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N the first volume it had been our very pleasant duty to give a rapid sketch of
the life of His Exalted Highness Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur under the
general section covering the dynastic history, in broad outline, of the members
of the House of Asaf Jah, Nizam-ul-Mulk, the first Nizam of the Deccan and one of the
most striking and impressive figures on the spacious and glorious stage of Moghul
endeavour and Moghul achievement, beginning from the time of Zahiruddin Babar
and ending tragically with Bahadur Shah whom misfortune marked out for her own.

It is now our pleasant task to give a brief survey of the life of His Exalted Highness,
not from a dynastic point of view, but especially from a personal and administrative

When Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur was a young man he gave no striking
promise of the greatness he was destined to achieve later in life. It was generally expected
that he would be easy-goiog, indulgent to the errors of his subordinates and allow State
matters to slide on from bad to worse as they had been doing from the time of Nawab
Afzal-ud-Dowla Bahadur, his grandfather. During the time of his father, the late Nawab
Sir Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur, matters went from bad to worse, especially, in the
sphere of finance. The State treasury had one outstanding qualification, and that
qualification was its perpetual bankruptcy. The prospects looked gloomy. There was
no apparent way out of the quagmire of financial stringency and distress. State officials
wrung their bands and the Nizam had to part with the Berars, as the State could not
furnish the redemption money. Though he set his face stern against perpetual alienation
he could do nothing against Lord Curzon, the Viceroy’s, dictum about an alienation
that was inalienable. And there was the financial bait of an offer of twenty five lakhs of
rupees per annum as payment for the lease. Although this distressing transaction was
completed and would have rendered any Ruler unpopular, Sir Mir Mahboob Ali Khan
Bahadur, on the other hand, only evoked popular sympathy, for the reason that had he
had a full treasury he would have been able to put up a better and a stronger case - very
probably, perhaps, in the circumstances then reigning, winning the case. But our
bankruptcy made us further bankrupts still - for, we lost Berar.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 1
It was more or less under the gloom of this shadow that Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan
Bahadur ascended the Masnad. The State treasury was still empty though the Berar
payment was coming in. And the fact that as heir-apparent he gave no striking promise
made people think that things would go on as they had been doing and, in the end,
perhaps, confusion would become worse confounded.

But all officials and people alike were soon to be undeceived. The young Nizam
showed that he was a man of mettle possessing a character entirely opposite to that
credited by the people. He revealed strength of mind, far-sighted vision, decision and
determination and an unflagging interest in the prosecution of all policy following that
decision. The officials and people were pleasurably thunderstruck. Here was indeed a
new type of Ruler - and a welcome type of Ruler.

Justice being the chief element of his administration there was no opposition to his
radical rule. Convinced that his first duty was for his subjects in the rural areas, he
began a process of weeding out the tares and weeds of corruption. Unprincipled officials
- not all - steeped in the traditions of troubled, unhealthy days were sucking the people
dry and he very effectually, if not radically, crushed out the spirit of this vampirism.
That was his first brilliant act - an act which will give him a lasting place in State history,
to say nothing of his other great and wonderful achievements. But, in one sense, this
was nothing - a mere nothing. More astonishing things were to follow, and follow in
quick succession. Very early in the period of his rule, His Exalted Highness laid down
for his own guidance the cardinal and fundamental principle that the work of a statesman
is not merely to destroy distress prevalent on the soil but also to plant plenty and
prosperity thereon. By a “Firman” you can pluck out a great evil, but it is not so easy to
substitute in its stead a great good. How was this to be done even in a single direction,
or in a single sphere? Realizing the position in its stark nakedness, Sir Mir Osman Ali
Khan probed about the ghastly wounds of Hyderabad and discovered that there was a
specific, a real panacea, and that specific was Silver. And where was silver to be found
from an impoverished State and an almost impoverished people? He thought deeply
over the matter and prayerfully sought guidance and direction. We use the word
“prayerfully” for His Exalted Highness’s life is an intensely prayerful life as those who
know him can well testify and his simple and austere life bears testimony to. As he was
not praying for himself, or for his personal aggrandizement, but for some twelve million
people, his prayer was answered.

Realizing that the wounds of Hyderabad festered and bleeded because of a bankrupt
treasury and the remedy lay in filling it to overflow, he turned his extraordinary mind
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2 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
to solving the problem of achieving - what then appeared as attempting the impossible.
In moments and periods of distress and extreme anxiety Heaven provides the right
type of friends and allies. One such invaluable ally was found. And that ally was Nawab
Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur who “immediately entered into the spirit of his master
and took a solemn oath, as one might well declare, to do his utmost, to concentrate his
great genius for finance on the herculean task of showing plenitude where there had
been perpetual poverty.

How this wonderful financial genius achieved the impossible and how and to what
extent Mir Sir Osman assisted his Minister in cutting the Gordian knot and forging a
golden chain of glory we shall only know, fully, exactly and in detail, when all State
papers are available. Despite the want of these papers, there are certain points on which
we would like to express ourselves, as it is absolutely necessary that the people of
Hyderabad should know, now and for all time, how the great miracle was achieved -
rather, we should say, about the shining points playing about the mystery which only
serves to mystify more than what is already mysterious.

The first point about the mystery is that there was no fresh taxation. Hyderabad
hates taxes: and its Ruler would rather cede some more of his land than impose any
additional burden on his loyal and beloved subjects. The Nizam, on his side, reduced
his personal splendour and became almost a royal fakhir on his masnad as the illustrious
Emperor Aurangzebe was. This was a rebuke and a lesson to his nobles and courtiers.
The members of the nobility feared spending and subordinate officials feared exacting:
the happy result was that the wealth of the people remained in Hyderabad and did not
go beyond the frontiers - never to come back. The Nizam himself set the example. And
is still setting it !

Sir Akbar, on the other hand, devoted his attention to careful and correct collection
of revenue; creation of fresh revenues where possible; the maintenance of intelligent
and intelligible accounts; wise and judicious reduction in expenditure; sharp auditing;
a statesmanly guidance in the realms of higher finance which include, as readers might
know, subjects of such intricacy as currency, exchange and circulation; and the
preparation of the annual budget on a basis of equitable allocation.

The Nizam helped his Finance Minister by placing at the heads of the departments
men of proved merit, probity, strength of character, vision and foresight. A similar
thing was done in the districts, but not to any considerable extent as the proper material

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was not available. However, the foundations were laid: and the building and beautifying
of the superstructure we are witnessing today.

Taking their inspiration from their Ruler, high and prominent officials went about
exorcising the old evil spirits and supplanting them by benificent spirits and progressive
influences. Each man considered his duty as a sacred duty and proceeded to discharge
it conscientiously and loyally. There was, in fact, an unmistakable stir in the entire
atmosphere of the State; there was a tremendous groaning in the old grooves, a deter-
mined straining at the old tethers, a wrenching at the old stakes and a new spirit hovered
over all things.

The changes, reforms and progressive acts have been spectacular in the metropolis
of the State, but in the rural areas the.changes have necessarily taken the form of strong
currents and under-currents. The harrowing and horrifying stories of curruption,
extortion and all-round administration which once we used to hear with a shudder and
a shock of deep pain in the near past have passed into the morally defective history of
a defective age. They are now of merely antiquarian interest. We are all of us only too
willing to drop the curtain, or rather spread the pall over them. For incorruptibility the
State can now well challenge comparison with any British province in India and we are
relieved and happy to think that the terrible taunt which used to be hurled at us in the
past has now ceased to have justification.

The Hyderabad of yesterday is not the Hyderabad of today; and the Hyderabad of
to-morrow will not be the Hyderabad of today. From 1911 the State has been in the
throes of a vital transformation. The old order has changed yielding place to the new.
Our State today is not a moribund State but a living entity right well in the centre of the
fast-moving caravan of modern Indian civilization. The changes have been radical,
revolutionary, astonishing and the people have been given things for which their
children and their children will be everlastingly grateful. The present generation—a
great part of it - has eyes to see but does not see and its gratitude is of a very lukewarm
and tepid order.

The most outstanding feature of Mir Sir Osman Ali Khan’s rule is all the care which
he has bestowed on his subjects in the rural areas of the State. Irrigation tanks, dams
and canals have been provided on an immense scale and the programme is not exhausted
but growing. The next outstanding feature is the Osmania University which is full of
promise. Then comes the acquisition of the Nizam’s Guaranteed State Railways on the
1st of April of this year. Though there has been an abundance of doubts and criticism,
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4 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Deen Dayal & Sons


Photograph taken at the time of H.E.H. THE NIZAM, NAWAB SIR MIR OSMAN ALI KHAN BAHADUR’S 49th

BIRTHDAY CEREMONY, on 21st of November 1933, at Futteh Maidan.

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6 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
the time will not be long before the people will rejoice at the decision of His Exalted
Highness the Nizam and his Finance Minister to force the pace and acquire the Rail -
ways before the period of their lease expired. The interest we have been hitherto paying
to share and debenture holders will be ours and before long it will be possible for us to
utilize the entire net profits on the development of our industries and the extension of
our culturable acreage, and education and sanitation.

In all these things there is one fundamental fact to take note of and that is that the
poor of the State have had labour provided for them, almost in abundance, during the
last fifteen years and more, and there has been an influx and not an efflux of population.
Our State has not in its midst those painful conditions which send out emigrants across
the seas and thereby cut their home and country ties. The distressing burden of
responsibility for the well-being of such unhappy exiles is not upon us. Nor are we
behind hand in famine administration. We have famine reserves and a schedule of
relief measures which has been found to be efficient and effective in actual working.
With the introduction of improved agricultural methods, the broadbasing and energizing
of the co-operative movement, the re-organization and support of cottage and minor
industries, the supply of selected and improved seed to cotton growers and agriculturists
in general, the expansion of irrigation and the reclamation of land by deforestation and
soil rejuvenation, the increase of banking facilities for the benefit of large-scale farmers,
a new era is in the process of dawning in rural Hyderabad and we prayerfully hope
that it may be given to this generation to witness the dawn of that great day.

What we would very particularly like to emphasise is that Hyderabad, under His
Exalted Highness the Nizam, has made but a beginning in the matter of transformation,
even though that beginning is great and wonderful. There are great things and far greater
things still to come. For instance, we have to build up industries, utilize out raw materials,
tap our forest resources more efficiently, make Co-operation a living, vitalizing force,
spread compulsory primary education and revolutionize our agricultural industry on
which are dependent no less than some ten million people in the rural areas.

We have begun well and shall certainly end well. The thing is to have earnestness,
endeavour and enthusiasm - all of which great virtues are blended in a harmonious
whole in the mind of Mir Sir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur. The people of Hyderabad have
cause for exceeding great gratitude but the greater measure of gratitude will come from
future generations - for, it is posterity that is the fittest and best judge in all matters of
national importance.

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The people of the Dominions are yet to realize the fact that if it were, not for the
blessed rule of the present Nizam, thejr condition today would have been exceedingly
pitiable. This thought does not seem to have struck anyone with force so far. We would
have had no University, expenditure on education would not have increased, there
would have been no vast irrigation schemes, there would have been no Court of Wards,
the blessed gospel of Co-operation would not have spread into the districts, the execu-
tive and the judiciary would not have been separated, no City Improvement Board
would have come into existence, medical relief would not have been extended, the
Railways would not have come into State hands, and the metropolis would not have
been adorned by stately buildings, beautiful parks and broad and well-lighted roads,
were it not for his statesmanship.

It was the genius, the statesmanship, the zeal, and sense of duty to his subjects of
one man which accomplished all these things. In doing all these he expended his energy
and is considered as the hardest worked man in the whole of the Dominions. Pomp
and power he has not sought, nor personal aggrandizement. If Shah Jehan built
wonderful mausoleums, Osman Ali Khan -also a Moghul - has built up a whole State.
He is the real Alladin of the history of the Deccan, notably of the history of the house of
Asaf Jah.

He may not be aware of the fact that deep-rooted and silent admiration for him
exists among all classes of intelligence and understanding - only “the illiterate classes
do not yet fully realize the extent and nature of the work accomplished in their behalf.
When they know, there will be such profound regard and love for him as to far transcend
even that shown for his illustrious father who won glory and general admiration through
innate benevolence and not through splendour of action, through grandeur of
performance, brilliancy of plan and policy, through magnificence of conception and
execution. We once before declared that Osman Ali Khan is the greatest of the House of
Asaf Jah and we are proud to repeat that statement.

Now there is one point on which we should like to express our convictions - not
mere opinions - before we bring this chapter to a conclusion. The point is this. What
reward has Osman Ali Khan received in recognition of his magnificent services to his
people and future generations- services which, great and glorious though they may be,
are yet in the initial stages promising a benificent revolution on an unprecedented scale?
We must frankly say, and say it with profound regret, that the Paramount Power has

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8 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
been so exceedingly grudging in its recognition that one might, with justice, remark
that any recognition that might have been accorded amounts almost to nothing. The
title of “Exalted Highness”, we might remind our readers, was given in recognition of
the Nizam’s premier place in the rank of India’s great princes, not in recognition of his
great, nor, - and this is important-in recognition of his treaty claims. The title is also
some sort of a recognition of his great services to His Majesty’s Government during the
dark and troublous days of the terrible war which threatened altogether to obliterate
many a minor nation of Europe. The title of “The Faithful Ally of the British Government”
could have been given to anyone of his ancestors from the time of Nizam Ali Khan
downward, as no Nizam was ever anything but an ally of the British Government.

And, what after all do these titles, grandiose in themselves, signify to the Nizam
himself? What is their value to him? They might have some significance in the eyes of
his compeers in the Islamic world and his subjects, but what is their value to him ? We
must be fair and frank and look at the matter from this point of view. What is the value
and significance of titles to one whose title to a higher and righteous claim had been
repudiated in language which, to say the least, was not adorned by any excess of

It was not a frivolous claim that he put forward; it was not an unfair claim that he
made; it was not a claim that had no documentary sanction - nothing of the kind. It was
a just claim, a righteous claim, and a claim which is supported by documents. Documents
and treaties do not speak untruths.

Our readers might recall that in putting forward his historic claim to the Berars,
His Exalted Highness took his stand on treaties between his family and His Majesty’s
Government as represented by the successive Governors-General of India. The reference
to war services was of casual - not crucial importance. The treaties and treaties alone
formed the sum, the substance and the soul of his claim. The press and people of India
who perused his famous letter to His Excellency the Viceroy, recognized at once that
his claim had immense weight and, if justice had its way, he should win hands down.
India, and even some portions of England and notably the Islamic world, waited with
eager interest for the answer to the claim put forward in extraordinarly courteous

The answer was very long in coming - but eventually come it did; and when it
came it was a veritable bombshell. It was a shocking surprise to all, even to the
moderately expectant. Some expected that if not a full rendition, there would at least be
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 9
put forward proposals for an honourable compromise. Neither of these two expectations
came to pass. The Nizam was told that the British Government was a Paramount Power
and he could not, therefore, treat with it as an equal. This was a most extraordinary
statement and one unheard of in Indian history. The Nizam stands on his treaty rights,
but he is told he has no status to treat with! He refers to existing treaties, but the Viceroy
refers to a position in India which was never paramount from the beginning of things,
but only became so in latter days. He urges his just claims; and his arguments are evaded!

The decision of the Government shocked every decent thinking man and certainly
caused considerable pain throughout the Islamic world. In Hyderabad the news was
received with unexpressed sorrow. We have already discussed the question at great
length and in detail in our first volume but to enable connected reading here we may
say that it never seemed to have struck Lord Reading that at the time the first and
original negotiations for the lease of the Berars started, England was not the paramount
power in India and, moreover, the Nizam is not a conquered prince, but an ally from
the very beginning and never was an enemy.

Now, there will soon sit in England a round table conference. Delegates have gone
from all important Indian States. Hyderabad has also sent a delegate, with three
coadjutors. Sixteen princes will attend in person. Before this, a special committee was
appointed to-enquire into the relations between the Central Government and the Indian
States. Whatever may happen, India within the next few months will cease to be the
India of today. There will be great changes and changing conditions. What will all
these things signify? That, among other things, the British Government must give up
many of its cherished standpoints, especially when any of them is untenable, unfair
and unsanctioned by documents. Such changes in standpoint will not weaken the
Paramount Power but strengthen it.

So far as Hyderabad is concerned, we think, we may say, that the British Government
would do the right thing and the generous thing if they hereafter make a declaration
that they would recognize the Nizam as an ally in the real technical and legal sense of
the word and treat with him as an equal, and not as an inferior who cannot be treated
with at all but only ordered and commanded. The position they have taken up, they
must realize, is absur.

The Paramount Power is paramount power, but for negotiation purposes, for the
discussion of treaties, for the conduct of all important “pour parlers,” such a State as
the State of Hyderabad must be treated unlike others, such as “Sanad” States. The Ruler
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10 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

After 10 page
of Hyderabad occupies a unique position in every respect, particularly in respect of
treaty rights and he must in virtue of that position be treated as an equal and
paramountcy must never be claimed. It need not, of course, be mentioned that the Nizam
claims no right to conduct correspondence with foreign powers nor does he claim that
he is not subject to the Crown of England; nor does he claim that he is not subject to the
Paramount Power in matters of imperial import; but he certainly claims a very large
measure of independence in all matters and to be treated as an equal, with the right of
an ally, when important matters come up for discussion.

We have written at fair length and trust that the Nizam’s war services, the
friendliness and staunch loyalty of his ancestors, his own personal achievements, his
position and standing, and his grandfather, Afzal-ud-Doulah’s service to the British
Empire in saving India during the mutiny, and his own services to the British during
the war by the issue of his famous manifesto which calmed Islamic India, will all be
taken into careful, just and sympathetic consideration and British justice done to him.

The fact has to be recorded that the last notable act performed by his Exalted
Highness at the time the first sheets of this volume were under print was the sending of
the Hyderabad Delegation to the Round Table Conference, which was opened in London
on the 12th of November by His Gracious Majesty the King Emperor, and, after the
opening, presided over by the Prime Minister, Mr. James Ramsay MacDonald.

The members of the delegation were Nawab Sir Akbar Hydari, Hyder Nawaz Jung
Bahadur, Finance Member; Lt.-Col. Sir Richard Chenevix-Trench, Revenue Member;
Nawab Sir Amin Jung Bahadur, Personal Minister to H. E. H. The Nizam; and, Nawab
Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur, Political Minister; with a co-adjutor in the person of Sir
Reginald Glancy, who was formerly Finance Minister here in our State and, latterly,
after holding other appointments, became British Resident at Indore and conducted
negotiations during the notorious Holkar case. Further, the Delegation will be advised
by Mr. M. Marmaduke Pickthall, who is an authority on Eastern matters.

While these gentlemen form the Delegation, the representative and spokesman of
Hyderabad will be - only one person - Nawab Sir Akbar Hydari. Representing so great
a State as Hyderabad, and in view of the vital matters and tremendous interests affected,
it was advisable that the State representative should be guided and advised by the rich
experience of each member of the Delegation.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 11
Having referred to the lives of the members of the Delegation in other places, it
would not be worthwhile to repeat them here. At the time of writing, the Conference is
in its initial stages and, we need not add, that we wish it all the success it deserves. We
may rest assured that Hyderabad delegates will contribute their thought and their
wisdom to the “future constitution of India “, to which His Majesty referred.

There is one point which appears to have escaped the notice and attention of a vast
majority of people and that is that the Delegation will consult His Exalted Highness by
cable on all important and difficult and delicate questions. One may well say that our
Ruler is taking an active part in the Conference, particularly in regard to the interests of
his State and his subjects, though he is in his palace in Hyderabad. All ultimate decisions
on great questions will be his.

We think it would be fitting if we included here the remarks of Lord Hardinge who
visited Hyderabad on the 3rd of December. He was Viceroy and Governor-General of
India during the period of the great European War, and he was so much loved and
honoured by princes and people alike that even though the times were dangerous, and
India was denuded of troops, there was no agitation or disturbance of any kind and
our country did its “bit and its best” right loyally and manfully. Lord Hardinges call
for succour was nobly answered by the princes and notably by His Exalted Highness
the Nizam. His contributions were not only in men but also in money; and not merely
in money but in moral encouragement as well, born of his great influence in India and
the Islamic world. His famous and epoch-making manifesto is a case in point.

Lord Hardinge seeing Hyderabad entirely changed was not merely struck with
astonishment at the work of our beloved Ruler but also with admiration at his capacity,
energy and wisdom. Speaking at the banquet given by our Ruler he said:-

“Eveywhere there are evidences of advance in irrigation; you have more than one
magnificent project in the course of construction or under examination. Your railway
policy is destined to play an incalculable part in the development of the country’s
commerce and industry. Co-operative societies are receiving impetus which will give
them their due share in the general plan of development but, of course, that which
strikes one’s eye returning after many years is the great town improvement scheme. So
much has been done already that I am sure in a few years you will make this ancient
city of Hyderabad a fitting and worthy capital of the Ruler of the premier State and
Faithful Ally of the British Government.” When Lord Hardinge visited Hyderabad in
October of the year 1911 to condole with His Highness (as he then was) on the death of
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12 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
his father and wish him God’s guidance in his great task, the Nizam in his reply to the
Viceroy at a State banquet used these modest but magnificent words :-

“ I am at the threshold of my career as the Ruler of Hyderabad, and therefore, all

that I am able to say at present is that it is my highest ambition to be, in all respects,
both to the Government of India and to my own people, what my late father was, a
faithful friend on the one hand and a beneficient ruler on the other. I confidently trust
that His Imperial Majesty as well as the people of my own country will reciprocate my
sentiments in the same spirit in which I entertain them.”

It need hardly be said that His Exalted Highness has fulfilled his “high ambition”
in a noble and magnanimous manner, as Lord Hardinge has testified. We are not only
proud of him but also pray for his health and strength so that he may guide the destinies
of this great country to the goal of peace, plenty and prosperity.

His Exalted Highness has already earned for himself the very enviable and really
exalted title of “ The Friend of the Labourer” and we feel sure that his name will go
down to history as that of not only the transformer of Hyderabad but also as the friend
and guardian of the agriculturists-and labourers especially. The irrigation works alone
form an imperishable memorial to him and to his genius in administration and deep
and fervent concern for his ryots. When further and greater improvements take place
in Hyderabad they are bound to add more laurels to his Crown.

For all that has been done, for all that will assuredly be done, and for all the concern
and genuine solicitude shown, we have the proud privilege of tendering to His Exalted
Highness the Nizam, on behalf of the ryot, in particul,ar, most profoundly grateful
thanks. With this sincere prayer on our lips issuing from our heart we conclude this
brief sketch of the life of one of the most notable and beneficent rulers known in India.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 13

Nawab Mir Himayath Ali Khan

Azam Jah Bahadur

AWAB Mir Himayath Ali Khan Bahadur, Azam Jah, the heir-apparent to
the “masnad” of Hyderabad, is the eldest son of His Exalted Highness the
Nizam, Mir Sir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, and Sahebzadi Azim-un-Nissa
Begum Saheba. He was born in Hyderabad on the 8th Moharrum 1325 Hijri at the Eden
Gardens palace. His birth took place during the reign of His Highness the late Nizam,
Nawab Mir Sir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, of ever blessed memory. The event was
hailed with delight by his grandfather, but it was not his fortune to enjoy the solicitude
and love of that great and good man for long, for, when he was still a mere lad of five he
passed away suddenly. His education, up-bringing and training were mostly in the
hands of his illustrious father and we need hardly add that he could not have had a
better and more accomplished tutor than him, seeing that he is, as all the world knows,
a scholar and administrator of the very first rank.

Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur, who is now nearly twenty five years of age, was taught
Arabic, Persian and Urdu by special tutors, His Exalted Highness carefully
superintending the tuition and even supplementing it as time and occasion arose. The
young Nawab’s English education and training in Western etiquette were entrusted to
Mr. W. G. Prendergast Ph. D., formerly of the Nizam College, and the tuition is now in
the hands of Mr. A. L. Binney, I. C. S. and Mr. Hugh Gough. His Exalted Highness the
Nizam did not concentrate his attention solely on academic education, but seasoned it
by giving his son a thorough military training under the late Nawab Major-General Sir
Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur and also saw to it that he learnt all kinds of games and became
a trained sportsman and acquired the sporting spirit. As a consequence of this training,
Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur is a crack sportsman and hunter. Once at the birthday
anniversary parade of His Exalted Higness the Nizam, his father, he was in command

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14 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

After 14 page
of the Regular Forces and the manner in which he acquitted himself of the difficult task
of marshalling and commanding an army on the field was universally admired and
remarks were freely passed to the effect that he was a born leader of soldiers and has
something of the spirit of the first Asaf Jah who, as may be known, was not only a great
statesman, administrator and diplomat, but also an able general and was relied upon
in all capacities by the Moghul emperors.

For the last few months Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur has been having, by special
orders from his father, training in the most important of Government departments,
notably the Revenue Department. After completing his training, the Nawab was ordered
to inspect all offices and submit reports. The step taken by his illustrious father to give
him practical grounding in revenue work especially has been universally applauded as
being a right step in the right direction and as a measure calculated to give the Nawab
an insight into the intricacies and complexities of revenue work as is carried on in the
Dominions. Moreover, he had been several times sent out into the districts to study
matters on the spot and while thus on tour personally decided many important and
intricate cases involving criminal, civil and revenue law. It must not be supposed that
the few months training he has had in the Secretariats will be all the training he shall
have and there will be no further endeavour to broaden his experience of official work
and of the working of the administrative machinery. His Exalted Highness the Nizam
has himself been his son’s tutor in administrative matters and statecraft and we need
scarcely say that Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur could not have had a more brilliant and at
the same time a more practical and experienced tutor than his eminent sire. Azam Jah
Bahadur has been constantly under his father’s eye and there is not the slightest room
to doubt the fact that he has been constantly receiving instructions and has been profitting
by them. Not merely this; he has before him the pattern and precedent of his father’s
work and the spirit of emulation ought surely to have taught him much, and made him
aspire for much. And we also have to remember the fact that the education of a prince
is not of the same type as that obtaining in our universities. It is of a special, complicated
and difficult type. The curriculum embraces, along with other subjects, such subjects as
Economics, Politics, Administration, Constitutional History, Civil and Military Law,
and so on. It is a hard course of study and that is the reason why tutors are kept on even
when a prince has attained his majority. From all reports, Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur
possesses a character well worthy of admiration. He is calm, collected, quiet and
unostentatious and has no pride whatsoever, nor does he practise cruel aloofness. He is
said to be quick at grasping things but slow in expressing opinions, given, as he is, to
deep and careful thinking which is a great and invaluable requisite in one who will one

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 15



For the first time in the annals of Hyderabad State a Princess of the Ruling

House participated in a public function.


the beloved consort of Prince Azam Jah Bahadur Walashan, Heir Apparent to the Throne of Hyderabad

presenting Mr. S.M. Hadi, B.A., Director of Boy Scouts with a Cup for winning

the public Garden Tennis Tournament in 1933 A.D. defeating an Italian Tennis Champion.

Pictorial Hyderabad - II


After 16 page
day be called upon to exercise the science of statesmanship in all its most difficult phases
under stressing circumstances. One of his most notable virtues is his profound regard
and respect for his father and mother, brothers and sisters. He is said to possess many
of the characteristics of his illustrious grand-father and to be of an open heart, extremely
generously inclined, and straightforward in views.

Little remains for us to add except to express the earnest hope that, in fulness of
time, when God calls him to the masnad of Hyderabad, he would spare no pains to
uphold the dignity of the House of Asaf Jah, add lustre to the name of his illustrious
father and promote the peace and prosperity of the State and its people.

The Prince accompanied by his younger brother, Prince Muazzam Jah Bahadur,
went to Europe on a tour in the month of March 1931. This was the first time that he
travelled beyond the borders of India. His visit to the European countries and contact
with the dignitaries of the west helped to widen his outlook on men and matters. The
advantages of travel abroad to one of the Prince’s culture and temperament are so
manifold that in fulness of time they will manifest themselves. One outstanding feature
of his visit to Europe was his marriage with the only daughter of the ex-Sultan of Turkey,
of which a full account is given separately in this present volume.

The noble Prince with his consort has again gone to Europe for health reasons and
will ere long return to Hyderabad with renewed health and strength.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 17
The Union of Two Great Dynasties

N event of unparalelled interest and importance, not only to Hyderabad
but also to the world at large, took place at Nice, France, on the 12th day
of November 1931. It was the matrimonial alliance of Nawab Mir Himayat
Ali Khan, Azam Jah Bahadur, the heir apparent to the throne of Hyderabad with Princess
Dur-e-Shawar, the only daughter of Ex-Sultan Abdul Majid Khan, Caliph of Moslems;
and that of Nawab Mir Shujat Ali Khan, Moazam Jah Bahadur, the second Prince of
Hyderabad, with Princess Nilofar, a niece of the Ex-Sultan. From the day of their
betrothal to the day of the wedding the imagination of people all over the world was
stirred beyond measure. The union of two illustrious dynasties, the Osmania and the
Asafia, was the subject of talk in high circles in Europe and Asia. To the people of the
Hyderabad State the news of the engagement seemed at first too romantic to be true,
for when the young Princes left Hyderabad for a European tour no one for a moment
imagined that they would return married, or that their marriage would form a link
between two such illustrious Houses.

Their leave-taking had been a most touching scene at the Hyderabad Railway
station. The affectionate embrace of the father and the loving tears on either side when
saying farewell had made a deep impression upon those present. The rousing cheers of
the subjects who lined the route to the station and of those on the platform had given
them a most cordial and bditting send off. And now they returned happier men than
when they left Hyderabad.

The wedding took place on the twelfth day of November 1931 at Nice. The ceremony
was not attended with any of that oriental splendour which is supposed to be inseparable
from Royal marriages. It was simple, with the dignified simplicity of Islam. Only some
members of the ex-Sultan’s family at Nice, some Turkish nobles and a few personal
friends were present. The staff of the Princes were in attendance. The Hyderabad
delegates to the Round Table Conference, namely Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung
Bahadur, Sir Richard Chenevix Trench and Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur witnessed
the ceremony. Among others from Hyderabad were Nawab Osman Yar-ud-Daula
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18 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 19
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20 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

After 20 page
Bahadur, Nawab Nasir Nawaz-ud-Daula Bahadur, Mr. Marmaduke Pickthall and Mr.
K. Burnett. The Caliph himself performed the religious ceremony, and the register of
marriages was signed by three witnesses representing Hyderabad, namely Sir Akbar
Hydari, Sir Chenevix Trench and Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur.

Here in Hyderabad all offices and educational institutions in the State were given
a holiday in honour of the wedding.

The Princes and their consorts left Nice on 11 th of December, and sailed from
Venice for India on 12th of December 1931. The voyage was eventless, and after a brief
stay in Bombay the royal party entrained for Hyderabad, where a right royal welcome
awaited our beloved Princes and their brides. The Reception Committee, which had
been formed under the guidance of Raja Bahadur Venkata Rama Reddy, O. B. E., left
nothing to be desired to extend a warm welcome to them. As a special mark of loyalty
and in order to give suitable expression to the esteem in which the Crown Prince and
his brother are held, all communities joined whole-heartedly to contribute to the erection
of a “ Shadikhana” as a permanent memorial.

Great were the rejoicings on the 31st of December 1931 when the party arrived at
Hyderabad, and the feelings which animated the subjects of His Exalted Highness could
hardly be measured by the mere number of people present on the platform and along
the route leading to the Palace. The city was alive with joy, and eager sight-seers crowded
every point of vantage. Crowds from the neighbouring villages too streamed in to have
a look at the royal brides and bridegrooms; and it was with thunderous cheering that
the citizens and villagers welcomed the couples. Special illustrated editions of
newspapers and pictures of the wedding had a brisk sale. The joy expressed on the
occasion was universal and unprecedented.

Among the many receptions arranged in the Princes’ honour was the State banquet
at the Chow MahalIa Palace on the 4th of January 1932. The nobles and the Indian and
European officials of Hyderabad State, the Residency officials and Military officers of
the Secunderabad Cantonment were present.

The Honourable the British Resident, Lieut. Colonel T. H. Keyes, who was the chief
guest, proposed the toast of the evening in a speech which deserves an abiding place in
the annals of Hyderabad. It was not merely a political speech, as might be expected
from the representative of the British Government, but a genuine friendly speech, as
was to be expected from a gentleman like Colonel Keyes.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 21
Addressing the assembled guests he said :-”Your Exalted Highness, Ladies and

“This is a great day in the annals of Hyderabad. Indeed it is unique in the history of
India, for, from the time when the Moghul Emperors began their great adventure of
uniting under one rule the many warring races of this land, no ruling prince, or heir to
a ruling prince, has ever sought his bride from a royal house beyond the seas.”

“ You must not” he continued, “look upon this as an isolated event in the history of
Hyderabad. To explain what I mean I must recall to the memories of those who were
present at a speech made by His Exalted Highness the Nizam in this very room nearly
two years ago. The occasion was a banquet given by the Nizam to welcome me. In his
speech His Exalted Highness alluded to the ferment which was then beginning to come
to a head, and made the momentous pronouncement that he desired that his Dominions
should play their part in evolving a system which would bring peace and prosperity to
the whole of India.”

“The future was then very obscure; and it seemed to some that unless the States
were ready to abandon their isolation and bring into the commonwealth their splendid
spirit, their patriotism and their rich store of experience in tradition and rule, if they
did not do this, there was little hope of devising a well-ordered settlement which would
allow each fraction of the Empire to work out its own salvation within an harmonious

“Well, His Exalted Highness resolutely turned away from all old grievances and
took the lead, not only of the State but in a wider sphere, declaring that he was ready to
enter an All-India Federation at once, under due safeguards for the sovereignty of the
States, of course. He was not only the first Ruler to make an announcement of this sort,
but the first person of any importance with the courage and conviction to express his
belief in the possibility of the States entering a Federation with the Provinces.”

“It is a matter of common knowledge how the Hyderabad Delegation under the
able leadership of Sir Akbar Hydari carried out this policy and made their mark on the
Round Table Conference. Indeed they brought the prestige of the Nizam and his
Dominions to a very high level; and made the whole Empire see that the title of Faithful
Ally of the British Government was no empty formula.”

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22 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
“Then came the news of these alliances of a very different sort - the romantic alliances
which have captured the imagination of so many in Europe and in India. I can assure
you that there was no deep laid plan connecting these events; but at the same time they
have all sprung from one origin - His Exalted Highness’s deep rooted desire to do his
best for all that concerns him, for his family, for the people of his Dominions and for the
Indian Empire as a whole. It happened, and I think that this is a happy augury, that all
these plans came to a fruition at the same time. The Delegation returned bearing evidence
of the worth of Hyderabad’s contributions to the deliberation of the Empire, and, on
New Year’s eve, the Sahibzadas arrived with their charming brides.”

“We all congratulate them most sincerely on their wonderful good fortune. Little
did they think when they started some ten months ago on their European tour what a
happy issue it would have. We are all more than sorry for the cause that has kept Princess
Dur-e-Shawar from being here tonight, but there is one consolation in that I am able to
say things which it might have embarassed her to hear. Whatever doubts anyone may
have had of the wisdom of this great change in the customs of the Asafia House, they
must have vanished when the Princess appeared, - dispelled by her queenly beauty
and dignity and by her rare charm and intelligence. So much I can say in her absence;
but I must spare her charming cousin the embarassment she would feel were I to express
to her face the high praise which is her due.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I will ask you in a moment to drink to the health of the
father who has acted with such foresight and courage on behalf of his sons and of the
ruler who has acted with such foresight and courage on behalf of the people of his
Dominions. I will ask you to drink long life. prosperity, every happiness and a brilliant
future for his heir and Princess Dur-e-Shawar, and for Sahibzada Mozam Jah and his
charming and talented bride, in short to the increased prosperity and dignity of the
Asafia House; may it, Inshallah, be beautified, strengthened and established by these
happy alliances and by the wisdom and courage of its head, both in the councils of the
Empire and in the hearts of its people. Ladies and gentlemen, His Exalted Highness the
Nizam, his sons and their brides. God bless them.”

There is one passage in the Honourable the Resident’s historic address which arrests
our attention. It is this :-

“ Then came the news of these alliances of a very different sort - the romantic
alliances which have captured the imagination of so many in Europe and in India. I can
assure you that there was no deep laid plan connecting these events; but at the same
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 23
time, they have all sprung from one origin. His Exalted Highness’s deep-rooted desire
to do his best for all that concern him, for his family, for the people of his Dominion and
for the Indian Empire as a whole. It happened, and I think that this is a happy augury,
that all these plans came to a fruition at the same time. The Delegation returned bearing
evidence of the worth of Hyderabad’s contributions to the deliberations of the Empire,
and, on New Year’s eve, the Sahibzadas arrived with their charming brides”.

The Waliahad Bahadur, it may be briefly mentioned, is first and foremost a

gentleman. He is a prince among gentlemen and a gentleman among princes. Quiet,
unostentatious without any assertion of self, of authority or position, he submits himself
to command and authority and customs and exemplifies in himself the principle that he
who wishes to command must himself first learn to obey. What does the greatest credit to the
heir apparent is that from childhood he learnt to obey his august father, thereby fulfilling
not only a filial duty but also an Islamic injunction.

The Princess Dur-e-Shawar is a pearl of great price. Apart from the fact that she is
a daughter of the Osmania dynasty and the only child of the last Caliph (under existing
circumstances), her own accomplishments claim our admiration, well versed as she is
in the ways of polite society, with ideas and ideals of her own.

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24 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Members & President of the RECEPTION COMMITTEE

formed under the Presidentship of

RAJA BAHADUR VENKAT RAMA REDDY, O.B.E., City Police Commissioner.

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26 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
the Executive Council

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 27



From Left

Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur, Nawab Akeel Jung Bahadur Nawab Lutf-ud-Dowla Bahadur

Political Member P.W.D. Member Judicial & Religious Member

H.E. the Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bdr. Nawab Wali-ud-Dowla Bahadur Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bdr.

Yaminus-Saltanath, G.C.I.E. the President Vice President Finance Member

Col. Sir Chenvix Trench

Revenue Member

Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Rajayan Maharaja
Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur
Yaminus-Saltanat, G. C. I. E.,

Please refer to life sketch in section devoted to


Nawab Wali-ud-Doula Bahadur
Please refer to life sketch in section devoted to the
Paigah Nobles


Nawab Lutf-ud-Doula Bahadur

Please refer to life sketch in section devoted to
Paigah Amirs

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 29

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30 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Sir Akbar Nazarally Hydari,

A WAB Sir Akbar Hydari, (Mohammad Akbar Nazarally Hydari), Nawab
Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur), member in charge of the Finance portfolio
in the Executive Council, was born on the 8th November 1869 in the City
of Bombay. The home of his ancestors was Arabia whence the family of his immediate
forefathers migrated to Bombay attracted by the splendour of its multifarious
commercial activities. They were brave, honest and highly adventurous business men
whose commercial relations extended even to far off China and Japan. Sir Akbar’s father
himself, it is said, made no less than six voyages to distant China to firmly establish
business relations and to extend them. Although all the activities of the senior members
of his family were concentrated on commerce and general business, Sir Akbar’s father,
doubtless anxious for a different career for his son, put him in school at a very early

Sir Akbar as a boy appears to have been exceptionally intelligent and studious
and, taking English with Latin as his second-language, he passed the Bombay
matriculation examination at the early age of 14, ultimately taking the B. A. degree
with honours when he was only 17. This was a very creditable piece of performance as
the average age for matriculating in India is 18 and for graduating 22.

In his eighteenth year he sat for the Government of India’s Finance Test - an
extremely difficult examination-and - having come out successful, was taken on in the
Finance Department and posted to Nagpur. Thence, he was posted to Lahore and later
to Calcutta, Allahabad and Madras and, on account of the ability shown by him in his
work, was placed on special duty as Examiner of Government Press Accounts, a post
which afforded him many opportunities to visit various parts of the country. While
examiner, he submitted a scheme of reforms which the Government accepted and his
system of Press accounts is the one now in force throughout British India.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 31
It was during this period that Sir Akbar (or, Mr. Hydari as he then was) felt the
force of the conviction that if the country was to advance and attain self-government,
education must be given a continuous impetus and conducted on right lines; and not
merely this, every effort, no matter what the sacrifice, should be made unwearyingly
and zealously to increase the percentage of literacy in the country as high as possible.
Here indeed was a patriot who saw things clearly and to whom the real and vital issue
was not clouded or dimmed. Gopal Krishna Gokhale, that pure minded patriot and the
champion of the cause of education, whose death many great hearts still silently mourn,
somehow came to know of Mr. Hydari’s burning zeal for the rapid advancement and
spread of education, and rightly considering that he would have in him a most efficient
lieutenant not only in the realm of education but also in the realm of finance, requested
him to join the Servants of India Society. But fate willed otherwise. His Highness the
late Nizam requested the Government of India to spare his services and this request
being willingly acceded to, Mr. Hydari came to Hyderabad in October of 1905 as
Accountant General and from that period till now excepting for a break of a few months,
the financial, judicial and educational history of Hyderabad may be said to bear on
every page of it the impress of Mr. Hydari.

Towards the end of 1906, he was appointed as Financial Secretary and from April
to October of 1907 he acted as Finance Member while Sir George Casson Walker was on
furlough in England. During his term of office in the Finance Department he not only
introduced many new reforms but also extended his efforts in the direction of educational
and sanitary improvements.

In 1911, he was appointed Home Secretary in the Judicial., Police and General
Departments. It was to this period of his office as Home Secretary we owe the magnificent
building on the Musi in which the High Court of His Exalted Highness the Nizam is
housed. Another splendid building is the City College, also on the Musi. He gave his
zealous attention to the development and improvement of indigenous medical systems,
to say nothing of the western system which is carried on in the Osmania General Hospital
and in the districts. As is only to be expected he worked enthusiastically for the re-
organization of the department of education and it is scarcely creditable that while the
expenditure on education before Mr. Hydari became Home Secretary was only ten
lakhs of rupees per annum, it is now over 72 lakhs.

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32 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
In 1920, Mr. Hydari, of his own accord, returned to British India and the Government
appointed him as Accountant General, Bombay. The very next year, however, at the
request of His Exalted Highness the Nizam, he returned to Hyderabad and took over
the Finance portfolio from Mr. (now Sir) Reginald Glancy. It was during this period of
his career, that he introduced his splendid scheme of departmentalisation of finance.
This scheme minimises, on the one hand, the chances of extravagance in the Departments
and conduces to the formation of reserves without which the productive branches could
not be financed and developed, whilst, on the other hand, a fair share of autonomy is
granted to the local officers to work their plans without undue haste or delay. Experts
in governmental accounts cannot fail to perceive that this is a means to a definite and
foreseen end. It paves the way for an automatic adjustment of the State Treasury when
large financial undertakings such as the State management of the Railways and the like
are undertaken by the Government.

It is to Sir Akbar that the State owes a deep debt of gratitude for having created a
reserve fund of one crore for the financing of industries.

The greatest monument to Mr. Hydari in Hyderabad is the Osmania University.

Working under a ruler wise, energetic and cultured, he has been able to push forward
his long cherished idea of substituting the vernaculars for English in order that pupils,
whether in the tower or the higher or even in the highest classes, might the more readily,
the more quickly and the more intelligently, acquire and assimilate knowledge. Urdu
is now not only the medium of instruction throughout the State, but Sir Akbar crowned
his efforts in this direction by being mainly instrumental in bringing to fruition the
Osmania University wherein the highest degrees are taken by answering all papers in
Urdu. It must be remarked that English is not neglected and that it is compulsory

Speaking of this great experiment, Mr. Hydari once said: “Do not, I pray you, regard
this movement, or movements of this kind, as in any way separatist, or provincial, or
sectarian. They are based upon the first principles of national self-respect, reverence
and respect for your cultural traditions which are not the insidious enemies but the
strongest supporters of a nation in evolution. ‘To be attached to the sub-division,’ as
the greatest of political philosophers, Burke said to love the little platoon we belong to
in society is the first principle, and germ, as it were, of public affections’. It is the first
link in the. series, by which we are moved towards a love for our country and for

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 33
Commenting on the experiment ,a writer in” “Eminent Mussalmans “ observes :-
”Rarely can the work of a great educationist be adequately weighed and measured in
his life time. Mr. Hydari’s energy and enthusiasm, the silent labour of innumerable
hours which he has devoted to India, the sometimes heart-breaking and always hard
battles he may have had to fight against prejudice, blind conservatism and weakness,
are not the kind of news that generally meets our eyes beneath bold head-lines in the
papers and inspiring journalistic panegyrics. The results of a sound educational policy
can only be judged by its results in the succeeding generation. For a critical and impartial
judgment, therefore, of Mr. Hydari’s work in Hyderabad, we must wait for several
years, though we have no doubt of the general tenor of the verdict.”

In the sphere of service in the cause of education, Sir Akbar has not confined himself
only to local educational activities but whenever possible gave active support, moral
encouragement and assistance to enterprises outside as well. He has been a trustee of
the famous M. A. O. College, Aligarh, and has presided over several educational
conferences, delivering addresses pregnant with mature thought and surcharged with
sagacious and valuable advice for the present and also future generations. No wonder
Gokhale, even in those far-off days, desired him to become his lieutenant.

Sir Akbar is also a passionate advocate of women’s education and the Mahbubia
Girls’ School in Chaderghat is a concrete instance of it. He firmly believes that without
the intelligent assistance of women no nation could attain to eminence and as India has
still to attain a unified nationhood he earnestly pleads for the educating of our girls and
the giving to them of a cultural outlook.

Once speaking at Vaniambadi he said, quoting Dr. Lungen of Frankfort:- .

“Let us now begin to pay to women the debt of centuries. To the grace and personal
charm of women let us add the charm of a trained intelligence; let us remove the bondage
from their eyes and lead them to the fountain of knowledge that they too may have
their share in the gathered wisdom of ages, that they may despise empty frivolity and
idle chatter, and learn to know the highest and most inspiring of all human pleasures -
the joys of mental achievement”.

Sir Akbar is also a passionate and unwearying advocate of national unity - Hindu-
Muslim unity. Without national unity, he has repeatedly warned that India cannot attain
nationhood, nor self-government nor any sort of greatness in any sphere of national
existence. Unity and concord are, he insists, as essential to national life as blood to

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34 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
human life. The Hindu must get the best out of the Muslim and the Muslim the best out
of the Hindu and both must work together, and advance together. In his presidential
address at the 21st All-India Muslim Conference he said :-

“It will not be the growth but the death of Indian nationalism if the Mussalmans of
India fail to be impressed by the greatness of Asoka, Chandragupta, or filled with pride
and joy at the immortal frescoes of Ajanta and the sculptural monuments of Ellora, or
fail to derive fresh inspiration from the glorious songs of Jayadeva and Tukaram, or
find food for deep and satisfying thought in, the discourses of Sri Krishna and Gautama,
the Buddha. It will not be the growth but the death of Indian nationalism if the Hindus
are not filled with pride at the architectural splendours of the Moghuls and the Adil
Shahis, at the fine political achievements of great rulers like Sher Shah and Akbar, at
the fine heroism of noble queens like Chand Sultana and Nur Jehan, at the liberal
statesmanship of devoted Ministers like Mohammad Gavan and Abul Fazal, at the
wide learning of scholars like Al-Beruni and Ghalib. It will be sad indeed if the minds
of Hindus and Mussalmans alike are not stirred with the high and noble aims of Viceroys
like Mayo and Ripon, or administrators like Munro and Elphinstone, or friends of India
like Fawcett and Bright, or missionaries like Hare and Miller, for, all these and many
more, whether Hindu, Mussalman or Christian, loved India and worked for her.”

In 1827 Mr. Hydari receivd a Knighthood from His Imperial Majesty the King-
Emperor. No official in Hyderabad deserved the honour so richly, for his services to
the States have been very great, constructive and progressive in character.

Sir Akbar built a splendid superstructure on the foundations laid by Sir George
Casson Walker, and the people of the State have to be whole-heartedly thankful to him
for the skill, ability and foresight with which he has been administering the finances of
the State for so many years. The Railway Redemption Fund, the surplus in the Treasury,
and the financing of great irrigation projects are due to the ability with which he had
been preparing the budgets. If Sir Akbar found a wise and progressive ruler in His
Exalted Highness, the latter, in his turn, found a capable and splendid Finance Minister
in Sir Akbar Hydari. The Redemption Fund flowered in the acquisition of the Nizam’s
Guaranteed State Railways on the 1st April 1930 - one of the most notable of Sir Akbar’s
achievements in the realm of finance.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 35
When, on the recommendation of the Viceroy, the British Prime Minister decided
on convening a Round Table Conference in London, at the invitation of the Government
of India, His Exalted Highness the Nizam selected Sir Akbar Hydari as the representative
of Hyderabad State and principal spokesman for these Dominions. Although the
delegation consisted of four persons, including Sir Akbar, he was to be the leader of it
and spokesman. The other members of the delegation were Lt.-Col. Sir Richard Chenevix
Trench, Revenue Member; Nawab Sir Amin Jung Bahadur, Personal Minister to the
Nizam, and Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur, Political Members. Sir Reginald Glancy,
formerly Finance Member in Hyderabad and Mr. Marmaduke Pickthall were added as
advisers to the delegation. The fact need not be stated that Sir Akbar well merited the
honour conferred upon him and the confidence reposed in him. His long political and
administrative experience, particularly his fame as one of the most successful of finance
ministers India has produced, entitle him to great respect. Being a patriot, Sir Akbar
agreed with the recommendation of the princes for a federation and voted in its favour
on behalf of Hyderabad and it will not be the fault of the Hyderabad delegates if the
conference becomes abortive. They not only had to look to the advancement of India
towards her great goal but also the integrity and solidarity of their States and Sir Akbar
did very wisely indeed in broaching the Berar question. Should this Province be restored
to its rightful owner, Sir Akbar will have rendered unique ‘service to the State and its
Ruler and have his name bracketted with that of Sir Salar Jung Bahadur as a public
servant who had consistently and courageously fought for the rights of his master. Sir
Akbar’s name will be long and honourably connected with recent Hyderabad history
and he will be gratefully remembered as a great educationalist and a great administrator
of State finances.

In the course of a very interesting paper which he read at a meeting of the Central
Asian Society, Sir Akbar pointed out that political agitation was no true indication of
real progress and Indian States were the preservers of ancient culture, honourable
customs and traditions. The States, he added, were firm supporters of the British Empire
which was to them the best possible League of Nations. On the question of the restoration
of the Berar, he said that the feelings of His Exalted Highness the Nizam and his
Government were unchanged and a subsequent speaker suggested that the subject might
be re-opened. Lord Lloyd, who presided, paid a tribute to Sir Akbar and regretted the
impossibility of an exchange of Chancellors of the Exchequer between London and
Hyderabad. No greater compliment could possibly have been paid to our State and its

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36 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Sir Richard Chenevix-Trench, K. C. I. E.

IEUT. Colonel Sir Richard Henry Chenevix Trench is the first British officer
to hold the Revenue portfolio in the Executive Council of His Exalted
Highness the Nizam, and we believe he is the first Englishman to be made a
member of the Legislative Council. There is no denying the fact that his presence therein
has been conducive to the maintenance of its dignity and its better functioning as a
body entrusted with the destinies of these vast Dominions.

Sir Richard belongs to a very distinguished and old English family and some of its
members have served India with distinction. He was born in the year 1876 and was
educated at Winchester. Selecting the army for a career, he joined the Royal Military
College at Sandhurst and after passing the prescribed examinations enlisted in the Indian
army on the 22nd January 1896. He continued to be in military service till November of
1901 when he was appointed to the Indian Political Department.

After completing a year’s training in the Punjab he was sent to the Poonch State as
Settlement officer. Sir Richard was then only twenty seven years of age, having entered
the army at the early age of twenty. After working in one capacity and another he was
appointed as Assistant Political Agent in Quetta-Pishin. This was in 1906. The next
year he was posted as Political Agent in Southern Rajputana States for two years during
which period he twice officiated as Resident at Mewar.

Sir Richard’s next appointment was that of First Assistant to the Resident at Kashmir
where he remained for nearly three years. This appoinment was followed by four years
service at the Foreign Office in Delhi. Early in 1917 he was sent to Baluchistan in which
province he successively held the appointments of First Assistant to the Agent to the
Governor-General; Political Agent, Sibi; Political Agent, Zhob; Political Agent, Chagai;
Political Agent, Quetta-Pishin, and Offg: Revenue and Judicial Commissioner.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 37

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38 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
In January 1926, Colonel Trench’s services were lent to the Government of
Hyderabad as a result of the Governor-General’s decision that the personnel of the
Executive Council should be infused with new blood and strengthened. It was a decision
born of His Excellency’s sincere anxiety for the better and more. efficient administration
of Hyderabad and for the provision, for the accomplishment of that purpose, of wise
and experienced councillors to the Nizam.

Colonel Trench came as Revenue Member, with the Police Department also in his
charge, and has been in service now for nearly five and a half years and, on his retirement
from British service in April 1931, he was retained by His Exalted Highness for a further
period of two years as Member of the Executive Council.

Colonel Trench was a member of the Hyderabad Delegation to the Round Table
Conference held in London in 1930 and 31 and, as such, obtains a permanent place in
the history of Hyderabad, for the Conference marked an epoch-making event and the
future of India and of the State will depend on it and similiar successive meetings.

Colonel Trench was granted the title of O. B. E. in 1919, of C. I. E. in 1923 and was
Knighted in 1930.

Sir Richard is a perfect type of the old British military officer turned Civilian with
nothing of the idiosyncrasies of the latter and is deservedly popular in official and
social circles of Hyderabad. He is a man of very calm and mellow judgment with the
courage of his convictions.

It is the earnest hope of all thinking people that, though the difficulties are great
and the obstacles formidable, Sir Richard would, before relinquishing his Revenue
Portfolio, succeed in creating a new spirit of service and a new outlook in the Revenue
Department, and through it better the condition and the future of the peasantry whose
destinies for the the next two years will be in his hands.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 39
Nawab Akeel Jung Bahadur

A W AB Akeel Jung Bahadur holds the responsible position of Sadr-ul-
Maham of the Public Works Department since 16th of Dai 1329 Fasli (1919
A. D.). He is the third son of the late Syed Hussain Bilgrami, Nawab Imad-
ul-Mulk Bahadur, who belonged to a well-known family of Sayyids who came to India
from Wasit in Mesopotamia in the year 614 Hijri (1217 A. D.) and settled down in the
district of Hardoi ousting the Raja who had held the district.

His great grandfather was a representative of the King of Oudh at the Viceroy’s
court, and after the annexation of Oudh in the year 1856 retired into private life. Both
his grandfather and granduncle, who were educated at the Madrassa, a college of oriental
learning founded by Warren Hastings at Calcutta, were the first Muslims who studied
and mastered the English language in India.

His grandfather, Moulvi Syed Zynuddin Hussain, was born at Calcutta in 1810.
He was a member of the Bengal Provincial Service and a trusted servant of the
Company’s Government, serving as a Deputy Collector and Magistrate with ability
and success in different districts of Bengal and Behar for a period of 35 years until his
retirement in the year 1875. The title of Khan Bahadur was bestowed on him in
consideration of his long and faithful services. So wide was his experience of revenue
matters that the Government appointed him a member of the Inam Commission, on
which his opinions were greatly valued. He was a firm believer in and a skilled
practitioner of homeopathy. He died in 1883 in the seventy third year of his age leaving
three sons, the eldest of whom was Nawab Syed Hussain Bilgrami, Nawab Imad-ul-
Mulk Bahadur.

Nawab Syed Hussain Bilgrami, who was born at Gaya in the year 1844, received
his early education at home from his father who gave him a thorough grounding in
Arabic and Persian. He went to school at the age of 15 and after matriculating from the
Hare Academy in 186l joined the Presidency College, Calcutta, where his progress was
rapid and brilliant, so much so that in the year 1866 he succeeded in taking his B. A.
degree obtaining a respectable place in the first class.

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40 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 41
When his college career was over, he entered the educational service and was
appointed Professor of Arabic at the Canning College, Lucknow, where he served for
some six years. In 1872 when the first Sir Salar Jung Bahadur was on a visit to Lucknow
Mr. Syed Hussain was introduced to him by General Barrow, and he held a long and
interesting interview with that statesman, the result of which was that the great Minister,
who was always on the look out for able men for His Highness’s Government service,
offered him an appointment at Hyderabad which he accepted in 1873, and served as an
assistant on his personal staff and later on followed the Minister to England in 1876.
After returning from England he was appointed Private Secretary to the Minister in
which capacity he continued to serve until the accession of His late Highness to the
masnad in 1883. Subsequently he was appointed as His Highness’s Private Secretary.
After some time the titles of Imad-ud-Doula and afterwards that of Imad-ul-Mulk in
recognition of his eminent services were conferred upon him by His Highness the late

He exercised great influence in a quiet and perfectly unostentatious manner among

all classes of Muslims at the capital to whom he had endeared himself by his courteous
manners and charitable disposition as well as by the keen interest he took in all social
and educational reforms among his co-religionists.

In the year 1887 this well known and accomplished scholar, who had already held
several responsible positions under Government with great credit, was made Director
of Public Instruction and head of the Education Department of His Highness’s
Dominions in which capacity he worked with singular ability and success doing yeomen
service which were much appreciated and are remembered even today.

In the year 1896, Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur was appointed by His late Highness
to be tutor to the present Nizam who was then Sahibzada. He held this office for about
five years until he was made a member of the Viceroy’s Legislative Council of India in
1901 and 1902, and during part of that period he also served on the Universities’

In the year 1907 he retired after forty years of service. If the same year he was
appointed as the first Indian Secretary of State’s Council.

In 1912, when Nawab Salar Jung III was made Prime Minister, Nawab Imad-ul-
Mulk Bahadur was appointed special adviser to the young Minister by His Highness
the Nizam which post he held until the Minister resigned.

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42 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
In the year 1916 Nawab Imad-ul.Mulk Bahadur, who had for a number of years
worked with singular ability and devotion to the cause of education of Hyderabad
youths, and who, in his retirement, carried with him, the love of his people and country,
was selected by the University of Madras for delivering the convocation address before
the Madras University. He was the second Muhammadan gentleman selected for this
distinction by the Madras University, the first being Mr. Justice Abdur Rahim, who
delivered his memorable address in the year 1910.

A. distinguished Indian, who had not only devoted his whole life to the study of
the educational problems of the State, but had also during his term of office done
everything in his power to further the interests of the State and in his ripe old age, his
wisdom, his experience, his physical energies and all his natural resources were placed
at the disposal of His Highness the Nizam.

Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur left four sons. The third son, Nawab Akeel Jung
Bahadur was born in the year 1874. After finishing his education he entered the service
of His Highness’s Government in the year 1897. His intellectual attainments are of a
high order, and his activities and energies are unbounded. A man of clear intellect and
of noble ideals, he is also a man of large popular sympathies. After holding various
appointments such as Sarf-i-khas Secretary, Revenue Secretary and Military Secretary,
all very successfully, he held the responsible office of Deputy Sadr-ul-Maham for Paigahs
with great credit to himself and benefit to the estates. He was later appointed to hold
his present post.

Nawab Akeel Jung Bahadur, who is singularly handsome, with a peculiar charm
of manners that appeals to all, rose to this high position by sheer industry, honesty and
perseverance and is well versed in all that relates to the successful working of his
department and is endowed with a most amiable and generous disposition which finds
expression in kindness, charity and help.

His private character is exemplary and without any blemish. He is liked and
esteemed by all who come in contact with him. He is very simple in his habits of life
and strictly moral in his principles and practices.

He has two brothers, the elder being Nawab Abid Nawaz Jung Bahadur, who was
Municipal Commissioner, and Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur, who as Political
Member proceeded in 1930 and 1931 to England as a member of the State Delegation to
the Round Table Conference.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 43
Political Member.

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44 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur

EHDI Hussain Bilgrami, Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur, who holds
the high and responsible post of Political Member in His Exalted
Highness the Nizam’s Government, is the fourth and youngest son of
that distinguished servant and benefactor of the State, the late Nawab lmad-ul-Mulk
Bahadur, Syed Hussain Bilgrami. The Nawab’s elder brother is Nawab Akeel Jung
Bahadur, Member in charge of the Public Works Department and some time of the
Commerce and Industries Department also and his eldest living brother is Nawab Abid
Nawaz Jung Bahadur retired Talukdar and Municipal Commissioner.

Into the family history of the Nawab it is not necessary for us to go, as it has been
dealt with in the biographical sketch of the late Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur, his
illustrious father.

It is superfluous to state that from his boyhood - he was born on 17-10-1290 Fasli,
or 1880 A.D. - he found himself in an intellectual atmosphere created by his father who
was a scholar in Arabic, Persian and English and was not only a passionate advocate of
education but was also one of the foremost practical educationists of his time. To grow
up in such an atmosphere and under the direct tutelage of so distinguished a father
was in itself a privilege and the later life of Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur amply
proves the fact that he made the very best use of his opportunities and derived the
greatest and highest benefit from them.

Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur, as was only to be expected of him, took especial

pains in regard to the intellectual and spiritual development and growth of his sons,
who, it is scarcely necessary to add, heartily responded to his efforts, aided and assisted
as they were by hereditary gifts of brain power and mental acuteness.

Receiving his grounding in Arabic, Persian and Urdu, and learning to speak English,
Mehdi Hussain joined a regular school where he went on vigorously with his English
studies, taking Latin as a second language. When he thought the time had arrived,
Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur sent the young man to England and had him admitted
in a College of the University of Oxford where he took his degree of Bachelor of Arts
and latterly of Master of Arts.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 45
It is stated that Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung’s original intention was to study medicine,
but as this proved distasteful to him, he turned to education and joining the Indian
Educational Service returned to India and became a Divisional Inspector of Schools in
one of the British provinces in North India whence his services were requisitioned by
the Nizam’s Government.

His first important appointment was that of Assistant Political Secretary on 16-12-
1321 Fasli. In this post he continued for four years and was then appointed Deputy
Financial Secretary on 7-10-1325 Fasli and a few days afterwards was commanded by
His Exalted Highness to take charge, in addition to his duties, of the post of Secretary in
the Public Works Department. On the 18th of Aban 1328 Fasli he was directed to act as
the Principal of the Osmania University College, at the same time also acting as Director
of Public Instruction.

It was on the 14th Isfandar 1329 Fasli that he was appointed Political Secretary. He
worked so intelligently, conscientiously and zealously that when his chief, Nawab Sir
Nizamat Jung Bahadur, Political Member, retired from service, His Exalted Highness
the Nizam, appointed him as his successor. This showed the great confidence the Nizam
reposed in him and the high estimation he had of his attainments and general ability.
The appointment, as may be expected, was warmly welcomed by all classes of officials
and not the less so by the local representative of the Imperial Government. Nawab
Mehdi Yar Jung had three assets which worked as powerful recommendations. These
assets were his culture and character, his long experience in the Political Department,
and his family traditions.

During the last few years in which he has filled the post of Political Member, Nawab
Mehdi Yar Jung has given to his august master abundant tokens of his capacity, loyalty
and zeal. The Political Department is a most difficult department to preside over and
demands of the Member in charge large sympathies, patience, good humour, vigilance,
tact and diplomacy. The Political Member not only administers the Political Department
of His Exalted Highness’s Government but is also the promoter and preserver of friendly
and cordial relations between the British Residency and the Nizam’s Court. On his
personality much depends and his personal, as apart from his functional, influence at
the Residency counts for much in many circumstances. The position is, thus, one of
extreme delicacy and difficulty and causes the member in charge of the political portfolio
considerable anxiety as often as not. But, as on the personality and ability of the Member
depends to a large extent the preservation and increase of cordial relations between the

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46 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Court of the Nizam and the British Residency, high responsibility and dignity are
attached to his position and those who distinguish themselves in the duties associated
with it are naturally greatly honoured by the State.

One result of the trust reposed in him by his sovereign was his appointment as a
member of the State Delegation to the Round Table Conference opened in London on
the 12th October 1930. He was the youngest member of the delegation of four, the
others being Sir Akbar Hydari, (Nawab Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur), Nawab Sir Amin
Jung Bahadur, and Lieutenant Colonel Richard Chenevix-Trench.

Affectionately known among his intimate friends as “Mehdi “, the Nawab is

extremely popular and enjoys the affectionate regard of his compeers. Like his
distinguished father, he is a man of deep culture, as also like him, free from all ostentation
and pride. Accessible to all, he especially enjoys the deep regard of the officers and
subordinates in his department and sees to it that all work is done not only to its credit
but also, and more so, to the satisfaction and promotion of the dignity of the ruler of the

The Nawab is not a public man in the comprehensive sense of the word. He takes
no part in public affairs as his father, who was an all-India figure, did, but this does not
go to show that he has no sympathies and ,that he is extremely uninterested in and
altogether apathetic to what is going on around him. No son of Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk
Bahadur could be anything but a strict Muslim, a staunch patriot, a progressive liberal,
and a real supporter of the cause of education. If Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung has not taken
part in public affairs, it is probably for the reason that he felt no aptitude for it and the
pressure of work and anxieties attached to his post as secretary and then as Sadr-ul-
Maham give him no leisure. It is possible that after his retirement in the fulness of time
he may attempt to follow in is father’s footsteps and work especially in the cause of
Muslim education on which is now, and more than ever, firmly and irrevocably based
the political and economic advancement of seventy five millions of his co-religionists.

Little remains to add except to express the earnest hope that Nawab Mehdi Yar
Jung Bahadur will add lustre to the fame of his distinguished family and of his illustrious
father by completing the traslation of the Quran which Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk had
commenced but left it unfinished on account of his advanced age.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 47
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48 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
H.E.H. the Nizam

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 49

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50 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Sir Amin Jung Bahadur

A WAB Sir Ahmed Hussain Amin Jung Babadur, K. C. I. E., C. S. I., L L. D.
Peshi, Sadr-ul-Maham to the Nizam (that is, Minister-in-Waiting upon
His Exalted Highness) was born on the 11th August 1863 at Madras, where
his father Khateeb Haji Mohamed Khasim, was carrying on a big business. He had
given up his hereditary profession of Khateeb (preacher of sermons) at Vaniyambadi
to become a prosperous merchant at Madras and Bangalore. He evinced special interest
in his precocious son’s education, sent him early to school, and apparently the boy
Ahmed devoted such keen attention to his studies that in matriculating from the Church
of Scotland Mission institution, where be was “Coringam Bursar,” he obtained the blue
ribbon of University Endowments at Madras, viz., the Governor’s scholarship, meant
for the prosecution of further studies in a college. He accordingly joined the Madras
Christian College, where he became one of the favourite boys of the Rev. Dr. Miller, the
great educationist of Southern India, who presented the undergraduate to Lord Ripon
as his “young hopeful”. He won Miller’s Prize and graduated second in the list of
successful candidates of the year 1885. “From that day to this” he once remarked, “it
has always been my lot to be the second best !” He then decided on pursuing the legal
profession and accordingly joined the law class of the Presidency College, Madras,
obtained his B. L. degree in 1889 and in the next year, appearing privately, secured the
M. A. degree of the Madras University. In those days M. A’s were very scarce and
Muslim M. A’s still scarcer. Indeed Ahmed Hussain was the first Muslim to obtain the
degree of M. A. from that University. He ‘was the only successful candidate of the year
in philosophy. His attainments in oriental languages were such that he was appointed
one of the examiners to the University soon after his graduation. He was examiner in
Arabic, Persian and Urdu, and subsequently for two years acted as Chairman of the
Board of Examiners in these subjects.

After taking his B. L. degree, Moulvi Ahmed Hussain served his law apprenticeship
under Mr. Eardley Norton, who was then known as “the Lion of the Bar”. Before
enrolment as High Court Vakil “the Moulvi”, as he was then generally known, was
offered the post of Deputy Collector, the highest in the Revenue Department to which
an Indian was then eligible.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 51
He accepted it on the condition that he would join duty after taking his M. A.
degree. After serving as Deputy Collector and Magistrate in the districts of North Arcot
and Anantapur, wher he is still remembered, he resigned the Provincial Service of
Madras because he was not drafted into the newly-sanctioned Statutory Civil Service
according to a promise made to him by Lord Connemara. His Excellency had suddenly
resigned and ceased to be Governor of Madras before fulfilling his promise to the young
Deputy Collector.

Mr Eardley Norton recalls in his “Reminiscences” Ahmed Hussain’s adhesion to

duty and refusal to be brow-beaten. There was a breeze between the master and pupil
when the latter sat as magistrate and the former appeared as counsel for defence in a
criminal case. The magistrate expounded a point of law and asked: “What do you say
to it, Mr. Norton?” “Only this,” he replied, “that your honour did not learn that nonsense
in my chambers.” Nevertheless did the Magistrate insist and obtain a proper answer to
his question.

Mr. Hussain joined the Bar at Madras and with the patronage of his friends in the
mercantile community he was able to establish a fairly lucrative practice for a junior.
But Providence decided otherwise. Mr. Norton, who was in Hyderabad in 1893,
telegraphed requesting Mr. Hussain to go there for a few days to appear with him in a
big civil suit - Nawab Sultan Nawaz Jung vs. Sait Mothilall-in the Nizam’s High Court.
But within three days of his arrival in Hyderabad he was appointed Assistant Peshi
Secretary to the Nizam. The Peshi secretary, Nawab Server Jung, was so struck with
the young lawyer’s character and attainments that he obtained His Highness’ sanction
and insisted that Moulvi Ahmed Hussain should become his Assistant on a salary of
Rs. 500 rising to Rs. 1,200 in six moths and to Rs. 1,500 a year later. Mr. Norton’s influence
with the Nizam and high officials worked as magic. The goal for which Mr. Hussain
entered the Nizam’s Service was a judgeship of the Hyderabad High Court. But when
Nawab Server Jung retired in 1896 he reluctantly stepped into his shoes to hold the
most difficult and responsible appointment in the State. Sir David Barr, the Resident at
the Court of the Nizam, said that he would not be in Moulvi Ahmed Hussain’s position
for even £ 100 a day! That was because the Moulvi had to serve and satisfy not one but
three masters - the Nizam, the Resident, and the Prime Minister - whose views and
wishes were not and could not always be identical. It speaks volumes for his tact and
judgment that he has managed to keep himself in the good graces of everybody, high
or low, rich or poor.

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52 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Mr. Ahmed Hussain’s salary increased steadily from Rs. 1,500 to Rs. 3,000 which
became his pension for life at the death of the Nizam Mir Sir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur,
G.C.B., G.C.S.I., the sixth Asaf Jah. Each increment to his salary marked special
recognition of some signal service. There were two men whom His late Highness used
to call his “right hand” and “left hand”- one the late lamented Major-General Nawab
Sir Afsar-ul-Mulk Bahadur and the other Moulvi Ahmed Hussain, now Nawab Sir Amin
Jung Bahadur. The trio were so devoted to one another that when the Nizam was
suddenly taken ill he would not take any medicine unless it was administered by his
“right” or his “left” hand. He breathed his last while his head and feet rested in the laps
of his two devoted servants. It is an open secret in Hyderabad that the Moulvi Sahib
was all in all during the last fifteen years of the late Nizam’s reign. His Highness never
signed any firman or any letter, English or Urdu, (even a letter to any inmate of his
harem) which was not in the handwriting of his own trusted Secretary.

The day after the death of his beloved Master, Moulvi Ahmed Hussain resigned
and wished to go back to Madras to resume his practice. But the new Nizam, the seventh
Asaf Jah, induced him to remain in his service on the same terms as in the time of his

Mr. Ahmed Hussain visited Calcutta with the late Nizam in 1900, attended the
Delhi Durbar of 1902 as Peshi Secretary to His Highness and the Coronation Durbar of
1911 as Chief Secretary to the present Nizam. It was at the latter Durbar that he received
at the hands of the King-Emperor the insignia of Companion of the Most Exalted Order
of the Star of India ( C. S. I. ).

Soon after his return from Delhi, the Government of Madras offered him a seat on
its Executive Council. He was obliged to decline the offer because the young Nizam
would not spare the services of the old Secretary of his father so soon after his accession.
Again in 1914 the Madras Government renewed its offer. Mr. Hussain had again to
decline it reluctantly, because there was some insurmountable difficulty about his getting
furlough to go to Madras. However, the Nizam compensated him by raising him to the
rank of Sadr-ul-Maham (Peshi Minister and entrusted him with the actual work of the
Chief Minister after the retirement of Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur, when the Nizam was
his own Minister.). It was for that work quietly and efficiently carried out for over six
years during war time that His Majesty the King-Emperor was pleased to confer upon
Mr. Ahmed Hussain the title of Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the
Indian Empire (K.C.I.E). His Exalted Highness also raised him to the Hyderabad nobility
with the title of Nawab Amin Jung Bahadur.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 53
There is no use in speculating on what Sir Amin Jung might have been had he
accepted a seat on the Executive Council of Madras, which Sir Muhammad Habibullah
subsequently filled with so much distinction. Sir Amin’s friends in Madras still fondly
believe that he might have been Governor of a province like Lord Sinha! Setting
speculation aside, however interesting it may be, let us pursue the thread of our narrative.

A good many events of Sir Amin Jung’s life are bound up with half a century of the
secret history of Hyderabd. We are unable to narrate those events without disclosing
that history. We, therefore, content ourselves with general statements.

He had the honour of receiving autograph photos of Their Majesties when they
visited Hyderabad as Prince and Princess of Wales in 1906. The Nizam’s eldest daughter
died the day after their Royal Highness’s arrival in Hyderabad and the grand banquet
at Chow Mahalla had to be postponed. When the Prince of Wales paid a visit of
condolence to the Nizam, His Royal Highness had a conversation with Moulvi Ahmed
Hussain and entrusted him with a copy of the speech which was to be delivered at the
postponed banquet. His Imperial Majesty remembered this little incident when Mr.
Ahmed Hussain was presented to him at one of the functions connected with the
Coronation Durbar at Delhi!

Moulvi Ahmed Hussain enjoys the complete confidence and trust of His Exalted
Highness the Nizam, Mir Sir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, in the same measure that he
did during the lifetime of his father. We have already mentioned that he was appointed
as Peshi Sadr-ul-Maham to act as de facto Chief Minister under the immediate guidance
of the energetic and hard working Nizam. After the establishment of the Executive
Council (Bab-e-Hukumat) the Peshi Minister had been twice deputed to act as a member
holding the portfolio of either Finance or Law. But on each occasion he had to revert to
his old position for the same reason as led him to decline the membership of the Executive
Council at Madras. He could not be long absent from the Peshi office which, as Sir
Faridoon Mulk said, he had peculiarly made his own in the way of transacting business.
Like his father, the present Nizam consults Sir Amin Jung on all important matters of
State and his presence in the Peshi office is to the Nizam a source of great comfort, as
Sir Amin Jung is an official on whom he can absolutely rely, possessing, as he does, ripe
experience, innate sagacity and calmness of judgment—a counterpart of the late Nawab
Sir Faridoon Mulk Bahadur, whose colleague he was for over quarter of a century. So
invaluable are his services to the Nizam that, it is stated in reliable circles, Mir Sir Osman
Ali Khan Bahadur has often persuaded him to stay on, even though he was deeply

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54 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II

On the occasion of the marriage of his youngest daughter to


when H.E.H. the Nizam honoured the couple with a visit.

anxious to be relieved of the burden of office, as his shoulders are no longer young to
bear it. This is, in itself, a great tribute to the excellence of his services to his august

It is not possible for us to estimate his work as Peshi Sadr-ul-Maham as it is of such

a nature that it does not see the light of day; but one can confidently and justifiably
speak of his ability and wisdom, judging from the very simple fact that he has been in
the Peshi office for more than thirty years, and has been Chief Secretary to His Highness
the late Nizam and continued as such to his successor who made him minister in charge
of an important department and also a member of the committee of management of the
crown (Sarf-i-Khas) lands.

Sir Amin Jung is one of those men who may be compared to a double star. They
shine as much by the lustre of their culture as by the lustre of their character. As often,
unfortunately, character does not go hand in hand with culture, we are forced to
emphasise this point and we are very happy indeed to pay this very deserving tribute
to Sir Amin Jung that he is a true Muslim holding firmly and steadfastly to the high
moral precepts of his great Prophet.

Sir Amin Jung is also a philosopher with an ideal as well as a practical outlook on
life, but his adhesion to the moral precepts of Islam are not affected by them. They may
be taken as mere shafts from a side-light. One could easily judge Sir Amin Jung’s view
on life, its responsibilities and duties, if one could obtain a copy of the booklet containing
his letters to his sons while they were in England. They contain many gems of wisdom.
Apart from the publication of his booklet (Notes on Islam) and a few articles and reviews
in some English and Urdu magazines, we are not aware that Sir Amin Jung has produced
any literary work in either English or Urdu. Such are the worries and anxieties of official
life that they smother the fountains of literary output. What the department of
administration or diplomacy gained the departments of literature and philosophy have

Though he has produced no literary work, yet in recognition of his cultural

attainments and the strong moral sympathy and encouragement he accorded to the
Osmania University at the time of its inception and infancy, he was honoured with the
conferment upon him of the LL.D. degree. Here it may be mentioned that he is a Fellow
of the Royal Astronomical Society and also of the Royal Society of Arts, both of England.

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56 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
We cannot omit to allude to his “Treasury” as he calls his fine library. No one who
has visited him at his residence “Amin Munzil” will ever forget the Nawab’s inspiring
presence amidst magnificent bookshelves. His library is one of the “seven wonders of
Hyderabad.” (We leave our readers’to guess the other six “wonders”). It is not because
the library contains a large collection of books, they numbering not more then 10,000;
nor because it contains several curious and antique books; but its striking feature is that
the books are very neatly arranged and scientifically classified. There are, however,
few books which the owner has not “spoiled” with his marginal notes and fly-leaf
observations !

In a ‘ note’ on the catalogue of his books printed so long ago as October 7, 1909, Sir
Amin Jung wrote :-”School books, college text-books, and some prize books formed
the nucleus of this library more than 25 years ago. It has grown by a collection of books
for the purpose of knowing something of everything and everything of something,
i. e. Philosophy and Law. With the exception of a few old books, it contains only modern
books and modern editions of the classics. No one is allowed to take away any book
from the library. No book is either borrowed or lent for reading or reference.” We may
add that the number of books has doubled since 1909 and a new catalogue is in

It was only the other year tbat the honour fell to him of delivering the address at
the convocation of the Osmania University. In the course of a thoughtful address Sir
Amin Jung laid great stress on the acquisition of happiness, pointing out the fact that in
these days while the number of men’s desires tended to increase. the number of desires
which could be satisfied steadily tended to decrease. “I do not hesitate to impress upon
you the necessity of adopting the ideal of plain living and high thinking. This old ideal
is based on the best lessons of history and economics and requires no commendation
from me. Suffice it to say that high thinking should become your second nature and
plain living your ideal of life and labour as it was with the students of days gone by it
will certainly help you in adequate adaptation of yourselves to your environment. . . “

“ In ancient times,” he went on, “scholars lived in the midst of wars. Learning was
at a discount and was not popularly appreciated. Students, in order to keep themselves
aloof from soldiers, went about quite unarmed. In order to distinguish themselves as a
class apart from the combatants and camp followers, they wore flowing robes with
hoods which served as a beggar’s bag. These were emblems of disinterestedness in
political quarrels. They travelled far and wide to different countries to sit at the feet of

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 57
distinguished teachers. So, you see, your present shining gown is a relic of their tattered
robes and your silken hood corresponds to their bag in which carried the alms they
received. Whatever these emblems may be, they certainly teach you the utility of the
simple life and the dignity of high thought.”

In conclusion he said :-

“ Brother graduates, promise your University that your knowledge and your good
deeds will be a source of light and leading unto others. Books on ethics explain how
you should make self-sacrifice effective; I need not discuss it here. But remember you
cannot lead a happy life unless you make others happy. In bidding you farewell, your
University can give you no better advice than ‘Be happy’. I conclude my address with
the philosopher Saadi’s lines :-

Remember the day when you were born,

All were laughing but you were crying;
Lead such a life that when you die,
Others should weep while you go laughing.”

It only remains for us to conclude this sketch with the statement that Nawab Sir
Amin Jung Bahadur was selected by His Exalted Highness the Nizam as a member of
the State delegation to the Round Table Conference. It was a very proper and fitting
choice as few officials know Hyderabad so well as Sir Amin Jung through whose hands
pass all political and general State papers of the most private character. The services he
rendered at the Conference must be considered as his last great contribution to the
political advancement of his country and the enhancement of his sovereign’s dignity
and prestige.

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58 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 59



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60 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
A short history of the Paigahs

HE word “Paigah” means pomp and high rank and it was conferred as a
honorific title by His Highness Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, the second
Nizam and successor of Nawab Nizam-ul-Mulk, and given to the estates
held by Abul Fateh Khan, Taig Jung Bahadur, in acknowledgment and appreciation of
the loyal services rendered by him.

Among the nobility of Hyderabad, the Amirs, or Chiefs, of the Paigah have always
held the first rank and still do and the Paigah family is second only to that of the Ruler,
and is allied to it by matrimony. Members of the family have always been considered
as among the most faithful and loyal of the nobles of the State, first in the arts of peace
and first in the arts of war, two prominent features of their character being frankness
and liberality. If they served their master well as high officers of State, they served the
people also well by their fair-mindedness, practical sympathy, open-handed generosity
in the relief of distress, the support of scholarship and in the patronage of many arts
and handicrafts. .


When the title of “Paigah” was first conferred on the estates held by Abul Fateh
Khan Taig Jung Bahadur, a ‘Sanad’ was also given to him by the then ruling prince,
Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, in which it was stated that the estates which were
formerly given to Taig Jung Bahadur were given to him not only for the maintenance of
his family but also for the maintenance of an army the services of which would be
requisitioned in times of need. Later, at the request of Nawab Fakhruddin Khan, Shams-
ul-Umrah II, another Sanad was granted whereby the Paigah estates of Taig Jung were
now given in perpetuity to him and to his successors, free of “ chouth” (one-fourth of
the net revenue payable to the sovereign) and also freed from all other liabilities. Since
the grant of this sanad, the Paigah estates have been inherited and administered by the
lawful heirs of the first grantee. The necessity for keeping a body of troops having
ceased, no military establishment is now maintained, except a few hundred guards to
keep up the honour and dignity of the family.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 61
The annual revenue of the estates of Taig Jung Bahadur was first thirty lakhs of
rupees. It was subsequently increased to a little over half a crore or, to be exact, fifty
two lakhs of rupees. The estates cover an area of 4134 square miles and are larger than
many a small Native State and have almost independent powers. The revenue of the
estates came to nearly 44 lakhs in 1309 Fasli and might now, after a lapse of thirty years,
be well over the original figure of half a crore.

In the beginning the Paigah estate, as we have seen, was only one, but on the death,
in 1279 Hijri, of Nawab Fakhruddin Khan, Shams-ul-Umrah II, the estate was divided
between his two sons Nawab Muhammad Rashiduddin Khan and Nawab Muhammad
Raffiuddin Khan. This was the first division of the Paigah estate and there were more
to follow. When Nawab Rashiduddin Khan died in 1299 Hijri, his share of the Paigah
estate was divided between his two sons, Nawab Sir Khurshed Jah Bahadur and Nawab
Sir Vicar-ul-Umra Bahadur. Two other minor divisions of the Paigah estates also took
place, but they were unimportant in character and the Paigahs numbered only three.

The Paigah estates at present are (1) the Asman Jahi Paigah, of which the Amir, or
head, is Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur; (2) the Khurshed Jahi Paigah, of which the
Amir is Nawab Lutf-ud-Daula Bahadur, and (3) the Vikar-ul-Umrahi Paigah of which
the nominal administrative head, or Amir, is Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk Bahadur.

The annual revenue of the Asman Jahi Paigah in 1337 Fasli was 17 lakhs of rupees;
that of the Khurshed Jahi Paigah, 14 lakhs; and that of the Vikar-ul-Umrahi Paigah 12¾
lakhs. The revenues of the Paigahs increased under the administration of the Court of

In 1329 Hijri (1911) the Paigah estates were placed under the untrammelled
administration of the Court of Wards by order of His Exalted Highness the Nizam, Mir
Sir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur. Sir Brian Egerton, long tutor to the Nizam, was made the
Sadr-ul-Maham, or minister in charge, of the Paigahs and after his retirement Nawab
Akil Jung Bahadur was appointed in his place. The accumulated debts were gradually
paid off and many administrative improvements effected. A Paigah boarding house
was started for providing educational facilities and disciplinary opportunities to the
young nobles of the Paigah families and many were sent, in due course, to Aligarh to
receive higher education.

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62 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
In the year 1918 a Commission of Enquiry under the chairmanship of Sir Brian
Egerton was appointed by His Exalted Highness the Nizam to decide on the respective
rights of the different members of the Paigah family. But no final orders were passed
on the findings of the Commission. In 1920 a Commission was appointed under the
chairmanship of Mr. (now Sir) Reginald Glancy, then Finance Minister, to adjudicate
upon the claims of the Sarf-i-khas Department against the Paigahs. In 1927, yet another
Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of Mr. Justice Reilly of the Madras
High Court to submit findings and recommendations after investigating and discussing
the claims of the Hyderabad Government against the Paigahs, the further claims of the
Sarf-i-khas against the Paigahs and the respective claims of the different share-holders
in all the three Paigahs. His Exalted Highness the Nizam issued a final firman on the
20th April 1929 in which he has made a final adjudication and adjustment.

The Paigah nobles claim their descent, through Nawab Taig Jung Bahadur, Shams-
ul-Umra the first, from no less a personage than the second great Caliph of Islam, the
Hazrath Omar, Farooq-e-Azam of Arabia.

Some of the descendants of Hazrath Omar, it is stated, came to India during the
palmy days of the Moghul Emperors and the Paigah family traces its source to one of
these descendants, named Shaikh Fareed-ud-din Khan Gurj-a-Shaker, who lived to
become one of the greatest Islamic saints in India and whose memory is still deeply
cherished by Muhammadans all over the country, his shrine at Pakpatan (Montgomery
in the Punjab) being annually visited by Moslem pilgrims in considerable numbers.

Among the names of the members of the family the one that stands out most
prominently is that of Shaikh Bahauddin Khan, twelfth in direct descent from Shaikh
Fariduddin Gurj-a-Shaker, who was governor of Shikohabad during the days of the
Emperor Aurangazeb. Records exist to show that he was famous in his day for his
wisdom and sense of justice and no less for his staunch loyalty to his imperial master.


To Shaikh Bahauddin Khan was born in Shikohabad a son, Shaikh Muhammad
Abul Khair Khan who was destined to become famous in later days in the imperial city
and afterwards in the Deccan. Brought up under the direct care of his father, Abul

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 63
Khair Khan learnt the arts of war and peace and won local fame for his soldier-like
qualities and also intellectual attainments. The Emperor Muhammad Shah, appreciating
the young man’s attainments, bestowed upon him the title of “Khan Bahadur” and at
the same time appointed him to the leadership of 200 cavalry and 500 foot.

His address and accomplishments being quite out of the ordinary attracted the
attention of no less a person than Nawab Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk who was then a
Minister of the Emperor Muhammad Shah.

After serving as deputy governor of Malwa and Khandesh he attached himself

permanently to Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk and was held, as before, in high esteem by
him and was at the head of a large army composed of infantry and cavalry. His most
important military enterprise was to defeat one Babu Naik, a great Mahratta enemy of
the State. This was in the year 1745.

The story is recorded that when Nawab Nasir Jung Bahadur revolted against his
father, Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk, during his absence from Hyderabad on a visit to Delhi,
he earnestly requested Abul Khair Khan to join his forces with his and help him to
establish himself firmly on the “Musnad” of Hyderabad. Abul Khair Khan, as was to
be expected, declined the invitation, despite all the accompanying offers of reward and
preferment, remarking “I am a loyal servant of your father, and I cannot deceive him in
his old age.”

When Hidayat Mohiuddin Khan, Muzaffur Jung Bahadur became Nizam of

Hyderabad, he gave Burhanpur as a jagir to Khair Khan and when Salabat Jung became
Nizam more honours were conferred on him. He was given the title of Imam Jung.
After leading a quiet life, honoured and respected by all, he died in 1752 (1164 H) and
was buried in Burhanpur.

Abul Khair Khan left two sons, namely, Abul Barkat Khan and Abul Fateh Khan.
The first was given the title of Bahauddin Khan II and Imam Jung II. He died in the life
time of his father, fighting against the Mahrattas. His body was buried in Burhanpur.
The second son, Abul Fateh Khan, became famous in after life as Taig Jung Bahadur
Shams-ul-Umra I.

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64 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
When Amir-ul-Mamalik Salabat Jung Bahadur, the Nizam, had occasion to go to
Burhanpur, he met Abul Fateh Khan there and finding him to be an able commander
conferred on him the title of Taig Jung Bahadur and brought him back with him to

Abul Fateh Khan, it is written, was a tall, strong and attractive-looking young man,
a brave and able commander, and at the same time well versed in political matters.
This combination of qualities helped him to forge his way to become the most useful
and valuable servant of the Nizam Salabat Jung Bahadur who took his advice on every
important matter. He was made commander-in-chtef of fourteen thousand troops, both
cavalry and infantry, and jagirs fetching an annual income of thirty lakhs of rupees
were given to him along with the titles of Shams-ud-Daula, Shams-ul-Mulk, and Shams-
ul-Umra which means “The sun of the nobles”.

When the Nawab Rukn-ud-Oaula, the prime minister, was murdered, His Highness
Nizam Ali Khan, offerred the post of prime minister to Nawab Taig Jung but the offer
was respectfully declined, Taig Jung remarking:- “I am a soldier and I want to be a
soldier all my life. I do not want to make myself a politician”.

Taig Jung was noted in his days for the intensity of his loyalty to his master. It is
said that he was so scrupulous in the manifestation of his loyalty that he never once
turned his back to the palace of the Nizam during all his life. The story is told that once
when His Highness Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur was on tour, the camp was laid
out in a forest clearing and all the officers were living in tents. Taig Jung was near the
person of his sovereign and guarding his tent. At midnight on a certain day came a
fearful downpour of rain accompanied with thunder and lightning. The Nizam thought
of Taig Jung and sent him a bed with the words that he could go and sleep in his tent
and not expose himself. An hour or so afterwards, the Nizam happening to peep out of
his tent to see the condition of the weather, he was surprised to notice that it was yet
pouring, Taig Jung was still on guard, and what was more surprising still was patrolling
the tent with the bed on his head: Asked as to what he meant by his strange performance,
Taig Jung replied to the Nizam saying “A bed that is presented by your honour is not to
be slept upon, but to be kept on the head. As for the rain, a soldier does not care for it.
I will guard your tent even if it rains fire”.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 65
Another story is told to the effect that on one occasion His Highness Nizam Ali
Khan happened to say to Taig Jung “Arastu Jah has made a beautiful garden for himself.
Why do you not make one for yourself ?” Taig Jung answered that he would. After a
month he presented himself before the Nizam and said that his garden was ready. The
Nizam expressed surprise at the shortness of the time taken to construct a garden and
said that he would go to see it some day. Taig Jung replied that there was no need for
His Highness to go to see his garden which was a moving one and would be brought
before his presence. The Nizam expressed surprise to hear of a garden that could move
about from place to place and commanded that it should be brought to him. Taig Jung
went home and within a short time brought his entire army, both infantry and cavalry,
well mounted and accourtered and all in splendid condition. “This Your Highness”
said Taig Jung “is my moving garden. It can go wherever Your Highness wishes and
that at a moment’s notice”. The Nizam was delighted at this zeal on the part of his
servant and presented him the Khudsia garden which is still in the possession of Taig
Jung’s descendants.

This excellent hearted nobleman died in 1705 Hijri (1786 A.D.) while on a tour in
the Punjab. His body was brought to Hyderabad and interred in the “darga” of
Beranashah Saheb. His Highness Nizam Ali Khan deeply mourned the loss of his faithful
servant, ordering that no music should be played in the palace for forty days. Taig Jung
did not leave much in the way of wealth as he spent all his revenues on his troops, his
friends and the poor.

Abul Fakhr Muhammad Fakhruddin Khan, the one and only son of Taig Jung
Bahadur was born in Hyderabad in 1195 Hijri and at the deathof his father was only ten
years old. Though still a boy he had received during the life time of his father the titles
of Imam Jung III, Khurshid-ud-Doula and Khurshid-ud-Mulk from His Highness Nawab
Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur. On the death of his father the Nizam bestowed upon him the
titles of Shams-ul-Umra II and handed over the Paigah estates to him. Besides, the
Nizam gave to him in marriage his daughter Bashir-un-Nisa Begum and after his
marriage in 1215 Hijri (1797) conferred upon him the further honours of Rs. 10,000
mansab and the chief commandership of 10,000 cavalry, along with the “Mahi” and
“Mahitab”. He was the first member of the Paigah family to be matrimonially allied to
the house of Nizam-ul-Mulk.

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66 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
The Nizam’s successors on the Masnad of Hyderabad, Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur
and Nawab Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur, had the greatest regard and respect for him and
frequently consulted him in important matters of State. His Highness Nawab Nasir-
ud-Daula Bahadur conferred on him the title of Amir-e-Kabir and made him his Prime
Minister, but he resigned the post after only six months’ tenure of it.



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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 67
It was to this nobleman, and at his own request, His Highness the Nizam Nasir-ud-
Daula granted a sanad in 1253 H (1834) stating that the Paigah estates were now given
over for a perpetual possession free of all liabilities though the condition for the
maintenance of an efficient army continued.

Nawab Fakhruddin Khan was a very learned man and far-sighted and thoughtful.
The three Nizams in whose time he lived consulted him on all important matters and
valued his advice and suggestions greatly. He was also looked upon with respect by
the Honourable East India Company. When in 1857 the Indian Mutiny broke out he
helped the English with such zeal and energy that after its subsidence he was specially
thanked by the Governor-General who sent him on behalf of the Government presents
to the value of some Rs. 30,000.

As a patron of Arts, Nawab Fakhruddin Khan was second to none and enjoyed
great reputation in his day. He had several books translated from the English and Arabic
languages into Urdu and Persian and he himself took a prominent part in the work of
translation. Famous among the translated books are:-

The Shams-ul-Hindsa, the Seetha Samshya, the Risala Karatul-Arz, the Risala
Gugraphia and the Risala Keenia. He was especially fond of Engineering, Chemistry,
Physics, Mathematics, Geography and Astronomy. He had several books written on
these subjects and had them distributed among students. The first big school to be
opened in Hyderabad was by him and was called the Madrasa-a-Fakhina. He had his
own Observatory which was equipped with up-to-date instruments from Europe. And
he himself knew well how to use those instruments.

This great and good man died in 1279 H. (1862) at the ripe age of 85, leaving behind
five sons and three daughters. The sons were Nawab Farid-ud-din Khan, Nawab Sultan-
ud-din Khan, Nawab Bader-ud-din Khan, Nawab Rafi-ud-din Khan, and Nawab Rashid-
ud-din Khan. The eldest Nawab Farid-ud-din Khan, who was born in 1217 H, died at
the early age of fourteen. Nawab Sultan-ud-din Khan, the second son, who was born in
1220 H was given the titles of Subkath Jung, Mohtaisham-ud-Daula and Bashir-ul-Mulk
and married Sultani Begum Saheba, a daughter of His Highness the Nizam Sikandar
Jah Bahadur. This was the second matrimonial alliance of the Paigah family with the
house of Asaf Jah.

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68 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Sultan-ud-din Khan died at the age of 32, leaving behind him two sons,
Nawab Wazir-ud-din Khan and Nawab Nasir-ud-din Khan, who were brought up by
their uncle Rafi-ud-din Khan. Bahadur who had no children of his own.

Nawab Bader-ud-din Khan Bahadur, the third son of the Nawab Fakhruddin Khan
Bahadur, who had received the titles of Rafat Jung Moazzam-ud-Daula and Moazzam-
ul-Mulk and had married a daughter of Hyder-ud-Daula Bahadur, died in early
manhood during the life time of his father, leaving no children behind him.

Nawab Rafi-ud-din Khan and Nawab Rashid-ud-din Khan, the last of two of the
sons, survived their father and the Paigah jagirs were, by order of the Nizam, divided
between the two brothers. And this was the first division of the Paigah estates. Nawab
Rafi-ud-din Khan Bahadur, being elder of the two brothers. received the larger share of
the estates and inherited the honour and titles of the family and of his father.

Nawab Rafi-ud-din Khan Bahadur, the fourth son of Nawab Muhammad Fakhr-
ud-din Khan Bahadur, the Amir-e-Kabir was born in 1229 Hijri and was carefully
educated by his illustrious father. As a young man he was given the titles of Namwar
Jung, Umdath-ud-Daula and Umdat-ul-Mulk and on the death of his father received
the family titles of Shams-ul-Umra and Amir-e-Kabir.

As he was a grandson of His Highness the Nizam Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur,
Rafi-ud-din Khan was greatly loved by their Highness the Nawab Nasir-ud-Daula
Bahadur and Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur. The latter desired to appoint him as
Prime Minister as a result of some ill-feeling between him and his Prime Minister Sir
Salar Jung I, but the Nawab, who was well aware of the ability of Salar Jung and greatly
valued the labours he was engaged in to effect reforms, declined the offer, though greatly
tempting it was, and pleaded with the Nizam not to carry out his resolution of depriving
Salar Jung of his post as he was the best man and the most fit man for it. When His
Highness the Nizam Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur died, Nawab Rafi-ud-din Khan
Bahadur was made the co-regent, along with Sir Salar Jung Bahadur during the period
of minority of the boy Nizam, the late Sir Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur of blessed

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 69
. Having no children of his own he brought up the two sons of his brother, the
Nawab Sultan-ud-din Khan Bahadur, namely Nawab Wazir-ud-din Khan and Nawab
Mazher-ud-din Khan. He could not have loved them better or more deeply had they
been his own sons and took especial pains in respect of their education and general up-
bringing. His estates were divided between these two brothers.



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70 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Rashid-ud-din Khan Bahadur, the youngest son of Nawab Fakhr-ud-din
Khan Bahadur, the Amir-e-Kabir, was born in 1229 Hijri and was the most petted child
in the household and greatly fondled also by their Highnesses the Nawab Nasir-ud-
Daula Bahadur and the Nawab Afzal-ud- Daula Bahadur. He was educated in Arabic



and Persian and taught riding, shooting and the use of the sword. He received the
titles of Bahadur Jung, Aktaidar-ud-Daula, Aktaidar-uI-Mulk and Vikar-ul-Umra and
married Hashmath-un-Nissa Begam Sahiba, a daughter of His Highness Sikandar Jah
Bahadur, the third Nizam.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 71
When his elder brother, Nawab Rafi-ud-din Khan Bahadur, died he succeeded to
the hereditary honours and titles of the family and became Shams-ud-Daula, Shams-
ul-Mulk, Shams-ul-Umra and Amir-e-Kabir and also succeeded as co-regent and
continued as such from 1294 to 1299 Hijri. He was the highest noble of his time and his
rank and dignity were realized by people all over India. Although he enjoyed but
imperfect health he was nevertheless a man of action and was possessed of a great deal
of energy. The period of his co-regency gave him many great opportunities to serve the
State and the people and such was his private and public conduct that millions loved
him and honoured him. Generous to a fault he was ever a friend of the poor and a
friend of the learned and the scholarly. Possessed of artistic tastes, he made his city
palace so magnificent and splendid that his European guests were wont to call it “The
palace of the Arabian Nights.” He visited several of the most important cities in Upper
India and distributed many thousands of rupees among the poor there.

He died in 1299 H. (1881) leaving two sons and two daughters. The sons were
Nawab Muhammad Mohiuddin Khan Bahadur and Nawab Muhammad Fazal-ud-din
Khan Bahadur and on his death the jagirs were divided between the two sons, the elder
receiving the larger share and succeeding to the titles and honours of the family.


Nawab Muhammad Wazir-ud-din Khan Bahadur, the elder son of Nawab Sultan-
ud-din Khan Bahadur, who was adopted by the latter’s brother, Nawab Rafi-ud-din
Khan Bahadur, Amir-e-Kabir, came into possession of the latter’s share of the Paigah
jagirs along with his younger brother, Nawab Muzher-ud-din Khan Bahadur. He
received the titles of Saif Jung and Mohtaisam-ud-Daula and devoted himself entirely
to the management of his portion of the estates. He remained a bachelor and died in
1298 Hijri. On his death, his younger brother, Nawab Muzher-ud-din Khan, Sir Asman
Jah Bahadur, desired to annex his jagirs with his own, but there were obstructions in
the way on account of the claims of others. The matter went up to the British Government
and at last it was decided that all the private jagirs and other private properties of
Nawab Wazir-ud-din Khan Bahadur should be given to Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, but
that the Paigah jagirs of his deceased brother should be divided into three parts, one of
which was to be annexed to the Asman Jahi Paigah, the other to the Khurshed Jahi
Paigah and the third to the Vikar-ul-Umrahi Paigah. This was the fourth and the last
division of the Paigah jagirs because it was decided thereafter that they should not be
divided in future, every member of the Paigah receiving a pay according to his share.
In this way, came the three Paigah estates of today.
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72 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur

A WAB Muhammad Muzher-ud-din Khan, Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, the
younger son of Nawab Sultan-ud-din Khan, Subkath Jung, Mohtaisham-
ud-Daula, Bashir-ul-Mulk, was born in the year 1256 Hijri (1839). His full
name, with titles, was His Excellency the Nawab Rafat Jung, Bashir-ud-Daula, Umdat-



ul-Mulk II, Azim-ul-Umra, Amir-e-Akbar, Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, K.C.I.E. He was a
grandson of His Highness the Nizam Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur and married

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 73
Parwarish-un-Nissa Begum Saheba, a daughter of His Highness Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula,
and a sister of the late Nizam, His Highness Nawab Sir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur.

When His Highness the Nizam Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur died in 1295 Hijri
(1869) a Council was appointed to carryon the administration of the State as the heir to
the Masnad was a minor. His brother, Shams-ul.. Umra III and Sir Salar Jung were the
co-regents and he himself was offered the post of Minister of Justice which he accepted,
declining, however, the salary of Rs. 5000 per month. When Sir Salar Jung went to
England in 1875, he was appointed to act as co-regent in addition to carrying out the
duties of Minister of Justice. And when in 1300 Hijri on the untimely death of Sir Salar
Jung Bahadur a Council of Regency was formed, he was made a member of it and also
a member of the Council of State. He ably discharged the duties and the Government of
India had occasion to acknowledge his services.

During his term of office many changes were introduced into the administration of
the State. The financial condition was very much improved and the sources of income
were increased. Important changes were made in the Revenue Department and great
encouragement was given to indigenous industries. He established the Irrigation Board
and sanctioned an amount of ten lakhs of rupees for new projects which later proved
very helpful both to cultivation and the Government.

In 1887 he proceeded to England to represent the Nizam on the occasion of the

Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. On his way, at the Suez Canal and Cairo,
Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur was received very warmly by Lord Cromer and others
on behalf of the Khedive of Egypt. After his stay in London, Sir Asman Jah visited
Catania, Naples, Geneva, Rome, Florence, Milan and other cities of the Continent. During
the Jubilee celebrations, the Jubilee Medal was pinned on his chest by the Queen herself
and he was warmly received by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Connaught and
other great nobles of England, on the occasion of his receiving a Knighthood, Mr. A. P.
Powell, then British Resident at Hyderabad, gave expression to the following sentiments
at a banquet given in honour of Sir Asman Jah Bahadur:-

“ Services to the Hyderabad State are indeed services to Her Majesty’s Indian Empire; and thus having
attained the highest honours that his own Government could confer, it may be well said that the
Nawab enters “worthily into the Most Eminent Order especially designed to reward “services rendered
to Her Majesty’s Indian Empire.”

After his return from England, Sir Asman Jah Bahadur took charge of the office of
Prime Minister of Hyderabad and held it till 1311 Hijri.
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74 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 75
Nawab Sir Vicar-uI-Umra Bahadur

IS Excellency Nawab Muhammad Fazal-ud-din Khan, Sikandar Jung
Ekbal-ud-Daula, Aktaidar-ul-Mulk Sir Vicar-ul-Umra Bahadur K.C.I.E.,
was the younger son of Nawab Rashid-ud-din Khan Bahadur, Shams-
ul-Umra IV and Amir-e-Kabir III, and was born in Hyderabad in the year 1273 Hijri
(1856). He was a grandson of His Highness the Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur, the third

In 1289 Hijri, when he was about seventeen years of age His Highness Afzal-ud-
Daula’s daughter Jahandar-un-Nissa Begum Sahiba was given in marriage to him, the
marital ceremony being celebrated with a great deal of splendour and magnificence,
both sides spending several lakhs of rupees. Two years after his marriage, the Nizam
awarded him the titles of Sikandar Jung and Ekbal-ud-Daula.

After the death of His Highness Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur, Nawab Ekbal-ud-Daula

was made the guardian of Nawab Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur who was then a
minor. The young Nizam bore a great deal of respectful love for Ekbal-ud-Daula and as
the years advanced this love grew into genuine friendship. He was His Highness’s
constant companion and accompanied him in all his travels and tours and was a member
of all his shooting parties.

In 1299 Hijri, His Highness the Nizam conferred on him the titles of Iktaidar-ul-
Mulk and Vicar-ul-Umra and in 1318 Hijri the British Government conferred on him a
Knighthood under the Order of the Indian Empire and also presented him the Kaiser-
i-Hind (gold) Medal.

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76 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
In the year 1311 Hijri when Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur resigned the prime
ministership, Sir Vicar-ul-Umra was temporarily appointed as Prime Minister and later
confirmed in the appointment. He did his work with zeal and efficiency for eight years
and resigned in 1319 Hijri.

During his time of office he effected many valuable reforms in the Government
and did as much good for the State and the people as was then possible. His services in
the cause of education were specially noteworthy. The Education Department, the
Department of “Tadwen-e-Ulume-a-ahl-a-Baith “, the Engineering School, the Law
classes, the Legislative Council and the Asafia Library were all of them opened in his
time. He never hesitated from sanctioning money for educational purposes and his
general administrative work was of such excellence that he received the approbation of
both His Highness the Nizam and the British Resident.

In 1299 Hijri (1882) he left for Europe on a prolonged visit of eight months to see all
the countries of the Continent. While in England he came into close contact with great
personages and was received by the Queen Empress, His Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales, the Duke of Connaught, the Prime Minister and some of the great officials of the
United Kingdom.

Sir Vicar had artistic tastes and was fond of building beautiful palaces and decorating
them in a magnificent manner. He it was who built the famous Falaknuma palace which
is one of the most splendid of palaces in the country. Its construction began in 1301
Hijri and was completed after nine years, costing no less than forty lakhs of rupees on
construction and decoration.

Sir Vicar was justly noted for his generosity of heart, his noble behaviour, princely
hospitality and patronage of scholarship and learning. After resigning the post of Prime
Minister in 1319 Hijri he went out one day shooting to Balkonda, one of his estates, and
there died suddenly of heart failure. His body was brought to Hyderabad and buried
in the family cemetery with full military and civil honours. The whole city went into
mourning for him.

He left two sons, Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk and Nawab Wali-ud-Daula.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 77
Nawab Sir Khurshed Jah Bahadur

A WAB Sir Khurshed Jah Bahadur was the eldest son of Nawab Rashid-
ud- din Khan Bahadur, Shams-ul-Umra V, Amir-e-Kabir IV, and was
born in the year 1257 Hijri. His personal name was Muhammad
Mohiuddin Khan and when he was only nine years old he was given the title of Taig



Jung II by His Highness the Nizam Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur. In 1274 Hijri His Highness
Afzal-ud-Daula gave him the titles of Khurshed-ud-Daula and later followed the titles
of Khurshed-uI-Mulk; Khurshed-ul-Umra and Khurshed Jah. After the death of his
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

78 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
father, he received the hereditary family titles of Shams-ul-Umra and Amir-e-Kabir.

When His Highness Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur succeeded to the masnad,

young Khurshed Jah became a great favourite of his and, as a mark of his love for him,
the Nizam gave him as wife his eldest daughter, Hussain-un-Nissa Begum Sahiba.

It goes without saying that the education and general training of the young Nawab
were most carefully and zealously looked after as much by his doting grandfather as
by his father. He acquired considerable learning and knowledge of the world. In 1300
Hijri he was made a member of the Council of Regency along with Sir Asman Jah
Bahadur, and also later a member of the Council of State. In these capacities, Nawab Sir
Khurshed Jah Bahadur evinced deep interest in all administrative matters and was
foremost in lending support to the Hyderabad Godavery Valley Railway scheme and
in getting the whole budget in respect of it passed. His services in this connection were
warmly appreciated by the Governor-General of India. In most of the intricate affairs
of the State his advice was often sought and his suggestions invariably yielded fruitful
results. In was at his suggestion, for instance, Sir Salar Jung II was appointed Prime

In the year 1887, on the occasion of Her Majesty the Queen Empress’s Silver Jubilee’,
he was created a Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire,
and Mr. Powell who was then Resident at Hyderabad in presenting him the insignia of
the Order remarked that Sir Khurshed Jah was both “a historian and a traveller and the
great adviser of all the pioneers in the field of exploration and science”. His desire to
see the different important places of the world and his yearning for general knowledge
made him a keen student of history. His “Tareek-e-Khurshed Jahi” written in Urdu is a
very popular book dealing with Indian history. So great was his enthusiasm for travel
that even in spite of the absence of railways etc., he managed to visit almost all the
places of historical and archaeological interest in Gujerat, the Central Provinces and far
away Quetta, Sibi and Chaman.

Fortune favoured him with riches and endowed him with an imposing yet charming
personality. As he advanced in years he developed into a remarkable figure and was
conspicuous in the court of His Highness Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur. He was
famous in his day for his philanthropy and patronage of scholars and learned men. In
the relief of distress he was ever foremost. Under his patronage many institutions throve
and general education advanced.

He died in the year 1320 Hijri leaving behind him two sons, Nawab uhammad
Fiazuddin Khan Bahadur, Imam Jung IV, and Nawab Muhammad Hafiz-ud-din Khan
Bahadur, Zaffer Jung.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 79

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80 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Moin-ud-Doula Bahadur

UHAMMAD Moin-ud-din Khan, Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur, the
only son of the late Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, one of the three
great Paigah nobles, was born in Hyderabad in the year 1308 Hijri.

Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur passed away in the year 1314 Hijri when his son
was just in his eighth year. His Highness the late Nizam gave the young noble in charge
of his step-mother, Parwarish-un-Nissa Begum Saheba, who loved the lad as dearly as
his father did and took immense pains to educate him well and give him such training
as his position in life demanded. She looked after the estates as well with considerable
ability and tact.

This good lady, who was more than a mother to Nawab Moin-ud-din Khan, passed
away in the year 1323 Hijri, and His Highness the Nizam handed over the management
of the estates to Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur, by making him, the Amir of the Asman
Jahi Paigah. Though of an exceedingly generous disposition, treating money with some
contempt, he, nevertheless managed his estates with care and sagacity.

The year 1323 Hijri-the same year in which the young Nawab was made the Amir
of his Paigahs - marked the fortieth year of rule of His Highness the Nizam, Mir Sir
Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur: At the Darbar held in honour and celebration of this great
and happy event, Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur requested His Highness to be
gracious enough to accept from him, as a small momento of the occasion, the garden on
the hill known as Baba Sharfuodin Awalia’s Phar. The gift was very kindly accepted. In
1325 Hijri, His Highness presented the young Nawab with a superb sword and three
months later the gift was followed by a present of two lakhs of rupees.

In the year 1330 Hijri, owing to financial reasons into the details of which we need
not go here, the Asman Jahi Paigah was taken over by the court of Wards, by an order
of His Exalted Highness the Nizam. These ere restored in the year 1929 by a special
firman of His Exalted Highness Nizam.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 81
In 1331 Hijri Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur placed an invitation before His Exalted
Highness the Nizam and requested him to visit his Asmangadh palace and presented it
to him. The palace is now known as Osmangadh palace. Two years after this, by special
arrangement with Nawab Moin-ud-Daula, the famous Basheer Bagh palace towards
the southern extremity of the Hussain Saugar tank, and midway on the main road from
Hyderabad to Secunderabad, was taken over by the Government for the use of eminent
State guests, the Viceroy and royalty being entertained at the Falaknuma palace.

In 1337 Hijri Nawab Moin-ud-din Khan Bahadur was given the title of Nawab
Eyanath Jung and in 1341 the title of Nawab Moin-ud-Daula. In 1342 he was appointed
Minister in charge of the Industrial Department and also as a member of the Executive
Council. The next year he was given charge of the Military Department and in 1345 he
resigned the post as by an order of His Exalted Highness the Nizam his Paigah estates
were released from the Court of Wards and he was again made the Amir of the Asman
Jahi Paigah.

In 1329 he gave the very generous donation of two lakhs of rupees to the
Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh and has also helped several other
local institutions which work in the public cause.

Though at one time a keen rider, polo player and racing noble, like most of the
nobles in England, Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur’s present main recreation is shooting
- principally big game shooting.

He has nine sons and three daughters. His eldest son, Nawab Muhammad
Zahiruddin Khan Bahadur, is a promising young man. He was educated at home and
at the Nizam College and later again at home under the care of his father. In 1340 Hijri
he was married to the elder daughter of Nawab Wali-ud-Daula Bahadur, another
member of the Paigah family-the second son of the late Nawab Sir Vicar-ul-Umra
Bahadur, one of Hyderabad’s Prime Ministers. The marriage ceremony was performed
with great pomp and splendour - in keeping with the traditions of this most oriental of
oriental cities of India. Several thousand rupees were spent by either side and the
members of all the three Paigahs assembled together on the occasion. It was not only
the first wedding between the two Paigah families during the period of rulership of the
present Nizam but also the first wedding which His Exalted Highness graced with his

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82 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 83
Nawab Zaffer Jung Bahadur

WAB Muhammad Hafiz-ud-din Khan Bahadur, Zaffer Jung, Shams-ud-
Daula, Shams-ul-Mulk, the youngest son of Nawab Sir Khurshed Jah
Bahadur, was born in the year 1282 Hijri. His Highness Nawab Afzal-ud-
Daula Bahadur loved him much and, along with his father evinced considerable interest



in his education and Persian, Arabic and English teachers were appointed to act as his
tutors. He was also taught to ride and shoot, and in time became a good all round
sportsman. From 1294 Hijri he commenced to go to the Nizam’s palace and along with
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84 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
His Highness Nawab Mir Mahbub Ali Khan received his English education. In this
way he became an intimate friend of His Highness.

In 1301 Hijri, Sir Khurshed Jah sent him to England with one Mr. Stevens and
Moulvi Syed Mahmood Saheb for higher education and while he was there a special
English tutor was appointed to teach him and he was also enrolled as an officer in the
Life Guard of Her Majesty the Queen-Empress. He remained in England for a year and
returned to Hyderabad, visiting Paris and other important places on the Continent.

Coming home, he joined the Garrison Riding School and completed his military
training. In 1311 he was given the honour of holding the “Moarchal” behind His
Highness. In 1319 Hijri when Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad became Prime Minister,
Nawab Zaffer Jung was made Minister in charge of the Military Department and carried
out his duties with remarkable ability.

Though he was the younger son of Sir Khurshed Jah Bahadur and his brother,
Nawab Imam Jung Bahadur, was older than him, he was nevertheless made the Amir
of the Khurshed Jahi Paigah on the death of his father. This preference was extended to
him because his mother was of the royal family.

Nawab Zaffer Jung was a very handsome young man possessing a very strong
physique, but his health broke down in middle life and he became almost an invalid.
His charity and hospitality equalled those of his illustrious father and like him he was
a great lover and patron of the arts and sciences. He constructed an Observatory of his
own and installed two big telescopes. Other apparata were ordered from England and
he engaged the services of an English astronomer, by name of Grubb. The large teles-
cope in the Nizamiah Observatory was presented by Zaffer Jung.

The Nawab died at the early age of 43 leaving behind him ten sons and six daughters.
The sons are Nawab Lutf-ud-din Khan (Latafat Jung) Lutf-ud-Daula Bahadur, the
present Amir of the Khurshed Jahi Paigah, Nawab Akram-ud-din Khan, Nawab
Wahiuddin Khan, Nawab Najibuddin Khan, Nawab Azimuddin Khan, Nawab
Yawaruddin Khan, Nawab Saeeduddin Khan, Nawab Ziauddin Khan, Nawab
Fiazuddin Khan, and Nawab Roshanuddin Khan. All his six daughters have been

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 85
Nawab Imam Jung Bahadur

AWAB Muhammad Fiazuddin Khan Bahadur, Imam Jung IV, Khurshed-
ud-Daula, Khurshed-ul-Mulk, was the eldest son of Nawab Sir Khurshed
Jah Bahadur and was born in the year 1274 Hijri. He was well educated
by his illustrious father who was
himself a great scholar and
passionate lover of the arts. In
1310 Hijri, Najib-un-Nissa
Begum, a sister of His Highness
Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur,
was given to him in marriage, the
ceremony being performed with
Great splendour. Nawab Imam
Jung Bahadur was a very old
fashioned nobleman and led a
rather secluded and retired life,
only visiting, now and then,
places of historic interest.

He passed away in 1344

Hijri at the age of 70, leaving
behind him five sons and three
daughters. The sons are Nawab
Bahadur Jung, Nawab
Ghouseuddin Khan, Nawab
Sikandar Nawaz Jung, Nawab
Rahim Nawaz Jung and Nawab
Munir-ud-din Khan. His
youngest daughter, Chinnu
Begum Sahiba. was married to NAWAB MOHAMMAD FAIZ-UD-DIN KHAN, IMAM
She is the first lady of the Paigah BAHADUR
family to be married to a Ruler of Hyderabad.

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86 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Lutf-ud-Daula Bahadur

AWAB Muhammad Lutf-ud-din Khan, Latafat Jung, Lutf-ud-Daula
Bahadur, Amir of the Kurshed Jahi Paigah, is the eldest son of the late
Nawab Zaffer Jung Bahadur, Shams-ud-Daula, Shams-ul-Mulk. He was
born in the year 1300 Hijri.

When his father, the Nawab Zaffer Jung Bahadur, died, His Highness the Nizam
issued a “Farman” whereby the Kurshed Jahi Paigah estates were handed over to him.

The young Nawab, yet in his twenties, administered his vast estates with care and
often went on tour. The very next year after becoming Amir he appointed a committee,
with his younger brother Nawab Akram-ud-din Khan Bahadur, as president, to study
the agricultural, revenue and other general conditions obtaining in the Paigah and
suggest such reforms as were deemed necessary. The committee went to work in right
earnest and after a time suggested several valuable reforms which Nawab Lutf-ud-
Daula duly instituted.

In the year 1330 Hijri his Paigah was taken over by the Court of Wards by an order
of His Exalted Highness the Nizam. The estates were restored to him in the year 1345
Hijri after the Paigah Commission’s enquiries. The restoration was confirmed by His
Exalted Highness the Nizam in February of the year (1929) by a Farman which gave
details as regards their future administration.

Two years after the Paigah was placed under Court of Wards, His Exalted Highness
the Nizam conferred on the Nawab the title of Nawab Latafat Jung and this was followed
in 1341 Hijri by the title of Nawab Luff-ud-Daula accompanied by presents of swords
and other valuable articles from time to time.

In 1335 Hijri Nawab Latafat Jung, as he then was, took charge of the post of Minister
of the Military Department and when the Executive Council was created, he was made
a member of it, holding the joint portfolio of the Medical and Military Departments.
Eight years afterwards he was given the portfolio of the Public Works Department.
When in 1345 Hijri his Paigah estates were released from the Court of Wards he resigned
his office. The very next year, however, he was again appointed a member of the
Executive Council in charge of the Medical and Military Departments. He still retains
this post and in spite of the onerous nature of the duties devolved on him, carries on
the administration of his estates with vigour and ability, thanks to his inborn
administrative qualities enhanced by experience.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 87
The Nawab is an accomplished scholar in Arabic and Persian and is exceptionally
broad-minded, sympathetic and generous. Like the chief members of the other Paigah
families, the Nawab is a keen and enthusiastic sportsman and is in his element when he
is in the midst of hoary forests.


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88 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 89

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90 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Genealogical Table of
Nawab Lutfuddin Khan Bahadur
Latafat Jang Lutfuddawlah
1. Hazrat Umar Bin Al-Khattab
30. Muhammad Bahauddin
2. Abdullah
31. Mubammed Abdul Khair Khan
3. Nasir
Imam Jang Shamshir Bahadur
4. Jabir
Died A. H. 1166
5. Mansur
32. Muhammad Abul Fath Khan
6. Adham
Bahadur, Shams-ul-Umra, I
7. Ibrahim
Died A. H. 1205
8. Abul-Fath Ishaq
33. Muhammad Fakhruddin Khan
9. Ali, Wa’iz Al-Akbar
10. Muhammad Wa’iz Al-Asghar
Shams-ul-Umra, II
11. Abdullah
12. Mas’ud Sama’n
Died A. H 1279
13. Mahmud Sama’n
34. Muhammad Rashiduddin Khan
14. Shihabuddin Ahmad Farukhshah
15. Yusuf
Shams-ul-Umra, III
16. Ahmad
Amir-i-Kabir, II
17. Shu’aib
Died A. H. 1299
18. Sulaiman Kiuliwal
35. Muhammad Muhaiuddin Khan
19. Fariduddin Mas’ud Gunj-i-Shakar
Died A. H. 668
Shams-ul-Umra, IV
20. Badruddin Sulaiman
Amir-i-Kabir, III
21. Majduddin Maudud
Sir Khurshid Jah Died A. H 1320
22. Zainuddin Musa
36. Muhammad Hafizuddin Khan
23. Mu’inuddin Ma’ruf
24. Karimuddin Mutawakkil
Zafar Jang Shamsuddawlah
25. Jalaluddin Abdu-I-Haq
26. Hisamuddin Mahmud
Died A. H. 1324
37. Muhammad Lutfuddin Khan
27. Kamaluddin Daud
28. Maliku-I-Ulama Jalaluddin Bhalul
Latafat Jang Lutfuddawlah
29. Muhammad Firuz
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 91

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92 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk Bahadur

AWAB Mukhtar-ud-din Khan Bahadur, Namwar Jung, lktaidar-ud-Daula,
Sultan-ul-Mulk, is. the eldest son of Nawab Sir Vikar-ul-Umra Bahadur
and was born in the year 1292 Hijri. He is a grandson of His Highness
Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur. His father sent him to England to prosecute his studies
and while there he took great delight in studying books on law, politics and engineering.
Returning to Hyderabad he turned his activities to business and first began with
exchange operations, and later took up contracts for coining money in Hyderabad and
importing and re-exporting opium. Being a very shrewd and hard-working man he
succeeded in a most remarkable manner in his business attempts and soon became a
millionaire on his own account. He used to say that he was unwilling to be dependent
on the estates of his forefathers and would by himself build up an estate equal to that of
his father’s Paigah. His plan was to open a bank in Hyderabad and also start mills and
factories. His great projects saw no fruition as he was afflicted by a sudden stroke of
insanity. His mother, Jehandar-un-Nissa Begum, evinced deep anxiety on this account
and on the advice of medical men sent him to Europe in the company of Dr. Lawder.
After visiting Ceylon, Japan and America he settled down in London where he lived
for twelve years and returned to Hyderabad in 1337 Hijri in obedience to an order of
His Exalted Highness the Nizam. The change improved him considerably and he is
leading a very quiet life in his palace at Begumpet.

All the three Paigahs have now been relinquished and Amirs appointed, but in the
case of Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk the appointment is only nominal, the executive powers
being in the hands of a Committee.

Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk Bahadur has seven sons : Nawab Abdul Fateh Khan, Nawab
Muzaffar Nawaz Jung, Nawab Farid Nawaz Jung, Nawab Nazir Nawaz Jung, Nawab
Khair Nawaz Jung and Nawab Walid Yar Jung.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 93
Vice-President of the Executive Council

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94 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Wali-ud-Daula Bahadur

AWAB Mohammad Wali-ud-din Khan, Vilayat Jung, Wali-ud-Daula
Bahadur, is the second son of the late Nawab Sir Vicar-ul-Umra Bahadur.

He was born in Hyderabad in 1295 Hijri and from his fifth year onward he was
educated at home receiving special tuition in Persian, Urdu and English. When he was
only thirteen years of age, Sir Vicar, taking into consideration his son’s future career,
sacrificed his parental affection, and took a step unknown till then in Hyderabad, namely,
the step of sending the youthful Nawab to England, his guardian being Dr. Lawder,
then a notable figure in Hyderabad official and social life. Sir Vicar having already
previously arranged everything, the young Nawab was placed in the Eton Collegiate
School in London.

Nawab Wali-ud-din Khan made very good use of his time in England and being of
a naturally receptive temperament learnt much and forgetting his mother tongue began
to think in English. Seven years after joining the Eton Collegiate School, the Nawab
returned to Hyderabad to see his father who must assuredly have been as proud as
happy to see his now grown-up and accomplished son. After a few months spent in
Hyderabad, he returned to England to resume his studies and did not come back till
five years afterwards.

The Nawab showing an unmistakably strong preference for a strenuous military

life, his father, decided on not thwarting his natural inclination, and enrolled him as a
cadet in the Imperial Cadet Corps. Very soon after he joined the commissioned. ranks
of the 11th Hussars, then one of the crack” cavalry regiments. Later on he was sent to
Dehra Dun to receive higher military training. In the military college there, only then
recently opened by the late Lord Curzon, only four Indian princes and nobles were
chosen to receive higher training, and among these Nawab Wali-ud-din Khan was one.
During his training at Dehra Dun, he was invited to the Durbar that was held in Delhi
by Lord Curzon in honour of His Imperial Majesty’s visit after his coronation in England.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 95
The Nawab completed his training at Dehra Dun and returned to Hyderabad after
an absence of four years. Soon after his arrival, he was taken on as a member of the
personal staff of the General Officer Commanding the Secunderabad District. About a
year afterwards, he was gazetted commanding officer of the 2nd Lancers of the
Hyderabad Imperial Service Troops.

In 1329 Hijri, His Exalted Highness the Nizam appointed him as Minister in charge
of the Military Department and he held that important post for about five years. When
Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur resigned his post of Minister of Justice, Nawab Wali-
ud-din Khan Bahadur was transferred to that post.

Here, we must digress for a while to say that in the year 1337 Hijri His Exalted
Highness the Nizam conferred upon him the title of Nawab Vilayat Jung and then four
years afterwards that of Nawab Wali-ud-Daula.

In the year 1341 Hijri when the Executive Council was created, Nawab Wali-ud-
Daula Bahadur was made a member of it, and, when Nawab Sir Faridoon resigned his
office, Nawab Wali-ud-Daula Bahadur was appointed as President. He remained as
President for four years and at the end of the year 1345 Hijri he resigned his post and
Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur succeeded him. He is now Vice-President of the

The work done by Nawab Wali-ud-Daula Bahadur during his term of office as
President of the Executive Council was very noteworthy, though one did not hear much
of it as is naturally the case with the work of every President.

He was the member in charge of the Military Department when the great war broke
out and the extraordinary promptitude with which the Imperial Service Troops were
despatched to the war front was very greatly due to his personal exertions and the
efficiency that reigned in his department.

When he was Judicial Minister, the Judicial Department was reformed on modern
lines and full judicial powers were given to the courts. The Value Payable Post, the
Money Order system and the Savings Bank system were introduced (the Postal
department was included in his portfolio). Several reforms were also effected in the
Police and Criminal Investigation Departments.

Several improvements were also effected in the Department of Education and the
work done on behalf of public education is a matter of current history. The Osmania
University was opened in his time and he was made the Chancellor of the University.

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96 Pictorial Hyderabad - II
Nawab Mohammad Akramuddin Khan Bahadur is the second son of Nawab Zaffer
Jung Bahadur and was born in the year 1301 Hijri. His father had him educated in
Arabic, Persian and Islamic theology and he was also made to learn the Holy Qoran by
heart. His grandfather, who was a great traveller, often used to take the young Nawab
with him and assisted him in the acquisition of general knowledge and experience of
men. Nawab Akramuddin Khan is a man of deep learning and his knowledge of Islamic
theology is considered to be particularly extensive and these acquirements have served
to establish an enviable reputation for him. He is deeply interested in agriculture and
engineering and is of valuable assistance to his elder brother, Nawab Lutf-ud-Daula
Bahadur, the Amir of the Khurshed Jahi Paigah.


Nawab Mohammad
Wahid-ud-din Khan is the
third son of Nawab Zaffer
Jung Bahadur. He is well
versed in Persian, Arabic,
Urdu and English and is
also a good artist. For his
learning and charming
manners he is greatly loved
in his family circles and is
a very popular member of
Hyderabad society. He has
travelled exten-sively all
over India and possesses a
very broad outlook on life
and political matters. His
special taste is for painting
and gardening.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 97
Nawab Mohammad Najib-ud-din Khan Bahadur is the fourth son of Zaffer Jung
Bahadur and was born in the year 1303 Hijri. Like his elder brothers he was educated
under the care of his grandfather, Nawab Sir Khurshed Jah Bahadur.


