2009sp - 2021 IT Paper Ones

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IT Specimen 2009

1. Which of the following is NOT an example 8. Which of the following is TRUE about
of a peripheral device writing custom software
(A) Printer (A) It is much cheaper than using an off
(B) Mouse the shelf package
(C) Memory (B) It does not take a long time to produce
(D) Keyboard (C) It may not have all of the features that
are required
2. Which of the following is NOT an output (D) Many other companies will have this
device same software
(A) Microfilm
(B) Modem 9. Which type of cable is used for cable TV?
(C) Monitor (A) Aluminum-alloy
(D) Mouse (B) Coaxial
(C) Fiber-optic
3. Which of the following does NOT describe (D) Twisted-pair
the functions of a mouse
(A) Has a set of keys 10. When a floppy disk is formatted, all data is
(B) Is a pointing device _____
(C) Has a rubber ball underneath (A) Copied to the disk
(D) Left button is used to select text (B) Deleted from the disk
(C) Read from the disk
4. A _______________ is an example of a (D) Saved to the disk
direct data entry device
(A) Barcode reader 11. A concentric ring on a hard disk is referred
(B) Keyboard to as a
(C) Mouse (A) Buffer
(D) Plotter (B) Cylinder
(C) Sector
5. An inkjet printer is best described as (D) Track
(A) An output device
(B) An input device 12. A type of utility used to reduce the size of
(C) A storage device files is
(D) A memory device (A) file compression program
(B) troubleshooting program
6. Which of the following devices is most (C) antivirus program
suitable for signaling that there is smoke (D) uninstall program
in the area
(A) A sensor 13. What is the corresponding decimal value of
(B) A mouse 1111 (base 2)
(C) An OCR Reader (A) 15
(D) A thermometer (B) 4
(C) 64
7. The two kinds of main memory are (D) 32
(A) Primary and secondary
(B) Random and sequential
(C) ROM and RAM
(D) Hard and soft
14. What is the corresponding decimal value of 21. Application software does NOT include
the octal number 44 (A) Presentation software
(A) 32 (B) Web browser software
(B) 36 (C) Word processing software
(C) 97 (D) Systems software
(D) 21
22. What is the name of the folder that houses
15. The term BCD represents the Web page in the fictitious URL given
(A) Byte Code Decimal below?
(B) Binary Coded Decimal
(C) Basic Coding Design http://www.oup.com/itforcsec/ind
(D) Binary Coded Design ex.htm

16. A network ____ (A) http

(A) Organizes data among computers (B) www.oup.com
(B) Allows users to obtain data from (C) itforcsec
a central computer (D) index.htm
(C) Receives data from one computer
(D) Enables two or more computers 23. Tashera is much more interested in computer
to communicate hardware and circuit design. She may
want to consider a career in
17. There are ____ stable states in a bistable (A) End-user support
environment. (B) Systems engineering
(A) two (C) Electrical engineering
(B) three (D) Computer science
(C) four
(D) five 24. A file with extension .xls is most likely
associated with a
18. System utilities: (A) database
(A) include features such as webpage design (B) web page
(B) are loaded before the operating system (C) picture
(C) have to be accessed through the Internet (D) spreadsheet
(D) perform functions such as checking disk
space 25. An example of a presence check is
(A) Examining whether or not a field is the
19. A popular computer interface is required type in a date field
(A) monitor (B) Requiring a user to enter his or her e-
(B) Command-line mail address twice
(C) GUI (C) Testing that only letters are entered in a
(D) Menu-driven name field
(D) Ensuring that numbers are positive in a
20. An electronically identified interface for quantity ordered field
getting information into and out of a
computer is called a(n) 26. The Exit command is located in the
(A) Bay _____menu
(B) Interface (A) File
(C) Port (B) Window
(D) Expansion card (C) Tools
(D) Shutdown
27. A security buffer between a company’s 32. The minimum number of rows and columns
private network and all external networks in a word table is
is called a (A) Zero
(A) Firewall (B) 2 rows and 1 column
(B) Password (C) 2 rows and 2 column
(C) Printer (D) 1 row and 1 column
(D) Virus
33. What type of software is used for creating
28. A computer virus is letters and other documents?
(A) software written with malicious intent (A) Database
to cause annoyance or damage (B) Word Processor
(B) a method of encoding a message (C) Spreadsheet
(C) small device that scans the messages (D) Operating Program
on your computer
(D) tool that monitors your email 34. To create a table for 5 people, containing the
headings name, address and a reference
29. A _______ moves through networks and number at the top, you will need
operating systems by attaching itself to (A) 5 rows, 3 columns
different programs and databases. (B) 3 rows, 5 columns
(A) Firewall (C) 6 rows, 3 columns
(B) Password (D) 3 rows, 6 columns
(C) Worm
(D) Virus 35. _____ software would be the MOST
appropriate for showing information in
30. In a ______network, all notes are connected point form on a large screen
to a central hub (A) Database
(A) Bus (B) presentation
(B) Star (C) Graphics
(C) Ring (D) Spreadsheet
(D) Local
Questions 36 to 38 are based on the spreadsheet
31. When saving a single document, a file name, below
the drive and folder in which to store the
document must be specified
(A) Only when using the Save command
(B) Only when using the Save As
(C) Every time the Save command is used,
and every time the Save As command
is used
(D) The first time the Save command is (*** fig mcq ss ***)
used, and every time the Save As 36. Cell C4 contains
command is used (A) A formula
(B) A function
(C) A range
(D) A graphic
37. If the contents in cell C4 are copied to cells 41. The objects in the diagram below illustrate
C5 through C7, then cell C7 contains
(A) =B4*C1
(B) =B4*C7
(C) =B7*C1
(D) =B7*C4

38. The result in cell C4 is

(A) 2.7
(B) 27
(C) 0.27 (A) a Slide layout
(D) 0 (B) b Animation settings
(C) c Page layouts
Questions 39 and 40 are based on the graphic below: (D) d Color schemes
(***Fig emptyslide2***)
42. In the following diagram, transition effects
been set on slide(s)

39. The graphic is called a

(A) Picture
(B) Rectangle
(C) Screen
(D) Slide
(A) a 1 and 2
40. To add a title ‘Introduction’: (B) b 3 and 4
(A) Double click on the long (C) c 1 and 3
rectangle and type the word (D) d 2 and 4
(B) Double click on the small
rectangle and type the word 43. ______ is commonly used for Web
(C) Click on the long rectangle and applications is:
type the word (A) C++
(D) Click on the small rectangle and (B) COBOL
type the word (C) HTML
(D) Lisp
44. Tags used for formatting fonts in HTML are 49. Instead of using symbols to represent
I <B></B> program logic, _____________________
II <I></I> uses statements that are English-like.
III <U></U> (A) pseudocode
IV <H1></H1> (B) machine language
(C) low-level languages
(A) I only (D) flowcharts
(B) I and II
(C) I, II and III 50. The only language that a computer directly
(D) I, II, III, and IV interprets is __________ language.
(A) assembly
45. An advantage of using HTML to create a (B) machine
basic web page is that (C) nonprocedural
(A) all word processors can display (D) procedural
the document
(B) all browsers can display the 51. IPO diagrams
document (A) Illustrate the structure of the
(C) it will print better than a word program
processing document (B) Use symbols to present activities
(D) it is easier to write in HTML (C) Specify the input to the program
and the output produced
46. The part of a database that is used for easy (D) Specify the logic of the program
input of data is
(A) Forms 52. An if-then-else structure is part of:
(B) Queries (A) sequence
(C) Reports (B) repetition
(D) Tables (C) selection
(D) ordering
47. _____ is NOT an example of a common data
type found in most databases 53. Repetitions include:
(A) Date (A) if-then-else
(B) Number (B) case
(C) Text (C) do-while
(D) Key (D) sequence

48. APPEND 54. The following loop will be executed ______

(A) Adds records to the top of a times.
database table
(B) Deletes records from the top of a FOR count := 0 to 3 DO
database table and opens the table writeln(‘*’);
(C) Adds record at the end of a
database table (A) 0
(D) Deletes record from the end of a (B) 3
database table (C) 4
(D) *
55. In Pascal, ‘initializing’ a variable means:
(A) creating procedures to use the variable
(B) declaring the type of variable
(C) giving the variable an start value
(D) writing code that uses the variable.

