WFRP Legion 7

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The article discusses Halfling naming conventions and forms of address, as well as challenges faced by cartographers at the Imperial Cartographic Workshop including inaccuracies introduced by the god Ranald.

Halfling names often reference food or nature. They use terms like 'Mr', 'Miss', or titles to address others both in and out of the family. Nicknames are also common.

Cartographers at the Imperial Cartographic Workshop struggle with an ancient master map that is mysteriously altered by the god Ranald, introducing errors. Individual maps are also sometimes changed without explanation.


LEGION issue seven - june 2007

The reason many of these names do not seem exotic

HELLO to those that speak Reikspiel is because so many of
Welcome to the latest issue of Legion. Something the names derive from familiar words. Of course,
to keep you going until Warpstone 27 arrives on this is only to be expected for a race with numerous
shelves and through letterboxes. meal-times and seventeen words for gravy.
This issue brings you a varied collection of
articles. Robert Rees' letter is the only proper letter The forms of address for Halflings are numerous and
Warpstone has received in some time. While we varied. Each member of the immediate family is given
don't have a letters page in Warpstone anymore, I a name and this extends out to close family friends
think Robert's letter deserves to be printed. Not and neighbours. All forms of address are respectful.
having a letters page remains one of the bigger The following list covers some of the most common.
negatives in Warpstone, something only readers
can do something about. Doc Otto is an NPC and Mr, Miss and Mrs: used as normal
winning entry from our Talabheim competition. Mother, Matron: older woman
Congratulations to Thomas Abballe; we hope he Father: older man
enjoyed the prize. Robin Low's affectionate Curse Raan: brother- in-law
of The Imperial Cartographers goes a long way to Uncle: paternal side; also, family friend
explaining a lot of things about Old World maps. Santol: uncle maternal side; also, family friend
My article on Halfling names was never finished, Aunt: paternal side; also, family friend
but there is enough to give an idea of where I was Esme: aunt, maternal side; also, family friend
Gongee: brother; also close friend
We hope you enjoy Legion. We don't really
Cisr: sister; also close friend
get too much feedback on it, although the British
Sinti: cousin; also a close family friend
Library is most keen to see each issue; it regularly
Coota: sister-in-law
asks when the next issue is due. So this issue is
dedicated to all those at the Library and the good
In addition to being referred to by this title, if
work they do.
applicable, virtually all Halflings are given nicknames
soon after birth and these are used more often than
the real name within the community. This name usually
WHAT’S T’S IN A NAME? refers to a physical aspect of the baby, such as rosy
HALFLINGS cheeks, smiling all the time, and so forth. Sometimes
ODY Y this name may be that of a relative they resemble.
Halfling adventurers are likely to be embarrassed on
Halfling names are often seen as cute or quaint returning home with comrades, as the family refuse
because so many are associated with food and to refer to the brave warrior as anything other than
nature, or the nicer side of life. This is true and Dimple.
Halflings take great pride in their names, seeing
nothing wrong with being named after a food or herb Halflings who gain a job title are called by such,
and find little to laugh at in being called Sugar or whether it is Sheriff or Priest. This is considered a
Suet. Surnames are commonly derived from family- great honour and is used even by close family (except
traits whether these still hold true or not. This is why parents and grandparents). However, any titles
they are usually so descriptive and indeed, many gained outside the immediate community or the Moot
Halflings will know the story of their surname's origin. are seldom referred to.
by Thomas Abballe
In our Talabheim competition we asked readers to
small flat and to buy second-hand materials. After
detail a location or NPC in the eponymous city.
only a week of intensive work, the first version of
Thomas Abballe's afflicted Doc Otto was the winning
"Doctor Otto's Elixir for Strength and Toughness"
entry and we are pleased to present it here.
was ready to be sold. However, in his arrogance,
Otto deemed some side effects of his preparation
(DOCC OTT O) trifling. Unfortunately for him, the porters who were
DRUG MANUF ACTURER IN THE OLD eager to test it didn't consider strong diarrhoea
CITY insignificant. Otto managed to escape his wrathful
clients, but was arrested a few days later for selling
drugs without a licence.

4 31 26 3 2 6 41 Disheartened and penniless by an expeditious trial

and a huge fine, Otto found an unexpected helpful
hand in the person of Maximilian von Goetzberg, a
young and dissipated noble. Maximilian offered Otto
1 41 28 55 35 37 34 his patronage, in exchange for a percentage of the
profits and in-kind advantages. Thanks to his money,
Alignment: Neutral Otto was able to carry out research, and two months
Skills: Chemistry, Cure Disease, Heal
Wounds, Immunity to Poison,
Manufacture Drugs (chemical), Prepare
Poisons, Read/Write, Secret Language -
Possessions: Apothecary furniture.
Quotes: "What you called side effects
is no more than scoriae." "The drug
would already be prepared, if you hadn't
disturbed me."