The Nawab is a Urdu and Persian scholar and writes excellent Urdu and Persian
verses and enjoys a reputation as a poet of the first order. He is keenly interested in
engineering and industries and is invariably engaged in some engineering work or

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98 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mohammad Azim-ud-din Khan Bahadur, the fifth son of Nawab Zaffer
Jung Bahadur, was born in the year 1307 Hijri and received sound education in Persian


and Urdu and served for a short time in the African Guards. He is a good rider, keen
sportsman and an excellent shot.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 99

Nawab Mohammad Yawar-ud-din Khan Bahadur, the sixth son of Nawab Zaffer
Jung Bahadur, was born in the year 1310 Hijri. He received his education in Persian


and Urdu along with his brother under the care of his father, and also received some
military training. He is fond of riding and all forms of sport.

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100 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


Nawab Mohammad Saeed-ud-din Khan, the seventh son of Nawab Zaffer Jung
Bahadur, was born in the year 1318 Hijri. Having received his education at the Paigah
Boarding House and the Nizam Collegiate School, he joined the Nizam’s military service
and after being in service for nearly ten years resigned his commission and joined the
Customs Department. A few years later he passed away.

The remaining three sons of Nawab Zaffer Jung Bahadur, namely, Nawab
Mohammad Ziauddin Khan, Nawab Fiazuddin Khan and Nawab Mohammad Rahim-
ud-din Khan are receivers of their respective share in the revenues of the Khurshed
Jahi Paigah.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 101

Nawab Karim-ud-din Khan, Shamshir Bahadur, Bahadur jung, is the eldest son of
Nawab Imam Jung Bahadur, the elder brother of Nawab Zaffer Jung Bahadur. His
grandfather, Nawab Sir Khurshed Jah Bahadur, and his father took special pains in
regard to his education and up-bringing and he was well coached in Persian and Urdu
and later acquired some knowledge of the English language also.



His Highness Nawab Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur bestowed on him the titles of
Shamshir Bahadur and Bahadur Jung in the year 1304 and 1305 Hijri, respectively. He
married Rafi-un-Nissa Begum Saheba, a grand-daughter of Nawab Rashid-ud-din Khan
Bahadur, Amir-i-Kabir.

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102 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Muhammad Ghouseuddin Khan Bahadur is the second son of Nawab Imam
Jung Bahadur and received as much training and good up-bringing as his brother. He
is a scholar in Arabic and Persian and quite an old fashioned nobleman, intensely
conservative. Avoiding all pomp and show, he leads a quiet and frugal life. He is known
to have never once gone out of the limits of Hyderabad and even steps out of his house
only on rare occasions.




Nawab Sikandar-ud-din Khan, Sikandar Nawaz Jung Bahadur, is the third son of
Nawab Imam Jung Bahadur and a grandson of His Highness Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur
on his mother’s side. He was educated at the Paigah Boarding House and the Nizam

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 103

Collegiate School. His Exalted Highness the Nizam gave him the title of Sikandar Nawaz
Jung Bahadur and for many years he had the honour of holding the “Moarchal” behind
His Exalted Highness.


Nawab Muhammad Rahim-ud-din Khan, Rahim Nawaz Jung Bahadur, is the fourth
son of Nawab Imam Jung Bahadur, and is also a grandson of His Highness Nawab
Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur on his mother’s side. He was educated at the Paigah Boarding
House and the Nizam Collegiate School. Though an able young man, he is quite a
simpleton and trusting and a confirmed spendthrift.


Nawab Muhammad Muniruddin Khan Bahadur is the fifth and youngest son of
Nawab Imam Jung Bahadur. He is still on the threshold of life and his career yet awaits

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104 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Abul Fateh Khan is the eldest son of Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk Bahadur and
the grandson of Nawab Sir Vicar-ul-Umra Bahadur. He was born in the year 1308 Hijri
(1891) and after being educated at home was sent as a pupil to the Nizam Collegiate
School It was the intention of his father to give him a very high education but his mental
trouble prevented him from carrying out one of his dearest wishes.


In 1917, His Exalted Highness the Nizam placed him as an Assistant in the Finance
Department under Mr. (now Sir) Reginald Glancy, then Finance Minister. He is stated
to have worked with such diligence as to have received a certificate of commendation
from Mr. Glancy. Though a permanent appointment was offered to him he resigned
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 105

his apprenticeship to give closer attention to home and personal affairs. He is a very
popular figure in Hyderabad society.


Nawab Muhammad Muzaffer-ud-din Khan is the second son of Nawab Sultan-ul-
Mulk Bahadur and was born in the year 1310 Hijri (1892) and received his early education
in Arabic, Persian and Urdu at home and later joined the Nizam Collegiate School
along with his elder brother to receive English education.



In the year 1334 Hijri, Asaf-un-Nissa Begum Sahiba, the eldest daughter of His
Highness Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, was given to him in marriage and the present
Nizam conferred on him the title of Muzaffer Nawaz Jung in 1335 Hijri.

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106 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Muhammad Farid-ud-din Khan, the third son of Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk
Bahadur, was born in 1312 Hijri and was educated at the Nizam Collegiate School.



In 1334 Hijri, Ghouse-un-Nissa Begum, the second daughter of His Highness Mir
Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, was given in marriage to him and the next year the present
Nizam gave him the title of Farid Nawaz Jung.

The Nawab is a very learned man, possessing high literary attainments and also
well versed in law. He has written a good many books in Persian and Urdu which have
been much appreciated.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 107

Nawab Muhammad Naziruddin Khan Bahadur, the fourth son of Nawab Sultan-
ul-Mulk Bahadur was born in 1314 Hijri (1896) and, like his brothers, was sent to the
Nizam Collegiate School, after receiving preparatory education at home in Arabic,
Persian and Urdu.



Fond of travelling, he has visited all the important cities and places in India, and in
1914 went to Europe on an extended tour visiting London, Paris, Berlin,Vienna, Budapest
and Constantinople, and on his way back, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Iraq, besides
performing his pilgrimage to Mecca.

In 1334 Hijri, Dawood-un-Nissa Begum Saheba, the third daughter of His Highness
Nawab Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, the late Nizam, was given in marriage to him
and the following year the title of Nazir Nawaz Jung was conferred upon him by the
present Nizam.
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108 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Muhammad Abul Khair Khan, the fifth son of Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk
Bahadur was born in 1319 Hijri (1901) and was brought up by his grandmother, Lady
Vicar-ul-Umra, who was very attentive to his education. In 1336 he was sent to the



Paigah Boarding House along with his two younger brothers and in 1337 proceeded to
Aligarh where he stayed for about a year and a half. He received the title of Khair
Nawaz Jung in 1336. He is a good rider and an excellent sportsman.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 109

Nawab Muhammad Hasanuddin Khan, the sixth son of Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk
Bahadur, was born in the year 1321 Hijri ( 1903) and was brought up by his grandmother,
Lady Vicar-ul-Umra, in the absence of his father in England. Receiving careful education
at home in Persian and Urdu, he was sent to the Paigah Boarding House in 1336 Hijri



and attended the Nizam Collegiate School where he commenced to learn English. The
following year he was sent to Aligarh with the Paigah boarders. At Aligarh he was one
of the most industrious of students and took part in all college sports and became a
member of the University Training Corps that had just been started there.
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110 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He is a keen student of English and Persian literature and devotes considerable
time every day to his studies. He is fond of travel and a first rate sportsman. His verses
in Urdu are admired by many. He is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant of the younger
branch of the Paigah nobles.




Nawab Muhammad Waheed-ud-din Khan Bahadur is the seventh and youngest

son of Nawab Sultan-ul-Mulk Bahadur.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 111

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112 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 113


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

114 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mir Yusuf Ali Khan, Salar Jung

A WAB Mir Yusuf Ali Khan Bahadur, the grandson of the great Salar
Jung, was born at Poona. He is almost of the same age as the present
Nizam, Mir Sir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur. As misfortune would have it,
within a month of his birth, he lost his vigorous-minded and courageous father, Nawab
Laik Ali Khan, Munir-ud-Daula, Sir Salar Jung the eldest son of the first Sir Salar Jung.
Remembering the great services to the State and to his dynasty rendered by Sir Salar
Jung and the short but brilliant political career of his son, His Highness the late Nizam,
Mir Sir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, took the child under his personal protection and
gave special attention to his upbringing when he grew to be a boy.

At an early age he was sent to the Nobles’ School, which his own grandfather
founded, and specially selected private tutors were appointed by the Nizam himself to
so educate him that he might fittingly discharge the onerous duties of prime minister,
a post which His Highness intended to offer him in due course. His education was of
the greatest concern to His Highness as he was not only the guardian and desired to
instal Yusuf Ali Khan as prime minister, but also wished that the young man may be so
equipped, intellectually and mentally, as to fittingly maintain the dignity, honour and
great traditions of his family of which the first Sir Salar Jung was the brightest ornament
and Mir Alum Bahadur, the second brightest, speaking from the point of view of
achievement in the political arena. Reports of young Yusuf AIi Khan’s educational
progress were regularly submitted to His Highness and also to the Government of

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 115

India, through the Honourable the Resident, as these were also especially interested in
the mental growth and future career of Salar Jung, We gather from these reports, some
of which are preserved, that young Salar Jung’s scholastic career was an exceedingly
satisfactory one. As a matter of fact, the principal of the school regarded him as “a boy
of exceptional brilliance who could compare favourably with the pick of boys in any
country”. This was high praise indeed and its value is enhanced by the fact that it came
from no less a person than the principal himself and principals, as we know, are
conservative persons who are never lavish in their praise but guarded in their utterances.
Though nature endowed him with a delicate physical frame and he was far from being
as strong and robust as his father, yet his mental qualities were not governed or
influenced by his physical condition. Even at school he was known to have a strong
will and as one of his teachers reported he possessed “no small amount of resolution
and firmness of purpose “qualities which distinguished both his grandfather and father,
though the latter very often failed to combine tact, patience and diplomacy with those
very admirable qualities.

Salar Jung’s physical education was, at the same time, given special attention to,
and, as a result, he has enjoyed good health all along and possesses a wiry body. He
was as fond of sports as of books, and up to the age of twenty he regularly played
cricket, football, tennis and polo and was particularly good at tent-pegging-though not
by nature rash, he had the misfortune to meet with several accidents. At the early age
of five, he was nearly drowned; at the age of thirteen he fell off his pony and broke his
right arm; at sixteen he again broke his right arm while playing football; and at eighteen
his pony rolled over him when accidently it tripped and fell while polo was being
played. He was saved from death by fortunately falling in a depression in the ground.

Though he did not proceed to a college, Salar Jung continued his studies at home
and is now one of the most widely read among the nobles of Hyderabad, his passion
for books, especially English and Persian literature, being amply evidenced by the
magnificent libraries in his city palace.

The family estates of Salar Jung comprise an area of no less than 1480 square miles,
having a population of over 200,000. The estates are provided with ten law courts and
3 jails; the revenue per annum comes to about 15 lakhs of rupees. After the death of the
second Salar Jung on the 7th July 1889, the family estates were placed by His Highness
the late Nizam, Nawab Mir Sir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur under the administration of
a committee composed of the following gentlemen :-Nawab Makram-ud-Daula Bahadur

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116 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

(president ), Rajah Sivraj Dharamwant Bahadur, Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur, and
Captain F. Beauclerk R. E. (secretary). Captain V, Beauclerk looked after the personal
comforts of young Salar Jung and of his mother Karim-un-Nissa Begum. After a few
years, His Highness the Nizam deemed it desirable to appoint a commission consisting
of Mr. A. J. Dunlop, Nawab Akbar. Jung Bahadur and Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur to
enquire into the finances of the estates. After going through the report of the commission,
His Highnes! appointed Rai Lalta Pershad as Nazim of the estates and he worked under
the direction of the then Revenue Secretary, Mr. A. J. Dunlop.

Fortune did not favour the young Nawab to receive the powers to administer his
estates from the hands of his august guardian and foster-father, the late Nizam Sir Mir
Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur. His death in 1911 was bitterly mourned by Salar Jung as by
any member of the Nizam’s household. He thinks very frequently of the late Nizam
and lets his mind dwell long and affectionately on the late ruler’s sublime qualities of
heart and all that he did for him.

In April 1912, His Exalted Highness the Nizam Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur
invested him with full administrative powers over his large and extensive estates and
ever since Nawab Salar Jung has been taking the keenest interest in their administration
and has made them very productive and progressive. The estates yield nearly 15 lakhs
annually and in this connection we must remember that a very large sum has been
made to accumulate to his credit throughout the period af his minority. Financially, he
is the best circumstanced of all the nobles which is a very strong point in his favour,
because it places him above all considerations of office except the honour and distinction
attached to it and the opportunity it would afford of rendering service to the State and
the people.

The same year which witnessed his being made the sole administrator of his estates
also marked the beginning of a fresh chapter in the history of his career.

On the 11th July 1912, Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, deciding on retirement,
submitted his resignation, advancing reasons which were satisfactory to his master.
His Exalted Highness accepted the resignation and summoned Nawab Salar Jung to
the palace where he personally announced his decision to appoint him in the place of
his illustrious grand father and father. The same day the following Farman was issued:-

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 117

“As Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur has applied for six months leave and
has expressed his desire to be relieved of the responsibilities of prime ministership, it is
hereby ordered that six months leave has been granted to him and that he has been
relieved of his duties of prime minister, but he will continue to be the Peshkar as usual.
Nawab Salar Jung Babadur has been appointed officiating prime minister for the present
and will be on probation for three years or until fresh orders issue. In order to enable
him to discharge the responsible duties of his high office expeditiously and to obtain
experience therein, Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur, C. S. I., has been appointed, until
fresh orders, as his special adviser so that he may help and advise him. The officiating
prime minister will have all the powers conferred upon a prime minister by the
“Khanooncha” and the regulations framed thereunder and the orders in force from
time to time. All noblemen, jagirdars, gentlemen, officers and subjects and other residents
are hereby enjoined to obey and fully carry out the orders of the officiating prime
minister, Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur.”

The news of the appointment spread with the speed of lightning throughout the
City and the people hailed it with delight, as Salar Jung is the representative of a family
the members of which had held the post of prime minister as a sort of heritage during
the last century, with the exception of the interregnum of the dewanship of Maharaja
Chandulal Bahadur. Thus at the early age of 23, Salar Jung was called upon to bear the
burdens and responsibilities of so high an office and to step into the vacant place of his
sire and grand sire. Salar Jung, who is neither proud nor ostentatious, accepted the
announcement and the congratulations of his fellow-nobles and friends with
characteristic modesty.

From the late Colonel Pinhey’s speech at the Nizam’s birthday banquet, a few days
after this change in ministry, it can be gathered that the appointment received the cordial
approval of the Government of India and that the young minister had their
representative, the British Resident’s, fullest sympathy and support. Colonel Pinhey,
in the course of his speech said:-” There have been great happenings in Hyderabad
today. I must not talk politics or enter into the merits of the momentous decision at
which His Highness has arrived; but, I think, we may be permitted not only to express
our sincere regret at the departure, from official life after a long and eventful career, of
our old friend Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad, but also at the same time congratulate
most heartily, Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur on his appointment as minister. Salar Jung!
what a name to conjure with in Hyderabad! He has everything in his favour to start
with - youth, a historical and honoured name and an unblemished character. I see no
reason why he should not meet with as much success, or even more than his
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118 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

distinguished grandfather and, in congratulating him, we can, at the same time,
congratulate His Highness on the wise and popular choice which he has made. The
name of Salar Jung is a household word, for there are many still living who can recall
the benignity, amiability, and bon hommie of the great Minister.”

Nawab Salar Jung took his work seriously and aspired to emulate the life work of
his famous grandfather. He worked with zeal, earnestness, tact and wisdom and he
was thus able to fulfil his responsibilities with great efficiency and marked success.
Hi.s innate nobility of character, calmness, strong and resolute will, absence of pride
and ostentation and freedom from financial worries stood him in good stead and enabled
him to steer clear of all obstacles and surmount all difficulties. In 1913, when Lord
Hardinge, the then Viceroy, visited Hyderabad he heard of the efficient work being
done by the Nizam’s young Minister and in his speech at the State banquet toasting the
health of the Nizam his lordship encouraged him by remarking :-

“I trust your new Minister, the third Salar Jung, will maintain the high traditions of
his family and that he will prove as strong a support and assistance to Your Highness
as his grandfather, the famous Sir Salar Jung.”

It was not fated that Nawab Salar Jung should create for himself as great a name as
that of his grandfather. He had the talents and the capacity and the times were also not
as full of anxiety and vexation as in days gone by. They eminently lent themselves to
the introduction of many reforms and progressive measures. Due to personal reasons
he resigned within two and a half years after assumption of office.

Nawab Salar Jung is now in the very prime of life and it is to be hoped that in the
near future some work will come his way in the discharge of which he could exhibit his
administrative skill and exercise his many talents. He is a noble of the finest type,
combining in a harmonious blend the polish of the East with the polish of the West. He
is, like his forefathers, a patron of art and learning and this very” Pictorial” owes a
large measure of its existence to him.

Recently he had been on a visit to England and there met some of the most prominent
members of the British nobility and also high officials. After returning, he proceeded to
Arabia and Persia and visited almost all the sacred and historic places, not omitting, of
course, Mecca and Medina.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 119

The Salar Jung family traces its descent from Shaikh Ovais-a-Qarani of Medina
famous in Arabian annals. He was an inhabitant of Yemen and belonged to the clan
Qarani. He fell in the battle of Suffein.

One of his descendants, Shaikh Ovais III, held the office in Medina of superintendent
of charitable and religious endowments which was the highest office there in those
days. After a time he quitted Medina and with his son, Sheikh Mohammad Ali, took up
his residence at Bahrein. From there father and son crossed the sea and landing on the
Konkan coast passed on directly to Bijapur where the Sultan Ali Adil Shah received
them with great courtesy and honour and after studying their character pressed them
to make Bijapur their home and dismiss from their minds all thoughts of proceeding to
Northern India. Shaikh Ovais agreed and built for himself a lofty mansion near the old
mosque and Ali Adil Shah, who recognized in his son considerable ability, offered him
the post of personal minister, i. e. private secretary. He also arranged his marriage with
the daughter of Mulla Ahmed Nait, a man eminent in his time for his learning and
wisdom. After a time the Sultan appointed Shaikh Mohammad Ali as his prime minister
and treated him as his most trusted of servants.


Shaikh Mohammad Ali had two sons, namely, Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr and
Shaikh Mohammad Hyder and the Sultan appointed the former as his chief steward
and the latter as Government auditor. Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr married the daughter
of Sheikh Ali Khan, one of the leading nobles of the court of Ali Adil Shah.

Both the brothers continued to serve the Government of Bijapur till the reign of
Sultan Sikandar Shah when, a difference of opinion having arisen between them and
the vazir Mustapha Khan, they sent a petition to the Emperor Aurangazeb who
summoned them to his presence.

Aurangazeb received them courteously and gave to Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr the
command of 2000 foot and 500 horse and the divani of Shahjahanabad and Kashmir,
while Shaikh Mohammad Hyder obtained the command of 1500 foot and 300 horse
and also the office of “Divani Fouj” in the army of Prince Mohammad Azam. They held
these offices for a considerable length of time and were held in great regard by Asad
Khan, the prime minister, and other courtiers. The climate of the North disagreeing

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120 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

with him, Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr applied for a transfer to the Deccan and on the
recommendation of Asad Khan obtained the office of Dewan of Talkokan.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 121

Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr passed his life in the Deccan highly respected and revered
by the people over whom he ruled on behalf of the Emperor. In 1715 he died at
Aurangabad where he was residing after retiring from his post of Dewan. He left only
one son, named Shaikh Mohammad Taki.

Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr was one of the most famous of Persian and Arabic
scholars of his time and was much advanced in scientific knowledge also. He was the
author of two celebrated books on rhetoric and philosophy entitled Rozat-ul-Annar
and Zubidatu-i-Afkar, in addition to others such as, Allamatuz Zaman and Fatimatul
Akrain. Asad Khan, Zulfikhar Khan and other great nobles of his time were among his
greatest admirers. In an introductory note to a voluminous work of his called
“Quinquilateral roots” in which many obscure questions are dealt with, it is mentioned
that the most learned man of his age, Moulana Mohammad Fasih of Tabriz, after reading
the book from beginning to end, called it “ a garden of delight and the cream of


Shaikh Mohammad Taki, the only son of Shaikh Mohammad Bakhr, held a
command of 300 foot during the reign of Aurangazeb and rose to no great distinction.
He died in 1732, leaving an only son, Shaikh Shamsuddin Mohammad Hyder Yar Khan.


He was a young man possessed with many natural gifts and well brought up by
his father. When he was brought before Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk he appointed him
officer in charge of the elephant stables and after his father’s death gave him the
command of 300 horse. Asaf Jah had a special liking for him and took him along with
him whenever he went to Delhi. His highest honours, however, came to him during
Salabat Jung’s brief reign as Nizam. Hyder Yar Khan was given the command of 5000
foot and 4000 horse and the titles of Sher Jung, Munir-ud-Daula, were bestowed on
him along with other marks of distinction. Subsequently the title of Munir-ul-Mulk
was conferred on him and he was presented with the insignia of the fish.

He was one of those who were mainly instrumental in preserving internal peace
and the prime minister Nawab Rukhn-ud-Daula Bahadur held him in high esteem and
the Nizam used to consult him on all important and intricate matters of State.

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122 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 123

After retirement from service he resided in Aurangabad of which he accepted the
post of Governor at the earnest request of the Nizam and won great popularity through
his impartial methods of administering justice. He died in 1775 leaving behind him two
sons, Shaikh Mohammad Safdar Khan and Shaikh Mohammad Taki Yar Khan.


During the reign of the first Nizam, Safdar Khan was given the post of deputy
master of the elephant stables and in the time of Muzaffar Jung he was given the title of
“Khan” and raised to the command of 500 horse. Nawab Nizam Ali Khan who succeeded
Muzaffar Jung appointed him as Kotwal of Aurangabad and later gave him the titles of
Shah Yar Jung and Ashja-ud-Daula, increasing his command to 5000 foot and 4000
horse. After a service of 22 years he was appointed as Dewan of the Subhas and given
the title of Ashja-ul-Mulk and eight years later the title of Khan Khanan was bestowed
on him. He died in 1790 at a place called Pangal and his body was buried in Aurangabad.

Mohammad Safdar Khan, the records say, was a nobleman who had no equal in
firmness and patience, sense of honour, courtesy and fidelity to friends, and benignity
and charity. He was also learned and devoted to poetry, and specimens of his verse are
given in the Hadi Katul-Alum. He left behind him four sons and two daughters born to
him of the daughter of Dargah Kuli Khan Salar Jung, Motaman-ud-Daula, Motaman-
ul-Mulk, Khan-e-Douran, who was Kotwal of Hyderabad and afterwards. Subhedar of
Aurangabad. The title of Salar Jung was first conferred on Dargah Kuli Khan and was
later taken by the descendants of his only daughter, as his sons died without issue.


Considering the importance associated with this personage we think it appropriate
to give a brief history of the family of Dargah Kuli Khan and a sketch of his life and
then proceed with the life sketches of Mohammad Safdar Khan’s sons.

The ancestors of the family of Dargah Kuli Khan were Borbon Turks of the tribe of
Khans then dwelling in the neighbourhood of Mashdad. Khandan Kuli Khan, one of
his ancestors, who died in the reign of Shah Safi, was despatched from Mashdad to
Kandahar along with Ali Mardan Khan. But Ali Mardan Khan, dissatisfied with the
indifferent treatment accorded to him by Shah Safi left Persia and offered his services
to the Emperor Shah Jehan who accepted his offer and granted him the subhedarship

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124 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 125

of the province of Kashmir. Khandan Kuli Khan, who accompanied Ali Mardan Khan
to the court of the Emperor, was ordered to stay back and was treated with very great
courtesy and consideration by the Emperor and his nobles. After Khandan Kuli Khan’s
death, his son, Dargah Kuli Khan, receive.d from the Emperor, at the earnest request of
Ali Mardan Khan, a command, a jagir near Tattah and the office of steward to Ali
Mardan Khan. After the latter’s death, Dargah Kuli Khan was attached to Prince
Aurangazeb’s staff and followed him to the Deccan. He returned, however, to upper
India in his later days and died there.

His son, Nawaz Kuli Khan, was made the commander of the fort of Dharwar, then
a dependency of Bijapur, and breathed his last there. His son Khandan Kuli Khan
received a command and a jagir and was enrolled among the officers appointed to
defend Aurangabad and in the time of Shah Alum was made the news writer at
Samgamnir and Foujdar of the districts there. The Nawab Asaf Jah employed him in
his own jurisdiction. It is mentioned that the building of Nizamabad Fort, above the
hill of Fardapur, was carried out under his supervision. At the time of Nadir Shah’s
invasion when Nizam-ul-Mulk proceeded to Delhi, Khandan Kuli Khan accompanied
him and rendered devoted and zealous services to his master which were greatly


Nawab Dargah Kuli Khan, Salar Jung Bahadur ( Khandan Kuli Khan’s son) was
born in Samamnir on the 29th of Rajab 1122 Hijri. When he was only fourteen years old,
the first Nizam gave him a command and a Jagir. In his twentieth year he became one
of the Nizam’s A. D. C’s, a post which he filled with credit. As long as the Nizam lived
he continued to bestow favours on him. The Nawab Nazir Jung, Nizam-ul-Mlllk’s
successor, honoured Dargah Kuli Khan as much as his father did and when Salabat
Jung ascended the Masnad he raised Dargah Kuli Khan’s command to 6000 horse and
conferred on him the title of Motaman-ud-Daula and later the title of Khan-e-Douran.
The Nizam held him in high esteem and it is recorded that when Raja Raghunath
Bahadur was slain on the banks of the Godaveri and when quarters were taken up at
Aurangabad, the Nizam honoured him with a visit to his house, taking his zenana
along with him, and stayed with him for a few days. He resigned his command on the
1st Rajab 1179 Hijri and on the 5th of Zilhaj in the same year removed from Aurangabad
to his jagir in Nizamabad. His services were about to be requisitioned when he died on
the 18th of Jamadi-ul-Awal in the year 1180 Hijri. His body was conveyed from
Nizamabad to Aurangabad and was there interned in his father’s tomb. His death, it is
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126 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 127

said, occasioned general sorrow as he was a nobleman who was considerate to his
servants and generous to all.

Nawab Dargah Kuli Khan left a daughter and two sons. His daughter is recorded
to have possessed such excellent qualities of heart and head that she might as well have
been called a second Rabia Begum. She was married to Mohammad Safdar Khan
Ghayoor Jung Bahadur, the eldest son of Nawab Sher Jung Bahadur. Four sons were
born of this union.

The first son was Mohammad Taki Khan, Khavi Jung, Ikramud Daula, Ikram-ul-
Mulk, who was chief steward to the Nizam. He died on the 4th of Jamadi-us-Sani of the
year 1213 Hijri (1798).

The second son, Nawab Hasan Raza Khan, Munir Jung, Shaukat-ud-Daula, Ashja
-ul-Mulk, became the superintendent of the royal culinary department and was
subsequently appointed as governor of Aurangabad. He died on the 28th Shaban 1216
Hijri ( 1801 ).

The third son of Ali Zaman Khan Ghayoor Jung, Munir-ud-Daula, Munir-ul-Mulk,
Amir-ul-Umra, was born in 1184 Hijri (1770). He was the most distinguished of his
family for ability and culture and received from the Nizam the command of 5000 horse,
a flag, a kettle drum, a fringed phalki (all ancient honours) and the office of imperial
Dewan of the province of the Deccan. When Ghulam Sayyid Khan, the prime minister,
left for Poona, the Nizam appointed him as chief dewan and also entrusted him with
the task of supervising the army.

The fourth son, Raza Yar Khan, Hussam Jung, Ameen-ud-Daula, Ameen-ul-Mulk,
was the master of the elephant stables. He had three sons and one daughter. The first
son was Hasan Raza Khan, Zulficar Jung, Hasan Yar-ud-Daula. The second son was
Dargah Kuli Khan and the third son was Jehandar Ali Khan. The daughter was married
to Gyaz-ud-Daula, son of Shaukat-ul-Mulk.

The present members of the Salar Jung family are directly descended from Ali
Zaman Khan Ghayoor Jung who married Mir Alum’s daughter by whom he had one
son, Abdulla Khan Khavi Jung, Ashja-ud-Daula who had two sons and two daughters,
Mir Vilayat Ali Khan, who, after his father’s death, became Khavi Jung and the other
Mir Jawad Ali Khan Munir Jung was the Nazim of the Irregular troops. He had a son
by name Mir Mohammad Ali Khan, Zulficar Jung.

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128 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 129

The eldest of the two daughters of Abdulla Khan Khavi Jung was married to Sarwar
Jung, son of Mukhtar-ud-Daula and the second to Mirza Shamseer Ali Khan, son of

Ali Zaman Khan Ghayoor Jung Munir-ul-Mulk had another son Mir Safdar Ali
Khan, Zulficar Jung, Ikram-ud-Daula Ikram-ul-Mulk who was, in fact, the eldest. He
had a son Mir Bahram Ali Khan, Ghayoor Jung. Both father and son were murdered by
the Arabs. After the death of his wife Ali Zaman Khan Munir-ul-Mulk married his
deceased wife’s sister i. e., Mir Alum Bahadur’s second daughter.

Here we shall pause to give a brief account of the famous prime minister, Mir
Alum Bahadur, whose fame as an administrator and warm-hearted philanthropist is
still on the lips of thousands though more than a century has passed by since his death.

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130 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 131


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132 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mir Alum Bahadur

YED Abul Kassim, Mir Alum Bahadur, was one of the most successful and
famous prime ministers of Hyderabad and, in fact, it might be legitimately
said that his glory was eclipsed by no one else except his own great grandson,
Nawab Salar Jung the first of imperishable memory.

Mir Alum was descended from the Nuria Syeds of Shuster in Persia, who were
famous in their day on account of their excellent contributions to Islamic culture and
literature. Mir Alum’s father, Syed Raza, is said to have been a most accomplished
scholar who wrote several learned commentaries on important religious and
philosophical books. He is reported to have come to India when quite young and to
have resided for many years at Hyderabad where jagirs were bestowed upon him by
His Highness the Nizam Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur. It is related of him that he
used to pay a visit to the Nizam every Tuesday and had the peculiar privilege granted
to him of recommending one individual on the occasion of each of his visits. On
Tuesdays, therefore, his residence used to be besieged by persons beseeching his
recommendation. He is said to have always promised his patronage to the applicant
who came first.

His eldest son was Mir Alum and he was born at Hyderabad in 1752. His other
son, Syed Zainulabuddin left Hyderabad at an early age and resided for the rest of his
life at the court of Tippu Sultan of Mysore. Mir Alum received a very careful and sound
education and the ability and intelligence for which he was subsequently well known
displayed themselves early. After his father’s death Azim-ul-Umra attached the young
Syed to his personal service and during Mr. Johnson, the British Envoy’s visit to
Hyderabad in 1784, Mir Alum acted as a Vakil between him and His Highness the
Nizam. In 1786 he was sent to Calcutta as a representative of His Highness’s Government
on a salary of Rs. 5000 per month and an allowance of two lakhs of rupees for his
travelling. expenses. It was - after his return from Calcutta that he was given the title of
Mir Alum. And when Tippu Sultan sued for peace, His Highness the Nizam sent Mir
Alum Bahadur to the camp of Lord Cornwallis, the Governor-General, to discuss the
peace proposals with him. In a letter addressed to the Nizam, Lord Cornwallis says :-

“Having had the pleasure of a former acquaintance with Mir Alum, and at that
time having been fully convinced of his abilities and good qualities, of his zeal for your
Highness’s welfare, and his earnest desire to strengthen and increase the intimacy

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 133

between the Company and your Highness’s Government, I was made very happy by
the choice of Mir Alum as a person of confidence and authority to join me and preside
on your part at any congress of deputies that might assemble in order to examine and
discuss the claims and pretensions of all parties concerned and to consult on the terms
for an honourable and advantageous peace; since his arrival his conduct has proved
the wisdom of your Highness’s selection of him, and by confirming the sentiments I
had before imbibed of his warm zeal for the prosperity of your Highness’s Government
and of his earnest desire to cement the friendship between us and to promote the success
of his present alliance, it has afforded me inexpressible satisfaction.”

When, after the capture of Seringapatam, Mir Alum returned to Hyderabad, he

was received with great pomp and ceremony. His Highness the Nizam, pleased with
Mir Alum’s capabilities, sent his own elephant and ordered all the nobles of the city to
proceed beyond the gates for a distance of five or six miles to escort him inside the
walls with becoming magnificence. His success in his undertakings and his consequent
rise to power made many enemies for him and as a result of their machinations he was
for a short time imprisoned in the fortress of Golconda on a baseless charge. He was,
however, soon released and spent his time in retirement. When Azim-ul-Umra died in
1804 he was made the prime minister and he held this office till his death in 1808. It was
during his ministership that Maharajah Chandulal Bahadur was appointed as Peshkar.

That Mir Alum was able to do but little was due to the fact that things were in too
much of an entanglement and intrigues were too much in operation for any reforms to
be effected in any direction. The situation required the strong hand of a Salar Jung and
that hand was to appear later.

It may be mentioned here that it was during Mir Alum’s time that French influence
at the Nizam’s court came finally to an end. While he was still Commander of the
Moghul troops, intriguers set afoot a strong rumour to the effect that the Nizam had
decided on sending the British Resident away, establishing the French more firmly and
concluding a lasting peace with Tippu Sultan. These rumours were very disturbing to
the British Resident but Mir Alum silenced all these reports by remarking “if perchance
the island of Great Britain should be swallowed up by the sea, then such a peace would
be probable. Till that event takes place, it is impossible.”

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134 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Here it may be remarked that Mir Alum Bahadur was the first man to recognize
and realize the supreme importance of a permanent alliance with the British on account
of mere sentimentality, but because he realized that “the British being a strong and
rising power, straight and honest in their dealings, would afford the Nizam the best
security imaginable against internal disintegration and external aggression and
harassment, particularly from the Maharattas, on the one hand, and the ever-turbulent
Tippu Sultan, on the other. To him must the credit be given of initiating a State policy
which the members of his house have consistently followed. During the time of the
first Salar Jung the policy first initiated on account of expediency and political necessity
took firm root in a soil of friendship. That spirit of friendship was zealously fostered by
Salar Jung the second and third, the present representative of the house. Had Mir Alum
Bahadur thrown in his weight on the side of the “French Party,” which wielded a good
deal of power during Nizam Ali Khan’s time and he had supported Raymond and
Perron, and intrigued against the English, considerable mischief might have resulted.
The British Resident would have found it hard indeed to deal with the situation. Mir
Alum’s policy bore fruit when Tippu’s claws were first clipped by Lord Cornwallis
and, as a result, the Nizam was not only temporarily rid of an implacable - and
troublesome enemy on his southern frontiers, but secured an accession to his dominions
and war booty as well. Besides this, the Governor General, in pursuance of the
understanding arrived at with the Nizam, was continuously using his diplomatic powers
against the Maharattas and in favour of the Nizam - in other words, the Nizam was
being protected from sudden and disastrous attacks from Poona. In every way the British
connection was exceedingly benificial to the Nizam as he was then situated and circum-
stanced, weak in military strength and weak in finance. Had he thrown in his lot with
the French, he would have disappeared from the arena as an independent prince. Mir
Alum’s policy brought the Nizam power, prestige and security.

It was with the prize money which fell to his share after the seige of Seringapatam
that Mir Alum commenced the construction of the tank - the Mir Alum tank - and in
doing so almost impoverished himself. Along with the tank, he also constructed a
number of rest houses on the road from Hyderabad to Poona on the one side, and from
Hyderabad to Masulipatam on the other. In these days when a man builds a single rest
house or caravanserai, his name is lauded to the very skies - and what shall we say of a
man who spent a vast fortune on providing a magnificent tank for public use and
refreshment and also constructed rest houses on two of the main trunk roads?

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 135

Mir Alum, as has already been said, was a great scholar, notably in Persian - the
language of his ancestors of Shuster in Persia. While in retirement and during his ministry
he had copies of all his important, not too priyate State papers and other correspondence
collected together in the form of a book entitled “Insha-i-Alum.” It was not,
unfortunately, published, due, no doubt. to Mir Alum’s innate scholarly modesty. Such
as have had the opportunity to peruse the manuscripts in Nawab Salar Jung’s library,
are unanimous in saying that the correspondence is couched in beautiful style and may
well be reckoned as veritable specimens.

Mir Alum was of a very prepossessing appearance, of an amiable disposition, and

generous and forgiving. Mention has already been made of his wonderful public spirit
which manifested itself in great public acts - and for one of which the - people still
remember him with profound gratitude. I refer to the Mir Alum tank, the waters of
which covering an extent of some eight square miles, with an embankment nearly three
quarters of a mile in length, are still sweet and wholesome and preferred by many to
the water available in other reservoirs.

During the days of his life, Mir Alum hurt or injured no man and like a truely great
philanthropist thought of the people’s greatest need and expended his fortune on
meeting that need.

Mir Alum Bahadur had a son by name of Syed Raza, Mir Douran, (born in 1199
Hijri) but he died in the year 1215 Hijri. His first daughter was married to Ali Zaman
Khan, Ghayoor Jung, Munir-ud-Daula, Munir-ul-Mulk, Amir-ul-Umra, the third son
of Nawab Mohammad Safdar Khan, Ghavoor Jung Bahadur who had married the only
daughter of Nawab Dargah Kuli Khan, Salar Jung Bahadur.

Mir Alum died in the year 1808 and was succeeded by his son-in-law Nawab Munir-
ul-Mulk Bahadur.

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136 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 137

Nawab Munir-ul-Mulk Bahadur

HAIKH Mohammad Safdar Khan, Munir-ul-Mulk, left four sons of whom
the eldest, Mohammad Taki Khan, became in time Khavi Jung, Ikram-ud-
Daula, Ikram-ul-Mulk and after serving the Nizam as chief steward died in
1798. The second son, Hasan Raza Khan, Munir Jung, Shoukat-ud-Daula Ashja-ul-Mulk
became Governor of Aurangabad and died in 1801. The third son, Ali Zaman Khan
Ghayoor Jung, Munir-ud-Daula, Munir-ul-Mulk, Amir-ul-Umra was the most
distinguished of his family. The fourth son, Raza Yar Khan Hussam Jung, Ameen-ud-
Daula, Ameen-ul-Mulk, became the master of the Nizam’s Elephant Stables.

The present members of the Salar Jung family are directly descended from Ali
Zaman Khan, Ghayoor Jung who married a daughter of Mir Alum, the famous prime
minister. By her he had two sons and after her death he married her sister.

Ali Zaman Khan, Ghayoor Jung succeeded his father-in-law, Mir Alum, as prime
minister, and was the first to occupy this post among the descendants of Shaikh Ovais
of Medina and latterly of Bijapur. He died in 1832 leaving behind him, by his second
wife, - she was also a daughter of Mir Alum-two sons, namely, Mir Mohammad Ali
Khan, Salar Jung Shuja-ud-Daula, and Mir Alum Ali Khan, Sher Jung, Siraj-ud-Daula,
Siraj-ul-Mulk. Shuja-ud-Daula, the eldest son, died in 1831, leaving behind him an only
son, Hir Turab Ali Khan, who became in after life Salar Jung the great.

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138 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 139

Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk Bahadur

A WAB Siraj-ul-Mulk was the second son of Ghayoor Jung, Munir-ul-
Mulk by his second wife-a daughter of Mir Alum Babadur. He was born
in 1800). On the death of his father who succeeded as prime minister Mir
Alum Bahadur, his father-in-law, Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk was appointed prime minister.
At that time the affairs of the state were in a most disorganized condition. Finances
were low, revenues came in irregularly and corruption was rampant. Siraj-ul-Mulk
was a high-minded nobleman and he saw that to be prime minister he must do his
duty. He. therefore, set about introducing reforms and overhauling the administrative
machinery but his efforts were so unwelcome that intrigues sprang up around him and
prejudice grew strong. Ultimately, even the Nizam, a thorough-going conservative,
began to entertain prejudice and in November 1848 insisted on Siraj-ul-Mulk resigning
his office despite the earnest advice of the Government of India and the British Resident.

But, after a time, he was called back to office and the condition of the State was
worse than ever. The farming system through which the revenue was collected was a
miserable failure and entailed the State in serious difficulties. The expenditure exceeded
the income by several lakhs and the Nizam was overwhelmed in debt. All that Siraj-ul-
Mulk could do was of no avail. Not only the private treasury of the Nizam encroached
upon and soon emptied but even some of his jewels had to be sold to pacify the clamours
of creditors. It was during Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk’s time that the assignment of the Berars
was effected and the treaty concluded on the 21st May 1853 and signed and sealed by
the Nizam on the 18th of June following. Siraj-ul-Mulk, as before, was not a favourite
with the Nizam and was continually surrounded with dangers which, but for the support
of the Resident, General Fraser, would doubtless have overwhelmed him. He had to
resign his office and after an interval of two years called back to office again. Matters
were not smooth and even his life was attempted. He died on the 26th of May 1853 and
was succeeded by his nephew, Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur.

As the life of Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur has been given in full in the first volume
under the section headed “Ministers,” there is no need for repitition here.

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140 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

For the life of Nawab Sir Salar Jung the first, the great minister,
please see pages of First Volume.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 141

(Second son of Salar Jung the Great).

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142 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 143


IR Salar Jung the Great died in 1883, and his son, Mir Laik Ali Khan, succeeded
him. He was barely twenty one years of age at that time. He was first appointed
Deputy Minister to the Government and later on was made Secretary to the
Council of Regency and towards the end of October 1883, the title of Munir-ud-Daula
was conferred on him by His Highness the Nizam after which he was popularly styled
as Salar Jung II.


Young Laik Ali’s close touch with his father’s life, both personal and public,
contributed no little to his success in life. He knew Persian well and English he had
mastered sufficiently well to make an effective and clear speech on public occasions.
His foreign travels served to broaden his mind and sharpen his vision. In 1882 he was
sent to England in the company of his brother Nawab Mir Sadat Ali Khan, ( Nawab
Munir-ul-Mulk ) and he was under the guardianship of the Duke of Sutherland. He
stayed for a short time at the Duke’s Dunrobin castle and came into contact with some
of the celebrities of the time and was entertained by such high personages as H. R. H.
the late Prince Leopald, H. R. H. Princess Mary of Teck, the Mayor of London and

In the year 1884 H. H. the Nizam was invested with full powers of rulership by His
Excellency the Viceroy of India. On this occasion the Resident, at the desire of the
Government of India, invested Nawab Mir Laik Ali Khan Bahadur with the powers of
Minister. Shortly after this an Advisory Council was formed in the place of the Council
of Regency and the first member was Salar Jung, the others being Nawabs Khurshed
Jah, Bashir-ud-Daula, Vikar-ul-Umra, the Peshkar and others. H. H. the Nizam was its
President. The following complimentary passage in a special proclamation of His
Highness the Nizam shows how much Salar Jung II was taken into confidence by him:-

“Owing to the minority of the sovereign, and the untimely death of that enlightened
and able statesman, Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula, Muktar-ul- Mulk, Sir Salar Jung Bahadur,
the State was in the condition of a body without life. I commenced work at once. The
first thing towards which I turned my attention and which seemed essential was the
appointment of a Minister. I have, therefore, with the concurrence of His Excellency the
Viceroy and Governor General of India, appointed Mir Laik Ali Khan Bahadur, Salar
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144 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Jung, Munir-ud-Daula, to that responsible post, as he commends himself to me not
only by his own personal abilities, but also by virtue of the transcendental services of
his father, the late Sir Salar Jung, and his loyalty and devotion to the State.”

Though his administration was short, yet he showed marvellous capacity in
handling even the most delicate affairs of State. On the last day of the Mohurrum in the
year 1884, a big riot broke out in the city between the Arab followers of Sultan Nawaz
Jung Bahadur (who was himself a very powerful Arab chief) and the local City police,
during which several of the latter were wounded and killed. Temporarily, the city fell
into the hands of the Arabs and preparations were soon set afoot for a thorough exploita-
tion. Matters had become extremely critical and the situation was very threatening. At
this stage, Salar Jung despatched messages to the Sultan threatening him with
punishment and demanding that discipline and order should be restored at once among
his followers. Peace was then restored: The Sultan was tried by a commission of enquiry.
He was found guilty of organizing insurrection, his hereditary offices were confiscated
and he was banished temporarily from Hyderabad. A penalty of one lakh of rupees
was levied on him and this was recovered from his revenues. This is one among the
many instances that goes to prove Salar Jung’s tact and statesman-like firmness of

Like his revered father, Nawab Laik Ali Khan Bahadur was unwavering in his
loyalty both to the British Crown and to the Nizam. On the 5th February 1886, on the
occasion of His Highness the Nizam’s accession to the throne, he made an impressive
speech. The following extracts will show his breadth of vision and his deep sense of
loyalty to his master :-

“With the incidents which occurred outside Hyderabad we have nothing to do,
but I may be allowed to touch upon one memorable event which at one time seriously
threatened to disturb that peace and security which all of us, from prince to peasant,
enjoy under the just and benign rule of the Paramount Power throughout this vast
Peninsula. You will at once understand that I am alluding to a time during the last hot
weather when the North West Frontier of the Empire was over-hung by dark clouds,
and the invasion of Afghanistan was threatened by Russia The inevitable evils of war
would have followed had it not been for the great genius, sagacity and skilful diplomacy
of the illustrious nobleman who presides over the Government of India, which alone
averted that calamity. And here I may be allowed to state that in touching upon this

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 145

subject I am not out of place, because it not only affects these provinces, just as much as
it does the rest of India but also, when the rumours of impending war were in the air,
His Highness, with that true friendship and loyalty that have ever distinguished the
relations between his illustrious house and the British Government, at once proffered
the assistance of his own troops for service with those of the lmperial Army on the
distant frontier. This offer was not made in a merely complimentary spirit, it was not a
nominal offer made simply with a view to showing the British Government the good-
will towards them of the first Native Prince in India, but it was put forward after calm
consideration and careful thought and in all sincerity and earnestness. Other native
princes did the same, and their deep loyalty and true devotion met with a most generous
and hearty acknowledgment, not only from the Government of India, but from Her
Majesty the Queen Empress. This acknowledgment has but recently taken tangible shape
in the restitution of the historical fort of Gwalior to its rightful owner, the Maharaja
Scindia. This measure has not only been hailed with general satisfaction throughout
India but it has also made an indelible impression upon the minds of the different races
who inhabit this vast Empire of the good faith, generosity and justice of the Paramount
Power. Should unhappily the time ever come - and Heaven forbid that it may- when
this fair country is made the theatre of war, I earnestly trust that our humble offers will
not merely receive the generous approbation and acknowledgment of our Queen
Empress, but that Her Majesty will be pleased to utilise the armies of her Native States.
I trust it will not be considered presumptuous on my part to express my opinion on this
important question, but I may be permitted to state that it would be wise and politic on
the part of the Paramount Power to make use of the armies of the Feudatory Princes of
India, instead of letting them eat the bread of idleness, and thus convince them of the
confidence and trust that the Queen Empress reposes in their loyalty and devotion. All
Native Princes, would, I feel sure, hail this measure with satisfaction, and for His
Highness himself I know it would be a source of great pleasure and gratification to him
if our Troops were employed side by side with British soldiers in fighting the enemies
of England. For, it is our boast that we consider the British Flag as our National Flag of
India. I am perfectly justified in saying that we consider the British Flag as our National
Flag, for the Queen Empress occupies precisely the same exalted position in India that
the Moghul Emperors previously did. Within the last two or three hundred years hardly
a Native State existed which did not in a measure owe allegiance to the Moghul Emperor.
The analogy is thus complete, but with this difference, that whereas under the Moghul
Empire Native States were not secure from external aggression they now enjoy perfect
immunity from such danger.

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146 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Unfortunately, due to some Court intrigues, some misunderstandings arose between
His Highness and the Minister and the situation became so tense that Salar Jung resigned
from his Ministership in April 1887. The news was received with dismay by the officials
and a large majority of the public who felt that he was irreplaceable.

Salar Jung visited England during the same year. In appreciation of his services
and merits and sincere loyalty to the British Crown, Her Majesty the Queen Empress
decorated him with the Insignia of the order of K.C.I.E. at Osborne in August 1887.

Everyone expected that he would once more take up the reins of administration
into his hands and nobly follow in the footsteps of his great father. But Providence
willed otherwise. He died on the 7th July 1889, at the very early age of 27 leaving behind
him an infant son only one month old. This son Mir Yusuf Ali Khan, Nawab Salar Jung
III, now represents the great house of Salar Jung.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 147


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148 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, G. C. I. E.


HE origin of the family of Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur is traced
back to Raja Todar Mall who was Finance Minister during the reign of
Akbar the Great. Raja Todar Mall belonged to one of the most illustrious
families of Northern India. Rai Mulchand was the fifth deseendant of Todar Mall. When
Asaf Jah Nizam’ul’Mulk invaded the Deccan Rai Mulchand also accompanied him.
After the establishment of complete independence by the Moghul Emperor, Rai
Mulchand was appointed as the head of the Customs and Excise Departments. When
Rai Mulchand died, his son Rai Luxmi Ram succeeded him in the office. Rai Luxmi
Ram had two sons, Rai Nanak Ram and Rai Narayan Das. Rai Nanak Ram became the
head of the Customs and Excise Departments after his father’s death. Rai Narayan Das
died in 1776 leaving behind him two sons, Chandu Lal Bahadur and Govind Buksh,
both of whom were brought up by their uncle Rai Nanak Ram.


CHANDULAL was born in 1776 and in the same year his father Rai Narayan Das
died. After receiving a tolerably good education at first he held a subordinate position
in the Customs and Excise Departments under his uncle Rai Nanak Ram, and after the
latter’s retirement was made Head of the Customs and was placed in charge of Mukhtal
and some other districts to the south-west of Hyderabad.

In 1797 he resigned the office of Customs in consequence of some new arrangements

being introduced into the Department by Azim-ul-Umra Arastu Jah of which he did
not approve and he then received charge of Bellary, Gooty, Cudappah and a large portion
of the districts which were afterwards ceded to the East India Company by the Treaty
of October 1800 Raja Chandulal delivered these districts over to the Company’s officers
and then returned to Hyderabad where he remained ever afterwards.

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150 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

On Mir Alum’s appointment as prime minister in 1804, Rajah Chandulal who had
gradually won his way to power by diligence and hard work was employed by him as
his confidential adviser. He first received charge of the lands assigned for the payment
of the Paigah troops under Shams-ul-Umra and in 1806 was appointed Peshkar and
Finance Minister to Mir Alum and a couple of years later, on the latter’s death in 1808,
he became the practical head of the administration, Nawab Munir-ul-Mulk Bahadur
having been appointed prime minister under an express provision that he was to be
Minister only in name and that all the authority and responsibility of the office were to
be vested in Rajah Chandulal under his former designation of Peshkar. He was to content
himself with a stipend of about six lakhs of rupees per annum. The authority of the
Government was at the same time entrusted into the hands of Maharaja Chandulal
who was the principal power in the State and controlled its destiny uninterruptedly for
a period of full thirty five years until the day of his resignation- the 6th September 1843.

The following interesting extract from Fraser’s “Memoirs” throws sufficient light
on this fact:-

“The new Nizam virtually secluded himself from the affairs of the State and so
made the position of the first Minister, our old friend Mir Alum, most onerous and
embarassing. For many years this upright and able man was mainly instrumental in
preserving amicable relations between the two powers. To our interests he was well
inclined, remaining throughout the steady friend of England and loyally attached to
the Nizam. But, unfortunately, he was not long spared to discharge the duties of his
exalted post. On his death it was conferred on Munir-ul-Mulk. but only as a dignity,
Raja Chandulal remaining in possession of all executive power and on the death of
Munir-ul-Mulk he became the prime minister. (”Memoirs “ of General Fraser. p, 35 ).

It was during a very critical period in the history of British India that Raja Chandu
Lal had held the post of Minister for thirty five years. During these years the Mahratta
Confederacy had come to an end. Daulat Rao Scindia and Jaswant Rao Holkar were
reduced to the state of vassals and the British flag was hoisted in mountainous Nepal
and on the fertile soil of Burma. The English people had ultimately the paramount
power in India. Moghul rulers were reduced to mere puppets.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 151

No less a person than Sir Henry Russell, the British Resident in Hyderabad from
1811 to 1820, wrote of him as follows :-

“ Raja Chandu Lal is of a middling stature very thin and of a rather dark complexion.
The expression of his countenance is intelligent and thoughtful. He has lost his teeth, is
much bent and bears a great appearance of infirmity. He is free from ostentation of any
kind and is not expensive in his own family or person. He is very well educated both as
a scholar and as a public officer. His understanding is sound, his talents quick, his
memory retentive, his industry indefatigable and he has great experience and aptitude
for all kinds of business from the highest branches to the most minute detail.”

“ He does everything himself and the labour that he undergoes is almost incredible.
He rises early enough to get through his religious observances by daylight. He is then
attended by the different officers of the Government with whom he transacts business
until about nine o' clock when he goes to the palace, if necessary, otherwise, he continues
transacting public business until about noon when he takes his first meal. He then again
transacts business until three in the afternoon, when he lies down for an hour, and
looks over his domestic accounts. During the afternoon and evening, he sits in public
and receives visitors and those who wait on him either out of compliment or on business.
At about eight he takes his second meal, and afterwards examines, signs and despatches
all the different papers which had been prepared during the day. His only recreations
are music and literature. At about midnight, his business is closed, and he is then
attended by singers and musicians, and a number of persons who are eminent for their
learning, for their skill in poetry, or for any other polite attainment, with whom he
converses for about an hour, and then retires to rest. “

While holding the ministerial portfolio, Raja Chandulal, was paid for his official
duties, a commission of one anna in the revenues of the State, and when he retired from
service on the 6th September 1843, in consideration of the great and valuable services
he had rendered to the State he was granted large jagirs and a handsome bonus of one
crore of rupees, besides a monthly pension of Rs. 3000 by his master, the Nizam. He
was convinced that the Nizam’s power cannot support itself and he is devoted with
unquestionable fidelity to the alliance with the British Government.”

How much Maharaja Chandulal’s friendship was valued by the paramount power
itself will be noticed from the following lines of General Fraser mentioned in the

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152 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Photo from Painting Raja Deen Dayal & Sons

Maharaja Chandulal’s Entertainment given in honour of Hon’ble General J.S. Fraser, British Resident of

Hyderabad. Seated tenth from left are Raja Bala Pershad Bahadur, son of Maharaja Chandulal, the Hon’ble

General J.S. Fraser and Maharaja Chandulal. At a function held in the Baradari of Maharaja Chandulal


“If we but wish the country to remain quiet-which, after all, is something in these
disturbed and menacing times - I think this object is secured as long as Chandulal lives,
provided that the British Resident be known to remain on friendly terms with him”.
(Fraser’s” Memoirs” P. 49).

General Fraser in another place records : “Chandulal, the Minister, is a remarkable
man. Above seventy seven years of age, attenuated to a mere shadow, and bent nearly
double, he yet has all the active intelligence of earlier life, and the same keen and
expressive eye, with that pleasing and benevolent smile that never abandons him “.

Maharaja Chandu Lal was a true Hindu and he upheld Dharma by practising the
tenets of Hinduism throughout his life. Selfishness and egoism he had discarded
completely. Even though he had an annual income of three lakhs of rupees, he was
always out of pocket. He would give away large sums of money in charity not minding
how his household expenses would be met the next day. His name and fame as a
benevolent and philanthropic Raja spread far and wide and people from different parts
of India used to flock to his court for help. People speak of him even today as the
Hathim Tai of India.

He retired from office on 6th September 1843 and spent his last days in close
communion with God.

In a letter to the Governor-General, General Fraser wrote :-

“I regret to say that I have this moment learnt that the Minister is unwell. He was
complaining during the night and this morning, while at the Muth, ( the family place of
worship) fainted”. In a postscript he gives the substance of a note received fron Bala
Pershad explaining that his father had suffered for some time from a chronic disease of
the kidneys and that the case could not be considered altogether exempt from danger.

Raja Chandulal died on 15th April 1845, eighteen months after his retirement.

Raja Chandulal married the daughter of Rai Vithal Rai, a nobleman of Burhanpur,
in the service of His Highness Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior, by whom he had two sons
named Bala Pershad and Nanak Bux, and a daughter.

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154 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Maharaja Chandulal left two sons behind him, Bala Pershad and Nanak Bux. Bala
Pershad was born in 1203 Hijri. Even when he was quite young he used to help his
father in his official work and thus gained considerable experience. He was appointed


the head of the Customs and Excise Departments, but he soon resigned that office.
After Maharaja Chandulal’s death he was offered the post of Peshkar but he declined
it. In his later days the title of “Rajadhiraj Bahadur” was conferred on him by. the Nizam
with a mansab of Rs. 5000 and a command of 4000 sowars. He died on 28th Rajab 1265
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 155


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156 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Maharaja Narain Pershad Narainder Bdr

AHARAJA Narainder Bahadur was the son of Maharaja Bala Pershad
Bahadur. He was born in 1224 Hijri. He was a great scholar in Arabic
and Persian and had a fairly good knowledge of English. He was a highly
reformed Hindu. His toleration and sympathy for other religious faiths were very
admirable. Though he was a Hindu by birth he adopted the tenets of Sufism in his
private life. On June 13, 1853, he was appointed Peshkar by His Highness the Nizam
Nasir-ud-Daula. On the same day Nawab Salar Jung also was appointed prime minister.
His Highness presented the customary Khillats to both of them on the same day.

The title of Raja-i-Rajayan was conferred on him by His Highness Afzal-ud-Daula

in the month of Zilhaj 1273 Hijri. The title of “Narainder Bahadur “ was conferred on
him later on.

When the great Indian Mutiny broke out in Northern India the wave of rebellion
had spread to the South also. A conspiracy to attack the Hyderabad Residency was
contemplated by the insurgents. It was Maharaja Narainder Bahadur that got scent of it
and informed of it at once to Sir Salar Jung ; whereupon the latter had acted quickly
and taken all necessary precautions to avert its serious consequences. The British
Government recognised Maharaja Narainder Bahadur’s service and awarded a silver
medal to him in 1877 at a Darbar held at Delhi.

When Sir Salar Jung died in 1883, Maharaja Narainder Bahadur became the senior
administrator with Salar Jung II as the junior. One of the notable improvements that
stand to the credit of Maharaja Narainder Bahadur is the sanctioning of the Railway
from Secunderabad to Bezwada.

Maharaja Narainder Bahadur died on the 14th Ramzan 1306 Hijri leaving behind
him no male issue. He left only a daughter. Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur is
her son.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 157

Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur.

NE may without any exaggeration safely assert that what Sir Salar Jung
was to the Hyderabad State during the second half of the nineteenth
century, that Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur has been in the first
quarter of the twentieth century. Though history has not yet recorded much of his
great abilities both as a capable statesman and a successful administrator, yet it can be
said without any fear or contradiction that no Hindu statesman in the annals of the
history of the Hyderabad Srate had risen to such eminence both in the eyes of the Ruler
and the ruled as Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad has.

The hero of this sketch, Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad - to give his full name with
titles, Raja-i-Rajayan Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, Yamin-us-Saltanat, G. C. I.
E.-is the son of Raja Hari Kishen Bahadur and the grandson and heir of Maharaja
Narainder Bahadur. He was born on the 28th January 1864 (1281 Hijri ).


Considerable attention was paid towards his education by his grand-father Maharaja
Narainder Bahadur. Arabic and Persian were taught to him by special tutors and in
these languages the young Maharaja attained high proficiency. He received English
education at the Madrasa-i-Aliya. While he was still in his teens he showed a remarkable
talent for mystic poetry. Those who know of his official and public life will bear testimony
to this.

It was a favourite custom with him to submit the manuscripts of all his poetical
compositions to His Highness the late Nizam for approval, before placing them in the
hands of printers, as he was accepted to be a pupil of His Highness and was honoured
with the title of Shagirdi-kas-Asaf Jah (special pupil of His Highness) which according
to oriental ideas is considered to have a special honour attached to it, and is seldom
bestowed by a sovereign on a subject.

On attaining his majority, he took over the management of his jagirs which he had
inherited from his maternal grandfather yielding an annual income of several lakhs of
rupees a year.

The active habits which Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur acquired in his early
life enabled him to manage his estates very successfully. He possesses full civil and

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158 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

criminal powers over his own tenantry who are not amenable to the courts of law under
His Highness’s Government- a privilege enjoyed only by the highest nobles of the State.

In the year 1892 Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur was appointed Peshkar, or
Deputy Minister. In the same year His Highness the late Nizam conferred upon him
the title of “Raja Rajayan-i-Maharaja Bahadur”.

On the 15th November 1901, Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur who had been
officiating since the 25th August 1901, was confirmed as Prime Minister by His Highness

The Maharaja Bahadur, besides being a great Persian scholar, is an accomplished

Caligraphist. The above is a small specimen of his craftsmanship.
This art which once flourished is fast dying out.

the late Nizam, and was given the usual Khillats and robes, as well as six jewels of
honour which form the insignia of the office. During the fourteen months the Maharaja
had been acting as Minister he had won the golden opinions of everyone with whom
he came into contact. He had thrown himself heart and soul into his work, and surprised
everyone by the manner in which he approached all questions with an open and
impartial mind.

On the 1st January 1903 the British Government conferred upon him the title of
Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. A few months later, he received
the title of Yamin-us-Saltanat from His Highness the late Nizam at the Bakrid Darbar
in appreciation of his long, honourable and distinguished career. In the year 1905 it fell
to the lot of His Excellency Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur to entertain Their
Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales at Hyderabad during their long and

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 159

extensive tours in India. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales being highly impressed
with the agreeable and attractive personality of Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur
during his personal contact with him while at Hyderabad presented him with a special
photograph of his as a mark of special royal favour.

In the year 1907 during the birthday festivities of His Majesty the King Emperor,
Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur was honoured for very special services rendered
to the State as well as to the Government of India with the insignia of G. C. I. E. This
special distinction is unique in its character as no other minister of a Ruling Chief in
India has up to now been so honoured, and as a G. C. I. E., the Maharaja Bahadur
stands along with many of the most distinguished men of this great Empire.

When His Excellency Lord Hardinge, Viceroy and Governor General of India, visited
Hyderabad in October 1911, a few weeks before the ever-to-be remembered coronation
of His Imperial Majesty King George V, to condole with His Highness on the loss the
State had sustained by the untimely death of his revered father, and also at the same
time to congratulate him on his accession, the Viceroy took advantage of the opportunity
to congratulate Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur on the very successful
administration of the country as well as the remarkable administrative advance made
in all directions during the ten years he was in office. In one of his letters he wrote :-

Viceregal Camp, Hyderabad,

October 19, 1911.

My dear Sir Kishen Pershad,

I cannot leave Hyderabad without sending you a line to say how glad I am to have
the pleasure of making your acquaintance, and of discussing with you the general
situation. You have had heavy responsibilities in the past, and it rejoices me to think
that you had always retained the confidence of His Highness the late Nizam.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I hope you will accept the accompanying photograph as a small token of my esteem
towards you. With my best wishes for your success and prosperity.

Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely,
Hardinge of Penshurst.

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160 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

It is gratifying to record that since he assumed in 1901 the heavy responsibilities of
the office of Minister until his resignation in 1912 he had thrown himself heart and soul
into the work. In every branch of the Hyderabad administration his influence was
manifest and the present prosperous financial condition of the State is greatly due to
his policy. His uncommon genius, untiring energy and indomitable courage in the
introduction of reforms were only equalled. by his sincere love of the people, and
devotion to the best interests of the State.

Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur resigned his ministry in July 1912, retaining
only the hereditary office of Peshkar. When the news of his resignation reached the
Viceroy, Lord Hardinge, who had always considered him to be an able statesman, he at
once despatched the following letter expressing his warm appreciation of his long and
faithful services to the State and to the Government of India, which sufficiently speaks
for itself :-

Viceregal Camp,
July 20, 1912.

My dear Sir Kishen Pershad,

Colonel Pinhey has informed me that you have sent in your resignation of the post
of Prime Minister, and that His Highness has accepted it. I feel that I cannot allow this
occasion to pass without writing to you to express my warm appreciation of your long
and faithful services, and of the assistance that you have always rendered to the
Government of India while tenaciously upholding the rights and privileges of your
master, the Nizam. I hope and trust that you may have good health and be spared for
many years to enjoy your well-earned rest.

Believe me,
Yours very sincerely,
Hardinge of Penshurst.


As is but natural, a short bio~raphical sketch of this type cannot do even partial
justice to the life and labours of a public man who, coming from a highly distinguished
family, had been himself Prime Minister of our State for a period of no less than twelve
years and now occupies the equally eminent position of President of the Executive
Council. Except for a few months, the entire ministry of the Maharaja Bahadur was

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 161

connected with the rule of the late Nizam and it will be generally acknowledged that
the Nizam had in him an ardently loyal and personally devoted minister. There is no
questioning the fact that Sir Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur not only had the fullest
confidence in him but also held him in the highest esteem.

There are many remarkable characteristics which were common features between
the Prince and his minister which might have been noticed by many of the courtiers
and officials of the day. These were undoutedly the fruits of association, and emulation.
The Nizam was generous and princely in his generosity - and the man who came next
to him was his own prime Minister and” shahgird “ in the school of Persian poetry. The
Nizam was tolerant, affable and the very embodiment of kindness - and a good second
was his minister. The Nizam never consciously set out to harm anyone for any cause
and the same thing may be said of his minister. The Maharaja reflected his revered
master’s character and characteristics and nothing that we can write can outweigh this
one single remark.

During the Maharaja’s ministry it was that the finances of the State were re-
organized and placed on a firm and solid basis. Good fortune sent Sir George Casson
Walker as Finance Minister and the Maharaja Bahadur who, as is only natural with
men of his type, recognizing his great abilities, gave him almost complete liberty to
overhaul and re-organize the Finance Department. The Nizam adopted a similar attitude
and the best fruits of Sir George Casson Walker’s labours are seen by us today in the
solvent budgets presented by his successors. But for the foundations laid down then, it
would not have been possible by any means to have built the present admirable financial
superstructure which has evoked the admiration of even administrators in England.

As a prime minister, the Maharaja was not a conservative as many of his

predecessors had been, but a liberal - and so was his august master. They would have
performed miracles, as it were, but for the fact that funds were by no means as plentiful
as they are today, but, as a matter of fact, there was scarcity. However, the policy pursued
was a liberal one and efforts were always made to work along and proceed forward on
the lines marked out by that wonderful statesman, the first Salar Jung.

Administrative affairs received fresh impetus and so also civic matters. Some time
in 1903 the Legislative Council was formed and during the Maharaja’s ministry many
fundamental Acts were passed. One other important event which took place during
this period was the amalgamation of the City and Chadarghat municipalities.

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162 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 163

The Maharaja Bahadur’s name will always be associated with the advance of
education in the State. A scholar himself, he has always been and continues to be .a
warm and steadfast supporter of the cause of education and by personal visits to schools
and all similar institutions he has done much to encourage the teacher and the taught
alike. His deep and abiding interest in the dissemination of education and the advance
of culture is clearly evidenced by his own large contributions to oriental literature, and
the astonishing liberality with which he has been (and still is), from his very youth
upward, patronizing and assisting literary men not only of Hyderabad, but from all
parts of India. To oriental literature he has undoubtedly attempted to render a very
great service.

It may be mentioned that the Maharaja is the author of some 57 works in Persian
and Urdu, and also of a few books in Marathi. Formerly, he published two monthly
journals, one in prose and the other in verse, entitled “Dub-Duba-i-Asafia” and
“Mahbub-ul-Kalam”. The latter had the honour of being contributed to by His Highness
the late Nizam.

As a Hindu nobleman, the Maharaja Bahadur commands respect wherever he is

known and from whomsoever he is known to, not merely in this State but throughout
the country, especially Hindusthan. He is known and admired and respected for his
learning, his varied gifts, his broad-mindedness in religious matters, his affability, his
kindliness of heart and astonishing generosity. His charity is “not of the ostentatious
type but springs from a heart which feels for humanity. He is generous not because his
religion commands him to be generous, but because his soul is attuned to the finer
issues of life and responds to their call, without effort and without calculation. He is a
wonderful type of a man and it is not often that we can see his like.

The Maharaja has only one son (by the junior Maharani) - Raja Khawja Pershad
(Arjun Pershad ) Bahadur who is about 16 years of age. Though so young, he has already
made himself fairly proficient in Persian and Urdu and knows some seven Indian
languages. He seems to have inherited the gift of his illustrious father and it is especially
pleasant and very heartening to learn that he is innately kind and courteous. This brilliant
little scion of a distinguished family carries with him the good wishes and blessings of
all and we feel confident that in later life he will be an ornament to Hyderabad and a
pride to the country, maintaining and adding to the renown won by his father as a
scholar, philanthropist, administrator and statesman.

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164 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 165

Late Nawab Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur

IR Asad Ali Khan, Nawab Nizam Yar Jung, Nizam-Yar-ud-Daula,
Hissam-ul-Mulk, Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur, is one of the eleven “Omra-
e-Uzzam”. That is to say, he is one of the eleven chief nobles of the
highest rank in the State and occupies a distinguished position of his own. He is the
elder brother of Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur, who is also an Omra-e-Uzzam. He is
one of the few living nobles who had moved intimately with the late Nawab Sir Salar
Jung the first, and still bears affectionate respect for the memory of that great statesman.
Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur has especial and particular reasons for cherishing and
honouring the memory of the late Sir Salar Jung Bahadur. One very cogent reason is
that on the occasion of his father’s death he was quite a lad, but had the good fortune of
being brought up by Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur, who took upon himself the duties
of guardian and patron. It needs no saying that when Sir Salar Jung had imposed upon
himself such a task he could not but have fulfilled it with his usual conscientious care
and keen sense of responsibility. And such had been the case. The young Nawab was
given the highest type of general education then prevailing and his training was
constantly supervised by Sir Salar Jung. He was taught, quite early in life, Arabic, Persian,
English, riding, shooting, the art of writing poetry and caligraphy according to the
decorative styles so vigorously and proudly cultivated in those days in Arabia and
Persia. It may be of interest to mention here that in the course of a letter written to
Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur, our present Nizam referring to his remarkable achievements
in oriental caligraphy, speaks of him as “lmad-e-Sani “ which means that in the beauty
and perfection of his writing he is second only to the celebrated Imad of olden times.
Sir Salar Jung was so deeply concerned with the educational advancement of his young
ward that, in order to widen his sphere of experience and to add to his knowledge, he
took him to England along with him in the year 1876. While in England he had the
honour of being presented to Her Majesty the late Queen Empress who later invited
him to lunch along with Sir Salar Jung.

In the same year, after returning from England, the young Nawab accompanied
His Highness the late Nizam to the great Delhi Darbar when Queen Victoria was
proclaimed Queen-Empress of India. Returning from Delhi the late Nizam appointed
him Minister in charge of the Public Works Department and later as Military Minister.

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166 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur married twice in the family of the Nawab Ashja-
ud-Daula Bahadur of the house of Salar Jung and has only one son, Nawab Mir
Kamaluddin Hussain Khan Bahadur who is acquiring administrative experience
working as an Assistant Secretary in the Judicial, Police and General Departments. He
has had a very good education and has been managing his father’s estate with
considerable success.

As regards the Nawab’s ancestral history, it must be observed that it is a most

distinguished one. The original home of Nawab Khan-i-Khanan, was Meshed (Khorasan)
a province of Persia. Mir Mohi, from whom the family traces its descent, was a
descendant of Imam Raza, the eighth Imam of the Fatemite line. He was the “Killeed
Bardar “, or keeper of the sacred key of the sacred Roza and estates of the Imam Raza.
It was Mir Mohi’s son, Meerak Hussain, who was the first to come to India from
Khorassan. He arrived in the year 939 Hijri ( 1532 A.D. ) and was well received at the
Moghal court and after a time married the daughter of Khaja Shamsuddin, a minister
of Akbar the Great, who later favoured him with high and responsible posts with large
emoluments attached to them. After his death, his son, Mir Kamaluddin Hussain, was
given a post on the staff of Prince Khurram whom he accompanied in his expedition
against the renowned Rana of Chitoor. Returning he was given the post of Bakshi of
Kothgir and later of the Deccan. The Emperor appears to have had so much regard for
him that he was deputed on an embassy to Turkestan and was always mentioned in
royal farmans by the titles of “Sahi-un-Nasab” and “Pasandida Hasab”. Meerak Moin,
son of Mir Kamaluddin Hussain Khan, known as Amanat Khan, was appointed as
Bakshi and “Yakae Nawees “ (communicator of events) in 1050 Hijri (1640 A.D.).
Subsequently, he was sent to invade the Deccan and was appointed on the staff of Dara
Shikoh, and later as the diwan of the Deccan.

Meerak Hussain Amanat Khan, son of Meerak Moin, was, during the regime of the
Emperor Aurangazeb, first killadar and dewan of Lahore, later of Multan and Kashmere
and port officer of Surat, holding one post after another. The village of Pupala and
others were conferred upon him as “Altamgha“ jagirs. He was, moreover, the custodian
of Abul Hassan Tana Shah, the last of the Golconda kings who was interned as a State
prisoner in the fort of Doulatabad. Four of his descendants held the responsible post of
dewan of the Deccan without a break.

Mir Abdul Khader, the eldest of three sons, was known as Diyanath Khan I. He
was appointed dewan of the Deccan and Governor of the port of Surat. Aurangazeb
states in his book “Yaseeyat-e-Alamgir” “Diyanath Khan, dewan of the Deccan, is better
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 167

than other king’s servants”. Mir Abdul Rahman Khan, the second son of Amanat Khan,
known as Vizarat Khan, was raised to the diwani of Malwa, Bijapur and the Deccan.
Mir Kazim, the third son of Amanat Khan, from whom the present Nawab Khan-i-
Khanan Bahadur traces his descent, was appointed Bakshi to Prince Moizuddin and
raised to the dewani of Multan and was the recipient of a handstick in open durbar.

Nawab Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur, besides being a great Persian

scholar, is an accomplishpd caligraphist. The above is a small
specimen of his craftmanship.

Mir Kazim was honoured with the governorship of Dahroor, Fatehgarh and
Aurangabad. Jagirs, free of rent, were bestowed on his son Mir Ishaq, known as Mir
Tajuddin Khan, in the year 1162 Hijri (1750 A.D) Later he was appointed commandant
of the fort of Sholapur. Mir Abdul Razzack, nephew of Mir Ishaq, known as Shah Nawaz
Khan, Samsam-ud-Daula, was raised to the office of Lewan and appointed
plenipotentiary in 1169 Hijri (1756 A.D.) Jagirs worth several lakhs of rupees were
bestowed on him. He was, unfortunately, killed with his two sons in the fort of
Doulatabad by an order of the French General Bussey in the year 1171, thus laying
down his life in the cause of his master. His third son, Abdul Hai Khan, who was raised
to the Diwani of the Deccan with the title of Samsam-ul-Mulk, died while travelling to
Kolas with His Highness Nawab Mir Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur. His remains were
brought by the Nizam’s order to Hyderabad and were interred in his father’s garden.

Mir Kazim Ali Khan, son of Mir Ishaq, won great victories over the Pindarees and
the Duranees. He married a sister of Mir Alum the great prime minister of Hyderabad.

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168 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


He was awarded the title of Kamal Yar Jung Bahadur in consideration of the family
tradition on the occasion of 48th Birthday of H. E. H. the Nizam. He was also privileged
to join all the functions connected with the State visits of Lord Willingdon, Viceroy and
Governer-General of India, in 1933.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 169

Mir Abbas Ali Khan Bahadur was a nephew of Mir Alum and the son of Mir Kazim
Ali Khan. An extract from his life in the “Gulzar-e-Asafia” is given below :-

“During the reign of the late Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, he was given the title of
Nizam Yar Jung Nizam Yar-ud-Daula, and a mansab of Rs. 3000 with three thousand
sowars, flag, drum and nowbat. When the Pindarees began to make inroads into the
Dominions and openly devastated most of the Taluqs, His Highness the Nizam put
him at the head of an Infantry regiment of 5000, with as many horse and ordered him to
conduct a compaign against them. With the assistance of some of the Mansabdars, Arabs
and Jamadars he marched against the Pindarees and, having totally routed them, drove
them out of the country and thus gained the favour of his master. His Highness Nawab
Sikandar Jah Bahadur had a great liking for him even when he was the heir-apparent,
and as soon as he succeeded to the masnad, he bestowed on him the title of Hissam-ul-
Mulk, Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur and granted him a mansab of Rs. 7000 with 5000 sowars
and jagirs yielding a revenue of ten lakhs. Besides this, His Highness entrusted him
with the command of an army of Arab sowars and Rohillas. He also enjoyed the honour
of being in the Nizam’s retinue. He married a daughter of Nawab Ehtisham-ul-Mulk
and died at the age of eighty.”

Mr. Ghulam Hussain Khan, bearing the title of Fakhr-ul-Mulk I, was the son of
Abbas Ali Khan by Rashid-ul-Mulk’s daughter. He had a sister, Fakhr-un-Nissa Begum,
who was married to Rafat-ul-Mulk who succeeded to all the jagirs of his father. Besides
receiving the training then in vogue he acquired the art of transcribing Arabic characters
and archery from his uncle. He married the daughter of Mukhtar-ud-Daula and had
three daughters. The eldest, Aziz-un-Nissa Begum, was married to Nawab Sir Salar
Jung the first and gave birth to two daughters, one of whom was married to Nawab
Hukram-ud-Daula and the other to Nawab Bahram-ud-Daula Bahadur. The second
daughter of Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk I, Haidari Begum, was married to Nawab Imdad
Jung Bahadur, the son of Nawab Shah Yar-ul-Mulk. The third daughter, Hussaini Begum
was married to Mir Bahadur Ali Khan, Satwat Jung, whose son is the present Nawab
Bahram-ud-Daula Bahadur. The two sons of Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk I, are, Mir Asad
Ali Khan, Nizam Yar Jung, Nizam Yar-ud-Daula, Hisam-ul-Mulk, Khan-i-Khanan
Bahadur and Nawab Mir Sarfaraz Hussain Khan, Safdar Jung, Musheer-ud-Daula,
Fakhr-ul-Mulk. Nawab Khan-i-Khana Bahadur died on 19th Aban 1342 Fasli, and the
funeral was attended by H. E. H. the Nizam who expressed his condolence.

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170 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur

A WAB Safdar Jung Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur is one of the leading nobles
of the State and belongs to a family which has rendered meritorious
services not only in the Deccan but also at Delhi under the Moghul
Emperors, beginning even from the time of Akbar the Great. Their connection with
Hyderabad has been exceedingly honourable and the family may well claim to have
been the pillars of the State and of the Moghul Government from the very time of its

The ancestors of the family originally belonged to the district of Toos in Persia.
They were men of great learning and piety and were the hereditary guardians of the
famous shrine of Saint Imam Raza.

The family broke up owing to a difference of opinion having risen between Syed
Hoosein and his father, as a result of which the latter proceeded to Khivaf and resided
there with Khaja Ala-u-din who appears to have been so pleased with him that he gave
him his daughter in marriage. After this event, Khaja Ala-u-din’s son, Khaja Shams-ud-
din, became a Minister of the Emperor Akbar the Great and Syed Hoosein’s son Kamal
-ud-din Hassan and his grandson, Mir Hussain, came to India to the court of Delhi.

Mir Hussain first served for a few years in Bengal under the Emperor’s Viceroy
and during the war in Kashmir undertaken by Akbar he distinguished himself greatly,
but did not live long to enjoy the honours conferred upon him. On his death, Mir Hasan
was appointed in his place.

Turning to Kamal-ud-din it must be remarked that he was educated under Sha

Mohammad Amin Qadri, a great Moslem saint and came to India at the express request
of Khaja Shams-ud-din and was held in great esteem by the people and the court. Before
coming to India he was the Commander-in-Chief of the forces of Balkh and later was
Minister of Thattah. His son, Mir Hussain Amanat Khan I, who was a disciple of Sha
Mohammad Amin-ud-din Qadri came to India in 1014 Hijri and was with Shahzada
Khurram at the battle of Rana. He so distinguished himself that he was made the
Commander-in-Chief of the forces and subsequently appointed grand Vazir of the
Deccan. It will be thus seen that the Fakhr-ul-Mulk family has long historic connections
with the Deccan and preceded even the advent of the Asaf Jahi family.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 171


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172 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mir Moin-ud-din Amanat Khan II was born at a period prophesied by the Saint
Syed Sha Mir Qadri. When the child grew up a little, he was adopted by the Saint and
after attaining age became the disciple of Shaikh Adam another great Saint who resided
at Lahore. In the year 1050 A. H. Mir Amanat Khan was appointed as Commander-in-
Chief and Political Agent in the Province of Ajmir. At the time of the Emperor
Aurangazebe, he was raised to the status of a Minister for the provinces of Lahore,
Multan, Kabul and Kashmir. When Prince Shah Alam was appointed Governor of
Multan, Amanat Khan was given the post of Deputy Governor.

It is recorded in the historical work entitled “Mansir-ul-Umra” that he was loyal

and true to his allegiance to his sovereign and performed his duties with the utmost
uprightness and justice. His honesty, ability and sincerity were so much appreciated
by Aurangazebe that he appointed him Commander-in-Chief and Vazir of the Deccan
and as well as Nizam of Aurangabad.

Amanat Khan died in the year 1095 Hijri leaving behind him four sons. His eldest
son was Mir Abdul Khadir Dianat Khan and his second son, Mir Hussain Amanat
Khan. The former was appointed Sarf-i-khas Munshi and the latter as Prime Minister.
The third son, Akbar Rahman Vizarat Khan became Minister for the provinces of Malwa
and Bijapur. The fourth son, Kazira Khan, was given the position of Minister for the
province of Multan. Hasan Ali Khan, son of Mir Kazim Ali Khan, died at the early age
of twenty leaving behind him one son by name,Mir Abdur Razack, who was afterwards
so celebrated under the titles of Shah Nawaz Khan Samsam-ud-Daula Bahadur.

Mir Abdur Razack Shah Nawaz Khan Samsam-ud-Daula Bahadur was born at
Lahore on the 29th Ramzan 1111 Hijri and while quite young came down to the Deccan
and resided at Aurangabad. His Highness the first Nizam Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk,
while acting as Viceroy of the Deccan, conferred an office upon him and shortly
afterwards the Emperor appointed him as minister in the province of Berar. In this
capacity he remained for a considerable time and so distinguished himself for integrity
and ability that Nawab Asaf Jah Bahadur once remarked that “his acts bear the stamp
of glory and faithfulness”.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 173

When, after the death of Asaf Jah, his son Nawab Nasir-ud-Daula succeeded him,
he sent for Nawab Samsam-ud-Daula from the Berars and made him his Dewan. He
administered the province so ably and judiciously that when the Nizam left for Delhi at
the command of the Emperor he left the province in charge of Samsam-ud-Daula and
before departing gave him a gold signet ring with the remark “This is the seal of Solomon
the prophet”.

When Salabat Jung Amir-ul-Mubarik went to Aurangabad, he sent for Samsam-

ud-Daula and made him mediator between himself and the Imperial Minister and
conferred on him a monthly hereditary honorarium of Rs. 7000 with 7000 horse and
7000 foot to keep up his dignity.

Nawab Samsam-ud-Daula received the command on the 4th Safar 1167 Hijri and
for four years he performed the services of principal adviser to the second Nizam. He
set - the affairs of the State on a better footing and reorganized its finances. He further
established an equilibrium between income and expenditure, despite large demands
on the treasury and even asserted that he would shortly be in a position to show a
surplus balance.

In the year 1168 Hijri, the Nawab accompanied Asaf Jah on an expedition against
the Raja of Mysore who paid an indemnity of fifty lakhs of rupees and so bought himself
off, as it were. In the same year Alamgir the second conferred on him the honours of
Mahi and Maratib which are only conferred on royal personages. In 1170 Hijri, Nawab
Samsam-ud-Daula determined on finishing the Mahratta leader Ramchander and
accomplished his purpose.

He accompanied Asaf Jah the second to Lahore where he came near losing his life
on account of Hyder Jung’s machinations. On the 26th Rajab 1171 Hijri he was taken
prisoner along with his children and assassinated along with his youngest son on the
3rd Ramzan 1171 Hijri.

His son Mir Abdul Hye Khan Samsam Jung, Samsam-ud-Daula, Samsam-ul-Mulk
was appointed Minister for the Berars and in the reign of Salabat Jung, Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the fort of Daulatabad. He continued for a considerable time
in this office and also acted as minister in the Deccan. He went to Lahore at the request
of his uncle, who, with the consent of Mir Askari Khan, appointed him Commander of

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174 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

the fort of Shorapur. He died in 1196 Hijri, leaving behind him three sons. They were
Mir Kasim Ali Khan (who was commander of the Nizam’s forces) Mir Kamal-ud-din
Khan, and Mir Qazim Ali Khan. The last had two sons, Mir Ashkar Ali Khan; and Mir
Abbas Ali Khan, Nizam Yar Jung, Nizam Yar-ud-Daula, Hasam-ul-Mulk Hasam-ul-
Umrah, Khan Khanan Bahadur.


Khan Khanan Bahadur was a born soldier. When war broke out between Tippu
Sultan of Mysore and the Nizam, he served the latter in a most distinguished manner
and was latterly sent by the Nizam to punish Mahipat Ram who rebelled against the
ruler. When British troops, in accord with an understanding, were sent against Mubariz-
ud-Daula, Khan Khanan accompanied them and made his name famous by an act of
rare courage. Facing the walls, he determined on scaling them and over-awing Mubariz-
ud-Daula in person. Accordingly setting up a ladder against the wall, he scaled it and
entered the palace fully armed. Nawab Mubariz-ud-Daula was astonished at the sight
of him and admiring his courage saluted him. In recognition of his meritorious services,
the Nizam conferred on him jagirs yielding an annual income of twenty two lakhs of
rupees. He was present at the battle of Khurla against the Marathas and distinguished
himself. The Nizam was not successful as his army was greatly inferior in numbers to
the Maratha forces. He died in the same year (1795 A. D.) leaving behind him a son Mir
Ghulam Hussain Khan.

Mir Ghulam Hussain Khan Fakhr-ul-Mulk, Hasam-ud-Daula, Safdar Jung, like his
ancestors rendered great services to the State and his sovereign. When the Indian Mutiny
broke out he was entrusted with the duty of looking after the safety of all Englishmen.
Nawab Sir Salar Jung had the greatest confidence in him and would often consult him
on important military problems: By the aid of Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur, the English were
safely escorted to the British frontier. He died leaving behind him two sons, namely
Mir Asad Ali Khan, Nawab Nizam Yar Jung, Nizam Yar-ud-Daula, Hasam-ul-Mulk,
Khan Khanan Bahadur, and Nawab Mir Sarfaraz Hussain Khan, Safdar Jung, Musheer-
ud-Daula, Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 175

The subject of this sketch was born on the 15th Moharrum 1277 Hijri and received
his education under able tutors in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English. Like His Highness
the late Nizam he was a very keen sportsman and mingled very freely with British
officers. He is a great admirer of the British for their character, manners and customs.
He was the first nobleman in Hyderabad to adopt western ways in domestic matters,
and has set an example to others. His Highness the late Nizam treated him as a friend
and took him with him to the Imperial Darbar held in Delhi in 1877, later to Aurangabad
in 1883, and to Calcutta in 1884 to attend the International Exhibition, and two years
later accorded the honour of receiving the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava and to
accompany him to Aurangabad.

He was for a considerable time a member of the Council of Regency during the
minority of His Highness the late Nizam and, in addition, carried on work as Minister
for the Police and later for the Judicial Departments. In recognition of his services the
late Nizam conferred on him the title of “ Vazir” and his official designation was
“Vazir-wo-Moin-ul-Maham-i. Adalat-wo-Umoor-e-Amah. He was for some time a
member of the Cabinet Council of the Nizam’s Government and Vice-President of the
Executive Council. He was also in charge of the Court of Wards by direct orders of the
late Nizam.

Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur has served the State long and loyally and well
deserves his period of retirement in which one wishes him all contentment and peace
coupled with the consciousness of having done his duties nobly and well during a long
period of public life.

He has five sons, Nawab Fakhr Jung Bahadur, Subedar of Gulshanabad Division,
Nawab Rais Jung Bahadur, Director of Veterinary Department and Nawab Rais Yar
Jung Badadur Deputy Military Secretary. They are zealous Moslems and highly
respected in private and publie life.

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176 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 177

Nawab Behram-ud-Daula Bahadur

AWAB Mir Dawar Ali Khan, Behram Jung, Behram-ud-Daula, is one of
the eleven leading noblemen of the State who are considered to constitute
the body of Umra-e-Uzzam, who, in rank, come next to the members of
the royal family and those that are immediately connected with it by blood. He is related
on the one side to the family of Nawab Khan-i-Khanan Bahadur and Nawab Fakhr-ul-
Mulk Bahadur, and, on the other, to the family of Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur, whose
aunt, the daughter of Sir Salar Jung Bahadur the first, the Nawab married. His family is
related also to the family of the late Nawab Mukram-ud-Daula Bahadur, one of the
Azim-ul-Umras. Thus, we see by his own rank and connections, Nawab Behram-ud-
Daula Bahadur holds one of the highest positions in the ranks of State nobility and
enjoys an esteem and regard which is heightened by the respect paid to his exemplary
character and religious life.

The Nawab’s immediate ancestor was Syed Imam Ali Khan, Behram-ud-Daula, a
nobleman in the service of the Delhi Emperor. He was one of the four Muhammadan
nobles who accompanied Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk to the Deccan. Thus it is seen that
the political connection of the Behram-ud-Daula family with the State of Hyderabad
goes back to the early days of Asaf Jah’s Subedarship of the Deccan and is on that
account a particularly honourable one entitling it to special respect.

Syed Imam Ali Khan’s native place was Sirsee in the Moradabad district where he
enjoyed a great reputation, being known as “the great Syed” or “ Barhan “. After his
death, his son Syed Zainulab-ud-din Khan, succeeded him and was granted the village
of Saresgaon in the Berars as a jagir. He was subsequently created Behram-ul-Mulk
and made Governor of Ellichpur and then Qilladar (Commandant) of the fort of Nirmal
with the command of three thousand Cavalry.

The next in line of descent was Syed Akil Khan who held the jagir of Kulpak. He
was, it is stated, held in so great an esteem by his sovereign, Nawab Secunder Jah
.Bahadur, the third Nizam, that, besides bestowing fresh jagirs yielding a revenue of a
lakh of rupees yearly and a mansab of Rs. 7000, he was privileged to have “Palki Jhaldar”,
“Nakkara“ and “Alum “, together with the command of three thousand horse. He was
a nobleman and as amiable as he was brave, but rather given to display and ostentation,

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178 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

though he was a very religious-minded man and strict in his adherence to traditions. It
was his unbroken custom to solemnize the Mohorrum “MajIis” on a grand scale every
year at his palace which “Hussaini Mahal” was, on the marriage of his daughter to the
Nawab Shahab Jung Bahadur, given away in dowry. This nobleman passed away in
1232 Hijri.

His son, Syed Akil Khan Bahadur, succeeded him to all his possessions and honours.
It is recorded that he was a man of dauntless courage and prodigious physical strength.
He was the person who was mainly instrumental in suppressing many of the rebellions
of that period led by turbulent zamindars, srveral of whom were aprehended and
imprisoned. Kistna Reddy, one of the most notorious of free-booters, was slain by him
in a hand to hand encounter at the battle of Rakhapur. He died of apoplexy when
returning from a pilgrimage to Mecca and was buried near Secunderabad by the side
of his son-in-law Mustakim-ud-Daula Bahadur.

His son Syed Zainulabdin Khan, then succeeded him at the age of fifteen and later
received from the Nizam the title of Sarwar Jung along with a mansab. Like his father
he was an exceedingly courageous man and was passionately devoted to sports. He
was an intrepid big game hunter and had a few thrilling encounters with tigers and
other ferocious animals of our jungles. He married the sister of Sir Salar Jung the first,
who was then Prime Minister. He passed away in his forty eighth year.

He was succeeded hy his son, Mir Bahadur Ali Khan Sarwar Jung, who was a
simple good hearted man and a general favourite among his brother peers. He married
a sister of the present Nawab Fakhr-ul-Mulk Bahadur and met his death while out
shooting with his brother-in-law. His gun slipping from his hand, fell on the bottom of
the howdah and the bullet came out on account of the impact and struck him fatally.
This melancholy tagedy created profound sorrow in his family circles and was mourned
by brother peers who, as has been already said, had deep affection for him for the
simplicity of his character and entire absence of pride.

His son, Mir Dawar Ali Khan, who succeeded him is the present Nawab Behram-
ud-Daula Bahadur. He was born in Hyderabad on the 11 th August 1865.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 179

He was a pupil at the Noble’s school, studying along with the two sons of Sir Salar
Jung. After completing his studies there he was sent to England where he remained for
some years receiving a very liberal education in English, Arabic and Persian. Returning
to Hyderabad, he married Sir Salar Jung’s younger daughter. This was during the
Ministry of Sir Salar Jung the second and the event was celebrated with unusual pomp
and splendour and is still remembered by many.

Nawab Behram-ud-Daula did not enter State service with any ambition to shine or
succeed in it. It may be said that he was more or less forced into it by Sir Salar Jung the
second who appointed him Secretary in charge of Miscellanous affairs. He later officiated
for a time Judicial Minister. On the death of his brother-in-law, Salar Jung the second,
the Nizam appointed him as President of the Committee of management of the Salar
Jung Estates. That position he filled with credit. Like Nawab Sarwar Jung he performs
the Majlis ceremony on a grand scale and from five to six thousand people used to
assemble at his palace to hear the addresses.

Of good physique and robust build the Nawab is a great lover of all manly sports
and runs an annual cricket tournament which is very popular in the Deccan. In his
younger days he was a keen tennis player and a great hunter, showing the intrepedity
and dauntless courage of many of his ancestors. The Nawab is a keen and zealous
adherent of Islam and on this account is greatly honoured by all. In social matters he is
both a conservative and a liberal, adhereing to beneficent and honourable ancient
traditions while not hesitating to go forward, if the cause was good and circumstances

The Nawab has four sons and four daughters.

The former are :-Syed Turab Ali Khan, born 3rd December 1885. Syed Zainulabdin
Khan, born 23rd October 1889, Syed Riaz Ahmed Khan, born 18th September 1899.
Syed Mohammad Amin Khan, born 18th October 1901.

All these young noblemen are in Government service, except the second son who
is managing the Mukram-ud-Daula estates. The youngest son who is a Bachelor of
Science is a member of the higher staff of the Transportation Department of the G. I. P.
Railway. Of the other two, one is in the Revenue and the other in the Judicial

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180 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 181

The late Raja Sheoraj Dharmwant Bdr

HE early history of the illustrious family of Raja Rajman Raja Sheoraj
Dharmwant Bahadur, noted banker and jagirdar of the Hyderabad State,
is only obtainable in a skeleton form on account of a tragedy which befell
the family when some years ago their old house in Shajahanabad in the United Provinces
collapsed (it is conjectured through an earthquake) burying in the debris all the inmates
except the infant Raja Sagar Mull. However, from the few old records available it can
be safely stated that the family was directly connected by blood with the Raja Raghunath,
the famous Grand Vazir of Delhi during the regime of Emperor Aurangazeb. This
information is also based on certain statements contained in the “Mushahir-ul-Umra “.
The infant orphan Raja Sagar Mull was brought up by no less a person than the great
Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk, the first Nizam, who was then a Minister of the Moghul
Emperor. Asaf Jah showed the helpless and orphaned infant so much paternal care
and kindness that he was regarded as one of his own sons. When Nawab Asaf Jah
Bahadur came to the Deccan he obtained Imperial sanction to take Raja Sagar Mull
with him. This is the reason why the term “Asaf Jahi” which means followers of Asaf
Jah is affixed to the names of the members of this family and is found in the seals of the
Raja and his successors.

When he reached the years of maturity Raja Sagar Mull proved to be a man of such
sound sense and calm judgment that his patron and foster-father, Nawab Asaf Jah
Bahadur, appointed him as “Moharrir” (Mir Munshi) in the Daftr-i-Dewani ( the
Minister’s office of the six Subadharis of the Deccan) and then was entrusted with the
responsible office of “Sar Dafter” (head of the office) of the same Department. In this
important office he continued till his death, discharging his duties and fulfilling his
responsibilities with conscientious zeal and loyalty to his great master. It is a historical
fact to be noted that no less than seven hundred “Musadies” ( clerks) of high rank
worked under him and carried out the clerical work of the Government under his direct
control and supervision (vide GuIzar Asafia-page 253).

After the death of Raja Sagar Mull, his elder son Bhawani Das was vested with the
hereditary titles and given the high office held by his father. This gracious act was due
to Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, the second Nizam. Raja Bhawani Das discharged
his duties as efficiently as his father and was so faithful and loyal that His Highness
was pleased to grant him the hereditary title of “Dharmwant Bahadur”. He was also

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182 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

presented with costly jewels and a mansab. His services to the State were eulogised by
His Highness in a “Parwana Set-esh-Nama” (Royal letters patent) under the royal seal
and signature. This ”Parwana” is still preserved by the family and greatly cherished as
a precious heirloom.

His younger brother Raja Durga Das Dyawant was appointed in 1199 Hijri to
the honoured post of “Peshkari Bakshi-ul-Mulk” which he faithfully discharged to the
entire satisfaction of his master. In appreciation of this the Nizam made rich presents of
jewellery and costly dresses and bestowed on him a mansab of Rs. 3000 with permission
to have a Cavalry of 2000 horse and with an Alum and Naqara befitting his position.

Raja Bhawani Das died in 1213 Hijri and was succeeded by his son Raja Keval
Kishen who faithfully walked in the footsteps of his illustrious father. But during the
regime of Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur, on account of his ill health, his official duties
were discharged by Raja Kushal Chand, son of Raja Durga Das, his uncle. He died in
1228 Hijri.

Raja Kushal Chand, son of Raja Durga Das, discharged very ably the official duties
of Daftar-i-Dewani in the life time of Raja Keval Kishen. One of the most important
points to be remembered in connection with his services is the satisfactory manner in
which he carried out the work of Daftar-i-”Mal”. His wide experience was occasionally
availed of by the Madar-ul-Maham ( Prime Minister) to whom he acted in many cases
as adviser. In recognition of this he was presented in 1332 Hijri with five jewels of great
value. He died in 1245 Hijri and was succeeded by his eldest son Ujigar Chand. He had
four sons.

Raja Ujigar Chand was granted the title of Rai Bahadur. His splendid services to
the Nizam, Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur, earned for him a rich jagir and a mansab of
Rs. 7000 with a right to have a cavalry of 2000 horse with “Alum” and “Naqara”. He
effected many reforms in the system of “Mal” which increased the revenue during the
regimes of their Highnesses Nawab Sikandar Jah and Nawab Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur.
As a further mark of favour and honour he was granted the highly coveted office of
“Watan Qanungoi” of Subah of Mohamedabad, Bidar, in 1246 Hijri. On his death in
1262 Hijri his brother, Raja Ram Pershad Lala Bahadur, came in possession of his estates.

Raja Ram Pershad Lala Bahadur further enhanced the dignity and reputation of
his family. He was granted the ”Watan “ of Qanungoi Suba Hijduabad in 1250 Hijri
and appointed to the hereditary post of Sar Daftar-i-Mal in 1293. After the suspension
of Raja Ram Buksh from the Peshkari and Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk from the Dewanship,
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 183

His Highness the Nizam Nasir-ud-Daula was graciously pleased to order him to look
after all the duties of these posts. He discharged the duties of both the Peshkari and
Madar-ul-Maham from the 2nd Zilhaj 1266 Hijri to the 28 Shaban 1268 Hijri, till the re-
assumption of office by Siraj-ul-Mulk. After the death of Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk Bahadur
he recommended to His Highness the appointment of Nawab Mukhtar-ul-Mulk, Salar
Jung I for the Prime Ministership and Raja Narainder Bahadur for the Peshkarship and
assured His Highness of their efficiency. His Highness the Nizam held him in high
esteem for his unflinching loyalty and the two noblemen were ever grateful for his
assistance and advice, which he from time to time gave them. The untimely death of his
young son having deprived him of that energy for and interest in public affairs which
he formerly showed, he gave a large share of his work to his nephew, Raja Indarjit
Bahadur, the elder son of Raja Ujigar Chand.


Raja Indarjit Bahadur succeeded to the post of Qanungoi in 1275 and was honoured
with the office of Sar Daftar-i-Mal in 1278.

Raja Indarjit Bahadur acquired the knowledge of the work within a short time and
his intelligence, sagacity, courtesy and loyalty made him popular before long. He was
a scholar in Persian and Sanskrit, and was acquainted with accounts and office work,
and made a splendid study of English along with Nawab Salar Jung I. Many learned
Pandits and Moulvies found in him a liberal patron of culture. He gave large grants of
jagirs, donations “navvarath “ and “sadabarth“ to temples. He died in 1292 leaving
behind him four sons, Raja Sheoraj Dharmwant Bahadur, Raja Ram Raj Bahadur, Raja
Murli Manohar Bahadur and Raja Lochan Chand Bahadur; the eldest of whom Raja
Sheoraj Dharmwant Bahadur succeeded him.


Raja Rajman Raja Sheoraj Dharmwant Bahadur was born 1264 H. He possessed all
the talents and merits of his ancestors. He knew English and was a scholar in Persian
and Sanskrit. His father Indrajit Bahadur took special care in training him in Government
work over which he acquired a mastery in a brief space of time. He introduced many
reforms both in revenue and judicial affairs. His faultless disposal of intricate and delicate
cases, his wonderful capacity for work and his sound judgment at once raised him high
in the estimation of Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur I, who praised him for his rare qualities
in terms of high appreciation in durbars and in private letters to the Raja’s father at his
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184 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 185

jagir town of Tadikunta. On the occasion of his marriage His Highness the late Nizam
honoured him with the present of a costly “sarpench” and “har”. The title of Raja
Bahadur was bestowed on him in 1291 Hijri and the next year, on the death of his
father, a mourning dress consisting of a costly “dushala” was sent to him by His Highness
the Nizam. On the 7th Rabi-us-Sani 1297 Hijri he was given full powers over his ancestral
jagirs together with the “Daftar-i-Shahi” and according to custom, “Anan”, “Chanwar”,
“Jhalardar Palki”, “Aftabgiri, “Chuthar”, “Naubath“, and “Roshan Chowki” were
granted to him befitting his dignity. In 1300 H. the Sanad of Qanungoi was granted to
him in perpetuity. In 1312 Hijri the tittle of Raja-i-Rajman and in 1315 Hijri that of
Dharmwant Bahadur were bestowed on him with the present of a pearl necklace and a
“Sarpench”. In addition to being the head of the “Daftar-i-Mal” he was also the
Sheristadar of “Mansabs “, Jamiath of Dewani Ilaqa and “Asham” of Sarf-i-khas. The
office Of “Mansabs and Titles” was also under him.

It was through him that Jagirdars and holders of Samasthans were presented to
His Highness the Nizam and the Prime Minister. Whenever princes, chiefs or noblemen
of British India or of foreign countries visited Hyderabad, it was his hereditary privilege
to receive and entertain them on behalf of His Highness the Nizam. He had his own
law courts, police and other departments of State and his decision in cases concerning
the people of his jagirs was final. He would be found at his work from morning till late
in the evening, minutely studying all cases that went up to him for decision. He had a
retentive memory and remembered almost every important detail of cases decided.
When Lord Ripon, the Governor General and Viceroy of India, returned from
Hyderabad, after installing the Nizam on the throne, a deputation of grandees and
noblemen of Hyderabad waited on His Excellency in Calcutta and the Raja was, by an
order of His Highness the late Nizam, appointed leader of this deputation. When Sir
Salar Jung I appointed a committee for deciding important cases relating to local
noblemen, he made the Raja as its chairman.

The Raja took a deep interest in educational matters. In memory of the installation
ceremony of His Highness the late Nizam he started a school at his own expense at
Enkral, one of his jagir towns. Another school, viz: the Dharmwant Anglo-Vernacular
school, where English, Sanskrit, Persian and Urdu are taught, was established by him
near his residence about thirty years ago. It has in recent years so flourished that it has
on its rolls at present upwards of 200 boys, whose work is directed by a staff of able and
efficient teachers. Another school, the Dharma Pracharak Patasala was started by him
in the city of Hyderabad. The soundness of the principle of imparting free elementary

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186 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

education was realised by him as long ago as thirty five years, and instruction in all his
schools is given free. There are many other schools of this type in his jagirs and all of
them are worked at very great expense. He was a supporter of many institutions outside
Hyderabad State, the most important among them being the Central Hindu College of
Benares and the Kayastha Patasala of Allahabad. He had, besides, instituted many
scholarships for the benefit of poor and deserving students at several centres of

The Raja had travelled throughout the length and breadth of India, and wherever
he went he left behind him a permanent memorial to his name by awarding donations
to institutions and granting mansabs and dargahs. His ”biradari“ people (caste men)
and relations in Hyderabad, who number over four hundred, were all supported by
him. Other public causes, such as the founding of hospitals, relief funds etc. always
received his warm and unhesitating support. He died in the year 1343 Hijri, leaving
behind him his widow, and Raja Inder Karan, Raja Dharam Karan and Raja Mahboob
Karan, the three sons of his second brother, the late Raja Murli Manohar Asif Nawazwant
and Raja Manohar Raja, son of his younger brother, the late Raja Lochan Chand Bahadur.
His estates are now administered by a committee appointed by His Exalted Highness
the Nizam.

The Raja had only one son, Raja Shanker Raj Bahadur, who predeceased him. He
was born in 1314 Hijri. He passed the Hyderabad Middle School Examination at an
early age and received higher education under the charge of university men of repute.
He was an intelligent young nobleman who sought every available avenue of acquiring
knowledge and received training in “Sarkari work” under competent men. On the
occasion of the Silver Jubilee of His Highness the late Nizam he was honoured with the
title of Raja Bahadur. He had the honour of presenting to His Exalted Highness the
Nizam with a casket on behalf of the subjects of the Dominions. He gave ample evidence
of a worthy successor to his illustrious father. He died of typhoid fever in the month of
Shaban 1338 Hijri to the great regret of his family. He left no children but a young
widow to bemoan his loss.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 187

Late Raja Rao Rambha Jayawant Bdr.

T must be stated at the outset of this biography that at the moment of writing
there is no legally recognized male representative of the house, to bear the
traditions and titles of the family of the first Raja Rao Rambha Nimbalkar
Bahadur. If there be one he would rank as an Azim-ul-Umrah, and counted as one of
the eleven chief nobles of the state coming next to the Paigah nobles who are allied. by
matrimony, to the reigning house. The last member of the house, the third Raja Rao
Rambha Jayawant Bahadur, the only son of Raja Khande Rao Bahadur, passed away in
1334 Fasli leaving behind him only two daughters, Gojra Bai and Tara Bai who are now
married. The Rani, Gora Bai died a year ago.

The Jagirs are under the administration of the Court of Wards by order of His
Exalted Highness the Nizam.

The ancestors of the last Raja Rao Rambha Bahadur, who were Kshatriyas of the
Suraj Bansi clan of Maharashtra, lived in a place called Nimbala near Delhi and were
consequently known as Nimbalkars. They were related to the family of the first Raja
Sivaji Chhattrapathi Bhonsle of Nagpur whose eldest daughter was married to one of
the Nimbalkars.

The Nimbalkars being Maratha Kshatriyas were warriors and always nursed the
militant spirit and were loyally and devoutly attached to the person of their chiefs.

The first Raja, Rhambaji Baji Rao, was born at the court of the Raja of Sagnapur.
Being a posthumous child his education and upbringing were undertaken by the Raja.
He became not only learned but acquired the science of war and was counted as one of
the most reliable leaders of men. His achievements excited the envy of the Sagnapur
courtiers who intrigued against him and eagerly awaited an opportunity to tarnish his
reputation and bring about his downfall. When an opportunity did present itself they
immediately seized it and the result was that the young Raja was imprisoned at
Shahjahanabad during the time of the Emperor Shah Alam. It is related that close to the
prison there was an “Imam Bara” where “Alams” were installed and the unhappy
prisoner on seeing them made a vow that should be escape, or be freed, from prison he
would celebrate Moharrum yearly, although a Hindu. It so happened that the very

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188 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


next day the Emperor ordered him to be set free and brought before him. Returning
home he bought “Alams” and performed all the necessary ceremonies in fulfilment of
his vow made in prison. We are informed that since then the family of Nimbalkar has
been observing this ceremony and spending Rs. 1200 every year over illumination and
the feeding of the poor during the ten days of Moharrum.

The Emperor, it is stated, presented robes of honour to Rhambaji Rao and conferred
on him the title of “Raja Bahadur”, granting him at the same time Jagirs bringing in an
annual revenue of fifty two lakhs of rupees.

After his death, his son Raja Janoji Jaswant Rao succeeded to the Jagirs, but owing
to the disturbed character of the times he thought it best to accompany Asaf Jah Nizam-
ul-Mulk to the Deccan. While in Hyderabad he won the esteem and regard of Asaf Jah
Bahadur by the soundness of his learning, heroism and excellence of conduct. On his

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 189

death he was succeeded by his son, Raja Anand Rao, who was a brave soldier and
always took part in military enterprises.



Raja Anand Rao’s only son, Raja Baji Rao, otherwise known as Raja Rao Rambha
Jayawant Bahadur, who was then in residence in Aurangabad came to Hyderabad by a
command of His Highness the Nizam. Like his forefathers he gave a good account of
himself as a soldier. It is stated that when once the Nizam was seated on his Masnad an
intractable buffalo rushed into the court and made for the dais. The Raja who was near
His Highness had the presence of mind to draw his sword and bury it deep into the
heart of the beast. He died at the ripe age of 104, respected and honoured by all.

By his Rani he had only one son, namely Raja Khande Rao Arjun Bahadur who
died in 1857 A. D. leaving two sons, namely, Raja Baji Rao Raja Rao Rambha Jayawant
Bahadur and Raja Anand Rao Bahadur. The former passed away issueless in 1298 Hijri.
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190 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His younger brother Raja Anand Rao’s son, Raja Kande Rao Jayawant Bahadur,
succeeded to the Jagirs after his father’s death. As he was a minor, his Jagirs passed
under Court of Wards administration and were released in 1895 A.D. during the Prime
Ministership of the late Sir Vicar-ul-Mulk Bahadur.


By a farman of H. E. H. the Nizam the ]agirs were equally divided between the two
daughters. Raja Khande Rao died and Rani Gaura Bai also passed away. After the demise
of these two, the Jagirs and the protection of Rani Tara Bai came under the Court of
Wards. On the 16th Aban 1339 F. at the initiative and personal influence of Maharaja
Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, Rani Tara Bai’s marriage took place with Raja Man Singh
Rao Sindhe, younger brother of the brother-in-law of Maharaja of Kolhapur. The latter
family is wellknown and highly reputed in Kolhapur. The estate yields an annual income
of Rs. 70,000 per annum.

King Koti,
1st Jamadi-ul-awal 1352 Hijri.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 191


After perusing the Arazdasht of the Revenue Department dated 29th Zilhaj 1551
H. (25th April 1933), in connection with succession of the late Jagirdar Khande Rao
Rambha the 3rd

In accordance with the opinion of the Committee of Atyat and Sadar-e-Azam

Bahadur, the succession of the deceased is granted in the name of his elder daughter,
Gajara Bai, the younger daughter Tara Bai, being granted the Shikmidari of equal share,
having 5% Haquai Malikana of the Government, and out of the accumulated amount
Rs. 10,000 should be ear-marked for Tara Bai’s marriage and the balance of the amount
distributed equally between the two sisters.

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192 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His son Raja Rao Rambha Bahadur succeeded to the estate and received the title of
“Jayawant Bahadur”. He was a well educated man, just and generous and held in the
highest esteem by Hindus and Muslims. He lived a very retired and quiet life and
passed away in 1334 Fasli, his Rani following him the next year. She left behind her no
male heir. Her two daughters Gajra Bai and Tara Bai, who are now married, are
contesting ownership of the estates which are under the Court of Wards.




Raja Sivaji Rao, who married Gajara Bai, the eldest daughter of Rao Rambha
belongs to the Thorati Dinkar Rao family of Maharashtra, which commands a position
and dignity of its own. He was educated at the Rajkumar College at Rajkote and like his
father-in-law is very kind and courteous.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 193


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194 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mir Mehdi Ali Khan,
Mehdi Jung Bahadur

AWAB Mir Mehdi Ali Khan Bahadur, son of the late Nawab Shah Yar
Jung Bahadur, is one of the ninth Umera-e-Uzzam of his time, greatly
loved and respected, belongs to a very old and distinguished family of
Hyderabad, and is related by blood to the Nawab of Banganapalli an independent ruler
of a small state in the Madras Presidency.

Records go to show that the ancestors of Shah Yar Jung’s family belonged to Persia
and some of them occupied eminent positions there. One of them was Prime Minister
in Tabriz and it was after his death that his younger son, Syed Tahir Ali Khan, turned
towards India and landing on the westeren shores of India travelled straight to the
capital of the kingdom of Bijapur, while his elder brother, Syed Gulam Ali Khan,
succeeded his father as Prime Minister. The king of Bijapur, Ibrahim Adil Shah, received
him with courtesy and extended to him all the hospitality of his court commensurate
with the dignity of the guest’s rank and ancestral history in Persia.

Tahir Ali Khan married Khattoona Begum, the only daughter of Syed Asad Ali
Khan Lori, the Prime Minister of Bijapur.

After the Syed’s death, the king of Bijapur offered the Dewanship to his son-in-
law, Syed Tahir All Khan, who accepted the generous offer and discharged his duties
with considerable tact and ability. He had two sons, Muzaffar Ali Khan (alias Wali
Saheb) and Syed Muhammed Ali Khan, who was popularly known as “Naqdi“ or
prompt paymaster. He married the daughter of Muhammed Beg Khan Lung (nephew
of Mobariz Khan, the Prime Minister of Shah Alam) and ruler of Banganapalli, and, by
her, had two sons, named Syed Hussain Ali Khan Nawab Bahadur and Syed Asad Ali

Fazal Ali Khan, son of Muhammed Beg Khan, had no children and, therefore,
adopted as his heir and successor his nephew Syed Hussain Ali Khan. And Syed Hussain
Ali Khan in time became the ruler of Banganapalli State, which is still in the hands of
his descendants. Syed Husain Ali Khan, being of martial turn of mind and an
opportunist, offered his services to Hyder Ali of Mysore at a time when the latter was
at the height of glory.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 195

Hyder Ali, who was a warrior himself and always took the command in the field,
recognising Syed Hussain Ali Khan’s abilities appointed him as the Commander-in-
Chief of his armies and entrusted him with all affairs connected with reorganization,
regulations and general upkeep of the army. After serving faithfully for some years,
and well Hyder Ali and his son, the famous Tippu Sultan, Syed Hussain Ali Khan died
and Tippu Sultan, who mourned his death asked Asad Ali Khan, the brother of the
deceased, to select some one from his sons to succeed him as Commander-in-Chief.
Asad Ali Khan, however, did not relish the idea. No reasons are recorded, but it is not
difficult to conjecture tbat Asad Ali Khan, an able and farsighted man began to entertain
doubts as to the possible permanency of Tippu’s rulership over Mysore and the
conquered territory and decided that the best thing would be not to accept the offer of
the appointment of Commander-in-Chief for any of his nephews and invole his family
in difficulties. Without giving any definite reply to Tippu Sultan, he left for Hyderabad,
taking with him his two nephews, Ghulam Ali Khan Mansoor-ud-Daula, and Mustafa
Ali Khan Shah Yar-ul-Mulk. His Highness the Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur was
then on the masnad of Hyderabad, and Nawab Arastu Jah Bahadur, the Prime Minister.
Under instructions from the Nizam, Arastu Jah Bahadur arranged for a fitting reception
for the incoming guests and sent his own brother, Noor-ul-Umra, to receive them at a
distance and himself went as far as the city gates to welcome them. After the guests had
stayed in Hyderabad for some time, tbe Nizam conferred on Syed Asad Ali Khan the
title of Muzaffar-ul-Mulk and placed him at the head of his armies.

Asad Ali Khan soon had occasion to justify his selection. Warring against the
Marathas he defeated them in a pitched battle. Along with him were his nephews who
distinguished themselves as well as their uncle. Nizam Ali Khan was so pleased with
the success attained that he gave tbe uncle and nephews all the plunder gathered on
the field of battle and also presented them with the colours of gold cloth captured in
battle which are still in the family. Luck did not attend him in a subsequent battle
which was fought at Khurdla. He met the enemy who was superior in number and
showed his prowess. He sent for reinforcements which unfortunately did not arrive in
time. This mishap turned the scale of the battle against him and he was vanquished.
Asad Ali Khan as a warrior proved his mettle in many a battle which he fought alongside
of the English against Tippu and the Maharattas. His nephew, Mustafa Ali Khan Shah
Yar-ul-Mulk, received the jagirs of Alipoor, Ausa, Adki, Tandoori, Chittapur and
Pudmal, out of which Tandoor and Chittapur are still in the possession of the family.
His elder brother, Ghulam Ali Khan Mansoor-ud-Daula, went back to Banganapalli
and stayed there. Syed Fazal Ali Khan, the present Nawab of Banganapalli, is his descendant.

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196 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mustafa Ali Khan Shah Yar-ul-Mulk, married the daughter of Mali Mian,
the only son of Arastu Jah Bahadur ; thus he became brother-in-law of His Highness
Sikandar Jah Bahadur. In other words Nawab Sikandar Jah ,and Shah Yar-ul-Mulk


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 197

married sisters. His rank and nobility in public and private life won for him the highest
honours which the court could bestow on him as the following portrait depicts. He had
two sons, named Ronuq Ali Khan (Shah Yar-l1l-Mulk II) and Abbas Ali Khan.

‘The late Nawab ‘Suraiya Jung Bahadur was the descendant of Nawab Abbas Ali
Khan Bahadur, whose two sons, Syed Ahmed Ali Khan and Syed Saadat Ali Khan, are
still alive.


Nawab Ronuq Ali Khan Shah Yar-ul-Mulk’s marriage was solemnised with great
pomp and His Highness Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur, the Nizam, graced the occasion
with his presence and gave several valuable presents to the bridegroom. When His
Highness Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla Bahadur, was Nizam the office of Dewan fell vacant,
and among the nominees was Nawab Shah Yar-ul-Mulk Bahadur II proposed by Hon’ble
the Resident. He was strongly recommended to the Nizam. Two sons were born of
him, Syed Mehdi Ali Khan Shamsheer Jung I and Syed Hussain Ali Khan Imdad Jung.
The latter had no issue.
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198 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 199


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200 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Shamsheer Jung I was an excellent organizer and in tbe early days of the late Nizam,
Nawab Sir Mir Mahbub Ali Khan, was appointed with the nobles of Paigah as an
attendant on him and accompanied him to Delhi on his first visit. He was one of the
four ministers under Nawab Sir Salar lung Bahadur who mentioned his name in his
speech at the royal banquet in England, the particulars of which are given in “ Murakka-
e-Ibrat “. He worthily occupied a seat in the Council of State. He had two sons namely
Syed Abdul Ali Khan Shah Yar lung and Syed Ali Muhommed Khan Shamsheer Jung


After the death of Shamsheer lung, his son, Syed Abdul Ali Khan, succeeded him
and managed the affairs of his jagir under the direction of his uncle Nawab Sir Mahbub
Ali Khan Bahadur. While staying at Maula Ali during the urs he visited the residence
of Nawab Imdad and accepted nazar. Nawab Abdul Ali Khan went to Iraq and after
staying there for a few months returned with a splendid string of horses. Soon after his
arrival His Highness the Nizam Sir Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, paid a surprise

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 201

visit to Shah Yar Jung’s palace and inspected the horses which pleased him much as he
was himself an excellent judge of horses of all breeds. He accepted a nazar on that
occasion also. On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, His Highness the Nizam
conferred on the Nawab the title of Shah Yar Jung Bahadur. Being fond of travelling, he
visited England twice and toured all over Europe and while there showed especial
interest in the arts and also industries and on refurning from his last visit founded an


institution called “Sanat-i-Hind”. He continued to show his interest in the Sanat-i-Hind

and all local industries and productions in the realm of art and took a genuine delight
in all forms of sport and study. He was very simple in his habits of life and in his will
gave explicit instructions that no pomp should attend his funeral. He married a daughter
of Nawab Fateh Ali Khan, ruler of Banganapalli, and left behind him two sons, Nawab
Mir Mehdi Ali Khan Bahadur and Nawab Syed Hadi Ali Khan Bahadur, besides two
daughters, the elder of whom is the wife of Nawab Zawar Ali Khan, a direct descendant
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202 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

of Nawab Mansoor-ud-Daula, the younger being the wife of Nawab Sultan Ali Khan,
great grandson of Nawab Noor-ul-Umra, the brother of Arastu Jah. His son is named
Nawab Arshad Ali Khan. He died in 1347 Hijri honoured and respected by all.

His eldest son, Nawab Mir Mehdi-Ali Khan Bahadur, was educated locally and
also at Madras, Bombay and Aligarh. For twenty years he managed the administration
of his estates under the direction of his father and now the burden is entirely on his
shoulders. He succeeded his father five years ago and during this short period of his
regime he successfully effected many substantial improvements in the management of
his jagir and is constantly engaged in devising “new’ mdhods to increase the well-
being of the peasantry of his estate. He has installed an electric power plant in T andur
and the whole town is lit with electricity. Among the Jagirdars, he is the only one who
has provided this modern amenity of life for the residents of his headquarters. He is
greatly interested in the promotion of industries in his Jagir. - The many factories which
dot the Jagir owe their origin and development to this Nawab’s initiative and business
acumen. His brother and sister admire him for his zeal with which he is managing the
estate. He is especially fond of sports and fine arts and is himself a good painter in oils
and water colour. He married a daughter of Nawab Khan Khanan Bahadur, one of the
nobles, and has three sons by the marriage, Nawab Syed Mahmud Abdul Ali Khan,
Nawab Syed Masood Abdul Ali Khan and Nawab Syed Muksood Abdul Ali Khan. He
has also two daughters. He is a nobleman and worthily upholds the traditions of his
illustrious family. He is held in such high esteem in Hyderabad State that he was
honoured with a visit at his residence by His Exalted Highness the Nizam on the Ramzan
ld day in 1351 Hijri. On the 49th Birthday of the Nizam, His Exalted Highness was
graciously pleased to confer on him the title of Nawab Mehdi Jung Bahadur. The honour
he richly deserves in view of the high and distinguished family traditions.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 203


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204 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Shah Yar Jung Bahadur placed great stress on a liberal education of his
children. His second son, Nawab Syed Hadi Ali Khan was at first placed under Moulvi
Syed Hyder Ali Saheb, lately Professor of Arabic in the Nizam College. In his tenth
year his uncle, Hon’ble Nawab Mir Asad Ali Khan Bahadur, second son of Nawab
Fateh Ali Khan, Nawab of Baiganpalli, took a lively interest in the lad’s education and
placed him in the Madrasa-i-Azam in Madras. He prosecuted his general education
there with great success. His conduct and demeanour in the school was exemplary and
he was an ideal student, loved by his masters. He freely mingled with other students
and took a prominent part in games. After that he went to Aligarh. He was subsequently
a student and boarder of Madrasa Alia and Nizam College. He was interested in fine
arts. Even as a student he dexterously used his pencil for light sketches. He sat for the
Bombay Government Drawing Examination and passed the Elementary and
Intermediate grades with distinction. His taste for architecture was equally irrepressible
and discovering his talents his Principal, Mr. K. B. Burnet and Mr. P. F. Durand, his
house master, advised him to take a course in architecture in England. But he could not
get the chance of going there. The elegant building, that stands opposite the Grammar
School, and adorns the main Road bears evidence of the Nawab’s architectural skill.

The Nawab Sahib is a gentleman of polished manners and high principles. He is a

lover of nature, and draws an inspiration from flowers and trees. He is fond of agriculture
and horticulture and devotes a fair share of his time to them. Being well brought up, his
religiosity is of a high order.

In 1349 Hijri he married the daughter of his uncle Nawab Hussain Ali Khan, third
son of Nawab Fateh Ali Khan, Nawab of Baiganpalli. Now, he has a son, named Nawab
Syed Tajummal Abdul Ali Khan and a daughter.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 205


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206 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 207


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208 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Shaukat Jung Bahadur

A WAB Shaukat Jung, Hissam-ud-Daula Bahadur, is one of the leading
nobles in the Dominions and ranks among the eleven Umrah-i-Uzzams
of the State (nobles of the highest distinction) who, in rank, come after
the chief Paigah nobles who are connected with the Asaf Jah family.

The ancestors of Nawab Shaukat Jung Bahadur were residents of Ispahan in Persia
and the first of the family to come to India was Muhammad Moin Khan. It is stated that
he came to Hyderabad during the Viceroyalty in the Deccan of Nawab Mubariz Khan
Bahadur. He brought with him three hundred slaves wearing gold belts.

Entering the State service he proved himself so capable and honest that the Viceroy
appointed him T alukdar of Gain Patyal in the district of Khammamet. When Asaf Jah
Nizam-ul-Mulk Bahadur became Subedar of the Deccan Mohammad Moin Khan was
given the title of “Khan Bahadur” and a Jagir yielding Rs. 7,000 a year by the Emperor
himself at a Darbar held at Delhi,the Emperor being Muhammad Shah.

After Moin Khan’s death, his eldest son, Nawab Jaffer Ali Khan Bahadur, earned
still greater distinctions under Asaf Jah Bahadur, who honoured him with the titles of
Shaukat Jung, Hissam-ud-Daula, Moin-ul-Mulk Bahadur and, along with other
distinctions, granted him haft hazari mansab, haft hazari Jawans, Alam, Naqara, Mahi-
Maratab, Palki-jhalder etc. and a jagir bringing in an annual revenue of Rs. 75,000. He
was also given other jagirs to be held on feudal tenure. In addition, he was appointed to
the posts of Talukdar of Warangal and Khammamet and Subedar of Chicacole and
Rajamundry. When Salabat Jung succeeded Asaf Jah as Nizam, he confirmed Moin-ul-
Mulk in all these posts. He latterly became Prime Minister, succeeding Shah Nawaz
Khan, who was killed in the fort of Daulatabad at the instigation of the French General

Hissam-ud-Daula Moin-ul-Mulk had, besides the feudal forces, an army of his own
consisting of 15,000 men and 80 elephants and on several occasions had the honour of
leading the State army against the Marathas and the French under Bussy. He brought
his distinguished career to a close by dying on the battlefield while fighting bravely
against the Marathas at Rakashbhawan. He died in a cavalry charge of his regiment
known as the “Chandawala “.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 209

This illustrious noble was succeeded by his eldest son, Nawab Abul Hasan Khan
Zargham Jung Hissam-ud-Daula Moin-ul-Mulk Bahadur, who was Prime Minister to
Nawab Salabat Jung for a certain time. Nawab Salabut Jung confirmed him in all his
possessions and honours.

On his demise, he was succeeded by his eldest son, Nawab Jaffer Ali Khan Shaukat
Jung Hissaam-ud-Daula Moin-ul-Mulk Bahadur, who received from the Nizam a panch
hazar mansab and a panch hazar sowar and other distinctions. He was Talukdar of
Customs in Hyderabad and was also one of the Aides-de-camp to the Nizam.

After his death, all the sanads were renewed in favour of his eldest son, Mohammad
Abul Hasan Khan Baynazir Jung, Zargham-ud-Daula, Moin-ul-Mulk. To add to the
distinctions of his ancestors he was granted the Qiladarship of Khammamet. During
the reign of His Highness Sikandar Jah Bahadur, when Mir Alum Bahadur was Prime
Minister, Abul Hasan had the honour of being deputed to the Residency to enquire on
behalf of the Nizam’s Darbar into the health of the Resident. So great was the confidence
reposed in him that Abul Hasan Khan was the officer appointed by the Nizam to enquire
into the Wahabi disturbances. The orders for his appointment were issued at the request
of General Fraser, the British Resident.

When he passed away, his eldest son, Mohammed Kasim Ali Khan, Shaukat Jung,
Hissam-ud-Daula, succeeded him to the estates and all traditional honours. He was for
a considerable time president of the City Sowcars Arbitration Committee and carried
out this honorary work with great tact and wisdom. He was also the Mir MajIis of the
Kotajath of the Nizams.

