Preventing Vibration Damage To Thermocouples and RTD Sensors
Preventing Vibration Damage To Thermocouples and RTD Sensors
Preventing Vibration Damage To Thermocouples and RTD Sensors
Thermocouples and resistance temperature detectors, measurements. Platinum is the most preferred wire, since it
or RTDs, are the most commonly used temperature sensors. provides the best accuracy over the broadest temperature
Thermocouples operate on the principle of the Seebeck effect, range. ASTM E1137 is the international standard that defines
which states that two dissimilar metals joined at two junctions tolerances for platinum resistance sensors. It is frequently
generate an electromotive force, or EMF, at the junctions. used as one of the criteria for selecting a temperature
The metals react to changes in temperature to produce an sensor, as RTDs manufactured and tested according to this
EMF voltage in relation to the difference in temperature at the specification offer greater reliability and better performance.
junction. RTDs function on the precept that electrical resistance
increases with increasing temperature. The types of metal used
to fabricate the sensor impact accuracy, measurement range,
response time and resistance to environmental stressors such
as vibration.
• An open circuit
• Noisy signals
• Sporadically high temperature measurements
Glass Wire-Wound RTDs Decalibration is another fault condition that may occur in
thermocouples exposed to vibration. This is the process
whereby the structure of the wire is altered to where the
RTDs are available in wire-wound or thin-film types. Wire- voltage-temperature characteristics no longer conform to
wound sensors are highly accurate. They are made by winding international standards. The major concern with decalibration
copper, nickel or platinum wire around a glass or ceramic core is that the temperature measurements appear to be
to which the wire is also fused. Glass-core sensors can be accurate. The readings will drift gradually over time. Testing
immersed in most liquids without protection while those with a the thermocouple against a known temperature is the most
ceramic core offer stability for exceptionally high temperature common method of detecting decalibration.
Flow-induced vibrations result from the interaction of forces M12M Thermocouple Probe
between fluid flow and the inertia of structures immersed in
or conveying it. Fluid flow is a source of energy capable of
producing mechanical and structural vibration. In cylindrical
structures, vibrations are classified as either axial-flow- Conclusion
induced or cross-flow-induced, depending upon the angle of Choosing the right RTD or thermocouple for you application
inward flow in relation to the cylinder axis. will optimize performance and prevent sensor damage.
Thermocouples are a versatile and cost-effective means
Vibration Resistant Thermocouples and RTDs of temperature measurement and offer the best protection
against vibration. Wire-wound RTDs offer superior accuracy
The OMEGA PR-21SL RTD is designed for use in thermowells and a wider measurement range but are not as resilient. Thin-
and features spring loading to sustain contact between the film RTDs provide highly accurate and consistent data and
probe and the thermowell in the presence of static and vibration. offer greater resistance to vibration than wire-wound RTDs.
This ensures optimal heat transfer between the thermowell and OMEGA also has custom engineered solutions for very severe
probe and insulates the sensor against vibration. The PR-21SL vibration environments.
RTD can be used in two-, three- or four-wire applications and
fits standard 0.26-inch bore thermowells. An adjustable, self- Source
gripping spring allows it to be used in shorter thermowells.
PR-21SL RTD Temperature%20Measurement%20Presentation_2.09.pdf
OMEGA’s PR-31 RTD probe is bendable and vibration-
resistant. The probe is constructed of 316 stainless steel,
and the mineral-insulated cable allows the probe to be bent. A408&dq=types+of+flow+induced+vibrations&source=bl&ots=LrXYIS4N0
The PR-31 RTD is vibration tested to MIL-STD-202G, Method EwBmoVChMI1MK29IqixwIVR4wNCh3x9AoP#v=onepage&q=types%20
204D, Condition A and has a measuring range between of%20flow%20induced%20vibrations&f=false
-50 and 500°C. It is available in 100 and 1000Ω and can be
used in 2-, 3- or 4-wire applications.