pm16 Section 1 PDF
pm16 Section 1 PDF
pm16 Section 1 PDF
and the
Alleviating climate change
Robert Goodland and Simon Counsell
Abstract. Addressing climate change will require dramatic policy shifts in the fields of energy,
livestock production and forest management. The following paper summarises where we are
now and what we need to do, with an emphasis on how multilateral organisations like The
World Bank can help to address the challenges ahead.
The entire world Ecological tax reform is to ensure that all former coal industry
a big part of the solu- employees are retrained for sustainable
demand for tion: a stiff severance jobs or fully compensated. Boosting effi-
electricity could be tax on carbon levied at ciency by retrofitting existing coal power
met from the wellhead and mine plants should be accelerated, as should
254 x 254 km of mouth, accompanied phase-out of the dirtiest coal plants.
by equalizing tariffs on
Sahara desert. carbon-intensive im- Clean Coal
ports and rebating the revenues by abol- No reliance should be placed on “clean
ishing regressive taxes on low incomes. coal” because it does not yet exist. It
Such a policy would reduce carbon use, could become available after 2020, too
spur the development of less carbon- late for the climate crisis. In any event,
intensive technologies, and redistribute if clean coal is achieved, it will be about
income progressively. Higher input price 25 percent more expensive and nearly
(on fossil fuels or carbon content) in- impossible to monitor. Carbon capture
duces efficiency at all subsequent stages and sequestration (CCS) technology
of the production process, and limiting is being experimented with, but on
depletion ultimately limits pollution.4 30 January 2008, the US government
cancelled its first pilot CCS project
The transition to renewable energy (FutureGen in Matoon, Illinois) after
should be accelerated as urgently as five years of costly
possible. Although most (such as geo- delays. No replace- The era of cheap
thermal) is site-specific, the potential is ment plans have been oil is already over;
limitless. For example it has been cal- announced.
culated that wind energy in the Dakotas
exploration for new
could supply adequate electricity to the The intense focus of
deposits should be
whole USA. The entire world demand institutions such as discouraged.
for electricity could be met from 254 The World Bank on
x 254 km of Sahara desert. Desertic coal efficiency and clean coal prevents
nations should be developing countries from leap-frogging
No reliance should financially encour- past the dirty energy phase of devel-
be placed on “clean aged to export solar opment, a mistake industrial countries
coal” because it electricity and even-
tually hydrogen from
are paying for dearly. China looks set
to surpass the United States to become
does not yet exist. water. Offshore wind, the world’s largest energy consumer
wave, current, and after 2010. China opens more than two
tidal power could become the backbone new 600MW coal-fired power plants
of the UK’s electricity.5 a week;7 not one is capable of being
readily retrofitted with future carbon
Coal sequestration technology. Each new
There is increasing support for banning coal plant emits about 15,000 metric
all new coal-fired power plants that do tons of CO2 per day. Coal accounts for
not have provisions for CO2 capture and more than 80 percent of China’s carbon
sequestration. Since wind-generated emissions.
electricity is already economic relative to
coal with sequestration, there is no rea- Carbon sequestration
son to allow the building of new power There is scope for carbon sequestra-
plants that would emit large amounts of tion by reducing deforestation, planting
CO2 for decades.6 Care must be taken trees and managing land on a global
scale. However, extreme caution is the nuclear industry from now on. All
needed to ensure that such plantation subsidies to the nuclear industry must
schemes do not undermine the rights cease and preferably be reallocated to
or livelihoods of poor people living in renewable forms of energy.
what are sometimes viewed as “de-
graded” forest environments, but which Hydroprojects
actually comprise occupied subsistence Reservoirs are the largest single source
farmland. In addition, micro-algae have of anthropogenic
been demonstrated to sequester more methane emissions, Hydrogen fuel
than 80 percent of daytime CO2 emis- contributing around cells to promote the
sions from power plants and can be a quarter of these
used to produce up to 10,000 gallons of “hydrogen economy”
emissions, or more
liquid fuel per acre per year.8 than 4 percent of may prove to be
global GHG emis- among the best
Oil sions. The recom- bets for temporary
It seems likely that the world cannot mendations of the
afford to burn its remaining oil. The era
World Commission
of cheap oil is already over; exploration on Dams9 should be followed. In par-
for new deposits should be discouraged. ticular, hydroelectric projects likely
Canadian tar sands should be left in to emit substantial amounts of GHG
place and re-vegetated. should be banned. Carbon emissions
from any dam should be subject to the
Natural Gas proposed global carbon tax.
Natural gas is ‘cleaner’ than coal: It
contains 70 percent less carbon per Hydrogen
unit of energy than coal. As the transi- Generating hydrogen from fully renew-
tion to renewables will be wrenching, able energy systems (such as solar
As the transition natural gas will have a and wind) by electrolyzing water (even
role as a bridging fuel. sea water) seems hopeful. This is one
to renewables will But gas leaks are inev- of the main technologies for research.
be wrenching, itable, it (methane) is Hydrogen fuel cells to promote the
natural gas will 21 times more climate “hydrogen economy” may prove to be
have a role as a forcing than CO2, and
liquefaction, transport
among the best bets for temporary
bridging fuel. and regasification emit
substantial quantities Caveat on Carbon Trading
of GHG, so the gains are limited and The International Carbon Procurement
temporary. Vehicles Investor’s Guide (2007)10
notes that more than 50 carbon funds
Nuclear Energy exist and nearly €6 billion of capital has
Nuclear energy is not a panacea. Full already been invested in them. They
environmental and social costing, in- offer investors a diverse menu of op-
cluding the risk of terrorism and ac- portunities for participating in the car-
cidents and the diversion of radioac- bon market. However, analysts argue
tive materials to weaponry, must be that conclude that the carbon trading
mandated. The industry must pay for approach to the problem of rapid cli-
permanent storage of nuclear wastes. mate change is fraught at present and
All waste storage and insurance against ineffective.11
accidents must be the responsibility of
C&C is based on the science of limits and the principle of carbon justice, striving for convergence
to equal-per-capita emissions rights, assisted by a medium-term, multistage approach
accounting for differentiated national capacities. “Contraction” means global emissions are
reduced in total over time so the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere stabilises at
a level low enough and soon enough to prevent dangerous rates of climate change from taking
hold. “Convergence” means that subject to this global limit, initial entitlements to emit carbon
are distributed to all the countries or regions of the world with an agreed process of convergence
to equalise per capita emissions entitlements across the planet.
During contraction and convergence, entitlements are assumed to be tradable and hence must
be capped, with quotas initially distributed to the government, which then auctions them to users
who are allowed to re-sell them. C&C also could work using the carbon tax rather than cap and
Buildings: Changes include rehabilitation of existing building stock, insulation, solar windows
with high insulation (which reflect heat in the hot season and absorb heat in the cold season),
new lighting technology (compact fluorescents, LED bulbs), efficiency standards for water
heating, refrigeration and other appliances, rooftop and parking-lot solar systems.
Industry: The most energy-intensive industries should be phased down. Combined heat and
power systems will become commonplace. Industry must facilitate recyclability of its products.
Industry should progress toward closed-loop manufacturing in which there is no waste. Wastes
and waste disposal should be taxed to provide incentives for industry to recycle.
Urban and Municipal Authorities: Telecommuting should become the norm; working from
home would reduce congestion and transport costs. Urban design should prioritise pedestrianism
and facilitate bicycles. Other developments include solar-roofed parking lots, district heating
systems, combined heat and power, efficient street lighting, efficient water pumping, waterless
composting sanitation (with no new water-based sewage systems), recycling of water, collection
of rain, composting of all organics.
Agricultural: Innovations include efficient solar and wind irrigation pumps, solar and wind-
powered desalination, rainwater harvesting, water conservation, trickle irrigation, irrigation of
food crops only, with none for fodder or livestock. There may be a role for the lowest-impact
irrigation reservoirs.
Agrifuels produce more GHG than the fossil fuel they displace. If all costs are internalised,
agrifuels will become uneconomic.13 Diversion of crops to fuel reduces food availability, the
prices of which are therefore soaring worldwide. In addition, 9,000 liters of water are needed to
produce about one liter of agrifuel. There may be some benefit in the future from cellulosic and
algal fuels, but they are still experimental. Livestock contribute more to GHG emissions than any
other form of agriculture, and forests are often burned or destroyed to make room for ranches.
