Admin Interview
Admin Interview
Admin Interview
EDU 214
I interviewed Raymond Ortiz who is the assistant principal at Green Valley High
School. I went to do my 10 hour-observation and I thought I could also do the interview. Mr.
Ortiz is from Puerto Rico who graduated from UNLV and obtained his Masters of Arts in
education as well. He has been working as a teacher since 2003, and eventually got promoted to
About the technology plan of the school. He is not aware of a specific district
technology plan but he told me that there is a push within CCSD to ensure students have online
access to their grades, school email, and Chromebook carts within each classroom. Most schools
he knows are trying to purchase enough Chromebook so that each student has one to use on
Regarding how decisions are made as to which technologies should be purchased and
where they should be placed in the school. His principal works with the administrative team and
his Site Based Technician (SBT) to discuss needs within the school. The principal then takes the
Mr. Ortiz also told me that If a teacher wants a technology beyond the computer,
projector, ELMO device and printer they have, all they need to do is alert the administration and
provide a reason for the device. For the most part, if the request has anything to do with
increasing student success, the school will do what it can to purchase that equipment. Teachers
have been getting funds each year for in class purchases they want. It has typically been a little
over $100 and the teachers would need to get the purchase approved.
If a problem arises with a technology in the classroom, the SBT has an office on
campus and responds quickly to issues. Teachers may email or call the SBT’s extension directly.
Each school in CCSD has weekly Site Based Collaboration Time (SBCT) which is time
for staff professional development, collaboration, department meetings and other trainings.
During SBCT they have time to train staff on new technologies, hardware and software. Three
years ago, they conducted training for teachers as they transitioned to Google Classroom, Gmail
and Google Apps for Education such as Google Docs, Slides, etc. The district also offers in-
He also said that there is no active technology committee that he knows beyond the
SBT working with teachers and administrators to ensure each classroom is equipped with
working equipment.
There are no events or activities that involve the community with the school’s
technology except that parents who arrive on campus to register their students are required to
complete Online Registration. Their school has a few laptops available for parents to use in an
office so they can complete that while they are waiting for counselors to set up their class
schedule. Visitors to the campus have their ID run through a system to check for individuals
who should not be around children and are then issued a badge sticker with their driver’s license
He said that the best feature related to technology in learning is the large number of
Chromebook carts they have on campus. This allows teachers to deliver instruction using
innovative apps and methods to collect information without the need for paper copies. They are
able to use the laptops for testing such as the ACT and other state and district mandated
assessments. Using the laptops ensures test administration safeguards and the ability for teachers
to issue tests and quizzes, get them graded instantly and collect data such as item analysis.
He thinks that their greatest problem or challenge is that they still have some teachers
not willing to fully transition to Google Classroom or reduce the amount of paper handouts they
use. Chromebook carts will become obsolete after a few years and once or twice each decade
they will need to completely revamp the large amount of Chromebook they have and that will be
extremely expensive.
Regarding if a digital divide exists among schools in the school district. He has not visited
many schools to collect data on the amount of technology each school has but to his knowledge
Title I schools use their larger budgets to increase the number of devices there are on campus. It
is one of the easiest things to do to get students engaged in lessons. Kids love using devices and
most are used to having that level of technology within their homes. Even if a school does not
have a laptop for each student, each school has WIFI and can have students use their
smartphones to access the same information albeit not the testing applications.
At each grade level, he said that teachers should be spending time instructing students
how to use the technology in the classroom. He thinks each school could offer classes for
students to brush up on, or learn how to use devices either before school, after school or during
lunch. Students seem to pick up on new things related to technology faster than the teachers.
It was a pleasure to be able to meet Mr. Ortiz who is the assistant principal at Green
Valley High School. He seemed to be really busy, so I was reluctant to ask him to answer my
questions, but he told me that he would email the answers to me, so after 3 days I received his
1) what do you like the most about your job?
The thing I like most about my job is the ability to chart a course for my school and give input to
the principal. I enjoy helping students and teachers find success with whatever they need. As a
teacher you get to directly impact about 150 students in your classroom. As an administrator you
The thing I dislike the most about my job is having to get involved with adults on campus who
have a poor work ethic or who don’t get along with one another. Working with students is the
fun part of the job. Dealing with teachers and staff who are in conflict with one another or who
If I could change anything in the education system, I would change the system of funding
schools. Each year we are not certain how much money we are getting to run the school due to
changing state laws and changing rating levels schools get from year to year. Some schools get
literally hundreds of thousands more than we do to run their schools and some get less than we
do. All schools are held to the same standard so it is frustrating not knowing how much you have
to spend.