Nawab Shaukat Jung Bahadur is a very good scholar in Persian, Arabic and Urdu
and is also acquainted with English. Being public spirited, he spent a good part of his
early life as Commissioner and Vice-President of the City and Chadarghat Municipalities
and for a long time a member of the Legislative Council, where his extensive knowledge
of public affairs and civil, criminal and revenue laws, which he had privately studied
and mastered, were found to be of the highest value. Had Nawab Shaukat Jung Bahadur
entered the State service he would most assuredly have risen to a high position.

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210 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 211


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212 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 213

The Nawab has two sons, namely, Nawab Mohammad Kasim Ali Khan, and Nawab
Jaffer Ali Khan, both of whom received their education at the Nizam College and are
exceptimally good at English and Urdu. The former is a graduate of the Madras



University and is now holding the post of a Divisional Officer in the Revenue
Department. He having passed the Departmental tests, while the younger son, after
passing the Revenue and Judicial tests, has entered the Customs Department.

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214 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 215

Raja Sham Raj Rajwanth Bahadur

AJA Sham Raj Rajwanth Bahadur, son of Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur, is one of
the highest nobles in the State and his family comes next in rank to the
family of no less a person than Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, the
Peshkar. Some of the ancestors of Raja Shamraj Bahadur were themselves Peshkars to
the Nizams and still earlier Treasurers and Accountants of the Exchequer to Shah Jehan,
the Moghul Emperor. They were great friends of Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk and it was
due to him that they came to the Deccan and founded an almost new and honourable
family here. Their connection, therefore, is with the Moghul Emperors on the one hand
and with the Asaf Jahs on the other and from this can be judged the dignity of the
family of the present representative of the first Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur.

Records are in existence to show that the founder of the family was one Krishnaji
Pant who was surnamed Bhalarao. He was a Watandar and a Mutalaq of Deogarh
(Daulatabad) and a native of Namkgaon and Veeramgaon in the taluqa Takli which
was in the beginning of the seventeenth century under the circar of Daultabad in the
suba of Aurangabad. In the year 1065 Hijri he had the good fortune to have the audience
of the Emperor Shah Jahan which resulted in his being made Court Mansabdar. He
served in this capacity for no less than thirty five years. His fidelity, honesty, and
intelligence so pleased the Emperor that he took a personal interest in him and saw to
it that he suffered from no private embarassments. The Pandit died in the year 1688 A.
D. at the age of 80 leaving two sons, namely Rai Moro Pant, aged 15, and Rai Naro Pant,
aged 12. By an express order of the Emperor these lads were brought up in the court
and when they reached man’s estate, the Emperor increased his interest in them and
doubled his favours which excited considerable envy all around and some harm might
have happened to them but for the protection of Providence. Nawab Asaf Jah Bahadur
who was then at Delhi took an especial liking for the young men and seldom allowed a
day to pass without sending for them and keeping them in his company. When Nawab
Nasir Jung, the son of Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk, who was acting as Viceroy in the absence
of his father, rebelled against him, and Nawab Asaf Jah returned to the Deccan to punish
his recalcitrant son, he brought these two young men along with him. And here they
settled down and made their new home.

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216 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Moro Pant, the elder of the two brothers, was installed in the post of Peshkari in
1163 Hijri, but he served for two years only, death cutting him off in 1750. His brother
Naro Pant who survived him succeeded to the post and continued in it till his death in
1751 A. D. He left two sons, namely, Rai Shankerji Pant, aged 38 and Rai Herbaji Pant,
aged 33.

Rai Shankerji was appointed as the principal Recorder of the State during the reign
of Nawab Salabat Jung but he died suddenly due to cholera and his two sons, Rai
Dhondoji Pant and Rai Nanaji Pant were appointed as joint record-keepers of the State.


After a short time Rai Dhondoji Pant was installed in the post of Peshkar, replacing
Raja Gajdar. He was honoured with the title of Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur and given a
mansab suited to his rank. Shortly afterwards the additional title of Diyanatwant was
conferred upon him.

In the year 1781 A. D., when Aithesam Jung, Qilladar of Bodhen, rebelled against
the Nizam, the Nizam commanded Rai Dhondu Pant to march against him and quell
the rebellion. Dhondu Pant succeeded in his attempt and also quelled other minor
rebellions at the same time. The Nizam was extremely pleased with his success and
honoured him with the sarpesh and Ali Band and as a special favour His Highness also
presented him with his own sword and promoted him to the commander of 2,000 horse
with the title of Raja Diyanatwant.

Although under the Nizam the brothers were still honoured by the Emperor at
Delhi who gave them the qillat with maash and lavazinath others received Imperial
qillats on the recommendation of these two brothers. Dhondoji Pant died in 1783 A. D.


Rai Nanaji Pant Nanak Ram Amanatwant, the brother of the deceased Raja, was
given the hereditary rights and dignities and he and Dhondoji’s three sons were
honoured by the Nizam by the gift of mourning robes. Nanaji Pant, after an uneventful
career died in 1785.


The eldest son of the deceased Raja Dhondoji Pant was then given the hereditary
dignities of his father, but he did not live long to enjoy them.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 217

Raja Omakant Rao’s second brother was then given the hereditary rights of his
father and on the 5th December 1783 received the title of Raja Rayan and allowed the
honours of Alum, Naqara, Aftabgiri, Moarchal and Umbaree. He also received the maash


and watan of Sirdeshpandgiri over all the suburbs of the Deccan and also
Sirdeshpandgiri in the pargannas of Medak, Gulbarga, Nanded etc. and Sirdeshmukhi
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

218 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

of Partabpur and Jagirs such as ]atjagir and Ijaj Jagir, Imam Altamgah, Nigah Dasht
Jamiat Tafri dasht Tankah. In 1785 he was given the title of Dyanatwant and Izafa doh
Hazari, mansab, 2,000 sowar and jewellery. A little later he was further honoured with
the title of Shamraj and given a mansab of Rs. 5000. He subsequently became Peshkar
and officiated as prime minister during the absence at Poona of Azim-ul-Umrah Arastu
Jah Babadur. Raja Sham Raj was of a religious turn of mind and setting aside his honours
proceeded to Rameshwaram where he stayed for no less than six years. Returning to
Hyderabad, he died in May 1822 at the age of 59.


Rai Appa Rao, the third son of Dhondoji Pant, enjoyed the title of Dyanat Ram,
receiving in 1793 the title of Maharajwant Bahadur. He had Jagirs yielding an annual
income of eleven lakhs of rupees for nighadasht Jamiat with Paigah Khas, i. e. control
over European and Indian officers and soldiers in the infantry and cavalry. He died in
1798 at the early age of 33.

(Note- The life of Raja Sri Kishen, the first son of Raja Sham Raj is wanting. Nothing
is stated as to whether he predeceaded his brother Bawani Shanker or died after the
latter was appointed Peshkar.)


Raja Sham Raj Bahadur left two sons by his first wife, namely, Raja Sri Kishen Rao
and Bhawani Shanker Bapuraj. Even during the life time of Raja Sham Raj, BlIkshi Begum
Saheba, the wife of His Highness Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, sent for the boys
and kept them in the palace fearing that from a step-mother they would not receive
proper treatment.

They were extremely well looked after, the Nizam and his Begum acting as father
and mother, and when the boys reached their age, His Highness gave them the title of
Raja Bahadur and Raja Amanat Rao with a mansab of Rs. 2000 each. Raja Bhawani
Shanker was appointed Peshkar of the State and was honoured with the distinctions of
Bapuraj and Bahadur. He did not long fill the post as he died at Bidar, whither he had
gone for a change of air, at the early age of 25. He left no children.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 219


The third son of Raja Shamraj and step-brother of Bhawani Shanker Bapuraj was
given his father’s hereditary rights by His Highness Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur, but


he did not live long to enjoy these honours as he died at the very early age of 23. He left
no issue.

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220 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


Raja Jairam Rao a nephew of Raja Chimna Raja Ram, was recognized as the heir by


the Nizam and installed as Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur. He led an uneventful life and died
at the age of 34.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 221


Raja Narhar Rao, a cousin of Raja Jairam Rao, ascended the gadi as Raja Rai Rayan

at the age of 16. He was installed with jewels and all the heriditary dignities and jagirs
were allowed to him. But, he too died young at the age of 32, leaving one son.

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222 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


Raja Shanker Rao succeeded his father and in 1273 Hijri was given the title of Raja
Rai Rayan, Qillats and jewels, were also given to him by His Highness Nawab Afzal-
ud-Daula Bahadur. He proved a faithful servant to his master and who always zealous


of the Government’s interests. Not having any issue and his own Rani being always in
a delicate state of health they both agreed to adopt his uncle Khande Rao’s son and they
did so. Raja Shanker Rao died in the month of November 1886.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 223

Raja Lakshmanraj, the adopted son of Raja Shankar Rao, was born on 15th February
1874. Being a minor when he succeeded to the estate, His Highness the late Nizam took
him under his protection and guarded his interests with due care. For the management


of the estates several appointments were made and in 1887 a special committee under
the head of Colonel Marshal was constituted to look after the property.

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224 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He had his early education in Madrasa Aliya under Mr. H.P. Hudson, the then
Principal of the Nizam College. The young Raja made good progress in English and
distinguished himself as a bright student, winning many prizes for proficiency in various
subjects. In 1888 when the late Nizam himself gave away the prizes, he specially
congratulated Raja Lakshmanraj for topping the list in several subjects and for good

RAJA TRIMBAK RAJ, (Second Son of late Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur)

He was skilful in horsemanship and in 1891 the Resident awarded him a big silver
cup for the successful exploits of his favourite horse “Eclipse“. Sir Asman Jah also
presented him with the “Universe” for his skill in tent-pegging.

His marriage took place in 1892, the invitations being issued over the signature of
Nawab Sir Vikar-ul-Umra Bahadur on behalf of the Government. His Highness
personally presented a floral wreath on the auspicious occasion and honoured him
with costly jewellery during a public Durbar.

In 1895, full control of his estates was given to him and Raja Lakshman Raj
immediately set himself to the task of administering the Jagirs to the satisfaction and
welfare of his subjects.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 225

He lived a very clean and religious life and went on pilgrimage to all the Hindu
holy places of India. His extensive travels in India enabled several members of his staff
to acquire first hand knowledge of things and gave them a breadth of vision which
they used while dealing with intricate questions in connection with the estate

Raja Lakshman Raj always acknowledged a deep debt of gratitude to the late Nizam
for his paternal care and wielded great influence both with the public and the noblemen
of the State. In 1325, Hijri (25th Rajab ) when the late Nizam’s Silver Jubilee was
celebrattd, Raja Lakshman Raj Bahadur had the unique honour of presenting an Address

RAJA DHONDIRAJ (Third son of late Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur)

to the Nizam on hehalf of the Brahmin community. On several occasions, he was the
recipient of personal awards of distinctions from the Nizam, the last being on 12th
Jamadi-us-Sani 1330 Hijri, when 4 thans of jamewar, a costly kind of Indian cloth, were
presented. He received the title of Raja Rai Rayan Amanatwant Bahadur on 4th October

He died in 1914 leaving three sons and five daughters all of whom have fortunately
imbibed the simplicity of their father’s life and have endeavoured to maintain the fair
name and esteem of the family.
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226 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Shamraj Rajwant Bahadur, the eldest son of Raja Lakshman Raj is the present
head of the illustrious family. He was born on the 15th August 1898, and as he was only
sixteen years old at the time of Raja Lakshman Raj’s death, the estates were taken under
the control of the Court of Wards.

Raja Lakshman Raj Bahadur took special care and evinced great interest in the up-
bringing of his children and kept them all under the able and vigilant supervision of
Mr. W. J. Prenderghast, the then Vice-Principal of the Nizam College. Raja Sham Raj
had his early education like his father of happy memory in the Madrasa Aliya and
fulfilled the high expectations of his father and his professors by finishing the high
school course successfully. He usually stood at the top of his class and cultivated lofty
ideals and high principles, as the result of sound and liberal education.

Raja Sham Raj Bahadur took some training in the Revenue Department and picked
up sufficient experience in revenue work.

Soon after getting the estates in his charge, by a Firman of His Exalted Highness
the Nizam on the 12th Shaban 1346 Hijri, the young Raja cleared a large amount of
arrears of office work and systematised it properly under his own supervision. He
familiarised himself with the traditions of his illustrious father by studying old records
and night and day he kept himself busy organizing his affairs on a satisfactory basis.

With the welfare at his heart of his tenants he has provided Primary Schools and
medical help in various places of his jagirs. He does his best to improve the conditions
of his people and helps them in all possible ways in times of famine and pestilence. He
gives concessions to tax-payers in times of epidemics and adversity and assists the
poor at times of scarcity by giving them liberal wages for nominal work. Thus he has
endeared himself to his subjects whom he constantly visits.

Raja Sham Raj is a pattern of a thorough gentleman, keeping before him those
great types of manhood depicted in the ancient scriptures of the country.

His Exalted Highness continues to bestow the same personal interest on Raja Sham
Raj Bahadur as the late Nizam showed for Raja Lakshman Raj and he often honours
Raja Sham Raj and his brothers Raja Trimbakraj and Raja Dhundi Raj with gifts. On
28th April 1913 Raja Sham Raj received a feroja ring and a gold watch; while on 10th

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 227

Rabi-us-Sani 1348 Hijri all three brothers received a couple of rings each at the hands of
His Exalted Highness the Nizam.

On the birthday of His Exalted Highness the Nizam in 1930, He honoured him
with the unique title of “Rajwant “. This is an evidence of the esteem and favour with
which His Exalted Highness regards this family.


(Eldest Son died)

Raja Trimbak Raj, the second son of the late Raja Lakshman Raj, and Raja Dhundi
Raj, the third son, had both been sent to England for the benefit of a liberal education.
Raja Dhundi Raj graduated there and has since been called to the Bar. At present he is
an honorary Magistrate and it is expected that after getting the necessary experience he
will prove himself a valuable member of the Judicial service of the Government.

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228 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 229

Nawab Musheer Jung Bahadur

A WAB Musheer Jung Bahadur is another scintillating star in the canopy
of Hyderabad nobility. He is the son of Nawab Tahavar Jung Bahadur,
and grandson of Nawab Rukn-ud-Dowla Bahadur, a Persian nobleman,
who traced his geneology from Prophet Mohammed.

Nawab Rukn-ud-Dowla Bahadur and his brother Sharf-ud-Dowla accompanying
their father, Syed.Mohammad, a Persian nobleman, came to India early in the eighteenth
century. His Highness the Nizam appointed Nawab Rukn-ud-Dowla to the command
of an Artillery division as well as Minister of Police and afterwards Prime Minister. He
also enjoyed other privileges such as a liberal mansab, alam (Standard), nakhara (Drum)
mahi maratib and jhallardar palki (Palanquin) in dark green colour and also State colour
which is dark green. After the death of Nawab Rukn-ud-Dowla Bahadur the Nizam
showed special favours to the members of the Nawab’s family which needed succour.
They were all granted liberal monetary assistance as well as jagirs which were valued
at twelve lakhs of rupees. Nawab Rukn-ud-Dowla’s remains were interred at the foot
of the Moula Ali Hill, ten miles from the Hyderabad City. Further details of this nobleman
will be found in the Chapter on Prime Ministers in the first volume.

Nawab Sharf-ud-Dowla Bahadur, his brother, was a man of inestimable character,

was honoured with the title of Sharf-ul-Umra and succeded to his brother’s estates,
honours and emoluments. After leading a life of purity and holiness he departed from
this world at the age of 58 leaving behind him two sons, namely Davar-ul-Mulk and
Yawar-ud-Dowla. Nawab Davar-ul-Mulk, the elder, who succeeded to the estates, after
leading a life of virtue, charity and benevolence died young at the age 33 years leaving
behind him three sons namely Asharf-ud-Dowla, Mohkam Jung and Tahavar Jung.

Nawab Ashraf-ud-Dowla who was widely known for his kindheartedness and
learning died at the age of 48 leaving an only son, Mir Musa Khan Bahadur, who died
in his 28th year leaving a son, Nawab Ashraf-ud-Dowla II, who died in the year 1842
aged 53 years leaving three sons namely Nawab Tahavar Jung, Nawab Arsalam Jung
and Nawab Ashraf Jung. To maintain a link between the biography of Nawab Rukn-
ud-Dowla and that of Nawab Musheer Jung Bahadur we briefly refer to the life of
Nawab Tahavar Jung Bahadur.

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230 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He was born in the year 1853 and when he attained his age he was drafted into
service of the State. He acquitted himself so well under four successive Nizams that
they honoured him with the titles of Khan Bahadur, Tahawar Jung, Ashraf-ud-Dowla,
Rukn-ul-Mulk and Khan-e-Douran Khan Bahadur. He was also the guardian and tutor
to Sahibzada Nawab Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, the present Nizam, who was
then aged about 7 years. This exalted office he continued to hold for a period of nearly
10 years until the appointment of Sir Brian Egerton, K. C. I. E. as his tutor. The Nawab
Sahib was held in great regard as one of the leading nobles of His Highness’s Dominions.
Being one of the oldest nobles of Hyderabad he had a place of honour at all important
State and Residency functions, two of them being the special Durbar held by His
Excellency Lord Ripon in the year 1884 for installing His Highness Sir Mir Mahboob
Ali Khan Bahadur as the Ruler and that on the 1st January 1903 held at the Hyderabad
Residency to celebrate the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty King and Emperor
Edward VII, and the present Nizam’s installation, at which Nawab Tahavar Jung
Bahadur was one of the tweleve nobles who were invited by the Honourable the Resident
at Hyderabad.

Nawab Tahavar Jung Bahadur proceeded in 1920, when he was 87 years of age, to
Karbela and after leading a quiet life of devotion for a period of ten months died there
on December 4th 1920 and was buried in the vault of Imam Husain, the celebrated
Muslim Saint. He was the founder of the Jagirdar’s Association and President as long
as he was alive; the present President of the above Association being Nawab Salar Jung



Nawab Tahavar Jung Bahadur left two sons, Nawab Musheer Jung Bahadur and
Nawab Inayath Jung Bahadur. The elder Nawab who was born on the 7th July 1885,
was given the title of Musheer Jung. He was educated at St. George’s Grammar School
and even in his father’s life time he was privileged to manage the family estate, so that
when his beloved father died he assumed complete charge of the jagirs and ran the
affairs with great diligence. Nawab Musheer Jung is a great traveller. He has seen all
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 231


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232 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

important cities and places of interest in India, Burma and Mesopotamia. He is a
sportsman. As a Polo player he won a number of prizes. The Nawab Sahib is member
of the Hyderabad Legislative Council and of the City Improvement Board.

He is also a keen businessman and owns a ginning mill, a rice mill and an oil mill
in Sirkonda, the headquarters of his Jagir.

Nawab Musheer Jung Bahadur married Nawab Sarum Jung Aziz-ud-Dowla Itasam-
ul-Mulk’s daughter and has four sons and four daughters, the former being Nawab
Khursheed Hussain Khan, Nawab Mir Mumtaz Husain Khan, Nawab Mir Shasawar
Ali Khan and Nawab Mir Kasim Husain Khan. These lads are studying in Jagirdar
College. They are also sportsmen and fond of outdoor games.

The younger brother of Nawab Musheer Jung Bahadur, Nawab Inayat Jung
Bahadur, received his education at St. George Grammar School and Nizam College. He
evinces great interest in religious matters and is extraordinarily kind to poor and
destitutes. He recently toured in Europe and other countries. Now he is working in the
City Municipality as a Deputy Commissioner. He is very popular in official circles and
loved by his friends for his polished manners.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 233

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234 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 235

Origin and History of the Jagirs

HE Nizam’s Dominions, covering an area of about 82,698 square miles, with
a population of fourteen and half millions, are divided into three distinct
portions. They are :-

(1) Government lands. The revenues from these go to the State coffers. They are
entirely under the Minister’s control. It was to these that Sir Salar Jung’s revenue reforms
were chiefly confined.

(2) Feudal Tenures. These are the lands forming about one-third of the Dominions
which are called Jagirs or landed estates. These were given by the Nizam at different
times to different persons for special or distinguished services rendered to the State.
The Jagirdars pay nothing to the State in the shape of annual tribute.

(3) Scattered portions of territory known as the Sarf-i-khas or Crown lands. The
revenue goes to the Nizam’s private coffers. The State has nothing to do with them.

The first allotment of jagirs was made by Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk to his generals
and to those nobles and officials who accompanied him. The nobles and his generals
were to render military aid when called upon to do so and their troops to be maintained
from the revenues derived from the jagirs. In this way the Nizam was able to raise
when necessary an army numbering as near as 300,000 men, a very enormous army
indeed in those days.

There is one important point to be noted in this connection. It is this. While the
privilege bestowed on and duty expected of the Jagirdars of maintaining large bodies
of troops made them a sort of menace to the rulers as some could become turbulent if
they chose to; yet, on the other hand, the centralization and concentration of powers in
the hands of a single commander was a greater menace than that involved in the other

The Jagir system, it is stated, can be traced to Tamerlane who ordered the whole of
the revenues of the country to be parcelled out into different amounts which he recorded
on a royal assignment, called “Yurlegh” The assignments were brought to the Dewan
Khana and each of the Comrahs obtained one of these assignments. If the ryots were
prosperous the Jagirdar, continued in possession; if the case was otherwise the grant
was rescinded and the Jagirdar kept out of his possessions for three years.

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236 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The jagirs assigned by His Highness Asaf Jah, as soon as he established himself as
ruler of the Deccen, or by his successor, at various times, to the ancestors of the present
holders either in return for distinguished service or talents, or as a special mark of royal
favour, were of three kinds:-

(I) “ Altankah” or perpetual and hereditary grants. These Jagirdars paid no revenues
and were not expected to supply troops.

(2) Personal jagirs. Jagirdars in such estates were expected to maintain and provide

(3) “Tankah” Jagirs. These were lands assigned in lieu of the State’s debt; or to
meet the salaries due to the grantees for services rendered or for the pay of the official
military establishment.

The income of these jagirs vary from a few thousands to several lakhs of rupees
annually and the owners pay no rent of “peshkush” to the Government or to the Nizam

The jagirdars, for the most part, reside in Hyderabad and are divided into two
classes. namely, major jagirdars and minor jagirdars. The major jagirdars consist of the
paigah nobles and a few others who hold extensive jagirs in the State. All jagirdars,
great or small, arc expected to conform to the ordinary State laws in their administration
of justice. But the major jagirdars are exempt from the interference of State officials and
of the Police except in the case of occurrences of serious offences within the limits of
their jagirs.

With the above reservations, large jagirdars who possess sovereign rights in their
own jagirs, exercise their civil and criminal powers almost independent of the
Government. They maintain a complete system of private government with their own
courts of justice and their own police.

Small jagirdars, on the other hand, only exercise such judicial powers, as have
been conferred upon’ them by order of Government. They may exercise such powers
either directly by themselves or through their agents. The powers so conferred on small
jagirdars vary considerably according to their status and the income of their jagirs.Cases
beyond their powers, whether relating to civil or criminal matters, are sent to the
competent Dewani courts for disposal.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 237

No jagirdars, large or small, can exercise any jurisdiction within the city or suburbs,
although he may own bazars or other property situated there. Cases against jagirdars
can and must be tried in Dewani courts but the decisions in such cases require the
confirmation of Government.

As these jagirs which are based, as already stated, on a system of feudal tenure,
carry with them, in many cases, not only exemption from taxation but also special
monopolies, such as the sale of stamps and other privileges which act as impediments
to the moral and material progress of the State; while some of them carry with them an
obligation to support bodies of troops, while the Sovereign has absolute right to resume
the jagir whenever he likes.

As a great many of these jagirdars obtain a decent subsistence without any labour
in these days, they often lead a life of indolence and ignorance and have not the usual
motive for exertion Most of these jagirdars are unacquainted with the English language
and have not seen any place outside the Dominions, while some of them have taken
European degrees and are quite modern and up-to-date in their style of living and

Whatever it may be, almost all the jagirdars of the Dominions prefer town life and
spend a large part of the year in their town residences which most of them consider an
indispensable adjunct to their existence. They sometimes spend large sums of money
in vain displays. They visit their estates occasionally for purposes of sport and during
the rest of the year they live in Hyderabad, and, though embarassed by heavy expenses,
vie with one another in building costly mansions and entertaining persons on a princely

During the last one hundred years, owing to failure of heirs or for other causes
several jagirs had been gradually resumed through relapse. The total revenue from
these amount to more than a crore of rupees.

The views expressed by the great Sir Salar Jung I in one of his administration reports
are very interesting of which an extract is given below:-

“A great many reforms are required in respect of jagirdars. The right to the
possession of a jagir rests on one or other of the facts or points namely ancient noblity,
distinguished ability and talents. Many persons hold sanads who possess no jagirs,
while many have large jagirs who possess neither qualities nor abilities befitting their

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238 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

rank and position. One serious evil exists in regard to jagirs in general which does not
seem to have occurred to any of my predecessors. I refer to the division of a jagir among
the children or next of kin on the death of a jagirdar. The results are detrimental to the
members of the family. The dignity attached to the estate is reduced, and as each person
obtains a subsistence without any labour or exertion, he leads a life of indolence and
ignorance and has not the usual motive for exertion, and the family in the course of one
or more generations, owing to the partitions and sub-divisions of the property, is reduced
to a state of poverty and destitution” .

The remedy for this rests with His Exalted Highness the Nizam. Before passing a
rule on this subject, it will be necessary for His Exalted Highness to order a searching
enquiry to be made into the claims of every jagirdar and an order to be issued to the
effect that the right of such as are of ancient family and rank or possess distinguished
qualifications should be respected, and, if necessary, in certain cases reduce the value
of jagirs to military men according to their rank and qualifications, and to civilians in
proportion to the dignity and importance of their office. The present incumbents may
not be disturbed in the extent of their present holdings, whether on account of loyal
services or other reasons, but the above rule should be applicable to their successors.
The rule of partition should be abolished and a law passed securing to the eldest son
the whole of the jagir or real estate making an equal division of only the personalty of
the deceased among all the other children. The head of the family should constitute
guardian of the younger members and see to their maintenance and education till they
attain their majority. The enactment would not be opposed to any Mahomedan law as
in Royal Grants also division is not allowed.


These are distinct from the Dewani or State lands. They cover an area of about ten
thousand square miles consisting of an entire district of seven talukas known as the
Atraf-i-Baldah ( surrounding the city of Hyderabad) and eleven talukas in the mofussil
distributed in the districts of Aurangabad, Parbhani, Bidar, Bhir, Gulburga and
Osmanabad with a total population of about one lakh. They are the private property of
His Exalted Highness the Nizam, the revenues of which, go into His Exalted Highness’s
privy purse. Formerly the diwani revenue officials were also responsible for the revenue
collection of the Sarf-i-Khas lands within their jurisdiction but during the time of His
Highness Nasir-ud-Dowla Bahadur certain territories were detached from the Dewani
and taken under his personal management. The reason for this was the great irregularity
that used to occur in making payments from the treasury, which, owing to the system
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 239

of revenue collection at the time, was never regular. The lands thus reserved by His
Highness for His personal use were called Sarf-i-Khas. “Sarfikhas“ is a compound word
of Arabic origin and means literally a personal, or private expenditure. The nature of
the Sarf-i-khas talukas is the same as that of crown lands of European sovereigns.
Additions were also made from time to time. His Highness Nasir-ud-Dowla purchased
some lands and added to these talukas. When Begums of the palace and relations of
His Highness who. had purchased makthas and held lands died without leaving any
heir such property was also added to the talukas.

During the reigns of their Highnesses Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla and Nawab Afzul-
ud-Dowla Bahadurs, the Sarf-i-khas talukas were under their immediate management.
Amirs and other influential persons were appointed Taluqdars who received fixed
proportions of revenue for supervision beside contingent charges. They deducted their
dues from the revenues of the talukas and remitted the balance to the Sarf-i-khas

On the demise of His Highness Nawab Afzul-ud-Dowla Bahadur in 1869 Nawab

Sir Salar Jung I the regent and the late Amir-i-Kabir, Nawab Rafee-ud-din Khan Umdul-
ul-Mulk Shams-ul-Umra Bahadur as co-regent, handed over the estates for management
as a temporary measure to the Dewani officers. During this period two districts were
formed out of the Sarf-i-khas talukas namely Atraf-i-Baldah surrounding the city of
Hydelabad and Palam. Sir Salar Jung introduced in them the system which he had
already established in the Dewani districts.

When His late Highness Sir Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur ascended the gadi on
the 5th February 1884 His Highness issued orders to the Sarf-i-khas Secretary that papers
connected with the Sarf-i-khas, which used to be submitted to the Prime Minister should
be submitted for orders to himself as was the practise during the previous Nizams.

A Sarf-i-khas Board was formed on the 10th October 1885 and His late Highness
became President on the 26th December 1885. As His Highness was not only the
President of the Board, but also the owner of the Sarf-i-khas estate His Highness had
power to sanction proposals submitted to the Board in their entirety or in a modified
form or to reject them altogether. His Exalted Highness who is taking an increasing
interest in the administration of the Dominions examines and revises the financial
statements and personally supervises the administration of the Sarf-i-khas districts.

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240 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Sarf-i-khas territories thus formed yielding at present an annual revenue of a
crore of rupees or more are administered by a special officer known as the Sadar-ul-
Moham working directly under the orders of His Exalted Highness. The revenue receipts
are not deposited in the Government Treasury nor are accounts submitted to the
Accountant General. All the cash remittances from the districts on Sarf-i-khas account
go to the Superintendent of the Sarf-i-khas, a special Sarf-i-khas official, who controls
the disbursements under orders. The Sarf-i-khas stamps are separate and all Sarf-i-
khas accounts are submitted through the Sarf-i-khas Secretary.

For anministrative purposes the Sarf-i-khas Department is divided into two sections
or sub-departments viz. receipts and expenditure of these two sections, the first, as
already stated, is incorporated, to all intents and purposes, with the general
administration of the country there being special officer only for the Atraf-i-Balda

The other section, expenditure, is administrated by a special Sarf-i-khas official,

and it was this branch of the Sarf-i-khas administration, that the late Sir Salar Jung I
contemplated placing under a Board of which His Highness was to be chairman and
the members being selected from among the principal nobles of the city.

There are two armouries, one is that of old weapons which His Exalted Highness
wears on the occasions of durbars etc. Some of these were presented by the Moghul
Emperors (and treasured as relics,) One amongst these is a sword called “the Jehangi
Tasund’” a sword prized by Jehangir. It is said to have been given as a present to His
Highness Asaf Jab, the first Nizam. It is a French sword and its blade is very slightly
curved. It is said that the steel of the blade costs Rs. 100 per rathe-a rathe being equivalent
to two grains.


Of the five hundred jagirs and Samasthans that are scattered over the Dominions
of His Exalted Highness the Nizam about ninety three or so are now under the control
of the Court of Wards.

When a Jagirdar or ruler of a Samasthan dies leaving a minor son, the estate
concerned comes under the Court of Wards of His Exalted Highness’ Government and
is administered by it till the minor attains his age and is able to take charge of it.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 241

The estate of minors and insane persons are under the special care of Government
in the Court of Wards. At first such estates were administered under the direct control
of the former Nizams but in 1302 Fasli, the duty was delegated to the Assistant Minister
of the Judicial Department. In 1306 Fasli the Department was placed under the charge
of the Judicial Secretary. By Act V of 1307 Fasli the Court of Wards was legally constituted
and the Act laid down in detail the powers and duties of Government and the powers
of the Court of Wards. In 1311 Fasli the Department was by command of His Highness
transferred to the Revenue Department under a Nazim, working under the orders of
the Secretary and Director General of Revenue.

There were in 1336 Fasli 93 estates of minors under the Court of Wards of which 66
were directly managed by the Court and 14 through honorary Superintendents and
under temporary Control of the Court. The total income from these estates during 1336
Fasli was Rs. 2,69,902 and the expenditure including administrative charges, repayment
of debts, and new investments amounted to Rs. 86,353 leaving a balance of Rs. 1,72,093
to the credit of the estates. The percentage of expenditure to the total income was 65:19.
During the year 6 new estates were added and 10 were released, leaving 89 at the end
of 1336 Fasli.

The practice of borrowing money from outside individuals and institutions at high
rates of interest was put a stop to by the order of Mr. Wakefield in 1327 Fasli. Loans are
now as far as practicable arranged internally, that is to say, the surplus money of well-
to-do wards is invested at a reasonable rate of interest in loans to other wards requiring
money. As the estates of the lender and borrower are both under the Court management
and loans are made with due regard to the probable period of Court management, the
transactions are safe. The most important step that has been undertaken in the Court
during 1324 Fasli ( 1914-15 A. D.) year is the establishment of a Boarding House managed
on the best English lines, where the physical, mental and moral well-being of the wards
is carefully attended to under competent and reliable house-masters and instructors.
The establishment has lately been strengthened and administrative circles have been
created and put in charge of competent men with adequate salaries and powers.

Besides, the Court has also made special arrangements for the educational
advancement of the wards under their management by the opening of a College called
Jagirdars College, where instruction is given to them on modern lines.

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242 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

These landed aristocrats of Hyderabad are particularly grateful to the Government
of His Exalted Highness for the special benefit they have derived and the many
advantages which are directly or indirectly traceable to the wise management of their
estates by the Court of Wards.

There were altogether 139 Wards (104 boys and 35 girls) under the guardianship of
the Court. Of these 12 boys were reading in the Jagirdars College, 24 boys attended
religious institutions; the remaining were too young or too old for education and some
were insane. Besides this there are three special Wards also, which had been originally
under the supervision of the Court of Wards placed in 1330 Fasli, under a special and
independent Nazim, working directly under the orders of the Secretary and Director
General of Revenue.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 243


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244 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Tilawat Jung Bahadur.

AWAB Tilawat Jung Bahadur, who was Born on 3rd Ramzan 1298 Hijri
is a descendant of the junior branch of the Ruling Family of Hyderabad.
The Nawab Sahib, as a mere boy showed marked aptitude for learning
the three Qs, a characteristic which is rare among boys of such high birth. From elementry
stage he proceeded to secondary grade of education with such ability that he gave
promise of obtaining a University degree with ease. So, his scholastic career was so
brilliant that he took the Bachelor of Arts degree of the Punjab University. Thanks to
his liberal education, his outlook in life widened. He seemed to have a new vision of
men and matters. After graduating the young Nawab joined the Home Secretariat as
an assistant. There he had an insight into the administrative affairs and made himself
familiar with every branch of the Secretariat. His next appointment was Inspector of
Schools at Hyderabad and in that capacity he, it may be said to his credit, made some
reforms and added impetus to the efficient administration of both Government and
aided schools. He was at the same time a nominated member of the Hyderabad
Municipality. Next, as Nazim of the Sarf-i-khas troops, Nawab Tilawat Jung proved a
success. His imposing personality was an asset in the command of the troops. Among
the other Departments over which he presided as a minister we may mention the Public
Works, Medical, Sarf-i-Khas and Revenue. As a member holding the above portfolios
he had the privilege of being an Executive Councillor. He is well-versed both in Urdu
and English and his ability and experience combined with a vast knowledge of State
affairs is unique and above all his devotion and loyalty to his sovereign are proverbial
in Hyderabad. His services to the State are manifold and his contribution to the
improvement of various departments may be briefly stated as follows :-

1. The introduction of service stamps and Money Order system in the Postal

2. Conducted the case on behalf of the Sarf-i-Khas in the Paigah dispute.

3. Completion of the Kazipeth-Belharshah Railway line which has linked up the

Nizam’s State Railway with the Delhi and Madras Chord Line.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 245

4. Prevented the extension of the contract with N. G. S. Railway Company to 1954.
This made it possible for the Nizam’s Government to acquire and take over the control
of the Railways from the Company in 1930 on fairly advantageous terms.

5. His strong note of dissent on the scheme for an Electorate on a quasi-communal


6. His strong note against the deforestation of a vast area in Adilabad.

7. His communique to the Press on the Khilafat Agitation which was a most
important service rendered not only to his sovereign but also to the Empire at a critical

8. His advice to the Ruler on the desirability of the appointment of a British

officer as Inspector-General of the District Police.

The Nawab Sahib has prematurely retired from State service and is leading a
quiet and contented life still enjoying the favour of his sovereign.

He has two sons, the Elder Sahibzada, Mir Feroze Ali Khan a graduate of the Muslim
University, Aligarah and the younger Sahibzada Mir Akbar Ali Khan a graduate of the
Madras University is a State scholar studying for Law and Economics Tripos at the
Trinity College Cambridge.

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246 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 247


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248 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahadur

AWAB Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahadur is one of the leading members of
our aristocracy, connected as he is with the royal house on the one hand,
and, on the other, being himself the representative of a very ancient,
distinguished and honourable house. The Nawab has inherent and acquired virtues
and is distinguished for his learning, nobility of character and aristocratic manners of
the true oriental type. He is, in truth, one of the “grand seigneurs of Hyderabad” and is
looked upon and respected as such by none more deeply and sincerely admired than
by those who are often brought into intimate contact with him, whether in a business
or a social way.

Looking over the family and ancestral records of this distinguished nobleman, we
find that the first of his ancestors to come to India was Khaja Abdulla Khan who, desirous
of seeing the world, fond as he was of travel, left Bokhara, in Central Turkestan, in the
year 1118 Hijri and came to Kabul. Bokhara, as may be generaly known, was one of the
chief cities of the world in those days and had a university which was very famous in
the East and was not outrivalled by even the great educational institutions of Baghdad
and Cairo and even of Spain. At the time of the arrival of Khaja Abdulla Khan to Kabul,
Shahzada Mohammed Azam was governor there and he received him in open darbar
and granted him a mansab of Rs. 400 per month. Khaja Abdulla Khan continued to stay
at the Court and when some disturbance took place in the Khyber area he volunteered
his services and within a short time and without much loss of men and material
subjugated tbe insurgent tribal clans and restored peace and order. Caravans now
enjoyed peaceful and undisturbed passage and the Shahzada in appreciation of the
Khan’s services gave him the titles of Khani and Bahaduri receiving for the grant the
cordial permission of Mouzzam Shah. He was also given, at the same time, the command
of three hundred horse. Coming down to India, he took part in the subjugation of the
Maharba Deccan and was awarded a robe of honour that is Jagai Almas and Kilat
Charoarcha with neem asteem, and was appointed Governor of Machlibunder and its
suburbs, along with other jagirs, with full civil and criminal powers. For his services
Moizuddin Jahandar Shah presented him with an emerald ring with his own hand and
Farukh Siyar Padshah confirmed him in his office and presented him with a sword and
a royal horse. He remained Governor of Machli-bunder till the time of Emperor
Mohammed Shah, i. e. 1132 Hijri.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 249


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250 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

When Asaf Jah Nizam-ul-Mulk Bahadur first came to the Deccan to punish Mubaraz
Khan, the turbulent and recalcitrant Subedar of the Deccan, the Nawab Khaja Abdulla
Khan accompanied him with an infantry force of 300, a cavalry strength of 3000 and
four pieces of Artillery. After the defeat of Mubaraz Khan and the orderly settlement of
the Deccan and adjoining territories he was appointed to the post of Diwani and a
Councillor to Asaf Jah. He remained in this honourable and distinguished post from
1132 Hijri till his death in 1157 Hijri. He was Asaf Jah’s most trusted man and was in his
entire confidence and when Asaf Jah went twice to Delhi at the invitation of the Emperor
Mohammed Shah, the Nawab officiated for him as Subedar. Under Asaf Jah he managed,
along with his other duties, the provincial affairs of Bijapur and Arcot and proved
himself as capable an administrator as he was a commander and councillor. He passed
away after a long period of honourable and memorable service in the year 1157 Hijri
leaving behind him eight sons.

One of them Nawab Khaja Sadullah Khan Bahadur was the foster son of Asaf Jah
Bahadur who carefully trained him in State affairs, diplomacy and administration.
Nizam appointed him a member of his Court and Councillor and the Prime Minister,
Nawab Azam-ul-Umra, Musheer-ul-Mulk, had so great a regard for his wisdom and
integrity that he often consulted him on important matters connected with Government
of the State and its foreign relations.

Nawab Khaja Sadulla Khan Bahadur left one son, namely, Nawab Khaja AIi-uIlah
Khan Bahadur Sagum Jung Hyder-ud-Dowla Hyder-ul-Mulk who married the neice of
Nawah Sikander Jah Bahadur, the third Nizam. The lady was Sahebzadi Vazir-un-Nissa
Begum, the daughter of Nawab Faridoon Jah Bahadur. He was given some jagirs and
dowry and when Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla Bahadur - the fourth Nizam, became Nizam
he appointed Hyder-ud-Dowla as tutor to his son. He appears to have acquitted himself
so well in his post that when his pupil became Nizam with the title of Afzal-ud-Dowla
Nizam V, he rewarded his tutor with the title of Hyder-ul-Mulk and gave a bodyguard
from the Sarf-i-khas Mubarak. The Nawab died in 1218 Hijri leaving behind him two
sons and one daughter by Sahebzadi Vazir-un-Nissa Begum, the niece of Nawab
Sikander Jah Bahadur. The sons were Nawab Rafi-ud-Dowla Hyder-ul-Mulk Bahadur
II and Nawab Intazam-ud-Dowla Bahadur and the daughter Hamdat-un-Nissa Begum.
She was married to Mohammed Budruddin Khan Moiezzaam-ul-Mulk, the eldest son
of the Amir-e-Kabeer I.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 251

Nawab Syed Mohammed Sadullah Khan Faridoon Jung Rafi-ud-Dowla Hyder-ul-
Mulk, the eldest son of Hyder-ul-Mulk was born in 1236 Hijri and from his very
childhood was brought up and trained with the Nizam’s son, Nawab Afzal-ud-Dowla
Bahadur Asaf Jah V. Afzal-ud-Dowla gave the title of Faridoon Jung at the same darbar
in which he awarded the title of Hyder-ul-Mulk to his father. He later gave him the title
of Rafi-ud-Dowla and presented some jagirs as well together with a bodyguard from
the Sarf-i-Khas Mubarak. The Nizam in order to further honour him gave him in
marriage Hussaini Begum, the niece of Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla Bahadur Nizam IV
and the daughter of Nawab Shamsh-ul-Mulk Bahadur I. Nawab Afzal-ud-Dowla
Bahadur had great regard and affection for Rafi-ud-Dowla Bahadur and consulted him
often on important State matters.

When His Highness Nawab Mir Mahboob Ali Khan came to the Masnad he
appointed Nawab Rafi-ud-Dowla Bahadur as private tutor to the heir apparent, the
present Nizam. This was a duty which the Nawab carried out with special zeal and
energy and in his pupil he found not merely a student as students are but a real genius
who was destined in later times to give of his best to his State and his people. The
Nawab passed away in 1316 Hijri leaving behind him two sons, Nawab Hyder Jung
Hyder-ud-Dowla and Nawab Muzzaffar Jung who died in 1326 Hijri.

Nawab Mir Khusru Ali Khan Hyder Jung Hyder-ud-Dowla was married to
Sahebzadi Rahat-un-Nissa Begum, a daughter of Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla. Bahadur,
Nizam IV, and by this marriage he had a son named Jahangir Ali Khan Jahangir Jung
Bahadur who died in 1333 Hijri leaving behind him a son and a daughter. The daughter,
Sahebzadi Azam-un-Nissa Begum is the wife of our Nizam, Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan
Bahadur, and the mother of the heir apparent, Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur, and his
brother, Nawab Moazzam Jah Bahadur.

Nawab Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahadur, the present representative of the house of
Hyder-ul-Mulk, was born in 1313 Hijri and from boyhood was given a sound grounding
in Persian and Arabic and also in English. After his instructional period he was
.appointed director of the Nazm-e-Jamieth of the Sarf-i-Khas Mubarak and later
transferred to the customs Department as an Assistant Commissioner. At present he is
the director of the Nazm-e-Jamieth. The Nawab is one of the trusted officers of His
Exalted Highness the Nizam who often takes him along with him on his tours and is
especially gracious to him. The Nawab is a model of courtsey and politeness and is
affable to rich and poor and his subordinates hold him in great respect for his justice,

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252 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

kindness and considerateness. To his learning, the Nawab adds sound knowledge of
administration and military skill and for his special gifts is much valued by his august

The Nawab has three sons and three daughters. The sons are being carefully brought
up and there is no doubt that they would ever worthily strive to uphold the dignity and
traditions of their house.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 253


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254 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Dost Mohammad Khan Bahadur,

A WAB Dost Mohammad Khan Bahadur, son of the late Mohammad
Ibrahim Ali Khan Mahmoodzai, the immediate founder of the family,
belonged to an illustrious family of ancient origin. Coming down from
the north during the days of Bahmani Kingdom, before, out of one monarchy, five
small kingdoms sprung up, Dost Mohammad Khan’s great grandfather, Nawab Aydal
Khan Bahadur, took service under one of the Bahmani kings and in time rose to a
position of rank and power. Among other things, he founded and peopled two villages,
one of which Aydalabad, some ten miles from Hyderabad, is named after him, and the
other is situated on the bank of the Wardha up on the borders of Nagpur.

After his death, his five sons Mattay Khan, Ismail Khan, Ghalib Khan, Sikandar
Khan and Fateh Khan held responsible posts in the Bahmani kingdom. Fateh Khan had
three sons named Kisar Khan, Bahadur Khan and Ali Khan. Ali Khan occupied a high
position in the Moghul Court, while his eldest brother Kisar Khan was the recipient of
a jagir (Naldrug) from an Adil Shahi king. After his death, Emperor Aurangazeb, at the
request of Ali Khan, conferred on the three sons of the deceased ( Nawabs Dawood
Khan, Sulaiman Khan and Ibrahim Khan or Bahadur Khan, as he was popularly known)
the title of “ Bahadur Khan” and also a mansab of Rs. 4000 each.

Nawab Dawood Khan had an eventful career. He was Naib Foujdar of Hyderabad
for some time, then of the Carnatic and Bijapur. He later became the Subedar of the
Deccan and Burhanpur. During the reign of Shah Alam, Emperor of Delhi, he was
appointed in 1121 Hijri, Subedar in the place of Mohammad Murad Khan. On the
auspicious occasion of the Emperor’s Coronation, he was honoured with lavish presents.
During the reign of the Emperor Farukh Siyar some more honours were showered on
him. Under his control came the provinces of Ahmedabad and Gujerat. In 1118 A. H.
when he was Subedar, the East India Company obtained permission to organise a Mint
of its own where English coins were struck in the name of the Company for the first
time in India. Then again, the Company was given the ijara of three villages - Yagmoor,
Burshampak and Nadyaver in the taluka of Ponmalli. This was due to the efforts of
Dawood Khan.

During the time of Aurangazeb, Dawood Khan’s services were very well known.
When the Emperor in 1116 Hijri desired to lay seige to the famous fortress of Wagaon,
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 255

he summoned Dawood Khan, along with Zulfikar Khan, for advice and guidance.
Dawood Khan came and remained with the Emperor in the thick of the fight and
rendered such signal service on the field that the Emperor amply rewarded him by
granting several jagirs and also a mansab of Rs. 7000.

Dawood Khan died near Burhanpur on the field while fighting bravely against
Amir-ul-Umra Husain Ali Khan who waged war against Farukh Siyar in the beginning
of Ramzan 1127 Hijri. The death of Dawood Khan caused great sorrow to the Emperor.

Dawood Khan left no sons and his brother Nawab Ibrahim Khan (known as Bahadur
Khan) took the jagirs in his own hands. He did not enjoy them long as he was soon
murdered in cold blood in 1127 near Sakerki nala. When the news of his death reached
the Emperor, he was overcome with grief and sent a black robe ( Doshala ) to Alaf
Khan, son of the late Bahadur Khan, and addressing him as his cousin, wrote to say
that he ( Alaf Khan) was appointed Foujdar of Kurnool.

After Alaf Khan, his son, Himat Khan, became the Rais of Kurnool. After the death
of Nawab Himat Khan, Nawab Munawar Khan Muqram-ud-Dowla became the Rais.
Later on, after Munawar Khan, his younger son Alaf Khan, succeeded to his father’s

In 1178 Hijri Nawab Mohammad Azam Khan, (Ibrahim Khan) eldest son of Nawab
Munawar Khan, was sent to the Court of Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur with whom
he had an interview. When Sikandar Jah Bahadur, then heir apparent, proceeded to the
Court of Tippu Sultan, Azam Khan accompanied the Prince. The Prince was very much
pleased with his company and brought him back to Hyderabad. Nawab Nizam Ali
Khan Bahadur was also pleased with him and presented him with the jagir of Zaffer-
nagar (Zaffarabad) as an Inam-ul-tunkah yielding an annual revenue of Rs. 1,21,559
and the necessary Sanad was issued in 1181. On the 21st Safar 1201 Hijri another jagir,
Pargana Ashti (Rs. 1,25,639), was granted to the Nawab. In the same year two sanads
were issued separately, and the Pargana Chincholi jagir was given which yielded an
annual income of Rs. 6,52,092 and annas 12 for the maintenance of a standing army.

Death occurred at Kurnool on the 28th Rabi-ul-AwaI1207 Hijri of Nawab Ranmast

Khan, Rais of Kurnool. Asaf Jah II was pleased to place the jagirs in the hands of Nawab
Azam Mohammad Ibrahim Khan, son of the late Nawab, and presented him with a
black robe (Doshala). Ibrahim Khan being the successor of Ranmast Khan, Azam Khan
requested the Nizam to send an Amir along with him. In compliance with his request,

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256 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Musheer-ul-Mulk Arusto Jah wrote to Amin Khan at Kurnool thus :-Nawab Ranmast
Khan is dead. His eldest son, Nawab Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, the bearer of this
letter, should be placed on the masnad.

In the meanwhile, Alaf Khan, the younger son of the late Nawab of Kurnool, took
possession of Kurnool and accepted Nazars from his subjects. On hearing that a farm -
an had been issued in his brother’s name, he hasten-ed to Amin Khan and asked him to
delay the execution of the order till the time he returned from Tippu Sultan whither he
was going for assistance. In this connection we might mention that Alaf Khan had already
formed an alliance with Fateh Hyder Sultan through his son, and gave him to under-
stand that his father in his life time had intended that he (Alaf Khan) should succeed
him. In support of his argument he mentioned that the “Peshkush” Sultani was sent
through him. Now that the Nizam was desirous of acting contrary to his father’s wishes,
Alaf Khan said that he had come over to him to seek help.

After the arrival of Nawab Azam Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, Amin Khan told him
to wait till he received a reply to his petition ( Arzdasht). In the meanwhile he sent
word to the Nizam that Nawab Ranmast Khan had made Alaf Khan his successor in his
life time. The Afghans were all on his (Alaf Khan’s) side. He was therefore afraid that in
case of contrary orders war might break out at any moment. He believed it was a matter
of expediency that Ibrahim Khan should not succeed his father. Besides these, he added,
Ranmast Khan was a Kirajguzar to three Governments - the Nizam, Tippu Sultan and
Seri Vent. For that reason he thought it advisable to select a Rais for Kurnool

The Nizam agreed to this proposal and wrote to Ser Vent Balaji Rao and Tippu
Sultan to abide by his decision of placing Ibrahim Khan on the Masnad of Kurnool. The
former agreed while the latter differed, and Ibrahim Khan became a refugee at Paktoor.
The Nizam called Ibrahim Khan to Hyderabad and lavished on him favours and
bestowed upon him some jagirs.

Alaf Khan became the Rais of Kurnool. He soon came to a compromise with his
brother, by which the masnad of Kurnool came to be recognised as Alaf Khan’s and the
jagirs bestowed by the Nizam on Ibrahim Khan remained with him.

Thus Ihrahim’s connections with Kurnool were entirely severed and he quietly
came down to Hyderabad and led a retired life in the service of his master and new

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 257

In 1206 the blind Emperor, Shah Alam, showered on him some more favours and
honoured him with-the title of Saif-ul-Mulk Amin-ud-Dowla Roshan Jung with a mansab
of Rs. 5000.

Ibrahim’s services to his country are too numerous to mention here. The localities
like Ranmast Pura and Bahadur Pura and a Pura at Aurangabad are the living
monuments to his public work and are still in the possession of his descendants.

Ibrahim Khan had two sons - Nawab Muhammad Dawood Khan and Muhammad
Kizar Khan (Rasool Khan). Both of them were recipients of jagirs from the Nizam and
they are in their respective possessions. Dawood had five sons, all of whom were greatly
honoured by the Nizam, and the titles of “Jung and Dowlah” were conferred on them
all on the happy occasion of Jeshan-i-Nowroze in the year 1246 Hijri.

Nawab Mohammad Azam Khan the second Roshan Jung Shahnawaz-ud-Dowla’s

meritorious services are made mention of in his biography written under the instructions
of Sir Salar Jung Bahadur. His son Nawab lnbasat Ali Khan alias Dawood Khan who
was deputed by Sir Salar Jung to adopt measures for the prevention of the seditious
spirit in Hyderabad and to seek and destroy the bands of mutineers which were in the
stage of formation, succeeded in saving Hyderabad from the clutches of the rebels.

Nawab Dawood Khan had only one son, named Nawab Anwar Khan who had no

Nawab Muktar Jung had no children. Nawab Mustaif Jung had a son Fiaz Ali Khan
who died issueless. Nawab Baibaha Jung who married the daughter of Nawab Kush
Rakam Khan, tutor to Nawab Ali Jah Bahadur had an only son named Nawab Ibrahim
Ali Khan who married Sultana Khatoon, the only daughter of Nawab Istaqament Jung.
Nawab Dost Muhammad Khan is the son of Nawab Ibrahim Ali Khan who is the rightful
inheritor of Dawood Khan’s jagirs. He was only eleven years old when his revered
father died in 1320 Fasli. As he was then a minor, his estate came under the control of
the Court of Wards, and his education was undertaken in the Boarding House under
the direct supervision of that great friend and well-wisher of Jagirdars, Mr. Wakefield,
who was at that time Director General of Revenue. Under him he received a physical
and military training. He is fond of reading and can speak extempore on any subject.
With the kind permission of the then Prime Minister Nawab Salar Jung III he was married
to the grand daughter - of Nawab Mansoor Yar Jung Bahadur. He has now one son
named Ashraf Ali Khan and two daughters.

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258 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His estate was releasea by a Farman which was issued in 1346 Hijri, and since then
he is busy with the work connected with his estate and spends his leisure hours in
study and intellectual amusements.

The estate of Nawab Dawood Khan has been restored along wiih Jamiath by the
Royal Firman on the recommendation of the members of Athi Yath and the President
of the Executive Council. The present Revenue Member, Sir Richard Chenevix Trench,
is to be congratulated on the successful issue of this case.

Nawab Dost Mohamed Khan is an enlightened gentleman and of independent

outlook who not only lives to make his estate matters better but also takes a lively part
in public affairs. He is interested in the welfare of the Jagirdar class. He led many
deputations, and took part in many committees. He was also elected to represent the
Jagirdars in the Legislative Council. There he executed his assigned work satisfactorily.
During his membership on the Municipality, the Hyderabad City Corporation Act was
passed. He took a lively part in the reservation of seats for the Jagirdars. Now he is
holding responsible posts in the Jagirdar’s Comittee and in the Nobles Club. He had
the honour of taking part in the volunteer gaurd of honour at the time of Princess
Walashans’ return from Europe after marriage. He is made a courtier by the Royal
favour. His loyalty to our Gracious Master and love for his fellowmen are wellknown.
He is always simple in his life. He is interested in religious and charitable matters. He
pays much attention to the welfare of his subjects of the estate. Conscious of the economic
depression, he is one of the first Jagirdars who, after Governments’ decision, deemed
to make a remission of the land revenue which the Royal Master and his Government
viewed with favour.

To improve His Estate he has allotted sums of money for the settlement of parts of
his Jagirdar, to construct roads, offices, post offices, hospital, and school.

The construction work will begin very shortly. He has arrangements for Judicial,
Police of Revenue, administration of his Jagir. By the introduction of the Registration
and the Post Offices, the public have facilities.

He personally looks after the works of his Jagir. He has constructed at the seat of
his Jagir a Recreation Club for the elite of the town.

He is a member of various clubs in Hyderabad and Aurangabad. He is very popular

in societies. He visits places of historical and archaeological importance. His hobby is
gardening. He is well up in current affairs of the world.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 259


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260 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mohammad Noor Ali Khan

HE family of Noor-ul-Mulk Noor-ul-Umra was famous in the past,
particularly in the days of Highness the Nizam Nawab Nizam Ali Khan
Bahadur. Time and its many vicissitudes affected the fortunes of thc family
and the members of it do not play at the present day as great and prominent a part as
their forefathers did in the days gone by. What the future has in store we do not know;
but this much we can say that the descendants of the great Noor-ul-Umra have not lost
their family pride or cast away their traditions and in times of need may be adjudged
worthy of great responsibilities.

The founder of the family, Nawab Noor Mohammad Khan, Noor-ul-Mulk Noor-
ul-Umra, originally belonged to the Punjab and was in service under the king of Oudh,
Nawab Shuja-ud-Doula Bahadur. He was a descendant of Nowsherwan, the just, of
Persia and accordingly styled himself Mandai and Nowsherwan. His grandfather and
maternal grand father, were Mohammad Kasim Khan Bahadur and Mohammad Azim
Khan Bahadur. These were in their days not only famous generals and commanders of
armies but still more famous builders of forts and fortifications. The historic forts of
Azamgarh, Murtazapur, and Timangarh, which are the handiwork of Mohammad
Kasim Khan, still stand as imperishable memorials to his genius. as a military engineer
who combined theory with practice. He was not only famous as an engineer but also as
a strategist and there was no one comparable to him in arranging an army on the battle
field. He was a supreme master of disposition. He possessed numerous villages and
had under his command large bodies of infantry and over 5000 cavalry - a regular
army, in fact. Shuja-ud-Daula Vazir-ul-Mulk appreciating his ability summoned him
to Shahjahanabad and appointed him as Commander-in-Chief of his forces, granting
him an allowance of several thousands of rupees per month. His special charge was the
safeguarding of the frontiers and he fulfilled his charge with vigilance and care.

After his death, his son, Ghulam Kamal Khan, was appointed by Shuja-ud-Daula
as his minister and after his death his son, Mohammad Noor Khan Noor-ul-Mulk Noor-
ul-Umra was appointed to succeed him. During the time of Asaf-ud-Daula, he was
raised to the rank of Governor and Commander-in-Chief and had in his charge the
territory extending from Hardwar to Nazirabad. His loyalty was so great that Asaf-ud-
Daula had a special regard and affection for him and honoured him in several ways.
Owing to the unsettled character of the times, the fort of Azamgarh fell into the hands
of the Sikhs and Noor-ul-Umra lost a considerable portion of his lands.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 261


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262 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

After the death of Asaf-ud-Daula, Noor-ul-Umra planned an attempt to regain his
lands but his cousin, Arastu Jah Bahadur, Prime Minister of Hyderabad, sent word to
him advising him to refrain from the attempt.


(Second son of Nawab Shujaat Ali Khan Bahadur)

The minister used the expressive sentence. “It is possible for you to regain your
territory but it would be difficult to retain it and bloodshed and unrest are sure to
continue for a long time.” By order of His Highness Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, the
second Nizam, Arastu Jah sent five lakhs of rupees to Noor-ul-Umra asking him to
come to Hyderabad. He had previous summons from the Nizam but could not leave
Oudh as Asaf-ud-Daula was exceedingly kind to him and would not let him go.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 263

At Arastu Jah’s request Noor-ul-Umra came to the Deccan and arrived at
Aurangabad at the time of the betrothal of Sikandar Jah Bahadur, the heir apparant, to
the daughter of Male Mia Saif-ul-Mulk, the son of Arastu Jah. On his arrival the Nizam
received him with special honours and conferred on him the titles of Sulaiman Yar
Jung Dilawar-ud-Daula Noor-ul-Mulk Noor-ul-Umra. He was also granted a jagir
yielding several lakhs of rupees per annum.


(Third son of Nawab Shujaat Ali Khan Bahadur)

After the death of Arastu Jah, when Mir Alum became Prime Minister, the fortunes
of Noor-ul-Umra began to take a bad turn. He was not on good terms with Mir Alum
and had to leave Hyderabad and reside at Aurangabad. When Sir Henry Russell was
appointed British Resident, he persuaded Noor-ul-Umra to leave Aurangabad and reside
in Hyderabad, but his jagirs were not of the same extent as before. After his death they
suffered in size and income still further. Owing, however, to the munificence of the

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264 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nizam’s Government, the family is still in possession of many jagirs which bring in a
considerable income though in no way comparable to the income derived in the old

Noor-ul-Umra lelt four sons, namely, Ali Yar-ud-Daula, Kannab-ud-Daula, Yawar-

ud-Daula and Dilawar-ud-Daula. Dilawar-ud-Daula had three sons, Mohammad Fazilat
Ali Khan Sulaiman Yar Jung Ali Yar-ud-Daula, Mohammad Vizarat Ali Khan Ali Yawar
Jung and Mohammad Shujaat Ali Khan.

Mohammad Shujaat Ali Khan is the father of the present four Nawabs representing
the Noor-ul-Umra family : they are Nawab Mohammad Noor Ali Khan, Mohammad
Kamal Ali Khan, Nawab Mohammad Sultan Ali Khan and Nawab Mohammad Fiaz
Ali Khan. All the first named three are married and have children. Nawab Shujaat Ali
Khan, their father, was an ideal soldier like his great grandfather and was exceedingly
attached to all manner of sports and games. He lived in his jagirs and held himself aloof
from all political affairs of the State and even in household matters he interfered but
little. He was greatly respected by his people and died honoured and mourned by all.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 265


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

266 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mohammad Validad Khan Bdr.

A WAB Validad Khan Bahadur comes of a respectable family belonging
to the Afghan section of the Mohammadan community of Hyderabad.
He is a staunch follower of the sunnat sect. His home of origin is Siri
Dadar, Ghazm. Malik Miran Khan, the founder of this family left Siri Dadar in Ghazm
about 1540 A. D. in the reign of Sher Shah Soori.

For nine generations, it appears, the family was at Karoon in Patiala State. Hasan
Khan Mundozi, the tenth in descent from Malik Khan, immigrated to Hyderabad during
the reign of Nawab Secunder Jah, Nizam III. He was admitted into the Nizam’s service
and honoured with a responsible post. Since then the prosperity of the family has been
on the increase due no less to its honesty, integrity and faithfulness than to its high

In 1258 Hijri when Moulvi Abdul Karim Khan was murdered at Mandi Meer Alum
in Hyderabad, Hasan Khan, eldest brother of Daryam Khan, was also murdered. For a
detailed account of these murders reference may be made to GuIzar Asafia 3rd chapter,
Saulat Afghan, 4th chapter and Mahbub-ul-Sulasim. The members of the family bear
the family title of Mundozi. Kayam Khan, brother of Daryam Khan and Husain Khan
were killed in the battle of Kurdla fought together with Nawab Nizam Ali Khan, Nizam
of Hyderabad against Mahratta Daulat Rao in 1209 Hijri.

Kumruddin Khan son of Dayam Khan was given lakhs of rupees worth of jagirs
and was entrusted with an army. He laid out a beautiful garden and built a nice house
which is still in existence.

Mohammad Validad Khan Mundozi, the subject of this sketch, is the son of Ghulam
Ahmed Khan Mundozi. He was born on the 22nd day of Mohurrum 1315 Hijri. His
father took every care to give him sound education as the result of which Mohammad
Valid ad Khan is well up in Persian, Urdu, Hindi and English.

Having well equipped himself mentally he entered the service of His Exalted
Highness the Nizam as Jamadar and inherited his forefather’s jagirs. He satisfactorily
discharges his duties and is consequently well spoken of.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 267


He married in his own family and has a daughter. He has succeeded in keeping up
the good name of his family. He has made considerable improvements in the ancestral
property and as a result thereof the income of the Estate has nearly doubled. Nawab
Validad Khan is a sportsman and won several cups and shields. He is kind hearted to
destitutes, takes deep interest in the cause of Muslim education and also in literary

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

268 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Dawood Ali Khan Bahadur

A WAB Dawood Ali Khan Bahadur, son of the late Nawab Mirza Sabit
Ali Khan Bahadur, comes of an old and respectable Moslem family in
Hyderabad. He traces his descent to Nawab Abul Hassan Khan Mujahid
Jung Shah Nawaz-ud-Daula Bahadur, who came to Hyderabad from Delhi with the
great Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, the first Nizam. Shah Nawaz-ud-Daula Bahadur was a
staunch adherent of Nizam-ul-Mulk and stood by him through thick and thin and his
services were always highly appreciated by that great statesman and ruler. Many mem-
bers of his family held high and responsible offices in the State and one of them, Nawab
Talibud Daula Bahadur was, for many years Kotwal (Commissioner of City Police)


(The first Kotwal of the City Police)

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 269


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270 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

H.H. the Late Nizam in a Procession from Nawab Dawood Ali Khan’s
Garden at Moula Ali

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 271


H.E.H. the Nizam Nawab Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, paid a visit on 2nd Shawal 1352 Hijri,

to Nawab Dawood Ali Khan’s Bangalow at Narayanguda

Pictorial Hyderabad - II

and, in this capacity, he happened to serve Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur and Nawab
Secunder Jah Bahadur, the second and third Nizams. The Nawab’s services as
Commissioner of Police in those turbulent days were highly valued by the rulers who
conferred upon him jagirs and mansabs as a mark of their royal favour.

The life of Nawab Dawood Ali Khan Bahadur’s grandfather, Nawab Mirza
Shamsuddin Khan Bahadur, popularly known as “Abban Sahib “, is given in extenso
in a work of local history entitled Gulzar-i-Asafia. A brief reference may, however, be
made here to say that Nawab Mirza Shamsuddin Khan Bahadur, after the death of his
father, Nawab Abdul Fazal Khan Bahadur, struck new ground for a member of the
aristocracy and commenced to engage in commercial occupations. What with his
knowledge of the business, his study of the markets, and his transparent honesty in all
his dealings, he soon acquired a great reputation and established the beginnings of a
fortune. Soon after his entering trade he had occasion to accompany Nawab Shujat-ud-
Daula Bahadur, son of the Nawab Munir-ul-Mulk Amir-ul-Umra Bahadur, on a trip to
Bombay and, while there, he earned a good name for his honesty.

After the death of Nawab Munir-ul-Mulk Bahadur, Prime Minister, Maharajah

Chandulal Bahadur, acting as Dewan, took Nawab Shamsuddin Khan Bahadur into
his confidence and elevated him to a taluqdarship. Subsequently, when the revenue
districts of Aurangabad, Berar and Balaghat were delegated to him for administration,
he brought them to a high pitch of efficiency and increased their prosperity by his good
management and business ability.

He was a very philanthropic nobleman and spent quite a considerable amount of

money on works of public utility. His loyalty to the ruler, he manifested in a practical
manner by building an Abdar-Khana in the midst of an extensive garden in Kohi -
Mohalla in the eastern suburbs of the city where the Ruler stays during the time of his
visit to the Moula Ali Uroos. Among his philanthropic works, a canal and a ghat stand
out prominent. The former is in Khuldabad and was constructed anew out of the traces
of a dilapidated canal of very ancient times. The ghat was almost impassable for travellers
but as it could provide an excellent exit to Burhanpore, Berar, Balaghat and North India,
he incurred a heavy expenditure in levelling it and rendering it easily passable. It is
now known by the name of Nizam Ghat. In addition to these he built many Abdar-
Khanas and Serais which serve as memorials to his name.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 273

After him, his son, Nawab Mirza Sabit Ali Khan, took up his father’s philanthropic
works and added further lustre to the name of his family. He left only one son behind
him, Nawab Dawood Ali Khan Bahadur, the present head of the family, who faithfully
maintains the traditions of his family ,and is one of the most popular members of the
younger generation of Hyderabad aristocracy.

Inheriting the business ability of his grandfather and father, he manages his jagirs
with wisdom and efficiency and sees that the revenues are kept up to the mark. He is
himself no spendthrift though generous and liberal minded. He takes a special delight
in the relief of the poor and the needy. He has a special taste in art and architecture and
the various transformations that his building “Dawood Manzi!” at Narayanguda, has
undergone shows how keen he is on designs. He is sociable and easily accessible and
we wish him all prosperity and happiness in life.

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274 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Late Raja Mohan Lal

AJA Mohan Lal, son of Raja Nand Lal, belongs to a very old and respectable
family that came to the Deccan along with the great Nawab Asaf Jah
Bahadur I. He was born on the 24th June 1890. His forefathers had the
honor of being the trustworthy favourites of the Ruling Princes, and therefore they had
the proud privilege of possessing mansabs and Sirishtas from the very beginning.


His great grandfather, Rai Ragho Ram, acted as the Vakil (Ambassador) of different
samasthans or petty principalities under the Nizam. The meritorious services rendered
by Rai Ragho Ram in safeguarding the interests of the samasthans and the Nizam
procured the titles of Raja Bahadur and jagirs for the family, but being a man of ascetic
tendencies, he did not accept the sanad of the grant for himself but for his two sons,
Raja Dilsukh Ram and Raja Raghunath Ram. Rai Ragho Ram was known to one and all
as a noted philanthropist of his days. He believed in the doctrine of Gupta-dan or
anonymous giving. He used to wander about the streets and lanes of Hyderabad at

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 275

night and place near the sleeping mendicants a blanket in a corner of which he used to
tie a ‘lota’ full of money. This unique form of charity has won for him from the poor the
remarkable title of Kamal-wale Raghoram ( Ragho Ram the blanket distributor).

According to the selfless desire of their father, Raja Dilsuk Raja Raghunath Ram
were granted the jagirs and the titles. Both the brothers were, like their worthy father,
very God-fearing men and had a great admiration and reverence for saints. The
colourlessness of this family in the religious matters can be illustrated by the fact that
Raja Dilsukh Ram possessed a profound respect and regard for a Muslim saint by name
Hazrat Piran Shah Saheb. The Raja built a durgah on the tomb of the saint and a jagir
from the then Ruler of Hyderabad in order to defray the daily and annual expenditure.
The younger brother, Raja Raghunath entrusted with the management of the famous
Kishen Bagh Temple built by Rai Ragho Ram of holy memory. And for the convenient
man; the same the Raja got jagirs to which he and his two sons, Raja and Raja Nand LeI
added their own quota in the form of el and lands.

Raja Eknath Pershad, the only male heir of Raja Dilsukh Ram, died during the
lifetime of his father and left no male issue. His jagirs were to be inherited by Sunder
Lal, the grandson of Raja Girdhar Lal, but as he also died young and without any male
heir the jagirs passed to one of the daughters of Raja Dilsukh Ram.

Raja Raghunath Ram had six sons:- Raja Girdhar Lal, Raja Lal Pershad, Ghansham
Lal, Sham Lal and Raja Gyani Lal. Like fathers Raja Girdhar Lal, and Raja Nand Lal
were also fortunate enough to earn more jagirs, which are now in possession of Rai
Trimak Lal, son of Raja Mohan Lal, as the senior member of the family.

As the severest stroke of misfortune Rai Mohan Lal lost his father at the tender age
of nine months. Needless to say that he had to face innumerable difficulties and undergo
many a hardship before he could ascertain his rights and claims to the estate.
Notwithstanding the various hindrances he received a fairly good education which
nourished his innate qualities and moulded him into a man of noble
character. He took keen interest in almost all the activities of Hyderabad life. A true
friend of the poor and needy, this worthy scion of Raja Ragho Ram rendered great help
in the form of supply of food and medicine to the sufferers during the influenza epidemic
of 1919. He was deeply interested in matters religious and educational. His munificent
gift of one thousand rupees to Professor Karve’s Women’s University, Poona, bears
testimony to the fact that his love of education did not allow him to confine himself
only to the cause of male education. In addition, the monthly and annual grants that he
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

276 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

offered to various institutions stand to his credit. It was chiefly due to his religious
fervour that the annual car festival of Shree Krishna Murli-Manohar Swamy at Kishen
Bagh r emple used to be a grand success. Like the former members of the family Rai
Mohan Lal also inherited a Sirishta of the Irregular Forces. He had a very wide circle of
friends and was much loved and esteemed by all as a true friend. He was an all round
sportsman. He did much and wanted to do more according his well-laid plans for
effecting a further improvement in his estate and would certainly have brought it to a


high state of prosperity had not death claimed him quite suddenly at the early age of
thirty eight, on the 1st Thir 1338 Fasli, equivalent to 6th May 1929. He has left behind
him a large family of three sons and four daughters besides the widowed Rani. All his
sons and daughters are very well brought up. His eldest son Rai Trimak Lal, aged
nineteen years, is an under-graduate studying in the Nizam College with his younger
brothers Nand Lal and Lok Raj.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 277


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278 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Raja Bansiraj Family

AJA Narsing Raj and Raja Mahbub Raj, the two surviving sons of the late
Raja Girdari Pershad Bansiraj Mahbub Nawazwant, belong to the old and
highly respectable Kayastha family of Northern India. One of its members,
named Daulat Rai, was among the officers and officials who accompanied His Highness
Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, the first Nizam, from Delhi to the Deccan, in the early years
of the eighteenth century and settled down here.

Shortly after the arrival of Asaf Jah, Daulat Rai was appointed Superintendent of
His Highness’ household and he continued in this office till his death. His son, Rajaram,
was then given that post by His Highness Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur and he,
like his father, served in this post till his death, which occurred some forty years after
his assumption of office.

His Highness Nawab Secundar Jah Bahadur then appointed his son, Swamy
Pershad, to succeed him as Superintendent of the royal household. At his death he left
behind him three sons, namely, Rai Narhari Pershad, Rai Narsing Pershad and Rai
Narayan Pershad.

His Highness Nawab Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur appointed Rai Narhari Pershad to

succeed his father and also made him Serishtadar of the Sarf-i-khas and presented him
with the jewels, killats etc. attached to the office. In 1860 the title of Rai was conferred
on him and a mansab of Rs. 500 per month also given. After serving the Sarkar loyally
and faithfully Rai Narhari Pershad died in 1882 leaving two sons, Rai Girdari Pershad
and Rai Khubchand.


Raja Girdari Pershad was born in 1826 and, thanks to the zeal of his father, received
sound education in. Persian, Arabic, Urdu and Hindi. He had a special aptitude for
study and before many years he obtained high proficiency in all these languages and
was generally and rightly considered a brilliant and widely read young man. In the
year 1867, while his father was still alive, he took charge of his father’s duties on account
of his old age and fulfilled his responsibilities so well that even the duties connected
with the royal household were relegated to him.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 279

A few years afterwards, when Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur was acting as Regent
on account of the minority of the Nizam, Mir Mahbub Ali Khan, Rai Girdari Pershad
was appointed as His Highness’ tutor. This important appointment was due to the
Regent’s ability to judge persons and to his appreciation of Rai Girdari Pershad’s sound


After His Highness ascended the Masnad Raja Girdari Pershad was entrusted with
the work of organizing two regiments known by the names of Goshamahal Troops and
Jamiat Nazam Mahbub, now forming part of the Nizam’s Regular Forces. In
consideration of his abilities he was made a Serishtadar of the Regular and Irrugular
Forces on a consolidated salary of Rs. 650 and given a bonus of Rs. 3000 with the honours
of 2000 sowar, Umbari Nowbath, Roshan Chowki etc. About this time Rai Girdari
Pershad organized three factories or Karkhanas, one for the making of country paper,
the other for the manufacture of country rifles used by the army in those days, and
third for the manufacture of gun-powder. The last mentioned is still working.
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280 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


Rai Girdhari Pershad was a great Persian and Hindi poet and produced several
original works. He translated the Bhagwat Gita and the Ramayana into Persian and the
Keshav and Shamboo Puranas in Hindi. Being a devoted Hindu he restored several old
and ruined temples, the chief of which being those at Chanaraiguta near Falaknuma
known as Malawant Kishkunda.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 281

In appreciation of his long and faithful services, His Highness Mir Mahhub Ali
Khan Bahadur entrusted him with the honoured duty of presenting attar and pan during
Viceregal visits and the visits of other high personages, during Darbar and other
ceremonial occasions.

The Raja died in 1899 at the advanced age of 70 years leaving two sons, namely Rai
Narsing Raj Bahadur and Rai Mahbub Raj Bahadur. After the death of the Raja, His
Highness the Nizam conferred upon his eldest son, Rai Narsing Raj, all his honours


and titles, and appointed him to his father’s post. He is also one of the members of the
Religious Inquirry Committee to settle disputes between Hindus and Muslims. Rai
Mahbubraj was given the Serishtadarship of Sarf-i-khas and also that of the Irregular
Troops at Zuffarghat in the Warangal district.

Rai Narsing Raj Bahadur has three sons, namely Rai Narhar Raj, Rai Shamraj and
Rai Ramraj. Both the brothers, Rai Narsing Raj and Rai Mahbub Raj are living together
in the family residence in Hussaini Alum and take deep interest in the cause of education,
while Rai Mahbub Raj has founded a Co-operative Society for Kayastha Mansabdars.
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282 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Bahadur Yar Jung Bahadur

awab Bahadur Khan Bahadur Yar Jung Bahadur hails from an ancient
Afghan family which, in the golden days of the Moghal rule, migrated
to India in search of pastures anew. The family settled down in the Pargana
of Bora Bast of Jaipur dominion. Mohammad Daulat Khan was the pioneer. He with
his three sons, namely Mohammad Naseeb Khan, Mohammad Mandour Khan and


Mohammad Bahadur Khan moved south in 1335 H. when Nawab Sikandar Jah was in
power. The migrants found favour with the ruler, who being a man of a benevolent
disposition invested the eldest son of Nawab Daulat Khan with great honours, namely
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 283

two hundred Cavalry, seventyfive naghar servants of bar and barkandaz, five elephants,
Palki, Myana, Aftab Giri and a salary of Rs. 701. He gave promise of great Military
prowess when Golconda was beseiged and in appreciatipn of his gallantry Nawab
Nasar-ud-Daula Bahadur, the Governor of the Deccan personally dressed the Nawab
Naseeb Khan with qilat Sarapai; decorated him with such honours as Khani, Bahaduri,
Ambari, Nawbat, etc. and granted him the Jagir of Kandoor and Akatpalli, besides a
thousand Cavalry, two thousand Mansab and the revenues of Sarolipath and Banyasari
for the maintenance of his troops. Nawab Naseeb Khan died on the 29th Rabi-us-Sani,
1271 Hijri, leaving only son Nawab Doulat Khan.

During the minority of Doulat Khan, his uncle, Mohammad Mandoor Khan,
managed the estates. He was a prudent, well-mannered and intelligent Amir. He died
in 1282 H. After his death, Doulat Khan became head of the family having inherited all
the possessions of his father. He was a model to other Amirs of his day. He was so
studious in search for knowledge that he was a student all his life. Moulvi Shamsi of
the O. U. College once remarked “I was 25 years of age and he (Doulat Khan) 60 years
and yet he took regular lessons with me in “ Hadis “ as a true Mohammadan. Doulat
Khan died in Ramzan 1323 H. leaving behind him four daughters and one son, named
Mohammad Naseeb Khan, who inheirted the property, titles and honours. He became
Naseeb Yar Jung on 1st Zikad, 1323 H. and died suddenly in his forty eighth year (7th
Rabi-us-Sani 1341 Hijri.) He had three sons, Mohammad Bahadur Khan, Mohammad
Mandoor Khan and Mohammad Doulat Khan.

Nawab Bahadur Khan, who is better known as Nawab Bahadur Yar Jung Bahadur,
was born on 27th Zilhej 1322 Hijri. A week after his birth his dear mother died. He was,
therefore, from his infancy brought up in his grandmother’s house. The boy was under
the influence of his God-fearing grandmother. He was educated in Madrasa Alya,
Mufeed-ul-Uloom and Dar-ul-Uloom. Moulvi Sadatulla Khan and Moulana Syed Ashraf
Shamsi Sahib were responsible for his Arabic, Persian and religious education. He
interested himself in the welfare of his country, his co-religionists and Jagirdars. He is
an elected representative of Jagirdars in the Hyderabad Legislative Council. He is an
eloquent speaker and sound thinker. He is a wise administrator of his estate and has
earned the good will of his relatives and friends for his unblemished character. He has
travelled far and wide and visited the sacred places of Muslims.

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284 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 285


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286 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Asghar Nawaz Jung Bahadur
Nawab Asghar Hussain Khan Bahadur

A WAB Ashgar Hussain Khan Bahadur is the only son of the late Nawab
Yawar Ali Khan Sahab Jung Mukhtar-ud-Daula Iftikhar-ul-Mulk
Bahadur, one of the leading nobles of the State, and, in his day, famous
for his learning and character. Nawab Asghar Hussain Khan Bahadur was born in the
year 1895 and was carefully educated under the guidance of capable and efficient tutors,
his distinguished father taking a personal interest in his educational progress and general
up-bringing. He is conversant in Urdu, Arabic, Persian and English, and adds to his
learning courtly manners and aristocratic benignancy. From his early years the Nawab
developed a pronounced taste for architecture, and the knowledge he has acquired on
these subjects is such that he may well be considered as one of the ablest amateur
engineers in the State. It was a natural gift which he developed by study and industry.
Those who have seen his residence, “ Asghar Manzil” in Moula Ali, will get an idea of
the Nawab’s taste for architecture. The beautiful building was entirely planned by him
and even the construction was supervised by him step by step. No outside help of any
sort, except, of course, skilled labour, was obtained by him and “Asghar Manzil” stands
a handsome memorial to his skill as a talented architect and also to his love of the
beautiful and the becoming. His main occupations being study and the management of
his estates, relieved by many diversions, notably riding and shikar. He is a well known
figure in the local list of sportsmen on account of his achievements. The Nawab has
much of the mellow charm of old time aristocracy and worthily maintains the prestige,
dignity and reputation of a great and illustrious family. The Nawab married Vazir-un-
Nissa Begum Saheba, a daughter of Mirza Ali Mohammad Khan Mohatamad Jung
Mohatmad-ud-Daula Bahadur whose wife was Omdat-un-Nissa Begum Saheba,
daughter of Mukhram Jung Bahadur. The Nawab is residing in his ancestral palace,
situated at Yakoobpura.

This sketch would be altogether incomplete if a few words are not said in regard to
the ancestral history of the Nawab and also of his distinguished father, known in his
generation as Nawab Sahab Jung Bahadur.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 287


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288 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

It is recorded that one of the remote ancestors of the Nawab Sahab Jung Bahadur
was a special favourite of the celebrated saint Imam Raza. His name was Mir Mohammad
Darvesh and he was a descendant of the prophet. The story goes to say that when
Emperor Humayun was reigning at Delhi, he saw one night the saint, Imam Raza, in a
dream. The saint, it appears, told him that in the near future he would send one of his
descendants to him, and if the Emperor trusted his child to him he would survive him.
The saint also imparted to the Emperor certain hints to enable him to readily recognize
the visitor when he came. It is further stated that Mohammad Darvesh was, at the same
time, directed by the saint to proceed to Delhi.


When, accordingly, Mohammad Darvesh arrived in Delhi and presented himself

at the court of Humayun, the Emporer at once recognized him as the man of whom the
saint Imam Raza had spoken. He recieved him with cordiality and treated him with
the highest respect. At that time the Empress gave birth to a boy and the infant was

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 289

forthwith entrusted to the care of the Darvesh as instructed by Imam Raza. The child
was none other than Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar, the greatest of the Moghul Emperors.

During the time of Emperor Shah Jehan a relative of Mohammad Darvesh by name
Syed Jaffar Naishapuri came to India from Persia and the Emperor included him among
his mansabdars.

During the stay of the Emperor Shah Jahan at Kabul, Syed Jaffar proceeded there
accompanied by his two sons, Mir Mohammad Hassam and Mir Mohammad Sayyid.
The Emperor took them into his service and, in the wars which broke out at one time
and another, Syed Jaffar Naishapuri and his son, Mir Mohammad Hassam, lost their
lives fighting for their master. Mir Mohammad Sayyid, the younger, then returned to
Delhi where he was given all the honours enjoyed by his deceased father. In the battle
of Jallalabad under Shah Jehan he showed such bravery and resource that the Emperor
appointed him Khilladar of Dowlatabad Fort.

This appointment connected the family with Hyderabad. Mir Mohammad Sayyid’s
third son, Mir Kazim, enjoyed all the honours conferred on his father and continued in
the Khilladarship of Dowlatabad. His second son, Mir Mohammad Hassam, known as
the first Nawab Sahab Jung, married, as his second wife, Maksuddam-un-Nissa Begum,
a daughter of Shah Nawaz Khan Samsam-ud-Daula Bahadur. He had four sons, the
third of whom, Mir Kazim Ali Khan Muktar-ud-Daula, took as his second wife Padsha
Begum, a daughter of Behram-ul-Mulk Bahadur. The writer of “GuIzar Asafia”, who
lived during the time of Mir Kazim Ali Khan, writes to him thus :-” He was one of the
wisest of the Amirs of his age, so much so that nobody could equal him”. It appears
that Maharaja Chandulal Bahadur once said that should the Amir reach a position of
trust and responsibility he would be able to solve several problems, both intricate and
mysterious. In the art of arrow shooting nobody could excel him as he was a past-
master in that art.

Mir Kazim Ali had a son named Mir Ghulam Mehdi Ali Khan, better known as
Nawab Sazawar Jung, who married Amir-un-Nissa Begum, a daughter of Ashay-ud-
Daula. Sazawar Jung had four sons, the third of whom was the late Nawab Sahab Jung

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290 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mir Yawar Ali Khan Sahab Jung Bahadur, was, on his mother’s side, a nephew of
Sir Salar Jung and was born in the year 1853. He was a favourite of his uncle and was
specially brought up by him in his youth. While yet a young man of nearly twenty
years of age he was made Prime Minister. In 1885 he was made a member of the Council
of State and he held office as minister in charge of the departments of Public Works and


In the year 1889 he was awarded the titles of Mukhtar-uq-Daula, Iftikhar-ul-Mulk

and His Highness the late Nizam conferred upon him further honours such as “Palki
Jalardhar “, “Alum” and “Nakkara“, with the command of 5000 sowars. He received
also a mansab of Rs. 4000.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 291

During the time of His Highness the late Nizam, he was in great prominence as a
noble and efficient head of a department and general administrator and, during His
Highness’s absence in Delhi accompanied by his prime minister, Nawab Sahab Jung
officiated in the latter’s post.

In 1911 when Sir George Casson Walker, the Finance Minister, proceeded home on
furlough, Nawab Sahab Jung Bahadur officiated in his place. The general opinion was
that he, as an administrator was next only to his uncle, the great Sir Salar Jung.

He was a nobleman of stately appearance and dignified manners, generous and

considerate to the poor and helpful to the learned. He was much respected by his brother
nobles and looked upon by the people, who knew him, as a man of sterling worth, alike
for character, learning, and attainments. He passed away on the 28th Moharrum, 1331

Nawab Asghar Nawaz Jung Bahadur has two daughters Turab-i-Nisa Begum Sahiba
and Azam-i-Nisa Begum Sahiba.

He was awarded the title of Nawab Asghar Nawaz Jung Bahadur in consideration
of the family tradition on the occasion of 48th Birthday of H. E. H. the Nizam. He was
also privileged to join all the functions connected with the State Visits of Lord Willingdon,
Viceroy and Governor General of India, in 1933.

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292 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Srinivasa Rao Bahadur

MONG members of the nobility of Hyderabad belonging to the Hindu
race, Raja Srinivasa Rao Bahadur occupies a very high rank as much by
virtue of birth and family connections as by virtue of his literary
attainments, general scholarship and worth and weight of character. Indeed, without
exaggeration it might be said that he is a young noble of whom the people of the State
ought rightly to be proud, for the reason that, setting at naught the temptations of his
position and rank, he devoted himself to intellectual pursuits and has persevered so far
that he has passed the Bacheler of Arts examination of the Bombay University and is
now studying in the Oxford University for the degree of Bacheler of Civil Laws.

He is a young man of very great promise and we hope we shall not be out-stepping
the mark when we express the hope that when he returns he would dedicate the fruits
of his studies and his culture and the flower of his character to the well-being of the
people. Heaven has blessed him with all forms of material prosperity the greatest
attraction for him being social service embracing education, reform of customs and so
on. In the case of but few have we ventured to write in this strain but our justification is
the Raja’s promise of character and culture and the fact that long before he returns to
Hyderabad and enters upon a public career this volume would have been printed and
in general circulation. Men such as he are rare in Hyderabad society so far as the Hindu
section is concerned and we suppose we have not ventured too far in expressing the
hope that we did.

Raja Srinivasa Rao is the representative of the house of the late Raja Srinivasa Rao.
The family is generally known as Karman Srinivas Rao not by birth but by adoption.
His real name is Shanker Rao his father being one Padma Rao Ramchander Rao. The
Raja was born at Kanmadi, in the Bijapur district on the 2nd day of December 1917, his
father being Padma Rao Ramchander Rao. He belongs to the smartha sect of the
Vaishnava Brahmanas. He received his early education at the Bijapur Government High
School and after passing his Matriculation Examination in the year 1921, he joined the
Deccan College, Poona, and, in due course, obtained the degree of Bacheler of Arts
with second class honours.

The Raja is a lover of art and music and even as a student took a deep interest in
social work. He was particularly devoted to the self-imposed task of restoring dignity
to the Kanarese language and was the president of the Karnatic Sangha, an association

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 293

devoted to strengthen and revivify that language. His work is a source of inspiration
and encouragement to youngmen in the Kanarese territory and it is not too much to say
that they long for his return. After completing his college course, and staying in India
for some time, he proceeded to England to take up the course of Bacheler of Civil Laws.


Raja Srinivasa Rao is a mansabdar and jagirdar of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s
Dominions. He belongs to an old aristocratic family in the Deccan. One of his ancestors
named Ramanna Pandit first came to Hyderabad during the time of His Highness
Secundar Jah from Indore and settled in Gulburga. His son was Krishnaji Naik to whom
was given jagirs yielding an annual income of about Rs. 20,000 in the district of
Mahaboobnagar and of Rs. 8000 in the district of Gulburgah. Krishnaji Naik held a
responsible position in the Government during the time of His Highness Nasir-ud-
Daula Bahadur. He was one of the most trusted officers of the Nizam’s and moved in
the highest political and social circles. He died in the year 1856 leaving an only son, the
late Raja Srinivasa Rao.

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294 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Srinivasa Rao was born in the fifties of the last century. After receiving a
tolerably good education in Urdu and English, he entered the service of His Highness’
Government in the year 1877 as assistant to the military secretary which responsible
position was held at that time by Raja Raghavendra Rao, his own elder brother. In 1881,
he was appointed to hold in addition, the superintendentship of the household and the
jagir of a deceasad Arab jamadar named Hashmuth bin Mohsin Mokaddam Jung.

In 1883 he was appointed a member of the Sikh Committee and in 1884 placed in
charge of the Central Treasury. In 1885, he was appointed a trustee ot the estate of the
late Raja Kundaswamy and was also temporarily entrusted with the administration of
the estate of Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur. In 1888, during the ministry of Sir Asman Jah
Bahadur, he was made a Taluqdar of the first grade and posted to the Nalgonda district.
In 1889, when the Raja was, thirty nine years old, His Highness the late Nizam conferred
upon him the title of Raja in recognition of his many valuable services to the State. He
passed away in 1905 leaving an only son, the late Raja Kishen Rao, and two daughters.

Raja Kishen Rao was a very promising young man but he was not destined to live
long, as he passed away in the year 1907, two years after his father’s death, leaving
behind him a young widow, Ram Rukmani Bai, the daughter of Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur.
Twelve years after her husband’s death Rani Ram Rukmani Bai adopted Shanker Rao,
the son of Padma Rao Ramchander, and gave him the name of Srinivasa Rao after her
deceased father-in-law. It is this Raja Srinivasa Rao of whom we have had the pleasure
to write in this sketch.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 295


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296 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Ranga Rao Bahadur

NOTHER family of no less importance is that of Raja Ranga Rao Bahadur
who is a Jagirdar having an annual income of Rs. 25,000 and the Deshmukh
Deshpandia of some villages in both the Khalsa and Paigah. He was born
on Vikram Shuddha Chathurdashi in the village of Ravalpole, a few miles from Medchal
station in Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur’s Jagir.

His ancestry is traced back to the time of Nawab Sikandar Khan Bahadur. His
great grandfathers were favoured with high positions during the Ministry of Sir Salar
Jung I and during the Peshkari of Maharaja Chandulal Bahadur. They were well known
for their fidelity to the Royal Throne of His Highness and also for their unselfishness in
their services to the State. Raja Ranga Rao the grandfather of the present Raja won the
special favour of Highness Nawab Afzal-ud-Daula. Estates having an income of several
lakhs of rupees were entrusted to him with full powers. During the time of Maharaja
Chandulal’s Ministry i. e. (1806 to 1841) he was appointed as the First Talukdar of the
Deccan. During the time of His Highness Nazir-ud-Daula the Cavalry with which he
was connected was increased in Bhongir Taluk, at Mogulgidda, Amraoti, and Gadgil.
Subsequently the title of Raja was conferred on him with a mansab of Rs. 3,000 and a
cavalry of 700 horse. He died subsequently leaving behind him an adopted son Raja
Luxman Rao who died on the 20th Khurdad 1302 Fasli, whose only son the hero of this
biography is.

After his father Raja Luxman Rao’s death, Raja Ranga Rao, who was a minor,
underwent his training from 1313 Fasli to 1317 Fasli in the Court of Wards as a
probationer under the orders of Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur. By his intelligence
and skill in administration he so conducted the affairs of his jagirs that he liquidated an
enormous debt of one lakh and fifty thousand ru pees which his father Raja Lachma
Rao had left.

Raja Ranga Rao is of a very happy disposition by nature and is easily accessible to
all those who seek his support. He is well read in Persian and also possesses a fairly
good knowledge of English and Telugu. He has a son by name Lachma Rao, a youth of
barely 18 years, now prosecuting his studies in the St. George’s Grammar School at
Hyderabad and is preparing for the Cambridge Senior Examination.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 297


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298 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The late Rai Taij Rai Bahadur

AI Taij Rai was a Jagirdar, President of the Council of Sir Asman Jah
Bahadur’s Paigah and Serrishtadar of Nazam-i-Jamiat of His Exalted
Highness the Nizam’s Government.

Rai Taij Rai was born in Hyderabad ( Deccan) on the 1st of Dhai 1281 Fasli. He was
brought up in the best traditions of the time. He received his primary education in
Madrasa Aizza aud finished his high school course in Madrasa Alyia. As desired by the
late Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur he joined the Hyderabad Civil Service Class. The
Nawab Saheb loved him so much that he appointed the boy to all the posts successively
of the Paigah State which his father held.

After a few days Sir Asman Jah appointed him as his A. D C. and promoted him to
a responsible post of the Paigah Estate. This was when he was about to finish the H. C.
S. course. He accompanied the Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur in all his travels as his A.
D. C. In spite of this he continued his studies privately under Mr. Hardikar, Professor
of Mathematics, in the Nizam College.

Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur was very kind to him. He entrusted to his charge
the Uroob and Hoboosh (the Arab and African guard) branch of the Nazam-i-Jamiat of
His Highness the Nizam’s Government, a post which carried a salary of Rs. 540 per
month. Besides this he had a Mansab from the treasury of His Highness the Nizam’s

After the death of Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, Padshazadi Begum Sahiba (Lady
Asman Jah) found him as faithful to her as he was to him, so she treated him with
consideration, and appointed him as a chief tutor to Nawab Moin-ud-din Khan Bahadur
(now Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur).

He fell ill for some time and during the period of his convalescence he wrote a
biography of Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur known as Sahifai- Asmanjahi, which was
highly appreciated by all.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 299

After lady Asman Jah’s death an administration board was formed for the Paigah
estate and Rai Taij Rai continued in his post as before. Nawab Moinuddin Khan Bahadur
loved him in the same way as his noble father. Rai Taij Rai accompanied him to Delhi
Darbar and in other journeys. When the office of the president of the Paigah Council
fell vacant, Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur presented a petition to the His Highness
Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur to appoint Rai Taij Rai as the President of the Council.
His Highness was graciously pleased to sanction his appointment. Rai Taij Rai was
also more than once a member of the Legislative Council representing of the Paigahs.
As soon as he became President of the Council he made many improvements in the
administration, which led to a permanent increase of the Paigah revenue and the
administration was carried on satisfactorily.

Sir Brian Egerton K. C. I. E. who was the controller General of the three Paigahs
and subsequently Sadr-ul-Maham-e-Paigahs was much pleased with the ability and
faithfulness of Rai Taij Rai and increased his pay.

Although he was fully engaged in discharging the Government duties still he found
sufficient time to devote to the welfare of his community namely Brahmokshatrias. He,
as life President, improved the national school Mufid-ul-Anam. With his efforts the
Girls Boarding School, National Fund, the Widow Fund and the Kshatriya Co-operative
Society came into existence. He spent not only the time but also money for these causes.
He awarded scholarships from his own pocket to poor students of his community.
When his mother died he started a Widows Fund for the help of the poor widows of his
caste and gave a grant of Rs. 1000 from his own pocket and continued to help this fund.

Besides his interest in the affairs of his own community he helped all public charities.
He never refused to give any help which he possibly could to any needy person.

He was free from orthodoxy. He deemed it his duty to be considerate to his

opponents and treated all people kindly. He died on the 3rd July 1925 after a short

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300 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He left two sons; the elder of whom, Veernath Rai, 19 years old, after passing
Intermediate Science examination from the Ferguson College, Poona, sailed for England
for higher studies in Engineering on the 27th July 1929, while the younger, Mulnath Rai
is reading in IV Form in Mufed-ul-Anam school. Nawab Moin-ud-Daula Bahadur, like
his forefathers, is their patron.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 301


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302 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


AI Guru Das, is a jagirdar in His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government
and Serrishtadar, Afowaja-Baiqaida (Irregular Army) Paigah Asmanjahi.

Rai Chatar Bhoj Das, the founder of the Rai Guru Das family, belonged to the
Brahmo-Kshatriya community and was in the service of His Highness the Nizam’s
Government. His son, Raja Jai Shanker Das, was the Commissioner of the Customs
Department but was posted in the Shams-ul-Umra’s estate. Thenceforward he became
a servant of the Paigah estate.

He lost his life in an internecine strife. His son Raja Mugat Ram was quite young at
that time and when he grew up His Highness appointed him as the Commissioner of
the Customs Department, a post which his father held for some time. Subsequently, the
post of Dewani in the Paigah estate was conferred on him. In 1244 Hijri he was given a
grant of jagir of about Rs. 20,000 a year which is still retained by his descendants. When
he died his son Rai Bhawani Das inherited the jagir and he was in the staff of the late
Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur. He was appointed Nazam-e-Makhari and a member of
the Managing Board. He was a sympathetic and popular officer. He had four sons -Rai
Mugat Ram, Rai Devi Das, Rai Chabeel and Rai Kishen Das.

Rai Guru Das is the son of Rai Devi Das, the second son of Raja Bhawani Das. He
was born on the 9th of January 1906 in Hyderabad. He was nine month’s old when his
father died. Rai Taij Rai, the late president of the Council of the Paigah, the maternal
grandfather of Rai Guru Das, brought him up.

He received his primary and secondary education in the Mufed-ul-Anam school

and passed the H. S. L. C. Examination from Madrasa Alia and got through the
Intermediate examination of the Osmania University. He is now reading in the same
University for his B. A. degree examination.

Rai Taij Rai treated him as his own son and took much interest in his education. He
would have sent him to England for higher education, but for the former’s untimely

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 303

Rai Guru Das married the grand-daughter of Rai Hari Lal Saheb, Jagirdar and
Serrishtadar, Nazam-i-Jamiat, ,of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government.

He is now the Serrishtadar of the Irregular Army of Nawab Sir Asman Jah Bahadur’s
Paigah and a Jagirdar. Although young he has inherited all the good qualities of Rai
Taij Rai.

After the death of his Grandfather, late Rai Taij Rai, he wrote a biography “Jivan
Charittar”. Many learned people expressed a high appreciation of work.

He passed his B. A. examination in the year 1929 and is now in the Law class. We
wish him a bright future.

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304 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Rai Parmanand Das

AI Parmanand Das, Jagirdar, claims descent from Raja Chatterbhuj Das,
Jagirdar, who was a prominent courtier during the reign of the second
Nizam, His Highness the Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur. He was a very
popular courtier and ever loyal to his Sovereign, who esteemed him much. He was also
a minister and adviser to Murshidzada Nawab Alijah Bahadur. After his death, his son


Raja Jaishankar Das, assumed control of his father’s jagir and was given the much
coveted post of minister of the estate of Nawab Shams-ul-Umra Bahadur. A very hard-
working and loyal man, Raja Jaishankar Das was not destined to live long and reap the
fruits of his labour and attain to higher ranks. He met with a sad death, having been
brutally murdered by his enemies in a dispute between Raja Chandu Lal, the Dewan,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 305

and Nawab Mubariz-ud-Daula. His Highness the Nizam handed over Raja Jaishankar
Das’s jagirs and other possessions to his son, Raja Mukat Ram, who was then in his
teens. Raja Mukat Ram administered his jagirs well. He was also made Commissioner
of Customs of Hyderabad in place of his father. And after his death his possessions
were inherited by his son, Raja Devi Das, who, on his death in 1283 Hijri, left behind
him two sons namely, Rai Vithal Das and Rai Bhawani Das, in whose names the Sanad
of the jagirs was issued in 1284 Hijri. Rai Vithal Das passed away in 1300 Hijri and the
control of the jagirs passed into the hands of his son Rai Shankar Das and his uncle Rai
Bhawani Das. Bhawani Das was then appointed Nazam Mukarij while the post of
Sheristadar was given to Rai Shankar Das.

Rai Parmanand Das, the son of Rai Shankar Das. and Rai Mukat Ram, son of Rai
Bhawani Das, jointly took possession of the jagirs after the death of their respective

His Exalted Highness the Nizam confirmed this succession by a Firman issued in
1333 Hijri, placing the jagirs perpetually as “ Zat Jagir” in the hands of Rai Parmanand
Das. son of Rai Shankar Das, and Rai Mukat Ram, eldest son of Rai Bhawani Das,
Government holding the right of two per cent of the annual revenue.

Rai Parmanand Das was born in 1309 Hijri. He is a good administrator and, on
account of his ability and general organizing powers, he was appointed Famine Relief
Officer at Raichur during the famine of 1327 Fasli. The Rai Saheb discharged his onerous
duties with such ability and care that his superiors were more than satisfied with him
and for having distinguished himself in this work he was sent to act in a similar capacity
in the Bashirabad district in Sir Asman Jah’s estates. He holds also the Sherishtadari of
Sherishta “Mard Admian“ in Sarf-i-Khas Mubarak. He has also inherited from his father
the Sherishtadari of Sherishta miscellaneous in the Paigah of Nawab Moin-ud-Daula

The Rai Saheb has three sons, namely, Rai Murlidhar Das, who is studying in the
Senior Cambridge Class, Rai Narsing Raj and Rai Guru Das, who are both studying at
the Jagirdar’s College, Begumpett.

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306 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sri Sadguru Manik Prabhu Maharaj

HIS great saint was born at Ladvanti of the Ganjoti district (Paigah) in 1817.
He belonged to a wealthy Naik family. His ancestors who carried on business
in jewellery and gold were very wealthy. Manohar Naik, the father of Sri
Prabhu, was a staunch devotee of Sri Ramchendra and spent all his time in devotion.
He died when Sri Prabhu was only nine years old.

After his death, Sri Byabai, the widow, and blessed

mother of Sri Prabhu, went to Kalyani to live with her
brother having arranged to educate her sons. Sri Prabhu
was there till his fourteenth year. This great saint had only
primary education from a “Pantoji” of those days. In his
boyhood Sri Prabhu was extremely playful and spent more
time on boyish games than on his studies. He gathered some
friends around him and played with them all day in the
fields or on the river banks. In his later life, however, his
mastery over the classic languages of Sanskrit and Persian
became more and more manifest, although he had in his
boyhood received practically no education at the hands of
a “Pandit” or a “Moulvi”.

But while he was a boy, it is said, he worked many SRI SADGURU

strange and extraordinary miracles which convinced the
people around him of his greatness. He was looked upon as an incarnation of a deity.

Sri Prabhu was a Bramachary throughout his life and lived on public charity.

Sri Prabhu had among his devotees many officials of the day. Sri Prabhu was very
famous for his charity and benevolence. All the chief festivals of Hindus and
Muhammadans were celebrated by him with great pomp. Some records show that ten
thousand rupees were spent in charity on one such occasion. The total expenses
amounted to a lakh of rupees per year; but there were no definite sources of income
except gifts from public and the offerings of devotees who had their desires fulfilled by
his grace.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 307

The life of Sri Prabhu is full of aweinspiring anecdotes. Once, it is said, in the
presence of thousands he from his very seat saved a drowning ship in the sea water.
This fact came to light when the master of the vessel approached Sri Prabhu to pay him
his respects and receive blessings from him. On another occasion when he visited the
city of Bidar, he was one day, to the greate surprise of the citizens, found receiving
homage from all of them spontaneously. Human mind is incapable of comprehending
such extraordinary doings. His miraculos deeds and divine powers won for him a large
number of disciples from all castes and creeds.

This great saint to the utter sorrow of thousands entered “Samadhi “ in 1865 when
he was 48 years old leaving behind him Manohar Manik Prabhu to continue his divine


Sri Manohar Manik Prabhu was born on the 7th September 1858. He came to “Gadi”
when he was only a boy of 7 years. Doubts were entertained by many as to the proper
management of affairs but they proved groundless as the boy showed remarkable talents
for suceeding his Guru.

Like Sri Prabhu he too received very little of secular

education. Although he was very young his profound
knowledge and command of language was noteworthy. He
wrote books in Sanskrit and Marathi in order to promote
the “Sakal Mati Sampradaya “. These works show the deprh
of his knowledge. He attained perfection in the science of
“Yoga” and like his ancestors he too observed
“Bramacharya” throughout his life.

After Sri Prabhu’s demise young Manik Prabhu spent

thousands of rupees in chariry, cured many diseases and
worked miracles. He celebrated ”Jayanti Utsava“ on a very
large scale.

At length, to the sorrow of many he died in 1877 when

he was only 19 years old. It is, however, very astonishing to PRABHU
note that he caused his “Samadhi“ to be raised exactly two
months before his death.

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308 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sri Martand Manik Prabhu was born at Maniknagar in 1861. He too was very young
at the time of his succession to the “Gadi”. He, however, conducted the affairs quite in
keeping with ancient traditions.


He was brought up and educated at Maniknagar. He is very learned and knows

Marathi, Sanskrit and Persian well. His songs in Marathi and Persian bear testimony to
his spirituality and are very popular. Quite recently he wrote in Marathi his ”Dhyana
Martand, which is an excellent work dealing with the Vedanta branch of Philosophy. A
short conversation with him is enough to assure anyone of his extraordinary intelligence.
He has a great taste for music and is himself versed in that art. Many of the famous
songsters in India visit this place (Maniknagar) for Sri Jayanti Utsava.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 309

He has now a large following of disciples in all parts of India e.g., Hyderabad,
Bombay, Madras, Benares, Nepal etc. The chief disciple is His Excellency Maharaja Sir
Kishen Pershad Bahadur. His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government have conferred
on him many honours such as the salute of police and the like. In addition to his religious
authority over Hindus, he has certain privileges conferred upon him by his
Muhammedan admirers in Bidar and Gulburga.

He was married in 1873 and had two able sons, both of whom predeceased him. Sri
Martand Manik Prabhu is now 70 years of age.

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310 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Shamsheer Jung Bahadur II

AWAB Shamsheer Jung Bahadur II, the younger son of the late Nawab
Shamsheer Jung Bahadur I, whose ancestry is recorded in
volume II of “ Pictorial Hyderabad “ is one of the few who, by tradition,
upbringing and culture shed lustre on the aristocracy of Hyderabad. The Shamsheer
Jung family, great and Historic as it is, has made no small contribution to the wealth
and welfare of this great State, and, in that long unbroken chain of this noble house
there has been, we are glad, no member who violated the true principle of love and
charity zealously enunciated by the founder of this ancient family. Nawab Shamsheer
Jung II has not swerved from that noble path. His success in both official and private
life lies in this that he combines in him a liberal education and character.

The Nawab commenced his education when he was five years old. He first studied
Persian and Arabic at home, his revered father and mother exercising a wholesome
influence on him. He then joined the Madrasa-Aliya of the Nizam College and after
matriculating proceeded to England via Mesopotamia to study Law. His impessionable
age having been spent in an atmosphere which was energising and elevating, the young
Nawab quited himself like man in that far off land where young men’s path is beset
with innumerable temptations. Nawab Shamsheer Jung entered the Inner Temple, bore
an exemplary character, paid undivided attention to his studies and was called to the
bar. The professors of his college were impressed by the young student’s ability and

Leaving England he made an extensive tour in the continent and Egypt. In his
itineracy he combined pleasure with education - education in the sense that he studied
the life and conditions of people of varying climes.

On his arrival in Hyderabad, Nawab Shamsheer Jung Bahadur married the daughter
of Nawab Syed Hassan Ali Khan Bahadur, grandson of Nawab Muzaffar-ul-Mulk
Bahadur, and a niece of Nawab Fateh Ali Khan Bahadur, the Nawab of Banganapalli.
The wedding ceremony was attended with pomp and grandeur.

After his marriage he turned his attentton to the affairs of his estate. For five
long years he spared no pains in improving the landed holdings the yield thereof and
in putting the buildings in good state of repairs. The “Sanat-e-Hind” factory, belonging
to the family, also received his attention.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 311


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312 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Grandson of

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 313


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314 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 315

As he was greatly interested in cottage industries he pitched the factory into a high
state of efficiency by equipping it with modern types of machinery obtained from
England. The concern besides being a source of income provided employment to as
many as 125 persons. Thus, Nawab Shamsheer Jung Bahadur directly contributed to
the economic welfare of the poorer class of people. His active interest in private affairs
helped him to find broader avenues for a free and full play of his energy and intelligence.
As a member of the Municipality, Hyderabad City, for four years, and also of the
Legislative Council for a similar period, the Nawab Saheb had immense opportunities
of helping in the civic and political administrations of the country.

Subsequently he had a call from Government as the special Magistrate of Yellandoo.

He accepted it. His duty there was to settle matters between Government and the Colliery
authorities and for his legal acumen and tact in disposing of certain delicate matters he
won the unstinted appreciation of that shrewed officer, Sir R.I.R. Glancy, Finance
Member, under whom was the Department of Geology and Mining.

During the great war he was the first to raise a relief fund in Yellandoo and the
Hon’ble the British Resident recognising the farsightedness of the officer, thanked him
very sincerely for his initiative and thoughtfulness. When he was transferred from
Yellandoo to Medak as District Judge his popularity was testified to by a monster
gathering of all people in Yellandoo to bid him farewell. From Medak he went to
Nalgonda and thence to Aurangabad. In all these districts he won the love and esteem
of all classes of people. He then came back to the City as a city Magistrate. He made a
mark there for quick disposal of cases and earned promotion to the rank of additional
Sessions Judge and subsequently to that of Chief Magistrate. He is now in Gulberga as
the Additional Sessions Judge. His long and meritorious service in the district Judicial
Department is a recommendation for the High Court Bench and it is hoped that his
claims for it will be recognised by the benign Government.

The Nawab has a remarkable gift of discriminating and valuing articles of jewellery
and precious stones. He is blessed with a son, Nawab Syed Hussain Ali Khan Bahadur
and four daughters. Nawab Syed Hussain Ali Khan Bahadur married the daughter of
Nawab Jehangir Yar Jung and grand daughter of Nawab Tahwar Jung Bahadur, and
has two sons namely Nawab Mir Mahamed Sayeed Khan Bahadur and Mir Mahomed
Rasheed Ali Khan Bahadur. The eldest daughter of Nawab Shamsheer Jung Bahadur
was married to his sister’s son, Nawab Jaffer Ali Khan Bahadur, whose father being
Nawab Showkat Jung, Hussam-ud-Dowla Bahadur.

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316 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Manoher Raj Bahadur

AJA Manoher Raj Bahadur, Asafjahi, is in every way a man out of the
ordinary. He is a jagirdar and a gentleman. Being born and brought up in
an atmosphere of Indian aristocracy he has imbibed a catholocity of mind
and a sweetness of temper which mark him out as one of high rank.


Raja Manoher Raj Bahadur, the son of the late Raja Lochan Chand Bahadur, comes
from an old and illustrious family of Delhi which came down to the Deccan in the year
1143 Hijri along with Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jahi I; and on its arrival the great grand
father of the present Raja Saheb was the recipient of kingly favours and, in token of his
appreciation of the Raja’s loyalty and work, the Subedar of the Deccan was graciously

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 317

pleased to grant him jagirs which are still in the possession of the present Raja. Raja
Manoher Raj Bahadur suffered the misfortune of losing his father when he was but a
child. As soon as the time arrived, the young Raja was sent to the Madras-e-Aliya
where, after the completion of his education, he gained sufficient mastery over Urdu
and Persian, besides, some acquaintance with English. After his schooling, he was
imparted a sound practical training in the art of administration of the estate to which
he evinced special aptitude. When the jagir of his father and also a part of the estate of
the Raja Sheoraj Bahadur came into his hands and the burden of administration devolved
upon him, he spared no labour to promote the welfare of his subjects and, we are happy
to note, initiated innumerable reforms to bring the jagir adminstration abreast of modern
requ1rements and in line with those of the most advanced estates. He has especially
interested himself in the question of education and the improvement of medical relief
in his estate, for which purpose he has opened schools and hospitals in his jagirs.

Raja Manoher Raj Bahadur is a gentleman with singularly genuine character,

dignified, calm and courteous. He has read extensively and travelled widely and
possesses the tact and ability of organizing. He did not hesitate to advance schemes
conducive to the well-being of his house and the good of his subjects.

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318 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Dwarka Pershad B. A.

N the gallery of prominent personages we have pleasure in including Mr.
Dwarka Pershad, the youngest son-in-law of Raja Rajman Raja Sheoraj
Dharamwant Bahadur, whose ancestors belonged to Hindavor, in Jaipur State.
Mr. Deo Chand, an enterprising member of that family came to Hyderabad at the
invitation of Raja Oojagar Chand Rai Bahadur, the grandfather of the late Raja Rajman
Raja Sheoraj Dharmvant Bahadur.


As in those days such eminent men were in demand for administrative positions
Mr. Baghtavar Lal, the eldest son of Mr. Deo Chand and son-in-law of Raja Ram Pershad
Lala Bahadur, and some others were employed both in Government and Jagirs. Mr.
Baghtavar Lal was a mansabdar of Government and was also recipient of honorarium
from Raja Inder Jit’s estate. His third son, Mr. Janaki Pershad, a promising young man,

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 319

well versed in Urdu and Persian, entered the services of Raja Rajman Raja Sheo Raj
Bahadur’s estate. His son, Ram Pershad, had a liberal education and posesses
extraordinary gifts of an artist. His photographic and painting works form an admirable
collection in his palace. Fine Art is a hobby in which he indulges in his spare moments.
He is the Accountant General in Nawab Fakhrul Mulk Bahadur’s estate. He has two
sons and three daughters.

Among the former is Mr. Dwarka Pershad, B. A., whose life sketch we have pleasure
in recording very briefly. After matriculating from the Dharamvant School which is
affiliated to the Bombay University Mr. Pershad joined the Nizam College for college
education. Being an exceptionally smart student in Mathematics he joined the Benares
Hindu Engineering College after passing the Madras Intermediate Examination but
after some months he returned to Hyderabad, rejoind the Nizam College, took his B. A.
degree in 1930, specialising in Mathematics, and joined the newly started Osmania
University Engineering College. He is one of the most enterprising and industrious
students of the College and gives promise of a brilliant career in the Public Works
Department. He is a Mansabdar and Jagirdar in the estate of Dharmvant. He is married
in the family of the late Raja Rajman Raja Sheo Raj Bahadur and has children.

Mr. Har Pershad the younger brother of Mr. Dwarka Pershad is an intelligent man
and good at sports. He passed the Matriculation Examination of the Punjab University
(privately) in 1928 and the Intermediate examination of the Madras University, with
distinction in Mathematics in 1930. At present he is in the fourth year class of the Nizam
College and is expected to take the B. A. Degree in 1932 A. D.

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320 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Nawabs of Gurramconda

HE noble house of Gurramconda with its family seat in a place of that name
in the Ceded districts, is very old and respectable, having received its patent
of nobility from the Moghul Emperor. It is assigned a place in this volume
because it has had to do with Hyderabad at one time or another and its representatives
are now in the Hyderabad State service.

Nawab Hyder Ali Khan of Mysore, anxious to avail himself of the great influence
and military resources of the then Nawab of Gurramconda Ali Raza Khan, married his
sister, Fakrun-nisa Begum, in 1750, of whom was born the famous Tippu Sultan, Fafeh
Ali Tippu.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 321

Tippu’s early education and military training and his successful campaigns were
chiefly due to the constant and personal supervision of his maternal uncle, Nawab Ali
Raza Khan, whose military genius was largely instrumental in enabling his brother-in-
law, Hyder Ali, to expand and establish Mohamadan sovereignty in Mysore. Sir Thomas
Munro, the then Governor of Madras, in his Minutes, dated 29th February 1826, observes:
From this period until his (Ali Raza’s) death which happened in 1781, to the battle of
Port-Novo, he was next to Hyder himself in the Mysore State, in rank and character,
and commanded the army of observation which constantly followed and harassed Sir
Eyrecoot in the Carnatic.

When Tippu Sultan ascended the throne, he appointed his cousin, Mir Kamaruddin
Khan (the Jagirdar of Gurrumconda the eldest son of the late Nawab Ali Raza Khan) as
his Cavalry General.

At the time of the siege of Srirangapatnam in 1799, when Tippu Sultan fell fighting,
his cousin Nawab Kamaruddin (at the head of the Cavalry), accompanied by Fateh
Hyder, the eldest son of Tippu Sultan was the supreme master of the field.

Immediately after the fall of Srirangapatnam Col.Arthur Wellesley, the Commander-

in Chief, foreseeing that the war would be protracted delaying peace and order unless
a satisfactory reconciliation was effected with Kamaruddin, who was not only the
Cavalry General but also the representative of the most influential family of Nawab
Raza Ali Khan, thought it expedient to send a ‘Cowl’ to Kamaruddin, whereupon, the
latter in view of the important claims of his father, Ali Raza Khan, and his family, at
once demanded, as a condition precedent to the reconciliation and restoration in
perpetuity of the said hereditary Jagir for the maintenance of the family and its relations.
Accordingly on the 8th May, 1799, Arthur Wellesley wrote to the Governor - General as
follows :-

“ I have sent Cowl to Kamaruddin. The great Sirdar ought to be provided for.
Kamaruddin asks for Gurranconda. He and Purniah ought to have Jagirs given to them.
After giving these Jagirs, the Jagirdars ought to have the choice under which of the
three Governments they would live and to hold from that Government which they

Again on the 13th May 1799, the following letter was addressed to the Governor-
General by the Commander-in-Chief:-

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322 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

“I have altered my mind respecting Kamaruddin; he has behaved so well and
rendered us so great a service that Coute Qui Coute ‘ we ought to give him what he
wishes for. If he had remained in arms we never could have settled this country; he has
thereby rendered us a service almost as great as any of those rendered by H. H. the
Nizam “.

To this the Governor-General replied as follows :-

20th May 1799.

“ I am aware of the importance of conciliating Mir Kamaruddin Ali Khan to whom

I have addressed a letter, which I trust may prove satisfactory, I have already
recommended his application to the Nizam”.

Then by Article I of the Partition Treaty of Mysore, the East India Company set
apart in perpetuity an annual sum of 2,40,000 Pagodas (Rs. 7,20,000) from the revenue
of the newly annexed districts for the maintenance of the families of Hyder Ali and
Tippu Sultan. By Article 2 of the same Treaty, H. H. the Nizam restored in perpetuity
the ancestral Jagir of an annual income of 70,000 Pagodas (Rs. 2,10,00) “ for the support
of Kamaruddin, his family and relations” and at the same time assigned a “ Service”
Jagir of about Rs. 4,00,000 for the maintenance of troops.

Thus Kamaruddin with his brother, Nawab Mahamood, came in possession of the
said Jagirs, but before the family could enjoy them for even one Complete year, the
former died suddenly, wherenpon H. H. the Nizam was gracious enough to issue a
letter of condolence dated 18th Zikada 1214 Hijri (1800 A. D.), the translation of it is as
follows :-

I Received your letter and noted its contents. Sorrow filled our heart to hear the
death of our Jagirdar, Nawab Mir Kamaruddin Ali Khan Bahadur. We must all submit
to the will of God. You should console all the surviving members of his family, and
leaving them there, come here without the least hesitation. His Highness’s Government
shall not only be pleased but is bound to support every member of the said Jagirdar’s

Close upon the death of Kamaruddin which took place on the 13th April 1800, a
Treaty of Perpetual and General Defensive Alliance between the British and the Nizam
was entered into on the 12th October 1800. By Article No.5 of the said Treaty H. H. the
Nizam, for the regular payment of the whole expenses of the augmented subsidiary
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 323

force, assigned and ceded to the British in perpetuity all the territories acquired by the
Partition Treaty including the District of Gurrumconda, in which the family ‘ancestral’,
and also the ‘Service’ Jagirs were situated.

The family having thus been -unfortunately deprived of both the Jagirs, Nawab
Mahamood, who should have rightly succeded at least to the ancestral Jagir, was reduced
to such narrow straits that Lord Clive, the Governer of Madras, in his letter to the
Governor-General, dated 23rd December, 1800, bringing to notice the distressed
condition to which the family had been reduced, in consequence of the transfer from
the Nizam to the British, stated that “the obligations which the Nizam had incurred by
the Treaty of Mysore to provide for the family of Kamaruddin were not affected by that
transfer, and that it might be considered to be a case for the interposition of the good
offices of the Governor-General-in-Council with the Government of Hyderabad”.

Then on the recommendation of the British Resident in Mysore for the grant of
political pension to Nawab Mahamood from the British and the Mysore Governments
under Article No. I., of the Partition Treaty of Mysore dated 22nd June, 1799, and under
Article No. II of the Subsidiary Treaty of Srirangapatnam, dated 8th July 1799, the
Governor of Madras in Council decided that “ Mahamood had a claim to be pensioned
with the first class of the Sultan’s relations and officers” and accordingly Mahamood
was awarded a monthly pension of Rs. 1010 from the British and the Mysore

During his life-time Nawab Mahamood rendered valuable services both to the
British and the Mysore Governments, and on his being employed as a Vakil by His
Highness the Maharajah of Mysore to represent political and confidential matters of
the State to Lord William Bentinck, the then Governor General of India, he so successfully
grappled with the delicate state matters that H. H. the Maharaja was pleased to issue
autograph Nirops (credentials) recognising his invaluable services and ranking him as
a member of his own royal family with all the honours of the State.

When Mahamood died his body was taken to Srirangapatnam and, as a mark of
special honour and privilege, was intered in the Mausoleum of Hyder Ali and Tippu
Sultan. And while making an official report of his death to Sir Mark Cubbon, the chief
Commissioner of Mysore, Mr. Montgomery, in his letter observed as follows :-

“ I have the honour to report for the information of the Commissioner. the death
on the 9th instant of Nawab Mir Mahamood Ali Khan, the most influential and
distinguished Mohamadan gentleman amongst the connections of the late Sultan”.
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324 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mir Mahamood Sahib was not only frequently entrusted with confidential matters
by H. H. the Maharaja but was constantly made use of by former Residents, and by
Captain Chalmers, in settling disputes amongst the Mohamadan population generally,
but more specially in communicating with the pensioners and in settling their family

Nawab Mahamood’s only legitimate son was Nawab Tippu Sultan Ali Khan. He
was granted a political pension from the British and the Mysore Governments and was
also appointed “Musahib Khas” to H. H. the Maharaja of Mysore.


Nawab Mir Kamaluddin Ali Khan being the eldest and legitimate son of the Late
Nawab Tippu Sultan Ali Khan continued to receive the said political pensions and
succeeded to the hereditary office of “Musahib Khas” to H. H. the Maharaja. He entered
the Mysore State Service and retired as Assistant Commissioner.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 325

On representing his family’s claims to the Jagir, H. H. the Nizam’s Government
was pleased to grant him a monthly allowance of Rs. 250 pending the disposal of the
case. At the time of decision, the Government “in view of the family’s former connections
with the Hyderabad State, granted educational allowances of Rs. 75 per month to each
of his minor sons. In the letter, dated July 5th, 1917, received by the late Nawab in his
sick bed, Sir Stuart Frazer, the British Resident, at Hyderabad observed :-

“I am indeed grieved to hear that you have been so seriously ill, such an illness is
distressingly weakening but I pray that you will keep up a good heart and thus help
your constitution to make a brave fight for recovery; which, please God, may be granted
to you. At any rate, there should be no cause for you to be troubled with mental worry.
You have lived according to a high standard of...honour, worthy of your ancient family
and have the satisfaction of knowing that, ( thanks to your self-sacrificing efforts) two
of your sons are well educated. Your charities and your constantly manifested loyalty


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326 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

to the King Emperor, are things which may well fill your mind with legitimate

Nawab Mir Kamaluddin’s eldest son is Mr. Mir Iqbal Ali Khan, who had his early
education at Aligarh where he studied up to B. A., and proved himself both a successful
student and a good athlete. In 1901 he with his younger brother Mr. Mir Basit Ali Khan,
attended the Delhi Durbar as representatives of the ancient family of Mysore. In 1912
he proceeded to Cambridge, and after spending some time there, went over to
Manchester where he took his B. Sc. degree and made a special study of Sanitary
Engineering. On his return to India, in recognition of his being the eldest legitimate
head of the family, the pension of his father continued to be given to him. He married
the daughter of the retired Subedar, Nawab Quadir Nawaz Jung Babadur, and is at
present the Divisional Engineer at Parbhani.

The second son, Mr. Mir Basit AU Khan, also had his early education at Aligarh.
He joined the University of Cambridge and took his M. A. degree and was called to the
Bar at the Middle Temple. He secured admission to the University of Dublin as well,
and passed the F. L. (Hons) examination. It was in recognition of his family status that,
before he sailed back to India, His Majesty King George V was pleased to grant him an
audiance. He married the daughter of the retired Subedar, Nawab Rafat Yar Jung and
is in Mahaboobnagar as District Judge.

The third son Mr. Mir Mahaboob Ali Khan, having creditably passed the B. Sc.
examination of the Muslim University, Aligarh, is studying for Sanitary Engineering at
the Manchester University. The remaining five sons are attending schools.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 327


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328 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Ali Yar Jung Bahadut
Nawab Syed Mohammed Ali Khan Bdr

HIS nobleman is the son of the late Nawab Sarum Jung Aziz-ud-Dowla
Athasam-ul-Mulk Bahadur and the great grandson of Mir Hydar Khan
Mumtaz Jung Ethasam-ud-Dowla Athasam-ul-Mulk Bahadur of the
illustrious house of the Razvi Syeds and the twelfth in descent from the Dervish and
twentyfourth in descent from Imam Musar Reza.

Syed Jaffer Naishapuri, brother of Syed Masoom, guardian of the shrine of Imam
Musar Reza, and the grandson of the said Mir Darvish, owing to some disagreement
with his brother, went to Delhi with his two sons, Mir Mohammed Masoom and Mir
Mohammed Sayeed. He was an able scholar in Persian and Arabic and by his tact and
ability gained the audience of Emperor Shah Jehan, who, in consideration of his
connection with an illustrious family, conferred on him the Royal Mansab. When the
Emperor sent his two sons (Dara Shiko and Aurangzeb) to Kabul, Syed Jaffer Naishapuri
and his only son, Mir Mohammed Masoom also followed him. During the battle at
Kabul they fought bravely, but Syed Jaffer and Mohammed Masoom were both killed.
Consequently his younger son, Mir Mohammed Sayeed, came back to Delhi and was
the recipient of Royal favours and his father’s mansab.

On the recommendation of Asad Khan Jundatul Mulk Bahadur, the Prime Minister,
Emperor Aurangzeb conferred on Mir Mohammed Sayeed the Killadari of Doulatabad
Fort, ]agir of Gunnori for the maintenance of the said fort and the personal Jagir of
Secunderpeth in addition to a salary of Rs. 500. He discharged the duties entrusted to
him loyally till his death which fact is recorded in the Adab-e-Alamgiri, Badshahnamah
compiled by Mulla Abdul Hamid Lahori, Miratal Alam by Bakhtawar Khan and Iradath

After Mir Mohammed Sayeed’s death his son Mir Mohammed Kazim succeeded
to his hereditary post with all his ancestral honours such as mansab, etc.