Livestock constitute the least efficient form of producing human food and consume more water
than any other product.
cultivation in mangrove
forests. For IFC, de-
struction of tropical
rainforest in general
is insufficient reason
for an Environmental
Assessment (EA)
Category “A.” For exam-
ple, IFC’s US$80 million
finance of Indonesia’s
Wilmar Oil Palm Project
in 2006 is EA Category
“C.” IFC justifies this
by writing, “It is antici-
pated that this project
will have minimal or no
direct, adverse social or
Photo 3. (Courtesy Nigel Dudley, Equilibrium environmental impacts.” IFC omits
emissions of greenhouse gas, risks
ramped up. In 2007 the Bank’s for- to indigenous peoples, and loss of
mer chief economist and vice presi- biodiversity.23
dent, Lord Nicholas Stern, urged the
Bank to desist from financing de- Outright conversion or fragmenta-
Outright forestation as the
biggest and most
tion of natural forests for any pur-
pose, such as oil
conversion or immediate con- palm plantations,
The risks are that
fragmentation of tribution it could cattle ranching, incorporating forests
natural forests make to reducing soy, logging, and into the carbon
for any purpose, GHG emissions.
However, the Bank
mangrove shrimp market would
ponds should
such as oil palm has a long track cease immediately.
simply guarantee
plantations, cattle record of funding Conservation of their passing into the
ranching, soy, industrialisation of forests, prevention hands of big private
logging, and natural forest areas
in the tropics and,
of forest burning, interests.
mangrove shrimp more recently, in detection of logging and fires, and
ponds should cease the former commu- enforcement of laws should be em-
immediately. nist countries.21 phasised. The In addition, the G8/
World Bank BioCarbon Fund should
More than 2.5 million acres of increase by orders of magnitude
Indonesian rainforests are cleared from today’s few million dollars to
for oil palm plantations, and 3.5 several billion dollars within a very
million acres of Amazonian rainfor- few years, especially in the Congo
est are cleared every year, primarily and Central Africa, Indonesia,
for enormous soy fields and cattle Malaysia, Papua New Guinea,
ranching.22 IFC finances oil palm, Cambodia, Laos, and the Amazon
soy, and cattle ranching in tropi- forest nations.
cal rainforest regions and shrimp
nation sees fit. The C-tax must island nation states such as the
be revenue neutral for the poor. Maldives and deltaic countries
Contraction and such as Bangladesh.
Convergence: Finance, advise Acknowledgments
on and otherwise encourage We offer sincere thanks for the contributions to this paper
contraction and convergence from Herman Daly, especially his 2008 paper on the monu-
mental blunder of pursuing efficiency in coal-powered elec-
to reduce GHG emissions. tricity generation before sustainability. Aubrey Meyer kindly
Persuade borrowing member helped us with ‘Contraction and Convergence’.
nations to adopt that principle. Robert Goodland is former chief ecologist at The World
Support a physical limit (hard Bank. Simon Counsell is director of The Rainforest Founda-
cap) that declines to zero before tion in London
with evolving science for ve- 10 International Carbon Procurement Vehicles Inves-
tor’s Guide 2007.
hicles, lighting, building codes, 11 Lohmann et al. 2006, Leach 2008.
electric motors, and appliances. 12
GHG Sources and Sinks: 13 Smolker et al. 2007, Searchinger 2008.
Monitor GHG emissions and 14 Calverd 2005.
carbon-sink capacities, including 15 FAO 2006.
oceanic (marine acidification). 16 Sierra Club 2006.
17 Goodland 1998.
Implement agreements on de-
18 Chopra et al. 2007.
forestation and livestock.
19 Counsell et al. 2007.
4. Prioritise Poverty Reduction: 20 Bosquet 2006.
Reinvigorate meeting the 21 Stern 2007.
Millennium Development Goals as 22 Bickel 2003, Caruso 2005, Chomitz et al. 2007,
the WBG’s top priority to reduce Dros 2004, Kaimowitz et al. 2004, Lilley 2004.
poverty and to assist the poor in 23 Greenpeace 2007.
24 Helweg-Larsen and Bull 2007, GLCA 2007,
becoming more resilient to with- InterAcademy Council 2007, Makhijani 2008,
stand climate impacts. Ramp up Practical Action 2007, Wheeler 2008.
direct funding for poverty reduc-
tion, job creation, nutrition, edu- References
cation, and health. Move away Barnard, N.D., A. Nicholson, A. and J.L Howard, The
from indirect and inefficient trick- medical costs attributable to meat consumption.
Preventive Medicine 24: 646-655, 1995.
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studies, WWF Forest Conversion Initiative, WWF,
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Washington DC., 2006.
Calverd, A., A radical approach to Kyoto, Physics Greenpeace, How the oil palm industry is cooking the
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J. Smith, R. Weitz and D. Mix, The Age of Powys, Wales, 2007.
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Security Implications of Global Climate Change, Hamburger Connection Fuels Amazon Destruction,
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(CSIS) & The Center for a New American Security, 2004.
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Caruso, E., Roads of deforestation in Brazil: how soya avoided deforestation credits on emissions trading
and cattle are destroying the Amazon with the mechanisms, The Rainforest Foundation, London,
help of the IFC. In: Broken promises how World 2008.
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forests and forest peoples’ rights, World Rainforest Lilley, S., Paving the Amazon with soy: World Bank
Movement, the Rainforest Foundation, CDM Watch, bows to audit of Maggi loan. CorpWatch, USA,
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Agricultural Expansion, Poverty Reduction, and Foundation, Uppsala, Sweden, 2006.
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Cline, W.R., Global warming and agriculture: end of Practical Action, Energy to reduce poverty: the
century estimates by country. Center for Global urgency for G8 action on climate justice: Stop
Development: Peterson Institute for International climate injustice, Intermediate Technology
Economics, Washington, DC., 2007. Development Group, Rugby UK, 2007.
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Concessions to Poverty; The environmental, A. Elobeid, J. Fabiosa, S. Tokgoz, D. Hayes and T.
social and economic impacts of industrial logging Yu, Use of U.S. croplands for biofuels increases
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Foundation UK and Forests Monitor, Cambridge, UK, change, Science 319 (5867):1238-1240, 2008.
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Daly, H.E., Climate Policy: from “know how” to “do Hernandez, The real cost of agrofuels: Food, forest
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Dros, J.M., Managing the soy boom: Two scenarios Stern review on the economics of climate change
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AIDEnvironment, 2004. Wheeler, D., The World Bank can lead the way to
German Advisory Council on Global Change, 2007. zero-emissions power, &,
Climate change as a security risk. Berlin, WBGU, 15 2008.
p. World Commission on Dams, Dams and development:
GLCA (Global Leadership for Climate Action), A new framework for decision-making, Earthscan,
Framework for a post-2012 agreement on climate London, 2000.
change, United Nations Foundation Washington
D.C., 2007.
Goodland, R., The case against consumption of grain-
fed meat (Ch. 6: 95-115) in D. Crocker, and T.
Linden (eds.), The Ethics of Consumption, Rowman
and Littlefield, Lanham MD, 1998.
The nuclear industry also has a major problem with the disposal of its own waste products; itself
a massively energy intensive process. Unless it starts directing almost the whole of its net energy
output to clearing up its own waste in the very near future, the nuclear industry will never
produce the energy needed to do so. The planet will be left with leaking, burning and flooding
high level waste-dumps in perpetuity. It would be helpful if this task were done before rising sea
levels reach the coastal nuclear reactors and the waste dumps in their back gardens.
Can uranium production and silver which the rock also contains.
increase to fill the gap? But that itself is a mixed blessing be-
Although several of the medium-sised cause it means Lovelock’s argument
producers have in recent years roughly that the copper is
contaminated with is persuasive. But
maintained their output, or slightly
increased it— notably Kazakhstan, small quantities of there are three
Namibia, Niger and Russia— the world’s uranium, which has grounds on which it
to be removed in a
two largest producers— Canada and
smelter constructed
is open to criticism.
