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ERE IS WHERE you will find all the correct answers to all 1001 of the vocab-
ulary and spelling questions. How did you do?

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

 Chapter 1: Synonyms 24. b. To yield means to give up or to relinquish.

25. a. Eternal means to be without end or to be
1. d. Erroneous means inaccurate, faulty, or timeless.
incorrect. 26. a. To stow means to store or pack away.
2. c. Grotesque means freakish, distorted, or 27. c. Intimate means personal or private.
hideous. 28. d. To consider means to regard or judge;
3. b. If something is garbled, it is unintention- ponder.
ally distorted, jumbled or unintelligible. 29. a. To humidify means to dampen or moisten.
4. c. If you expose something, you reveal it. 30. c. To arouse means to stir or cause to
5. a. To coerce means to dominate by force. become alert; waken.
6. b. Abrupt means quick, hasty, or sudden. 31. d. To harass means to torment or pester.
7. c. Apathy means a lack of interest or con- 32. a. Fortified means strengthened or rein-
cern; indifference. forced.
8. c. Despair means the same as hopelessness. 33. d. To delegate means to authorize, appoint,
9. c. A contemptuous person would be disdain- or assign.
ful or scornful. 34. c. To be held accountable means to be held
10. b. To tote means to carry. responsible.
11. d. If something is distinct, it is distinguish- 35. b. A philosophy is a system of motivating
able or separate. principles.
12. d. Flagrant means glaringly offensive. 36. b. A custom is a common practice; a habit
13. c. An oration is a speech; an address. that is practiced and followed regularly.
14. d. Libel is a false or defamatory statement 37. c. A harbor is a place of security; a refuge is a
that brings undeserved discredit and is place that provides shelter or protection.
synonymous with slander. 38. b. To muse means to consider carefully or at
15. d. Philanthropy is characterized by goodwill, length; to ponder.
humanitarianism, and charity. 39. a. A vessel and a container are both recepta-
16. c. Proximity means the same as nearness. cles for holding goods.
17. a. Negligible means to be of little conse- 40. a. To dispute is to engage in argument; to
quence; insignificant. debate is to argue.
18. b. Vigilant means watchful, especially of 41. a. A site is the place occupied by something;
danger. a position or location.
19. a. Astute means to have or show a keen 42. d. To compensate means to provide adequate
awareness; perceptive. substitution or to recompense, as to pay
20. a. To collaborate means to work jointly with appropriately.
others; to cooperate. 43. c. A journal and a diary are both records of
21. b. Insipid means the same as tasteless. daily happenings.
22. c. To navigate means to direct or steer a 44. c. An opportunity to do something is the
course across or through an area. same as a chance to do it.
23. d. To tailor means to design or to alter to suit 45. b. Invent means to create or to discover.
a specific need.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

46. c. A sphere is a figure formed by the revolu- 65. c. Haggard means having a worn or an ema-
tion of a circle about its diameter and is ciated appearance; gaunt means exces-
synonymous with globe. sively thin.
47. d. To refine means to remove impurities; to 66. b. An enigma is puzzling and difficult to
purify. understand; a mystery.
48. d. To pledge means to make a declaration or 67. d. Jocular means given to jesting; habitually
a promise to do something. jolly.
49. d. Gangly means tall, thin, and awkward; 68. a. To rebuke is to censure angrily; to scold is
lanky. to reproach abusively.
50. a. A sage is a wise, intelligent, or perceptive 69. b. Renown is a state of honor; fame means to
person. achieve popular acclaim.
51. b. To be dormant is to be sleeping or 70. d. Robust means vigorous or strong.
slumbering. 71. b. To be mundane is to be characterized by
52. a. To banish means to condemn to removal the practical or commonplace; ordinary.
or to exile. 72. c. Remiss means to show neglect or inatten-
53. b. To croon means to vocalize or to sing. tion; negligent is not taking prudent care.
54. d. A hostel and an inn are both lodging 73. c. Imminent means to be in the near or
places. immediate future; soon.
55. b. A mesa and a plateau are both high table- 74. a. Inordinate means to exceed reasonable
lands; flat-topped hills with precipitous limits; excessive means going beyond a
sides. normal limit.
56. d. Ado means a hubbub or commotion; fuss. 75. a. Disheveled means marked by disorder or
57. a. Obscure means concealed or hidden. disarray; rumpled means mussed or
58. a. A malicious action is intended to harm, as tousled.
is a spiteful action. 76. c. Disillusioned is the condition of being dis-
59. d. Obsolete and outmoded both mean no appointed or disenchanted.
longer in use. 77. d. Query means to ask questions; inquire.
60. a. An expansive personality is talkative, 78. d. Clemency is an act or instance of leniency;
open, and sociable. mercy means compassion shown to an
61. a. Relinquish means to let go or release; offender.
abandon means to desert.
62. b. Submissive means acting in submission to
others; obedient implies compliance as  Chapter 2: Antonyms
63. a. Ponderous means heavy; unwieldy or 79. b. To be alert is to be attentive; to be inatten-
clumsy because of weight or size. tive is to not pay attention, be unmindful.
64. a. Stoical means not showing passion or feel- 80. d. Cautious means prudent and discreet;
ing; impassive means expressionless. reckless means to disregard or be indiffer-
ent of the consequences of an act and is
the opposite of cautious.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

81. a. Shameful means dishonorable; honorable 102. d. To forsake is to abandon; to cherish is to

means to be distinguished or illustrious, hold dear, to nurture.
the opposite of shameful. 103. b. To restrain is to hold back, control; to
82. c. Vague means not clear or definite; definite liberate is to release.
means clearly defined. 104. c. To be bleak is to be dreary; to be bright is
83. c. Vulnerable means open to attack or weak; to be brilliant.
secure is the opposite of weak. 105. a. Unruly means not easily managed, con-
84. a. Distress means great strain, upset; comfort trolled, or disciplined; controllable is the
means calmness and peace. opposite.
85. a. Unity means harmony or compatibility; 106. b. Solidarity means union; disunity means
discord means a lack of harmony. division.
86. c. Clarify means to make clear; obscure 107. a. To retract is to withdraw; to assert is to
means to make dark, dim, or indistinct. affirm.
87. a. To grant is to permit; to deny is to refuse 108. b. Concise means short or brief; lengthy
to permit. means long.
88. b. Impartial means not partial or biased; 109. d. Omit means to leave out; include means to
prejudiced means biased. take in.
89. c. Prompt means punctual; tardy means late. 110. b. Prohibit means to forbid; permit means to
90. b. To delay is to slow; to hasten is to hurry. allow.
91. c. To soothe is to comfort; to aggravate is to 111. b. Disclose means to reveal; conceal means to
irritate. cover or hide, to prevent disclosure.
92. d. Moderate means average; excessive means 112. a. Stifle means to discourage or smother;
extreme. encourage is to give support to or foster.
93. d. To reveal is to disclose; to conceal is to 113. b. To belittle means to criticize; compliment
hide. is an expression of praise, admiration, or
94. c. Initial means first; final means last. congratulations, the opposite of belittle.
95. a. Brittle means breakable, frail; flexible 114. c. Aimless means lacking in purpose;
means bendable, pliable. purposeful means having an aim or
96. a. Capable means able; unskilled means lack- purpose.
ing skill or ability, unable. 115. d. Detest means to feel hostility toward, to
97. a. To stray is to wander; to remain is to stay. strongly dislike; to admire is to have a
98. b. Dainty means delicate; coarse means rude, high opinion of or to hold in great esteem
rough, indelicate. or respect.
99. d. Craving means desire; revulsion means 116. b. Valiant means acting with bravery or
aversion. boldness; cowardly is to act with ignoble
100. a. Ferocious means savage; docile means fear or to exhibit the characteristics of a
tame. coward.
101. a. Grueling means exhausting; effortless 117. d. Lenient means permissive, tolerant, or
means easy. easy-going; domineering means exercising
overbearing control.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