In the year 20th Shahban 1176 Hijri Raghunath Rao Peshwa made an attack on
Aurangabad, but the conspicuous gallantry of Mir Mohammed and the gallantry of

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 329


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

330 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mir Mohammed Kazim’s two sons, Mir Ghulam Hyder Khan (afterwards known as
Mumtaz Jung Ethasam-ul-Mulk I.) and Mir Mohammed Masoom (Shahab Jung) forced
him to retire and kept Aurangabad free. This event is recorded in Hadikhatal Alam,
Futuhat-e-Nizam Ali Khan’s memoirs of Iradath Khan and Zubdatut Tarikh, by Abdul
Karim. Mir Hyder Khan acquired liberal education in Arabic and Persian and was
proficient in sciences. His Highness Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur after putting him to the
test conferred on him the Khalamdan of Dar-ul-Insha, which post carried much
responsibility and was in those days considered to be as much important as that of the
Ministers. He discharged his duties with the utmost prudence.

In the year 1189 Hijri, His Highness Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur conferred on him
the title of Khan Bahadur. In the year 1196 Hijri Mir Hyder Khan received the title of
Mumtaz Jung. In the year 1199 Hijri he obtained the title of Ethasam-ud-Dowla.

In the year 1202 Hijri, after the battle with Tippu Sultan His Highness Nizam Ali
Khan honoured him with the title of Ethasam-ul-Mulk, a jagir yielding an annual revenue
of three lakhs of rupees, Sirpench, Dastband and a precious sword.

In the year 1209 Hijri when a battle was fought at Khurdla between His Highness
Nizam Ali Khan and the Marathas, Ethasam-ul-Mulk fought bravely and displayed
much heroism and entered the fort of Khurdla with His Highness Nizam Ali Khan

At most critical times Nawab Ethasam-ul-Mulk Bahadur, was dependable and it is

recorded in Gulzar-e-Asafia that His Highness Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur treated the
Nawab with respect and placed so much confidence that the other nobles envied him.

Nawab Ethasam-ul-Mulk Bahadur, owing to his old age, had the Khalamdan of
Dar-ul-Insha conferred on his eldest son Rashid-ud-Dowla Bahadur during his life time.
He died in the year 1235 Hijri and had five sons, viz. Nawab Rashid-ud-Dowla, Khilladar
of Doulatabad and Bhongir, Nawab Wahid-ud-Dowla, Killadar of Parendah, Nawab
Mir Abbas Ali Khan Ethasam-ul-Mulk II Arz Bege, Nawab Mir Dilawar Ali Khan Bdr.
Killadar of Baitalbadi, which fort was given him by H. H. Nawab Nizam Ali Khan
Bahadur II Nizam of Hyderabad, and Nawab Mir Ibrahim Ali Khan, Killadar of Tamra.

Mir Dilawar Ali Khan subsequently died and had two sons, Mir Mohammed Saheb,
who died in his infancy, and Mir Lutfa Ali Khan. Mir Lutfa Ali Khan Sarum Jung Aziz-
ud-Dowlah Bahadur received liberal education in Arabic and Persian and was well
versed in sciences.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 331

His Highness Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla Bahadur honoured him with the title of
Saram Jung, and gave him jagirs of Ghatnandura and Killadari, etc., of Baitalbadi. His
Highness Nawab Afzal-ud-Dowla Bahadur appointed the Nawab as Saddar Bakshi
and Nazim Makharij of Sarf-i-Khas Troops and honoured him with the title Aziz-ud-
Dowla Bahadur. He married the daughter of his uncle, Mir Abbas Ali Khan Ethasam-
ul-Mulk Bahadur II Arz Bege.

After the death of Nawab Aziz-ud-Dowla Bahadur in 1291 Hijri his only son, Nawab
Mir Ghulam Askari Khan Bahadur, received the jagir of Ghatnandura and killedari,
etc. In the same year the title of Sarum Jung Bahadur was conferred on him during the
Ministry of Sir Salar Jung the Great.

In the year 1301 Hijri His Highness the late Nizam Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur
conferred on him the title of Aziz-ud-Dowla Bahadur with 2,000 Sowars. Alam, and
Nakkhara (Drum). In the year 1323 Hijri on the occasion of Golden Jubilee of His
Highness the late Nizam Nawab Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur, Nawab Aziz-ud-
Dowla received the title of Etha-sam-ul-Mulk with6000 Sowars, Alam, Nakkhara (Drum)
and Palki (Jhalerdar)

Nawab Ethasam-ul-Mulk Bahadur married the daughter of Nawab Kaiser-ud-

Dowla Bahadur and niece of Sir Salar Jung I. This family is also connected with Nawab
Shahab Jung Bahadur, who twice officiated as Prime Minister of the State, and one
Moin-ul-Maham of Judicial, Police and Religious Departments.

Nawab Ethasam-ul-Mulk Bahadur has a good knowledge of Arabic and Persian

and knows English tolerably well. He was a keen sportsman and fond of shikar. He
was kind-hearted, benevolent, polite in manners and compassionate to the poor. He
was chief of the Sarfi-Khas Troops for thirty two years and held the Bakshigiri post till
his death.

His Exalted Highness Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, the present Nizam
appointed him as Ataliq (Tutor) to the Heir Apparent and the other Sahibzada Sahebs,
which post he held till he died on the 10th Rabi-us-Sani 1339 Hijri at the age of 71
leaving three sons. His eldest son Nawab Syed Mohammed Ali Khan Bahadur, the
subject of our sketch and the successor to his father’s jagirs was married to the daughter
of Nawab Mirza Fiaz Ali Khan Bahadur, and grand daughter of the famous Abban
Saheb, Nawab Mijahad Jung, Shah Nazim-ud-Dowla II and has two sons viz: Nawab
Syed Zain-ul-Abidin Khan Bahadur and Nawab Syed Farkhunda Ali Khan Bahadur.

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332 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 333


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334 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Both are receiving their education under the guidance of capable and efficient tutors,
the Nawab taking personal interest in their educational progress and general up-
bringing. The young Nawabs are being carefully brought up and there is no doubt that
they would worthily shine and uphold the dignity and traditions of their house.

Nawab Syed Mohammed Ali Khan Bahadur is well versed in Persian and English.
He is fond of game hunting and ancient arts and takes a keen interest in educational
matters. He gives concessions to tax-payers in times of epidemics and adversity and
assists the poor at times of scarcity by giving them liberal wages for nominal work. He
does his best to improve the conditions of his ryots - and helps them in all possible
ways in times of famine and pestilence. The Nawab is a thorough gentleman, keeping
before him great ideals of manhood.

He was awarded the title of Nawab Ali Yar Jung Bahadur in consideration of the
family tradition on the occasion of 48th Birthday of H. E. H. the Nizam. He was also
privileged to join all the functions connected with the State visits of Lord Willingdon,
Viceroy and Governer-General of India, in 1933.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 335

Raja Sham Rao Bahadur

AJA Sham Rao is a descendant of an illustrious jagirdar named Rai Sham
Rao Bahadur, who came over to the Deccan along with Nizam-ul-Mulk
Asaf Jah. He occupies an exalted position in the Paigah Estates where the
noble instincts and graces which are the characteristics of high birth are frequently
called into play.

Raja Sham Rao Bahadur was born in Hyderabad. His father, Raja Rai Hari Pandit,
having died prematurely the boy’s upbringing and education were undertaken by his
Paigah benefactors, notably the late Nawab Sir Khurshid Jah Bahadur, who bestowed
the greatest care for his moral training. When he grew up the young man was provided
with facilities for learning official work. The young Raja drank deep of his patron’s
knowledge and experience and now bears the indelible imprint of his master’s influence
which is responsible for the good and unblemished life and service which the Raja has
been giving in the cause of the Paigah Estates.

Raja Sham Rao Bahadur, like his grandfather, Sham Rao Bahadur, and his great
grandfather, Raja Hybat Rao Bahadur, served the Paigah Estates in diverse capacities
with striking distinction. He was for some time Taluqdar of the Shahpur and Ganjoti
districts and worked there so efficiently and well that the Paigah government showered
on him praises on more than one occasion. His general abilities now coming to be
recog-nised, the Paigah authorities took him away from Shahpur and appointed him
as a Member of the Paigah Committee. The Paigah subjects rejoiced over the honour
conferred on him who had ably discharged his duties on previous occasions as
Sheristadar and assistant Secretary to the Paigah Estates. His high literary -and legal
attainments, combined with his mastery over the official work,. were an asset. His
innate nobility of character in all spheres of official life runs as - a thread of gold through
all his judgements.

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336 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 337

His Highness Sir Sultan Ghalib bin Awad
Algaity Nawab Jan Baz Jung Bahadur,
K. C. I. E., Sultan of Shehr and Mokalla

E are pleased to insert in this volume a brief biographical sketch of His
Highness Sir Sultan Ghalib bin Awad Algaity. This Arab Chieftain’s
family and that of the Rulers of Hyderabad have long been on terms of
cordiality. The correct name of the Sultan is Ewaz bin Omar belonging to a bonafide
Arab family. His father Shamsheer-ud-Dowla Ian Baz Jung Omar bin Ewaz came to
Hyderabad during the reign of the second Nizam when he was appointed Jamadar
over 100 Arabs under Shiv Pershad Bahadur (Raja Roshan Rai). Afterwards, during the
Ministry of Raja Chandu Lal Bahadur, he was raised to the command of 500 Arabs and
was entrusted with the task of dealing with a large amount of Government money,
which work he rendered with great zeal and faithfulness, for which he was greatly
admired and Government bestowed upon him great honours and also a royal grant.
Since the beginning of the Asafia dynasty no Arab Jamadar had been so fortunate as to
gain so much royal honours and grants as were enjoyed by him. The pomp and
splendour which attended him have since gradually increased so much that the present
member can be easily distinguished from others. A story is well known to the public
that once upon a time the late Jan Baz Jung had ordered the Gulzar Houz to be filled
with one kind of coin only, which in itself showed his wealth. He had four sons, two of
whom the late Barak Jung Bahadur (father of the late Barak Jung) and Sultan Nawaz
Jung Shamsheer-ul-Mulk Bahadur worth noting. They enjoyed the confidence of the
Ruler and gained much fame and favour. The present holder, the subject of our sketch,
was also honoured with the title of Sultan Nawaz Jung during the time - of the late
Nizam and in the year 1305 Hijri during the birthday celebration of His Exalted Highness
the present Nizam, was awarded the title of Shamsheer-ud-Daula Sharnsheer-ul-Mulk.

The Sultan is the son of the late Sultan Amad bin Omar Shamsheer-ud-Daula
Shamsheer-ul-Mulk Sultan Nawaz Jung Bahadur, whose lamented death occurred only
just 22 years ago ending a remarkable and strenuous career.

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338 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 339

Far away on the south west coast of Arabia lies a vast tract of country known as
Mokalla. The territory is divided into four provinces namely Shahrbunder, Shubam,
Dowan and Hajar. It is approximately 30,000 square miles in extent and contains a
population of about 200,000, principally Arabs. The capital, Mokalla, situated on the
sea board midway between Aden and Muscat, is a port of call for steamers trading
between India and Europe. The principal products of -the State are dates of several
varieties, tobacco, skins, Indian corn, loban and honey and these commodities find good
markets in many parts of the world. But peaceful as the picture here presented may be
it was seldom so in times gone by. The country in this district of Arabia, prior to the
advent of the late Sultan Awad bin Omar was in the possession of Nakeeb Saleh, a
ruler, whose methods of administration were crude, drastic and tyrannical.

The late Sultan had two sons, the elder of whom, the late Ruler Sultan Gbalib bin
Awad Algaity, succeeded to the family estates. Young Omar bin Awad Algaity Nawab
Shamsheer Nawaz Jung Bahadur resides in Hyderabad now. The former was an
enlightened ruler. Like many of the modern orientals he had travelled widely. He had
on several occasions visited India, where his culture and genial disposition won for
him a host of friends.


His Highness Sultan Ghalib had two sons, the eldest of whom is Prince Sultan
Saleh bin Ghalib Algaity Nawab Saif Nawaz Jung Bahadur who is now in his 52nd
year. He is an excellent scholar in English, Arabic, Urdu and Persian. Like his father he
has travelled throughout India and some important parts of England, France, Italy etc.
He is very intelligent, smart and intrepid and a famous wild game hunter. He is very
much interested in mechanics, electricty, architecture and mosaic work and has read
extensively on these highly interesting technical subjects. He has also put into practice
his theoretical knowledge and has to his credit the construction of some ingenius

The late Sir Sultan Ghalib was an ardent supporter of the cause of the poor and
lower classes of Hadramut, who also showed great respect to the Sayyids (the
descendants of the Prophet). His benevolent and generous nature never ceased from
bestowing upon people of all classes and ranks such help as they needed. He has several
times given large sums of money far charitable purposes and his memory is still supreme
in the minds of his subjects.

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340 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He was a person of amiable disposition, and led such a pious and simple life that
people with great difficulty would recognise him as the Sultan of Mokalla. He was a
devoted follower of Islam and identified himself with all the progressive measures in
the country.

During the Great war His Highness was a source of great help to the British Crown,
and in acknowledgment of his meritorious services rendered the British Government
conferred upon him the title of K. C. S. I. In the year 1911 he attended the Delhi Darbar,
where he was a guest of the Imperial Government.

During every visit the Sultan paid to india he made it a point to see the Governer of
Bombay who, according to the usage returned the Sultan a complimentary visit at his
residence. This mutual friendship led His Highness the late Sultan to invite His
Excellency Lord Lamington, the then Governor of Bombay, to Mokalla, which His
Excellency accepted with great pleasure. His Excellency was much impressed with the
deep esteem and regard the people of Mokalla had for His Excellency and their
benevolent Sultan.

Prince Saif Nawaz Jung is a lover of peace and prosperity. His anxiety to maintain
friendly relationship with his neighbours is illustrated by the fact that before embarking
for Egypt he very tactfully renewed the treaty between his territory and that of the two
Sultan brothers of Abdulla family of Sewoon. He also summoned a conference at Mokalla
of ten dignitaries representing various interests of the country and impressed upon
them the necessity of peace and order, dissemination of literacy, promotion of the
agricultural resources of the country and other improvements in the administration of
the State. The delegates fell in line with his ideas and resolved to send influential
representatives to confer with the various Arab tribal chiefs both in Hadramut and
Java Island (East Indies) and through them to propagate the mission, namely to
inaugurate a congress of Arabs in all parts and enlist mutual cooperation in all national
matters. But for obvious reasons the scheme was’ not pushed ‘through bv the delegates
with the same enthusiasm which characterised their conference with the Sultan. When
the Sultan left for Egypt the enthusiasm of the dignitaries cooled down.

However the Sultan Saleh was instrumental in opening six schools at Mokalla and
Shehr. They impart education in Arabic (Quran and Grammar), History, Geography,
Elementary mathematics and Theology. He has also established Maktabs for teaching
Quran and Theology. Similarly a number of such institutions exist at Hadramut.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 341

The dignity he commands and the regard and esteem in which he is held even in
distant lands was exemplified on the occasion of his second visit, to Egypt in Rajab
1346 Hijri. When he landed at Suez he was over whelmed with greetings of the leading
nobility and merchants of Hadramut. At Cairo distinguished personages welcomed
him. His hotel (Continental Hotel of Cairo) was literally, beseiged by poets who sang
praises of the Sultan’s greatness and nobility. In fact, he was praised even by newspapers
of the town. Various societies and educational institutions are patronized by the Prince.
The reception given to him by the Arabia Shargiya of Egypt, a society of aristocrats,
was a memorable one for the enthusiasm and sincerity which marked it. He is an ardent
advocate of education imparted through one’s own mother tongue. He greatly admired
the perfection to which the Egyptian educational system has attained by the use of
Arabic as the medium of instruction.

The Sultan Saleh had the honour of having the audience of King Fuad, the Khedive
of Egypt, Amir George Lutfullah and many men of letters, Ahmed Shafiq Pasha, Talat
Harb Beck, the President of the National Bank of Egypt, and a number of other Pashas.
On his return to India the Sultan Saleh visited Beirut (Syria) and Baitul Muqadas

We most sincerely wish the cultured, talented and highly honoured Sultan Sahib
long life and prosperity.

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342 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Inayat Ali Khan Bahadur

HE family, from which Nawab Mahomed Inayat Ali Khan Bahadur, has
descended, is a very ancient and illustrious one. One of his ancestors, Nawab
Mahomed Dula Khan Bahadur alias Karar Nawaz Khan, Karar Nawaz Jung,
an Afghan by descent, was in the service of His Highness Nawab Nizam Ali Khan
Bahadur in the latter part of the eighteenth century. He was first given the command of
two hundred sowars and afterwards made the Chief or Governor of the fort of Naldrug.

During this period one Peddaji Bunker,a free booter, at the head of ten thousand
Maratha troops invaded the Nizam’s Dominions and Poona, looted several places and
committed a great havoc in the Dominions. Nawab Mahomed Dula Khan proceeded
against him, defeated him and, taking him prisoner, brought him to Hyderabad.

He similarly dealt with two other very notorious free booters, Shad Khan and
Balwant Khan, who were committing great depredations. For these acts of bravery, he
was made Governor of Eatehabad alias the Dharur fort. At Dharur he similarly dealt
with Keshava Rao Deshpande, a tyrant, and for this piece of chivalry, he was given a
mansab of one thousand rupees together with all his expenses.

By such service he helped to bring about peace and prosperity in Balaghat and
Telingana, and in recognition thereof he was rewarded with Umbaree, Sahiban, a special
distinction, Palkee Jhalardhar, Alum Zarin and other gifts perpetually for successive
generations, an honour, it may be stated, specially enjoyed only by this family. He died
on the 16th Safar 1241 Hijri and was buried in his own garden at Chenchalgooda.

He was succeeded to all his honours, emoluments and jagirs by his son, Nawab
Mahomed Amir Nawaz Khan Bahadur I, who got the title of Ameer Nawaz Jung, Ameer
Nawaz-ud-Daula, Ameer Nawaz-ul-Mulk, along with all the honours of drums, jewels,
precious stones etc.’ together with a mansab of Rs. 5,000. In the district of Nanded the
great battle of Gurudwar was fought and victory was his.

This great soldier was very kind hearted, philanthropic and charitable in private
life. He died on 28th Shaban 1257 H. and was buried at Mukhbara, Naldrug, leaving
two sons namely Nawab Riasath Ali Khan I and Basharet Ali Khan I.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 343

Nawab Riasath Ali Khan I succeeded him. His jagirs were worth Rs. 62,105. He got
the command of two hundred and seventy sowars, 200 Jawans and two Palkis, one
Palanquin, three elephants and Umbaree, Nakkara, Chawar and shawls, Alum Zarin
and also the power to keep 200 Arabs. He was honoured with the titles of Rafiak Jung,
Rafiak Yar-ud-Daula Bahadur together with a mansab of Rs. 3,000, 2000 sowars, Alum
and Nakkara. He was also given the further distinction and power to stamp his name
upon all documents, and to mint his own sicca with the following words inscribed
thereon “Fidwe Asaf Jah, Rafiak Yar-ud-Daula Bahadur “. This nobleman was also
known by the name of Nawab of Balaghat and Chanchalgooda. He was present at the
Delhi Assemblage of 1877 A. D. He died on 29th Zikada 1299 Hijri at Chanchalgooda,
and was buried in his own garden. He left two sons named (1) Nawab Ameer Nawaz
Khan II and (2) Nawab Dula Khan Bahadur II.

The whole estate, the jagirs and all the property of the father were equally divided
between the above two brothers. Nawab Dula Khan II died on 8th Safar 1315 Hijri and
his son Mahomed Riyasat Ali died on 15th Safar 1346 Hijri without an issue. Nawab
Ameer Nawaz Khan II died on 14th Jamadi-ul-awal 1314 Hijri leaving an only son
named Inayath Ali Khan Bahadur, the present incumbent.

This nobleman succeeded to the estate. He received his early education in Madrasa-
i-Aiza. During the marriage ceremony of the Nawab, His Highness the late Nizam was
gracious enough to tie to the bridegroom’s forehead, sehara Urusi, a ceremony known
as Bashing, a unique distinction; and His Excellency Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad
Bahadur G. C. I. E. honoured the occasion with his presence and presented the
bridegroom with a Sirpench or head ornament which is still preserved in the family.

This nobleman has two sons named Mahomed Basharat Ali Khan II, and Mahomed
Dula Khan III, who are now receiving their education in Madrasa-i-Aliya.

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344 Pictorial Hyderabad - II



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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 345


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346 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Binayak Raj Bahadur

MONG the Kayasthas who, by the favour of Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah I,
came to Hyderabad and helped to consolidate the administration of the
Deccan in the early days, was that illustrious statesman, Raja Sagar Mull.
Raja Binayak Raj Bahadur is a descendant of that family which by its close and intimate
connection with the ruling dynasty, has earned a reputation and prestige which it is
not easy to estimate. Between Raja Binayak Raj and Raja Sagar Mull the connecting link
is Raja Shivraj Dharamwant Bahadur, a wellknown Jagirdar of the Hyderabad State.
How exalted has the family been in Hyderabad may be realised from the fact that the
male members of the family are privileged to append to their names “ Asaf Jahi “, an
enviable distinction.

The family gave to the service of the State such high minded officers as Raja Durga
Dass, Raja Kushal Chand, Raja Ojagar Chand, Rai Bahadur, Raja Ram Pershad Lala
Bahadur, Raja Moti Pershad Kirat Bahadur and Raja Anjani Pershad Pertab Bahadur.
The Hyderabad rulers have not been slow to recognize their merits in a tangibe manner.
The family estate which yields an annual income of nine lakhs of rupees is the gift of

After the death of the Raja Moti Pershad, otherwise known as Kirat Bahadur, the
jagirs came into the hands of his nephew, Indurjit Bahadur, as the real claimant to these
jagirs was quite unfit owing to his age and general disability. He was, however, a guide,
philosopher and friend.

He had two wives. By the first wife he had two sons (named Jograj and Shamraj)
and three daughters. His second daughter gave birth to Dr. Rai Kirpa Shanker, whose
only son Hakin Viceroy, is working in his estate. By the second wife, Rajah Indurjit
Bahadur had three sons and two daughters the former being Raja Gajanan Pershad,
Raja Gurasti Bahadur and Bhagwan Sitai Bahadur. Girdhar Chand and Girdhari Pershad
were the sons of the two daughters.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 347

Raja Indarjit Bahadur died in 1290 Hijri. His eldest son, Gojraj, was decorated with
the title of Raja Bahadur and was highly honoured by the then Nizam. His brother,
Shamraj, was also honoured by the Court and enjoyed the good graces of the Nizam
who granted him a mansab.


After the death of Gojraj his mansab was transferred to Shamraj. He died leaving
Raja Gajanan to succeed him. His son, Kirat Bahadur, was of charitable disposition and
was highly educated in Urdu and Persian. The post of Sharistadari, besides Jagirs, was

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348 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

offered to him which he gladly accepted. He died in 1308 H., leaving three sons, Haris
Chand, Binayak Raj and Raj Bahadur.

Kirat Pershad’s fourth son, Gorastai, was honoured with the title of Raja Bahadur
in 1311 H. and Jagirs were also given to him by the Nizam. His death took place in
1321 H. Dayakaran, his only son, died young.

Bhagwan Sitai, son of Nichwiraj Kirat Bahadur, was born in 1294 H. He was well
conversant with Urdu and Persian. English he knew very well. He was in the Accountant
General’s Office in the capacity of an assistant for considerable time. In 1311 he became
Raja Bahadur. He died in 1327 H. leaving two sons named Bhasker Anand Pershad and
Janki Raj. The last named died early in life.

Bhasker Anand Pershad was born in 1313 H. and was educated at the Madrasa-i-
Aliya and later at the Nizam College whence he was graduated. He was sent to Allahabad
by the Nizam’s Government to get training and experience in finance.

Raja Gajanan Pershad’s first son, Abbayhos Chand, was born in 1299 H. He was
given a good education and upbringing. During the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations he
received the honour of Raja Bahadur, and after the demise of his father obtained the
post of Sharistadari of the Irregular Force. His death occurred in 1337 H. His two sons
Bashraj and Govindraj are still young and are attending school.

Binayak Raj, Raja Gajanan Pershad’s second son, was born in 1304 H. He was given
very good education and culture. He enjoyed the esteem and regard of his master who
was pleased to grant him the title of Raja Bahadur. He is at present the Superintendent
of his Estate and still holds a share in the Shivraj Bahadur’s Jagir. He has a son named
Tuljaraj and three daughters.

Raja Bahadur, the youngest son of Raia Gajanan Pershad, was born in 1305 H. He
was married in 1335 H. The result of this marriage was the birth of two daughters and
three sons the latter being Lalta Raj, Ram Manohar and Khushal Raj.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 349

Nawab Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan

A WAB Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan is the son of the late Mir Mohamed Ali
Khan, Sardar Jung, and the eleventh descendant of the illustrious Saint
and Derwish, Mir Mohamed, who lived in the time of Emperor Humayun.
The following anecdote which has been reported on reliable authority bears testimony
to the mystic and spiritual powers of the Saint :-

Emperor Humayun was very sad and gloomy because he had no son to succeed
him. One night the Emperor saw in his dream Imam Raza, one of the great grandsons
of the Prophet and sought his help. The Imam said “we shall send thee one who is
descended from our family. Thou shalt soon get a son. Let the child be blessed by this
Holy Man and, God willing, it shall live to be thy heir and successor to the throne.” The
Saint, of whom the Imam had spoken, was no other person than Mir Mahomed, the
gifted Derwish, who was asked by the Imam to proceed to Delhi. Humayun met the
Saint and asked for his blessings. Shortly after this, the Queen conceived and gave birth
to a son who was immediately sent to the Saint to be placed on his lap, in accordance
with the age-old custom in India. The child was named Jalaluddin Akbar.

The son of the Saint was married to the only daughter of the warden of Imam
Raza’s Mausoleum. They had two sons, Syed Masoom and Syed Jafar of Naishapur.
The former got, after the death of his maternal grandfather, the enviable post of the
wardenship of the Holy Shrine; while the latter had to leave Naishapur with a heavy
heart in search of a decent livelihood. Eventually he reached Delhi where, by dint of his
talent and personal attainments, he received a mansab and many other royal favours.

He migrated with his sons to Kabul, where in a battle he and his son, Mir Masoom
were killed. Mir Mohamed Sayeed, his second son, left Kabul and returned to Delhi,
where he was readmitted to the Royal Durbar and was restored to his paternal Mansab
and Jagir.

Mir Mohamed Syeed became Governor of Daulatabad. On his death the mansab
and the post were given to his son, Mir Mohamed Kazim Razvi. In the wars with
Marathas, (to be more precise, during the time of Ragunath Rao, the Peshwa) he and
his son displayed valour, and defended Aurangabad against the raids of the enemy
with so much courage that they were acclaimed as heroes.

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350 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His son, Gulam Hyder Khan, who later on received the title of Mumtaz Jung,
Aitisamul Doula, Aitisamul Mulk was born in 1252 Hijri, entered the Durbar of the
Nizam, Nawab Nizam Ali Khan, who gave him a jagir and a monthly salary of Rs. 500
and made him the head of the Department for Official Correspondence.

The writer of the “GULZAR-I-ASAFI “(a history of the Asaf Jahi Rulers) contains
the following passage about him :-

Mir Gulam Hyder Khan was so much in favour with the Nizam that he was envied
by the nobles and courtiers. He rose so much in his esteem and confidence that the
Nizam bestowed on him a mansab of Rs. 5,000 together with 3,000 horse, a standard,
drums, a laced palanquin and a jagir. At about this time, the Peshwa expressed his
desire to see Nawab Gulam Hyder Khan at the former’s capital at Poona. The Peshwa
was so much pleased with his ability and attractive manners that he was detained at
Poona for 3 years, and it was with great reluctance that he was given leave by the
Peshwa to depart. Laden with rich gifts and valuable presents that he had received, he
presented himself before the Nizam who allowed him to retain those presents. His
total income with that of his son, amounted to two and a quarter lakhs of rupees. With
the Royal approval and sanction, he handed over charge of the Directorship of Official
Correspondence to his eldest son, Nawab Rasheed-ud-Dowla, and retired from his office
in his eightieth year. He died on the 17th of Shawal in the year 1235 H.

His son, Mir Ismail Ali Khan, Hyder Yar Jung, Rasheed-ud-Dowla, Rasheed-ul-
Mulk is described in the Gulzar-i-Asafi thus “While Nawab Ismail Ali Khan was still a
child, one could easily see signs of intelligence and sagacity, visibly written on his shining
forehead. After a few visits to the Royal Court, he became the favourite of the King and
ultimately rose to high positions and acquired the enviable ancestral offices. The same
writer remarks as follows :-” One day at a party arranged at Nawab Meer Alam
Bahadur’s palace, the Nawab and the British advocate, Captain Sadhanum, were
absorbed in a discussion relating to the affairs of the State and other general matters.
Mir Mohamad Ismail, then only eight years old, was present on the occasion. Quite in
keeping with the etiquette and custom of the court, the infant prodigy was wearing a
sword in his waist. The captain asked why men of letters who could rule with their
pens should wield or keep a sword. The little Nawab promptly replied, “We are Syeds
and both the sword and the pen are the heritage of our family”. The captain was

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 351


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352 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


When his father died, Nawab Ismail Ali Khan Rasheed-ul-Mulk took charge of his
father’s responsible post. The Nizam had a high opinion of his literary attainments,
and it is said that he used to draft letters and petitions (to be addressed to the Governor-
General in Calcutta) so well that the Nizam regarded him as indispensable. Titles and
jagirs, besides those he already possessed by right of descent, were conferred upon

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 353

He was also Prime Minister. After his death, his son Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan, Sardar
Jung, Rasheed-ud-Dowla was given chargs of the ancestral office. He accompanied the
late Nizam on his memorable visit to Delhi. He died in 1295.

After his death, the heavy responsibility of the office fell upon the shoulders of his
son, Mir Mohamad Ali Khan 11., Sardar Jung Bahadur, the father of Nawab Sulaiman
Ali Khan, the history of whose family we have been tracing so far.

In addition to the ancestral mansab and jagir, Mir Mohamad Ali Khan, Sardar Jung
was given a Mansab of Rs. 2,000 and 1,000 horse. He married the elder daughter of
Nawab Nizam-ud-Dowla, the Ruler of Masulipatam. This lady on her mother’s side
was the grand-daughter of Nawab Mir Gulam Ali Khan, the first Nawab of Baigan
Palli. She gave birth to two children, a son, Nawab Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan, and a

Thus Nawab Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan, on his father’s side, is the grandson of Nawab
Rasheed-ud-Dowla, Rasheed-ul-Mulk Bahadur, and on his mother’s side, the great
grandson of Nawab Ghulam Ali Khan, the first Nawab of Baigan Palli.

On the premature death of his father, he (Nawab Sulaiman Ali Khan), being a minor
was looked after by the Court of Wards. When he came of age, he was allowed by H. E.
H. the Nizam to assume possession of his ancestral jagirs and mansabs and was also
appointed to his hereditary office, the Directorship of the Correspondence Department,
a post which he still holds.

According to the old and time-honoured custom, he is still seen in an “ Amari”

marching in procession to the Residency on the arrival of every new Resident to greet
him on behalf of the Ruler. An idea of the picturesque spectacle can be formed by
looking at the photo printed here.

Nawab Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan is married and has three sons and four daughters.
His sons are receiving their education at the Jagirdar College.

His sister, who is married to Nawab Rais Jung, the fourth son of Nawab Fakhrul
Mulk, is also blessed with children.

Nawab Mir Sulaiman Ali Khan has a good knowledge of Urdu, Persian and English.
His unswerving loyalty, his neverfailing courtesy and his affectionate disposition have
endeared him to all who know him.

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354 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 355

Dhundiraj Dixit Maharaj alias Baba Sahib

HUNDIRAJ Dixit Maharaj alias Baba Sahib belongs to an order of Priests
who had played no small part for the spiritual advancement of Hindus of

The first of the seers from whom descended the long line of Gurus was Purushotham
Dixit. He held the Gadi and the Samasthan for twelve years till his death in 1233 Hijri.
He had four brothers viz. Raja Ram, Purushotham, Venkatesh and Narsinva Dixit. He
paid allowances to his brothers and had a son named Manohar Dixit who held the
village of Phulgaon in Georai Taluq as a Jagir as will be seen from the Sanad.
Unfortunately the son could not succeed to the Jagirs for want of capability. Therefore
Narsinva Dixit, the brother of Purushotham Dixit, was selected as the successor. He
was able in every respect. Allowances were paid during his regime to all other brothers
and family members. He ruled for 22 years till 1256 H. when he died. He left behind
two sons, Waman Dixit and Srinivas Dixit. The latter, being more capable and intilligent
succeeded to the Gadi and held the entire Samasthan singly without any co-partner.
The elders and brothers were paid allowances. He died in 1277 H. after 70 years of
administration. He had a son named Sambh Dixit, who took charge of the Samasthan.
He continued the allowances to the family members and expenses of marriage and
thread ceremonies etc. He died in 1288 Hijri after 10 years of reign. He had a son named
Srinivas Dixit who was found unfit for undetaking the responsible duties of the

Therefore, Sita Ram Dixit, the grandson of Narsinva Dixit, was selected to succeed
to the Gadi. He was the sole master without any co-partner of the Samasthan and paid
allowances to the brothers and elders of the family. He was a very able and successful
administrator. He died in 1309 H. after 20 years of reign. He had two sons, Seetaram
and Eknath. Vinayak, elder son of Sitaram Dixit had a good disposition and tact to
maintain the family and was selected to the Gadi. During his reign the religious
ceremonies, rites and management of the services were satisfactory.

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356 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Allowances and expenses for marriage and thread ceremonies etc. were paid to the
family members according to the ancient custom. He spent large amounts on the
marriage of his niece, daughter of Eknath. At the time of his succession all the brothers
expessed to the Government their consent and approval to his succession.

The family of this venerable Shree Dhundiraj Baba Dixit, the spiritual guide of the
late Raja Sheoraj Dharamwant, was greatly revered. The family has always had the
pride of being the spiritual guide to the forefathers of the late Raja Sheoraj and they
were ever at its service in addition to the grant of Jagirs together with all the honours
and dignities connected therewith. The foremost among the family were Eknath Dixit,
Purushottam Dixit, Narsinva Dixit, Srinivas Dixit, Sambha Dixit, Sitaram Dixit, Vinayak
Dixit and the present ruler Maharaj Shree Dhundiraj Dixit, Jagirdar, and spiritual guide
of the late Sheoraj. He is endowed with all the qualifications and claims to be the family
preceptor not only of Raja Sheoraj Dharamwant but the Sanads show that the family
was patronised also by the Peshwas of Poona and Balaji Pandit Pradhan (Prime Minister)
granted two villages and several hundred acres of land as Inam over the penance and
ascetism of the pious persons of the family. This manifests that the ancestors of Sheoraj
held them in high veneration as spritual guides, granted them the villages of Saasht,
Peempalgaon in Taluq Ambad, Jambergaon, Lakhamapur and Lakh in Vaijapur Taluq
of Aurangabad District and Makhta Dhanrajguda in the Eastern Tahsil of Medak District.
Besides this the annual expenses of the service etc. were defrayed by the late
Dharamwant and the Paigah of Nawab Lutf-ud-Dowla, as if from all the facts and deeds
there is no doubt to the nobility of this family as secluded and ever devoted to religious
exercises unparellelled in H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions. The respectable persons of
the family were generally held in high esteem especially for their Mantra Shastra, upon
which His Holiness Shankara Charya the Jagatguru, has also confirmed symbols of
Aftabagir and torch-light etc. as a special favour and a mark of distinction.

In this family the worship of the great queen Lalita Devi has always been very
prominent. The late Lala Bahadur had for this purpose granted to Narasinva Dixit an
extensive garden in the valley of the Mir Jumla tank beyond the Gowlipura gate. The
garden is dedicated to the Maharani Lalitadevi and with the temples of Maruti and
Lalita built thereon, the whole garden is presented to the Maharaj. The total revenue of
the garden and the expenses of the upkeep of the temples etc. have been debited to a
significant head well provided and declared as a Waqf. This fact can best be verified
from the memoirs of the family and is still carried on in that family.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 357

Maharaj Dhundiraj Dixit alias Baba Saheh holds extraordinary faculties in the
religious exercises of a hermit and his piety has been of a high order. He is versed in
Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi, Urdu and English. His intelligence and ability is well known.
He has written in Hindi commentaries on Ramayan and Bhagwat. He is a gifted singer.
His Excellency Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad, Yamin-us-Saltanat, and the ancestors of
Narsing Raj have great regard for the Dixit who is looked upon by them as a spiritual

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358 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 359


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360 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur, C. S. I.

HERE are few institutions, few landmarks in administrative reform and
improvement, or turning points in the history of one department and
another, of Hyderabad, which do not owe their origin to the first Sir Salar
Jung. They may be ascribed either directly”- to his own initiative or indirectly to his
inspiration and influence. One of the most beneficent services which Sir Salar Jung
rendered to this State was when, with his wonderful sagacity and judgement of men,
he “discovered” Syed Hossain, the subject of this sketch, not in Hyderabad, but in far-
away Lucknow, and promptly took him into his service. Thus to Sir Salar Jung we must
trace the beginning of the connection of the Bilgramis with the Sovereign and
Government of Hyderabad and to his memory we must pay a great tribute of gratitude
for giving to our State and its Sovereign not merely one of the greatest and noblest
servants it has ever had but also a house-the-house of Bilgrami-which has given, and
will continue to give public servants imbued with great family traditions, nurtured in
the best culture which the East and West could give, and inspired with this tradition
and culture to tender to the State and its people the best that is within them in the way
of public service.

Syed Hossain was born in Sahibganj, Gaya, the ancient Buddhistic Gaya, in the
year 1842. His father Syed Zainuddin Hossain Khan, was a Duputy Collector and
Magistrate in Bihar, and so also his elder brother, being the first two Muhammadans to
have held that post. The home of the Syed was, however, Bilgram in Oudh, and it was
on the advice of Sir Salar Jung that the Nawab, then Syed Hussain, added to his name
the family or territorial name of “Bilgrami” which continues as the surname of the
members of his family.

When quite young Syed Hossain was placed by his father in the hands of a learned
Moulvi who coached him thoroughly in the Arabic language, while, at the same time,
his father taught him English privately. The boy was also trained in those physical
exercises, proficiency in which was expected and required of every Moslem boy who
belonged to a good family. And the Syeds of Bilgrami could boast of family traditions
and a long lineage, their ancestors having come to India so far back as with one of the
Ghori invasions at the beginning of the 13th century of the Christian era.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 361

After completing his education in Calcutta, where he graduated with distinction
from the Presidency College, he was called to Lucknow where, young though he was,
just 26, he was offered the responsible post of Professor of Arabic at the Canning College.
At the same time, his merit as a writer of English being known he was put in charge of
the” Lucknow Times”, a bi-weekly organ of the Talukdars of Oudh. It was as Editor of
this paper that through a brilliant series of articles he turned down a Government pro-
posal for the Sarda Canal against which the Talukdars were ranged in a solid body
while” The Pioneer” supported the Government project.

It was in Lucknow, in the year 1872, that Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur
“discovered” Syed Hossain Bilgrami while on a visit there. Sir Salar Jung invited him
to go to Hyderabad and he accepted the invitation in 1873. He became Private Secretary
to Sir Salar Jung and in this capacity played a very prominent part in drafting or revising
letters that the great Minister, from time to time, addressed to the Governor General
regarding the Berars, a correspondence which was of the greatest help to the cause of
the Nizam. He had the privilege of accompanying Sir Salar Jung to England where he
had the honour of meeting and speaking with the Noble Queen and many distinguished
British statesmen.

Sometime afterwards, Syed Hossain Bilgrami was appointed Educational Secretary

and Director of Public Instruction. He further held for a time the post of Private Secretary
to the Nizam, and other high and responsible posts, finishing with that of Adviser to
the third Nawab Salar Jung the present representative of the house, who was for a time
Prime Minister. He also acted as Tutor to the late Nizam, His Highness Sir Mir Mahboob
Ali Khan Bahadur, also to the present Nizam, and likewise his sons. Thus as Tutor and
State servant, the late Nawab could claim to have served no less than three generations
of the house of Asaf Jah. He received for his services to the State, its Sovereigns and its
Prime Ministers at various times, the titles of Nawab Ali Yar Khan Bahadur, Mohtaman
Jung, Imad-ul-Daula, and, Imad-ul-Mulk, as also the C. S. I. from the Government of
India for his services to the Indian Empire.

His work as an educationist is his greatest achievement; and it is to this contribution

that the State and the people owe the greatest debt of gratitude. With regard to his
labours and unflagging interest in the cause of education we cannot do better than
quote the following passage from the biographical sketch by Edith Bilgrami, M. D., the
Nawab’s wife. The writer says :-

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362 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

With the exception of the Osmania University and the new Girls’ School, which are
recent institutions, practically all other educational institutions in Hyderabad owe their
existence to Syed Hossain Bilgrami. For instance, fifty years ago, there existed no facilities
in the State for the education of the upper classes in Hyderabad. At the instance of Syed
Hossain Bilgrami, a school was started under highly competent teachers and this was
the Madrasa-e-Aizza which is still in working order. Also a high school was started
which soon rose to the rank of a college with Doctor Aghornath Chattopadhya a man
of science, as its Principal. This college eventually became the “Nizam College” and
was provided with a highly paid European staff. By order of Sir Salar Jung the
“Murshidzadas” or relatives of the Ruler of the State, who were hitherto brought up
without any proper education, were compelled to go to the Madrasa-e-Aizza, stipends
or scholarships being granted to them as an encouragement, and large and well-
appointed bullock carts or “ Nibs” employed for their conveyance to and from the
school. The education of women had its due share of Syed Hossain’s attention, and
about the year 1885 a girls’ school was founded, being probably the first institution of
its kind for Muslim girls in India. Here a well qualified staff was appointed and Arabic
and Persian as well as English were included in the curriculum besides such subjects as
needlework and domestic economy. The strictest purda arrangements were made within
the premises and special covered conveyances provided for bringing the pupils to
schools. At the same time industrial education was not neglected. Recognising the
importance of manual and industrial training, Syed Hossain Bilgrami caused three
Industrial schools to be founded at the three principal centres of local industries, namely
Aurangabad, Hyderabad and Warangal. These institutions did most useful work to
revive declining industries. In order to encourage oriental learning and scholarship the
Dar-ul-Uloom or Oriental College was founded which during its existence had a most
competent staff and produced many good scholars of Arabic. The State Library was
also started by Syed Hossain Bilgrami, originally as a repository for valuable old Arabic
books. Afterwards a large collection of English and Persian books was added on, and
the Li.brary forms today one of the best institutions of its kind in India. One of the aims
of Syed Hossain was to purchase and republish such of the rare and valuable books in
the Arabic language as were in danger of extinction. For the furtherance of this aim he
founded with the cordial support of Sir Salar Jung, the Dairat-ul-Maarif, a society for
the preservation and publication of old and valuable books. This society is to this day
carrying on its operations and has done invaluable service to oriental learning and
culture by editing and publishing, and thereby saving from loss or extinction, many
works of great literary, historical and even scientific value. The work of the Dairat-ul-
Maarif has now been recognised in several countries of Europe where learned
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 363

collaborators are coming forward to help. The central Normal school for the training of
teachers also owes its origin to Syed Hossain Bilgrami.”

He had not only rendered immense services to Hyderabad in the way of ensuring
and fostering its educational advancement, but helped forward the cause of Moslem
education in British India.

In 1903, the Government of India appointed him on the Universities Commission

and in 1907 Lord Morley, then Secretary of State for India. selected him as a member of
the India Council in London. He was the first Muhammadan to represent this country
on the council of the Secretary of State. Owing to ill-health he had to return to Hyderabad
before the expiry of his term of office and on his return was appointed Adviser to the
third Salar Jung during his Prime Ministership. After Salar Jung’s resignation of his
post for reasons of health, the Nawab led a quiet life, though unceasingly consulted by
friends and high officials of the State on matters of importance in various directions.
Readily accessible, he was at the service of all, a grand old man, proud of nothing so
much as of his capacity to serve and be of use to the servants of the State and the

His last public act was when at the command of His Exalted Highness the Nizam,
Nawah Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, he drew up the draft of the famous manifesto
during the war which steadied Moslem opinion in India, and, as a matter of fact,
throughout the world, terribly shaken as it was by Turkey’s entry into the war on the
side of the Central Powers. It was one of the greatest acts of “The faithful Ally of the
British Government” and the last great service of one of their Ally’s most faithful and
devoted servants and subjects. The Nawab passed away peacefully on the 3rd June
1926. He left behind him three sons. They are Nawab Abid Nawaz Jung, retired Talukdar
and Municipal Commissioner; Nawab Akheel Jung Bahadur, Sadar-ul-Maham
(Minister) of Paigahs; and Nawab Mahdi Yar Jung Bahadur, Political Minister. The life
sketches of these sons of a noble father appear separately.

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364 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Sir Faridoon Mulk Bahadur,
K. C. I. E., C. S. I., C. B. E.

HERE are few officials either in the British service or in Native States who
have had such an unique and successful career as Nawab Sir Faridoon Mulk
Bahadur, K. C. I. E., C. S. I., C. B. E., the Ex-President of His Exalted Highness
the Nizam’s Cabinet had.

Sir Faridoon Mulk Bahadur, then known as Mr. Faridoonji Jamshedji, first joined
the Revenue Department and served there for some years. He was then transferred to
the Survey and settlement Department at Aurangabad.

He proved himself a very successful man in that field and the Nizam’s Government
recognising his talents entrusted to his hands the survey of the adjoining districts of Bir
and Parbhani covering an area of 15,000 square miles. Prior to this he served for a short
time as the Talukdar of the Aurangabad district. He was subsequently made the
Commissioner of Survey and Settlement Departments. It appears that in the same year
he was selected as Private Secretary to Sir Salar Jung II.


Ever since he took up this responsible post he successfully and with credit to himself
and his employers held the diplomatic appointment during the Ministry of four
successive Ministers until the reins of administration were taken over directly and
personally by His Exalted Highness the Nizam.


Sir Faridoon Mulk’s career bore testimony to the fact that a better selection could
not have been made as he had since then retained his post in spite of the numberless
whirlpools and storms in Hyderabad affairs which were the outcome of several tragic
and comic events. None of these affected the popular and genial Secretary who kept
himself aloof from them all and clear of all party politics, maintaining for his watchword
the interests of the Ruler, the State and the Minister. The result was that he made himself
by his ripe experience and consummate tact, more useful to each successive Minister
and through him to the Nizam. This was the outstanding feature in this born diplomat

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 365


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366 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

and statesman, who, had he been given the scope, would have played an equally
admirable part in the diplomatic service in any foreign country.


Socially and politically alike, his services were of immense value not only to the
Ruler and the State but also to the Imperial Government. His popularity and usefulness
were confined not only to the officials of the State but also to the non-official visitors,
European and Indian, who had occasion to visit the metropolis.

Socially, Sir Faridoon Mulk Bahadur had been an outstanding figure in Hyderabad.
His model residence was the rendezvous for all classes and nationalities at his periodical
“At Homes” which were an institution looked forward to with interest by all officials
and non-officials both European and Indian. In short, he was the connecting link
between Europeans and Indians and his “At Homes” were a common platform on which
all met in friendly intercourse.

Among his other qualities may be mentioned his keen sporting propensities. While
he was young he was out and out a sportsman and even in his advanced years the
sporting spirit had not deserted him. The numerous shooting trophies that adorned his
charming house at Saifabad bear eloquent testimony to this.

He also possessed literary attainments. He wielded a facile pen and, often in his
younger days, contributed to several leading English Journals in India.

Sir Faridoon Mulk Bahadur, despite his old age, was an almost indispensable
personality in the Hyderabad State. For a major portion of his long service of nearly 40
years, he occupied one of the most delicate and difficult positions in the State. He was
until his death an Honorary member of the Executive Council of His Exalted Highness
the Nizam’s Government.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 367

(Chief Commander, Regular Forces)

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368 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Sir Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur
K. C. I. E., M. V. 0., A. D. C.

NE of the most prominent families of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s
State which has risen from ordinary circumstances in life to that of high
eminence is that of Nawab Sir Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur’s.

Mirza Muhammad Ali Beg, to give his original name was born in the year 1851 at
Aurangabad. He was the son of late Mirza Vilayat Ali Beg Risaldar, 3rd Lancers,
Hyderabad Contingent. Sir Afsar was educated at Aurangabad during which time he
exhibited marvellous capacities in military and administrative branches of life. After
the completion of his schooling he was appointed as the Risaldar of the Hyderabad
Contingent and Subsequently became the Commander of the Golconda Brigade in 1885.

The hero of this life held the rank of Honorary Colonel in the British Army. He was
in charge of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Regular Troops, the Hyderabad Imperial
Service Troops and the Golconda Brigade. In 1892 he was entrusted with the work of
organizing the First Lancers and the two Cavalry regiments for Imperial service.

He received the title of Afsur Jung in 1884 and of Afsur-ud-Daula in 1895.

In 1897 Sir Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur received the decoration of C. I. E., during the
Jubilee Honours. When His Majesty the King George V visited India in 1906 as Prince
of Wales, he gave him the Insignia of M. V. O. He was made a K. C. I. E. in 1908.

He rendered meritorious services during Afghan War from 1879 to 1880. As a mark
of recognition he was presented with the Afghan Medal. During the Black Mountain
Expedition in 1898 he was one of the members of the Staff of Earl Robert and he was
again granted another Medal. In 1900 he served in the China Expedition and was on the
personal staff of General Gaslee. On this occasion, too, he was awarded a Medal for his
highly esteemed services.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 369

Colonel Sir Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur was the representative at the Coronation of
His late Majesty King Edward VII in 1902 and was also present at both the Delhi Darbars
in 1903 and 1911. The title of Afsur-ul-Mulk was conferred on him in 1902. In 1904 he
was appointed Honorary A. D. C. to His Excellency the Viceroy and was also present
on the occasion of the State Entry into Delhi when that mischievous attempt was made
on His Excellency Lord Hardinge’s life. The eminent position he occupied was between
1915 and 1916 on the staff of Sir John French in France.

When war was declared in August 1914, Colonel Sir Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur offered
his services to the Imperial Government. At first he met with disappointment and had
to stay away at Hyderabad only on more important work. He again appealed to the
Imperial Government that he might be permitted to render his services in the front. His
Highness the Nizam and His Excellency the Viceroy approved his application and he
sailed from Bombay on 24th April 1915 to join the Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade
and saw active service

During the period of his long service to both the Imperial and His Exalted Highness
the Nizam’s Government he took the keenest interest in all the sports. It is a well known
fact among the public of this State that Colonel Sir Afsur-ul-Mulk Bahadur and His
Highness the late Nawab Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur were inseparable companions
in all big sports and hunting expeditions. In tent pegging, sheep cutting etc. it often
happened that he gave the young competitors a good fight. The Colonel was an authority
on horses and especially the Arab breed. During his travels to Baghdad, Syria and
Mesopotamia he purchased excellent breeds and with great difficulty was able to bring
them over to Hyderabad. By his note on “Arab Horse” in Nawab Hamid Yar Jung
Bahadur’s Book “A Trip to Baghdad” he came to be considered as an authority on the

Equally interested he was in horticulture and agriculture. The most tasteful way in
which his Green House at Rahat Manzil was decorated and arranged revealed to the
mind of even a casual observer his extreme degree of art and refinement. Fernery was
his special subject in horticulture and he reared different varities of ferns with much
care. His interest in fruit gardening was no less. He grew in his garden at Vikarabad
rare varities of mango and other kinds of fruits. He supervised the whole thing in person
and did some of the manual labour himself as a sort of recreation.
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370 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He had the good fortune of seeing his sons in eminent positions who are no less
respected by the public of Hyderabad. Verily was he called a Grand Old Man of
Hyderabad, and history records him as one of the most powerful of Military leaders
and an ideal man of his generation. He left three sons named Nawab Major-General
Osman Yar-ud-Dowla Bahadur, the Brigadier General of Regular Forces, Nawab Hamid
Yar Jung Bahadur, Inspector General of Forests and Nawab Major Kushroo Jung
Bahadur, who is in Kashmir State Service. He died in 1930. May he rest in peace.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 371


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372 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Rai Murlidhar Bahadur

AI Murlidhar Raja Fateh Nawazwant Bahadur, the father of Raja Jagmohan
Lal Bahadur, was one of the most famous and efficient Hindu officials which
the State ever had. He not only won the esteem of Government which he
served but also the affectionate regard of the subordinates who served under him
throughout his long and distinguished career. He was a man of brilliant parts and gave
of his best to. the State and to his sovereign and the general public learning of the
splendid services he was rendering to the State, held him in the highest esteem and
honoured and respected him as he well deserved to be. No official equalled him in
brilliancy and capability and for conscientious work he had an unimpeachable
reputation. When he passed away in the year 1929 A. D. not only his community lost a
great man but the State lost a great public servant who stood out almost by himself.

Rai Murlidhar Bahadur was the son of Rai Mannu Lal who was an Executive
Engineer on the Ganges Canal works. He appears to have rendered so good an account
of himself in the discharge of his duties that he attracted the attention of Nawab Sir
Salar Jung Bahadur who applied to the British Government for the loan of his services.
The Government acceded to his request and transferred his services as Assistant
Principal of the Hyderabad Engineering School and Assistant Secretary to Government
in the Irrigation Branch of the Public Works Department. This was in the year 1872.

Rai Mannu Lal was a great admirer of the British administration and ever loyal
and faithful to the Government. Even during the stormy days of the mutiny of 1857, his
loyalty was unshaken and his devotedness unsoiled. As a matter of fact, he rendered
such valuable and timely services to the Government that, after the troubles were over,
they, in recognition and appreciation of those services granted him a few villages in the
district of Bulandshahr, North Western Provinces, the revenues from which the
Murlidhar family still enjoys.

Rai Mannu Lal Bahadur, who well appreciated the value of English education, was
exceedingly careful in training his son, Rai Murlidhar Bahadur, the subject of this sketch.
The latter was given tuition in Persian, Urdu and English and after passing his
matriculation examination, studied for the Arts examination of the Calcutta University.
He then joined His Highness’ srrvice in 1875 as an Attache in the Revenue Department,
with the rank of assistant Talukdar. After receiving training at the headquarters, he
was sent out into the districts with the rank of second Talukdar in the year 1878. He so
distinguished himself and proved so brilliant an executive officer that he was called
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 373

again to headquarfers where he was appointed Assistant Secretary to the Revenue Board,
as it then was, and in 1883 was made a first Talukdar.

He was then deputed to act upon a special commission, but in 1886, he was
transferred to Aurangabad as First Talukdar. His next appointment was the Subedarship
of Aurangabad Division and afterwards of Bidar. The most remarkable feature of his
career was that in less than ten years he rose to the position of a Subedar, or
Commissioner of a Division.

After holding the Subedarship of Bidar, he was appointed Revenue Secretary and
when in the year His Highness by a Farman abolished the Board, he was appointed
permanent Subedar of the Warangal Division. His record of service was such that after
his retirement from service, His Highness appointed him to the Sarf-i-khas Department.
His administration of this Department which was suffering from mal-administration
was so successful that His Highness raised him to the status of a Minister in charge of
the Department on a monthly salary of Rs. 2,000 in addition to his pension of Rs. 1,000
from the Government.

Rai Murlidhar, Raja Fateh Nawazwant Bahadur, passed away in the year 1929
mourned by a large number of friends and admirers. He was a man of great capacity
and catholicity of mind. His conscientious devotion to duty was proverbial and he was
held in the highest esteem by his subordinates on account of his sense of justice, and
mild and benevolent character. Officers of his type are rare and appear on the official
stage but seldom. His views on Hindu-Muslim Unity were consistently exemplified in
his own behaviour and department and was for this reason specially honoured by
members of both communities.

His son, Raja Jagmohan Lal Bahadur, followed in the footsteps of his father by
entering the Revenue Department. He is a graduate of the Madras University and enjoys
a reputation for being a man of wide culture and brilliant attainments added to extensive

After holding the post of First Talukdar, he was transferred to the Revenue
Department where he now holds the responsible position of Nazim-i-Atiyat ( Revenue
appellate court). He is one of the most popular of officials and commands great respect
in both Hindu and Moslem communities in Hyderabad. He worthily upholds the name
and fame of his distinguished father and has made the Murlidhar family more respected
and honoured than ever.

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374 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Sir Nizam-ud-din Ahmed
Nizamat Jung Bahadur Kt.
C. I. E., O. B. E., M. A. LL. B. (Cantab),
Barrister-at-Law ( Inner Temple ).

A WAB Sir Nizamat Jung Bahadur (Nizam-ud-din Ahmed) Political
Minister, ( born in April 1871 ) is the second son of the late Nawab Rafat
Yar Jung, Subedar of Warangal, well known in his days as an ardent
educational and social reformer and statesman of no mean order. His elder brother is
the present Nawab Rafat Yar Jung, who was Subedar of Aurangabad and till recently
Director of the Atiyat Dept and who is one of the most genuinely loved and respected
of the nobles of Hyderabad.

Sir Nizamat Jung’s ancestral home was Arabia whence some of his forefathers came
to India during the seventh century of the Muhammadan era. A part of the family came
to Hyderabad so far back as the time of the first Nizam, Asaf Jah, Nizam-ul-Mulk. Sir
Nizamat Jung’s grandfather a man of great learning and probity died in the early eighties
of the last century leaving two sons, Moulvi Shaikh Ahmed Hussain (Nawab Rafat Yar
Jung) and Moulvi Muhammad Siddeek (Nawab Imad Jung). Nawab Rafat Yar Jung in
his lifetime held the responsible posts of First Commissioner of the Inam Department
and Subedar (first of Gulbarga and then of Warangal). Nawab Imad Jung was a Judge
of the High Court under Nawab Sir Salar Jung I and later on Chief Justice, Home
Secretary, Financial Secretary, Secretary to the Legislative Council, Legal Adviser and
Secretary to the Cabinet Council during his long service of 42 years. He was the last of
those Secretaries who practically exercised some of the powers of the Prime Minister.
He died in September 1904.

Nawab Rafat Yar Jung died in July 1897 leaving six sons, the second of whom is
Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung Bahadur. Nawab Imad Jung’s son, bearing the same title,
after having been District and Sessions Judge for many years was (until his death in
1920) Commissioner of the City Police. He was first cousin to Sir Nizamat Jung and
also to Nawab Rafat Yar Jung. Two other first cousins, sons of their maternal aunt,
Nawab Hakim-ud-Daula and Nawab Saad Jung, both Cambridge men and Barristers
at Law, rose to be Chief Justice and Puisne Judge of the High Court of Law respec-
tively. The former died in 1916 and the latter in 1918.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 375

C.I.E., O.B.E., LL.B. (Cantab),
Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple)

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376 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung was educated at the Madrassa-i-Aizza, a school founded
by his father in 1878.79, and proceeding to England in 1887 joined Trinity College,
Cambridge, and took the degrees of B. A., LL. B. (Honours) in 1891 being the first
Hyderabadi to achieve this. Later on he became a Barrister-at-Law, being called to the
Bar from the Inner Temple in 1895 during his second visit to England. Returning to
Hyderabad finally in February 1896, the year in which he obtained his M. A., he was
enrolled in 1897 as an Advocate of the Madras High Court in December 1896. In March
1897 he was appointed District Judge of Parbhani, and subsequently made Registrar of
the High Court, and in 1899 he was appointed Chief City Magistrate. After two and
half years he was transferred to the Legislative Department as Under Secretary,
succeeding the famous Jurist Jai Hukum Chand in that important post on the ground of
his high legal qualifications. Recognising his general ability the Government of His
Highness the late Nizam appointed Nawab Nizamat Jung to officiate as Home Secretary
and as Political Secretary on several occasions between 1901 and 1904 when the
permanent incumbents were on leave. He discharged the duties attached to these
responsible posts to the satisfaction of the Government, with the result that he ultimately
became Home Secretary in 1909-1910 and Political Secretary in 1918, having in the
meantime served with distinction as a Judge of the High Court for ten years ( 1907-
1908) and as Chief Justice for about two ( 1916-1918 ).

On the retirement of Nawab Sir Faridoon Mulk from the Political Department,
Nawab Nizamat Jung was appointed Political Minister in November 1919 when the
Executive Council was inaugurated, Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung succeeding him as Political

It is difficult to estimate the work of a Political Minister, for the simple reason that
the work he performs does not see the light of day, being of a confidential nature. All of
it is not known even to the Executive Council, which is the supreme authority in the
State next to His Exalted Highness. Being the “liason” officer between two Governments,
his personality must influence to some extent the conduct of negotiations between them
and their relations for the time being. To maintain a proper balance on the footing of a
mutual understanding between the two Governments and to preserve smooth and
friendly relations is the principal function of this officer. His post is no bed of roses, as
by the very nature of his work he is frequently subjected to grave anxiety, and incurs
serious responsibility. Besides the duty of maintaining cordiality and smooth inter-
course between the Durbar and the Residency, he is admitted to the inner circle of the
Nizam’s Councillors and has often to perform the delicate, difficult and unenviable

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 377

task of placing before his august master facts and opinions that are not always pleasant,
and this puts his character to a very severe test. It is well known to all how Sir Nizamat
Jung has come out of such ordeals. So far as we all know his influence has always been
for good. Though he has been in close touch with the palace for nearly ten years, he has
never through self-seeking swerved from the path of duty. He is the only officer who
has not asked for and obtained any favour from the soverign either for himself or any
of his relatives.

In March 1915 Nawab Nizamat Jung was sent to Madras together with the late Mr.
Mackenzie, Chief Engineer, and the late Mr. Habibuddin, Financial Secretary, to discuss
the long pending question of the proper distribution of the water of the Krishna and
the Tungabhadra rivers between the Madras Presidency and the Hyderabad State. Since
the Madras Government had persistently refused to admit the claim of the Hyderabad
Government Mr. Meckenzie had little hope of success on this occasion, but the able
advocacy of Nawab Nizamat Jung induced the Madras Government to reconsider their
former attitude and give in to the just demands of the Hyderabad State. Thus the matter
which had been pending for more than 15 years was satisfactorily settled at last. Mr.
Mackenzie frankly admitted on this occasion that but for the Nawab’s tactful handling
of the case, the Nizam’s Government could not have gained their point.

For his long, faithful and able services to His Exalted Highness the Nizam, Nawab
Nizamat Jung Bahadur had the honour of receiving a Knighthood from His Imperial
Majesty the King-Emperor on the 1st of March this year having already received the
decorations of C. I. E. in January 1924 and O. B. E. in 1919. If anyone in Hyderabad ever
deserved this signal honour on account of culture, character and general
accomplishments and distinguished service in a department where work is often as
delicate as it is difficult, he did.

We may here mention a few of his numerous important services.

As a member of the Executive Council -

It is an open secret that he took no small share in having a Retrenchment Committee

appointed in order to effect economy to the increase of expenditure caused by giving
effect to the recommendations of the Salaries Commission on which he had sat as a

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378 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He took an important part in having the valuation of forest areas reexamined before
giving possession of lands to applicants under the Development Scheme.

He was instrumental in having orders obtained from His Exalted Highness with a
view to having a comprehensive scheme drawn up for Technical Education in the State.

A man of wide sympathy and broad outlook and of an uncommonly tolerant

disposition, he strongly disapproves of communal dissensions as being fatal to progress.
And he is always eager to see justice done to the legitimate claims of all subjects of the
State whatever their race or religion may be. He is also above the senseless quarrel
between the Mulki and the Non-Mulki, giving preference in the interests of the State to
those who can really serve it best. But he is at the same time a strong champion of the
Mulkis when their rights are improperly assailed. He is always to be found on the side
of justice.

When the City Improvement Board was formed in 1913 His Exalted Highness
appointed him Honorary Secretary to the Board on the recommendation of Nawab
Fakhrul Mulk and the Cabinet Council; and one can see for oneself the remarkably
good work that has been done under his wise and tasteful guidance. We understand
that owing to urgent demands from other projects and schemes such as Irrigation in
the districts etc. sufficient funds could not be provided for this purpose. But for this
unavoidable difficulty there would have been in evidence to day vastly greater improve-
ments in the city itself and in a far wider area round the city. We are informed however
that steps are now being taken to carry on this important work of slum clearance and
providing sanitary houses for the poor on a larger scale. On account of his organizing
abilities Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung has along with his other duties, been able to supervise,
though from a distance, the conduct of municipal affairs and also to see to the progress
of the Victoria Memorial Orphanage of which he is Honorary Secretary. This honorary
post which he has held since 1902 is quite congenial to the Nawab as he is a great
advocate of technical education, particularly where the poor of the State are concerned.
His sympathy with them makes him deeply interested in slum clearance and the better
housing of the poor. He founded a Poor House in 1909-10 when he was Home Secretary
and this institution is still in existence.

A foe to all that is false and pretentious, Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung has always done
his work quietly and has never sought to be in the public eye.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 379

He takes no active part in any public movement, but is, like his illustrious father,
the late Nawab Rafat Yar Jung, keenly interested in the advancement of social and
educational matters. He is an accomplished scholar and a man of taste and is known to
devote his spare hours to literary pursuits; and to Horticultural and Architectural
experiments. He has also been fond of riding and shooting. In his younger days he was
passionately devoted to poetry. His poem ”India to England” published in the ”London
Times” on the 1st of October 1914, (the day the Indian Troops landed at Marseilles)
attracted attention all over the English speaking world and was reproduced in many
able journals and periodicals. An English writer has called it “one of the most often
quoted lines evoked by the Great War“. When in 1918 some of his sonnets were
published in London by Erskine Macdonald & Co., “The Times” and some other journals
and periodicals reviewed them favourably, they elicited encomiums from many English
people of culture and taste.

These is some ground therefore for the surmise that had Sir Nizamat Jung confined
himself to a purely literary career he might have become notable among modern Indian
men of letters on account of his high ideals and unconventional and independent trend
of thought. He had a fair chance we think, of becoming a poet of eminent rank in India,
introducing into Anglo-Indian poetry a new note, suggestive of a rare blending of Eastern
and Western spiritual thought and emotion. It is, ardently to be hoped that when Sir
Nizamat Jung retires, he will devote himself largely to literature and give to the country
the fruits of so many years of silent meditation, study, particularly on the practical
philosophy of life, of which he is a votary.

His ideas on education though unconventional are sound and constructive. He

believes that real progress depends on character and that the chief function of education
is to mould character so as to bring out the best that is in human nature. Though he is in
perfect sympathy with academical learning he is nevertheless a strong advocate of
technical and professional education. As a statesman with foresight he realises the
importance of it for preventing dissatisfaction and trouble in the future.

Nawab Sir Nizamat lung Bahadur is a man of great moral probity and uprightness,
and entirely unassuming. His high position has by no means tended to change his
innate nobility of character, of his simplicity of life and gentleness of behaviour; and he
consistently follows the principle of “plain living and high thinking “. His philosophic
dispositions has made him so contented that he has been serving for the last 10 years as
a member of Council on the same pay as he used to get as a High Court Judge. We have

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380 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

been told that he refused to take more. And now on the eve of his retirement he has
again refused to accept a higher pension than Rs. 1000. Evidently he does not believe
that service to his State requires extra high remuneration. We trust he will be spared for
many years to render by precept and example substantial service to his people on an
extended scale so as to contribute to the greater glory of the State with the recent history
of which his name is so intimately associated in their minds.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 381


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382 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Rafat Yar Jung Bahadur II

AWAB Rafat Yar Jung Bahadur, is the eldest son of Nawab Rafat Yar
Jung Bahadur I, the well-known educational reformer and statesman, who
passed away in 1897 after serving his fellowmen with remarkable zeal
and singleness of purpose. The Nawab is the elder brother of Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung
Bahadur, Political Minister, and the late Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur, Commissioner of
Police, was his cousin.

Claiming descent from Hazrat Abu Bakr Ali Siddiq, the first Khalif of Islam, his
ancestoral home, was Arabia, whence a party migrated to Bokhara. After staying there
a considerable time, so far back in the Seventh Century of the Mohammadan Era, one
Mulla Ataullah Mahmood with some relatives and followers came to India, halted at
Delhi, in the reign of Sultan Moizuddin Sam, who being apprised of his learning, piety,
and holiness appointed him Khazi of Nagore. At his death the said post was conferred
on his son thereafter renowned Khazi Hameeduddin Nagori, a great scholar and divine,
held in high esteem by all his contemporaries. He was Khalifa-i-Azam, the Grand Khalifa
in India of Hazrat Shahabuddin Suharvardi, and was also the First religious instructor
of Hazrat Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kakee. Many members had held high posts of importance
as Vazirs and Sadar Subas etc., under Shah Jahangir and other Emperors. From there
some moved earlier towards Deccan, and settled in Daulatabad and Khuldabad. Others
came later along with the Great Alamgir and after his demise shifted and settled in
different parts where their co-religionists held sway with varying fortunes and finally
returned to Aurangabad soon after Asaf Jah’s declaration of Independence.

Nawab Rafat Yar Jung Bahadur was born on the 8th April 1869, the eldest of six.
After receiving an excellent education in English, Persian and Arabic, he proceeded to
England where he stayed for some time. During his sojourn there he secured the goodwill
and regard of a large number of influential Englishmen, nobles, politicians and others,
by his gentlemanly behaviour and polished manners. He was present at the Jubilee
celebrations of Her Imperial Majesty the late Queen Victoria and had the honour of
being presented to Her Majesty at the levee held at the Palace of St. James.

While in England, he was appointed as Secretary to the Arabic and Islamic section
of the International Congress of Orientalists held in London in 1891. His services were
so keenly appreciated that he was awarded a certificate by the Earl of Halsbury,
Chairman of the Congress Committee, on its behalf.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 383

On his return, he entered the State service and was first attached to the High Court.
After some time he was sent to Gulbarga where he worked as an assistant to the Subedhar
till 1895. Then he was made an acting second Taluqdar and posted to Jangaon, whence
after a year he was transferred to the Revenue Secretariat as an extra assistant. He was
again sent to the districts, but this time as a permanent second Taluqdar, and while at
Siddipet rendered remarkable services to the peasants who will remember him with
profound gratitude for many decades yet to come. By stern warnings, energetic
supervision, and personal example he practically rooted out the terrible evils of illegal
gratification and general corruption. His popularity was so great that the peasants called
him “Dharma Avatar”.

He was transferred to Warangal where he was first Taluqdar when His Excellency
the Viceroy, the late Lord Cuzon visited Nekonda, Pakhal and Mankota. While in Bidar
where he was transferred next, he furthered the progress of education, started an
Industrial School, revived dying or moribund arts and crafts and encourged horse and
cattle breeding. He also started the famous “Jatra” at Malagaon and opened a club,
libraries, and reading rooms. He was mainly instrumental in constructing the Osman
Gan; and Market. The old mansion known as “ Bari Haveli “, the birth-place of Nawab
Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur, was not only repaired and restored by him but also extended
and considerably improved.

The Nawab then turned his attention to an evil which nore of his predecessors had
ventured to face in the past. The evil was the practice of “Nautch“ women retaining
girls with the immoral motive of benefiting by them in later years. The Nawab first
caused it to be ascertained whether such girls were related to the nautch women or
obtained d~ring famine or by any other way. And according to the information obtained,
compelled them to deposit securities whereby they were bound to bring them up in a
decent manner and when of age to marry them to worthy persons. He further saw to it
that when these girls were married, they were given a few useful articles, clothes and a
little cash to start life with. His work in this respect produced extremely beneficial
results and enhanced his popularity and added to his reputation as an upright officer.
It was his constant endeavour to uphold the prestige of the Government and the Nizam
by doing such acts as conduced to the well-being and amelioration of the condition of
the people, especially the peasants. The present Nizam, who then heir-apparent toured
the Bidar district in 1318 Fasli and highly appreciated the sterling work of Nawab Rafat
Yar Jung Bahadur.

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384 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

From Bidar, to the great sorrow of the people he was transferred to Nalgonda in
1321 Fasli. His impartial justice and particularly his courageous decision in the Eppal-
Madaram case will never be forgotten by the people of Nalgonda. For his decision he
was thanked by the public and the Government as well.

In 1322 he was again sent to Warangal where he officiated for some time as Subhedar.
He amicably settled the nasty quarrel which arose between the Banias and the police
and for this His Exalted Highness’ appreciation was duly conveyed to him.

From Warangal he was sent to Nizamabad where he stayed till 1327 Fasli. While
here he encouraged the preparation of colours, carpet weaving and paper-making.

Promoted as Subhedar of the Western Division, he proceeded to Aurangabad in

Azur 1328 Fasli. It was during his tenure of office that Lord Chemlsford, then Viceroy
in India, visited Daulatabad, Khuldabad and the Ellora Caves. He administered the
province with his usual ability and complete success till 1330 Fasli, when by special
command of His Exalted Highness he was called to Hyderabad to reorganize the Atiyat
Department of which he was appointed Director. He retired on pension only a few
years back.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 385


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386 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mohiuddin Yar Jung Bahadur

YED Mohiuddin Ali Khan, Nawab Mohiuddin Yar Jung Bahadur, is one of
the most popular of Hyderabad noblemen and one among the very few from
the indigenous aristrocracy who have placed their mark on the administration
of the State and won for themselves not merely the warm approbation of the country
but also, and more important still, the warm and undying gratitude of millions of His
Exalted Highness the Nizam’s subjects especially the agriculturists of the State, the
feeders and upholders of all things.

Nawab Mohiuddin Yar Jung Bahadur, it is very curious to relate, is not generally
known by his name, either patronymic or titular, but rather by a nickname Hunter
Saheb “ conferred on him by his friends in England in recognition of his high spirit of
sportmanship, and which has become on his return a household name long befere he
joined the service and is generally considered by the people of the country as
synonymous to daring deeds, courage, self-reliance. incorruptibility, stern impartiality
and fairness in dealing in all circumstances. It is a title which was given to him in the
spirit in which the title of “The Little Corporal” was given to the great Napoleon by his
soldiers. It is a sort of that patent of nobility won on the fields of Montenotte.

Syed Mohiuddin Ali Khan was born in Hyderabad in 1864 of a noble family, his
father being the late Nawab Ghulam Dastagir Khan Bahadur. He traces his descent
from the second Caliph, his nearest ancestor on his father’s side being Mohammed
Arifuddin Khan, Muzaffur Jung Rhonuq and Nawab Najeeb Khan, Salar Jung ; and on
his mother’s side, the Nawab of Poona, and Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan of Mysore. His
remote ancestors, the descendant of the Caliph Hazrat Omer, were independent rulers
in Central Asia. A member of these families, one Malik Raji Ali Khan, came down to
India and founded the dynasty which ruled over the Khandesh. On the subjugation of
the dynasty by the victorious Moghul, the principal members of it scattered themselves
all over India. One of them was the Nawab Najeeb Khan, Salar Jung of Delhi. He was
the founder of the Hyderabad family and first came down to the Deccan with Asaf Jah
Nizam-ul-Mulk and was, subsequently, sent to the Carnatic and Prime Minister to
Anwaruddin Khan Saheed, who was appointed as Subedar by Asaf Jah the First. It is of
great interest to note that it was Nawab Najeeb Khan, who as Prime Minister in the
Carnatic, ratified the settlement of the East India Company’s Factory at Madras.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 387

Hunter Saheb was educated in Hyderabad and Aligarh where he distinguished
himself for his manly behaviour, proficiency and leadeship in sports, and application
to studies, qualities which soon made him a favourite of the late Sir Syed Ahmad Khan,
who made him,though a mere boy, Secretary of the first class Boarding House, Reading
Room and the Sporting Club, which positions he retained till he left the College for
good in 1883, preparatory to going to England. Mr. Siddon, the Principal, writing of
him, said that he had a very high opinion of him and that he “possessed the manners
and feelings of a gentleman.”

En passant we might mention here the incident which forced him to go alone so
young to a distant place like Aligarh. He was then at the late Mr. F. Schaffter’s school
and, one day, Mr. long, one of the masters, imposed some punishment on him, imagining
that he was the chief culprit for some rowdyism in his class. The boy vehemently
protested against the unjust punishment and appealed to Mr. Schaffter for redress, but
in vain. He therefore, left the School and at once made up his mind to go to Aligarh, for
his self-respect would not allow him to stay there any longer.

Later he showed the same sense of self-respect on the occasion of Mr. Dunlop’s
visit to Parbhani on September 27th 1912 where he was then Collector of the District.
Mr. Dunlop, when in Parbhani, did not call on him,”and the Nawab paid him in his
own coin by not attending an At Home given by the abkari contractor of the place in
Mr. Dunlop’s honour, and did not see him off for Hyderabad at the station in the evening.

In the year 1886, the daughter of Nawab Nazim Jung Bahadur was married to him
and a few months afterwards he proceeded to England to complete his education, at
his own expense. After some fight with the authorities in the matter of admission into
Trinity College, Cambridge, he was at last admitted to it and in due course graduated
from there in History with distinction. The excellence of the impression he created at
Cambridge can be gathered from a letter of Dr. Glaisher, his tutor, who wrote to him
thus :- “Of all my pupils, there is none whom I shall look on with greater pleasure than
upon yourself.” And the late Dr. Montagu Butler, the Master of Trinity, bore testimony,
on the eve of his return to India in 1892 after passing the History Tripos to “how highly
honourable” had been his University career and “how by high character and agreeable
manners” he had “won the respect of all who knew him.”

While at Canibridge the young Nawab was a very popular figure in the society of
Englishmen and his countrymen alike. As an instance of his popularity and the high
level of character he maintained, reference might be made to certain speeches delivered
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388 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

at a dinner given at Eastbourne on the occasion of the celebration of the Foundation
Day of the M. A. O. College at Aligarh on January 8th, 1892. A lady guest, Miss Margaret
Draper, said “ As there is no body to reply for us, I feel compelled to thank you for
myself and for the other ladies for the very kind manner in which you have drunk the
health of the ladies. I assure you, we feel greatly honoured at being invited to be present
on this occasion, and I hope our presence here tonight testifies to the keen interest we
feel in the College of India of which we have heard so much. I can only say that if our
noble president (Nawab Mohiuddin Yar Jung Bahadur) and his friends, the Sahebzadas
Sultan Ahmed Khan and Aftab Ahmed Khan are types of its members, then the more
of them we have the happiness of becoming personally acquainted with, the better we
shall be pleased. I fervently hope that the ladies of India will also in due time take a
share on the advantages of English education and that at no very distant date they will
be enjoying the same blessed freedom which we English women so much appreciate
and would never live without.”

Sahebzada Aftab Ahmed Khan in proposing the health of the president said that
they had long been friends and what he valued most in him was that he had done more
than anyone else to promote friendly relations between Englishmen and Indians and
that he was, for that reason among others, very popular in Cambridge and generally

During his stay in England, the young Nawab had the honour of being presented
to the late Queen Victoria and to the then Prince of Wales, the late King Edward, by
Lord Cross, the Secretary of State for India, and also to the ill-fated M. Cornot, the
President of the French Republic, by the British Ambassador at Paris. He also became
acquainted with such prominent personages of the time (some of them historic figures)
as Mr. Gladstone, Lord Salisbury, Viscount Bryce, Lord Randolph Churchill, Lord
Hobhouse, Lord Napier of Magdala, Lord Northbrook, Lord Rollo, Lord Kerry, Lord
Ross, Lord Kelvin, The Earl of Kimberly, Sir John Lubbock, Sir Owen Burn, Sir Seymour
Fitzgerald, Sir G. Trevelyan, Lady Dorothy Nevill, Mrs. Montefiore, and Professor Max
Muller. He is the happy and proud possessor of many tokens of remembrance from
them. Among his college and university friends he counts such distinguished men as
the Duke of Marlborough, Lord Wimbourne, Lord Walter de Rothschild, the Marquis
of Camden, Lord Carperry, the Right Honourable Sir Charless Trevelyan, Mr. Lawrence
Currie, the Honourable F. Rollo and Mr. W. W. Grantham,K.C.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 389

When in England he was invited to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of 1887, to
the Elysee and Foreign Office, to meet His Majesty the late Naseeruddin Shah of Persia,
and to the Tercentenary Celebration of the Dublin University in 1892. At the last named
he was invited among a few distinguished personages by Lord Ross, the Chancellor of
the University to his country seat “Berry Castle “, where the guests were entertained
for three days.

On his return to India, the young Nawab, of whose sterling worth, appreciative
reports had preceeded him, was offered by the then Resident, Sir Chichele Plowden, an
Assistant Commissionership in the Berars, but his father, the late Nawab Ghulam
Dastagir Khan Bahadur, was of the opinion that a son of the State should serve the State
and not go to the Berars, the administration of which was under temporary alienation.
Accordingly Syed Mohiuddin Ali Khan, joined the Nizam’s service in Meher 1302 Fasli
(1893) and worked without pay for nearly two years as Honorary Assistant to the late
Moulvi Chirag Ali (Nawab Azam Yar Jung Bahadur) the Finance Secretary to Mr. A. J.
Dunlop, senior member of the Board of Revenue, and Mr. Crawley, the Controller
General. As he soon found out that the sort of work he had to perform at those offices
did not suit his taste and temperament nor could he serve the people conscientiously
by staying at the headquarters, he requested Government to send him to a District, for
he firmly believed that only in the work you really love could you hope for success,
and your work and your pleasure should really be synonymous. Ultimately he was
sent to a lonely place like Oodgir, Bidar District, as Divisional Officer and remained
there nearly for two years. Here it may be noted what impression the Nawab made at
the very outset of his official career on the heads of the departments he served under.
The late Moulvi Ghulam Rasool, Secretary to the Board of Revenue, wrote on his first
inspection notes of the segas under Mr. Dunlop, the senior member of the Revenue
Board, in the beginning of 1304 Fasli “I note with pleasure that Syed Mohiuddin Ali
Khan’s work throughout his stay at the Board was quite satisfactory and I predict that
he has a great future before him.” Mr. Dunlop endorsed these remarks and Mr. Crawley
in his annual report of that year said that he “lost the services of a very promising
young man.”

The Oodgir Division, in those days, was a very notorious one on account of an
annual clash between, Sunnis and Shiahs during the Moharrum celebrations. The Nawab
by his tact and goodwill succeeded in eradicating the causes of the riots and establishing
peaceful relations between the two sections of the Mohamadan community. While in
Oodgir the Nawab performed an act for which he deserved a Military Cross. When he

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390 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

arrived there, he was shocked to hear of the terrible doings of the Jagirdar of Sangam
who added to his undoubted courage all the diabolical gifts of a sensualist and schemer.
Several charges were framed against him and were pending in the District and Sessions
Courts, but the Police were not bold enough to take the accused before the Magistrate
and the Judge. So, the brave scoundrel, whom the people hated and feared and whom
the authorities were so anxious to bring to book, was still at large adding with impunity
crime to crime and offence to offence and most of them of the blackest sort. The Nawab
decided that something should be done in the matter and done promptly and decisively.
As to him to resolve was to act, he boldly sent for the man when he came to Oodgir and
arrested the blue-beard single-handed. He was tried and sentenced to rigorous
imprisonment for two years. He never experienced freedom again, so he died of a broken
heart in Bidar Jail.

In 1897, the Nawab was suddenly, and, in fact, abruptly, sent to Narayanpet - in
the Mahboobnagar district. The Government’s object was that he should endeavour to
create peace between Hindus and Muslims who were then at logger-heads on the subject
of cow-killing. Like Oodgir, Narayanpet was also another notorious place, a source of
considerable anxiety and disquietude to Government, general public, and the officers
on the spot. When the Nawab reached Narayenpet he found to his amazement that
armed police had come to control the mob whose passions were far from being under
control and were about to develop into a conflagration at any moment. The first thing
the Nawab did on arrival was to ask the officials and the police to leave the station and
disappear from the spot. They, at first, declined but ultimately gave in, leaving the
Nawab to control the situation without their presence and aid. When the official limbs
of the law disappeared, the Nawab held diplomatic conversations with both parties
and brought them to a saner and more peaceful frame of mind. He thus arrested the
continuously recurring calamity and it is gratifying to record that since then Narayenpet
has had no outbreaks of religious fanaticism born of misunderstanding.

To continue. During his stay at Narayanpet, the Government issued their first loan
in 1307 Fasli, but the public of the State not being used to this sort of investment fought
shy of it. But the Nawab tried his best to induce the well off inhabitants of his Division
to take part liberally in it with the result that his Division headed the list of the subscribers
of all the Divisions of the Doininions and the Government was so pleased at it that they
issued a Communique through the Finance Department No. 15 dated 14th Azur 1307
Fasli thanking the Nawab for the handsome results of his appeal to the public of his
Division, and, at the same time, advising all the other officials of Government to follow
the bright example of this Nawab.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 391

The Nawab remained at Narayenpet for no less than 10 years and during this time
he worked strenuously and unflaggingly to bring about peaceful conditions in the
countyside and instil a deep and abiding respect for law and order. He waged a continual
war against the large bands of “badmashes” of the place and had many punished. Some
reformed, but some turned into his inveterate enemies. This was inevitable, but it is
with a feeling of regret and shame that we must record that petty officials who found
his rule irksome made common cause with the “badmashes” and submitted one petition
after another to His Highness the Revenue authorities and even to His Excellency the
Viceroy and Parliament, stating therein all manner of falsehoods against his character,
conduct and administration. For some time he bore patiently all the storm of malice
and ill-will but ultimately he was compelled to make up his mind to show some activity
in the matter lest he should be misunderstood. His own Government afforded him no
help beyond treating all such petitions with contempt. The only course left open to
him, therefore. was to take legal steps against his libellers and defamers. And a splendid
opportunity came.

As usual, a representation was sent to the Viceroy (then Lord Curzon) but the
Viceroy returned it with the remark that such representations should be made to their
own Government and not to him. Through a lucky chance the representation fell into
the Nawab’s hands and he promptly forwarded it to the High Court at Hyderabad
with an earnest request that a public enquiry should be instituted and that if the High
Court found him guilty of the acts alleged against him to punish him according to the
law; but, if the accusations proved false to punish the defamers as they deserved. The
Chief Justice, Nawab Huzur Nawaz Jung Bahadur, ordered the writer of the petition,
one Ganpath Rao. a pleader, to appear before him, and when he did he was questioned
as to whether the petition was in his handwriting and what proofs he and his associates
had in substantiation of the accusations made in the petition to the Viceroy. Ganpath
Rao totally denied that he wrote the petition and also added that there was absolutely
no truth in the allegations made in it. After taking his statement the Chief Justice ordered
some experts to scrutinize the petition and specimens of Ganpath Rao’s handwriting
and on the strength of their unanimous report and other evidence before him decided
that the petition was undoubtedly written hy Ganpath Rao and passed an order on
Aban 9th, 1313 Fasli that he should be suspended for six months and also, at the same
time, he drew the attention of the Revenue Secretary and Mr. A. C. Hankin, the Director-
General of District Police, to the reprehensible conduct of their officers in joining hands
with the “badmashes “ of Narayenpet and making atrociously false allegations against
a zealous and conscientious officer. The result was that the Tahsildar of Narayenpet

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392 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

was immediately forced to retire on pension and the Police Amin, S. Akbar Hussain,
was suspended for three years.

From Narayenpet, he was transferred to Mahboobnagar and after spending four

years there he was sent on to Parbhani as officiating Taluqdar, where he was confirmed.
His notable work in Mahboobnagar was in connection with flood relief during the year
1317 Fasli ( 1908) and his proceeding against the notorious Azam Ali Khan, of
Farruknaggar, in a serious fracas between Government Police of Pargi Taluq and his
men of Shahpur Village. During the inquiry, the Nawab’s father wrote him not to be
harsh with Azam Ali Khan, who was known to him since his childhood. The Nawab
filed the letter of his father instead of complying with it. But this is not the only instance
of his stern justice, but he asked twice the Police to proceed against his own son of 8 or
9 years when he knocked down a boy by accident at Parbhani when riding to his school,
and again when he shot two sambhars at Narayenpur against game law. In the latter
case the lad was fined by Mr. Hamid Ali Khan, the Division Officer of Nalgonda District.
The Director-General of District Police reported the matter to Government and the
Nawab received a complimentary letter dated September 1 st., 1920, of the Political
Department for the real zeal displayed by him in upholding the law even against his
own son”. History repeated again when his son-in-law shot a doe at HingoIi on May
3rd, 1912 in contravention of game laws and was reported to the Political department.
Similarly he reported against himself when he shot by mistake a female Neelgai at
Jaffarabad on March 11th, 1916. But in both cases the late Nawab Faridoon Mulk asked
the Nawab to drop the matter.

Arriving in Parbhani as Taluqdar he was amazed to find the place even more
notorious than even Narayenpet. It was stricken by the plague on the one hand and a
pestilence of “badmashes” on the other. The epidemic was raging fiercely and the people
were in a state of panic and misery. With his usual determination the Nawab undertook
the task of combating it and at once proceeded to make all the necessary sanitary
arrangements. He worked single-handed as almost all the district officials were, the
whole time it was raging, advisedly on tour scared by the epidemic in the town. His
efforts were so thorough and so effective that the epedemic gradually disappeared
and, what is more gratifying to record, never made its appearance again so long as he
was in Parbhani. Regarding this very humane and self-scrificing service for 8 months,
the Government was pleased to issue a Communique through the Home Office No.
140, dated Isfandar 1st 1320 Fasli, expressing” Government’s high appreciation of the
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 393

Nawab’s most humane work and by which the Nawab gave the best proof of his devotion
to duty”.

Having successfully tackled plague he turned to the “badmashes” and took them
in hand with a view to effectively rooting them out. They were a distinct menace to the
people and a sore thorn in the side of the Government and its officials. On making
enquiries, he found that the five Naiks of Saindoorseena, Basmath Taluka, were the
most dangerous of the lot and he determined on arresting them personally. He did so
on April 16th 1911 and with them disappeared the badmashi elements.

One or two other facts connected with Hunter Saheb’s stay in Parbhani must be
stated on account of its special and unique interest. At Hingoli, there was serious tension
between the Hindu and Mohammadan communities on account of the idol of Hanumanji
being in the neighbourhood of the Idgah and consequently regular riots were the order
of the day during the festivities of both the communities. To make the matter still worse
a saintly converted Muslim (a Mazzoob) was buried by the Muslims infront of the
Hanumanji which aggravated matters to a climax. Hunter Saheb was informed by wire
that a serious riot attended with bloodshed was apprehended. The Nawab hurried to
the spot and made very careful enquiries regarding the idol and Idgah and found out
that Hanumanji was only placed near the Idgah in recent times by some misguided
Sepoy of the Contingent stationed there. He thereupon decided that the Idol must be
shifted to a more suitable place and by quoting from the Vedas and Shastras persuaded
the Hindus to come round to his point of view and select such a place themselves. The
Shankaracharya Jagatguru agreed with the Nawab’s arguments and thought that if the
Idol was shifted, more would worship it on account of the suitability of the locality.
The Hindus agreed; and on August 17th of 1913, removed the Idol with great pomp
and ceremony to its new location. Peace and goodwill reigned thereafter between the
Hindus and Muslims and Col. Sir Alexander Pinhey, who visited the place on August
22nd 1913 accompanied by Mr. A. C. Hankin, Director General of Police, entirely
approved of the Nawab’s arrangements and congratulated him on the tact displayed
by him.

One other story in connection with his old Parbhani days must be told. It would
appear that the Nawab was camping at Aradgaon, in the Jintor Taluqa, when he dreamt
on May 17th 1911 of a beautiful woman standing before him and telling him that he
had not paid attention to her temple which was then much neglected; and she was
telling him of this, as it was usual with him to attend to all things. In the morning, on
enquiry, he found that there was a famous Devi temple at a place called Bhogam, which
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394 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

was indeed in ruins and that the land belonging to the temple was in possession of the
Patel of the villages. The Nawab then went to the village, promptly dispossessed the
Patel of the land and put it in the charge of a committee of five leading men of the
village who thoroughly repaired the temple and other buildings belonging to the temple
and started an annual Jatra ( fair) with the ample funds they got from the temple lands.
Thus the Nawab, with a catholicity of mind, complied with the request of the Devi and
was glad to find before he left Parbhani that the temple was well looked after.

In 1914, the Nawab was transferred to Aurangabad and from there in 1917 to
Karimnagar by Mr. Wakefield, the Director General of Revenue, who remarked “This
biggest district is greatly in need of the brains of Mohiuddin Ali Khan.” One or two
incidents connected with his stay in Aurangabad must be briefly narrated here. During
the Urs of Hazrat Gangrawan in Roza in the presence of thousands of visitors, Nawab
Mohiuddin Yar Jung, who was there as Collector of the District, was the only man who
risked his life in saving a drowning Police orderley in the middle of the notoriously
dangerous tank, full of weeds, below the tomb. Though by no means a good swimmer
he forced his mare to jump into the tank and to take him to the sinking man whom he
brought up in a collapsed condition to the great admiration and astonishment of the
enormous crowd there - January 27th 1915.

But this is not the only instance of his daring and chivalrous nature, for his life is
indeed full of such manly deeds, but in brief we mention en passant only two more
instances. At Lampur, Kareemnagar district, he faced on May 2nd 1920 an infuriated
man eater, tiger, to save the beaters and shot him down from a distance of 10 or 12 feet
and at Sirpur, Adilabad district, he faced a wounded and revengeful man eater, tigeress,
on February 24th 1926, to save his servant, Mahboob, who was in the grip of the enraged
tigress and rushed towards her fearlessly and rescued him from sure death.

We make no apology for this lengthy biographical sketch of the Hunter Sahib
because by the bare facts we wish to make known to our readers in general and younger
members of Government in particular what stuff the Nawab is made of and to what
heights of eminence an officer can reach by force of character and devotion to duty.

Just before he left Aurangabad for Kareemnagar, he went to Roza for the last time
and when taking his usual seista after lunch, he dreamt on October 22nd 1915 ( Friday)
that he was in presence of the Holy Prophet (be peace on him) who smilingly gave him

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 395

a paper bearing his seal. Since then no Mazhoob takes his nazzar out of his hands, most
surely in deference to the above most rare and most coveted honour by the Muslims.
The Nawab is naturally most proud of it and many poets of note have composed
beautiful poems in its honour.

When plague broke out to the dismay and horror of everyone, Hunter Saheb at
once set about making sanitary arrangements as he did in Parbhani and spared himself
no pains in combating the epidemic. In all his labours he was most energetically assisted
by the Jalna Missionaries and when the epidemic ceased and the Nawab was on the eve
of leaving Aurangabad for Karimnagar, the Reverend Wilkie Brown, of the United Free
Church of Scotland Mission, Jalna, wrote under date the 20th October 1916 : “In common
with the people of this town and neighbourhood, I may be allowed on behalf of the
Mission our most sincere feelings of gratitude as individuals and as a Mission for the
uniform kindness you have extended to us and for your generous help granted in plague
hospital for the help of the sorely stricken people of Jalna.”

The Shankaracharv Maharaj of Poona also wrote a very gratifying letter, dated
September 15th 1916, setting forth therein the Nawab’s impartial treatment of all
irrespective of race or creed. The letter reads as follows :-

“ We have heard of your popularity. The title of B. A. is in itself an indication of

your high education. We have also come to know of the fact that Yogiraj Vasudevonand
Saraswati bore great affection for you. Your ways of life deserve this; because otherwise
an yogiraj like the Saraswati Swamiji could not extend such affection for you. The
affection you have attracted is due to the purity of your heart and the soundness of
your head and also to your devotion to God. The affection shown to you is also due to
the fact of your rendering every help to people in the pursuit of their own religious

Your impartial and fair-minded ways of adjudicating Hindu-Muslim

misunderstandings have rightly called forth the appreciation of all and we pray that
the reins of administration are in the hands of officers such as you - high-thinking,
noble and selfless.

In consideration of all these high qualities of head and heart, we have great pleasure
in conferring upon you the title of “Sadachar Kovid” and pray our Lord to bless you
with prosperity and long life.”

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396 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

It was during the Nawab’s stay in Aurangabad that the great European War broke
out. He did all he could to assist recruiting, supporting war loans, keeping up the spirit
of the people and rendering service in one possible direction and another; he continued
this service to the British Government also in Kareemnagar and when the Armistice
was signed there were great rejoicings in Kareemnagar. At a grand At Home given by
local officers at the Osmania Club to celebrate the Allies’ Victory, the Nawab delivered
a most forceful and stirring speech, in the course of which he said :-” This victory is all
the more pleasing to every lover of freedom on account of the fact that Great Britain
constrainedly unsheathed her sword on the 4th of August 1914 not for the attainment
of any personal gain, but to defeat the machinations of the self-seeking and cunning
Kaiser, whose sole aim was to dominate the whole world by inhuman methods and by
trampling down all solemn engagements. That Great Britain was right is proved by the
very fact that all the free nations of the world, small or big, had joined hands with her
so that in place of civilization barbarity, and in place of freedom slavery and in place of
justice injustice might -not be substituted.” The Nawab received His Excellency the
Viceroy’s thanks dated November 1919 through the Honourable the Resident in
connection with the War Loan ot 1917.

For the civic welfare and advancement of Karimnagar, the Nawab did all he could
and with an enthusiasm which was the admiration of all. So keen was he on sanitation
that Dr. Lankester, who was then Director of the Medical Department, wrote after a
visit:-” Karimnagar is the cleanest town in the Dominions.” Thanks to his successful
efforts Kareemnagar now boasts of a Clock Tower, a Public Library, a Poor House, and
a Town Hall called Hunter Hall and the whole district boasts of travellers bungalows,
serais, wells on all the roads throughout the district. The Hunter Hall was built by the
public to stand as a memorial of their appreciation of Hunter Saheb’s services and the
imposing Mission Hospital called the Hunter Hospital is another memorial to him from
the side of the Christian Missionaries and the Christian community. The revenue of the
district rose from little more than O. S. Rs. 41 lakhs to more than O. S. Rs. 47lakhs.

From Kareemnagar the Nawab was sent to the Medak Division as officiating
Subedar in 1920, but the very next year he was appointed Famine Commissioner and
Subedar of Warangal Division, but the new arrangement that Subedar should also be
the Famine Commissioner of the Division did not work satisfactorily. He was, therefore,
appointed sole Famine Commissioner and Food Controller for the whole of the
Dominions and he worked as such to the end of 1330 Fasli when he was made Customs
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 397

Commissioner, retaining at the same time the post of Famine Commissioner. As Famine
Commissioner he rendered such extraordinary services that the Reverend C. W. Posnett,
the Chairman and General Superintendent of Hyderabad Wesleyan Mission, wrote “I
am so delighted to think that H.E.H. the Nizam has appointed a really capable and
strong man like yourself to such an important office and I wish you all the success in
the world.” Doctor Lancester wrote after inspecting some poor Houses of Karimnagar
District that they looked like gardens. In this work of mercy he was greatly helped by
the Reverend E. Lant and the Nawab has not forgotten it. And in recognition of his
services as famine Cominissioner the Nizam conferred on him the title of Nawab
Mohiudin Yar Jung Bahadur.

During his satrapship of Warangal Division, H. E. H. the Nizam paid a vist to

Warangal and stayed there for four days. During his stay he received an address on
February 1st., 1921, to which he gracisouly replied. The concluding message of the
sagacious Ruler to all his subjects was as follows:—”In any case the first duty of the
subjects shduld be to enshrine the love of his sovereign in their hearts and to grow day
by day in steadfast allegiance and loyalty. The Ruler on his part should devote himself
heart and soul to the amelioration and uplift of his people and never forsake this sacred
duty. This has always been my ambition, and God willing, will not only remain my
cherished aim during the whole of my life but an advance in this direction on both
sides, will always make itself felt.”

And before he left the station he graciously issued the following Firman :-

“ I express my whole hearted appreciation regarding your zeal and enthusiasm to

make my visit a success and the perfect arrangements you made in connection with my
visit.” Both the honours are quite unusual in the annals of the country.

It was in October 1921, that the Nawab was appointed Customs Commissioner
and the work he performed in this department almost took the character of miracles.
By re-organisation, by personal scrutiny, inspections in the districts, and the award of
praise where praise was due and of punishment, where punishment was deserved, he
made the Customs Department an altogether a new department. One remarkable and
gratifying result was that the Customs revenue rose from Rs. 89,56,875 in 1330 f” to
Rs.l,48,36,105 in 1331 F. The highest figure before him was in 1929 when it stood at Rs.
1,21,94,130. The above result was obtained in spite of famine conditions. Regarding

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398 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

this achievment Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bdr. wrote to Raja Fateh Nawaz Wanth
Bahadur, Revenue Member, as follows on the 27th September 1922:-

“My dear Raja Saheb,

May I offer my heartiest congratulations through you to Nawab Mohiuddin Yar

Jung for the exceedingly gratifying increase in the Customs Revenue shown in the 11
months he has been Commissioner. I do hope that these splendid figures will continue
and thus relieve me of a great deal of anxiety with regard to our finance.”

The Nawab retired in the beginning of November 1922 (1322 Fasli) to the genuine
regret of all his subordinates and the general public. In recognition of his invaluable
services to the country and personal loyalty to the severeign the Nizam first sanctioned
one year’s extension and at the end of the extension sanctioned the highest possible
pension of Rs. 1,000 per mensem.

After two years of well earned rest he was again appointed as one of the two
Directors General of Revenue and posted, at his own request, to the Warangal Division.
He worked for 2 years with all his old vigour and energy and retired again in 1336 F.
But he was once again called by his Master to enter service, offering him the Military
Secretaryship and then the tutorship to the heir-apparent and his brother, but the Nawab
did not deem himself fit for the posts and respectfully begged his master to be excused
for it had been the Nawab’s guiding rule never to undertake any task for which he
considered himself unfit, and for this very reason he had, prior to this, declined the
offers of the posts of Accountant General, High Court Judge and Director-General of
the Excise department.

Before we close the remarkable career of “Hunter Sahib” , we like to quote in brief
what the heads of different departments thought of his management of their respective
departments under him, for in old days. like the British India, all the departments,
were under the Collectors of the Districts.

The Government when reviewing the result of the Abi kist of the whole Dominions
of 1316 Fasli remarked in their review dated 13th Theer 1318 Fasli that “the above chart
shows that the collection of Mahboobnagar district is the best in the whole Dominions
in that it has collected 99.4 per cent of the demand, which is entirely due to Syed
Mohiuddin Ali Khan’s (the Collector’s) able and effective supervision. “

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 399

A very strict Subedar like the late Nawab Muktadar Jung Bahadur reports to
Government after his detailed inspection of Mahboobnagar district in his letter No.
1535 dated Meher 3rd 1316 Fasli as foIlows:—”I dare say from personal knowledge
that Moulvi Syed Mohiuddin Ali Khan is an honest, able, and hardworking officer,
who always discharges his responsible duties impartially ala bonneheur to the
satisfaction of Government and the public of his district. Promising officers of such
sterling qulities certainly deserve rapid promotion. “

From Mahboobnagar the Nawab was sent to Parbhani and the late Nawab Burzo
Jung Bahadur was then the Subedar of the Aurangabad Division. That the Subedar
Sahib was a great admirer of the Nawab could be seen from the following remarks, to
quote only one, in his annual administration Report of Parbhani District of 1319 Fasli
which the Subedar Sahib forwarded with his letter No. 1020, dated Ardibehist 1320
Fasli to Government.

“Government could see from this very report what wide knowledge of Revenue
matters Moulvi Syed Mohiuddin Ali Khan possessed and Parbhani was, since a long
time, in great want of such an able administrator of sterling qualities and that if
Government could get Collectors of his stamp for other districts, our country and the
people would be much better off.”

He again thanked the Nawab on behalf of Government and himself in his D. O.

No. 392. Tour, dated 28th Khurdad 1321 Fasli, for effectively stopping illegal sale of
forest produce by the subordinates of the District Forest.

Regarding the management of the Local Fund affairs, a keen observer like Mr. A.
C. Hankin, the late Director-General of District Police, wrote to the Nawab from Jalna
in his D. O. dated October 26th 1916 that “I must congratulate you on the nice state of
your local fund bungalows. I have been here many years and have never found them
so clean, and so well furnished as they are now.”

The Government too were not slow in recognizing his able administration of the
Local Funds and expressed their gratification when reviewing the 4 years’
Administratian Report of Kareemnagar District regarding its management, (Revenue
Secretary’s letter No. 2446 dated the 17th Theer 1332 Fasli ) We have shown elsewhere
what the Finance thought of the Nawab, but we are tempted here to quote one more D.

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400 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

O. No. 3746 dated 10th June 1922 of Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur, which is
as follows. “The information that you have given is most welcome, as, if the Customs
Revenue continues to increase as it has been doing, a great deal of my anxiety for the
finances of this year will disappear.

“Let me renew my congratulations to you and of the Government for the excellent
results you have been able to obtain” .

The Government when reviewing the work of the 39 Judicial Officers, including all
the Collectors of the Districts, published in the Government Gazette No. 37 page 513,
dated 17th Khurdad 1322 F. remarked that of all the above officers, Moulvi Syed
Mohiuddin All Khan Saheb B.A., Taluqdar of Parbhani District, and the Taluqdar of
Beed are the only two officers who have inspected all the subordinate criminal courts
of their respective district and Government consider their Karguzari (work) very

Mr. A. C. Hankin remarks regarding the Nawab’s work in the Police department
in his Administration Report of 1324 Fasli are as follows:- “Mr. Mohiuddin Ali Khan,
District Magistrate of Aurangabad district, has done most praiseworthy inspection work
of the Police in his district, &c. “

Dr. Sirajul Hasan (now Siraj Yar Jung Bahadur) and Nawab Masood Jung Bahadur,
late Directors of Public Instruction, wrote (note No. 1322 dated 6th Farwardi 1321 Fasli
and note No. 1620 dated 7th Theer 1328F. respectively) that “the satisfactory progress
in education in the district under you was decidedly due to your successful attention
towards it and for which the Education Dept. was most grateful to you and wished that
other officers would have followed your bright example.”

In religious matters, the Nawab, as head of the Ecclesiastical department of his

district, was invariahly and impartially helpful to all the followers of different religions,
no matter whether they blonged to Islam, Christianity, Zorostrianism or Hinduism.
For that very reason he is known among the Hindus, as Govindachary, among the
Christian Missionaries as “Greatest Indian friend” and among the Muslims as their
Murshid. The late Moulvi Anwarullah Khan, the talented Ecclesiastical Minister after
detailed inspection of Aurangabad district in 1325 Fasli, writes in his Inspection Report
of the district that “Moulvi Syed Mohiuddin Ali Khan is the only Taluqdar in the whole
Dominions, who looks after this department with great interest.”

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 401

It only remains for us to say that Nawab Mohiuddin Yar Jung Bahadur’s unique
but deserving popularity in public and private life is chiefly due, as everyone must see
by reading the above lines, to his golden rule to treat on all occasions, Muslims, Hindus,
Parsis and Christians alike and every lover of Hyderabad must pray that the new
generation, now in the making, may come up to his high level. In short, as a nobleman,
sportsman, successful administrator and friend of the people irrespective of race or
creed, Hunter Sahib has set a brilliant example and a splendid pattern for them and
they have to blame if they say that they have abstract precepts in negation. We wish
such a distinguished personality a long period of repose in his retirement, honoured
and respected by all.

Before concluding, we may mention that the Nawab has only one daughter by his
first wife and one son, Mr. Mir Dost Ali Khan, by a munkuha. The daughter is married
and the son is a Customs Superintendent being the youngest officer of that rank in the
department. Of him, Nawab Rustom Jung Bahadur, the Customs Commissioner, recently
wrote to his father to say “he is keen, very hard-working and has plenty of common
sense and, as you know the last mentioned quality is anything but common. He is a
good son of a good father and I hope he has a great career before him.

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402 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Late Shams-ul-Ulema Nawab Aziz Jung Bdr

HAMS-UL-ULEMA, Khan Bahadur Nawab Aziz Jung Bahadur, a flower of
oriental culture and Deccan aristocracy, was in our midst until very recently.
There was not one man who had occasion to know him personally or to
come into contact with him in his official career, or to read anyone of his works, did not
sincerely mourn his death, which took away from among us one of our greatest and
most revered of figures. Though he has gone the way of all flesh, the memory of him
will remain long, and still longer the results of his versatile genius and the dynamic
force of his inspiration in the domain of general culture.

Moulvi Ahmed Abdul Aziz, a lineal descendant of Syedna Jaffar-i-Tyara cousin

of the great prophet of Islam - was a son of the late Haji Mohammad Nizam-ud-din, a
Judge of the Hyderabad City Civil Court. Receiving a careful home training at the hands
of his father, he joined the Hyderabad Civil Service, and rising from post to post, through
sheer merit, excellence of work and force of character, he ultimately became a District
Collector and later Secretary to His Excellency the late Nawab Sir Vicar-ul-Umra
Bahadur, the Prime Minister. His services to that vigorous and enterprising Prime
Minister were of exceptional value and Sir Vicar, who was a man of the world with a
vast amount of experience, not only appreciated his work but held him in high esteem
on account of the innate nobility of his character and extent of culture. After his Secretary-
ship the Nawab held the post of Commissioner of the Paigah Estates and after retirement
from service, he held for some time the post of Accountant-General of the Sarf-i-Khas.

From his youth onward the Nawab was wedded to his books and in time became
one of the keenest research workers and one of the most erudite scholars of his time. So
passionately deep was his attachment to literature that to his dying day he was engaged
in literary pursuits. So well did he regulate his life that he found time to study such
varied subjects as Agriculture, Accounts, Botany and Ornithology and others. He was
mostly devoted to Arabic, Persian and Urdu literature and law. He was a good Persian
and Urdu poet as well and as such, apart from his great and varied talents, commanded
general admiration and respect.

Such a giant was he at work that in the space of about forty years, though engaged
in official work, he published no less than eighteen works on law and twenty other
books on history and general science. The most monumental of his works is the “Asif-
ul-Lughat “, a Persian Dictionary consisting of sixty volumes of which seventeen

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 403


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404 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

volumes were published during his life time, all the expenses connected with their
preparation and publication being defrayed by the Government of Hyderabad and the
Government of India.

Among his other literary pursuits may be mentioned his editorship of the ”Aziz-
ul-Akhbar “, a local paper, which he conducted for some years. As a public man, he
was a member of the Hyderabad Municipality, of which he was for some time Vice-
President, a member of the Nizam’s Government Medical Board, and a mem ber of the
State Legislative Council and a Fellow of the Osmania University. He was also for long
a member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal and other Great Indian Institutions.
His munificence was such that it will extort universal admiration and create in the
heart of every true lover of culture, the wish that there may come hereafter in Hyderabad
and other Indian provinces men inspired by a spirit such as that which swayed the
Nawab. He distributed his library consisting of many thousands of volumes between
the M. O. College of Aligarh, the Madrasa-i-Aliya of Calcutta, the Asiatic Society of
Bengal and a number of such outstanding educational institutions in the country.

In recognition of his contribution to oriental literature and culture, the Nizam

conferred on him the title of Nawab Aziz Jung Bahadur and also a special pension; and
the Government of India granted him the titles of Khan Bahadur and Shams-ul-Ulema,
accompanied with a sword. The Government Railway Board of Directors presented
him with a Railway silver free pass to enable him to travel about the country.

This great and good man, this scholar and philanthropist passed away at his city
residence in 1924 at the age of 66. He left behind him four sons, namely Messrs. Ghazi-
ud-din Ahmed, Mohi-ud-din Ahmed, Ali-ud-din Ahmed and Rukn-ud-din Ahmed.


Mr. Ghazi-ud-din Ahmed, the eldest son of the late Nawab Aziz Jung Bahadur,
was born in 1920 Hijri. He received his schooling in Persian and Arabic first under his
learned and distinguished father and later at the Madrasa-i-Aiza and the St. George’s
Grammer School when he studied English. The Government of Hyderabad was
graciously pleased to grant him a monthly scholarship which continued till his

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 405


After passing the judicial Test of the Nizam’s High Court in 1313 F. he worked for
some time as an Honorary Magistrate. But soon the responsible post of Nizamat Adalat
of the Amarchinta Samasthan was offered to him and he discharged his duties most
admirably. Two years afterwards he was appointed as Munsif at Aurangabad. Later,
after working for a short time in the High Court, he was posted as a District Magistrate.

He acquitted himself so conscientiously and honourably in the discharge of his

duties that H. E. H. the Nizam in appreciation of his services and character styled him
“an honest and devert servant of the State” (vide Jarida Ghairmamuli-Gazette
Extraordinary-No.4, Volume 56, dated the 18th Bahman, 1334 Fasli) and appointed him
as Nazim-Darul-Kaza. He was later officiating Sessions Judge at Medak and is now
Sessions Judge of Warangal.

Though not by any means as erudite a scholar as his illustrious father he is

nevertheless a learned man and as a public officer unmatched for the extreme honestly
and God-fearing nature of his dealings with his fellowmen.
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406 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Haji Mohi-ud-din Ahmed, the second son of Nawab A’ziz Jung Bahadur, was
born in the year 1291 Hijri and after home training joined the Madrasa-i-Aiza and then
the Nizam College. He is one of our best linguists, being well up in no less than six


Having passed the Departmental Test in honours, he joined the Customs

Department of H. E. H. the Nizam’s Government in 1315 Fasli. By sheer hard work and
force of character he rose to be second Deputy Commissioner and in 1331 Fasli his
services were lent to the Revenue Department where he became First Assistant in the
Development Office. Owing to his long experience in the Custom Department he was
promoted to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 407

Besides being an able officer, he is a close student of law and has written several
books dealing with the subject. In 1,26 Fasli, he was authorised by the Government to
publish a collection of the Rules and Regulations of the Revenue Department.

He is a quiet going, high minded gentleman and upholds the distinguished name
of his father.



Moulvi Ali-ud-din Ahmed, the third son of Nawab Aziz Jung Bahadur, who has
had a very brilliant scholastic career is now Munsiff at Gungapet, the head quarters of
the Nalgunda Taluq. After receiving his training at home, he joined the Madrasa-i-
Aziza and later the Nizam College in both of which institutions, as was only to be
expected from a son of Nawab Aziz Jung Bahadur, he distinguished himself for his
studies and conscientious efforts to improve himself.
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408 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

After passing the Departmental Examination of the Revenue Department, he was
sent by the Government to Bellary to receive training in Revenue work. He served
there for one year as a probationary Deputy Collector and, on his return, he worked for
some time as an honorary Assistant. From here he was posted to the Narayanpet
Samasthan as Nazim and in 1329 Fasli became a third Taluqdar and then a Divisional
officer. In the year 1331 Fasli when Judicial powers were taken away from the Revenue
Department, his services were lent to the Adalut, receiving the post of 3rd Judge of the
City Small Cause Court. He is now District Judge of Nanded.

As a public officer and a private gentleman he is held in high esteem by the people
on account of the sterling worth of his character.



Mr. Rukn-ud-din Ahmed , the fourth son of Nawab Aziz Jung Bahadur, was born
in Hyderabad in 1900, and like his brothers, was taught by his father who after some
time sent him to the Madrasa-i-Aiza and the Nizam College.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 409

Privately appearing for the “Moulvi Alim” examination of the Punjab, he passed it
with distinction, receiving a prize for proficiency in Arabic. In 1920, the Nizam’s
Government sent him to British India, with an allowance of Rs. 200 per month, to receiue
training in Accounts. Passing the Gazetted officers’ accounts examination, he returned
to Hyderabad where he was appointed District Treasury officer. In 1924, he was trans-
ferred to the Accountant General’s Office as an Assistant Accountant General.

Mr. Ruknuddin Ahmed, besides being a capable accounts officer, is a man of letters
specially devoted to poetry. His poems in Urdu have appeared in several papers, from
time to time, and have been widely appreciated for their depth of thought and elegance
of diction.

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410 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Aga Yar Jung Bahadur

OULVI Aga Muhammed Ali Khan, Nawab Aga Yar Jung Bahadur, was
the oint Revenue Secretary to Government until 1931 and one of the
ablest officers of the State. Son of the late Aga Jaffar Sultan Saheb, he
was born on the 24th Sharewar 1284 Fasli, at Shiraz in Persia, the home of his ancestors.

His father, Aga Jaffar Sultan Saheb, migrated from Persia to Burma whence he
came to Hyderabad. Here he was very cordially received by the first Sir Salar Jung
Bahadur. Sir Salar held him in such high esteem that he took over, as it were, the
superintendence of his son, the young Aga’s education. He was accordingly sent to the
Madrasa-i-Aliya which was founded by Sir Salar Jung as a special institution for the
education of the sons of nobles. The Aga, however, spent a greater part of his time, that
is, his student life, in the company of the late Nawab Mir Liakat Ali Khan, the second
Salar Jung.

Soon after his educational career was over, he entered Government service in 1307
F. and obtained a post in the District Police. This was a fitting department for a man
with the Aga Saheb’s personality and physical energy, to say nothing of his general
ability. As is only to be expected he was soon appointed a Superintendent and gained
ever-increasing experience of men and matters by travelling all over the Dominions,
his principal charges being Nizamabad, Mahhubnagar, Parbhani, Raichur and Gulbarga.

In due course, in recognition of his splendid services and in appreciation of his

ability he was made the Assistant Director General of the District Police. The Police
Department, however, did not offer him much scope for the display oE his capacity as
an administrator. Police work, in its administrative aspect, seemed to run more or less
in a groove. The thrills and fascination of the life and work of the detective could not be
had there. At this juncture an opportunity soon came to his rescue. The Revenue
Department was then urgently in need of an officer of ability and wide knowledge of
the conditions then prevailing in the State and the Aga Saheb’s services were transferred
to that Department. On account of his ability and ripe experience he was warmly
welcomed by the higher Revenue authorities who posted him to the Bir district as
Talukdar. He displayed his genius for administration so conspicuously that soon he
was called to headquarters to fill the responsible position of First Assistant in the Revenue
Board. He distinguiseed himself in this post and his abilities were widely recognized.
When Nawab Fasih Jung Bahadur died His Exalted Highness the Nizam appointed

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 411

Nawab Aga Yar Jung as Revenue Secretary, a post which the Nawab held until relieved
by Mr. T. J. Taskert O. B. E., I. C. S Then he became Joint Secretary. He carried out his
duties with conspicuous ability and zeal.


After retirement from the Government servicet he was appointed as Mir majlis in
Sir Asman Jah’s Paigah. There too his services are appreciated by Nawab Moin-ud-
Dowla Bahadur the Amir-e-Paigah. He has a son, Major - Amir Sultan, who is in the
City Police Deptartment as a senior Deputy Police Commisssioner.

In private life, he is quiet and unassuming and leads the life of a scholar and thinker.
This is the solace he has from the anxieties and vexations of official life, particularly in
the Revenue Department.

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412 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 413

Moulvi Mohamed Sadat Khan Saheb
Nawab Sadat Jung Bahadur

IS family, both on father’s and mother’s side, is of a high rank. On his
paternal side he claims descent from the great historical character
Shahabuddin Ghori and on his maternal side he is an Ansari.

The pride of birth so carefully instilled into him by his mother acted strongly in his
life. His principal companions from his youth have been men of noble descent.

Endowed by nature with a handsome face and personality, a strong constitution

and boundless imagination he rightly looked forward to reaching the front line.

Mr. Mohomed Sadat Khan was born in 1279 Hijri (1862 A. D.) and being born of
noble parents rose to an exalted rank. With his vast talents and the position he was
placed in, he became a great, good and splendid officer of the state.

Mr. Mohamed Sadat Khan received his early education at home under good
instructors before joining the Hyderabad College, where he had a distinguished career.
Both on the sports field and in the class the young man gave promise of a splendid

When in 1885 A. D. the Civil Service Class was instituted for the first time, Mr.
Mohamad Sadat Khan entered it by an open competition. With flying colours he passed
his examination in 1887 and, by order of His Highness the Nizam, was deputed to
Kurnool, Anantapur and Godavari in the Madras Presidency for Revenue and Judicial

He returned to Hyderabad in April 1889 and was appointed Acting Third Taluqdar
of Bidar District, and later officiating second Taluqdar of Banswada. Mr. Sadat Khan
showed such capabilities in the discharge of his duties assigned to him that he was
marked out for more responsible offices in the Revenue Department. He climbed the
ladder step by step, not by favouritism, but by sheer merit, so steadily that in 1910 he
became officiating Joint Secretary, Revenue Secretariat, and was confirmed in that
appointment on 22nd March, 1915, by order of His Exalted Highness dated 14th
Jamadiulawal, 1333 Hijri.

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414 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


When Mr. G C. E. Wakefield, Director-General of Revenue, went on three monrhs

leave from 11th September 1915, Mr. Sadat Khan officiated as Subedar of Gulbarga
Division. He held every office with great distinction, and won the love and affection of
the public and the appreciation of Government for his conscientious services, so that
even after completing his fifty fifth year, His Exalted Highness was pleased to retain
him for another two years.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 415

As an official Member of the Judicial Committee, he performed his duties worthily
and earned the commendation of Government. Even before retiring from Government
Service, Mr. Sadat Khan had became a member of Nawab Vicarul-Umra’s Paigah
Committee. He continued to be so after retirement.

On 21st March, 1922, His Exalted Highness the Nizam was graciously pleased to
confer on him the title of Sadat Jung Bahadur and Mr. Sadat Khan thenceforward came
to be known as Nawab Sadat Jung. In the meantime the four Subedaries were abolished
and in their places two Revenue Divisions called Marathwara and Telingana were
created. As each of these new Divisions embraced large areas, precisely half the vast
Dominions, two Directors General eminently qualified were required for their
administration. Among the many experienced officers available at that time, Nawab
Sadat Jung Bahadur was found the most suitable officer. His Exalted Highness was
pleased to recall him from retirement to administer the Marathwara Division with effect
from 24th Isfandar, 1334 F. (26th January 1925) although the appointment was for two
years in the first instance he was requested to continue for another year by the Royal
Commands dated 24th Shaban 1345 Hijri. At the completion of the above period in
Teer, 1337 F. Nawab Sadat Jung Bahadur reverted to his appointment on the Vicar-ul-
Umrah Paigah Committee as a member. It was in consideration of his long and
meritorious services in various capacities that the Nawab Saheb was appointed Sadrul
Maham, Sarfikhas Mubarak and President of the Sarfikhas Committee on 30th Azur,
1339 F. (4th November, 1929 A. D.). This position he still holds.

Nawab Sadat Jung, besides possessing a sound knowledge of Persian and Arabic
has a good command of English, T elugu and Marathi also. He has translated into Urdu
“Siraji Felmeras” from Arabic which treats of succession to property.

Nawab Sadat Jung Bahadur in his private life is a gentleman of simple habits and
amiable disposition, easily accessible and profoundly sympathetic, full of piety and
charity, and takes a keen interest in the educational and social welfare of the country.

He has two sons and three daughters, his younger son Mohamed Rashidulla is at
present studying for the degree of B. Sc. at the London School of Economics.

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416 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Lateef Yar Jung Bahadur

OULVI Abdul Latif Khan belongs to the Durania dynasty of Afghanistan
and comes from a line of ancestors who were tutors to the Royal family.
He is the son of Moulvi Mohamed Abdus Sattar Khan, son of Akhund
Mohamed Secunder Khan, son of Akhund Mohamed, Dawood Khan, son of Akhund
Mohamed IIahi Bux Khan, son of Akhund Mohamed Dilair Khan.

About three hundred years ago his original ancestor Akhund Mohamed Dilair Khan
immigrated to India and became a landlord of Islamnagar. He had brotherly relations
with Sardar Jalal Khan, son of Mir Hazari Khan, who was then the Ruling Chief of
Jalalabad and whose descendants rendered such valuable assistance to the British
Government during the Mutiny of 1857 that Jalalabad became rent free.

The ancestors of Moulvi Abdul Latif Khan were related to the Nawab of Bhopal,
Tonk and Kunjpura and the whole family has had a unique distinction for education,
opulence and bravery as may be seen from the history of Bhopal.

Moulvi Abdul Latif Khan was born at Lohari on the morning of Monday, the 10th
Safar 1277 Hijri, and was brought to Hyderabad by his father Moulvi Abdus Sattar
Khan who continued to be an eminent educationist in Hyderabad for half a century. He
completed his course of studies in Arabic and Persian and obtained a diploma from the
Darul-Uloom Institution of Hyderabad. Moulvi Abdul Latif Khan passed the first grade
Pleadership examination and also the Revenue Test of the Higher Grade in Hyderabad.

After having worked for some time in the Accountant General’s office he was
transferred to the Revenue Department where he worked first in the Revenue Secretariat
and later as Tahsildar and Deputy Collector. His extraordinary ability and honesty of
purpose drew the attention of the Paigah of Sir Vikar-ul-Umra Bahadur, and his services
are from the Nizam’s Government on the contribution system. Mr. Abdul Latif Khan
worked in the said Paigah for a period of about seven years both as Sadr Talukdar and
also as one of the Judges of the Court of the Paigah. Later he returned to his original
post in the Nizam’s service and was made Special Excise Talukdar in the Medak district.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 417

In the Excise Department by his tact and innate sense of duty Mr. Abdul Latif Khan
rose to the status of Excise Commissioner of the Nizam’s Dominions.

In 1314 Fasli when Mr. Abdul Latif Khan was officially selected for the abkari
administration by Mr. Dunlop, the then Director General of Revenue, the annual income
of the Excise Department was only Rs. 52 lakhs. By his wise and watchful administration
from 1314 to 1323 Fasli, under the general supervision of Mr. Dunlop this income rose
to about Rs. 95, 00, 000. In 1323 Fasli, Mr. Dunlop retired from his office and was
succeeded by Mr. Wakefield and on the joint recommendation of both these officers
Latif Yar Jung Bahadur was made Commissioner of Excise. From 1323 until 1336 Fasli
Latif Yar Jung continued in office as Commissioner and when he retired in 1335 Fasli,
the total income of the Excise Department (of the year 1334 Fasli) stood at Rs. 1,77,00,000
which means a nett increase of about Rupees one and a quarter crore annually. In
addition to this remarkable increase in the Khalsa revenue there was a corresponding
increase in the Sarf-i-khas Mubarak (the Royal Domain of H. E. H. the Nizam) and of
about two lakhs annually in the Paigah estates, and all this increase was due to his
untiring efforts for 25 years to improve the administration of the Excise Branch. As is
evident from the fact that while on the one hand he made an enormous increase in the
revenue, paradoxical though it may look, he did not leave any stone unturned in
suppressing the wide spread evil of drink by demolishing all the private distilleries
and establishing four centres worked and controlled by the Government.

His services extended over a period of 45 years during which the higher authorities
had always been impressed with his sincerity of purpose and exemplary honesty. He
was uniformly very well spoken of in many of the Government Reports.

Nawab Latif Yar Jung has four sons :-Mr. Abdul Moquit Khan, Mr. Abdul Hameed
Khan, Mr. Abdul Qayyum Ameen Khan and Mr. Abdul Ali Khan, who are all well

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418 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

(Ex-Nazim, Excise Department)

In appreciation of his services His Exalted Highness the Nizam conferrred on him
the title of Nawab Latif Yar Jung Bahadur (in the year 1923 A. D.). He retired in 1336
Fasli on a pension of Rs. 1,000 per mensem with a special reward of Rs. 10,000 for his
unique services.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 419

Dr. S. Mallannah, M. D.

R. S. Mallannah, M. D., a notable example of a self-made man, was a leading
medical practitioner of Hyderabad (Deccan), a well known worker in
medical research and a discoverer of several new and efficacious remedies.

He was born at Mhow (Central India) on the 23rd October 1872, in a Dhangar
family of moderate means, known as Shrinagesh. His father served in the Indian Army
and fought for the British Government in the battles of Gujerat, Multan and North
West Frontier Provinces and also took part in the Abyssinian Campaign, while attached
to a north Indian regiment. After retiring from the army and taking pension, he settled
down at Hyderabad (Deccan).

From his early childhood Dr. Mallannah had an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
The medical profession exercising a peculiar fascination for him, he entered the
Hyderabad Medical School and passing the final examination at the early age of 20 was
taken on in the Nizam’s Medical service and sent to the district.

Colonel Lawrie, the then Director of the Medical Department, had frequent occasions
to notice the exceptional ability with which Dr. Mallannah carried on his work and of
his own accord selected him within a year of his service to accompany him to England
to demonstrate his method of chloroform administration. A few months later he was
given a State scholarship to continue his medical studies in the United Kingdom. His
medical career has been a distinguished one and the outstanding features are
summarised as follows :-

He studied at the Edinburgh University and in 1896 took the degree of M. B., & C.
M. and also obtained the M. P. C. (Certificate in Psychological medicine) within two

He studied Bacteriology at Koch’s Institute in Berlin under Professor R. Koch, the

well known “father of Bacteriology” and discoverer of the micro-organisms of cholera
and tuberculosis. It is worthy of mention that Professor Koch took a keen personal
interest in teaching Dr. Mallannah as he had a special liking for him. He studied the
diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat under professor Fraenkel of Berlin in 1897. He

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420 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

studied Plague at the Pasteur Institute, Paris in 1897. Returning to Hyderabad towards
the end of 1897 he was appointed Civil Surgeon and Plague Medical Officer at Gulburga
and later as lecturer in Pathology at the Hyderabad Medical School and given charge of
the State Laboratory in Hyderabad.