56. To assign 5 to the variable COUNT means that COUNT should be

(A) char
(B) integer
(C) real
(D) string

57. Programming languages that are classified as low-level languages include

II Machine Code
III Pascal
IV Assembly language

(A) I and IV
(B) I and III
(C) II and III
(D) II and IV

58. An interpreter
(A) Converts the program line by line
(B) Converts the entire program code in one step
(C) Executes the program efficiently
(D) Does not have any errors

59. The first step in solving a program is

(A) Develop the algorithm
(B) Evaluate solutions
(C) Specification and design
(D) Test the solution

60. The term used to retrieve data from keyboard entry is called
(A) Write
(B) Print
(C) Read
(D) Start
Information Technology
Paper One

1. Which of the following devices is used to perform 6. Identify the list that is arranged starting from the
input into the computer? BEST TO WORST print quality.

(A) Monitor (A) Laser, dot matrix, inkjet

(B) Mouse (B) Inkjet, dot matrix, laser
(C) External hard drive (C) Laser, inkjet, dot matrix
(D) USB flash drive (D) Dot matrix, inkjet, laser

2. Which of the following is NOT part of a diskette? 7. Which of the following is NOT an audio output
(A) Track
(B) Sector (A) Microphone
(C) Cylinder (B) Earphone
(D) Cluster (C) Headphone
(D) Speakers
3. A diskette is divided into a number of concentric
circles called 8. The one’s complement of 01010011 is

(A) sectors (A) 11010011

(B) cylinders (B) 0101111
(C) tracks (C) 10101100
(D) clusters (D) 11111111

4. Which of the following devices is NOT used in 9. In modern personal computers, the CPU speed is
point of sale terminals? measured in

(A) Printer (A) nanoseconds

(B) Plotter (B) milliseconds
(C) Bar code reader (C) MHz
(D) Electronic cash register (D) GHz

5. Resolution determines the clarity of the image 10. The storage capacity of a floppy disk is
displayed on a monitor. The term resolution refers (A) 1.44MB
to the number of pixels (B) 1.44GB
(C) 1440KB
(A) present horizontally on the screen (D) 1440MB
(B) present vertically on the screen
(C) present in a unit area of the screen
(D) that makes up the color
11. The process of preparing a floppy disk to 17. Google is an example of
store data from a computer is called
(A) the Internet Explorer
(A) deleting (B) a Web browser
(B) easing (C) a search engine
(C) formatting (D) the World Wide Web
(D) archiving
18. A new employee at a financial company has
12. An example of a point and draw device is a been asked to set a password on her computer.
She has tried setting the password on several
(A) keyboard occasions but gets an error message which says
(B) joystick “password not effective”. The password that is
(C) mouse
(D) scanner (A) made up of several numbers
(B) a relative’s name
13. An application in which scanner are (C) composed of at least six upper case
commonly used is characters
(D) a mixture of mixed case and
(A) publishing alphanumeric characters
(B) billing
(C) printing reports 19. Transferring data form a remote computer to
(D) cheque processing your computer is referred to as

14. Which of the following does NOT provide (A) uploading

serial access? (B) browsing
(C) downloading
(A) Reel-to-reel tape (D) data mining
(B) Microfilm
(C) Microfiche 20. Scrambling of messages at the sending end
(D) Cartridge tape and unscrambling them at the receiving end is
15. Which of the following provides transmission
of data in BOTH directions at the same time? (A) espionage
(B) encryption
(A) Half Duplex (C) coding
(B) Full Duplex (D) eavesdropping
(C) Null Duplex
(D) Simplex 21. The acronym ‘HTTP’ stands for

16. In the URL http://www.shoes.com, (A) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

‘shoes.com’ stands for the (B) Hyper Text Transmission
(C) Higher Text Transmission Protocol
(A) extension (D) Higher Text Transfer Protocol
(B) company name
(C) domain name
(D) internet company
22. E-mail is the transmission of messages and 25. Advantages of information processing
files via a computer network. E-mail is short for include

(A) encrypted mail (A) retaining of staff

(B) emerging mail (B) less human intervention
(C) entertainment mail (C) increasing the amount of equipment
(D) electronic mail needed
(D) reduction of face-to-face interaction
Item 23 refers to the iron below
26. Which of the following statements is true of a
transaction file?

(A) It is the most complete and up-to-date

(B) It is used as a back-up copy.
(C) It is used for real-time processing.
(D) It is used to update the master file.

23. In an e-mail program the icon above is used 27. Which type of processing system will use
to sequential file organization?

(A) send a file (A) Real-time processing

(B) forward a file (B) Batch processing
(C) create a file (C) Transaction processing
(D) attach a file (D) Online processing

24. Which of the following is NEITHER a 28. Data verification is checking for
validation NOR a verification check?
(A) particular data types
(A) Storage media check (B) data in a specific range
(B) Inconsistency check (C) transcription errors
(C) Data-type check (D) correct relationships between files
(D) Range check
Items 29-30 refers to the document below which shows a water bill.

Account Number Meter Number Bill Days Account Number Bill Date
111222-3 2009/12/04
$25.41 2009/12/29
Mr Tom Bill
21 Hill Top View

B. Post cheque to:

P O Box 1206 Bridgetown

29. Customers tear off Section A of the bill and return their payment to the company. The
document above is BEST described as

(A) an automated document

(B) a turnaround document
(C) a source document
(D) a transaction document

30. Which type of technology is the information shown as B in the document MOST likely
printed in?


31. Slide design in a presentation 32. Which of the following are uses of a
software is used typical presentation software?

(A) create a background for the I. To enhance public speaking

slide II. To store records in a structural
(B) create your own design for fashion
the slide III. To create graphs of sales
(C) create a layout for the slide IV. To deliver lectures
(D) create a style for the slide
(A) I and II only
(B) I and IV only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) I, II, III and IV
Items 33 – 34 refer to the diagram below which shows a section of the Standard Toolbar of a
word processing package.

33. The name of the icon labelled ‘1’ is 34. The purpose of the icon labelled 2 is

(A) undo (A) align text on the left and right

(B) repeat (B) increase the indentation of
(C) word wrap selected paragraph(s)
(D) test alignment (C) increase columns in document
(D) display the grid to select
columns and rows

Item 35 refers to the diagram shown below. 36. The term used to describe text in
spread sheet that is aligned towards left
by default is

(A) value formulae

(B) headings
(C) labels
(D) values

37. Which of the following is the

justification of numbers in spreadsheet

(A) Left
(B) Full
(C) Centered
(D) Right

38. When a cell from a spreadsheet is

absolute referenced,

(A) its value becomes constant

35. The diagram above is called the (B) its cell address becomes constant
(C) its label becomes constant
(A) page setup dialog box (D) its cell value changes
(B) paragraph dialog box automatically
(C) clipboard task pane
(D) format dialog box
39. Spreadsheet formulae use 43. Which of the following is/are true of
secondary keys?
(A) values, labels or cell addresses
(B) values, mathematical operators or I. They are used strictly for data
cell addresses retrieval purposes.
(C) labels or cell addresses II. They are always in text form.
(D) values or cell addresses III. They do not contain null
40. Which of the following is NOT IV. They do the same function as a
involved in extraction or filtering of foreign key.
records in spreadsheets?
(A) I only
(A) Value range (B) II and III only
(B) Criteria range (C) III and IV only
(C) List range (D) I, II, III, IV
(D) Copy to range
44. The object that is used to produce a
41. Which if the following list of records that meet a particular
characteristics must two databases tables criterion is a
have in order for them to be linked?
(A) form
(A) At least one common attribute (B) table
name (C) module
(B) Composite keys (D) query
(C) At least two tuples in the table
(D) The same data in all tuples 45. In a relational database, tables are
also called
42. The term used to describe an
attribute that cane function like a primary (A) tuples
key is a (B) files
(C) relations
(A) candidate key (D) entity
(B) secondary key
(C) foreign key 46. Consider the following algorithm.
(D) composite key
Write A, B

