This document provides a list of 341 English words that often appear on the GRE along with their definitions. The words are grouped into categories like "Real GRE Confusing 341 Words List" and "High Frequency 341 Words." Some of the words highlighted include obfuscate, irenic, cursory, ominous, commensurate, consummate, and others. The purpose is to help familiarize test takers with vocabulary that frequently shows up on the GRE.
This document provides a list of 341 English words that often appear on the GRE along with their definitions. The words are grouped into categories like "Real GRE Confusing 341 Words List" and "High Frequency 341 Words." Some of the words highlighted include obfuscate, irenic, cursory, ominous, commensurate, consummate, and others. The purpose is to help familiarize test takers with vocabulary that frequently shows up on the GRE.
Original Description:
great list compiled for gre vocab by saad amer. follow him at gre341saadamer on instagram
This document provides a list of 341 English words that often appear on the GRE along with their definitions. The words are grouped into categories like "Real GRE Confusing 341 Words List" and "High Frequency 341 Words." Some of the words highlighted include obfuscate, irenic, cursory, ominous, commensurate, consummate, and others. The purpose is to help familiarize test takers with vocabulary that frequently shows up on the GRE.
This document provides a list of 341 English words that often appear on the GRE along with their definitions. The words are grouped into categories like "Real GRE Confusing 341 Words List" and "High Frequency 341 Words." Some of the words highlighted include obfuscate, irenic, cursory, ominous, commensurate, consummate, and others. The purpose is to help familiarize test takers with vocabulary that frequently shows up on the GRE.
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Real GRE Confusing 341 Words List:
1. Covet (desire) vs covert (secrecy) vs convulsion (upheaval)
vs contravene (violate) 2. Incursion is attack but discursion is haphazard 3. Precipitate (done hastily) vs perspicacious (keen,discern) vs peripatetic (on foot)/peregrinate (also means on foot) vs perpetuate (cause to last indefinitely) 4. Irenic (peaceful) vs relic (vestige or remains of past) 5. Curt/terse: brief and direct in a way that may seem rude 6. Illuminating (enlightening) vs illusory (fairytale) 7. Ominous is something bad will happen in future vs numinous is holy and spiritual 8. Momentary is lasting a very short time but moment is significant. 9. Commensurate (proportionate) vs consummate (complete) vs commiserate (to express sympathy) 10. Obliterate means to cancel vs obeisance means to bow down (referred to in a negative context) vs obfuscation means to complicate vs obviate means to make no longer necessary vs obscure also means to complicate vs occult means to hide vs opaque means difficult to understand vs obtrusive means noticeable in an annoying way vs obduracy means stubborn 11. Pellucid (clear) vs peculiar (different) vs pristine (uncorrupted) vs pecuniary (money related) 12. Demur (is to object slightly) vs demure (shy) 13. Forsake is to give up and foreground is to highlight 14. Extirpate (destroy completely) vs exigency/exigent (urgent and critical) vs exiguous (meager) 15. Contravene and transgress is violate 16. Momentary is small time period vs moment itself is referred to as significant/important (Classical GRE Trap) 17. Recast is remodel refashion but recoil is to quickly move away from shocking frightening and recant is that you no longer hold that particular belief. 18. Rebuff and rebuke both mean to reject and refuse 19. Humdrum is boring AF or unoriginal vs hamstring is powerless 20. Indignant (anger because of injustice) vs indigent which is poor vs indigenous is built in 21. Sartorial is fashionable vs sardonic is mocking vs sordid is dirty/repulsive 22. Elegiac is expressing sorrow but eulogy/eulogise is high praise and euphemism is substitution of an inoffensive expression that may otherwise offend.