In 1900 he again went to the United Kingdom for higher studies and obtained the
M. D. degree of Edinburgh University and the D. P. H. of the Cambridge University.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 421

In 1905, he went to Germany for research work in Plague (at Hamburg Hygienic
Institute) viz: use of glandular extract of plague germs on immunised animals artificially
infected with plague. A short account of it appears in the well known text book on
Bacteriology by Professors Kolle and Wassermann.

Dr. Mallannah served in His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Medical Department
in various capacities, as Civil Surgeon, Police Surgeon, Health Officer, Bacteriologist
and Chemical Examiner and Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Osmania
Medical College. During his service, he visited Europe six times, for improving his
knowledge. The following is a summary of his original work:-

(1) Use of glandular extract of immunized animals infected with plague.

(2) Improvement of Haffkine fluid for prophylactic inoculation against plague.

(3) Proving the value of tobacco in the suppression of plague.

(4) A simple and novel method for the cure of reducible hernias and hydrocele by
means of vaccines.

(5) A simple colour-reaction test for the detection of acomite.

(6) A simple method for detecting seminal stains on clothes.

Apart from his own distinguished career, Dr. Mallannah did his duty towards his
family in a most remarkable manner. In 1902, he married Miss Ahilyabai Kelavkar,
from a well known and higly educated family in the Bombay Presidency, keen on social
reform and women’s education. It is worthy of note that Mrs. Ahilyabai Mallannah
took up her matriculation after marriage and in spite of the time she had to devote to
the cares of her home and children, she continued her studies and secured the L L.A.
degree of St. Andrews, Scotland. Mrs. Mallannah is a well-known worker in the cause
of social reform in Hyderabad and the originator of the Ladies’ Recreation clubs at
Hyderabad and Secunderabad of which she was the president for 5 years.

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422 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Dr. and Mrs. Mallannah spared no effort to educate their children. The first two
sons, Satyawant and Jayawant, who had been educated in England from their early
childhood, are a credit to the family and to the country. The eldest, Satyawant, after a
distinguished career at school entered the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and secured
the Quetta cup for the best man-at-arms, among the candidates for the Indian army. He
was granted the King’s commission in 1923, at the age of 20, and is serving in the Indian
Army. The second son Jayawant, who had a distinguished career both in the Public
school and at Trinity College, Cambridge, passed his I. C. S. examination in 1927 at the
age of 22. The Nizam’s State should be proud of the fact that these two boys have been
the first Indians from the State to enter their respective Imperial services. The third son
Madhukar is also being educated in a public school in England and has just passed his
Senior Cambridge at the age of 15. The eldest daughter, Malati, who is now 18, also had
a brilliant career at school and is now at College studying for medicine.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 423

Nawab Fakhr Yar Jung Bahadur

AWAB Fakhr Yar Jung Bahadur (Mr. Fakhruddin Ahmed Khan, B.A.,)
who belongs to the Sunni sect of the Muhammadan community and who
now holds the high and responsible position of Financial Secretary, was
born on the 29th December 1882. He is a native of the Punjab and owns large tracts of
lands there besides being a Jagirdar of Jullundhur district.

He received his - early education at Aligarh and graduated from the Muslim
University in the year 1910.

After serving for some time in the British Agency at Kabul he worked as an
Honorary Attache to Sir Henry MacMahon during the tour in India of His late Majesty
Amir Habibullah. Subsequently he served as an Enrolled Officer of the Finance
Department of the Government of India at Lahore and Allahabad. After gaining
considerable experience in Finance adminstration in British India he came to Hyderabad
in the year 1913 and joined His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government service on
the 30th January 1913 as an Auditor P W. D His efficient administration and
successful tackling of financial problems of the State soon raised him to the status of
Deputy Accountant General and shortly afterwards as Accountant General. In the year
1919 (1328 Fasli he was made the Financial Secretary which post he holds today with
great credit. In recognition of his services to the State His Exalted Highness the Nizam
conferred on him the title of Fakhr Yar Jung Bahadur on the 16th June 1923.

He is held in high esteem by both the official and the non-orficial public for his
unblemished character and religious scruples. He is a Haji having visited the Holy

When Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur proceeded twice to England as the
delegate to the Round Table Conference in 1930 and 1931, the Nawab Sahib acted as a
member in charge of the Finance Department.

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424 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 425

Mr. B. A. Collins, C. I. E., I. C. S.

R. Bernard Abdy Collins, C. I. E., I. C. S., belongs to that distinguished
order of Civil Servants who are the bulwork of British administration
in India. He came to Hyderabad in 1927 with twenty three years
experience in various departments of Bengal and Bihar and Orissa Provinces, and he is
therefore a valuable acquisition to Hyderabad State. Arriving in India on November
14, 1904 he was drafted into the Judicial Department as Assistant Magistrate. Between
1906 and 1909 he was engaged in the Survey and Settlement Departments of Bengal
and then became Private Secretary to Sir Andrew Fraser, Lieut-Governor of Bengal.
Within this short period of service in India Mr. Collins gave ample proof of his ability
to shoulder greater responsibilities and Government, realising his merits, appointed
him an Under Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa Provinces. He
held this position till 1913 when he became Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Bihar.
Mr. Collins’ contribution to the furtherance of the Co-operative movement in that
backward Province was by no means negligible. His genuine sympathy with the Indian
agriculturists and small industrialists coupled with his whole-hearted interest in the
work entrusted to him was a source of great inspiration to the constituents of the societies.
Just before the close of the great war Mr. Collins was appointed Controller of Commercial
Intelligence under the Indian Munitions Board, and in 1919 he became Secretary to
Government of Bihar and Orissa in the Finance, Education and Municipal Departments,
his subsequent appointment being Secretary to Government in the Education and
Development Departments in addition to charge of Industries Department, as Director.

With such distinguished career in British India and a fund of knowledge and
experience he came to Hyderabad, on the requisition of His Exalted Highness the Nizam,
to be the Director General of Commerce and Industries Department as well as Secretary
to Government in the same, and Agriculture, Co-operative and Veterinary Departments.
His creative faculties would not lie dormant. On taking charge of his office Mr. Collins
introduced such far-reaching reforms both in the personnel and administration of the
various Departments under him that before long we shall reap the benefits thereof. In
this brief sketch it is not possible for us to detail all that Mr. Collins has done since he
came to Hyderabad. His one aim has been to enhance the economic condition of the
people and of the State. Cottage industries, which had been on the verge of extinction,
have been revived; the growth of Gaorani cotton which was once highly prized for its
long staple has, by a special enactment, been encouraged; textile industries have received
a great impetus by such assistance as Government, on the advice of Mr. Collins, could
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426 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

give them. Sheep and poultry farming, exhibitions and shows of poultry and
horticulture, encouragement of Co-operative Credit, strengthening of Central Banks,
promotion of schemes for paper making, leather and oil industries, researches into
prospects of improving the yield of principal agricultural crops and many other
industrial activities are all due to his initiative and untiring energy. In appreciation of
his achievements His Exalted Highness the Nizam has already given him three years
extension of service and we are confident that Mr. Collins will redouble his energy to
further the interests of Hyderabad State and win laurels at the hands of our Sovereign
within the time to his credit.

Mr. B.A. COLLINS, C.I.E., I.C.S.

It will not be out of place for us to associate the name of Mrs. Collins with that of
her husband in public and social life. She takes an abiding interest in all movements
calculated to advance the cause of education and social regeneration of women of
Hyderabad and is also Secretary of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 427

Raja Bahadur Rai Jag Mohanlal B. A.

AJA Bahadur Rai Jag Mohan Lal, Nazim, Atiyat, (lnam Commissioner) is
the only son of the late Rai Murlidhar Bahadur, Rajah Fateh Nawaz Want,
who was member in-charge of the Revenue Department. The Raja was born
in 1875 and received his higher education at the Nizam College. He is among the very
few of its students to have obtained honours in the B. A. degree examination. It was his


intention to take up law as a profession and he actually took the B. L. Course of the
Madras University, but did not complete it. He joined the Revenue Service of His
Highness the Nizam and was sent to Mahbubnagar as third taluqdar and later
transferred to Raichur. From there he was sent to headquarters as Assistant Secretary
in the Finance Department. A short time afterwards he was appointed as first assistant

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428 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

in the Sarf-e-Khas. Later he was raised to the rank of First Taluqdar and held charge, in
turn, of the districts of Gulbarga, Warangal, Mahbubnagar, and Nizamabad. He is at
present Nazim Atiyat in the Revenue Secretariat.

Raja Jag Mohanlal is a man of culture and wide sympathies and has been and is
generously inclined towards all deserving institutions. He enjoys the confidence of the
Government and the respect and esteem of his friends and acquaintances. Devoid of
pride, he is accessible to all and is pleasant and charming in his manners. His work at
the Revenue Secretariat is much appreciated and he worthily maintains the great name
of his illustrious father, Rai Murlidhar Bahadur, one of the ablest Hindu administrators
Hyderabad has so far produced.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 429


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430 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Jivan Yar Jung Bahadur

HAN Bahadur Mirza Hyder Jivan Beg, Nawab Jivan Yar Jung Bahadur,
who adorns the High Court Bench of Hyderabad, belongs to a famous
Moghal family of Chogathai clan which was related by marriage and blood
with the historical Imperial Family.

He was born in Hyderabad and after completing his high school education
proceeded in 1900 to Cambridge. He had a brilliant academical career at Christ College
wherefrom in three years he graduated and then studied law. He was subsequently
called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn and after some months returned to Hyderabad.

Hyderabad was not slow to recognize the young Nawab’s merits. Government, on
his arrival, appointed him as the District Judge of Nander. Lack of practical legal
experience was by no means a handicap to him. He was so industrious, painstaking
and intelligent that by devoting his undivided attention to his task he soon became
proficient in Civil and Criminal laws and gave unmistakable promise of a great future
in the Judical Department. After holding a similar appointment in Hyderabad and
Warangal the young judicial officer was promoted to be judge of the City Civil Court.
He was again redrafted to the District Courts, this time as a sessions judge of Medak,
and then of Gulbarga and Aurangabad. Such varied experience both in civil and criminal
courts was a distinct recommendation for his elevation to the High Court Bench in
1918. It may be said of him that during the long period of service both in the Districts
and in the City he has been above temptations, has succeeded in bearing an unblemished
and spotless character, which is a fundamental qualification for a successful Judge, and
has upheld the traditions of the family to which he has the honour to belong. Indeed he
is a worthy son of Agha Mirza Beg Khan, Nawab Sarvar Jung, Sarvar-ul-Mulk, Sarvar-
ud-Dowlah Bahadur of the revered memory.

The Agha Sahib came to Hyderabad in 1872 with an introduction to Sir Salar Jung
Bahadur from General L. Barrow, a trusted friend of Musalmans of Oudh. General
Barrow’s interest in the young man was in consideration of the greatness of the family.
The ancestors of Nawab Servar Jung held high positions under the Moghals and later

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 431

under the British. One of them, Ashraf-ud-Dowla Mirza Ashraf Beig. helped Lord Like
in the battle of Koel. Another, Jawab-ud-Dowla Mirza Ashraf Beig, was responsible for
sending Raja Ram Mohan Roy to England as Envoy of the Moghul Emperor. His uncle
Mirza Abbas Beig Khan was a favourite of Sir Henry Lawrence and distinguished himself
in the wars in the Punjab: he followed Sir Henry to Oudh and thanks to his patronage
became a Taluqdar, and the confiscated State of Baday Gaon was granted to him in
perpetuity. Thus it is that the subject of this sketch is a Lucknow instead of a Delhi man.
Another relation, Moulvi Sami Ullah Khan Bahadur, won the “C. M. G” for helping
Lord Northbrook in settling political difficulties in Egypt. A great friend of the family
was General L. Barrow, the Chief Commissioner of Oudh, under whose patronage the
young Agha, as he was known in his younger days, was educated at the Canning College.

When the Young Agha Sahib, the father of Nawab Jivan Yar Jung Bahadur, came
to Hyderabad, Sir Salar Jung I appointed him tutor to his sons, the elder of whom
became famous as Salar Jung II. At that time His Highness the Nizam appointed Captain
John Clerk as tutor to the heir apparent, the late Nizam, and when it was felt that Captain
Clerk required an Indian Assistant, the young Agha was chosen. In that capacity the
Agha Sahib continued until the late Highness was installed on the gadi. On this
momentous occasion his Royal Master rewarded his tutor with the title of Sarver Jung
Bahadur, and a pepetual pension of Rs. 700 a month. Although he retired from active
service Nawab Sarver Jung maintained close touch with the ruler and helped to maintain
confidential records of the State to which only a privileged few can gain access and
which form part of State archives.

Nawab Sarver Jung Sarver-ul-Mulk Sarver-ud-Dowlah’s autobiography has been

translated by his son, Nawab Jivan Yar Jung Bahadur, and published by Arthur H.
Stockwell, Ltd. 29, Ludgate Hill, London E. C. 4. From it one is able to know something
of the court life or the manner in which administration was conducted by the Prime
Minister, of the relations between the Indian State and the Paramount Power and of the
extraordinary powers exercised by the British Resident over the affairs of the State, not
to speak of the intrigues and cliques for which Hyderabad was once noted.

We find in the book references to the visit of Sir John Gorst and Mr. Wilfred Scaween
Blunt, author of India under Ripon. Sir John Gorst was formally retained by the late Sir
Salar Jung as the Nizam’s counsel for the restoration of the Berars. His actual visit to
Hyderabad, we are informed, was to secure the Dewanship for an aspirant to that place:
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432 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

he was paid Rs. 75,000 for his services, as the book tells us, and failed in his mission,
though he had his revenge in the “Fortnightly” with an article on Hyderabad in which
the Nizam and his Minister were badly attacked. Nawab Sarver-ul-Mulk Bahadur’s
remarks about Mr. W. S. Blunt make an interesting reading.

“ This Mr. Blunt was a man of foolish ideas-in fact a monomaniac who claimed to
possess a great love for Mussalmans in general and Arabs in particular. Although this
man was an Englishman he disliked British statesmen and their methods and in defence
of Muslims he would not hesitate to criticise British officials high or low”.

We learn from the Life that the subject of it was suspected to be connected with the
publication of the Mehdi Hussain pamphlet. Sanction to prosecute him was refused by
the Nizam, and therefore proceedings were taken against the Bengali author, Mitra,
who was defended by Mr. Eardley Norton. That sensational case ended in a victory for
the Calcutta barrister. Other intrigues of a like nature occur galore in the book. For
ourselves, we have been specially struck by the great power exercised in Hyderabad by
the Resident. We do not think that this is true to-day. Mr. Plowden, the Resident, once
told Agha:

“Sarver Jung, remember that your future prosperity rests with me. If you listen to
me, then rewards and titles are yours, otherwise with one stroke of the pen your name
and reputation will be obliterated”; to which, Sarver Jung replied.

“ Mr. Plowden, I have kept my destiny in my hands. I am not proud of my present

post but I take pride in being once tutor to His Highness; in my hands his education
started and came to a finish.”

And so the end came. The dispute was over the promise of 1,600 horse in connection
with the formation of an Imperial Service Force. His Highness offered 800 horse in his
letter and “if necessity arose, the remainder will also be given“ - a conditional clause
which, being omitted in a letter to the Foreign office by Resident, was the cause of the
dispute. Mr. Plowden’s treatment of him over and after this incident, it is said, finally
precipitated the retirement of Sarver Jung from Hyderabad. The announcement was
made after a threatening letter received from Mr. Plowden in a petition left with the
servant while the Nizam was asleep, because His Highness would never have willingly
allowed his tutor and faithful servant to depart. At the station, he sent a challenge

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 433

through Colonel Dobbs to Mr. Plowden: the challenge consisted of the quotation :-

Lo, I leave the presence of my beloved,

But thou too, o rival, shall not remain.

It happened so in 1897, when Mr. Chichcle Plowden vacated his Residency in favour
of Colonel Sir David Barr. Some of the officials of the State who depended on him
“followed suit.”

After he had left that morning, His Royal Master heard the news of his departure:
and shed tears and refused to eat for three days. Also the whole city was thrown into a
State of excitement.

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434 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mrs. Sarojini Naidu

RS. Sarojini Naidu (nee Sarojini) who is described by some as the reigning
queen of English Poetry and by others the lark of Hyderabad, was born
on 13th February 1879 of a Bengali family, which came to Hyderabad
about 1878. Her father, Aghorenath Chattopadhyaya had a distinguished career as an
educationist in Hyderabad. He was a Gilchrist Scholar of the Presidency College,
Calcutta, took his B. Sc. degree in Edinburgh, won the Baxter prize in Physical Sience in
1875 and Hope prize in Chemistry, studied Crystallography and advanced chemistry
in Germany and was awarded the D. Sc. degree of Edinburgh. Such a brilliant scholar,
on return to India, was much in need of in Hyderabad and His Highness the late Nizam
requisitioned his services for Hyderabad at a time when literacy was at a low ebb and
higher education was unknown.

Dr. Chattopadhyaya having been commissioned for the special purpose of

inaugurating an educational system went about organising schools and colleges. The
Nizam College was established by him. He was, therefore, rightly termed the ”father of
education” in Hyderabad State.

Sarojini Chattopadhyaya, the eldest living of Aghorenath Chattopadhyaya’s

children, enjoyed unrestricted freedom in the home. She was brought up in the lap of
luxury. Her father employed an English governess and a French governess with a view
to giving her an excellent training. Aghorenath showed special attention to all her
requirements. Being an educationist himself, he took pleasure in giving lessons in nature
study and science by means of simple conversation to all the children in his house. And
quite early Aghorenath laid the foundation of Sarojini’s sound general knowledge. As
Sarojini grew she had a Persian teacher, and took Persian as second language in her
school course. Appearing for the Matriculation examination of the Madras University
when she was only in her twelfth year, she passed that examination creditably. Quite
early she had developed a taste for literature. At the age of fourteen she read almost all
the English poets, her favourite authors being Shelley, Tennyson and Browning, and
developed a poetic taste. After passing her Matriculation examination, she wrote a little
Persian play in English called “Meher Muneer”. Aghorenath Chattopadhyaya, who
had always encouraged his daughter’s literary proclivities, got this printed in the local

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 435

press as a generous mark of his appreciation and further encouragement. A few copies
of the little Persian play were distributed to a few friends, and one copy was presented
to the late Nizam in the year 1895. On seeing the work, and having already learnt of
young Sarojini’s preoccupations with poetry, and sincerely desirous of encouraging
true genius, His Highness sent a message to Dr. Aghorenath Chattopadhyaya to inquire


what his daughter would have as royal gift. This little incident resulted in Sarojini being
granted a foreign scholarship of £ 300 a year, with first-class passage, in 1895.

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436 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sarojini was unwilling at first to go but sailed for England with an old family friend
to keep company during the voyage. In England she had the unique privilege of being
the ward of the great Miss Manning, who was the pioneer worker for Indian students
in England. To Miss Manning’s salon some of the highest literary figures in England
and other highly cultured men in society resorted. Here it was that Sarojini first met
Mr. (now Sir) Edmund Gosse, who later stood sponsor to her in England, through the
kind offices of Mrs. Manning. She also met several other literary critics of honour, such
as William Archer, the distinguished dramatic critic, who did much to popularise Ibsen
in England, Mr. Heinemann being the publisher. When she was eighteen she was
admitted into Girton College but university life was boring to a freedom loving student.
Her health broke down and so she left College for the health resorts in the continent
and visited Italy and Switzerland.

When in England, Mr. Gosse requested to be allowed to see her compositions, and
a big sized bundle of Mss. was placed in his hands by Sarojini, who had entertained
ambitions of achieving poetic fame in a language that was totally foreign to her! He
scrutinised the bundle and was utterly disappointed with the stuff. He was in an
embarrassment, but there was no way out of the difficulty. He knew that Sarojini was
young, enthusiastic but he would take the risk and advise her.

Sarojini accepted the well meaning criticism of Mr. Gosse tendered to her with the
best of motives and, what was more, acted up to his suggestion and advice. The result
was that years later she published her first volume of verse and again two more volumes.
Her poetry struck a distinctive note, not to speak of its matchless lyric passion. Her
maturer work, especially “The Bird of Time” (1912), was of such quality that, in the
words of Mr. Gosse himself, there was “nothing, or almost nothing, which the severest
criticism could call in question.”

Sarojini returned to Hyderabad in September 1898 and married Dr. M. G. Naidu,

M. B., Ch. B., the man whom she had loved even before she left Hyderabad. Being a
young lady of refined ideas and wide outlook the caste or race of Dr. Naidu was no
barrier to her accepting him. By him she has two sons and two daughters.

Mrs. Naidu is a person of great personal charms. Arthur Symons describes her in
the following language :-Her eyes are like deep pools and you seem to fall through
them into depths below depths. She is an engaging conversationalist, her wit and vivacity
adding zest to her conversations.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 437

Mrs. Naidu had a peculiar attraction to politics. Leaving her home, her husband
and children she chose service for the motherland. She was, in her early stages of political
life, brought into close touch with such level headed politicians as the late Mr. Gokhale,
and from him she learnt many things. An incident in her life is thus recorded. When
Mr. Gokhale and she were alone one evening, the former spoke to her ”Stand here with
me, with the stars and hills for witnesses, and in their presence consecrate your life and
your talent, your song and your speech, your thought and your dream to the motherland.
om poet! see visions from the hill-tops and spread abroad the message of hope to the
toilers in the valleys.”

She resolved to consecrate herself for service immediately. National affairs at that
time seemed dark indeed. Her first public service was to bring about better relationship
between the Hindus and the Muslims. Mrs. Sarojini Naidu had the unique privilege of
attending and addressing a huge assembly of Muslims on 22nd March 1913. Here it
was that she first appeared on a public platform as the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim
unity and concord. Then, in the Bombay Congress of 1915, held under the presidency
of Lord S. P. Sinha, she spoke from the Congress platform, for the first time, in support
of a resolution on Self-Government, concluding her eloquent speech with a poem on
the higher vision of a united India. It is from that day that her political career may be
said to have begun.

When the question of franchise for Indian women became a burning topic in political
circles, she stood up as the spokeswoman of her sex in the All-India Women’s Deputation
to the Hon’ble E. S. Montague, Secretary of State for India, during his historic visit to
India in connection with a scheme of a future constitution for India. Earlier she had
spoken on behalf of the Indian women in Fiji, but now she fully identified herself with
the claim of Indian women for political enfranchisement. Mrs. Naidu went to England
as a member of the All-India Home Rule League Deputation to plead on behalf of her
country before the British Parliamentary Committee in connection with the formulation
of the promised Reform Bill. Her Memorandum to the Parliamentary joint Select
Committee on Indian Reforms on the desirability, nay justice, of granting full franchise
and perfect political equality to Indian women will stand as a “remarkable combination
of the prose of fact with the poetry of idealism.”

Mrs. Naidu was once President of the Indian National Congress and of the Natal
Indian Congress. She was a representative of India to the Second Round Table
Conference in London.

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438 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Heinemann published the first volume of Mr. Sarojini Naidu’s verse, called
“The Golden Threshold,” with an introduction from her friend, Arthur Symons. The
poetry in this volume had an ‘Eastern magic’ which at once extorted admiration and
secured for it the unanimous verdict of the English press that it was “beautiful poetry.”
It was hailed by the literary critics of London as “pure gold”, ‘surprisingly individual,’
“authentic poetry,” and as expressing the “soul of the East”. There was fundamentally
something human in these poems, said one of them, which seemed to prove that the
best song knew nothing of East or West. It might be said of Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, as it
was said of Byron, she awoke one fine morning and found herself famous. Then followed
two more volumes, “The Bird of Time” (1912) and “The Broken Wing” (1917), the former
being introduced by Mr. Edmund Gosse. The poetry in these volumes, especially “The
Bird of Time”, added to her already well-established reputation as a lyrical poet of fine
sensibility. Sarojini, too, has had some sorrow, and a good deal of suffering, which her
service in the cause of the country (which she passionately loves) brought in its train.
But her lyrical gift slackened not a bit, as even her last volume “The Broken Wing” will
show. The experience gained, on the contrary, served only to give a richer, graver music
to her poetry, though something of the youthful ecstasy has passed out and stern purpose
has stepped in.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 439

Janaba Tyeba Begum Sahiba Bilgrami

YEBA Begum Bilgrami (Mrs. Khedive Jung) was born in the year 1873. It is
impossible in the space allotted to such biographies as the present to trace
in detail the origin and history of the family. Sufficient to say that her
ancestors first migrated from Vasit in Arabia and entered India in the 14th century in
the wake of the Ghori invasions. The founder of the line of Syeds of Bilgram, a person
in the Court of Sultan Altamash, distinguished himself by subduing for his royal master
the pride and defiance of a Hindu Raja who at the time held Bilgram. The date of Syed
Mohomed Sugra’s victory over the Raja is contained in the chronogram, “Khudadad”
(614 A. H.), and, it was from that time, the chronicler relates that the family settled
down in Bilgram. A long line of distinguished personalities, famous since then in letters
and sciences, such as Abdul Jaleel and Ghulam Ali Azad, to name only two, made this
family of Syeds of Bilgram a noted one in India. This tradition of learning was continued
till their last days by the three brothers. Syed Hosain, Syed Ali and Syed Hassan, three
among five sons of Syed Zain-ud-Din Hossain Bilgrami. Syed Ali and Syed Hassan did
not live till a very mature age, though before their death they both saw their greatness
recognised, the one in scholarship and the other in social and educational work, but
Syed Hosain, the eldest and the most well-known, lived to the ripe old age of 84 and
died only in 1926. His deep knowledge, unflinching honesty and courageous
straightforwardness placed him head and shoulders above most of his contemporaries.

Fourth among his eight children, five sons and three daughters, Tyeb Begum was
born in Hyderabad in the year 1873. Since early age she had a delicate physique and as
she grew up, her predisposition towards study, with the sedantary habits that it gives
rise to, brought in its wake ailments, which acquired in early years, continued to make
her suffer till her last days. In the company of her mother, however, she found that
happiness which is to be derived from affection and maternal care, while her father
was her guide in the world of books. In the year 1908 she passed her F. A. examination
of the Madras University with honours, and, though disturbed in between by the state
of her health, by her marriage and by the cares of the up-bringing of her children, she
took her degree of B. A. of the Madras University in 1910 and was the first Muslim
woman to have taken a University degree in India.

She was married in the year 1896 to Dr. Mirza Karim Khan (later known as Nawab
Khedive Jung Bahadur), and had five children, four daughters and one son, the eldest
of whom, a daughter, died while still in her infancy. Among her many duties as wife

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440 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

and mother, Tyeba Begum still found time to continue her studies. These were no longer
for the purpose of any academic qualification and therefore they imposed no limit of
subject, language or period. History, ancient and modern, biography, literature, all came
within her purview. She was deeply interested too in the political and social sciences
while her masterly acquaintance with Arabic and Persian opened out for her the wealth
of knowledge and beauty possessed in the literature of these two oriental languages.
Throughout her life, too, she was deeply religious, a bent which inclined her since her
early age towards the study of comparative religion. Inspite of her strictest possible
adherence to the tenets of the Arabian faith-for she believed that Islam was the most
national and the best of all religions-her enthusiasm did not exclude the beauties and
the individual contribution of every other religion towards the making of the peoples
of the world. Her study of the Quran was very wide and deep and supplemented by an
equally deep study of the commentaries and traditions. Nor was she merely a voracious
reader. As a writer of letters: which still exist in large numbers, the most interesting of
which were addressed to her Uncle. Major Syed Hassan Bilgrami, she shows a depth of
learning, charm of personality, wide vision and a pervading sense of humour which
raise her letters far ahove the level of ordinary correspondence. She took notes, besides,
on practically all that she read, notes which could serve as a good guide to any scholar.
So wide were her interests that she started at one time writing a collection of Indian
Folklore in English, parts of which were published in the Indian Magazine in London
and evoked considerable admiration and interest,so much so that a selection of them
was even translated into French. A large collection of similar folklore exists, written in
her own hand, in Urdu. Toward., the end of her life she wrote two novels in Urdu
depicting vividly the social conditions in an average middle-class family with
westernised ideas. If to the collection of her published works be added all that still
remains unpublished, for example the collection of folklore, her letters and her various
speeches and writings on topics of public interest, it would form a voluminous and a
widely varied collection.

Her speeches and sociological writings are mostly on Indian or Islamic topics and
are devoted chiefly to education. The speeches were delivered on such widely different
occasions as the Educational Conference and the meetings of the Brahmo Samaj. Chief
among them was the address delivered by her as President of the Muslim Ladies
Educational Conference in its session in Calcutta, and it forms a credo of her social and
educational faith. It must be noted that though conservative by temperament she yet
possessed the reformer’s bent of mind, critical of the social conditions of her people
and unshaken in her belief in progress. The key to this progress, she believed, whether

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 441

cultural or political, social or economic, lay in the advancement of the women of the
country by education and in their fitness for vocations. Nor was she merely an arm-
chair philosopher. She was far from the school which is given to idealising things; if at
all, she was too highly practical. Thus, many social and educational institutions still
exist in Hyderabad which owe their origin and life to her efforts. Similarly, she had her
full share in the relief work organised by the women of Hyderabad after the great floods
of 1908, in the founding of the Mahbubia Girls’ School which has now acquired the
rank of a College and in the organisation of financial assistance to the Anglo-Oriental
College at Aligarh. As President of the Anjuman-i-Khavatin-i-Islam, she guided the
progress of her Muslim sisters in Hyderabad, while her efforts for organised charity,
for introducing vocational instruction in schools for girls, and for encouraging the arts
and crafts of the country are well known. As a friend, her charm, her sincerity and her
devotion made her friendship worth cultivating, while as a wife and a mother her home
was a centre of comradeship and affection. When she died in June 1921, after a protracted
and most painful illness of 18 months, during which she showed remarkable courage
and pateince, she did not pass away with her greatness unrecognised; but being, unlike
many who have come to the lime light since, of an unostentatious nature and hating
advertisement, it was given only to those who knew her intimately to realise the full
measure of greatness which passed away with her. To them, as to the present writer,
her loss in spite of the passage of time, will always remain irrevocable, just as her memory
will always remain alive.

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442 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Hasan Nawaz Jung Bahadur
Mr. Mirza Abul Hasan Khan

N the 7th of May 1932 Mr. Mirza Abul Hasan Khan was confirmed in the
appointment of Political Secretary, His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s
Government. The publication of the Farman-e-Mubarak was hailed with
delight by his many friends and admirers and it was the sincere wish of everyone that
the permanency was a well deserved reward for Mr. Abul Hasan’s intelligence and tact
which are an asset to the Political Department which is, perhaps, the most difficult
department of the Government.

Mr. Abul Hasan Khan is one of the few officers of the Government who have won
rapid promotion through sheer hard work and devotion to duty combined with brilliance
of intellect and an instinctive appreciation of the facts and problems of a situation calling
for discrimination, and judgement. He has the proud distinction of becoming the Political
Secretary to an Indian State Government at the early age of forty one. Mr. Abul Hasan’s
career and achievement will, we are certain, be a source of great inspiration to many a
young aspirant to success in life.

Mr. Abul Hasan joined the Political Department as Personal Assistant to the Minister
in charge on the 1st of Isfandar 1329 Fasli, that is just twelve years ago. Five years
afterwards, he was promoted to the important position of Assistant Political Secretary
and in 1339 Fasli raised to the position of Deputy Secretary with full powers and responsi-
bilities of Secretary, as the latter post remained vacant.

He had once officiated as Political Secretary, during the absence of the incumbent
on long leave, and when Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur succeeded Nawab Sir Nizamat
Jung Bahadur, he was promoted to the rank of Deputy Political Secretary before being
appointed as Secretary in which post he has now been confirmed.

It will be seen that in the short space of twelve years, the subject of our sketch
reached the next highest post in his Department which, as we have declared before, is
a great distinction. We happen to know the secret of his success and that secret is
contained in the phrase “Integrity yoked to sincerity and sincerity yoked to industry”.
Mr. Abul Hasan Khan is a man of great ability, most graceful deportment and genial
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 443

temperament. It is mostly by force of his character that he has found his way up in his
department and risen to the important position which he now holds.

The Political Department has always had officers of unimpeachable character. The
first man to adorn the Political Department was the late Nawab Sir Faridoon Mulk
Bahadur, who served it with great credit to himself and the State. Then came Sir Nizamat
Jung Bahadur and, afterwards, the present incumbent of the post, Nawab Mehdi Yar
Jung Bahadur. Each of these became Political Ministers after being Political Secretaries
and it is our earnest prayer that the precedent will continue and that the subject of our-
sketch will stand at the helm of our political affairs in due time and keep up the traditions
of Hyderabad’s political department and gain many laurels seeing that we are on the
crest of the tide of new times and new orientations of progress.

He was awarded the title of Nawab Hasan Nawaz Jung Bahadur in consideration
of his meritorious services to the State on the occasion of 49th Birthday of H. E. H. the
Nizam. He was also privileged to join all the functions connected with the State visits
of Lord Willingdon, Viceroy and Governer-General of India, in 1933.

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444 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 445


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446 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Syed Mohammed Mehdi

R. Syed Mohammed Mehdi, Secretary to the Executive Council, is one
of the brilliant young men occupying a high and very responsible
position. The Secretary to the Executive Council does not loom large in
the public eye but is the man on whom the burden of the Department falls and to
whom the President and every member of the Council look for efficient working of the
Council Secretariat.

Mr. Mehdi comes of a respectable family, his grand father’s grand father, Syed
Mohamed Khan Bahadur Moosavi Waleh, being in the service of Asif Jah Nizamul
Mulk. Besides being a Mansabdar of the Court, he was a soldier, writer and poet. His
works are still preserved in the British Museum, India Office, the National Libraries of
London and Paris. Mr. Mehdi’s father was a Mansabdar in the Court of H. H. Nawab

Mr. Mehdi was born on the 16th of Ardibehisht 1303 Fasli and educated at the
Nizam College. After a successfull general education he was chosen for administrative
training in British India. In 1324 Fasli he was deputed to Bellary District for Revenue,
Magisterial, Survey and minor district administrative training. On his return he was
appointed Assistant Taluqdar and Treasury Officer at Gulburgah. His ability in tackling
important questions marked him out for higher service. He was soon promoted to the
position of Divisional Officer in the same District - As such he exercised divisional
magisterial powers. His next station was Aurangabad as Revenue Divisional Officer
and Magistrate in 1326 Fasli. During the Great War he was entrusted with the duties of
supplying fodder which was in great scarcity at the time. Then followed famine and
Mr. Mehdi’s offices were in demand as famine relief officer of the Aurangabad Subha.
He exercised considerable powers which needed for the efficient discharge of his office.
On the one hand there was scarcity of fodder for cattle and on the other poor people
needed food owing to failure of crops.

Every atom of his intelligence, administrative ability and sympathy to understand

human wants and needs were brought into full play. For two long years he did not stint
time or labour in relieving the dire distress of both cattle and people. Not only in

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 447

Aurangabad district but also in Nalgonda, Mr. Mehdi came to the rescue of sufferers.
We can not adequately express our admiration for the manner in which he rose to the
occasion and gave succour to the suffering humanity. His singleness of purpose, noble
ideals and sagacity were duly recognised and he was required to play an equally eminent
part in the furtherance of the Co-operative Department. It was not a hard task for Mr.
Mehdi. When a person understands the needs of the people he can easily make a mark;
and he who fails to study their conditions in a sympathetic manner incurs the displeasure
of Government and the ill-will of the ryots. Mr. Mehdi as an Assistant Registrar of Co-
operative Credit Societies in Medak, Mahbubnagar, Nizamabad and Nander Districts
as well as the Paigah areas succeeded in winning the love and esteem of those who
needed redemption from the hands of money lenders and from utter poverty as a result
of lack of co-operative assistance. In recognition of his merits Government deputed
him to Europe to study the co-operative methods in that part of the world. On his
return from his visit to important and well recognised centres, he initiated the institution
of the Hyderabad Central Co-operative Union which is now engaged in training Co-
operative workers, inspection of rural centres and propaganda. The present flourishing
condition of silk weaving, Bidriware making, paper making and button manufacture
are all due to his interest and influence. To him most of the important cottage industries
owe their existence.

He also established depots for the purchase and sale of cottage industrial products.
He visited Madras, Bombay, Behar and Orissa, Bengal, the United Provinces of Agra
and Oudh, Punjab and Kashmir to acquaint himself with the spread and advancement
of co-operative movement there.

He has been a most useful member of the Hyderabad Municipality. He always

concerned himself with the welfare of the citizens, and advocated measures for the
eradication of malaria, plague, opening of child welfare centres and playgrounds,
construction of dustproof roads, institution of town milk supply, municipalisation of
education, reorganisation of the Municipal Council, introduction of a City Bus Service,
improvement and cleanliness of restaurants and tea houses in the city and furtherance
of co-operative credit among the Municipai employees. None of his advocacies has
been a cry in the wilderness. We see almost everything accomplished and the citizens
of this large city owe Mr. Mehdi a deep debt of gratitude for all thaft he has said and

Although his permanent appointment is that of Registrar of Co-operative Societies

Mr. Mehdi has been found indispensable for the Bab-e -Hukumat. As Secretary to the
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448 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 449

President of the Executive Council he has proved himself invaluable since his
appointment in 1336 F.

His hobby is collection and preservation of articles of antiquarian interest. A valuable

and unique collection of Bidri wares by him is on view at the Hyderabad Museum. His
originality in doing things is not confined to official life. In a most characteristically
original way he has built a house of large boulders to represent a rock-cut bungalow in
a colony of his friends organised by him on the Banjara Road, a photograph of which
we have pleasure in reproducing.

Mr. Mehdi is still young and has many years of useful service before him and we
venture to predict that before long he will come to occupy one of the highest
appointments available in the State and prove a worthy addition to the galaxy of high
minded, noble and patrotic sons of this premier State.

Mr. Mehdi has four sons named Abbas, Hashim, Sajjad and Latif.

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450 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur

AWAB Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur, B. A., LL. B., (Mirza Samiullah Beg) is
the Chief-Justice of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s High Court,
succeeding in that exalted office Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung Bahadur, when
he was transferred to the Political Department. His reputation as a sound lawyer, brilliant
advocate and deep thinker having reached Hyderabad from so far a place as Lucknow,
he was invited here and given the post which he occupies today with so such credit to
himself and the High Court.

Mirza Samiullah Beg was born in the year 1875 at Ameethi in the Lucknow district.
His early education started at home; but when he was but a mere boy of ten years.of
age he was taken by his cousin and brother-in-law, Dr. Mirza Asgar Beg. who, having
no son, began educating him as his own son. Thus his cousin and sister showered on
him all the affections which their own son would be entitled to. The lad passed the
matriculation examination at the age of fifteen from Bareilly High School. Even at the
early age he felt the supreme need for Hindu-Muslim unity as most of his comrades
were Hindus of the Kayasth community. Joining the Christian College at Lucknow, he
studied under the Revd. Mr. Mansell, who was good enough to give him every day an
opportunity to discuss problems on religion and from that period onward he has been
a most interested student of religions and religious philosophy and may be regarded as
a scholar of Islamic history. Passing the First in Arts examination in 1892, he joined
Lucknow Canning College under Principal White and took his B. A. degree with great
credit. While studying for this examination, he attended Law lectures as well, and did
not feel the strain of combined studies as he threw himself heart and soul into them.
During his College days, he was a member of the College Debating Club and played a
leading part in all the debates and often delivered lectures to his fellow under-graduates
and thus helped to foster a very healthy intellectual life in his College. While studying
for his Master of Arts degree, he continued his Law studies as well. One of his most
intimate friends was Babu Shiv Sahai, who started his life first as the second Master of
a High School in Lucknow, and subsequently joined the Bar. When Mirza Samiullah
Beg took his B. A. degree in July 1894, this friend of his not only pressed him to appear
for the LL. B. Examination to be held in November of the same year, but gave a great
portion of his time in teaching Law to him. Within four months, he prepared Mr. Beg
for the LL. B. Examination. Thus helped and coached by a Hindu friend entertaining
brotherly and affectionate feelings towards a Muslim friend, Mirza Samiullah Beg
appeared for the LL.B. Examination in 1894 and passed it in the first Division missing
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 451


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452 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

the first place by a few marks. At that time, Babu Shiv Sahai himself was a junior at the
Bar. However, under his advice, he left College, without taking the M. A. degree, and
took up practice, apprenticing himself under Mir Mohamad Taqi, a pleader at Rai
Bareilly, from whom he received considerable practical knowledge and legal grounding.
Advice and guidance he also received from Shahzada Mirza Humayun Qadr, an official,
who happened to be at Rai Bareilly in those days. Mirza Samiullah Beg and Babu Shiv
Sahai had made a vow that in this life, they would work together and rise or fall together.
As students. they used to hatch great schemes for the uplift of their mother country.
His heart was therefore always in Lucknow where his dearest friend resided. But by
the time he proceeded to Lueknow in 1897 to settle down and start practice there
permanently, the cruel hand of death had snatched Mr. Sahai away. He was a noble
soul who might have blossomed into another Gokhale of India. This gave a great shock
to Mirza Samiullah Beg. However, he started his practice independently which might
otherwise have been jointly with Mr. Shiv Sahai. His knowledge of legal acumen, general
ability and honesty of purpose soon established him in the profession and before many
years he came to the forefront at the bar. In the year 1915, the Government of the United
Provinces, recognizing his undoubted abilities raised him to the rank of an Advocate in
the Court of the Judicial Commissioner of Oudh. In 1916 Lord Meston, the Governor of
the United Provinces, nominated him to the Provincial Legislative Council.

As a member of the Legislative Council he took a great interest in educational

matters and was a keen advocate of constitutional reforms.

One fine evening, in April 1918, he was amazed to receive a telegram from Nawab
Sir Ameen Jung Bahadur, Chief Secretary to His Exalted Highness, asking him whether
he would accept the post of the Chief Justiceship of Hyderabad. Sir Harcourt Butler,
the then Governor of the Province, tried to dissuade him from accepting the post in
Hyderabad as he had already recommended to the Government of India for appointing
him as an Additional Judicial Commissioner of Oudh. However, Mirza Samiullah Beg
decided to serve the Nizam’s State and took charge of the post of Chief Justice in
September 1918.

In 1922, His Exalted Highness, in recognition of his services conferred upon him
the title of Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur.

Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur is a very conscientious and impartial Judge and
his decisions are of a high order and bear the imprint of a learned judge. He not only

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 453

enjoys great popularity among his brother Judges, but also among the members of the
Bar and the general public.

His political views are well set forth in a masterly manner in a long article on
Dominion Status for India and copies of which he had circulated among the members
of the Round Table Conference. Those who have had the privilege of seeing this note
are agreed as to the masterly presentation of India’s case.

One important and far reaching reform which he initiated was the separation of
judicial from executive functions. In 1922 the Magisterial powers enjoyed by 15
Talukdars, 42 Assistant Talukdars and 92 Tahsildars were taken away and purely Judicial
Officers were appointed. Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur, referring to the above reform
said. “Thanks to the co-operation of the high officials of the Revenue Department and
to the good sense displayed by our Judiciary as a whole. I can this day say with
confidence that the scheme has succeeded beyond my expectations. It has already
worked for an appreciable period and the most critical stage of trial has passed away.
Every day the prospects of success are brighter. I believe that I echo the sentiment of
the public mind at large when I say that they are happier under the new system and
that the Government has secured more confidence in the public mind, an asset, the
value of which can never be too much exaggerated n. By consistent efforts to promote
the efficiency of the Judicial Courts the Chief Justice has been instrumental in markedly
reducing the average duration of appeals. By such prompt disposal of cases the Courts
have become very popular. The new imposing High Court building on the southern
bank of the Musi, providing accommodation for all branches of work, is due to Nawab
Mirza Yar Jung’s ceaseless labours for bringing the Judicial service on par with that
obtaining in British India. Suitable Court buildings have also come into existence in the
districts and the Chief Justice is in constant touch with the officers. He is also instru-
mental in doing away with petty Judicial tests as a pass-post for practicing in Courts
and appointments. The Osmania University law degree or any equivalent thereto was
insisted upon with the result that many well qualified and cultured Officers adorn the
benches of magisterial, district and City courts.

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454 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Zoolcader Jung Bahadur

AWAB (Mirza Mahomed) Zoolcader Jung Bahadur M. A. (Cantab), Bar-
at-Law, Middle Temple, Secretary to His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s
Government in the Judicial, Police and General Departments, traces his
descent to Ameer Taimur, known in English History as “Tamerlane”. Sufi Sabz Posh,


one of his ancestors, soldier and statesman, after serving as “Kalam Bardar “, or Chief
Minister, of Bokhara, being of a religious turn of mind eventually renounced the world,
and took up his abode in Fyzabad, a place very near Bokhara, where his shrine is held
in deep reverence to this day. His great grand-father, Mirza Jeewan Beg, being full of
zeal and ambition, entered India in the early years of the nineteenth century. As there
was no lack of military employment in those days, the brothers found enough work to

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 455

while away their time until Ranjeet Singh, the Lion of the Punjab, in recognition of their
military genius and valour gave them high military commands in his army; but they
soon left him to serve the Emperor of India and finally settled down in Delhi.

Mirza Ashraf Beg, the other brother, who was given the title of Ashraf-ul-Dowlah
by the Delhi Emperor, and Mirza Jeewan Beg both fought under Lord Lake at the battle
of Koel in the Punjab. They lived and died at Delhi long before the Mutiny, full of years
and honours. Mirza Jeewan Beg had four sons. The eldest Mirza Afzul Beg, became in
time Vakil between the Imperial Government and the East India Company. Mirza Akbar
Beg the great grand-father of the Nawab preferred freedom and travelled about
extensively. He was almost the first Indian to visit Italy and learnt the art of watch-
making. His grand-father. Mirza Mogul Beg married Emperor Bahadur Shah’s own
niece. He is thus related to the Imperial family of Delhi.’ Nawab Mirza Asadullah Khan,
Najem-ud-Dowlah Dabir-ul-Mulk, Nizam Jung, Ghalib the great poet and savant was
the Nawab’s grand uncle on his mother’s side. Another uncle, Mirza Abbas Beg was
taken to Lucknow by Sir Charles Lawrence and for the distinguished services, rendered
during the Mutiny, he was created a Talukdar of Oudh and given the estate of Baragaon
in the Sitapur District, which is still held by the family. Nawab Zoolcader Jung’s father,
Nawab Aga Mirza Beg Khan, Server Jung, Server-ud-Dowlah, Server-ul-Mulk Bahadur
came to Hyderabad in 1872, highly recommended to Sir Salar Jung the Great by General
Lucid Barrow, a great supporter of the Mussalmans of Oudh. Sir Salar Jung immediately
appointed him tutor to his two sons and a few years later in recognition of his exceptional
abilities placed him in charge of His late Highness’ education. When His late Highness
ascended the throne, Nawab Server-ul-Mulk remained in voluntary retirement until
1891, bur during the end of Sir Asman Jah’s regime he was appointed Chief Peshi
Secretary to the Nizam. The history of those stirring times, until Sir Vikar-ul-Umra
retired, is in brief the story of Nawab Server-ul-Mulk’s life. He framed the famous
Constitution of the State, known as the “Qanuncha Mubarak” and in fact overhauled
the whole administration of the State and placed it on a new and up-to-date footing. He
retired from service in 1896 and the late Nizam in consideration of his great and faithful
services graciously allowed him his full pay of Rs. 2,000 per month and Rs. 700 Mansab,
as pension.

Nawab Zoolcader Jung was born in 1875. After receiving his education successively
at the Madrasa-e-Aiza, St. George’s Grammar School, and the Scottish High School,
Bombay, he passed his Matriculation from the Madras University in 1893. His late
Highness the Nizam again in recognition of his Father’s great services sent him to

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456 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

England as a Special State Scholar in September 1894. In October of the same year he
joined Christ’s College, Cambridge, took his B. A. Degree in June 1897 and his M. A., in
1899. He passed his Bar Examination, Middle Temple, in December 1899. On his return
early in 1900, he was appointed 3rd City Magistrate and then after being successively
made the Second and the Chief City Magistrate, he was elevated to the High Court
Bench in 1907. He retired from service in August 1915 and for a while resided in
Lucknow. On the 13th June 1921 His Exalted Highness the Nizam graciously recalled
him to Hyderabad and gave him the appointment of the Home Secretaryship which he
held most efficiently.

Time came when he had to retire from active service in 1927. When he relinquished
his office it was felt that it was not easy to fill the vacancy. Nawab Zookader being an
officer of wide experience and straight forwardness made himself so indispensable
that Government could ill afford to lose his services.

We are glad that after the lapse of six years Nawab Zoolcader Jung has been recalled
to his post and we sincerly congratulate him on the recognition he has merited at the
hands of His Exalted Highness the Nizam, and wish him a long lease of official life.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 457

Captain Kailash Nath Waghray, M. R. C. P.

CAPTAIN Waghray was born in 1893, educated in Sitapur, U. P. and finally in

Lucknow. He then studied Medicine in the University of Allahabad and obtained:the
M. B., B. S., degree in 1917. He married, in a well known family in Hyderabad.

His first appointment was in the Medical Department of the United Provinces in
1917. He was later given temporary commission in the Indian Medical Service during
the Great European War.

He returned from war services in 1920 and later joined the Hyderabad Military
Medical Service. In 1932 he went to Europe and after attending various Medical
institutions in England and Vienna was enrolled M. R. C. P. of London in 1933.

Dr. Waghray is an efficient Medical Officer of Government, social, and highly


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458 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

M.B.B.S. & M.R.C.P. (London)

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 459

Mr. Mazhar Hussain

R. Mazhar Hussain, the third son of Nawab Arusto Yar Jung Bahadur, ,
born in Hyderabad on the 26th of Khurdad 1303 F. (1st May 1894) and
educated both in the Nizam College, Hyderabad, and the Muslim College
at Aligarh, went to Edinburgh in 1910 for higher studies in Arts and specialisation in
agricultural science. He had a brilliant career at the Edinburgh University and after
obtaining his M. A. degree took B. Sc. in 1914. But for the world war Mr. Mazhar Hussain
would have toured round Europe in search of knowledge in agriculture. However,
that did not prevent him from entering Government service and making the best use of
his talents acquired and cultivated.

In 1324 F. (21st June 1915) he was appointed in the Revenue Department as a third
Talukdar in the Nizamabad district. As he had a natural bent for agriculture, Government
deputed him to British India to study the system of co-operative dairying in Bombay
and the Central Provinces. On his return to Hyderabad, after a period of eighteen months,
he was appointed Director of the Agriculture Department on the 15th Bahman 1328 F.
(l9th December 1918), when Mr. John Kenny vacated that office.

Mr. Mazhar Hussain took a keen interest in the reorganisation and development of
the Agriculture Department. Due to his initiative and enterprise the agricultural farms
of Himayat Sagar, Parbhani, Mahbubnagar and Alir came into existence and exerted
their educative influence on the agriculturist community of the areas embraced by the
farms. He introduced tractor ploughing on Government farms and thus encouraged
the use of improved implements among the ryots. On taccavi system such agricultural
implements and pumping sets were given to cultivators. He was also instrumental in
persuading Government to issue to ryots free of interest two and a half lakhs worth of
seeds and manures every year. The growth of Gaorani cotton was revived replacing
Bharat cotton in Parbhani, Bidar, and Nander.

During his term of Office as Director, Government sanctioned his schemes for cattle
breeding and dairying, poultry farming, plant breeding in cotton, wheat, paddy, castor
and jawar, propaganda work, demonstration of practical methods of more profitable
ways of cultivation on farmer’s own fields, exhibitions, wellboring, etc. The” Rahbar-e-
Mazareen” a magazine devoted to agricultural topics was started and made the medium
of disseminating agricultural knowledge to the cultivators. At the instance of Sir Sadar
Azam Bahadur’s D. O. asking for a brief survey of the work (Jone in this State with a

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460 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 461

comparative statement showing the work done in the Bombay and Madras Presidencies
and the Mysore State during the same period, Mr. Mazhar Hussain submitted the said
sketch which conclusively proved that although the Agricultural Department of Bombay
and Madras and Mysore were working for the past fifty years and more in some cases,
the Agricultural Department of H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions having only a short
life of 14 years, had turned out work which compared most favourably with theirs in
every branch, considering the men and mony placed at his disposal for the purpose.
Thus, Mr. Mazhar Hussain endeavoured to make the Department as efficient and useful
as it was when he handed over his office on the 29th May 1930 to Mr. Nizamuddin
Hydar. He is now attached to the Revenue Department for statistical work.

Mr. Mazhar Hussain is an unassuming, simple and straightforward officer and his
private life is exemplary to all who come in contact with him. He is still young and has
a great future before him. He has, with a view to improve the statistical work recently
visited some of the districts and the Madras Statistical Department.

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462 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nawab Nazir Yar Jung Bahadur

HE High Court of Judicature of His Exalted Highness the Nizam, as at present
constituted and worked, is in no way inferior to any High Court in British
India from the point of view of efficiency and conscientiousness in the
disposal of cases, civil and criminal. It has not, of course, built a name for itself for the
weight and authority of its judicial pronouncements such as the High Courts of Calcutta,
Allahabad, Madras and Bombay. One explanation is that our High Court administers
and interprets law as modified and adopted to the peculiar conditions and traditions of
these Dominions and we have also to take into consideration the fact that the Court
looks to the spirit and interpretations adopted in the judgements pronounced in the
British courts which may rightly be termed, in one sense, as the parental courts. As
time advances, our High Court is bound to create great traditions of its own and deliver
judgments on great points of law in general application to India, which will be read
and considered with respect, though not quoted in British courts for the simple reason
that there is no judicial relationship between them and our own.

The High Court first came into existence during the time of that illustrious statesman,
Sir Salar Jung the first, and gradually attained its present position of eminence, efficiency
and respectability. While the credit of the inauguration of the High Court belongs to Sir
Salar Jung, its efficiency and eminence are the results of the cultured and conscientious
work of judges like Nawab Jabbar Yar Jung Bahadur, Nawab Sir Nizamat Jung Bahadur,
Pandit Keshev Rao, Nawah Hakim-ud-Daula, Nawab Sarbuland Jung, Nawab Mirza
Yar Jung Bahadur and Nawab Nazir Yar Jung Bahadur, all of the men of great talents
and legal attainments.

Nawab Nazir Yar Jung Bahadur (Nazir-ud-din Hassan) M. A., LL. D., Barrister -
at-Law, comes of a family which may be very fittingly described as dispensers of justice.
For three generations the members of the family have presided over courts of justice
here and in British India and have been known to be influential, yet stern, combining
mercy with justice.

Nawab Nazir Yar Jung Bahadur is the only son of Moulvi Muhammad Nizamuddin
Hassan, B. A., B. L. late judge of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s High Court and
prior to this appointment he was a Deputy Commissioner in the Berars where he
acquired considerable knowledge of law and revenue matters. It may be mentioned
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 463

here that a Deputy Commissioner in the Central Provinces and Berar ranks like our
own Talukdars and the Commissioner of a Division is equal in rank to a Subedar.


The Nawab’s grand-father, Moulvi Muhammad Hassan Khan, was also a Judge of
His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s High Court of Judicature. But before joining our
Court he was a judge in the British district of Agra. Thus we see the Nawab’s father and
grandfather were both high judicial officers, both having been Judges of the Nizam’s
High Court. Few men, we think, have the good fortune of claiming both father and
grandfather as judges of a High Court and it is creditable to the Nawab, while still in
the middle of life, that he has attained to the high position occupied by his sire and

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464 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Dr. Nazir Yar Jung traces his descent on his mother’s side from the first Khalif,
Abu Bakr when the descendants of the Khalif migrated into India cannot be accurately
said, but family records show that the Nawab’s ancestors held high positions under the
great Moghul Emperors, especially in the judicial and military departments. It is indeed
a vary remarkable fact that a family should have held high judicial posts generation
following generation. This often occurs where the arms are concerned and also the
trades, but very rarely where the higher, intellectual professions are concerned. The
judicial mind appears to have been a heritage in the Nawab’s family and we trust that
this remarkable and glorious tradition will continue and suffer no break.

Dr. Nazir Yar Jung Bahadur was born at Neotori in the Unao district of the United
Provinces on the 20th of March 1882. He started his scholastic career at the M A. O.
College, Aligarh, in 1893, when he was about eleven years old and eleven years
afterwards took his B. A degree. While at College, he was not only a studious young
man but an athelete as well evincing as much zeal and passion for sports as for his
studies. He was the captain of his College riding school and Infantry drill squads and a
member of his College hockey eleven. He not only won a number of prizes for his
scholastic attainments but also for sporting achievements and was deservedly popular
at the College which was at that time at the zenith of its fame.

After graduating from the Aligarh University the Nawab proceeded to England,
thanks to the continuous and warm encouragement given to him by his father. He
joined the University of Cambridge from where he took his M. A. and L. L D. degrees
and was called to the Bar from Lincoln’s Inn.

When in England, he travelled a good deal not only in the British Isles, but also
through France, Germany, Switzerland. Spain, Marocco, Algiers, Italy, Greece,
Constantinople and Egypt.

On returning to India, he commenced practice in Lucknow having enrolled himself

as an Advocate of the High Court there. However, he did not confine himself to a purely
professional life but took an active part in the public life and activities of Lucknow and
showed his practical sympathy with all movements connected with the progress of
education in India. A little later he was elected a member of the Council of the All-India
Moslim League, a Trustee of the M. A. O. College, Aligarh, and of the Nadavatul Ulma,
and Honorary Secretary of the Oudh Red Crescent Society and of the Turkish Relief
Fund, and Joint Secretary of the Congress Reception Committee in 1916 and Honorary

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 465

Joint Secretary of the Oudh Bar Association. He joined the Indian Defence Force in 1917
and was a member of it till its disbandment after the war.

After a period of successsful advocacy in northern India, he was appointed by His

Exalted Highness the Nizam as the Divisional and Sessions Judge of Aurangabad,
whence he was transferred to Hyderabad, then to Medak and later to Gulburgah.

While at Aurangabad, Hyderabad and Gulburgah Dr. Nazir Yar Jung took an
abiding interest in all public movements connected with education, charity and religion.
At Gulburgah he was mainly instrumental in bringing about an “entente cordiale”
between the various communities whose mutual relations had become seriously strained
a few months before he took charge of office as Divisional and Sessions Judge.

After successfully administering justice at Gulburga he was raised to the High Court
as a Puisne Judge by a Farman of His Exalted Highness the Nizam dated the 23rd
Jamadi-ul-AwaI 1344 Hijri.

On the 5th Isfandar 1334 Fasli His Exalted Highness was pleased to confer the title
of Nawab Nazir Yar Jung Bahadur in recognition of his personal and family services to
the State.

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466 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Bahadur Giri Rao

AJA Bahadur Giri Rao, who is one of the two Hindu High Court Judges, is
a Kanarese Vaishnava Brahmin of the Madhava sect, and was born at
Gajendragad, a small native state in the district of Dharwar, which is almost
surrounded by villages belonging to the Kushtagi taluk of the Raichur district in the
Nizam’s Dominions.


In his boyhood there were no English schools and he was compelled, therefore, to
receive his education in Persian schools in the district of Lingsugur. He received his
education in Persian and chose law for his profession. Passing the third grade
Pleadership examination as conducted by the State, he began practice in the Raichur

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 467

While practising he prepared himself for the higher grade examinations and
eventually became a High Court Vakil. This was in the year 1298 F. In 1314 Fasli he
moved to Hyderabad and commenced his practice here. Gifted with and possessed of
natural abilities, ever painstaking and conscientious in the careful study of his case, the
interests of his clients, and the faithful discharge of his duties, he established a firm
reputation for himself and won general esteem. He was held in considerable respect by
his brethren of the Bar who showed their appreciation of his abilities and their deep
trust in him by twice electing him to the Legislative Council as representative of the
High Court Pleaders’ Association. He was also an elected member of the Municipality
for a couple of years.

His first big professional engagement when he was selected by the Government to
act as junior to Mr. Yousuf Ali, Barrister-at-Law, in the case of the Sarf-i-khas versus the
Paigabs, in regard to which the enquiry was held before a Commission presided over
by Sir Reginald (then Mr.) Glancy who was at that time Minister of Finance. Later he
was appointed, by direct command of His Exalted Highnes the Nizam as a member of
a Commission in the Ecclesiastical Department and while working on this Commission
he was appointed to the Judgeship.

The title of Raja Bahadur was conferred upon him by His Exalted Highness the
Nizam last year in recognition of his eminent legal services to the Government and

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468 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Bahadur Rai Bisweshwarnath

AI Bisweshwarnath B. A., L. L. B., an Advocate of considerable repute and
standing who enioys an excellent practice at the Hyderabad High Court, is
one of the “leading public workers in the course of social reform and
educational advancements and the Hindu community owes much to him for his
disinterested work and energetic advocacy of the two causes with which his name,
with those of others, is now being prominently associated.


The Rai belongs to a very respectable and talented family of Oudh in Northern
India and traced his descent, on his fathers side, from one Amolak Ram who was one of
the Subedhars of Malwa, during the time of the Moghul Government, and, on his
mother’s side, from Raja Mahipat Ram of Hyderabad celebrity. His grandmother, Ranee
Sundar Kunwar, drew till her death, a pension from H. E. H. the Nizam’s Government,
drawing the sum every month from the Treasury of the Hyderabad Residency.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 469

The Rai was born on the 6th November 1888 and, after completing his preparatory
education in the Government High School, Hyderabad. joined the Queen’s College,
Benares, and from there graduated in Arts in the year 1909. He then took up Law as a
profession and studying at the Agra College took the LL.B. degree and came to
Hyderabad in 1912 and began his practice in the same year as a First Grade Pleader. By
dint of hard and conscientious labour, combined with a courteous, unsuppled temper,
he soon won popularity and gradually built up a practice of which his friends and
admirers and associates in social work are justly proud. His own Colleagues at the Bar
so appreciated his ability and noted the excellent character of his work that they elected
him as the representative of the Bar Electorate for two years on the Hyderabad Legislative
Council. During this period (1334 and 1335 F.) he was able to introduce several measures
by way of Legislative Enactments which were keenly appreciated by his colleagues on
account of their public importance and practical utility. He is a member of the Hyderabad
Municipality for the past five years and has been instrumental in introducing several
measures for the well being of the people and the improvement and progress of the
City, and in 1930 he was elected as a Vice President of the Hyderabad Municipality. His
work in the sphere of social reform, embracing education as well, has already been
referred to and we take this opportunity to express the wish that he may be blessed
with health and vigour to extend the field of his labours. Such men as he, supported by
general culture and imbued with the spirit of British, Islamic and Hindu law, are greatly
needed by the country. He was appointed a Judge of the High Court last year to the
great satisfaction of his friends of the Bar and the Bench.

He was awarded the title of Raja Bahadur Rai Bisweshwarnath in consideration of

his meritorious services to the State on the occasion of 49th Birthday of H. E. H. the
Nizam. He was also privileged to join all the functions connected with the State visits
of Lorld Willingdon, Viceroy and Governer-General of India, in 1933.

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470 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mrs. Soogra Humayan Mirza

RS. Soogra Humayun Mirza was born in December 1882 in the City of
Hyderabad. She is the daughter of the late Doctor Safdar Ali Mirza, a
Captain-Surgeon in the Hyderabad Regular Forces and a Turk by
nationality. Dr. Safdar Ali’s father, the late Haji Morad Effendi, came to Hyderabad
(Deccan) during the reign of Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II and chose a business career, in
partnership with Uban Saheb, the grand-father of the late Nawab Mirza Fiaz Ali Khan.,
by establishing a sword manufactory in Kona Samunder (a Jagir village of the late Nawab

Mrs. Soogra Humayun Mirza received her education at home. Mrs. Mirza’s mother,
who was well versed in Arabic and Persian, was really her Alma Mater.

Soogra Begum was married to Mr. Syed Humayun Mirza, Bar-at-Law, in December
1900 and from 1902 she began to take an interest in national work.

In conjunction with Mrs. Walker (now Lady Walker) and a few other ladies of
Hyderabad she founded “the Zenana Social” Association which has now a membership
of over 200 women of varying religions and creeds. In 1917, by the joint effort of the late
Mrs. Khedive Jung and Mrs. Humayun Mirza the Anjuman-i-Khavatin-Islam was
founded, of which she was the Secretary for three years. She established two Girls Schools
under its auspices which are now receiving a monthly grant of Rs.200 in recognition of
the work done by this Association.

A Zenana Store was established as a branch of the Osmania Art School and a
Women’s Committee was formed to direct and supervise its work and of which she
was made the Secretary. In the same year the educated Hindu ladies of Hyderabad
formed a Ladies Union Society and Mrs. Mirza was given the honour of being the only
non-Hindu member of the Union. In 1918, during Mrs. Mirza’s stay in Delhi she founded
the Anjuman-i-Khavatin-i-Delhi (open to members of all castes and creeds) of which
Her Highness the Begum Sahiba of Patodi was elected President. In the same year she
was invited by Her Highness the Begum Sahiba and former Ruler of Bhopal to join the
All India Ladies Conference started by Her Highness. In 1919 she founded the Anjuman-
i-Khavatin, Deccan. in Hyderabad which has a membership of over 150 ladies of all
castes and creeds. She was President of it for several years. The Anjuman has established
seven Girls schools in different quarters of Hyderabad. These schools receive monthly
grants from the Government. In 1912 Mrs. Mirza founded a similar Anjuman during
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 471

her stay at Madras. In association with Mrs. Engler and Mrs. Rustomji she founded a
branch organisation in Hyderabad of the All India Ladies Conference held at Poona in
1927 under the Presidentship of Her Highness the Maharani of Baroda.

Mrs. Mirza is interested in literary pursuits. She contributes many articles from
time to time to different newspapers and monthly Magazines of northern India
advocating social reform. She is also the authoress of several books on female education

In 1912 she started a monthly magazine called the ‘Alnisa’ of which she is the
editoress and proprietress. In appreciation of her works and her literary efforts the
high officials and nobles of Hyderabad presented her with a Gold Medal at a meeting
of ladies through Lady Walker. She is also the recipient of another Gold Medal from
the All India Shiah Conference held at Jhung (Punjab) in 1913.

She was made an honorary member of the Hyderabad Text Book Committee in
1920 and a member of the Indian Branch of the International Congress of Moral
Education (London). In 1923 she was made a member of the Royal Asiatic Society of
London. She is a poetess as well and her poetical non-de-plume is Hija.

She got a travellers’ home built at Manoharabad of which the late poet Sultan-ul-
Ulema, the teacher of His Exalted Highness the Nizam, wrote some poems and the
meaning of the last line is “live for ever Soogra Serai”. The letters of this line when
given their numerical value gives the date of the foundation of the home. She assisted
in collecting funds for the Aligarh College, the relief of the sufferers of Moosi flood, the
Muslim University, Turks-Balkan War, the Khaja Kamaluddin Mission to Woking,
England, the victims to an earth quake in Persia, the distressed people of Smyrna, and

Mrs. Humayun Mirza has travelled a good deal in Arabia, Persia and Europe to
widen her knowledge. She was presented to the Queen, attended a royal garden party
and addressed meetings of associations and institutions. During her stay in Berlin
(Germany) she addressed an Association of the Indian Students in Berlin; in Switzerland
she was the guest of the deposed Caliph Sultan Abdul Majid II and his royal wife. The
subjects of her lectures and writings are of varied interest, such as Hindu-Moslem unity,
emancipation of Indian women, evils of purdah system, encouragement of the use of
Swadeshi goods, prevention of cow slaughter, need of national universities and
vernacular-medium of instruction. She is well informed in all these matters and her
opinions carry weight.
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472 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sri Guru Mallappa Maharaj

o the list of notables of Hyderabad State we venture to add one who was
held in high esteem in the religious world of Hyderabad. The various
religions, of which the Deccan was a cradle in the past, have produced many
saints. One of the votaries of Hinduism was Sri Guru Mallappa Maharaj, son of Sri
Guru Virappa Maharaj of Samastan Owsa, Latur Taluq, Osmanabad district.

The grandfather of Sri Guru Mallappa Maharaj, was a Lingayat by caste. By

occupation he was a trader in Nilanga. He was highly respected by sahukars and men
of his own calling for his sincerity, devotion to God, and spirit of brotherhood, which
characterised every aspect of his life. His sense of philanthropy knew no bounds of
caste or creed. His idea of religion was not hide bound as he freely and deeply drank of
the knowledge and wisdom of eminent devotees, teachers and gurus of religions other
than his own. His life was unblemished but it willed Providence to shut the womb of
his wife. The desire of the loving couple for a son was indescribable. Although they
might rest content with their lot, their childlessness was a reproach in the sight of his
neighbours. Both husband and wife were hospitable not only to the neighbours but
also to visitors. Sadhus and saints were sought for and Mallappa and his wife ministered
to them that they might intercede on their behalf for a child. Mallappa’s wife was
charitable to the poor. She gave alms to several persons daily. Hundreds came from
distant parts to be fed and clothed by her. The catholicity of mind, which both the
husband and wife had, brought them in touch with a famous Muslim saint who predicted
to Mallappa that in due time Madhu Bai, wife of Mallappa, would conceive and bring
forth a son who would be beloved of God, charitable, wise and respected. Seeing that
they were a little advanced in age Mallappa and his wife were prone to slight the words
of the Muslim saint but when time came Madhu Bai conceived and brought forth a son
in the year Shrawan Badshak, 1692 (1771 A. D.).

The joy of the relatives and friends of Mallappa Maharaj on the birth of a son had
better be imagined than described. The rich and the poor rejoiced with Mallappa, who
distributed money, food and clothing to all in thankfulness to God. On the occasion of
cradle ceremony Hazrat Peer Pasha

Saheb visited Mallappa and, taking the child on his lap, presented his green turban
to the child and spoke to him in these words :-”you are more exalted than I am; kindly
accept this humble gift (turban) from me”. Virappa in all his innocence and beauty of

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 473

countenance seemed to express his acknowledgment by a smile. The child grew in
knowledge and wisdom and kept close contact with the Peer who was a source of great
inspiration in matters spiritual.


Veerappa used to make a pilgrimage to Pandharpur every year. Although he could

command a comfortable conveyance for his journey he preferred to go afoot in company
with other pilgrims.

He became so famous for his piety and philanthropy that Maharaja Chandu Lal,
the then Minister of Hyderabad, invited him to Hyderabad, but Veerappa Maharaj
declined the invitation remarking “What have I to do with Rajas and Maharajas?” His
mother wishing to erect a tangible memorial on the birth of Veerappa constructed a
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474 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

temple at Owsa and dedicated it to Sri Pandurang Vithoba. It is a splendid structure
costing more than two lakhs of rupees.

Veerappa married and had a son to whom he gave hig father’s name, Mallappa,
the subject of this biographical sketch. He was born in 1836. At the time of his birth a
shaft of bright light shot into the room where the expectant mother was in labour. She
was immediately delivered of the child and all persons who had assembled to help the
woman in travail marvelled at the wonderful manifestation of God’s grace on the new
born child. Veerappa Maharaj was immediately called in and he thanked God for the
gift of the son and while invoking the blessings of the creator taught the child to call
upon the name of Hari Ram and Hari Kishen and to weep for the material and sinful

The birth of a child for Veerappa under such strange circumstances was noised
abroad and many sadhus and hermits flocked to pay dharshan to the child. The child
was brought up in the fear of God. He was peculiarly different from the children of the
town. As a boy he easily distinguished himselt from others. His association with great
men was a source of inspiration to him. His greatness was known to Raja Ram Bux, the
Prime Minister of Hyderabad, who presented him with a Jagir of the villages of Naogaon
and Hassi together with a sanad sanctioning the expenses of Shri Eknath Sarseti
celebration. The young but celebrated saint was not very mindful of the gift. He merely
accepted it saying that the jagir would go as it came. Indeed, it so happened that a
Jagirdar of Hyderabad quietly annexed Hassi to his estate and Naogaon went under
British administration and later returned to the State.

Mallappa Maharaj paid yearly visits to Pandharpur. On one occasion about ten
thousand persons went along with him. It was raining hard, and all the streams and
rivers were full of water. Hardly they reached the bank of Sita River, there was a flood
in the river and it was impossihle to cross it. It was necessary however to reach
Pandharpur on the day fixed. Everyone was terrified seeing the flood in the river and
tried in vain to stop him from going further, but he went on though his clothes were
wet and the wave was surging high. But without taking any notice of these things he
went on his way. When the water came over his head his companions thought he was
drowned. Some of them went there swimming to save him but there they found a strange
scene of God Sri Krishna standing before Maharaj who was singing and dancing in

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 475

After some time there was neither rain nor the flood. The river was flowing smoothly
and low. Those who were with him were fortunate enough to see the God Sri Krishna
while others who, on account of fear, sat on the bank, were sorry for their misfortune.

In the year 1886 the late Nawab Sir Asmanjah Bahadur was Prime Minister. At this
time Sri Guru Maharaj came to the city and stayed at a garden in Narainguda. When
time came for his return Sir Asmanjah hearing of the Guru Maharaj sent an officer to
invite him for a brief stay at Bashir Bagh.

A miracle he performed on the occasion of his son’s (Gundanath Maharaj) wedding.

Many thousand guests attended the marriage ceremony and a sum of three lakhs of
rupees was spent to feed the people. Already the supply of ghee had run out and there
was a stir at the marriage house as to what to do. The news was conveyed to the Guru
Maharaj who nonchalantly orderd that his shawl may be kept on the mouth of the well
closeby and draw as much ghee from it as was required. The servants let in buckets and
drew ghee like water. This well is still venerated.

Guru Maharaj was always accompanied by admirers and disciples who numbered
many hundreds. In 1891 he attended an annual festival (utsav) which was held under
the management of Raja Girdhari Pershad. At that utsav were present Sir Asmanjah,
Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, Maharaja Sheoraj Dharamwant Bahadur, and
Raja Luchman Raja Rai Pershad Bahadur. These nobles paid due respect to Guru Maharaj
who was extremely solicitous to the numerous persons around him.

Guru Maharaj died in 1914 A. D. after installing his son Veerappa Guru Baba in his
place. Before passing away he had bhajan and worship.

In all, he had four sons, the second son died. The eldest, Gundu Baba, is managing
the Estate. The last, Mallappa Maharaj, has stepped into his father’s shoes as a religious

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476 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Dr. Mir Mahomed Sayyid-ud-din
Tafazzul Yab Jung Fiaz-ud-Daula
Afsur-ul-Hukuma Bahadur

A WAB Fiaz-ud-Daula Bahadur belonged to an order of noblemen
distinguished for service to the crown and country. He was born in the
year 1857. His grandfather Sadick Mir Khan, who lived during the early
years of the nineteenth century, was a superior officer of the Subah of Bidar. As he held
jagirs in the district of Nander, the palace erected by him still exists there. He died
leaving four sons namely Mir Nizamuddin Khan, Mir Imamuddin Khan alias Katai
Mir, Mir Fariduddin Khan, and Mir Bahauddin Khan, all of whom were Mansabdars of
His Highness’ Government, but the third, Mir Fariduddin Khan Bahadur, who enjoyed
the special favour of His Highness Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur married the daughter of
Nawab Saif-ul-Mulk, and niece of His Highness the Nizam, who was pleased to confer
upon him the title of Tafazzul Yab Jung Bahadur and presented him with an elephant
and a jagir for his maintenance. Nawab Tafazzul Yab Jung after leading an honourable
life died without issue.

The eldest, Mir Nizamuddin Khan, after leading a quiet and honourable life died
leaving a son, Mir Mahomed Sayyid-ud-din, the subject of our sketch.

After gaining sufficient knowledge of Arabic and the Persian languages he

transferred his Mansab in the name of his younger brother and joined the Hyderabad
Medical school in the year 1872, where after undergoing the usual course of five years
training obtained his diploma from the hands of the late Sir Salar Jung Bahadur in the
year 1878 and served His Highness’ Government for a period of ten years with great
credit. He was regarded as one of the exceptionally able men in the medical line. Surgeon
Colonel Lawrie, the then Director of the Medical Department, submitted a report to
His Highness’ Government stating that some of the operations made by the Doctor
Saheb were very successful and worthy of appreciation and equalled those conducted
by the best of European Surgeons and that therefore he deserved the rights of a suitable
present, the title and the ancient mansab as well as the right of promotion to higher
grades when opportunity occurred.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 477


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478 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

In the Ministerial Darbar held by Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, the Minister, presented
the Doctor with a gold watch bearing the following inscription;-

“Presented by His Excellency the Minister to

“Hakim Mir Mahomed Sayyid-ud-din for the first

“successful Ovariotomy performed in the districts”.

He was then appointed a Police Surgeon. Amirs and noblemen gradually came
under his treatment and as such Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur appointed him
as his family Doctor. In the year 1893 on the occasion of His Highness’ birthday ceremony
the title of Tafazzul Yab Jung was conferred upon him by His Highness the late Nizam
with a mansab of Rs. 1200. In the year 1901 when the Maharaja Bahadur became Prime
Minister, the Doctor Saheb was made his Staff Surgeon with a considerable increase in
his salary.

In 1905 His Highness the late Nizam in consideration of his faithful services
honoured him with the title of Afsur-ul-Hukuma Fiaz-ud-Daula Bahadur. He so ably
discharged the duties of Police and Staff Surgeon that when Nawab Salar Jung III became
Prime Minister, Nawab Fiaz-ud-Daula was made his Staff Surgeon in addition to his
original duties.

Nawab Fiaz-ud-Daula Bahadur died in the year 1918 leaving three sons (1) Mir
Imad-ud-din Khan (2) Mir Nizam-ud-din Khan and (3) Mir Mohiuddin Khan.

The eldest Mir Imad-ud-din Khan was born in the year 1895. After he had finished
his school education, the then Prime Minister Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur made him a
Revenue probationer. After receiving sufficient training in revenue and customs work
he was sent to Nizamabad for practical work. When this was over the district officers
under whom he served seeing his activities and intelligence strongly recommended
him to the Secretariat for special encouragement. 1n the year 1918 a department of
Controller of Civil Supplies was newly created and he was appointed Inspector 1st
grade and sent to Nanded where, owing to famine and scarcity of grains, prices of the
necessaries of life had greatly increased and everything was in confusion. After going
over the rules and regulations issued for his guidance, he worked very hard, relieved
the distress of the poor, a piece of service which made him very popular all over the

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 479

Of the other two sons, we may make special reference to MIR MOHIUDDIN KHAN
who was born in 1308 F. From his infancy he had the good fortune of being and living
in company with cultured Englishmen and women in Hyderabad. He so quickly
acquired English ways and manners that he gave promise of a good career. As a pupil
of the Madrasa Aliya he acquitted himself well and proceeded to Edinburgh for higher
studies. He had intended to study medicine after matriculating and follow his father’s
occupation but the great war so depleted the medical colleges in Great Britain that no
institution was in session and prepared to admit fresh candidates. He therefore joined
the B. Sc. course with a view to qualifying for agriculture; but the circumstances were
adverse and after three years course in certain special subjects, Mir Mohiuddin Khan
was recalled home. On his return to Hyderabad he married a daughter of Nawab Fasih
Jung Bahadur, Secretary to Government in the Revenue Department, and was recruited
to revenue service. He was a Third Talukdar exercising judicial functions and passed
Revenue Tests. When the judicial line was separated from the Revenue, Mir Mohiuddin
Khan was transferred to the Statistics Department as the Assistant. He is now attached
to that Department. He is a good, refined and honest official and very charitable.

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480 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 481

Nawab Akbar Yar Jung Bahadur

AWAB Akbar Yar Jung Bahadur who is the Secretary to Government in
the Judicial, Police and General Departments, was until recently a Judge
of the Hyderabad High Court, and belongs to a very ancient family of the
Afridi tribe in Afghanistan which migrated into India in the middle of the eighteenth
century and settled in Karimganj in the district of Farukhabad, United Provinces, where
it still continues to live. Some of his ancestors came to the Deccan when His Highness
Asaf Jah the first of the Nizam’s assumed the sovereignty of the Deccan.


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482 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Ghulam Akbar Khan, the subject of our sketch, was born at Hagro in Punjab in
December 1876, and after receiving a tolerably good education in Urdu and Persian
selected what is called the silk coated profession having passed the necessary legal
examination in 1895. He commenced to practise in Aurangabad and after two years he
came to Hyderabad. He soon made a mark as a lawyer, his practice being confined to
the subordinate courts. By dint of ability and hard and conscientious work he qualified
himself as a Vakil of the High Court. He persevered in his search for knowledge and by
sheer industry and merit he rose step by step until he was reckoned to be one of the
leading lawyers, commanding a large and lucrative practice and enjoying the confidence
of the Bench and the Bar.

Owing to his immense popularity and the high esteem in which he is held by the
Bar, he was twice elected as a Member of the Legislative Council. During the first election
though he refused and was not willing to stand as a candidate, yet his popularity was
such that he was unanimously elected unopposed, having secured the largest number
of votes.

Nawab Akbar Yar Jung Bahadur is a great acquisition to Government and his
contribution to the efficient administration of judicial, education and miscellaneous
departments is by no means small.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 483

Raja Bahadur Venkatrama Reddy O. B. E.

HE City of Hyderabad, built by Sultan Mahomed Quli nearly three and a
half centuries ago, has all along been under the administration of Kotwals.
The duty of Kotwal is by no means an easy one.

Those who are acquainted with the ancient history of Hyderabad would marvel
how any Kotwal could have escaped even for a few months the hidden danger of a
criminal or the poison phial of a hired minion of one of his powerful enemies, enemies
whom he was bound to contract owing to the nature of his duties.

The Kotwal’s position was one of great responsibility, anxiety, and delicacy. His
duties were most complex. He had not only to maintain tranquility in the city but also
to preserve good relations among the several noblemen who had small armies of their
own. This was not all. The population of Hyderabad was a heterogenous one, and part
of it having no settled occupation in those troubulous times was naturally turbulent to
a degree, though not openly so. Therefore with this combustible substance anybody
with a mind to create mischief could play the fool to serve his own nefarious purpose.
It was the duty of the Kotwal to see that such men did not succeed in their aims.

It was also the duty of the Kotwal to see that trade and commerce progressed
peacefully and that the merchants from all parts of the country who visited the city for
trading purposes were safe. All that meant efficient Police administration in those days,
when it was hard to get a body of Policemen anywhere near the type that we see today.

The Kotwal in addition to the heavy duties of maintaining tranquility, prevention

and detection of crime also had the great responsibility of protecting the lives of the
then Subedars of the Great Mogul Empire who later became the independent Rulers of
Hyderabad under the title of Nizam. The Kotwal had to keep in touch with all the news
and rumours of the city and keep his master well informed. In doing this he was not to
deviate an hair’s breadth from truth. It was his bounden duty to remove chaff from the
grain and not miss the wood for trees in selecting the news to be communicated to his
master. The absolute necessity of being informed of all that was passing in the city led
to the establishment of a system of collecting information which, as time progressed
proved to be of utmost value in the detection of crime. Consequently, the present City

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484 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 485

Criminal Investigation Department may well be considered the sharpest and the most
efficiently organised body in India for the detection of crime.

For the affairs of the city the Kotwal was always directly responsible to the Nizam
and, he still is. He has direct access to the Nizam, and although the times have greatly
changed, his troubles, anxieties and worries have not diminished proportionately.

Hyderabad is changing, though very slowly. A few years ago, for one to enter the
city after dusk and come back in tact would tantamount to a miracle. The city was
packed with vagabonds, drug fiends, pick-pockets, rogues, thieves and scoundrels of
the worst type. Where opportunities did not come their way to help in carrying out
their nefarious schemes, they would try to create them for themselves. There was always
a keen demand for hirelings for committing heinous crimes. They were quick at taking
offence, nursed vengeance, and descended to any depth to carry out their vendetta.

Such was the criminal side of the city till recent times. There is now a remarkable
change - due to spread of education and civilisation as well as to good organization,
vigilance and efficiency of Kotwals. The criminal may not have changed much but the
methods to counteract him have changed.

It must be a matter of deep gratification to the citizens of Hyderabad that the city is
kept in a condition of tranquility. Hindus of all sects, Sunni and Shiah Muslims, Arabs,
Persians, Afgans, Abysinians, and Sikhs, all live side by side in perfect harmony and
goodwill. RAJA VENKAT RAMA REDDY BAHADUR., O. B. E. the present incumbent
has made no small contribution to such condition.

It must be remarked here that the Kotwal or the Commissioner of Police is entirely
independent of the Director General who is in charge of the District Police. This is
mainly due to the fact of his being directly accessible to the Nizam every day to report
matters and to be responsible to him in many things personally.

One cannot envy RAJA VENKAT RAMA REDDY BAHADUR for being Kotwal at
a time when peace and quiet prevail, but one must see how far he himself is a contributor
towards this peace by his hard work, perseverenee, vigilence and force of character. He
has a band of loyal officers with him who, inspired by their chief’s example, work
tirelessly and in their turn set an example to their subordinates.

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486 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

We have to be grateful to him for the peace he has ensured us though he may have
no peace to himself.

RAJA VENKAT RAMA REDDY BAHADUR, was born at Rayanpet, a village in

the Samasthan of Wanparthy, on the 16th of Ardibehist, 1279, Fasli. His father Keshav
Reddy was a Maqtedar and a Patel in Samasthan of Gadwal, and had married a niece of
Raja Rameshwar Rao the First, of Samasthan Wanparthy.

The Raja Bahadur had the misfortune of losing both his father and mother when he
was but a boy. The burden and care of his upbringing fell to the lot .of his maternal
grand-mother. The boy remained with his grand-mother till he was old enough to be
sent to Wanparthy for regular schooling with the son of the Raja of Wanparthy. While
still in his teens he was married to a girl in his own family circle. Forced by immemorial
family custom and himself having no say in the matter he found himself a married
man, while still a student and unemployed.

What precisely induced the young lad to enter Police Service, none can say. The
fact that his uncle, popularly known as Captain William Wahab, was Superintendent
of Police at Raichur, might have been one of the deciding factors. At any rate, after the
death of this uncle, he entered the Police Service and started as Amin. This was in the
year 1296 Fasli.

It is not possible to cover within this short compass all the various incidents in his
career, but it will suffice to say that within the space of fifteen years of hard, steady,
conscientious, and honest work, he rose to the rank of a Superintendent. After seeing
him, one is forced to come to the conclusion that even if the Raja Bahadur had started as
a constable he would nevertheless have risen to the rank of a Superintendent, and
ultimately to that of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. As District
Superintendent of Police, RAJA VENKA T RAMA REDDY BAHADUR served at
Lingsugur, Gulberga, Nizamabad, Aurangabad and Warangal. Promoted to the rank
of Superintendent of the First Grade he was posted to Atrafi-Balda District, with its
head quarters at Hyderabad. He was not long here, when his services were lent to Raja
of Wanparthy, as a special administrative officer in his Samasthan. Connected as he
already was to the Raja by ties of blood he rendered meritorious services to the
Samasthan by his unflagging zeal and made the administrative machinery move as
smoothly as possible. His good Police work in the Districts attracted the attention of
the then Commissioner of Police, Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur, who strongly
recommended to the Government the appointment of RAJA VENKA T RAMA REDDY
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 487

BAHADUR to the post of First Assistant to the Commissioner, which was then vacant.
Thus it was in the year 1323 Fasli that the Raja Bahadur entered the City Police
permanently. He worked so satisfactorily and efficiently, even under so exacting a chief
as Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur, that on his untimely death the Raja Bahadur was com-
manded by His Exalted Highness to carry on the duties of Kotwal and, by a Firman
issued in 1339 Fasli, he was confirmed in the appointment.

Raja Venkat Rama Reddy Bahadur had the privilege of serving under Mr. A. C.
Hankin, who was the Director General of the District Police, for nearly 22 years. Mr.
Hankin always appreciated his work, and during this time the Raja Bahadur was
presented by Mr. Hankin with watches for his smart investigation and Court work in
very important cases. It was Mr. Hankin that gave him rise after rise till he attained the
rank of a D. S. P. from a humble Court Inspector. Mr. Hankin continued his interest in
Mr. Reddy even after he was appointed to the City Police, and gave him praise when
praise was due for his courage and tact.

One of the notable things that the Raja Bahadur did after he became the
Commissioner of Police was to fight for the introduction of the time-scale of salary for
the Police Force which was finally sanctioned. He has always had at heart the interest
or men under him. This combined with his honesty, integrity and sense of fairplay has
seen him through many difficulties, and earned for him the devotion of all his
subordinates who contribute towards the success of his administration.

Among some of the outstanding incidents during the career of the Raja Bahadur in
the City Police, may be mentioned the visit of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales to Hyderabad
in 1331 Fasli, when non-cooperation and Khilafat movements were at their height. The
Khilafat movement especially had its repurcussions in Hyderabad. Due to the union
between the Hindus and Mahomedans, things were taking an ugly turn in British India.
Stringent measures for the protection of the Prince were adopted everywhere. The
situation demanded all the initiative, tact and vigilance of Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama
Reddy. He not only took the responsibility for the safety of the Prince on himself, but
also recommended that the Prince might go in the open State coach through crowded
streets of Hyderabad for six miles. Doubts were expressed in many quarters as to the
wisdom of such a Course, but the Raja Bahadur knew his men under him and the
temper of the people. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales spent about five days in Hyderabad,
and moved about in the town as freely as he would in normal times. Before his departure
he expressed his appreciation of the Police arrangements in the city and presented the

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488 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Bahadur with a silver cigarette case as a memento of his visit. This the Raja Bahadur
values immensely as a gift from his future King.

When the Khilafat movement took a disagreeable turn in Hyderabad a crowd led
by one or two ring-leaders from Ahmedabad invaded the Residency law courts and
smashed the windows. The Raja Bahadur appeared on the scene at once and dispersed
the crowds. Later, the ring-leaders were arrested and deported, which subdued the
movement. Except for this little incident Hyderabad was kept comparatively peaceful.
The Raja Bahadur was eminently successful in checking the growth of unhealthy
movements in Hyderabad.

During the visits to Hyderabad of Lord Reading, Lord Irwin, and Lord Hardinge
(ex-Viceroys) necessary measures were taken by him. They were all pleased with the
good arrangements, and the Raja Bahadur received gifts from Lord Reading and Lord
Irwin, in the form of a silver cigarette case and gold shirt links respectively. Considering
that Hyderabad has no Arms Act, one can appreciate the good protective arrangements
adopted in Hyderabad when one is told that an attempt was made on Lord Irwin’s life
near Delhi while returning from his visit to Hyderabad. The anarchists aimed to blow
up his special train.

In the year 1333 Fasli, the town of Gulbarga was involved in a serious communal
riot. Its effects were felt in Hyderabad. Lots of ugly rumours spread over the town, but
the Raja Bahadur kept cool, and carried on his preventive measures, with the result
that nothing untoward happened here.

The Raja Bahadur enjoys the reputation of being a great administrator and mediator.
To mention only two instances, there were strikes at the Government Mint and the
Lalaguda Railway Works, due mostly to Trade Union influences. The Raja Bahadur’s
aid was sought for by the Government in both the instances, and he spared no pains to
bring about a settlement, equitable to all. During these conversations he impressed on
the workers the futility of challenging the Government who after all wished the good
of the workers. If reason did not prevail, he told them plainly, the police was strong
enough to prevent any mischief they were bent on doing.

The services of the Raja Bahadur have been very much appreciated by his august
sovereign who, in 1339 Fasli, conferred on him the title of Raja Bahadur. This caused a
great jubiliation amongst his friends and admirers, who showed it in the form of a
number of At Homes given in his honour. It did not take long for another much coveted

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 489

honour to follow. In the following year HIS MAJESTY the KING EMPEROR conferred
on the Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Reddy the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
It was a well-deserved honour, which gladdened the hearts of all those who knew and
heard of the Raja Bahadur.

In spite of the onerous duties which devolves upon him he finds time to do social
service. To enumerate only a few, the Reddy Vidyalaya Hostel stands eminently to his
credit. He along with some of his friends of the community realized how great was the
need of education for the Reddy boys. Being an Agricultural community Reddis are
scattered all over the districts, with no opportunities for education. In the year 1916 A.
D. Maharaja of Wanparty’s daughter’s wedding was performed at Wanparty. This
opportunity was taken by Mr. Reddy to expound the idea of starting a hostel for Reddy
boys at Hyderabad. The idea was eagerly taken up by all the guests that had assembled
there, and with munificent gifts of money from the Maharaja Gadwal, the Maharaja
Wanparthy and Mr. Pingle Venkat Rama Reddy, a hostel was established in the city at
a cost of two lakhs. It now provides accomodation for one hundred and fifty students.
Some of its boys have distinguished themselves in their studies and sports. Four of
them gained Government scholarships and proceeded to England and other parts of
India for studies and returned to occupy some distinguished posts in the Government.
The Hostel owns a Library, containing about ten to twelve thousand volumes mostly
English, in addition to Persian, Urdu and Telugu works and some valuable manuscripts,
all acquired from public subscription. The hostel has also a garden for boys who wish
to take to gardening as a hobby. As regards admission to this hostel no caste distinction
is made. There are some Muslim boys in the hostel. Special attention is given to the
teaching of Persian and Urdu, and prizes given for efficiency in these subjects. From
the founding of this institution, the Raja Bahadur has been its Honorary General
Secretary. The institution is a great boon to the Reddy community.

To another social evil, Raja Bahadur has paid due attention. This is the Parwarda
system which is so common in Hyderabad. Children of tender ages are bought by the
well to do for domestic service under conditions of slavery. The Raja Bahadur in his
official capacity came in touch with many cases of this kind and drew the attention to it
of Sir Chenevix Trench, the Police member, and through his kind help and advice he
got a Bill passed in the Legislative Council to put a stop to this evil. Whenever he came
across any such unclaimed youngsters he sent them through the proper court to the
Orphanage at Saroonagar, of which he is a member of the management committee.

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490 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

As a Reddy by birth, the Raja Bahadur is interested in Agriculture. He is a
representative on the committee that organizes an annual Horticultural and Poultry
Show, and he awards medals and cups for the best exhibits. He is a member of the
Hyderabad Farming Association and the Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
He is also interested in the Government Demonstration Farm at Himayat Sagar and
pays frequent visits, usually accompanied by the Reddy Vidyalaya Hostel boys. He
exhorts them to take to their real profession of agriculture, but on more improved lines.
He got some students attached to the farm for training. Just as he is interested in
Agriculture, he is also interested in the Co-operative movement. He was the Chairman
of the Reception Committee of the Co-operative Conference held in 1336 Fasli. Again
in 1337 Fasli when the All India Co-operative Conference was held in Hyderabad he
was again the Chairman of the Reception Committee, and arranged for accomodation
etc. for the all-India delegates. The Conference was a great success. He helped a great
deal in making rules and regulations for running the Co-operative movement. He is a
President of five Co-operative Societies belonging to his own Department which has
about a lakh of rupees capital. From the time Co-operative Union was formed in
Hyderabad the Raja Bahadur has been the president of its Managing Committee.

While mentioning his social activities one cannot pass over his invaluable work
during epidemics of Plague and Influenza. He tirelessly visits the Isolation, and other
Camps, and attends to any complaints of the inmates and draws attention of the
authorities concerned to any defects. During the great Influenza epidemic, he rendered
valuable aid in the distribution of milk and medicine. For his great work he was
presented by the Government with a watch. In addition to all these social activities,
Dichpalli Leper Asylum and the Home for the Aged at Secunderabad have not escaped
his attention. He visits these places when time permits him and aids these institutions
with money from his own limited income, and also gets them subscriptions from his
other wealthy friends. It is no exaggeration to say that subscriptions got through him
for these deserving institutions run into thousands, for which the Management of these
institutes are grateful to him.

By virtue of his office he is a member of the Legislative Council. By his regular

attendance he helps in the deliberations of the Council. He takes a keen interest in all
social and religious measures. Lately he took a leading part in the discussions regarding
the question of remarriage of widows. He is also a member of the Select Committees to
consider different Acts to be passed. Unclaimed Children’s Act also has taken up a
great deal of his time and attention, about the merits of which, it has already been
discussed above.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 491

He is a member of the Moaziz Committee by Firman of H. E. H. and has been
instrumental in settling the outstanding debts and emoluments of the Murshidzadas.
In his capacity as a member he is entrusted with enquiries into any complaints against
officials of Sarfikhas. He has also to attend to any special work connected with H. E. H.
that may be pending before the Committee.

In his official capacity he is a member of the Municipality. From 1336 to 1339 Fasli
he was the Vice President of the Municipal Committee. As the President is the Political
Member of the Executive Council, he does not take part in the deliberations of the
Committee. Therefore, during his absence the Raja Bahadur guides its deliberations
efficiently. Due to his electrical energy and activity, the Municipal organization was
reformed a great deal, and through his help the Municipal Rules have been revised.

The City Improvement Department is another department with which the Raja
Bahadur is associated. He has rendered this department invaluable aid through his
vast influence by getting most of the compensation disputes settled out of Court. Thus
he has saved the Government and public a lot of expense and worry by unnecessary
litigation. He has by these means quickened the improvement of the city as well. He
has regularly attended the Board’s meetings since his appointment as a member. He
has given the Board valuable advice regarding construction of markets, etc. He was
appointed to special committees to settle rents of the City Improvement houses in the
different parts of the City.

When Raja Shivraj Dharamvant Bahadur died, his estate was left in a chaotic
condition overburdened with debts and family disputes. By Firman, a Committee was
appointed to manage this estate, with Raja Inderkaran Bahadur as the President of this
Committee. As the Raja Saheb was usually away from town, the. duties of the President
fell on the shoulders of the Raja Bahadur. The Raja Bahadur almost wiped off the debts
and removed many abuses that had crept into the administration. Consequently, the
income of the estate has risen, and so also the discipline of the officials of the estate.
Construction of public buildings and schools and irrigation works have been undertaken.
Educational needs and sanitation of the ryots have been attended to Amirpet, which is
a suburb of Hyderabad has been improved and public offices are under construction.
Mosques which had fallen into disuse for want of repairs and staff have heen attended
to, repaired, and Muazzins and Peshimams appointed. In short what Raja Bahadur did
for this big estate would have done credit to any Dewan or Prime Minister of any State.
The Raja Bahadur has proved to the hilt that he is not only a good Police officer but also
a good administrator all round.
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492 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He has sat on the following Commissions in obedience to Firmans.

(1) Commission to enquire into complaints against C. I. B, regarding disrespect

towards the graves.

(2) Commission to enquire into complaints against Captain Mohiuddin Ali Khan.

(3) Commission to enquire into a complaint submitted by Fiazunnisa Begum, wife of

Abid Husain Khan, against Abbas Husain, Inspector.

(4) Commission of enquiry regarding the escape of prisoners from the Central Jail,

(5) Commission of enquiry regarding the complaint of Afzalunnissa Begum against

Mir Kazim Ali Sahebzada.

(6) Commission of enquiry regarding the release of the estate of Nuruddin Shah Qadri.

(7) Commission of Enquiry regarding the release of the estate of Nawab Abdul Jabbar
Khan, Jamadar.

In addition to all the duties enumerated above he is appointed often

an examiner for the following examinations.

(a) Revenue Officers Examination.

(b) Judicial Examination.

(c) Police Training School Examination. (d) Municipal Examination.

(e) Pleaders Examination.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 493

When the Princes returned from Europe with their Turkish brides, the Raja Bahadur
Venkat Rama Reddy was appointed by Firman the President of the Reception
Committee, consisting of two other members. By his advice more members were co-
opted. Generous donations were made by public spirited persons to erect some memorial
in memory of this auspicious occasion, when Asafia dynasty was united by bonds of
wedlock to the Osmania dynasty of the Ottoman Empire. One of the memorials to be
erected is a Shadi-khana.

The Raja Bahadur is thus an outstanding citizen of Hyderabad. He is most generous.

He has never failed those who have sought his advice and help. From the Sovereign to
a humble citizen all love him and hold him in great regard. It is sincerely hoped that he
will be spared for many many years to come, to serve his King and his country as
faithfully as he has done till now.

His private life is a very happy and serene one. He is blessed with two sons, the
elder, Mr. Laxman Reddy, Barrister-at-Law, is the Sessions Judge of Medak, and Mr.
Ranga Reddy, who is an Abkari Taluqdar. He has four grandchildren through his elder
son who are all his comfort when he returns home every evening, after the day’s hard

As we go to press we are pleased to find that His Exalted Highness has once again
manifested his appreciation of the invaluable service of the Raja Bahadur by granting
him extension in office for one more year. He is such a distinguished Officer of the State
that both Government and the public love to see him continue in the appointment.

Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Reddy retired from the Police Commissionership
on 1st May 1934. His Exalted Highness the Nizam in recognition of his personal
worth appointed him as Special Officer of the Sarf-i-Khas. He was given a farewell by
the rank and file of the City Police, the like of which Hyderabad had not witnessed
before. His term of Office is memorable for the peace and security of life and property
which this City enjoyed. His personal contact with all clalsses of people made him a
friend and Officer of stern disciplne. He was a benevolent, just and courteous Officer.

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494 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 495

Nawab Jabbar Yar Jung Bahadur

o present a faithful picture of the family of this notable gentleman is not an
easy task. And the time and space at our disposal force us to be brief and
concise in every thing that we want to say about our subject.

The Moulana is a descendant of Syed Hamza bin Hamid, Bakshi-ul-Mulk of the

Sultan of Turkey, who had a lakh of cavalry under his command. Syed Hamza left
Turkey and came to Sarhind in India in the reign of Sultan Shamsuddin Altamash
accompanied by a number of his relatives and dependants and a Cavalry thirty thousand
strong. At Sarhind the famous Bakshi-ul-Mulk erected a mosque known to. the present
day as Masjid-e-Hamza bin Hamid. The Sultan of Delhi gave him a fitting reception
and to his numerous bounties added a present of Gotri Gunj known as Pergana Kotia
Mir in the Tahsil of Kalyanpoor, in the District Fatehpoor. There, the Bakshi settled
down and populated a qasba wich exists to this day and is known as Hajipoor Ganj.
After some time, leaving a few of his descendants behind, he crossed the river Hoogli
and the Bay of Bengal and marched to Ceylon. The Rajah of Ceylon offered him resistance
and gave him battle in which the invader was killed. His shrine still stands there. His
son eventually gained victory.

Among those who were left behind by the Bakshi, Syed Ismail, a predecessor of
our Moulana, raised a village called Bahera Sadat, well known in the District of Fatehpoor
Haswa, Tahsil Khaga, as the name suggests, for its Syeds, and settled there. Within a
distance of less than a mile from Bahera Sadat is Alipoor, inhabited by another of his
predecessors, a progeny of Syed Ismail. Alipoor has been up to the present time the
home of the Moulvi. His house has always been renowned for learning, knowledge
and virtue. His mother was the daughter of Afzal-ul-Hukama Hakim Syed Meherban
Ali, a physician, matchless for his learning and skill.

Among his ancestors we find numerous eminent persons such as Kidwat-ul-Ulama

Moulvi Syed Asadullah and his son Shariat Panah Khazi-ul-Kozat Moulvi Syed
Wajihuddin, the Kazi of Delhi, whose son, Syed-ul-Ulama Syed Imamuddin. held titles
of distinction from the Kings of Delhi and Oudh and also occupied several posts of
importance and responsibility.

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496 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His father, the late Moulvi Syed Mohamed Ali Hasan Saheb ‘Shams‘ was a scholar
in some of the Eastern and Western languages and was the author of thirty different
literary works in Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur once offered
him the coveted post of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad
and the Maharaja of Jodhpur having learnt of his virtues through the famous publisher
Munshi Naval Kishore wanted him in his Court; but he gratefully declined the offers.

Moulvi Syed Mohammed Ghulam Jabbar Saheb was himself a scholar of Arabic
and Persian and was also well acquainted with English. He was the author of several
books. On the 16th February 1887 in memory of the Jubilee of the late Queen and Empress
Victoria, he started the Jubilee Paper which for years did great service to his country
and circulated extensively under his editorial guidance. He arrived at Hyderabad,
Deccan, on the 27th of July 1889 and began his practice as a High Court Pleader. With
ability, energy and integrity he pushed his professional career forward. He was several
times an examiner and secretary to the Board of Examiners for the local Law
Examinations. On the 31st Ardibehisht 1307 Fasli, he was elected for two years a member
of the Hyderabad Legislative Council. His duties as a member of the Council he so well
performed that though at the end of the period Moulvi Fida Husain Khan Saheb was
elected by the pleaders the Government, by a letter dated the 4th of Khurdad 1309
Fasli, desired to retain him in the Council for a further period of two years; but he
wished to be excused for sheer lack of time owing to heavy professional work. His
Exalted Highness, on the 31st Sharewar 1324 Fasli, selected him as a Sessions Judge of
Aurangabad. On the 16th Khurdad 1325 Fasli, he was elevated to the bench of the High
Court of Judicature at Hyderabad which led to his appointment as the Chief Justice on
the 15th Farwardi 1327 Fasli.

The Royal favour bestowed upon him in the shape of speedy promotions are in
themselves evidence to the excellent, straight-forward manner in which he executed
his duties and it requires no other proof to establish that fact. His services during the
sad and memorable flood of the river Musi in 1317 Fasli were duly recognised by means
of a Sanad dated the 15th Aban 1319 Fasli from the Madarul Moham of His Exalted
Highness, in which his excellent and sympathetic behaviour towards the distressed
subjects of the State and his own fellow creatures are fully set forth in suitable words.
His son, Moulvi Syed Askari Hasan, is an M.A. of the University of Oxford and a Barrister
of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple in London. He is also an Advocate of
the Allahabad High Court, where he practised for a some time and is now practising in
the High Court at Hyderabad and in the Courts of the Honourable the Resident.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 497


The Nawab retired on pension in the year 1328 Fasli and passed away from this
world on 5th May 1928, after serving as a member of the Paigah of Khursheed Jah
Bahadur for a space of three years.

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498 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Late Mr. C. Rai Balmukund, B. A.

F the few eminent officials of the State, who, in addition to their official
responsibilities laboured for the welfare of the poor, the down-trodden
and the oppressed, the late Rai Balmukund was the foremost.

Rai C. Balmukund was born on the 7th of October 1862 of a highly respectable
Brahma-Kshatriya caste parents. On the maternal side he was a great grandson of Rajah
Mahipat Ram, who was Governor of Berar, and a nobleman of the Nizam’s Court in the
early part of the nineteenth century and on the paternal side he came from Rai
Balmukund, the Chief Accountant of the Imperial Kitchen at Delhi.

He had his early education in the Nizam College and obtained the degree of B. A.
with distinction from the Madras University in the year 1885. In 1887 he passed his first
grade pleadership examination and subsequently joined His Highness the Nizam’s State
service as Nazir of the High Court. But very soon owing to his ability, hard work and
conscientious discharge of duties he was marked out and chosen for a wider and more
strenuous sphere of work. His remarkable memory and keen intelligence and his
thorough mastery over and grasp of jurisprudence and other technicalities of Law helped
him to make rapid strides. He rose steadily filling up many important appointments in
the judicial service, of which the most important were those of the District Judge,
Registrar of the High Court, Special Magistrate for Thaggi and Dakaiti, Judge of the
City Civil Court and Chief City Magistrate. For a time he was Assistant Secretary and
Superintendent of the Court of Wards.

He also held the post of Sessions Judge at Gulburga. By this time his knowledge of
law was so deep that there was not a scheme of judicial, political or social reform on
which his advice was not sought.

In 1908 he was raised to the High Court Bench, where he was known to be an
infinitely painstaking and sober Judge. He was a model of judicial patience. Before him
even an inexperienced junior could argue his case with perfect confidence. Rai
Balmukund had all the ideals which went to make a great Judge. When he was appointed
as Acting Chief Justice of the High Court he was regarded by impartial judicial observers
as the most efficient and conscientious Judge both on the Original and Appellate sides.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 499


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500 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

In addition to the High Court Judgeship, Rai Balmukund found himself in various
spheres of public activity doing credit to himself and justifying public confidence. He
was also the President of the Debt Commission, which was appointed to enquire into
the claims of Sowcars against Government for a Crore of rupees outstanding since Sir
Salar Jung the Great’s time. He conducted its proceedings so ably and in such a short
period of time that His Highness was very much pleased with his work.

Among the other duties he performed were those of the Reforms Officer. A few
years ago when the question of State Reform was taken up the Rai Sahib explored the
avenues of administration and presented in two volumes a masterly report covering all
aspects of franchise, constitution of a popular assembly, etc.

Since 1889 A. D. he was Examiner of the Pleadership examination and Officers

Tests. He was President of the Young Men’s Improvement Society; twice he was member
of the Legislative Council, the Educational Board, and of the Hyderabad Municipal
Council and once a member of the Victoria Memorial Orphanage Committee.

He did hard work during the Hyderabad Flood disaster in 1908 and was specially
thanked for it by the Government and the Municipality.


He had always evinced very deep interest in the welfare of his community. In
conjunction with Rai Jagat Narain and others he started a boys and girls school in the
City in 1897 with only thirty students on the rolls. It is now popularly known as Mufeed-
ul-Anam High School and is situated in a spacious building in the heart of the City. He
was chiefly instrumental in sending deserving Kshatriya students to forei~n countries
for special studies. Another noteworthy factor is that he made many a member of his
community abstain from alcoholic drinks. This remarkable success is acknowledged to
be due to his sheer moral courage and initiative.


His patriotism was of a high order. He wanted to see the administration of the
State quite efficient and conducted in the interest and for the welfare of its citizens. His
honesty of purpose and integrity of character were admirable, but they were of a kind
that demanded the same from others also who came in contact with him both in official
and private life. Throughout his life he tried his best to root out bribery and corruption
and to instil a spirit of justice and honesty into the minds of those who served under
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 501

His share in the solution of the vexed problem of Mulkis and Ghair Mulkis was by
no means negligible. In the troublous times of Sir Vikar-ul-Umra’s Ministry he handled
the question very cautiously. Though not averse to accepting the services of non-
Hyderabadees whenever necessary yet on principle he would perfer Hyderabadees for
non-Hyderabadees. His patriotism and his conscientious dicharge of his duties won
for him the high regard and esteem of the Government.


His sacrifices for the uplift of the so called Panchamas stands very conspicuous.
The “Balmukund Ashram” is a monument eloquently speaking of the reverence and
respect in which he is held by the Adi Hindus of Hyderabad. His love for them was so
great and intense that he would sacrifice anything for them. Nothing can speak of his
services to them more forcibly and truly than the following will which he wrote before
he died.

“To associate her husband’s name with the cause of the Adi Hindus Sreemati Geeta
Bai has paid a princely donation of R.s. 5,000 on the 22nd March 1928 towards the Adi
Hindu Permanent Fund”.

He devoted the last days of his life to the study of religious literature, his favourite
poets being Hafiz Sadi and Kabir.

He breathed his last on the 6th February 1926. And feeling references were made in
the High Court, Criminal and Magisterial Courts, in the Municipality, in the Bar
Association and several public institutions.

He has left behind him three sons, Rai Bal Kishen (Retired Talukdar), Rai Radha
(Divisional Engineer) and Rai Sri Kishen, Bar-at-Law. All three are striving to keep
green the memory of their revered father.

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502 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Ghulam Ghouse Khan
MR. Ghulam Ghouse Khan, formerly the Nazim of the Court of Wards maintained
by the Nizam’s Government, is one of the most successful of State officials, meriting
the special appreciation of His Exalted Highness tbe Nizam’s Government for general
ability and administrative acumen and vigour


A. son of the late Moulvi Mohammad Jalal Khan Saheb, High Court Pleader, Mr.
Ghulam Ghouse Khan, was born in Hyderabad on the 25th Amardad 1297 Fasli and
received his tuition in Persian and Arabic at home and then went to the Mufid-ul-
Anam High school and later to the City High School for English education. Passing the
Pleader’s Test and Judicial and Revenue Officer’s examinations, and also the Law

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 503

examination, he commenced his career as a pleader by working as an apprentice under
his father. On the latter’s death. he gave up practice by taking up a post in the office of
the Cabinet Council during the Prime Ministership of Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad
Bahadur. His work was warmly appreciated by the late Nawab Mahir-ud-Daula Bahadur
and Nawab Nazir Jung Bahadur when they were acting as Secretaries to the Council,
and his first good chance came when his services were lent to the Revenue Department.

After a brief probation; he was posted to Nanded as an Assistant Talukdar and

there remained till the 17th Amardad 1327 Fasli. The following extracts from a vernacular
letter No. 157 dated the 2nd Ardibehisht 1)27 Fasli from the First Talukdar, Nanded, to
the Subedar of the Aurang-abad Division, will show how splendid has been his work
and how capable was his administration.

The letter runs as follows :-

I think it proper to recapitulate a few of the many excellent works of my Assistant.

During the term of two years he was my subordinate, he never gave me cause for
complaint even on a trivial matter. He proved himself able and useful and deserving of
my appreciation.

The works that I wish to bring to the notice of the higher authorities are as follows :-

(1) The arrears of the local taxes had got into a serious mess and I was greatly
assisted by my assistant in recovering them.

(2) He took great pains in disposing of the files regarding Local Fund.

(3) His work in connection with British War loans was far superior to that of all my
other subordinates in the district. I have reported the same with much pleasure to the
higher authorities.

(4) Similarly his work in connection with our Government loans was above par,
and the same has been reported by me in the file concerned.

(5) Since his appointment to this district, plague broke out twice in a virulent form.
He neither applied for leave not left his headquarters. Risking his life he began to make
necessary arrangements.

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504 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

(6) There was a serious disturbance in Nanded on account of dearness of grain. As
I was ill at the time, I could not go but sent my Assistant, whose leave was expiring, and
the result was that he handled the situation with such tact that the disturbance gave
place to peace. The measures adopted by him were as follows:- He persuaded the local
sahukars to subscribe to a fund of half a lakh of rupees and thereby it was arranged that
under their own supervision, they should sell the jawari without making any profit.

While in Nanded, the Khan Saheb mediated and arranged for the construction of a
special Gurudwara road (with the sanction of Government), which resulted in the
settlement of a long standing dispute between the Hindus and Muhammadans,
especially the Sikhs of Nanded. After a few transfers, he was selected to act as a Special
Famine Relief Officer at Suryapet, Nalgundah district. The following letter addressed
to the Government by the Talukdar to the Famine Commissioner speaks for itself:- He
is the first officer who felt that the district was famine stricken and took the initiative. It
is evident that in the beginning, one has to encounter many obstacles, but
notwithstanding this he discharged his work with such diligence and far-sightedness
that he was entitled to special praise. He always discharged his duties with efficiency
and honesty”.

It was on the 1st of Amardad 1329 Fasli that he was appointed as Assistant to the
Nazim, Court of Wards, and in the following year officiating Nazim and in the next
was confirmed in that post.

On the 22nd Jamadi-ul-Awal 1344 Hijri an Arzdasht was submitted to His Exalted
Highness the Nizam in which it was stated that the Moulvi Saheb had, in a period of
just five years, reduced the debts of the estates from Rs. 31,93,694-0-11 to Rs. 7,96,531-
12-0, thereby effecting a decrease of no less than 75 per cent.

During his tenure of office, the Court of Wards reached the zenith of efficient
administration so that 93 estates were under his supervision. The work of release was
also undertaken during his time through a Committee and out of 41 estates brought
forward for release 17 were released, the most notable being Gadwal and the estates of
Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur.

It is generally recognized that he is an ideal officer for Court of Wards work. In

private life, he is unostentatious and regular in his habits and enjoys the friendship of a
large number of people in high positions. Now he is first Taluqdar of Nanded District.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 505

Moulvi Mirza Muhammad Ikram Ali Sahib

OULVI Ikram Ali Sahib, who is Secretary to Nawab Hissam-ul-Mulk
Khan Khanan Bahadur, though born and brought up in Hyderabad, is
a descendant of Saint Hazrat Shah Safiuddin Sahib and is also connected
with the Safavi dynasty of Persia.


His forefathers migrated to India during the early days of Muhammadan invasion
of the country. To mention a few of them: Muhammad Sayeed Sahib Najam II, who
received a liberal grant of 300 bigas of arable land in the Nizamabad Pargana, Jonepur
Government, in the 28th year of the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan besides a Mansab of
Rs. 150 and escort of twenty horse-men; Mirza Shahbuddin and a few others of Arrah,
Government Jonepur, who enjoyed special privileges from the crown, their estates being

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506 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

exempt from the operations of the Penal Code of their days. Nawab Ahmed Beg Khan
alias Mirza Shaikha Shahied of Jonepur, who was a highly respected citizen and, on
whose demise, Jagirs worth five lakhs in Pargana Ankli, Government ]onepur, were
granted to his relatives; Syed Ali Naqi Sahib, son of Nawab Ahmed Beg, was conferred
with all the hereditary honours etc; Mirza Masum Sahib of Pargana Deogaon of Sirkar
Jonepur (Allahabad), Mirza Asad Ali and Mirza Ahmed Ali Sahib, Government
correspondent (Vaqai Nigar) at Pargana Kalabgore, were among the distinguished
ancestors of Mirza Ikram Ali Sahib. Mirza Ashraf Ali, father of Mirza Ikram AIi, was
also Vaqai Nigar and in consideration of the meritorious services of his father and grand-
father, Mirza Ikram Ali is a recipient of Rs. 240 a month from Government.

Mirza Ikram Ali Sahib had five sons of whom three are alive. The first two sons
died and the third, Mr. Mirza Mohammad Faruq Ali, is the District Magistrate, in the
Estate of Nawab Khan Khanan Bahadur; the fourth is a Contractor and the fifth is a

He is a gentleman of amiable disposition accessible to all castes and creeds who

may be in need of his influence and assistance. He is a devout Moslem and treasures
the tenets of his religion.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 507

Raja Dhanrajgirji Bahadur

HE Goswamy community has placed Hyderabad under a deep debt of
gratitude for its gift of merchant princes and philanthropists. The names of
such distinguished members of the community are not few in number and
among the numerous wealthy gentlemen who helped to make the community a factor
to be reckoned with in the social and economic life of Hyderabad the Goswamy Rajas
of Raja Dhanrajgirji’s family stand out prominently.

The ancestors of this family originally belonged to Gandhari in Northern India.

These Goswamy Rajas are the followers of Shri Shankeracharya, a staunch advocate of
Adwaitic philosophy. Their line of succession was kept unbroken originally by adopting
boys from Brahmans, but subsequently boys of two other classes also were found eligible
for this privileged order.

The history of the family may be traced from Jivangirji, who went to Poona during
the reign of the early Peshwas and settled there. He and his disciples continued there
till 1801 when the city of Poona was sacked by Yashwant Rao Holkar. Mahadevgirji, a
discipe of Jivangirji, finding that life and property were insecure and that there was no
chance of conditions returning to normal, came to Hyderabad. He set up his business
in the City and conducted it so ably that within one generation the business flourished
beyond expectation. Mahadevgirji was succeeded in order by Balramgirji, Keshavgirji,
Munrajgirji and Umraogirji. The last, viz; Umraogirji, amassed great wealth by trade
and became very prominent in these Dominions. Even in the Court of His Highness the
Nizam he was held in high esteem. During the time of the Great Indian Mutiny, he not
only lost his property but also his life. This is attributed to a plot in which his brother-
sowcars played no small part.

The tragedy which attended his death, though so many years ago, is too terrible to
relate. It is alleged that he asked for the repayment of his advances made to the then
Government of Hyderabad towards the maintenance of the Hyderabad Contingent.
The Minister of the day was enraged and had him arrested and locked up in Nawab
Salar Jung’s Ain-e-Khana (Drawing Hall) One day an Arab servant of the Raja, at the
instigation of his master, stabbed him to death. The story, if true, is ghastly and is
sufficient to blacken the history of any country.

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508 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 509


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510 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His successors, Manohergirji, Shiveramgirji and Jaspatgirji, revived and kept up
the business, but the entire credit of restoring it to its former level of prosperity goes to
Raja Gyangirji Bahadur.


Raja Gyangirji succeeded Jaspatgirji in the year 1876. He was a man of exceptional
ability and tact. By integrity of character and straight-forwardness he made the business
a great success. His courteous manners and his free social intercourse with the nobility
made him much beloved. His name almost ecclipsed that of any of his ancestors. His
Highness the Nizam as a mark of appreciation bestowed on him the title of Raja Bahadur
on the occasion of his birthday in the year 1316 Hijri (1897). A mansab of Rs. 1000 and
an Infantry of 500 were also given to him as a mark of recognition of his status.

He died in 1905 at the age of 62. His funeral obsequies were performed with very
great solemnity and thousands of poor were fed and clothed. He was a large hearted
patron of Brahmins and Hindus. No appeal from Brahmins for the celebration of Utsavs
and Saptahas would go without his financial assistance. Throughout his life he was a
devout Hindu and performed the rituals and ceremonies with devotion.


Raja Narsinggirji Bahadur succeeded to the whole property and rights of Raja
Gyangirji Bahadur. For a period of 17 years he was the custodian of the whole estate
and managed it with great zeal which characterised Raja Gyangirji Bahadur. In every
respect he followed his footsteps and kept green the traditions of his ancestors. His
sense of economy in matters of expenditure and effeciency in the management of his
vast estates was a source of inspiration to his community.

He was a man of great enterprise and originality. He possessed fertile brain for
ideas and would not undertake any work half heartedly. He would see it to the end,
successfully accomplished. A man of greater determination, will and energy was not
found among his ancestors.

His love for the poor was as unbounded as his enthusiasm to build factories and
develop his business. One special feature of his whole life was to devote a part of his
income for the benefit of the poor. In this he was an ideal Vaishya.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 511


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512 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His charity was boundless and his donations to sundry purposes were too many to
mention. Among the liberal contributions towards the alleviation of distress of his less
fortunate brethren the most important are :-

The Narsingirji ward in the Lady Dufferin Hospital, which is equipped with most
up-to-date appliances for surgical work, a donation of three lakhs for a hospital, a High
School and a Primary School at Sholapur, purchase of the War Loan second cup when
it was auctioned for the War Loan, a contribution of a lakh of rupees towards the
purchase of land near Fergusson College, Poona, for the erection of a Boarding Home
for Orphans, and a grant of land worth Rs. 16,000 to the Residency authorities for the
laying out of the Coronation Gardens. In all matters of public work he set an example
to many of the capitalists of the City.

His dealings with the nobles were fair and honest. There were occasions when he
lent large sums of money to Government. His business acumen was so keen that there
are few instances of failure.

As a mark of appreciation His Highness conferred on him in the year 1316 Hijri on
the occasion of his Birthday, the title of Raja Bahadur and a mansab of Rs. 1000 and an
Infantry of 500.

The Rajah Bahadur died of heart failure in the year 1923. The whole public of
Hyderabad, both non-official and official, mourned his loss. He left two disciples.


He was succeeded by Raja Narsingirji Bahadur. Being elder of the two, Raja
Partabgirji was entitled to the gadi but since he was married the right of succession
went to his brother, Raja Dhanrajgirji Bahadur, who is the present incumbent of the
family estate and Raja Partabgirji Bahadur received in lieu thereof fifty lakhs of rupees.

The name of Raja Dhanrajgirji is a household name in Hyderabad. Who has not
heard of Raja Dhanrajgirji’s benevolence and charity? His name is associated with almost
every public cause, social or educational, Hindu, Christian or Muslim. Charity is his
religion and he derives immense happiness from helping the poor and deserving
institutions. He was elected the President of the Reception Committee of the Peoples
Educational Conference held under the presidentship of Pandit Hirdayanath Kunzroo,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 513


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514 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Allahabad. He is well educated in English and Urdu. He is a keen sportsman. He has
bagged many tigers. His loyalty to the Crown is second to none. Of his liberal
contributions towards the alleviation of distress of his less fortunate brethern the most
important are as follow:-

Charity on the death of the late Raja Bahadur

Narsingirji Gyangirji to Schools, Mandirs and Colleges etc. 25,000
Sir Leslie Wilson Medical Hospital, Bombay 10,000
Reddy Vidyalaya, Hyderabad 8,375
National Medical College, Bombay 10,000
Benares Hindu University 50,000
Lady Barton Recreation Club 9,000
K. E. M. Hospital, Poona 10,000
Dichpalli Leper Hospital Recreation Hall 20,000
Child Welfare Centre Secunderabad 25,000
Raja Bahadur Narsingirji Hospital, Sholapur. 4,00,000
Recreation Ground, Sholapur 50,000
Vaidik Ashram, Poona 26,311
Since the year 1923, Raja Dhanrajgirji Bahadur has donated the sum of seven lakhs.

He made his disciple his own sister’s son, Raja Ptakashgirji, in October 1931, on
Dasera Day. He is now about 20 years. The Raja is a promising young man. He is
receiving his education under an able and efficient tutor.

Raja Hemandragirji was made a disiciple of Raja Prakashgiriji. He is about six years
old. May God bless them.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 515

Nawab Syed Abdur Razaq,
Asif Nawaz Jung, Asif Nawaz-ud-Dowlah,
Asif Nawaz-uI-Mulk Bahadur

A WAB Syed Abdul Razak was born on the 11 th of Jamadi-us-Sani, 1256
Hijri. He was a descendant of the 28th generation of Hazrath Shaik Abdul
Qadir Jilani.



His ancestor, Syed Hamid-ud-Din Qadiri, came down to Bahira from Baghdad
accompanied by his son Yacoob. He next drifted to Hajra. in the Punjab. Syed Ishaq,
son of Yacoob, went to live near Poona, in the Bombay Presidency in 900 Hijri. Being a

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516 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

devout Muslim, he built a mosque there and added to it a Khankha and other apartments.
The Maratha and Moghul rulers of those days were so impressed by the man’s piety
that they granted him Jagirs and Inam lands. Malham in Thana District and Balagaon
in Ashti tal uk, Aurangabad District, are some of the remnants of two Jagirs which are
enjoyed by his descendants. In Jantur taluk of Poona District several hundred of acres
of land were in the name of two paternal grandsons of Asif Nawaz-ul-Mulk.



Syed Rashid-ud-Din, one of the members of this family, came to Hyderabad from
Jantur in the days of Nawab Secunder Jah. Till that time the practice of making disciples
continued in this family in consideration of its descent from Hazrat Shaikh Addul Qadir

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 517

Syed Rashid-ud-Din, on arrival in Hyderabad, married the daughter of Nawab
Nazrat Jung Bahadur I. Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur granted him a mansab, of which
Rs. 260 per month is still paid to some of his progeny.

Nawab Nasir-ud-Dowla Bahadur appointed Syed Saduddin, a grandson of Syed

Rashid-ud-Din, as Secretary of the JagiIs of Dilawar-un-Nissa Begum. At this stage the
famiiy discontinued recruiting disciples as before. Service under Government and
Paigahs became the chief attraction.


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518 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sad-ud-Din was so efficient in the discharge of his duties to the Jagir that Nawab
Siraj-ul-Mulk Bahadur, when he became Minister on 12th Ziqad, 1262 H, expressed his
appreciation of his services and appointed him Sadar Naib of Eigandal taluk. When the
revenue administration of Telangana was entrusted to Nawab Mukhtar-ul-Mulk
Bahadur, Syed Sad-ud-Din continued in office in EIgandal until the death of Nawab
Siraj-ul-Mulk Bahadur who, in appreciation of his services, had entrusted to him the
Sadar Naibship of his own estate in Murtuzapur.

And when Nawab Mukhtar-ul-Mulk became Minister Syed Sad-ud-Din was

recalled and appointed Talukdar of Nander. He was also invested with judicial powers
in civil cases connected with Rajas, Zamindars, Sahukars and Arabs.

In 1278 H. When the Doaba of Raichur territories were returned by the British
Government, Saduddin became Secretary of these parts while Abdur Razaq was
appointed Talukdar of Nander as per Sanad dated 2nd Rabi 1278 H.

Syed Sad-ud-din was associated with Mr. Moid-ud-Din in framing the laws of the
country, such as Dastur-ul-amal, Revenue Accounts, etc. Syed Abdur Razak’s next post
was Talukdarship of Medak, after the Zillabandi in 1282 H, when Syed Sad-ud-Din
became Revenue Secretary. In those days the Revenue Secretary was an officer of
considerable importance.

In 1284 Syed Sad-ud-Din was appointed Private Secretary to the Prime Minister
and Syed Abdur Razaq as Revenue Secretary. When Moosa Khan died, the Secretaryship
of the Department dealing with petitions and appeals to Government, was added to
Syed Sad-ud-Din. When Nawab Afzul-ud-Dowla Bahadur died in 1285 H Syed Sad-
ud-din assumed the additional charge of Sarf-i-Khas Secretaryship.