Australia— both show some evidence
of being in recent decline, with uranium in the Australian desert, adding even
production falling by (respectively), 15 greater energy-costs to the final energy
and 20 percent in 2005-2006.19 yield.21
In both cases, hopes for expanding pro- On this evidence is seems probable
duction have been pinned on major new that, far from expanding in order to sus-
projects— the new Cigar Lake mine in tain the flow of energy following the oil
Canada, and the expansion of Olympic peak, the nuclear industry could indeed
Dam in Australia. Cigar Lake is designed begin to falter during the decade 2010-
to produce nearly 7,000 tonnes per an- 2019, with some nuclear reactors being
num, and it was due to start in 2007. closed down for lack of fuel, and some
However, in October 2006, it flooded; of the reactors now in the planning
the probable way of containing the wa- stage and under construction remaining
ter in the sandstone above the workings unused indefinitely. In the light of this, a
is by refrigeration, which will require judgment has to be made as to whether
large inputs of energy even before work hopes of a revival of uranium supply
can begin. It is now uncertain whether, are a sufficiently realistic foundation
even after long past and future delays, on which to base expectations that the
Cigar Lake will ever be a substantial nuclear industry has a long term future
source of uranium.20 as a major energy provider
world’s final energy demand.24 Nuclear Busby, J., “An Even Bigger Hole”, http://
power is not a solution to the energy nt&task=view&id=1323&Itemid=103
famine brought on by the decline of oil (, 2007b.
and gas. Nor is it a means of reducing Collell, M. C., “The Nuclear Mirage and the World
emissions of greenhouse gases. It can- Energy Situation”, Real Instituto Elcano,
not provide energy solutions, however,
much we may want it to do so.
Dzhakishev, M., “Uranium Production in Kazakhstan as
David Fleming ( a Potential Source for Covering the World Uranium
is director of the Lean Economy Connection and a research- Shortage”, World Nuclear Association, at http://
er and writer on energy and the environment, based in,
London. He is a former chair of the Soil Association. 2004.
First Uranium Corporation, Annual Information Form
Notes annual_information_form.pdf
1 Storm van Leeuwen and Smith 2006. ( ), 2007.
2 Storm van Leeuwen 2006a. Fleming, D, Energy and the Common Purpose:
Descending the Energy Staircase with Tradable
3 Oxford Research Group 2006a and 2006b.
Energy Quotas (TEQs), third edition, London: The
4 Storm van Leeuwen 2006c. Lean Economy Connection, 2007.
5 Nuclear Fuel Energy Balance Calculator 2007. International Energy Agency, Key World Energy
6 SLS; Storm van Leeuwen 2006b. Statistics,
7 Note that Rio Tinto (2005) announced a “cut-off free/2007/key_stats_2007.pdf
grade” of 0.08 per cent for its existing stocks of ( ), 2007.
ore at its Ranger mine in Namibia. Lovelock, J., The Revenge of Gaia, Penguin, London,
8 NEA/IAEA 2006. 2006.
9 Nuclear Energy Agency 2006; The World Nuclear NEA/IAEA, Nuclear Energy Association / International
Association 2007b. Agency, Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and
Demand, (the “Red Book”), OECD, Paris, 2006.
10 Nuclear Energy Agency 2006.
Nuclear Fuel Energy Balance Calculator,at http://www.
11 Oxford Research Group 2006a., 2007.
12 Nuclear Energy Agency 2006; First Uranium Cor- Oxford Research Group, Storm van Leeuwen, “Energy
poration 2007. Security and Uranium Reserves”, Factsheet 4,
13 World Nuclear Association 2007b., 2006a.
14 World Nuclear Association 2007c. Oxford Research Group, Storm van Leeuwen,
15 Dzhakishev 2004., 2006b.
16 Bunn 2003. Rio Tinto, “Increase in Ranger Mine’s Reserves and
Resources”, (press release), http://www.riotinto.
17 Collell 2005; Zittel and Schindler 2006.
com/documents/Media/PR444g, 2005.
18 Busby 2007a.
Storm van Leeuwen, J.W. and P. Smith, Nuclear
19 World Nuclear Association 2007c. Power: The Energy Balance”, at
20 Zittel and Schindler 2006., 2006.
21 Australia Uranium Association 2007; BHP Billiton Storm van Leeuwen, J.W., “Greenhouse Gases from
2007; Busby 2007b. Nuclear”, Appendix B, in Evidence to the IPCC
Working Group III, Fourth Assessment Report Draft
22 Lovelock 2006.
for Expert Review, 2006b.
23 Fleming 2007; Womack and Jones 2003.
Womack, J. and D. Jones, Lean Thinking, second
24 IEA 2007; Boyle 2004. edition, Simon & Schuster, London, 2003.
World Nuclear Association, “World Nuclear Power
References Reactors and Uranium Requirements,,
Australia Uranium Association, “Australia’s Uranium
Mines”,, 2007.
World Nuclear Association, “Uranium Production
BHP Billiton, Annual Report, 2007.
Figures (1998-2006),
Boyle, G., Renewable Energy, Oxford, 2004., 2007b.
Bunn, M., “Reducing Excess Stockpiles”, Nuclear Zittel, W. and J. Schindler, Uranium Resources and
Threat Initiative (NTI), Nuclear Energy, Energy Watch Group, http://
cnwm/reducing/heudeal.asp, 2003.
Busby, J., “A Little Makes a Lot?” Uranium_5-12-2006.pdf ( ), 2006.
mid=105. ( ), 2007a.
preconceptions of eco-
nomic theory, its cultural,
philosophical and method-
ological foundations. This
is the case with natural
resources: while conven-
tional economics tries to
approach natural resourc-
es through their monetary
counterpart,1 ecological
economics stresses the
need to make the biogeo-
chemical characteristics of
these resources explicit.
This allows distinguish-
ing between the ecological
and economic potential of
resources, beginning with
their differing capacity
to meet social objectives
such as economic growth
and ecological sustain-
ability. Given their radi-
Picture 1. Resource use in France
cally different ecological and economic
(Courtesy Nigel Dudley, Equilibrium Research)
characteristics, erroneous conclusions
Introduction tend to be drawn as the wide variety
When jointly addressing issues such of natural processes is simplified down
as natural resources, conservation or to an undifferentiated notion of natu-
climate change, economic questions ral resources. This article aims to help
are prevalent. The manner in which avoiding such erroneous approaches in
these questions are formulated, pre- the conservation-climate debate.
sented and organised, depends on the
biotic yes no
mineral no yes
ble, which along with the continuity of Given the institutionalised growth
economic activity, is an essential ele- dependency of western civilisation16 it
ment of industrial production.14 is not surprising therefore that nearly
all technological progress over the
Given their radically different eco- last 150 years has been based on
logical and economic characteristics, the substitution from renewable to
sources), i.e. in such a manner that for the granting and reinforcing of
the flows extracted from the stocks resources rights to local populations.23
and rejected in degraded form to Apart from different institutional issues
the environment do not exceed the that cannot be addressed here,24 such
assimilation capacity of the global approaches should not overlook the
natural environment. This imperative essential fact that
can logically not be dissociated from a sustainable use come up with virtual
conservation. of biotic resources values and are
alone can be quite
The issue of climate change illustrates insufficient to cover
therefore purely
how interdependent these three im- basic needs of a fictive. They can
peratives are. Induced by industrial growing popula- neither be invested
development, human-induced climate tion, even at a low in the formation of
alterations are not due to the over- level of per capita
exploitation of the “climatic services” consumption.
productive capital
but rather to anthropic disturbances in nor be used as
biogeochemical cycles caused by inten- Development op- payment for import
sive exploitation of tions within the lim- or debt service.
Theoretical mineralised energy its of biotic resourc-
attempts to assign stocks.21 Social and es are often disappointing from even
quantifiable environmental reper- essential economic and social point
monetary values cussions induced by of views: Strategies of external aid
this perturbation, un- (material and/or financial), more com-
to biological and certain as they may mercial exploitation of biotic resources,
cultural diversity. be, endanger the valuing traditional knowledge, tourist
capacity for renewal exploitation of “traditional” ways of life
of many ecological funds and threaten or whatever else are in reality often far
the survival of many species. In such more limited in economic returns than
a context, the goals of conservation assumed. At the same time experience
and sustainable use of biotic resources shows that they may create problems
have little hope of being reached un- in terms of cultural identity, loss of au-
less complementary and priority ac- tonomy and of distribution of economic
tions are specifically aimed at reducing return. Theoretical attempts to assign
the consumption of mineral resources quantifiable monetary values to bio-
in countries with high per capita con- logical and cultural diversity (often in
sumption. This interaction is recog- an effort to convince political decision-
nised by the conservation community, makers of the value of protecting na-
who points out that “[a]ddressing the ture) come up with virtual values and
problem of climate change is central are therefore purely fictive. They can
to efforts to conserve the integrity and neither be invested in the formation of
diversity of nature and to ensure that productive capital nor be used as pay-
natural resources are used equitably ment for import or debt service.
