment “M” at a cross section with local coordi-
nate axes XYZ. Force and bending moment components are positive in the direction of the local coordinate
in fig. 3.86 are trees that hold the beams normal force and resultant bending moment. Each branch
corresponds to one load-case. If the input-plug “LCase” has a value other than the default of “-1” the
output in “N”, “M”, and “V” is limited to the load-case with the corresponding index. With “BeamIds”
the result output may be confined to a subset of the beams in the model.
Tensile normal forces come out positive, compressive normal forces have negative sign. The resul-
tant moment yields always positive values as it is the length of the resultant moment vector in the
plane of the cross section.
Figure 3.86 Beam under axial and transverse point-load: List of normal forces, shear forces and moments
for all elements and all load cases.
The input-plug “NRes” sets the number of equidistant points along the beam axis where resultant
3.6 Results 98
forces are calculated in order to determine the maximum values for output. In case of zero gravity
and in the absence of uniform beam loads the maximum values of M and N occur at the endpoints.
Otherwise these maxima may lie inside the elements. The default value of “NRes” is three which
means that values are checked at the beams end-points and in the middle.
As “M” is always rendered positive the maximum along an element is unambiguously given. Under
gravity normal forces in a beam may change sign. In such a case Karamba3D returns that “N” which
gives the maximum absolute value.
Fig. 3.86 shows the results of a simply supported beam consisting of two elements under two load-
cases: In load case zero both elements return zero normal force because there acts no external axial
load. The maximum moment of both elements is 2 kN m. For a simply supported beam under a
mid-point transverse load the maximum moment occurs in the middle and turns out to be M =
F · L/4 = 1 kN · 8 m/4 = 2 kN m.
The axial force of 3 kN in load case one flows to equal parts into both axial supports. It causes
tension (1.5 kN) in the left element and compression (−1.5 kN) in the right one.
3.6.11 ShellView
The “ShellView”-component works like the “BeamView”-component (see sec. 3.6.7 and controls the
display of shell results. Figure 3.87 shows the resultant displacement of a shell.
Shell cross sections may consist of several layers (see section 3.3.2). The layer with index “0” spans
the whole cross section height by default, the other layers can be used to e.g. specify reinforcement
layers. With the “LayerInd”-input, which defaults to “0”, one can specify the cross section layer to be
displayed. In order to set the location inside a layer one has to specify a fiber: “1” corresponds to the
upper boundary, “−1” to the lower boundary of a layer. The local z-axis points to the upper boundary.
Since the shell layers may have arbitrary orientations, it is often useful to display their local coordinate
systems. This can be done with the “Local layer axes”-radio button under the “Display Scales”-sub-
menu. The slider there allows to adapt the size of the coordinate system arrows.
3.6 Results 99
Under the submenu “Render Settings” you can choose from these rendering options – the always
refer to the currently set layer:
Cross section: Shows the upper and lower surface of the current layer and adds them to the output
at the “Mesh”-output plug.
Utilization: Renders the material utilization. The utilization is calculated as the ratio between the
material strength and the maximum Van Mises stress. A negative sign results if the negative
value of the second principal stress is larger than the first principal stress. The output com-
prises two meshes symbolizing the utilization values on the top- and bottommost layer. The
Van Mises Yield criterion is not applicable to brittle materials like concrete.
Princ. Stress 1: Visualizes the resultant value of the first principal stress in the current fiber of the
current layer. The fiber can be set with the “Fiber of results” slider (see below).
Princ. Stress 2: Displays the resultant value of the second principal stress in the current fiber.
Van Mises Stress: Renders the Van Mises Stress in the current layer and position.
Position of Results: Sets the position on the current shell layer on which results are calculated. A
value of 1 corresponds to the upper, −1 to the lower boundary of the current layer.
Princ. Stress 1-2: Enables or disables and scales the vector display of principal stresses in the
current fibre of the current layer. Use the “Result Threshold” sliders in the “Display Scales”-
menu of the “ModelView”-component to thin them out if necessary.