118. c. Tarnish means to destroy the luster of; 134. d. To be critical is to be important or vital; to
shine means to make bright by polishing. be trivial is to be unimportant.
119. c. Mandatory means containing a com- 135. c. Infantile means childish; mature means
mand; optional means having a choice. grown-up.
120. c. Chagrin means distress caused by disap- 136. b. To retain is to keep or hold; to release is to
pointment or failure; pleasure is a source let go.
of enjoyment or delight. 137. d. To be impulsive is to be swayed by emo-
121. d. Commence means to begin; terminate tion or to make rash decisions; to be
means to end. cautious is to show forethought.
122. a. Conscientious means careful, cautious, and 138. c. Competent means having adequate
thoughtful; careless means not showing abilities; inept means incapable or
care. incompetent.
123. b. Deficient means lacking some necessary 139. b. To promote is to advance someone to a
quality; adequate means having all neces- higher rank or to advocate; to downgrade
sary parts. is to cut something short.
124. d. Lucid means clear; the opposite is vague, 140. c. Requirement means something obligatory;
not clearly expressed. option means something that can be
125. c. Judicious means wise or prudent; chosen.
imprudent is to be indiscreet or unwise, 141. a. To irritate means to annoy; to soothe
the opposite of judicious. means to calm.
126. a. Dissonance means disagreement or dis- 142. d. To be punctual means to be on time; to be
cord; harmony means to be in agreement tardy means to be late.
or accord, to have the same feeling or 143. c. Virtue is a moral goodness; vice is a moral
opinion. failing.
127. a. Erudite means learned or possessing 144. b. To be fortunate is to have good luck; to be
knowledge; uneducated is a lack of train- hapless is to be unlucky.
ing or knowledge. 145. d. Notable means distinguished or unusual;
128. d. Harmony means agreement; discord ordinary means usual, plain.
means disagreement. 146. a. Prim means stiffly formal and proper;
129. a. An insult is a gross indignity; a outrageous means horrendous, shocking.
compliment is a remark of admiration. 147. b. Prosperous means rich or affluent;
130. a. General means not limited to one class or destitute means very poor.
thing; specific means particular. 148. b. Nimble means quick and light in motion;
131. d. Imaginary means unreal; factual means sluggish means slow or inactive.
real. 149. a. Tranquil means peaceful; agitated means
132. c. To demolish means to tear apart; to create disturbed or excited.
means to build. 150. c. Sprightly means lively; dull suggests a lack
133. b. Absorb means to take in or consume; to or loss of keenness or zest.
repel is to reject or force away. 151. c. Amiable means friendly; aloof means to be
physically or emotionally distant or remote.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

152. a. To be prudent is to exercise good judg- 165. d. To manipulate is to manage or to handle

ment; to be rash is to show ill-considered in a controlling manner.
haste. 166. c. To be subjective is to be influenced by
153. c. Scant means meager; copious means one’s own emotions or beliefs without
abundant. strict regard to evidence in the outside
154. b. To be steadfast is to be fixed or unchang- world; to be unbiased is to be objective or
ing; to be fickle is characterized by con- impartial.
stant change or instability, the opposite of 167. d. To be succinct is to be concise; to be
steadfast. verbose is to use excessive words, to be
155. b. To be stringent is to be rigorous or severe; wordy.
to be lax is to be lacking in rigor or 168. d. Enthusiastic means eager, to show keen
strictness. interest or desire.
169. a. If something is adequate, it is sufficient, or
as much as needed.
 Chapter 3: Synonyms and 170. b. To be uniform is be consistent or the same
Antonyms as others; to be diverse is to have variety.
171. d. A person who is ecstatic has great pleasure
156. d. A rational decision is one that exercises or delight or is thrilled.
the ability to reason, a sound decision is 172. d. To affect means to influence a person,
one that has a firm basis. thing, or course of events.
157. a. An attribute is a characteristic or quality 173. d. To be wary is to be on guard or watchful;
belonging to a person or thing. to be careless is to have lack of fore-
158. a. To subdue means to bring under control; thought.
conquer means to defeat by force. 174. d. To be novel is to be new; the opposite is
159. d. To be animated is to be filled with activity old, existing for a long time.
or vigor; lively is to be filled with energy. 175. c. Continuous means to be marked by unin-
160. a. To be in awe of something is to admire it; terrupted extension in space and time.
to have contempt for something is to con- 176. a. Both courtesy and civility imply being
sider it worthless. polite, considerate, or mannerly.
161. d. Intricate means having many elaborately 177. a. A fallacy is a false or mistaken idea, trick-
arranged elements; complex means com- ery; a truth is something which conforms
plicated or involved. to the facts.
162. d. A skeptic is someone who doubts; a 178. b. A frail person is weak and delicate or frail
believer is one who thinks something is in constitution or health.
true. 179. a. Recuperate means to heal; to recover
163. b. To be hypothetical is to be suppositional means to restore or get back again
or contingent on being tested; to be actual 180. d. Subsequent means coming after or follow-
is to exist in fact or reality. ing; previous means coming before.
164. a. To enhance is to increase or augment; to
diminish is to make smaller.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

181. c. To be nonchalant means to have an air of 197. d. To exonerate means to clear from accusa-
easy indifference; to be concerned means tion or guilt; to blame is to accuse or hold
to be interested and involved. responsible.
182. d. A hoax and a ruse are both tricks designed 198. b. Ephemeral means short-lived; enduring
to confuse or mislead. means without end.
183. b. If you gain composure, you have poise, a 199. a. To be a predecessor is to be one who pre-
manner of acting that is free from affecta- cedes or comes before another; to be a
tion or embarrassment. successor is to be one who succeeds or
184. b. To excise means to remove; to retain comes after another.
means to keep. 200. a. To refrain is to hold back; to desist is to
185. a. Disperse means to scatter; to gather means cease, stop, or forbear.
to collect in one place. 201. a. Affable means pleasant and at ease or
186. c. An eccentric person is considered to be agreeable; the opposite is disagreeable or
odd, unusual, eccentric, or peculiar. not to one’s liking, unpleasant.
187. a. Both commendable and admirable mean 202. a. Rigorous is to be rigid or harsh and is syn-
worthy, qualified, or desirable. onymous with demanding, to request
188. d. A domain is an area governed by a ruler; a urgently.
territory is an area for which someone is 203. a. To orient means to adjust, become famil-
responsible. iar; to confuse means to bewilder.
189. a. Passive is to fail to respond or react to an 204. d. To levitate means to rise and float; to sink
action; inactive means not functioning or means to be submerged.
operating. 205. d. If you are oblivious to your surroundings,
190. b. To liberate means to release; to restrain you are unaware or not cognizant of
means to deprive of liberty. them.
191. a. Faltering means to be unsteady in purpose 206. b. To verify means to establish truth or accu-
or action, stumbling; steady means firm in racy; to confirm means to support or
position or place, direct, or unfaltering. establish the validity of.
192. b. Vast means very great in size; immense 207. c. To pacify means to calm; to excite means
means to be immeasurable in size or to stir up.
extent. 208. c. Plausible means likely or credible;
193. d. Comply means to act in accordance with a unbelievable is incredible, not to be
command and is synonymous with obey, believed, unlikely.
to carry out or fulfill an order. 209. c. Idle means not in use or operation;
194. c. Optimum means the most desirable; worst immobile means immovable or fixed.
means the least desirable. 210. b. Someone who is avid has enthusiasm and
195. d. If you enlighten someone, you instruct, pursues things vigorously; the opposite
inform, or teach them to make them free would be unenthusiastic, lacking excite-
of ignorance, prejudice, or superstition. ment or ardor.
196. a. To be tedious is to be tiresome; to be 211. c. Meek means not violent or not strong;
stimulating is to be exciting. forceful means powerful.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