and sustainably”.22
Following industrial countries’ devel-
How to satisfy the needs of opment path of focussing on mineral
poor populations through the resources is an alternative that allows,
sustainable use of biotic resources? for some time, an autonomous process
In an effort to conciliate ecological of economic growth and the satisfac-
sustainability and social equity, recent tion of the basic needs of poor popu-
approaches to conservation advocate lations. But such a path depends not
only on the possibility to get access to 2 The first law of thermodynamics, the law of con-
servation of energy, establishes that the quantity
mineral resources for the most impov- of energy-matter in an isolated system (with no
erished; it also requires that they be exchange of energy-matter with its environment)
granted the right to emit into the envi- remains constant; the second law, the law of quali-
tative degradation of energy or entropy law, states
ronment the inevitable wastes gener- that the quality of energy-matter in all isolated
ated by a process of economic growth systems is irreparably degraded over time. Open
systems, such as economies, which exchange
based on mineral resources. The politi- energy and matter with their environment, depend
cal and institutional requirements and for the maintenance on a throughput of energy-
implications of this alternative on a glo- matter that degrades in the process and leaves the
environment qualitatively degraded (Georgescu-
bal scale are considerable. In order not Roegen, 1971).
to overstretch global ecological limits, 3 Georgescu-Roegen 1971.
any increase in consumption of mineral 4 Georgescu-Roegen 1966, 1971.
resources by poor populations would 5 Ecosystems such as forests and lakes but also the
have to be compensated by a drastic global ecosystem, which constitutes the Biosphere,
thus enter into the category of ecological funds.
reduction of this consumption by the
6 Fossil fuel reserves stored in the lithosphere are
wealthiest.25 The state of international the typical example of ecological stocks.
negotiations on energy and climate 7 See Georgescu-Roegen (1971:209ss) for a more
illustrates how far away we are from detailed analysis.
such a world development. 8 This section is based on Steppacher & Griethuysen
9 Beyond a certain development threshold, every
Differentiating clearly between ecologi- biotic resource stops growing, unless it has an
cal and economic qualities (potentials abnormal growth pattern (of a cancerous nature),
the outcome of which is most often fatal.
and limits) of stocks and flows of min-
10 Affecting some of the limiting factors (fertilising,
eral resources, and funds and multifunc- irrigation) is often possible, but biotic production
tional services of biotic resources is an remains subject to overall limits.
imperative in order to understand the 11 Such a growth potential reflects progress in know-
multiple double-binds and path de- how and techniques.
19 Caring for the Earth defines sustainable use as Griethuysen P. van (2006), ` A Critical Evolutionary
“use of an organism, ecosystem or other renew- Economics Perspective Of Socially Responsible
able resource at a rate within its capacity for Conservation ´, in Oviedo G. and van Griethuysen
renewal.” (IUCN/UNEP/WWF, 1991:211). P. eds. 2006, Poverty, Equity and Rights in
20 See Prodan 1977. conservation— Technical paper and case studies,
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, IUED, Geneva,
21 As already recognised in the first report of the Switzerland, 5-46.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC, 1990). IPCC-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(1990), Aspects scientifiques du changement
22 UICN 1999:11. climatique, Rapport rédigé pour le GIEC par
23 See particularly Borrini-Feyerabend, Kothari & le Groupe de travail I, Groupe d’experts
Oviedo 2004, Borrini-Feyerabend, Pimbert, Farvar, intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat
Kothari & Renard 2004, Fisher et al. 2005. (Genève : OMM-PNUE, IPCC).
24 Some of those issues are dealt with in Griethuysen IUCN/UNEP/WWF (1980), World Conservation
2006. Strategy: Living Resource Conservation for
25 Bund & Misereor 1996. Sustainable Development (Gland, Switzerland:
IUCN/UNEP/WWF (1991), Caring for the Earth. A
References Strategy for Sustainable Living (Gland, Switzerland:
Baumol W.J. and W.E. Oates (1975), The Theory IUCN/PNUE/WWF).
of Environmental Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge IUCN (1999), Report of the Eleventh Global
University Press). Biodiversity Forum: Exploring Synergy Between
Bieri Hans, Moser Peter & Steppacher Rolf the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(1999), Die Landwirtschaft als Chance einer and the Convention on Biological Diversity (Gland,
zukunftsfähigen Schweiz, SVIL-Schrift Nr. 135 Cambridge : UICN).
(Zürich: Schweizerische Vereinigung Industrie und Kapp K.W. (1976), ` The Open-System Character
Landwirtschaft). of the Economy and its Implications ´, in Dopfer
Borrini-Feyerabend G., A. Kothari and G. Oviedo (ed.) (1976), Economics in the Future (London;
(2004), Indigenous and Local Communities and Basingstoke: Macmillan), 90-105.
Local Areas : Towards Equity and Enhanced Oviedo G. & van Griethuysen P. eds. (2006), Poverty,
Conservation (Gland and Cambridge : IUCN). Equity and Rights in conservation— Technical paper
Borrini-Feyerabend G., M. Pimbert, M.T. Farvar, A. and case studies, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, IUED,
Kothari and Y. Renard (2004), Sharing Power— Geneva, Switzerland, 5-46.
Learning-by-Doing in Co-Management of Natural Prodan M.M. (1977), ` Sustained Yield as a Basic
Resources throughout the World (Teheran : IIED Principle to Economic Action ´, in Steppacher
and IUCN/CEESP/CMWG, Cenesta). R., Zogg-Walz B. & Hatzfeldt H. (eds.) (1977),
Bund & Misereor, Hrsg. (1996), Zukunftsfähiges Economics in Institutional Perspective (Lexington :
Deutschland, Ein Beitrag zu einer global D.C Heath and Company), 101-13.
nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Basel : Studie des Steppacher R., Zogg-Walz B. & H. Hatzfeld (eds.)
Wuppertal Instituts für Klima, Umwelt, Energie). (1977), Economics in Institutional Perspective
Fisher R.J, S. Maginnis, W.J. Jackson, E. Barrow and (Massachusetts : Lexington).
S. Jeanrenaud (2005), Poverty and Conservation : Steppacher R. & P. van Griethuysen (2002),
Lanscapes, People and Power (Gland & Cambridge : ` Propriété et ressources minérales : la
IUCN). combinaison spécifique de la croissance économique
Georgescu-Roegen N. (1965), Process in Farming occidentale ´, Proceedings, Interdisciplinary
Versus Process in Manufacturing: A Problem of Workshop on the Institutional Foundations of
Balanced Development, in Georgescu-Roegen World Trade, Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du
(1976), Energy and Economic Myths, 71-102. Développement, Genève, Juin, (Genève : IUED)
Georgescu-Roegen N. (1966), Analytical Economics : 1-12.
Issues and Problems (Cambridge, MA : Harvard Steppacher R. (2007), ` Property, Mineral Resources
University Press). and « Sustainable Development » ´, in O. Steiger
Georgescu-Roegen N. (1971), The Entropy Law and (ed.) (2007), Property Economics. Property Rights,
the Economic Process (Cambridge, MA; London : Creditor’s Money and the Foundations of the
Harvard University Press). Economy (Marburg : Metropolis) 323-354.
Georgescu-Roegen N. (1976), Energy and Economic Turner R.K., Pearce D., Bateman I. (1994),
Myths : Institutional and Analytical Economic Essays Environmental Economics - An Elementary
(New York : Pergamon). Introduction (New York et al. : Harvester
Abstract. The modern environmental movement has been highly influenced by concerns
about energy supplies and the need for a coherent energy policy. However, consensus
amongst NGOs has recently disappeared and it is possible to find mainstream environmental
groups opposed to every realistic energy source. This creates strategic dangers and weakens
the environmental position in future debates about energy supply. The article argues for the
development of a strategy and an NGO agreement.
Unfortunately, just at the time when almost all renewable sources. Table 1
the need for a coherent NGO response provides a brief summary and some
to energy policy is probably greater examples. Any energy proposal is likely
than at any time for the last 30 years, to have environmental groups opposing
there has also been a virtual collapse it; and these are not just front groups
of the consensus once shared amongst set up by the traditional energy indus-
environmental groups about future en- tries (although these certainly exist)6
ergy scenarios. but mainstream and genuine environ-
mental organisations. This situation
Today it is possible to find mainstream seriously weakens any chance of en-
environmental organisations opposed vironmental NGOs making a coherent
to virtually all energy sources, including case for a particular energy strategy.
At present there seems to be little suggesting that these alone will solve
opposition to solar cells being placed the energy shortfall or address the
in desert areas or to passive solar problems of global warming.
heating or to fuel cells. But no-one is
Method Notes
Efficiency depends on type of biomass used, water content and methods
of combustion. Energy efficiencies range from 18.6-20.9 MJ/kg dry weight
Combustion for wood chips to e.g. 9.5 MJ/kg for sugar cane bagasse. Open fires
are amongst the least efficient forms of combustion.