23. Thrift is careful with money spending whereas spendthrift is spending a lot. 24. Tenable is reasonable vs tenacity (endurance) vs tenuous is fragile/exiguous 25. Trenchant is incisive/keen/sharp vs treacherous is deceiving vs entrenched is firmly fixed 26. Impassioned means strong feelings vs impasse means deadlock vs impassive is not showing feeling or emotion vs passive is acceptance of what happens, without active response or resistance. 27. Invigorate is full of energy vs rigorous is strict. 28. Exonerate/vindicate is free from blame vs culpable is blameworthy vs excoriate is to criticise someone harshly 29. Unfounded/untenable and baseless are all used in the same way on the real GRE - without any foundation. (ETS uses these three words A LOT) 30. Celerity is swiftness of movement vs cerebral Is intellectual rather than being emotional. 31. Foreground refers to a prominent position vs forbear it to choose not to do vs forsake is to give up 32. Partisan is biased vs spartan is simple 33. Ingenuous is naive but disingenuous is not sincere (ETS tests these two words A LOT) 34. Utilitarian is functional vs egalitarian means equal rights 35. Parochial and provincial both mean limited scope/outlook 36. Fractious is quarrelsome vs factious is divided vs fallacious is illogical vs fatuous is silly. 37. Portend is sign vs potent is having great power, influence or effect. 38. Pastiche is mixture/imitation of work vs panacea which means cure for all vs panache which means flamboyant. 39. Spartan is monk-like or characterised by simpleness vs partisan is divided/biased (Typical ETS Trap) 40. Stymied is to prevent vs staid is serious,boring or ill fashioned 41. Pejorative is insult vs prerogative is privilege 42. Dump is to get rid of vs damp is to lessen the severity of 43. Rein is control vs reign is in power. 44. Contented is happy vs contend is to argue vs contentious is also to argue 45. Exonerate is free someone from blame vs excoriate is blameworthy 46. Impetuous is acting or doing something quickly/making a decision in haste but impecunious is having little or no money 47. Surreptitious is mysterious vs serendipity is lucky 48. Proliferate is to increase vs profligate is wasteful/extravagant vs prodigious is extraordinary in size or degree 49. Trenchant is incisive in expression or style (ETS also tests this word as strong and clear and keen) vs entrench is fixed vs treacherous is betrayal. High Frequency 341 Words: 1. Jarring: disagree 2. Warp: twist 3. Valid: boring 4. Stalwart: outstanding strength 5. Autumnal: maturity. 6. Halcyon is peaceful 7. Malingering is faking work 8. Charlatan is fraud faker 9. Salutary is healthy 10. Avowing: declaring openly 11. Averting: declare positively 12. Corollary: result 13. Abject: humble 14. Sagacious is keen perception 15. Gravitas is seriousness 16. Parley is to negotiate with enemy but paltry is meager 17. Gadflies is annoying 18. Quixotic is impractical. 19. Teem means to produce 20. Ebb is to feline 21. Burlesque is caricature mockery High Frequency Words - Set 2. 22. Nebulous is vague. 23. Vainglorious is to be proud. 24. List also means to tilt. 25. Baseless/unfounded is the same. 26. Entailed means inferred. 27. Certitude is free from doubt. 28. Stupefaction is surprising/shocking. 29. Verisimilitude is probably true. 30. Accentuate is to emphasise but attenuate is to weaken. 31. Animadversion is a critical remark. 32. Insouciance is to be carefree. 33. Appurtenances are accessories. 34. Irenic means peaceful. 35. Paltry is meagre. 36. Conscientiousness is being careful. 37. Rigor is strictness but vigor is full of energy. 38. ‘Nothing if not’ means more of that. 39. Cronyism: Giving friends unjust authority to take charge of a position. 40. Estrange means to be unfriendly. 41. Murky and grimy both mean hidden. 42. Industrious is taxing/hardworking. 43. Quell means to pacify things. 44. Nebulous is vague. 45. Mercenary is greedy. 46. Evenhanded is fair but equanimity is calm. 47. Cantankerous is difficult to deal with. 48. Panegyrise is praising. 49. Ennui is boredom. 50. Tendentious is biased. 51. Croon is to sing softly. 52. Hallowed is respected but harrowed is arrogant. 53. Valiant is courageous but salient is prominent. 54. Philistine is one who hates aesthetics. 55. Importunate is troublesome. 56. Cagey is hesitant. 57. Apropos is appropriate. 58. Naysayer: Who denies everything. 59. Regal is excellent. 60. sanctimonious: False piety. 61. Confer means to consult or advise. 62. Tethered (tie him/her): Which cannot be pulled apart. 63. Untethered: Separate. 64. Infallibility(not falling): Flawless/no error. 65. Extirpate (extra pait not required so remove): To destroy or remove something completely. 66. Sanctimonious (saint+money): False piety. 67. Encumber: Hold back. 68. Precipitate: Happening Suddenly. 69. Quash(from squash):To suppress. 70. Remiss: Missing duties repeatedly. 71. Obliterate: To destroy completely. 72. Forsake (for god's sake please leave me): Abandon/give up. 73. Betoken (be a token for something): Be a signal/indication for something. 74. Manifest: Obvious. 75. Valediction: Bidding farewell. 76. Tenacity: Determination/perseverance. 77. Rebuff (reject + bluff): Refuse in a rude way. 78. Tenable(if ten people understand theory then it has to be reasonable): Reasonable. 