Will Biomass Be The Environmentally Friendly Fuel of The Future?
Will Biomass Be The Environmentally Friendly Fuel of The Future?
Will Biomass Be The Environmentally Friendly Fuel of The Future?
357±367, 1998
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0961-9534(98)00030-0 0961-9534/98 $ - see front matter
AbstractÐMany in¯uential organisations foresee biomass playing a key role in a future, more sustain-
able, global energy supply matrix. Countries such as Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, India,
the USA and the UK are actively encouraging the use of biomass for energy, and pushing forward the
development of the necessary knowledge and technology for modern biomass energy systems. There is
a growing consensus that renewable energy must progressively displace the use of fossil fuels, with fears
of global climate change adding urgency to this need. Among the available types of renewable energy
biomass is unique in its ability to provide solid, liquid and gaseous fuels which can be stored and trans-
ported. The potential resource for bioenergy is large, especially in forest-rich nations, in richer countries
where there is a surplus of agricultural land, and in many low latitude countries where high biomass
yields are possible. Therefore we expect biomass to be an important fuel of the future, but this cannot
be taken for granted. The systems adopted must demonstrate clear environmental and social bene®ts
relative to alternatives if the potential is to be realised. These bene®ts are not inherent to biomass
energy, but depend on site- and fuel cycle-speci®c factors. Life-cycle analysis and evaluation of external
costs are important means for assessing the social and environmental pros and cons of bioenergy sys-
tems. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
although this is now improving. Wider accep- 2.3. Biomass energy requires too much land
tance of biomass for energy is still restrained If biomass is to become a major fuel then
by many misconceptions, though the real pro- energy cropping would have to become a sig-
blems should not be denied. Foremost among ni®cant land use category, but there is no
these is the ®nancial cost of bioenergy com- reason why this should be at the expense of
pared to fossil fuels, the latter being subsidised food production or other existing land uses. In
in many ways. The other problems discussed principle the world could produce over 80%
below are largely misconceptions or amenable of its energy needs from plantations and a
to solution. further 10% from residues, while still produ-
2.1. Biomass burning is bad for health cing enough food.4 Some critics counter that
the availability of this land depends on inten-
Biomass is the fuel most closely associated sive agriculture, at a time when we should be
with energy-related health problems in devel- moving towards low input agriculture and
oping countries, as it is often the cheapest or land use extensi®cation. However, in the EU
only fuel available. Burning any solid fuel has 12 there are currently 138 Mha of arable or
some negative impacts on health, particularly grassland, and by 2005 19 Mha could become
when burned in household cooking/heating available for non-food use assuming that pro-
stoves where there is little or no ventilation. duction continues to rise by 1 to 1.5% per
Exposure to particulates from biomass or coal year (compared to a 2% average between 1973
burning causes respiratory infections in chil- and 1990) and food demand grows by 0.5%
dren, and carbon monoxide is implicated in per year.5 Friends of the Earth Holland6 pre-
problems in pregnancy. Coal and biomass are dict that after 2010 over 42 Mha of land could
also suspected of causing cancer, where ex- be available for energy production in a
posure rates are high.2 Where coal is burned `Sustainable Europe' (10% of land area is for
domestically for heating and cooking the same protected nature, organic farming reduces
health problems are found with the additional food yields by 10% from projected levels and
problems caused by sulphur and trace metals. animal feeds are no longer imported).
All carbonaceous fuels cause releases of nitro- Land requirements will depend on energy
gen oxides. The health problems associated crop yields and the eciency of conversion.
with residential cooking and heating should be Assuming a 45% conversion eciency to elec-
associated with the way these services are pro- tricity and yields of 10 odt/(ha yr), a 20 MW
vided rather than the fuel used. Centralised electricity facility (sucient for 4000 house-
provision of electricity and heat on a local holds in OECD countries today) would
scale from biomass greatly reduces exposure require the use of 10% of the land area in a
to pollutants, increases the eciency of fuel 14 km radius of the facility.7 In low latitude
use and can be economically viable in develop- countries biomass yields can be considerably
ing countries.3 higher than this, and given lower energy
2.2. Biomass fuels are inconvenient demand per household, even more households
could be supplied with such a facility. Table 1
Biomass fuels are bulky and may have a presents estimates of short-rotation plantation
high water content. Fuel quality may be wood yields in semi-arid and sub-humid con-
unpredictable, and physical handling of the ditions, under various management options.