Figure 3.88 Cantilever consisting of triangular shell elements: Flow lines of force in horizontal direction.
• FF-lines form eddies in ineffective (with respect to the given force direction) parts of a struc-
ture or reverse their direction there.
• In case you want to strengthen a structure with linear elements (e.g. fibres) align them with
FF-lines to get the most effective layout.
FF-lines are not the same as principal stress lines because the latter lack the property of constant
force between adjacent lines.
The “Shell Force Flow Lines”-component lets you create force flow lines in arbitrary points of shells
(see fig. 3.88). The load-case considered is that defined in the nearest upstream “ModelView”-
There exist seven input plugs:
Model: The model from which you want to create FF-lines. By default the results of all load-cases
get superimposed with factor “1”. Use a “ModelView”-component to select specific load-cases
or to impose load-factors other than “1”.
Layer: In case of bending, the stress state of shells and therefore the FF-lines change over the cross
section height. A value of “-1” denotes the lower “1” the upper shell surface and “0” the middle
layer. The default value in “0”.
ForceDirs: Expects a vector or list of vectors that defines the direction of force. This direction gets
projected on each element in order to define the local force flow directions. Elements per-
pendicular to the “ForceDir”-vector are skipped. Multiple such directions can be defined for
different regions.
ForceDirPos: For each vector in “ForceDirs” a position can be defined. The force direction at an
arbitrary point on the shell corresponds to the “ForceDir”-vector with the closest “ForceDirPos”.
Source: Defines points on the shell where FF-lines shall originate. You can feed points on or near the
shell into this plug. It is also possible to use lines that intersect the shell. In case of multiple
intersections there will be the same number of FF-lines.
Seg-L: Intended length of the segments of the resulting FF-lines. Is 0.5 m by default. A negative
value means that only IN T (abs(Seg − L)) line segments will be drawn.
3.6 Results 101
dA: This parameter sets the accuracy with which the FF-lines get determined: It is the maximum
differential angle between to adjacent pieces of a FF-line. If this criteria results in pieces of
length smaller than “Seg-L” then they will be joined before sent to the output-plug “Line”. By
default this value is set to 5°.
theta: Here you can define an angle between the FF-lines and those lines output at the “Line”-output
plug. The angle is in degree and defaults to zero.
The output of the “ShellFFlow”-component consists of lines arranged in a data tree. The right-most
dimension contains the branches of each flow-path: In case of a e.g. a plane there are two branches
that originate from the given intersection point. In case of T-like shell topologies this number can
grow to three and larger.
Isolines on Shells
The “Isolines on Shells”-component lets you do two things: First draw contour lines on shells that
connect points of equal principal stresses, principal moments, utilization, resultant displacements
or shell thickness (see fig. 3.89). Second query results in arbitrary points of the shell.
The input-plugs “Model”, “Layer” and “Seg-L” have the same meaning as for the “Force Flow Lines
on Shells”-component (see sec. 3.6.12). In terms of placing iso-lines on the structure the input
“Vals|Pts|Lines” offers the following options:
Vals: In case a list of numbers is supplied, iso-lines at these levels will be created. See the context
help of the input-plug for the physical unit to use. One can e.g. use the “Legend T”-output of
the “ShellView”-component after removing the first and last item from the list.
Pts: Iso-lines will start at the closest projection of the given points on the shell.
Lines: The intersection points of the given lines and the shells serve as seeds of iso-lines
The load-case to examine as well as load-case factors can be set with a “ModelView”-component
plugged into the definition ahead of the “Isolines on Shells”-component. By default all load-cases get
superimposed using unit load-factors.
3.6 Results 102
Isolines are straight lines within each shell element. This may result in slightly rugged poly-lines.
Set the “Smooth”-input plug to “True” in order to flatten them out. The “Line”-output-plug will then
return splines instead of lists of line-like curves. They result from using the calculated iso-points as
control-points. For curved shell geometries this has the disadvantage that those splines no longer
stay exactly on the shell surface. This may give you a hard time trying to intersect different groups
of such lines.