79. Eclipse: Make less important/loss of power. 80. Pilfer: Steal things that are not very valuable. 81. Discretionary: Non obligatory. 82. acclaim(A+claim): to get praised 83. supple(From Shuffle): to be flexible 84. aplomb: cool and calm 85. Occult: DiffiCULT to understand/supernatural 86. Cerebral (From cerebral cortex): intellectual and not emotional 87. occlude(opposite of include): means to block 88. dissemble is deceive but disseminate is to destroy 89. ungainly(not gaining anything): so you are clumsy and awkward 90. stanch(stop+ tank): to stop something from flowing 91. recoil: to quickly move away from something that is shocking,frightening,disgusting. 92. decrepitude/senescence(decrease+ aptitude): is a sign of old age 93. seminal(from semen of sperm):meaning influential 94. contravene(contra + intervene): violate 95. emblematic/totemic: symbolic but embryonic is early stage of development 96. fungible(freely exchangeable): interchangeable 97. mordant(more daanth): so biting/acerbic 98. high minded: having strong moral principles 99. Fester(if you foster a sore it will become fester):aggravate 100. raillery):friendly joking 101. dovish(dove is a soap and its nature is not to fight): peaceful High Frequency Words - Set 6: 102. Woo (if I ask my crush and she agrees I say woohoo so I gain): to gain 103. decry (de+cry kids cry when they want to show disapproval): condemn 104. Unyielding is to not give up/adamant but yielding is to surrender. Nothing related to production 105. Polymath: Mr know it all 106. Partisan is biased but spartan is austere 107. Limpid: Clear 108. Trenchant (ants are clear headed and walk in straight lines and never deviate): Having keen perception whereas treacherous is betrayal. 109. Hidebound (bound to hide something as they are narrow minded so difficult to explain to them): narrow minded 110. Hoodwink (wink under hood of jacket) meaning you deceive 111. Disenchant: When reality hits you. 112. Tyro/nascent/budding/neophyte/embryonic: Beginner 113. Alarmist: a person who alarms others needlessly 114. Import is used as short form for importance on the GRE (ETS trap) 115. Blight (bina light ke eyes get spoilt): Spoilt 116. Concoct(cocktail mix): To make up/invent 117. Portend: There is a sign for port end):sign/indicate 118. Convulsion: Turmoil 119. Rein is control but reign is a dominance period 120. At a premium means difficult to get as it is scarce. 121. Inert (From scientific term inertia): Unable to move 122. Compunction (come and punch me when you feel you have done something wrong): Feeling remorseful/apologetic 123. Abet (a bet in cricket): to encourage in some wrongdoing 124. antithesis(anti+thesis): Exact opposite of someone/something. 125. Proprietary: Ownership 126. Factious is disagreeing but Fractious is annoyed 127. Noisome (When you fart in silence it’s noisome as it spreads bad odour): Bad odour/smell. 128. Hamstring: Impair 129. Vainglorious: (all your glorious achievements are in vain if you boast about them) meaning arrogance 130. Founder (fo+under go under the sink): Collapse 131. Flummery: Meaningless 132. rapacious: Greedy 133. Douse: Extinguish. 134. Gaffe (goof ups just like goofy in scooby- Doo): Blunders 135. Jarring(jar falls on ground): Make a harsh sound 136. To keep abreast of: Up to a particular standard. 137. Umbrage(from rage): To take offence 138. Nebulous: Nebula Milky Way is cloudy): Vague 139. Welter (from world tour so don't know which country to start from): Hodepodge 140. Ravel: Complicate 141. Fealty (sounds like fidelity and that means loyalty): Loyalty 142. Paltry (Pal means a friend and you have a sad life having less friends): Small/Meagre 143. Fusty (rhymes with rusty): Outmoded/Unpleasant smell. 144. Peripatetic and Peregrinate both mean to travel or wander. 145. Obeisance (obedient sons always respect others): To show respect (is usually used negatively on the real GRE e.g. bootlicking). 146. Animadversion (any made version of a speech will bring criticism) : Bringing criticism. 147. Bridle/Manacle(a bride bridles and controls husband): To control 148. Erstwhile: Onetime 149. Callow(cal+low meaning calibre low): Immature. 150. Obviate(rhymes with deviate): Prevent from happening 151. Valorise: To assign value or validity. 152. Preternatural: (spider man’s peter Parker): Surpassing the natural. 153. Monolithic: (mono is single and this is thick) so solid and uniform 154. Hedge (Hedgehog is a shy animal and tries to avoid contact with humans): To avoid. 155. Gloat (Ignorant people treat goats badly and gloat at it): Happy with their own success and even happier at others failure. 156. Humdrum(There was a movie humdum which was boring AF): Monotonous/boring. 157. Kindred(relates with kindergarden with same age students): Affiliation or similar in character. 158. Ludicrous: (if you somewhat rearrange the word, it changes to ridiculous): Ridiculous. 159. Sift (opposite of swift):To go through very carefully. 160. Lull (from lullaby): Rest/Calm. 161. Tendentious: Rearrange the words to make tendency +bias/ious. Biased. 162. Bemoan (be mourn): To complain/Regret. 163. Scaremonger (Mongolian moms are extra cautious): To raise alarms needlessly 164. Covet (from car corvette everyone wishes to have it): To wish for.
