Roleplay Kel1
Roleplay Kel1
Roleplay Kel1
In the morning at the hospital Bandung area, a nurse named is Khaerul will to assess patient
named Mr Deni.
Nurse : “Good morning Mr.” (gereted with a friendly)
Patient : “Good morning nurse.”
Nurse : “Well Mr, I need to collect your personal data. I’m going to ask you some
Petient : “Certainly, nurse.”
Nurse : “Ok Mr, what is your name?”
Patient : “My name is Deni.”
Nurse : “How old are you Mr. Deni?”
Patient : “I’m 19 years old.”
Nurse : “Where do you live?”
Patient : “I live in Jatihurip.”
Nurse : “Are you married?”
Patient : “No, I’m single, nurse.”
Nurse : “Do you have any health Insurance?”
Patient : “Yes, I have health insurance.”
Nurse : “What is it?”
Patient : “My health insurance is ASKES, nurse.”
Nurse : “What is your occupation?”
Patient : “I’m a student”
Nurse : “Dou you have a doctor’s referral?”
Patient : “No, I don’t have. Because I’v never sick nurse, if I have pain usually I just
eat vitamins.”
Nurse : “Ok, first I’m going to check your vital sign Mr. Deni.”
Patient : “Ok”
Nurse : (Doing it) “Sorry Mr. what do you feel now?
Patient : “My throat is very painful,nurse.”
Nurse : “Are you saying that your throat is painful Mr.?
Patient : “Yes nurse”
Nurse : “When did you first notice your pain?”
Patient : “I have this pain since 3 day ago, Is my condition very bad nurse? I’m very
Nurse : “Don’t be afraid Mr Deni, you will be ok.”
“What is your pain like? Sharp, dull, stabbing, or acching?”
Patient : “It’s like dull pain,nurse.”
Nurse : “Owh, on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten the worst, how would you rate what you
feel right now?”
Patient : “I think it is about 4.”
Nurse : “oke,, I have a finish to check your vital sign, your blood pressure is 100/80
mmHg, your temperature 36,5°C, your respirate is 21x/minute, and your heart rate is
Patient : “Is that normal nurse?”
Nurse : “yes Mr. Deni doesn’t be afraid, this is never mind”
Patient : ‘oke nurse”.
Nurse : “Excuse me, ok.. . .Now I want to asses your head, face, and neck”.
Patient : “oke nurse”
Nurse : “Mr. Deni, Please do my intruction...ok??
Patient : “okk”
Nurse : Excuse me Mr,.. now I want to observe your haed and your hair..’
Patient : Oke Nurse
Nurse : Would you rise your eyebrows?
Patient : “yes”
Nurse : “Please close your eyes tighly Mr”
Patient : (close my eyes)
Nurse : “now, I want to observe you eyes colour”.
Patient : “oke nurse”
Nurse : “it’s time for me to check check your nose”
Patient : “yes nurse”
Nurse : “I’m going to press you on the spot (frontal sinus), if you fell painful, please
talk to me...
Patient : “oke”
Nurse : Mr. Deni please breathe with your other nostril, And I will press the other
Patient : ‘oke nurse”
Nurse : “do you have difficultly breathing throught the nose”?
Patient : ‘no”
Nurse : ‘Will you do the same the opposite part?”
Patient : ‘yes ..of course”
Nurse : ‘Do you have nasal discharge?”
Patient : “no,”
Nurse : “have you experienced any injury to your nose?”
Patient : “no, Nurse”
Nurse : “have you ever head bleeding from your nose Mr. Deni?
Patient : “no, nurse”
Nurse : “oke, next... I would like to examine your mouth, Are you ready Mr.?
Patient : “oke, I ready”
Nurse : “Mr. Please smile”
Patient : (doing the instruction)
Nurse : Would you show your teeth?
Patient : (doing the instruction)
Nurse :”Do you brush your teeth every day?”
Patient : “yes...of course”
Nurse : “How many time in the day?
Patient : “3 x nurse”
Nurse : “it’s good..can you open your mouth?
Patient : “yes...AAAAAAA”
Nurse : “now, I want to check your reflexplease say “AAAHHH”
Patient : “AH”
Nurse : sipppp
Patient : “okkk”
Nurse : “Please, put of your cheeks”
Patient :“upppsss”
Nurse : “Please shurg your shoulders”
Patient : “eehhhhmmmm”
Nurse : “Would you flex your neck with ear toward your left and right shoulder?’
Patient : “oke”
Nurse : “oke Mr. I have finish to asses your personal data and assesment your
head,face, and neck. Now, I will consultation with the doctor about your condition,”
Patient : “thank’s you very much nurse”
Nurse :“you’re welcome”
(Dr. Noviandika come to the nurse room, He want to consult with nurse about a patient in the
Doctor : “assalamu’alaikum”
Nurse : “wa’alaikum salam”
Doctor : “What happen with a new patient Nurse?”
Nurse : “At the seven o’clock I did the anamnesa and phisical assesment to Mr.
Doctor : “What Is Mr. Deni feel nurse?”
Nurse : “Mr. Deni say that her throat is very painful”
Doctor : “owh. Okeh nurse. Thank’s you.. now I will go to patient room for check
general condition of patient”
(Doctor and Nurse go to patient room for check the general conditions of patient.)
Doctor : “Assalamu’alaikum”
Patient : “Wa’alaikumsallam”
Doctor : “Are you Mr. Deni?”
Patient : “yes, Doctor I’m Deni”
Doctor :“what do you feel now Mr. Deni?
Patient :“my trhoat is very painfull,doc”
Doctor : “oke.. I want to check your throat now.Please open your mouth Mr. Deni?”