The Output of this algorithm is

(A) 2, 9
(B) 2, 11
(C) 7, 9
(D) 7, 11
47. Consider the following algorithm 51. The purpose of comments in
program code is to
Sum ← 0
Read a, b I. allow persons who read it to
Sum ← a+b follow the process
Write Sum II. know the purpose of the program
III. generate code
In the above algorithm, ‘Sum ← 0’
represents (A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(A) a declaration (C) II and III only
(B) a computation (D) I, II and III
(C) an initialization
(D) an assignment 52. Which of the following are true
about the use of indentation in
48. In the programming language Pascal, programming?
which if the following is NOT a standard
data type? I. To make the layout of the code
(A) Floating Point II. For complier/interpreter to
(B) Char identify errors
(C) Boolean III. For easy understanding of the
(D) Integer order of code
IV. For easy correction of syntax
49. Which of the following structures is errors
most commonly used to implement a
post-test loop in Pascal? (A) I, II and III only
(B) I, III and IV only
(A) for – do (C) II, III and IV only
(B) while – do (D) I, II, III, IV
(C) if – then
(D) repeat – until 53. Which of the following is NOT a
third generation language?
50. Which of the following statements
would be placed in the flowchart box (A) Assembly
shown below? (B) COBOL
(C) C

54. The Pascal code var x, y would

generate an error. The term used to
describe this type of error is
(A) Read A
(B) A > 25 (A) runtime error
(C) Count ← count + 1 (B) execution error
(D) Output C (C) syntax error
(D) logic error
Item 55 refers to the following pseudocode 59. The variable total is assigned the
value 12. Which output shows the
Read A, B CORRECT display when the Pascal code
If A<2 writeln(‘total=’); is executed?
Else (A) total=
C←6 (B) 12
Endif (C) total=12
D←C*B+2 (D) ‘total=’
Write D
60. Which of the following identifiers is
55. What is printed by the pseudocode if a valid variable name?
the input values are 5 and 2 respectively?
(A) Begin
(A) 6 (B) iCount
(B) 12 (C) Num-1
(C) 14 (D) 5Sum
(D) 24

56. A complier is software that convert


(A) source code to assembly code

(B) source code to machine code
(C) program to output
(D) program to object code one
instruction at a time

57. The results of the expression 3 mod

4 is

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 3
(D) 4

58. Which of the following symbols is

used to perform assignments in the
programming language Pascal?

(A) =
(B) ←
(C) :=
(D) ==

rEsr coDE 01229010

FORM TP 201s083 MAY/JUNE2O15
Paper 01 - General ProficiencY
I hoar 30 minates

0z firNE 201s G.m.)


l. This t€st consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them'

2. In addition to this t€st booklet, you should have an answer sheel

(A), (B)' (c)' (D)' Read €ach item
J. Each item itr this test has four suggested answers lettered
you are about to answer and decide which choice is best'
your item ond shade the space
4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to
having the same letler ttt" yoo have chosen' Look at how it is done in the sample
". "os*o
item below.

Samole ltem
software tools?
Which of the following paks rcpresents gen€ral-purpos€
(A) Samole Answer
Spreadsheet and database software
igj word processor and accounting software
ici Student record system and database softrx'are o@ @@
b) Insurance processing and spreadsheet softwar€
softrrare"' so (A) has been shaded'
The best answer to this item is "Sprea<lsheet an'l database

before you fill in your new

If you want to change your answer, b€ sure to erase it coEpletely
as quickly and as carefully as you can'
When you are told to begi4 turn the page and work
go on to th" o"*t one' You may return to that itetn
If you cannot answer an item' omit it



Copyright @ 2013 Caribbean E:<aminations Council

: All rights reserved'

0r229010/F 20ts
1. which of the following are considered 6. which of the following is a tjpe of user
computer hartlware? intcrfrce?

(A) Data (A) IDE

(B) Programs (B) MIDI
(C) Operating systems (C) ASCII
(D) OuQutdwices (D) GIJI

2. Resolution determines the clarity of the 7. which ofthe following is used by the cpu
image displayed on a monitor. The term to temporarily store data?
'resolution' refers to the number ofpixels
(A) Bufrer
(A) present horizontally on the scre€n (B) Tback
(B) prcsent vertically oi the screen (C) Sector
(C) present in a unit area ofthe screen (D) Cylinder
(D) that makes up the colour

8. EnorSption is used to
3. A diskette is divided into a number of
concentsic circles (A) disguise data and prograrns
(B) commit computer crime
(A) sectors (C) discard old equipment
(B) oylinders (D) physically prevent users from
(C) Eacks accessing a computer
(D) clusters
9. In modem pereonal oomputers, the CPU
4. The storage capacity ofa floppy disk is speed is measured in

(A) 1.44 l"G (A) nanoseconds

(B) |.44 GB (B) milliseconds
(C) 1440 KB (c) MIIZ
(D) l440MB (D) cr'z

5. Which of the.following devices is used to 10. Google Chrome is an orample of

perform input into the computer?
(A) the Intemet Explorer
(A) Monitor (B) a web browser
(B) Mouse (C) a search engine
(C) External hard drive (D) theWorldWideWeb
(D) USB flash drive


or2290t0tF 2015
The four-bit binary rcprescntation of the 16. In the URL http://www.shoes.com,'shoes.
decimal number 8 is com' stsnds for the

(A) 0(X)l (A) e:delrsion

(B) 0010 (B) aompany name
(c) 0100 (C) domain name
(D) 1000 (D) Interaet compsoy

Which of the following is considered a 17. Which of the following devices produces
feature of I biometric syst€m? a soft copy?

(A) Diagnoses medical syqtoms. (A) Microfilm

(B) Mafchesfingeryrints. (B) Plotler
(C) Detects irregular heartbeaa. (c) Prhter
(D) Helps to lubricatc skeletal joints. (D) Visual Display Unit (VDII)

13. Which of the following printers is MOST A document used for the initial recording
suitable for high volume printing? ofdrta relating to business transactions is
called a
(A) Dot matrix
(B) Thermal (A) tunrarounddocument
(C) Inkjet (B) source document
(D) Laser (C) primory document
(D) main document

14. The MAIN function of a frcwall is that it

19. Ttansferring data froE I remote computer
(A) is used by hackcrs to prevent to your computer is referred to as
(B) protccts computer files (A) uploading
(C) prevents unauthorized access to e (B) browsiog
comput€r on a network (C) downloading
(D) I
protects stand-alone computer (D) data mining
Aom viruses

Scrambling ofmessages at the sending end

Which of the following provides and unscrambling them at the receiving end
transnission of data in BOTII directions is called
at the same time?
(A) espionage
(A) Half duplo< (B) encrSption
(B) Fullduplot (C) coding
(C) Null duplo< (D) eavesdropping
(D) Simplex


ot2290totF 2015
21. The acronym 'HTTP' stands fot Which of the following is BEST suited to
batch processing?
(A) Hyper To<t Transfer Protocol
(B) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol (A) Salary preparation
(C) HigberTortTransmissionProtocol (B) Online gaming
(D) Higher Text Transfer Protocol (C) Flight simulation
(D) Theatre booking

which oftle following statements is NoT

true of secondar5l storage media? 27. Wbich ofthe following isNOTao operating
(A) Pichres and text can be stored.
(B) Storagecapacityist5picallyaround (A) MS Office
l.44MB. (B) Windows
(C) Inforrnation can be accessed mort (C) Mac OS
quickly than magnetio disks. (D) Linux
(D) Largeamounbofdatacanbestored.