I am most active on my Instagram @GRE341withSaad
160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 1: 1. Underwrite: To guarantee the financial support of or to agree to something (Real GRE Traps you with this word a lot) 2. Douse: Extinguish. 3. Animus: Deep - seated ill will. 4. Proclivity: Inclination or predisposition towards something. 5. Antithetical: Being in direct and clear opposition. 6. Conjecture: Inference from defective or presumptive evidence. 7. Surfeit: Excess supply of. 8. Metamorphose: To become transformed. 9. Embraced: Hug or accept readily (REAL GRE uses it as the latter 99% of the time). 10. Panacea: Remedy for all ills or difficulties. 11. Primitive: Assumed as a basis/not derived/original. 12. Ceded to: To give something over to the control or possession of another usually under pressure. 13. Gratify: To be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to. 14. Evanescent: Temporary 15. Unwieldy: Not easily managed or handled. 16. Harbinger: One that pioneers or initiated a major change. Also known as a precursor. 17. Rescinded: Remove or cancelled. 18. Evocatively: Evoking or tending to evoke a response (usually emotional) 19. Furtive: Shady. 20. Intrepid: Having no fear
160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341
Vocabulary list - Set 2: 21. Eclectic: Composed of elements drawn from various sources (can be interchanged for heterogeneous) 22. Spurious/Specious: Having a deceiving nature. 23. Quirk: A peculiar trait (can be interchanged for idiosyncratic) 24. Lionized: To treat an object of great interest or importance (can be interchanged for eulogised) 25. Ratiocinate: Reason (can be interchanged for collate) 26. Agglomerate: Growing together but not coherent. 27. Juxtapose: To place side by side 28. Interpose: To intervene 29. Perspicacious: Keen (can be interchanged for discernment) 30. Unruliness: Refusal to obey. 31. Artifact: Something created by humans usually for a practical purpose. 32. Mainstay: Something or someone to which one looks for support. 33. Mendacity: Fabrication 34. Restorative: Beneficial/Healthy 35. Unmistakable: Clear (can be interchanged for decisive) 36. Genteel: Stylish 37. Impassioned: Full of emotion (can be interchanged for impassioned) 38. Bumble: To make or do something in a clumsy way. Not the Dating app you use :P 39. Panegyric: Formal or elaborate praise. 40. Rebuke: To criticise sharply (can be interchanged for mockery) 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 3: 41. Eclipse: To reduce in importance or repute. 42. Precocious: Exceptionally talented at an early age (you know who 🙈) 43.Nefarious: Evil 44. Vacuous: Lacking content. 45. Lugubrious: Cheerless or bleak. 46. Imperturbable: Extremely Calm 47. Unprepossessing: Unremarkable 48. Unruffled: Smooth 49. Atrocious: Horrifying 50. Cavalier: Capricious or unpredictable 51. Evanescent: Temporary 52. Polymathic: Encyclopaedic - a person who has a lot of knowledge. 53. Fleeting: Transitory - passing swiftly 54. Thwarted: To prevent 55. Parsimonious: Sharing as little as possible. 56. Demanded: Exacted - exactly asked for. 57. Fallacious: Misleading. 58. Unsophisticated: Naive - straightforward. 59. Conjectural: Assumption/ Speculation 60. Deprecation: Refusal to accept as right or desirable. 61. Denigration: Defame 62. Hauteur: Arrogance 63. Inimical: Antagonistic - Ill will. 64. Symbiotic: Cooperative relationship or mutualism. 65. Apathetic: Little or no emotion - spiritless. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 4: 66. Trepidation: Apprehension or nervous feeling. 67. Transience: Temporary. 68. Adducing: To offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis. 69. Suppleness: Flexible but real GRE mostly uses this word as complain often to the point of excessive eagerness to please 70. Fitfully: Irregular 71. Quandary: A state of perplexity or doubt. 72. Ploy: A devised or strategic move. 73. Camaraderie: A spirit of friendly good - fellowship 74. Presage: Foretell or predict and real GRE uses the word portents for presage too. 75. Avert: To turn away. 76. Sententious: Preaching moral values. 77. Manifest: Obvious but real GRE usually tests this word as crystal clear. 78. Germane: Relevant but real GRE can also test this word as meaningful. 79. Impregnable: Unconquerable. 80. Credulous: Ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence. 81. Equivocal: Ambiguous but real GRE can also test this word as suspicious. 82. Circumspect: Cautious but real GRE can also use this word as conservative. 83. Fungible: interchangeable 84. Inimitable: Matchless or incomparable. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 5: 85. Decadence: A period of decline and can be used on the real GRE as degeneracy as well. 86. Purveyor (my Islamabad 341 group will never forget this word :p): A person (usually producer) who sells or deals in particular goods 87. Ubiquitous: High in number/present everywhere. Real GRE uses it with omnipresent. 88. Intractable: Not manageable but Real GRE uses it as stubborn. 89. Superlative: Beyond excellence. 