Information Technology Csec Jan 2015 p1 With Answer
Information Technology Csec Jan 2015 p1 With Answer
Information Technology Csec Jan 2015 p1 With Answer
January 2015
Paper 1
1. Which of the following sequence of 5. The four-bit binary representation of the
instructions does the Control Unit Perform? decimal number 8 is
(A) Decodes, Executes and Fetches (A) 0001
(B) Fetches, Decodes and Executes (B) 0010
(C) Executes, Decodes and Fetches (C) 0100
(D) Fetches, Executes and Decodes (D) 1000
6. The barcode reader in a device used to
Item 2 refers to the following diagram which (A) Input data
shows a form being completed. (B) Output data
(D) Process Data (C) Store data
16. In the URL , 22. Which of the following is used to create
‘’ stands for the 2D and 3D Drawings?
(A) Extension (A) CAD
(B) CAE (C) Satellite
(C) CAM (D) Infrared
28. Which of the following is NEITHER
Item 23 refers to the icon below. Validation NOR a Verification Check?
(A) Storage Media Check
(B) Inconsistency Check
(C) Date-type Check
(D) Range Check
24. Google is an example of 30. Which type of processing system will use
(A) The Internet Explorer sequential file organisation?
(B) A Web Browser (A) Batch Processing
(C) A Search Engine (B) Real-Time Processing
(D) The World Wide Web (C) Transaction Processing
25. Which of the following is an advantage of (D) Online processing
using credit or debit cards?
(A) Only the owner can use the card 31. The first-generation programming
(B) The owner can spend more money language is called
(C) The owner may use the card to store (A) Assembly
additional data (B) BASIC
(D) The owner can carry less cash (C) Machine
(D) Non- procedural
26. Which of the following is detected by
using a pressure sensor? 32. Which word processing feature must John
(A) Activity use if he wants to include his company’s logo
(B) Light in the bottom margin of every page of a
(C) Warmth document?
(D) Weight (A) Header
(B) Footer
(C) Endnote
(D) Footnote
27. Which of the following is not included in
wireless transmission media? 33. A site map on a web page shows the
(A) Co-axial (A) Code of the web site
(B) Line- of-Sight (B) Contents of each web page
(C) Hyperlinks in the web page (C) Labels or cell addresses
(D) List of pages on a web site (D) Values or Cell addresses
34. Which of the following is the correct 40. Which of the following can be used in a
process for inserting a repeated sentence in spreadsheet to copy the same number down
different locations of a document? multiple rows in a single column?
(A) Copy, Cut and Paste (A) Cursor
(B) Cut and paste (B) Cell
(C) Copy and Paste (C) Label
(D) Cut and Copy (D) Fill Handle
35. Slides can be arranged using 41. Which of the following characteristics
(A) Slide View must two database tables have in order for
(B) Slide sorter them to be linked?
(C) Slide Master (A) At least one common attribute name
(D) New Slide (B) Composite keys
(C) At least two tuples in the table
36. Which of the following may NOT be (D) The same data in all Tuples
included in PowerPoint Presentations?
(A) Photos 42. You created a spreadsheet with 7 columns
(B) Text and wish to enter the text “WEEKLY REPORT”
(C) Chat to appear at the middle of the space used by
(D) Sound the 7 columns. Which of the following
spreadsheet features will enable this to be
37. Which of the following is the default done?
justification of numbers in spreadsheets? (A) Centre
(A) Left (B) Merging
(B) Full (C) Merge and Centre
(C) Centred (D) Indenting
(D) Right
43. Which spreadsheet function finds and
38. Which of the following is normally used displays the HIGHEST value in a set of values?
for website- to-website connection? (A) MAX
(A) Modem (B) MIN
(B) Monitor (C) RANK
(C) Hyperlink (D) COUNT
(D) Hypertext
45. The term used to describe text in a 50. During the development of a program,
spreadsheet that is aligned towards left by writing an algorithm is a step towards
default is (A) Planning the solution
(A) Value formulae (B) Defining the problem
(B) Headings (C) Debugging the Program
(C) Labels (D) Maintaining the Program
(D) Values
51. Which of the following is a valid integer
46. Consider the following algorithm constant?
(A) 0.37
a= 7 (B) 37.0
b= 9 (C) 370
a= b – a (D) 3700
Write a, b 52. In preparing a computer program , the
programmer should FIRST
The output of the algorithm is (A) Plan the solution
(A) 2, 9 (B) Define the problem
(B) 2, 11 (C) Code the progress
(C) 7, 9 (D) Prepare program documentation
(D) 7, 11
53. The purposes of comments in program
47. Which of the following is NOT a code are to
stage/step in problem-solving
(A) Sell the program I. Allow persons who read it to follow the
(B) Test the program process
(C) Define the problem II. Allow persons to know the purpose of the
(D) Evaluate solutions program
III. Enable persons who read to generate
48. What Pascal statement is used to output complex codes
results in a program?
(A) Read (A) I and II only
(B) Write (B) I and III only
(C) Start (C) II and III only
(D) Print (D) I, II and III
49. In the programming language Pascal, 54. The Pascal code var x,y would generate
which of the following is NOT a standard data an error. The term used to describe this type
type? of error is
(A) Floating Point (A) Run time error
(B) Char (B) Execution Error
(C) Boolean (C) Logical Error
(D) Syntax Error (D) Fourth
Item 55 refers to the following pseudocode 57. Which of the following is not a third
generation language?
Read A,B (A) Assembly
If A < 2 (B) COBOL
C2 (C) C
End If 58. Which of the following is used to perform
D C *B + 2 assignments in the programming language
Write D Pascal?
(A) =
55. What is printed by the pseudocode if the (B)
input values are 5 and 2 respectively? (C) = =
(A) 6 (D) :=
(B) 12
(C) 14 59. Which of the following is the Pascal code
(D) 24 used to declare an Array WORD with 20
56. The following are examples of computer (A) VAR LIST: ARRAY [20] of char;
programming instructions: (B) WORD : ARRAY [1..20] of char;
(C) VAR WORD : ARRAY [1 to 20] of char;
Sort customer by last name (D) VAR WORD: ARRAY [1..20] of char;
Total income by department
60. A compiler is a program that converts the
To what generation of programming (A) source code to assembly code
language do these belong? (B) source code to machine code
(A) First (C) program to output
(B) Second (D) Program to object code one instruction at
(C) Third a time