Eg MCQ Bank
Eg MCQ Bank
Eg MCQ Bank
12-A line of 1 meter is shown by 1cm on a scale. Its Representative fraction (RF) is
a. 1
b. 100
c. 1/100
d. 1/50
(Ans: c)
13-A point ‘P’ is above Horizontal Plane (HP) and in front of Vertical Plane (VP). The
point is in
a. First quadrant
B.Second quadrant
c. Third quadrant
d .Fourth quadrant
(Ans: a)
Front view
Top view
Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Side view
(Ans: c)
16-When the line is parallel to VP and perpendicular to HP, we can get its true length in
Front view
Side view
Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Top view
(Ans: c)
17-The following method(s) is used to find the true length and true inclination of a line when its
front view and top view are given
Rotation method
Trapezoidal method
Auxiliary plane method
All of the above
(Ans: d)
18-The front view of a rectangle, when its plane is parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP, is
(Ans: c)
1. Which is the latest version of AutoCAD software?
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2019
2. Which key is used to obtain properties palette in AutoCAD?
a) Control+1
b) Control+2
c) Control+3
d) Control+4
3. AutoCAD was first released in the year:
a) 1858
b) 1966
c) 1898
d) 1982
4. How many units are available in AutoCAD?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 6
5. Which mode allows user to draw 90° straight lines :
a) Osnap
b) Ortho
c) Linear
d) Polar tracking
6. To obtain parallel lines, concentric circles and parallel curves; _________ is used.
a) Array
b) Fillet
c) Copy
d) Offset
7. The default grid spacing in both X and Y directions is:
a) 10
b) 20
c) 5
d) 15
8. How many workspaces are available in AutoCAD?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5
9. Scale command can be accessed easily by typing:
a) SL
b) S
c) SC
d) C
a. Prism
b. Sphere
c. Cone
d. Cylinder
(Ans: a)
11-A right regular hexagonal prism in resting on HP on its base, its top view is a
a. Square
b. Rectangle
c. Hexagon
d. Pentagon
(Ans: c)
12- Which of the following position is not possible for a right solid?
a. Axis perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP
b. Axis parallel to VP and perpendicular to HP
c. Axis parallel to both VP and HP
d. Axis perpendicular to both VP and HP
(Ans: d)
13-The top view of a right cylinder resting on HP on its base rim is
a. Ellipse
b. Circle
c. Rectangle
d. Square
(Ans: b)
15-The following is formed by revolving rectangle about one of its sides which remains
a. Cylinder
b. Sphere
c. Hemi sphere
d. Cone
(Ans: a)
01-If a solid is cut by a cutting plane parallel to the base of the solid and top part is
removed, the remaining part is called
a. Frustum of a solid
b. Truncated solid
c. Oblique solid
d. None of the above
(Ans: a)
3-A right circular cone resting on HP on its base is cut by a section plane parallel to HP,
bisecting its axis. The true shape of the section is
(Ans: d)
4-A right circular cylinder resting on HP on its base is cut by a section plane inclined to HP,
bisecting its axis. The true shape of the section is
(Ans: c)
6. The primary difference between the Model tab and the Layout tab(s) is ____.
A the Model tab is used for drawing in 3D and a Layout is used for drawing in 2D
B the Model tab is where you create the drawing and a Layout tab represents the sheet that you
will plot or print on
C the color of the background
D the Model tab displays the drawing you are copying from and the Layout tab is where you lay
out the new drawing
Correct Answer : B
1-The following is the method for development of a right regular prism.
Air conditioning duct
All of the above
(Ans: d)
None of the above
(Ans: a)
(Ans: d)
2. The Boolean operators - Union, Subtract and Intersect tools are found in the toolbar:
(b) UCS
(c) Solids Editing
(d) UCS II.
3. From which of the following toolbars can the Mass Properties tool be called?
(a) Modify
(b) Draw
(c) Standard
(d) Inquiry
Correct Answer : A
Question No : 33
6.What is the difference between command Plot and Print
A plot command prints only big plans
B The plot command for CNC (CAM)
C No difference
D print command can print up to A3 size paper
Correct Answer : C
Correct Answer : B
8. A cylinder can be created by drawing a rectangular shape then the ________ tool.
A. Revolve
B. Sweep
C. Extrude
B. sphere
C. extrude
14. In An Assembly, What Constraint Would You Use To Align Two Part Faces So That Their
Direction Arrows Are Parallel?
Mate with a Solution of Flush.
Fix with a Solution of Flush.
Cross with a Solution of Flush.
intersect with a Solution of Flush.