The Python syllabus outlines the topics to be covered in two modules on Python foundations and advanced Python. Module 1 covers Python basics like installation, core data types, conditional statements, loops, functions and file handling. Module 2 covers inbuilt modules, object oriented programming, exceptions handling, debugging, regular expressions, databases and package installation. It also includes spreadsheet parsing, web scraping and creating Excel reports with Python.
The Python syllabus outlines the topics to be covered in two modules on Python foundations and advanced Python. Module 1 covers Python basics like installation, core data types, conditional statements, loops, functions and file handling. Module 2 covers inbuilt modules, object oriented programming, exceptions handling, debugging, regular expressions, databases and package installation. It also includes spreadsheet parsing, web scraping and creating Excel reports with Python.
The Python syllabus outlines the topics to be covered in two modules on Python foundations and advanced Python. Module 1 covers Python basics like installation, core data types, conditional statements, loops, functions and file handling. Module 2 covers inbuilt modules, object oriented programming, exceptions handling, debugging, regular expressions, databases and package installation. It also includes spreadsheet parsing, web scraping and creating Excel reports with Python.
The Python syllabus outlines the topics to be covered in two modules on Python foundations and advanced Python. Module 1 covers Python basics like installation, core data types, conditional statements, loops, functions and file handling. Module 2 covers inbuilt modules, object oriented programming, exceptions handling, debugging, regular expressions, databases and package installation. It also includes spreadsheet parsing, web scraping and creating Excel reports with Python.
Why Python and where to use it? Discussion about Python 2 and Python 3 Set up Python environment for development Demonstration on Python Installation Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, Pycharm and Enthought Canopy Discussion about unique feature of Python Write first Python Program Start programming on interactive shell. Using Variables, Keywords Interactive and Programming techniques Comments and document interlude in Python Practical use cases using data analysis Introduction to Hadoop
Core Objects and Built-in Functions
Python Core Objects and builtin functions
Number Object and operations String Object and Operations List Object and Operations Tuple Object and operations Dictionary Object and operations Set object and operations Boolean Object and None Object Different data Structures, data processing
Conditional Statements and Loops
What are conditional statements?
How to use the indentations for defining if, else, elif block What are loops? How to control the loops How to iterate through the various object Sequence and iterable objects
UDF Functions and Object Functions
What are various type of functions
Create UDF functions Parameterize UDF function, through named and unnamed parameters Defining and calling Function The anonymous Functions - Lambda Functions String Object functions List and Tuple Object functions Dictionary Object functions
File Handling with Python
Process text files using Python
Read/write and Append file object File object functions File pointer and seek the pointer Truncate the file content and append data File test operations using os.path
Module-2 – Python Advance (Mandatory)
Python inbuilt Modules
os, sys, datetime, time, random, zip modules Create Python UDM – User Defined Modules Define PYTHONPATH Create Python Packages init File for package initialization
Exceptional Handing and Object Oriented Python
Python Exceptions Handling
What is Exception? Handling various exceptions using try....except...else Try-finally clause Argument of an Exception and create self exception class Python Standard Exceptions Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions Object oriented features Understand real world examples on OOP Implement Object oriented with Python Creating Classes and Objects, Destroying Objects Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes Inheritance and Polymorphism Overriding Methods, Data Hiding Overloading Operators
Debugging, Framework & Regular expression
Debug Python programs using pdb debugger
Pycharm Debugger Assert statement for debugging Testing with Python using UnitTest Framework What are regular expressions? The match and search Function Compile and matching Matching vs searching Search and Replace feature using RE Extended Regular Expressions Wildcard characters and work with them Database interaction with Python
Creating a Database with SQLite 3,
CRUD Operations, Creating a Database Object. Python MySQL Database Access DML and DDL Operations with Databases Performing Transactions Handling Database Errors Disconnecting Database
Package Installation, Windows spreadsheet parsing and webpage scrapping
Install package using Pycharm
What is pip, easy_install Set up the environment to install packages? Install packages for XLS interface and XLS parsing with Python Create XLS reports with Python Introduction to web scraping and beautiful soup