In the “property”-submenu you can select the result-value to be displayed: first or second principal
stress (“Sig1”, “Sig2”), first or second principal bending moments (“m1”, “m2”), utilization (“Util”)),
resultant displacement (“Disp”) or shell thickness (“Thick”).
The “Lines”-output data-structure corresponds to that of the “Force Flow Lines on Shells”-component.
Each number in the output-plug “Value” corresponds to one piece of isoline from the “Lines”-output.
Figure 3.90 Principal stress lines: they are tangent to the first and second principal stress direction. The
coloring reflects the level of material utilization.
Principal stress (PS) lines are tangent to the principal stress directions (see fig. 3.90). In the case
of a cantilever they either run parallel or at right angle to the free boundaries. In the middle where
normal stresses due to bending vanish, first and second principal stress lines intersect the middle
axis at 45°.
The meaning of the input-plugs of the “Principal Stress Lines on Shells”-component correspond to
that of the “Force Flow Lines on Shells”-component (see sec. 3.6.12 for details). On the output side
“Lines1” and “Lines2” hold the first and second principal stress lines in data trees: the right-most
dimension holds a list of lines that represent a part of a PS-line. There are usually two parts per line
that start off to either side of the starting point. In case of more complicated topologies there can
be more than two parts. These parts populate the second dimension from the right.
3.6 Results 103
Figure 3.91 Cantilever analyzed as shell structure: directions of second principal normal forces at element
Figure 3.92 Triangular mesh of shell elements and principal stress directions at their centers. Colors indicate
the resultant displacement.
This components provides the same results as the “Princ. Stress 1-2” option of the “ShellView”-
component (see fig. 3.92). The output-plug “P” renders the positions of the elements centers. “Sig1-
Vec” and “Sig2-Vec” return vectors for the first and second principal stresses there. “Sig1-Val” and
“Sig2-Val” output the values of the first and second principal stresses. Thin out results by setting
3.7 Export 104
“Result Threshold” of “ModelView” (needs to be upstream of the data-flow) to a value of less than
100 % . Like for isoline and force-flow lines a specific load case or superimposition of load cases
can be set via “ModelView”. By default all load-case results get added up using unit load factors.
3.7 Export
Karamba3D is not meant to be a substitute for a full blown structural engineering finite element soft-
ware package. Instead it aims at providing flexibility in testing different structural designs that the
more traditional FE-applications lack. We therefore started to implement interfaces to those tradi-
tional civil engineering packages. At the moment Karamba3D supports data exchange with RStab5,
RStab6, RStab7, RStab8 and Robot. With GeometryGym (see https://geometrygym.wordpress.
com/downloads/ it is possible to export Karamba3D model data to IFC.
The different versions of RStab and Robot interpret some aspects of DStV data differently. For ex-
ample distributed, projected loads will not be imported correctly in all versions of RStab. Therefore
you should always compare the structural response calculated with the exported model in RStab or
Robot to that obtained with Karamba3D.
In DStV-files the export of standard cross sections works via their name. RStab and Robot show slight
differences in naming them: for example a “HEAA100” in Karamba3D is the same as a “HE100AA”
in Robot and a “HE100A” in RStab. In order to get the standard cross sections right one needs to
convert their names in the exported file. Karamba3D applies the conversion tables “CrossSection-
NameAliases_Robot.csv” and “CrossSectionNameAliases_RStab.csv” for Robot and RStab respec-
tively. These can be found in the Karamba3D installation folder 3 . One can open them with either a
text editor or a spreadsheet program. In case the first row contains a “#” the rest is a remark. The
second row contains the cross section name as used in Karamba3D, the third the alias, the fourth a
user defined name or nothing. Currently the name conversion tables which come with Karamba3D
do cover many but not all cross section names. In case there is no alias for a cross section name it
gets exported as a non-standard cross section.