The part of the central processing unit

Which of the following protocols alloyi/s whcre simple calculations can take place
the user to talk internationally? is called the

(A) FTP (A) cu

(B) VoIP (B) ALU
(c) HTTP (c) su
(D) IP (D) vDU

24. What is the correspondiog decimal value 29. Data can be transmitted between devices
oflll (base 2)? and computers using a wireless radio
technology known as
(A) 7
(B) 8 (A) bluetooth
(c) e (B) hotspot
(D) l0 (C) microwave
(D) fibre optic

What is the result of the following

operation? 30. Which of the following limib network
access between two or more networks?
10110 base 2 + fi)101 base 2
(A) A firewall
(A) l0l1l base 2 (B) Biometics
(B) ll00l base 2 (C) An encryption
(C) 11011 base 2 (D) An anti-virus program
(D) 10101 base 2


0t2290101F 2015
31. Selecting orhigblightingaparagraphcreate's 36. Which type of chart is NOT suitable for
a reprcseDting data over two years as shown
in the table below?
(A) file
(B) merge Country_ 2009 2010
(c) block A 300 600
(D) document B 5@ 800
c 500 600

To complete her word Processing (A) Column

assigrunent, Susie must aliF the text to (B) Line
both the left and rigbt margins. Which type (C) Bar
of aligoment must Susie select to achieve (D) Pie

(A) Risbt 37. Which of the following is the default

(B) Left justification of numbers in spreadsheets?
(C) Centre
(D) Justified (A) Left
(B) Full
(C) Centsed
33. Which of the following features allows the (D) Risht
user to insert individual uames in a primary
Information produced from querias and
(A) Footers tables in a specific formatthat canbe prhted
(B) Headers from a database is called
(C) Mail merge
(D) Search and rePlace (A) a fle
(B) ateport
(C) abinary
34. In Microsoft PowerPoint, s singls pigs (D) an object
shown on a screen to display information
is called a
39. Slides can be arranged using
(A) slide
(B) table (A) slide view
(c) field (B) slide sorter
(D) presentation (C) slide master
(D) new slide

,lr2 is fonnatted as A2 using

(A) striketbrough
40. rfre ffi icon in a presenation is used for

(B) subscriPt (A) slide showview

(C) superscriPt (B) notes view
(D) small caPs (C) outline view
(D) normal view


41. Which ofthe following characteristics must 46. Consider the following algorithm.
two database tables have in order for them
to be lfuiked? a:7
(A) Atleastonecornmonattibutcaame a=b-a
(B) Composite keys b=a+b
(C) At least two tuples in the table Write a, b
(D) The same data in all tuples
The ouput of this algorithm is

Which of the following effects is a special (A) 2,e

animatiotr effect, where the infomration (B) 2,rr
fades after it has been presented? (c) 7,9
(D) 't,rr
(A) Animation
(B) Dimming
(C) Entrance 47. Whenbreakingdown asimpleprobleminto
(D) Empbasis its logical steps,whatstatemed/instruction
would the adding of two numbers be?

43. Which of tbe following is normally used (A) A process

for website-to-website conncction? (B) Ar output
(C) Aa input
(A) Modem (D) A storage
(B) Monilor
(C) Hyperlink
(D) Hlipertext What is the nsme given to an identifier that
always holds the same value?

44. The object that is used to produce a list of (A) Constant

records that meets a particular criterion is (B) Variable
a (C) Location
(D) Storage
(A) form
(B) table
(C) module.
(D) query

Which of the following data types

CANNOTbe entered into a &tabasetable?

(A) Number
(B) Text
(c) Yes/no
(D) A$3y


012290rc8 20ts
-7 -

49. You are given the problem of fnding the The LAST step in solving a probletrt is to
sum of TIIREE numbers, and you use an
IPO chart to decompose the problem. (A) evaluate the solution
(B) test the solution
What is the correct order of the stat€ments (C) develop the algorithm
to b€ placed into the input, processiag and (D) specify the desig!
ouqrut colurnDs?

(A) Add the three numbers together/ 54. The Pascal code verx, y would generate an
number l, nurnber 2, number 3/ error. The term used to describe this tl/pe
Total of error is
(B) TotaVnumber l, number2, number
3/addthe three lumbers together (A) syntax
(C) Number I, number 2, number 3/ (B) logical
TotaVadd the three numbers (C) exocution
together (D) run-time
(D) Number l, number 2, number 3/
add the tbree numbers together
/Iotal $g';$referstothe followingpseudocode.

Read A" B
50. Tbe integer variables a, b and c, are tf A<2
given the values 6, l0 and 2 respectively. C+2
What is the result of the expression Else
a MUIJT(b DIVcp C+-6
End if
(A) 0 D <- C*B+2
(B) 20 lvrite D
(c) 30
(D) r20 What is printed by the pseudocode if the
input values are 5 and 2 respectively?

The original code written by the (A) 6

programmer is termed (B) 12
(c) 14
(A) object code (D) a
(B) source code
(C) machine code
(D) symbolic code Wbich ofthe following statements includss

Errors that result from NOT following tbe (A) Sequencing

rules of the programming language are (B) Repetition
called (C) Sclection
(D) Ordering
(A) orecution errors
(B) logic errors
(C) run-time etlors
(D) syntax errors


01229010/F 2015
57. which of the following is NoT a third- 59. A compiler is software that converts the
generation language?
(A) program to output
(A) Assembly (B) source code to assembly code
(B) coBol (C) source code to machine code

(c) c (D) program to object code one

(D) Pascal instuction at a tiEe

58. Wbich of the following symbols is used to 60. A comput€r pKrgrarnmer is coding an
perform assignments in the programming algorithm which calculates the class average
language Pascal? for a given e:ranr- He creates a variable
called class-avg. ltVhich data t5pe should
(A) he speci$ when declaring this variable?
(B) o
(c) (A) Integer
(D) := (B) Real
(C) Boolean
(D) Character



01229010/F 2015
FORM TP 2017013 JANUARY 20I7


Paper 0l - General ProficiencY
1 ltour 30 minutes

17 JANUARY 2017 (p.m.)


l. This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them.

2 In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3 Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following pairs represents general

purpose software tools? Sample Answer

Spreadsheet and database software
Word processor and accounting software
(C) Student record system and database software
(D) Insurance processing and spreadsheet software

The best answer to this item is "spreadsheet and database sofiware", so (A) has been slraded.

5 If you want to change youranswer, erase itcornpletely beFore you fill in your new clroice.

6 When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as qLrickly and as caref,ully as yoll can. lf you
catlnot altswer an itern, go on to the next one. You tttay I'etLlnt to that iterir"later'.

l)O NO-t'1'UlfN-f t-ttS t'.\Glr. lii'.-f 1t. \ (r{ iiil. I'()i-l)'l'() I)O So
t ..,'.,,,1,,-ri,
'l _.

I Resolution determines the clarity of the 6 Which of the following devices is an

image displayed on a monitor. The term example of a manual input device?
'resolution' refers to the number of pixels
(A) Touchscreen monitor
(A) that rnakes up the colour (B) Barcode reader
(B) aranged vertically on the screen (c) Speaker
(C) aranged lrorizontally on the screen (D) Plotter
(D) arranged in a unit area of the screen

7 Which part of the central processing unit

2 Which of the following operations displays (CPU) coordinates its activities?
(A) Register
(A) Input (B) Control unit
(B) Output (c) Main memory
(c) Storage (D) Arithmetic logic unit
(D) Processing

8 The processing rnode that allows one CPU

3 Of the storage devices listed below, which to run many applications at the same time
group does NOT use laser technology? is called

(A) CD, DVD, flash drive (A) tirne-sharing

(B) CD, floppy disk, flash drive (B) multiprocessing
(C) Hard disk, floppy disk, magnetic (c) batch processing
tape (D) real time processing
(D) Magnetic tape, flash memory card,
9 Which of the following types of
technology is commonly used by banks
4 A set of data that is waiting to be either to read data on cheques?
processed or output, is stored in a temporary
block of memory called a (A) POS
(A) track (c) oMR
(B) sector (D) MrCR
(C) buffer
(D) cylinder
r0 A socket which is provided in a conrputer
to allow foradditionalcornponents is known
5 Which of the following processing modes AS

is used for processing utility bills?

