Mathematical Modeling of An Industrial Naphtha Ref
Mathematical Modeling of An Industrial Naphtha Ref
Mathematical Modeling of An Industrial Naphtha Ref
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ABSTRACT: A mathematical model for commercial naphtha catalytic reformer of Tehran refinery
was developed. This model includes three sequencing fixed beds of Pt/Al2O3 catalyst at the steady
state condition using detailed kinetic scheme involving 26 pseudo-components connected by a
network of 47 reactions, in the range of C6 to C9 hydrocarbons. The reaction network consisted
dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, ring expansion, paraffin and iso-paraffin cracking, naphthene
cracking, paraffin isomerization and hydrodealkylation of aromatics. The kinetic model was fine
tuned against industrial plant data using a feed characterized by PIONA (Paraffin, Iso-paraffin,
Oleffin, Naphthene and Aromatics) analysis. The final outlet results of the reformer such as RON
(Research Octane Number), yield and outlet reformate compositions have shown good agreement
with actual conditions of Tehran Refinery reforming unit.
KEY WORDS: Kinetic model, Modeling, Naphtha reforming, Fixed bed reactor.
The catalytic reforming process is one of the most lumps of paraffin, naphtane and aromatic. However these
critical operations in petroleum refineries to produce kinetic models could not be a proper tool for modeling
gasoline with high octane number [1-6]. and simulation of a commercial process, in the case of
To design new plants and optimize the existing ones, Tehran refinery naphtha reforming. In this study, an
an appropriate mathematical model for simulation the appropriate kinetic model was developed and fine tuned
industrial catalytic reforming process is needed. However for Tehran refinery catalytic reformer to process the
using simple lump kinetic models could not show straight run naphtha. The feed was characterized by
reasonable and appropriate results in scaled up reforming naphthenes, isoparaffins, paraffins and aromatics lumps
processes, therefore introduction of new kinetic lumps of each carbon number from C6-C9 consisting 26
and reaction networks are still being the interested pseudo-components. The major reforming reactions such
research and development subjects in the field of as dehydrogenation, dehydrocyclization, isomerization,
modeling and simulation of reforming processes. hydrocracking and hydrodealkylation were considered in
The applied reaction and their kinetics reported in the the model. The kinetic equations and their initial
literature are different and usually simplified to the three parameter estimations were taken from the literature [3,5,7].
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
+ E-mail:
1021-9986/09/3/97 6/$/2.60
Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Fazeli, A., et al. Vol. 28, No. 3, 2009
The kinetic parameters were fine tuned by direct Table 1:Catalyst characterization.
search (Nealder-Mead simplex) method. Suitable coupling Kind of Catalyst Pt/γ-Al2O3
of optimization method with a fast ODEs solver, choosing
Size and shape Spherical-1.8 mm diameter
proper reactions, kinetics, objective function and weight
Particle density 690 kg/m3
factors for a special commercial process are critical
stages of the present kinetic modeling. Particle porosity 0.6
Fuel as
Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Mathematical Modeling of… Vol. 28, No. 3, 2009
Table 2: Naphtha feed and operating conditions of Tehran feed, catalyst loading, recycle gas composition, inlet
refinery reforming plant. temperatures and pressures. The output of the model
Operating Condition Values included temperatures and concentration profiles of
T1 493
reformate as a function of catalyst distribution for each
Inlet temperature of the reactors reactor, gas composition and temperature drop. In
T2 493
(°C) addition the octane number of the feed and liquid
T3 493 reformate obtained from a data base of several pure
P1 3075.6 components of naphtha by a subroutine program.
Pressure (kPa) P2 2920.5 The initial guess values for the frequency factors and
activation energies were obtained from the literature [3]
P3 2799.9
and optimized using the commercial plant data of first
No. of Reactors 3 few days data, by a direct search algorithm (Nealder-
Total catalyst weight (kg) 45693.5 Mead simplex method) due to the minimization of an
R1 20 objective function. This function is introduced as the sum
of absolute relative deviations of the reactors temperature
Catalyst loading (wt%) R2 30
drop, outlet compositions and liquid reformate yield as
R3 50 observed in Eq. 4. The weight factors were introduced for
Feed flow rate (kg/hr) 65341.7 each term of objective function (OF) in order to approach
H2/HC molar ratio 5.6 to desired convergence of model and experiment.