Otto Lienweber was born in a small town

of Talabecland. Quickly, it became
obvious he was too intelligent to be a
farmer like his parents. So they
apprenticed him to the local apothecary.
Otto was an eager student, but his great
abilities went to his head and he became
arrogant and egocentric. The very day his
master finally told him his formation was
finished, he left the village and its
"unsympathetic and jealous inhabitants". A
few days later, he arrived at Talabheim.
That was ten years ago.

He spent the little gold he had to rent a

2 legion - issue seven

later a second version of the Elixir, without apparent
side effects, was ready to be marketed. However, a Tib et: T
ibet: he Role Pla
The ying Game
licence was not granted. Each week, Maximilian by Brian St. Claire-King
came to Otto's laboratory asking him for specific Publishe
Publishedd by Vajra Enterprises
preparations, cursing the slowness of Talabheim's Reviewe
Reviewedd by Robin Low
administration... and leaving with an increasing stock
of Otto's Elixir. This review begins
with an apology to
In fact, Maximilian only wanted a private and devoted Vajra Enterprises
apothecary, and not a source of profits: the Elixir he and Brian St. Claire-
took each week was for his personal consumption. King, respectively
Unfortunately the new mixture, if safer for intestines, the publisher and
was also more addictive. As the months passed, writer of Tibet: The
Role Playing
Maximilian became more and more dependant on
Game. A long time
Otto's preparation. The over-consumption of Elixir ago, I offered to
touched his mind and he became lunatic and quick- review a copy of the
tempered. One day, as Otto asked him again why game sent to the
the license was not granted, he exploded with rage, Warpstone fanzine,
beat him and devastated the laboratory, leaving Otto and it has taken me
for dead. He died a short time after of a crisis of far too long finishing this review (literally years). This
apoplexy, during a fistfight. game deserves to be reviewed and it deserves good
reviews, so I’m sorry this one hasn’t come much
sooner. I should also say this is my first review of a
When Otto woke up, he was lying in a comfortable core rulebook, so my weaknesses as a reviewer should
bed, in a sober but neat room, and his injuries had not count against the game in anyway.
been healed. A sinister man was sitting near him. He
explained to Otto that he was now the property of Introduction
the gang of the Wolves, and as such he was expected Tibet is set in the eponymous country during the
to work hard, if he didn't want to be "thrown away". Communist Chinese invasion of the 1950s, the default
And so started the career of Otto as a drug starting year being 1959.Officially, the Tibetan
manufacturer: he prepares drugs, poisons and even government is in charge, but agreed to a slow
conversion (‘liberation’ in Chinese parlance) to
the famous "Otto's Elixir".
Communism. The reality is that more and more
Chinese troops occupy parts of the country and
Otto has changed 'owners' three or four times in the actively propagandise, becoming increasingly hostile
last eight years, but he does not care; the job doesn't to native Tibetans, especially those unwilling to convert.
change. In fact, he cares about almost nothing. He
tries to escape reality and his disillusions by taking Against this background, we are offered a setting in
drugs and tries nearly all mixtures he has to prepare. which magic and karma, spirits and demons are real
Now, Otto is mere skin and bone, 26 years old but and active parts of the life of the country and its
inhabitants. A useful comparison is with the concept
looking ten years older. Because of the fumes of his
of the Mediaeval Paradigm of Ars Magica, where
laboratory, he is nearly bald and has horrible skin what was believed during that period of history is
infections. It also touched his mind: he suffers of representative of reality in the game. The same is true
Soliloquism, Megalomania and light Schizophrenia. for Tibet, although GMs are still perfectly free to take
a strictly realistic approach. The rulebook very
effectively outlines the different approaches that GMs
can take. Guerrilla warfare, political machinations and
mystical activities, or combinations of each, are all
within the scope of the game.