(A) a 6re wire
(A) Real tirne (B) a systern bus
(B) Multitasking (c) arr expanS.!orr cald
(c) Tirne sltaring (D) irrr exllarrsion slot
(D) Batclt processing

11. CabledtransmissionmediadoNOTinclude 15. The i I legal copying and sel ling ofprograms
is referred to as
(A) coaxial
(B) fibre optics (A) propaganda
(c) satellite (B) software piracy
(D) twisted pair (c) computer fraud
(D) industrial espionage

t2 Which of the following is NOT a physical

access restriction? t6 Which of the following is TRUE about an
(A) Encryption
(B) Security guard (A) Offers unlimited access
(c) Biometric system (B) Allows access to suppliers
(D) Fire and water-proof cabinet (c) Allows access to employees
(D) Offers limited access to employees
and suppliers
Item 13 refers to the following diagram
17. An electronic point of sale (EPOS) system
[.ILE may most likely NOT be found in
(A) an office
(B) a pharmacy
Edit (C) a supermarket
TiK,GfiKm (D) an appliance store

copy 18 A type of utility program used to remove
Rename application programs is

(A) a file compression program

(B) a troubleshooting program
13. The diagram above represents a (C) an antivirus program
(D) an uninstall program
(A) button
(B) window
(c) pop-up menu
19. What is the decimal equ ivalent forthe bi nary
(D) pull-down menu number l0l ?

(A) 2
t4 Which of the followirrg provides the (B) 4
SLOWEST Internet access? (c) 5
(D) 8
(A) Tl lirre
(B) Networl<
(c) Dial-Lrp
(D) Digital subscriber line (DSI.1

20. Working from home and linking to the 25. Records on magnetic tape are stored
office computer system to submit work is
described as (A) indexed sequentially
(B) sequentially
(A) teleconferencing (c) randomly
(B) telecommuting (D) directly
(c) telemarketing
(D) teleworking
26. What is the function of a network of
2t Which device is essential for computer-
controlled systems to function with (A) Organizes data among computers
precision in an assembly line? (B) Receives data from one computer
(C) Allows users to obtain data from a
(A) Microphone central computer
(B) Speaker (D) Enables two or more computers to
(C) Camera communicate
(D) Sensor

Item 27 refers to the following types of

22 Which of the following checks is a data memory.
verification method?
(A) Visual II RAM
(c) Length
(D) Parity
27 Which of the above types of memory are
23. l0l l00l is an example of
(A) I and Il only
(A) raw data (B) I and III only
(B) sorted data (c) II and III only
(c) information (D) I, Il and lll
(D) secondary data

28 Which access method is used to retrieve

24 Which of the following functions performs data from a flash drive?
calculations in a cornputer?
(A) Direct
(A) Input (B) Serial
(B) Output (c) SeqLrential
(c) Storage (D) lndexed sequential
(D) Processing


29 Which type of interface allows the user to 32 The MOST appropriate data type for storing
communicate with the computer system by the amount of interest earned on a sum of
keying in instructions? money is

(A) Menu driven (A) real

(B) Graphical user (B) char
(C) Command driven (c) string
(D) Touch sensitive (D) integer

30 Which ofthe following is/are advantage(s) 33 Which Pascal format is used to declare an
of information processing? array?

I. Retraining of staff (A) Let Marks: [8]

II. Reducing human intervention (B) Array: Marks(8);
III. Increasing the amount of (c) Var Marks: Array [ ..8] of integer;
equipment needed (D) Dim Marks (8) as integer

(A) I only
(B) II only 34 In Pascal language, which ofthe following
(c) I and II only is an acceptable variable name?
(D) II and III only
(A) real
(B) #sum
Item 31 refers to the following algorithm. (C) 9_num
(D) dateofbirth
v <_ 5
x (- v
v <_ l0 35. What does the symbol represent in
Z <_ 3
information technology?
x x*y
v <- x-z (A) StarUStop
z <- x+y+z (B) Decision
display x,y,z (c) Input
(D) Process

31 What will be displayed when the algorithm

is executed? 36. Which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of a pseudocode?
(A) 5,10,3
(B) 15,12,3 (A) It is precise.
(c) 15,12,20 (B) It is unambiguous.
(D) I 5, 12, 30
(c) It has a finite number of steps.
(D) It is a graphical representatiorr ofl
the soltrtiolrr.

! t;,.1'.

37. The purpose of inserting comments with program code is to

(A) allow the user to input data

(B) provide an explanation of the program
(C) ensure that the program compiles completely
(D) provide information on special features of the program

Items 38-39 refer to the following fragment of Pascal code.

Forx:= 2 TO 15 DO
Write("Enter the name of a country: ");
Read (Country)

38. How many times will the program above be executed?

(A) 2
(B) t4
(c) rs
(D) 16

39 Which fragment of code would be the CORRECT option to output tlre prompt and enter the narne of
the country on two lines?

(A) Read ("Enter the name of a country: ");

Write Country

(B) Write ("Enter the name of a country: ");

Read Country

(c) Readln ("Enter the name of a country: ")


(D) Writeln ("Enter the name of a country: ");


' "-i jlI i,.,i..\i:.: I )ttll


Item 40 refers to the following atgorithrn . 44. Machine language is categorized as a

Write ("Enter price: ") (I ) (A) first generation language

Read (price) (2) (B) second generation language
Vat = price * ls%o (3) (C) third generation language
Write vat (4) (D) fourtlr generation language

40. Which Iine contains a processing statement? 45. Program testing can be described as

(A) I checking that all documentation is

(B) 2 included in the program
(c) 3 II executing the program manually
(D) 4 with input values to see the results
III running the program using sample
data to identify errors in the
4l- A trace table is used for program

(A) testing arr algorithrn (A) I and II only

(B) declaring an array (B) I and Ill only
(c) coding arr algorithm (c) Il and III only
(D) representi ng an algorithm (D) I, II and lll

42. The FIRST step in solving a problem is to 46 Extracti ng i nformation from a database can
be achieved through the use of
(A) test the solution
(B) define the problem (A) files
(c) evaluate the solution to the pr oblern (B) objects
(D) develop the algorithm for the (c) queries
problem (D) reports

Item 43 refers to the following inforrnation 47. A single row of data irr a database is called a

about programming.
(A) record
Compiling to create the object (B) table
code (c) field
II Creating the source code (D) file
III Executirrg to test for accuracY

48 $A$3 is an exanrple of what type of

43 What is the correct sequence for the above addressing mecltan ism?
steps irr the developtrrent oFa progranl?
(A) Red addl:essing
(A) ll and lll (B) Relative aclclressing
(B) lll and lt (c) [jorrrr r-r la aclcl ress i n g
(c) . I ancl lll (tr1 \bst, Itite lLilclrcs;irt t:
iD) i. ll:rir.i I

f iiii;
L;,. .',

Item 49 refers to the following spreadsheet. 50 Which of the following actions is required
for creating a chart in a spreadsheet?
*!f.iHq &;tiir;=!i ,rlGll ,:.1$-t
ffidgi f.E:l
rfl-{rjt: ffi ffiffi

(A) Print the data

(B) Select the paper size
t7 (C) Select the data
(D) Select the orientation

5l The default alignment for numbers in
spreadsheet is

(A) left
(B) right
(C) centre
49. To add the values 17,35,45 and 39 in the (D) justified
spreadsheet table above, which function
should be placed in cell 86?

