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Shift Handover Protocols


Operational Excellence
May 2008

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Shift Handover Protocol | Version 01 | May 2008

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Document title Shift Handover Protocols
Document Number 0102-000-27-002
Document Type Standard
Status Endorsed by Operational Excellence Leadership Team
Date May 2008
Version 01
Project name Vopak Standards
Owner Royal Vopak – Corporate Operational Excellence

Confidentiality and Distribution

Vopak Operational Excellence Standards contain confidential information regarding Vopak and its
relevant subsidiaries and have been prepared with a view to inform and instruct Vopak employees.
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May 2008 01 Endorsed by Operational Excellence Leadership Team

Date: Version: Description:

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1.1 Scope and application 5


2.1 Communications 6
2.2 Management responsibilities 6


3.1 Effective shift handover communications 7
3.2 Key information to be communicated 7


This document is for Vopak internal use only and should not be distributed outside Vopak

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This document is for Vopak internal use only and should not be distributed outside Vopak

Shift Handover Protocol | Version 01 | May 2008

Property of Vopak – Confidential 4 © Vopak 2008
1 Introduction
This document is one in a series of standards within the framework of the Vopak Operational
Excellence program. Implementation and compliance with these standards is part of the process of
achieving Vopak’s ambitions for Operational Excellence.

This standard describes the Vopak minimum requirements for Shift Handover. Maintaining continuity
between shifts is important for all continuous operations on a terminal. This standard defines the
necessary coordination, communication and documentation to assure a reliable and safe handover of
ongoing operational activities between shifts.

1.1 Scope and application

Working in shifts implies that work is shared between more than one shift. A task progressed by the
outgoing shift requires good communication and coordination to the incoming shift.
Shift handover insures continuity between incoming and outgoing shifts. Shift handover includes:

- A period of preparation by outgoing shift before the shift handover starts.

- Ensuring that information is communicated between outgoing and incoming shifts.
- Conformation of information communicated between incoming out outgoing shifts.

The goal of the shift handover standard is the accurate, reliable communication of task-relevant
information across shifts, thereby ensuring continuity of safe and effective working.

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2 Communications and Management Responsibilities

2.1 Communications

Information can be passed from one person to another by word of mouth, or in writing. In either cases,
the information should be complete and accurate and given to the right person in the right form at the
right time. It is also important that confirmation is received and that the information was understood.

It is important to have good communications at shift handover. All necessary information should be
passed over from the outgoing shift to ensure that the incoming shift is well informed and has a clear
and concise understanding of the status of all operations. Some operations have a long duration and
may change in time. Actions may not have their effects until subsequent shifts. Without adequate
communication of information at shift handover, changes resulting from actions on previous shifts can
be problematic to assess. Adequate communication and recording at shift handover is therefore an
absolute necessity.

2.2 Management responsibilities

Management shall ensure that it has control of all aspects of communications in the workplace. If
information is not being sent, received, understood or acted on, management should investigate and
resolve the barriers. Management must have systems in place for monitoring deviations along with
auditing communications.

Pre conditions of shift handover

Management shall ensure that:

- Good communication practices are in place between management, supervisors and operators.
- Clear procedures/written guidance are in place describing the key information to be exchanged
and how this should be achieved (e.g. word of mouth, in writing or both).
- Handovers are face-to-face wherever possible allowing employees to discuss with each other.
- Handovers are not to be distracted e.g. by time pressure.
- Handover procedures take into account higher risk periods, e.g. lengthy maintenance
campaigns, after long periods of absence, where safety systems have been overridden,
unscheduled maintenance, or live safety critical permit to work operations.
- Employees are encouraged to report any incidents/complaints during shift handover.

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3 Minimum requirements of a Shift Handover
The shift handover must be defined in a procedure, or standard, which is part of the terminals quality
system. The procedure or standard shall have clear steps for effective communications at shift
handover. These include specifying what information needs to be communicated. The structure of the
shift handover depends on the complexity of the operation and its impact on the shift handover. A
typical example of a shift handover guidance document is in the appendix.