212. a. Complacent means self-satisfied, smug, or 229. b. Taut means extremely tight, tense; relaxed
unworried; the opposite is concerned, means loose, not tense.
which means interested and involved. 230. a. To rile is to upset; to appease is to pacify
213. b. To be ambiguous is to be unclear, equivo- or satisfy.
cal, or obscure; to be certain is to be defi- 231. d. To be glib is to reply quickly with insin-
nite or fixed. cere or superficial, false words.
214. b. Confer means to compare views or to take 232. d. To mar is to damage or deface; to repair is
counsel; consult means to exchange views. to restore or fix.
215. a. A repast is a meal or the food eaten at a 233. a. To be cognizant of something is to be
meal. aware; to be conscious is to be perceptive
216. a. To be held in high esteem means to have a or alert.
favorable regard; to disrespect is to lack 234. c. To mediate is to settle a dispute; to
courteous regard. reconcile is to bring into agreement.
217. c. To be eloquent is to be fluent; to be 235. b. Concurrent and simultaneous both mean
inarticulate is to speak hesitantly. happening at the same time.
218. b. To be apathetic is to show little emotion 236. a. To induce is to bring about; to prompt is to
or interest; to be indifferent is to have no provoke or induce to action.
particular interest or concern. 237. d. Intrepid is fearless, undaunted, daring, or
219. a. A deterrent prevents or discourages; brave; the opposite of fearful or anxious,
encouragement inspires or heartens. frightened, or terrified.
220. d. Someone who is impertinent is rude; 238. c. To saturate is to fill or to load to capacity;
someone who is polite is courteous. to soak is to penetrate or permeate.
221. c. To augment means to increase or expand 239. a. Methodical is characterized by method or
in size or extent. order; erratic is variable, inconsistent, and
222. c. To be ludicrous is to be absurd; to be unpredictable.
reasonable is to be rational. 240. d. Latent means present but not functioning;
223. b. Archaic means ancient or outdated; active means to be marked by energetic
modern is current or contemporary. activity.
224. d. To be incredulous is to be skeptical; 241. d. To proscribe means to reject, condemn, or
disbelieving is to refuse to believe in. denounce as unwanted or dangerous; to
225. c. To be vindictive is to be vengeful; to be prohibit; to forbid is to command not to
spiteful means to be malicious. do. Proscribe should not be confused with
226. d. Sullen means gloomy or dismal; jovial prescribe, which means to advise the use
means very happy. of (e.g., a medication).
227. a. Menial means servile, related to work 242. b. Prevarication is an evasion of the truth;
done by a servant; lowly means humble or veracity means truthfulness.
plain, suited for one of the lowest rank. 243. b. Mirth means merriment; solemnity means
228. a. A panacea is an all-encompassing remedy; seriousness.
a cure is a remedy or restoration to health. 244. b. Surreptitious is acting in a stealthy or
secretive manner.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

245. c. Trepidation means fear; the opposite is 257. b. Receptive, compassionate, and amenable
fearlessness or having no fear. are all synonyms; intolerant is an antonym
of these words.
258. c. Sloppy, disheveled, and unkempt are all
 C h a p t e r 4 : Ve r b a l synonyms; orderly is an antonym of these
Classification words.
259. d. Word for word, exact, and verbatim are all
246. b. Confirmed, definite, and conclusive are all synonyms; paraphrased is an antonym of
synonyms; tentative is an antonym of these words.
these words. 260. a. Carefully, warily, and prudently are all syn-
247. a. Distinct, explicit, and forthright are all syn- onyms; recklessly is an antonym of these
onyms; implied is an antonym of these words.
words. 261. c. Destitute, poverty-stricken, and
248. c. Premeditated, rehearsed, and calculated are impoverished are all synonyms; affluent is
all synonyms; spontaneous is an antonym an antonym of these words.
of these words. 262. a. Inviting, welcoming, and cheery are all syn-
249. b. Rampant, widespread, and pervasive are all onyms; dour is an antonym of these
synonyms; restrained is an antonym of words.
these words. 263. b. Clumsy, all thumbs, and maladroit are all
250. b. Flexible, supple, and limber are all syn- synonyms; nimble is an antonym of these
onyms; rigid is an antonym of these words.
words. 264. a. Ridicule, deride, and gibe are all synonyms;
251. d. Subdue, crush, and suppress are all syn- compliment is an antonym of these words.
onyms; provoke is an antonym of these 265. c. Deprived, bereft, and bereaved are all syn-
words. onyms; replete is an antonym of these
252. c. Comprise, compose, and constitute are all words.
synonyms; exclude is an antonym of these 266. d. Resolve, fortitude, and mettle are all syn-
words. onyms; timidity is an antonym of these
253. a. Infinite, immense, and vast are all syn- words.
onyms; infinitesimal is an antonym of 267. d. Submissive, obedient, and acquiescent are
these words. all synonyms; officious is an antonym of
254. b. Heroism, prowess, and mastery are all syn- these words.
onyms; incompetence is an antonym of 268. b. Proficient, deft, and adroit are all syn-
these words. onyms; inept is an antonym of these
255. d. Rasping, grating, and abrasive are all syn- words.
onyms; polished is an antonym of these 269. c. Felicitous, inopportune, and ill-timed are
words. all synonyms; inappropriate is an antonym
256. a. Deformed, grotesque, and repulsive are all of these words.
synonyms; comely is an antonym of these

