Mech Aee
Mech Aee
Mech Aee
Question No. 2
3000 cm3 of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa is compressed according to relation PVn = Constant (n
= 0) until the volume becomes 1500 cm3, the work transfer in this process is
-0.15 kJ
A. Tds = dh + Pdv
B. B. Tds = du + Pdv
C. C. Tds = dh – vdP
D. D. Tds = du - vdP
A and D
Question No. 4 Experimental values of Critical compressibility factor (Zc) for most gases fall in a narrow
range of
0.2 to 0.3
Question No. 5
Consider the following statements about a mechanical energy reservoir (which is a large body)
Question No. 6
A heat engine works between temperature limits of 27℃ and 227℃, receives 500 kJ of heat from
reservoir at 227℃ and rejects 100 kJ of heat to 27℃ reservoir.
Entropy of wet steam is given by ( TS = Saturation temperature of steam and other symbols have usual
𝑿 . 𝒉𝒇𝒈
𝑺 = 𝑺𝒇 +
Question No. 8
A gas is enclosed by a piston at initial condition of 4 bar,300 K and 1 m3. In a particular process, the gas
expands isothermally until the volume becomes 10 m3. Heat exchange occurs with the atmosphere at
300 K during this process. The entropy changes for the universe during this process is
0 kJ/K
Question No. 9
A thermal reservoir at 600 K transfers 100 kJ of heat to another reservoir at 400 K. The entropy
generation, considering environment temperature as 300 K, is
0.083 kJ/K
𝒎̇ 𝑪𝒑
Question No. 11
Question No. 12
Question No. 13
Apower producing device is supplied with ‘Q’ kJ of heat from a reservoir at T1and produces ‘W’ kJ of
work, when operating between temperature limits of T0 and T1 (where T1>T0) , the second law efficiency
of this device is given by the expression :
𝑸 (𝟏 − 𝑻𝟎)
Question No. 14
m1kg of water at temperature T1is isobarically and adiabatically mixed with m2 kg of water at
temperature T2 (where T2> T1). The entropy change of the universe is:
Necessarily positive
Question No. 15
A thermal energy reservoir at 1200 K supplies 500 kJ heat to a reversible heat engine E1. Engine E1
rejects heat Q2 to a reversible heat engine E2 at temperature T2. The engine E2 rejects heat to a thermal
energy reservoir at temperature 300 K. If the efficiency of both the engines is same, then the ratio of
temperatures T1: T2: T3 is
2: 1 : 0.5
Question No. 16
For a steady flow process from state 1 to 2, enthalpy changes from h1= 450kJ /kg to h2 = 120 kJ /kg and
entropy changes from s1 = 1.2 kJ /kg K to s2 = 0.9 kJ/kg K. The dead state temperature is 37 ℃. The
maximum work obtained in the process will be
237 kJ/ kg
Question No. 17
A and B
Question No. 18
The pressure, temperature and specific volume of water at critical point are
Question No. 19
A thermal energy reservoir at 800 K transfers 1000 kJ of heat to another thermal reservoir at 500 K. The
ambient temperature is 27℃. The loss of available energy during the heat transfer is equal to
225 kJ
Question No. 20
Consider the following statements about the regenerator used in an ideal gas turbine cycle.