90. Adventitious: Extraneous but real GRE can use it as something arising irregularly. 91. Porous: It does mean having holes but real GRE uses it as not being secure. 92. Proscribed: Prohibit and people confuse it with prescribe which is to advise. 93. Accentuate: Intensify but attenuate is weaken. 94. Indict: Criticise or accuse 95. Valorise: To assign value or merit to. 96. Equivocation: Deliberately avoiding in speech. 97. Opprobrium: Disgrace 98. Trepidation: Apprehension/nervous feeling. 99. Infamy: Dishonour. 100. Levity: Changeable but real GRE can also use it as cheerful. 101. Exacting: Careful attention but real GRE can also use it as exhausting. 102. Indispensable: Essential but really GRE usually uses it as more towards not being neglected. 103. Trenchant: Keen or sharp but real GRE can use it negatively - caustic. 104. Perfunctory: Lacking interest. 105. Sullen: Gloomy but real GRE can use it as sluggish/slow. 106. Surly: Threatening in appearance but real GRE can use it as irritability. 107. Subvert: To overturn or overthrow. 108. Interminable: Endless 109. Prehensile: Capable of easily grasping or a quick learner. 110. Jarring: Incongruous 111. Quiescent: Quiet. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 6: 112. Ad hoc: When necessary or needed but real GRE usually uses it as temporary basis 113. Antiquarian: Dealing in old or rare books. 114. Succumb: To give in. 115. Hyperbole: Exaggeration. 116. Plasticity: Adaptability. Real GRE uses it in the sense of being an all rounder. 117. Feeble: Weak usually referred on real GRE as weak bodily strength. 118. Augmented: To make greater in size, amount, or number. Real GRE usually uses it in a positive sense. 119. Brook: Tolerate. Real GRE usually uses it as dealing with hardships. 120. Fecundity: Prolific or intellectually productive. 121. Sanguinity: Cheerfulness. 122. Verisimilitude: Something very similar. Real GRE uses it as literalism/naturalism/realism. 123. Decry: To express strong disapproval. 124. Condone: To disregard. Real GRE uses it as being the bigger person. 125. Inconsequential: Illogical or insignificant. 126. Objectivity: Impartial or unbiased. 127. Supplanted: Replace but real GRE uses it as toppling someone over. 128. Neophyte: Beginner 129. Zealot: a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals. 130. Timelessness: The quality of not changing as the years go past, or as fashion changes. 131. Unwarranted: Not justified or authorised. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 7: 132. Defensiveness: Protection but real GRE uses it as someone who is valuable. 133. Belligerence: An aggressive attitude and is usually paired with the word pugnacity on the real GRE. 134. Punctilious: Careful attention to details. 135. Novel: New or not known or experienced before. Real GRE uses it as original or something along the lines of an invention. 136. Snag: A danger or difficulty that is hidden or not easily recognised. 137. Hitch: Also means Snag. Snag and Hitch are usually tested together so you should know both. 138. Upshot: Final result or outcome. Real GRE can also use it as a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause. 139. Acrimonious: Deep seated resentment 140. Benignant: Mild and kind 141. Inured: Able to withstand hardship, strain or exposure. Real GRE uses it as accustomed to accept something that is usually undesirable. 142. Waning: To fall gradually from power, prosperity or influence. Ebb is another word that means waning and is used on the real GRE. 143. Conjure: To appeal or request to someone in an earnest or urgent manner. Don’t confuse it with the word conjecture as the real GRE interchanges these two words subtly and screws all of us. 144. Ingenious: Creative. Real GRE can use this word as clever. Don’t confuse it with the word ingenuous which means innocent/naive. 145. Maintain: To preserve but real GRE will use this word as asserting or emphasising. 146. Capricious: Unpredictable. Unconventional can also mean capricious on the real GRE. 147. Lackluster: Dull or mediocre. 148. Ascribed: Accredit or attribute. 149. Conspicuous: Obvious to the eye or mind. Real GRE uses it in a positive sense - as attracting attention or good taste. 150. Immaterial: Insignificant. 151. Robust: Exhibiting strength or firmness. Real GRE usually uses this word as a representation of good health. Note: These sets are for ONLY those who aim for a 160+ on the verbal section. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 8: 152. Elusive: To avoid or being slippery. Real GRE can also use it as hard to comprehend or define. 153. Undercut: To underline or destroy the force, value, or effectiveness of. 154. Affinity: An attraction or liking for something and the Real GRE can use affinity as sympathy or kinship. 155. Abstracted: Inattentive to one’s surroundings. Also referred to as daydreaming. 156. Divorce: Everyone knows what a marriage divorce is but real GRE divorce means to make or keep separate. 157. Accord: To grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or unearned and real GRE can also use it as reconciliation. 