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

270. c. Vex, aggravate, and agitate are all syn- 283. a. Sanction, concur, and assent are all syn-
onyms; agitate is an antonym of these onyms; dissent is an antonym of these
words. words.
271. a. Abject, lowly, and humble are all synonyms; 284. d. Devout, fervent, and zealous are all syn-
stately is an antonym of these words. onyms; dispirited is an antonym of these
272. c. Mercenary, venal, and corruptible are all words.
synonyms; honest is an antonym of these
273. b. Pinnacle, summit, and acme are all syn-  Chapter 5: Analogies
onyms; perigee is an antonym of these
words. 285. a. Polite and gracious are synonyms; cordial
274. a. Concur, consent, and accede are all syn- and courteous are synonyms.
onyms; demur is an antonym of these 286. c. If someone has been humiliated, he or she
words. has been greatly embarrassed; if someone
275. b. Replica, facsimile, and reproduction are all is terrified, he or she is extremely
synonyms; permutation is an antonym of frightened.
these words. 287. c. Scarcely and mostly are antonyms; quietly
276. c. Pernicious, toxic, and virulent are all syn- and loudly are antonyms.
onyms; innocuous is an antonym of these 288. d. Candid and indirect are opposing traits, as
words. are honest and devious.
277. d. Stentorian, booming, and thundering are 289. a. Control and dominate are synonyms;
all synonyms; tranquil is an antonym of magnify and enlarge are synonyms.
these words. 290. b. Exactly and precisely are synonyms;
278. d. Permissive, lenient, and indulgent are all evidently and apparently are synonyms.
synonyms; implacable is an antonym of 291. d. Meaningful and insignificant are anto-
these words. nyms; essential and unnecessary are
279. c. Bedlam, pandemonium, and tumult are all antonyms.
synonyms; repose is an antonym of these 292. b. Simple and complex are antonyms; trivial
words. and significant are antonyms.
280. a. Somnolent, soporific, and hypnotic are all 293. c. Neophyte and novice are synonyms;
synonyms; stimulating is an antonym of pursuit and quest are synonyms.
these words. 294. a. Regard and esteem are synonyms;
281. d. Impassioned, vehement, and emphatic are ambivalence and uncertainty are
all synonyms; apathetic is an antonym of synonyms.
these words. 295. d. Elated and despondent are antonyms;
282. b. Savory, piquant, and aromatic are all syn- enlightened and ignorant are antonyms.
onyms; distasteful is an antonym of these 296. b. Divulge and conceal are antonyms;
words. conform and differ are antonyms.
297. b. Restrain and curb are synonyms; recant
and retract are synonyms.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

298. c. Admire and despise are antonyms; praise 318. c. Obstinate and stubborn are synonyms;
and admonish are antonyms. staunch and faithful are synonyms.
299. d. Advance and retreat are antonyms; curtail 319. a. Persistent and persevering are synonyms;
and prolong are antonyms. spurious and false are synonyms.
300. b. Implant and embed are synonyms; expel 320. d. Broadcast and obscure are antonyms;
and oust are synonyms. welcome and eject are antonyms.
301. a. Assemble and convene are synonyms; 321. b. Enthusiastic and blasé are antonyms;
categorize and systematize are synonyms. upright and prone are antonyms.
302. c. Grind and crush are synonyms; demolish 322. a. Sedate and sober are synonyms; prim and
and pulverize are synonyms. staid are synonyms.
303. d. Continuation and sequel are synonyms; 323. c. Courtier and aristocrat are synonyms;
scheme and plot are synonyms. unknown and nonentity are synonyms.
304. c. Phase and segment are synonyms; epoch 324. d. Nourish and foster are synonyms; abolish
and era are synonyms. and annul are synonyms.
305. b. Declare and affirm are synonyms; cringe 325. c. Undermine and bolster are antonyms;
and cower are synonyms. reinforce and weaken are antonyms.
306. c. Ally and enemy are antonyms; anonymity 326. b. Skim and peruse are antonyms; delve and
and fame are antonyms. scan are antonyms.
307. a. Personable and agreeable are synonyms; 327. c. Comical and witty are synonyms;
friendly and genial are synonyms. humorous and facetious are synonyms.
308. a. Heterogeneous and mixed are synonyms; 328. d. Intersect and diverge are antonyms; ratify
profuse and lush are synonyms. and nullify are antonyms.
309. b. Trust and suspicion are antonyms; doubt 329. b. To proclaim is to announce; to restrict is to
and reliance are antonyms. stint.
310. c. Hide and flaunt are antonyms; forget and 330. a. Barter and swap are synonyms; irritate
retain are antonyms. and annoy are synonyms.
311. d. Disclose and reveal are synonyms; intimate 331. c. Design and devise are synonyms; upbraid
and suggest are synonyms. and reprimand are synonyms.
312. c. Conceal and obscure are synonyms; 332. b. An accord is an understanding; a
procrastinate and delay are synonyms. conversion is a transition.
313. b. Ornate and plain are antonyms; blithe and 333. d. Taint and decontaminate are antonyms;
morose are antonyms. enrage and appease are antonyms.
314. a. Futile and vain are synonyms; covert and 334. b. If you are judicious, you are prudent; if
secret are synonyms. you are wise, you are astute.
315. d. Opposing and differing are synonyms; can- 335. c. To be an arbitrator is to be a mediator; to
did and frank are synonyms. referee is to umpire.
316. b. Expeditiously and swiftly are synonyms; 336. d. To ensue is to follow; to precede is to
diligently and persistently are synonyms. herald.
317. b. If there are antics, there are actions; if 337. b. If there is courage, there is valor; if there is
there is banter, there is repartee. chivalry, there is gallantry.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

338. c. Regale and amuse are synonyms; impart 357. d. Foreboding and premonition are syno-
and bestow are synonyms. nyms; qualm and misgiving are synonyms.
339. d. Pivotal and crucial are synonyms; 358. c. A milieu has an environment; a culture has
conventional and conservative are customs.
synonyms. 359. c. Downcast and jaunty are antonyms;
340. c. Fallacy is a misconception of truth; a fact is despondent and jubilant are antonyms.
evidence of truth. 360. a. Enumerate and cite are synonyms;
341. a. Gratuitous and expensive are antonyms; disregard and ignore are synonyms.
sedentary and active are antonyms. 361. c. Flashy and garish are synonyms; gaudy
342. b. Hypocrite and phony are synonyms; and tawdry are synonyms.
lethargy and stupor are synonyms. 362. d. A traitor is a deserter; a renegade is an
343. c. Revere and venerate are synonyms; esteem insurgent.
and respect are synonyms. 363. a. Etiquette requires protocol; a statute
344. b. Refined and plebeian are antonyms; requires a decree.
selective and indiscriminate are antonyms. 364. a. Prominent and conspicuous are synonyms;
345. c. Improbable and plausible are antonyms; gaunt and haggard are synonyms.
stable and volatile are antonyms. 365. b. Outlandish and conservative are
346. d. Immoral and ethical are antonyms; antonyms; reserved and garrulous are
insufficient and ample are antonyms. antonyms.
347. a. Distance and proximity are antonyms; 366. c. Belief and doctrine are synonyms;
economical and prodigal are antonyms. hesitation and vacillation are synonyms.
348. b. Shocked and aghast are synonyms; skittish 367. b. Amateur and novice are synonyms;
and restive are synonyms. representative and proxy are synonyms.
349. a. Deprivation and affluence are antonyms; 368. c. Skyrocket and plummet are antonyms;
capitulation and resistance are antonyms. diminish and augment are antonyms.
350. d. Dupe and deceive are synonyms; exculpate 369. a. Excitable and stoical are antonyms;
and absolve are synonyms. delighted and rankled are antonyms.
351. b. Ostracize and banish are synonyms; 370. c. A mendicant is a vagabond; a scavenger is a
consequence and repercussion are forager.
synonyms. 371. d. Friendship and amity are synonyms;
352. d. Churlish and surly are synonyms; steadfast enmity and animosity are synonyms.
and resolute are synonyms. 372. b. Indiscernible and perceptible are antonyms;
353. c. Indirect and forthright are antonyms; incalculable and infinitesimal are
unashamed and abashed are antonyms. antonyms.
354. d. Superlative and abysmal are antonyms; 373. c. Something that is veritable is actual;
atrocious and noble are antonyms. something that is specious is false.
355. a. If something is impending, it is imminent; 374. d. If you experience anxiety, you have
if something is calamitous, it is disastrous. trepidation; if you experience lethargy,
356. b. Implant and infuse are synonyms; you have lassitude.
inculcate and instill are synonyms.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