material can be challenging. These character- The land type assumed is degraded forest land
istics drive up the cost of bioenergy, as ad- or non-arable agricultural land. Genetic
ditional labour and equipment is required for improvement refers to a programme of clonal
fuel transport, handling, storage and proces- selection and matching species and clones to
sing compared to fossil fuels. Many of these sites, though biotechnology may have a role in
issues are becoming less salient as the technol- future.
ogy for bioenergy conversion improves (e.g.
¯uidised bed combustion allows more diverse
fuel characteristics). Also technologies for bio- 2.4. The energy balance is not positive
mass fuel upgrading (into pellets or briquettes It has been repeatedly shown that for
for example) are advancing, and development woody biomass energy output is 10 to 30
of dedicated energy crops will also improve times greater than the energy input necessary
fuel standardisation. for fuel production and transport.9±11 In
Will biomass be the environmentally friendly fuel of the future 359
Europe and the USA the issue is less clear cut similar in magnitude, which thus raises the
for liquid fuels from biomass, where a positive market value of land and thus increases the
net energy balance requires careful manage- cost of competing land uses such as energy
ment at the production stage, and the use of crops. A hidden subsidy is additionally made
by-products such as straw to supplement to the fossil fuel sector in the form of costs
energy output.12,13 In low latitude countries borne by third parties in terms of health, mili-
sugar cane for ethanol has high net energy tary operations, environmental damage and
yields. Technologies for converting wood to global warming. Under current market struc-
ethanol and methanol promise to improve the tures modern biomass energy is comparatively
energy balance and overall environmental pro- expensive, but this is by no means the natural
®le of liquid biofuels. outcome of the operation of a free market.
These real (and perceived) problems will
2.5. Biomass energy is expensive continue to limit the market penetration of
Coal is traded internationally for approxi- modern bioenergy. Energy market liberalisa-
mately $1.8 GJÿ1.14 Some wood residues, and tion may promote small scale power gener-
plantation wood in low latitude countries can ation18 including biomass. However, in the
be procured at this level, but currently wood USA the real prices of coal, oil and gas have
fuel typically costs 2 to 3 times as much as fallen by 45%, 70% and 44% respectively
coal in Europe or the USA. In Sweden the between 1980 and 1994.19 It appears that if
price of wood fuel fell by 50% in real terms biomass is to become a major fuel of the
between 1984 and 1994, to $4 GJÿ1, despite a future then cost reductions must be a priority,
rapid increase in demand.15 At this price wood but concerns for the environment in the con-
fuel is competitive with fossil fuels in Sweden text of growing world population and energy
because of a tax regime which favours renew- demand are more likely to be the driving
able energy, largely through a CO2 tax on fos- force.
sil fuels.
The cost problem is compounded by low
conversion eciencies, which relate to the BIOMASS ENERGY?
small scale of most biomass energy facilities.
Both problems are being tackled progressively, In general the renewable forms of energy
with the development of dedicated biomass are considered `green' because they cause little
feedstocks and forest fuel industries, and the depletion of the Earth's resources, and because
development of more ecient power stations wind, solar and wave energy cause zero air
based on gasi®cation and combined heat and emissions during power generation. Biomass
power generation.16 energy is renewable, but shares many charac-
The international price of fossil fuels is in teristics with fossil fuels. Biofuels can be trans-
many cases kept arti®cially low by government ported and stored, and allow for heat and
subsidies aimed at protecting domestic fuel power generation on demand, which is essen-
security and/or regional employment. For tial in an energy mix with a high dependence
example Germany and the UK together subsi- on intermittent sources such as wind. These
dise their coal industries by over $8 billion similarities account for the major role biomass
annually. The USA, Canada, Australia and is expected to play in future energy scenarios.
Japan also subsidise fossil fuel production Also in common with fossil fuels, the environ-
heavily. Adding subsidies to nuclear energy mental impacts, including air emissions, are
brings the total global energy subsidy to $235± signi®cant at the conversion stage.