Both the Syeds introduced Zillabandi system in Sarf-i-Khas and brought the
Karkhanajat Department under the Sarf-i-Khas Secretary, while the taluks, bazars, and
bagats of Sarf-i-Khas remained under the supervision of the Revenue Secretary. By this
arrangement, Syed Abdur Razaq, in addition to his Office of the Revenue Secretary
controlled the income of the Sarf-i-Khas, while Syed Sad-ud-Din continued as Secretary
of Sarf-i-Khas in addition to his duties of Private Secretary and Secretary to Government
in the Department of Petitions and Appeals.

In 1286 H. when Assistant Ministers were appointed, Syed Abdur Razaq was further
saddled with the Miscellaneous Departmental Secretaryship, which comprised

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 519

Municipality, Public Works, Education, etc. now termed as Home Dept. He was also
Audit Officer.

When Syed Sad-ud-Din died on lIth Shaban 1282 H. the Sarf-i-Khas and Private
Secretaryship was entrusted to Syed Abdur Razaq.

When Nawab Mukhtar-ul-Mulk Bahadur was at the helm of State affairs, he

distributed the Secretaryships to others, viz. Syed Mahdi Ali Khan, the Revenue, Syed
Hassan, the Miscellaneous and Petitions and Syed Abdur Razaq, the Sarfi-Khas.

When the late Highness (Sir Mahbub Ali Khan) came to the throne, the Managing
Committee of Sarf-i-Khas, created by the Peshkar, Raja Narendra Bahadur, was done
away with and Syed Abdur Razaq was empowered to deal with Sarf-i-Khas papers

On 27th Jamadi-us-Sani 1304 H. Syed Abdur Razaq was honoured with the titles of
Khan Bahadur and Asif Nawaz Jung in connection with the Naw Roz Durbar. On the
occasion or the Birthday Durbar on 26th Rabi-us-Sani 1308 H. he became Asif Nawaz-
ud-Dowla Asif Nawaz-ul-Mulk. On a subsequent birthday celebration (l7th Jamadi-ul-
Awal 1316 H.) he was honoured with Naubat, Roshan chowki and Ambari. He was
allowed to sit in Durbar, a unique privilege allowed to the Prime Minister and Ministers

This great and distinguished officer of the State died at the age of 63 on the 9th Rabi
1320 H. Thus for forty two years between 1278 and 1320 H. he held responsible posts
under the Sarg-i-Khas (Crown), the resources of which he developed in a marvellous
manner without resorting to coercive methods. He acquitted himself creditably and
won the appreciation of all. Among the testimonies which were showerd upon him
may be quoted the following :-

(I) “Owing to fall in receipts and other impediments, salaries were disbursed to
Officials at irregular intervals: but as a result of his management the Sarf-i-Khas revenues
came in promptly”.

(2) In the matter of dividing the taluks, for administration purposes, populating
the depopulated villages, and sinking of wells, he applied the khowl system without
throwing the burden on Government.

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520 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

(3) The delay in the disbursement of Mansabs was obviated and the interests of the
recipients were safeguarded.

(4) He claimed all customs receipts pertaining to the Sarf-i-Khas from the Divani
and credited the same to his Master’s account.

By his sincerity, honesty and loyalty he won a soft corner in the heart of his beloved
Master and Ruler.

Syed Abdul Razaq had a son, Syed Abdul Rashid Syed Jung, Syed-ud-Dowla and
two daughters. Syed Abdul Rashid was the Sarf-i-Khas Assistant Secretary. On the
demise of his revered father he was for a period of a year Secretary of Sarf-i-Khas. Syed
Abdul Rashid died on 16th of Shaban 1329 H. at the early age of 42, leaving behind him
three sons, Syed Latifuddin, Syed Nizamuddin, and Syed Yakubuddin. Syed Latifuddin
is the second Talukdar of Atraf-i-Balda District. He is a kind hearted young man. He is
always ready to help poor students, who seek his patronage.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 521

Nawab Ali Nawaz Jung Bahadur, F. C. H.

IR Ahmed Ali, Nawab Ali Nawaz Jung Bahadur, F. C. H., Chief Engineer
and Secretary, P. W. D., and Member of the Legislative Council, was
born in Hyderabad in July 1877. His father, Mr. Mir Waiez Ali, Assistant
Secretary of Daftar-e-Mulki (Office responsible for the conduct of State correspondence
with the Government of India) was the scion of an old middle class gentry of Hyderabad.

After High School education at the St. George’s Grammar School with Latin as his
second language, he joined the Nizam College and after a career of 4 years was sent to
England in 1896 as a State scholar to study at the famous Engineering College of Coopers
Hill. There he had an exceptionally brilliant career, topping the list of successful
candidates, and gaining several scholarships in various branches of engineering.

In 1899 he returned to Hyderabad, and in the same year entered the P. W. D., as an
Assistant Engineer. After a chequered career, during which he was a Municipal Engineer
(1906) and Auditor (1907), Consulting Engineer and Assistant Superintending Engineer
(1910), was promoted to be Superintending Engineer (1912). He then rose to be Secretary
to Government, P. W. D, and Telephone Departments (1913). The year 1918 saw him as
Chief Engineer and Secretary, and in the year 1924 the P. W. D. and all its allied
Departments were placed under his charge. His office also includes duties of Engineer
in Chief of H. E. H’s Royal Palace Works. In the year 1919 he was invited by the Bombay
Government to report in collaboration with Sir M. Visweswaraya on the financial and
technical aspects of the Sukkur Barrage, and his services were publicly acknowledged
by His Excellency the Governor in Council; his other engineering activities are evidenced
by his expert advice being sought by various firms.

First Indian to hold the office of Chief Engineer since its institution in 1886, his
advent at the helm of the P. W. D. marks an epoch in the history of the Department.

His first formidable task was to dispel Government’s apathy towards the P. W. D.,
which was regarded as an esurient white elephant. Next he organised the services by
admitting only students from recognized Engineering institutions for service. He
explored all possible avenues of development of works of public utility and secured for
his establishment a handsome and generous scale of pay. Within an all too brief span of
11 years the expenditure on works has risen from 82.87 lacs to 253.77 lacs in 1929.
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522 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 523

Large irrigation works were conceived, launched and executed. Flood abatement
works were designed for the protection of the City of Hyderabad. Many important and
architectural buildings have been built and a large number of major bridges such as
those on the Godavery and the Manjira and the Muniyeru have been constructed, all
under the inspiration of the Nawab Sahib. Again works of the approximated value of
2465.38 lacs under irrigation capital works have been projected. They include the
damming of the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra at Yelleswaram and Mallapuram in
the Raichur District approximated to cost 15 and 18 crores respectively. The question of
allocation of the waters of the Tungabhadra and Krishna was for long a matter of
controversy between the Hyderabad and Madras Governments and due solely to Nawab
Ali Nawaz Jung Bahadur’s skill in handling the parleys at the joint conference held in
Madras in 1915 and latterly in Hyderabad in 1930, the parties came to a happy
compromise, the Madras Government conceding to H. E. H’s Government the right of
utilizing the waters of the rivers half and half. A project therefore conforming to the
agreement arrived at providing for the construction of two huge reservoirs as a joint
scheme is at present under investigation.

To him we owe the existence of the two reservoirs, Osmansagar (with a permanent
storage capacity of 3106 million C. ft. for water supply and irrigation and 6829 million
C. ft. for flood storage) and Himayatsagar (with a flood storage of 2623 M. C. Ft. and
permanent storage capacity of 3808 M. C. Ft. and permanent storage capacity of 3808
M. C. Ft.) were completed.

Extension of telephone service to the districts was due to his initiative. Telephone
connections at Auran~abad, Jalna, Raichur and Warangal towns are a boon.

In the matter of supplying electrical energy Hyderabad is slowly but surely coming
to the fore. A Department of District Power Scheme has been created. Its initial
achievement was the installation of Power Plant at Aurangabad with a capacity of 224
Kilo Watts at a cost of Rs. 2,95,000. Two more estimates aggregating Rs. 17,95,000 for
establishing Power Houses at Raichur and Warangal are under consideration.
Hydrographic surveys have shown that Hyderabad does not lack in Water falls. It is to
be hoped that ere long the country will have water power schemes as the means of
supply of cheap ”white coal”.

But of all activities Irrigation claims by far the greatest share. The Wyra, the Palair,
the Fatehnagar, the Singabhoopallam (Warangal District), the Royanpalli (Medak
District) projects were designed by him.
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524 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Nizamsagar is the glory of the Deccan. This great work of irrigational
engineering which in reference to the quantity of masonry involved ecclipses the largest
dams hitherto undertaken and completed. It is estimated that the value of the annual
produce of the country will be nearly 5 crores and the net revenue derivable will be Rs.
38,14,441 on the total capital outlay of Rs. 4 crores. Thousands of acres hitherto
irresponsive to cultivation, will, in course of a few years, be transformed into smiling
fields. And with the main canal as also many of the large channels used as navigable
channels, for the transport of produce, a new vista of subsidiary industries will be
opened. Even if we were to shear away other works contributed by Ali Nawaz Jung
Bahadur to the Agricultural development of the Dominions, Nizamsagar alone will
make a sepecial niche for him in the history of Indian notablities.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 525

Mr. Vaman Ramchandra Naik

E can ill afford to omit from the gallery of eminent men in public life,
Mr. Vaman Ramachandra Naik, who is an acknowledged leader of the
Hindu Community of Hyderabad and who holds a unique position in
the domain of political, social and religious reform.

Mr. Vaman Ramachandra Naik, a wealthy and influential Jagirdar of Hyderabad

State, was born on 2nd April 1878 A. D. in Wanaparthy, the head quarters of the
Samasthan of the same name. He comes of an ancient and respectable Brahmin family
of the State. About a century and a half ago, during the time of Bapuji Naik, the family
migrated from Bijapur to Narayanpet at the special invitation of the Raja Sahib of
Lokayapalli, then a feudatory chieftain in the Hyderabad State, as his bankers. On the
death or Bapuji Naik his son Umakant Naik shifted his business to Gadwal Samasthan
at the request of Raja Somabhupal Rao.

Mr. Venkoba Naik, the third in descent, displayed great talents both in his business
and in the public affairs of the Samasthan and thus won for him the esteem and
confidence of the then Raja Sahib who made Venkoba Naik, his Dewan. At his death he
left behind him a son, Govind Naik, and his widow Radhabai, who was then expecting
a child. The posthumous child of Venkoba Naik was named after him. Radhabai was
interested in maternity and child welfare work. So early as the beginning of the 19th
century, she was advanced enough not to think of caste in rendering service, but visited
even the slums, attended deliveries and carried relief, though highly religious and

The family, though settled in Gadwal, its banking business was extended to
Wanaparthy and the neighbouring Samasthans. About this time, Wanaparthy
Samasthan, which was often defaulting in the payment of assessment to the State, was
being confiscated for collection and return. Sir Salar Jung I, who was then the Regent of
the State, had come to have a great regard for Govind Venkoba Naik and his brother
Venkoba Naik for their integrity and ability, and he consequently desired Govind Naik
to take over in addition to his duties in Gadwal Samasthan, the management of
Wanaparthy Samasthan by passing a bond for the payment of the peshkash money to
the Government of H. H. the Nizam. He and his brother Venkoba Naik also undertook
to evolve order from the chaotic state of its finances. Sir Salar Jung’s expectations of
him were amply fulfilled and the Samasthan ceased to be a source of concern to the

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526 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

State. In recognition of Govind Venkoba Naik’s invaluable and devoted services to the
Samasthan, the village of Kowkuntla, now a station on the Mahboobnagar line, was
bestowed upon him as a Jagir. He performed a Yagnya and a Sapthaha on a colossal
scale at Vyaparla, on the banks of the river Krishna on the Hyderabad-Kurnool road,
which had been ceded to him by Sawai Raja Rameshwar Rao Bahari Balwant Bahadur
in lieu of a loan of about Rs. 40,000 that had been owing to the family at the time by the
Samasthan. In this village the family has built three temples and a big Dharmashala. Sir
Salar Jung I, who had been on a visit to the village was immensely struck with the work
of charity and religiosity of this family and was pleased to provide by a decree for the
contribution by the State of a sum of Rs. 2 per diem for maintenance and the daily puja
of the temples. Govind Naik had also gained the regard and confidence of the
neighbouring Samasthans by his probity and disinterested services to all of them. The
village of Achurapur was also gifted away to him by Surabhi Raja Venkat Jagannath
Rao Bahadur of Jatprole Samasthan, Raja Ram Bhupalrao Bahadur of Gadwal also made
a gift of the villages of Garlapad and Mangammapet for the meritorious services
rendered by the family to the Samasthan.

Govind Naik was Dewan of Wanparthy till his death in 1855. His brother Venkoba
Naik and his son Ramchandra Naik succeeded him. Both the brothers, Govind Naik as
well as Venkoba Naik, had a religious bent of mind and were highly cultured.

Remarkable abilities, strength of character and unbounded charity of Venkoba Naik

had such an irresistible attraction for Sir Salar Jung that he entrusted Venkoba Naik
with the work of organising the Customs Department of the State. A carte-blanche, was
given to him. He fully justified the confidence reposed in him, by the thorough manner
in which the Department was organised. Till recently the employees of this Department
were all Maharashtra Brahmins and all the records maintained in the Choukies were in

Generous to a fault his charity had no bounds. In the grip of the devastating famine
that raged between 1877-79, while people were famishing and writhing in agony, his
outraged sense of humanity made him reckless in organising extensive relief works for
them at the expense of all his ancestral fortune, thus reducing himself to the verge of
poverty. But Sir Salar Jung, who greatly admired the magnanimous and selfless sacrifice
and service of Venkoba Naik, ordered a Mansab of Rs. 300 p. m. to be paid to the family
in heredity and this is still being drawn.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 527


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528 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The distinguished career of Venkoba Naik came to a close on 21-6-1887 at Poona
while returning from pilgrimage to Benares and other sacred places in North India. His
two sons, Vasudev Naik and Govind Naik, held eminent positions. The former as a
High Court Pleader and Chief Agent for the Samasthflns of Gadwal, Wanparthy and
Jatprole, till his death and the latter as the First Taluqdar in the service of H. E. H. the
Nizam’s Government and retired as the Inspector General of Revenue. Mr. Govind
Naik was wellknown for his uprightness and honesty. He was a man ot religious
disposition, repairing old temples and mosques wherever he came across them. Though
a high Officer, he was accessible to all high and low alike. Even after retirement H. E. H.
the Nizam was graciously pleased to appoint him as an administrator of the Wanparthy
State, when it came under the management of the Court of Wards on the death of the
Maharaja Rameshwar Rao Bahiri Balwant Mahabhupal Bahadur.

Mr. Ramachandra Naik was assisting his uncle in managing the affairs of the family
and Wanparthy. He earned the affection and regard of all around him. He passed away
on the 18th of July 1882, only 27 days after his uncle, leaving behind him three sons,
Sheshadri Naik, Umakant Naik and Varnan Naik. Umakant and Sheshadri Naik were
called away from this world in the prime of their life, the former at the age of 16 and the
latter at the age of 35 years. Sheshadri Naik left behind him three sons. Ramchandra
Naik who is an eminent barrister, Laxman Naik and Vishwanath Naik.

Mr. Vaman Naik who is the present head of the family, is the sixth in descent from
the earliest settlers of the family in the State. Born into opulence he received education
in English, Telugu, Urdu and Marathi. He somehow did not develop a taste for State
service which yielded power and a fat income, but grew imbued with a burning desire
for public service which draws on his resources.

He maintains the banking business of the family though he has established some
cotton pressing and ginning factories and other concerns. He was in early life interested
in contracts with the Public Works Department of the State and on the Railways. As a
staunch protagonist of dry policy, for some years he held Abkari contracts over nearly
a third of the State with a view to controlling liquor traffic, and minimising it if not
completely abolishing the same. He successfully assisted the then Revenue Secretary
and Excise Commissioner, Mr. Dunlop, in eradicating the pot-still system that obtained
in every village or second village in the State and reducing the consumption of liquor.
His agitation for making the State dry is sustained and persistent, while he has gradually
been cutting down the territorial limits of his contracts as his object of closing down the

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 529

pot still system has been achieved in those places. He has now practically refused to
take up any further contracts.

He has generous impulses and endearing manners with a catholicity of outlook on

social problems. As a Sanatanist and President of the Sanatan Dharma Sabha of
Hyderabad, he is no obscurantist but a reformer believing in adherence to the Shastras
which form the basic foundation of the Hindu Society, and which he is convinced are
elastic enough to accomodate the .changing conditions of life. An unflinching and
relentless fighter for rights though he is, he bears neither malice, nor vindictiveness
against the opponents. He wins. them by his persuasiveness and the righteousness of
his cause. His work of charity is varied, but his inveterate aversion for ostentation and
publicity does not show him up. The Viveka Vardhini Boys’ and Girls School, his relief
work among the poor during the epidemics of Influenza and Plague, the Temperance
movement, and the revival of Cottage Industries, in certain parts of the State, are eloquent
testimonies to his munificence. His services in connection with the uplift of the so-
called Depressed Classes, his active interest in Social and Educational Conferences, his
services on the Municipal Committee of Hyderabad, and as a member of the Chamber
of Commerce, and the Sahukars’ Committee, and his keen participation in all matters
of the State have marked him out as an astute and zealous worker for the cause of
humanity without distinction of race, caste or creed. He is an Indian first and last without
the contaminating influence of the communal virus. He not only holds a leading position
in the public life of the State, but is recognised outside the State for his levelheadedness
and progressive political mind. The State rings with the glory of his name.

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530 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Syed Mohamad Hasan Bilgrami

R. Syed Mohamad Hasan Bilgrami was born at Bilgram, a town in Hardoi
District of Oudh Province by the side of the sacred river Ganges, in the
year 1869 A. D. He belongs to a very old and respectable family of Syeds
of Bilgram. His ancestors came to India with the conqueror, Muhammed Ghori, in the
beginning of the 13th century about seven or eight hundred years ago and settled down
there. They were granted very large jagirs by the Emperors of India. A portion of the
jagir yielding a revenue of about a lakh a year is still in the possession of the family. Mr.
Bilgrami’s grandfather, Khan Bahadur Moulvi Mohamad Syed Jan Khan, was a Political
Attache to His Excellency Lord Hardinge, the then Viceroy and Governor-General of
India and retired. His services were highly spoken of by the Government of India.

Mr. Bilgrami received his early education from a great learned man of the time at
Bilgram. He then joined the Canning College at Lucknow and afterwards completed
his education at the M. A. O. College, Aligarh. He was a great favourite of his tutor, Mr.
Theodore Beck, the then Principal of the College. He entered the service of His Exalted
Highness’ Government in 1887, as a Translator on Rs. 150 per mensem. From that obscure
position few could have aspired for a higher status; but Mr. Bilgrami was a man of
great vision. He was not satisfied with what he had, his ambition in life being to move
forward aiming to grasp things beyond his immediate reach. He acquainted himself in
his spare moments with public accounts, etc. When an opportunity presented itself he
was found qualified to be Government auditor for the railways. First as an assistant
and then as the chief auditor of railways and mines accounts Mr. Bilgrami discharged
his duties most efficiently.

He looked upward. That was his characteristic and time came for his holding that
responsible appointment of Accountant General of the State on Rs. 1500 per mensem.
He was responsible for the reorgnisation and efficient staffing of that large office on the
lines of those in British Indian Provinces. He retired in 1925, his entire service being 35
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 531


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532 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

years. Immediately after his retirement on pension H. E. H. was graciously pleased to
appoint him as President of the Managing Committee of Sir Khurshed Jah’s Paigah,
which appointment he still holds. He is a man of literary pursuits and the author of
several books, both in Persian and Urdu. He is also a very keen Freemason and has
rendered yeomen service to the Craft. He holds a very high rank from the Grand Lodge,
A. S. F. I. He is a man of very courteous and affable manners, ready to help any body
irrespective of caste or creed. He is much liked by his friends and never does anything
to harm anyone.

He has a son named Syed Azamuddin Hassan, who is now a Railway auditor.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 533

Mr. Mehr Ali Fazil

R. Mehr Ali, son of Mr Fazil Mohamed, was born in 1882. His father
traced his descent from Chowth, the fourth son of Hira Kheta, a very
prominent citizen of Cutch. The enterprising members of this Chowthani
family spread out towards Bombay and East Africa. Mr. Fazil Mohamed, who had
established a thriving glassware business in Bombay being struck with paralysis passed
away in 1899 leaving five sons and two daughters. Mr. Mehr Ali, then a student of St.
Xavier’s High School, Bombay, passed the Matriculation Examination in 1900 and
standing first among the .Muslim boys secured the coveted Jairazbhoy - Peerbhoy

Under the mature guidance of his uncle, Mr. Rahimbhoy Mohamed, Mr. Mehr Ali
was encouraged to pursue higher education at Elphinstone College which he left in
due course to join the College of Engineering, Poona, taking the degree of L. C. E. of the
University of Bombay in 1904.

Soon thereafter, fate ordained that his first appointment should be in the Bombay
Improvement Trust. His ability and energy there attracted the attention of the Gwa1ior
State, where he was invited to serve in 1905. With a creditable record he came to
Hyderabad in order to do his best to the Premier State in India. Wherever he was and in
whatever capacity he worked his ability and zeal singled him out and he now directs
the destiny of the City Improvement Board.

Prior to this he as an architect successfully executed monumental works such as,

the High Court building (20 lakhs), City College (12 lakhs), Jagirdars’ College (6 lakhs),
the Osmania General Hospital (22 1akhs) and other structures of lesser importance
such as the Peace Memorial Serai, Bella Vista Annexe, Telephone Exchange etc.

His enthusiasm for improving the great City of Hyderabad is evidenced by the
construction of wide and dust-proof trunk roads, completely transforming the frontage
and interior of the shops in the main business centre of the City, clearing slums and
replacing on their site ideal homes for the poor, creating play-grounds and pavilions
for children, all of which reflect credit to him. He is a keen Freemason.

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534 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 535

Mr. Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin

R. Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin, Editor of the Rahbar-e-Deccan, one of the
leading Urdu Dailies published in Hyderabad, comes from a
distinguished family of Hyderabad, his grand-father, the late Moulvi
Ahmed Ali Saheb, being the first Chief Justice of the Hyderabad High Court, and his
great grand-father, Moulvi Muhammad Akbar Saheb, a man of great learning and
wisdom, who was especially revered for his Islamic culture and who was the recipient
of many titles and distinctions not only from the Nizams of Hyderabad but also from
the Moghul Emperors.

Mr. Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin is the son of Moulvi Mir Ziauddin Saheb, Tahsildar,
and was born at Janmikunta in the Karimnagar taluk. After receiving his early education
here, he joined the M. A. O. College at Aligarh and having passed the Intermediate
Examination returned to Hyderabad and studied for the B. A. degree examination of
the Madras University.

While yet a student he showed such an irresistible interest in journalism that he

discarded his academic career, and started the Rahbar-e-Deccan in 1329 Fasli. From the
first day of its issue, it began to gain popularity and today it is the most popular and
widely circulated daily in Hyderabad.

Its editorials, both on domestic and foreign subjects, are always highly appreciated
by the public, thanks to Mr. Mohiuddin’s balanced views and critical acumen.

What is striking is his remarkable capacity to understand the need of modern

newspaper readers. The success of a newspaper does not depend upon the number of
pages it contains nor the length and solidity of the columns but upon the choice of
matter, arrangement of news and the excellence of editing same. We are somehow
tempted to say that the “Rahbar” is unrivalled in these respects. As a manufacturer
would keep his eyes wide open, study the market and understand the demands of
consumers so have we seen Mr. Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin exercising an intelligent
outlook as to the requirements of the educated public. We have often found him prompt
in translating the messages as soon as received and sending the same to the press post
haste, all with a view to catering to the public news far ahead of any of his
contemporaries. A noticeable feature of the “Rahbar” is its foreign news service from
its own correspondents. We wish Mr. Syed Ahmed continued success in his journalistic
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536 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The “Rahbar” publishes an illustrated annual which circulates even in such far
countries as England, Egypt, Arabia and Afghanistan.


The management of the paper is in the capable hands of Mr. Syed Yusufuddin, the
elder brother of the Editor, who is ably assisted by Mr. Abdulla Khan, a veteran
vernacular journalist.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 537

Mr. Kishen Rao

R. Kishen Rao, the editor and proprietor of the Urdu daily “Musheer” is
a native of Aurangabad, and was born in 1869. His natural inclination
and aptitude for journalism were so strong that, as soon as he left school,
he took to the study of printing and newspaper writing with great interest and energy,


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538 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

so that in the year 1887 he commenced to edit an Urdu weekly called” Deccan Panch”.
In the year 1892 the said paper assumed its present name of Musheer-i-Deccan, but
continued to be weekly down to the end of April 1897, when it was made a daily paper.

This paper is specially devoted to Hyderabad affairs, and its outspoken views on
Hyderabad matters, have been useful and acceptable. It is regarded as an impartial
organ voicing the opinion of the public and the Government of Hyderabad once spoke
of it in glorious terms in an Administration Report of that Government. In token of
their special recognition the Government of H. E. H. the Nizam purchase many copies
of this paper and distribute them among their various schools and offices. In its style,
make up and other aspects the Musheer-i-Deccan may be classed as a first class
vernacular paper. It has contributed to the spread of civilization throughout the country,
and the success it has attained in reforming the social ideas of people is really gratifying.

He has five sons, who are all well educated.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 539

Mr. Ahmed Arif

LTHOUGH journalism from financial point of view is univiting and is
pursued by persons with Job’s tears, yet to one who has the instinct and
intelligence it offers unbounded joy and happiness, for he enters the arena
not for monetary gains but for the sake of enlightening the world and of serving his
fellow-men. Mr. Ahmed Arif entered journalism not because he did not succeed
elsewhere - Hyderabad Government Departments are a promising field for men of Mr.
Ahmed Arif’s ability and attainments - but because he merely obeyed the traditional
call. His grandfather, Moulana Syed Shah Ibrahim Afoo, was a famous writer of prose
and poetry in Urdu and a scholar in Arabic and Persian. He was a man of letters. The
Moulana was a pensioner of Nizam’s Government and died in his ninety ninth year.
Mr. Ahmed Arif inherited the ability to write from such a distinguished grandfather
and in his fourteenth year commenced to contribute articles to vernacular papers; his
favourite subject being education. Rarely would a student in his school days venture to
criticise the system of education or advance suggestions for its improvement but Mr.
Arif read much on the subject and wielded his pen in a powerful manner. His thoughts
were epitomised in a book which was popularly read, not only in Hyderabad but also
in British Provinces of India. Mr Ahmed Asif, took steps to found a paper and his plans
matured in 1337 Fasli, it being “Subh-e-Deccan, a morning daily. Although it is only
five years old, the paper occupies a prominent place in Hyderabad State. Mr. Ahmed
Arif is a man of wonderful vision and has a capacity to understand the needs of the
newspaper reading public and by catering to their requirements he has made his paper
as popular as it is today. His illustrated edition on the occasion by the birthday of His
Exalted Highness is a magnificient piece of journalistic enterprise. His Exalted Highness
the Nizam himself evinces a keen interest in its publication which contains contributions
of verses from eminent writers, even from members of the Royal Household. Mr. Ahmed
Arif is a man of literary taste and his language is chaste. His service to the country
through his newspaper has already begun to be felt and as an author myself I wish him
all success. Mr. Ali Ashraf has since the inception of the paper been joint Editor ably
assisting in the conduct of the journal.

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540 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 541

Nawab Hashim Yar Jung Bahadur

ANY from the neighbouring Provinces of India have adorned the rank
and file of Hyderabad State service, and Hyderabad is indeed grateful
to those who by their loyalty and devotion to duty made Hyderabad
what it is today. Among such loyal Officers of Government is Nawab Hashim Yar Jung
Bahadur. He is a nephew of Nawab Sir Akhar Hydari.


Hashim Moizuddin was born on the 20th August 1878 of a well known and
prosperous Shiah family of Bombay - a family which has made no small contribution to
make the Muslim community of Bombay a factor to be reckoned with in commercial,
civic and political matters.

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542 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Hashim Moizuddin had a briIliant educational career. Both in High School
and College he held an enviable position. He had a gift for languages and English seemed
to be his native tongue. In debating clubs and literary associations Mr. Hashim
Moizuddin made a mark and few excelled him not only in the command of the language
but also in the manner in which he presented his ideas.

He took his M. A. degree from the St. Xavier’s College and proceeded to the Law
College. After obtaining the L. L. B. degree of the Bombay University, Mr. Hashim Yar
Jung served a term of apprenticeship under some leading legal practitioners of the
Bombay High Court. As a junior he evoked the admiration of many an experienced
advocate for his ability in representing his clients both in Civil and Criminal Courts.
Legal profession was said, even in those days, to be over crowded, but Mr. Hashim had
no difficulty in keeping his head above water and get clear of the crowd of briefless

However, he longed to have a free field. So he came to Hyderabad and enrolled

himself as an advocate of the local High Court and of the Courts in the British
Administered areas. His depth of knowledge and integrity were soon recognized and a
Civil Court Judgeship was offered to him in Hyderabad in 1907. He accepted it and by
sheer merit he steadily rose from the fourth rank to the chief Judgeship of the City Civil
Court. He was next transfered to the Divisional Court of Gulburga. In 1924 he became
a Puisne Judge of the High Court. As a dispenser of justice Mr. Hashim was unique. He
was an ornament on the High Court Bench and was revered by the bar and the public.
His Exalted Highness in appreciation of his distinguished career in the judicial
Deparrment conferred on him the title of Nawab Hashim Yar Jung in 1925.

Since 1929 the Nawab Sahib has been Legal Adviser and Secretary to Government
in the Legislative Department:

He is a devout Moslem and a gentleman of charitable and courteous disposition.

May he live long and prosper.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 543

Nawab Rahmat Yar Jung Bahadur
Mr. Mohomad Rahimatulla

MONG the younger officers of Government Mr. Mohomad Rahimatulla
may be regarded as a very promising officer having a great future before

Born on the 4th June 1886 of a family which has for generations rendered yeomen
service to the State and earned a much coveted title and mansab, Mr. Rahimatulla
received a liberal education in Persian, Arabic and English at Dar-ul-Ulum, Aligarh,
and the Nizam College, Hyderabad, and was nominated and sent with the rank of
assistant Talukdar to Madras for practical training in Revenue administration. The period
of training was one year spent in Bellary and Kistna Districts. He so acquainted himself
within such a short time with every branch of revenue work and mastered the Codes
and Standing Orders of the Board of Revenue, Madras, in his characteristic thoroughness
that he was declared to be well equipped to enter on his duties and returned to
Hyderabad for regular service. Before he was placed in charge of a revenue division,
however, Mr. Rahimatulla was understudy to the Examiner of Revenue Accounts. Such
a combination of training stood him in good stead when opportunities presented
themselves later on.

As assistant Talukdar (Assistant Collector) Mr. Rahimatulla served in the Telingana,

Marathwara and Carnatic Divisions and in this capacity he left an indelible impression
of his ability, sense of justice and uprightness upon the mind of the people and his
superior officers. When Sir Reginald Glancy, I. C. S., Assistant Minister, Finance, was
in need of a capable Assistant, Mr. Rahimatulla was chosen for this responsible work.
For five years he served in the Finance Department earning the good-will of the head of
the Department and the love and esteem of the Office staff.

To earn his promotion in the regular line, when he reverted to the Revenue
Department, he was given a personal allowance and his good work in the Finance
Department was highly commended under His Exalted Highness’s commands. In the
Revenue Department he showed an aptitude for statistical work, and it was entirely to
his great interest in that branch of work and initiative that the Department of Statistics
owes its creation and existence. He was deputed by Government to Calcutta for training
in Statistics in the Department of Statistics of the Government of India, and, on his

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544 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 545

return he organised the present Statistics Department on the 1st Thir 1328 Fasli (7th
May 1919) and put it on a working basis. When the time came in 1921 for taking the
decennial Census Mr. Rahimatulla was appointed as the Census Commissioner in
addition to his own duties as Director of Statistics. His ability and skill in organisation
and administration had a free play in the census work. Division of the Dominions into
blocks, charges and circles for taking the census, appointment of District officers,
supervisors and enumerators, establishment of an abstraction and tabulation office
consisting of about 900 clerks and numerous other important details connected with
the census demanded of him a knowledge of local conditions and judgment rarely
found in others. As a trustworthy mariner would handle the ship, Mr. Rahimatulla
skilfully steered the huge census organisation to its destination. On the successful
conduct of the census operations, Mr. Marten, the Census Commissioner for India,
highly commended his work and His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government paid
him a warm tribute and granted him an allowance of Rs. 300 per mensem in lieu of
good service. When in 1931 famine conditions prevailed in Raichur, Gulbarga and
Osmanabad Districts, Mr. Rahimatulla was appointed Famine Commissioner and
carried out the Famine operations effectively and economically. Along with his
multifarious duties Mr. Rahimatulla was meanwhile able to organise District Gazetteer
work and obtained sanction for staff and expenditure. Much spade work was done and
valuable material collected for all the districts but when he was redrafted to the Revenue
Department as Collector of Nander District in 1929, the work was held in abeyance.

Mr. Rahimatulla’s appointment to Nander was made at a critical time when a stern
disciplinarian was needed at the helm of affairs in that district. The Sikh-Moslem discord
had been threatening to develop into a serious communal trouble. The relations of
Muslims and Hindus were also very much strained owing to disputes in connecion
with Ganpathi and other religious processions. In short, the whole district was a veritable
bed of mines, threatening to explode at any moment. Mr. Rahimatulla’s sagacity,
diplomacy and fearlessness averted a nasty blot in the history of that district. Often at
great personal risk he controlled the situation with great tact and by diplomatic
negotiations introduced such permanent and lasting measures as to remove all
differences between the respective communities. This piece of service to the public and
Government earned for him the complete confidence of both.

Now Mr. Rahimatulla has been selected for the very responsible post of the
Commissioner of City Police and is now working as Joint Commissioner on full pay

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546 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

and allowances. He received Police training in Bombay City for three months under
the orders of Government.

Mr. Rahimatulla is a keen sportsman, his favourite games being tennis and cricket.

As a Revenue and Finance Officer, as Statistician, Census and Famine

Commissioner, Mr. Rahimatulla, sill young, has proved his worth. May he live long to
win further laurels in service.

He was awarded the title of Nawab Rahmat Yar Jung Bahadur in consideration of
his meritorious services to the State on the occasion of 49th Birthday of H. E. H. the
Nizam. He was also privileged to join all the functions connected with the State visits
of Lord Willingdon, Viceroy and Governer-General of India, in 1933.


Nawab Rahmat Yar Jung Bahadur was for two years Nazim Atyat and then
appointed Commissioner of City Police on 1st May 1934. He has instilled into the rank
and file a new life and outlook and a sense of responsibility which the Force stood in
need of. We wish him further honours in the service of his country in the Ruler.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 547

Major Amir Sultan

NOTHER Officer, whose talents are an acquisition to the City Police
Department, is Major Amir Sultan, a very popular officer. He hails from a
domiciled Persian family which has contributed not a little to the efficient
administration of the State of Hyderabad.

He was born in 1299 F. in Hyderabad, his father being Nawab Agha Yar Jung
Bahadur, who was until recently Joint Secretary, Revenue Department, and is now Mir
Majlis (President) of the Asman Jah Paigah Committee.


After private study at home Mr. Amir Sultan joined the Nizam College. At the
College he excelled others not only at studies but also in games. He held the foremost
rank in cricket, football, hockey and other games and was reckoned to be a promising
athlete. Army had a peculiar fascination to him. In 1317 he joined the 2nd Lancers,
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548 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Hyderabad, as a cadet. For seven years he remained attached to the various units such
as the 3rd Lancers, African Cavalry Guards and 3rd Infantry. The Chief Commander of
the Army was favourably impressed with the young officer’s deportment and devotion
to duty. For services rendered as an officer in charge of the Purana Haveli Palace His
Highness the late Nizam rewarded him in suitable form. As a Camp Officer at Narsampet
when Col. Pin hey, the Resident, went there for shikar, Mr. Amir Sultan was presented
with a sanad and a photograph of Col. Pinhey by Col. Pinhey himself.

He was then transferred to the City Police by the command of His Exalted Highness
on the recommendation of Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur, the City KotwaI. He commenced
as Chief Inspector in 1324 Fasli. In that capacity he retained the Military rank and made
considerable reforms in the Police administration. His proficiency in Persian and English
was an acquisition to him in the discharge of his multifarious work which often brought
him into contact with eminent persons, English and Indian. Major Amir Sultan is skilful
in anthropometry and judicial work having obtained special training in them.

From the Chief Inspectorship Major Amir Sultan by meritorious service rapidly
rose to the position of Senior Deputy Commissioner of the City Police. For his services
during the visit to Hyderabad of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales in 1331 Fasli, Major Amir
Sultan wag granted a personal allowance of Rs. 50 and a police medal. Government
was not slow to recognize his conscientious and meritorious services in connection
with the visits to Hyderabad of Lord Chelmsford, Lord Reading, Lord Irwin and Lord
Goschen. He richly deserved the souvenirs such as Gold links and silver cigarette case,
pencils, etc. Lord Hardinge, an Ex-Viceroy, when he visited Hyderabad in 1340F. highly
complimented Major Amir Sultan and Raja Bahadur Venkata Rama Reddy for the
excellent Police arrangements. His Exalted Highness’s Government paid a tribute to
him for the part he played in bringing under control the strike movement of the
employees of the Electricity Department. Thus wherever Major Amir Sultan was
required he proved his worth as an Officer of the Police. His bravery in bringing to
book the notorious dacoit Dawood was praiseworthy. Such exemplary services standing
to his credit are numerous.

Major Amir Sultan is a popular officer and gentleman of amiable disposition,

respected both by the public and Government. He always beams with a smile, - a rare
characteristic of a Police Officer, - is courteous, lovable and highly respected. We wish
him long life and happiness.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 549


Before we go to press we have received the news that His Exalted Highness the
Nizam has been pleased to promote this distinguished Police Officer to the rank of
Lieut.-Colonel. It is a recognition of merit and with the elevation to this rank comes
added responsibility, which, we are confident, Colonel Sultan will cheerfully bear. Time
will not be far distant when we shall have the satisfaction of seeing Colonel Sultan
Commanding the entire City Police force as the Kotwal (Commissioner).

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550 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Mir Mahmood Ali Khan

HE present efficiency of the City Police department may be safely attributed
to the upbringing, character and the integrity of the Officers manning the
organisation. Among the personnel of the ranks Mir Mahmood Ali Sahib
deserves a honourable mention. He belongs to a wellknown and highly respectable
family of Hyderabad, which for its historic connection and noble tradition enjoys a
Jagir and Mansab. Hazrat Mir Ashraf Ali Sahib and Khalifa Hazrat Shah Sadullah, are
the mile-stones of Mr. Mir Mahmood Ali’s ancestry.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 551

Mir Mahmood Ali, who is a Deputy Commissioner of the City Police, had his general
education at the Nizam College and studied Arabic and Persian privately. To further
equip himself for the battle of life he passed the Government Judicial test and the Pleaders
examination, both of the first grade, and also that of the Revenue Officers with

With such academical and professional qualifications Mir Mahmood Ali Sahib was
invited to accept an appointment as Tahsildar in the Paigah. His services there were so
satisfactory that he was posted as Superintendent, Local Funds, Mahbubnagar District.
He was not wanting in ability to discharge such onerous duties as devolved upon him
in that capacity. By carrying out certain improvements and works of public utility he
left an indelible impression of his merits. Such a capable officer would be an acquisition
to any Government Department, and we are not surprised to find him appointed as
Tahsildar. In that Office he brought into full play his knowledge of land revenue
administration and for his ability he earned the eulogy not only of the High Court and
the judicial Department but also of the Revenue Department. The Talukdar and the
Subedar spoke highly of Mir Mahmood Ali Sahib’s efficiency. For the way in which he
realised revenue arrears and for the cordial relationship which he maintained with the
ryots his name was brought up before Government for recognition. His conspicuous
ability in various spheres of administration came to the notice of the then City Police
Commissioner, the late Nawab Imad Jung Bahadur, who requisitioned his services to
the City Police, with the approval of His Exalted Highness the Nizam. The Revenue
Department grudgingly spared him to the City Police for he had proved himself so
indispensable to the Revenue Department. The Moulvi Sahib’s first appointment in the
City was that of Chief Inspector. In addition to his Police duties he was required to take
over the department called “Sarishta bazarat, Sarf-i-khas Mubarak” for which lakhs of
rupees had to be realised from tenants. What were said to be bad debts were all recovered
by him and he gradually improved the revenue of the Bazarat, Sarf-i-Khas.

His services were next requisitioned by the Director of Civil supplies as a special
Police Officer. He distinguished himself in that work and for that he was highly
complimented. For his meritorious services in connection with H. R. H. the Prince of
Wale’s visit to Hyderabad he was awarded a Police gold medal in addition to a monthly
cash allowance of Rs. 50. He was also promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner
and then to that of Deputy Commissioner in charge of C. 1. D. work in the City. May he
live long to win further laurels in the service of his king and country.

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552 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. S. Narayen Reddy, M. A.

E was born at Wanparthy on the 14th of August, 1895, and spent his early
life at Babasahebpeth, in Nalgonda District. He had his education at the
Government High School, Chaderghat, when Mr. Gloria was headmaster.
In 1909 he joined New English School, Poona, but returned to Hyderabad the following
year for reasons of health. After spending some time in All Saints Institution he returned
to Poona again, this time to join Poona Native Institution, the oldest school in Poona.
He passed his Matriculation examination and joined the Deccan College. He passed the
Intermediate in Arts examination in 1918, and proceeded to England in 1919, for higher
studies. He joined Fitzwilliam Hall in the May Term of 1920. As the Intermediate
Examination of Bombay University was not recognized by that University, he had to
pass the Previous Examination with Latin as his classical language, and started his
work for the degree examination in Economics and Law. This he succeeded by gaining
distinction in both the subjects, and took his B. A. degree in the year 1923. While studying
at the University he also kept terms at the Temple and finished his preliminary
examinations during that time. After taking his degree, he applied himself to studies
for the Bar which he concluded in the early part of 1924.

From his early life he had a liking for Police service. After taking the degree he
endeavoured to get facilities through Sir Ali Imam, who was then the President of the
Executive Council to study police methods at Scotland yard; but his efforts were in

He persevered through various channels and finally through the good offices of
the Government of India, the Home Office in London arranged for Mr. Reddy joining
Wakefield, the Head Quarters of the Constabulary of the West Riding in Yorkshire.
This was the home of the famous Card Indexing system of criminals. It was here that
Major Acherley, who was once the Chief Constable of that Force invented the system
and put it into practise there. The system was so successful that all Britain, including
Scotland Yard, adopted it. At Wakefield Mr. Reddy mastered the intricacies of the card-
indexing system and went back to London. The Home Office next sent him to the great
industrial city of Birmingham. Here Mr. Rafter, who is now Sir Charles Rafter, was the
Chief Constable. Birmingham was a great centre for Police Training. Mr. Reddy spent
nearly three months here and returned to London. The Home Office was so satisfied
with Mr. Reddy’s progress that they sent him to Belfast in North Ireland, to be trained
by the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Gelston who was the Police Commissioner there,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 553


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554 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

attached him to one of the Divisions of the City and helped him to acquaint himself
with the working of the Police there. Next the Inspector General ordered that he should
gain experience of the District work, so he was sent to Omagah, the Head Quarters of
the County of Tyrone. Mr. Reddy was put through all branches of Police service. He
was later sent to the District of Strabane, Cooks town, and Dunganon, to learn the work
of the districts. During all these travels in the county the Inspector General kindly placed
a Police Tender at the service of Mr. Reddy. After completing this course in the County
of Tyrone, he returned to Belfast, and after taking leave of all the officers returned to
London to receive further orders. The Home Office next gave him facilities to go to the
Scotland Yard, the world famous centre of the Metropolitan Police Force. Mr. Reddy
next sought facilities of the Home Office, for visiting some of the big jails of the Metropolis
and the Borstal Institution at Rochester. The Home Office was too willing to grant
these facilities, now that they had known Mr. Reddy’s interest in these matters. He
visited the famous Pentonville Prison and the Borstal at Rochester.

After going through this strenuous course of Police training Mr. Reddy returned to
Hyderabad after an absence of nearly six and a half years, in November, 1925. The
Government were pleased to appoint him straight to a post of Assistant
Commissionership. Soon Mr. Reddy made his presence felt in the City Police, by the
reforms he undertook regarding traffic control, and registration of motor vehicles. He
was instrumental in improving the conditions of cars running on hire between
Hyderabad and Secunderabad. His work pleased his superiors to such an extent that
he was a made a Deputy Commissioner at the beginning of 1340 Fasli, i. e., five years
after he joined service. By sheer hard and honest work he has made such rapid strides
which are a credit to any Police Officer. When H. E., the Viceroy Lord Irwin visited
Hyderabad in 1929 he was deputed as an escort officer for Lady Irwin. Her Excellency
was very pleased with his services and before leaving Hyderabad presented him with
a beautiful pencil as a souvenir.

He is the son of Mr. Chenna Krishna Reddy, popularly known as Charles Wahab,
who was the younger brother of the wellknown Rani Shankaramma, wife of Raja
Rameshwar Rao, the first, who rendered such meritorious services to the Nizam as
well as the British during the critical times of the Mutiny. The late Raja was also the first
organizer of the Regular Troops in Hyderabad. The famous African Cavalry Guards,
now the Body Guard, was his own crack Cavalry. After the Raja’s death, Mr. Reddy’s
aunt Rani Shankaramma presented it to the Government. During the minority of the
succeeding Rajas, Mr. Reddy’s father helped his sister in administering the Samasthan,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 555

which has a reputation of being the most efficiently administered. Mr. Reddy had the
misfortune to loose his father in 1924, when he was still in England, just starting on his
Police career. He has two brothers, the eldest, Mr. R. Govind Reddy, looks after lands,
the family property, situated in Nalgonda and Mahbubnagar Districts. The other brother
Mr. R. Gopal Reddy, is practising at the Bar in Hyderabad. Mr. Reddy, was married
after his return from England, in 1926, to the youngest daughter of Raja Saheb of
Munigala, whose other daughter is the mother Rani of Wanpatthy. Mr. Reddy is blessed
with three sons.

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556 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Bahadur Bansilal

AJA Bahadur Bansilal is one of the merchant princes of the State and ranks
among the very few multimillionaires in these Dominions. The original
home of the family was at Nagore in Jodhpur and Sett Shivdat Ram was
the first member or the family to come and settle down in Hyderabad. At that time His
Highness Nawab Secunder Jah Bahadur, the third Nizam, was on the masnad. Sett
Shivdat Ram commenced banking business in the city and soon established it firmly
and won a name for himself. After his death, his two sons, Jasiram Lachiram, who had
accompanied their father when he left Jodhpur, carried on the business as a joint concern
which they extended and enlarged.

They left behind a son each, named Sett Shivlal and Sett Shivnarayen. The former
was born in the year 1806 A. D. He was a very gifted individual and greatly improved
the business founded by his grandfather and achieved such outstanding success that
during the ministry of Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk Bahadur, the uncle of the first Salar Jung,
His Highness’ Government entrusted the treasury into the hands of Sett Shivlal. He
carried on Government banking work for some time in addition to his own private
banking business. The Government reposed great confidence in him and when money
was scarce, it was to Sett Shivlal that the Government mortgaged the celebrated diamond
known as the “Nizam’s jewel” for ten lakhs of rupees. For-its safety and security the
Government allowed Sett Shivlal a guard of 200 men and also a cannon.

In the year 1857 when the great Indian Mutiny broke out and the whole of India
was in a state of convulsion, Sett Shivlal was of the greatest assistance to the British
Governmeht. In recognition of his services, the Government of India presented him
with a pair of costly shawls, accompanied with a gift of land within the Residency
limits known as Raghunath Bagh. Colonel Davidson, who was then the British Resident,
wrote to Sett Shivlal Motilal the following letter :-

“In consideration of your loyal services to the British Government during the years
1857 and 58, which have been much appreciated, the accompanying presents as per list
attached have been graciously sent to you by His Excellency the Governor-General”.

Sett Shivlal Motilal died on the 18th November 1861 and was succeeded by his son
Raja Bahadur Motilal who was then about 22 years of age and had already established
a reputation for industry and capacity for banking and general mercantile work.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 557

His Highness the Nizam’s Government now commenced to have monetary
transactions with the firm of Sett Shivlal Motilal and the latter had the privilege of
lending large sums of money to His Highness the Nizam’s Government. This business
connection continued for heady half a century and was discontinued during the time
of Sir George Casson Walker, the Finance Minister, between the years 1903 and 1910.

On the 4th October 1898, His Highness the late Nizam, recognizing his business
capacity and wide reputation conferred upon him the title of ,Raja Bahadur. He died on
the 14th of June 1917, and was succeeded by his son, Raja Bansilal Bahadur, the present
head of the house.

Raja Shivlal Motilal was an exceedingly generous and benevolent man, and being
religiously inclined built and endowed charity asylums at several places of pilgrimage
such as Tirupati and Srirangam. At those homes rice and other articles of food are daily
distributed to the pilgrims. In Hyderabad also there is a like institution where food
stuffs are daily distributed and, in addition, a rupee, a piece of cloth and a brass vessel
are given to each applicant. Raja Bansilal Bahadur, the present head of the house, received
sound education in Hindi and Urdu and is held in high esteem as a capable financier
and honoured for his intelligence and culture. Like his father he is also of a very charitable
disposition and his charitable acts have been many. His Highness the late Nizam
conferred upon him the title of Raja Bahadur on the corresponding day, the 4th of
October, (1898) when he conferred a similar title on his father. The Raja Bahadur is a
great traveller and has visited all the pilgrim centres in India. He has five sons, namely
Sett Govindlal, Sett Mukundlal, Sett Narayanlal, Sett Pannalal and Sett Goverdhanlal.
Raja Bansilal recently constructed a very big Dharmsala in Hardwar.

Sett Narayenlal, who was born in 1906, is the third grandson of that great merchant
prince, Raja Shivlal Motilal Bahadur. From childhood he said to have evinced certain of
the main characteristics of his grandfather, such as keenness and quickness in grasping
things. He was partly educated at home and partly in the Marwadi Vidyala in Bombay.
His educational career was disturbed and broken by the partition of the family property.

Though still a minor he was called upon to manage and administer property worth
several lakhs of rupees. It was a crisis which tested the mettle of the young man. Many
men would have become nervous in such circumstances, but Sett Narayenlal rose to
the occasion and showed that he was “a chip of the old block” who knew no set back to
his undertakings.
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558 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 559


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560 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

After succeeding to his portion of his grandfather’s property, he married at the
early age of nineteen. Highly gifted and talented, and possessing a highly developed
character, he administered his property with care and wisdom and never indulged in
pleasures or extravagance. He considers his fortune as a sacred trust and devotes a
large part of his profits to charity and education. His enthusiasm for the spread of
education is particularly noteworthy and he has already earned the undying gratitude
of thousands of parents whose children have been benefitted by his munificence.

Sett Narayenlal is not only an enthusiast in education but also keen social reformer.
He has swept away many of the Marwadi superstitions and in this work he is nobly
joined by his devoted wife, Sreemati Rajkumari Devi, who is an intelligent and cultured
lady. She is charitably inclined, and takes a direct and abiding interest in her husband’s
schemes for charity and the promotion of education.

Sett Narayenlal, who resides in Bombay, is a member of the Municipal Corporation,

and one of the youngest. He is a public worker and patriot and greatly honoured in his
community. He has a brilliant future before : him and he may render very good service
indeed to his country and his fellow-citizens. His wisdom and patriotism are guarantees
to that.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 561

Sait Abdulla Alladin

HE object of our ‘Hyderabad Pictorial’ is to keep on record the life sketches
of such persons who have steadily applied themselves to services of the
State and or the public. However diligent we have been in search of facts
concerning such persons who have done material good, we cannot claim to have secured


There are oersons who, by their good deeds, have come to the lime light; yet there
are a few, very few, who have, for obvious reasons, chosen to remain in the back ground.
Again, there are persons who do good for public applause while there are others who
seek to immortalise their names. But there are very few chosen ones of God who do
good for the love of doing good. Their souls are so uplifted that it becomes their nature
to do good and they are even not aware of having done any good.

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562 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 563

Mr. Abdulla Alladin who belongs to the last group of persons is the eldest of the
four brothers of the well-known firm of Messrs. Alladin & Sons, who have taken active
part in building up the firm’s business. He is now in his 54th year.

His religious fervour is worth mentioning. In a few minutes interview with him
one feels that he has found in him God’s good man.

His charities have all been in secret. He gives relief to such persons who feel too
respectable to beg.

His character compels not only respect but intense personal regard of those who
come in contact with him. He has a personality all his own. Without a furrow or wrinkle
on his forehead, quite unassuming and with childlike simplicity he impresses one as a
deep thinker and one who is not living solely for himself but for others. He has well
filled the part of a friend of the needy.

Anyone who has any pretence of ability to judge human character can not have
any other opinion than the one expressed above. He is true to his convictions. He
accepted the Ahmadiya faith in Islam through deep thinking and conviction. We hold
no brief for any particular creed or belief, but if any religion can produce a man like Mr.
Abdulla Alladin, it must have truth in it, as a tree is always judged by the fruit thereof.

Theology has been his most favourite pursuit. One is astounded to see his collection
of theological books. He spends most of his time in reading religious works. His life’s
desire is to spread the knowledge of the Religion of Peace. He has published books in
English, Urdu and Gujarathi. Some of these can be had at nominal prices and at times
he distributes them free of cost, postage prepaid.

The literature published by him has been so much appreciated throughout India
and abroad that all his publications have gone through several editions. It is not only
Muslims who feel interested in the subjects he has dealt with, but also people of other
religions as will be seen from the demand for his literature from people of all creeds in
Europe, America and Africa and also from some remote parts of the world. The letters
of appreciation he has received from the readers in different countries go to prove the
good work he is doing for humanity in ameliorating the moral and spiritual conditions.
Some of these letters of appreciation from different countries are reproduced on the
last pages of his world renowned book entitled “Extracts from the Holy Quran and
Special Messages to people of different religions” (7th edition).

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564 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

It is a labour of love to him to distribute the literature he has so studiously collected
and published to those who will drop him a post card. There is an elaborate treatise on
the physical, moral and spiritual conditions of man, a study of which would bring
home to the reader the attainment of true happiness. At present it is in Arabic Urdu,
English, French and Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu. He is now getting this
treatise translated into different languages of India. We wish him every success in his
selfless work for the spiritual uplift of his fellowmen.

In our opinion Mr. Abdulla is filling a want in society, a want which we consider
imperative. We have no doubt that many a soul owes its spiritual advancement by
coming in contact with him.

We wish Mr. Abdulla Alladin all the success in the good work he is engaged in an
unassuming manner.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 565

Khan Bahadur Ahmad Alladdin

HAN Bahadur Ahmad was born in Secunderabad in the year 1885.
Although he is a scion of a reputable lineage, he was not born with a silver
spoon in his mouth nor had he a ready made fortune to commence his life
with. He can therefore be placed in the category of self-made men.


Commencing business in a small way, he built up the house of Alladin & Sons in
such a manner as to excite admiration. Today the House of Alladin & Sons stands
foremost in the commercial world of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Dominions
commanding clientele throughout India.

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566 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Therefore, while dealing with Khan Bahadur Alladin’s life, we are recording in
these pages an example of a selfmade man for future generations to emulate.

While writing about him, we are writing about a leading Muslim gentleman, a
successful business man, a prominent public worker and a genuine philanthropist and
benefactcr for the cause of the poor.

A pure and good soul is portrayed in the face of the person. One is impressed by
his personality. There is an indefinable something in his personality which gives a fair
vision of the sterling worth of his character.

The Muslim community of Secunderabad and Hyderabad in particular and other

communities in general will readily bear testimony to the services rendered by him to
the public.

We do not propose in this brief sketch of Khan Bahadur’s life to recount all he has
done, nor do we claim to know all; we shall therefore mention only such facts as are
well known.

To begin with we say that there are few charitable and philanthropic institutions
with which he has not identified himself.

As a member of the “Food Stuffs Committee” which was formed to cope with a
serious situation created by a famine he undertook to stop grain dealers from profiteering
by providing grain to poor people at cheaper prices. He also supplied rice at cheap
rates during the period of a plague epidemic and comforts to poor plague stricken
people. This won for him the Certificate of Merit from the Hon’ble the Resident at
Hyderabad in 1912.

He was a pillar of help to Government as a member of the War Relief Committee.

He has given the best of his energy, time, money and what not to the cause of education.
As an instance we cite the Islamia High School, which owes its rejuvenation to his
timely help. There are many private schools and institutions that owe their existence to

Among his benefactions may be mentioned a free supply of ice to Moslem devotees
in the mosques in Secunderabad and Hyderabad and also throughout the districts in
the State in the month of Ramzan for ten successive years.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 567


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568 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II






On the occasion of his receiving the distinctions of Khan Saheb in the year 1916 and
Khan Bahadur in -1925 he was presented with eulogistic addresses in silver caskets by
large and representative gatherings of the public and notables of Secunderabad and
Hyderabad. The first occasion was presided over by General Smith, Commanding
Secunderabad Brigade and the second by the Hon’ble the Resident of Hyderabad, Sir
William Barton.

In the month of June 1929, he announced as a thanks-giving for the recovery of His
Majesty King George V from his serious illness a donation of rupees one lakh to found
a Trust-the income of which to be given as scholarships to indigent Muslim children
for education. The following are the Trustees of the Fund.-

Nawab Sir Akbar Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur and Sir Richard Chenevix Trench,
Khan Fazle Mohammed Khan, Director of Public Instruction, Mr. Gulam Hussain
Alladin, Mr. Ali Mohammed Alladin and Khan Bahadur Ahmad Alladin. As a man of
unbounded energy, wealth of experience, quickness of perception and business acumen
he is held in high esteem in business circles. He is a Director of the Shahabad Cement
Co., Ltd., the Osmanshahi Mills Ltd., the Azam Jahi Mills, the Mahboobshahi Gulbarga
Mills Co., Ltd., and the Bombay Cycle & Motor Co., of Secunderabad. He is also a
member on the advisory Board of the Central Bank of India, Ltd. Hyderabad; H. E. H.
The Nizam State Railways and the Secunderabad Cantonment Committee.

His generosity has helped many a despondent soul in the rugged path of life. He
has achieved honours and dignities and is a People’s Friend.

We wish our Khan Bahadur further success in business and social life.

In the year 1932, Khan Bahadur went to perform Haj. In Egypt he was warmly
received by the Prime Minister and other member of the Egyptian Cabinet.

While in Mecca, he had an interview with His Majesty Ibn Masood, and announced
a magnificent donation of one lakh of rupees towards educating Arab children in Mecca
and Medina.

A trust deed of the above donation will be formed on the same lines as the one
executed for the Alladin’s Educational Endowment in Hyderabad.

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570 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Goswami Lalgirji

OSWAMI Lalgirji is a man of noble disposition, commanding a respectable
position among the leading bankers of Hyderabad. He is at present the
head of a reputed and successful banking house at Hyderabad.

Narpathgirji was the first member of this family who came and permanently settled
down at Hyderabad in the year 1834 A. D. (1244 H) during the rule of his Highness
Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur. Jawalamukhi was his original home in the Punjab where he


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 571

commenced the business of banking and built houses etc. required for the purpose.
after a very successful career for two decades, he died in the year 1860 A. D. ( 1270 H)
leaving Prabathgirji to succeed him. Prabathgirji, who had established a name for himself
all over India by his intelligence, capacity and industry, greatly extended the business,
and it is only during his time that the business of banking flourished to a considerable
extent. Prabathgirji died in the year 1888 A. D. ( 1298 H ) aged about 70 years.

Bhoomgirji succeeded him in business and after a short period of three years died
in the year 1891 A. D. (1301 H) leaving Harnamgirji to succeed him. During Harnamgirji’s
time the business of banking made great strides and he was at the helm of affairs for a
period of more than a quarter of a century. He died in the year 1915 A. D. ( 1,25 H )

Gowswami Lalgirji succeeded him. Lalgirji, the present head of the business, who
is leading a humble and virtuous life and known for his philanthropy and charity was
born in the year 1862 A. D. In the year 1920 A. D. he performed a Yagya or sacrificial
ceremony in his own garden, which lasted for one full month, at a cost of several
thousands of rupees when thousands of Brahmans were fed daily. During this period
of the ceremony 125 Brahmans, well versed in scripture, were specially selected and
each of them besides being well fed was given a Godan, or the gift of a cow, clothes and
dakshana which cost him an enormous amount of money. Besides the above he also
established a permanent Endowment for charity. It is daily doled out in his house at
Begambazar where every stranger is given a Iota, rice and other daily necessaries of
life. This act of charity which was established during the time of Narpathgirji is still
observed and regularly kept up.

Lalgirji has travelled all over India and built a Dharmshala in Benares where 30
persons are fed daily and clothed. He has also purchased a big house in Jhansi near
Allahabad and made it over as a gift, Juna Akhada as a rest house for saints, sanyasis,
etc. Lalgirji has three disciples named Binoodgirji, Maheshgirji and Bhooneshwargirji.

Binoodgirji recently died. Messrs Maheshgirji and Bhooneshwargirji is carrying on

the business of the firm successfully. Lalgirji is a charitable and kindhearted gentleman.

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572 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Goswami Bir Bhangirji

OSWAMI Bir Bhangirji, who is one of the leading bankers of Hyderabad,
traces his descent from an old and illustrious family in upper India. The
original member of the family was one Narpathgirji who came from


Jawalamukhi to Hyderabad during the reign of His Highness Nasir-ud-Daula Bahadur

and traded in shawls. He had two disciples. They were Prabathgirji and Mukrupgirji.
Narpathgirji was succeeded by Mukrupgirji, who, in turn, was succeeded by Shivrajgirii.

Shivrajgirji, who lived during the reign of His Highness Nasir-ud-Daula, when
Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk was Prime Minister was also trading in shawls, and the business
of banking was commenced only during this period. After Shivrajgirji’s death, Purangirji
succeeded him. Purangirji, who lived during the reign of His Highness Afzal-ud-Daula
Bahadur, when the great Salar Jung Bahadur was Minister, was also engaged in Banking

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 573

Purangirji died and was succeeded by Khumrajgirji. Khumrajgirj, who also lived
during the reign of His Highness Afzal-ud-Daula Bahadur pushed ahead the business
of banking.

He was in due course succeeded by Sangamgirji, who, in turn, was succeeded by

Ratangirji. After Ratangirji came Rameshwargiji After Rameshwargirji came
Bisheshwargirji. During Bisheshwargirji’s time the business of banking flourished. He
was given the title of Raja Bahadur, during the Ministry of Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur.
Raja Bisheshwargirji died in the year 1908 A. D. when he was succeeded by Goswami
Bhir Bhangirji, the present incumbent.

He is a charitably disposed man. The Marwadi Vidyalaya, which is located in his

own spacious building in Hashmat Ganj, Residency Bazaars, owes its existence to him.
Whoever goes to him with an appeal for help does not return empty handed. He adopted
two disciples viz: Hanumangirji and Mukandgirji. The former died prematurely of
consumption. The latter is a young man of push and takes a keen interest in young
men’s activities. He has a special taste for Sanskrit, Persian and English. He is the
President of the Andhra Volunteer Corps besides being the patron of several other
institutions of Hyderabad. Goswami Mukundgirji has adopted Goswami Daleramgirji
with his Guruji’s consent. The whole of banking business of Goswami Bir Bhangirji is
carried on very successfully by Goswami Mukundgirji.

Goswami Daleramgirji is a young man and is of great help to Goswami Bir Bhangirji
in his business. He is acquainted with Urdu and English languages. He is a promising
young man of the Goswami community of Hyderabad.

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574 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Dewan Bahadur Seth Than Malji

EWAN Bahadur Seth Than Malji, the founder of the firm of bankers
carrying on business in the Residency Bazars under the name of Sardar
Mal Sugan Mal, was born at Ajmere on the 19th September 1850, in a
Loonia family of Marwaris and is a Jain by religion. His father, Chand Malji. rendered
valuable services to the British Government during the Mutiny of 1857 when, at great
personal risk, he imported treasure from Ahmedabad for disbursing the salaries of the
British troops at Ajrnere.


Dewan Bahadur Seth Than Malji remained at Ajmere till 1871, when he went to the
Kotah State and lived there for some time.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 575

In 1875 he came to Hyderabad and started business as a jeweller. After some time
he added banking business. He was a successful businessman and was recognised as
one of the very few jewellers in Hyderabad who could accurately estimate high class

Dewan Bahadur Seth Than Malji, who owned a palatial house in the Residency
Bazars, acquired large landed estates within the Dominions of the Nizam to the extent
of 15,000 acres.

He was appointed a member of the Residency Bazars Local Fund Committee some
twenty five years ago. In appreciation of his services the Government of India conferred
upon him on the 1st January 1913 the distinction of Rai Bahadur. Seth Than Malji also
rendered valuable services to the Hyderabad State. His Exalted Highness the Nizam
on the 19th September 1913 conferred upon him the title of Rajah Bahadur and exempted
him from the payment of customs duty, a distinction unique in the case of bankers and

Among the public benefactions of Seth Than Malji may be mentioned his
endowment of a ward to the Secunderbad King Edward Memorial Hospital and the
beautiful iron gate and railings to the Imperial Coronation Memorial Park in the
Hyderabad Residency Bazars.

In June 1919, in further recognition of the Seth’s influence for good, the Government
of India conferred upon him the distinction of Dewan Bahadur.

On the 26th November 1919 the Honourable Sir Stuart Fraser K.C.S.I., the Resident
at Hyderabad at the time, on behalf of H.E. the Viceroy awarded him a Certificate for
patriotically patronising the sale of War Bonds. He was a prominent citizen introduced
to Lord Reading when His Excellency was entertained at a State Banquet at the
Falaknuma Palace.

The Firm of Dewan Bahadur Than Malji is now run in the name of his son, Sardar
Mal Sugan Mal. The Dewan Bahadur died on the 7th February 1932. His grandson,
Indra Mal, has completed his High School course and has a great future before him.

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576 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Seth Mukund Dassji

ETH Mukund Dassji, who represents the old and respectable Firm of Suratram
Govindram, belongs to the well known Mundhada caste among the
Maheshwari Marwaris. The original home of the family was at Nagore, in
the State of Jodhpur, Marwar, and his ancestors originally lived in that place until one
of them, named Motiramji, emigrated to the south and settled in Hyderabad in the


middle of the eighteenth century during the reign of His Highness Nizam Ali Khan
Bahadur, the second Nizam, and commenced his life as a merchant. After his death his
son, Seth Suratramji, who lived during the ministry of Maharaja Chandoo Lal,
commenced the business of banking and within a few years established the business on
a sound basis. Today the Firm has several branches in India and is recognised as a
reliable concern. His wife, Mundhada Maye, a lady of virtuous, generous and charitable

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 577

disposition, fed and clothed the poor on a large scale. She gave all she could for charity
seeking no name or fame. On hearing of her virtuous life and unbounded charity
Maharaja Chandoolal, who was Prime Minister to His Highness’ Government at the
time, presented her with a pair of shawls in recognition of her good deeds. The gifts are
still preserved by the family as heirlooms. Seth Suratram died in the year 1828 leaving
a son, Seth Govindram.

Seth Govindram continued the business of banking and increased its clientele a
good deal. He was very generous and benevolent and had opened several charity homes
known as dharmsalas and sadavarts in Lingampalli, Madras and other important
religious centres, which still continue. Besides banking, Seth Govindram did mercantile
business on a large scale and owned two ships which were plying between Madras and
London and Madras and Rangoon respectively carrying passengers and goods. His
liberality was remarkable, for once when his minor Guru enquired how much a lakh of
rupees would be or to give him a rough idea of a lakh of rupees he took a lakh of coins
and, arranging them in a large tray he presented the amount to the Guru though the
latter was disinclined to accept it.

At this time His Highness’ Government had commenced some monetary

transactions with the Firm of Suratram Govindram and the latter had the privilege of
lending a large sum of money to His Highness’ Government. Such transactions continued
for nearly three quarters of a century.

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578 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Seth Hari Ramji

ETH Hari Ramji, a banker residing in Charkaman. Hyderabad, Deccan
belongs to an old and respectable family, which originally emigrated from
Nagore district (Jodhpur). The first member of the family, Ram Baksh, came
here in the year 1858 and started business under the name of Ram Baksh Jaganath. His
dealings here were connected with the Government and respectable Jagirdars. He had
two sons viz: Jagannath and Hari Ram. Both the brothers entered the business started
by their father.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 579

In due course they made their. contribution for the improvement of the business so
much that they opened one more firm under the name of Gumaniram Hariram. The
elder brother, Seth Jagannath, adopted his younger brother Seth Hariramji. They are
very faithful to their rulers and have shown their loyalty by putting up arches etc. on
ceremonial occasions. During the Jubilee days they presented to His Highness, the late
Nizam Nawab Sir Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur, a very beautiful mare. They also
take interest in the welfare of the public. He rendered valuable service to the poor and
needy during the Musi floods of 1908. They have built a large house at Charkaman.
Seth Jagannath died on the 28th April 1923.

Seth Hariramji was instrumental in founding an Orphanage in his brother’s name

for the orphans of the community at a cost of Rs. 50,000 where free food and lodging
are given liberally. The school attached to the Orphanage has a staff of good teachers.
He has also the privilege of being nominated as a member of the Legislative Council
Hyderabad for several years. Seth Hariramji takes a keen interest in the progress and
welfare of his business. Seth Hariramji adopted Seth Jamnalalji who is a promising
young lad in the Chhanniyati Brahman Community.

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580 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Seth Bankat Lalji Loya

ETH Bankat Lalji Loya is a young Marwadi Merchant of Hyderabad and the
Proprietor of Sitaram Ram Narayan, Bankers. His ancestors formerly
belonged to a small place called Khatu in Jodhpur district. His grand father,
Seth Ram Narayan, was the first among his community to come to Hyderabad eighty
years ago about the time of His Highness Nawab Afzul-ud-Daula. He was still in his
teens when he came to this place. For some time he was employed in the shop of Messrs.
Shiv Karan Ramdass as a Muneem and later became a partner in the same Firm. In
addition to this business he carried on money transactions with the nobles of the place.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 581

He was also a supplier of millinery to them. He was a charitable man. He built a good
Dharmasala at Sreerangam on the bank of the river Cauvery and helped other
Dharmasalas at Jagannathdwara Mandir, Tirupati and other sacred places of the south.
Balaji Mandir in Sulaiman Jah Chavdi owes its existence to him. He died in the year


Seth Ram Dharan, the father of the subject of this biography, was born about the
year 1866. He was the adopted son of Seth Ram Narayan Loya, who was very helpful to
his father in his business. He knew Hindi, Urdu and Marwadi. Like his father he was
also charitable. He belonged to the Shri Vaishnava community and made many
pilgrimages. He went to Nagore and brought about compromise between the two
communities that were then at variance. He performed many Utsavs and other religious
ceremonies. He died in the year 1920 leaving behind him an only son to inherit his
property. He was Seth Bankat Lalji Loya, the subject of this article.


Seth Bankat Lalji Loya was born in the year 1895. He has a fairly good knowledge
of Urdu, Marwadi and Hindi.

He is a very enterprising young man and full of enthusiasm for the service of his
community. Being a social reformer he advocates the abolition of infant and old-age
marriages. Like his forefathers he contributes good sums of money towards
philanthropic institutions and religious purposes.

He was the Vice-President of the Reception Committee of all-India Shri Vaishnava

Conference, which was held in Hyderabad in 1926, under the presidency of Prativada
Bhayankara Jagadguru Anantacharyaji. He is also the Vice-President of the Marwadi

In the year 1916 he married the daughter of Rao Saheb Laxmi Narayan of Sholapur
and has a son named Sree Nivas, seven years of age.

He increased his father’s business to a large extent. He has established a branch of

his Banking business at Kalba Devi Road, Bombay. He rebuilt the temple of Savalajee
in Khatu (little) Jodhpur District. Needless to say that he is one of the ardent workers of
the Marwadi community.

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582 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Bahadur Motilalji, Jeweller.

MONG the many Hindu immigrants into the Deccan, who, through sheer
industry and honesty combined with enterprise and adventure, had won
not only fortune but also fame, must be counted the name of the late Raja
Bahadur Motilalji, Jeweller, by special appointment to His Exalted Highness the Nizam.
He belonged to a very respectable Marwadi family which originally belonged to
Charkidadri, in Jind State, in the province of the Punjab. At the time the ancestor of the
family came to Hyderabad His Highness Nawab Sikandar Jah Bahadur was the Nizam.
Kushali Ram, the enterprising merchant, who first came here, established a small
business and specialized in the making of jewellery. He throve well ahd gradually
increased his reputation. After some years he died leaving behind him an only son
named Murlidhar Bansidhar. This young merchant was living during the time of Nawab
Sir Salar Jung the first, and strove hard to develope his business and succeeded in doing
so, adding the business of banking to that of the making of jewellery. While the business
was at the zenith of prosperity he passed away leaving behind him a son named Motilalji
who entered heart and soul into the business and still further developed it.

The business growing in extent and importance, Seth Motilalji took his son, Seth
Hiralalji, into active partnership and together they achieved a great reputation and
brought credit to the name of the family.

In the year 1914 His Exalted Highness the Nizam appointed him as Court Jeweller
and conferred upon him the title of Raja Bahadur. During his declining years he handed
over the management of his business to his son, who is now following in his father’s
footsteps keeping up the great reputation of his house.

It may be mentioned here that Seth Hiralalji received the following certificate from
His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government:-

“I have much pleasure in testifying that Hiralalji, son of Raja Bahadur Motilalji,
Jeweller to His Exalted Highness the Nizam, is a very respectable and trustworthy
gentleman. He is not only well versed in his own profession, namely, that of Jeweller,
but has also a fair amount of commercial knowledge. He is a useful person to consult
on commercial matters”. This certificate was signed by the late Nawab Faridoon Mulk
Bahadur, formerly Political Minister and Vice-president of H. E. H. the Nizam’s
Executive Council.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 583


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584 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Raja Bahadur was a man of wide and abiding sympathies and took especial
delight in charity. Being of a practical turn of mind, he organized a large village and
put over four hundred persons in it and this charitable enterprise cost him over a lakh
of rupees. The village, some twelve miles distant from the city, was originally a jungle
which he had cleared and made it suitable for habitation. The Seth provided also for
irrigation by having a well dug which could accommodate the running of twenty moats
and supply water to some forty acres of land. It would be impossible to enumerate his
private charities. It is sufficient to place on record the fact that among those who built
up large businesses by dint of enterprise, integrity and honesty, the name of Raja Bahadur
Motilalji will ever rank high and be honoured by his compatriots.

His son, Seth Hiralalji, is the present head of the house and enjoys the great honour
and reputatation which his father did. His nephew, Mr. Laxmi Narayan Gupta, B Sc., is
an Assistant Financial Secretary, in H.E.H. the Nizam’s Government, Finance
Department, and is reckoned as one of the most keen witted and brilliant of the young
officials. His college career was a series of brilliant successes and there is no doubt of
the fact that by distinguishing himself in his official career he will add further honour
to the house to which he belongs.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 585

Mr. Tulja Singh

T needs no reiteration that the Hindu is peculiarly endowed with the spirit of
self-reliance and self sacrifice. He stints no labour to grasp opportunities as
they present themselves and with a supreme effort he utilises them for the
realisation of the happiness of human life. His success in the end he attributes not entirely


to his own skill or wisdom but to the will of his God. He appraises it in its true perspective
and manifests his love for God and fellowmen in a tangible form. The dharmashalas,
serais, educational institutions, poor houses, public parks, roads and wells that dot the
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

586 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Hindustan are evidence of his spirit of sympathy and service. His sense of humanity is
extended even to the dumb animals and he gives expressions to it by establishing
pinjrapoles, cattle sheds and water troughs. He builds and endows them.


My “ Pictorial Hyderabad “ would run into many volumes if I would take stock of
all such benefactions in Hyderabad State. Only a few have been mentioned in my book
and it gives me very great pleasure to add to the list one more benefactor who, by sheer
industry climbed the ladder of life and left memorials of his magnanimity in Hyderabad.
He is none other than Mr. Tulja Singh, a decendant of Mr. Makhan Singh, a Kshatriya
Zamindar of Shah Jahanpur.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 587

At the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny in 1857, Mr. Makhan Singh, a peace-loving,
industrious and Godfearing man left the disturbed area in the North and came down to
Sadashivepet in Hyderabad State.He was accompanied by six well brought up and
ideal sons, Audoot Singh Durga Pershad, Fakir Chand, Kashinath, Hari Pershad and
Moti Singh. In the line of the last member, there was Mr. Tulja Singh, who was born in
1278 Fasli in Hyderabad (Dn.) Being a man of ambition, Mr. Tulja Singh left his family



homestead at Sadashivepet and came to Hyderabad city in 1301 Fasli. He had received
education of a pretentious character but he put it to the best use. He entered the
Accountant General’s Office of His Exalted Highness, as a clerk. The salary was small
and the prospects of a rapid rise were not bright; hence in his leisure moments he engaged
himself in the subsidiary business of money lending. The latter was so prosperous that
he gave up his quill at the Government office and took contracts. “God helps those that
help themselves” was amply illustrated in his case. His business throve and it was at
this stage that he thought of his less fortunate brethern. He first manifested his spirit of
kindness and charity by building a dliarmasala and a garden for the invalid and travellers
at Sadashivepet in 1320 F. The dharmasala is known as “Baitul-Mazurin” and the garden
as Tulja Bag.

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588 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

In the year 1324 F. he performed maharudra yagna, and soma yagna, at Tulja Bag,
Sadashivpet, at a cost of about Rs. 60,000.

Mr. Tulja Singh’s name is still green in the memory of persons who passed through
that eventful period of influenza epidemic in 1329 Fasli. The havoc of that epidemic
kindled in the heart of Mr. Tulja Singh pity for the sufferers and both in the City and the
surrounding villages Mr. Tulja Singh rendered yeoman service by providing the afflicted
with food, medicines and other comforts. In and around the sphere of his influence the


poor looked up to him during the plague epidemics for shelter, hutting requisites and
funeral expenses and clothing. He also made a permanent donation to the Nizam’s
Government a lakh and quarter of rupees, the interest of which is utilised for the invalid
home at Sadashivpet and other charitable purposes. Such a noble life, a life spent in the
service of others, passed away in 1334 Fasli making a will before his death, and
appointing his brother, Mr. Bala Pershad, Vakil, High Court as an executor of the said
will. Though he is dead his work lives. Besides the above Monuments, he also at
considerable cost collected on one occasion nearly 121 cows and young stock and
adorned their horns with gold caps and silver ornaments and provided for them fodder.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 589

Mr. Bala Pershad is the son of Mr. Hari Pershad, who was the fifth son of Mr.
Makhan Singh. He was born in 1296 Fasli at Hyderabad, Deccan, and is now a leading
member of the Hyderabad Bar, and of the Local Fund Board, Sarafekhas Mubarak. He
is blessed with two sons, Mr. Narain Pershad and Mr. Lakshmi Narain Pershad. Mr.
Narayan Pershad is the manager of the Dharmasalas. Mr. Lakshmi Narain Pershad, a
graduate of Benares Hindu University, and is in M. A. & L. L. B. course of Bombay


University studying at Poona. Mithra Bai alias Tulja Bai is late Mr. Tulja Singh’s devoted
wife. She was not a whit behind her husband in the matter of understanding the needs
of the poor and meeting them to the best of her ability. As an instance of her charitable
disposition we may refer to the shelter erected by her under the advice and supervision
of the said Mr. Bala Pershad at a cost of Rs. 4000 on the cremation ground at Amberpet
(Hyderabad) for the convenience of mourners and coffin bearers. She has a well dug in
front of Durgamata Temple at Sadashivpet for the benefit of the local public and
travellers. The lady has also very thoughtfully erected an imposing Dharmashala with
a Temple of Tuljeshwar Nath near the Kachiguda Railway Station, Hyderabad, for the
convenience of travellers. The Dharmashala, which cost her one and half lakhs of rupees,

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590 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 591


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

592 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

stands in a five acre ground and is a monument of Tulja Bai’s love and care for her
fellow countrymen. The institution is fully equipped with furniture, utensils, crockery
and cutlery for use at marriage and other Hindu ceremonies.


To this brief life sketch of Mr. Tulja Singh, I may add my own personal admiration
that Mr. Bala Pershad, Vakil, High Court, is a saintly soul. His sole ambition is to serve
the public and walk in the footsteps of Mr. Tulja Singh. He is very influential and takes
a keen interest in all social, religious and educational affairs of the community. He is
also loyal to the Crown and the country.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 593

Seth Laljee Meghjee

ETH Lalji Meghjee is a Deravasi Jain by creed and a Cutchi Dasha Oswal by
caste. He was born at Valapdhar (Cutch) in 1871 A. D. and spent his boyhood
at Billimora (Surat) where he received his primary education. When 15 years
of age he went to Bombay and received training in business and commerce for nearly
six years. At the age of 20 he came to Hyderahad and spent six years in gaining sufficient
confidence and experience. He started in 1898 an independent business of his own as a
Rangoon timber merchant. Owing to his far sightedness and perseverence he amassed
wealth and landed property and rose to eminence. He is now one of the prominent
sowkars and public workers of the place.


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594 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His work as the Honorary Secretary of the Deccan Humanitarian League
(established in 1915 A. D. by one Jain Muni Shrijoog Shri Daulat-vijayji Maharaj) is
characterstic of the true jain spirit he possesses. His love for the dumb animals and his
untiring services in their cause and for the spread of vegetarianism for the past seventeen
years are a veritable proof of his sincerity. He has made the aspect of humanitarianism
almost his life’s mission. To ensure the successful working of the Deccan Humanitarian
League he collected a sum of Rupees 60,000 as a reserve fund from places like
Ahmedabad, Bombay, Madras and Malabar.


He was for some years the Vice-President of the Local Hindu Maha Sabha. His
charity is well known and praiseworthy. Pilgrims from various parts of India to the
Jain holy-place at Kulpak are hospitably treated on his premises and he takes special
care for their comfort and welfare during the period of pilgrimage.

He has an only son, named Seth Premji about 22 years of age, full of promise for
the future who has just appeared for the Matriculation examination. Now he is carrying
on his own business.

The Cinema Hall, the Theatre and the garden in the Residency limits bear his name.
He is keenly interested in the youth movement and is very practical like his father.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 595

Late Mr. Chidura Kanthia

HE late Mr. Chidura Kanthia came of a well known family of Bankers of
Secunderabad. Like his father, Chidura Vasudeo Kanthia, he devoted all
the time he could spare to the amelioration of the condition of the people
around him. A devout Hindu, he was a loyal citizen of the Empire. On the occasion of
the Coronation Darbar at Delhi, he celebrated the Darbar Day with great eclat by
distributing clothing to the poor and by defraying the marriage expenses of several of
the poor people. The Government recognised his services rendered by the late Chidura
Kanthia by giving him a Certificate of Honour.


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596 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

It needs no argument that he took an active interest in the welfare of the city which
claimed him as her son. He presented on the Coronation Day to the Cantonment
authorities a beautiful bungalow built in Secunderabad Public Gardens. He was an
example to his fellow citizens in every respect. He showed them that wealth was no
impediment to good works. There was not a single temple or shrine in Secunderabad
which had not at one time or another been the recipient of some gift or other from him.
The “archakas” of the temple never came away empty handed when they sought
assistance from him. He repaired Sri Rama’s temple at Sarunagar and paid one thousand
rupees for the erection of Sri Narsimha temple at Secunderabad. He built a Mandap at
Dharmapuri and befriended the poor by building a Serai at Secunderabad.

Mr. Chidura Kanthia took a great interest in alleviating the sufferings of the blind.
Many infirm people in Secunderabad are given daily provisions.

The Girls’ Patasala in Secunderabad owes much to Mr. Chidura Kanthia. The big
Mandap and the crematorium at Secunderabad and the building in the Secunderabad
Market Street, which are dedicated to the God Shri Venkateshwar are all his. In short,
Mr. Chidura Kanthia was one of the most public spirited citizens of Secunderabad.

He was as thorough in his philanthropy as he was in his business. He inherited the

true instinct of a Banker from his late lamented father Mr. Chidura Vasudeo, that fine
old type of a gentleman. To Mr. Chidura Kanthia wealth was but an instrument for
serving his fellowman. That accounts for the unostentatious way in which he went
about his mission of relieving suffering and distress among his co-religionists in
Secunderabad. An insight into his catholic career, however, may be gained by the fact
that in all schemes for improving the condition of the poor he contributed generously.

Mr. Chidura Kanthia died on 23rd May 1915.


Mr. Chidura Durvasulu, young as he is, has maintained the reputation of his father.
He was born on 27-12-1897 at Secunderabad. He received his early education at home
and completed his high school examination from the Mahbub College. His father, the
late Mr. Chidura Kanthia, who was a shrewd businessman put his son also in the same
profession. After his death Mr. Chidura Durvasulu took over the business of Bankers
and Contractors.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 597

This young and promising citizen of Secunderabad, who is a leading contractor
and banker among the Vaishnava Community, has rendered good services to the
Cantonment Committee. In recognition of his services he was created a Rai Saheb on
the New Year Day of 1922.

He built a spacious hall in Girls’ Patasala, a choultry at Barimpatalam, a hall in the

temple of Narasimhaswamy, and a pavilion in the Cantonment Gardens. A tuberculosis
ward was endowded by him at K. E. M. Hospital. which was opened by Hon’ble Sir
Stuart Fraser, the Resident. He has generously subscribed towards several educational
institutions such as the Mahbub College, Islamia High School, etc.

He has also built a fine bungalow opposite the Ghatkesar Station which serves as a
summer resort and country house during plague epidemics. He holds much promise
for the future.

He is also a life member of the St. John’s Ambulance Corps.

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598 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sait Chandmull Dadda, C. I. E.

AlT Chandmull Dadda C. I. E., the sole Proprietor of the banking firm of
Amarsi Suganmull, one of the oldest and most reputed firms in Hyderabad,
is considered as one of the leading members of the Marwari community in
the whole of the country. With its headquarters in Bikaner, the firm of Amarsi Suganmull
has branches in all the principal cities in India and transacts a very large volume of
business annually and is in a flourishing condition.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 599

Sait Chandmull Dadda claims descent from one Sidiraj Solanki, a Chieftain, who,
in days gone by, ruled over Patan in Guzerat. In the middle of the 18th century a part of
the family under the guidance of Sait Tiloski founded a banking business there. Sait
Tiloski’s son, however, established a business of his own and prospered so rapidly that
with a view to extend business he sent his cousin, Sait Kapur Singh, to Hyderabad
during the reign of Secunder Jah Bahadur, to open a branch under the name of Amarsi
Suganmull extended his business and opened branches in Calcutta, Bombay, Madras
and other places.

After the death of Sait Amarsiji, his son Sait Nathmull, and, after him, Sait Suganmull
took his place. Sait Suganmull was a man of character and his death was mourned by a
large circle of friends and acquaintances. He left three sons, of whom Sait Udaimull,
the father of Sait Chandmull Dadda, was the second.

Sait Chandmull Dadda was born at Bikaner in the year 1868. He was given a first
rate education in the Hindi language and he became sufficiently accomplished to write
splendid poetry. Becoming the proprietor of Amarsi Suganmall,he devoted all his natural
and acquired talents to the development and strengthening of business not only in
Bikaner but also in Hyderabad and other places.

Sait Chandmull is a broad-minded public citizen who delights in making

contributions to public progress. In Bikaner he has erected many places of public
entertainment and built parks, gardens and even roads for the convenience of the people.
His most remarkable contribution is the Karinji temple at Desmukh in Bikaner to serve
as a place of worship for the members of the Swetamber sect of Jains. Though an orthodox
Jain, he is liberal minded enough to respect and admire the Religions of all persons.

In appreciation of the services of his family and, especially of his own, His Highness
the Maharaja of Bikaner bestowed upon him the honours of Umhari, Chowar, Kirina
and also permited him to wear gold on his feet an honour conferred on only the most
distinguished members of his community. He is also allotted a seat in His Highness
Durbar on all special and ceremonial occasions.

The British Government, who have been very appreciatively watching his public
work, conferred upon him the title of C. I. E.

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600 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Mr. Siddam Setty Chandriah

MONG those who have contributed towards the financial prosperity and
commercial activity of the town of Secunderabad, the late Mr. Siddam
Setty Chandriah occupies a prominent place. Mr. Chandriah was born on
the 18th August 1882. Endowed with a rare business acumen coupled with winning
manners Mr. Chandriah entered the arena of life with confidence. Competition was
keen and business methods as now understood and practised were in their infancy in
those days; but Mr. Chandriah was nevertheless pre-eminently successful. By dint of
hard work and honest endeavours Mr. Chandriah secured the good will and confidense
of the Abkari Department in which he was one of the biggest contractors in the State.
He held important and big contracts in various places and his association with both the
Abkari Department and the public was blameless. No complaint of any kind was heard
against him and Mr. Siddam Setty maintained a clean record throughout.

In his private life he was not a tinkling cymbal or a sounding brass. His purse was
open to the public. Unostentatiously, without pomp or publicity Mr. Siddam Setty doled
out charity. What his right hand gave his left hand knew not. As a Christian would say
he“ sold his all and gave it to the poor “ that he might find enternal bliss. His own
comforts and pleasures he denied to himself in order to make other’s life worth living.
He made constant pilgrimages to sacred places in India. Every trip he made to such
places tended to broaden his outlook and deepen his piety. The relief of the poor and
the needy was ever present in his mind. The more he gave to the poor the richer God
made him. His influence among his community was healthy and helpful, his life
inimitable and his name indelible. Outside his community he was very popular and
highly respected. His death has left a vacancy in public life which it is not easy to fill.

Two sons he has left behind, Messers Madhava Rao and Rajeshwar Rao. They are
both pictures of good upbringing and loveable disposition. They have already made a
mark in the business circle of Secunderabad and their influence for good is certainly
felt. Mr. Madhava Rao is well conversant with English and has a fairly good knowledge
of Urdu and Telugu. Mr. Rajeshwar Rao is equally conversant with English and Telugu.
Both take a keen interest in all sports and games. While the late Mr. Chandriah was a
gentleman of the orthodox school, his sons are liberal and are receptive of what is best
in other civilisations and culture. Both the young men are exceedingly amiable and
very popular.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 601


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602 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 603

Raja Bahadur Bhagwan Dass

E are indebted to a friend who furnished us with a few particulars of
the life and work of the great banker and businessman, Raja Bhagwan
Dass, and since we have not been able to get more information we owe
an apology to the Raja for an incomplete presentation of the biography of this eminent
citizen of Hyderahad.

The ancestors of Raja Bahadur Baghwan Dass Hari Dass were natives of Morera
(Gujrat) and in the palmy days of Moghuls, some of them went to Delhi and established
business in jewellery and banking under the patronage of the royalty. And as the Moghul
Kingdom extended southword and peace and tranquility was established in the Deccan
Raja Hari Dass and some members of the family accompanied Nizam-ul-Mulk Bahadur
I to Hyderabad in 1729 A. D. His business talent, tact and upright manners assisted him
in the new venture in Hyderabad. Above all the royal patronage was unbounded. When
he departed this world he had three sons, Sait Kishen Dass, Sait Hari Dass and Harjivan
Dass. They had received sound home training and their character had been reinforced
by circumstances which it was their peculiar privilege to have in those days.

The eldest had rare gifts and his enterprise knew no bounds. In the Central Provinces
he took a contract of forest trees and supplied timber to large Shipping Companies
which had depots at Masulipatam and Bombay. His business dealings were so straight
that he could count upon an extensive clientele both in India and abroad. His wealth
was also so great that he without hesitation followed his forefathers in giving charity to
deserving cases. He identified himself with every public cause and took a very keen
interest in all affairs and in consideration of his social status the Government of His
Highness the Nizam. was pleased to appoint him an honorary Talukdar of districts
and confer on him an extensive Jagir, which has since become the family property. An
important office which he held was that of State Accountant. In the days of Raja
Chandulal the State accounts and treasury were in such a hopeless condition that a
Committee of Bankers consisting of Sait Kishen Dass and four others of great reputation
in banking circles was appointed to maintain accounts. The committee was called “Panch
Bhaya”. All items of income and expenditure of the State passed through their books.

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604 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sait Hari Dass died in 1848 leaving behind four worthy sons, Raja Bahadur Bhagwan
Dass, Sait Gulab Dass, Sait Balkishen Dass and Sait Girdar Dass. The first two entered
their father’s firm of Jewellery, which His Highness Sir Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur
liberally patronised. The Saits were held in high estimation for their nobility and loyalty.
The British Government owe a debt of gratitude for the services which the members of
this family rendered at the time of the Indian Mutiny.

Raja Bhagwan Dass had four sons - Sait Anand Dass, Sait Parmanand Dass, Sait
Gopal Dass and Sait Mukan Dass. The eldest was very charitable and the Dharmasala
at Nath Dwara is a monument to his munificence. His life was short lived. Sait
Paramanand Dass was the President of the Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce for a
long time and Director of many banks. His knowledge in the art of jewel making was
unique. Likewise Sait Mukun Dass, was a leading figure in banking and business circles.
He was the Director of the Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce, Co-operative Bank, and
several Cotton Mills. He was also a member of the Legislative Council and of the
Residency Bazars Committee. He enthusiastically helped in the raising of war loans.
He offered Rs. 4,500 for a cup at an auction held by Sir R. Fraser, the British Resident in
aid of the War Fund. His gifts to the cause of education were many. He established
schools and minor educational institiutions owed much to the Sait’s generosity. The
Gujarati Girls School is indebted to the Sait for an endowment of ten thousand rupees.
Such a noble soul was removed from the land of the living in 1928.

The present owners of the business concern of the Raja Bhagwan Dass are Sait
Girdhar Dass, son of Sait Parmanand Dass, Sait Kishen Dass, son of Sait Gopal Dass,
Sait Dwarka Dass, Sait Balkishen Dass, Sait Damodhar Dass and Sait Govind Dass,
sons of Sait Mukund Dass.

Sait Girdhar Dass and Sait Kishen Dass carry on the work of the firm, the others
being minors. The latter are under instruction and being descendants of an illustrious
family and having inherited the business acumen and other noble traits from their
ancestors a great future is in store for the young Saits.

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606 Pictorial Hyderabad - II




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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 607

Rai Saheb Ram Dayal Ghasi Ram

AM DAYAL Ghasi Ram, who passed away in 1927, was one of the most
successful merchants and contractors of His Exalted Highness’s Dominions,
receiving regard and respect from the Government of the Nizam as well as
from the British Residency, representing the Imperial Government.

His original home was Mathrie in Marwar, Rajputana. His father, Seth Mothiram,
first came to Hyderabad in 1872 accompanied by his two sons Ramdayal and Ghasi
Ram. He settled down at Gazi Banda in the city and commenced life as a petty merchant.
Twenty five years afterwards, Ghasi Ram shifted from Gazi Banda and, settling down
in Mahbub Ganj, the grain market, built a big house there and it still stands with many
additions and embellishments.

Ghasi Ram was a shrewd and enterprising man of business and he went on from
one stage of success to another and soon took up a commanding position in the world
of business in Hyderabad. He opened up business connections in Bombay, Calcutta
and other leading cities of India and prospering took up contracts in Hyderabad, notably
the excise contract, especially controlling the opium trade throughout the Dominions.

Besides his opium contracts, Ghasi Ram imported pearls and precious stones, and
combined with it the business of banking. All these ventures of his, managed with
prudence and diligence, gave him opulence and power and prestige. During the great
European war, he stood prominent in subscriptions to loans issued by the Imperial

In the first War loan, he headed the list with a subscription of one lakh of rupees
and in the second loan he subscribed to the extent of Rs. 90,000. In a later case he headed
the list in the Cup competition opened by Sir Stuart Fraser who was then British Resident
at Hyderabad. There was another subscription of Rs. 60,000, the total amounting to Rs.

Besides himself subscribing liberally, he induced several friends and business

acquaintances to support the loans and it was greatly due to his assistance in this regard
that the answer of Hyderabad to the War loan appeals swelled to a good dimension.

The Hon’ble the British Resident’s silver cup presented to Ghasi Ram in recognition
of his wonderful responses bears the following inscription engraved on it :-

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608 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Second Indian War loan-Presented by Sir Stuart Fraser, K. C. S. I, C. I. E., on behalf
of the War Loan Central Committee to Seth Ram Dayal Ghasi Ram for the highest bid
of Rs. 90,000, out of a total of Rs. 3,07,000. Hyderabad, 13th September 1918.

Ghasi Ram supported our own Government as well. When our promissory notes
were first issued in 1327 Fasli (1917), he purchased notes ,to the value of two lakhs and
fifty thousand rupees and well merited the title of Raja Bahadur.

He was a charitable man and did many splendid charities in an unostentatious

manner. One of the greatest sorrows of his life overtook him when, in the year 1903, his
wife died having borne him no children. Childless, and with so many business and
responsibilities to leave behind, he adopted one Gopi Kishen, the son of his uncle, and
associated him in the varied and trammelled workings of his business. He opened a
Goushalla at Channaraigutta where nearly 300 cows are being fed daily.

Seth Gopi Kishen has four sons, namely, Bankat Lal, Bansi Lal, Srinivas and Hari
Ram, and four daughters. Seth Gopi Kishen is a philanthropist and a man of a strictly
religious turn of mind. Many thousands of poor and deserving recollect his goodness
and generosities with the deepest gratitude.

Seth Bankat Lal, who is just about twenty five years of age, is now the real presiding
genius of the house of Ghasi Ram. Trained by his grand-father, then by his father, he is
a man of business whose methods and manners are a treat to watch and study - and
benefit by. Although members of the Marwari community are usually gifted in the
management and control of business, especially high finance and manipulation of
money, yet it is nonetheless a fact that Seth Bankat Lal is an outstanding figure among
Marwari financiers, particularly due to the fact that, for his age, he is so shrewd, so
methodical, so far-sighted, so calm, and yet, from a business point of view, so daringly
venturesome; though so young a man he has already cut a great figure for himself in
local financial circles and it is our hope that he will advance and win laurels for himself,
his house and his descendants.

There is little else to be said except to add that Seth Bankat Lal’s brother, Bansi Lal,
is still in his teens and receiving his education. Much is expected of him and these
hopes are likely of fulfilment seeing under whose care the boy is growing.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 609


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610 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sait Ganeshmullji

AlT Ganeshmullji, the son of Sait Poonamchand of Marwar, was born in 1930
Vikrami. His family was of ancient descent, capable of being traced back
without interruption to the days of the greatness of Gaharwars. Both on his
father’s and mother’s side, Ganeshmull claimed ancestors who adorned the rank of the
great race of Marwaris, men of indomitable courage and patriotism imbued with love
for their fellowmen, whatever their caste or creed.


When Ganeshmullji was only thirty months old his parents migrated to Hyderabad
and soon after their arrival here the greatest misfortune of his life befell Ganeshmullji,
his dear father Poonamchand died, a calamity from which the widow and the infant
son took a long time to recover. What that loss was to the tender, sensitive child can be
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 611

better imagined than described. Away from the native land and in the midst of new
surroundings, bereavement of this magnitude was a serious blow. But the mother of
Ganeshmullji trusted in God’s providence, and Ganeshmullji himself was the hope of
his dear mother.

He went to school much earlier than most children of his caste. His secular education
was enriched by religious instruction at home. His mother would take him on her lap
and tell him stories of the greatness of the denizens of the sandy regions and infuse into
him a spirit of enterprise and self-reliance, which alone were the equipment for the
battles of life. At school he was well behaved, attentive and his general deportment
earned for him the respect of his school-fellows. He was exceptionally alert and
intelligent and without much effort he would understand things of a higher standard.

Out of school hours and during holidays the lad sought the company of business
men and listen attentively to their conversations. At times he would venture to give his
elderly companions the benefit of his arithmetical ability by mentally working out

He then set up his business in Tope-ka-Sancha, known as Gun Foundry. In those

days this part of the town was a rendezvous of bad characters and persons discharged
from military service. Even today, there are remnants of this class of citizens in this
mohalla. His customers were mostly drawn from them. The young Sait studied their
needs and catered to their daily requirements the commodities he dealt in being rice
and condiments. He was strict in his business dealings and his sympathy for the poor
who failed to fulfil their promises was unalloyed. He moved freely with all classes of
people in the area, rejoiced with them when they rejoiced and wept with them when
they wept. Such close association of this young businessman with the residents of Gun
Foundry won for him the love and esteem of the public. He knew most of the people by
name, visited them in their homes, enquired of their welfare and advised them when
his advice was sought. It was not business popularity but his genuine love for his
fellowmen that drew him so closely to the people. He often conversed with elderly
people on the subject of Life and looked at it as a pilgrim would and the substance of
his argument and exhortation may be summed up in the words of Archbishop Trench:

I say to thee, do thou repeat

To the first man thou mayest meet
In lane, highway, or open street
That he and we and all men move
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612 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Under a canopy of love
As broad as the blue sky above.

He was a humanitarian of no mean order. He founded the Humanitarian League

of Hyderabad and was connected with it till his death. The Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals of Hyderabad owes its inception and growth to the unremitting
labours of Sait Ganeshmullji. He freely gave not only his advice and moral support to
such movements but also money in aid of these institutions.

He was a true friend of the Untouchables. His silent work for the amelioration of
the life of the socially depressed classes has borne fruit. Once he took a batch of Adi-
Hindus to Mount Abu for tirath and there held a dinner for prominent social reformers.
He sounded no trumpet nor longed for publicity for this great act of love and
brotherliness. In his own native place, where touchability is held sacred, he, on seeing
a scavenger being denied approach to a well and water to quench his thirst, raged with
righteous indignation and immediately got a well sunk for the depressed classes.

He was a trusted leader of the Adi-Hindus of Hyderabad and held the position of
Treasurer of the Adi-Hindu Social Service League and also on its Building Fund.

A man of such sterling worth departed this world in his 58th year at Gun Foundry
on 21st February 1931. The public of the locality were visibly moved when the news of
his death was published.

In his life time he trained his talented son Raghunathmull in business. The Gun
Foundry Shop has become a central provision store with three distinct departments.

Mr. Raghunathmull developed his father’s business, so well that he is today one of
the largest indigenous bankers of Hyderabad. He is also kind hearted and helps the
poor specially for education. He was also one of the Reception Committee members of
the Grown Prince formed under the presidentship of Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Reddy,
O. B. E. City Police Commissioner. He is a most influential Banker among Hyderabad
Sahookars. His character is praiserorthy and he knows Hindi, Urdu and English well.
In aid of the Bihar Earthquake sufferers in 1934 Mr. Raghunathmull raised several
substantial sums of money from Marwaris and remitted them to the proper quarters.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 613



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614 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Dewan Bahadur
Seth Latchmi Narayan Ram Gopal

T would be carrying coal to New Castle to tell the public of Hyderabad State
who Dewan Bahadur Latchmi Narayan Ram Gopal is, for who has not heard
of him though not seen him? He is the Rochfeller of Hyderabad and his name
is indelibly inscribed in the hearts of all classes of people.

He is the son of the late lamented sowcar and philanthropist, Seth Ram Gopal, a
Rajput ot humble beginning and native of Malegaon. His father, Seth Subkaran, was a
small trader in the village of Rajura, and had four sons, Jaganath, Sri Ram, Ganga Bishen
and Ram Gopal. The first two died a premature death.

Ram Gopal drifted to Secunderabad with his elder brother Ganga Bishen and started
business on a small scale. Honesty, enterprise, perseverance and fear of God were the
principal factors which helped him to rise to eminence in the world. None of his
contemporaries in business nor any among others of his time had any thing to say
against that great soul. His life was so unblemished and his business dealings were so
straightforward and above board that he was loved and respected of all.

One of his characteristics which guided his destinies was his spirit of sympathy
with the poor and the needy. The blessings of the latter for his boundless charity were
a recommendation to the blissful state to which he attained after death.

He truly and sincerely regarded that his wealth was a trust given to him by God for
public use and the more he gave the more he received. Such was his experience and
happiness. He rejoiced that he was of some service to his fellowmen.

Seth Ram Gopal liberally subscribed to the war loan, the Imperial Relief Fund and
the Ladies War Relief Association, not expecting any word of praise or flattery in return,
for none of which he countenanced or strove for, but out of loyalty to the Emperor and
the desire to help the brave sons of England who fought for righteousness and freedom.
He endowed a Home for Soldiers in Tirmulghery in 1901, built a temple (Sri Hanuman
Temple) on the Hussain Sagar bund in 1915 and made it over for the use of the public,
and a pavilion on the Fateh Maidan at a cost of Rs. 25,000 and had it dedicated in 1899
in the name of His Highness Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, Asif Jah, G. C. S. I. the late
Nizam. His Highness the late Nizam in acknowledging the generous gift said ”It has
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 615

come to my knowledge that beside erecting this stand Seth Ram Gopal has also
constructed other public buildings such as public halls, dharmasalas, serais, etc., in my
Dominions and devoted them to the comfort and benefit of the people of this country.
It furnishes me with a laudable example of a public spirit among my people which
shows that they had found out the real and essential use of money and by spending it
on works of national and political utility, are earning a reputation for charity and good
among men and laying up for themselves a reward in due time in heaven “.


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616 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The dharmasalas referred to by His Highness were those built by the late Seth Ram
Gopal at Bezwada in 1925, at Basra on the Godavari, about 1900 and the choultry at
Bezwada in 1897. Seth Ram Gopal also endowed a maternity ward at the Civil Hospital,
Secunderabad, a Gowsala and an industrial school at Secunderabad in 1919, Sri Jaganath
Swaniy Temple at Secunderabad, a Choultry at Muthra, a Girls Patasala and a clock
tower, in Secunderabad, a bridge across the Banas river in Mewar State and a mandir in


He lavished his private fortune on institutions calculated to promote the social,

intellectual and spiritual welfare of his fellow beings. You look around and see these
memorials which speak eloquently of the wonderful spirit of brotherhood of man which
animated the great heart of Seth Ram Gopal, who, born in 1850, passed away peacefully
on 18th June 1923.

His son Seth Latchmi Narayan was born in Secunderabad. He has unflinchingly
walked in the footsteps of his illustrious father. He has faithfully endeavoured to keep
up the institutions which his noble father started and maintained. His intelligence,
business acumen and his innate spirit of advance in all matters serve as the motive

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 617

power for Seth Latchmi Narayan. There is not an institution, educational or child welfare
or medical that does not owe its existence and progessiveness to Sait Latchmi Narayan’s
generosity. The Ram Gopal Spinning and Weaving Mill in Secunderabad is another
concern of the family which exists to promote not only an important industry but also
the welfare of the working classes. Hundreds of people find employment in the Mill
and although they may receive wages for labour yet they count upon the sympathy
and charitableness of Seth Latchmi Narayan in time of domestic need and trouble. The
well-being of the work people he has at heart and deserving cases which come to his
notice do not go disappointed.

Seth Latchmi Narayan’s charity is not limited to Hindus and Hindu institutions.
As in the case of his father, it may be said of Latchmi Narayan that his outlook is not
hidebound. Christian institutions, such as the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., Sports Clubs
of cosmopolitan constitution and various organisations of public utility receive a share
of his attention and purse. The list of his benefactions is inexhaustible and therefore the
Seth’s name is a household word. He was deservedly honoured by His Majesty’s
Government with the title of Rai Bahadur recently. His father and he continuously
directed their zeal towards the social amelioration of the less fortunate people and the
enlargement of human happiness. Every subject connected with the welfare of the people
interested them. To all the questions of the day Seth Latchmi Narayan devoted himself
with untiring energy, worked with an honest heart and loving purpose. He is never
known to be dismayed by defeat or sickened by contention.

We recommend the above sentiments which we have expressed about Seth Latchmi
Narayan to the careful study of all heads of families, Hindu and Non Hindu, assuring
them that these characteristics lie at the very foundation of all human happiness.

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618 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 619


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620 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sait Sri Kishenjee

AlT Shubakaran Sri Ramji was an adventurer. He left Nagore in Marwar a
hundred and ten years ago and arrived in Rajura, the whole journey being
done on foot. It must have taken several weeks and months for this lion-
hearted Marwari to treck the country. Until 1904 his home was in Rajura, where his
business flourished and he won many friends. He next drifted to Secunderabad, then a
prosperous military station, in fact the largest British Cantonment in India, where
prospects of good business were bright. Sait Subakaran Sri Ramji had four sons, Sri
Ramji, Jaganathji, Ganga Bishenji and Sait Ram Gopal. They all strictly adhered to the
joint family system of living and doing business until 1947 S. When Sait Ganga Bishenji
weighed anchor and set sail separately, Sait Sri Ramji and Sait Ramgopalji combined
together for ten years until 1957 S. This partnership broke when the only son of Sri
Ramji suddenly died at the prime age of 25.

At that time, the subject of our biography, Sri Kishen, was only 8 years and there
were two business firms Messrs Shuba Karan Sri Ram of which Sri Kishenji was Director
and Messrs Ramgopal Lakshminarayan, of which Dewan Bahadur Lakshminarayan
was Director. The late Diwan Bahadur Ramgopal is known as a great benefactor and
many institutions stand’ as memorials of his charity. Half the gifts came from his personal
purse, half from the Firm.

Sait Sri Kishenji is now 33 years of age. He is endowed with remarkable intelligence,
foresight and integrity ot character. He is one of the few liberal minded reformers in the
Marwari community and takes a keen interest in the cause of education. He is charitable
and maintains a high standard of business principles. H. E. Lord Willingdon, Viceroy
of India, during his brief stay in Hyderabad, in 1933, was pleased to visit Sait Sri Kishenji’s
Firm. The young Sait Saheb is now managing the business of both the Firms since the
death of Dewan Bahadur Sait Laxminarayan Malani. May God grant him long life and

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 621

Sait Naradprasad Murli Pershad

AlT Mudi Pershad hails from a rich and influential Marwadi family in Jodhpur
State. Sait Jathmalji was the first to come to Hyderabad and found a currency
exchange shop. Hyderabad offered to him an extensive field for this kind of
business and the firm of Jathmalji attracted a large clientele. He had three sons Sait
Sham Lalji, Sait Papa Malji and Sait Ram Dayalji. Of the above the second put his shoulder
to the wheel and contributed not a little to enlarge the concern. After his death Sait


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622 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Chuni Lal, son of Seth Sham Lalji, joined the firm and was actively engaged in managing
its affairs. Much of the improvement which the firm saw was the result of the untiring
efforts of Sait Chuni Lalji. He paid attention to the consolidation of the firm’s branches
in Malwa, Indore, Ajmer and Madras. Money lending was the principal business of the
firm but as a subsidiary line he introduced a general supplying service. He was an ideal
businessman, all dealings being strictly straightforward and honest. After he departed
this world his two sons, Sait Narayan Pershadji and Sait Murli Pershadji started business
separately while the main firm is being conducted by Sait Sukh Dev Pershadji. He is
quite young, but in business tact and experience he has few equals of his age. He is
charitable minded and public spirited and a great future awaits him.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 623

Sait G. L. Narayana

T is not every generation which produces a man of the type of the late Mr. G. L.
Narayana of Secunderabad and happy is the generation which produces such
men. The subject of our sketch was an extraordinary man in more than one
respect. Born in an intensely commerciallyminded family, he became very early in life,
in fact, in his teens, a devotee and though married, began to practise ascetic virtues
according to his conscience and the light within him. Though latterly he plunged into


the intensely strenuous and scorching life of commerce and trade, business rivalry
industry and speculation, he remained, nevertheless, a devotee as before, lived as one,
and died as one, giving ample proofs of the workings of his inner heart in a way and in
a manner which has had abundant occular demonstration, although he was the simplest

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624 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

of the simple and the most unostentatious of all men. In the history of the public spirited
men and philanthropists of Hyderabad and Secunderabad he stands out as a most
notable personality and there are abundant proofs to command our unbounded respect
to his memory, no matter what our creed or class or caste may be.

He was indeed a singular personality and deserves remembrance and not only
remembrance but an inward urge within us to follow in his footsteps, no matter how
humbly and falteringly, yet steadfastly, having the shining light of his ideal before us.

Gummidally Laxminarayanah was born in the seventies, being the son of

Gummidally Elliah of Secunderabad. His father was a rich Abkari contractor of the
Cantonment area and was held in very high esteem by the members of his Vysya
community, Of his unique position, wealth and business capacity there is hardly any
need to speak. He put his son to school at an early age, taking care at the same time that
he learnt the business of his trade, namely accountancy, calculation, evaluation and,
above all, thrift, economy, care in speculation, cautious venture, and understanding
generosity. The boy showed extraordinary promise of becoming not only a good Telugu
scholar but also a first rate business man in the years of his maturity.

But the goddess of fortune willed otherwise. Suddenly, Gummidally ElIiah was
called upon to face two terrible misfortunes tremendously and overwhelmingly
crushing. Any other man would have succumbed under the dual blow, but he was too
strong and great hearted a man to fall under it as an oak falls when the thunderstorm
breaks upon it with violence. The blows were that owing to deliquency on the part of
his clients and customers, he had to face so large a deficit as four lakhs. And at the time
he was being harassed by this idea, his one and only son, the subject of our sketch,
suddenly disappeared.

The fact is, his pietism and ascetic tendencies attracted the attention of a saint of his
time named Mudugunda Shankriah, who took him under his wings and coached him
and initiated him into higher philosophic mysteries. The result was that although
Narayana was a confirmed Vaishnative he fell completely under the spell of the Saivite
Shankriah and became more and more of a confirmed devotee and finally disappeared,
led by the force of his mental inclinations to lead a life of meditation and penitence. He
marched on foot to the Himalayas and dwelt in a cave as a lonely recluse.

His sorrow stricken parents hunted high and low for him and getting information
from pious wandering mendicants finally traced him to his cave and brought him back.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 625

His father hit upon the idea of weaning him away from his inclinations and sent
him to Bombay to work in his branch firm. Here he learnt the first steps in high finance
although the business was bad and faced with deficits. Applying his marvellous energy
to his work, he cleared his debts and coming to Secunderabad repeated the same
performance but did not stop there.


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626 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Enterin,g into the dye trade during the war when there was a dearth of the stuff he
built up a thriving business and succeeding beyond his expectations went on from one
triumph to another. He was a man of Marvellous energy, great determination and push
and extended his business in a wonderful manner. Very soon his remarkable abilities
attracted attention. Business flowed to his doors. Men trusted to his directions and all
had the highest respect for his business capacity and innate integrity.

As the years went by, his fortune increased and by such leaps and bounds that he
was soon many times a ‘lakhpath’ and the time came when he became a millionaire
and more than that. All this time his heart was not solely centred in his business. He
had other things to look to namely the welfare of humanity.

He maintained a choultry at Secunderabad for a decade; and in Bombay as here, he

spent hundreds daily in feeding mendicants, the poor and the sick. And in the famine
which followed the war he fed for close on to eight months more than eight thousand
people. He performed several acts of charity, which unfortunately space does not permit
us to record. As a crown to his long service in the cause of his fellowmen he erected a
splendid temple to Sree Lachminarayan in Secunderabad at a cost of over two lakhs of
rupees on the mere structure and it is probably the most richly equipped in the State.
All the utensils are of silver, including the doorway. The total cost of construction and
maintenance, to say nothing of equipment, has come up to over six lakhs of rupees,
including endowments and trusts. The idols for the temple were brought from
Conjeevaram and specially sculptured images were brought from Jaipur. The
inauguration and installation ceremony were performed by Sree Jagatguru Sree
Vanachela Yetindruluvaru Vanamamala Sree Todatri Vanamamalai Jeer Guru. The
attendant celebrations were on an immense and imposing scale and thousands took
part in it. There was no limit to the congratulation showered upon Narayana and under
all this weight he was his humble and lowly self, only immensely glad at heart that he,
at last, actieved his life’s ambition.

This great hearted and good man, a model Hindu and a pattern to the Vaysya
community, passed away on the 7th December 1929 to the intense regret of his many
relatives and thousands of beneficiaries not only in Secunderabad but in Bombay and
the Krishna district also. It is to be hoped that his life and - his benefactions will be a
source of inspiration to the members of his great community.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 627

His son, Mr. G. Ananta Padmanabha, who is now 23 years of age, is a most
unassuming and unpretentious young man. He. is endowned with great keenness of
mind and intelligence. He is well educated in English and is endevouring to carry out
all his father’s programme of benefactions; Being a shrewd business man, he is
considering the best plan by which he could put the programme into execution. His
principal ambition is to found welfare institutions in places where they are urgently
wanted and will prove to be of very great benefit to the general public. His contribution
to the furtherance of religion is not going to be of an ordinary kind and we have not the
slightest doubt that he will add lustre to the name of his illustrious father, who may
well be considered as one of the finest gentlemen produced by his community in the
Deminions of His Exalted Highness the Nizam.


His breadth of vision has been widened by his recent European tour. Unlike many
a prodigal who during such travels squandered their a inheritance, Mr. Ananta
Padmanabha went to foreign countries with his eyes wide open to receive light and

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628 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

knowledge which he could get from the Western countries. One thing of course he had
to contend with before stepping out of his house. It was the objection of his father-in-
law to his crossing the seas. But the young man mustered courage to battle against the
superstition and when he actualy returned home he found it had all worn away. Mr.
Ananta visited all the principal cities of Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom
and gained valuable experience. He cannot express his knowledge in terms of money
but it is more than any books could impart.

We look forward with great interest to the time when Mr. Ananta will emerge
from his obscurity and come into limelight for the country is in dire need of such broad-
minded and enlightened young men to help to solve many social problems of the day.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 629

Hari Gopal Dass Ram Lalji

HE Marwari community, wherever it may be found, plays an important
part in the shaping of the financial policy of the country. Many a member of
that community resident in this State had a close connection with the
Hyderabad affairs in the early days. Among the denizens may be mentioned the family
of Sait Hari Gopal Dass Ram Lalji. As far back as 1802 Sait Mahanand Ramji came to
Hyderabad and established banking business there. It was not his first enterprise for he
already had his firms doing extensive business both in Bombay and Calcutta. His alacrity,
zeal, and foresight were enviable.


After his demise, his son Pooran Mal took over the business. Sait Pooran Mal was
a prominent figure in Hyderabad. His business tact coupled with affable manners
brought him to the foremost rank of bankers in this State. Hardly was there a financial
deal in Hyderabad with which he was not associated. As in business so in social life he
was prominent. Anything that was calculated to promote the welfare of his fellowmen
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630 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

received his sympathy and support. Among the many contributions he made to the
good of the people is the Sita Ram Bagh, an extensive garden enclosing a temple,
constructed by him in 1882. He not only built this place of worship but also succeeded
in obtaining an endowment for its upkeep from the Nizam’s Government in the form
of a jagir yielding a revenue of a seventy-five thousand rupees a year. Such a magnificent
piece of service to the Hindu Community has immortalised his name. Yet another
monument which stands to his memory is the Sri Rangji temple built in Marwar in
1900. Towards its maintenance a jagir producing an annual revenue of fifteen thousand
rupees was granted by the Darbar of Marwar. He was an ideal charitable, selfless,
unostentatious and pious Hindu.

When he entered into his rest Sait Prem Sukh Dasji succeeded to the estate but was
short lived. After his death Sait Hari Gopal Dasji took over. He was held by the public
in high esteem. He died a premature death. Seth Ram Lal, took over the management
of the business. He was very shrewd, industrious and highly respected. By his sagacity
he realised the enormous sums due to his firm by the State. As a man of unbounded
common sense he endeavoured to acquaint himself with many social and financial
problems and acquired a knowledge of law which was very helpful to him in his
business. Members of his own community would consult him and take his” legal”
opinion on intricate questions. He was such an outstanding financier that he was often
in demand for presiding over conferences even in such distant places as Calcutta and
Bombay. He was a respected member of the Panchayat and of the Hyderabad Legislative
Council. He was made a Rai Sahib in 1917. He manages the affairs of the Sita Ram Bagh
with great credit. In his general business he is assisted by his younger son, Seth Lakshmi
Nivasji, his elder son, Murli. Dasji, having died a premature death. Seth Lakshmi Nivasji
is a man of great enterprise. In his business he has practically outstripped his
predecessors. His outlook in life is far wider than that of any of his ancestors. He has
built two villas, Padma Villas and Lakshmi Villas, enlarged his banking business on
modern lines, established a Cotton Mill in Bezwada, travels extensively, identifies
himself with all public activities and therefore promises to rise to eminence.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 631


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632 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 633

The late Raja Deen Dayal, Musaver Jung Bdr.

HE firm of Raja Deen Dayal & Sons was established in the year 1865 by the
late Raja Deen Dayal who was subsequently awarded the title of Raja
Musaver Jung Bahadur by His Highness the late Nizam of Hyderabad in
recognition or his meritorious photographic services.

Raja Deen Dayal originally belonged to Meerut. In his early days his love of art
attracted him to Roorkee College and after completing a course there he joined
Government service in Indore. It was here that he became interested in the art of
photography by his own perseverance and skill. On his retirement from Government
service on pension he started the firm under the name of Lala Deen Dayal & Sons in
1865 at Bombay.


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634 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

With the admirable success of the firm in the Photographic Art, Sir Henry Dally
the then agent to the Governor General in India was much impressed and his successor
Sir Lepel Griffin equally patronised the firm. Lala Deen Dayal was officially engaged to
compile an album of the monuments in Central India which was executed to
Government’s entire satisfaction. This beautiful album was presented to Her Majesty
the late Queen Empress of India who greatly admired it. It occupies even to this day a
prominent place in the Windsor Castle Drawing Room.

He came to Hyderabad on his tour to complete an album of the views of India,

with a special letter of introduction by His Excellency Lord Dufferin to H. H. the Nizam
of Hyderabad. His services were immediately requisitioned by the Nizam who seeing
Deen Dayal’s admirable qualities as an Artist appointed him his Court Photographer
and induced him to settle down in Hyderabad. Thus the firm of “Raja Deen Dayal &
Sons” came into existence in Secunderabad about the year 1875.

In the year 1887 Her Majesty granted a Royal Warrant of Appointment and this
was the first Royal Appointment in India awarded to an Indian firm. Subsequently the
firm with a special staff and at a great outlay followed Their Royal Highnessess the
Prince and Princess of Wales throughout their Indian Tour in 1905-1906 and was the
only firm that took photographs in every town visited by the Royalty. A splendid
collection of over 5,000 photographs was compiled and it was greatly admired by Their
Royal Highnesses who honoured the firm with a special letter of appreciation.

Among other dignitories who eulogised the firm’s work may be mentioned their
Excellencies the Earl of Dufferin, Earl of Minto, Lord Curzon, Lord Hardinge, and H. R.
H. the Duke of Connaught.

Raja Deen Dayal & Sons had a branch of their “Art Photographic Salon” in Hornby
Road Bombay which was closed in 1910.

On the demise ot Raja Deen Dayal in 1906, his son Raja Gyanchand maintained the
establishment in the same name and style. His Exalted Highness the Nizam Mir Osman
Ali Khan Bahadur G. C. S. I. was graciously pleased to reserve for life his services at
Hyderabad. He died in 1916 leaving behind him three sons Trilokechand, Hukamchand
and Amirchand who endeavoured their best to continue the firm and their efforts were
crowned with success.

Most recently the firm’s ability in the Art of Photography was further appreciated
by the Hon’ble Sir William Barton the British Resident at Hyderabad who described
them as “ first class photographers “.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 635

Mr. R. S. Naik, M. A., Bar-at-Law

R. R. S. Naik, a man of energy and intelligence and one of the prominent
advocates of the Hyderabad Bar was born at Wanparthi in 1890.

His father Seshadri Naik, a gentleman of high and benevolent character, died at
the early age of 36 years, while still in the vigour of manhood leaving three sons, Mr. R.
S. Naik being the eldest.

Mr. R. S. Naik after matriculating

from the Bombay University proceeded
to England in the year 1910 and joined the
University of Edinburgh, where after
undergoing the usual course took the
degree of Mastrer of Arts and was also
called to the Bar at Lincolns Inn, both of
which with distinction, in the year 1913.

A few years after his return to India

Mr. R. S. Naik, who is endowed with
superior parts, was appointed Law
Lecturer both for the Civil Service and
Law classes at Hyderabad. Being a fluent
speaker both in English and Urdu with a
good knowledge of law, he is very
successful and popular at the Bar of the
Hyderabad High Court with which he has
been connectted since 1915.

He takes a keen interest in all the

movements started for the benefit of the
country and being an ardent public worker in the field of social reform, Hyderabad
expects much from him. He is one of the very few, who in due course, is expected to
take the leadership of the community.

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636 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 637

Mr. K. Krishnaswamy Mudi Raj

T is in the fitness of things that a life sketch of the Compiler and Publisher of
“Pictorial Hyderabad “ should find a place among its pages, and be included
among the biographical notes of those who had served the State nobly and
well and in one human department of activity and another.

Mr. Krishnaswamy is one of those rare young men whose lives should serve as an
example and inspiration to the younger generation and it is for this purpose and for
more than any thing else that this sketch has been prepared despite many protests from
him - out of, what I consider, undue modesty. He was not willing to realize the fact that
the lives of self made men are the best and brightest beacons for the rising generation,
showing them the difficulties on the steep pathway of life and ever beckoning them to
higher flights of attempt and endeavour. Under pressure of friends and well-wishers
he has agreed to the appearance of this short article and I am happy that the task has
been entrusted to me, although, I fear I may be doing but poor justice to it.

Mr. Krishnaswamy Mudiraj is one of those few men of whom it can very rightly
and justly be told that their “lives are not private but public property’. Singular and
strange as it may appear this young man began life at the early age of seventeen and
before two years had been added to his teens had already began to be interested in
social reform, educational advancement, communal uplift, general public good and
service to the State and its Ruler in his own humble capacity. His youth was balanced
by his zeal; his want of friends and helpers was made up by his abounding enthusiasm.
He did not look for success but hoped for it. As the poet Browning says:

Break bounds!
I say;
Success is nought;
Endeavour is all”

This young man so early in life as indicated recognized that his duty was to act and
not to look for results. He seems to have been unconsciously but powerfully influenced
by the spirit of Browning and also of the Bhagavad Gita :-

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638 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

“ Set thy mind on action
With the results thou art
Not concerned.”
But, we are anticipating events.

Mr. Krishnaswamy, as the member of the Mudiraj Community claims descent from
King Yayathi of the days of the Mahabharatha. Space does not permit me to enter into
a discussion on the merits and demerits of this claim. Suffice it to say that this is a claim
which is based on no mere idle boast but on writings, references and records which are
as good as those supporting the claims of any other community. The question, however,
cannot be contested or disputed that the Mudirajahs have been known to be a princely
and fighting community from the very advent of the British into India; and of their
historic testimony no one can dare dispute. It is a member of this community who gave
the first plot of land to the East India Company on the Coromandel coast. He was the
Raja of Chandragiri. Records exist to show that this community was always a fighting
community, like the Rajputs of Mewar, and served the Vijianagram and Warangal
monarchs with fidelity and valour, and, it is also stated, that the Emperors of
Vijianagaram were themselves Mudirajahs.

Apart from these claims, Mr. Krishnaswamy can incontestably make the statement
that his father and before him seven generations served in His Exalted Highness the
Nizam’s State, most of them being in the Nazm-e-Jamieth (Irregular Forces), Subsidiary
Force and the Hyderabad Contingent and 95th Russell’s Infantry (formerly 2nd
Hyderabad Contingent). Not only did his paternal but also his maternal ancestors serve
in the State maintained army. His father and his uncle served in the Burmese War and
in the Punjab Frontier and were faithful soldiers under the British Government. His
revered father died only five years ago as a pensioner of the British Government and
his maternal uncle, who is also a pensioner, is still living and fairly vigorous in health.

The subject of our sketch was born in the year 1896 in Jalna (Hyderabad). Receiving
private education in Hindi and Urdu, he went to school and there had English education,
but he was a boy who believed more in self-education than in education in classes
under the routine system. In this manner, he considerably improved his knowledge of
the three vernaculars and English, and later, added a knowledge of shorthand and
typing also - and still later of the art of printing and publishing, a flower of which is the
present “Pictorial Hyderabad”.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 639

His boyhood is tinged with a considerable amount of romance. Having to be in
Parbhani with his father he was drafted into the Police as a Head Constable at the early
age of seventeen! This was an emergency squad and under the supervision and
surveillance of his father the youthful Constable conducted himself so well, particularly
in partrolling at nights, that the District Superintendent pressed his father to let him
remain on in the Police corps and gain his promotion from his rank - promotion which
was assured to him as he knew the State language so well. His father, however, was
disinclined to allow him to enter so perilous a service as that of the Police at so tender
an age. From Parbhani he came to Hyderabad to seek an appointment no matter on
what salary. Although he tried hard and sought high and low, he was not successful
and during these hard and anxious days he was helpless and almost penniless. But
Heaven raised him two benefactors, Rai Bhawani Pershad and Hakim Maqsood Ali
Khan. He continued his studies in the Chadarghat High School and after leaving school
obtained service as assistant Private Secretary to Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur
and accompanied him on his tour to Northern India. After spending three years as an
Assistant Private Secretary to Maharaja Bahadur, he left his service and joined in the
Nizam’s Brigade Office, then from there was transferred to the Accountant General’s
Office and having worked there about nine years left service and went to Bombay for
further studies.

