Family: 16 Question Strips
Family: 16 Question Strips
Family: 16 Question Strips
How many people are there in your family?
How many aunts and uncles do you have? Where do they live?
Will you always live with your parents? Why? / Why not?
As a Seated Activity
Have your students seated in pairs or in groups of three.
Be sure to set a time frame for your students (try starting with 10 – 15
minutes for 16 questions; you may want to adjust this in later classes).
Monitor and assist.
As a Standing Activity 1
Have all your students stand up.
After the students have asked each other their questions, have them
exchange question strips and find new partners and continue.
As a Standing Activity 2
This activity runs exactly the same as in ‘Standing Activity 1’ except that
students first have about a minute to memorize their question (before
placing it in their pocket – it can be used as a prompt if needed).
This activity version is a little challenging, but also lots of fun – and it’s
great to see all the learning that takes place!