Organisation, Layout and Appearance

Tibet is a well put together book. Text is in two columns,

legion - issue seven 3

the font size is large enough to give a clear, comfortable Karma is an interesting part of the game, and characters
read, and is broken up by numerous pictures. The vast have a base Karma score and a current score that
majority of the pictures are period photographs of fluctuates according to recent actions. It’s important
Tibetans and their country, and are actually relevant to to realise that it is the effects and not the intentions of
adjacent text – the setting and people are probably actions that affect Karma. An individual’s Karma affects
brought to life more effectively than in many other those around him, influencing their own current Karma
RPGs. What original art there is, is of a good standard. and helping benevolent or malevolent magic. Negative
Karma also attracts the attentions of malevolent spirits.
Every new heading throughout the book begins with a High Karma allows the performance of miracles.
small grey box entitled ‘In Brief‘, giving a helpful
summary of no more than a two or three sentences, The next step is choosing a character class. Classes in
handy if you want quick facts or are looking for Tibet are more akin to careers in Warhammer Fantasy
something in particular. There are also numerous black Roleplay, so calling them classes is arguably a mistake
boxes with white text at the bottom of the pages that as it gives the wrong impression. Tibet’s classes are all
give brief meanings of terms used within nearby text. about a character’s place in Tibetan society. There are
This is very helpful if things have been described twenty-five in all, and range from the seemingly mundane
elsewhere and you’ve forgotten what they were. (Farmer, Aristocrat, Craftsperson, Merchant) to the
religious (Kahyupa Monk, Yellow Hat Monk, Nyingmapa
There are numerous cross-references to other relevant Monk) to the magical (Mirror Gazer, Oracle, Sorcerer).
parts of the book, with page numbers (I found only a However, this is not a game in which playing a magical
couple of examples of page XX). The game has an character is automatically more attractive. Even humble
excellent contents page and an index that works when I farmers have access to skills in divination, exorcism
checked a few entries at random (although it’s not as and sorcery. Very cleverly, the designers have created
comprehensive as it could be). Additionally there are a system where the points costs of skills vary between
glossaries of Tibetan terms and game terms. classes: a farmer gets his levels in farming for free,
craft skills are relatively cheap, but sorcery eats up
Describing the Setting points, western knowledge even more.
The setting, in terms of history, politics, geography and
culture, is remarkably well-described, and the writing Skills are separated into twelve groups: Combat, Crafts,
style offers flavour and insight, rather than dry lessons. Divination, Exorcism, Folk Knowledge, Medicine,
The information provided is thorough but not laboriously Scholarship, Sorcery, Tantra, Travel, Weathermaking
over-detailed, giving background and facts that are both and Western Knowledge. Skills within these categories
interesting and useful for GMs wanting to get to grips range from the familiar (Archery, Gambling, Tibetan
with the setting before presenting it to the players. This Law) to many that are specific to the setting (Fire
is the best description of a real-world country in a Exorcism, Disease Sorcery, Yidram Tantra). In other
gaming context I’ve read. I cannot speak for its games, many of the magical skills would be reduced to
accuracy, but it seems a great resource. specific spells, but this approach offers greater flexibility
in use and variability in outcome.
Character Creation and Skill Use
Creation begins with the character concept, which Each skill has an associated Attribute. A specific action
covers issues of gender, name (quite a complex and within the scope of each skill is given a difficulty number
interesting issue), ethnicity, attitude to the Chinese, (ranging from 0 for automatic success, 10 for an easy
attitude to violence, religious beliefs and vows. Character action, up to 40 for a Legendary action). To determine
Attributes are familiar, but include Karma (see below), the success or failure of an action, 1d20 is rolled and
and are bought with points. An additional points pool is added to the character’s relevant attribute. Modifiers
spent on health attributes: Body (withstanding blunt may be applied. If the player achieves a score equal to
damage), Blood (withstanding damage to vital organs) or greater than the difficulty of the action then the
and Incapacity (keeping going before being character is successful. Further information is given
incapacitated). Optional sub-attributes can modify for certain circumstances such as when two attributes
attributes – the given example is a character who is not are relevant, for opposed rolls, times when a character
very strong over-all but is deemed to have strong hands has the chance to stop before he fails, and others.
as a result of his profession, a rather good idea in my Attributes themselves are relevant in a range of
view. The player gets a pool of 90 points to spend on 9 circumstances. For example, Willpower is used in
attributes, scores ranging from 1 to 20. Sub-attributes opposed rolls to resist mental manipulation. Charm is
cost or give 1 point. Health attributes range from 1 to 6, used to determine how successful a persuasion attempt
with 12 points to spend. is, but the difficulty is determined by the GM based on
the roleplaying and argument offered by the player, an

