Nist Ir 8005 PDF
Nist Ir 8005 PDF
Nist Ir 8005 PDF
John Slotwinski
Shawn Moylan
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June 2014
Mechanical Testing of Metal Parts 2
Metal Powder Testing 11
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This NIST Internal Report (NISTIR) is the third in a series of reports from the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Engineering Laboratory’s project on Additive Manufacturing Materials.
This project provides the measurement science for the additive manufacturing (AM) industry to
measure material properties of additive manufacturing materials in a standardized way. Currently there
are no additive manufacturing-specific consensus-based standards in this area. This project, in
conjunction with the NIST Engineering Laboratory’s other additive manufacturing projects, will provide
the technical foundation and documentary standards development necessary to develop new
consensus-based standards for AM materials, AM processes, and AM part qualification. This will be done
via ASTM-International’s (hereafter referred to as ‘ASTM-I’) Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing
Technologies and the newly formed International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC261
committee on Additive Manufacturing.
Determining the properties of the powder used for metal-based additive manufacturing, as well as the
properties of the resulting bulk metal material, is a necessary condition for AM users to be able to
confidently select powder and produce consistent parts with known and predictable properties.
Standardized methods for characterizing the properties of metal powders and metal parts already exist.
Summaries of these existing methods were published in NISTIR 7847 [1], for bulk metal materials
properties, and NISTIR 7873 [2], for metal powder properties. While many of these existing standards
are applicable for AM powders and parts, others are not, while still others are applicable with some
additional modifications or guidance to the existing standards. This report summarizes an assessment of
the applicability of the standards described in NISTIR 7847 and NISTIR 7873 for use on metal AM
powders and parts.
The applicability assessment presented here is based on our knowledge and experiences of the various
test methods, as well as our experiences and knowledge on the capabilities of metal powder-bed AM
systems. For each of the ASTM and ISO standards presented here, a qualitative judgment on the degree
of applicability of the standard for AM metal powders and parts is presented. This is shown in tabular
form in the next section. A description of each applicability classification is described at the beginning of
the table.
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In this chart, each standard is given one of the following classifications in determining if it is applicable for additive manufacturing. Some
standards have additional pertinent text in the NOTES column.
YES – The standard should be applicable for additive manufacturing without any modifications.
YES WITH GUIDANCE – The standard should be generally applicable for additive manufacturing, but there may be limits on its
applicability, or additional considerations. These include:
o Limits on some ranges of test specimens, especially thin sheets and wires that may not be easily realized via metals-based
commercial additive manufacturing systems; however some specimens can be readily built via AM.
o Required post-processing such that specimens built via additive manufacturing meet the requirements of the standard; this
typically includes surface finish or dimensional requirements.
o Material isotropy requirements. AM specimens usually have some inherent anisotropy. The measurement methods that specify
applicability for isotropic materials may still work, but the measured results may have larger uncertainties.
o Application specific considerations, such as elevated testing temperatures.
NOT A TEST METHOD – These standards may have useful auxiliary information, such as terminology, but they are not by themselves a
test method.
NO – The standard either requires specimens that certainly cannot be built via AM, or the measurement simply is not applicable.
This analysis does not address any measurement-specific safety issues, such as those that may be encountered while manipulating raw AM
powder, which may require additional modifications and/or considerations.
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ASTM B645 Standard Practice for Linear- Yes with Fracture toughness is resistance to crack extension; Basic test method for plane-strain
Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Guidance fracture toughness of aluminum. Supplements E399 and B646. Samples will require post-
Toughness Testing of Aluminum processing to achieve recommended surface roughness and dimensional tolerances.
ASTM B909 Standard Guide for Plane Strain Yes with ASTM E399 or ISO 12737 is basic method. ASTM B909 provides supplemental information
Fracture Toughness Testing of Guidance for plane-strain toughness testing of Al where complete stress relief is not possible.
Non-Stress Relieved Aluminum Additive manufacturing samples will require post-processing to achieve recommended
Products surface roughness and dimensional tolerances.
ASTM B646 Standard Practice for Fracture Not a Test Provides guidelines for test selection for fracture toughness properties of Al, particularly
Toughness Testing of Aluminum Method for quality assurance and material release purposes. Provides supplemental information
Alloys on specimen size, analysis, and interpretation of results, particularly for varying
ASTM E0023 Test Methods for Notched Bar Yes with Notched-bar impact testing of metals by Charpy (simple-beam) and Izod (cantilever-
Impact Testing of Metallic Guidance beam) tests. Describes 4 differences between two tests (sample notches, holding
Materials mechanism, impact location, sample dimension). Additive manufacturing samples will
require post-processing to achieve recommended dimensional tolerances.
ASTM E0399 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Yes with Basic method. See also ISO 12737. For metals under linear-elastic, plane-strain
Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness Guidance conditions using fatigue pre-cracked specimens subjected to a slowly increasing crack-
KIc of Metallic Materials displacement force. May require post-process machining for notch.
ASTM E1221 Test Method for Determining Yes with Samples may require post-processing.
Plane-Strain Crack-Arrest Guidance
Fracture Toughness, KIa, of
Ferritic Steels
ASTM E1290 Test Method for Crack-Tip Yes with Determines critical crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD) values, used to measure
Opening Displacement (CTOD) Guidance cleavage crack initiation toughness for materials that exhibit a change from ductile to
Fracture Toughness brittle behavior with decreasing temp. Notches may require post-processing (additional
Measurement machining).
ASTM E1304 Test Method for Plane-Strain Yes with Chevron-shaped-notch, notches may require post-processing (additional machining).
(Chevron-Notch) Fracture Guidance
Toughness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E1820 Test Method for Measurement Yes with This also appears to be the basic ASTM method for fracture toughness. Load a fatigue
of Fracture Toughness Guidance pre-cracked test specimen to induce either unstable crack extension and/or stable crack
extension. Need to measure force versus load-line displacement or crack mouth opening
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[1] Slotwinski, J.A., Cooke, A.L., Moylan, S.P., “Mechanical Properties Testing for Metal Parts Made via Additive
Manufacturing: A Review of the State of the Art of Mechanical Property Testing,” NISTIR 7847, March, 2012.
[2] Cooke, A.L., Slotwinski, J.A., “Properties of Metal Powders for Additive Manufacturing: A Review of the State of
the Art of Metal Powder Property Testing,” NIST IR 7873, July, 2012