However, there are serious implications The most efficient type of biomass
for land-use and forest management: production for energy is from short-
Very large land areas would be re- term rotations, so that large areas
quired to supply even a small pro- of forest or agricultural land could be
portion of the energy requirements turned over to intensive production
of an industrialised country; of this type;
would be a done deal for many of to- Commoner, B., The Poverty of Power; Knopf, New
York, 1976.
day’s drivers. The energy industry will Friends of the Earth Cymru, The Severn Barrage,
be able to draw on powerful and apoca- Friends of the Earth Cymru, Cardiff, Wales, 2007
lyptic images to make its case. If NGOs Greenpeace, Energy Without Oil: The technical and
economic feasibility of phasing out global oil use,
are going to oppose the worst excesses Greenpeace International, Amsterdam, 1993.
of the energy industry with any hope of Leach, G., A Low Energy Strategy for the UK,
success we will need to speak with one International Institute for Environment and
voice and be clear about the sacrifices Development, London, 1979.
Leggett, J., Half Gone: Oil. Gas, hot air and the global
as well as the potential gains. energy crisis, Portobello Books, London.
Lovins, A., Soft Energy Paths, Penguin Books,
IUCN could play an important facilitat- Middlesex, 1973.
ing role in this process. It will not be Lundberg, F., To Phase Out Coal, Swedish NGO
easy, because positions are in many Secretariat on Acid Rain, Goteborg, 2003.
Odell, P.R., Oil and World Power, Penguin Books,
cases already entrenched and time is Middlesex UK, 1970.
short. But the current state of chaos Olivier, D. et al, Energy Efficient Futures, Earth
will simply lead to lack of effective op- Resources Research, London, 1983.
position against any energy supply, Ramblers Association, Walk, Spring 2007, London,
however damaging this might be. 2007.
Rowell, A., Green Backlash: Global subversion of the
Nigel Dudley ( is a member environmental movement, Routledge, London, 1996.
of WCPA and CEESP and works mainly on issues related to Smolker, R., B. Tokar, A. Petermann, E. Hernandes and
protected areas and forest conservation. At one time he J Thomas, The Real Cost of Agrofuels: Impacts on
lived and worked at the Centre for Alternative Technology food, forests, people and the climate, Global Forest
in Wales, researching the practical application of renewable Coalition, 2008.
energy systems.
Todd, R. and C. Alty [editors], An Alternative Energy
Strategy for the United Kingdom, Centre for
Notes Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, Wales, 1976.
1 Lovins 1973; Commoner 1976; Todd and Alty
1976; Leach 1979; Olivier et al. 1983.
2 Beckmann 1979.
3 Odell 1970.
4 Leggett 2005.
5 Clarke 2007.
6 Rowell 1996.
7 Ramblers Association 2007.
8 Greenpeace 1993, and many other documents.
9 Lundberg 2003 and many other documents.
hundreds of millions of years. However, we had as yet not cracked the means
we cannot assume that exploitation of of long term storage of energy (except
these renewable resources is entirely though pumped storage schemes), and
environmentally benign. Tidal barrages that the means of gathering electricity
have a significant effect on terrestrial from a wide range of episodic sources
and near shore hydrology and biodi- and delivering supply to consumers at
versity. Wave devices for example will some distance from the generation point
affect society’s perception of the coastal is technologically possible in theory, but
environment, and potentially have an in practice is very difficult to achieve
effect on inshore fisheries. Onshore wind with the present grid transmission sys-
devises can have a very significant ef- tem. Also on electricity, there is a widely
fect on landscape and held view that wind generated electricity
In our present society’s perception of can replace nuclear generated electric-
situation, it is its attractiveness, as ity. This is nonsense. Nuclear generation
difficult to see well as on the diurnal
migration pattern of
provides base load electricity supply,
i.e. what we need every day of the year,
how supplies of certain bird species. whereas wind can only provide episodi-
electricity to meet Hydro-electric power cally the top up. In our present situa-
the variable daily significantly changes tion, it is difficult to see how supplies of
the hydrological and electricity to meet the variable daily and
and seasonal sedimentation sys- seasonal demands can be met without
demands can tem and can result use of large scale generating stations.
be met without in high risk to com- The problem then is to find the most
use of large munities downstream.
And all technologies,
environmentally benign technologies.
Although there are many on the draw-
scale generating whether relying on ing board, such as clean coal and carbon
stations. non-renewable or re- sequestration technologies, they are
newable energy re- still a long way off full scale commercial
sources consume energy in their con- operation.
struction and emplacement and in their
decommissioning. Finally in relation to energy myths, we
have to realise that consumer behaviour
In the UK, there has been an assump- is an important factor. Will consumers
tion that the market has the solution to change their behaviour and reduce their
satisfy society’s energy needs. There is energy consumption? There is no clear
patently not true as, for example, there evidence of this occurring and econo-
remains an imbalance between the mists consider that prices will have to be
profits of the privatised industry and the sustained at a very high level for a long
escalating costs which the consumer has time for them to have real impact on
to pay. consumption. In a curious way, opinion
surveys suggest that people are pre-
In our Scottish study, it also became pared to pay more for energy, but the
clear that there were a number of other level of complaint about rising prices
widely held beliefs on energy. For ex- seems to be contrary to this expecta-
ample, it is stated frequently that re- tion. The fact of the matter is that in
newable sources can meet the energy countries like the UK energy prices have
gap once the large scale coal, gas and been low for many years and the recent
nuclear powered generating stations price escalation was to be expected at
are closed. Yet this views fails to recog- some stage.
nise the variability of the supply sources
over which we have little control, that
From the analysis of energy data there population centres to host evening public
are what I would call a number of en- discussion forums. In total over six loca-
ergy truths. Although many of these are tions we had 455 participants. In addi-
disputed by some commentators, there tion, we decided Given the vital
is a high degree of scientific consensus that the views of
about their veracity. So for the sake of the younger gen-
importance of energy
stimulating debate we must be sure that eration were es- to our societal well
we have the factual basis behind state- sential and would being and economic
ments. Those we have used in these likely give a differ-
circumstances in Scotland are as follows. ent perspective. We
progress and the
There is substantive evidence to link glo- engaged with 407 impact that its
bal climate change with the increase in students in the 15 exploitation and
the emission of greenhouse gases in the to 17 age range in use has on the
atmosphere arising from human activities 14 schools around
in recent centuries. Despite technological Scotland. environment, there
advancement, as identified above, fos- is a need to stimulate
sil fuel supplies in are decline. Estimates In order to stimu- debate on
of the time scale of the decline vary. The late debate we
best evidence we gathered in our Inquiry identified in open-
energy futures.
suggested that oil supplies can last for ing presentations a range of issues. We
at least another 30 to 40 years, gas 70 sought to steer the debates in to the
years and coal 250 years at present rates wider energy issues rather than focus on
of consumption. Nevertheless, as recent the specificities of the electricity debate
experience has shown, prices are vola- (nuclear versus renewables, onshore
tile and security of supply uncertain due wind versus offshore sources). But such
to a range of geopolitical factors which was the strength of opinion and knowl-
make predications difficult. And at the edge that, inevitably, these were the
same time in the UK and in many other most debated topics and the ones on
post industrial countries, consumption is which there was no consensus.
rising; and, in addition, in industrialising
countries the rise is at a very high rate. From all of these sessions we identified
At the same time, many post industrial- areas of general consensus and areas
ised countries, and most certainly the of continuing debate, identified issues
UK, have a poor record is energy savings which varied by location and specifically
and energy efficiency. recorded the perspectives of the younger
generation. The points of general con-
Stimulating debate sensus arising from the public sessions
Given the vital importance of energy to were as follows:
our societal well being and economic 1. Recognition of the link between emis-
progress and the impact that its exploi- sions from fossil fuels and global
tation and use has on the environment, climate change.
there is a need to stimulate debate on 2. Agreement that renewable sources of
energy futures. In Scotland, we deter- energy are a key contributor to ener-
mined at the end of the formal energy gy supply needs because of their low
inquiry that stimulating debate within greenhouse gas emissions, the abun-
civil society was a necessary next step.2 dance of the Scottish resource, and
This was unusual for the Royal Society the need to encourage technologies
of Edinburgh, especially as it tends to other than onshore wind, for example
hold most of its events in Edinburgh. tidal, wave, solar, biomass, and off-
We agreed to hold a series of debates shore wind.
around Scotland. We chose the main
3. Recognition of the need for energy is prepared to pay more. Only con-
savings to preserve supplies and to sistently much higher prices might
reduce environmental effects, and es- change behaviour in favour of greater
pecially the need to reduce the waste savings and efficiency, but is this ethi-
of energy, coupled with more effective cally defensible?
instruments for encouraging energy 5. On alternative sources of supply, there
saving. was no consensus on the immediate
4. Recognition of the technological ex- solutions, such as renewables versus
pertise on energy based in Scotland new large generating plant for elec-
and the need for further support for tricity, and the unresolved arguments
technological development. about whether supply should be from
5. A call for new thinking on the way the source nearest to the consumer
energy is supplied to the consumers, or at the most advantageous point of
especially through distributed systems high energy resource. Also the debate
and micro approaches. on the balance between fossil fuels
and renewables is unresolved.