350 billion annually.17 The Kyoto Protocol The threat of signi®cant climate change has
calls for abolishing the fossil fuel subsidies in added urgency to the need for commitments
the signatory nations (Article 2.1(a)(v), to non-fossil and low-carbon approaches to
``Progressive reduction or phasing out of mar- meeting our energy needs. Fossil energy is
ket imperfections, ®scal incentives, tax and often rejected on environmental grounds, and
duty exemptions and subsidies in all green- therefore it is essential that we assess the en-
house gas emitting sectors that run counter to vironmental pro®le of the technologies which
the objectives of the Convention and apply we propose should displace it. Various meth-
market instruments''. In OECD countries odologies have emerged which can be used to
annual price support to food producers are assess the relative environmental merits of
360 D. O. HALL
energy options, such as life-cycle analysis through production and utilisation phases
(LCA) and the estimation of external costs. right up to disposal are compared with those
These have yielded valuable information, dis- of fossil fuels''.20 This large German study
cussed below, but three major caveats must be considered 3 types of bioenergy crops for solid
borne in mind when attempting to assess the fuels (short-rotation trees, whole cereals and
environmental pro®le of biomass energy. grasses), 3 types of residues for solid fuels
(straw, wood and grass), liquid fuels from
(a) Biomass energy is diverse and its impacts
rape seed (rapeseed oil and rape methyl ester),
are site (and management) speci®c. The
and potatoes, sugar beet and wheat for etha-
raw materials can be purpose grown or
by-products, woody or herbaceous, sugar nol. A fuel cycle was de®ned for each, allow-
crops or dung. They can be treated to pro- ing for high and low input management
duce solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. These systems where energy crops are grown. The
in turn can be used in various ways for fuel cycles are then assessed relative to the
heat and power or transport. Dierent production of an equal amount of useful
approaches will be appropriate for dier- energy from a fossil fuel substitute. Solid bio-
ent localities. Given this diversity no mass fuels displace heat generation with light
single, composite ®gure or indicator can fuel oil (or heat and power, in the case of
express the environmental impacts of bio- grasses), rape seed oil displaces diesel, and
mass energy in general. ethanol displaces gasoline. Where energy crops
(b) The development of modern biomass are grown it is assumed that the land would
energy systems is at a relatively early otherwise be managed under rotational or per-
stage. Much of the R&D in the biomass manent set-aside (fallow).
energy ®eld focuses on the development of All energy inputs and air emissions were cal-
fuel supply and conversion routes which culated across the fuel cycles, including the
minimise environmental impacts, such as production of fertilisers and the use of agricul-
low input/high yield woody crop technol- tural machinery. The results show that all the
ogy, and ecient power generation using selected bioenergy systems created net energy.
gasi®cation. Where a technology is some The highest gains were for miscanthus, wood
way o maturity it can be misleading to chips and whole winter wheat, which provided
predict its environmental pro®le. a net energy gain of over 150 GJ/(ha yr). By
(c) Any attempt to arrive at a composite indi- comparison the liquid fuels provide about
cator of environmental performance, even 20% of this energy yield per hectare. The resi-
for the purpose of ranking dierent dues also score poorly on this scale, but this is
options, involves subjective and speculative somewhat misleading since the primary use of
considerations regarding environmental the hectare in question never was to produce
impacts. The relative weight given to acidi- energy but some other primary crop such as
®cation, global warming or soil erosion timber or wheat.
will depend on an analyst's education, lo- Emissions of 14 air pollutants were calcu-
cality and preferences, and may change lated across the biomass and reference fuel
over time. When discussing environmental cycles, and the dierence presented as net
impacts in other countries one should hesi- increases or decreases under the biomass
tate to put priority on issues held to be im- option. In terms of global warming CO2
portant from one view point, when they equivalents were calculated from CO2, CH4
may be eclipsed by other issues in another and N2O emissions. The results correlate clo-
country. sely with net energy yield per hectare, with
miscanthus, wood chips (from short rotation
poplar) and whole winter wheat saving emis-
sions of 10±11,000 kg/(ha yr) of CO2 equival-
4. LIFE-CYCLE ANALYSIS ent emissions. Per GJ of energy saved all
bioenergy carriers prevented the release of ap-
LCA aims to assess impacts on the environ- proximately 70 kg CO2 equivalent.