375. b. If you are absorbed, you are engrossed; if 392. c. Comprehensive means covering com-
you are bored, you are inured. pletely or broadly.
376. a. Involvement and aloofness are antonyms; 393. b. To poach is to trespass on another’s prop-
clumsiness and finesse are antonyms. erty in order to steal fish or game.
377. b. Incoherent and articulate are antonyms; 394. d. To differentiate between two things is to
fluent and halting are antonyms. establish the distinction between them.
378. c. Shiftless and lackadaisical are synonyms; 395. a. In the context of the sentence, sophisticated
hardworking and assiduous are synonyms. means having an up-to-date style or look.
379. a. Pert and lively are synonyms; impudent 396. b. Exempt means to be excused from a rule
and insolent are synonyms. or obligation.
380. b. Native and foreign are antonyms; 397. c. Finesse is skill, tact, and cleverness.
commonplace and exotic are antonyms. 398. c. To handle a baby gingerly would be
381. d. Compassionate and insensitive are to handle it delicately and with great
antonyms; conceited and unassuming are caution.
antonyms. 399. c. A précis is a summary or abstract of a text.
382. a. Characteristic and attribute are synonyms; 400. d. Blasé means to be bored or unimpressed
ingredient and component are synonyms. by things after having seen or experienced
383. d. Capricious and whimsical are synonyms; them too often.
shrewd and astute are synonyms. 401. b. The summit means the highest point.
384. c. Gluttonous and abstemious are antonyms; 402. c. A musty odor is one that is stale or moldy.
complimentary and disparaging are 403. a. Solitude, a state of being alone, is some-
antonyms. thing a person who worked in a busy
385. a. If something is yielding, it is submissive; if office would crave.
something is tractable, it is amenable. 404. a. Accessible means capable of being reached
or being within easy reach.
405. d. Outmoded means no longer in style or no
 Chapter 6: Sentence longer usable.
Completion 406. b. A quest is a search or pursuit of
386. d. Resolved means having reached a firm 407. d. Ingenious means marked by originality,
decision about something. resourcefulness, and cleverness in
387. a. A mishap is an unfortunate accident. conception.
388. d. Legitimate means in a manner conform- 408. a. An expressive person would be one who is
ing to recognized principles or accepted open or emphatic when revealing opin-
rules or standards. ions or feelings.
389. b. Pummel means to pound or beat. 409. d. Favorably means graciously, kindly, or
390. d. Facilitate means to make easier or help to obligingly.
bring about. 410. d. Docile means easily led or managed.
391. c. Exemplify means to be an instance of or 411. c. Explicit means clearly defined or
serve as an example. delineated.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

412. d. Potable means fit for drinking. 431. a. A jovial hostess is one who is mirthful or
413. a. Encompassed in this context means consti- humorous.
tuted or included. 432. a. Warily is a manner marked by keen cau-
414. b. Devised means to form new combinations tion, cunning, and watchful prudence.
or applications of ideas or principles; to 433. b. Confluence means a coming or flowing
plan or bring about. together, a meeting, or a gathering at one
415. c. Quandary means a state of perplexity or point.
doubt. 434. c. A revocation is the act of recalling or
416. a. Precedence means designating something as annulling something, in this case a license.
more important than other things, a priority. 435. b. When something is inadvertently done, it is
417. c. Conspicuously means obvious to the eye or marked by an unintentional lack of care.
mind; attracting attention. 436. d. Requisite means essential or necessary.
418. a. Monotonous means having a tedious 437. a. Delude means to mislead the mind; to
sameness. deceive.
419. a. Portrayal means a representation or por- 438. b. Reticent means inclined to be silent or
trait. uncommunicative, reserved.
420. c. Careen means to rush headlong or care- 439. b. Precursor means something that comes
lessly; to lurch or swerve while in motion. before.
421. d. Audibly means heard or the manner of 440. b. Divulged means to take private informa-
being heard. tion and make it public.
422. b. Voracious means having a huge appetite; 441. a. Abate means to decrease in force or inten-
ravenous. sity.
423. a. A rendezvous is a meeting or assembly that 442. c. Consummate means extremely skilled and
is by appointment or arrangement. experienced.
424. b. Demographic data is information about 443. b. When a car goes out of control and skims
demography, the branch of knowledge along the surface of a wet road, it is
that deals with human populations. hydroplaning.
425. b. A maverick is a political independent, 444. d. A clairvoyant is someone who can per-
nonconformist, or free spirit. ceive matters beyond the range of ordi-
426. b. Cryptic means mysterious, hidden, or nary perception.
enigmatic. 445. a. The word unearthly, a strange or frighten-
427. c. Frivolous means not worthy of serious ing sound, best describes the kind of
attention; of little importance. shriek that might be heard on Halloween
428. a. Subsequent means following a specified night.
thing in order or succession. 446. d. A vortex is a whirlpool.
429. d. Accordance means to be in agreement or 447. b. A feasible project is capable of being done.
harmony. 448. b. Something that is iridescent displays a lus-
430. a. Burgeoning means emerging or new trous rainbow of colors.
growth. 449. c. To have rapport is to have mutual trust
and emotional affinity.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

450. d. A fervent voice is one that has great emo- 467. a. Razed means to flatten or demolish to the
tion or zest. ground, hence the districts mentioned in
451. c. To retract something is to take it back or the passage would be leveled, or on a flat
disavow it. This is the term usually horizontal surface.
applied to disavowing something erro- 468. b. Fury describes the violence of the weather
neous or libelous printed in a newspaper. in the passage.
452. c. Askance is to look with disapproval or dis- 469. d. The context clue is the word ancestors,
trust; scornfully. which indicates generations.
453. c. Obsolescence is the state of being outdated. 470. c. The word shiftless means lazy.
454. a. A prospectus is a published report of a 471. b. A grimace is the contortion of facial
business and its plans for a program or features.
offering. 472. d. It makes sense that a subordinate monkey
455. d. Agrarian means having to do with agri- would be intimidated by a dominant one,
culture or farming. choice d.
456. a. Copious means plentiful or abundant. 473. c. Debris and radiation are both hazards;
457. b. A deferment is a delay. choice c is the only possible answer.
458. a. That which is scintillating is brilliant or 474. a. Muscle atrophy and bone loss are exam-
sparkling. ples of physical deterioration.
459. b. Succulents are plants that have leaves 475. b. Although a muscle that atrophies may be
specifically for storing water. weakened (choice c), the primary mean-
460. d. Puerile means to be like a child. ing of the word atrophy is to waste away.
461. b. A benevolent person is one who is charita- 476. b. The word ambiance refers to the distinc-
ble, giving. tive atmosphere surrounding a person or
462. d. Incumbent means the holder of any post place.
or position. 477. a. The conjunction or tells you that you are
463. c. Assiduously means in a careful manner or looking for the opposite of ordinary or
with unremitting attention. traditional. To be quirky is to have a pecu-
464. d. To be recalcitrant is to be stubbornly liarity of behavior.
resistant. 478. a. A conglomerate is a commercial corpora-
465. b. Judicious means to use or show good tion formed by merging a number of dif-
judgment; to be wise or sensible. ferent enterprises.
479. a. To be parasitic means to be living on or
dependent on a live animal or plant.
 Chapter 7: Reading 480. a. The word lays is the key here. The only
Comprehension thing a bird would lay would be a collec-
tion of eggs.
466. b. From the context of the passage, only 481. d. To eject something is to throw it out force-
choice b describes the way a storm or fully or to expel it.
force of nature could create total 482. b. Composed is synonymous with comprised.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