In the year 1925, he decided on commencing a career of his own and unaided,
single-handed, he started the now famous Chandrakanth Press. At the beginning it
was merely - an apology for a Press and has now blossomed into one of the premier
presses in Southern India turning out work of the finest type, and has recently published
“Pictorial Hyderabad”, the excellence of the production of which has been hailed
throughout the country.

Mr. Krishnaswamv Mudiraj, as I said in the beginning, is a public man. Working

unostentatiously, without drum-beat and fan fare of trumpets he is doing his utmost at
considerable sacrifice of time and expense, for the members of his communiy and the
larger parent community of Andhras, in the matter of promotion of vernacular education
and social reform.

The romantic part of his service as a public - worker is that he started as one when
he had barely passed his teens. It is not given to many public - workers to claim such
distinction, especially in view of the fact that he did not do because others were doing,
but did because others were not doing.

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640 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

He very early in life founded the Hindi Sabha, and is a strong and enthusiastic
advocate of the Hindi language and is a special protector of the Hindi-speaking
community which is in a minority in the metropolis. He is also the founder and member
of the Managing-Committee and Secretary of the Hindi Kanya Patasala which is doing
an immense amount of good work and is one of the best Girls’ Schools in the Dominions.
I have had the pleasure of watching the pupils at their work on more than one occasion
and I must say that what struck me most was their respectful behaviour and docile
deportment, in conformity with the highest ideals of young Indian womanhood. The
credit for this goes, of course, to the mistresses and to the Secretary for choosing such

Mr. Mudiraj is one of the founders of the People’s Educational Conference and a
member of the Managing Committee. He has been consistently championing the spread
of primary and secondary education and holds the view that a costly University would
fail in its functions unless and until there is, at the foundation, and at the feeder source,
compulsory primary education, where necessary, especially adapted to rural conditions
and the peasantry. Much of the recent successes of the conference is due to his silent
and unadvertised labours and one would be exceedingly happy indeed to learn that
his labours meet with full fruition at a not distant date.

Mr. Mudiraj has also to his credit the organization of the Andhra Volunteer Corps
and the spread of libraries in the districts of the Telingana area - a notable achievement
in itself and well worthy of emulation. Mr. Mudiraj’s one passionate desire is the spread
of education and social reform of the type which elevates one’s social condition and
does not lead into any conflict with worthy traditions. He is not much in sympathy
with disreputable ceremonies and is a confirmed hater of superstitions which degrade
and demoralize people. Having the deepest and most reverent faith in Hinduism, he
would yet like to see it trimmed of its unjustifiable and unwarranted and ugly
embroideries and taken back to its pristine purity and vigour.

The depressed classes have a great friend in him and the day, it is to be hoped, is
not far off when he will be enabled to fight their cause as well as that of other minority
communities in the local Legislature. An active, large-hearted, enthusiastic young man
like him should be at the fore front and be entrusted with work in which he is so deeply
and devotedly interested. Considering the work he has so far done, it can be safely
taken for granted that he would carry through many reforms which require legislation,
judicial and municipal. Apart from this, the Andhras are still to have an advocate in
the council imbued with public spirit and well versed in the State language and so
popular among officials and nobles, and knowing public affairs so well.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 641

In his business career as a printer and publisher, Mr. Mudi Raj has out-distanced
his compeers with his now famous compilation of “Pictorial Hyderabad “, which will
ever stand as a memorial to his capacity and devotion to the honour and prestige ot the
State. Not many - rather but a mere handful - are aware of the circumstances in which
these two volumes have been produced. I have some intimate knowledge of his
circumstances and I can say quite frankly that any other man would have stood aghast
at the mere magnitude of the undertaking. The financial involvements alone would
have deterred even a very adventurous spirit from embarking on the venture. Mr. Mudi
Raj, being a man of venture and vision, entered upon the task and has now completed
it in a manner deserving of universal praise. The preface to the book, the first volume,
gives one an idea of the trouble, anxiety and expense involved and these were all
multiplied in the preparation of the second volume. The entire work is now, happily
over and I, for one, would like to take this opportunity to offer my very sincerest and
most hearty congratulations to Mr. Mudi Raj on having produced a truly monumental

This is not the place nor the occasion for me to enter into any elaborate evaluation
of “Pictorial Hyderabad”. The Press of India has spoken in exceedingly warm terms of
it and it highly deserves all the praise that has been lavished on it. It is my hope that the
book will be in the libraries and drawing-rooms of our nobles, officials and prominent
citizens. The present and future generations will find much in it to interest, inform,
instruct and enthuse them. The history of the past as well as of the passing years of the
past few decades has been captured and preserved in its pages. It is an ornament to the
State and a tribute to its illustrious ruler.

The Press has had the honour of having had visits from Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur,
Maharajah Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, and Sahehzada Nawab Basalat Jah Bahadur,
the brother of His Exalted Highness the Nizam who have all of them been kind enough
to express appreciation of the work turned out.

It only remains for me to add that Mr. Mudi Raj possesses a crystal clear character
and enjoys not merely extensive popularity but also the regard, respect and affection of
his friends, co-workers and subordinates. Unostentatious, he enters heart and soul into
all work and sees to its completion. He possessses a winning and charming personality
and specially liked by the nobility of Hyderabad who set a special value on courtesy
and polished manners. Though his burdens are many and varied he ever preserves a
cheerful temperament and countenance, and does not let any personal troubles interfere
with the discharge of his public duties. I trust Heaven will endow him with strength
and wisdom to continue to render valuable services to the State, its Ruler, his community
and the general public at large.
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A. F. Thomas.
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642 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

“ Sivasristy” M. V. Bhaggya Reddy

word of apology is needed for including in this book a brief notice of the
life and work of Mr. Bhaggya Reddy. He is not one of those born with a
silver spoon in the mouth and rocked in the cradle of wealth and ancestral
dignity. He is not even an official of the State to merit special attention, but Mr. Reddy
is one of the humblest and loyal citizens of the State, born of a poor family. And his
greatness lies in this that he is a reputed social reformer. In the service of others he has
climbed the ladder of recognition and public admiration.

He was born in 1888 A. D. and with an education of a pretentious character he

dedicated himself for the service of his community. He threw himself heart and soul in
the work of reclaiming the depressed classes from degradation and despair. His age
and general attainments were at a discount at the beginning; but he set himself to know
the Hindu scriptures and the history and system of caste organizations, the disabilities
from which the exterior castes suffered and the methods of approach to the great
problems of social regeneration.

In this important work he enjoyed liberty of thought and action and the Government,
it may frankly be admitted, not only viewed his activities with sympathy but gave him
every encouragement in this valuable humanitarian work. He got into touch with “the
leaders of the numerous castes which fell within the category of depressed classes,
enlisted their co-operation and moral support and, with that singleness of purpose
which is characteristic of all great leaders and reformers, Mr. Reddy launched his reform
movement. When the history of the Hindus and Hindusim comes to be written the
name of Mr. Bhaggya Reddy will, I have no doubt whatever, stand out in great relief as
a pioneer reformer, who sacrificed his all and utilised his talents for the promotion of
the interests of the down trodden community.

The depressed communities soon recognised in him an unselfish and staunch leader
and Mr. Reddy sustained their confidence by consistency and honesty. He made it
known to his followers that their degradation leading to social ostracism was due to
their own apathy and ignorance. He instilled into them this fact that God created all
men equal and therefore no one was inferior or superior to another. This new

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 643

consciousness is now permeating the whole community and it kept glowing and alive
by Mr. Reddy’s personal talks and public meetings.


Literacy he advocated as a lamp unto their feet on the road of progress. He constantly
reminded Government of their own duty in this respect and he himself strained every
nerve to open and maintain elementary schools for the children of Panchamas. The
existence of a large number of special schools, in these Dominions for the exclusive use
of the depressed classes is partly due to Mr. Reddy’s incessant appeals to Government
on behalf of his community.

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644 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Deep seated ignorance and superstition can not be easily dispelled. The progress
of literacy among these castes is of course slow. Some of the sociai vices are slowly
disappearing and the credit of it all should go to Mr. Bhaggya Reddy. Recently he held
a series of public met tings at which he brought home to his people the importance of
social purity. He denounced in unmistakeable language the institution of Devadasis,
Murlis and prostitution and the dedication of boys and girls to gods, and secured pledges
from prostitutes that they would refrain from this evil. He has awakened in the minds
of the elders of the community a sense of cleanliness and hygienic living and warned
them of the economic disaster due to the liquor habit. By means of co-operative effort
on a small scale Mr. Reddy has been able to redeem certain families from ruin.

Mr. Reddy attends every year social and religious conferences held in this State
and in other parts of British India. His influence with the leaders of public opinion is
great. Among the numerous conferences he has attended may be mentioned the South
India Andhra Conference, Andhra District Conference, All-India Depressed classes
Workers and Leaders Conference, Adi Hindu Conference and the Depressed classes
District Conference. At all these meetings he consistently placed the cause of his
community in the forefront. Since he entered public life he has delivered no less than
3,348 speeches !

He is still young and energetic and many years of useful life lies ahead of him.

Mr. Bhaggya Reddy was at a meeting in 1925, presided over by Rai Balmukund,
proclaimed by the Hyderabad Adi Hindus as their Dictator, a rare distinction of which
any community Leader should be proud. He organised in 1925 an Adi-Hindu Sports
exhibition and showed to the public that the socially depressed youths can, given
opportunities, acquit themselves as well as any class of young people in the touchable
groups. He had the privilege of performing the last rites to the late lamented Rai
Balmuknd. The body of this distinguished friend of the Adi Hindus was conveyed to
the cremation ground by the Adi Hindus under the leadership of Mr. Reddy and
disposed of. That was the wish of the Rai Bahadur himself when alive. He so loved the
community and worked for its welfare that his last contribution to it was his own body.

To Mr. Reddy goes the credit of the active interest and co-operation of such eminent
Hindu gentlemen so lavishly bestowed upon the depressed classes.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 645

During the population census operations in 1931 Mr. Reddy by dint of hard labour
and strenuous advocacy got his people to return themselves as “Adi Hindus”. It was a
master-stroke of leadership and the Hindu community ought to feel grateful to him for
the manner in which he held the great Hindu community from disintegration.

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646 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

History of Government

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 647

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648 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Revenue Department

HE Revenue Department has a peculiar history of its own. Like many other
Government Departments, the Revenue Department is a product of recent
times. This statement may sound very strange in as much as revenue is the
foundation of Government and without it nothing can be done.

The first Nizam, His Highness Nawab Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, had carried on the
Moghul system of revenue administration which began to be more and more
complicated and the expenditure of the State began to outgrow the income. The result
was chaos and confusion worse confounded.

The peasant classes suffered everywhere. The State was in debt. Creditors clamoured
and petty insurrections broke out in the city. Ministers had to shut themselves in their
palaces. The Nizams were perplexed. Corruption and oppression reigned throughout
the Dominions. Troops were ill-paid and arrears of pay accumulated. Territories had to
be assigned as security against debts and even State jewels had to be pawned. No Indian
State in India at the time presented so desolate a financial picture.

Not only agriculture suffered through lack of effort and lack of desire of an
impoverished peasantry resulting in a decreased revenue, but to cover its debts the
State had to “ farm” out larger areas of land from which no revenue came.

How Hyderabad pulled on for so many years till the premiership of Salar Jung is a
mystery. At all events it is a mental picture which pains one to portray.

Salvation came when Sir Salar Jung was appointed Prime Minister. The young
Minister realized the fact that with an empty treasury, a State in debt, and a system of
revenue administration as fantastic as it was fatal, no reforms of any character could
possibly be introduced.

With determination he put his hand to the plough and did not turn back till he had
accomplished his purpose - the purpose of redeeming the finances of the State. He was
allowed a free hand although at times the jealousy of conservatives manifested itself in
unpleasant insinuations against the reformer. He bravely weathered the storm and stuck
to his gun in the interest of the ruler and the ruled.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 649

He began by directing all his energies to the removal of the debilitating system of
revenue collection. He did away with the system of “farming” lands and gradually
decreased the State debt.

Sir Akbar Hydari, Nawab Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur, the Finance Member,
reviewing the administrative progress for the decade ending 1921, writes :-

“The period prior to the appointment of Sir Salar Jung I as Minister in 1263 Fasli
has been often described as the darkest days of Hyderabad finance. Up to that year the
Finances of the State were in a condition of utter confusion. There was no Public Treasury,
nor any regular record of accounts. The transactions of the State as a whole were never
brought under the cognizance of any responsible individual, the control of the Minister
himself over the public purse being merely of a nominal character. The revenue of the
State was small and steadily on the decrease. The expenditure was high, higher than
the revenue, and was steadily on the increase. The deficit in some years amounted to
about 30 lakhs equal to nearly one-fifth of the entire annual gross revenue of the country.
The State had very little credit, and could borrow money only on substantial security
and at heavy interest.

‘’The chief source of income then, as now, was land revenue, which under all its
heads yielded about a crore of rupees, exclusive of cost of collection, which amounted
on an average to about 10 per cent of the net realizations. The income from the excise
duties did not approach even a lakh of rupees. Transit duties, levied from time to time
throughout the country, hampered trade at every step, and, yielding a revenue altogether
of about four lakhs of rupees injured the commerce of the country to an extent that can
hardly be conceived. There was no regular system either of assessment or collection of
any other taxes, not even the land revenue. The collections were in most cases made
through farmers and contractors, who were seldom questioned or interfered with about
their proceedings, so long as the Government demands were satisfied punctually and
in full”.

“On the expenditure side, the Military Department was the most costly. Large
portions of districts yielding lakhs of revenue were held as military Fiefs by some of the
nobles for the maintenance of troops. The military expenditure of the State was so large
that it absorbed almost the whole of the income from the land revenue”.

With Sir Salar Jung’s reforms, the aspect changed entirely. The Treasury was no
longer empty and the income exceeded the expenditure by nearly ten lakhs and at the

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

650 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

time of the great Minister’s death, the surplus in the Treasury was nearly 85 lakhs of

The lands of the State may be broadly divided into two classes according to the
nature of their tenures :-(1) lands which are under the direct management of the
Government and the revenue from them goes to the Government exchequer. These are
known as “Diwani “ or “Khalsa” lands; and (2) lands, the revenue of which has been
wholly or partially assigned for some special purpose.

Lands of the second named class may be sub-divided into (a) lands, known as Sarf-
i-khas lands, which are the property of His Exalted Highness the Nizam and the revenue
from them goes to his privy purse and (b) lands which have been the subject of State
grants and the revenue from them has been assigned wholly or partially as “Jagir” or
“Inam” in favour of some person or persons.

Diwani lands are invariably held on the purely ryotwari tenure. Over twenty million
acres or more than 50 per cent of the State area, are held on this tenure by landholders,
who have no special grants or any title by which they are connected with the soil. Under
this system, each field is considered a holding (technically called “survey number”
which the ryot holds directly from the State. The landholder who holds a field, whether
an individual or a number of co-sharers, is called the “registered occupant” or ,
“pattadar” or “khatadar”. The right of occupancy depends on the regular payment of
the assessment by the pattadar. In case of failure to meet the Government demand he
forfeits this right and, the land reverting to the State, the right of occupancy is sold by

Assessment is determined separately for each field or survey number, and is fixed
for a number of years. Originally the period of settlement in the Marathwara and
Telingana districts was different viz: 20 and 30 years. Now the period is between 25
and 30 years with a greater leaning towards the latter. In the case of lands unirrigated
lands or served by wells, the assessment is annually fixed and no remissions are granted
for damage to crops or on account of fields lying fallow. In the case of lands irrigated
from tanks or streams, annual remissions are granted for failure of water supply. At

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 651

the time of resettlement, the existing rates are revised having regard to the economic
conditions obtaining at the time, but no enhancement is made in the assessment on
account of improvements effected at the expense of the pattadars.

The period of holding is normally one year, but if the holder pays the assessment
and dues regularly he may retain his land for an indefinite period. The pattadar has a
right to erect farm buildings, construct and repair wells, and in other ways improve
agriculture. But agricultural land cannot be diverted to other purposes without
Government sanction. Failure to obtain such sanction makes the offender liable to a
fine equal to ten times the assessment and also to summary eviction. In the absence of
express provision the right of occupancy does not include any right to mines and mineral
products, which are reserved to the State. Ryots have, however, the right to use for
their private as well as for agricultural purposes, free of charge, and within the village
concerned, stone, sand and earth from the beds of rivers, tanks and streams, and also
from the unassessed waste lands.

Usually four kists are collected, the first in the month of November, the second in
January, the third in April and the fourth in June. The annual demand is about three
crores of rupees. It works out at Rs. 1-3-7 per acre of the total area or Rs. 1-15-3 per acre
of the cultivated area. This is noNn excess of what obtains in the neighbouring provinces
of British India.

Before concluding this brief resume of the Revenue administration we wish to place
on record an act of benevolence of His Exalted Highness the Nizam. During the last
two years (1339 and 1340 Fasli) His Exalted Highness Government has closely watched
the agricultural and economic situation: In 1340 Fasli (October 1930 to October 1931)
special preliminary measures were deemed necessary to assist the ryots. The collections
of land revenue arrears and instalments of loans were suspended. Postponement of
land revenue to the extent of Rs. 2.19 lakhs was granted in two districts and throughout
the Dominions additional time was allowed for payment of the rabi kist. The introduction
of revision settlements was held back. Orders were also issued that coercive measures
were only to be used under special sanction and in exceptional circumstances. In addition
very subtantial relief was given to the produces by prompt adjustment of export duties
as prices dropped, the fall in revenue caused by these adjustments amounting to nearly
30 lakh”. Granting remission, the order of Government says:-

“The present agricultural year has brought little relief to the agriculturists. Although
there has been a marked rise in the prices of cotton and other money crops in the
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

652 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Maratwada districts, very considerable damage has been caused by excessive rains. In
the Telingana districts although these same rains fortunately brought a very large
increase in the area of wet cultivation, the price of rice has fallen below even the low
level of 1340 Fasli. Early in the season, there, the collections of arrears and taccavi
instalments were again postponed and general extension of time was given for payment
of kists. When it became evident that the situation was not substantially improving,
general suspensions of revenue were ordered to the extent of the demand of the kharif
kist in the Maratwada districts and of the abi kist in the Telingana districts.

There has recently been a distinct improvement in the situation. Prices of money
crops have risen appreciably and the prospect of good second crops (rabi and tabi) is
almost universal throughout the Dominions.

Taking into consideration the fact that the settlement rates of most districts were
fixed on a low average of grain prices and were so pitched as to make allowance for
bad years, His Exalted Highness’ Government would be justified in holding that no
further relief is warranted.

But although the State revenues have suffered very considerably both by the various
forms of relief already given and by the further general fall in receipts, particularly
from Customs and Railways, owing to the general economic situation, it is felt that the
moment has come for the State to use its resources to alleviate the cumulative effect of
continued depression. His Exalted Highness has, therefore, been graciously pleased to
order the immediate remission, throughout the Dominions, of the suspended amounts
of this year’s kharif and abi kists, a relief of 35 lakhs.

The net area cultivated annually is about 21 million acres of which one million
acres are irrigated. Food grains occupy roughly 13½ million acres and oil seeds 1¾
million acres.

This act of generosity on the part of Government has strengthened the loyalty of
the people to their beloved Ruler and placed the agriculturists under a deep debt of
gratitude to Government. In this connection we may mention the names of Mr. T. R.
Tasker, C. I. E., I. C. S. the permanent Revenue Secretary, Mr. A. L. Binney, I. C. S. the
Officiating Secretary Revenue, Mr. B. A. Collins, C I. E. I. C. S. Secretary, Commerce
Department, and Colonel R. Chenevix-Trench, C. I. E. for the sympathetic manner in
which they weighed the pros and cons of the economic situation and recommended the
remission of revenue as a measure of relief to the distressed ryots.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 653

The Finance Department

N February 1884 H. E. the Viceroy on the occasion of His Highness the Nizam
attaining his majority and taking over the reins of Government specially advised
His Highness to “ look to his finances” adding that “disordered finances are
the ruin of the State” and “carelessness and extravagance in financial matters means
first heavy taxation and then gradual impoverishment, and ruin of the people and then
loans with increasing interest and final bankruptcy”.

His Highness fully appreciated the seriousness of the advice and commanded the
Minister to take immediate steps to put things in order. The Minister took over the
Financial and Political departments with a special Secretary under his direct control. A
Reduction Committee was at once appointed and functioned till a General Finance
Committee was appointed to suggest financial reforms. Attention was devoted to final
settlement of the outstanding liabilities of the State.

The mode of recording and classifying accounts was altered. Describing the position
of financial affairs prior to the assumption of office by Sir Salar Jung, as Prime Minister,
Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur, the present Finance Minister, in his General
Administration Report for 1921-22, says;-

“ The period prior to the appointment of Sir Salar Jung I as Minister in 1263 Fasli
has been often described as the darkest days of Hyderabad Finance. Up to that year the
finances of the State were in a condition of utter confusion. There was no public treasury,
nor any regular record of accounts. The transaction of the State as a whole were never
brought under the cognizance of any single individual, the control of the Minister himself
over the public purse being merely of a nominal character. The revenue of the State
was small and steadily on the decrease. The expenditure was high, higher than the
revenue, and was steadily on the increase. The deficit in some years amounted to about
30 lakhs equal to nearly one-fifth of the entire annual gross revenue of the country. The
State had very little credit, and could borrow money only on substantial security and at
heavy interest”.

The principal source of income in those days, as it is now, was land revenue. But
the receipts though, on paper, totalled something like a crore of rupees annually,
exclusive of the cost of collecting, amounted on an average to about 10 per cent of the
net realizations. As the credit of the State deteriorated it became necessary to hypothecate
the revenue of the districts as security for loans, and sometimes to assign the districts
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654 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

themselves to the management of the money-lenders, who, having once got possession
generally contrived to prevent their redemption by means of complications in accounts
and claims for interest and compound interest. The income from the Excise duties did
not approach even a lakh of rupees. Transit duties levied from time to time throughout
the country hampered trade in every direction and the revenue amounted altogether to
four lakhs of rupees. There was no definite or well-ordered system of collecting the
taxes nor even of assessment of rates. Land revenue was neither properl y assessed nor
collected and to this irregularity we must add the defects of the” farming” system and
the hypothecation of revenues. The collections were, in most cases, made through
farmers and contractors who were seldom questioned or interfered with in their
proceedings so long as the Government demands were satisfied punctually and in full.
The Government never took pains to enquire what exactly was its legitimate due and
whether too much or too little was being collected.

A very considerable part of the revenue was swallowed up by the army. Large
portions of districts, yielding lakhs of revenue, were held as military fiefs by some of
the nobles for the maintenance of troops. The military expenditure of the State was so
large that it absorbed almost the whole of the income from the land revenue. In
consequence, public departments, on which the prosperity and happiness of the people
depended were starved. Public instruction received only a few hundred rupees a year.
A like sum was expended on sanitation and dispensaries generally. The expenditure
on postal service did not exceed a few thousands. For all classes of public works only
about Rs. 20,000 were set aside yearly, even such absolute essentials as repairs of tanks
and roads not being exempt from the general neglect. No regular police existed in the
State except at the capital. Fot the administration of justice throughout the whole Domini-
ons less than Rs. 50,000 were provided. Corruption and bribery reigned supreme.

At this dark and dismal hour in the history of the State canie light through the
genius of Salar Jung. One of the first acts of his administration, young though he was,
was to appoint two competent men for the preparation of accounts under his own
personal supervision. Deeply realizing the fact that no reform could be effected and no
constructive work could be undertaken, Sir Salar Jung undertook the onerous task of
securing financial equilibrium. “ In this” writes Sir Akbar Hydari “he succeeded after
much anxious labour and the credit of the State in the local money, market was
substantially improved. Fresh loans at moderate rates of interest were then negotiated
to payoff the older debts which bore heavy interest. The annual interest charged against
the State was thus largely eeduced. The savings that resulted from the various measures

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 655

adopted were then applied to the redemption of some of the districts which had been
mortgaged to creditors on terms most disadvantageous to the Government. Resumptions
were also made of lands which had been appropriated by private individuals without
valid title”. These measures in a few years resulted in an increase in the annual revenue
of not less than fifty lakhs of rupees. The restoration to His Highness, in 1270 Fasli
(1869), of the Raichur and Naldrug (Osmanabad) districts added Rupees 27,000,000
more to the Government revenue.

Side by side with these reforms and reformatory efforts in the general and financial
administration, a gradual change was effected in the system of records, and audit of
accounts. A uniform system of accounts, based on local requirements, was formulated
with special reference to the transactions of the District Treasuries, and eventually the
Budget system, with a full classification of heads and sub-heads, was adopted, which
marked a new era in the history of the financial administration of the State. The accounts
were based entirely on the British system, and though in some respects defective, they
gave information quite sufficient for all practical purposes. In order that the working of
the British system might be thoroughly understood, four officers were selected and
sent to Berar and to the Bombay Presidency for training and, on their return, were
appointed as Assistants to the Accountant General.

Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung commenting on the state of the finances of the
Dominions at the time of the death of Sir Salar Jung writes :- “Sir Salar Jung found the
finances of the country on his appointment as Minister in utter ruin and left them in a
flourishing condition at his death. One solitary, but vitally significant, fact will suffice
to illustrate the extent and value of the improvements effected in the financial condition
of the State during the thirty years of Sir Salar Jung’s administration. During the earlier
six months of his first year’s tenure of office (1263 Fasly) only about eight lakhs of
rupees were received into the public treasury at Hyderabad, the only State Treasury
then existing, and at the end of that period the balance in hand was Rs. 13,000. During
1292 Fasli, the closing year of the great Minister’s life, the total receipts of the public
treasury and its branches amounted to Rs. 3,11,00,000 and, on the day of his death, 3rd
Farwardi 1292 Fasli (9th February 1883), the balance in hand was Rs. 81,00,000.

So rapid was the progress that referring to finances of 1270 Fasli, Mr. C. B. Saunders,
the British Resident, in his Administration Report for 1869-70 wrote as follows :-” It his
hardly too much to say that the Hyderabad State with which I first became acquainted
in 1860 is not the Hyderabad which was described, for example, in the despatches of
my predecessor of 1820, Sir Charles (after Lord) Metcalfe, as the England of the present
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

656 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

day is not the England of the Stuarts-a result essentially due, as Government is aware,
to the beneficent administration and sound policy of the present Minister. Not only was
the public treasury full, but the annual income of the State exceeded the annual
expenditure by eight lakhs of rupees, while the credit of the State stood proportionately

The financial position then fluctuated till the great famine of 1309 Fasli, when there
was a deficit of Rs. 144.47 lakhs and B. G. Rs. 340 lakhs had to be borrowed from the
Government of India for famine expenditure. In 1311 Fasli there was a further deficit of
Rs. 75.94 lakhs. During the decade of 1312-1321 Fasli, the income and expenditure
averaged Rs. 449 and Rs. 376 lakhs respectively, and by the end of 1320 Fasli no less
than Rs. 225lakhs had been paid off towards the liquidation of the famine loan. During
the next decade (1322-1331 Fasli) the income averaged Rs. 594 lakhs and the expenditure
Rs. 554 lakhs.

During the last thirty years the opening cash balances in Treasuries and Banks,
exclusive of coin unissued in the Mint, aggregated at different periods, as follows :-In
1311 Fasli Rupees 171 lakhs ; in 132l F. Rs. 300 lakhs ; in 1331 F, Rs. 5211akhs that is 5
crores and 21 lakhs. The cash balance has since been steadily accumulating and hence it
is much easier now to meet any contingency such as famine.

Up to the time of our going to press the economic depression which set in in the
latter half of 1339 Fasli has remained practically unchanged. The unsettled condition
has upset reasonable calculations and therefore we shall only present the financial
statistics of what may be called the normal year 1338 F. together with those for 1339 to
1341 Fasli (1930 and 1931) for the purpose of comparison.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 657

1338 F. 1339 F. 1340 F. 1341 F.
Ordinary Actuals, Actuals, Revised. Budget.
Land Revenue ..... 341.94 302.02 305.50 305.00
Forests ..... 20.85 22.32 19.15 16.00
Customs ..... 157.13 159.58 106.50 125.00
Excise ..... 163.76 159.40 156.00 158.67
Opium & Ganja ..... 15.28 15.37 13.00 12.00
Stamps ..... 22.08 22.52 20.00 22.00
Registration ..... 3.61 3.90 3.40 3.20
Mines ..... 1.94 2.14 2.96 2.60
Berar Rent ..... 29.17 29.17 29.17 29.17
Interest ..... 52.37 55.93 53.50 50.00
Paper Currency ..... 14.54 15.02 17.00 16.27
Exchange ..... 2.87 0.72 1.00
Post Office ..... 9.58 10.43 10.00 10.00
Irrigation ..... 0.30 0.35 0.28 0.70
Railway ..... 47.58 45.72 32.16 30.95
Electrici ty ..... ..... ..... 1.00 0.87
Workshop ..... ..... ..... ..... 0.70
Telephone ..... ..... 0.01 ..... 0.01
Miscellaneous ..... 3.04 2.64 2.50 2.50
Mint ..... ..... 1.22 1.00 1.00

Transfer form
Famine insurance
reserve 5.06 5.56 6.00 5.12
Moiety of Depart-
mental savings 49.45 ..... ..... 45.07

941.88 851.82 778.12 834.91

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

658 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Up to the time of our going to press the economic depression which set in in the latter
half of 1339 Fasli has remained practically unchanged. The unsettled condition has upset
reasonable calculations and therefore we shall only present the financial statistics of what
may be called the normal year 1333 F. together with those for 1339 to 1341 Fasli (1930 and
1932) for the purpose of comparison.

1338 F. 1339 F. 1340 F. 1341 F.
Ordinary Actuals. Actuals Revised. Budget.
Land Revenue ..... 341.94 302.02 305.50 305.00
Forests ..... 20.85 22.32 19.15 16.00
Customs ..... 157.13 159.58 106.50 125.00
Excise ..... 163.76 159.40 156.00 158.67
Opium & Ganja ..... 15.28 15.37 13.00 12.00
Stamps ..... 22.08 22.52 20.00 22.00
Registration ..... 3.61 3.90 3.40 3.20
Mines ..... 1.94 2.14 2.96 2.60
Berar Rent ..... 29.17 29.17 29.17 29.17
Interest ..... 52.37 55.93 53.50 50.00
Paper Currency ..... 14.54 15.02 17.00 16.27
Exchange ..... 2.87 0.72 1.00 .....
Post Office ..... 9.58 10.43 10.00 10.00
Irrigation ..... 0.30 0.35 0.28 0.20
Railway ..... 47.58 45.71 32.16 30.95
Electricity ..... ..... ..... 1.00 0.87
Workshop ..... ..... ..... ..... 0.70
Telephone ..... ..... 0.01 ..... 0.01
Miscellaneous ..... 3.04 2.64 2.50 2.50
Mint ..... ..... 1.22 1.00 1.00

Transfer from
Famine insurance
reserve 5.06 5.56 6.00 5.12
Moiety of Depart-
mental savings 49.45 ..... ..... 45.07

941.88 851.82 778.12 834.91

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 659

Likewise for comparison purposes we give below the expenditure heads for the same years,

1338 F. 1339 F. 1340 F. 1341 F.

Actual. Actual. Revised.
Land Revenue ..... 62.56 63.68 62.27 Budget for
Irrigation ..... 9.86 9.51 9.25 1341 F.
Forest ..... 8.90 8.72 8.60 is almost
Customs ..... 17.19 19.10 20.00 indential
Excise ..... 24.80 28.37 29.50 with that
Opium & Ganja ..... 1.41 0.80 1.25 for 1340 F.
Stamp ..... 1.02 1.19 1.20 variation
Registration ..... 1.25 1.24 1.30 being within
Mines ..... 0.59 0.67 0.61 narrow limits.
Interest ..... 21.94 23.06 23.60
Debt Redemption ..... 10.00 10.00 10.00
Mint ..... 1.81 1.99 2.00
Paper Currency ..... 0.19 1.29 0.68
Exchange ..... 0.45 0.65 0.66
Post Office ..... 12.19 12.23 11.60
Payment to H.E.H. ..... 50.00 50.00 50.00
General Admn ..... 36.73 38.41 38.74
Political ..... 4.45 4.25 44.00
Life Insurance ..... 0.58 0.46 0.40
Mansab ..... 15.43 15.62 15.25
Military ..... 64.89 66.71 66.60
Courts ..... 18.94 20.90 21.05
Jails ..... 3.76 3.96 3.80
Police ..... 58.96 60.99 61.00
Education ..... 71.95 74.48 76.22
Medical ..... 18.81 21.44 21.50
Religious ..... 11.51 12.18 12.10
Agriculture ..... 3.99 2.70 4.70
Veterinary ..... 3.04 3.51 4.08
Cooperative ..... 2.85 3.01 3.70
Miscellaneous Depts, ..... 1.37 1.07 0.97
Municipality ..... 16.77 10.55 8.58
Buildings & Comn ..... 66.10 72.53 91.74
Irrigation ..... 20.54 12.15 18.54
Railways ..... 1.08 1.78 1.60 1341F
Electricity ..... 0.11 0.21 0.20
Printing ..... 0.96 1.40 1.35
Industrial ..... 0.59 1.95 4.06 Almost
Development ..... ..... ..... ..... identical with
Famine ..... 15.00 15.00 15.00 the grants
Miscellaneous ..... 5.41 4.64 3.07 Made in 1340 F
Reserve ..... ..... ..... .....
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660 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sir Akbar Hydari’s own words would be a fitting conclusion to this rather lengthy
reference to the Finance Department.

“It is the stability that the State has obtained from these resources, the ownership
of the railway and the providential freedom from any severe famine in the last ten
years that enable us now to look with courage and confidence to the times that are
ahead of us believing that with these resources His Exalted Highness and his
Government will be able to continue to work steadily and continuously for the protection
and the material and educational well-being of the people of these Dominions”.


“Coin is only issued from the Mint “, writes Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur
in the General Administration Report for 1921-22 to maintain the rate of exchange
between British and Osmania sicca rupees. No coin is issued till the minimum point of
exchange is reached and then only at the minimum rate prescribed by Government.
With every issue of a new coin a sum considerably in excess of the Coinage profits is
credited to the Currency Reserve and thus full provision is made against the time when
the balance of exchange may set the other way, and it may be necessary to recall O. S.
rupees from circulation.

“From the date of the outbreak of the war”, Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung continues
“the question of the rate of exchange between the Osmania Sicca and the British rupee
engaged the most serious attention of the Government. The silver value of the O. S.
Rupee as compared with the British rupee is O. S. Rs. 116-14-7 equal to B. G. Rs, 100
and the currency policy of the Government has been to maintain the rate of exchange
between the two currencies at as near their respective silver contents as possible.

The importance of a stable rate of exchange in the interests of commerce is fully

realized by His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government but the peculiar conditions
arising out of the war resulted in Hyderabad, as in other countries, in fluctuations
unknown in normal years. On the whole, however, these fluctuations were not of such
magnitude as to hamper the trade of the Dominions. Up to the year 1327 Fasli, i. e. the
first three years of the war, the pre-war rate of exchange remained unchanged; but
from that time the unprecedented demand for silver coinage became more and more
difficult to meet. It is sufficient to say that the difficulties, with which the Nizam’s
Government were confronted were identical, though on a smaller scale, with those
facing the Government of India. At one time Hyderabad was even able to lend the

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 661

Government of India silver during the currency crisis before the United States of America
came to their aid. But the stock of imported silver in the Mint was eventually exhausted,
and under the silver ordinance no more could be obtained from abroad. The country
silver available in the market was insufficient to meet the demand and at one time,
owing to the scarcity of O. S. rupees, the exchange rate which was never below O. S Rs.
116 equal to B. G Rs. 100 in the ten years before the war, fell to O. S. Rs. 105 equal to B.
G. Rs. 100. This, however, was only for a short period and the general rate of exchange
in 1328 Fasli and in the beginning of 1329 Fasli ranged between 109 and 112. At the end
of 1329 Fasli it stood at 116, approximately the per-war rate. Large quantities of gold
released by the Government of India were absorbed in Hyderabad, while silver coins,
hoarded during the war, when exports largely exceeded imports, had to be brought
out to purchase this gold, with the result that there was a great addition to the number
of silver rupees in active circulation. Up to the middle of 1329 Fasli the difficulty was to
prevent the undue appreciation of the O. S. rupee, after that the difficulty was to prevent
the depreciation of the same coin. Instead of a demand for O. S. rupees, the general
tendency was to convert O. S. currency into British to pay for imports. There was thus
a temporary redundancy of the local currency and to restrain violent fluctuations of
exchange Government freely offered drafts on Bombay in exchange for O. S. rupees To
meet this unexpected demand on the British rupee balances, it was necessary to sell off
the bullion in the Mint, at a considerable loss owing to the simultaneous fall in the price
of silver. It must be remembered, however, that coinage profits till then exceeded four
crores of rupees, while the total loss in maintaining. exchange from the time the present
currency was first introduced was well under forty lakhs of rupees

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662 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

On the 1st Khurdad 1316 Fasli, a Family Pension Fund was instituted with the two-
fold object of making provision for the survivors of deceased Government servants
and relieving the State finances from the burden of compassionate allowances. The
services of Mr. Oscar la-Vallette Parisot were requisitioned from England as Secretary
and Actuary to the Fund, while its affairs were under the control of a managing
committee with the Assistant Minister, Finance, as its President. At the same time, a
Provident Fund was inaugurated for those Government servants whose service was
over five years. It was not compulsory for them, under the rules, framed by Mr. Parisot,
to subscribe to the Family Insurance Fund. Mr. Parisot continued as Secretary and
Actuary to the Fund till September 1908, when unfortunately he met with an untimely
death, and was succeeded by Mr. Arthur Stanley Young who held charge of the Fund
till the end of 1321 Fasli (September 1912). It became evident after the experience of a
few years that the Family Pension Fund did not gain much popularity and failed to
fulfil the expectations with which it was started. It was consequently abolished and a
State Insurance Fund was substituted in its place from first Isfandar 1322 Fasli. The
main features of the fund are that a Goverment servant subscribes two per cent of his
or her salary to the Fund with an option of a maximum contribution of Rs. 50 per month
for proportionate benefits under the scheme. A medical examination follows and on
fitness of life being proved a policy is issued to the subscriber under which the subscriber
secures the insurance money on his retirement from Government service at the age of
55 years or in the event of his death the heirs-at-law are entitled to that amount. If,
however, on medical examination, the Government servant is rejected as unfit he has
the option of withdrawing the accumulated subscription towards the Provident Fund.
The rules regarding the Fund are incorporated for the information of the public in the
Hyderabad Civil Service Regulations.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 663

Public Instruction

HE old system of educational instruction which prevailed in these Dominions
was usually of the simplest kind, though quite sufficient to meet the
requirements of the period during which it was imparted. Boys and young
men were taught the Quran, the sayings of the Prophet and the art of penmanship.

There were, however, various educational centres at Bidar and elsewhere which
gave a regular course of instruction in Arabic, Persian, Muslim law, theology, logic and
philosophy. At these madrasses or educational centres organised by the Bahmani Kings
students were fed and clothed and taught. From Hindustan, Persia and Bokhara learned
Moulvis came and were employed as teachers.

This system of education was greatly disrupted when the Bahmani Kingdom was
divided among the feudatories of the State. In those days a good soldier was more
valued than a clever scholar. However, the Kutub Shahi Kings of Golconda and the
Barid Shahis of Bidar continued to encourage education, the institutions receiving
support from State revenues. In spite of it all, the madrasses were not as famous centres
of learning as they were before.

In course of time noblemen began to engage tutors to instruct their children and
those of the retainers at home. Therefore public patronage to the educational institutions
suffered. Endowments were either misappropriated or curtailed. Purely religious
instruction began to be imparted at the tombs of Muslim saints and mosques. Madrassa
Mahbubia was the only regular institution that existed undisturbed in those days.

1264 Fasli marked the beginning of a new era in education. Sir Salar Jung I as Prime
Minister founded the Dar-ul-Ulum or the Oriental College in Hyderabad. The first
educational Board had its origin with this institution. English, Arabic, Persian, Telugu
and Marathi were taught by a staff of seventeen teachers. Exemption from paying fees,
award of prizes and scholarships and offer of Government service were the inducements
held out in those days for popularising education. The Minister’s own building at
Pathergatti was the first school building and the school commenced with 130 students.

In 1269 Fasli Government notified establishment of two schools in every taluk and
one at each district headquarters. Mathematics, Grammar, Geography and History were
taught in them. The fee in these schools ranged between one and two annas. Two Patels,
two Patwaris and the Tahsildar of the Taluk formed the board of management of the
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664 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Taluk Schools while the third Talukdar, the Police Superintendent, the Tahsildar at
district head-quarters, a Patel and a Patwari constituted the district school board of
management. The third Talukdar was also the Inspector of district schools and he
inspected the schools at Jamabandi time. In other words public instruction was entirely
in the hands of the Revenue Department.

In 1278 Fasli, Government appointed a Minister in the Miscellaneous department

for educational affairs and thus the Talukdars were divested of principal executive
functions. All teachers in the district schools should be graduates of Dar-ul-Ulum.

The first Director of Public Instruction was Mr. W. H. Wilkinson, his assistant for
the vernacular side being Moulvi Mohamed Khair-ud-Din. Mr. Wilkinson in 1279 F.
amalgamated a part of the Dar-ul-Ulum in the Engineering College, and split the rest
into six schools namely Quran school, Arabic High School, Persian High School, two
Vernacular Schools and an English High School. In that year there were 125 district
schools. In 1280 Mr. Wilkinson started an Anglo-Vernacular school with a teachers
training Department attached to it.

In 1283 written examinations were introduced and in 1284 inspectors of schools

were appointed. An educational code was introduced in the same year.

In 1287 the Chaderghat English High School was raised to be second Grade College
affiliated to Madras University, and the first candidate who passed the F. A was a Hindu,
named Lakshman. Then the college was raised to the First Grade.

In 1291 Fasli there existed 200 private schools. Government gave them every

In 1294 F. the whole educational system was reorganised and primary education
was given an impetus with the appointment of Mr. Syed Ali Bilgrami as the Director of
Public Instruction.

In that year it was found that there were 209 institutions (2 Colleges 4 Boys High
Schools, 34 Middle Schools for boys, 4 Middle Schools for Girls 162 primary schools,
one Normal S,chool for men and another for women and one English School) with a
strength of 11,845, composed of 5,699 Muhamadans and 5,363 Hindus, 561 Europeans
and Eurasians and 223 others. There were 819 Girls in Schools, all in the City. The total
expenditure on education amounted to three lakhs of rupees. With these figures relating

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 665

to the early history of eduction one may gauge and appreciate the degree of expansion
of education by comparing the following figures for 1339 Fasli.

Number Scholars Expenditure.

Colleges 9 1,179 9,30,071
Secondary Schools 163 46,887 22,70.755
Primary Schools 4,028 2,39,526 22,95,652
Special Schools 56 4,338 3,62,769
Total ... 4,256 2,91,930 58,59,247
Indirect expenditure 32,37,836
Rs. 90,97,083

This phenomenal increase in the number of Schools and Scholars created a desire
among the public for further development of education. The expansion of primary
education gave rise to institution of Secondary Schools and the latter to that of University
education. The percentage of children of both sexes to the population of school going
age is now 17.3. Physical and vocational eduation is emphasized.

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666 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Osmania University

HE Osmania University, though comparatively an infant institution, the
idea of its inception really dates back to the eighties when our beloved
sovereign, the late Mahboob Ali Pasha, was on the masnad. The idea
originated with Mr. Wilfred Blunt, who was a great admirer of Islamic culture, tradition,
art and literature. Going from England to Cairo, he realized how the old Egyptian
university had fostered education and nourished culture from the time of the early
Caliphs, borrowing from Greek philosophy and giving very much of its own in return.
Visiting India he put forward the suggestion that Hyderabad being the greatest Islamic
province east of Suez should have a university of its own, not merely for fostering
Islamic culture and thought but also to bring about an intellectual union between Eastern
and Western thought.

The suggestion was well received in many influential quarters and His Highness
the Nizam appreciated the idea and was inclined to sanction the project. But education
in those days was in such a poor state that His Highness’ advisers feared that the time
was not yet ripe for a university, as primary, secondary and high school education had
first to be developed before college and academic education could be thought of. That
was then a wise decision because the university would not have had a sufficient number
of students and the heavy expenditure involved would not have been justified.

As a preliminary to it, therefore, Government expanded secondary and high school

education regardless of expenditure, which rose from a few lakhs to tens of lakhs. His
Exalted Highness the Nizam was deeply interested in the intellectual progress of his
subjects and therefore was disposed to sanction the formation of a university here. The
question of medium of instruction then arose.

It was generally held in official circles that students taught in English understood
things but poorly and found it exceedingly hard to develop their minds. Therefore on
the suggestion of his ministers His Exalted Highness sanctioned Urdu as the medium
of instruction as it is the State language. The University was started and, pending
provision of accommodation, buildings were rented and work was started with the
University college. It began work in 1919 with only Intermediate students. Within a
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 667

brief period of but thirteen years it has attained to great distinction and its usefulness is
not now questioned as it used to be in the early days, for the reason that it was considered
a novel and daring adventure.

The university has a wonderful future before it and fills a real want. The university
has already begun to produce graduates in Arts and Science. Some of them have
distinguished themselves in other Indian and British and Continental Universities and
it is our most earnest hope that as years go by many hundreds of young men will avail
themselves of the type of higher education provided here.

His Exalted Highness has plans before him to convert the University into a
residential university at a cost of something like thirty million rupees in Addigmat and
building operations have commenced under the supervision of a European consulting
architect. The buildings are expected to be the finest in architecture in the East.

The most salient feature of the university is that it has achieved stupendous success
by imparting education through a vernacular medium. Its success, which was at first
generally doubted, is now being generally acknowledged in India, and in some British
Universities as well. It is now recognized that teaching a boy in his mother tongue
simplifies the labour and makes a direct appeal to his intellect. The unsuitability of the
old system is easily realized when mention is made of the fact that no one in England
will dream of teaching British youths in German, or Spanish, or French.

We must, however, in justice to ourselves and to the people of the State, make
reference to the fact that the medium of instruction should not be confined to Urdu
alone, but must extend to other languages as well for although Urdu is the State language
it is the mother tongue of an eleventh part of the population. Telugu is the predominent
language and then comes Marathi. It is therefore the concensus of public opinion that
Government would be pleased to consider the claims of nearly twelve millions of non-
Urdu inhabitants of the State.

Before the buildinsg are completed and the university is transfered to the new area
it is expected that a thorough change will be effected in the system of university

Another fact to be emphasised is that while University education is eminently

desirable, attention should first be directed towards expansion of primary and secondary
education in the State by giving liberal grant-in-aid to private enterprise. These will
then prove efficient so that they may become feeder schools to the University. There is
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668 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

no doubt of the fact that education now costs tbe State nearly a crore of rupees annually.
The people are profoundly thankful to the Nizam for the encouragement given to higher
education, but pray that efforts be made to broaden the basis of literacy and build
thereon the structure of University education.

It is, however, pleasing to record public appreciation of the Government opening

an Engineering College, a Medical College, and a teachers training College. For the
benefit of women tbe Nampalli Girls High School has since been raised to a first grade
College. There are now on the rolls 12 students there.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 669


HE first census of India was taken in 1871 but the Hyderabad State was not
included in it. The next decennial census in 1881 was the first in Hyderabad.
Prior to this date it was customary for village officers to periodically report
to Government the strength of their villages. The method was crude and its result in
most cases unreliable.

The dates of the decennial censuses and the names of the census Commissioners
are :-

17th Feb. 1881 ... Syed Mohiuddin Alavi

26th 1891 ... Mirza Mehdi Khan.
1st March 1901 ... do
10th “ 1911 ... Mr. Abdul Majid
18th “ 1921 ... Mr. Md. Rahmatulla.
26th Feb. 1931 ... Mr. G. Ahmed Khan.

The area of the State censused is 82,698 square miles (the assigned Province of
Berar not being included). The accuracy of the area of the Dominions can not be
vouchsafed, for there has been no professional survey in recent years. The Population
at various censuses are :-

Total Males, Females.

1881 9,845,594 5,002,137 4,843,457

1891 11,537,040 5,873,129 5,663,911

1901 11,141,142 5,673,629 5,467,513

1911 13,374,676 6,797,118 6,577,558

1921 12,471,770 6,345,071 6,126.699

1931 14,436,148 7,370,010 7,066,138

The decrease in 1901 was due to famine and plague and that in 1971 was accounted
for by the devastating influenza epidemic of 1918-19.
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670 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Eleven per cent of the population live in towns of varying sizes and 89 per cent in
rural parts. There are now 133 towns as compared with 89 in 1921 and 60 in 1881 in
these Dominions, of which four are cities, viz: Hyderabad. Aurangabad, Gulbarga and
Warangal. The population of Hyderabad City, which is 53 square miles in extent,
embracing Golconda in the west and Bolarum and Trimulghery in the north, is 466,894.
The other three towns, being once seats of Kingdoms, have been treated as cities and
their population is Aurangabad 36,870, Gulbarga 41,083 and Warangal, in which are
included Matwara and Hanamkonda, 62,119.

The number of villages is 21,697 as compared with 21,223 in 1921, an increase of

474. During the decade the Adilabad district, which offers splendid facilities for
colonisation of rural population, had 196 new villages sprung up, the total villages in
that district being 2961. Medak lost 104 villages during the same period. It may be that
due to expansion of irrigation projects in Nizamabad agricultural labour has deserted
so many villages in search of pastures anew.

Of the total population, 9,699,615 are Brahminic Hindus (4,948,408 males 4,751,207
females) 2,473,330 Adi Hindus or depressed classes (1,252,651 males 1,220,679 females)
382 Aryas (196 males 186 females) 77 Brahmos (44 males 33 females) the total Hindu
being 12,176,727. 21,543 ]ains (11,456 males and 10,087 female) 5,178 Sikhs (3,064 males
and 2,114 females) 1,534,666 Muslims (1791,435 males and 743,231 females), 151,382
Christians 79,444, (males and 71,938 females) of whom Protestants are 130,106 (67,841
males and 62,265 females), 52 Buddhists (26 males 26 females) 3,885 Zorostrians (1,988
males 1,897 females) and 542,688 tribes (279,533 males and 263,155 females).

Of the total population 14,188,353 are returned to have been born in the State, the
rest being immigrants. Madras, among the neighbouring Provinces sent the largest
contingent of 132,952 (102,545 males and 30,407 females) who, judging from the sex
ratio are a temporary population. Bombay immigrants are 67,734 (36,637 males and
31,097 females) and those from Central Provinces are 14,289 (6,702 males and 7,587

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 671

Literates. Per mille.
M. F. M. F.
Hindus (Brahminic) 349,677 323,213 78 6
Adi Hindus 14,076 1,667 12 1
Muslims 137,410 31 ,429 238 40
Christians 14,922 6,820 244 126
Zorostrians 1,175 885 965 846
Jains 3,128 553 324 66
Sikhs 1,378 212 708 136
Tribes 1,859 441 8 2

The Communities professing Islam, Christianity, Zorostrianism, Jainism and

Sikhism command a higher rate of literacy for they emphasize that not only their children
should know the tenets of their religions but also read religious books.

The extent of literacy and the efforts of Government to promote same may be
gleaned from the following statement :- In 1330 F. (1921) there were 4,287 Government
and aided schools with a total strength of 2,14,505 scholars besides 4,053 private schools
with a strength of 76,654 pupils. At the end of the decade, 1339 F. (1930) schools of the
former description numbered 4,256 with a student population of 2,91,930 and those of
the latter description 1,082 with 31,570 pupils. 2,798 private schools were closed down
in 1334 F. by order of Government and the private scholars fell from 76,654 in 1334 to
29,626 an 1335 F.

The schools for the furtherance of girls’ education numbered 771 in 1330 F. (1921)
and 684 in 1930 and the number of Girls attending them rose from 36,796 in 1330 F. to
41,384 in 1340 F.

The percentage of scholars to population of school going age in schools rose from
20.8 (boys) and 4 girls in 1921 to 299 (boys) and 45 girls at the end of the decade
Expenditure on education rose from Rs. 53,06,961 in 1921 to Rs. 90,97,081 in 1930. A
number of schools exclusively for the children of the depressed classes are also
maintained by Government. An interesting point to bear in mind is that at the begining
of the decade there was one school for every nine square miles and at the and of the
decennium one school served the needs of 11.5 square miles.

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672 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

12,656 males and 9,540 females (22,196 total) are afflicted with various infirmities.
Of the total

Males Females
Insane are ... 2,200 1,337 863
Deafmute ... 3,742 2,209 1,533
Blind ... 12,516 6,480 6,036
Lepers ... 3,738 2,630 1,108

For the Insane Government maintains an Asylum in Hyderabad and for lepers
there is a Government aided Mission Home at Dichpalli. Hyderabad City has 287 insane
158 deafmute, 172 blind and 58 lepers. Karimnagar district claims the largest number
of lepers (612) and Nander the smallest (54).

67 of the insane are below 5 years of age (41 boys 26 girls), 331 between 5 and 10
years. The others are of higher age groups, the largest number (273) being found to be
between 25-30 years; (175 males and 98 females). 420 children (232 boys) who are blind
are below 5 years of age and Blindness increases as the years grow and the largest
number (1,452) is above 70 years of age.

Blindness among women is as common as among men. Striking contrasts are,-

M. F.
Ages 2— 3 46 46
4— 5 70 79
35-40 369 381
50-55 480 483
55—60 308 311
60-65 512 586
70 & over 680 772

Women are more liable to blindness because they spend much of their time in
smoky kitchens and ill-ventilated houses with a few chances of enjoying fresh air and

Leprosy is more prevalent among rice eating classes in Telingana than others.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 673

The Telephone Department
THE Telephone system was first introduced into Hyderabad in the month of Meher
1294 Fasli (about 1885 A. D.) with a view to facilitate communication between the
Officials of the various important departments and the staff of the Nizam’s personal

The Department was first worked for seven months by the Bombay Telephone
Company and was then taken over by the Military Secretary (then the late Major Percy
Gough) to His Highness the Nizam’s Government. Subsequently it came under the
control of the Public Works Department and still continues to be so except for two
years (1326 and 1327 Fasli) when it was worked by Messrs. the Callender Cable
Company, Limited. Mr. Bala Pershad, Ph. B., M. A. I E. E. has been the Superintendent
of the Telephone Department since Azur 1328.



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674 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

In 1295 Fasli, that is the year of the introduction of the Magnets single line earth
return Telephone system, there existed only one telephone exchange at the Baradari,
with sixteen subscribers but in 1300 Fasli in order to connect up all the important offices,
another exchange at Narayangooda was opened and later, in order to cope with the
public demand, a third exchange was opened at Secunderabad.



As the magneto system was not satisfactory owing to the increased number of
subscribers, it was decided by the Government in 1325 Fasli that the existing system
and most of the overhead lines be replaced by means of a Central Battery system and

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 675

underground cables but for financial reasons, the work under the direct supervision of
Mr. Bata Pershad, Superintendent, was delayed till 1330 Fasli and completed by the
beginning of 1333 Fasli. The change in the system resulted in the removal of about 650
magneto telephone insttuments, magneto switch boards and other apparatus which
were of no use under the newly introduced system. In order to make use of these
discarded apparata, His Exalted Highness the Nizam issued orders in 1342 Hijri that
telephones should be installed in Aurangabad, Jalna, Nanded, Gulburga. Raichur,
Warangal, Latur, Parbhani and Nizamabad.

Accordingly, telephones were installed in 1335 F. in Raichur and Aurangabad, Jalna

and Warangal; and in 1336 Fasli trunk lines were installed connecting Aurangabad
with Jalna and Hyderabad with Warangal. Proposals to connect up Bidar with
Hyderabad by trunk lines and for the installation of telephones at Nanded and Umri
with trunk lines between them were submitted to Government and are pending sanction.
Connection of Raichur with Narayanpett via Saidapur is also under consideration.

The Telephone Department has a very large and promising future before it and we
trust that every effort of the head of the department to popularize the system will meet
with increasing success and not only add to the income but also tend to lessen the rate
of subscription which, in present conditions, is prohibitive to persons of moderate means.

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676 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Mint Department

IS Exalted Highness the Nizam coins his own money as his ancestors did
from the day the Deccan was declared independent of the over-lordship
of the Delhi Emperor. Not only the Nizam had his own coinage, but
strange to say even his tributary, the Raja of Gadwal Samasthan, struck his own coins.
This privilege was taken away from him when the Gadwal Samasthan passed along
with the Raichur Doab into the hands of the British. At the present day the Nizam’s
rupees circulate throughout the Dominions and all the Samasthans, Jagirs and Paigah
Estates. Along with these, British Government rupees also circulate to facilitate business
transactions but not to any very considerable extent as compared with the former. The
Exchange between the two is a delicate problem in finance and Rs. 116 to 119 Osmania
Sicca are equivalent to British one hundred rupees, the rate varying at different times.

New coins are issued from the Mint to maintain the rate of exchange between British
and Osmania Sicca rupees. No coin is issued till the minimum point of exchange is
reached and then only at the minimum rate prescribed by Government. With every
issue of new coin a sum considerably in excess of the coinage profits is credited to the
currency reserve and thus full provision is made against the time when the balance of
exchange may set the other way and it may be necessary to recall O. S. rupees from

Gold coins are also struck at the Mint and these are called “Ashra-fees” of the
value of Rs. 25 each. Half ashrafees are worth Rs. 13; one fourth ashrafees Rs. 7 and
one-eighth ashrafees Rs. 4. The old ashrafees were worth Rupees 30 each, that is equal
to two British sovereigns.

The old Halli Sicca rupees were rather crude specimens of the coiner’s art and the
copper coins in exchange for five rupees would weigh nearly a seer or two pounds.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 677

Public Works Department

HE Public Works Department was first organized in 1868, (1277 Fasli) and
has been reorganised from time to time according to the requirements of
the State. Mr. William Marrett, who was Superintendent of Roads under
the Residency was the first chief officer, who, exercised a general control over the
Department. In 1871 His Excellency the Minister, acting under the advice of the Resident
appointed a European Engineer as Secretary to Government. A year hence ten more
English Engineers were entertained. one of whom was Mr. Haskoll. In 1873 Mr. W. H.
Wilkinson, who was Principal of the Engineering College, was appointed Chief Engineer.
The State had then been divided into 5 divisions and 18 districts, each under a District
Engineer. In 1875, the Department was reorganized into two distinct branches,
administrative and executive, the immediate head of the former being the Minister
and that of the latter the Departmental Minister, styled the Sadr-ul-Maham, while a
Secretary was appointed for each branch. Subsequently the designation of Sadr-ul-
Maham, was changed to that of Moin-ul-Maham. The Moin-ul-Maham became the
head of both the branches and was made an assistant to the Minister. It was also realised
that the executive staff was not strong enough to provide a thoroughly competent
Engineer for each. Therefore five most competent men were selected and placed in
charge of the five divisions with an ordinary Engineer incharge of a district. In 1894,
owin~ to the increase in the volume of work, the office of Secretary in the Public Works
Department was separated from that of the Chief Engineer, and busines connected
with the Railways and Mines, Municipalities and Telephones was entrusted to the charge
of the former. Since then Railways have been transferred to the Financial, Mines to
Industrial and Municipalities to the Political Secretariats.

As the work of the P. W. D. was too unwieldy, (the Ab-e-Pashi Department) was
separated from the Buildings and Roads branch in 1878 (1288 Fasli) It was under the
Revenue, with two or three professional Engineers. In 1816, when it was found that the
large tanks in the State required not only extensive repairs but restoration also, it was
considered expedient to form a separate irrigation department under a Chief Engineer,
whose services were lent to the State by the Government of India. Engineer had to
submit his proposals relating to irrigation Government through the Public Works

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678 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

There was however a conflict of interests between the General Branch and the
Irrigation Branch of Public Works. The Revenue declined to transfer control of the
Abpashi to the P. W. D. nor were the Ab-e-pashi Engineers capable of carrying out
important projects. A Committee of enquiry was therefore appointed and as a result of
its recommendations, the Public Works Department took over not only the Ab-e-pashi
but also the Municipal engineering. Mr. M. H. Wilkinson was appointed as consulting
engineer and Mr. G. Palmer, Secretary to Government, while Mr. Rai Munnu Lal was
appointed Superintending Engineer. District Engineers were reappointed and Divisional
Engineers became inspecting Officers. A provisional code was also drafted and issued.
In 1884 further changes were effected to improve the efficency of the Department.

At present the Department is organised as follows :-

At the head is the Sadr-ul-Maham. Under him the Secretary and Chief Engineer in
charge of the Irrigation and General Branches. There are two Superintending Engineers
under the Chief Engineer. Work in the districts is carried on by the Divisional Engineers,
one set of them being in charge of buildings and roads and the other in charge of
irrigation works.

The operations of the Irrigation Branch have been practically confined to the
Telingana districts, the divisional charges being Warangal, Nalgonda, Karimnagar,
Adilabad, Medak, Nizamabad, Mahbubnagar, Gulburga, Raichur and Tank Restoration
Survey parties (two divisions). The expenditure on the Department averaged
Rs. 27,32,968 per year during the decade. The cost of the establishment formed about 37
per cent of it.

Several irrigation projects undertaken in the Dominions; some of them have been
completed. Before passing, however, it must be remarked that descriptions are given
only of the large projects and these do not include ordinary works carried on by the
Irrigation Department. These ordinary works embrace such large items as the making
of new tanks, restoration of old tanks, construction of feeder channels, building of low
causeways, laying out of roads, construction of small reservoirs and the under taking
of smaller projects under Famine Relief Operations.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 679

The Musi river takes its source in Anantagiri hills and after a course of 52 miles
enters the Hyderabad City. It is formed of two streams Musi and Easi. The Easi joins
the Musi at Sangam at the foot of Golconda hills about 3½ miles from the City.

In September 1908 a disastrous flood occurred in the Musi river at Hyderabad

owing to unusual heavy rainfall within the catchment, breaching several tanks in the
basin, the floods overflowed the river banks and caused great destruction of life and
property in the city.

In order to protect the city from similar floods, it was decided to construct two
reservoirs one across the Easi and the other over the Moosi to hold back excess floods
during heavy rains and to secure effective control over the floods. The works were
undertaken by Mr. C. F. Dalal, a famous engineer. The Moosi reservoir is named the
Oosman Saugar.

This reservoir has been located about a mile from the Faridabad village and about
5½ miles above Sangam or junction of Musi and Easi rivers. It consists of a masonry
dam 3,950 feet long and 90 feet high in the deep portion with 16 flood sluices 6' by 10'
each regulated with lift shutters, and a masonry bywash 1,800 feet long in the saddle
beyond the right flank of the dam.

It has been built not only to serve as a flood moderator but also to conserve water
to the Hyderabad City and Secunderabad for irrigation.

The reservoir is to hold a total capacity of 10,568 m.c ft. at F. T. L.-1,80,500 of which
6,680 m.c ft. is to serve as flood storage, 3,250 m.c ft. is to preserve water for supply to
the city and irrigation and the balance 838 m.c ft. is below the sill of outlet sluice for
water supply and is intended for silting purposes. The project was started in 1913 and
completed in 1918 at a total Rs. 58,40,000. The Easi reservoir is called Himayat Saugar.

This reservoir (on the Easi river) has been located just above the hamlet of Kilaskhan
Darga 3! miles above its junction with the Musi river or 6½ miles above Hyderabad
City. It consists of a masonry dam backed with earth 4,160 feet long, 17 flood sluices of
15 ft. wide and 20 ft. high regulated with stony pattern lift-shutters, a waste weir 2,800
feet long at left flank and a supply sluice of 3' by 5' each at right flank; thus the total
length of the dam is 7,400 feet with a maximum height of 93 feet above deep bed of the
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680 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The reservoir is to have a capacity of 7,095 m.c ft. of which 3,500 m.c ft. is for flood
protection, 3,160 m.c ft. is for irrigation purposes and the balance 435 m.c ft. below the
sill of the outlet sluice is intended for silting purposes.

The level of top of dam is at 1781.00

Crest of water weir is at 1774.00

Sill of flood sluices is at 1741.00

Sill of outlet sluice is at 1733.00

The top of flood sluice gate is kept 17611.00 to retain permanent storage of 3160
m.c ft. for irrigation purposes. The reservoir will act as a flood moderator between
levels 1761.00 and 1776.00.

This reservoir was started in 1330 Fasli and completed in 1335 Fasli at a total cost of
Rs. 91,75,000.

By the construction of the above two reservoirs the quantity of floods in the Musi
river in the limits of Hyderabad city has been restricted to 1,25,000 cusecs which the
river safely carried before.

Among the major projects in the districts may be mentioned the following :-

The Belal Project : in Bodhan taluk. The Belal tank feeds two other tanks below it ;
the total storage is 436 m. c. p., the irrigable area under the system being 1,265 acres.
The work was restored between 1333 F. and 1338 F. at a cost of Rs. 1,28,000.

The Pocharam Reservior : Across the Allair river near the Pocharam village of
Nizamabad district a masonry dam was constructed. The length of the dam is four
furlongs and height 105 feet, The length of the main canal is 36 miles with a discharge
of 360 cusecs at the head. Two villages were submerged and the ayacut covers 13,000
acres. The lake was completed in 1922, at a cost of Rs. 34 lakhs.

Royanpally Reservior : By darning the stream near Royanpally in Medak district a

reservoir of modest size and capacity was erected at a cost of nearly three lakhs of
rupees in 1924.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 681

The Nizam Sagar : The Nizam Sagar reservoir is the largest in the State. It consists
of a masonry dam built across the Manjira near the Achampet village of Nizamabad
District. The drainage area at the dam site is 8576 square miles and the maximum
discharge of the Manjeera river at the site is four hundred cusecs. The length of the dam
including the main dam, composite dams and the bywashes comes to three and a half
miles, and the maximum height is 158 feet. The water spread area at the maximum
flood level is about 57 square miles. For the surplus there are flood gates of steel shutters
erected, 28 in number. 32 villages are submerged in the reservoir and the total
compensation paid amounted to 34 lakhs of rupees. The work of the reservoir was
started in October 1923 and water was let off into main canal of thirty miles in length in
August 1930. The entire reservoir was completed in 1932.

The Nizamsagar main canal 96 miles in length was started in 1333 F. The cost of the
canal alone amounts to about Rs. 215 lakhs.

The reservoir commands an irrigable area of 2,75,000 acres in the taluks of

Yellareddy, Bodhan, Nizamabad and Armur and the Canal has a gross irrigable
command of 536,537 acres of Khalsa and Jagir taluks.

There are three falls of ten feet deep in the first mile of the canal. From these falls it
is proposed to generate power for agricultural and industrial purposes.

Palair Project : By throwing a dam across the Palair river in Naikunda village,
Khammam taluk, a storage reservoir has been formed. By this the available supply
from the catchment area of 651,24 square miles is utilised for the irrigation of lands on
both the banks of the river. The reservoir work was started in Ardibehisht 1332 Fasli
and completed in 13,8 F. It has a drainage area of 651 square miles and the project cost
Rs 24 lakhs.

The Wyra Project : The waters of the Wyra and Pungdi rivers, which were running
to waste have now been conserved under this scheme by the construction of a storage
reservoir. This is formed by a masonry dam with earth backing over a mile long and
sixty feet high which has been completed. About 17,000 acres of land on either side of
the river are irrigable. The work was started in 1332 F. and completed with considerable
expedition. Both the reservoir and the ayacut are situated in the Khammam and Madhira

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682 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Singabhupalam Reservior : This is a breached and terminal tank of a group of ten
tanks above it and is situated in the Yellandu taluk. The work was originally started in
1328 F. as a famine relief work but owing to unhealthy conditions prevailing there the
work was retarded. The tank is designed to have a catchment area of 55 square miles. A
complete restoration of the tank and utilisation of the impounded waters for irrigation
will go a long way to serve as a protective work in this taluk.

Mahabubnahar Extension Project : The Manjera is one of the most important rivers
in H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions. It rises from the plateau of Patoda in the Bhir district
and traversing a distance of 38 miles joins the Godaveri near the village of Kondalwadi
in the Nizamabad district. In the year 1899, when Mr. P. Roscoe Allen was Chief Engineer,
Government sanctioned the Mahbubnahar project and the work was completed in 1903
at a cost of Rs. 18.31 lakhs.

Later, it was decided to extend the project at a cost of Rs. 18 lakhs but after starting
the works it became clear that the estimate was very low on account of the Dam’s
foundation having to be increased in depth. According to the revised estimate the cost
came up to Rs. 25½ lakhs and the estimated return in revenue fell from 5.8 to 4.1 per
cent. Fortunatel y, Nawab Ali Nawaz Jung Bahadur, the Chief Engineer, after inspecting
the works passed orders to increase the scope of the Project in order to improve the
financial aspects of the scheme. Accordingly a new estimate was prepared for 31.4 lakhs
of rupees, submitted to Government and sanctioned by them in 1329 Fasli.

The revised estimate practically doubled the scope of the Project and the estimated
return came to 6.3. The area to be irrigated by the reservoir is 16,069 acres; the supply
available is 2.408 million cubic ft; the main dam is 2,100 feet and the extension channel
36 miles long. The work is practically complete now and 41 instead of 27 villages as
originally provided for would now be benefited.

The Irrigation Department has in hand the following projects. (i) The Dindee Project
in Deverkonda taluk, the channel to be ten miles in length; and (ii) The Bennur Project
in Raichur taluk which provides a canal of 133 miles in length through the taluks of
Gangawathy, Sindhnoor and Manvi. This project is intended to materially assist in the
protection of a district which singularly suffers from deficient rainfall.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 683

What the Public Works Department has done in the matter of providing buildings
of public utility both in the City and districts cannot be measured in terms of mere
number. Persons who have watched the progress of the State during the last twenty
years are amazed at the thorough transformation of the City and some of the large
towns in the districts. The High Court, the Osmania General Hospital, the Telephone
Exchange, the Nurses Quarters, the City College, the Peace Memorial Serai, the Bellavista
and the Library are some of the large buildings that adorn the City. In the districts, the
judicial, revenue, forest, educational and medical buildings have considerably enhanced
the character of the towns which are the head quarters of administration. Government
has been very liberal in granting money for such buildings. The Local Fund Department
has done its share of improving the outlook of towns by providing travellers bungalows,
serais and dispensary buildings and roads, metalled and murum, are increasing year
after year in mileage throughout the Dominions. One serious handicap in the matter of
road communication is the presence of innumerable streams which intersect the roads,
thus rendering them unsafe for traffic during the monsoon. In some cases low causeways
have been constructed but they have not improved the utility of roads at all times of the
year. The Government have appointed a Road Board consisting of the Finance Member.,
and the secretaries to Government in the Public Works, Commerce and the Revenue
Departments. The Board has, since its inception, been instrumental in furthering the
road and bridge programme both in the City and districts; for it realises that in the
provision of good roads accessible at all seasons lies the economic prosperity of the
country. Markets, as the condition of roads stands at present, cannot be reached by
producers except in the fair weather and postal and passenger communication is subject
to delay and inconvenience. In these days of motor traffic durable roads linking
important towns and villages are a sine qua non and the Government is alive to the
needs of the public in this respect.

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684 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

City Improvement

YDERABAD stands at a height of about 1700 ft. above the mean sea level.
The annual mean temperature in the shade is 810 F. and the annual average
rainfall is 30 inches. The population as per last Cencus of 1931 is 466,384
on an area of 53 square miles hence it ranks as the fourth largest City in India.

The city was founded in the year 1591 (999 H) by Mahomed Quli Qutub Shah.
Golconda, formerly the capital of the Qutub Shahi dynasty becoming unhealthy and
the water supply falling short, the fifth Qutub Shahi king, Mohomed Quli built a new
town and called it Bhagnagar after his Hindu mistress. It is at present known as

The city proper is situated on the right bank of the river Musi. It is surrounded by
a stone wall six miles in circumference and two and a quarters square miles in area. It
was originally well laid out on the gridiron principle. It has the Charminar as the centre
and trunk roads led from it in all the four directions. But the streets and lanes built in
later periods have not conformed to any regular plan. With the growth of the city the
people spread beyond the city wall and haphazard buildings started resulting in the
formation of crooked lanes. The two disastrous floods which occured in the Musi in
1748 (1161 H.) and 1771 (1185 Hijri) destroyed hundreds of houses and breached the
City wall at a number of places, and thousands of people lost their lives. The city not
being an industrial place it could not recover early from these shocks and the buildings
which were built after these floods were mostly kutcha with tile roofs. Then again the
flood of 1908 caused a great havoc. This was followed by plague which broke out for
the first time in 1911 and many perished. These disasters, however, proved a blessing
in disguise. They brought home to Government the necessity of improving the city and
make it sanitary and habitable. Malaria, plague, cholera and small-pox were the annual
visitants and the population was being steadily decimated by them. Infantile mortality
was high Government realising its duty to the people in the metropolis appointed in
1912 an Improvement Board. It consisted of high officials and a few leading citizens. Its
duty was to take steps and carry them out in order to clear the slums, provide model
houses for the poor and to provide other social amenities to the people in general. The
members of the Board were Nawab Wali-ud-Dowla Bahadur, President, the Finance
Minister the Secretaries to Government in the Judicial and General Departments, Public
Works and Sarf-i-Khas, the Legal Adviser, the Police Commissioner, the Director of
Medical and Sanitation Department, the Municipal Commissioner, the Inspector General

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 685

of Paigahs, Jagirdar Nawab Shah Yar Jung Bahadur, Raja Narsinghirji, Mir Vazir Sultan
and Nawab (now Sir) Nizamat Jung Bahadur (Secretary). The personnel has since
changed slightly.

With Mr. P. A. Bhavnani (now deceased) the work started in right earnest in 1914
and a sum of fifteen lakhs of rupees was spent in five years in slum clearing, housing
the poor, drainage construction, road widening etc.

The Board first bridled the Musi by converting its deep banks into stone walls and
the waste land on either sides into veritable gardens, the total cost being nine laks.

The High Court, the City College on the right bank and the Osmania General
Hospital and the Library built by the Public Works Department on the left now adorn
the city. For continuing the work Government granted 88 lakhs of rupees to be spent
over a period of ten years on improvements. Nampalli, which was the nursery of plague
and diseases was completely obliterated, and on the site the Board built three types of
houses for the poor and middle classes.

Nampalli is now a healthy suburb with wide roads, raised footpaths and sanitary
houses. The areas so far dealt with are Nampalli, north of Broad Gauge terminus railway
station, Akber Jah Bazaar, Sultan Shahi, Gunfoundry, Mussallam Jung Gardens,
Moghulpura, Begum Bazaar, Pathanwadi, Pheelkhana and Errannagutta (Hyderabad
Metre Gauge station).

Side by side with slum clearing, the Government instituted a Drainage Department
which has laid a network of drains on modern lines. Both storm water and sewage are
carried by these drains.

Among the road improvements may be mentioned the widening of the Pathergatti
road between Charminar to Afzulgunj, and the city road from Afzulgunj bridge to the
Hussain Sagar Tank.

Mr. Meher Ali Fazil, the Superintending Engineer, deserves the greatest credit for
all that has been done to improve the city. He is an experienced and skilful architect of
repute and many of the buildings that adorn the city are his handiworks. Nawab Sir
Nizamat Jung Bahadur, though retired from public service, continues as Secretary of
the Board and his name will go down to posterity for the contribution he has been
making towards the building and beautifying of our city.

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686 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The State Railways

XCLUDING the Great Indian Peninsula, the Madras and Southern Maratha
and the Barsi Light Railways, which traverse the State, there are at present
eleven hundred and eighty miles of broad and metre Gauge rail road owned
by the State.

The Broad gauge is from Bezwada in Madras Presidency to Wadi via Kazipet and
Hyderabad. It is 337, miles in length. Kazipet to Bellarshah is 146 miles and Vikarabad
to Bidar (Muhammadabad) 57 miles, Dornakal to Singarenni Colliedes 16 miles and
Dornakal to Bhadrachalem 35 miles. The Metre Gauge is the Godavari Valley Railway
between Secunderabad and Manmad 386 miles, Secunderabad-Kurnool line 151 miles,
Parbhani to Purli Vaijnath 40 miles, Purna to Hingoli 50 miles.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 687

The Railways were until April 1930 managed by a company in England.
Government purchased the lines for £ 8,300,000 on the first of April 1930. After deducting
the Government’s own share of the sinking and reserve funds and of the moiety as
holders of share and debenture capital of the Company, the net amount paid was £

The early history of railway construction in these Dominions is of interest:-

In October 1855, Lord Dalhousie raised the question of how a railway was to be
taken across the Nizam’s territory and where the junction between the Madras and the
Bombay lines should be fixed. To this a reply was given in the latter part of January
1856 leaving it generally to the Government of India to come to a final conclusion.


In June 1861 the Bombay Government took up the question of instituting a survey
from Sholapur to Hyderabad, in some measure at the request or with the concurrence
of the Nizam or his Minister. After considerable discussion, the Government of India
decided in 1864, with the approval of the Secretary of State, that the trunk lines
connecting Bombay and Madras should pass through Gulburga, Raichur and Gooty.

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688 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

When the Government of India recommended to the Secretary of State the adoption of
the idea of a main trunk line via Raichur, which was then nearing completion, it was
expressly stated, with the concurrence of the Home Government, that all needful
encouragement should be given to facilitate the early construction of a branch line from
Gulburga to Hyderabad.

In 1862 the Government of India ordered the construction of a railroad from

Sholapur to Hyderabad. A despatch from the Duke of Argyl having laid down the
principles on which the undertaking should be executed and managed, active
negotiations followed between Mr. Saunders, the then Resident, and Sir Salar Jung.
The Nizam’s Government were prepared to construct the line as a “State affair” or they
would undertake it in financial partnership with the Government of India. The Chief
Engineer of the Public Works Department, with one or two professional subordinates,
surveyed the route and was entrusted by the Supreme Government with the entire


On the 28th September 1864 the Resident wrote to the Secretary, Bombay
Government, requesting that a sketch might be forwarded of the land required. And
accordingly a schedule of the land required along with a plan was forwarded in reply
in January 1865. On the 25th August 1865,. the Secretary to the Government of India,
Public Works Department, wrote to the Resident at Hyderabad forwarding copy of a
letter dated the 1st July from the Secretary, G. I. P. Extension Railway Company,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 689

expressing the Company’s willingness to take up the construction of the line between
Gulburga and Hyderabad. A copy of the Agreement containing the special conditions
proposed by the Company for the construction, on the same lines corresponding to
other parts of India, was also forwarded. And in March 1865 the Directors of the G. I. P.
Railway Company communicated to the Government of Bombay their opinion that
until the line was actually chalked out, the question of the terminus could not be well

In December 1867 certain instructions were semi-officially received from the Viceroy
by Sir Richard Temple, the Resident at Hyderabad, directing him to ascertain the
sentiments of His Highness the Nizam concerning the terms on which the construction
of a line of railway through his territory from Gulburga to Hyderabad could be

The question laid before His Highness was briefly this : “Whether in the event of
the scheme receiving the sanction of the British Government and the necessary funds
being raised in England, the Nizam would give his consent to defraying one “half of
the interest guaranteed to the share-holders out of the surplus revenues of Berar and
provided that the British Government undertook to defray the other half “.

To this His Highness after much consideration and after raising all the objections
that occurred to him, from an opposite point of view, and receiving explanations thereon,
finally replied in the affirmative.

In the year 1869 a line of rail way was surveyed from Gulburga to Hyderabad by
the G. I. P. Railway Company and in 1870, Sir Salar Jung, who was then Prime Minister,
gave another proof of the enlightened spirit in which he administered the affairs of the
Nizam’s Dominions by sanctioning the construction of a line of railway from Gulburga
to Hyderabad.

The Nizam’s Government declared its readiness to construct the railway and agreed
to give the land free, grant jurisdiction over the line to officers appointed by the British
Government, but said that it could not provide the capital required - a million sterling-
from its own current revenues without considerable inconvenience. It was then
suggested “by the Government of India that the total amount of capital required for
constructing this line should be procured from the public in the same way as it was
done in the case of the lines in British Indian territories.

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690 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

A Company was formed in October 1873, and one half of the shares were offered
in Hyderabad. The Nizam’s Government advanced the capital of £ 500,000 yet required,
but on the understanding that when the Railway was completed and became a tangible
security, the money should be recouped by the Company by offering shares for the

The line was laid by Major Meade of the Bengal Staff Corps, afterwards Engineer-
in-Chief of the Scindia State Railway. The Broad Gauge was preferred for this line,
because it was considered desirable to work it through the agency of the G. I. P. Railway
Company, and, in consequence, a break of gauge would, of course, prove a standing
source of great inconvenience.


(When it was under construction)

So, this useful and important line running through a fertile country and connecting
the great city of Hyderabad at mile 110 with the Wadi station on the G.I. P. Ry. line was
constructed from Wadi to Secunderabad at a cost of two crores, or Rs. 16,000 per mile,
and opened for traffic on Wednesday the 8th October 1874. The G. I. P. Railway worked
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 691

the line up to the end of 1878 with its own rolling stock on the basis of a percentage of
the earnings and with a fixed minimum.

In 1875 shares to the value of £ 500,000 were placed in London. They were offered
hy the Railway Shares Trust Company, a syndicate of London capitalists and Directors
of most of the great English Railway lines. The share-holders had in addition to the
Nizam’s guarantee of 6 per cent, the security of a line of Raiiway constructed by the
Engineers of the Government of India connecting Hyderabad with the centres of Anglo-
Indian political and commercial influence. This guaranteed interest of 6 per cent was
paid punctually to the English debenture holders.

The 6 per cent shares referred to here issued on the authority of His Exalted Highness
the Nizam’s Government were quite distinct from the debenture loans and stock capital
of the N. G. S. Railway Company on which His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s
Government guaranteed to meet for a term of years any shortage of net revenue up to
five per cent per annum to cover interest and also the requirements of the Debenture
Sinking Fund.

An” At Home” given by the well wishers of Hyderabad and Secunderabad on the 1st of
April 1930, when the State acquired the Railways. The background is Kachiguda Railway
Station. The Heir-apparent (in black dress) is seen talking to Khan Bahadur Ahmed Alladin.

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692 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The line from Wadi to Hyderabad was finished and opened for traffic in 1874, but
during the first five or six years of its working, the earnings were so paltry that the
Nizam’s Government had to meet almost the whole of the guaranteed interest on the
capital which, at the high rate of 6 per cent, entailed a yearly drain on the resources of
the country to upwards of about seven lakhs. The reasons for the unproductiveness of
the line were principally its defective alignment through a comparatively barren part
of the country and its want of connection at the eastern end with the Indian Railway
System. It was, as it were, a blind alley leading to a row of dwelling houses into which
articles of consumption are conveyed, but from which only empty vehicles return. It
was felt that the line as it stood could never pay and be a perpetual drain on the revenues.
The necessity for doing something to relieve the exchequer from this incubus was early
realized by Sir Salar Jung the Great. The only plan that seemed practicable and conducive

Another snap of the function mentioned on the preceding page

to that end was the extension of the railway to the northern or eastern frontier, to connect
with the central India system on one side and practically to get access to the sea on the
other. The scheme had the additional advantage of tapping the great mineral fields
towards Godavery. Fortunately, the State possessed at the time a shrewd and
enterprising servant in the person of Syed Abdul Haq who, taking advantage of the
arrival in India of an Agent on the look out for profitable Indian investments for English

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 693

capital, put himself in communi-cation with him with the result that in the year 1881, a
syndicate was formed in Bombay to promote the construction of the new line as well as
the purchase of the old one from Wadi to Hyderabad, and the acquisition of the
monopoly of all mining rights throughout the Dominions on a guarantee of 4 per cent
for a period of five years. On the project being referred to the Government of India,
objection was taken to the financial status of the promoters who, it was supposed, would
not be able to fulfil their engagements in a satisfactory manner and the negotiations
consequently fell through. Both the Governments at the same time being impressed by
the fact that some extensions would greatly benefit both the State and the country Syed
Abdul Haq was despatched to England in April 1882, to negotiate with houses of
undoubted financial standing for the purpose of floating a company on the lines of the
terms offered by the Bombay syndicate. On his arrival in England Sirdar Abdul Haq
opened negotiations with Baron Rothschild, His Highness’ agent in England. That
eminent financier, however, refused to undertake the business except on the condition
of a perpetual guarantee; and as this was beyond Sirdar Syed Abdul Haq’s instructions,
he negotiated with Messrs. Morton Rose & Co., Merchants of London, who consented
to float the company on the original basis, if the Government would guarantee interest
at 5 per cent.

Syed Abdul Haq, afterwards Sirdar Diler Jung, after many attempts negotiated
with the National Provincial Bank of England and on the 27th December 1883 concluded
an agreement with them with the result that in January 1884 a company was formed in
London called His Highness the Nizam’s guaranteed State Ralway Company Limited
with a capital of four and a half millions sterling on which the Hyderabad Government
guaranteed to the share-holders interest at 5 per cent for a period of twenty years and
as a security for the punctual payment of the guaranteed interest they maintained a
Guaranteed Fund of £ 200,000 in the hands of two trustees, one being appointed by
each party. By this agreement the Company acquired a ninety nine years working lease
of the existing line from Wadi to Secunderabad.

Next they undertook to construct, maintain and work for 99 years a broad gauge
line from Hyderabad to Bezwada, the whole distance being 210 miles together with a
branch line from Dornakal to Singareni Collieries. Then as soon as the projected line
from Nagpur to Calcutta was completed another line was to be constructed which,
branching off from Warangal would run towards the north-western frontier to Chanda,
a distance of 160 miles. The latter was to be a connecting link between the railway
systems of northern and southern India besides opening up a backward portion of the

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694 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Nizam’s Dominions. This line has now been completed and is proving a great boon to
the public.

To raise the capital fully paid up shares were issued by the Company to the extent
of two millions sterling and the remaining two millions were raised on redeemable
debentures bearing interest at 4 per cent, the saving of one per cent thus effected being
invested by the Company in a Sinking Fund for the redemption of the debenture capital.
Of the above, the Company was to pay His Highness’ Government a sum of £ 1,66,666,
as purchase money for the old line, from Wadi to Hyderabad, the lands for the new
line, and for other concessions and privileges granted and obligations undertaken by
the State.

To supplemeat railway service both in the city of Hyderabad and suburbs and also
in Nalgonda and Sangareddy districts the Nizam State Railway introduced bus service
with the effect from 15th June 1932. Stating the reasons for the introduction of bus
traffic which in a way competes with private enterprise, Government announced to the
public that “H. E. H. the Nizam’s Government, having had considerable experience
both of competitive services run by small owners of one or two lorries and large
monopoly services run by capitalists, is in a position to judge the advantages and
disadvantages of both systems and has realised that neither of them has proved really
satisfactory from the point of view of the travelling public whose comfort and
convenience must be the - first consideration of Government

“Experience has shown that small owners who are competing with one another,
though possibly giving cheap transport for a time, cannot be efficent. These men, having
little or no capital, run their lorries till they fall to pieces and the public had to put up
with the consequent uncomfortable and irregular service because there is no alternative.
Monopoly road services worked by companies or individual capitalists may be better
organized and give more regular service, but, being run entirely for profit, the tendency
here, too, is to exploit the public in the interests of the proprietors. By neither method
can the ideal of a cheap and efficient service run in the interests of the travelling public
be attained”.

H. E. H. the Nizam’s Government, however, realised that in this State such an ideal
service is possible and took the first step towards this goal with the experimental bus
service now being inaugurated by H. E. H. the Nizam’s State Railway.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 695

Everyone who has considered the matter must realise that a really large road
transport organization can run its services far more economically than the small owner.
Petrol, oil and other consumable stores can be purchased more cheaply on a large scale,
and, the overhead charges, though higher in the initial stages, will, as the service
develops, remain more or less constant and, with a State-wide organization covering
hundreds of miles of road, become very small in comparison with the total turnover.
The actual cost of transport will thus be very low as the business expands. With a private
concern this would only mean higher rates and greater profits for the proprietors, while
with a State-run service it will mean cheaper transport for the public as Government
does not desire to make high profits on public utility services.

The Government, being aware that such a step would affect private lorry owners
must gradually give way to State-run Services as they expand, assured them of its
sympathy and willingness not only to see that the licenses would not be cancelled
without reasonable notice, but to support actively any efforts made by them to find
employment. It must be remembered that the interests of the general public must be
allowed to override the interests of private individuals, and the opposition to the new
State run Service means really working against the progress of the State and the general
welfare of its people.

A fleet of one dozen buses is put on the road. The bus is a fourwheeler, commodious
and run to scheduled timings. The road transport service is under an European Traffic
Superintendent assisted by a large well trained staff of drivers and conductors.

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696 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Medical and Sanitation Department

HE Medical Department of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government
is under the control of an Officer who is styled “Director “. This office
combines the two posts existing in the Indian Provinces viz Director of Public
Health and Surgeon-General (or Inspector General) of Civil Hospitals.

The Director is technical adviser to the Member of the Executive Council who is in
charge of the Department. His recommendations reach the member through the
Secretary in the Military Department.

The present Director is Colonel J. Norman Walker, M. R. C. P., (London), who is a

distinguished member of the Indian Medical Service. He was formerly Surgeon to His
Excellency the Viceroy and latterly Inspector General of Civil Hospitals in the Central
Provinces and Berar. His predecessor was Major Khaja Moinuddin.

The total number of hOspitals and dispensaries in the State at the beginning of
1340 Fasli, was 145 and of these 131 were maintained by the Government, 5 by the Sarf-
i-Khas and 7 were aided by Local Boards and two were private, aided by the State.

Considering the inadequacy of the existing institutions to meet the needs of a

population of a crore and a quarter even under normal conditions of public health, it
was decided that the expenses of dispensaries to be opened in future should be borne
by the Local Boards excepting the salary of the medical officer in charge.

The new patients treated in the 1339 F. (1930) numbered 12,343 in-door and 27,50,688
out-door, while during the decade 1330-1339 F. (1930 A. D.) the number averaged to
17,110 in-patients and 34,96,910 out-patients. The following statement shows the
numbers of in-and out-patients in 1329 and 1339 Fasli in the city and the district hospitals
and dispensaries :-

Year. In-Door. Out-Door. In-Door. Out-Door.
1329. 8,528 10,58,804 3,215 16,35,346
1339. 11,435 9,84,375 5.675 20,59,330

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 697

The number of beds maintained throughout the Dominions in 1339 Fasli was 1514
including 747 in the city, against 590 ten years ago, including 420 city beds.

In connection with female medical aid, two hospitals exclusively set apart for the
treatment of women were maintained a decade ago and this number has not been
increased. During the last decade provision for the treatment of women by women
doctors has been made in several hospitals. In 1329 Fasli (1920) women doctors were
attached to only hospitals, while during 1339 Fasli (1930) women doctors were attached
permanently to 22 institutions.

At the end of last decade the medical school was under the direction of the Director,
Medical and Sanitation Department, but on the formation of the Osmania University, a
few years ago it was absorbed by the University as the Osmania Medical College, the
students receiving clinical instruction in the New Osmania Hospital.

The following statement shows the strength of the cadre of the Medical Department
at the begining and end of the decade ending 1339 Fasli ( 1930)

Year. Civil Assistant Sub Assistant

Surgeons. Surgeons. Surgeons.

Azoor 1330 Fasli. 24 57 110 191

Aban 1339 Fasli. 30 70 168 268

The figures shown for 1339 Fasli do not include the temporary staff consisting of 3
Civil Surgeons, 2 Assistant Surgeons and 8 Sub-Assistant Surgeons holding various
special appointments temporarily.

Dhais, Nurses and Midwives are trained at Victoria Zenana Hospital and
scholarships are offerd to attract candidates for the training.

Training of Nurses has been undertaken on modern lines at the Osmania Hospital
and a diploma in sick nursing and midwifery is issued after 3 years training.

Treatment of Lepers :-The Home for Lepers at Dichpalli started by the Wesleyan
Mission authorities is largely supported by Government. The institution is a model
Leper Hospital where the latest and most efficient treatment is available and the title of
”Home for Lepers” was changed in 1337 Fasli to “ Leprosy Hospital”. This indicates a
change in regime. Only suitable applicants amenable to treatment are now admitted.

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698 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The actual number of inmates on the last day of the decade was 409 but throughout the
year 1339 Fasli there have been 745 in-patients in all. As the result of treatment many
are sent out every year either as “ symptom-free” or as disease arrested.

An out-patient clinic was established during the decade at Dhoolpet, Hyderabad,

and was carried on under the management of Dichpalli institution. It was taken over
on 27th Khurdad 1339 Fasli by the Civil Medical Department.

An out patient clinic was also started at Dichpalli in November 1929 which is still
treating many lepers as out-patients.

Another out-patient clinic for the treatment of leprosy cases was established within
the compound of the Government Hospital at Nizamabad in November 1929 and each
dispensary in Nizamabad District is now in charge of a medical officer trained in the
modern treatment of leprosy.

Every year about a dozen medical officers are being specially trained at Dichpalli
in the modern treatment of leprosy. The trained medical officers treat cases at their
dispensaries and special arrangements have been made for the supply of necessary
drugs etc.

The official survey party of the B. E. L. R. A. with the help of the Government
Medical Department and the medical staff of the Dichpalli institution undertook a
leprosy survey of the Nizamabad Taluk. The population surveyed numbered 60,000
and over 500 were found to be lepers, i. e. nearly 1.0 per cent of the population.

Construction of a Government leper asylum in a suitable place on modern lines is

under censideration.

Anti-Rabic Treatment :-A centre for pasteur treatment of patients bitten by rabid
animals was opened at the Chemical and Bacteriological Laboratory, Hyderabad, in
1332 Fasli. Four more district centres in Aurangabad, Nizamabad, Warangal and
Gulbarga were opened during 1334 Fasli, since then 1699 patients have undergone
treatment with seven deaths from Hydrophobia.

Osmania Hospital:-A new hospital was constructed and completely equipped

during the last decade. It was built for 500 beds of which 400 are now open for patients.
This hospital replaces the Afzul Gunj Hospital which had 160 beds. The hospital staff
was augmented and transferred to the new building, known as the Osmania General

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 699

Hospital. Special Ophthalmic, Gynaecological and Obstetric Departments have been

A summary of improvemets carried out in the institutions recently is given below.

The Director, Medical Department, has assumed charge of the office of

Superintendent of the Hospital.

The X-Ray Department has been improved and more attention devoted to electrical

The Laboratory attached to this Hospital has been improved and is now fully
equipped with microscopes and other laboratory apparata.

The Nursing Staff has been considerably increased. Regular courses of instruction
and yearly examinations have been instituted and the value of the qualifying certificate
is second to none in India.

This year special clinical lectures to students were arranged, the senior staff of the
hospital in rotation giving lectures on special subjects illustrated by clinical cases.

Two Assistant Surgeons in rotation are appointed from the districts for Post
Graduate study for 6 months.

The eye department has developed under an Ophthalmic Surgeon and is equipped
with all the latest appliances; the number of patients treated in the department has
shown a steady increase.

All infectious cases brought to this hospital are made comfortable in the Segregation
ward till the ambulance car from the Isolation Hospital arrives.

In the interests of the patients no food is allowed to be brought in. Arragements are
made for the caste Hindus and Musalmans and private patients separately. The rise in
the number of in-patients indicates that this system is not unpopular.

A motor ambulance was purchased and is available for the conveyance of non-
infectious patients to and from any hospital in Hyderabad. (There are 2 motor
ambulances attached to the Isolation Hospital for the use of infectious cases.)

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700 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

On the suggestions of the Director Government appointed an Advisory Board
consisting of official and non-official members for this hospital.

Chemical & Bacteriological Laboratory. The Laboratory has been furnished with
the latest apparatus for blood test and food analyses during the year 1339 Fasli.

The sanitary condition of the districts in general is still far from satisfactory. Each
of the 15 districts of the State has at present a Civil Surgeon, who is also the Sanitary
Officer. He has under his orders a sanitary assistant of the rank of an Assistant Surgeon
who is in charge of the travelling dispensary. All matters in connection with sanitation
of the district are however dealt with by Local Fund Board, which is in fact a district
sanitary Board and includes as a member, the district Civil Surgeon along with other
Government official and some non-official members selected by the Talukdar of the
district. These are now beginning to realise their responsibilities but progress is slow.

The sources of water supply are still badly constructed, surface wells, often step
wells, or tanks, both of which are liable to pollution. Very few towns are provided with
an efficient water supply. No town in the Dominions has an efficient drainage scheme,
but some progress has been made and much work has already been done towards
providing efficient Water supply and drainage. Government has appointed a Special
Water Board with its own engineer. The Board has already many schemes prepared in
consultation with the Director, Medical and Sanitation Department and work is in
progress which will provide good drainage and a pure water supply in the more
important towns.

The few slaughter houses, markets and latrines that exist can by no means be
considered satisfactory from the public health point of view. In short, radical changes
in the prevalent conditions are essential in the interest of Public Health. A scheme to
organise a Public Health Department is under discussion with the Revenue Department.

Vital Statistics : The system of collecting vital statistics remains generally the same
as in previous years. In the frontier villages of the city, figures were collected in the past
by the Sanitary staff of the City Plague Commissioner. For the last eight months in
view of the transfer of authority and operations against plague from the Municipality
to the Director Medical and Sanitation Department, the District Police authorities have
undertaken to collect this information.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 701

The Compaign against Plague started in Hyderabad City towards the end of 1338
Fasli was carried on during 1339 Fasli by the Special Plague Officer who has been
temporarily appointed for the work under the Plague scheme. Trapping and baiting of
rats was popularised and fleas were classified and examined and other scientific
examinations conducted in the Laboratory attached to the Special Plague Office. So far
9,50,054 traps have been set and 2,02,269 rats caught. 22,54,497 Barium Carbonate baits
were set in 2,63,895 houses, the number of baits that were returned being 5,60,156 so
that 16,94,341 poison baits were taken presumably by rats. Each bait contains more
than the minimum lethal dose for an average rat. Fumigation and closing of rat holes
was also carried on extensively. The campaign has been fairly satisfactory, though plague
was present when the campaign started and appeared early in the cold season the total
number of attacks has not exceeded six hundred. On re-appearance of plague in
Noorkhan Bazaar it was so controlled that it did not spread to the neighbouring localities
for about 3 months.

The Malaria Scheme for Hyderabad City was sanctioned for 2 years towards the
close of 1338 Fasli and the campaign against Malaria was started in the beginning of
1339 Fasli with the help of a staff of trained assistants under the Special Malaria Officer.
After a careful survey it has been proved that the most dangerous carrier of Malaria in
Hyderabad is an Anopheles known as Stephensi breeding in wells. Other less dangerous
carriers being A. Fuliginoses and A.. Culificacies mostly found in the Moosi river and
the Hussain Sagar lake. The Anopheles Stephensi breeds in enormous numbers in
practically every well in the city. Over 85 per cent of the wells have been treated with
suitable larvae ides. The Municipality has been advised to close all these wells and to
supply piped water to the localities concerned, there is every hope that this will be
accomplished soon. As a result of the Malaria Campaign there has been a marked
decrease in the number of patients treated for fevers in every hospital and dispensary
in the city and there is evidence of a marked improvement in the general health of the

Vaccine Depot: The old method of manufacture of lymph at the depot was
completely discarded and an up to date scientific process was introduced during the
year 1337 Fasli. The scheme for the reorganization of the institution was sanctioned
towards the close of the decade and will be brought into force during 1340 Fasli. The
lymph manufactured is being supplied to all vaccinators in the City and Districts and
to the Secunderabad Cantonment, Missionaries and others.

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702 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Law and Justice

NTIL the beginning of the nineteenth century there were no courts in the
districts. Merchants and traders provided for their own protection by
maintaining bands of Arabs and Rohillas. When a creditor wished to
enforce payment of his debt his action was very summary. He needed no decree. By
means of his armed followers he attached the debtor’s house and if the value of the
property was not enough to meet his demands he inflicted physical injury to the debtor.
Although a special force was entertained for the suppression of crimes the guilt or
innocence of parties was a matter of secondary consideration. Those who had no money
were sent to Jail, where they languished for years without trial. In the City of Hyderabad
the Kotwal enjoyed unlimited powers and he exercised them in a wrong way.

In 1821 the then Prime Minister established a Court in the City named Adalat-i-
Dewani for the disposal of Civil cases. The name of this Court was afterwards changed
to that of the superior Civil Court (Adalat-i-Dewani Buzurg). From that Court appeals
lay to the minister. In 1838 a Criminal Court was established in the City, the Minister
exercising appellate jurisdiction.

In 1845 the first step was taken to establish Courts of Justice in the districts and
Munsiffs and Judges were appointed. An office was founded in the Prime Minister’s
Palace for the receipt of petitions. This developed in the course of time into a Small
Causes Court. There was at this time no regulated procedure for the Court; no difference
was observed between civil and criminal cases, the Prime Minister being the supreme
Judge in all important cases.

In 1853 Sir Salar Jung was appointed Minister and he turned his attention to the
reforms so greatly needed. He established a King’s Court in the City with power to
pass independent judgments except in cases of capital punishment and life
imprisonment. The power of the City Kotwal was greatly reduced and measures were
adopted to effect speedy trial of all cases. The introduction of Zillabandi system in the
districts enabled the Minister to establish district Courts. The Officers appointed
exercised civil and criminal powers. The Minister through his Judicial Secretary disposed
of appeals. In 1864 the British Resident was infested with Magisterial powers over
European Residents in the State and those who lived within the Residency limits. In
1869 a Judicial Minister was appointed and in 1872 steps were taken to establish a High
Court in the City. This Court was presided over by one chief Judge assisted by four,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 703

minor Judges. Although this Court’s decision was final people preferred to go up to the
Prime Minister for justice. In Civil cases appeals from the High Court were allowed to
the Minister on suits exceeding Rs. 5,000 in value. The High Court enjoyed original
Criminal powers and a City Magistrate was at this time appointed.

In 1875 rules and regulations for the working of the Judicial Department were
framed. A Stamp Act, though defective in many respects, was also enforced.

Sir Salar Jung had also proposed many more reforms but his death delayed their
introduction. His Highness the Nizam announced in 1884 his intention of introducing
them in the next two years great reforms were enforced.

(a) Crimmina1 and Civil powers were exercised by the District Officials.
(b) The lower Courts were those of Naib Tahsildars.
(c) Appeals from lower Courts were heard by First Talukdar.
(d) The Sadar Talukdar had the highest Civil and Criminal judisdiction in the divisions.
(e) Superior to the above was the High Court at Hyderabad.
(f) The High Court was invested with powers of the supreme Court of Judicature.
As the civil work devolved upon the Revenue Officers grew in volume separation
of functions was started in Aurangabad Division, to begin with, in 1885. Mr. Ikbal Ali,
a Judge of the High Court was entrusted with the separation of function in other parts.

Persian which was until then the Court language gave place to Urdu.

In 1294 Fasli (1885) Civil Jails were opened. The City Courts were over-crowded by
practitioners who in most cases were hardly qualified for their work, but practised
under a provisional license only. In the districts there were no rules or restrictions.

Every person who felt competent to practised. The first examination for pleaders
was held in 1294 Fasli and all practitioners were required to pass that.

With the above as back ground we shall be able to appreciate the latest reforms
introduced by Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur, the Chief Justice.

He proposed separation of the judicial and executive functions, a reform not

attempted in any part of British India. In this connection the following extract from the

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704 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 705


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706 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Judicial Report for 1331 Fasli submitted to Government by the Chief Justice, Nawab
Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur, may be quoted :-

“All the reforms sink into insignificance before the reform of the separation of
judicial from the executive, a reform for which 32 crores of subjects of British India
have been craving for more than a quarter of a century. The main credit of the scheme
is due to the benevolent Farman of our great Sovereign which was issued on the 29th
Shaban 1339 Hijri and which will serve as a landmark in the judicial administration of
this State. The fight for the separation was originally started by Nawab Hyder Nawaz
Jung (then Mr. M. A. Hydari, the Judicial Secretary) and by Nawab Nizamat Jung
Bahadur, the then Chief Justice; and when in my first Judicial Report for 1327 Fasli, I
laid so much stress on the question of separation, I simply took up the cudgels laid
down by my predecessor in office on account of his transfer. To give effect to the
intentions of His Exalted Highness, the scheme was framed and put into effect since 1st
Khurdad 1331. Formerly, besides the District Civil Judges and Munsiffs, most of the
Revenue officers were invested with judicial powers; under the separation scheme these
powers were taken away from 15 First Talukhdars, 42 Assistant Talukdars, and 92
Tahsildars and in their places 8 new additional District Judges for Marathwara and
Karnatic districts and 52 new Munsiffs were appointed for the taluks. Where there
were no Munsiffs Tahsildars were exercising judicial powers, and now in each Tahsil
there is a Munsiff invested with civil and criminal powers. The net result is that under
the old stytem, there were 264 Courts, including revenue ofticers exercising judicial
powers, but under the new system, we have got only 172 courts. As the separation
scheme was not enforced in the Sarf-i-Khas ilaqa the Revenue Officers still exercise
judicial powers there. Now the Judicial Department is a self-contained one which can
be well managed. At the time of the introduction of this scheme fears were entertained
and apprehensions were felt as to its feasibitity and success; it was said that the scheme
could not work smoothly.

A few scattered cases from the whole Dominions were picked up as giving signal
for a more serious outburst of a coming storm. An alarm was actually raised. The
Government practically appointed a small Commission to go into the question. But the
moment these few cases were carefully examined, the alarm was found to be a false
one. The storm turned out to be a passing breeze due to local conditions and tempers of
individuals which had nothing to do with the scheme itself. Soon after the introduction
of the scheme some of the High Court Judges and myself made extensive tours in the
Dominions and tried to explain the new position to our subordinates exhorting them to

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 707

rise to the occasion. Thanks to the co-operation of the high officials of the Revenue
Department and to the good sense displayed by our Judiciary as a whole, I can this day
say with confidence that the scheme has succeeded beyond my expectations. But it
came out successfully in the very year of its birth and now it has already worked for an
appreciable period. The most critical stage of trial has passed away. Every day the
prospects of success are brighter and clear. In the course of my tour I probed the public
mind as well. I believe that I echo the sentiment of the public at large when I say that
they are happier under the new scheme and that the Government has secured more
confidence in the public mind, an asset the value of which can never be too much

The Criminal Courts are presided over by eminently qualified men and the work
of the Courts is periodically checked by the High Court Judges who emphasize quick
disposal of cases. The average duration of sessions cases is about 120 days in the High
Court and 173 days in other courts.

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708 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Legislative Council

HE nucleus of the Legislative Council was the committee of Muhammadan
lawyers appointed by Sir Salar Jung I to frame laws for the State. Later on
the Cabinet Council of the State became Legislative Council also and to
supplement its labours and prepare drafts of bills for its consideration a special
committee was nominated. In 1299 Fasli (1890) a Law Commission with a President
and a Secretary was appointed. The President was required to tour in the State and lay
his notes of inspection before the Commission to enable it to prepare and submit drafts
of laws required in such form as to admit of their being finally cast into a code. Reports
were to accompany these drafts explaining the existing laws, the defects observed in
their working and the proposals for removing those defects. The High Court was also
directed to submit, for the information of the Commission, the drafts of any laws it
might have under consideration and to communicate any matter for which, in its opinion,
new laws or amendments to existing laws were necessary. Other officers were also
requested to communicate to the Judicial Secretary their opinions as to any reforms
they might consider necessary in the existing laws.

In the year 1303 Fasli (1893), His Highness the late Nizam established a regular
Legislative Council to enact laws for the State. The Council is composed of a President,
a Vice-President and 23 members. The President of the Executive Council is also the
President of the Legislative Council. When a meeting of the Council is called to consider
any Bill, the member in charge of the Department interested in the Bill acts as Vice-
President in the absence of the President. Some are ex-officio, namely the Chief Justice
of the High Court, the Judicial Secretary and the Legal Adviser to His Exalted Highness’s
Government. The remaining twenty members are appointed for a period of two years
at a time, but are eligible for re-appointment at the end of that period. Of these members,
nine are Government officials (including an official of the Sarf-i-Khas Department) and
eleven non-officials. Two of the non-official members are elected representatives of
jagirdars and various interests and institutions :-One is elected by the Hyderabad
Municipality; two by District Boards and four are nominated by the President of the
Council; one from each of the Paigah ilaqas in turn, one from the general public, and
two nominated from among non-officials.

The Legal Adviser, besides being a member, acts as Secretary to the Council. No
Bill or motion, affecting the public revenues, or the religion of any class of His Exalted
Highness’s subjects, or the organization and discipline of His Exalted Highness’ troops,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 709

or the relations of the Nizam’s Government with the British Government or any Act
relating to the Legislative Council can be introduced without the previous permission
of the President of the Executive Council. Bills passed by the Council must receive the
assent of His Exalted Highness. His Exalted Highness, has the right to veto any bill
passed by the Council. In undertaking any legislative measure, the Council is bound to
be guided by the principles of Muhammadan Law, the tenets of the Hindu Shastras,
the special laws of the communities residing in the Dominions, the customs and usages
having the force of law, and the Jurisprudence of British India, and other civilized
countries. No Act of the Council, nor any power granted to it, can in any way affect the
rights and prerogatives of His Exalted Highness as the supreme ruler of the State.

The present Legal Advisor to Government and Secretary in the Legislative

Department is Nawab Hashim Yar Jung Bahadur, formerly a Judge of the Nizam’s
High Court and a man of the highest character. His predecessor was Rai Baijnath Bahadur
who succeeded Dewan Bahadur Krishnamachari. Nawab Hashim Yar Jung Bahadur
was an eminent lawyer and latterly Judge of the High Court of Judicature. His knowledge
of Hindu and Muhammedan laws is above par and hence he worthily occupies the
distinguished position of Legal Adviser to Government and Legislative Council

From its inception in 1893, the Council has been mainly instrumental in passing
several Acts and Bills of the greatest importance and public utility. It is very much
regretted that the space at our command does not permit us to enumerate those Acts.

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710 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Co-operative Credit Movement

URING the earlier stages of the co-operative movement in India
Hyderabad Government stood entirely aloof. This attitude was
abandoned and the necessity of giving active assistance to those desirous
of starting societies in these Dominions was realised in 1324 Fasli (1915). The services
of a special officer from Madras were obtained and a good start was made. A central
bank with limited liability and 24 rural societies with unlimited liability on Raffleisan
model were organised, the latter all being confined to Telingana. The attitude of the
agricultural public was quite favourable though sowcars were alarmed.

The officers associated with the movement from the beginning are Mr. Raghava
Chariar of Trichinopally, Mr. John Kenny, Mr. Abdul Basith Khan and Mr. Fazlullah
Sahib. Among the honorary workers may be mentioned, Raja Bahadur Venkatarama
Reddy Kotwal, Dewan Bahadur Aravamudu Ayengar, Advocate, and Rao Sahib Venkat
Reddy, Retired N. S. Railway Audit Officer.

The presence of Mr. B. A Collins, C. I. E. I. C. S. here as Secretary to Government in

the Industries and Commerce Department under which is the Co-operative Department
is an asset to the Co-operative movement. He has had considerable experience in Bihar
and Orissa as Registrar of Co-operative Societies.

The movement has helped to liberate many members of the agricultural classes
from their financial subjection to money lenders and revive dying cottage industries.
At the end of the previous decade there were 1432 societies with 37,393 members and a
working capital of Rs. 86,44,440. By steady and sustained progress achieved from year
to year the department could count at the close of the decade, 1340 F. 2164 societies
with 57,016 members, their working capital being Rs. 1,90,09,155. The ideal of the move-
ment that it should be a people’s movement, self-controlled and self-Financed, was
faithfully kept in view, and wherever it was opportune and feasible the societies were
deofficialised in constitution and management. That the movement among agriculturists
has become increasingly popular is proved by the fact that the number of agricultural
societies has increased from 1264 at the beginning of 1321 to 1776 in 1340 F. and
membership from 37,393 to 57,016, the working capital (Rs. 190 lakhs) having risen by
120 per cent during the same period. The number of societies worked by non-
agriculturists has more than doubled in the decennium, the present number being 357.
By far the most important piece of work of the Department was the education of the

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 711

Panchayat members of societies and the public by means of lectures and literature.
Apart from the main object of creating funds from which to provide credit, the co-
operative movement has created and fostered a co-operative feeling which could be
directed into other channels for common good.

The revival of industries in this State is due to the Co-operative credit. Silver inlaid
utensils of Bidar, jamavar and himroo of Aurangabad, carpets of Warangal, silk cloth
of Sangareddy, brass-ware of Pemburthi, in fact every industry of importance was in
need of help and it was absolutely necessary to revive them through some special
organization. The Government sanctioned a loan of a lakh at first and of late another
lakh at a concession rate of interest. The loan was disbursed and is still being used to
help all such industries as are considered essential for the welfare of the country. A
central store now exists in the City to which all industrial societies are affiliated. It
supplies them with raw materials and buys up their finished products for sale in the
country. The working capital at present is Rs. 3,66,944.

A scheme for establishing Housing societies, prepared in this connection is before

the Government and, it is expected, will be sanctioned shortly.

The Central Bank at Hyderabad at one time advanced loans to societies situated in
the city and to those in the districts in spite of the fact that there were central banks in
the latter. Owing to their dual system, the financial condition of the societies was getting
worse .and it was, therefore, that the Central Bank at Hyderabad was converted into
Dominion Bank. It was put in direct touch with the Central Banks and except for societies
in the city direct relations with the societies in the districts are being discontinued.

With a view to disseminating the principles and objects of cooperation and to

developing the movement, a central Co-operative Union was organized in Amardad
1334 Fasli under the Presidentship of Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur; Raja
Bahadur Venkat Rama neddy as a Vice-President, whose abiding interest in the co-
operative movement is well known.

Since its inception the Union has been doing very useful work. A quarterly magazine
is published in Urdu and other vernaculars. The membership being limited at present
to Government grants Rs. 10,000 annually for meeting the expenses. Through its efforts
annual Departmental Societies conferences are being held, the first being on the 7th
and 8th Amardad 1336 Fasli under the presidentship of Mr. B. A. Collins, C. I. E., I. C. S.,
Director General of Commerce and Industries. It gave an impetus to the movement in

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712 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Hyderabad and the Departmental societies evince a great interest in it. It has been
entrusted with the work of training Co-operative workers and at the end of 1336 Fasli a
training class was held for a period of three months in which more than a hundred
candidates attended, of whom the Depatmental officers numbered 36.

The movement has a great future before it and one cannot but earnestly pray that
before the passage of many years it will shower blessings over the whole of the
Dominions, bringing plenty and prosperity to the harassed agriculturists.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 713

The Police

NTIL the beginning of the nineteenth century a Police administration
conducted on a sound basis was unknown in these Dominions. In the
districts, Police work was performed by the Irregular troops, the Sibandi
peons, the Nizamats and village servants. In Marathwara, the detection and
apprehension of offenders was a work assigned to the Ramosis and Jaglias; in Kanara
districts to the satsendies and talaris, and in Telingana to Mannewars and Mazkuris.
When any serious crimes were committed such as dacoity etc. these men called in the
assistance of the troops which were stationed in large or small numbers in each taluk,
on whom devolved the duty of pursuing and arresting offenders. When the offenders
escaped undetected the value of the stolen property was recovered not only from the
village watchmen but also from Zamindars as well as from the inhabitants of the village
by a levy of a cess. In the trial of the accused and in bringing home the charges against
them all kinds of threats and torture were used. It frequently happened that innocent
persons underwent this cruel treatment and obtained freedom only by paying a large
sum of money. The Pargana Naibs had complete authority to arrest, liberate or otherwise
punish these unhappy people. The village servants in return for public duties performed
by them held lands free of assessment and received a share of the yield from the village
fields. The Sibandi peons were generally paid Rs. 3 a month from the land revenue.

In the City of Hyderabad a Kotwal enjoying a high position and looked upon with
great respect or fear had always been appointed from an early period and he had under
him a public force composed of various nationalities and including a number of
detectives. He had full power to administer personal chastisement to criminals and
when at first a beginning was made towards regulating the business of the different
State departments by definite rules and laws he was invested with judicial authority in
addition to his executive functions. A law officer was consequently appointed to assist
in the office of Kotwal who passed sentences on offenders. In 1271 Fasli the total police
force under the control of the Kotwal composed, as it was, of Arabs, Sikhs, Bharkandazes
and Harkaras, numbered 1524 foot men and 136 mounted and cost Rs.82,364 for its

As Rohillas were perpetrating dacoities, robberies, and riots in the districts new
officers called Zilladars were appointed for the suppression of these dangerous crimes
and for the apprehension of those concerned in them. The irregular troops were placed
under the orders of these Zilladars. This military police proved useful for some time in

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714 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

giving peace and security to the country. The duties of Zilladar were either entrusted to
the Talukdar or special men were nominated for that purpose, and a committee was
appointed at headquarters to supervise and direct their work.


Second City Kotwal

When the restored district of Raichur, Lingsugur, Naldrug and Shorapur were made
over to His Highness in 1271 Fasli the public arrangements existing there under the
British regime were continued till 1275 Fasli, when the Police administration of the
entire Divani territory was totally recast.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 715

A separate Police force was appointed in the City and suburbs and in each of the
district, into which the country was divided. There were in all fourteen such districts to
which two new ones were afterwards added, and each was placed under the control of
a Muhatamim or Superintendent, who was assisted by the undermentioned staff of


Third City Kotwal

One Amin or Inspector for each taluk

One Jemadar or Chief Constable for each thana or station
One Dafadar or Head Constable for each Chowki
Eight men for each thana and six men for each Chowki

A Jamadar or Dafadar with men, one of whom at least could read and write, formed
a Jowk or Guard. The Muhtamims were ranked under three classes and the Amins
under five, their salaries being fixed at

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716 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Muhtamim ... . .. 1st class Rs. 200
“ .. . .. . 2nd “ “ 170
“ ... ... 3rd “ “ 140
Horse allowance to each ... “ “ 25
Amins ... . .. 1st “ “ 100
“ ... ... 2nd “ “ 90
“ ... ... 3rd “ “ 80
“ ... .. . 4th “ “ 70
“ .... . .. 5th “ “ 60
Horse allowance to each .. . “ 20

In 1277 Fasli when the territory was parcelled out into divisions each division had
a Sadar Talukdar for revenue and judicial functions, and a Naib Sadar Muhtamim for
public administration. From the same date the Revenue Department relinquished police


Fourth City Kotwal

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 717

administration. The Sadar Muhatmim had power to try cases and award the offenders
a fine of Rs. 300 or one year’s rigorous imprisonment. Appeals went to the Sadar Adalat.
A Sadrul Moham of Police was also appointed. Subsequently, Sadar-Muhatmims were
done away with and an Inspector-General was appointed, the first officer being Colonel

Almost at this time the office of Kotwal of the suburbs of the City was abolished
and his duties were entrusted to the City Kotwal who was allowed two assistants.

A change took place in the time of Sir Salar Jung I, by which the village police was
linked with the Regular Police and the latter as regards the preservation of peace and
the detection of crime, was subordinated entirely to the magisterial authorities.


Sixth City Kotwal

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

718 Pictorial Hyderabad - II



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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 719

In 1294 Fasli a detective Police force was inaugurated. The City Police had 3 superior
officers, 2 Muhafamims 10 Sadar Amins, 27 Amins, 3 Naib Amins, 49 Sowars, 2,830
Constables of all grades, 128 Arabs and 64 miscellaneous men.


With this succinct but interesting past history of the police department we may
introduce our readers to the new regime inaugurated hv Mr. A. C. Hankin, C. I. E. who
held the reins of the department for nearlv two decades. The decrease in crimes and the
consequent security of life of property are all due to the indefatigable efforts of Mr.
Hankin. He, time after time, overhauled the police force and infused into the rank and
file a new vigour and an enlarged sense of duty to the crown and public. For the taming
of the wild tribes who, in certain parts, were a menace to tranquility, the organisation
of the police training school, reserve police, etc. we give credit to Mr. Hankin.
Muhammad Nawaz Jung Bahadur who stepped into his shoes merits our admiration
for enhancing the morale of the police force.
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720 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

His strictness was tempred with mercy and innate sympathy and any excess on the
part of the police received the severest condemnation at the hands of the Nawab Sahib.
After some changes in the personnel of the administration Mr. F. Armstrong C. I. E. I. P.
of Bengal took over charge from Mr. Crawford.


Although the Sarfi Khas Police is under the Director General of District Police, the
separate existence of Jagir Police adminstration was not conducive to the coordination
of measures for dealing with crime and criminals. In 1337 Fasli the Jagir Police force
was taken over. The Railway Police is under the British control for which a contribution
is made by His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government. The Police takes note of
only cognizable offences and values the cooperation of village headmen who are under
the supervision and control of revenue officers. A powerful agency for the detection of
habitual offenders has been secured in the system of recording and classifying the finger
prints of persons guilty of grave crime which is now used with considerable effect. The
ratio of convictions to cases and to persons arrested is fairly high and the amount of

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 721

crime against property has steadily decreased. Attempts are made to improve literacy
in the force which is still low (25 per cent) and to lessen corruption and increase efficiency.
Much depends upon the removal of fear and distrust of the police on the part of a large
number of people and their willing cooperation towards the prevention and detection
of crime. According to the Police report for 1337 Fasli there are 14,144 men and 2.165
officers, or an average of 13 for ten thousand of population and the expenditure on
police for the same year amounted to Rs. 47,51,742.


The City Police is at present under the control of Raja Bahadur Venkatarama Reddy
O. B. E. Twentyseven per cent of the force are literate. Recognition of meritorious services
by award of money grants is liberal. In 1337 the force had 3434 men. The City Police
force is quite dependable for detection of crimes and control of traffic. Cases of corruption
are rare, and we pay a tribute to the good moral influence of Raja Bahadur Venkatrama

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722 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II




HE impetus given by Government to tbe promotion of local industries by
establishing a separate Department for it under name Commerce and
Industries Department towards the end of the decade 1920 has borne some
appreciable results during the past few years. Besides three textile mills which existed
before, three were added, one at Nander, one at Hyderabad and the third at Warangal.
Among the large industries in the State may be mentioned Shahabad Cement Co., with
their cement works at Shahabad, Messrs. Vazir Sultan Cigarette Co., with their cigarette
factory at Hyderabad, the Hyderabad Button factory, the Hyderabad Cigarette factory,
the Tile and Stoneware factory and the Shoe and Boot factory, besides oil-mills, rice
mills and a number of ginning and pressing factories and flour mills.

Government through its Department has been systematically assisting the

development of local industries in various ways. They may be classified as follows :-

(a) Assistance:- to large industries (b) assistance to small scale industries (c) control
of new factories as they come into existence, (d) scientific assistance and advice (e) pioneer
industrial works (f) development of cottage industries by direct action (g) technical and
industrial training. The Department has on its staff besides the Director, an Indus-trial
Engineer, a Textile Expert and a Chief Chemist with about 10 subordinate gazetted
officers under them. The Industrial Laboratory, Cottage Industries Institute, Cottage
Industries Sales Depot, Industrial Alcohol Factory, Kamareddi, the Soap Factory,
Hyderbad, Experimental Carpet Factory, Warangal, Jacquard Institute, Paithan, District
Demonstration Parties, Industrial School, Aurangabad, and the Industrial School,
Nizamabad, are the main institutions controlled and run by the Department.

Besides financing the Department whose latest budget amounts to Rs. 4,45,000
Government have set aside a crore of rupees to be invested in large industries and
Government securities and to apply the profits accruing therefrom for the development
of cottage industries and small scale industries. A Board consisting of 3 members of H.
E. H. the Nizam’s Executive Council constitute Trustees for the control and disbursement
of this fund with the Director-General and Secretary, Commerce and Industries Depart-
ment, as its Secretary. The following is the statement of the capital holdings of this

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

724 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Singareni Collieries debentures
B. G. Rs. 20 lakhs at 8% Rs. 23,33,333
Deccan Marble & Mining Co’s
shares B. G. Rs. 6 lakhs at 4% 7,00,000
Shahabad Cement Co’s shares at 5% 7,00,000
Osman Shahi Mills debentures at 6½% 7,00,000
Deccan Glass Works shares 30,000
Vazir Sultan and Co’s shares 1,09,000

Total Rs. 45,00,000

A sum of about 5 lakhs is available every year as the profit of the above holdings to
be spent on various schemes for the development of local industries and small scale
industries by advancing loans to them under small scale industries loan rules. The
Trust Fund thus financed such schemes as a handloom industries survey, oil industry
survey, the survey of poultry farming industry, the leather tanning industry survey,
the salt industry survey, the establishment of a carpet factory at Warangal, the
establishment of a Jacquard Institute at Paithan and various others.

The Department of Commerce and Industries entered upon a new phase of life
with the coming of Mr. B. A. Collins, C. I. E., I. C. S., as Director General. Mr. Collins is
a member of the Indian Civil service with considerable administrative experience.

Mr. G. A. Muhammadi who was in executive charge of the Department became

Director. Mr. Khawja Nizamuddin, who was trained in England in Paper Technology
as a State scholar, assists the Department in investigating the possibilities of paper
manufacture and improving the local hand paper industry. Mr. Kishen Singh, who was
trained in England in Tinctorial chemistry, dyeing and bleaching, has been deputed to
work and to obtain practical experience in the dye house of a textile mill in Bombay.
Besides, there are an Ex Textile expert and an Industrial Engineer.

Alcohol Factory : An Alcohol Factory for the manufacture of alcohol for industrial
purposes has been erected. The Department it should preferably be managed by private
agency and not by Government Department. In view of this policy, the Department
held prolonged consultations with the local distillers and formulated proposals for the

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 725

Himroo made in Aurangabad.

Zari Sari made in Paithan, Dist Aurangabad

By Courtesy “Industries & Commerce Dept.”

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

726 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

A popular design of Woolen Carpet made in Warangal Jail.

Kum Khab made in Aurangabad.

By Courtesy “Industries & Commerce Dept.”
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 727

transfer of the factory to two of the most important of them. These proposals are now
before the committee which has been especially appointed by Government to consider
the future of the Alcohol factory.

Soap Factory :- The Soap factory, which was worked in the years 1919-1920 and for
which machinery was ordered for from England, closed down. Since then the machinery
has been lying idle. The proposal for the transfer of this machinery to a private company
did not materialize in view of the financial difficulties of the applicant company. As the
result of a visit to Mysore the Director-General recommended to Government to re-
establish this factory by erecting the machinery in hand and working it departmentally.
Since then substantial capital has been funded and the factory is worked by an expert.
Large quantities of soap are manufactuerd and sold extensively.

Industrial Laboratory :- The Industrial Laboratory, continued to work on the same

lines as last year. There is no large laboratory in Hyderabad to do chemical work for
Government Departments. The Industrial laboratory forming a good neucleus for a
first class central laboratory the various Government departments concerned were asked
whether the establishment of a central laboratory would be desirable. Most of them
expressed their concurrence with the proposal of the Department. The Indian Institute
of Science, Bangalore, to which an annual grant is made by the State, was asked to
depute one of their professors to inspect and advice the Department on the question of
the expansion of the Industrial laboratory into a Central laboratory for the Hyderabad
State. The Government has been pleased to make a special provision in the budget to
meet any expenses towards the materialization of this proposal.

Weaving Factory : - A Weaving Factory is at work. The need for the development
of work in this section which deals with the most important industry of the State next
to agriculture was subject to expert technical advice and it was on this account that the
appointment of a full time Textile expert was proposed. Mr. Pillai of Travancore was
the officer appointed and under him the Department launched a scheme for the
development of the hand-weaving industry in the State in particular and cottage
industries in general by instituting a central cottage Institute and extending its activities
to the districts.

Industrial Exhibition :- The industrial exhibition is a periodical feature of the

Department. It is under considration to establish a show room in the commercial quarters
of the city where it should carryon this work on commercial lines. The superintendent
of the industrial exhibition was deputed to Mysore to participate in the Maharaja’s
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728 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Birthday. All India Industrial and Agricultural Exhibition by exhibiting the products of
cottage industries of Hyderabad in that Exhibition. The show of the State products in
the exhibition received deserved attention from the visitors and His Highness the
Maharaja was pleased to make reference publicly to the Hyderabad State exhibits on
the occasion of the distribution of exhibition medals and prizes. The Hyderabad exhibits
received 2 gold medals besides a silver medal and certificates.