ment and human health on a `cradle to grave' In terms of ozone depletion all the biomass
basis. Four LCA studies of biomass are dis- systems are more destructive than the refer-
cussed here. ``The entire life cycles of the bioe- ence systems, due to higher emissions of N2O
nergy carriers from raw material cultivation, in combustion and cultivation. Again solid
Will biomass be the environmentally friendly fuel of the future 361
fuels were preferable to liquid fuels by a factor LCA approaches have also been employed
of 3 to 6. Given its low sulphur content one to estimate the full fuel cycle emissions of
would expect biomass to prevent acidi®cation greenhouse gases from biomass and other elec-
(acid rain). However SO2 and NOx are tricity generating technologies. CO2 emissions
released by agricultural machinery, and large per GWh from coal were estimated at 1142 t,
amounts of NOx may be released during com- and 505±846 t for natural gas. This compares
bustion, depending on the conversion technol- to 66±107 t for biomass, 36 t for photovoltaics
ogy. Liquid biomass fuels generally cause and 3 t for wind.22 In the USA the National
more acidi®cation than diesel or gasoline per Renewable Energy Laboratory has carried out
GJ, whilst wood is neutral or has a small dis- an LCA study for biomass gasi®cation-com-
advantage relative to light fuel oil for heating. bined cycle power generation.23 Using dedi-
Rapeseed oil was the only bioenergy carrier cated wood energy crops the system generates
which caused less acidi®cation per GJ than its 16 units of energy for each unit of fossil
reference case, diesel. energy consumed. In their worst case scenario
The conclusions of the study20 are as fol- the energy ratio fell only to 11:1.
lows. Where biomass displaces fossil energy
systems this will conserve ®nite fossil energy 5. ESTIMATION OF EXTERNAL COSTS
resources and reduce the impact on the global
climate. In terms of non-GHG air emissions In economic theory an external cost is
the picture is less clear. Wood chips and win- de®ned as one imposed on a third party to a
ter wheat for heat, and miscanthus for CHP, transaction, and which is not taken into
have relatively good performances for these account by the party imposing the cost. For
emissions, whilst also generating signi®cant example, neither the customers nor the produ-
cers of coal-®red electricity in the UK are
energy and CO2 bene®ts. Liquid fuels gener-
penalised for the acid damage to Swedish for-
ally performed less well, but in terms of non-
ests. The cost is borne by the Swedish timber
GHG emissions rapeseed oil and RME came
industry and nature lovers. The argument is
out very favourably in this analysis.
that these external costs should be interna-
The Dutch Centre for Agriculture and
lised, i.e. the cost of damage should be
Environment (CLM)21 reached broadly similar
imposed on the party responsible through
conclusions to Kaltschmitt et al.20 in their
directives or market penalties. In this manner
LCA study. They considered 10 potential
market decisions would become more ecient
energy crops in 4 European regions (North because costs which may otherwise be ignored
Netherlands, Hessen, East Anglia and South (such as human health impacts) are brought
Portugal). For all crops and all regions the into the decision making process.
energy balances and greenhouse gas balances By expressing all external costs in monetary
were found to be favourable. In northern terms one can attempt to compare total
Europe maize and hemp were most favourable impacts for dierent fuel cycles. The preferred
for net energy production, whereas in Portugal methodology shares many characteristics with
eucalyptus or other perennials are preferable. LCA, in that detailed fuel cycle de®nitions are
In all regions perennial crops are preferred in drawn up and all inputs and emissions from
terms of nutrient leaching, pesticide emissions the systems are calculated. The approaches
and soil erosion. Annual crops for liquid fuels diverge in that for an external cost to be esti-
(rape, sugar beet, winter wheat and sweet sor- mated one must be able to clearly identify a
ghum) scored poorly on all criteria relative to pathway to a ®nal impact or damage, and be
other energy crops and in Portugal ground able to put a monetary value on it. This
water depletion detracts from a generally good `damage function approach' thus depends on
pro®le for eucalyptus. In northern regions of dispersion modelling and the de®nition of
the EU all the energy crops and conversion dose-response relationships between causes
routes were found to be preferable to grass and eects. Often these relationships are di-
fallow on a weighted average of ecological cri- cult to estimate and may be very site speci®c.