4 legion - issue seven

excellent way of encouraging roleplay. provides many ideas on how to use the setting. It briefly
looks at getting groups of PCs together, before going
Characters also choose attachments which help define on to consider Military, Political, Ceremonial and
personality. Buddhism teaches that bad Karma and Mystical Adventures. These sections are not so much
suffering come from people latching on to ideas, beliefs, scenario seeds, but advice on relevant issues and
emotions and material things. Truly letting go of these suggestions. For example, Military Adventures talks of
things leads to enlightenment. Attachments are grouped Sabotage and Escape to India, and discusses Chinese
into physical (examples: alcohol, fame, prized Troops. Mystical Adventures speaks of Mad Saints and
possession, safety), self (examples: forgiving, sceptical, the dangerous and foolish tasks they might set
truthful, worthless) and universe (examples: brutality, characters. Alongside this, the dangers of travel
humour, justice, paranoid, utilitarian). Attachments can (everything from crossing gorges and rivers to bandits
assist when characters are faced with something that and wild animals) and magical threats (sections on
could harm an attachment. Some attachments are supernatural creatures, haunted locations and cursed
considered dark, in that they are likely to causes serious objects) are discussed. There are a lot of ideas here.
difficulties for the character, and likely others, and give
a bonus point. Attachments are easy to acquire or Tibet has two scenarios. The first surrounds a “Struggle
change, but hard to get rid off. There are rules for Session”, a practice developed by the Communist
losing attachments and gaining enlightenment – I can Chinese where those seen to have deviated from Mao’s
see these being interesting personal objectives for dictates undergo public torture until they acknowledge
individual characters. I’d have liked to have seen more their mistake. Chinese troops are trying to break the
discussion on the roleplaying aspects of all this, but on morale of a town by breaking the devotion of local
the other hand the rules mechanisms are in place and monks. Of course, there are other things going on
individual GMs and groups and can apply their own behind the scenes. The second scenario involves a
gaming preferences to the roleplaying side of things. search for a hidden valley, with opportunities for
roleplaying and more physical and mystical conflict.
There is also a system of characteristic bonuses, Both scenarios make for interesting introductions to
together with advantages and disadvantages. the game and setting.
Disadvantages give positive bonus points, advantages
negative bonus points. Bonus points can also be gained Why should Tibet: The Roleplaying Game interest
or lost by giving up or increasing Attribute, Health, and WFRP GMs and Players?
Skill points, or taking less money. Positive bonus points There are some similarities between Tibet and WFRP.
can be used to increase points available for spending Both are self-contained games that are complete in
on those characteristics or on advantages. All this themselves (not quite so true for WFRP2, admittedly).
number juggling must be balanced. My only criticism Character creation is built upon the idea of careers.
here is that this section of the character creation rules Perhaps most interestingly, Tibet might be used as
should have come much earlier, so that the various points source material for the unknown lands of Ind or Cathay
pools were sorted out first. in the Warhammer World. Obviously, GMs will have to
do some conversion work in terms of rules, but the
Magic and Fighting ideas are there and are worth taking advantage of.
Magic is dealt with using the game’s normal skill use
mechanism, which I personally like a lot. Various Overall
components (examples: meditation, ritual objects, I’ll resist giving the usual scores, as I don’t much care
offerings, chanting) may be required, but attempts can for that approach. Instead, I’ll say that I really enjoyed
still be made without them for an increase in the reading Tibet. It’s interesting and well-written in its own
difficulty. right, and the setting feels particularly rich. I think the
rules are certainly worth a look. Character creation might
Each combat skill lists a range of actions that are not be as fast as some games, but the way it is done
possible with each skill, which usually provide bonuses. feels particularly right to me. Even if you never plan to
However, there is a good range of combat actions use the rules and setting as written, Tibet still provides
available to all, even those without specific combat excellent material for games such as Call of Cthulhu,
skills. Combat is resolved through a series of opposed Savage Worlds, and even Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
actions/ reactions from the participants. The system if you plan on travelling further abroad. And of course,
was not playtested, so I won’t comment in any more any oriental-themed games can undoubtedly make good
detail, but on paper it certainly looks interesting. use of Tibet.

Campaign Material The game’s site can be found at

The final chapter is entitled Adventure, and this section!Tibet/index.htm

legion - issue seven 5

ARPSTONE combine to provide a set of advancements that both
BY ROBERT REES help define a character and also measure how the
character is doing in achieving various goals within
Archetypes the game.
I have just finished the article by Rev. Lepper To some extent these different axes might overlap,
regarding the use of Archetypes as an adjunct to for example a Bretonnian squire might have a
Careers in the First Edition game. The article was a narrative arc about becoming a hero, a cultural goal
good one but I felt the idea could be pushed even of becoming a famous Knight and similarly a career
further. One thing I have never liked about careers structure focussing on becoming a Knight as well.
is that they tend to describe what a character was Having a multi-faceted approach though allows more
rather than what they are or what they are becoming. nuances to the character. For example a character
In general a character is not a Wizard’s Apprentice may have acquired the various trappings and skills
or a Carter but is someone who used to be one of required to be a Knight along with the title but if
those things and is now on the complex and muddled they are lagging behind on their cultural goal you
path of a chaos fighter, wanderer or mercenary. might have a character who was seen as gauche,
The Archetype provides a kind of overarching arriviste or simply lacking any genuine expression
structure to a character’s of the ideals of chivalry.
development that defines where the Another virtue would be the
character is trying to get to (or creation of choice in terms of
perhaps where they need to get to) advancement, instead of just
and how well they match the slogging through your current
Archetype in terms of their abilities career or moving to another you
and the Advancements remaining. would be able to make a choice
I thought one improvement might from several sets of advancements
be to have a Special Ability for and your choice would not be
each Archetype (or perhaps driven just by convenience or utility
several but only one of which may but as the advancements indicate
be selected at a time) and have progress in a given direction would
them accessible only by taking or also indicate something about your
possessing all of the character’s progress in the world.
Advancements. I suspect this is the Are you entirely career-driven or
way the Special Abilities were meant to be used but do you value the abilities and skills that your
the article was a bit non-specific on the issue. countrymen admire?
I instantly agreed with the potential extension of the A final praiseworthy aspect of the system would be
system into the cultural dimension (although I must that some of the “progression arcs” would actually
confess that here I am strongly influenced by the extend across the whole of the character’s life
Forgotten Realms use of Cultural, Racial and instead of the more short-term careers. This would
Regional Feats) but also saw that you could go help shape a character’s story arc within a campaign.
beyond this. I hope the Rev. Lepper or some of the other
You could consider a character to be made up of a Warpstone writers take up the challenge to expand
number of axes along which they develop continually on the concept. I must confess that I was
(and generally in a positive and progressive way). disappointed by the rather conservative retention of
There is the narrative archetype of the character, most of the career system structure from WFRP1
the cultural dimension of what a good Stirlander or in the new game. Prior to the announcement of the
Dwarf or Halfling is, some more general goal of a Second Edition there had been some interesting
career as a soldier or a wizard, the personal storyline discussion on how the Careers system could be
of the character and so on. Many, many different reworked or re-invented. Some of the ideas were
ways of looking at the character. All of which probably a bit radical for a conventional fantasy game

