Classification of Bacteria Shafiq Ahmad
Classification of Bacteria Shafiq Ahmad
Classification of Bacteria Shafiq Ahmad
Department of Botany
Life cycle:
When nutrients are scarce, myxobacterial cells aggregate into fruiting bodies (not to be
confused with those in fungi), a process long-thought to be mediated by chemotaxis but now
considered to be a function of a form of contact-mediated signaling.[3][4] These fruiting bodies can
take different shapes and colors, depending on the species. Within the fruiting bodies, cells begin
as rod-shaped vegetative cells, and develop into rounded myxospores with thick cell walls.
These myxospores, analogous to spores in other organisms, are more likely to survive until
nutrients are more plentiful. The fruiting process is thought to benefit myxobacteria by ensuring
that cell growth is resumed with a group (swarm) of myxobacteria, rather than as isolated cells.
Similar life cycles have developed among certain amoebae, called cellular slime molds.
Clinical use:
Metabolites secreted by Sorangium cellulosum known as epothilones have been noted to
have antineoplastic activity. This has led to the development of analogs which mimic its activity.
One such analog, known as Ixabepilone is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved
chemotherapy agent for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.[7]
Gram-negative bacteria cannot retain the violet stain after the de colorization step; alcohol used in
this stage degrades the outer membrane of gram-negative cells making the cell wall more porous
and incapable of retaining the crystal violet stain. Their peptidoglycan layer is much thinner and
sandwiched between an inner cell membrane and a bacterial outer membrane, causing them to take
up the counter stain (safranin or fuchsine) and appear red or pink.
Despite their thicker peptidoglycan layer, gram-positive bacteria are more receptive
to antibiotics than gram-negative, due to the absence of the outer membrane.
Gram-positive bacilli belong to a class of rod-shaped bacteria that acquire a violet color
when subjected to the Gram staining method. Aside from its characteristic shape, this
class of bacteria has a thick peptidoglycan layer, which lends itself to better absorption
of antibiotics.
Many Gram-positive bacilli have caused numerous diseases around the world.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes severe lung disorders and is transmitted
through the air by sneezing or coughing. Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative
bacteria species that causes listeriosis, one of the primary causes of meningitis and
meningoencephalitis. Mycobacterium leprae infection in humans results in Hansen's
disease, more commonly known as leprosy. Bacillus anthracis is the main agent of
anthrax, the fatal disease considered a bioterrorism threat in 2001 when bacterial
spores were delivered in regular mail.
In contrast, some Gram-positive bacilli are safe for humans and are even infused in
food. Bacillus subtilis is a spore-forming bacteria used in manufacture of the
Japanese food natto and is also used in antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections.
Clostridium perfringens—anaerobic—diarrhea
Endospores are dormant—metabolically inactive (but contains the genetic material of the
vegetative cell).
high heat
UV irradiation
low pH
high osmolarity
low temperature
• Endospore develops at that site and is finally surrounded by a tough keratin like coat
Clostridium botulinum:
• Causes botulism (food posioning)
• Infant botulism—100 cases per annum usually due to spores present in honey that is
introduced to formula.
• Honey is mixed with infant formula that dilutes the honey—the infant drinks the solution
• The spores are introduced into the stomach and move to the colon
• Muscles (smooth, involutary, motor) are not stimulated by the neurons and cannot move
Difficulty swallowing
• Deliver antitoxin to the three known botulism neurotoxin
• The antitoxin binds to the free circulating neurotoxin and prevents it from binding to
acetocholine receptors
• Flaccid baby
A. Typical organisms: In tissue, tubercle bacilli are thin straight rods with variable morphology from
one species to another. Mycobacteria cannot be classified as gram +ve or -ve. They are
characterized by 'acid-fastness i.e. 'acid-alcohol' quickly decolorizes all bacteria except the
mycobacteria, acid- fastness depends on the integrity of the waxy envelope .The Ziehl-Neelsen
technique of staining is employed for identification of acid-fast bacteria.