(A) :SUM(B2:B5)
(B) :SUM(82:86)
(C) :ADD(B2:B5)
(D) :COUNT(B2:86)

Item 52 refers to the following spreadsheet

.,:,1.:.:,, f,: . :
D ''i .,' :,'.: i"' E.i.., t

First Name Surname Mark I Bonus Points

Kingsley CIarke 69 No
John Henry 69 Yes
Zara Smith 7l Yes
Sean Smith 9l No

52 The spreadsheet has beerr sorted by a prirnary field and tlten a secondary field. What are the primary
and secorrdary fields respectively?

(A) Surname, Mark I

(B) First Name, Surnarne
(c) Mark l, Bonus Points
(D) Bonus Points, First Narne

Item 53 refers to the following spreadsheet.

A B c D
,,,? VAT lSYo

4 Items Cost Price VAT Total

) Washer 4300
'$, Dryer r 500
1.. Stove 2750

53. What formula should be inserted into C5 to calculate the VAT for the washer?

(A) : (58*2B)
(B) : (85*$B$2)
(c) : (5B*$B$2)
(D) : (85*82l100)

54 Which of tlre following features allows the 50. In order to perform a block operation in a
user to insem individual names in a primary word processing application; the required
document? text must first be

(A) Footer (A) cut

(B) Header (B) copied
(c) Mail merge (c) aligned
(D) Search and replace (D) selected

55 A website consists of a set of web pages 57 I need to search a SO-page document

that are linked together with for the acronym IT and insert the words
'lnforrnation Technology' in its place.
(A) hyperlinks Which of the following is the MOST
(B) Bluetooth efficierrt rnethod for accomplishing this
(c) HTTP task?
(A) Find and replace option
(B) lnsert key lourrd on the keyboard
(c) Scan tlre document ancl quickly
rnake the necessary clranges
(D) Cut eaclr <.rikirr",r"" of, [T ancl therr
t1,'pc irr I rrfblrnation 1 echrrology

l,i.f '

58. Which of the following must be considered 60 Which of the following PowerPoint
when creating a website? Presentation icons represents the slide
The intended audience
II. The artistic design of the whole
III. The layout of the pages in the
(B) EE]
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(c) Il and III only (c)
(D) I, II and III

59 Which of the following is normally used

for website-to-website connections?
(A) Modem
(B) Monitor
(c) Hypertext
(D) Hyperlink


January 2020 IT Paper 1

1. Which of the following shows an increase in 5. Before purchasing a computer, James was
computer memory? given a sheet with the following hardware
(A) Terabyte → Gigabyte → Megabyte
(B) Gigabyte → Kilobyte → Megabyte Intel Pentium IV 64 bit 3.6 GHz
(C) Megabyte → Terabyte → Gigabyte 2 GB 533 MHz SDRAM
(D) Megabyte → Gigabyte → Terabyte
160 GB SATA HDD 7200 rpm
2. The operating system task of scheduling
central processing unit (CPU) time to The word size of the computer is
program is the function of
(A) 2 GB
(A) file management (B) 64 bit
(B) process management (C) 7200 rpm
(C) memory management (D) 533 MHz
(D) peripheral management
6. Cabled transmission media do NOT include
3. Resolution determines the clarity of the
image displayed on a monitor. The term (A) coaxial
‘resolution’ refers to the number of pixels (B) satellite
(C) fibre optics
(A) that makes up the colour (D) twisted pair
(B) arranged vertically on the screen
(C) arranged horizontally on the screen 7. The device used for printing industrial
(D) arranged in a unit area of the screen quality architectural drawings is the

4. Communicating using a mobile phone is an (A) plotter

example of which communication mode? (B) scanner
(A) Duplex (C) laser printer
(B) Simplex (D) dot-matrix printer
(C) Half-duplex
(D) Point-to-point 8. The barcode reader is a device used for

(A) processing
(B) storage
(C) output
(D) input
January 2020 IT Paper 1

9. Which of the following statements are true 13. Which of the following types of technology
about writing custom software? is commonly used by banks to read data
on cheques?
I. It takes a long time to produce.
II. It contains all the features that are (A) POS
required. (B) OCR
III. Many other companies will have the (C) OMR
same software. (D) MICR

(A) I and II only 14. Which of the following is an example of

(B) I and III only correctly formatted e-mail address?
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III (A) Lana,happy@net
(B) @lana.happy.net
10. Which part of the central processing unit (C) lana@happy.net
(CPU) coordinates its activities? (D) Lana@happy@net

(A) Register 15. A socket which is provided in a computer to

(B) Control unit allow for additional components is known
(C) Main memory as
(D) Arithmetic logic unit
(A) a fire wire
11. Which of the following provides the (B) a system bus
SLOWEST Internet access? (C) an expansion slot
(D) an expansion card
(A) Dial-up
(B) T1 line 16. Which of the following is a hardware user
(C) Network interface?
(D) Digital subscriber line (DSL)
12. The illegal copying and selling of computer (B) Icon
programs is called (C) Sensor
(D) Touchscreen
(A) hardware fraud
(B) computer fraud 17. An electronic point of sale (EPOS) system is
(C) software piracy MOST likely NOT to be found in
(D) computer piracy
(A) an office
(B) a pharmacy
(C) a supermarket
(D) an appliance store
January 2020 IT Paper 1

18. A USB port on a personal computer is 23. What is the sum, in binary, of the following
binary numbers?
(A) an input for the system
(B) the centre of the system board
(C) used for connecting peripheral (A) 1001
devices (B) 1010
(D) an insert card that adds memory to (C) 1100
the system (D) 1011

19. A number is written as AF5. What number 24. Which of the following devices can be used
system does this represent? for both input and output?

(A) Base 2 (A) Touchscreen

(B) Base 8 (B) Barcode reader
(C) Base 10 (C) Flatbed scanner
(D) Base 16 (D) Document reader

20. Which of the following devices produces a 25. Records on magnetic tape are stored
softcopy output?
(A) directly
(A) Plotter (B) randomly
(B) Monitor (C) sequentially
(C) Keyboard (D) index sequentially
(D) Laser printer
26. Which of the following is NOT a validation
21. Which of the following is true about an check?
(A) Visual
(A) Offers unlimited access (B) Range
(B) Allows access to suppliers (C) Consistency
(C) Allows access to employees (D) Reasonableness
(D) Offers limited access to
employees and suppliers 27. Which of the following CANNOT represent
typical bi-stable values?
22. CAD is MAINLY used by
(A) 1, 0
(A) engineers (B) Y, N
(B) musicians (C) ON, OFF
(C) medical personnel (D) Red, Green
(D) mass media personnel
January 2020 IT Paper 1

28. Pictures on a visual display unit are made up Item 33 refers to the following information.
of tiny dots called pixels. The term ‘pixel’
is derived from the words
(A) picture element Index 1 2 3 4
(B) picture elevation
(C) picture extension 33. The index location of the letter ‘R’ is
(D) picture excellence
(A) 3
29. Which access method is used to retrieve data (B) R
from a flash drive? (C) index
(D) index + 3
(A) Direct
(B) Serial 34. In Pascal language, which of the following
(C) Sequential is an acceptable variable name?
(D) Indexed sequential
(A) real
30. Which of the following hexadecimal (B) #sum
represents the decimal number 300? (C) 9_num
(D) dateofbirth
(A) 1 FF
(B) 3 FF 35. Machine language is categorized as a
(C) 1 C2
(D) 12 C (A) first generation language
(B) second generation language
31. An integer data type in a Pascal program can (C) third generation language
be represented by (D) fourth generation language

(A) VAR integer number; 36. Assigning ‘P’ to GRADE means that
(B) VAR number: integer; GRADE should be declared as
(C) VAR number;//integer
(D) VAR integer:=number; (A) char
(B) real
32. Which of the following numbers is of type (C) string
real? (D) integer

(A) -37
(B) 14.375
(C) 15
(D) 375
January 2020 IT Paper 1

37. How many times will the loop be executed 41. Claude was asked to write pseudocode that
by the following statement? will accept THREE numbers from the user,
find and display their average.
for mark:=-1 to 5 do
writeln(‘^’); He wrote the following:
Step 1: start
(A) 0 Step 2: read n1, n2, n3
(B) 1 Step 3:
(C) 5 Step 4: write average
(D) 7 Step 5: stop

38. What does the symbol represent in Which of the following statements should be
information technology? placed in Step 3?