Patient : “How is it Doc ?“
Doctor : “Don’t be afraid Mr. Deni. You will be fine, now i want to write prescription
for you.
Please Nure give me his medical record.”
Nurse : “Oke dok.”
(Nurse khaerul give medical record to doctor, and doctor Novi write prescription for you for
Patient : “oke thank”s you very much Doctor and Nurse.”
Doctor : “You’re welcome.“
Nurse : “you’re welcome Mr. Deni, we are permission, later If you need something
you can call me in nurse room.”
After A week in the hospital of Hasan sadikin, Mr. Deni finally declared cured and want to
go home. So It can continue her daily activity.
Tugas bahasa inggris
Pagi hari di rumah sakit Amanda daerah Purwokerto, empat orang perawat
akan menilai pasien bernama Alim. Setelah menanyakan informasi mengenai pasien,
perawat Arya dan Nana segera meninggalkan ruangan. Lalu perawat Ketut dan Fadila
akan memeriksa kondisi pasien.
Perawat Fadila: “Selamat pagi, apakah benar ini dengan saudara Alim?”
Pasien Alim : “Pagi sus, iya benar dengan saya sendiri.”
Perawat F : "Baiklah, disini kami akan memeriksa tanda vital Anda, mas Alim."
Pasien A : "Oke"
Perawat F : (Melakukannya) "Maaf Tuan, apa yang Anda rasakan sekarang?
Pasien A : "Tenggorokan saya sangat sakit, perawat."
Perawat F : “Apakah Anda mengatakan bahwa tenggorokan Anda menyakitkan, Tuan?
Pasien A : "Ya perawat"
Perawat F : "Kapan Anda pertama kali melihat rasa sakit Anda?"
Ibu Dhea : “Anak saya menderita sakit ini sejak 3 hari yang lalu, Apakah kondisi anak
saya sangat buruk? Saya sangat takut sus.”
Perawat Ketut : "Jangan takut bu, dia akan baik-baik saja."
Ibu : “Oya terimakasih sus.”
Perawat K : “ Iya ibu sama – sama. Lalu, seperti apa rasa sakitmu? Tajam, kusam,
menusuk, atau acching? "
Pasien A : "Ini seperti nyeri tumpul, perawat."
Perawat K : "Owh, pada skala 1 sampai 10, dengan sepuluh yang terburuk, bagaimana
Anda menilai apa yang Anda rasakan saat ini?"
Pasien A : "Saya pikir ini tentang 4."
Perawat K : “Semua hasilnya normal, anda tidak perlu takut.”
Bapak Luq : ‘’Oke makasih perawat”.
Perawat Arya : "Oke, Saya ingin memeriksa mulut Anda, Apakah Anda siap, Pak?
Pasien A : "oke, saya siap"
Perawat Arya : “bagus..bisakah kamu membuka mulut?
Pasien A : "Ya ... AAAAAAA"
Perawat Arya : "sekarang, saya ingin memeriksa refleks Anda, tolong katakan" AAAHHH "
Pasien A : "AH"
Perawat Arya : sipppp
Pasien A : “okkk”
Perawat Arya : “Oke, Pak. Saya sudah selesai memeriksa data pribadi Anda. Sekarang saya
akan berkonsultasi dengan dokter tentang kondisi Anda, ”
Bapak Pasien : "Terima kasih banyak perawat."
Perawat Arya : "Sama-sama."
(Asisten Dokter datang ke ruang perawat, Dia ingin berkonsultasi dengan perawat
tentang seorang pasien di ruangan itu ..)
Asdok Suci : "Assalamu'alaikum."
Perawat Nana : "Wa'alaikum salam"
Asdok Suci : "Apa yang terjadi dengan pasien baru itu?"
Perawat Nana : "Pada pukul tujuh tadi saya melakukan anamnesa dan penilaian fisik kepada
Mas Alim."
Asdok Suci : "Bagaimana perasaan Mas Alim sebagai pasien?"
Perawat Nana : “ Mas Alim bilang tenggorokannya sakit sekali. ”
Asdok Suci : “Owh. Okeh perawat. Terima kasih .. sekarang saya akan pergi ke kamar
pasien untuk memeriksa kondisi umum pasien.”
(Dokter dan Asdok pergi ke kamar pasien untuk memeriksa kondisi umum pasien.)
Dokter Manfa : "Assalamu'alaikum"
Ibu Dhea : "Wa'alaikumsallam"
Dokter Manfa : "Apakah Anda Mas Alim?"
Pasien Alim : "Ya, Dokter saya Alim"
Dokter Manfa : "Bagaimana perasaanmu sekarang, Mas Alim?
Pasien Alim : "Tenggorokan saya sangat menyakitkan, dok"
Dokter Manfa : "Oke .. Saya ingin memeriksa tenggorokan Anda sekarang. Tolong buka
mulut Anda!?"
Ibu Dhea : "Bagaimana kondisi anak saya, Dok?"
Dokter Manfa : “Jangan takut bu. Dia akan baik-baik saja, sekarang saya ingin menulis resep
untuk anak ibu. Tolong Asdok Suci beri saya catatan medisnya. "
Asdok : "Oke dok."
(Asdok Suci memberikan catatan medis kepada dokter dan dokter Manfa menulis resep
untuk Pasien Alim)
Ibu Dhea : "Oke terima kasih banyak Dokter dan Perawat. "
Dokter Manfa : "Sama-sama."
Asdok Suci : "Sama-sama bu, kami izin pergi, nanti jika kalian butuh sesuatu, Anda bisa
memanggil menekan bel di atas tempat tidur."
Setelah Seminggu di rumah sakit Amanda, Mas Alim akhirnya dinyatakan sembuh dan
segera pulang ke rumah. Sehingga bisa melanjutkan aktivitas hariannya .