3.1 Effective shift handover communications

- Ensure that key information is transmitted both verbally and in writing. It is required to
demonstrate that key information has been handed over and is available to be checked.
- Use suitable aids, such as shift log books, computer displays, shipping board projector,
magnetic notice board etc. to provide a structured handover of key information, whilst aiming to
cut out unnecessary information. Use limited information sources (preferable one) to keep the
handover as structured and transparent as possible.
- Allow sufficient time for handover, including preparation time.
- Encourage face-to-face, and two-way communication, with the recipient asking for confirmation,
repetition, clarification etc. as appropriate.
- The handover on shift supervisor level must be a combined written and verbal handover with
traceability; on operator level the shift handover can be verbal only.
- Ensure, wherever possible, that handover of high priority key items and events is done one-on-
one and on site. Minimise distractions and excess background noise during handover.
- Instruction and training of employees in handover procedures.

In addition, ensure supervision, audit and review that the procedure or standard is complied with and
the necessary information is communicated and understood.

3.2 Key information to be communicated

The list of information to be communicated at shift handover is not exhaustive but it must include the
following high priority key items and events:

Safety, health and environment

- Health, safety or environment incidents or events.
- Critical or high priority alarms activated and actions taken.
- Critical equipment not working or out of service, especially safety critical equipment defeated
and actions taken, e.g. high level protection (alarm/trip) in override, faulty relief valves, fire
fighting equipment broken down, waste water treatment out of service.
- Changes from normal operations, especially safety critical changes (“Management of change”),
e.g. equipment modifications, deviations from normal working.
- Maintenance and permits affecting/limiting operations, especially status of life permits.
- Isolations in force, e.g. locked and tagged electrical systems for pump areas.
- Scheduled and ad-hoc tasks (safety rounds, inspections, sampling, etc), including follow up.
- Personnel issues, e.g. sickness, required capacity.

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- Ongoing and planned operational activities, especially deviations from normally planned, e.g.
o Ships activities on jetties (pre work, status, estimated arrival/departure times, etc).
o Railcar and truck activities per (un) loading gantry.
o Tank operations including tank to tank operations, gauging, heating, cooling, mixing
o Pipeline alignments and operations.
o Direct connections to process installations by pipeline (flow rates, pressure, etc.).
o Cleaning operations.

The Shift Handover procedure or standard should take account of situations that are known to be
especially liable to problems, including:

- During maintenance, if the work continues over a shift change.

- During deviations from normal working (faulty valves, broken down equipment, etc.).
- Key information that needs to be carried forward across successive shifts (e.g. equipment
out of service).
- Following a lengthy absence from work (either as a result of a regular long shift break, or
individual absence).
- Handovers between experienced and inexperienced staff.

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Appendix 1 – Typical Example of a Handover Guidance Document

FACTSHEET Shift Handover

Shift handover meeting Present Goals

 Frequency : 3 times per day Incoming & outgoing shift:  Review and handover of critical items and events
 Time: : 06:30, 14:30, 22:30 Supervisor, Loading Master,  Review and handover of activities deviating from
 Duration : 15-30 minutes Lead operator, Scheduler normal operations
 Location : Control Room  Handover of ongoing and planned activities
Chair: Incoming Supervisor  …

Inputs Outputs
 Shift report summary including all key information  Handover of all activities
 Activity list / planning  Adjustments to activities, tasks and
 … planning

Agenda High priority key items Ground rules

 High priority key items and  SHE incidents or events  Everybody is well prepared
events  Critical alarms activated &  Follow the agenda
 Ongoing activites and tasks actions taken  Everybody is responsible for his own actions
 Planned activities and tasks  Critical equipment not working or  Meeting starts and finishes on time
 Unplanned activities and out of service  No distractions (mobiles off)
tasks or deviations from plan  MOC issues  Chair ensures that all key information is transferred
 Permits to work  Ask for confirmation, repetition, clarification etc. as
 Isolations in force appropriate
 Scheduled and ad-hoc tasks  All functions are represented; if absent, arrange
 Personnel issues replacement
 ….

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