Calculation of PVC Windows For Wind Loads in High PDF

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E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02025 (2018)
HRC 2017

Calculation of PVC windows for wind loads in

high-rise buildings
Aleksandr Konstantinov 1,* Maya Lambias Ratnayake1
1 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoye shosse 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia

Abstract. In the following article we examine problems faced when

designing PVC windows for high-rise buildings, which are usually not
considered when constructing objects for massive sites, using a high-rise
residential complex as an example. We address the matters related to wind
loads on windows & statistical calculation of the impact of wind loads on
them. We have presented variants of installing load-bearing elements of
PVC windows which accept wind loads. We conducted a laboratory
experiment by simulating wind loads on the window design, which is
actually used for glazing the examined high-rise building. In the course of
the experiment we determined additional factors which need to be
considered when constructing PVC window structures for glazing high-rise
buildings. We can determine that the following calculation method for the
impact of wind load on PVC windows gives higher values of the desired
statistical characteristics of load-bearing elements of a window compared
to the results of laboratory experiments. We provide prerequisites to
improve the analytical method of calculating impact of wind loads on load-
bearing elements of PVC windows.

1 Introduction
Currently, the construction volume of high-rise buildings in the world is constantly
increasing, especially in the residential sector [1-5]. To reduce the cost of construction of
high-rise buildings, we introduce technologies which were previously used only in mass
construction sites. One such example is using PVC windows when glazing high-rise
buildings instead of using traditional aluminium windows. PVC windows have lower cost
& have better thermotechincal characteristics compared to aluminium windows.
Nevertheless, initially PVC window systems were designed to be used low-rise & standard
multistorey constructions. The use of PVC windows in high-rise buildings, which are
subjected to high values of wind loads during construction & operation, needs consideration
as to the technological construction features of the PVC window system, as well as the
structural concept, parameters & the construction technology of the building. In the article
we examine the questions of designing & statistical calculation of PVC windows using a
high-rise apartment building which is 140m in height as an example.

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E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02025 (2018)
HRC 2017

2 Description of high-rise buildings. Description of the

structural concept of windows
The considered building is a 37-storey tower shaped in the form of a rhombus in the plan
and the total height is 140.3 m (figure 1). The building is located in a densely built-up urban
area. For glazing the building we use large-size structures of window units from the PVC
profile. The designed window unit with load area of maximum collection of wind loads is
presented in figure 1.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the designed window unit and General view of high-rise buildings and

3 The function of wind loads on PVC windows of high-rise

The application of calculated values of wind loads of translucent structures in standard
building construction sites are conducted according to valid normative documents [6,7,8].
During which, the calculated value of wind loads depend on the shape of the building, the
wind area & the terrain type of construction area & it increases when the height of the
building increases. For high-rise buildings using this approach is incorrect, as it does not
take in to account formation features of air streams of high-rise buildings in their
surrounding building area. For high-rise buildings it is essential to conduct a simulation of
wind loads in laboratory conditions using an aerodynamic tube [9-12], or by using special
software programs [13-16]. Research was conducted in the aerodynamic tube for the
studied building to determine the actual wind load on the building. The results of simulation
showed that the calculated value of wind loads on the building reach values in absolute
magnitude equal to Wmod=1440 Pa. Meanwhile, the calculated value of wind loads obtained
from valid normative documents was equal to in absolute magnitude W norm=2130 Pa (i.e.
1,4 times more). Wmod is adopted as the calculated wind pressure on windows of the

4 Analytical calculation of PVC Windows for the impact of wind

According to the valid normative documents [8,17,18] statistical calculation for impact of
wind loads on profile elements of the window unit are conducted according to conditions of
inadmissibility of excessive infiltration of cold air.

E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02025 (2018)
HRC 2017

Required moment of inertia of load-bearing elements of the window unit are determined by
formula 1
W  L4  B  B 
2 4
B (1)
J req   25  40    16   
1920  E  f  L  L  
W – the calculated value of wind load, N/mm2;
B – width of loading strip in the stress diagram, cm;
L – working length of the load-bearing elements of the window unit , cm;
E – modulus of elasticity, Pa. For steel E = 210 000 N/mm2;
f – maximum relative deflection of the load-bearing element of the window unit.
Maximum relative deflection of profile elements of window units are taken as equal to
f  L. (2)
It is considered that if the relative deflection of load-bearing elements of the window unit
does not exceed the specified value, the wind does not blow through the window. For the
window unit shown in figure 2, the required moment of inertia of the vertical mullion will
be J req = 23.15 cm4.

5 Technological limitations of PVC window systems

The existing rules for the statistical calculation of PVC window units is based on the
assumption that operational loads (wind pressure, own weight of the windows, etc.) occurs
only by steel liners installed inside profile elements made of PVC.
We can provide the required characteristics of the design elements of large format PVC
windows, based on the construction characteristics of the PVC window systems in two
ways. In the first case, the large format window unit is divided into two parts & a front-
connector is installed in between, which receives the wind load (see figure 2). In the second
case the window unit is not broken into parts, but an external amplifier is installed in the
vertical mullion (see figure 3). In an architectural & structural point of view, the second
option is optimal because using first option significantly reduces light transmission through
the window.

