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ME 554 Rocket Propulsion

Problem Set – 6: Solid Rocket Motors

38. Consider a solid propellant rocket with end-burning configuration as shown in Figure P38.
The burning characteristics of the propellant when the initial grain temperature is 288.89 K
are given by the following data:
 linear burning rate is 1.016 x 10-3 m/s at a combustion pressure of 34.5 bar, and
 linear burning rate is 1.47 x 10-3 m/s at a combustion pressure of 68.97 bar.
The rocket engine is operating at a combustion pressure of 103.5 bar. Calculate the distance
the burning surface will recede in 5 secs.

Figure P38

39. The motor casing of a solid rocket has an inner diameter of 38 cm and a length of 150 cm
(Figure P39). It is filled with solid propellant (in a 6-point star cross-section configuration) that
has a total volume of 0.15 m3. After burn-out, 0.003 m3 of unburnt propellant is left.
Determine the (a) sliver fraction, (b) loading fraction and (c) web fraction of the solid rocket.
[2.0%, 88.2%, 57.9%]

Figure P39 Figure P40

40. The burn profile as depicted in Figure P40 was recorded for a solid rocket motor test at sea-
level static conditions. The burn rate (after rise time to tail-off) was measured to be
approximately constant at 2 kg/s. Read the burn profile carefully, and determine the (a) burn
time, (b) action time, (c) specific impulse, and (d) effective exhaust velocity.
[8 sec, 9 sec, 178.4 sec, 1750 m/s]

41. The following requirements are given for a solid propellant rocket motor:

Sea level thrust 8900 N (2000 lbf)

Duration 10 sec
Chamber pressure 6.8947 Mpa (1000 psia)
Operating temperature Ambient (approx. 700 F)
Propellant Ammonium nitrate-hydrocarbon

Determine the specific impulse, the throat and exit areas, the flow rate, the total propellant
weight, the total impulse, the burning area, and an estimated mass assuming moderately
efficient design. Properties of this propellant are:  = 1.26; T1 = 1755 K; r = 0.254 cm/sec at
6.8947 Mpa; c* = 1219.2 m/sec; b= 1550 kg/m3; molecular mass = 22 kg/kg-mol. Assume
a total impulse to weight ratio (It/wG) of 143.
[191 sec, 8.38 cm2, 65.16 cm2,46.6 N/s, 466 N, 485 N, 89000 N-s, 1.187 m2,622.37 N]
42. What is the ratio of the burning area to the nozzle throat area for a solid propellant motor
with the following characteristics? Also, calculate the temperature coefficient ( a ) and
temperature sensitivity of pressure (K).
Propellant specific gravity 1.71
Chamber pressure 14 Mpa
Burning rate 38 mm/s
Temperature sensitivity 0.007 K-1
Specific heat ratio 1.27
Chamber temperature 2220 K
Molecular mass 23 kg/kg-mol
Burning rate exponent, n 0.3
[159, 2.73 x 10-4, 0.01/K]
43. Plot the burning rate against chamber pressure for the motor in Problem – 42 by using r=ap1n
between chamber pressures of 11 and 20 Mpa.

44. What is the ratio Ab/At in Problem – 42 be if pressure were increased by 10%? Use the curve
of Problem – 43.

45. A solid rocket motor has the following operating characteristics:

Sea level thrust 10,000 N
Duration 10 sec
Chamber pressure 70.928 bar
Specific heat ratio 1.26
Chamber temperature 2500 K
Burning rate 6 mm/sec at 70.928 bar
Propellant density 1.67 gm/cc
Molecular mass 22 kg/kg-mol
Assuming a neutral burning (with a cigarette burning grain) and an adapted nozzle at sea
level, find the (a) characteristic velocity, (b) thrust coefficient at optimum expansion, (c)
specific impulse at sea level, (d) nozzle throat area, (e) weight of propellant and (f) burning
surface area. [1473 m/s, 1.59, 238 sec, 8.867 cm2, 418.4 N, 0.4261 m2]

46. Consider a solid rocket motor using an internal burning tubular grain with the following
operating characteristics:
Specific impulse 240 sec at sea level at 70 atm
Burning rate 2 cm/sec at 70 atm
Specific gravity 1.65
Ratio of specific heats 1.25
Mean molecular mass of gases 22 kg/kg-mol
Combustor pressure 70 atm
Desired average thrust 6000 kgf
Outer diameter of grain 400 mm
Ambient pressure 0.25 atm
Desired duration 4.05 secs
Assuming optimum expansion in the nozzle at sea level, determine the (a) nozzle throat area,
(b) chamber temperature, (c) burning surface area, (d) inner diameter and length of the grain.
[0.00484 m2, 2170 K, 0.75 m2, 0.238 m, 1.126 m]

47. A solid rocket motor has a design chamber pressure of 7 Mpa for an end burning grain with
n= 0.5 and r = 5 cm/s at the design chamber pressure and the design grain temperature of
15oC. The temperature sensitivity of the burning rate is 0.002 per oC and chamber pressure
sensitivity to initial grain temperature is 0.004 per oC. The nominal effective burn time for the
rocket is 60 s, i.e., at design conditions. Calculate (a) the new chamber pressure and burning
rate when the initial grain temperature is 45oC, (b) the corresponding reduction in burn time
in seconds. [7.84 Mpa, 5.61 cm/s, 6.5 s]
 State some typical applications of solid rocket motor.
 What are (a) black powder, (b) gunpowder (c) ballistite and (d) cordite?
 How do you enhance the burning rate of composite propellants?
 What do you understand by heat of combustion?
 Explain Vielle’s law / St. Robert’s law of burning rate relation with pressure.
 How do you express the sensitivity of burning rate to propellant temperature?
 What is a plateau propellant?
 From the sketch of a pressure-time (or thrust-time) curve, define (a) burning time and
(b) action time.
 Explain briefly the two methods of holding grain in the solid rocket motor case.
 Define the terms: (a) density specific impulse, and (b) volume impulse.
 Explain the terms: (a) perforation, (b) sliver, (c) web fraction, and (d) volumetric
loading fraction.
 What do you mean by propellant tailoring?
 State the functions of (a) liner, (b) inhibitor, and (c) insulator in a solid rocket motor.
 List five desirable characteristics of a solid propellant.
 What are the typical metal fuels used in composite propellants?
 State three commonly used fuel binders in composite propellant.
 State the functions of (a) burning rate modifiers/catalysts, (b) plasticizers, and (c) curing
agents (cross linkers).
 State the propellant combination used in Space Shuttle Sold Rocket Boosters.
 Mention some applications of gas generators in solid rocket motors.
 What are the typical propellants used in gas generators?
 What are the two basic types of igniters used in solid rocket motors?

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