State Social Welfare
State Social Welfare
State Social Welfare
The Central Social Welfare Board was set up by a Resolution of Government of India in 1953 wi
the object of promoting social welfare activities and implementing welfare programmes for wom
children and the handicapped through voluntary organisations. Till 1969, the Board functioned a
limb of the Government and then it was got registered as Charitable Company under the
Companies Act to give a legal status to the Board.
In 1954, the State Social Welfare Advisory Boards were set up in all the States and Union
Territories to implement the programme of the Board and assist the Central Social Welfare Board
in expansion and development of welfare services. The financial assistance to voluntary
organisations under various schemes in given on the recommendations of the State Boards.
Presently there are 32 State Boards (Annexure-XXVIII). The State Board of Jharkhand is to b
set up shortly.
Andhra Pradesh State Social Welfare Advisory Board was started in 1954 which mobilises
voluntary effort in Andhra Pradesh. The Board today assists more than 1500 Voluntary institutio
and Mahila Mandalies enabling them to undertake many welfare and developmental activities fo
women children aged and handicapped in rural hilly and backward areas.
The Central Social Welfare Board is providing 100% financial assistance for the implementation
the programmes. The Projects/Schemes that are being implemented by the Board through volunta
organisations are as follows :-
The scheme provides basic services to the children of working and ailing mothers of low
income group. The age group of children covered under the scheme is 0-5 years. There are 99
Creches in the state including the creches that are being financed directly by the Central Soci
Welfare Board and each unit consists of 25 children who are provided with sleeping facilities
health care, supplementary nutrition and non formal education Two Creche workers will look
after the children. Annual grant for each unit is Rs. 18,480/-.
This is the major Programme of the Board which is gaining momentum in the State. The Fam
Counseling Centre is meant to provide preventive and rehabilitative services to women .and
other family members and who are victims of atrocities and exploitation, and to provide
Counseling services to those having marital adjustment problems and family dispute. It woul
also create awareness about prevailing laws relating to women and provide free legal aid and
referral services like short stay, medical treatment, Vocational Training etc. Full grant will be
given towards salaries of two trained Counselors. However, the Institution will be required to
meet 20% matching contribution towards expenditure of rent, honorarium to experts statione
publicity, conveyance, contingencies etc. 23 Family Counseling Centres are functioning at
present in the state. Annual grant of Rs. 1 Lac is given to each family Counseling centre
The scheme seeks to provide a platform through organising camps for rural women helping
them come together to exchange their experiences and ideas and in the process to develop an
understanding of the reality and also ways to tackle their problems. It aims at enabling wome
to organise themselves and to strengthen women's participation in decision making in the
family and society and to deal with is sues affecting them; About the 160 Camps (AGP) are
being inducted in a year through voluntary organisations/N.G.O.'s A sum of Rs. 10,000/- is
given as grant for conducting one camp
The scheme aims to provide educational qualifications and relevant skills to needy adult wom
in order to become eligible for identifiable remunerative work opportunities. Grants will be
provided to Voluntary Organisations to provide extensive coaching to poor women in Primar
Level (V Standard) / Middle Level (VII Standard / Secondary Level (X Standard) for a period
of one / two years and see that the candidates pass in the examination conducted by the State
Government. An amount of Rs. 67,975/- is given as grant for one year course.
This programme intends to provide relevant skills to women to become eligible for employm
for identifiable remunerative work opportunities. Selection of Vocational Training Courses
should be done keeping in view the employment potential for that particulars trade. The
duration of the course shall be for a period not exceeding one year. However the duration of t
course will vary from vocation to vocation between one year to two years. Placement service
should be done by the institution for the candidates who have completed the courses. The
Voluntary Institutions can impart training in any Vocational Training Programme which has
been recognised by State / Central Government. The trainees should be sent for the Governm
examination on completion of the training programme. Both Vocational Training Programme
and Condensed Course will provide avenues for self support and self help for acquiring job
opportunities for economics empowerment of women. The total grant ranges from Rs. 47,225
to 4,80,000/- depending upon the trade chosen by the organisation.