3.8 Utilities
Figure 3.93 Unified mesh generated from Breps using the “MeshBreps”-component; created by Moritz Heim-
In Karamba3D the geometry of shells is represented by meshes. Each mesh face corresponds to a
constant strain finite element. The element nodes determine its connectivity to the other parts of
the structure. Thus point-loads, supports, point-masses and the like can only be attached to mesh
vertices. When two meshes have common boundaries they need to have identical vertices there in
order to be structurally connected.
double-click on the Karamba3D desktop icon to get there.
The “Mesh Breps” component was programmed by Moritz Heimrath.
3.8 Utilities 106
The “MeshBreps”-component ensures the connectedness of meshes generated from multiple breps.
It also allows to define points on those breps where mesh vertices shall result. Fig. 3.93 shows the
unified mesh based on four breps and one predefined point.
Figure 3.94 In- and output of the “MeshBreps”-component; created by Moritz Heimrath.
IPts: Points on breps or at their boundaries where mesh vertices shall be generated. If a point’s
shortest distance to the nearest brep exceeds 0.000 01 m it will be discarded.
Edge Refinement Factor: Multiplication factor for “MRes” that determines the target edge length of
faces at brep-boundaries.
Point Reduction: If “True” vertices in overly dense areas get culled. Such regions may result from
a distorted UV-space in the underlying brep. Points closer than half of “MRes” to their next
neighbor get removed.
SStep and SIter: These two parameters let you control mesh relaxation. Triangular finite shell ele-
ments give better results when having sides of approximately equal length. The smoothing
algorithm tries to improve the mesh in that direction: It moves each vertex towards the center
of gravity of those vertices it connects to. During mesh relaxation vertices always remain on
the brep they belong to.
The output of the “MeshBreps”-component consists of meshes with identical vertices at common
boundaries. The “Info” output-plug provides information regarding the meshing process.
Figure 3.95 A grid of points where each point connects to one or two of its nearest neighbors.
Figure 3.96 Random points in a unit volume connected to their nearest neighbor in a 5-D setting
A nearest neighbor search can be generalized to any number of dimensions. Use the “Closest Point
Multi-Dimensional”-component in case of more than three. Fig. 3.96 shows an example with five
dimensions: Dimensions one to three represent space. Dimension four is the shortest distance
between each point and the thick red guide line. The curve parameter of the guide line at the point
where it meets the line of shortest distance acts as fifth dimension. Each of the randomly generated
points is connected with its nearest neighbor. One can see from fig. 3.96 that the resulting line
segments align to the guide curve – in some way.
There are three input-plugs on the component:
P: Expects a data tree, where each branch contains n values which are the coordinates of the points.
The “P”-input specifies points where nearest neighbor connections can start.
C: Expects the same sort of input as “P”. It contains the points where nearest neighbor connections
can end.
3.8 Utilities 108
Figure 3.97 A data tree of line segments thinned out based on their mutual distance.
Components like “Line Results on Shells” may result in a dense pattern of lines. The “Cull Curves”-
component lets you thin out the line segments based on their mutual distance. The input at “C”
expects a data tree, where each branch contains curve segments which make up a stream line. “LDist”
sets the minimum distance of curve segments from different branches below which a curve segment
gets removed. Proximity is determined on the basis of equidistant control points along the curve
segments. By default three points are used per segment. The number of points can be set via the
In connection with the optimization of structures there is often the need to define volumes where
there should be no structure (e.g. windows, rooms). One approach is to choose the parametrization
in such a way, that the volumes that should stay free can not be crossed by structure. This is often
rather hard to achieve. Another method consists of using penalty functions: The parametrization
does not preclude “wrong” solutions, but makes them perform worse than the “right” ones. This
is where the “Detect Collision”-component comes into play. It takes a model and a mesh as input
and determines the number of collisions between model and mesh. The result is returned in “nColl”
(see fig. 3.98). The input-plug “StartInd” accepts the index of the element with which the collision
detection should start. By default all elements of the model are included.