483. c. Breaking words into syllables is a type of 497. c. While voting is a duty (choice a) and a
strategy that could be used to understand responsibility (choice b), as a privilege, it is
longer words. a right.
484. a. The old flag is symbolizing something that 498. b. Suffrage, in the context of this passage,
represents something else by association, means the right to vote in elections.
in this case that of British rule. 499. c. A battle cry is a motto.
485. b. The passage is about the day Ghana 500. d. Based on the context clue in the sen-
gained its independence. To be independ- tence—and many will tell you they have
ent is to be autonomous. never voted—it can be determined that
486. b. Dexterity means that the hands are agile. deplorable means regrettable, wretched, or
487. a. The fact that the passage is a warning bad; something that is shameful.
points to choice a, which speaks of adverse 501. b. Chalky is a descriptive word often used in
effects. the place of the word white. Eggs are not
488. d. To be allergic to something is to be sensi- made of chalk—choices a and d—and
tive to it. there is nothing in the passage to suggest
489. b. This choice—which means random or that anyone tasted the albatross egg,
haphazard—makes the most sense in the choice c.
context of the passage. 502. c. Turbulent waters are those that have
490. d. It is logical to deduce that unclear orders been violently agitated or disturbed,
by a doctor—in the form of medical tumultuous.
abbreviations—would call for 503. c. An assemblage of students is a gathering
clarification. of students.
491. b. Stout, bulky in figure, works best in the 504. a. Converged means to approach at an inter-
context of the passage. secting point.
492. b. The author is describing Reed’s appear- 505. b. Palatial means of or like a palace.
ance in what is obviously an old-fash- 506. d. Memoirs are the accounts of personal
ioned style. experiences.
493. a. An extremity is the outermost portion of 507. b. To resign means to give up a position with
something. The boy’s limbs (arms and a formal notification.
legs) have already been mentioned, so 508. d. Seceded means withdrawn from a mem-
hands and feet is the next most logical bership in an organization or alliance—
choice. in this case, the United States.
494. c. The context clues in this passage are the 509. c. Upheaval is violent disruption or upset.
words luxury, burst, fire, and gold, all of 510. a. Budget cuts can be subject to controversy
which embody radiance. or disagreement.
495. a. The word pine immediately before the 511. c. Exorbitant expenses are those that are
phrase balm-of-Gilead and the phrase the inflated or excessive.
new hay immediately after makes choice a, 512. b. Retrospect means to review or think back
a plant, the most logical choice. on past events.
496. c. Night usually brings darkness.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

513. a. A consensus of opinion is one that is 531. c. Testimonials, in this case, are statements
reached in harmony or agreement. testifying to seemingly warmer winters.
514. d. Budget cuts can diminish or destroy serv- 532. a. Depletion means a reduction or lessening
ices to the neediest groups of people. of the ice caps.
515. b. A prognosis, in this case, would be the pro- 533. d. Glaciers that are receding are withdrawing
jection of the economic future of our or moving back.
cities. 534. a. Former years are years gone by.
516. b. Evident means to be apparent or obvious. 535. b. Salinity is the salt content of the oceans,
517. a. Urbane people are those who are sophisti- affected by the melting of fresh water ice
cated and refined. caps.
518. d. A sophisticated person would lend 536. d. Only invasive species would affect an
credence—credibility and confidence— entire ecosystem.
to a subject. 537. b. In a domino effect, one element affects the
519. d. Uninspired reporting would be mediocre next in a chain reaction.
or ordinary coverage. 538. a. To be interdependent is to be mutually
520. a. A recapitulation is a summary or a repeti- dependent on another.
tion of information. 539. c. Melting ice caps get in the way, prevent, or
521. c. Incisive and insightful accounts would be preclude bears from finding food.
those that are perceptive or observant. 540. b. Phases are distinct stages of development
522. b. Cybernetics is the science of electrical that would occur in cycles.
systems. 541. c. Hastened means to speed up or accelerate.
523. c. Programs for a computer are called software. 542. a. When energy is consumed, it is used.
524. a. Monitors are video display terminals. 543. c. The atmosphere is the air surrounding the
525. d. A peripheral is an external component, earth.
something that is lying outside the central 544. a. Mitigate means to moderate or reduce.
part. 545. d. Ramifications are consequences.
526. b. The Internet is a computer network made
up of smaller businesses and academic
and government organizations.  Chapter 8: Synonyms in
527. c. A modem is a device that converts data to C o n t ex t
a form that can be transmitted, usually by
telephone. 546. b. Top grades would be earned.
528. a. E-mail is electronic mail that is sent via a 547. c. A sequel is a literary work that continues
computer. the story of one written earlier.
529. c. A spreadsheet is a computer program that 548. a. Jostled means to be bumped, pushed, or
organizes data into rows and columns so brushed against.
that calculations or adjustments can be 549. d. Hover means to float or hang suspended
made. over or around one area.
530. b. An environmental problem is a dilemma 550. a. An excerpt is a passage or quote from a
that affects the natural world. book, article, or other publication.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

551. c. Rubble is synonymous with ruin. 572. a. Forthright means frank, direct, and
552. d. Durable means sturdy, not easily worn straightforward.
out, or lasting a long time. 573. b. Instill means to introduce or cause to be
553. b. Allot means to assign or distribute by taken in.
shares or portions. 574. a. Plausible means to appear true, reason-
554. a. To sustain is to undergo or experience an able, or fair.
ordeal or to suffer. 575. a. Proximity means nearness or closeness.
555. d. Anguish is great suffering, distress, or 576. b. A bonanza is a very valuable, profitable, or
pain. rewarding venture.
556. b. Resolute means to be bold, determined, or 577. c. An adage is a proverb or wise saying.
firm. 578. b. Plaudits can be applause or enthusiastic
557. a. Attributed is synonymous with credited to. praise or approval.
558. b. Habituated means to become used to. 579. a. Preclude means to make impossible, pre-
559. a. Impart means to give or pass something vent, or shut out.
on to others. 580. b. A vigil is a period of watchful attention,
560. d. A ruse is an action designed to confuse or especially at night.
mislead, a trick. 581. b. A legendary character exists in legends
561. a. A veneer is a thin outer layer used for a rather than in real life.
decorative appearance. 582. a. Venerate means to revere or look up to
562. d. Collaborate means to work together or with great respect.
with others. 583. b. Ungainly means to be clumsy, awkward,
563. b. A squabble is a quarrel and a more precise or unwieldy.
word than disagreement. 584. a. Banish means to drive away or expel.
564. c. To embellish is to add details to a story to 585. c. An articulate speaker would be one who
make it more appealing. uses language effectively, clearly, and
565. c. Consume means to eat completely. forcefully.
566. a. Ecstatic means to be in a state of intense 586. c. Acme means high point.
joy or delight. 587. c. Infiltrate means to pass through or gain
567. c. An armistice is a temporary peace or halt entrance gradually or stealthily.
in fighting. 588. a. A stoic person shows little feeling or
568. d. Ingredients would be incorporated to emotion.
make appetizing meals. 589. c. Fans would be disgruntled or discontented
569. a. Scenic byways describes the kind of road- about a cancellation.
ways that would be part of a country 590. a. A shy five year old would experience
setting. trepidation—a state of alarm, dread, or
570. c. Flaunt means to display in a conceited or apprehension—in this situation.
offensive way. 591. b. Regale means to entertain agreeably.
571. d. Ostracized means to be excluded from a 592. b. Pivotal is the most essential or most vitally
group, banished, or sent away. important part, a turning point.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