The Socio-Economic programme endeavors to provide economic rehabilitation of economica
backward, physically handicapped destitutes, widows and the deserted with facilities to engag
themselves in full time and or part time either to earn full wages or part wages to supplement
their meager income
The Socio-Economic Programme of the Board can be broadly classified into following
categories. Productions Units: Small industries unit, ancillary units etc. Agro based unit: Dair
Goatery, Piggery, Poultry Farms etc. Service oriented units : Canteen etc. are the main schem
under Socio-Economic Programme
With the advent of the Panchayat Raj Institutions in the Third Five Years Plan following a
decision that the welfare extension projects be located in the C.D. Blocks. The Projects of the
earlier services were handed over to the local registered bodies, called Mahila Mandals and
such other Voluntary Organisantions. The pattern of assistance in the case of Mahila Mandal
was to meet 75% of the approved expenditure from the Board's grant and the remaining 25%
was to be raised from local sources. A package of welfare programmes viz. Balwadi, Craft an
Indoor Maternity activities will be conducted in one place under this scheme.
The Demonstration Project for integrated Service for Child Welfare is a Central Government
Scheme. The services cover all the children of 0-6 years of pre-school education and other ch
welfare activities in one block in the state selected for Demonstration. At present 14 Balwadi
are being run at Pattancheru Mandal in Medak District
Board is encouraging institutions which are running smaller working women hostels in rented
buildings preferably in small mofusil towns and district Head Quarters where low paid wome
employee come for jobs from distant places. The monthly income should not exceed Rs. 300
p.m. However, relaxation of income limit upto Rs. 5000/- p.m. may be considered if there are
vacancies in the hostel after admitting inmates in the prescribed income limit of Rs. 3000/-p.m
and below.
The purpose of the scheme is to provide opportunity for organised and guided recreation
through camping to children living in deprived areas, specially the scheme seeks to provide
experience in community living training in citizenship and opportunity for personality
development. The scheme is intended for children in the age group of 9-16. An amount of Rs
32,000/- is given as grant for each camp.
This scheme has been specifically evolved to help the women and girls who are the victims o
exploitation in moral danger, are homeless and also without the means of subsistence and soc
protection etc. These women are provided counseling and rehabilitative services while
temporarily keeping them inmates in also done by the aided institutions yearly grant of Rs. 4.
Lacs is given for each short stay home.
Helpline : Help Line is a 24 hours phone emergency outreach programme for women and gir
in distress and in moral danger needing immediate protection and shelter. It responds to the
need of such women and girls and links them to long term services as per their requirement a
availability of the service.
Free Phone Women and girls requiring help can call 1091 free of charge.
Emergency Services provided from the time of the call to the time till the person is
Need of the Help Line: With the increase of rate in crime against women and girls, changing
social scenario, social changes like break¬up of joint family system, family maladjustment,
rapid urbanisation and an increased obsession with material gains leading to alleviated stress
levels and absence of support system has given rise to emotional problems like loneliness,
depression, interpersonal conflict, suicidal feelings etc. It is in these circumstance that the
women and girls who have no social protection from exploitation, facing problems of
maladjustment in society or family, victims of emotional disturbances and social ostracism, o
being forced into prostitution.
Target Group: Women and girls who have no social protection from exploitation, facing
problems of maladjustment in society or family, victims of of emotional disturbances and soc
ostracism, or being forced into prostitution.
Networking: Help Line will build a network of various services being provided by
governmental / non-governmental voluntary organisations and will provide emergency
assistance before referring the case to other organisations for long terms rehabilitation
The Voluntary organisations working at grass root level are given opportunity to formulate
innovative scheme for effecting a tangible improvement/rehabilitation development for any
vulnerable sections of the society which are not covered under any other programes of the
Government. Minimum grant with loan compornent of Rs. 10,000/- to 50,000/- is given to 6
any depending upon the scheme.
The State Board Conduct & Orientation Training Programmes for functionaries of Voluntary
Organisations from time to time. The object of the orientation training programmes is to mak
the Voluntary organisations aware about welfare and Developmental programme of State
Govt/Central Govt to make use of the programmes for the benefit of the weaker Sections
In addition, the Board also conducts the following programmes every year.
a) Mahila Shakti Meia in various zones of the State to encourage women involved in
production units to provide marketing avenues to the products manufactured by NGO's an
self employment schemes and to promote new institutions.
b) Mahila Sadassus in the backward and uncovered areas to promote new institutions and to
encourage existing NGO's to come forward to implement the various programmes
sponsored by the Boards conducts International Women's Day programmes, Seminars, etc
for making women aware about their legitimate rights
Training programme to the Organisers of Awareness Generation projects aided by the
There are 32 State Boards in different States and
UTs. They are headed by nonofficial Chairpersons who
are mostly renowned social workers. The Boards consist
of nonofficial members, normally representing each major
district of the State and are proportionately nominated by
the Central Board and State Govt.