The Avio 200 ICP-OES: A Unique Double-Monochromator Optical System

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ICP-Optical Emission Spectroscopy

The Avio 200 ICP-OES:
A Unique Double-Monochromator
Optical System

PerkinElmer's Avio™ 200 ICP-OES gains its outstanding analytical performance from its novel optical
system, including a unique double monochromator, dual backside-illuminated charge-coupled device
(DBI-CCD) detector, real-time Dynamic Wavelength Stabilization™, and automatic dual viewing of the
plasma torch. It’s the combination of these innovative components that provides the Avio 200 ICP-OES with:

• Exceptional analytical speed • Excellent spectral resolution

• Reduced spectral interferences • High analytical flexibility
• Maximum light throughput • Smallest footprint

The Avio 200 ICP-OES spectrometer’s unique double monochromator.

Exceptional analytical speed Minimized spectral interferences
The unique CCD design concept of the Avio 200 ICP-OES Traditional sequential systems achieved high resolution
yields an instrument of unparalleled analytical performance. through the use of multiple overlapping orders. Invariably,
The unique CCD design allows analysis speeds and productivity this approach presents problems since peaks from multiple
not available in sequential ICP spectrometers. wavelengths can appear in the analytical window, and
peak identification problems occur. Analytical reliability and
This is possible with the Avio 200 ICP-OES because the two productivity can suffer.
dispersing elements (the prism and the grating) typically
are rotated less than ±2 degrees to access any wavelength With the Avio 200 double-monochromator system, only
in the operating range. This small range of rotation and the required analytical spectrum of interest is passed to the
simultaneous scanning of both components using high- high-dispersion Echelle monochromator. This “filtering”
speed, precision stepper motors yields extremely high effect minimizes order overlap and ghost peaks, and
scanning speeds while maintaining exceptional wavelength combined with extensive baffling and masking of all reflective
accuracy. The Avio 200 ICP-OES can accurately travel the surfaces, reduces stray light to exceptionally low levels for
extremes of its wavelength range, 160-900 nm, in less than enhanced analytical performance.
three seconds.
Smallest footprint, maximum light throughput
Preselection monochromator Since the order separation is carried out externally, i.e.,
The Avio 200 ICP-OES uses a unique double mono- prior to the echelle monochromator, the usable slit height
chromator to obtain fast simultaneous spectral acquisition, is limited only by aberrations. Therefore, the Avio 200
excellent resolution and high optical throughput. The first, ICP-OES can work with much larger slit heights than con-
or pre-monochromator, uses a CaF2 prism with excellent ventional systems, significantly increasing light throughput.
UV transmission characteristics to disperse a single order This maximized light throughput and the high resolution pro-
of light. The pre-monochromator acts as a highly effective vided by the short focal-length (0.3 m) echelle monochromator
“filter,” passing only a limited section of the spectrum, allows the Avio 200 ICP-OES to be the smallest instrument
which contains the analyte wavelength, to the intermediate with no sacrifice in performance. The compact monochromator
slit. The intermediate slit is the exit slit of the pre- design also provides much higher thermal stability. In
monochromator and the entrance slit for a high-resolution addition, the exceptional wavelength stability of the
echelle monochromator. The advantages of this approach, Avio 200 is a benefit from PerkinElmer’s use of Dynamic
relative to conventionally designed, high-resolution echelle Wavelength Stabilization, using a reference spectrum from a
monochromators, are superior light throughput and low-pressure neon discharge lamp to correct for any residual
reduced complexity. spectral shifts.

High-dispersion Echelle monochromator Simultaneous background correction

The second monochromator is a high-dispersion system The Avio 200 ICP-OES simultaneously measures a
based on an echelle grating. The high performance echelle wavelength range around the analytical wavelength(s).
grating disperses the narrow spectral region provided by Background correction points can be freely selected within
the pre-monochromator into its individual wavelengths, the these ranges. No time-wasting peak search routine is required.
image of which is optically matched to the custom-designed Background correction readings are made at the same time
solid-state detector. This monochromator provides high as analyte measurements, which significantly improves
dispersion using a large, high-efficiency echelle grating. It analytical accuracy, precision and detection limits. The
also provides excellent resolution with a compact focal length analytical performance achieved on the Avio 200 ICP-OES
(0.3 m). By preselecting the spectral range that enters the is unmatched.
second monochromator, there is no need to use the echelle
grating in a cross-dispersed mode, eliminating the need for
a larger, expensive array detector as used in simultaneous ICPs.

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