B. Culture:
There are three general formulations that can be used for both the nonselective and the selective
1) Semi-synthetic agar media (eg, Middlebrook 7H10 and 7H11) contain salts, vitamins cofactors, oleic
acid, albumin, catalase, glycerol, glucose, and malachite green. Large inocula yield growth on these
media in several weeks. These media may be less sensitive than other media for primary isolation of
2) Inspissated egg media (eg, Lowenstein-Jensen) contain salts, glycerol, and complex organic
substances (eg, fresh eggs, egg yolks, potato flour, and other ingredients).Malachite green is included to
inhibit other bacteria. Small inocula in specimens from patients will grow on these media in 3-6 weeks.
These media with added antibiotics are used as selective media.
3) Broth media: broth media (eg, Middlebrook 7H9 and 7H12) support the proliferation of small inocula.
Mycobacteria grow in clumps or masses because of the hydrophobic character of the cell surface, and
added antibiotics.
2) Increased Co2 tension enhances growth. 3) Biochemical activities are not characteristics, and the
growth rate is much slower than that of most bacteria.
4) Saprophytic forms tend to grow more rapidly, to proliferate well at 22-33 cC. To produce more
pigment, and to be less acid-fast than pathogenic forms.
D. Reaction to physical and chemical agent: Mycobacteria tend to be more resistant to chemical
agents than other bacteria because of the hydrophobic nature of the cell surface and their clumped
growth. Dyes (malachite green)or antibacterial agents (eg, penicillin)that are bacteriostatic to other
bacteria can be incorporated into media without inhibiting the growth of tubercle bacilli. Acids and
alkalies permit the survival of some tubercle bacilli and are used to help eliminate contaminating
organisms and for 'concentration' of clinical specimens. Tubercle bacilli are resistant to drying and
survive for long periods in dried sputum. E. Variation. F. Pathogenicity of Mycobacteria: Humans and
guinea pigs are highly susceptible to M.tuberculosis infection, whereas fowl and cattle are resistant
M.tuberculosis and M bovis are equally pathogenic for humans. The route of infection
(respiratory versus intestinal determines the pattern of lesions. Some 'atypical' mycobacteria(eg,
Mycobacterium kansasii ) produce human disease indistinguishable from tuberculosis, other (eg,
M.fortuitum ) cause only surface lesion and or act as opportunists.
The constituents listed below are found mainly in cell walls. Mycobacterial cell walls can induce
delayed hypersensitivity and some resistance to infection and can replace whole mycobacterial cells in
Freund's adjuvant.
A. Lipid Mycobacteria are rich in lipids. These include mycolic acids, waxes, and phosphatides. The lipids
are largely bound to proteins and polysaccharides. Lipids are to some extent responsible for acid
Virulent strains of tubercle bacilli form microscopic "serpentine cords" in which acid-fast bacilli
are arranged in parallel chains. Cord formation is correlated with virulence. A "cord factor" inhibits
migration of leukocytes, causes chronic granulomas, and can serve as an immunologic "adjuvant".
B. Proteins: They elicit the tuberculin reaction. They can also elicit the formation of variety of
C. Polysaccharides: They can induce the immediate type of hypersensitivity and can serve as antigens in
reactions with sera of infected persons.
Mycobacteria in droplets are inhaled and reach the alveoli. The disease results from
establishment and proliferation of virulent organisms and interactions with the host. Resistance and
hypersensitivity of the host greatly influence the development of the disease.