6 legion - issue seven

but I think there’s room for some very different takes which were still under the WFRP2 gagging order).
on character progression within the game that people The physical layout of the booklets is stunning, very
can use or not as they see fit. I would certainly prefer clean with plenty of artwork breaking up the flow of
to see this kind of “rule expansion” than just the extra text and sensitive handling of the various tables and
careers, spells or minor polishes that bedevilled the charts.
thinking on the first edition. As to the concept of the project I was instantly
uncertain of the virtue of adding WFRP1 back into
Artwork WFRP2. It felt more like having a Version 1+ than
The artwork was terrific as usual but I felt the pieces Version 2.1. Take for example the idea of re-
illustrating the liche article were especially strong. I introducing Rogue, Academic, etc. classifications of
found them all atmospheric and visually striking. careers. I always felt that the divisions were
somewhat arbitrary and absurd. While I had some
WFRP2 sympathy with the argument that if you are going to
I still cannot decide whether to get a copy or not. roll for a character type you might want to narrow
Since the IP issues seem to have GW in knots and the selections somewhat rather than roll on an uber-
mean that I cannot write and publish material about chart. What I would have preferred though is to see
the game world freely the only thing left is a new more variety of charts based on more specific
games system and I already have plenty of those criteria. Perhaps a Lower Class Imperial Citizen
that I’m not using. Overall the internet reaction seems chart or a Wanderer or a Moot chart. Just
to have been pretty good although half the time I reintroducing the old categories seems to be falling
think internet reaction is mostly run off the hype and between stools.
pleasure in buying new product rather than a
measured view of the good and bad points of a new It is also interesting to see the potential for the
release. fracturing of the rulebase, do you play 1, 1+ or 2? It
doesn’t harm D&D of course but the base of players
I have had a look at Plundered Vaults though. The is much larger there. It is also tempting to say that if
cover is fantastic but I was disappointed to see that there is such an extensive addition to the game rules
half of the book is reprinted material. The name gives why not go all the way and just spin off a new game?
a clue of course but I didn’t realise they meant it so I believe Wim said that the group had expressly
literally. Grapes of Wrath is a great scenario and wanted to build an addition to Version 2 rather than
almost makes the book worth buying by itself in my a replacement but I don’t know how that will not
view, except of course that I already own it. Along happen without there being something compelling in
with A Rough Night at the Three Feathers; although the new rulebook.
I never felt that scenario was quite as clever as it
made out. Overall though I felt it was a disappointing TimCon
opening. Reprinting “classic” material may be a smart I enjoyed TimCon III (advertised last iss) yet again
move but only as the second or third scenario set. and was surprised that more people did not attend.
Surely with a brand new system you’d want to put The games were great and I felt very inspired by all
out new material to show the new strengths of the the great ideas being tossed around. If someone like
system and highlight some of the changes that have myself (who is more of a fellow traveller really)
come with shifting the game’s timeline. Scenarios enjoys it then I would have thought it was unmissable
are often something worth having regardless of game for real WFRP fans.
system but this particular deal is one that is pretty
easy to pass on at the moment. I wouldn’t object to Perhaps the problem is the advertising? Independent
a cheaper second-hand copy at some point in the events like these should really be encouraged rather
future though. than smothered by over-officious company reps. If
they carry on like this the company will be posting a
Liber Fanatica massive loss... oh wait a minute...
Wim introduced this during TimCon (although I did Best if I stop here then.
end up confused as to which bits I could read and
legion - issue seven 7
Questionss by Toby P
Toby illing
Back in issue 16, Toby Pilling gave us a history of the sure saying that would wind a lot of people up, but
Doomstones scenario Who are the Feathered that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Most people I know
Priests?. One of the authors of the original that have played for a reasonable length of time really
Doomstones scenarios was Basil Barrett. Here Toby don’t get hung up on rules and have a more
talks to Basil. ‘interactive’ storytelling type approach with use of
dice rolls really to add a random element to parts of
First of all, could you provide a short biographical play. Otherwise they’d just be back to playing a small-
summary? scale wargame with magic. Make sense?
Of me? Made me laugh, this one, why would anyone
want to know? I’m 44 (on Monday) years old, never I like the RuneQuest combat and magic, but ironically
married, 3 kids that live with me every other week RQ scenarios tend to be very much hack and slay/
(oldest 14), had a fairly unconventional life with lots dungeon bashing – the very thing that RQ players
of different jobs, have had parts of my life when I’ve criticise D&D for! Tunnels and Trolls is a good fast
considered myself wealthy and parts poor and enjoyed and dirty system and excellent for solos, but character
the poor parts more. Always been into gaming and progression is weak. Chivalry and Sorcery was
music – used to be a (shit) drummer. interesting but didn’t really add anything, Middle
Earth Role-Playing had a combat system that looked
How did you get into role-playing, and what are great on paper, but otherwise had little to recommend
your favourite rule systems, modules and/or it. Dragonroar wasn’t as bad as people said but just
campaign settings? didn’t have enough support materials. Toon and
Been into it since forever. Used to have a wargames Paranoia are both a hoot as an occasional diversion
club at school and did conventional Napoleonic/ from your normal game. All the Avalon Hill offerings
ancients/WW2 type stuff. Always fascinated by more were weak – sorry! – but their conventional games
detailed 1 to 1 type rules systems and at school we like Panzerblitz and Richthofen’s are superb! There’re
had started playing a sort of 1 to 1 magic and combat so many others I’ve seen over the years I couldn’t
skirmish game in tunnels and caves based on my even name most of them. Loved the Lost Worlds
adaptation of a Wargames Research Group books (okay not roleplay, but great combat, have tried
supplement to their ancients rules to include magic in the past using this as the combat part of role-play
(Minifigs had brought out a Lord of the Rings range games but never quite got it to mesh). Call of Cthulhu
and suddenly wargamers everywhere were – loved reading the scenarios but never actually played
experimenting with these sort of ideas). We based it it. So many others we could look at.
around the other players controlling individual
characters and mounting an expedition of a small party WFRP I thought was a superb attempt to mesh
into Moria – sound familiar? As soon as an American tabletop with a new style of roleplay. Although it was
friend came back from a trip home with an early D&D widely slagged off for its simplifications in armour
set we just used those rules instead as they were more and weapons, I really felt that these made play more
fully developed and it all snowballed from there. enjoyable not less (more complex is not better, it’s
just more complex). Also it effectively came with
I’ve always felt that a rules system is just a matter of pre-generated support material/background through
personal preference. It’s surprisingly easy to write being based on Warhammer – huge advantage. The
for multi system or to convert from one to another – whole industry was moving from rigid character
it’s the setting, atmosphere, characterisation, attention progression D&D style to skills-based systems (see
to detail, etc. that count. I’ve always hated the combat Fantasy Trip below) and WFRP caught this wave.
and magic systems from D&D/AD&D and yet that’s However although it came with a wealth of
often 90% of playing the game! I generally enjoyed background, early scenarios were poor and did it no
D&D/AD&D more than other games simply because favours – sorry guys, a lot of my friends in the industry
the scenarios were generally better written and worked on these.
character progression although flawed and open to
abuse was still better than any other system – I’m My own games are always based on meshing parts