158. Tranquility: Peaceful and real GRE can also use it as state of freedom. 159. Scrupulous: Having moral integrity and real GRE can also use it as being very meticulous. 160. Mendacity: Deceitful 161. Artlessness: Very crude or natural and real GRE can also use it as being very naive. 162. Intractable: Stubborn or not easily manageable. 163. Nascent: beginning to come into existence. 164. Erudite: Scholarly. 165. Innate: Something that is inborn. 166. Dearth: Scarcity and real GRE uses it in the concept of lack of supply. 167. Surfeit: Overabundant supply and real GRE can use this word as disgust caused by excess or an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something. 168. Profusion: Lavish expenditure or real GRE can also use it as excess supply of something. 169. Salient: Prominent or something that projects outward or upward from its surroundings. 170. Unexceptional: Commonplace. 171. Nondescript: Belonging to no particulate class or kind and real GRE can use this word as dull. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 9: 172. Restorative: Beneficial to the body or mind and real GRE can use this as wholesome. 173. Tonic: Keynote and real GRE can use it as refreshing or bearing a principal stress or accent. 174. Astute: Crafty/shrewd/cunning. 175. Tantamount: Equivalent in value 176. Subservient: Useful but in an inferior capacity and real GRE can use it as obsequiously submissive. 177. Confound: Confusion and real GRE can also use it as destroying. 178. Parsimony: The quality of being careful with money or resources: Thrift. 179. Ignobility: Characterised by baseless, lowness or meanness. 180. Antipathy: A deep seated ill will. 181. Probity: Uprightness and honesty. 182. Mercurial: Likely to change frequently, suddenly or unexpectedly. 183. Tedious: Boring or tiresome because of length or dullness. 184. Panacea: A remedy for all ills or difficulties: cure-all. 185. Heaven: I know what heaven is but real GRE can use it as an emotion in terms of bliss or eternal happiness. 186. Unremarkable: Average and real GRE can use it as commonplace. 187. Wary: Having or showing a close attentiveness time avoiding danger or trouble. 188. Muddled: Confusion or lacking in order and real GRE can use it as lacking in cleanliness as well. 189. Convivial: Likely to seek or enjoy the company of others. 190. Cajoles: To deceive with soothing words or false promises (what third party GRE resources do) 191. Coaxes: It means Cajoles too and they are often used interchangeably. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 10: 192. Foster: Nurture but real GRE can use it as encouragement or adoption as well. 193. Heterogeneous: Mixed 194. Reproach: Disapproval or disappointment but real GRE can also use it as disgrace or blaming someone. 195. Respite: Interval of rest or relief but real GRE can also use it as a period of temporary delay. 196. Voluble: Rotating but real GRE can also use it as glib which means fluent but insincere and shallow. 197. Enigmatic: Mysterious and real GRE usually uses this with perplexing. 198. Indispensable: Absolutely necessary 199. Primitive: Rudimentary/Fundamental or basic. 200. Intelligible: Capable of being understood. 201. Intractability: Not easily managed but real GRE can also use it as being stubborn. 202. Rote: Use of memory usually with little intelligence but real GRE usually uses it as mechanical or unthinking routine or repetition. 203. Limpid: Clear and transparent. Real GRE can also use it as something that is untroubled. 204. Tranquil: Peaceful but the real GRE can also use it as steady/stable. 205. Acute: Delicate but real GRE can use it as keen/sharp and quick. 206. Circumstantial: It means careful attention to detail but real GRE can also use it as contingent which means empirical (not logically necessary) 207. Proliferating: To increase in number. 208. Pedigree: Background history. Real GRE usually uses it with origin. 209. Antecedents: Someone or something responsible for a result. 210. Precursor: Predecessor. 211. Novelty: Something new but the real GRE can also use it as unusual. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 11: 212. Dreary: Gloomy/dismal but the real GRE can also use it as discouragement. 213. Tedious: Tiresome or boring. 214. Untether: To free from and is usually used with the word ‘divorced’ 215. Constrict: To compress or restrict. 216. Profusion: In great quantity but real GRE can also use it as ‘wealth’. 217. Encomiums: Enthusiastic praise or a tribute. 218. Sanctioning: This can either mean to allow or to ban but real GRE usually uses it as to allow. 219. Reprehend: Disapproval/censure but the real GRE can use it as to declare something as morally wrong or evil. 220. Betoken: To serve as a sign or symptom of. This is usually used with the word ‘presage’ on the real GRE. 221. Gainsay: Reject or oppose 222. Quell: To pacify or reduce the submission. 223. Quiescence: Temporary inactivity. 