ACH6 2.261 Objective Function (OF)
ACH7 5.952
i − ZiExprimental
= 100 * w i
ACH8 3.878 i =1 ZiExprimental
ACH9 2.852 20
x iCalculated − x iExprimental
= 100 * w i +
ACP6 5.866 i =1 XiExprimental
ACP7 0.821 LY%Calculated − LY% Exprimental
100 * w 21 +
ACP8 4.156 LY% Exprimental
ACP9 0.724 3
∆TrCalculated − ∆TrExprimental
100* w 21+ r
nP6 4.925
r =1 ∆TrExprimental
Fresh feed composition nP7 9.315
(mole %)
nP8 8.582
nP9 5.263 The pre-exponential Arrhenius constants and
iP6 2.063 activation energies were determined after fine tuning with
iP7 7.880 experimental data. Table 3 gives the predicted and the
plant output results of Tehran refinery reforming plant.
iP8 10.930
The predicted temperature drop of the reactors and the
iP9 10.674 reformate yield, compositions and RON from the last
A6 0.944 reactor are compared with actual results of the plant, in
A7 4.915 this table.
As can be seen, temperature differences in all reactors
A8 5.217
are in good consistency with reality. Reformate
A9 2.782 composition, yield and research octane number are also
Feed RON 69.44 close to actual values. The maximum deviation of the
tuned model from operational values is less than 2 %.
Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Fazeli, A., et al. Vol. 28, No. 3, 2009
T (°C)
Deviation Reactor 3
∆T1 54 53.889 0.206
Temperature 460 Reactor 2 Experimental Point
drop in the ∆T2 19 18.951 0.258
reactors (°C) Experimental Point
∆T3 5 4.986 0.280
Reactor 1
ACH6 0.058 0.058 0.059 420
0 20 40 60 80 100
ACH7 0.098 0.098 0.119 Catalyst (%)
ACH8 0.081 0.081 0.030 Fig. 2: Temperature profiles in three reforming reactors.
200 A
ACP7 0.468 0.468 0.047
150 nP iP
ACP8 1.160 1.161 0.034
iP9 0.370 0.370 0.016
20 ACH9
A6 5.675 5.675 0.004 ACH8
15 ACH6
A7 21.723 21.734 0.051
A8 19.705 19.795 0.457
RON 96.8 96.824 0.0248 Fig. 4: Alkylcyclohexanes (ACH) molar flow rates versus
catalyst percent.
Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Mathematical Modeling of… Vol. 28, No. 3, 2009
Molar flow rate (kmole/hr)
The presented model can also predict the trends of the experimental observations suggests that the model is well
liquid products, LPG, H2 and other necessary outputs. founded and is a good platform for additional process
The present model shows production of the reformate of specific refinement.
96.8 RON from a feed around 69 RON. The model shows
around 79 wt % yield of reformate against 21 wt % LPG Nomenclatures
which is considered in the acceptable range for such a Cp Specific heat capacity (KJ/kmol.K))
high pressure process. The predicted temperature and Ft Total molar flow rate (kmol/hr)
component profiles along the catalyst weight are shown Fi Molar flow rate of i th component (kmol/hr)
in Figs. 2 to 6. LY % Reformate liquid mass yield percent
Pt Total pressure kPa)
CONCLUSIONS Pi Partial pressure kPa)
Nowadays production of gasoline with high octane R Gas constant (J/mol.K)
number from naphtha produced from crude oil refining Rj j th reaction rate (kmol/(hr.kgcat))
through catalytic reforming reactions, attracts great StCoi,j Stochiometry coefficient of
attention. In this research naphtha reforming reactor of componet i in j th reaction
Tehran refinery was kinetically modeled, in high T Temperature (K)
pressure fixed bed reactors, using 47 reactions network W Catalyst weight (kg)
with 26 pseudo-components which enables modeling wi i th weight factor
of hydrogen, C1 to C5 production, liquid reformate Xi Mole fraction of the ith component
composition and temperature variations. Hj Reaction enthalpy(kJ/kmol)
The kinetics was fine tuned by direct search (Nelder- Tr Temperature difference across
Mead simplex) method. This study showed that using fast the reactor no. r
ODE solver of variable order based on the numerical
differentiation formulas (NDFs) is suitable for coupling Received : 18th April 2008 ; Accepted : 14th October 2008
to optimization method and can handle large number of
components and reactions. REFERENCES
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