Fig. 2. Variant of strengthening PVC window units using Fig. 3. Variant of strengthening PVC
front connectors window units using external

For the considered case the actual value of the moment of inertia of a vertical mullion
with an external amplifier, which is designed according to valid normative documents, is;

E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02025 (2018)
HRC 2017

J req  J imp  J st  2.68  18.87  21.55 sm4

However, according to existing calculation methods when determining the actual
moment of inertia of the mullion only the moment of inertia of the reinforcing liners are
taken into account.

6 Laboratory experiment on simulating the impact of wind loads

on PVC window
To determine the actual work of the adopted window structure under the impact of
calculated values of wind pressure, a laboratory experiment was set up. The experiment was
conducted on a special test stand to determine the operational performance of window units
under the impact of excess pressure of air and atmospheric precipitation.
The test stand consisted of 3 basic units; test unit, control unit and computer unit. The
test unit was a closed sealed chamber where the test sample is installed on one side. The
control unit consisted a compressor to create positive or negative pressure inside the test
unit, as well as a set of automatics and detectors to measure parameters such as
temperature-humidity conditions inside the laboratory and operational factors of the test
samples (permeability and resistance to wind loads). The Computer unit of the stand
included a seat for the operator and the computer, which was used to determine the function
of the testing program and to control the stand. To determine the relative deflections of the
load-bearing elements of the window, the stand was equipped with electronic linear
displacement detectors.
Before testing, the window unit was installed in a wooden frame. Fixating the window
block in the frame (step and the installation of fasteners) was performed on the basis of
valid standards [8,19,20]. General views of the stand with the installed test sample are
shown in figures 6 and 7.

Fig. 4. General view of installed test window Fig. 5. Linear displacement detectors to
unit determine the relative deflection of mullions

E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02025 (2018)
HRC 2017

7 Analysis of the results

As a result of the conducted experiment we found that when the window unit is under the
impact of wind pressure equal to W mod=1440 Pa & the calculated actual moment of inertia
was equal to 21,55 см4, the deflection of the vertical mullion was 5.37 mm (1/400 of the
calculated length of the mullion, taken as equal to the height of the window unit). To ensure
this relative deflection of the mullion, required moment of inertia of the mullion should be
in accordance with the valid method of calculation (see formula 1) and equal to 30,86 см4,
which is 43% higher than the actual value. It is obvious that statistical calculation methods
for PVC window units currently used by structural-designers allow the calculations to be
made with redundant deflections. In order to reduce the cost of window units is necessary
to optimize this technique.
It is observed that when the wind pressure is more than 600Pа, wind blows through the
upper area of the hinges of window unit accompanied by a characteristic whistle. Wind
blowing occurred due the contraction of upper hinges of the casement window sealing.
Accordingly, in the course of the experiment we observed that – when relative deflections
do not exceed normative values (1/300 L), we do not follow the basic calculation criterion
of impact of wind loads on window units – thus, no wind blowing.

8 Discussions
According to the valid methodology [8], during the statistical calculation of mullions of
PVC window units, only the rigidity of steel amplifier of the mullion is taken into account.
The rigidity of profile of the mullion, as well as spatial work of the mullion with casement
window is not included in the calculations.
It is proposed to develop a new method for calculating the impact of wind load on
window units, which would take the above parameters in to consideration. We propose to
conduct numerical modeling and a series of laboratory experiments in order to establish the
actual work of window blocks of PVC by the impact of wind loads. It is proposed to
conduct the research system for "mullion+casement window", which would take into
account their work together under the impact of wind loads. The rigidity of the reinforcing
liners as well as the rigidity of the translucent infill of PVC profiles should be taken in to
account. On the basis of these subsequent studies, it is possible to form a refined analytical
method to statistically calculate the impact of wind load on of PVC window units.

9 Conclusions
We compared the existing methods for calculating the impact of wind loads on PVC
window units with the results of laboratory tests of the actual design of the window unit. It
was determined that in the existing method for calculating the impact of wind loads on PVC
window units includes a considerable redundancy for rigidity (40 %). It is established that
when the wind pressure is above 600 Pa, while meeting regulatory requirements for
deflections, we can observe wind blowing through upper hinges of window units. When
installing PVC window frames in high-rise buildings we recommend the using concealed
We propose a new method of calculation to determine the impact of wind loads on
window units which would take into account the collective work of the constituent elements
of the window unit (reinforcing liners, window profiles with translucent infill, etc.) in order
to reduce the cost of manufacturing window units by using reinforcing profiles of smaller
cross section.

E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02025 (2018)
HRC 2017

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