224. Chimerical: Not real and existing only in imagination (just like you score a 290 on your mock and want a 330 on the real GRE🤭) 225. Succinct: Marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning but the real GRE can also use it as ‘abrupt’ 226. Deleterious: Harmful but the real GRE uses this word as harmful in an ‘unexpected way’. The word pernicious also means the same. 227. Insular: Not broad or open in views or opinions. 228. Parochial: Limited in range or scope. 229. Ascribed: Acquired or assigned arbitrarily. 230. Opprobrium: Something that brings disgrace. Real Gre can use it as ‘scandalous’ 231. Approbation: An act of approving officially but the real GRE can use it as ‘excessive praise’ 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 12: 232. Vituperation: Harsh insulting language. 233. Adulation: Excessive flattery (can be used with the word approbation’s second meaning. Please check 230th word) 234. Amicable: Friendly goodwill and real GRE can use it as agreeable. 235. Exorbitance: Propensity for extreme in one’s actions, beliefs or habits and real GRE can use it as deviation from rule, right or property. 236. Peril: Exposure to risk. Real GRE can use it as ‘danger’ or ‘trouble’. 237. Render: To give up. Real GRE can use it as ‘to give in acknowledgement of dependence or obligation: pay’ 238. Eviscerate: To clean/disembowel usually used in the context of removing an organ. Real GRE can also use it as depriving of vital content or force. 239. Spurring: To incite to action or to stimulate. 240. Codifying: To arrange or assign according to type. This is usually used with the word ‘cataloging’. 241. Shackle: Something that physically prevents free movement. This is usually used with the word ‘stifle’. 242. Admonish: To criticise usually gently so as to correct a fault. Real GRE can also use it as ‘to indicate duties or obligations to’. 243. Enliven: To give life, action, or spirit to: animate. 244. Preclude: To close out or make impossible by necessary consequence: rule out in advance. 245. Symbiosis: A cooperative relationship between two dissimilar organisms. 246. Stasis: A state of static balance or equilibrium: stagnation. This word is usually used with the word ‘inertia’ 247. Espoused: To become attached to. Real GRE can also use it as ‘marry’. 248. Eschewed: To avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds: shun. 249. Derided: To ridicule or mock someone. It is usually used with the word ‘lambaste’ 250. Bedrock: Basis/foundation. Real GRE can also use it as ‘lowest point’. 251. Utilitarian: Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 13: 252: Index: An arrow shaped piece on a dial or scale for registering information. Real GRE can also use it as indicating something or as ‘a measure of’. 253: Catalyst: Something that provoked significant change or action. 254: Diatribe: Abusive speech. Real GRE can also use it as ironic or satirical criticism. It’s usually paired with the word ‘rant’ 255: Disquisition: A systematic search for the truth or facts about something. 256: Malfeasance: Misbehaviour or fraud. 257: Hysteria: Wildly excited activity or emotion. Real GRE can also use it as uproar or agitation. 258: Trepidation: Apprehension or anxiety. 259: Diligence: Attentive and persistent effort. 260: Pathos: An emotion of sympathetic pity. 261: Lucubration: Intensive study. 262: Polarised: To unify or unite. 263: Reparations: Remuneration (payment to another for a loss or injury) 264: Denunciations: Public or formal expression of disapproval. It is usually paired with the word indictments. 265: Stratify: to divide or arrange into classes, castes or social strata. It is usually paired with the word hierarchical. 266: Extenuated: To mitigate or making something less worse but the REAL GRE uses this word as to make something seem less bad by offering excuses. 267: Downplay: To reduce in importance. 268: Perilous: Dangerous. 269: Stymied: To prevent. 270: Vilified: To defame 271: Repudiate: To disprove or reject. Is usually paired with the GRE word recant which is used VERY frequently. 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 14: 272: Ornate: Elaborately or excessively decorated. 273: Provocative: To provoke, excite or stimulate. It is usually paired with the word ‘incite’ on the real GRE. 274: Castigate: Punishment. Can also be interchanged with the word ‘penalising’ on real GRE. 275: Countenance: To extend approval or toleration to. Usually paired with the word ‘sanction’ on real GRE. 276: Pedestrian: Commonplace but real GRE can use it as ‘unimaginative’. 277: Indeterminacy: Vague or not known in advance. 278: Pacific: peaceful. Usually paired with the word dovish on real GRE. 279: Indolent: Lethargic or lazy. 280: Austere: Simple and morally strict. 281: Erroneous: Mistaken or real GRE can also use it as ‘wandering’. 282: Delusive: Deceiving. Usually paired with the word specious on real GRE. 283: Relic: Shadow/trace. Usually paired with the word ‘vestige’ on the real GRE. 284: Ephemeral: Short lived. 285: Oracular: A person giving wise or authoritative decisions or opinions. 286: Prophetic: Predictive. 287: Mirthful: Good humour. Usually paired with the word ‘jovial’. 