8 legion - issue seven

of different rules systems – the combat and magic is What work was done on completing the CDM
normally closest to Melee/Wizard/Fantasy Trip which series through the final part: Deep Water –
is probably the best set of rules ‘as written’ but again Shallow Graves? Could you supply a precis of
floundered due to being little more than magic and the plot?
combat, no extensive background, and poor support Plot very simple. Unlike the earlier scenarios you got
scenarios/materials. the Crysrtal right at the beginning, but then had to use
it (in combination with others) to fight your way out
Would take me for ever to list modules and campaigns, again.
so I‘m not even going to try!
As the name suggests, set under water (using water
The Complete Dungeon Master series was very breathing ability of crystal). Scenario starts with party
unusual in that it included comprehensive floor rowing across a marsh to a mysterious leaning tower
plans for all the complexes within the modules. (on one of the earlier CDM artefacts maps) part
How did the idea for the series come about? Did submerged in marsh (in actual fact marsh was formed
it turn out as you hoped? due to crystal attracting water long after tower built).
CDM came about as a result of chance meeting En route attacked and swallowed (boat and all) by
between myself and Si Forest (effectively the huge mutant creature that lairs in bottom of tower.
Tortured Souls!/Zhalindor scenario writing team) and Party have limited time/air before digested to find
Allen Hickling of Endless Plans at crystal and some other artefacts
a Games Day. We talked about it that have survived the stomach acid
and formed a joint company. The and hack way out of body to
idea was to put absolutely emerge in flooded cavern at bottom
everything in the box so that a DM of tower. Tower now colonised by
would have all they needed to play Sahuagin, and basically a fairly
much higher quality scenarios. linear trek up the tower to get out
Originally we wanted to include again, but with all the problems of
metal figures of key/new monsters moving/fighting/using magic
and characters as well, but this underwater (even if you can
wasn’t practical so we dropped the breathe).
idea and concentrated on areas like
the Artefacts (much better in the Generic floorplans for the tower
original series than the weak GW (another great system from Allen)
WFRP versions). were produced (I’ve still got the
rough drafts) but that’s about as far
Have you ever played Warhammer Fantasy as it got.
Roleplay, and if so, what did you think of it?
Yep. But not as much as I would have liked. Loved it. Are you still in contact with any of the original
Was commissioned by GW to write support materials, designers, artists or even playtesters? Simon
but never did as their legal department didn’t appear Forrest? The Hicklings? Could you provide a
to be capable of raising an appropriate contract. summary in the style of ‘Where are they now?’
Unfortunately moved out of gaming during the period Allen is a specialist management consultant working
when better (so I’m told) support materials were being on conflict resolution (he always was an old hippy)
published for people like the Dutch government (more old
hippies). At one point Allen was retiring and Brendan
How did GW get the rights to convert the CDM (his son – did most of the artefacts) taking over, but
series to the Doomstones campaign, and what, not sure if that happened. Judith has always been an
if any, was your involvement? artist. Si had a brief period where he ‘sold out’ to
Simple – they bought the rights, we had no further GW (think he edited White Dwarf?) and then went
involvement. We were all very disappointed with the all straight and respectable. Still talk to Allen
published results (first we saw of it – we didn’t get to occasionally but haven’t seen Si for years – shame,
see any work in progress). I really think that GW just he was a very close friend for a long while.
regarded it as a way of buying more bulk of material
for WFRP without really appreciating the ethos behind Are you still gaming? If so, what do you play
the CDM series. these days?
Very little time. Pretend to play Lord of the Rings but