A and C
Question No. 21
Steam Generator
Question No. 22
Which of the following non dimensional numbers represents the ratio of thermal and velocity boundary
Prandtl number
Question No. 23
Heat is conducted through a 10 cm thick wall at the rate of 30 W/m2 when the temperature difference
across the wall is 12℃. The thermal conductivity of the wall material is
0.25 W/mK
Question No. 24
A 10 cm thick plane wall (k = 15 W/mK) generates heat at the rate of 40 kW/m3 when an electric current
is passed through it. The wall surface temperature is 60 ℃. The maximum temperature at the center of
the wall will be
63.33 ℃
Question No. 25
For steady one dimensional heat transfer through a plate of thickness L, there can be various type of
boundary conditions. The insulated boundary condition is given by
−𝒌 =𝟎
Question No. 26
For a hollow cylinder, inside and outside radii, areas and heat transfer coefficients are 𝑟𝑖 , ℎ𝑖 and 𝑟𝑜, ℎ𝑜
respectively. Thermal conductivity of the cylinder material is 𝑘. The overall heat transfer coefficient
based on inside area of cylinder is given by the expression
𝟏 𝒓𝒊 𝒓 𝑨𝒊
+ 𝒍𝒏 𝒐 +
𝒉𝒊 𝒌 𝒓𝒊 𝒉𝒐 𝑨𝒐
Question No. 27
In an infinite long fin if the parameter 𝑚 = √𝑘𝐴 increases, other parameters being maintained constant,
5For fully developed laminar flow in a circular tube with constant surface heat flux, the Nusselt number
based on diameter is equal to
Question No. 29
Colburn analogy for turbulent flow in a tube is given by the following expression (St = Stanton Number,
Pr = Prandtl number, Cfx = local skin friction coefficient and f = friction factor)
St.Pr2/3 = f / 8
Question No. 30
The equivalent diameter (hydraulic diameter) for flow through annulus between two concentric
cylinders of diameters d and 2d is
Question No. 31
An enclosure consists of four surfaces 1, 2, 3 and 4. The view factors for radiation heat transfer (where
the subscripts refer to the respective surfaces) are F11=0.1, F12 = 0.4 and F13= 0.25. The surface areas A1
and A4 are 4m2 and 2m2 respectively. The view factor F41 is
Question No. 32
C and D
Question No. 33
Question No. 34
In a counter flow heat exchanger the hot and cold fluids enter at T1 and T2respectively whereas cold fluid
leaves at T3and hot fluid leaves at T4, then LMTD is given by
(𝑻𝟏 − 𝑻𝟑 ) − (𝑻𝟒 − 𝑻𝟐 )
(𝑻 −𝑻 )
𝒍𝒏 (𝑻𝟏−𝑻𝟑)
𝟒 𝟐
Question No. 35
in condensation over a vertical surface, the convection coefficient varies with the thermal conductivity
of liquid(k), as
Question No. 36
Question No. 37
For a temperature excess value of about 50 ℃, the following regime of pool boiling is observed
Nucleate boiling
Question No. 38 Typical values of convective heat transfer coefficient for boiling and condensation lie in
the range of
Question No. 39
For flow over a flat plate the hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness is 0.5 mm. The dynamic viscosity is
25X10-6 Pas, specific heat is 2 kJ/kg K and thermal conductivity is 0.05 W/mK. The thermal boundary
layer thickness would be
0.5 mm
Question No. 40
The device necessary to be installed in a refrigerating machine to make it work as a heat pump is
Question No. 41
The suction volume requirement per ton in m3 / min is given by (𝑞𝑒 is specific refrigerating effect in kJ /
kg, 𝑣1 is specific volume at entry to compressor)
Question No. 42
he specific enthalpies at entry and exit of compressor are 515 kJ/kg and 530 kJ/ kgrespectively, 525
kJ/kg and 450 kJ/kg at entry and exit respectively of condenser. The COP of the Vapour compression
cycle is
Question No. 43
Anazeotropic refrigerant
Question No. 45
Geometric mean of condenser and evaporator temperatures X √𝑻𝒄
Question No. 46
One of the desirable thermodynamic requirements of refrigerant absorbent pair for an absorption
system is boiling point requirement. According to this requirement, the minimum temperature
difference between the boiling points of absorbent and refrigerant should be
200 ℃
Question No. 47
The maximum COP of a Vapour absorption system is 0.5. The heat source and sink temperatures are 110
C and 55 oC. The approximate refrigeration temperature is
-180 C
Question No. 48
The mass of water vapour in a sample of 2 kg of air is 0.15 kg. The specific humidity of air is
Consider the following statements about heating and humidification psychrometric process
Question No. 50
Two air streams are mixed adiabatically. First air stream is having DBT = 𝑡1 𝑎nd WBT =𝑡1′ and second
stream is having DBT = 𝑡1 and WBT = 𝑡2′ , the final condition after mixing lies on
A vertical line joining the two states in the inverse ratio of their masses
Question No. 51
In sensible cooling process, the initial DBT and DPT of the air are 𝑡1 and 𝑡𝑑 respectively, temperature of
the cooling coil (𝑡𝑐 )should besuch that
𝒕𝟏 > 𝒕𝒄 > 𝑡𝒅
Question No. 52
equivalent outside air temperature such that the total heat transferred is the same as due to the
combined effect of the incident solar radiation and outside air and wall temperature difference
Question No. 53 In connection with fluorescent tubes, it may be stated that the electric power
absorbed at the fitting is about
Question No. 54
ERSH (effective room sensible heat) is given by (notations : RSH is room sensible heat, OASH is outside
air sensible heat and BPF is bypass factor)
Question No. 55
Question No. 56
Question No. 57
90 W
Question No. 58
The maximum velocity of fluid (Cmax) is given by (ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ0 is are enthalpy and stagnation enthalpy of
𝑪𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟐√𝟐𝒉𝟎
Question No. 59
Question No. 60
Euler equation is given by 2 [(𝐶22 − 𝐶12 ) + (𝑈22 − 𝑈12 ) + (𝑉12 − 𝑉22 )] where C is absolute velocity of fluid
at rotor, U is mean blade velocity and V is relative velocity. For an axial flow machine the following
factor is zero.