288: Tepid: Lacking energy. Real GRE can use it as showing little or no interest/enthusiasm. 289: Inherent: Within. Usually paired with the word ‘intrinsic’. 290: Strenuous: Energetic and real GRE can use it as ‘aggressive’. 291: Arduous: Marked by great effort and real GRE can use it as ‘challenging’ 292: Subjective: Unique or particular and real GRE can use it as ‘technical’ 293: Fastidious: Demanding or hard to please. 294: Puerile: Babyish or immature. Note: These sets are for ONLY those who aim for a 160+ on the verbal section. Real GRE 160+ Hard Section High Frequency 341 Vocabulary list - Set 15: 295. Pragmatist: A practical approach to problems/affairs. 296. Hodgepodge: Mixed up and is paired with the word patchwork on the real GRE. 297. Paradigm: Pattern 298. Affable: Friendly and is paired with the word easygoing on the real GRE. 299. Antagonistic: Marked by ill will and is paired with the word adversarial on the real GRE. 300. Dichotomous: Two opposing groups and is paired with the word contradictory on the real GRE. 301. Subversive: Destruction. 302. Trifling: Unimportant and is paired with the word minimal on the real GRE. 303. Momentous: Important and is paired with the word significant on the real GRE. 304. Oust: Force someone to leave a place and is paired with the word forcing out on the real GRE. 305. Belie: To misrepresent and is paired with the word mask on the real GRE. 306. Quirky: Unexpected traits and is paired with the word mask on the real GRE. 307. Obscure: Hard to understand and is paired with the word opaque/inaccessible on the real GRE. 308. Professed: Open and freely acknowledged and is paired with the word proclaimed on the real GRE. 309. Antediluvian: Ancient or old and is paired with the word archaic on the real GRE. 310. Flighty: Lacking stability and is paired with the word capriciousness on the real GRE. 311. Chauvinistic: Attitude of superiority in a negative sense and is paired with the word patronise on the real GRE. 312. Discern: To recognise as separate and is paired with detect/discovered on the real GRE. 313. Envisage: To have a mental picture of and is paired with conjure up on the real GRE. 314. Pugnacious: Someone who fights/quarrels and is paired with the word truculent on the real GRE. 315. Clandestine: Secretive and is paired with the word surreptitious/Furtive on the real GRE. 316. Precarious: Dangerous and is paired with the word perilious on the real GRE. 317. Stave off: Delay something bad or dangerous and is paired with the word forestall/obviate/preclude on the real GRE. 318. Prosaic: Dull and is paired with the word vapid/banal/hackneyed/insipid/commonplace/unexceptional/mundane/pedestri an on the real GRE. 319. Knotty: Difficult to understand and is paired with the word complicated/labyrinthine on the real GRE. 320. Extraneous: Not relevant and is paired with the word irrelevant on the real GRE. 321. Engender: Produce and is paired with the word yield on the real GRE. 322. Rapacious: Greedy and is paired with the word avaricious/mercenary/covetous on the real GRE. 323. Interdependent: Will be paired with interrelated on the real GRE. 324. Heterogenous: Different and is paired with dissimilar on the real GRE. 325. Impair: Less than perfect condition and is paired with undermined on the real GRE. 326. Abound: To be present in large quantities and is paired with proliferate on the real GRE. 327. Coalesce: To unite and is paired with conjugate/collect on real GRE. 328. Conundrum: Something hard to understand or explain and is paired with riddle on the real GRE. 329. Paragon: A model of excellence/perfection and is paired with exemplar on the real GRE. 330. Prototype: Will be paired with model on the real GRE. 331. Nettlesome: Irritating and is paired with vexation on the real GRE. 332. Incontrovertible: Will be paired with indisputable on the real GRE. 333. Palpable: Capable of being touched or felt and will be paired with tangible on the real GRE. 334. Aberration: Deviating from the norm and will be paired with anomaly on the real GRE. 335. An affinity for: Will be paired with an attraction to on the real GRE. 336. A Liberation from: Will be paired with a rejection of on the real GRE. 337. Altruism: Generous and will be paired with beneficence on the real GRE. 338. Delighted in: Pleasure and will be paired with relished on the real GRE. 339. Exactitude: Attention to detail and will be paired with meticulousness on the real GRE. 340. Eminence: Will be paired with superiority on the real GRE. 341. Unimpeachable: Reliable beyond a doubt and will be paired with blameless on the real GRE. 342. Unassuming: Will be paired with modest on the real GRE. 343. Idealistic: Will be paired with quixotic on the real GRE. 344. Seditious: Causing people to rebel and will be paired with provocative/incite Note: These lists consist of all the difficult words and meanings that have 100% been tested on the real GRE. Learn these lists by heart. You will only understand its importance once you take your real GRE exam 🤫
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