3.8 Utilities 109
Figure 3.99 The elements “A” and “B” of the original model are connected resulting in the additional element
LimDist: The “Element Felting”-component calculates the shortest distance between each pair of
elements in the model. If this distance is less than “LimDist” meters a connection will be
SnapLen: In case that a connection is to be generated the participating elements need to be divided
and a connection element introduced. If any of the thus arising elements has a length of less
than “SnapLen” meter then the element will be removed and its endpoints snap to the older
point of the two.
MaxELen: You can set here a length limit for elements that shall take part in the felting-process. All
element longer than the value of “MaxELen” meter will be ignored.
StartInd: Lets you limit the felting process to elements with an index larger than or equal “StartInd”.
MaxNCon: This sets the maximum number of new connections to be generated. If this value is
reached then felting simply stops.
Beam Id: The beam identifier provided here will be attributed to the connections generated by the
component. Cross sections, materials and eccentricities previously defined for this beam
identifier apply to these. In case no identifier is given neighboring elements snap to the point
in the middle of their shortest connection line.
The felting algorithm proceeds from the first element to the last, always testing against all currently
existing elements. Therefore newly generated connection elements may be the source of further
3.8.13 Mapper
A “Mapper” is a component that takes a Karamba3D-model and modifies it according to some generic
rules defined by mappings, based on parameters supplied by the user. It acts directly on the model,
so the process of transferring Grasshopper-geometry to a Karamba3D-model is dispensed with. The
resulting gain of speed can be important when running optimization tasks with e.g. Galapagos.
Fig. 3.100 shows a definition where a mapper applies a mapping called “Simple Stitch” on a given
model which originally consists of two elements: “A” and “B”. The input-plug “Params” receives two
3.8 Utilities 111
Figure 3.100 The “Mapper”-component applies mappings to a given model. In this case there is one map-
ping that connects two beam-sets with elements whose position is controlled by the parameters given to the
parameters. In the context of the “Simple Stitch”-mapping these parameters give the relative posi-
tion on the two beam-sets “A” and “B” where a connection “C” shall be introduced. So a mapping
encapsulates an operation and the mapper activates it 10 .
Currently Karamba3D offers mappings which mainly deal with connecting existing beam-sets by
variants of an operation termed “stitching”. The notion comes from the analogy to joining together
pieces of cloth. These mappings will be explained further below. They are rooted in the research
project “Algorithmic Generation of Complex Space Frames” which was conducted at the University
of Applied Arts Vienna.
Figure 3.101 Definition for optimizing the shape of a simply supported beam under mid-span single load.
Fig. 3.101 shows a definition where the first 30 eigen-forms (the thin red lines in 3.102) of a simply
supported beam serve as the shape-dimensions of the design space.
In other words: a mapping is a functor.
3.8 Utilities 112
Galapagos is used to determine the position in that design-space which results in minimum deflec-
tion under a single load at mid-span. It is clear (think of a hanging model) that the optimum shape
has a sharp kink under the load and is otherwise straight.
Fig. 3.102 shows the result of the optimization run which resembles the ideal shape to a large degree.
A sharper bend underneath the load could be achieved by including more shape-dimensions in the
design space.
Figure 3.102 Result of shape optimization (thick red line) for a simply supported beam under mid-span single
load using the first 30 eigen-forms – the thin red lines – as axes of the design space.
Proximity Stitch
Figure 3.103 “Proximity Stitch”-mapping with the same set-up as in fig. 3.100 but ten random connections
instead of two.
The “Proximity Stitch” is a tamed “Simple Stitch” (see sec. 3.8.15): In case of n beam-sets a tuple
of n parameters describes one connection. All parameters are in the range [0, 1]. The first value p1
sets the relative location l1 on the first beam-set. All following parameters pn relate to the restricted
interval [ln−1 − minOf f set, ln−1 + maxOf f set]. Here “minOffset” and “maxOffset” can be
defined by the user. The narrower the interval they define, the more regular the structure.