6. A call for new fuels provided they
are economic and environmentally 6. The greatest disagreements consist-
neutral. ently were on the technologies for
electricity generation. The polarities
7. Recognition of the need for action at
political, industry and societal (includ-
ing personal levels) following proper nuclear has to be key part of short-
debate. er term solution given the improved
technology and costs, and the ex-
There was a lack of consensus on many cellent safety and delivery records
issues as follows: of existing civil nuclear reactors,
or there should never be any more
1. The key objectives of public policy:
nuclear powered electricity generat-
greenhouse gas emission reduction,
ing stations in Scotland because of
and/or security of supply. Balancing
the lack of action on storage of high
the benefits and costs to the envi-
level radioactive waste and con-
ronment was considered to be very
cerns about the military use of fuel;
onshore wind has been given too
2. Ethics was a major issue, specifically
much prominence compared to
whether Scotland, as a small country
other renewable technologies;
with low emissions in total in global
terms, should do anything at all or there remains large resources of
whether it should be an exemplar to fossil fuels for decades (oil and
other countries. gas) and for centuries (coal and
3. There was unresolved debate on
whether renewable sources bring there is no consensus on the need
real economic, social and environ- for and effect of transmission
mental benefits to Scotland. There lines on the environment and on
are many concerns that one solu- nearby communities and options
tion was being over promoted, often for under-grounding or for offshore
termed ‘the dash for wind’, and that routes; and
other solutions were being given less there are doubts about the practi-
prominence. cally of some new technologies,
4. Energy price trends are not clear and such as carbon sequestration in
it is debatable whether the consumer clean coal technology.
We concluded that to improve the quality I hope that the model we used in
of debate and to ensure that the deci- Scotland is of some interest and might
sion-making process is better informed: be applied by independent bodies in
an objective methodology to assess other parts of the world. An editorial
the relative merits of energy technolo- in the international scientific journal
gies, including full lifetime costs was Nature3 stated that ‘The Royal Society
urgently required; and of Edinburgh is to be congratulated on
bringing some sanity to the energy de-
bodies independent of government bate that is becoming unhinged from re-
and sectoral interests should be ac- ality’. I hope that others, and especially
tive in stimulating the debate and the
IUCN, will take up the challenge.
identification of decisions needed and
the urgency of the situation. Roger Crofts ( is World
Commission on Protected Areas Regional Vice-Chair for
Europe and a member of the Commission on Ecosystem
In the wider global and regional debates Management. He was Secretary of the Royal Society of
on energy, I consider that IUCN has Edinburgh Energy Inquiry 2006-2007.
a major role to play. It should use its
convening power to bring together the Notes
various interests, just as it did with the 1 Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2006, 2007.
mining industry. I recognise that there 2 Royal Society of Edinburgh 2007.
are those in IUCN who consider that 3 Anon 2006.
these discussions and engagements are
a step too far, but without them we will References
not achieve a greater understanding of Anon, ‘Urgent but balanced’, Nature, issue 7096, 22
the different perspectives. If we feel we June 2006, p. 907.
can stand on the sidelines and shout our Royal Society of Edinburgh. Inquiry into Energy Issues
views and opinions and be heard then for Scotland: Final Report. The Royal Society of
Edinburgh 2006 Inquiry into Energy Issues for
we loose our credibility and fail to use Scotland: Summary Report. 2006.
the convening power and knowledge Royal Society of Edinburgh Energy for Scotland: A Call
base that exists within the Union. for Action, 2007.
The Commission noted the rapid The complex interactions that occur
increase in air travel and concluded in the aviation industry make it gen-
that it had: “particular concerns erally difficult to discuss and assess
about the contribution that air- particular control options in isolation
craft emissions will make to cli- from others. Some examples of these
mate change if this growth goes interactions and potential dilemmas
unchecked. The total radiative forc- include:
ing due to aviation is probably some
Putting more taxes on fuel and air-
three times that due to the carbon
craft movements makes air travel
dioxide emissions alone.”
more expensive thereby suppress-
ing demand. But such taxes may
Controlling pollution increase load factors which would
from aircraft decrease capital and fuel costs per
Relating to the impact of air pollution passenger or tonne or freight, there-
from aircraft, there are two basic non by lowering total flight costs and
exclusive control options: stimulating demand.
The total emissions of pollutants can Managing air freight demand can
be limited; not be best accomplished without at
Emission may be reduced in sensi- the same time managing passenger
tive zones such that the impacts of demand. Presently two thirds of air
pollutants are diminished. freight is carried with passengers.
This is at a relatively low marginal
To reduce the environmental impact of economic and environmental cost
aircraft three categories of action are because of the design of aircraft
required: for mixed passenger and freight
1. Research and monitoring to establish transport.
the actual extent of emissions and Provided the same fraction of seats
their effects. is filled, large aircraft are more ef-
2. Policy options that mitigate ficient and so produce less emission
per passenger kilometre than small- noise limits, even though the larger
er aircraft ones and so. However it the aircraft the fewer the aircraft
is difficult for large aircraft to meet movements.
There is scope for extending techno- rapidly by about 20 per cent. However,
logical improvement to airframes and even if these two categories of meas-
engines, and this might include the ures are applied to a maximum, fuel use
introduction of slower more fuel efficient and pollution still double in three dec-
aircraft optimised for passenger trans- ades or so under current projections.
port. Operational changes, especially
increasing the load factor of aircraft, In consequence, if aviation is to stabi-
could reduce pollution substantially and lise or reduce its current emissions of
allowance of about 0.3 tonnes of car- Aircraft emissions above critical alti-
bon per person per year, equivalent tudes should be subject to separate
to a person making one flight of a few international negotiations for their
thousand kilometres and doing noth- control and limitation in light of their
ing else that emits carbon. Since most special effects at altitude.
of aviation is for inessential leisure
and freight with alternative modes, it The more important policy issues and
should be expected that aviation will measures include:
have to reduce its emissions substan- It is most critical is that demand
tially to leave scope for essential serv- management measures are imple-
ices such as food production or heating mented. First, freight should be
dwellings. In general, however, reduc- transferred to low impact surface
ing carbon emissions from aircraft is transport modes having a lower
problematic as the technical options for impact. In the short term this should
deep cuts are limited and costly. mean the virtual elimination of
freight only air transport. Second,
The application of firm emission control measures to reduce both business
policies would be effective in reducing and leisure air travel such as tel-
emissions substantially below levels ecommunication and modal change
projected in business as usual condi- are required.
tions. If all the control measures sug-
The load factor of aircraft should be
gested by Barrett were implemented
sharply increased.
then aviation emissions would not
increase vastly over the current level The possibility of reducing fuel use
in the medium term.8 However, reduc- by lowering speeds should be inves-
ing demand growth is the single most tigated, as should the avoidance of
important element in such a strategy. cruising near the tropopause and in
the lower stratosphere.
The aviation industry will find it diffi- The development of aircraft and
cult to make global greenhouse emis- engine designs aimed at reducing
sion reductions and will have to make a emission should be promoted.
dramatic response to the challenge, or
establish that emissions from aircraft As far as possible, policies to limit the
do not have to be reduced pro rata as environmental impact of aircraft should
much as those from other sectors of be implemented by the aviation indus-
the global economy. try, both manufacturers and operators.
However, the national and international
Recommendations policy framework must be set by gov-
ernments and international negotia-
A method and convention for calcu- tion, and governments must take much
lating and allocating all aircraft emis- responsibility for policy measures such
sions to individual countries needs to as the management of demand and the
be developed. development and coordination of trans-
The prejudice should be for limits port modes. Governments will have to
to aircraft emissions to be allocated use a full range of regulatory, planning
pro rata to other limits of a similar and taxation options to ensure reduc-
kind (e.g. carbon emission). It may tions in fuel use and emissions.
be that special derogations might
be allotted to aviation in particular All social and economic sectors of
regions. wealthy societies face huge challenges
to control greenhouse gas emissions. with low impact and at minimum cost.