legion - issue seven 9

actually just collect the figures. Getting my kids into enormous underground complex he could with a
role-playing at the moment so watch this space. limited set of plans and everything just ran from there.
Sure there was mention in CDM2 of a Crystal being
Are there any prospects of you writing or used (we may have expanded on this in the reprint
designing any role-playing products? after CDM3 had been written – can’t remember),
If somebody sent me a sensible contract I’d do it and this gave us the ideas for later, but the whole
tomorrow. However I never work ‘on spec’ at writing. series hadn’t been mapped out. We were treading
new ground with CDM1 and unlike the Zhalindor
You spent some time working for a computer Campaign which had some great underlying concepts
games company. Did you help develop any that have STILL never been revealed, we simply
games we may have heard of? hadn’t thought that far ahead. This gave me major
Simple answer would be ‘No’ – the company did problems with the story part of CDM3 trying to tie
Carmageddon which was a mite controversial in its lots of loose threads together and provide the
day so suited me ideally, but they’d just about finished foundation for the rest of the series. It was also written
Carma 2 when I joined. They were an outstanding under great time pressure at a very low point in my
games developer and produced some truly innovative life – I’m eternally grateful to Allen for effectively
product, none of which saw light of day due to the putting me up at his house and giving me a purpose in
usual industry politics. Still own a percentage of the life to scrape myself back together again! CDM3
company (make no money whatsoever from it!) and would be much improved by a complete re-write.
some of the guys are my closest friends. Great period CDM4 we loved making, and were really excited
of my life, but it’s a long story for another day. about CDM5 as well, we offered to develop for/sell
the ideas to GW, but they just wanted material they
What do you say to those who claim that the could quickly convert to WFRP and get on the shelf
Doomstones campaign is little more than a (I’m not knocking them here, at that point GW were
dungeon bash, is too ‘high fantasy’, and doesn’t by far the most professional outfit in the UK games
work as a D&D conversion? (A viewpoint far industry and appreciated the need to get support
from my own, I must add) material out for WFRP as fast as possible rather than
I think that you have to look at things in their historical wasting time striving for higher quality).
perspective. At the time the CDM series was about
as far from a dungeon bash as you could get – sure I’ll just say again that I think the CDM campaign
Dwarven Kings/Kasar-Khan were underground – but is superb, and works brilliantly as a conversion
from CDM3 onwards that all changed as the series to WFRP.
became linked by the Crystals. Even then the feeling Cheers! A well-written scenario should be easy to
of claustrophobia of CDM1 and 2 ideally suited the adapt for ANY rules system/campaign – It’s really
Dwarven background and Earth Crystal connection. funny to step back and watch people argue about
CDM3 had a fire setting at the end, but was disjointed which rules system or world setting is better than
partly accidentally (see below) and partly because I others – think they’re really missing the point!
wanted to break the vogue for linear tasks and create
Legion Cre dits
a real confusion in the players as to what they were Editors: The usual suspects.
doing and why to match the ‘crystal out of it’s proper Legion is a Warpstone publication. Warpstone can be contacted
at 60 Copthall Road West, Ickenham, Middlesex, UB10 8HS or
setting’ nature. By the way, the CDM series never contact us by e-mail at or for more
was a D&D setting – it was always intended to be info check out
systemless (although in a lot of ways I still believe the Warhammer, White Dwarf and Games Workshop are registered
trademarks and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, The Enemy
overall feel behind it should have been at least as well Within, Shadows Over Bogenhafen, Death on the Reik, Power
suited to a WFRP environment than the worlds of Behind the Throne, Carrion up the Reik, Marienburg: Sold Down
other rules systems) so the Doomstones version the River, Apocrypha Now, Apocrypha 2: Charts of Darkness,
Doomstones, Middenheim: City of Chaos, Empire in Flames,
should never have been a conversion – just additional Empire in Chaos, Realms of Sorcery and the names of all
information. prominent imagery, places and characters within the Warhammer
world are trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. and are used
without permission. Warpstone recognises the status and
Looking back, if you could do anything differently ownership of all copyrights, trade marks and registered names
about the campaign, or add anything, what would that may be used herein and the use of the aforementioned
within this publication should not be construed as a challenge to
you do? such status and ownership.
When CDM 1 and 2 were written, we hadn’t thought Warpstone (ISSN 1465-6604) & Legion are independently
of the Crystals. Si Forest did an awesome job with produced magazines, and not owned, licensed or approved by
Games Workshop Ltd, Black Industries or Green Ronin. All
CDM1 where his brief was to create the most original material is copyright to the respective author/artist.

