KOC Fall-Semester-2021-22 - Nadeem-Nadeem
KOC Fall-Semester-2021-22 - Nadeem-Nadeem
KOC Fall-Semester-2021-22 - Nadeem-Nadeem
Region: Pakistan
Date of birth: 13 Nov 1979
MA Economics - Thesis
Master, full- me English Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humani es
Expiry date -
Gender Male
Country of issue -
Marital status Married or commi ed
Local ID number 4410484079603
Ci zenship Pakistan
Date of birth 13 November 1979
Country of residence -
Place of birth Pakistan
Parents' informa on
Father's given
Muhammad Siddiq
Father's family
Sher Muhammad
Mother's given
Mother's family
Email nad_arain@hotmail.com Telephone
Region, province,
Country Pakistan
Correspondence address
Recipient -
Street address -
House number -
Apartment number -
Region, province,
Country -
Linkedin ID h ps://www.linkedin.com/in/nadeem-arain-172ba1a8
Educa on
Master of Business Start of studies 3 September 2007
Level of educa on
Administra on
11 May 2009
Official name of gradua on
Ins tute of Business
school / university /
Management, Karachi GPA / Average grade 3.34
ins tu on
Maximum GPA /
Programme name MBA - Finance
Average grade 4
Ac vi es and hobbies
Success is a journey, not a des na on. The process is o en more important than the outcome. Once I was of the
mind that doing an MBA is all I want. As I grew up, I realized that there is never enough
educa on. It is a con nuous process that lasts throughout your life. This changed mindset always forced me to
never se le. Normally, a person like me who opened his eyes in a dilapidated home of a small village, and who
moved to do an MBA from an elite ins tute, and who finally got a job in a mul na onal bank should be very
content with what he has achieved.
But what if he is not an average person?
I never wanted to be an average person. I always wanted to do something bigger than life. That brought me to this
opportunity of pursuing my master's in Economics.
I completed my schooling in a makeshi school in a small village where teachers usually start teaching English a er
fi h grade. As I completed my college studies, I was already known for my sharp Mathema cs skills. I started
teaching Math. Math was in my genes. I was so good with numbers. I tried to be an engineer. I got selected in
MUET but there was no one to support my fees. My parents were always striving to meet their ends. I quit
engineering and started teaching in a college. Ever since I have been teaching Math subjects.
I, somehow, completed my BCS and BA educa on. I am not a person who gives up easily. I did it one step at a me.
My financial condi ons never allowed me to expand the horizon of my knowledge. I joined a tui on ins tute to
finance my MBA. A er comple ng of my MBA in Finance, I joined Standard Chartered Bank. It was then a low-
paying job and I had a family to run; my mother, father, and sisters. I could not afford to let go of my tui on income.
I again started teaching.
I joined Federal Urdu University (FUUAST) as an adjunct faculty member. I taught Finance and Economics subjects
to BBA & MBA. Mathema cs was always handy, so I also taught Math & Stats. It was a contractual job, so
ul mately I had to quit. I was in search of something that quenches my thirst. I was hungry for more opportuni es.
Nothing would come. I started my own small ins tute and started teaching Mathema cs. I have been doing this
now for more than 10 years. I also a empted the GRE test and I got a 164/170 outstanding quan ta ve score. My
IELTS score is 7 and I am planning to write my TOEFL soon.
I have been in search of that passion for my whole life now. It all happened when I stumbled upon a series of books
related to societal differences and their Economics solu ons. I realized that not only my own country but also the
whole struggling world is looking for a solu on to the suffering of humanity. I finally found that passion. It was
Economics. The whole economic system needs to be changed and I want to start that change.
The further I studied Economics, the more it fascinated me. It’s all Maths, the real applica ons of it. I can make
Mathema cal models on the spur of a moment. Mathema cal modeling is the basis of modern Economics. If
someone knows Economics’ concepts but is not good at Math, all knowledge is useless. If someone does not know
anything beyond the basics of Economics but is very good at Maths, he can surely make a difference. I am that
person who knows what I’m capable of. All I need is the right direc on.
Here, I present to you someone who has spent half of his life understanding Mathema cs, coding and
decoding ciphers, making and unmaking models, unlearning and relearning modern theories, and preparing himself
for something bigger than life. I am that person. Let me in. Let me explore those unseen horizons that will open the
gates of prosperity for my motherland Pakistan in specific and the whole world in general. My country will also be
one of the developed and self-sufficient states.
I am here now with all my facul es. I am very much looking forward to beginning my Economics journey in the
KOC with the help of a scholarship.
Scholarships I have not received or applied for one of the listed scholarships
I have asked for references
follow-up required
Statement of Purpose
I have uploaded my statement of purpose
I have uploaded my transcripts
Test Score
I have a ached my GRE/ALES/GMAT/GAT results
I have uploaded my CV
I have registered for my IELTS Academic test. The test is on 13th of March 2021.
Confirma on
I confirm that all statements made in this applica on are correct, truthful and complete. I agree that the university
may verify the authen city and accuracy of the documents and informa on I have provided. I also understand and
agree that if the university determines that I have provided false or misleading informa on, it has the right to
contact appropriate individuals, ins tu ons or organiza ons affected by such false informa on and to inform them
of its discovery. The university has the right to send my educa onal documents to ENIC/NARIC Center for
evalua on.
A er receiving all required documents the university will send those to ENIC/NARIC Center for evalua on. The
ENIC/NARIC Center evaluates foreign qualifica ons.
ENIC/NARIC Center is a special organisa on, set up by the na onal authori es, that evaluates all interna onal
students documents. It generally provides informa on on the recogni on of diplomas, degrees and other
qualifica ons and they are independent. It also evaluates the documents in general (they will see if you have access
to higher educa on based on your previous educa on).
/ sign here /
Nadeem Nadeem