(𝑼𝟐𝟐 − 𝑼𝟐𝟏 )
Question No. 61
A. For backward curved vanes, Euler head remains constant and flow rate drops
B. For forward curved vanes, Euler head increases with increase in flow rate
C. For forward curved vanes, Euler head increases with decrease in flow rate
D. For backward curved vanes, Euler head goes on falling with increase in flow rate
Question No. 62
Non dimensional combination of different variables, represented by 𝑁2 𝐷2 is known as (E = elastic
constant, ρ = density, N is rpm and D is diameter)
Mach number
Question No. 63
f net positive suction head (NPSH) requirement for the pump is not satisfied, then
Question No. 64
to prevent the jet from striking the back of the following bucket in a Pelton wheel, the speed ratio is
usually kept
Question No. 65
Question No. 66
The small stage efficiency for an expansion process in a turbine is given by ( γ = ratio of specific heats, n
= polytropic index of expansion)
(𝒏 − 𝟏) 𝜸
𝒏 (𝜸 − 𝟏)
Question No. 67
Question No. 68
Question No. 69
In a multistage velocity compounded impulse turbine with n stages, the optimum value of blade speed
ratio is given by(∝ = Nozzle angle)
𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∝
Question No. 70
A. Internal cooling of blades can be achieved by passing cooling air from air compressor through
internal cooling passages from hub to the blade tips.
B. Internal cooling of blades can be achieved by passing cooling air from air compressor through
internal cooling passages from blade tips to the hub.
C. In external cooling, the cooling air enters the internal passages from the hub towards the tips.
On its way upwards it is allowed to flow over the blade surface through a number of small
A and C
Question No. 72 A turbine develops 9000 kW when running at 100 rpm at 64 m head. If the head is
reduced to 16 m, then the speed of the turbine will be
Question No. 73
Question No. 74
The total to total efficiency of a turbine is ratio of (∆ℎ is enthalpy drop, ∆ℎ𝑜 is stagnation enthalpy,
subscript ‘s’ and ‘a’ stand for isentropic and actual respectively)
Q76. In reverse engineering process, what refers to the sophistication of the design information
that can be extracted from the source code?
Abstraction level
Q83. Which of the following is not true of computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines?
They can learn from process errors.
Q86. What is the purpose of satellite computers in Distributed Numerical Control machines?
To serve a group of NC machines
Schottky defect
Q92. In a Jominy end-quench test of the eutectoid plain-carbon steel, which of the following
represents the sequence of microstructures observed from the quenched end of the
Martensite, Martensite and Pearlite, Fine Pearlite, Coarse Pearlite
Q98. For improving the strength of steel at elevated temperatures, which one of the following
alloying element is used?
Q99. Which is the purest form of Iron?
Wrought Iron
Q100. The crystal structure of austenite is
face centered cubic
Q101. The coordination number for FCC crystal structure is
Q102. A shell of 100 mm diameter and 100 mm height with the corner radius of 0.4 mm is to be
produced by cup drawing. The required blank diameter is-
224 mm
Q104. The stick-slip motion is found to occur in machine tools slides under certain conditions
which are-
At very low feed rates and when there is small difference between the
coefficients of static and dynamic friction at the slider and guide way
Q105. Consider the correct sequence of following steps involved in hammer forging a
connecting rod from barstock:
a. Blocking
b. Trimming
c. Finishing
d. Fullering
e. Edging
Q106. In an interference fit between a shaft and a hub, the state of stress in the shaft due to
interference fit is
a compressive tangential stress and a compressive radial stress
Q107. Assertion (A): Straight polarity is always recommended for Carbon‐Electrode Welding.
Reason (R): Carbon arc is stable in straight polarity.
1. Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
109. The material property which depends only on the basic crystal
structure is
Fracture strength
A. Resistance to corrosion
114. Which type of microscopic technique has been developed that generate
topographical maps representing the surface features and characteristics of the
Scanning probe
115. In which of the following Bravais lattices, not all axial angles are right angles?
126 The current date in the production calendar of the XYZ Company is day 15. There are three
orders (A, B, and C) to be processed at a particular work center. The orders arrived in the
sequence A-B-C at the work center. The following table indicates the remaining process
time and production calendar due date for each order:
B 16 days Day 34
C 7 days Day 24
The sequence of the orders that would be scheduled using critical ratio:
127 Quality control chart for averages was maintained for a dimension of the product. After the control
was established, it was found that the standard deviation (σ) of the process was 1.00 mm The
dimension of the part is 70 ± 2.5 mm. Parts above 72.5 mm can be reworked but parts below 67.5
mm have to be scrapped. What should be the setting of the process to ensure production of no scrap
and to minimize the rework?
70.5 mm
128 In a weaving operation, the parameter to be controlled is the number of defects per 10 square yards
of material. Control chart appropriate for this task is:
130 Given the data 63, 64, 66, 67, 67, 69, 71, 72.
Forecast for the ninth period using linear regression:
133. The crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism used in a shaping machine is
an inversion of the single slider-crank chain.
134. The profile of a cam in a particular zone is given by x=√3𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 and y=sinθ. The normal to
the cam profile with respect to x axis at θ=45° is at an angle
135. In a single cylinder IC engine with effective reciprocating mass of 1kg, has a crank length
of 60mm and a connecting rod length of 180mm. If the flywheel rotates at 600rpm then the
magnitude of maximum secondary force developed by the engine is
8π2 N
136 For circular arc cam with flat footed follower in contact with the flank, the acceleration of
the follower is given by (where notations have their usual meanings)
137. A leather belt of mass 1.0 g/cm2 has a maximum permissible tensile stress is 20bar. If the
cross section of the belt is 250mmX10mm then for maximum power transmission,
theoretical centrifugal tension in the belt is given by:
5000/3 N
138. A prime mover running at 300rpm drives a DC generator at 600 rpm by a flatbelt drive.
Diameter of pulley on the output shaft of the prime mover is 600mm with a slip of 4%. If the
thickness of the belt is 6mm then the diameter of the generator pulley is approximately
139 In a chain drive, each link subtends at an angle of 45° at the centre of the sprocket. If pitch
is 20mm and sprocket speed is 120rpm then average speed of the chain is equal to
0.32 m/s
140. Minimum number of teeth for rack and pinion arrangement with involute profile and
pressure angle of 20° is
141. In Scott-Russel mechanism for generating straight line which of the following statements is
The mechanism have two lower kinematic turning pairs and have one
lower kinematic sliding pairs
142. For a cam and follower arrangement with follower moving with uniform velocity, the
acceleration in the follower at the time it starts lifting is
143. A pair of spiral gears is designed to connect two non-intersecting and non-parallel shafts at
an angle of 75°, if the spiral angle for the driver gear is 45° and normal reaction at point of
contact is 1000N then the magnitude of axial thrust on the shaft of driven gear is
144. A solid shaft is designed in simple bending and torsion in such a way that its bending
moment is equal to its torsional moment then the bending stress developed in the shaft will be:
2 x the torsional shear stress
145.The state of stress at a point in a component is given by three principal stresses (σ, 0, 0). If
the same component is subjected to a mean compressive stress of magnitude of σ/3
simultaneously then what is the maximum shear-stress in the component?
146. In case of a close coil helical spring, the Wahl's correction factor for a minimum possible
spring index is nearly
147. Consider a multiple disk clutch with 4 steel and 3 bronze disks and a cone clutch with a
cone pitch angle of θ°, both operating at same speed, same mean diameter and same
axial load. If the coefficient of friction is also same for both clutches then the ratio of
torque capacity of disk clutch to torque capacity of cone clutch, considering uniform wear
is given by
148. If a hydrodynamic bearing is subjected to large fluctuations of load with heavy impacts,
then the bearing characteristic number should be
15 times the bearing modulus
149. If the velocity ratio for a chain drive, containing 60 number of teeth and chain pitch of
12.7mm, is unity then the pitch circle diameter of each sprocket is given by:
150. The diameter of a solid shaft with 100mm has the same cross sectional area and length as
that of the hollow shaftof outside diameter as 200mm. If the material of both the shafts is same
then the ratio of angle of twist of hollow shaft with that of the solid shaft is