3.8 Utilities 113
Simple Stitch
Figure 3.104 “Simple Stitch”-mapping with the same set-up as in fig. 3.100 but 15 random connections instead
of two.
A “Simple Stitch”-mapping connects two or more beam-sets with truss or beam-elements. It is avail-
able via the “Stitches”-multi-component. The input-plug “BeamSets” expects a list of beam-sets
which get connected in the order as they are listed. Double entries of sets are no problem. Via
“NConnect” one sets the number of connections. There needs to be one parameter per beam-set
and connection for specifying the mapping. The numerical range of parameters should be zero to
one: 0 is the starting position of the beam-set, 1 its end. In case you fail to provide the mapper with
a sufficient number of parameters it will turn red. Read its error message in order to see how many
parameters are needed. The input plug “Beam Id” can be used to define the name of the connection
elements. Fig. 3.104 shows a structure with 15 connections resulting from 30 randomly selected
This “simple”-variant of stitches is also the most versatile one: It gives you great freedom in gen-
erating connection patterns by defining the way how a set of parameters is mapped to the set of
values that are fed into the “Simple Stitch”. The varieties “Proximity Stitch” and “Stacked Stitch” are
limiting the scope of possible patters. This leads to faster convergence in case of optimization with
e.g. Galapagos and spares you scripting effort but lacks the full flexibility of the “Simple Stitch”.
Stacked Stitch
Figure 3.105 “Stacked Stitch”-mapping with the same set-up as in fig. 3.100 but fifteen random connections
instead of two.
A “Stacked Stich”-component works along the same lines as a “Simple Stitch”. The difference is,
that it maps the given parameters to a geometry in such a way, that no two connection elements
3.8 Utilities 114
cross each other (see fig. 3.105). The input-plug “unevenness” can be used to fine-tune the average
irregularity of the result. Zero means totally even: The connection elements are placed at equal
distance along the beam-sets (in terms of the corresponding beam-set parameter). The larger the
value in “unevenness” the more irregular the layout of connection elements.
Figure 3.106 User defined Iso-lines (red) and stream-lines (green) on a rectangular shell patch.
The definition “User_Iso_Lines.gh” can be found in the Karamba3D installation folder 5 under “..-
Examples/TestExamples/”. It uses a function which when given a point returns the distance from
and direction to a predefined source point (see fig. 3.106).
Both components “User Iso-Lines” and “User Stream Lines” work similar to the “IsoLines”- (see sec-
tion 3.6.12) and “Principal Stress Lines on Shells”-components (see section 3.6.12) respectively. The
only difference lies in the fact that for each node of the model (which includes also nodes that only
connect to beams) a value (input-plug “Vals”) or vector (input-plug “TVecs”) tangent to the flow needs
to be supplied.
Double-click on the Karamba3D desktop icon to get there.
Chapter 4
Trouble shooting
Do not panic in case some Karamba3D-components turn red. Read the error message. It usually
contains information that helps you further. A very efficient technique for tracking errors is to divide
and conquer:
5. If not, take that part as your new model and proceed to point 1.
2. In case that more than one item is plugged into an input, check the incoming data via a panel
3. Sometimes flattening the input data helps: The path of input-lists must be consistent. For
diagnosis plug them into a Panel-component which will show the path and dimensionality
of the data. Another method is to enable “Draw Fancy Wires” in Grasshopper’s View menu:
Differently outlined connection lines signify different dimensionality of the data that flows
through them.
4.3 Miscellaneous Problems 116
4.3.1 “fem.karambaPINVOKE”-exception
On some computers the analysis component of Karamba3D refuses to work and throws a “feb.karambaPINVOKE”
exception. This may be due to left-overs from previous Karamba3D installations which were not re-
moved properly during the installation procedure. In such a case proceed as follows:
• Uninstall Karamba3D completely via settings/Software/...
– Remove “karamba.dll” and “libiomp5md.dll” from the windows folder if they still exist.
– Search your hard-disk for “karamba.dll”-, “karamba.gha”- and “karambaCommon.gha”-
files and remove all occurrences by hand.