The production and development of lesions and their healing or progression are determined chiefly by:
1. Exudative type this consists of an acute inflammatory reaction, with edema fluid,
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and, later, monocytes around the tubercle bacilli. This type is seen
particularly in lung tissue. It may heal; it may lead to massive necrosis of tissue; or it may develop into
the second (productive) type of lesion. During the exudative phase, the tuberculin test becomes
positive. 2. Productive type when fully developed it consists of three zones:
(1) a central area of large, giant cells containing tubercle bacilli;
(2) a mid-zone of pale epithelioid cells;
(3) a peripheral zone of fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Later the central area undergoes
caseation necrosis. Such a lesion is called a tubercle. It may break into a bronchus, empty its contents
there, and form a cavity. It may subsequently heal by fibrosis or calcification.
By direct extension through the lymphatic channels and bloodstream, and via the bronchi and
gastrointestinal tract. The bloodstream distributes bacilli to all organs (miliary distribution). If a
caseating lesion discharges its contents into a bronchus, they are aspirated and distributed to other
parts of the lungs or are swallowed and passed into the stomach and intestines.
When a host has first contact with tubercle bacilli, the following features are observed: a. An
acute exudative lesion develops and rapidly spreads to the lymphatics and regional lymph nodes. b. The
lymph node undergoes massive caseation. c. The tuberculin test becomes positive.
in primary infection, the involvement may be in any part of the lung but is most often at the base.
The reactivation type is caused by tubercle bacilli that have survived the primary lesion. Reactivation
tuberculosis is characterized by
The reactivation type almost always begins at the apex of the lung where oxygen tension (Po2) is
These differences between primary infection and re infection or reactivation are attributed to:
1) Resistance
2) hypersensitivity induced by the first infection of the host with tubercle bacilli "Koch's phenomena".
1) Development of cellular immunity during the initial infection. 2) Antibodies form against a
variety of the cellular constituents of the tubercle bacilli 3) In the course of primary infection, the host
develops hypersensitivity to the tubercle bacilli. 4) This is made evident by the development of a
positive tuberculin reaction.
Tuberculin Test
Old tuberculin is a concentrated filtrate of broth in which tubercle bacilli have grown for 6 weeks.
A Purified protein derivative ( P P D ) is obtained It's standardized by TU "Tuberculin Units".
B. Reactions to Tuberculin:
In an individual who has not had contact with mycobacteria, there's no reaction. An individual
who has had a primary infection with tubercle bacilli develops induration, edema, and erythema in 24-
48 hours. The skin test should be read 48 or 72 hours. Induration 10mm or more in diameter.positive
tests tend to persist for several days. The tuberculin test becomes positive within 4-6 weeks after
infection. It may be negative in the presence of tuberculous infection when "anergy" develops due to:
1) Overwhelming tuberculosis
3) Sarcoidosis
5) Immuno suppression. After BCG vaccination, a positive test may last for only3-7 years.
A positive tuberculin test indicates that an individual has been infected in the past or continue
to carry viable mycobacteria in some tissues. It does not imply that active disease or immunity to
disease is present .tuberculin- positive persons are at risk of developing disease from reactivation of the
primary infection.
A positive tuberculin test does not prove the presence of active disease due to tubercle bacilli.
Isolation of tubercle bacilli provides such proof:
A. Specimens consist of fresh sputum, gastric washings, urine, pleural fluid, C5F, joint fluid, biopsy
material, blood, or other suspected material.
Specimens from sputum with NaOH, neutralized with buffer, and concentrated by centrifugation Used
for acid-fast stains and for culture.
Fluorescence microscopy with auramine-rhodamine stain is more sensitive than acid-fast stain.
The polymerase chain reaction holds great promise for the rapid and direct detection of M.
tuberculosis in clinical specimens- the PCR test is approved for this use.
3- Nonspecific factors may reduce host resistance include starvation, gastrectomy, and suppression of
cellular immunity by drugs.
4- Immunization Various living a virulent tubercle bacilli, particularly BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerinan
attenuated bovine organism). Vaccination is a substitute for primary infection with virulent tubercle
bacilli without the danger inherent in the latter given to children.
5- The eradication of tuberculosis in cattle and the pasteurization of milk have greatly reduced M bovis