For aviation, it is particularly difficult In the longer term, it could extend its
given the growth and technical nature expertise to address the management
of aircraft and aviation fuels. However, of demand; for example to integrate
governments and the aviation industry transport planning and systems into in-
need to act urgently in order to develop ternational manufacturing and services
low impact, sustainable, long distance production systems.
communication and transport systems.
If development is too slow, then the Notes
world will suffer worse global warming, 1 Barrett 1994.
and the industry itself will face a rapid 2 IPCC 1999.
and deep crisis because of pressure 3 IPCC 1999.
4 RCEP 2002.
from emission targets and other, es-
5 Arthur D Little Ltd 2000.
sential sectors.
6 Barrett 2007: 74-75.
7 IPCC 2007: 44.
The aviation industry needs to take a
8 Barrett 1994.
positive rather than a defensive pos-
ture. It can first push through techno-
logical and operational improvements
Arthur D Little Ltd, 2000, Study into the potential
as fast as possible. This will generally impact of changes in technology or the development
make the industry less vulnerable to of Air Transport in the UK, DETR Report on Contract
No. PPAD 9/91/14, 2000.
fluctuations in fuel prices and envi-
Barrett M, 1994, Pollution Control Strategies
ronmental taxes or charges, thereby for Aircraft, for WorldWide Fund for Nature
improving the stability of its cost base. International. Download: http://www.bartlett.ucl.
As far as the aircraft and aeroengine
manufacturing industries go, the rec- Barrett, 2007, Low Emission Energy Scenarios for
the European Union, for Swedish Environmental
ommendations for the rapid intro- Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), ISBN 91-
duction of cleaner and more efficient 620-5785-5
ISSN 0282-7298. Download: http://www.
aircraft should
Governments and the be good news 5785-5.htm
aviation industry because it means Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
1999, Aviation and the Global Atmosphere,
need to act urgently more sales. It will
mean more costs
Cambridge University Press. Download: http://www.
in order to develop low for operators and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
impact, sustainable, consumers, but 2007, Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report.
long distance the impact would
be quite gradual Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (RCEP),
communication and and not neces- 2002, The Environmental Impacts of Civil Aircraft in
transport systems. sarily very large Flight. Download:
compared to the
total cost of a holiday or business trip.
Perhaps most important is for the avia-
tion industry to seek a stable, long
term future by diversifying into long
distance transport and communication
businesses. It can use its great ex-
pertise to help develop systems using
multiple modes— air, sea and rail—
that operate in an integrated fashion
during the construction of the Trans- Dr. Salim summarised the EIR in an ed-
Alaskan pipeline.1 Oil tanker accidents itorial “World Bank must reform on ex-
such as Exxon Valdez, Erica or Prestige tractive industries” that appeared on 16
are other well-known examples of June 2004 in the UK Financial Times.
ecological disasters that can have long- He said: Not only have the oil, gas and
term effects. mining industries not helped the poor-
est people in developing countries,
The extractive industries (oil, gas and they have often made them worse
mining) have often failed to make a off. Scores of recent academic studies
contribution to sustainable develop- and many of the bank’s own studies
ment or adequately protect the envi- confirmed our findings that countries
ronment. The industry is considered which rely primarily on extractive in-
by many civil society organisations to dustries tend to have higher levels of
have contributed to corruption, pollu- poverty, child morbidity and mortality,
tion, environmental and social prob- civil war, corruption and totalitarian-
lems. Civil disturbance— including ism than those with more diversified
wars— are occurring in resource-rich economies. Does this mean extractive
countries, notably in Africa including industries can never play a positive role
Nigeria, Angola, Sierra Leone and the in a nation’s economy? No, it simply
Democratic Republic of Congo. Terms means that the only evidence of such
like the “curse of oil” and “the paradox a positive role we could find took place
of plenty” are in common use. after a country’s democratic govern-
ance had developed to such a degree
The top ten oil and gas and the top 25 that the poorest could see some of the
mining companies together with the benefits. Before the fundamental build-
20-30 main hydrocarbon producing ing blocks of good governance— a free
nations reap huge financial rewards. press, a functioning judiciary, respect
However because of corruption and for human rights, free and fair elec-
mismanagement a proportion of the tions and so on— are put in place, the
resource-rich countries also bear many development of these industries only
of the environmental and social costs aggravates the situation for the poor-
and remain poor and under developed. est. (Extracts from editorial)
Neighbouring nations without hydro-
carbon resources also bear many of the Climate Change
costs and reap few of the rewards from The Inter-Governmental Panel on
the extractive industries. Climate Change (IPCC) has highlighted,
the escalating threats that climate
Extractive Industries Review change poses for the environment and
In response to this, in 2000 the World human survival. Climate change must
Bank Group launched the Extractive be kept below the critical 2 per cent
Industries Review (EIR) to discuss increase on pre-industrial levels other-
its future role in these industries wise risk to people and ecosystems will
with concerned stakeholders. Dr Emil be very serious.
Salim, a distinguished scientist and
former Environmental Minister in the Human Impacts
Indonesian Government, was asked to At all levels of warming, a large group
chair the review and he presented his of poor, highly vulnerable developing
report in 2004.2 countries are expected to suffer in-
creasing additional food deficits, which
is expected to lead to higher levels of Change (see box) illustrate the degree
food insecurity and hunger in these of concern recognised by the global
countries. Some quotations from the community.
UN Framework Convention on Climate
The industries’ prevent mining and oil and natural gas. For a variety of
fossil fuel extrac- reasons, we expect demand for fossil
energy scenarios for
tion in all IUCN fuels to increase in absolute magnitude
the 21st Century are Category I-IV pro- by about 65 to 85 million oil equivalent
not sustainable and tected areas. barrels per day by 2020.
will contribute to an
Shell’s energy sce- Just how much is, 65 to 85 million bar-
environmental nario planning is rels per day? Well, it is in the range of
and social disaster, based on UN popu- eight times Saudi Arabia’s current oil
which will hit the lation forecasts that production. Obviously, this is no small
poorest hardest and the current 6 billion chore. Cooperation will be critical in
population will rise several areas.
increase the gap to between 8.5 and
between the rich 10 billion by 2050, There will be a need to ensure that en-
and the poor. with 80 per cent of ergy-producing companies have access
the population living to resources. Today we see a number
in urban environments. Shell estimate of access restrictions around the world.
that by 2050 the energy requirement
will be 100-200 Giga Joules (GJ) per These restrictions exist in energy-
capita. 100 GJ per capita would be just importing countries such as the United
over twice what it is now and at 200 GJ States, where limitations have been
per capita three times as much. Shell placed on exploring areas where en-
predicts that by 2050 traditional forms ergy resources may be found. But
of energy (oil, gas and coal) will provide they also exist elsewhere, in energy-
70 per cent of the requirement while re- exporting countries. The future need
newables will provide only 30 per cent. for petroleum energy will be such that
restrictions— in
This bleak scenario for climate change whatever form Shell predicts that
is shared by Exxon Mobil the world’s and wherever im- by 2050 traditional
largest oil and gas Company. Exxon posed— will jeop-
Mobil appears to go even further in ardise the provision
forms of energy (oil,
not fully accepting either the princi- of adequate energy gas and coal) will
ples of the Kyoto or the 2000 Amman supplies to world provide 70 per cent
Declaration. Exxon claims that oil consumers. of the requirement
producers’ struggle to keep up with
rampant global demand growth will With significant while renewables
only be won with access to oilfields now heavy oil, tar sands, will provide only
off-limits. Exxon Mobil’s chief executive and other “uncon- 30 per cent.