• reinstall Karamba3D.
If this does not help do the following:
• Check whether the “karamba.dll”-file in the “Windows”-folder is blocked: right-click on the file
and select “Properties” then security.
• Make sure that you installed a Karamba3D version with the correct bitness: “Karamba3D
(64bit)” can be used together with “Rhinoceros 5 (64bit)”; “Karamba3D (32bit)” with “Rhinoceros
5”. Be aware of the fact that both versions of Rhino 5 get installed. “Rhino 6” and “Rhino 7”
come as 64bit-applications only.
4.3 Miscellaneous Problems 117
• Start Grasshopper
• Toggle the status of the “Memoryload *.GHA assemblies using COFF byte arrays” option
• Restart Rhino
4.3.4 Karamba3D does not appear nor any of its components seem to be installed
In case of multiple versions of Rhino on your machine make sure that you installed Karamba3D to
that right versions. Karamba3D can be installed for “Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)”, “Rhino 6” and “Rhino 7”
in parallel. In that case there will be three “Karamba3D” entries in the list of installed applications.
4.3.8 The “View”-components do not show rendered meshes (stress, strain,. . . ), supports, etc.
Check whether “Shaded Preview” is enabled in Grasshoppers Solution menu.
4.3.12 Error messages upon loading definitions saved with outdated Karamba3D versions
When loading definitions based on outdated Karamba3D version a pop-up window will inform you
that “IO generated x messages,. . . ”. Normally this can be ignored. It may happen however that very
old Karamba3D components do not load. In this case put their current versions in place. Deprecated
components have an “old” sign painted over their icon when you zoom in on them.
4.4 How to install Karamba3D for Rhino5, Rhino6 and Rhino7 in parallel
You can install the Rhino5 64-bit version of Karamba3D alongside the the Rhino 6 version. Simply
run the two installers one after the other.
It is however not possible to mix the Rhino5 32-bit version of Karamba3D with any of the others.
Appendix A
A.2 Installation
• Grasshopper
version 1.3.2 of Karamba3D was tested on GH 1.0.0007.
In case you do not possess Rhino, download a fully featured, free trial version from http://www.
rhino3d.com/download.html. Grasshopper for Rhino5 is free and can be found at http://www.
grasshopper3d.com/. It is already integrated in Rhino6 and Rhino7.
A.3 What’s new in version 1.3.2. with respect to version 1.3.1 121
This installs Karamba3D for all users by default. In order to install Karamba3D without the installer
simply copy the above files and the Karamba-folder from one machine to the next.
Unless deselected, the installer places a Karamba3D-icon on the desktop. Double-click on it to open
the Karamba-folder. Karamba3D can be installed in parallel for Rhino5(64bit), Rhino6 and Rhino7.
• A project for running automatic Karamba3D tests under NUnit has been published. See https:
• The cross section library has been extended considerably and comprises standard steel sec-
tions from the EU, UK, US, Russia, Japan, India, Canada, Germany, Australia, China, South
Africa, Brazil and Korea.
• A model’s nodal positions can be changed via the “ModifyModel”-component. This is nec-
essary since the “DisassembleModel”-component outputs elements with nodal coordinates
For composite materials – like in the case of rods made from glass fiber and epoxy – it is necessary
to defer a mean value for E using material tests. Karamba3D expects the input for E to be in kilo
Newton per square centimeter (kN/cm2 ).
If one stretches a piece of material it not only gets longer but also thinner: it contracts laterally. In
case of steel for example lateral strain amounts to 30 % of the longitudinal strain. In case of beams
with a large ratio of cross section height to span this effect influences the displacement response.
A.4 Background information 123
In common beam structures however this effect is of minor importance. The shear modulus “G”
describes material behavior in this respect.