593. a. A fallacy is a false notion or belief, an 613. b. Indiscriminate means without restraint or
error in thinking or reasoning. control.
594. d. A pithy explanation is one that is short 614. c. To capitulate means to give up or
but full of meaning. surrender.
595. b. Vilification is slander, verbal abuse with 615. a. A disarming smile would tend to dispel
malicious intent. fear, get rid of unfriendliness or suspicion.
596. c. Kindred spirits are people who are similar 616. d. A prodigy is someone who is young and
in nature. has extraordinary ability.
597. c. Whimsical characters are those that are 617. b. Veritable means actual, true, or real.
fanciful, playful, and unpredictable. 618. c. Milieu means the setting, surroundings,
598. b. A churlish response is one that shows poor or environment.
manners, is impolite, or rude. 619. d. Tractable means easily managed and easy
599. b. Of all the choices, citadels describes the to deal with.
kind of fortress or commanding presence 620. c. To malinger means to pretend illness in
of a college or university, as a citadel is a order to avoid duty or work.
kind of fortress or commanding presence. 621. b. To be loquacious means to be very
600. d. Mercenary soldiers are soldiers who go to talkative.
war for monetary reasons. 622. d. An epoch is a distinct period of time, an
601. b. Inert means to be lifeless, unable to move era, or an age.
or act.
602. c. Strictures are limitations or restrictions.
603. b. Recklessly dangerous or daring acts  Chapter 9: Choose the Right
such as those of the lion tamer would be Wo r d
604. a. Myriad means in very great numbers. 623. A bonanza is a source of great wealth or
605. d. To comply is to yield to a request or prosperity.
command. 624. An uncanny sense is one that is so keen it
606. a. To be incapacitated is to be deprived of seems unnatural.
strength or ability. 625. A grimace is a contortion made by the face
607. b. To peruse means to read thoroughly and that shows disgust or contempt.
carefully. 626. To jeopardize is to place in danger of loss or
608. d. To bolster means to give support or to give damage.
a boost to. 627. Something that is indelibly implanted would
609. c. To annul means to make ineffective or be impossible to remove or erase.
inoperative, to negate or void. 628. An acrid smell is pungent, bitter, or sharp.
610. b. Solicitous means to show concern or care. 629. Placid waters are calm, quiet, and undis-
611. a. Staid means quiet and subdued. turbed.
612. a. Prodigal means recklessly wasteful or 630. Something that is palatable is easily accepted.
extravagant, lavish. 631. A dilapidated house is one that has fallen
into disrepair or deterioration.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

632. An omniscient narrator has total knowledge  Chapter 10: Choose the
of characters and events. C o r r e c t l y S p e l l e d Wo r d
633. To bequeath something is to leave or give it
to another. 651. a. magically
634. A supercilious manner is characterized by 652. d. insight
disdain or condescension. 653. b. sensitive
635. A methodical person approaches work using 654. c. belief
methods, routines, or systems. 655. d. magazine
636. A cursory glance is performed quickly with- 656. a. breach
out attention to detail. 657. c. perceived
637. Tepid water is lukewarm. 658. a. shrivel
638. To ascertain means to discover with cer- 659. b. situation
tainty. 660. c. clammy
639. A malevolent wind would have an evil or 661. a. superb
harmful effect. 662. b. jealous
640. Nocturnal raids occur at night. 663. b. terrific
641. A clandestine meeting is one that is con- 664. d. sheriff
ducted secretly. 665. c. obsession
642. Ruminations are acts of meditation and 666. d. jeopardy
reflection. 667. c. magnificent
643. Platitudes are trite, banal remarks. 668. b. mechanical
644. To disperse food means to distribute it 669. d. illicit
widely. 670. a. inquiry
645. An amicable separation is one that is friendly 671. a. terminated
and shows good will. 672. a. persecution
646. Magnanimous donations are extremely gen- 673. b. peculiar
erous and unselfish. 674. d. psychology
647. An urbane master of ceremonies is one who 675. d. license
is elegant and refined. 676. a. concise
648. To exacerbate means to increase the severity 677. d. neighbor
of, in this case, traffic. 678. a. stabilize
649. To galvanize an audience means to electrify 679. c. irrelevant
or stimulate to action. 680. b. encouraging
650. Sinuous movements are characterized by 681. a. commitment
many curves and turns. 682. c. ridiculous
683. d. anonymous
684. a. extraordinary
685. b. assurance
686. a. frequently
687. c. emphasis

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

688. a. concede 728. a. delirious

689. d. aspirations 729. c. disseminate
690. b. exercise 730. a. inundated
691. c. compatible 731. b. irresistible
692. a. skeptical 732. c. debris
693. b. commencement 733. b. inconspicuous
694. d. supervisor 734. a. prosecuted
695. b. pneumonia 735. d. counterfeit
696. a. colossal 736. c. permissible
697. c. apparatus 737. d. symmetrically
698. b. bankruptcy 738. c. vaudeville
699. b. carburetors 739. a. vacuum
700. d. incessant 740. d. accommodate
701. b. dilemma 741. a. meringue
702. c. efficient 742. c. colleagues
703. a. ameliorate 743. d. souvenirs
704. c. mortgage 744. c. marriageable
705. c. aggravated 745. b. illegible
706. b. lieutenant 746. b. Penicillin
707. d. accompany 747. c. Adolescence
708. a. viewpoint 748. d. playwright
709. c. phenomena 749. a. kindergarten
710. b. tuxedo 750. a. bachelor
711. a. brunettes
712. c. semblance
713. a. abscessed  Chapter 11: Choose the
714. c. pageant Correct Homophone
715. d. parallel
716. b. fundamentally 751. b. Dessert is an after-dinner treat; a desert is
717. d. biscuits an arid land.
718. c. beige 752. b. A council is a governing body; to counsel is
719. a. tonsillitis to give advice.
720. d. ukulele 753. a. Fair means equitable; a fare is a trans-
721. d. excelled portation fee.
722. c. prerogative 754. c. Site refers to a place; cite means to refer to;
723. d. mysterious sight is the ability to see.
724. a. accustomed 755. c. By means near; bye is used to express
725. c. incorrigible farewell; buy means to purchase.
726. b. pasteurized 756. a. Fourth refers to the number four; forth
727. c. connoisseur means forward.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