teria. The overall conclusion is that energy Monetary valuation adds another hurdle, in
crops are preferable to fossil fuels for energy, that by their nature these damages do not
and annual or perennial crops for electricity have clear market prices. The commonest
and heat are preferable to liquid fuel routes. means of deciding on a value is through ask-
362 D. O. HALL
inputs are lower and the soil undergoes less also provide the additional bene®ts of
disturbance and compaction. In terms of wild- enhanced carbon storage (e.g. switchgrass
life energy crops are sometimes considered grown on agricultural land can increase soil
similar to agricultural monocultures, though carbon levels, and woody crops can result in
dierent species will be favoured. Given good both below and above ground carbon seques-
site selection, ®eld layout, species mixing and tration).
sensitive management practices SRC can be The relative merits of sequestration versus
bene®cial for birds, wild plants, soil organisms fossil fuel substitution are still debated.33,34
and other species. The ¯ow of carbon during the life cycle of the
There is no single best way to use biomass biomass should determine whether it is better
for energy, and the environmental acceptabil- left standing, used as fuel or used as long-lived
ity will depend on sensitive and well informed timber products. Where there are existing for-
approaches to new developments in each lo- ests in good condition there is general agree-
cation. It is clear that biomass for energy can ment that they should not be cut for fuel and
be environmentally friendly, and steps must be replanted. This principle also concurs with the
taken to ensure that it is, if biomass is to be guidelines for nature protection, i.e. that
accepted as an important fuel of the future. energy crops should never displace land uses
Perhaps the single greatest environmental ben- of high ecological value. Where aorestation
e®t of biomass is that it can help to prevent is undertaken, however, fossil fuel substi-
the build up of greenhouse gases in the atmos- tution, both by using wood fuel and using tim-
phere. One frequently sees `biomass burning' ber as a renewable raw material, should be a
listed as a major cause of global warming, so more sustainable and less costly approach
this assertion requires further elaboration so than sequestration alone. Aorestation or new
that the distinction is made between renewable plantations could also be used to displace the
biomass for energy and biomass destruction. harvest of more ecologically valuable forests.35
Table 1. Preliminary estimates of tropical plantation woody biomass productivity potential under dierent management
situations (odt/(ha yr))8
Semi-arid Sub-humid
Situation low high low high
1) No genetic improvement, no fertiliser added and no 2 5 5 10
water added
2) Genetic improvement, no added fertiliser nor water 4 10 10 22
3) Genetic improvement, fertiliser added but no water added 6 12 12 30
4) Genetic improvement, water added but no fertiliser added 8 18 11 25
5) No genetic improvement and no water added, but 3 7 8 15
fertiliser added
6) Genetic improvement, fertiliser and water added 20 30 20 35
ario total global energy use in 2060 amounts between 1990 and 2100, compared to 1300
to over 1500 EJ (compared to 400 EJ today). GtC in their business-as-usual case.
Only one third of this is from fossil fuels or Table 2 summarises the estimates for future
nuclear. Biomass provides 221 EJ (14% of the biomass use from these two studies and 5
total), with 179 EJ coming from plantations others. The ®gures should be compared with
rather than traditional non-traded sources. current global energy use of approximately
Solar and wind would provide 260 and 173 400 EJ, 55 EJ of which are derived from bio-
EJ, respectively. In the conservation mass.