(A) Input (A) Set average  (n 1* n2 * n3)

(B) Decision (B) Set average  (n1 + n2 + n3)
(C) Start/Stop (C) Set average  (n1 + n2 + n3)/2
(D) Process and Output (D) Set average  (n1 + n2 + n3)/3

39. A trace table is used to 42. The FIRST step in solving a problem is to

(A) code an algorithm (A) test the solution

(B) test an algorithm (B) define the problem
(C) declare an array (C) evaluate the solution to the problem
(D) represent an algorithm (D) develop the algorithm for the
40. Which of the following languages is
classifies as a low-level language? 43. What result will be displayed when the
following algorithm is executed?
(A) C++
(B) Java y5
(C) Pascal xy
(D) Assembly y  10
display x, y

(A) 5, 5
(B) 5, 10
(C) 15, 5
(D) 15, 10
January 2020 IT Paper 1

44. The decision box of a program flowchart 47. Linking to another webpage can be achieved
shows the by creating a

(A) link to another page (A) layout

(B) test to be carried out (B) hyperlink
(C) input and output operators (C) index page
(D) calculations to be done (D) down link

Item 45 refers to the following spreadsheet 48. Which of the following features allows the
A B C D E F G user to insert individual names in a
1 primary document?
2 17
3 35 (A) Footer
4 45 (B) Header
5 39 (C) Mail merge
6 (D) Search and replace
49. Which of the following actions is required
45. To add the values 17, 35, 45 and 39 in the
for creating a chart in a spreadsheet?
spreadsheet above, which formula should be
placed in Cell B6?
(A) Print the data.
(B) Select the data.
(A) =SUM(B2:B5)
(C) Select the paper size.
(B) =SUM(B2:B6)
(D) Select the orientation.
(C) =ADD(B2:B5)
(D) =COUNT(B2:B6)
50. What is the correct order of the steps used to
change the font of text on a slide?
46. Which of the following is used for executing
HTML code?
I. Select the text.
II. Select the slide you want to
(A) A parser
(B) A browser
III. Select the font you want to use.
(C) An assembler
IV. On the formatting toolbar, click
(D) An interpreter
the arrow next to the font box.

(A) I, II, III, IV

(B) II, I, III, IV
(C) II, I, IV, III
(D) IV, I, III, II
January 2020 IT Paper 1

51. A single row of data in a database is called a

(A) file
(B) field
(C) table
(D) record

52. Which of the following PowerPoint presentation icons represents the slide sorter?

Item 53 refers to the following database table.

Item No. Item Desc. Quantity

H050 Hammer 20
H040 Hammer 40
FK030 Fork 35
FK020 Fork 40
FK015 Fork 45

53. The database table above shows records sorted by

(A) Quantity in ascending order
(B) Quantity in descending order
(C) Item No. in ascending order
(D) Item No. in descending order

54. When creating a database for a supermarket, the MOST appropriate data type to use for the
price of an item is
(A) text
(B) number
(C) currency
(D) autonumber
January 2020 IT Paper 1

Items 55 – 57 refer to the following spreadsheet.

2 CP292 9.99 26 12 15
3 PC298 29.99 40 26 20
4 CP299 21.99 32 10 20
5 CP304 29.99 20 2 10
6 CP305 32.75 22 2 12
7 CP306 16.99 19 7 10
8 CP307 16.99 17 9 10
9 MB607 4.99 42 20 20
10 MB608 11.99 64 32 20

55. The values in Column B should be 58. Which of the following characteristics
formatted using the must two database table have in order
(A) percentage format for them to be linked?
(B) currency format (A) Composite keys
(C) comma format (B) The same data in all tuples
(D) money format (C) At least two tuples in the table
(D) At least one common attribute
56. Which formula should be placed in Cell name
E2 to obtain the stock balance?
(A) =F2-D2 59. What type of cell addressing must be
(B) =D2-C2 used to keep the cell address in a
(C) =C2-D2 formula the same when it is copied to
(D) =C2-F2 another cell?
(A) Fixed
57. The function to display the text ‘LOW’ (B) Direct
in Cell G2 is (C) Absolute
(A) =IF(E2>F2, “LOW”) (D) Relative
(B) =IF(E2-F2, “LOW”)
(C) =IF(E2<F2, “LOW”) 60. Which of the following types of
(D) =IF(F2-E2, “LOW”) software work be MOST appropriate
for displaying information in tables
and reports?
(A) Database
(B) Spreadsheet
(C) Presentation
(D) Word processing
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1
1. Which of the following are considered 6. The lights in a room turn on as soon as a
computer hardware? person enters. Which input device is
MOST likely used to control the lightening
(A) Data in the room?
(B) Programs
(C) Output devices (A) Sensor
(D) Operating systems (B) Remote
(C) Scanner
2. To use a program stored on a flash drive, (D) Keyboard
the program must be transferred into
7. Which of the following devices is used to
(A) ROM input date into the computer?
(C) PROM (A) Mouse
(D) EPROM (B) Speaker
(C) USB flash drive
3. Which of the following operations is (D) External hard drive
considered a feature of a biometric system?
8. In which of the following interfaces types
(A) Matching fingerprints is the user required to remember specific
(B) Detecting irregular heartbeats instructions and syntax?
(C) Diagnosing medical symptoms
(D) Lubricating skeletal joints (A) Menu-driven
(B) Graphical user
4. Which of the following would NOT be (C) Computer screen
considered cloud storage? (D) Command-driven

(A) Data stored on remote servers

(B) Data stored and accessible on a
LAN Item 9 refers to the following model of a globe.
(C) Data back-up and storage devices
on the Internet
(D) Data managed by storage providers
or hosting companies

5. Which of the following could NOT be

classified as a cloud-based application?

(A) Gmail
(B) Dropbox 9. The MOST suitable printer for creating the
(C) Google Drive model if the globe above is
(D) Windows OS (A) a 3-D printer
(B) a laser printer
(C) an ink-jet printer
(D) a thermal printer
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1

10. Which of the following protocols is used to 14. A developer is important is important to a
ensure that all web pages and servers company because he/she
communicate with each other?
(A) is responsible for the company’s
(A) IP website
(B) FTP (B) assigns web addressed to all users
(C) VoIP in a company
(D) HTTP (C) backs up files and stores the disks
at another location
Item 11 refers to the following symbol. (D) monitors the shutting down of
competitors’ website

15. Which of the following shows an increase

in computer memory capacity?
11. The symbol represents
(A) Megabyte → Terabyte → Gigabyte
(A) LAN (B) Megabyte → Gigabyte → Terabyte
(B) Wi-Fi (C) Terabyte → Gigabyte → Megabyte
(C) Hotspot (D) Gigabyte → Kilobyte → Megabyte
(D) Bluetooth
16. In the URL http://www.shoes.com,
12. Unauthorized, real-time interception of a ‘shoes.com’ stands for the
private communication on a computer
network is referred to as (A) extension
(B) company name
(A) propaganda (C) domain name
(B) identity theft (D) Internet company
(C) industrial espionage
(D) electronic eavesdropping 17. Which of the following checks is NOT a
validation technique?
13. Double-entry data verification involves
(A) Range
(A) different data entered once (B) Double entry
(B) the data entered being copied to (C) Inconsistency
another device (D) Reasonableness
(C) different data entered once by two
different persons 18. Which of the following types of
(D) the same data entered once the re- technology is commonly used by banks to
entered by another person read data on cheques?