Lee Raymond said in a speech to the ventional” resourc-
OPEC International Seminar in Vienna es, new technology
on the 16th Sept 2004 that:3 will be critical to making the “uncon-
ventional” energy resources of today
First, the outlook sets before us an the “conventional” resources of tomor-
enormous task of finding and produc- row. Making development of these
ing the huge and increasing amounts unconventional resources economically
of energy needed by the people of the attractive will ensure adequate supplies
world. Inevitably, most of the energy of fossil fuels are available at affordable
that will be used for many decades will prices for the next 100 years.”
continue to be from fossil fuels: coal,
report advising against the conver- hand, others prohibit such activities in
sion of old single hulled tankers. protected areas absolutely. Even more
Some civil society organisations common is exploration and exploita-
claim that there is even a lack of tion near to protected areas, including
control over what is exported from within buffer zones. Whether near to or
offshore wells and therefore there is within officially protected areas, there
an opportunity for fraud/corruption. have been increasing pressures on the
companies that conduct these extrac-
Protected Areas and the oil tion activities to operate in a responsi-
industry: conflict and attempts ble manner, including keeping negative
impacts to an absolute minimum and
at reconciliation
avoid undertaking operations in some
Claims by the industry that they can specific areas and encouraging positive
work in fragile vulnerable environ- benefit wherever possible.
ments has not generally been born
out in reality, as shown in the World Industry and conservation groups
Bank Extractive review and many other have responded through a number
reports. of joint ventures to address environ-
mental issues. In 1993, IUCN and the
As with other extractive industries oil Oil Industry International Exploration
and gas companies pose many ac- and Production Forum (E&P Forum—
tual and potential threats to protected now the Association of Oil and Gas
areas. The wide-ranging methods of Producers) jointly published guidelines
extraction, on land and underwater, “to establish internationally acceptable
and the risks of pollution during trans- goals and guidance” for environmental
port, use and disposal of fossil fuels, protection for Oil and Gas Exploration
mean that a wide range of impacts is and Production in Arctic and Sub arc-
possible. These impacts can range from tic Onshore Regions.5 The guidelines
air, land and water pollution to habi- specifically recommended that selec-
tat loss and fragmentation, increased tion of the drill site should be guided
settlement and related impacts for by a number of pointers, including the
instance as a result of roads, pipelines “avoidance of protected and conserva-
or seismic lines being cut through pri- tion areas” and listed the “awareness
mary forest or disturbance from drilling and avoidance of protected areas” first
camps. in a list of general environmental pro-
tection measures that should guide
Many governments clearly regard activities.
Many governments protected areas as
suitable for oil and IUCN sought to tackle the issue of
clearly regard gas production, us- extractive industries impacts on pro-
protected areas as ing arguments about tected areas more generally through a
suitable for oil and the overall impor- recommendation (2.82) at the World
gas production, tance of energy
supplies and the
Conservation Congress in Amman,
Jordan in October 2000. The recom-
using arguments possibility that oil mendation calls “on all IUCN’s State
about the overall and gas extraction members to prohibit by law, all explora-
importance of can take place in tion and extraction of mineral resources
a relatively benign in protected areas corresponding to
energy supplies. way. On the other IUCN protected area management
categories I-IV”. And recommended that protected areas, with five of these units
“in categories V and VI, exploration and operating within protected areas cat-
localised extraction would be accepted egorised as IUCN I-IV.6
only where the nature and extent of the
proposed activities of the mining project In order to further help countries work,
indicates the compatibility of the project effectively with the Extractive Industries
with objectives of the protected areas”. a number of organisations have produced
Although this recommendation was guidelines. WWF produced “To Dig or Not
aimed at Governments, it clearly has to Dig”7 (see box) with criteria for deter-
implications for many companies. For mining the acceptability of mineral ex-
instance, BP has 49 units operating in ploration, extraction and transport from
or adjacent to national or international ecological and social perspective.
WWF suggests in “To Dig or Not To Dig” that mineral activity should not take place in the following
Highly protected areas (IUCN categories I-IV, marine category I-V protected areas, UNESCO
World Heritage sites, core areas of UNESCO biosphere reserves, Natura 2000 sites and in
European Union countries);
Proposed protected areas within priority conservation areas selected through Eco-
regional planning exercises;
Areas containing the last remaining examples of particular ecosystems or species
even if these lie outside protected areas; and
Places where mineral activities threaten the wellbeing of communities, particularly
including local communities and indigenous people.
The term “mineral activity” is used to denote all levels of activity— prospecting, extraction,
processing, transport and decommissioning— which are related to either fossil fuels or minerals,
metals or building materials.
The Energy and Biodiversity Initiative The rationale for integrating biodi-
aims to develop and promote best prac- versity conservation into oil and gas
tices for integrating biodiversity conser- operations
vation into oil and gas development and Identification and implementation
transmission. The first meeting of the of on-the-ground best technical and
Initiative was held in January 2001 and a management practices
publication has now been produced8 un-
Metrics and performance indicators
der the auspices of nine organisations: BP
plc, Conservation International, Chevron for measuring the positive and nega-
Texaco, Fauna & Flora International, tive impact of oil and gas develop-
Smithsonian Institution, Shell ment on biodiversity
International, The Nature Conservancy Criteria for deciding whether to
(TNC), Statoil and IUCN. The Initiative is undertake activities in sensitive
a collaborative process to produce out- environments
puts with broad dissemination, and im-
portant stakeholder groups have and will The International Petroleum Industry
continue to be consulted throughout the Environmental Conservation
development of these outputs. The princi- Association/ International Association
pal issues addressed are: of Oil and Gas Producers (IPIECA) was
founded in 1974 and provides the oil (PSA’s), Contracts Worse of all the
and gas industry’s main channel of of Work, etc, with
communication on environmental is- Government. industry are not
sues with the United Nations, particu- They have even following International
larly the United Nations Environment ordered equip- Standards for
Programme. IPIECA’s focus is on key ment and ap-
environmental issues such as oil spill proved construc-
developing projects,
preparedness and response, global tion contracts which require decisions
climate change and biodiversity; as before they have to be made on the
well as health and social responsibil- carried out a basis of prior and
ity issues. There are currently over 35 social study or
members, drawn from private and state environmental
informed consent.
owned companies as well as national, impact or had
regional and international associa- their Environmental and Social Impact
tions— the membership covers Africa, Assessments (ESIA) approved.
Latin America, Asia, Europe, Middle
East and North America. Worse of all the industry are not follow-
ing International Standards for devel-
In spite of all the efforts of these or- oping projects, which require decisions
ganisations the reality on the ground to be made on the basis of prior and
is that many areas of high biodiversity informed consent.
including protected areas have been
badly affected by the oil and gas indus- A classical example of this is the Baku-
tries. The experience of CEESP mem- Tiblisi-Cheyan pipeline. The decision
bers helping local NGOs working on oil on the route of the pipeline was made
and gas projects in 2000 before ESIA was even started.
The reality on the in many parts of HGA and construction agreements were
ground is that the world includ- signed in October 2000, the final route
many areas of ing West Africa and
the Former Soviet
was approved in January 2001 but
work began on the ESIA only in June
high biodiversity territories such of that year. Some NGOs such as WWF
including protected as Azerbaijan and Turkey were not even consulted until
areas have been Georgia has high- Dec 2001 after the first ESIA had been
light the problems. carried out.
badly affected by One of the funda-
the oil and mental issues is that Lessons learned
gas industries. oil and gas fields Lesson 1: Transparency
are being developed
All oil and gas companies should re-
in isolation from or in the absence of
spect the UN Convention on Corruption
National Energy Plans.
and the Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative and practise
Another problem is that contrary to
total transparency. Companies should
OECD, UNEP, UNDP and World Bank
inform governments of their standards
Transparency Guidelines, extrac-
prior to signing contracts and work with
tive industries are still signing se-
governments to meet the International
cretive agreements such as Inter
standards on Transparency.
Governmental Agreements (IGA’s),
Host Government Agreements (HGA’s),
Production Sharing Agreements
and nation states, often with little or the scale of the industrial revolution to
no bargaining power, has resulted in solve the world’s energy and climate
an assemblage of political and eco- change crisis. Key elements of such a
nomic environments which resembles “revolution” would be:
European medieval fiefdoms.9
By 2050 virtually all energy to come
from environmentally-sound renew-
Principle 2 of the Rio Declaration pro-
able, or decarbonised sources. This
vides: States have, in accordance with
will also reduce the need for the oil
the Charter of the United Nations and
and gas industry to move into ar-
the principles of international law, the
eas of high biodiversity and low civil
sovereign right to exploit their own re-
society and government capacity or
sources pursuant to their own environ-
areas, which are critical for human
mental and developmental policies, and
the responsibility to ensure that activi-
ties within their jurisdiction or control Governments and other key con-
do not cause damage to the environ- stituencies need to overcome the
ment of other States or of areas be- current unsustainable fossil-based
yond the limits of national jurisdiction. energy system and take clear and
decisive steps towards renewable
UNCLOS states in Article 208 that: energies and energy efficiency.
Coastal States shall adopt laws to Industry should pay the real cost of
control marine pollution from offshore their impacts on climate change and
units and seabed activities no less ef- other environmental damage; this
fective than in international rules and will also help to ensure that renew-
standards. States shall establish global able energy sources are competitive
and regional rules for this purpose. and new technologies are developed.