10 legion - issue seven

By Robin Low
The Imperial Cartography Workshop, based in Altdorf, perpetuates errors and oddities. One cartographer of
is famed for both its beautifully illustrated maps and note is Alfred von Nuln of the Collegium Historica.
its remarkable inability to produce two of said items Another is one of von Nuln's students who has set up
carrying identical information. Military commanders, the Dark Rainbow Studios to continue his mentor's
lawyers and travellers alike have all scratched their good work. Some of these other map-makers are
heads and stared perplexed at two ICW maps carrying beginning to recruit suitable people (artists, scribes,
the same date, but showing towns on different sides scouts, scholars, etc.) to survey particular areas either
of rivers, shifting political borders and wandering to verify the details of the ICW maps or produce brand
mountains. Complaints invariably fall on deaf ears. new and up to date ones. The ICW has also tried to
do this, but the group they hired to re-map the County
This confusing state of affairs is not entirely ICW's of Wissenland hasn't been seen or heard of for over a
fault. The workshop in Altdorf is located on top of a year.
near-forgotten temple of Ranald and the man who
founded the workshop, Gunter Verne, was one of the The god Ranald sometimes takes an interest in the
Trickster god's Priests. Verne also painted the original maps sold by the workshops above his forgotten
map of the Empire that became the template for all temple. As a trickster god, Ranald is not averse to
subsequent maps. A magnificent fully-painted work, using his godly influence to make subtle alterations to
the Great Map covers one entire, huge wall on the such maps. Often, his changes are intended as pure
ground floor of the workshop. On it can be found all jokes, but sometimes he has a purpose. Perhaps the
the major mountain ranges, forests and rivers, major god wishes to misdirect those who are pursuing one
cities and provincial borders. Unfortunately for the of his followers. Perhaps he wants someone to go to
current cartographers, this masterpiece was intended a particular place as part of a greater scheme, and
as a glorious, ongoing joke dedicated to Ranald. At the best way to do it is to make that person think she
the god's whim, features on it move, change or vanish, is going somewhere completely different!
the names of places suddenly acquire different Furthermore, strange features will appear on the maps
spellings, and distances shorten or lengthen. A similar in unknown areas of forest or moor, such as small
problem exists with the master copies of smaller scale images of buildings or peculiar animals, tiny scrolled
maps in the ICW's drawers. Nobody ever sees it legends proclaiming 'Here be something worthy!' or
happen, and the finely cracked and ancient varnish 'Best avoid the Wolf-Tree here!', or symbols with no
proves that no paint brush has secretly been at work obvious meaning. Clearly, Ranald is as much a tempter
making changes. One old cartographer (once as a trickster.
apprenticed to Verne) who died two winters back
once claimed after a glass of wine too many that he Gods of Cartography
had seen the Wandering Island of the Fimir appear There is no specific god of map-making. Instead,
from nowhere and travel west along the coast of the cartographers acknowledge gods who have a link to
Sea of Claws their craft. For example, most Imperial map-makers
look to Sigmar - who better to aid them in defining the
All the current artists and scribes are aware of the lands of the Empire than its founder, greatest hero
Great Map's peculiarities. Over the years, many a and god? In the lands of Tilea, Estalia and the Border
younger worker has attempted to create a new master Princes, Mymidia is also the goddess of map-makers
map of their own, only to find changes to their own - as a military strategist, Mymidia has an obvious
maps, made in their own hand and with no sign of interest in the creation of accurate maps showing
over-painting or over-writing. Very quickly, people terrain, roads and settlements. Additionally, Verena
learn to accept what the Great Map shows them. as goddess of truth and learning is often revered by
These changes are normally subtle enough for the those seeking to accurately record the land. Those of
cartographers to pass-off the changes as honest a less scholarly bent, such as thieves mapping
mistakes (confused map-readers are less generous). warehouse districts, layouts of rich households and
the best escape routes across roofs, along streets and
The ICW are far from the only map-makers in the through sewers look to Ranald, who as we know has
Empire, but many of the others use master maps a fondness for maps.
produced by the ICW as the basis for their own, which

legion - issue seven 11

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