Major Types of Interviews
Major Types of Interviews
Major Types of Interviews
Companies carry out different types of job interviews upon the professional profile they require. Below
are the eight major types of interviews you may be invited to (as a jobseeker), or be asked to conduct
(as an interviewer).
There are many types of interviews serving diverse purposes. Knowing what to expect can help you
achieve your goals.
Informational Interview
Typically this is an interview set up at the jobseeker's request with a Human Resources Manager or a
departmental supervisor in the career field you may be interested in. The purpose of this interview is
to help you (as a jobseeker) find out more about a particular career, position or company. You may
be seeking information from these people in hopes that they might refer you to someone else in their
company or to somebody they may know outside their company who could use your skills.
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Screening or Telephone Interview
Typically this is the first step a company takes after the resumes have been scrutinised. The purpose
of this meeting is to assess the skills and personality traits of the potential candidates. The objective
ultimately is to "screen out" those applicants the interviewer feels should not be hired due to lack of
skills or bad first impressions. The interviewer must also "screen in" those candidates she/he feels
would make a valuable contribution to the company. Your job during this preliminary meeting is to
convince this person you are worthy to take the next step.
Individual Interview
This is the most common type and often called a “personal interview.” It is typically a one-on-one
exchange at the organisations offices. It is used to establish if you have the skills and education
necessary for the position. This is also when the employer can see if you will fit in with the company
and if your skills complement the rest of the department. In a one-on-one interview, it should be your
goal (as a jobseeker) to establish rapport with the interviewer and to show that your qualifications will
benefit the company.
This is where you will be meeting with several decision-makers at once. This can be an intimidating
experience if you are not prepared. It’s an efficient way to interview candidates and allows for
different interpretations or perceptions of the same answer. Be sure to make eye contact with
everyone, no matter who asked the question. It’s important to establish rapport with each member of
the interview team. Try to find out the names and job titles of the participants.
After your first interview, you may be asked back again for a “second date.” They like you enough
that you made the first round of cuts, but they would like to know more about you before making their
final decision. Second Interviews can last either a half or full-day so it is best to check again and get
an agenda. You may be meeting with three to five individuals. This may include a representative from
Human Resources, the department head, the office staff and the department head’s supervisor. Be
alert and enthusiastic at all times! The more you know about the structure of the process, the less
anxious you are going to feel and the better you will perform. This is the last step before an offer is
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Behavioural-Based Interview
The theory behind Critical Behavioural Interviewing (CBI) is that past performance in a similar
situation is the best predictor of future performance. CBI probes much deeper than traditional
interviewing techniques. You should prepare by thinking of specific examples that demonstrate your
competence in core behaviours such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, creativity,
flexibility and organisational skills. You will want to tell your story and structure it by stating your
answers in terms of the situation, the task, what action you took, and what was the result or outcome.
This is a problem-solving interview where you will be given some exercises to demonstrate your
creative and analytical abilities. A company may ask you to take a short test to evaluate your
technical knowledge and skills. Sometimes a presentation to a group is necessary to determine your
communication skills. Try to relax as much as possible.
Stress Interview
During this rare type, the interviewer tries to bait you, to see how you will respond and handle
yourself. The objective is to find your weaknesses and test how you hold up to pressure. Such tactics
as weird silences, constant interruptions and challenging interrogation with antagonistic questions are
designed to push your boundaries. The question you have to ask yourself is: Do I want to work for a
company that treats me this way even before the offer is made? Rethink the corporate culture. &
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