May/June 2021 IT Paper 1

19. Transferring data from a remote computer 24. While of the following can be termed
to your computer is referred to as ‘application software’?

(A) browsing (A) DOS

(B) uploading (B) Linux
(C) data mining (C) Mac OS
(D) downloading (D) Internet Explorer

20. Data that had been processed and that has 25. Which of the following functions is
meaning is termed performed by a modem?

(A) information (A) Regulates analog and digital signals

(B) database (B) Modulates analog and digital
(C) storage signals
(D) output (C) Prevents analog and digital signals
from being uploaded
21. Telecommuting can be BEST described as (D) Prevents analog and digital signals
from being downloaded
(A) using the computer while
commuting 26. There are many software restrictions used
(B) using the telephone while by computers to protect data and maintain
commuting data integrity. Which of the following
(C) working from home be connecting entities are software restriction media?
the home and office
(D) working from the office after I. Viruses
establishing a connection at home II. Passwords
III. Encryptions
22. The process of scrambling messages at the
sending end and unscrambling them at the (A) I and II only
receiving end is called (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(A) coding (D) I, II and III
(B) espionage
(C) encryption 27. Which of the following devices can be
(D) eavesdropping used for both input and output?

23. Which of the following is NOT a hardware (A) Touchscreen

component of a computer system? (B) Barcode reader
(C) Flatbed scanner
(A) Data file (D) Document reader
(B) Main memory
(C) Peripheral device
(D) Central processing unit
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1
28. Which of the following is true of accessing 33. Before purchasing a computer, James was
files sequentially? given a sheet with the following hardware
(A) Occurs in any order
(B) Starts with the first record Intel Pentium IV 64 bit
(C) Starts with the largest data field 3.6 GHz 2 GB 533 MHz
(D) Starts with the smallest data field SDRAM 160 GB SATA
HDD 7200 rpm
29. Which of the following is a hardware user
interface? The processing speed of the central processing
unit (CPU) is
(B) Icon (A) 2 GB
(C) Sensor (B) 3.6 GHz
(D) Touchscreen (C) 7200 rpm
(D) 533 MHz
30. An official of Company X sells 34. The part of a private network using
confidential information about his Internet technology and public
company, to Company Y. What is the term telecommunications that can be accessed
used for this type of information misuse? by business suppliers, vendors, customers,
(A) Identity theft partners is called an
(B) Computer fraud
(C) Industrial espionage (A) Internet
(B) Intranet
(D) Electronic eavesdropping
(C) Extranet
31. Which of the following are NOT (D) Ethernet
categorized as system software?
35. Which of the following pairs are hardware
(A) Productivity tools devices with a user interface?
(B) Operating systems
(C) Translators (A) Keyboard/monitor
(D) Utilities (B) Optical drive/hard drive
(C) Magnetic/optical character reader
32. Which part of the central processing unit (D) Touchscreen/specialized keyboard
(CPU) coordinates its activities?
36. Which of the following is an example of
(A) Registers correctly formatted e-mail address?
(B) Control unit
(C) Main memory (A) lana@happy.net
(D) Arithmetic logic unit (B) @lana.happy.net
(C) lana.happy@net
(D) lana@happy@net
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1
37. Which of the following types of software
should be used for applications that 41. Spreadsheet formulae use
involve repetitive calculations?
(A) values or labels
(A) Database (B) label or cell addresses
(B) Presentation (C) values, ranges and cell addresses
(C) Spreadsheet (D) values, labels or cell addresses
(D) Word processing
42. Which of the following buttons can be
38. Selecting or highlighting a paragraph used to fully justify text?
creates a
(A) file
(B) block
(C) merge
(D) document

39. The following formula is located in

position B6 of a spreadsheet.
=B3 + B4 + $B$5

If the formula is copied to the position

located immediately on the left, what (D)
would be the resulting formula?

(A) C3 + C4 + C5
(B) A3 + A4 + A5 43. In creating a query, a student entered the
(C) A3 + A4 + $B$5 following criteria for the date field.
(D) C3 + C4 + $B$5
>=05/11/2021 and <=05/14/2021
Item 40 refers to the following table containing
data on three countries, A, B and C, for 2020 and The output will show days
(A) after 14th May 2021 only
Country 2020 2021 (B) from 11th and 14th May 2021
A 300 600 (C) before 11th May and after 14th May
B 500 800 2021
C 500 600 (D) between 14th May and 5th November
40. Which of the following types of charts is
LEAST suitable for representing the data 44. The field that uniquely identifies a record
above? in a database is called the

(A) Pie (A) foreign key

(B) Bar (B) primary key
(C) Line (C) alternate key
(D) Column (D) secondary key
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1

Item 45 refers to the following database table. 48. Which of the following content controls
would be useful when creating a fillable
Item No. Item Desc. Quantity electronic form for online use?
H050 Hammer 20
H040 Hammer 40 I. Date picker
FK030 Fork 35 II. Check box
FK020 Fork 40 III. Drop-down list
FK015 Fork 45
(A) I and II only
45. The database table above shows records (B) I and III only
sorted by (C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
(A) Quantity in ascending order
(B) Quantity in descending order 49. Which of the following features allows the
(C) Item No. in ascending order user to insert individual names in a primary
(D) Item No. in descending order document?

46. Which of the following sequences of steps (A) Footer

for deleting a record in a database table is (B) Header
correct? (C) Mail merge
(D) Search and replace
I. Choose the delete row option.
II. Select the row to be deleted and right 50. Which of the following steps is required to
click. centre text across a range of cells in a
III. Open table in design view. spreadsheet?
IV. Choose yes to confirm deletion.
(A) Select and copy the text across the
(A) I, II, III, IV cells.
(B) III, II, I, IV (B) Select and centre the text and then
(C) II, III, I, IV merge the cells.
(D) II, I, III, IV (C) Select the text across the cells, then
merge and centre.
47. Which of the following clearly identify a (D) Type the text in the middle of the
hyperlink in an HTML document? selected cells.

I. A link to an email address

II. A link to another webpage
III. A link to another location within the

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1

Item 51 refers to the following algorithm. 55. Which of the following terms is an invalid
variable name?
Read (A, B)
If A<B Then (A) Sum
Print(A); (B) Vat15
(C) Count
51. Which of the following tasks does the (D) 2count
algorithm perform?
56. The decision box of a program flowchart
(A) Reads two numbers and prints the shows the
first number
(B) Reads two numbers and prints the (A) link to another page
smaller number (B) test to be carried out
(C) Reads two numbers and prints the (C) calculates to be done
first number if its larger than the (D) input and output operators
second number
(D) Reads two numbers and prints the 57. A computer programmer is coding an
first number if its smaller than the algorithm which calculates the class
second number average for a given exam. He creates a
variable called class_avg. Which data type
52. Which of the following is an example of a should he specify when declaring this
conditional construct? variable?

(A) IF … THEN … ELSE (A) Real

(B) FOR … ENDWHILE (B) Integer
(C) WHILE … ENDWHILE (C) Boolean
(D) REPEAT … UNTIL (D) Character

53. When implementing a program, which of Item 58 refers to the following algorithm.
the following steps comes after executing?
I. Ask user for length and width
(A) Linking II. length, width
(B) Compiling III. area  length * width
(C) Maintaining IV. “Area of rectangle is”, area
(D) Interpreting
58. Which of the following options, in the
54. Which of the following is NOT a high- correct order, can be used to replace I, II
level programming language? and IV in the algorithm?

(A) C (A) Read, process, prompt

(B) Java (B) Process, read, prompt
(C) Pascal (C) Prompt, read, process
(D) Assembly (D) Read, prompt, process
May/June 2021 IT Paper 1

59. What is the name given to an identifier that

always hold the same value?

(A) Constant
(B) Location
(C) Variable
(D) Storage

Item 60 refers to the following algorithm.

Write (“Enter price: ”) (1)

Read (price) (2)
Vat :price * 15% (3)
Write Vat (4)

60. Which line contains a processing


(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

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