(`Dematerialisation') scenario total energy use The large role biomass is expected to play
in 2060 amounts to under 940 EJ, with fossil in future energy supply can be explained by
fuels and nuclear providing 41% of the total. several considerations. Firstly, biomass fuels
Biomass provides 207 EJ (22% of the total), can substitute more-or-less directly for fossil
with 157 EJ from dedicated bioenergy sources. fuels in the existing energy supply infrastruc-
Solar and wind provide 36 and 144 EJ, re- ture. Intermittent renewables such as wind and
spectively. Shell have recently set up Shell solar energy are more challenging to the ways
International Renewables as part of their core we distribute and consume energy. Secondly
business, and will invest US $0.5 billion in the potential resource is large since land is
biomass and solar energy over the next 5 available which is not needed for food pro-
years. duction and as agricultural food yields con-
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate tinue to rise in excess of the rate of population
Change38 has considered a range of options growth. Thirdly, in developing countries
for mitigating climate change, and increased demand for energy is rising rapidly due to
use of biomass for energy features in all of its population increase, urbanisation and rising
scenarios. In ®ve scenarios biomass takes an living standards. While some fuel switching
increasing share of total energy over the next occurs in this process, the total demand for
century, rising to 25±46% in 2100. In the `bio- biomass also tends to increase. Evidence from
mass intensive' energy scenario, with biomass Myanmar, Madagascar, Zambia and Rwanda,
providing for 46% of total energy in 2100, the for example, has shown that urbanisation
target of stabilising CO2 in the atmosphere at raises the demand for biomass, particularly
present-day levels is approached. Annual CO2 charcoal for household and industrial use.
emissions fall from 6.2 GtC in 1990 to 5.9 Even in East Asia and the Paci®c, where there
GtC in 2025 and to 1.8 GtC in 2100: this has been considerable economic growth and
results in cumulative emissions of 448 GtC increase in the use of fossil fuels, biomass still
accounts for 33% of energy supplies. The made. Eorts are now being made to integrate
World Bank recently concluded that these perspectives, and provide a tool for ana-
`. . . energy policies will need to be as con- lysing options and strategies in the bioenergy
cerned about the supply and use of biofuels as sector. For example BEFAT (Biomass Energy
they are about modern fuels . . .[and]. . .they Flow Analysis Tool) is an expert system for
must support ways to use biofuels more e- the integration of data on local, regional and
ciently and sustainably . . .'.44 This is an im- national scales in the UK.46
portant change of perspective for the World
Bank, though the quote perpetuates the mis- 9. CONCLUSION
conception that biofuels are necessarily not
`modern'. Biomass always has been, and will remain,
an important source of energy. It may, how-
ever, see greatly expanded use in response to
MODELS the environmental problems caused by fossil
fuel use, most notably climate change.
We can expect that biomass will remain an Bioenergy has been proposed to have a central
important source of energy and may see its role to play in future, more sustainable energy
use greatly expanded in future. Research, scenarios. For this to become a reality several
development and demonstration work in the real or perceived problems need to be over-
modernisation of the bioenergy sector is essen- come. The research and development eorts to
tial to its environmental acceptability. In turn, modernise biomass production and conversion
real environmental bene®ts are essential if have made signi®cant advances in this respect,
modern biomass is to gain world-wide accep- but much work remains to be done, particu-
tance. Technical improvements in feedstock larly in the demonstration of promising sys-
production and conversion are necessary, but tems. A change in attitudes is also needed,
insucient, means to these ends. LCA and the whereby biomass is no longer neglected in pol-
estimation of external costs are useful tools icy making, models and ocial statistics. In
for identifying the most environmentally industrialised countries removal of the subsi-
acceptable approaches, and for pinpointing dies and taris that perpetuate unsustainable
the parts of the fuel cycles which most need land use and energy industries is a necessary
improvement. A further fundamental change prerequisite for alternatives to grow. In devel-
needed is in our knowledge and attitudes relat- oping countries modernisation of biomass
ing to biomass energy. Often too little is energy provision is an urgent necessity for the
known about the available resources or how sake of human health, protection of the en-
and why they are used or neglected. Statistical vironment, and climate change abatement.
modelling can help to redress this situation. Given sucient recognition, resources and
Biomass energy ¯ow charts are a means to research biomass could become the environ-
assess the real situation in terms of biomass mentally friendly fuel of the future.
availability and use. In ¯ow charts developed
for Kenya and Zimbabwe45 it was found that AcknowledgementsÐThis paper was ®rst presented at the
3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas (Montreal,
only 45% of the available biomass reaches end August 1997) and its presentation was assisted by the or-
users, due to losses, inecient conversion and ganisers for which we are grateful.
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