757. b. Brakes are used for stopping vehicles; 773. c. A scent is a smell; sent is the past tense of
breaks means to destroy. send; and cent is a coin.
758. b. Led is the past tense of the verb lead; the 774. b. Bare means devoid of; a bear is an animal.
noun lead means the foremost position or 775. a. It’s is the contraction for it is; its is a pos-
initiative. sessive pronoun.
759. c. There refers to a place; their is a possessive 776. b. Your is a possessive pronoun; you’re is a
pronoun; they’re is a contraction for they contraction for you are.
are. 777. a. The air is the atmosphere enveloping the
760. a. A piece is a portion; peace means quiet. earth; an heir is a person who inherits the
761. c. A right is a privilege; to write is to put estate of another.
words on paper; a rite is a ceremonial 778. b. The stairs are a flight of steps; stares are
ritual. very intent gazes.
762. b. Stationary means standing still; stationery 779. a. A plane is a winged vehicle; plain means
is writing paper. open or clear.
763. a. Mussels are marine animals; muscles are 780. b. Course means path or class at school;
body tissues. coarse means rough.
764. b. Passed is the past tense of pass; past means 781. d. There are no mistakes.
a time gone by. 782. a. The verb board means to get on an air-
765. b. Reign means royal authority; rein means a plane; the noun board is a plank of wood
strap as on a horse’s bridle; rain means or a group of advisors; the adjective bored
precipitation. means uninterested; the verb to bore
766. a. Lesson is something to be learned; lessen means to make a hole in or through.
means to reduce. 783. c. The verb to pore means to read attentively;
767. a. Waste means material that is rejected dur- the noun pore means a small opening; the
ing a process; the waist is the middle of verb to pour means to dispense from a
the body. container.
768. b. Hear means to perceive sound with the 784. a. If someone is vain, he or she is excessively
ear; here is a location, place, or position. prideful; a weather vane is a moveable
769. c. Too means more than is needed or also; device that rotates to show the direction
two is a number; to is a preposition that of the wind; a vein is a narrow channel,
refers to direction. like a blood vein or the vein in a leaf.
770. c. Eminent refers to a prominent person; 785. d. There are no mistakes.
imminent means something is about to 786. d. There are no mistakes.
happen; immanent means existing in the 787. b. Capital means monetary assets; it also
mind. means the seat of government; or it can
771. a. A pair is a set of two things; a pear is a refer to the letters of the alphabet; capitol
fruit; and to pare is to peel. is a government building.
772. a. A principal is the head of a school; a 788. c. To grate means to cause irritation; great
principle is a belief or rule of conduct. means notably large or numerous.

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

789. b. A plain is an expansive area of flat, treeless 816. b. yield

country; plain also means characterized 817. a. caffeine
by simplicity; a plane is a tool used to 818. a. friendly
smooth wood. 819. b. grief
790. c. Whole means complete or all of one thing; 820. b. efficient
a hole is an opening. 821. b. conceited
791. a. Morale refers to a condition or state of 822. a. achieve
confidence, cheerfulness, enthusiasm or 823. a. foreign
willingness to perform tasks; moral means 824. b. variety
good in character or a lesson from a story. 825. b. patient
826. b. quietly
827. a. chief
 Chapter 12: Plurals, IE/EI 828. a. sleigh
R u l e, a n d P r e f i xe s a n d 829. a. leisure
S u f f i xe s 830. a. seize
831. b. believe
792. a. pianos 832. b. illegal
793. b. skies 833. b. misspelled
794. b. mice 834. a. unnecessary
795. a. bunches 835. b. illegible
796. b. strawberries 836. a. overrated
797. b. shelves 837. a. driving
798. b. boxes 838. a. suddenness
799. a. deer 839. b. dissatisfy
800. b. stimuli 840. b. finally
801. b. sons-in-law 841. b. truly
802. a. attorneys
803. a. industries
804. b. handfuls  Chapter 13: Find the
805. a. tomatoes M i s s p e l l e d Wo r d
806. a. crises
807. b. turkeys 842. c. babies
808. a. species 843. d. no mistakes
809. a. valleys 844. a. announcement
810. b. receive 845. c. literature
811. a. piece 846. b. servant
812. a. reign 847. d. no mistakes
813. a. neither 848. d. no mistakes
814. a. weight 849. a. association
815. b. deceive 850. a. villain

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

851. a. hindrance 891. b. meteorology

852. c. testimony 892. a. adjournment
853. d. no mistakes 893. c. vengeance
854. d. no mistakes 894. c. tremendous
855. a. quantity 895. d. no mistakes
856. c. resistant 896. c. capitalization
857. b. contradict 897. a. gnarled
858. b. reversal 898. b. parenthesis
859. c. tyranny 899. d. no mistakes
860. d. no mistakes 900. c. sonnet
861. a. ravenous 901. a. depot
862. a. phenomenal 902. a. prescribe
863. b. temperature 903. b. personnel
864. c. athletic 904. d. no mistakes
865. d. no mistakes 905. c. scrutiny
866. c. circumference 906. c. luxuriant
867. d. no mistakes 907. a. gullible
868. a. poultry 908. b. gratitude
869. b. strengthen 909. d. no mistakes
870. b. finality 910. a. column
871. d. no mistakes 911. b. bulletin
872. a. religious 912. c. embassy
873. d. no mistakes 913. d. no mistakes
874. b. delinquent 914. d. no mistakes
875. c. forecast 915. b. questionnaire
876. d. no mistakes 916. c. zenith
877. a. righteous 917. a. pungent
878. a. sincerely 918. a. wrestle
879. b. vacancy 919. c. hygienic
880. c. bankruptcy 920. b. carburetor
881. d. no mistakes 921. d. no mistakes
882. c. campaign 922. b. illegal
883. b. respiration 923. a. colossal
884. a. potato 924. b. corrosive
885. b. rehearsal 925. c. gymnast
886. c. fascinated 926. a. dissatisfied
887. a. destructive 927. a. probably
888. c. dissolve 928. d. no mistakes
889. d. no mistakes 929. a. sensible
890. b. forfeit 930. a. captain

–A N S W E R E X P L A N A T I O N S –

931. d. no mistakes 967. b. quartet

932. d. no mistakes 968. d. no mistakes
933. c. unfortunately 969. a. embarrassed
934. d. no mistakes 970. d. no mistakes
935. a. velvet 971. b. management
936. b. truly 972. b. neighbor
937. c. cemetery 973. c. symmetrical
938. d. no mistakes 974. d. no mistakes
939. a. sarcasm 975. c. procedures
940. b. lovely 976. b. immediately
941. c. publicity 977. c. February
942. d. no mistakes 978. c. weird
943. b. military 979. d. no mistakes
944. a. acknowledge 980. a. sophomore
945. c. witnesses 981. d. no mistakes
946. b. fundamental 982. b. pharmacy
947. d. no mistakes 983. b. fragrance
948. a. uniform 984. a. inauguration
949. a. niece 985. a. grammar
950. b. complete 986. c. unanimous
951. d. no mistakes 987. b. irrational
952. a. elegant 988. d. no mistakes
953. a. thriftiness 989. a. secretary
954. d. no mistakes 990. b. impeccable
955. b. polar 991. b. acquaintance
956. b. resemblance 992. d. no mistakes
957. a. soothe 993. a. notorious
958. d. no mistakes 994. c. pamphlet
959. b. quarreled 995. c. silhouette
960. c. pronunciation 996. c. irreparably
961. b. principal 997. a. burglaries
962. a. schedule 998. d. no mistakes
963. c. knowledge 999. b. tetanus
964. d. no mistakes 1000. b. immoral
965. a. scissors 1001. a. tariff
966. d. no mistakes


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