On the advice of the Indian Central Cotton Committee the Department proposed
legislation in respect of the protection of cotton by controlling its transport and its growth
in the specified areas and a bill is now before the Legislative Council. As a temporary
measure a Government Ordinance has been issued forbidding the import of cotton and
cotton-seed into any protected area and the southern portion of Nanded, the northern
portion of Bidar and part of Osmanabad have been declared protected.

The Government cottage industries Institute at Mushirabad which was opened on
4th July 1932 by His Exalted Highness the Nizam marks an epoch in the annals of
industrial Hyderabad. It is a commodious building situated on an open site of nearly
two acres of land.

The objects of the Institute are: (1) To impart systematic training to artisans with a
view to employing them as demonstration parties or to enable them to improve their
earning capacity;

(2) To carryon experiments with a view to find new methods and new designs for
the cottage industries of H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions, and to introduce new village

(3) To study market conditions and to supply the demand, etc, with the products
of the local cottage industries;

(4) To give a thorough practical training in handloom weaving, dyeing, etc. to more
educated persons so as to fit them for supervising posts or managing their own business.

(5) To manufacture and supply such of the improved appliances as are required
for the cottage industries. The Institute is administered by the Commerce and Industries
Department of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Government with the assistance of
the Textile Expert and the Superintendent of the Institute. The Institute at present has 9
sections which are as follows: weaving, dyeing and calico printing, ”knitting and hosiery
manufacture, durrie and carpet weaving, woollen spinning, and blanket weaving,
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 729

embroidery and needle work, rattan and basket making, toy making and lacquer work
and workshops, including carpentry and smithy.

The training imparted in the Institute will be both theoretical and practical. Training
will be confined to such elementary principles as are necessary for the proper
understanding of the subjects in which practical training is given.

A hostel is attached to the Institute to accommodate 14 students and a library is

provided for the use of the students and the masters. The Institute is well equipped
with up-to date plants.

On behalf of the Commerce and Industry Department, Mr. B. A. Collins C. I. E.,

I. C. S. said :-

“This institute is designed to improve the cottage industries of Hyderabad, the

most important of which are hand-loom weaving, dyeing and printing. It is too little
realised of what importance these industries are to the State. It is estimated that one
third of the cloth worn in Hyderabad is manufactured on hand-looms, while the industry
uses raw materials consisting of yarn, silk, dyes and gold and silver lace to the value of
about a crore and a half annually, or approximately 10 per cent of the total value of the
articles imported into the State. After agriculture, hand-loom weaving and dyeing are,
therefore, much the most important industries in the State. Although hand-loom weaving
has held its own in a wonderful manner against the product of the power-loom, the
weavers as a body are illiterate, ignorant and ill-organised. The object of the Department
is to teach them improved methods and new designs so as to enable them to hold their
own against increasing competition both inside and outside the State.

“The Institute forms part of the organisation which has been built up for this
purpose. This organisation consists of demonstration parties working in the villages,
the Cottage Industries Institute which is the head-quarters of these parties, special local
institutes such as the Paithan Weaving Institute and the Warangal Carpet Factory and
the Cottage Industries Sales Depot in Gunfoundry. This organisation is in charge of the
Textile Expert, who works immediately under the direction of the Director of Commerce
and Industry. The demonstration parties are engaged in demonstrating in the villages
the use of improved implements such as the fly-shuttle and the dobby and different
kinds of dyes and colours. The village artisan is trained in the use of these implements
in his own house and is supplied with them on easy payment. Practical demonstrations
are also being given of various kinds of dyes and the methods of using them, and, in
the first instance, the dyers are supplied with these dyes until the local dealers begin to
stock them. The primary work of the Cottage Industries Institute is to train professional

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730 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

weavers and dyers in these new methods and to fit them for employment in the
demonstration parties. Improved looms and dobbies are also manufactured in the
Institute and supplied to the weavers. The institute is also a place where research is
carried on as to the best kinds of looms and accessories for the weaving population,
while it is hoped by degress to offer the weavers new designs which are likely to prove
attractive to the public.

“The Institute is mainly concerned with the hand-loom industry and its allied
industries of dyeing and printing, but it is intended also to improve smaller industries
as far as possible, and to introduce new cottage industries,which seem likely to be of
benefit to the public. Thus, Your Exalted Highness will find that sections have been
included for knitting, canework, embroidery, toy-making, durrymaking, numda-making
and the like, while a small woollen plant has been installed in order to see whether it is
possible to increase the use of Hyderabad wool which is exported in its raw state in
large quantities. The experimental carpet factory, which has been established in
Warangal, has as its object the revival of the famous carpet industry of that town, which
has recently fallen on evil days and I can say that there appear to be good prospects of
success. Samples of the carpets which have already been made at Warangal under the
guidance of the East India Carpet Company will be seen to-day.

“The Cottage Industries Institute has cost Rs. 1,22,738 to erect and Rs. 54,016, to
equip, and I hope Your Exalted Highness will consider that the work has been well
carried out. The gross annual cost of running the institute is Rs. 92,895 and the immediate
estimated income from its products is put at Rs. 43,300. The net cost will, therefore, be
just under half a lakh, but I confidently expect that within 2 or 3 years this cost will be
reduced to at least Rs. 30,000, and I hope in time that it will be much lower. In order to
sell the products of the Institute and to assist the village artisans throughout the State,
a Sales Depot of shop has been established. This Depot, which will, I hope, also in time
pay its own way, has already been of great benefit not only to the. Institute but to the
village artisans of Bidar, Sangareddi and other places. With the completion of this
Institute and remainder of the organisation which I have described, the Hyderabad
State will be able to boast of the finest organisation for the encouragement and
development of village industries that exists in the whole of India, and I feel confident
that with the encouragement and help which Your Exalted Highness always gives, the
Commerce and Industry Department will be successful in their endeavours.

“I cannot close without mentioning the good work which has been done by Mr.
Ghulam Ali Muhammadi, the Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Karmakar, the
Industrial Engineer and Mr. Pillai, the late Textile Expert, in organising the work of the
department and constructing and equipping the Institute.”
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 731

The address encased in an ornamental lacquer work casket made at the Institute
was then presented to His Exalted Highness by Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur.

His Exalted Highness in acknowledging the address said :-

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I need not say how glad I am to meet you here to open the
Cottage Industries Institute. I thank Mr. Abdy Collins and other officers of the Commerce
and Industries Department for the foresight and hard work which the establishment of
the Institute has involved. Its operation will be extensive enough to reach all parts of
my Dominions, and will benefit primarily the poorer classes among 15 millions of my
subjects. (Applause).

I welcome the Institute for two reasons. One is that it will foster and improve village
industries such as knitting and embroidery, durry-making, toy-making and the like.
The other, and in my opinion, the more important reason, is that it will instruct and
encourage handloom weavers and dyers, so that they might hold their own better than
they have done hitherto against the competition of power-looms and outside industries.
I am convinced that the increasing competition from both inside and outside the State
can be easily beaten if the richer classes of my subjects give preference, as I do, to products
of home industries that are generally better and cheaper. (Applause).

I have noticed that there is a tendency in all countries of the world to purchase
home products even though they be not quite so good as imported articles. I do not see
any reason why my State should not adopt that natural and world-wide tendency as
far as it is reasonable. I draw the attention of my beloved subjects to it, while I commend
the action of my Department of Industries towards meeting the demand created by the
tendency I notice everywhere. When I myself do all I can to purchase and use goods
made in my own State, and when I say (for instance) that Golconda Soap made in
Hyderabad is used in all my Palaces and is found good and cheap, I think my action
itself will appeal to my subjects to do likewise. They love me and my country too well
to require further inducement to follow my example in this respect. (Applause). I have
no doubt that the efforts of my Government towards better production of home-made
articles will be well seconded by increased consumption by all classes of my subjects.

“I will not say more but will proceed to comply with the request of the Director-
General of Industries and open the Institute with all the best wishes for its success.”

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732 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Castes and Tribes
in the Deccan

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 733

Castes and Tribes in the Deccan
T HE subject of castes and tribes inhabiting this State is full of deep interest and

The Dravidians of our Dominions may be divided into two main classes, or sub-
races, the Marathas inhabiting the Marathwara portion, Kanadas in the South-West
corner of Marathwara and the Andhras inhabiting the Telingana portion of the Nizam’s
territories. There are, besides, the forest and hill tribes who are pre- Dravidians, and
have not been in close contact with others.

The Marathas and Andhras differing in physical features, are easily distinguishable;
they speak two different languages.

In the Deccan area which includes the whole of the Hyderabad territory the Andhras
were the first people to establish kingdoms and monarchies. The Marathas came in
during the time of the Emperor Aurangazeb, and established themselves after the death
of Sivaji and the passing away of Peishwa rule at Poona. Living in villages and under
chieftains the Telingas pursued the agricultural industry with patience and cheerfulness.

The Andhras were also great designers, architects and masons and stone-cutters
and have left behind them truly astonishing memorials. The thousand pillared temple
at Hanumkonda and the temple at Palampet in the Mulug taluk are still the admiration
of every person. The Andhra civilization was of a very high order as records of the
Vijianagram and Warangal kingdoms show. Though the pomp and glory of Andhra
kingdoms have passed away the remains of their civilization stand to-day.

The Marathas are also mostly docile, law-abiding, kind and courteous. Andhras,
Marathas and other Hindus form 98 per cent of the population.

The next great community in the Dominions is the Muhammadan community

which forms ten per cent of the population. The Muhammadans are divided into Sheiks,
Syeds, Pathans and Moghuls, the last numbering just about 50,000, though the Ruler
belongs to the ancient Moghul dynasty. The religious sects are mainly Sunni and Shiah.
Christians, European and Indian, form one per cent of the population and are found
very largely in Telingana. Another important section of the inhabitants are the tribes.
They, with the exception of the Lambadas and Banjaras, may be considered as the real
aborigines of the Deccan. The tribes now inhabiting our Dominions are the Andh, the
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734 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Bhil, the Bhinekoya, the Chenchu, Koya, Gond, Rach Koya, Raj Gond and Santal. Of
these, the ”Gonds” are the strongest, followed by Koyas. They are all hill and forest
tribes, and dwell in small colonies, and are rough agriculturists, cattle-breeders and
snarers. Between four and five decades back they were known to have been altogether
naked or wearing merely leaf loin-cloths. They are brave, fearless and honest in their
dealings and their women-folk prize their chastity high. A vast majority of them are
still primitive in their ways, mostly owing to their strong disinclination to stay near
even decently civilized villages. Gonds and Koyas are of the same stock and are also
pre-Dravidians and not to be confused with the Kolarian race. The Andhs are considered
as a relic of the ancient Andhras. All these show allegiance to headmen who are mostly
venerable sires and are guided by them in all things. Doubts are expressed as to whether
tribes would very long continue to exist as separate entities. The probability is that they
will not and with them a few of India’s picturesque tribal relics will pass away.

The Hindu community is divided into innumerable castes. Sir Edward Gait defined
the word “caste” as follows :-”an endogamous group, or a collection of groups, bearing
a common name and having a common traditional occupation, who are so linked
together by these and other ties, such as the tradition of a common origin, and the
possession of the same tutelary deity, and the same social status, ceremonial observances
and family priests that they regard themselves and are regarded by others as forming a
single homogeneous community”. And Sir Herbert Risley distinguishes seven types of
castes which are :-”Tribal castes where tribes have been insensibly converted into castes
by the general acceptance of Hinduism and the social restrictions connected therewith.
A tribe in its original form differs from a caste in that its basis is political rather than
economic or social. “Functional or occupational castes composed of persons of the same
occupation. The washerman, the barber, the liquor-vendor, the goldsmith, each belongs
to a separate caste”. Sectarian castes-which comprise a small number of castes which
commenced life as religious sects and gradually crystallised into castes. The Gosain,
the Lingayat and Manbhavs are of this type. Castes formed by crossing like the
Sagirdpesha of Orissa, the Bidur of the Central Provinces and the Brahmo-Khatris. Castes
of the national type like the Marathas and the Mewars, castes formed by migration like
the Nambudri Brahmins of Malabar, castes formed by change of custom or occupation
like the Wanjaris.

We have also to take note that among these there are also sub-castes. There are as
many as 75 castes in the Dominions, taking the term mainly in its occupational or
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 735

functional sense. No useful purpose will be served by enumerating all these castes and
sub-castes, whether occupational or otherwise, and it will be still more difficult to give
against each, its peculiarities and idiosyncracies.

Among the functional and occupational castes may be mentioned Erukalas (Eruka-
knowledge) who are professional fortune-tellers, priests and devotees. Priests are not
Brahmins as these are castes which have priests and celebrants of their own who form
a superior class by themselves though within the fold. Among the devotees we have
the Gosains and the Bhyragis who are celebrants and mendicants who are constantly
on the move visiting places of pilgrimage. A different caste is that of temple servants
such as the Guravs who are the servants of Mahadev’s temple and the Satanis who
serve in Vishnu’s temples. The Bhatrajas, or geneologists, are yet another sect. Formerly
bands and panegyrists of the Telugu country, they are now mostly cultivators or
mendicants. They are no doubt, the repositories of a good deal of oral tradition and
folklore. According to tradition, the Bhatrajas were a caste of northern India, who were
first invited south by King Pratapa Rudra of Waranga!. After the downfall of that
kingdom, they seem to have settled down as bards and panegyrists under the Reddi
and Velama feudal chiefs, who had carved out for themselves small independent
principalities in the Telugu country. As a class they were fairly educated in Telugu
literature and produced some eminent Telugu poets.

Astrologers are also a caste by themselves, known as the Joshi caste. The Joshi
derives his name from “Jyotish” or astrology, and makes a living by begging on
Saturdays for a present of oil and anything of a dark colour to propitiate “Sani” or the
evil planet Saturn. This caste must not be confounded with that of the village priests of
the Brahmin class.

Musicians, singers, dancers, mimics and jugglers are all castes by themselves. In
fact, there is not a single class which is not fundamentally and in all respects a caste, or
a sub-caste worshipping sometimes the same gods, or different gods and goddesses.

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736 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

A few aboriginal tribes are found in these Dominions the principal of them being
Erukalas, Bhils, Gonds, Banjaras, Chenchus and Koyas. Most of them live in the forest
regions being driven there successively by the invading Dravidians and Aryans. They
are largely in absolute isolation and their contacts with civilisation are few and far
between. A brief account of each important tribe is presented in the following pages.

Erukalas (Kaikadis or Korawas) are a nomadic tribe, reputed to be robbers. They
are principally found between the Kistna and the Nerbuda.


They are of dark complexion with irregular facial features and unkempt hair, and
are said to be an ancient race inhabiting India before the Aryan conquest. Their language
is a mixture of three Dravidian tongues, Tamil, Telugu and Canarece. They live in
portable conical huts conveyed from place to place on the back of pack bullocks or
donkeys. Men’s dress consists in a narrow strip of waist cloth and a long piece of cloth
wound round the head. Women wear saries in the manner of their neighbours on the
plains and wear brass or glass wristlets.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 737

Their patron deity is Ellamma. The legend is that Parasu Ram’s mother Renuka
(wife of Jamdagni) while bathing in the Ganges was seen by a low caste man (Dher).
Immediately she lost certain powers which she had possessed in virtue of her chastity.
The husband observed it and in a rage beheaded both Renuka and the Dher. Parasu
Ram implored his father to revive his dear mother. Jandagni thereon ordered the trunk
and the head of the woman to be joined. Parasu Ram, by mistake, joined the head of the
Dher with the trunk of the mother and the woman became alive with the Dher’s head.
Parasu Ram was cursed for the blunder and the woman became the deity of the Dhers.


The tribe is divided into three main divisions, Erukala, Korawa and Kaikadi ; each
is again subdivided into eight minor sects. One main caste does not marry with another.
Erukalas admit into their fold any of the higher castes.

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738 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Being professional thieves and dacoits they are treated as a criminal tribe and are
under the survei1lance of the Police. They weave baskets, rope and mats of date leaves.
Women, when they go about selling their wares lay hands on articles found on their
way and carry them away stealthily. Houses in lonely spots they loot at nights. Women
are astrologers. According to 1931 census Erukalas number 59,172 of whom 32,002 are
males and 27,170 females.

Twelve thousands of them are found in Adilabad district and eleven thousand in
Gulburga. Although they are animists, some of them are Hindus (9986-5049 males and
4937 females), they being found in Gulburga, Osmanabad and Bidar districts. Their
close association with Hindus is the cause of their social and religious emancipation.

Kaikadis are divided into three sub-castes and five exogamous groups. Cross cousin
marriages alone are permissible. Marriage with deceased husband’s brother and wife’s
sister is allowed. Infant and adult marriages as well as widow marriages are permitted.
For reasons of debauchery and cruelty divorce is granted by the Panchayat. They eat all
flesh and drink liquor. The dead are buried or burnt; in the former case the head is
placed towards the south.

They are stalwart and well-built and women are mostly slim. They represent a
crude Dravidian section of Indians. Women are believed to be reliable fortune tellers.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 739

Bhils-a non-Aryan tribe inhabiting the hilly ranges which form the north-western
boundary of the Aurangabad District. On the eastern side they have for their neighbours
the Gonds and the Andhs and on the western and southern sides they pass into the Koli
and Banjara areas. They are principally found in the talukas of Vaijapur, Kannad,
Bhokardan, Aurangabad and Gangapur. A considerable portion of Bhils have now
settled on the plains and taken to cultivation and farm labour.

“Bhil” includes, several aboriginal tribes living on the Sahyadri and Satpura ranges,
such as Khotils, Pavras, Varlis, Manchis or Ganits, Dangchais, Tadnis, Nirdhis, etc.

Bhils on the plains are scarcely distinguishable from the low caste Hindus in dress,
language and customs. They are great hunters, and the Pavras claim to be Rajputs
originally and that they were driven by their chiefs from their homes. They are mostly
bushmen and their women are stout and buxom. The Varlis, though found in
mountainous tracts, are unlike Pavras, tall, dark and well-made, possessing negritoid

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740 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

features. Their women are usually unclad from the waist upwards. The Dangchis, or
Dang Bhils, stunted in body and dull in mind, are the most uncivilized of all the Bhil
tribes. They eat monkeys, rats, all small vermin and even cattle killed by tigers. They
wander about with bows and arrows in search of such small games as peafowl and
hare. They hold the tiger sacred.

Each of the above-mentioned tribes, is broken up into a large number of exogamous


Like other tribes, the Bhils scrupulously observe the rule of exogamy, marriage
within the section being strictly prohibited. Some system of prohibited degrees also
exists, although it cannot be clearly defined by them.

Being still outside the Hindu caste organisation, the social status of the Bhils cannot
be precisely defined. The Bhils of the plains eat fowls, hare, deer, fish, tortoise, pig and
lizard and indulge in liqour. They, however, abstain from beef. The wild Bhils have no
scruples in this respect and eat carrion and beef.

They collect and sell firewood, honey, gum, jungle fruits, and mohva flower (Bassia
latifolia) and also serve as watchmen of villages, besides being frequently employed as
day and farm labourers.

The total population of Bhils in the Dominions is 13,723, males 7,470 females 6,253.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 741

They are a section of the Wadder tribe which numbers at present 79,492 consisting
of 39,623 males and 39,869 females. They are largely found in Nalgonda, Gulburga,
Nizamabad. Mahbubnagar, Raichur and Atraf-i-Balda districts. They dig earth for
wellsinking, road making and tank construction. They are very industrious. Men, women


and children working day and night, if required. Thieving propensity is very marked
in them. This sect may dine with others of the Waddar community but is strictly
exogamous. Infant marriages are permitted. The women are chaste but if an unmarried
girl is found to be out of the way, her lover should pay a fine to the Panchayat and then
marry the girl. The marriage generally takes place after sunset. Widow marriage is
permissible. Divorce is allowed by Panchayat.

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742 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

These persons eat carrion and indulge in liquor.
Women do not wear bodices, nose ring and brass
bracelets. The dead are buried face downward the
head being placed towards the south.

Men and women are generally tall and well built

dark in colour, speak a dialect of Telugu and worship
Hindu gods, their principal deity being Gorrappa.


Among the Waddars, Kasi Waddars are the

highest caste and are agriculturists by occupation.
They do not do any other work as they think it
below their dignity. Kunda and Bandi Wadders
are stone quarriers and make and sell mill stones.
Langota Wadders are distinguished by their short
pantstight, knickers. They are house builders. God
ala Waddars derive their name from the
implement (Godali) they use for digging earth.
In customs and habits of life all are identical.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 743

Goundala, Gouda, Idiga and Kalal are of the
same profession-toddy tapping and vending.
They also deal in foreign liquors. As most of the
Indian castes claim their origin from a deity or
function these liquor vendors trace their origin
from a sage who was specially created of God to
manufacture and sell liquor. The community is
divided into six groups, all exogamous. A man
is forbidden to marry within his own sect or even
within a few degrees out of his own. Polygamy
is permissible and brothers can marry sisters and
the law of inheritance is strange in that the
daughter inherits the parental property if she had
no brothers. At any rate both male and female
children are entitled to equal shares. The reason
for the dauohter to inherit the father’s property
is that her husband in the absence of her brothers
performs the funeral obsequies.
Early marriage is common but if a girl
attained puberty before marriage she is dedicated to the temple. The Brahmin officiates
at the marriage which is fixed after horoscopes of both the boy and the girl have been
examined. The ceremony itself is as cumbersome and painfully long as it is with other
Hindu castes. A pendal is erected and all friends and relatives take part in rhe ceremony
and bless the couple. But in the case of a widow remarrying, the bridegroom gives a
rupee for her bangles and other common ornaments. Then the man on the evening of a
Fixed day goes to the bride’s house with his friends and relatives and ties the pusti
round her neck as a sign of contract. A feast is given and the marriage is over. Chastity
is precious among women but when a woman is fouod to have intimacy with a man of
her own caste she is fined, otherwise she is excommunicated. Divorce for unfaithfulness
is granted and the divorced woman is eligible for marrying another person. By religion
the Goundalas are Vaishnavites. They also worship Siva who is the toddy-pot God. .

They burn the dead, and the ashes are consigned to the river. The Goundalas number
111,588, Kalals 285,323 and Idigas 29,925.

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744 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The shepherd caste of the T elingana is called Golla while the same in Marathwara
is known as Gowli. The Gollas are a heterogenous group characterised by strict
endogamy. One group differs from another in features, complexions, manners and
customs. Yerra Gollas are numerically superior. In colour and stature they claim
excellency. Socially too they are second to none of similar castes. In Gulburga and
Kanarese districts the Yerra Gollas go by the name of Anam Gollas who are mostly
cultivators. The Yaya Gollas, Baya Gollas, Pakanati Gollas, Puja Gollas, Mushti Gollas,
Gujarati Gollas, Modati Gollas and Pidwati Gollas (Pusalwads dealing in glass ware,
beads and sundry articles) are other sects of the Golla group.


Yerra women wear no ornaments on the nose or head and both among Yerras and
others dedication of girls to deities is common. They marry girls to swords and sticks.
Anam Gollas retail medicinal drugs and do minor treatment. They are said to be skilful
in cupping, bleading, and preparing embrocations and ointments. Yayas are better
organised than any other group, all social disputes are settled by a Panchayat. The

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 745

peculiarity of Puja Golla women is they abstain from wearing bodices, nose or head

Puja Gollas practise infant and adult marriages, others marry their girls before
puberty. Cohabitation before maturity is allowed in the case of married girls. Polygamy
is permitted when the wife is barren or incurably diseased.

On attaining puberty the girl is ceremonially separated for nearly thirteen days.
No evil eye should fall on her. On the 5th day she is bathed and a feast given to all
relatives, the husband of the girl being present. Widows may remarry any except her
deceased husband’s younger brother. The bridegroom gives her a sari, bangles and
rings for her toes. He ties a pusti and gives a feast to his caste people. In Carnatic area
the bride is taken to the bridegroom’s house and they both bathe together and become
husband and wife.

Selection of bride and betrothal is all done in girl’s house in the presence of caste
panchayat. Some sects pay bride price. Wedding presents are given to the girl and the
marriage ceremony is identical with that of Kapus.

Mallamma is the principal deity worshipped by the Gollas, the others being
Pochamma, Maisamma, Ellamma, Nagalu, and spirts of various description. In fact the
religion of Gollas is allied to Animism.

The dead are buried in a lying posture, head being placed south.

Gollas are found in all parts of the Dominions very largely in Nalgonda, Karimnagar,
Warangal, Mahbubnagar and Medak districts. Ihichur has a large number of them. The
total strength of Gollas 378,298, of Gowlis 32,979.

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746 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

This is a shepherd caste known differently as Kuruma in Karnatic, Kurumba in the
Tamil area and Goud in some other parts. All belong to the same stock and their social
customs and habits are identical. Dr. Sirajul Hasan records in his book on “Castes and
Tribes” an interesting story of the origin of Kuruma’s title “Goud“- : Once upon a time,
Beerappa, their patron God, had a desire for a strong drink but being short of money
had to procure liquor from a Goundala (a liquor Vendor) by pledging his moustache.
In a few days Beerappa offered to redeem the pledge but the moustache had already
disappeared from the Goundala’s possession, being surreptitiously made away with
by a squirrel at the God’s command. The Goundala was thereupon compelled to part
with his title “Goud” to the Kurumas.


The Kurumas are divided into three sub-castes, Patti, Uni and Ugad. In Gulburga
and Raichur where this tribe is predominant, the caste is divided into four groups,
Hatti, Uni, Lingayat and Beerlodu. The Kurumas are generally divided into many
exogamous sections. Dr. Sirajul Hasan says that the section name goes by the male side.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 747

A man can marry two sisters, one by one. Infant and adult marriages are prevalent.
Only a few sections of Kurumas dedicate girls to Gods. The boy’s parents go in search
of a girl and after selection present her with a sari, kunkum, betel etc. The girl’s parents
provide a feast and the betrothal is understood to have been settled. A day before the
wedding the girls is conducted in procession to the boy’s house. Her parents and relatives
accompany her. Before reaching the bridegroom’s house a halt is made at the village
temple and the bridegroom’s people meet them and conduct them home. At night both
the girl and the boy are bathed in turmeric coloured water. The next morning-on the
wedding day - they are bathed, wear new clothes and taken to the pendal. A Brahmin
priest officiates. By throwing of rice, first by the priest then by the relatives and finally
by the couple themselves and by tying a mangalasutra to the girl’s neck the ceremony
comes to a close. A feast is given and parties disburse. A widow may marry again, but
not her deceased husband’s brother. She is taken to the bridegroom’s house at dusk
and the man ties round her neck a mangalasutra and the marriage is over. Divorce is
granted. They worship Mallamma and other spirits. The dead are buried, the head
being towards the south. The Kurumas number 16,242 according to latest census.

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748 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pardhis or Pahadis (hill tribe) are hunters
and fowlers. They are found in the northern
districts of the State. A large number of them
are found in the Hyderabad City as fruit
vendors. Their womenfolk dress in the modern
way with saris and cholis and wear also wristlets
or bangles of glass or silver. Langoti Pahadis are
said to be superior to Phansi Pahadis. The latter
are fowlers. The rule of exogamy is rigorously
applied. Post puberty marriage is the order but
sexul intercourse before marriage is connived
at. The bridegroom pays a bride price in cash
and in kind and the wedding as a rule takes place
at midnight. A man may marry any number of
women one by one. Before marriage betrothal
ceremony takes place. This takes the form of
drinking strong liquor. On the wedding day both
the young persons are bathed in their respective
A PARDHI houses. The bridegroom then proceeds to the
bride’s house at night, his relatives bearing
lamps in earthen vessels. . On reaching the bride’s house a mock fight is put up between
the parties representing the bride and the bridegroom. Ultimately the young man is let
off to gain access into the girl’s house. A barber is present and he ties the ends of the
cloth worn by the boy and the girl. The bridegroom marches round the girl five times
and the ceremony comes to an end. A widow may marry her deceased husband’s brother.
Divorce is granted. Pardhis are animistic and Mariamma is their deity. They bury the
dead, the head pointing to the south.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 749

Maogarodis are a wandering tribe; the men are skilled acrobats and matmakers,
found mostIy in the northern parts of the Dominions. They go from place to place,
carrying all their belongings on bullock backs and camp a little away from the village.
They are a thieving class, cattle lifting and burgling being their chief criminal


propensities. They are divided into sixteen exogamous groups but interdining is
common. The rule of exogamy is that a man should not marry a girl bearing the same
surname. Infant and adult marriages are permitted. A man can have as many women
as wives by marrying one by one as his earning capacity would permit. The boy and
the selected girl to be wedded are made to stand in two different baskets, facing each
other and a cloth is held between them and the caste headmen declare them husband
and wife. Widows and divorced women may marry again. By religion Mangarodis are
animists, all sorts of spirts and Gods are worshipped. They worship even the dog as the
patron deity. Tiger is revered. They bury their dead in a circular grave, the head being
towards the west. They eat flesh and indulge in strong drinks.
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750 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Bhamtas are a class of thieves largely formed in
Bhid, Aurangabad, Parbhani and Gulburga. They are
skilful in turning out millstones for grinding
condiments, chunam, etc. Their close association wirh
the cultivating castes has enabled them to copy some
of their methods of life. Dr. Sirajul Hasan says that
these people assemble in large numbers at fairs and
festivals and by means of knives or broken glass
pieces rip open bundles which may be carried by
unsuspecting people attending the fair and pilfer
articles, which are very cleverly passed on from hand
to hand and that when a person is caught on suspicion
his guilt cannot be established as the article would
not be found on his person. By threat or torture one
cannot be induced to confess but if a castor seed plant
is shown immediately comes the truth. They marry
at infant as well as adult ages and practise polygamy.
Mariamma is appeased with an offering and the bride
and bridegroom are brought under a pandal where a BHAMTA
Brahman performs the ceremony. When a widow
remarries jaggery is distributed to all guests. The widow and the bride-groom do not
begin to live together soon after the marriage but stay away from the village for the first
night in a grove. They usually burn the dead. The total number of Bhamtas are 1,314 in

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 751

These tribes were called Anadis meaning helpless strangers. The first vowel sound
has since been elongated and the name has become “Yanadis” These people are mostly
found in the Telingana side. Many stories are told about their origin. Yanadis were
originally Chenchus, according to one account. This may be true as the deity of Yanadis
is “Chanchu Devdu”. Mackenzie says that a man named Raghava brought some sixty
families from Pacanathi district and clearing a forest peopled it with them. A Rishi
from Benares came that way and established himself near a river worshipping Siva.
The settlers brought him fruits and other offerings and prayed that the area might he
cleared of venomous serpents. He taught them a charm and vanished.


The Yanadis originally dwelt in Nellore district. They are divided into many sub -
sections. One is called Reddi Yanadi, another Kappala (frog caters) and a third Adivi,
and so on. They do odd jobs in the villages as watchmen, carters etc. They are all
exogamous. The headman goes by the name of Kulam Pedda or Pedda Yanadi. He
decides all social questions and exercises magisterial powers. They are their own priests
and worship all spirits locally known to exist. Their dwellings are conical huts.
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752 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

A marriage ceremony, says Mr. Thurston, is not indispensable. The Adavis avoid
it and the Reddi Yanadis observe it. In the former case the girl and boy manage to come
together and live as husband and wife. Seduction and elopement are common. Adultery
is no offence. A widow may marry again as many as she desires, one after another.
Polygamy is common. The Yanadis claim to hold intercourse with gods and goddesses
and the credulous villagers flock to consult them about their future. The dead are buried.
The body is washed, wrapped in grass and conveyed to the grave yard where the grave
is dug and the body is laid to rest. The Yanadis are good at fishing, and hunting. They
also gather honey. On festive occasions men and women light a fire and dance around
it. During the course of dancing one falls to the ground pretending to have been bitten
by a reptile and others sing a song to revive him.

Only 67 men and women are reported to have been found in these Dominions.

A low caste of Telugu beggars who accept charity from Komati and Balija
communities only.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 753

A Primitive Tribe

HE Deccan which lay on the pathway of invaders of India and suffered as
much devastation as any other part of the country, abounds in relics of
historic interest. Temples of ancient Hindus, palaces of mighty rulers of
yore, caves of monks and refugees, which have been unearthed and preserved by the
Archaeological Department bear evidence of the disaster which befell this part of the
Deccan. A relic of absorbing interest which is recorded in this chapter is a primitive
tribe known as the Chenchus. They are a remnant of an ancient Dravidian race, which
hid itself in hills during troubulous times. His Exalted Highness’ Government which


has renovated and restored objects and institutions of antiquarian interest, will, it is
earnestly hoped, take early steps to consolidate this ancient tribe, which from all
accounts, appears to have no hope or outlook in life and lives in seclusion and in
company with wild beasts. Mr. Gulam Ahmad Khan, the Census Commissioner, has
done useful spade work in unearthing and making a close and sympathetic study of
the tribe. With acknowledgments to the Census Commissioner we have pleasure in
extracting from the Census Report the following account of the Chenchus.

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754 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


The Chenchus are located in the south of the Mahbubnagar district of the Nizam’s
Dominions which the Krishna separates from the Kurnool District of the Madras
Presidency. They at present inhabit the plateaux of a hill range known as Nallamalai.
The altitude of the hills ranges between 2,500 and 3,000 feet. Tbe hills are densely forest
clad and infested by wild animals. Until thirty years ago this part of the Nizam’s territory


had not been traversed by any. The Collector of the district, thirty years ago, with a
view to explore the possibility of making the hills a summer resort had a track cut
through the woods over the hills to the highest point which he named Farhabad. The
first lap of this track has since been moorumed and improved so as to be motorable.
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 755

After a hairpin turn from the first ascent you
motor straight to Mannanur, wherein is His
Exalted Highness’ penitentiary for political
prisoners. From Mannanur the first Chenchu’s
penta is ten miles distant.

According to the recent census there are as

many as 53 pentas scattered over the hills and

A penta consists of 15 to 25 huts. Lowest

aborigines such as Veddas, etc. form groups of
from ten to forty. Thus they form a social
compact and wander about a tract of a few miles
square forming the beat, gathering honey and
berries and digging roots.

The Chenchus according to the appearance
come under that group which is called in the
language of racial anthropology Australoid, the
PLATYRHINE CURLY HAIRED LAD name given to the aborigines of Australia in
whom the characteristic traits are found in a
specially marked form. They are of a short stature, dark complexion, long head with
prominent eyebrows and broad nose with a depressed root. The hair varies from wavy
to curly but is never frizzly or woolly as is so often mistaken by even anthropologists.
Among the Australians the vault of the skull is often raised into a keel form; but among
the aborigines of Ceylon and India this is usually absent.

The physique of the persons living in higher altitude is distinctly superior to that
of their brother in the lower regions, who are comparatively short in stature and

Women grow their hair which is neither cut nor combed. The use of castor oil for
the hair is a recent innovation, so also that of wooden nit comb for destroying lice.
Women’s hair is generally short and curly.

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756 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The man’s garment is a strip of cloth about
three to six inches wide according to
requirements and 30 inches long. It is an
abbreviated langoti.

It is certainly a distinct advance on the teak

leaves. Occasional visitors to the hills distribute
country dhoties but the men do not use them.
The dhoti is slung over the shoulder when
standing and put under the buttocks when

The Chenchu woman’s original dress was

that of mother Eve-a two piece costume of broad
teak leaves held round the waist by means of
fibre. Now the suggestion of wearing leaves is
repugnant to the woman and is regarded as an
outrage on her modesty.


Weapons of warfare are none. The only equipment the men have are the bow and
arrow. They are seldom used except in self defence.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 757


The Chenchu is noted for his truthfulness and honesty.

To visitors to their villages they are kind and hospitable. In every village there is
built a guest house, a simple unfurnished hut. If it is found occupied, one of their own
dwellings is cleared for the use
of the visitor. He is admirably
compromising in his attitude
towards a wrong doer and the
words of the Chief are implicitly
obeyed. They detect bee’s nests
by watching their visits to water
and the direction in which they
glew away and takinh a bee-line
in that direction.


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758 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Although they have no idea of
indigenous medicines they are amenable to
the treatment of others, and believe in the
efficacy of drugs administered.

The Chenchu is fleet-footed. Though

poorly fed he has extra-ordinary physical
endurance. Carrying a load on his head he
would negotiate steep and narrow gradients
with greater ease and facility than one would

Cold he can’t bear. Being ill clad he sits

by the fireside and warms himself. He
imagines that the rest of the world is much
colder than his country.

The site of the Chenchu pentasis usually

on the plateaux. They are a mere cluster of
THE WEAPONS AND GUITAR. huts bearing none of the features of the
Indian villages which have evolved after a
series of incursions of different races. The names of pentas, at least some of them, do
not appear to have been given by them. Communication between pentas is by means of


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 759


paths across dense jungles. They are obliterated by the rains and by grass and vegetation
in the winter.

The cemetry is about a furlong away from the penta and the graves are marked by
earth mounds overlaid with stones.

The penta is surrounded with rubbish heaps and therefore very insanitary.

There is only one
type of hut found in
the penta. A well
seasoned wood, six
cubits long and
twelve inches in
circumference at the
bottom is planted.

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760 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


With a split bamboo or some plant fibre, three cubits in length, a circle is drawn round
the pole from its base and a bamboo mat three feet wide and sufficiently long to go
round the circle is next fixed and secured to the ground by means of plugs. From the
top of the central post bamboo rafters are laid to rest on the mat wall, and with similar
material the frame work of the ‘conical’ roof is completed and covered with thatch.
Entrance on the hut is obtained by a rectangular opening, about two cubits high and

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 761

three feet wide. The doorway of the hut may not
open towards the west. A smaller hut is exactly
half the size in all respects. The mat wall is
mudplastered. Within the hut, a hearth of stones
is made and the household utensils such as
cooking and water pots, baskets, winnows, etc.
are kept on the left, the right half of the hut-space
being reserved for sitting and sleeping. Bows,
and arrows and muzzle loading guns are stuck
into the roof from inside the hut. Half way up
the roof they have a shelf of bamboo mat.

Safety matches have not yet gone into this

area but it is convenient for the Chenchus to
make fire in the old time honoured method with

The only art or industry is basketry. Bamboo

is split into fine slits and woven in twill pattern
and made into square and round boxes with lids.
Winnows are also made by them.

The Chenchus have no musical instruments

A CHENCHU GIRL of their own.

The Chenchu is devoid of that human instinct to grow his food on soil. He is timid
to approach bullocks.

The food of the Chenchu consists principally of roots (gaddalu) and berries
(pandulu). Herbs and fungi are also eaten. (The roots are noola gudda, chenchu gadda,
yellaru gadda, pedda dajira, boda gadda, javla gadda and orra gadda. The berries include
chinta pandu (tamarind) Nimi pandu (neem fruits) Ippa pandu (Mohwa), Tumki pandu,
Jui pandu, Medi pandu, and Mirli pandu.) Tamarind fruit is eaten mixed with ashes
obtained from burning the bark of the same tree. Mohwa flower is boiled and eaten. No
salt is added to the cooked food, whether of roots, fruits or jawar (Sorghum vulgare).
Pumpkins and gourds are cut into large pieces and boiled and eaten without salt. They
appreciate salt but it is not available.
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762 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


Mohwa flower (Bassia Latia) is collected and boiled and the water which is not
absorbed into the cooked flower is poured off into a vessel. It is then cooled, fermented
and drunk.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 763

The only stimulant generally used is tobacco. bartering honey or other forest
produces. It is retained spat out again.

It is obtained by in the mouth and generally when intoxicated on occasions of

festivals and marriages, men and women dance to the beating of a circular drum.


The Chenchus can be said to be an organised body so far it is compatible with their
primitive culture. The Penta is the basis of unit of organisation. It is interesting to note
that it is not inhabited by one particular sect or kulam to the exclusion of all others.
Except in the matter of choosing a wife, there is no occasion for accentuating clan feelings.

The Chenchus are divided into fire sects. Thokalu, Nimalu, Erravalu, Sigilu and
Maindlu. The origin of the Kulam is indeed a matter of conjecture. Various fantastic
accounts are heard and they are not without interest.

The five groups of the Chenchus are exogamous. Thokalus and Erravalus are
regarded to be near cousins; so are Nimalus, Siggilus and Maindlus. The two groups
therefore intermarry.

Relationship through the female line is seldom recognized as the Chenchu society
is of partriarchal nature.
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764 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Chenchu is not strictly a monogamist.
The chief, or he who has the means, marries
two wives. On the ground of barrenness or
sterility on the part of his wife or even on the
excuse of incompatibility of temperament a
Chenchu takes a second woman. Brother’s
widow, if she is willing, is taken over by the
younger or elder brother.

Seduction of an unmarried girl against her

wishes for immoral purpose is an offence
punishable with a fine which is “eaten” and
the offender is compelled to marry the girl.

By religion the Chenchu is officially

known to be animist; but he has still retained
his pristine paganism though apparently he
is now a believer in deities which have definite
names, characteristics and functions. The
principal deities are Akasa Amma (Sky),
Bhoomi Amma (Earth) and Amma Talli
(Small-pox goddess). The sky is the supreme
god. The latest addition is lingam represented
THE MARRIAGE KNOT by a piece of stone or wood. The sun also is

That a girl has attained womanhood is not published in any manner but through
her parents and relatives the news goes from mouth to mouth. A lad who is in the
know of things approaches his mother with a desire to marry the girl. The mother
informs the father. Both father and mother then set out to the girl’s house. Preliminary
enquiries are first made through an old woman who acts as an intermediary. Then the
mother of the boy speaks to the mother of the girl and the father to the father. The girl’s
consent is also obtained. If all ends well, a date is fixed for the marriage. The Chenchus
are extraordinarily ignorant of time and distance.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 765


Here lie buried the wife and six grown up sons of the man sitting, all victims of small pox

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766 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 767

The fixing of a day is therefore not
significant. It means the lapse of a few days
and nights. If the bride belongs to another
penta a messenger is sent there in advance to
inform them of the bridegroom’s arrival. The
parents of the boy with their relatives and
friends headed by a drummer set out carrying
a load of Mohwa flower and liquor. The girl is
given by the lad a piece of cloth and bodice
and also some strings of beads. The guests eat,
drink and dance and the father of the girl then
turns to the bridegroom and tells him to look
after his wife kindly and well. This is all the
marriage ceremony and no priest is employed
to perform any rite.

The Chenchus have no idea of time but by

their contact with people in the plains, Ugadi,
t h e
Telugu New Year Day, has come to be known
as a festival and the advent of it is determined
by the flowering of Udu tree. It is a day of
rejoicing, not for the beauty of nature but for the
prospect of a good supply of flowers and fruits
on which they subsist. Another saying is
“Chitapuli Vaste Sivaratri” (If leopard comes, it
is Siva’s night). Siva is a god of destruction and
it is to propitiate him that Lingam is worshipped
by the Chenchus. So then if by chance on a night
a leopard prowled about the Penta, that night is
said to be Siva’s night.


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768 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Hindu Samsthans

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 769

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

770 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Origin and History of the Hindu
in H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions

HE origin of the Hindu Samasthans in H. E. H. The Nizam’s Dominions
takes us back to the time of the ancient Hindu Kingdom of Warangal. On
the fall of the same an enterprising class of military chiefs, mostly of the
Reddi community with noble traditions, established their authority over the
surrounding territory and parcelled out the same among themselves. These were
subsequently known as Paligars and their territories, Palayams. These Paligars not
only survived during the height of the Vijayanagar Empire, but some of them took a
leading part in the victorious expeditions of the Kings. They as military chiefs were
equally conspicuous under the king of Golkonda and Bijapur when their territories
became part of one large kingdom. Under the latter kings these chiefs were styled
Mokasadars or Foujdars and they continued to exist in their semi-military and semi-
tributary character.

When Aurangazeb conquered the Deccan and subdued that country he found a
number of such chiefs scattered all over the country. They found no place in the regular
military service of the Moghal Empire and therefore they were reduced to tax paying
Zamindars. That was the system that was in vogue in northern India, where large
territories were held by Hindu zamindars so we come to notice that semi-tributary
chiefs and military commanders were automatically reduced to revenue paying
Zarnindars of the Moghul Empire. For this reason we find that the chiefs were addressed
as Nadgowd as in the case of Gadwal and Deshmuk and sir-Deshmukh as in the case
of Wanaparthy. Such designations did not in the least lower the prestige of the chiefs
but on the contrary enhanced their responsibility. The Moghul Governors as well as
the subsequent rulers of Hyderabad not only exacted revenue from them according to
the needs of the time but demanded militaty assistance during war. The latter
responsibility appears to be optional because the sanads the chiefs held, laid no
stipulation regarding military help, exception being Gadwal.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 771

This peculiar system of Zainindari tenure continued till the declaration of
independence by the first Nizam of Hyderabad and from that date to the reign of His
Highness Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, the second Nizam. During that period the
so called Zamindars had a hard time. The result was that the bigger chiefs survived
and continued to exist to this day as Samasthans whereas the smaller chiefs were reduced
to tax paying land lords and are known to the present day as Deshmukhs.

There are only eight Samasthans indigenous to this country and the survivals of
the old military chieftainships. They are Wanaparthy, Gadwal, Jathprole, Amarchinta,
Palavancha, Gopalpet, Gurugunta and Anagundi. These Samasthans pay an annual
tribute called Peshkash or Pan, these two being used synonymously since the Moghul
times. It is an absolute error to think that there is difference in the meaning of these
words or that the use of the word Peshkash gives any preferential dignity to the holder
of the Sanad.

The word Deshmukh or Deshpandya, etc., is foreign to this part of the country and
was only used by the Moghul Officers after the manner of their neighbours, the Marathas.
It is in the Maratha territory that these officers exist. Hence the so called Wathandars
such as Deshmukhs, Deshpandyas, Sar-Deshmukhs, Sar-Deshpandyas, Patels,
Patwarees are only to be found after the advent of the Moghuls into the Deccan.

It is wrong to say that there are only three Peshkash-Guzar Samasthans in H. E. H.

The Nizam’s Dominions namely Gadwal, Anagundi and Gurugunta. The use of the
word Peshkash in their case was accidental because the numerous treaties and
negotiations between H. E. H. the Nizam’s Government and the British Government
regarding chouth in the Raichur Doab contain the word Peshkash to indicate the Pan
paid by the respective Samasthans. That was the word that is used in British India in
respect of land revenue paid by even a small makhtedar to this day.

It has already been shown how the big military chiefs have managed to keep together
their estates and preserve their prestige and position and also how the smaller ones
have suffered at the hands of the conquerors and were reduced to mere revenue officers
of the Government.

These petty chiefs who were treated as Deshmukhs became in time an integral part
of the revenue administration of the subsequent Government till the Zilabandi system

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772 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

that was introduced during the time of the late Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur when the
revenue administration was transferred to Government officers and the erstwhile
Deshmukhs lost the semblance of authority which they continuously exercised for over
six centuries.

Such is the origin of the Samasthans and wherever they exist, they are on par with
each other though the amont of Peshkash or the Pan that they pay varies according to
the size of the estate.

Among the few Samasthans that exist to this day in H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions
some exercise both criminal and civil jurisdiction over their own subjects but rules and
practices vary. Some of them are very enlightened and up-to-date in their ideas while
others are sadly wanting in ordinary education and culture. The Samasthans taken as a
whole are a loyal and highly valuable units of the H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 773

The Gadwal Samasthan
A short history of the Gadwal Samasthan as far as it appears from published
records and books of reference.

Wherever true historical facts appear from the office note prepared by the Revenue
Department, reference to the relevant portions thereof is also given.


The Gadwal State is situated within what is called the ‘Raichur Doab’, between the
rivers Tungabhadra and Kistna. It has an area of about 1,200 sq. miles and a population
of about 1,10,000 as per the last census. A portion of the Gadwal territory is situated
between the Raichur and Alampur Taluqs. Its origin is lost in antiquity. In the words of
Sir Malcolm Hailey, now Governor of the Punjab, Gadwal “knew all too little about its
own history. The elements which have been built up into the Gadwal of to-day were
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774 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

very diverse in origin and almost kaleidoscopic in their development and it may be
that it had no great wealth of sound material on which to base a reliable record of
origin”. The earliest trace we find of the Samasthan is in 1290 A. D. in which year the
then Andhra King of Warangal, Pratapa Rudra Deva conferred upon Bukka Polavi


Reddi the status of Sarnadgoud over six parganas. (This Prince is referred to on page
22 of the Kurnool Manual and Gribble’s History of the Deccan, Vol: 1, introductory
page 7). The statement therefore in the Kurnool Manual on page 34 that the Raja of
Gadwal obtained the privileges of Nad and Nadgoud during the time of the Bijapur
Government does not seem to be correct. The Raja seems to have been a Sarnadgoud
even as early as 1290 A. D. when the status of Sarnadgoud was conferred upon him by
Pratapa Rudra Deva (as the ancient TeIugu Sanad shows). Nor is the statement that the
privileges of Nad and Nadgoud were lost after the conquest of the country by the
Moguls, a correct one, as will be seen later on.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 775

On the fall of the Warangal Andhra dynasty in the beginning of the 14th century,
Gadwal appears to have transferred its allegiance to the new Bahmini Kingdom (Kurnool
Manual page 23: Elphinstone’s India, Vol: II page 64. When the Bahmini Kingdom of
Gulburga was split up into several independent Mohamedan kingdoms, Gadwal
attached itself to the most powerful of these, namely, the Adil Shahi Kingdom of Bijapur,


but with the growth of the power of the Vijianagar Kingdom, Gadwal seems to have
come under the influence of the latter Kingdom, and one constant bone of contention at
first between the Gulburga Bahmini Kingdom and the Vijianagar Kingdom and later
on between the Bijapur and Vijianagar Kingdoms seems to have been the possession of
the Raichur Doab (Gribble’s History of the Deccan, Vol: I pages 48, 62, 102 and 189). By
the middle of the 16th century, however, the Doab had become virtually Vijianagar
territory (Gribble’s History of the Deccan, Vol: 1 page 189).

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

776 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

With the fall of the Vijianagar Kingdom in 1564 A. D. at the battle of Talicota,
Gadwal’s allegiance necessarily went back to Bijapur, but there is nothing to show that
Gadwal ever owned its allegiance to Golconda as stated on page 189 of the “Historical
and Descriptive Sketch of H. H. the Nizam’s Dominions” by Syed Hussain Bilgrami
and Wilmott. The passage runs as follows :--

“Towards the middle of the 17th century when the Bijapur power became feeble,
the Poligar, who was able to command the services of a considerable body of armed
men, began to assert his independence. In this he was encouraged by Emperor


Aurangzeb, who was at that period actively engaged in stirring up rebellion and
disaffection amongst the feudatories of Bijapur. From the Emperor the Poligar obtained
a Sanad of Royalty, which his descendants still retain. After the Poligar’s rebellion, a
small force from Bijapur, which was sent to attack his fort of Darrur was defeated and
its colours captured. The standard which consists of a green ground studded with golden

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 777

hands still form one of the proudest possessions of the Raja”. (Para 19 of the Revenue
Office Note).

In this connection, it may be mentioned that there is in the possession of the

Samasthan a big drum which is stated to have been captured by the then Raja during
the attack on the Fort of Darrur.


According to the family history maintained in Gadwal, Pedda Veera Reddi,

Peddanna Bhupaladu, Sarga Reddi, Veera Reddi, and Kumara Veera Reddi, ruled
Gadwal between 1553 and 1704.

In recognition of the help which the Gadwal State rendered to Emperor Aurangazeb
in his campaign of subjugation of Bijapur and Golconda and on the recommendation of
his notorious general and Viceroy Zulfiker Khan, the Emperor confirmed the status of
Nadgoud on the then Raja of Palayagar of Gadwal.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

778 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

This Sanad is dated 21st Safar 1116 Hijri. (15th June 1704 A.D.) The tract of the
country over which this status was recognised comprised 6 Mahals in which were
included certain taluqs and villages of the present Kurnool District of the Madras
Presidency, as also of the Raichur Taluq of H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions, and among
others Banganapalle, now a Protected Native State of the Madras Presidency, (paragraph
29 of the Revenue Office Note). As to the definition of the word Nadgoud and the
dignity attaching to that position, Revenue Office Note, paragraph 45 may be consulted.


Kumara Veera Reddi was succeeded by his widow, Lingamma, and their Illatom
son-in-law, Ramanayya, (1711-1715), the husband of their daughter, Buchamma. On
25th November 1711 A. D. the Sarnadgoudagi of Adoni (Imthiaz Gadh), now a Taluq
of the Bellary District of the Madras Presidency, was conferred on this Ramannayya
during the time of the Moghul Emperor Bahadur Shah. On 26th August 1715, during

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 779

the time of the Moghul Emperor Farrukh Siyar, the status of the Raja of Gadwal was
recognised and the same dignities and privileges continued, but this time the Raja’s
authority had extended from 6 Mahals in the time of the Emperor Aurangazeb to 15
Mahals in which were now included Adoni (Imthiaz Gadh) which had already been
acquired by Ramanayya in 1711, but also villages in the Taluqs of Kuroool (Kamarnagar)
and Nandyal (Ghazipur) of the Kuroool District (paragraph 31 of the Revenue Office
Note also the Sanad granted in the name of Lingamma and Ramanayya referred to


Lingamma and Ramanayya were succeeded by the latters’ son, Somanna (1716 to
1719) generally known in the Gadwal tradition as Sobhanadri In 1716 A. D. peshkush
seems to have been paid by him to the Moghul Emperor. He appears to have been a
great warrior and the letters addressed to him on behalf of the then Moghul Emperor,
Mohamed Shah, in the year 1719 A. D. are couched in the most pressing and entreating
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

780 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


terms, impressing upon him the advantages of friendship with the Moghul Emperor
and assuring him that his help would never be forgotten and that he would be suitably
rewarded. In fact, in one of the letters, he promised the whole of the Carnatic for him as
compensation for the help that he would render. The Sarnadgoudagi of Nandyal and

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 781

Kurnool was again continued upon this Prince. The statement therefore on page 199 of
the “Historical and Descriptive Sketch of H. H. the Nizam’s Dominions” that “the chief
at one period levied tribute -from the Kurnool state” is quite correct.



In 1723 A. D. Nizam-ul-Mulk asserted his independence. Hyderabad. instead of

being one of the Provinces of Delhi, became the seat of Government of an independent
Kingdom ruled over by the Asaf Jahi Dynasty with the title of Nizam.

Somanna was succeeded by his widows Ammakka and Lingamma (1727-1740 A.

D.) who seem to have flourished between these years. These ladies were contemporaries
of the great Nizam-ul-Mulk and requisitions for help by the despatch of troops were

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

782 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

also repeatedly made in their regime. They were asked to send their son Thirumal Rao,
whose prowess in warfare was highly spoken of. In the year 1735 A. D. we find from
one of the letters that Peshkush is paid to Nizam-ul-Mulk, the first Nizam. Thus, it will
be seen that the allegiance which, as tributaries, the Gadwal Chiefs owed to the Moghul
Emperors, was transferred to the Asaf Jahi Dynasty.



These two ladies were succeeded by their son, Tirumal Rao (1740-1742 A. D), on
whom the usual Sanad of recognition was conferred in June 1740 A. D. His help was
also sought for by Nizam-ul-Mulk, the first of the Asaf Jahis. His rule seems to have
been a very short one, extending to about two years. He was succeeded by his widows,
Mangamma and Chokkamma (1742-1747 A. D.). After these ladies, came Pedda Rama
Rao, otherwise known as Ramarayadu, the brother of Thirumal Rao. His rule lasted
from 1747-1761 A. D. He is the Zamindar referred to on page 34 of the Kurnool Manual
as Ramanayadu “the neighbouring Zamindar of Gadwal” (Ramanayadu is evidently a
misprint for Ramarayadu). He was invested with the title of Raja in 1753 A. D. during
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 783

the reign of Salabat Jah the 4th Nizam, and came to be known as Raja Ramrao. That the
Gadwal Rajas were at that time powerful chiefs appears from the account given on
page 34 of the Kurnool Manual.


After Ramarayadu, his nephew, Somanna (alias Sombhupal-I), the son of Thirumal
Rao referred to above became the ruler of Gadwal. He appears to have been both a
warrior and a clever diplomat (Revenue Office Note, Paragraph 34), In the year 1747

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

784 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

A. D. this Prince got a present of Rs. 2,000 from the Nizam for his services in helping the
former with cavalry and infantry. The sum of Rs. 2.000 was directed to be deducted
from the peshkush. His rule appears to have been a momentous one. In 1753 A. D; i. e.,
even before he became the actual ruler, during the time of Ramarayadu, Somanna seems



○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 785


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

786 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

to have been. Sarnadgoud of Kurnool by Ronmust Khan. The tribute from Kurnool
continued to be levied during the time of this Chief also and, according to Syed Hussain
Bilgrami and Wilmott, it only ceased with the session of Kurnool to the British yb the
Nizam by the treaty of 1800. (Aitchison’s Treaties, Agreements and Sanad, Volume 9,
page 67 Art 5). In the year 1761 A. D. Nawab Salabat Jah Bahadur conferred upon this
Prince the offices of -Nadgoudagi, Sarnad-goudagi and Sirsarnadgoudagi in respect of
17 Mahals, namely 2 Mahals in Kurnool and Adoni, and 15 Mahals in Nandyal. A
Sarnadgoud seems to have had in those days all the paraphernalia of a king such as
Chathri (umbrella) and Chamer, levying of tribute, Nazarana etc. (Revenue Office Note
Paragraph 45). During his reign there were several accessions to his territory both to
the south of the Tungabadhra as well as to the north of the river Kistna. He obtained


certain villages in Amarchinta Samasthan on military tenure during the reign of Nizam
Ali Khan, the fifth Nizam. About the year 1765 A.. D. he fook possession of Rajoli, a
neighbouring Pargana, and annexed it to his state. It was at about this time that the
Marathas had gained ascendancy in the Deccan and began to levy their chouth or 25
per cent of the revenue, and there came into existence what there-after came to be called
“Do-Amili” or the double Government of the Nizam as well as the Maharattas in this
part of the country. (See Gribble’s History of the Deccan, Vol. II, pages 84 and 136, See
also Revenue Office Note Paragraph 26). This Raja seems to have played the two powers,
the Nizam and the Maharattas, one against the other and consolidated his position. We
find frequent references to Gadwal in the Peshwa Madhava Rao’s Diary during the

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 787

period. It also appears that the Peshwas levied in addition to the chouth, Khandni or
tribute. It was also during this Raja’s time that in addition to Rs 40,000 Peshkush, which
was being paid to the Nizam’s Government, Rs. 10,000 was begun to be paid as Tahrir-
e-Dewani, or Razar-e-Diwani. The Raja rendered substantial help to the minister Ameer-


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

788 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

ul-Omrah in his campaign against the Raja of Shorapur. The Nizam seems to have been
so much pleased with this Raja and to have trusted him so much that we find Parwanas
issued to the inhabitants of several Parganas such as Raichur. Bellary etc., directing
them to obey the orders of Raja Sombhupal and agreeing to be bound by any treaties or
engagements that the said Raja might make with those territories.


In or about the year 1786 a secret Treaty was concluded between the Nizam and
the Maharattas at Yadgir, a station on the G.I.P. Railway, one of the most important
terms of which was that anything connected with the Samasthans should be done with
the concurrence of both the Governments. Vide Treaties, Agreements and Sanads in
Marathi edited by Mawjee and Parasnis and published with the permission of the
Government of Bombay. It is to this treaty that reference has been made in the Revenue
Office Note, paragraphs 26 and 36. (See also Grant Duff’s History of the Maharattas,
Vol. II page 470). After this treaty the Maharattas were regularly levying tribute over
Gadwal, as would appear from the letters of the Manarattas to Gadwal from 1786 to
1789. Raja Sombhupal died in the year 1794.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 789

He was succeeded by his son Raja Rambhupal-I (1794-1807) His succession to the
Gadi took place with the concurrence of the Government of both the Nizam and the
Maharattas (Vide Revenue Office Note para 36).



It was about this time that the British Government was insisting on the Nizam’s
disbanding his French troops. A favourable opportunity afforded itself because of the
fact that several of the tributary chiefs taking advantage of the dual administration of
the Maharattas and the Nizam made repeated defaults in the payment of tribute due
by them and the Nizam was not able to bring them into subjection. He applied to the
British Government for help. They however, declined to accede to his request for the
very good reason that as they were the Allies of both the Nizam and the Maharattas

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

790 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

and as the Chiefs were tributaries to both these powers, (they could not render assistance
to one of these refractory chiefs without wounding the susceptibilities of the other and
they were further precluded from doing so by the treaty of 1798 (vide Aitchison’s Treaties
&c., page 53, Art. 5, Gribble’s History of the Deccan, Vol: H, page 121). The foremost
among the Zamindars against whom the Nizam wanted the help of the British
Contingent were those of Shorapur and Gadwal. The correspondence between the
Governor-General and the Resident published as an appendix to Brigg’s Nizam traces
the history of this discussion clearly and succinctly vide Brigg’s Nizam Vol II, page 304,
305, 306, 330, 332, (special reference may be made to the letter of Marquess of Welles-
ley to the Resident at Hyderabad, dated 15th June 1800).


As a result of these negotiations, we find that in the Treaty of 1800, special mention
is made in article 17 that if the Shorapur or Gadwal Zamindars should withhold the
payment of the Sirkar’s claims, the subsidiary force shall be ready in concert with His
Highness’s own troops to reduce them to obedience (Aitchison’s Treaties, &c., page
72). The French contingent was eventually disbanded by the Nizam.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 791

It was in the very same year that Raja Rambhupal Rao was recognised by Nizam
Ali Khan with the usual titles of Raja, Bhupal and Bahadur, etc. It was during this
Raja’s reign that the tribute that was being paid by Kurnool was discontinued and
began to be paid to the British Government in Gadwal rupees, (vide page 38 Kurnool
Manual). Raja Rambhupal died in the year 1807, and was succeeded by his illetaon



son-in-law Raja Seetaram Bhupal (1807-1840) the husband of his daughter Lingamma.
His recognition took place on the 8th of July 1807 during the reign of Secunder Jah, the
6th Nizam, by means of a Sanad under the signature of Meer Allum, the then Prime
Minister. During his rule, the Maharatta power was destroyed, and by the treaty of
1822 A.D. the British Government remitted all claims to tribute on the territories of the
Nizam (vide Aitchison Treaties &c., page arcicle 2). The tribute that was payable by
Gadwal to the Maharattas was claimed by the Nizam’s Government. The Raja conten-
ded that in-as-much as the British Government became the successors of the Peshwas,
he could not pay that portion of the tribute without the consent of the British
Government. Consequently Raja Chandulal, the then Minister, wrote a letter to the
Raja on 16-2-1824 by order of the Nizam that the Nizam’s Government would be

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

792 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 793

responsible to the Raja in the event of the British Government claiming the tribute from
Gadwal (vide para 27 of the Revenue office Note). and that the tribute thence-forward
payable to Hyderabad would be the old amount of Rs. 40,000 payable to the Nizam
plus Rs. 60,000 payable as Chouth and Khandini to the Maharattas making a total of Rs.
1,00,000 and in 1826 the 10,000 which was being paid separately as Tahir-i-Dewani was
added to the Peshkush, together with another Rs. 5,000 payable as Tahrir-i-Peshkari, -


making in all a total of Rs. 1,15.000. Raja Sitaram Bhupal died in the year 1840, and was
succeeded by his second wife, Venkatlakshmamma (19-2-1840 to 2-6-1840). Shortly after
the Raja’s death, the Nizam’s Government in a letter dated 24th March 1840 assured
the widow of the deceased Raja that so long as she is loyal and faithful to the Nizam’s
Government, the Government,would be prepared to support the Samasthan.

On 3rd June 1840, Sombhupal-II (3-6-1840 to 26-9-1840) who had been adopted by
the Rani Venkatalakshmamma ascended the Gaddi and was recognised by the Nizam’s
Government as the lawful Ruler. The usual titles, Khillat, Elephant, etc, were despatched
to Gadwal on his accession during the reign of Nazir-ud-Dowlah, the 7th Nizam. This
Prince was addicted to drink and debauchery, and had been neglecting the duties of
the Government. The pay of the troops had fallen into arrears and the Raja had alienated
the sympathies of his own people by inviting and employing Beydars from the
neighbouring Samasthan of Shorapur. All this exasperated the soldiery and the
consequence was that he was shot in open Durbar on 26th September 1844, (vide Col
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794 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Meadows Taylor’s” Story of My life” Edition of 1882 page 164). On the death of Raja
Sombhupal-II, his adoptive mother, Venkatalakshmamma (27-9-1844 to 22-11-1845),
again assumed the reins of Government and was at the helm of affairs from 27th
September 1844 to 22nd November 1845. Rani Venkatalakshmamma adopted her
brother’s son, Rambhupal-ll (73-11-1845 to 31-3-1901) who succeeded to the Gaddi on
23rd November 1845 as Raja Rambhupal-II and was recognised by the Nizam’s


Government by a letter from the then Minister Raja Rambux during the reign of Nizam
Nasir-ud-Dowlah. It was during this Raja’s time that the Raichur Doab was assigned to
the British Government and along with it the Gadwal Peshkash by the treaty of 1853
(vide Aitchison’s Treaties, &c., Page 93). In 1856 the question of exercise of Police powers
by the Samasthan was raised during the British occupation, and after referring the matter
to the Government of India, the then Resident Mr. Bushby intimated to the Raja that the
Police and administration of the Samasthan would be with the Raja himself just in the
same way as it was before the assignment to the British. In 1857, the Great Indian Mutiny
took place, and though the Raja was young, it is due to the wise administration of Rani
Venkatlakshmamma that Gadwal did not imitate the bad example set by Shorapur
which ended so disastrously to that Samasthan. In 1860, the Raichur Doab was restored
to the Nizam and consequently the Gadwal Peshkush was reassigned. From the year
1864 onwards, the question of Judicial powers of the Raja was raised, and it was decided
after reference to previous practice that the Raja had complete Civil and judicial powers
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 795

without any interference from outside, (though it must be remarked that latterly various
inroads have been made into these rights). In the year 1867, an attempt was made by
the District Officials to interfere with the revenue administration of Gadwal by asking
for returns, but when the matter was referred to Sir Nizam’s Government during the
time of the then Minister, Sir Asman Jah Bahadur, in 1896 in the reign of the Nawab Sir
Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur. The said adopted son’s right to succeed to the Samasthan
was recognised and Khillat with the usual jewellery and paraphernalia was given to
the Raja in token thereof. Raja Rambhupal Rao II died on 31st March 1901, and was


succeeded by his adopted son Raja Sitaram Bhupal Bahadur-II (1-4-1901 to 12-5-924).
During his minority, the State was put under the supervision of the Court of Wards
with Rani Lakshmi Devamma as guardian or Regent. In the year 1913, the Samasthan
was restored to the Raja, and in the same year he married Adilakshmi Devamma from
a well-known and respectable Reddi family of Ulsala in the Kurnool District. His Exalted
Highness the Nizam, Sir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, bestowed on him the title of
“Maharaja”. He died on 12th May 1924, leaving his widow Maharani Adilakshmi
Devamma and two daughters, Vara Lakshmi Devamma and Sri Lakshmi, Devamma.

In 1928 the Samasthan was released from the superintendence of the Court of Wards
which was imposed after the death of the late Maharaja but general supervision of the
Revenue Department was kept for a period of 5 years. In March 1934 H. E. H. was
pleased to remove even this supervision and ‘conferred on the Maharani the fullest
powers for the administration of her State.
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796 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Wanparty Samasthan

anparty is one of the most important Samasthans in His Exalted
Highness the Nizam’s Dominions and has a long history behind it. It
was formerly known as the Samasthan of Sugur and is situated in the
Mahboobnagar District. Comprising an area of 440 square miles, it is bounded on the
east by the Samasthan of Jatprole, on the west by the Samasthan of Amarchinta, on the
north by the Khalsa talukas of Mahboobnagar and Nagar Karnool and on the south by
the river Krishna, on the other side of which lies the Samasthan of Gadwal. It consists
of 150 villages and 29 hamlets with a total population of over 81,000.


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 797

The available traditions and records preserved in the Samasthan throw light on the
history of the country and of its Rajas and show that its origin dates back to the ancient
Kingdom of Vijayanagar to which it was once subject. The first of the dynasty, as it
appears from the records, was one Veera Krishna Reddy who came from the region of
Cuddapah in the south and established himself at Patapally, a village close to Sugur, a
few miles north of the Krishna. The year ascribed is 1510. He soon enlarged his
possessions by securing Sugur itself.

This region appears to have been held by that warlike race the “Bedars“ whose
chiefs were vanquished one by one by Veera Krishna Reddy, till he extended his
possessions as far as Kothakota, and consolidated the whole into one compact territory
which subsequently came to be known as the Samasthan of Sugur. His reputation
attracted the attention of the great king Krishna Deva Raya of Vijayanagar of historic
fame who bestowed a few villages on him which were added to his possessions.

Veera Krishna Reddy died about the year 1540 when his eldest son, Venkat Kumara
Basawa Reddy, succeeded him under the name of Venkata Kumara Gopal Rao. As the
latter died without issue he was succeeded by his brother Rama Krishna Reddy who
extended his possessions and exerted great influence in those regions. He died in 1592
and was succeeded by his elder son, Pedda Venkat Reddy, who in turn died in 1625.
Pedda Venkat Reddy was succeeded by his eldest son, Immidi Venkat Reddy, who
further extended his estates and increased his power. His influence attracted the notice
of Sultan Abdulla Kutub Shah, the King of Golconda, who extended to him his patronage
and employed him on his military expeditions in the south. In one of the campaigns,
Immidi Venkat Reddy captured the fort of Udaigiri and its garrison in the interests of
the Sultan and added it to the Sultan’s dominions. He died in 1648 and was succeeded
by his only son, Gopal Rao, who, by his knowledge of eight languages, always bore the
appellation of “Ashta Bhasha”. He was learned and energetic and travelled much. In
addition to this, he was a great military commander and as such kept an army of 2,000
infantry and 2,000 cavalry. The Sultan of Golconda recognising his military strength
bestowed on him the title of “Bahiri”. Apart from these, he had a religious turn of mind
and after one of his travels in the south built a beautiful temple in the Samasthan and a
town adjacent to it which he named Srirangapur. The temple is dedicated to Sri Ranga
Nayak who continues to be the family deity of the Rajas to the present day. Ashta
Bhasha Bahiri Gopal Rao died in 1676 when he was succeeded by his natural son Kumara
Bahiri Gopal Rao.. In 1678 this young Raja received a Sanad of recognition from ,the
last Ruler of Golconda, Sultan Abul Hasan Tana Shah. Kumara Bahiri Gopal Rao being

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798 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

a child then, the estate was ably administered and his troops well controlled by his
mother, Rani Janamma, who rendered great services to the Sultan in his campaigns
against the Emperor Aurangazeb. In fact, she with her garrisons in the forts of Ghanpur
and Pangal, defended the regions south of Hyderabad to the Krishna against the


rebellious chiefs who were carrying on intrigues with the Emperor. In 1686 when
Aurangazeb conquered Golconda and annexed its dominions, the possessions of Kumara
Bahiri Gopal Rao also came under the imperial sway. But the Emperor thought it prudent
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 799

to reconfirm the estate in favour of Kumara Gopala Rao as before. It was about this
time that the seat of the Raja was transferred from Sugur to Kothakota. Kumar Gopal
Rao, however, died unmarried in 1691, and was succeeded by his adopted brother
Venkat Reddy. Venkat Reddy had been adopted by Ashta Bhasha Bahiri Gopal Rao
before the birth of his natural son, Kumara Gopal Rao. Venkat Reddy was very loyal to
the Sultan of Golconda and together with his adoptive mother gave considerable military
assistance to his sovereign during his campaigns against the Emperor Aurangazeb.
Although his adoptive mother and his brother were reconciled to the new regime, Venkat
Reddy, however, was never taken into favour by the Mogul Governors who
administered the Deccan. This estrangement led to a battle with the Moghal governor,
who administered the Deccan. Mubariz Khan laid siege to the little fort at ]anampet in
1719. The siege lasted for some time and Venkat Reddy defended the fort with
considerable energy and valour, but superior strength and treachery resulted in the fall
of the fort into the hands of Mubariz Khan. The gallant Venkat Reddy and his faithful
nephew and lieutenant, Trimal Rao, both died fighting. In honour of the victory the
Mogul governor changed the name of the fort from Janampet to Farrukhnagar, after
the Emperor Farrukh Siyar, the reigning sovereign of the time. This is at present called
Shadnagar. Venkat Reddy was succeeded by his son, Bahiri Gopal Rao, who grew up
to be extremely loyal to His Highness Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah the first. He rendered
military service to His Highness whenever required of him. When Asaf Jah started a
campaign in the Carnatic in 1743, he left the capital in charge of Muktada Khan and
Bahiri Gopal Rao to defend it. On another occasion when the Zamindar of Jatprole
rebelled against the Government, Bahiri Gopal Rao came to its help and captured the
rebel for which he was thanked by His Highness the Nizam. He died in 1746. Gopal
Rao was succeeded by his son, Sawai Venkat Reddy, who was as famous for his learning
and piety as his great grand-father, Ashta Bhasha Bahiri Gopal Rao. He changed the
capital from Kothakota to Srirangapur, which continued to be the seat of the Rajas for
nearly fifty years. He died in 1763. Venkat Reddy was succeeded by his infant son,
Bahiri Gopal Rao, who, however, did not survive long, but died leaving a child widow
named Janamma. The estate was continued to be managed by Gopal Rao’s mother
Rani Janamma (senior) after his death as it was during his life time. Rani Janamma
(senior) died in 1781 when the administration of the Samasthan came into the hands of
Janamma (junior). As she had no issue she adopted Ramkrishna Rao and continued to
administer the estate during her son’s minority. On her death in 1807 Srirangapur was
abandoned and Wanparthy became the seat of the Rajas. Even Rani Janamma, junior,
rendered military services to the Government. In 1799 Jagannath Rao, Zamindar of
Jatprole, having allowed large arrears of “peshkush” to accumulate, His Highness
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800 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur sent orders to Rani Janamma and Ram Krishna Rao
to capture him. The recalcitrant Zamindar gave battle but was defeated and captured
and was subsequently handed over to His Highness. The Zamindar was for long kept
a State prisoner in the fort of Bidar. As long as Rani Janamma, junior, lived her personality
overshadowed the activities of her son, Ram Krishna Rao. On her death in 1807, Raja
Ramkrishna Rao began to take an active part in public affairs as a result of which
recognition soon came from the Government and sanads of succession were granted.
He had already received titles and a mansab of 2,000 infantry and 1,000 sowars and

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 801


“Alam“ and “Naqqara“. On the 17th December 1817 he obtained a reduction in the
peshkush and a fresh sanad was granted. Further reductions were made in the peshkush
in 1819 followed by a fresh sanad. He was allowed to mint his own coins which were to
circulate not only in the Samasthan but were to be also accepted in the Government
treasuries. This currency was in circulation till as recently as the beginning of this century,
and it was known as Sugur Sicca. Raja Ramkrishna Rao died in 1822. Raja Ramkrishna
Rao being childless he adopted a boy named Rameshwar Rao a year previous to his
death. A sanad of succession was conferred on Rameshwar Rao by the Government on
the 29th of May 1823. Under the care of his mother the young Raja received a sound
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802 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

education in Telugu and Persian and in 1835, when still 14 years old, he assumed the
administration of the Samasthan on the death of his mother, the regent Rani. After this
he commenced studying English under an English tutor and in the course of a few
years, became proficient in eight languages, viz., English, Persian, Arabic, Telugu,
Canarese, Tamil, Marathi and Hindustani. On the 17th of March 1843 the title of
“Balwant” was coferred upon him as a mark of honour by His Highness the Nizam.
This Raja was very liberal in his views and mixed freely with all classes of people. He
had adopted certain European ways of life and moved freely among them. He was a
good administrator and tried to follow the British system carried on in the neighbouring
districts of Madras. During one of his visits to Karnool he made a close study of the
judicial and police administrations there, and on his return to the Samasthan established
two law courts, Criminal and Civil, and also organised the police force. In the year 1853
he issued stamps for use in his law courts. He had also the entire Samasthan surveyed
and settled. But his special liking was military life in which he was at his best. The
history of that part of his Military career before he was admitted into Government
service is too long to narrate here. Suffice it to say that the Government of the day
considered it more convenient to have him in their service than outside it. He had
always a small force of his own consisting of a cavalry regiment, infantry and field
guns. His Highness the Nizam’s Government first appointed him as Zilladar to
apprehend rebels. He discharged his duty with marked zeal and ability. In 1855 he
offered his services with a force of 1,000 Arabs to the British Government against the
Russians. The British Government thanking him for the offer replied to him in the
following terms. “The Governor General is gratified by the indication he has given of
his good-will towards the British Government. But the circumstances do not render it
necessary that His Lordship should avail himself of the offer.”

When the Sepoy Mutiny was at its height, he gave another indication of his good-
will towards the British Government by offering it military aid. The Secretary to the
Government in the Foreign Department in a letter dated 21st of April 1858 replied to
the following effect :-

“I have laid before the Right Honourable the Governor General in Council your
letter to the address of His Lordship praying to be allowed to render the British
Government some military aid in quelling the insurrection. I am directed to acquaint
you that His Excellency in Council feels assured that Your Highness’s troops would, if
called into the field, do - excellent service, but the retaking of Delhi and the arrangements
that have been made for punishing the mutineers in all other directions render it

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 803

unnecessary for the Government to accept the aid of your troops. The Governor General
in Council desires me, however, to express to you the thanks of the Government for
your offer and its approbation of your feelings of loyalty and attachment towards it.”

During the Mutiny, His Highness the Nizam’s Government gave special orders for
the apprehension of the Raja of Shorapur, who had raised the standard of rebellion
against the British Government. Raja Rameshwar Rao took a leading part in the punitive
operations against the rebellious Raja, and ultimately captured and handed him over
to the Government. For his general services during the mutiny he not only received the
thanks and a reward from His Highness the Nizam’s Government, but was also awarded
a Khillat with a rifle, a sword and a revolver from His Excellency the Governor -General
of India.

His Highness the Nizam’s Government seeing the serviceable nature of the reformed
and trained troops of the Raja appointed him as a Brigadier of the Government’s field
forces. Shortly after, he was promoted to the rank of Inspector General of Cavalry, to be
followed by being raised to the post of Inspector General of His Highness the Nizam’s
army. He held this post till his death which occurred at the comparatively early age of
46 on the 4th October 1866. Raja Rameshwar Rao having left no sons, his Rani adopted
a boy and named him Raja Ramkrishna Rao. The Government conferred upon him a
Sanad with Killat. and titles according to usage on the 4th December 1867. During his
minority Rani Shankaramma, the mother, administered the Samasthan and succeeded
so well that not only the Samasthan was freed from heavy debts, but created balances
which were utilized for effecting a number of progressive public works which stand to
this day as monuments to her thrifty and progressive administration.

Unfortunately, the young Raja did not live long as he was killed as the result of a
riding accident at the early age of 14. He left a widow. The Rani thereupon adopted
another boy named Raja Rameshwar Rao, who was born on the 2nd of July 1874.
According to custom a sanad of succession with killat and titles were conferred on him
by the Government on the 18th of June 1880. During his minority the Samasthan
continued to be administered by the Rani as before. The young Raja was carefully
brought up and received education at Madras. After he took charge of the administration
he embarked on a scheme of re-organisation of the various departments bringing them
to a high level of efficiency.

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804 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


For administrative purposes the Samasthan is divided into two taluqas, Sugar and
Kesampet, under two Tahsildars. There is a third Tahsildar to administer the private
estates of the Raja.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 805


The chief occupation of the people is agriculture. The soil throughout the greater
part of the Samasthan is rich and fertile and is irrigated by numerous tanks. The system
of tenure in the Samasthan is ryotwari ; land is surveyed and assessed and the holders
possess transferable rights. The Samasthan grants taqavi loans to indigent ryots at a
low rate of interest. The Rajas always enjoyed civil and criminal jurisdiction over their
subjects. Some of the former Rajas were appointed as arbitators by the Government in
disputes concerning Zamindars. The Samasthan has a Munsiff’s Court and a District
Court of its own. It has also its own police. In former times, due to the influence and
importance of the Samasthan, its Rajas had been appointed “mannewars” over territories
far beyond the boundaries of the Samasthan. This system continued for hundreds of
years till recently. The present police force consists of 119 regular officers and men, in
addition to 1,033 village watch-men. The latter assist the police in their duties.
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806 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


The Samasthan maintains a small force of irregular troops consisting of a company

of 75 muskets and 25 sowars in addition to Arabs, Rohillas and Sikhs.

The seat of the Samasthan as well as some of the important towns have primary
schools, which are either maintained or supported by the Samasthan. There is a
dispensary with a qualified Medical Officer. An Ayurvedic physician is also there. There
is an up-to-date library containing books in English, Sanscrit, Persian, Urdu, Telugu,
and Canarese. The Sanscrit section commands special notice.

There is a public works department with a qualified engineer who looks after state
buildings: roads and public works such as tanks, wells, canals, etc., The Samasthan can
boast of several public buildings built at great expense such as temples, mosques,

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 807

dharmashalas, travelling bungalows etc., The approximate revenue of the Samasthan
at present is about Rs. 8,00,000 a year. A peshkush of Rs. 82,862 is paid to his Exalted
Highness the Nizam’s Government.

The late Raja Rameshwar Rao had so endeared himself to his subjects by his
solicitude for their welfare that he was honoured by the Government. In 1905 he was
conferred upon the title of “Mahabhupal” by His Highness the late Nizam. Subsequently
he received the title of “Maharaja” from his Exalted Highness the present Nizam. The
Maharaja died on the 27th November 1922. He left two sons, Krishna Dev Rao and Ram
Dev Rao. As Krishna Dev Rao was a minor, the Samasthan was taken over by the Court
of Wards, though a later Firman permitted the elder son to share in the administration
so that he may gain experience. Unfortunately, Krishna Dev Rao died on the 11th of
April 1924 leaving a son, Raja Rameshwar Rao, who being a Minor the Samasthan is
still being managed by the Court of Wards.

Raja Ram Dev Rao was conferred upon the title of Raja Bahadur by the present
Nizam and he is also a Hyderabad municipal member. He toured the European continent
with his family to gain experience. He has a son aged about 4 years.

Raja Rameshwar Rao III is the present holder of the Samasthan. Being a minor the
Samasthan is under the administration of the Court of Wards. The young Raja is studying
in Madrasa-i-Aliya where his education is being carefully supervised by the Court of

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808 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Samasthan of Jatprole

HE Samasthan of Jatprole is one of the most ancient and historic Samasthans
in the Dominions and covers an area of several square miles. The family
which rules the Samasthan today traces its descent from one Hemadri Naidu,
of whom the following interesting story is told. Hemadri is claimed to have lived about
the twelfth century and having amassed a large fortune and not knowing to whom to
leave it buried it at the time of his death under a banian tree between the villages of
Pillalamari and Yamanagulloo which lie within four miles of each other in the Nalgonda
district of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s Dominions. It is said that when Hemadri
died an evil spirit named Bethala secured possession of the treasure and guarded it for
several years. Two centuries passed by and on a certain day who should come in the
direction of Phillalamari but one Chevoy Reddy, eleventh in descent from Hemadri
Naidu, who buried the treasure. Chevoy Reddy was on a hunting expedition and coming
to a clearing found himself in the presence of a ryot furrowing a large field, the plough
remaining unmoved even after great exertions. The Raja, rather astonished, ordered
his followers to assist the man, but the plough remained unmoved. He himself applied
all his strength but the result was fruitless. Just at this juncture the evil spirit stood
before the Raja and threatened him with death, but he appears to have showed such
extraordinary courage that the spirit in sheer admiration revealed to him the existence
of the treasure (in which was stuck the peasant’s plough) and promised to hand it over
to him in return for a human sacrifice. He accordingly agreed to give one of his outcaste
followers named Rechan as a sacrifice and this man on hearing of it willingly agreed to
it on condition that the Raja accepted and associated his name inseparably with his
family by transmitting it perpetually to the succeeding members of his family. Further,
he should found a village. in his name and that it should be called Recherla, and, further,
that he should undertake to commemorate his name at the time of the marriage among
the me~bers of the chieftain’s household by first having the marriage of one of his caste
men performed and partaken of the rice cooked for the feast.

The Raja agreed, the sacrifice was made, and the treasure was handed up. Pillalamari
Chevoy Reddy Bethala Naidu was a contemporary of Ganapathy Deva Raja of the
Kakathiya dynasty of Warangal and the maternal grandfather of the famous Rudra
Pratapa Deva Raja. It is said that Pillalamari Bethala Reddy was the founder not only of
the Jatprole family but also of the families of the Rajas of Bobbili in the Ganjam district,
Pittapore in the Godavari district, Mailavaram in the Krishna district and Venkatagiri
in the Nellore district. Bethala Reddy was a feudatory to the Warangal sovereigns and
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810 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

it was in the year 1507, during the time of Mulla Bhupathy Reddy, that the Samasthan
received a sanad from the Emperor at Vijayanagaram.

From the time of Bhupathy Reddy we must skip over two centuries and come to
the time of Bari Gadupala Rao who, in 1771, obtained a sanad for ]atprole from His
Highness the Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, the second Asaf Jah, who added a
mansab of Rs. 6,000, 2,000 cavalry, flag and nakkara, killat, and the title of Raja Bahadur.
We must again pass over some years and come to the year 1884 when, on the death of
Raja Venkat Jaganath Rao Bahadur, his adopted son, a younger brother of the Raja of
Venkatagiri succeeded. The new ruler was only a lad of five years of age and received
ruling powers from the Nizam only when he attained his age. When he sat on the gadi
he dropped his name of Navinatha Krishna Yachendra and adopted that of Raja Venkat
Lachman Rao Bahadur.

The Raja was a man of sound common sense and intelligence and realized the
nature of his responsibilities. The first thing he did was to clear off a debt of two lakhs
with which the Samasthan was encumbered. He then completed the repairs to the old
fort of Latchmanasagar and located therein all the important public offices of the
Samasthan, such as the Magistrate’s Court, the Civil Court, the Subedar’s cutchery,
and the Forest, Jail and Abkari offices. Each of these offices is provided with a separate
building and work is carried out on the English system.

He then demolished all the old buildings within the fort by compensating the
owners. The Raja’s palace stands in the centre of the fort in an enclosure of its own
which contains a large garden and orchard.

Turning to Jatprole, the capital, the Raja introduced a town planning system and
encouraged his people to build decent houses by supplying them with timber free of
charge and also granting loans. The result was that Jatprole blossomed into a beautiful
little town. The Raja established an Anglo-vernacular school, teaching English, Urdu,
Telugu, Persian and Sanskrit. Books and other school necessaries are supplied free of
charge and some of the poor boys are also supplied with free meals.

The Raja also established a State dispensary at Kolhapur and the entire expenses
are met by the Samasthan.

Apart from this, the Raja spent money liberally on the construction of roads and
choultries and had all tanks and wells repaired and dragged. Not forgetting his Moslem

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812 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

subjects, he built a mosque for them in the town and respected their religion and customs.
He also had constructed a race course, tennis and badminton courts and a visitors’

The internal development of Jatprole during the Raja’s rule was splendid in every
direction and His Highness the late Nizam, Mir Sir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, so
greatly appreciated the spirit of the Raja’s administration that he honoured him with
the title of Nazim Nawazwant Bahadur. The title was given on the 28th of December
1905, during the celebrations in connection with the Silver Jubilee of his Highness’s

In private life the Raja was a gentleman of simple and unostentatious habits and of
a deeply religious and charitable disposition. He travelled much and visited several
places of pilgrimage such as Kasi, Rameshwar and Tirupathy. He was a man of
magnificent physique, a keen sportsman, a splendid shot, and a good billiard and tennis

He was inordinately fond of big game shooting and many stories are told of his
extraordinary courage and sureness of marksmanship. He is stated to have bagged in
all 139 tigers.

The Raja passed away in the year 1929 leaving two daughters and his Rani. The
Rani Saheba succeeded to the Government of the Samasthan. The two daughters are
since married and are in a flourshing condition. He had adopted in 1923 Kumar Raja
Venkata Jaganath Rao, a grandson of the Maharaja of Bobbili of Madras Presidency.
The young prince was married in 1930.

The Rani Saheba is an enlightened Ruler with progressive views. Since she took
over the reins of Government she has pushed forward a water supply scheme for the
capital of her State. She has built a poor house costing Rs. 25,000 and also a middle
school at Kolhapur. She is greatly interested in the spread of education and by her
sagacity and statesmanship she had endeared herself to all her subjects. It is earnestly
hoped that when the young Raja gets full ruling powers he would follow in his father’s
footsteps and not only add lustre to his distinguished House but also carve out a name
for himself by wise administration, sympathy towards his people, judicious expenditure
and hard and conscientious work. The pattern set by his father is a splendid one and all
he has to do is to start to shape his public life according to it.

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Before concluding, it may be of interest to relate the story which tells us how the
name of Jatprol was given to the Samasthan. After entering the Fort of Jatprole, which
is one of the most massive in the Dominions and extremely old as well, we walk for a
quarter of a mile or so and come to the centre of the fort. Here we see a small enclosure
on a raised platform about forty feet square which contains an old and historic temple

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814 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

reputed to be of very great antiquity dating its origin from very early ages, said to have
been built over the spot in the immediate vicinity of which, in time of yore, when Sita,
the ideal wife, was being carried away by Ravana in his aerial car, Jatayu, the vulture
king, who attacked Ravana, wounded by him dropped to the ground. It is said that Sri

Ramachandra during his wanderings in search of Sita arrived at the place where Jatayu
fell and received from the now dying bird the news of Sita’s fate. Having made this
revelation, the bird expired and Rama is said to have performed the funeral obsequies
and to have built the temple on the spot in memory of the noble bird. The place, it is
stated, then became known as Jatprole or Jatayu’s dominions.

The total revenue of the Samasthan is four lakhs and fifty thousand rupees and the
annual tribute paid to His Exalted Highness’s Government amounts to Rs. 70,000 per
annum. The chief source of revenue is the palmyra tree, exceeding the revenue from
agriculture even.

The Samasthan is rich in minerals which are capable of substantial development

and the work done in this direction hitherto has been practically nil. There are iron ores
in several places still remaining untouched. Iron ore stones, or haematite, are found

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 815

scattered in abundance in several places in and out of the village of Kollapuram as well
as in places to the east of the town of Jatprole. From Jatprole onwards to a distance of
about ten or twelve miles up to the bank of the river Krishna are quarries of excellent
limestone to a depth of from ten to twenty feet which extensively contain stone slabs
for a considerable distance. The stone found in these parts is of two colours, grey and
black, and takes a polish almost equal to marble. If these stones are carefully selected
and sent to Hyderabad, or elsewhere, in large quantities, they will be very useful for
building purposes for which they are well suited from their regular cleavage and the
ease with which they can be worked. Limestone of the blue stone slate formation is
very abundant on the left bank of the river Krishna. It is coloured in various shades of
red, blue and white and will be found very useful for building purposes. Marble is also
said to exist and if the Samasthan enters upon a scheme of advertisement, considerable
benefit is bound to accrue by the appearance of new industries.

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816 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Amarchinta Samasthan

HE Samastan of Amarchinta has an area of 190 square miles.. It is a tributary
state in the district of Mahbubnagar of His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s
Dominions. It is bounded on the east by the samastan of Wanaparthi, on the
west by Makhtal, on the north by Koilkunda and on the south by the river Krishna,
which separates this samastan from Gadwal.


The history of this progressive state is shrouded in obscurity and therefore it is

difficult for us to give a connected account of it. We shall therefore attempt to piece
together the broken ends of the material available and present a readable history of the

During the time of the Kakatiya Dynasty, or about seven hundred years ago, the
Pargana of Vardhamanpur, now known as Waddaman, was in possession of Raja
Goonagona Reddy Bhoopal, who was Commander of the Kakatiya’s army and the
Deshmukh was Gopal Reddy. Raja Goona Buddha Reddy, son of Ganna Reddy, went

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 817

to offer dharshan to Balaji and, hearing of the news of the Raja’s visit, Gopal Reddy, the
founder of this samastan, busied himself to accord him a fitting reception and make his
stay at Balaji as comfortable as possible. The Raja Sahib was so much impressed with
Gopal Reddy’s hospitality that he, on his return, invited him to pay a visit to the Raja’s
headquarters, which then went by the name of Vardhamanpur. Gopal Reddy accepted
the royal invitation and went to Vardhamanpur in 1289 A D. He was received with
great kindness and given liberal treatment and’ then, in consideration of Gopal Reddy’s
hospitality to the Raja, the Raja granted him Nadagowdi of Makhtal Pargana.

After the death of the Raja, his son, Gonakata Bhu Narendra succeeded him and
after the demise of Gopal Reddy, his son, Gopi neddy, became Deshmukh. The latter
endeavoured to maintain the cordial relationship which his deceased father established
with the Raia’s family. Gopi Reddy visited as often as was necessary Vardhamanpur
and was present at the Raja’s durbars. On an auspicious occasion Raja Narendra granted
the Jagirs of five provinces (mahals) namely Makhtal, Kadaichur, Utkoor, Vardhaman,
and Amarchinta. The sanads relating to this award still exist. Fifteen years after the
award, a war broke out between Juana Khan, son of Sultan Muhammad Tuglaq and the
Kakatiya kingdom in 1363 A. D. The former defeated and carried away Raja Prataprudra
as a prisoner to Delhi from Warangal while Raja Narender was killed in an engagement.
Thus the Parganas of Telangana came under the sway of Sultan Muhammad Tugluq.
The Sultan at a Durbar received Gopi Reddy, when the latter offered him nazarana,
and issued a firman recognizing the rights and privileges of Gopi Reddy in his dominion.
In 748 Hijri Bahmani Kings became suzerains over this part of India. In the meantime
Allauddin Hussain Gangu Bahmani came to know that minor chiefs of the Karnatic are
evading the payment of tributes and sent Akram-ul-Mulk, who, on behalf of Bahmani,
planted his flag on the bank of the Krishna and invited all the Zemindars and chiefs to
pay tributes. All the Zemindars obeyed the commands with the exception of Raja Ram
who treated the order with contempt. Therefore, on the representation of Akram-ul-
Mulk, an order was issued for the capture of the recalcitrant zemindar. Raja Gopi Reddy
was therefore directed to capture him. Zamindar Raja Ram was caught and taken before
the king, who was greately pleased with the zeal and bravey of Gopi Reddy and
rewarded him with the offices of Deshmukh and Deshpandya. Gopi Reddy built anicuts
to Ookacheti and Manna Vayas which intercept Nadaqwada of Makhtal and Kadaichur
Parganas and form the natural sources of irrigation throughout the Samasthan.

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818 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


For the next five generations the connecting links between this famous Gopi Reddy
and Gopal Reddy, the Deshmukh of Amarchinta, are missing. In the meantime great
changes took place and several dynasties tried their hands over this part of the peninsula.
and finally Amarchinta fell within the ambit of Qutb Shahi Kingdom. Whoever held
the suzerainty, Gopal Reddy and his line of successors proved faithful and loyal to
them. They fought the battles of their kings, brought to book rebels and helped to
maintain peace and order within the province.

In 1072 Hijri Gopi Reddy II, one of the descendants of this line, under the instructions
of Mirza Abdulla Kutub Saha and in co-operation with Sheik Minahal, brought to book
some of the recalcitrant chiefs of Gurram-gudda, a small island in the Krishna. The
king granted him the jagir of Mochta and Alipur and also a mansab. In 1074 Hijri Gopi
Reddy and his brother quarrelled and divided between themselves the estates and other
property. Out of 5 mahals or parganas Gopi Reddy gave three parganas to his brother

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 819

retaining for himself two mahals (provinces), Amarchinta and Vardhaman, now known
as Samasthan of Amarchinta.

Gopi Reddy built tanks spending thousands of rupees. He extended the canals for
irrigation. His son, Servor Reddy in 1094 Hijri, obtained from the Killadar of Koilkonda
a permit to reconstruct an anicut near Pusalpad and extended the canal from Kokucheti
Vagu, otherwise known as Pedda Vagu, and thus greatly enhanced the productivity of
the soil. His sons Chena Reddy and Serva Reddy II played a prominent part associating
themselves actively with all that concerned the suzerainty of the rulers. They helped
Aurangazeb’s Commander, Buxi-ul-Mulk Ruh-ulla-Khan, in the conquest of Raichur
which was called Ferozeguda. Later on in 1121 Hijri when this country came under the
influence of the Peshwas, one Chendersain Jodha (a Killadar of the Peshwas) granted
the sarbasta (a kind of lease) of Amarchinta and Vardhaman to Sawai Timma Reddy in
return for an annual amount of Rs. 50,000. Such is the distinguished history of the Rajas
of Amarchinta.


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820 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Raja Sree Ram Bhupal died on 22nd Tir 1339 Fasli leaving a widow Ram Bhagya
Lakshmama. This Rani (the daughter of the late Maha Jaswant Bahadur of Domkonda
Samasthan) who legally succeeded to the Gadi of Amarchinta has been graciously
proclaimed as the successor to the Samasthan hy H. E. H. the Nizam through Firman
dated 2nd Shaban 1351 Hijri. The present Rani is an educated lady beloved by all her

As present the Samastan is under the administration of the Court of Wards. Atmakur
is the residence of the Raja Sahib. It is an old fortified town. Amarchinta and Atmakur
are noted for fine muslin. The total revenue of the State is two lakhs and a half, of which
Rs. 70,000 is paid to the Nizam as tribute. The total population of the Samstan in 1931
was 47,000.

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822 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Gurgunta Samasthan

URGUNTA is a Samasthan in the Lingsugur Taluk, Raichur District. It is
one of the three Peshkash Guzars in His Exalted Highness’s Dominions in
the strictest sense of the term, the other two being Gadwal and Anagondi.
The river Krishna enters the Samasthan in the west and flows in a north-easterly
direction. The Samasthan has an area of 210 square miles and contains 43 villages.
According to the last census the Samasthan claimed 20,192 persons. Its annual revenue
amounts to a lakh and forty thousand rupees of which Rs. 8,000 is the annual tribute to
the Nizam.

The original ancestor of the ruling family was one Jadi Linga Naik Desai, who got
the jagir in the year 1620 A. D. (1035 H.) during the time of Mohammed Adil Shahi,
Sultan of Bijapur. He rendered good service to the Sultan and gained several victories
over his enemies. After his death in 1671 A. D. his eldest son, Raja Jadi Somappa Naik,
who was also a good solider, succeeded to the estate. Once during a battle he seeing his
enemy on an elephant at once rode an elephant, and met the enemy in a close hand to
hand fight and killed him outright. On account of this and also on account of his great
courage he got the title of “Sherza Bahadur” (Brave Tiger). Having rendered similar
good services on several occasions, he got more jagirs from the Sultan of Bijapur. After
his death in 1697 A. D. his son Raja Linga Naik II got the jagirs and ruled upto 1730 A. D.
He was then succeeded by his son, Raja Soma Sherza Naik II, who ruled the estate until
the year 1771 A. D. After his death his son, Raja Soma Linga Naik III, succeeded and
ruled the Samasthan till 1842 A.D. After his death his son, Raja Linga Naik Sherza
Bahadur Ill, succeeded and held charge for sixteen years. He died without an issue in
1858 A. D. Then the Rani, Katamma, was appointed Regent by Highness’ Government
to administer the estate, and she adopted with the sanction of the Government, her
husband’s brother’s son, a boy who next succeeded as Raja, Jadi Somappa Naik Sherza
Bahadur. The Rani ruled the Samasthan during the minority of the boy. When he attained
his majority in 1867 A. D., he took charge of the Samasthan. He applied to Government
and obtained the services of a Government Officer as Manager and with his assistance
managed the Samasthan. He died in 1892 A.D. leaving no male issue behind him. After
his death the Samasthan was included in Government lands, but His Highness the late
Nizam with his characteristic generosity and large heartedness restored the jagir to the
family. The Revenue Office on the 24th Thir 1302 Fasli gave back the Samasthan to Rani
Gouramma Sahiba, who ruled from 1893 to 1908 A. D. Then she adopted for her
daughter’s son named Tipraj and the adoption was sanctioned by Government on the
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13th Rabi-us-Sani 1326 H. (1909) and he was named by order of Government Raja Jadi
Somappa Naik Sherza Bahadur. During the minority of the boy, the Rani Saheba ruled
the Samasthan and died on the 3rd Farwardi 1323 Fasli, when the Samasthan was taken
over under the management of the Court of Wards on the 8th Thir 1323 Fasli, and a
notice was published in the Jareeda to that effect.

The young Raja is now 32 years old, and gives promise of a wise ruler. He received
a liberal education when he was a ward under the Court. His estate was released on
31st Farwardi 1343 F. and the young Raja has since then been administering the affairs
of the Samasthan. He has a qualified officer for judicial and Executive work and all
appeals are disposed of by the Raja. At headquarters Gurgunta there is a Police Officer
with a subordinate staff. In important populous villages there are Police stations. The
young Raja is an ideal administrator and the people are quite happy and content with
their lot.

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Round Table Conference

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826 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

The Round Table Conference

N outstanding event in the annals of modern Hyderabad is the partici-
pation of the State in the deliberations of the Round Table Conference
convened in London by His Majesty’s Government on the 12th of
November 1930 with a view to buildin~ up a new India on a basis of equality with the
self-governing Dominions in the British Empire. In order to appreciate the significance
of such a momentous gathering it is necessary to review briefly the factors which
influenced public opinion to this view.

In August 1917 Mr. Montagu, the Secretary of State for India, announced in the
House of Commons that the policy of His Majesty’s Government, with which the
Government of India are in complete accord, is that of the increasing association of
Indians in every branch of the administration and the general development of self-
governing institutions with a view to the progressive realisation of responsible
Government in India as an integral part of the British Empire ‘. He added that “progress
in this policy can only be achieved by successive stages” and that they must be guided
by the co-operation received from those upon whom new opportunities of service will
thus be conferred and by the extent to which it is found that confidence can be reposed
in their sense of responsibility.

This was when the Great War was in progress. After the War, baseless suspicions
arose in the minds of certain politicians in India that the promise would not be kept. A
rise in the prices of food stuffs as an after-effect of the War considerably disturbed the
peace of mind of the Indian masses and Indian Moslems were alarmed at the attitude
of the Allied Powers towards Turkey. All this happened at a time when a defensive
measure known as the “Rowlatt Act” was in force in India. Mr. Gandhi found this a
favourable opportunity to launch a civil dis-obedience movement. Although the
movement professed to be non-violent, the evil forces soon got out of control and
violence reached its climax in March 1919. The racial bitterness which the movement
caused was great and lasting. Mr. Gandhi’s activities however, served to hasten the
inauguration of reforms in the following year.

A Bill was introduced in Parliament but serious differences arose among politicians
in India in regard to the terms of the Bill. The moderates accepted the Bill as a measure
of good will, while the Nationalists denounced it as being wholly inadequate. The
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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 827

Moslems in India who were dissatisfied with the terms of the Anglo-Turkish Peace
Treaty organized a Khilafat movement with a view to bring pressure upon the Imperial
Government to restore the Sultan of Tinkey. Mr. Gandhi succeeded in 1920 in securing
the support of the Moslems and the Congress for his campaign, and wide-spread
vilification of Government was the result.

In such an atmosphere certain reforms, known as Montford reforms. were

introduced and elections to legislatures took place in 1920. The nationalists refrained
from standing for election. In September 1921 the Assembly requested the British
Parliament to re-examine and revise the constitution. The reply of the Secretary of State
for India was unsatisfactory. In 1922 Government introduced a Bill to prevent the
dissemination of books and newspapers calculated to excite disaffection against the
rulers of Indian States. The Assembly rejected the measure but the Viceroy certified it.

In 1923 the second election to the legislatures took place under the new constitution.
Nationalists and non-cooperators contested the elections and the Swarajist Party, by
which name they were known, pursued a policy of obstruction.

Pandit Motilal Nehru, the leader of the Swarajists ‘moved a resolution in the
Assembly for convening a Round Table Conference to prepare a scheme for establishing
full responsible government in India.’ Government opposed it but promised to
investigate the results of the working of the new constitution.

A Committee was accordingly appointed under Sir Alexander Muddiman, which

submitted its report in 1926. The report was debated upon by the Assembly, and the
leader of the Swarajists again urged that immediate steps should be taken to hold a
Round Table Conference or Convention, to frame a detailed scheme for giving India
full responsible Government.

The third legislatures met in 1927. Again, the Nationalists entered the Councils in a
non-cooperative spirit but a split occurred among them and a new party of “Responsive
Co-operationists “ arose under the leadership of Mr. Jayakar, Mr. Kelkar and Dr. Moonje.
Some members of this party even accepted office.

In 1927 Parliament appointed a Statutory Commission under Section 84-A of the

Government of India Act to examine the various aspects of the Indian constitution and
administration and to report to what extent it would be desirable to establish the principle
of responsible government. The commission which was led by Sir John Simon visited

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828 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

India twice, in 1928 and 1929, and received numerous representations and examined
many witnesses, official and non-official.



Its exhaustive report and recommendations published in 1929 were the subject of a
heated discussion both in India and England. Public opinion was divided and the civil
disobedience movement was revived by Mr. Gandhi.

The demand for a Round Table Conference at which all political parties should
meet and discuss the Indian case now became insistent and His Majesty’s Government
finally convened a conference in England on the 12th of November 1930. Representatives
of the Provinces and of chief political parties and communities in India proceeded to
England and as very vital quesfions affecting India as a whole were to be discussed
representatives of Indian States were also invited to be present.

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 829

To represent the Hyderabad State, His Exalted Highness the Nizam was pleased to
nominate Sir Akbar Hydari, Nawab Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur, Finance and Railway
Member of the Executive Council. No better choice could have been made. He had
gjven of his very best in the service of the State in important capacities for over a quarter
of a century, and the Round Table Conference opened up another avenue to Sir Akbar
to exercise his great qualities of statesmanship and to demonstrate to the world how
genuinely loyal he is to His Exalted Highness the Nizam and how ably he could
safeguard the interests of the State.

Sir Akbar Hydari was assisted by Nawab Sir Amin Jung Bahadur, Sir Richard
Chenevix Trench, Sir Reginald Glancy and Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahadur. Sir Akbar
is singularly farsighted and during his voyage to England had a vision of a federal
India. On board the ship he met and discussed with the other representatives, a scheme
of federation and from that time onwards, he zealously advocated it. The volume of
support which he gathered to his idea had a tremendous intluence upon the trend of
constructive discussions at the Conference.

The Conference was inaugurated by His Majesty the Emperor on the 12th of
November 1930 and among the notables who acknowledged the Royal sentiments of
goodwill and sympathy was Sir Akbar Hydari. His first speech we are tempted to quote
in extenso, for the dignity of its style and the fine sentiments to which it gives expression.

“The address which we have been privileged to hear today from the lips of His
Majesty the King Emperor, full as it is of that personal sympathy to which every Indian
heart readily responds, will prove an inspiration and a guide for all of us.

“His Exalted Highness the Nizam, whose representative on the Indian states
delegation I have the honour to be, counts amongst the proudest titles that of ‘Faithful
Ally of the British Government‘. For over a hundred years the Nizams have held steadfast
to this alliance - an alliance in prosperity as the treaties proudly proclaim to be.

As with Hyderabad, so with all States; and I can assure the peoples of the Empire
and the world at large that no hand shall sever the ties which bind the Princes to the

At the same time, the States, autonomous within their own borders, can fully
sympathise with the aims and ideals of the people of British India and are ready to
work in harmony with them for the greater and united India, which, we all hope, may

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 831

be the outcome of our deliberations. It is in this spirit we enter the Conference and in
this spirit we shall do all that lies in our power to assist in the solution of the problems
of our country to the satisfaction of her aspirations.

Every race, creed and religion has a distinct contribution to make to the common
weal and we of the States for our part bring with us no mean inheritance - the traditions
and culture handed down from spacious days, when in politics, arts and science, India
stood amongst the foremost peoples of the world.

We approach our task which is beset with so many difficulties in all humility,
trusting not in our own power, but in the guiding hand of the Divine Providence.”

The above was the forerunner of many a weighty speech calculated to promote
harmony and good understanding between the various sections of delegates to the
Conference. As expressed to the Associated Press in India at the time ot his departure
and to Reuter on landing on the shores of England, Sir Akbar consistently threw his
weight on the side of moderation and prudence and his contribution to the success of
the various committees to which he was elected was invaluable.

The first committee nominated by the Prime Minister of England to advise the
Conference on the conduct of business consisted of sixteen representatives of whom Sir
Akbar was one. During intervals, Sir Akbar visited prominent Englishmen, of all parties,
and frankly exchanged views and placed before them India’s needs and aspirations, at
the same time urging the maintenance of the sovereign rights of Indian Princes in the
event of a federal constitution for the whole of India being evolved. He not only met
British policicians and officials but also Indian delegates at their residence and held
private conferences.

The type of constitution he had in mind and which he pursued with vigour was
one “which by its stability will evolve-and not a constitution which will satisfy the
uninstructed for the moment. While emphasising this aspect at the Conference Sir Akbar
asked the British representatives in the course of his second speech-not- to -refuse
responsible government to a great Indian federal polity within the British Empire. He
appealed to them to “infuse into it the elements that make for settled and orderly
government for the preservation of the autonomy of the State and for the adequate
defence of our frontiers against external aggression”.

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832 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Pictorial Hyderabad - II



As a member of the Sub-Committee on Federal Structure, the Hyderabad delegate
took a prominent and active part in making recommendations for a federal constitution.
The subjects dealt with were the executive, the legislature consisting of an upper and a
lower chamber and the control of Provincial Governments by the Federal Government.



In tackling the above questions the Hyderabad representative displayed rare abilities
and his speech at the conclusion of the first conference was a notable contribution in
that it not only urged all concerned “not to lay too much emphasis on the points of
disagreement and thus break up in a spirit of depression when the work is all before
us” but to look on the brighter side of the picture and the high value set before them.

“I believe”, he continued, “there is general agreement in favour of an all-India

Federation for subjects definitely defined with responsibility for them at the centre,
and autonomy in the provinces, a stable federal legislature and definite and clear
reservations and safeguards with the crown, for the maintenance of the peace, tranquility
and financial stability of the country and for the entire fulfilment of the treaty obligations
for the protection and integrity of the Indian States. It will always be a source of deep
personal joy to me to feel that the scheme as it has emerged out of the Federal Structure
Committee is one which in all its essential details I had originally thought out and

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Pictorial Hyderabad - II



placed in responsible hands as the best solution of the Indian problem from the point of
view of a United India”.

Instances are not wanting to show that Sir Akbar Hydari kept a vigilant eye over
the affairs of the Indian States in general and of Hyderabad in particular. He would not
yield to anyone in so far as the sovereign rights of the States were concerned.

In the second Round Table Conference which met in September 1931, and concluded
at the end of November of the same year, we find Sir Akbar championing representation
of Indian States in both the Upper and Lower Houses of the Federal legislature and
urging that both the Houses should have identical powers until experience dictated a
change. Relatfng to the function and jurisdiction of the Federal Court, Sir Akbar held
very detinite views and gave expression to them in the London “Times” dated 4th
November 1931 and the Chairman of the Conference (Lord Salisbury) warmly
congratulated him “as the representative of Hyderabad on the very interesting and
pleasing anouncement we have seen in the ”Times” today.”

Sir Akbar Hydari played an equally great part in the Committee on Federal Finance
also. As a distinguished Financier his contribution was valuable for the determination
of the general principles upon which the financial resources and obligations of India
should be apportioned between the Federation, the British Indian Units, jointly and
severally, and the States units.

What he did to safeguard the sovereign rights and privileges of His Exalted Highness
the Nizam over Berar is not officially disclosed but it may be stated without fear of
contradiction that during the period of his stay in London for the Round Table
Conference he grasped every opportunity to remind British politicians and members
of the Indian delegation that Berar belonged to Hyderabad and could only enter the
future Federal polity as such, we may refer to his pointed remark that in the allocation
of seats in the Lower and the Upper Chambers Berar should be dropped out of
consideration. A more staunch advocate of Hyderabad’s rights could not be found in
the State than Sir Akbar Hydari. And nothing of what he did, said and wrote regarding
the unassailable position of Hyderabad with reference to Berar, was in vain.

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836 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Rendition of the
Residency Bazaars

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838 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


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Pictorial Hyderabad - II 839

The Rendition of the Residency Bazaars

HE 14th day of June 1933 is a red letter day in the annals of Hyderabad
State. On this day the British Government restored to His Exalted Highness
the Nizam that part of the Hyderabad City, which, for a century, had been
known as the” Residency Bazaars “.

The warmth of enthusiasm which glowed in the hearts of His Exalted Highness’
beloved subjects on that occasion was unparallelled. The people, who, for months looked
forward to this happy event of reunion, literally leaped with joy when the transfer of
the territory was actually made. Although His Exalted Highness desired that, the season
being a solemn one, there should be no public demonstration, the exultation was
insuppressible. It manifested itself in many ways beffitting the occasion. Large concourse
of people went jubilantly round the bazaar area as a victorious army would triumphantly
enter a conquered city. The prayers of all classes of people went up to the wise and just
God in a spirit of thankfulness for the ultimate success of His Exalted Highness and for
the sense of justice and equity which animated the British Government throughout the
negotiation. We are convinced that this act has strengthened the cord of cordiality and
goodwill that binds the Majesty the King and his Faithful Ally together.

We may state in this connection that the name of Col. T. H. Keyes and Sir Akbar
Hydari will go down to posterity for the noble part they played in restoring the Bazaars
to H. E. H. As British Resident Col. Keyes was singularly free from all prejudices and
was not obsessed with “Political Prestige“. All along his stay, Col. Keyes saw eye to
eye with H. E. H. the evils of the continued existence of two separate adminsitrative
units in the Hyderabad City and with a singleness of purpose pressed home to the
British Government the justice of surrendering the territory to H.E. H. the Nizam. Sir
Akbar Hydari as His Exalted Highness’ representative in the Round Table Conference
secured the favourable view which the British Government ultimately took of the

The “Residency Bazaars” was not a territory assigned, ceded or annexed by

conquest. In the wake of the growth and peaceful expansion of the Hyderabad City
“along the left bank of the Moosi there came into existence around the Residency” a
cluster of shops and ‘dwelling’ houses of bonafide subjects of the Ruler of the State. In

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840 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

the early days of India, when life and property of people were insecure people sought
accommodation and shelter within walled cities of chiefs and war lords. Thus small
villages became towns. Likewise when the population outstripped the limits of the
walled city they came within the ambit of the Residency building. Involuntarily,
therefore, a small subrub grew up around the Residency. Christian Missionaries came
and set up Churches and institutions in the neighbourhood feeling a sense of. security
and soliciting the patronage of the British Resident. For these reasons the Bazar area
having an irregular boundary line as will be seen from the following description of its
boundarks came into being.

West : from John & Co. on the southern end of the Bashir Bagh Road to the Police
Station, Putli Baoli, to southern end of Residency Road, Imperial Coronation Garden,
from there to Mahbubpura Road along the wall of the Imperial Coronation Garden.

South :-From the southern end of Rangmahal Road to the junction of the roads of
Mahbubpura and Afzal Gunj, on the south eastern side of the Residency, Baroon
Darwaza, Southern end of Victory Park Play ground to Chadarghat Bridge.

East :-From western end of Chapal Bazar road to northern end of Koochaminarpatti,
from the eastern end to Kutbiguda road to St. Thomas Church. From the point of meeting
of eastern and northern ends of Kriparan (near Kondwada) to eastern corner of Nawab
Khurshed Jah Bahadur’s Buildings.

South :-From north eastern corner of Nawab Khurshed Jah Bahadur’s Buildings to
S. P. G. Church, workshop road. From the buildings of the Sub-Inspector eastern end
workshop road, to the junction of King Kothi Road and Imperial Post Office Road.
Along with the northern end of the Imperial Post Office Road to the compound of King
Kothi Mubarak including Ladies Recreation Club; From northern end of the Church
Lane including St. George’s Church and Mission School to John & Co.

Although the general laws of both the Governments were almost identical on broad
principles, the existence of a seperate administrative machinery with different judicial.
public, revenue and public health institutions for a fraction of the City population was
a source of friction, misunderstanding, clash of interests and what not. No enlightened
Government with a sense of selfrespect would have countenanced the continuance of
this system of political neighbourliness for one hundred long years. But the patience,
sagacity, and statesmanship of the Nizams of the Asaf Jah Dynasty are proverbial and
true to Christ’s saying “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth“, it fell to

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 841

the lot of His Exalted Highness Sir Osman Ali Khan to reap the fruit of long suffering.


Lt. Colonel Amir Sultan, Senior Deputy Commissioner, H. E. H. the Nizam’s City
Police, took over charge from Mr. de la Condamine Ozanne, Superintendent,
Cantonment Police, Secunderabad, while an interested throng of spectators watched
from roadside. Their curiosity gave way to a murmur of cheers when shortly after, a
party of H. E. H. the Nizam’s police in buff. coloured uniform emerged smiling from
the building and proceeded to relieve and replace their khaki-clad British colleagues
on duty at the Residency area.

An equally interesting function was witnessed at the local branch of the Imperial
Bank where, on the stroke of 12 the British (India) military on sentry duty “fell in” to a
sharp command and marched away and were replaced by a company of the 1st
Hyderabad Infantry of H. E. H. the Nizam’s forces who furnished the guard. At the
same time His Exalted Highness the Nizam’s flag was hoisted on the flagstaff of the
building and fluttered side by side with the Union Jack. Mr. Meharali Fazil, acting
Commissioner of the City Municipality, Mr. Syed Mohamed Hussain, Deputy Director
of Public Instruction, Major Mohamed Ashraf, Deputy Director of Medical and Sanitation
Department, and Mr. Rahimuddin, acting Inspector-General of Registration,
respectively, took charge of the municipality, educational administration, civil hospital
and registration departments. The transfer concluded before 12/30.

The restoration of the Residency Bazars, which is now named “Sultan Bazaars” is,
we believe, a forerunner of a far greater event which is now maturing, namely the
rendition of the richest and fairest part of the far flung Dominions of His Exalted
Highness the Nizam, the Berars and also the Civil station of Secunderabad. The horizon
of the British outlook is widening and the date is not distant for the return of these
territories to the owner.

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842 Pictorial Hyderabad - II


A Chunilal MurIi Pershad, Sait

Abul Fateh Khan, Nawab, Bahadur
Durushawar, Princess, Dur Dana Begum
Abul Hasan Khan, Mirza Mr.
Afsar-ul-Mulk. Nawab Sir, D
Agha Yar Jung, Nawab. Bahadur Dawood AIi Khan, Nawab Bahadur
Ahmed Arif, Mr. Deen Dayal, Raja, Musavar Jung
Ahmed Mohiuddin, Mr. Syed Dhanraj Girji. Raja,
Akbar Yar Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Dharamwant, Raja Sheoraj Bahadur
Akeel Jung, Nawab. Bahadur Dhondiraj, Raja Bahadur
Ali Nawaz Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Dost Muhammad Khan, Nawab of Zafferabad
AIiuddin Ahmed, Mr. Dwarka Pershad, Mr. R.
AIi Yar Jung, Nawab Syed Muhammad
AIi Khan, Bahadur
Alladin, Sait Abdulla Fakhr Yar Jung, Nawab, Fakhruddin Khan
Alladin, Khan Bahadur Ahmed, Fakhr-ul-Mulk, Nawab, Bahadur
Amin Jung, Nawab Sir, Bahadur Farkhunda AIi Khan, Nawab Syed, Bahadur
Amin-ul-Mulk, Amin-ud-Dowla, Nawab Faridoon Mulk, !”awab, Sir, Bahadur
Amir-i-Kabir I, Fakhruddin Khan Farid Nawaz Jung, Nawab, Bahadur
Amir Sultan, Lt. Col. Fateh Nawazwant, Rai MurIidar, Bahadur
Askari Hassan, Mr. Feroze Ali Khan, Sahebzada Mir
Aravamlldu Iyengar, Pewan Bahadur Fiaz-ud-Dowla, Dr. Mir Md. Saiyid-ud-Din
Asman .Jah, Nawab Sir, Bahadur
Aziz Jung, Nawab Shams-ul-Ulama Bahadur
Azam Jah, Nawab, Bdr. Mir Himayat AIi Khan Ganeriwala, Sait Laxshmi Nivasji
Azimuddin Khan, Nawab, Bahadur Gadwal Samasthan
Azimuddin Khan, !”awab Bahadur G. Ganesh Mull Sait
Azghar “‘awab Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Ghaziuddin Ahmed, Mr.
Abdul Razzack, Asif Nawaz lung, Nawab Giri Rao, Raja Bahadur
Gopikishenji, Sait .
B Gulam Ghouse Khan, Mr.
Bahadur Yar Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Gurram Conda, Nawabs of
Balmukund, Rai, Mr. C.
Gurugun£a Samasthan
Bala Pershad, Raja. Rajadhiraj, Bahadur
Bala Pershad, Mr. Rai Guru Das, Rai Bahadur
Bankat Lalji Loya, Sait H
Bansi Raj. Raja, Bahadur Hyder Nawaz Jung, Nawab
Bansi Lal, Raja, Bahadur Sir Akber Hydari
Behram-ud-Dowla, Nawab Mir Dawar Hadi AIi Khan, Syed, Nawab, Bahadur
AIi Khan Hari Gopaldass Ramlalji
Bhagl!’ya Reddy, Mr. V. Hari Ramji, Seth
Bhagwandass, Raja Bahadur Hashim Yar Jung Nawab Bahadur
Binyak Raj, Raja, Bahadur
Hasan Yar Jung. Nawab Hasan-ud-din Khan
Bir Bhangirji, Goswami
Bisweshwarnath, Rai, Raja Bahadur Hissam-ud-Dowla Nawab Shaukat
C Jung Bahadur
Humayun Mirza, Mrs. Soogra
Chand mull Dada, Sait Imad-ul-Mulk. Nawab. Bahadur
Chllndriah, Mr. Sid dam Setty Imam Jung. Nawab. Bahadur
Chandulal, Maharaja, Bahadur J
Chidura Kanthiah Mr Jabbar Yar Jung. Nawab. Bahadur
Collins, B. A. Esqr. I. C. S. Jagmohan Lal. Raja. Bahadur
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 843

Jivan Yar Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Mukund Dasji
K Munir-ul-Mulk Sher Jung Nawab
Kamal Ali Khan, Nawab Muhammad. Bdr. Hyder Yar Khan
Kamal Yar Jung, Nawab Kamalud-Din Munir-ul-Mulk Amir-ul-Umra, Nawab Ali
Karar Nawaz Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Zaman Khan
Khair Nawaz Jung. Nawab Muhammad Murli Dassji Sait
Abul Khair Khan Musheer Jung Nawab, Bahadur
Khan-e-Khanan Bahadur. Nawab Muhammad Muzaffar Jung Nawab Muhamad
Safdar Khan Ghafoor Jung Muzaffar-ud-Din Khan
Kha-e-Khanan. Nawab, Bahadur N
Khan-e-Alam Nawab. Bahadur Naik, Mr. R. S.
Khawaja Pershad. Raja, Bahadur Najib-ud-Din Khan, Nawab, Bahadur
Khurshid Jah. Nawab Sir.. Bahadur Narain Pershlld, Maharaja Narainder. Bahadur
Kishen Pershad. Maharaja Sir. Bahadur Narain Lal. Seth
Yamin-us-Saltanath Narayan Reddy. Mr. S.
Kishen Rao, Mr. Narayana. Sait, G. L.
Krishnaswamy. Mr. K. Mudi Raj Narsingirji. Raja. Bahadur
L Nazir Nawaz Jung. Nawab Bahadur
Lakshman Raj. Raja. Bahadur Nazir. Yar Jung. Nawab Bahadur
Lakshmi Nivasji, Sait Ganeriwala NEULOPHAR PRINCESS FARHAT BEGUM
Lalji Meghji. Sait Nizamat Jung. Nawab Sir. Bahadur
Lateef Yar Jung. Nawab. Bahadur Noor Ali Khan. Nawab Muhammad, Bahadur
Lutf-ud-Dowlah. Nawab. Bahadur P
M Padmanabha, Sait Ananta. Gumideli
Mahmood Ali Khan. Mir Paigahs, History of
Mallannah. Dr. S. Paramanand Das. Rai
Mallappa. Sri Maharaj Q
Manohar Manik Prabhu. Sri Qudrat Nawaz Jung. Nawab, Bahadur
Manohar Raj. Raja. Bahadur.
Man Singh Rao, Raja. Sindhe, Bahadur R
Martand Manik Prabhu, Sri Rafat Yar Jung II, Nawab, Bahadur
Mazhar Hussain, Mr. Rafiuddin, Nawab Manwar Jung, Bahadur
Rahmat Yar Jung, Nawab Bahadur
Mehdi Jung, Nawab. Mir Mebdi AU Khan
RambhaJayawant, Raja, Rao Bahadur, Nimbalkar
Mehdi Yar Jung, Nawab, Bahadur
Ramchander Naik, Vaman Mr.
Mehdi. Syed Muhammad Ramdayal Ghansi Ram, Rai, Sahib
Mehr AU Fazl. Mr. Ramgopal, Lakshminarayan, Dewan Bahadur
Mirza Yar Jung, Nawab. Bahadur Ramlalji, Hari Gopal I’ass
Mohan Lal. Raja. Bahadur Rampershad, Raja. Lala Bahadur, Asaf Jahi
Mohiuddin Ahmed. Mr. Ranga Rao, Raja, Bahadur
Mohiuddin Khan. Mr. Mir Rashid-ud-din Khan Nwab, Bahadur
Mohiuddin Yar Jung. Nawab, Bahadur Ruknuddin Ahmed, Mr. S.
Mir Alam Bahadur. Nawab Syed Abul Kasim S
Moin-ud-Dowla. Nawab. Bahadur Saeed-ud-din Khan, Nawab Bahadur
Saheb Jung, Nawab Mir Yawar Ali Khan
Motamud-Dowla Bahadur. Nawab
Sadguru Manik Prabhu, Sri Maharaj
Dargha. Kuli Khan Bahadur
Said-ud-din. Dr. Nawab Paiz-ud-Dowla
Moti Lal, Raja Bahadur. Shive Lal Saif Nawaz Jong, Nawab, Bahadur
Moti Lalji, Raja Bahadur Salar Jung the Great, Nawaab Mir Turab Ali Khan
Muhammad Hasan Bilgrami. Syed Salar Jung. Nawab, Mir Yusuf Ali Khan Bahadur

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

844 Pictorial Hyderabad - II

Sarojini Naidu, Mrs.
Sazawar Jung, Nawab Mir Mehdi Ali Khan
Shah Yar Jung, Nawab Bahadur
Sham Raj, Rajwant, Raja Bahadur
Sham Rao, Raja, E ahadur
Sham sheer Jung II, Nawab Bahadur
Shamsheer Pahadur, Nawab, Muhammad
Karim-ud-Din Khan
Shamsheer Jung. Nawab Bahadur
Shanker Rao, Narayana, Amanatwant Bahadur
Shuja-ud-Dowla, Nawab Muhamad Ali Khan
Sikander Nawaz Jung, Nawab Bahadur
Siraj-ul-Mulk Bahadur, Nawab Alam Ali Khan
Sivaji Rao, Raja Bahadur
Srinivasa Rao, Raja Blthadur
Sri Kishenjee Sait
Sulaiman Ali Khan, Mir, Nawab, Bahadur
Sultan of Shehr and Mokalla
Sultan Ali Khan, Nawab, Muhammad Bahadur Sadat
Jung Nawab Bahadur
Tej Rai, Bahadur
Tilawat Jung, Nawab Sahebzada
Mir Tilawat Ali Khan Thanmulji, Dewan Bahadur
Trench, Sir Richard Chenevix, Lt. Co\.
Trimbak Raj. Raja Bahadur
Tulja Singh, Mr.
Tyeba Begum Sahib
Validad Khan, Nawab Muhammad
Vaman Ramchander, Naik Mr.
Venkata Rama Reddy, Raja Bahadur, O. B. E.
Vicar-ul-Umra. Nawab Sir, Bahadur
Waghray, Capt. K. N.
Wahed Yar Jung, Nawab Bahadur
Wahid-ud-Din. Nawab Muhammad, Bdr.
Wali-ud-Dowlah, Nawab Bahadur
Yawar-ud-Din, Khan “‘awab Bahadur
Yamin-us-Saltanth Maharaja Sir Kishen Persha d
Zaffer Jung, Nawab, Bahadur Jahiruddin Khan,
Nawab Bahadur
Zainul-Abidin Khan, Syed, Nawab
Zoolcader Jung, Nawab Bahadur

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pictorial Hyderabad - II 845

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