Specific Weight
The value of “gamma” is expected to be in kilo Newton per cubic meter (kN/m3 ). This is a force per
unit of volume. Due to Earths gravitational acceleration (a = g = 9.81 kg m/s2 ) and according to
Newtons law (f = m · a) a mass m of one kilogram acts downwards with a force of f = 9.81 N. For
calculating deflections of structures the assumption of f = 10 N is accurate enough. If you want
a more precise value change the entry “gravity” in the “karamba.ini”-File. In case of Imperial Units
the exact value for “gravity” is automatically set – otherwise the conversion from lbm to lbf does not
work properly.
Table A.2 gives specific weights of a number of typical building materials. The weight of materials
only takes effect if gravity is added to a load case (see section 3.2.1).
σ =E·ε
“E” stands for Young’s Modulus which depends on the material and depicts its stiffness. Hooke’s law
expresses the fact that the more you deform something the more force you have to apply.
type kN/m2
life load in dwellings 3.0
life load in offices 4.0
snow on horizontal plane 1.0
cars on parking lot (no trucks) 2.5
trucks on bridge 16.7
If you want to calculate structures with large deflections you have to increase the load in several
steps and update the deflected geometry. This can be done with the “Large Deformation Analysis”-
component (see section 3.5.4) or the component for geometrically non-linear analysis “AnalyzeNon-
lin WIP”.
For typical engineering structures the assumptions mentioned above suffice for an initial design. In
order to get meaningful cross section dimensions limit the maximum deflection of the structure.
Figure A.1 shows a simply supported beam of length L with maximum deflection ∆ under a single
force at mid-span. The maximum deflection of a building should be such that people using it do not
A.4 Background information 125
start to feel uneasy. As a rough rule of thumb try to limit it to ∆ ≤ L/300. If your structure is more
like a cantilever ∆ ≤ L/150 will do. This can normally be achieved by increasing the size of the
cross-sections. If deflection is dominated by bending (like in figure A.1) it is much more efficient to
increase the height of the cross-section than its area (see section 3.1.10). Make sure to include all
significant loads (dead weight, live load, wind, . . . ) when checking the allowable maximum deflection.
For a first design however it will be sufficient to take a multiple of the dead-weight (e.g. with a factor
of 1.5). This can be done in Karamba3D by giving the vector of gravity a length of 1.5.
In case of structures dominated by bending, collapse is preceded by large deflections (see for ex-
ample the video of the collapse of the Tacoma-Narrows bridge at http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=3mclp9QmCGs. So limiting deflection automatically leads to a safe design. If however
compressive forces initiate failure, collapse may occur without prior warning. The phenomenon is
called buckling. Using the “Analysis”-component it makes no difference whether an axially loaded
beam resists compressive or tensile loads: it either gets longer or shorter and the absolute value of
its change of length is the same. In real structures the more slender a beam the less compressive
force it takes to buckle it. An extreme example would be a rope. In case buckling might occur, use
the “AnalysisThII”-component which takes into account the destabilizing effect of compressive axial
forces. The “Buckling Modes”-component lets you then compute the first buckling load-factor. This
is the factor with which the external loads need to be multiplied for initiating linear buckling.
intrinsic properties of a matrix. When applied to structures then C stands for the stiffness-matrix
whose number of rows and columns corresponds to the number of degrees of freedom of the statical
system. ~x is an eigen-mode as can be computed with Karamba3D.
Vibration modes ~x of structures result from the solution of a general Eigenvalue problem. This has
the form C · ~x = ω 2 · M · ~x. In a structural context M is the mass-matrix which represents the
e e e
effect of inertia. The scalar ω can be used to compute the eigen-frequency f of the dynamic system
from the equation f = ω/2π. In the context of structural dynamics eigen-modes are also called
normal-modes or vibration-modes.
The “Buckling Modes”-component calculates the factor with which the normal forces N II need to
be multiplied in order to cause structural instability. The buckling factors are the eigenvalues of the
general Eigenvalue problem C ·~x +λ2 ·CG ·~x = 0. Here C is the elastic stiffness matrix and CG the
e e e e
geometric stiffness matrix. The latter captures the influence of normal forces N II on a structure’s
deformation response.
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