Python Syllabus PDF

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Python Syllabus

Module-1: Python Foundation (Mandatory)

 What is Python and history of Python?

 Why Python and where to use it?
 Discussion about Python 2 and Python 3
 Set up Python environment for development
 Demonstration on Python Installation
 Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, Pycharm and Enthought Canopy
 Discussion about unique feature of Python
 Write first Python Program
 Start programming on interactive shell.
 Using Variables, Keywords
 Interactive and Programming techniques
 Comments and document interlude in Python
 Practical use cases using data analysis
 Introduction to Hadoop

Core Objects and Built-in Functions

 Python Core Objects and builtin functions

 Number Object and operations
 String Object and Operations
 List Object and Operations
 Tuple Object and operations
 Dictionary Object and operations
 Set object and operations
 Boolean Object and None Object
 Different data Structures, data processing

Conditional Statements and Loops

 What are conditional statements?

 How to use the indentations for defining if, else, elif block
 What are loops?
 How to control the loops
 How to iterate through the various object
 Sequence and iterable objects

UDF Functions and Object Functions

 What are various type of functions

 Create UDF functions
 Parameterize UDF function, through named and unnamed parameters
 Defining and calling Function
 The anonymous Functions - Lambda Functions
 String Object functions
 List and Tuple Object functions
 Dictionary Object functions

File Handling with Python

 Process text files using Python

 Read/write and Append file object
 File object functions
 File pointer and seek the pointer
 Truncate the file content and append data
 File test operations using os.path

Module-2 – Python Advance (Mandatory)

 Python inbuilt Modules

 os, sys, datetime, time, random, zip modules
 Create Python UDM – User Defined Modules
 Create Python Packages
 init File for package initialization

Exceptional Handing and Object Oriented Python

 Python Exceptions Handling

 What is Exception?
 Handling various exceptions using try....except...else
 Try-finally clause
 Argument of an Exception and create self exception class
 Python Standard Exceptions
 Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
 Object oriented features
 Understand real world examples on OOP
 Implement Object oriented with Python
 Creating Classes and Objects, Destroying Objects
 Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes
 Inheritance and Polymorphism
 Overriding Methods, Data Hiding
 Overloading Operators

Debugging, Framework & Regular expression

 Debug Python programs using pdb debugger

 Pycharm Debugger
 Assert statement for debugging
 Testing with Python using UnitTest Framework
 What are regular expressions?
 The match and search Function
 Compile and matching
 Matching vs searching
 Search and Replace feature using RE
 Extended Regular Expressions
 Wildcard characters and work with them
Database interaction with Python

 Creating a Database with SQLite 3,

 CRUD Operations,
 Creating a Database Object.
 Python MySQL Database Access
 DML and DDL Operations with Databases
 Performing Transactions
 Handling Database Errors
 Disconnecting Database

Package Installation, Windows spreadsheet parsing and webpage scrapping

 Install package using Pycharm

 What is pip, easy_install
 Set up the environment to install packages?
 Install packages for XLS interface and XLS parsing with Python
 Create XLS reports with Python
 Introduction to web scraping and beautiful soup

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