Sindh Curriculum Implementation Framework (Cif) : Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh Karachi
Sindh Curriculum Implementation Framework (Cif) : Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh Karachi
Sindh Curriculum Implementation Framework (Cif) : Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh Karachi
Sindh Education Sector Support Programme (SESSP), Reform Support Unit
The information provided in the document is based on workshops involving key stakeholders,
supported by the EU funded Sindh Education Sector Support Programme, and managed by the
British Council.
This document is the intellectual property of Education & Literacy Department, Government of
Sindh. The information in the document can be used with due acknowledgement. However, no
section of it should be altered or reproduced in any way without the acknowledgement of
Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh.
Government of Sindh
Education & Literacy Department
Karachi, Dated: 2nd September, 2014
The Framework for Curriculum Implementation is designed to support the Education & Literacy
Department’s approach to establishing a process of curriculum implementation as an integrated
system. The implementation matrix outlines an ongoing continuous improvement process and
aims to offer guidance on how to formulate robust annual work / implementation plans which
clearly articulate how programs and services are delivered on time and to expectations. It
supports the active involvement of the private sector in the realization of the objectives of
curriculum implementation whereby the schools will be able to provide evidence that each and
every student is learning the essential concepts and skills as required by the curriculum.
This framework aims to assist the implementing and monitoring agencies of the school
curriculum to understand how to formulate their own work / implementation plans in line with
objectives and targets of the Education & Literacy Department. It is not intended to be a
mechanical guide to be used in isolation, as the Education & Literacy Department has defined
the roles and responsibilities of the implementing and monitoring agencies with a required
coordination mechanism. The implementation planning requires a much deeper understanding
of management approaches.
Departments and agencies are encouraged to refer to this guide while developing their
implementation plans and to coordinate with each other to make the most effective use of
expertise, experiences and relevant resources for improvement of the quality of education. A
step-by-step approach is not essential to the planning process — planning is an iterative
exercise, and multiple rounds are necessary.
1. Introduction ............................................................................1
i. Rationale … ...................................................................1
ii. Curriculum Implementation Framework .........................2
iii. Objectives ......................................................................2
i. Dissemination ...............................................................4
ii. Development of Textual Material .................................10
iii. Teacher Education ......................................................21
iv. Assessment and Examination......................................30
v. Feedback and Evaluation ............................................37
Curriculum defines what our children learn in schools
Defining what all children must learn, what all children should learn, and what some children
could learn (in accordance with their special interests and circumstances) is no easy task. The
body of knowledge, skills, and values which we could deliver to our children is virtually infinite.
Societies have to be selective in deciding what is most important for the growth and
development of children and the future welfare of society. This process of selecting what
children should learn is always difficult and in a fast-changing world, never static.
Curriculums must change in order to prepare young students to cope with the challenges of
socio-economic demands and technological changes. Governments keep on revising the school
curriculum with a view to meet the global market trends and technological advancements of the
new century. The Government of Pakistan also started a major revision process of its national
curriculum in the year 2006 in line with a competency based model instead of an objective
based model. Subject curriculums for 23 core compulsory subjects were notified as a first batch
in 2006-07 with implementation to start in 2008. From 2006 to 2010, subject curriculums for 61
core/compulsory and elective subjects were revised.
At the same time in 2007 the National Textbooks and Learning Materials Policy and Plan of
Action was introduced to produce quality textbooks through a competitive process among
private sector publishers. Due to a number of factors including uncertainties within Provincial
Textbook Boards about their future role, the textbooks for the new curriculum could not be
introduced till Academic Year 2012-13. Since then, the Government of Sindh has introduced
textbooks for Grades I – IV.
Apart from delays related to understanding new roles and responsibilities as laid down in the
National Textbook and Learning Materials Policy, the absence of a comprehensive, holistic
Curriculum Implementation Framework was considered as one of the main reasons for non-
implementation of the 2006 Curriculum.
Even though the new curriculum for core subjects was notified as early as December 2006,
many textbooks are not yet in schools. Several factors contributed to this delay including
political uncertainty, frequent transfers of provincial stakeholders and senior staff and lack of
clarity regarding the role and responsibilities of key implementers of the curriculum.
In 2010, the Government of Pakistan decided to devolve the Federal Ministry of Education to
the provincial level by omitting the Concurrent Legislative List under the 18th Constitutional
Amendment Act. This jurisdictional change has had its implications on the process of
implementing the National Curriculum 2006 in Sindh. On the one hand, it has empowered the
Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh and its allied departments to improvise
and innovate in the area of implementing the curriculum. However, the devolution process has
simultaneously created a gap, at least temporarily, as the support and coordination mechanism
that was in place at the federal level is no more available for the province. This has also created
the need to look into the current capacity of the different provincial departments and its allied
institutions on whether they are empowered enough to take the process forward in Sindh with
regard to:
Alignment of Initial Teacher Education with the standards, benchmarks and learning
outcomes of the new curriculum in consultation with the provincial stakeholders.
All these stakeholders need to work coherently to decide how the curriculum will be practiced in
schools and the milestones that will be met at different stages in the implementation process.
Over the time, material developers and teachers need to be given different kinds of support,
tailored to their changing needs. Teachers need to share insights with one another as they
implement the new curriculum.
It is crucial that curriculum implementers understand that implementing a curriculum takes time,
resources, and an overall commitment to reform. In addition, the change needs to be
institutionalized by ensuring the continued use of the curriculum. Systems must be in place for
the holistic implementation of the curriculum through quality teaching and learning materials
development and ongoing professional development for all existing teachers and curriculum
oriented induction of new teachers.
Briefly, the Curriculum Implementation Framework is a broad set of policy guidelines regarding
the dissemination of the new curriculum, development of learning materials, professional
development of teachers / instructional delivery system, assessment and testing of students’
achievements / learning outcomes and feedback and evaluation for the changes required for an
effective future revision of the curriculum.
The Curriculum Implementation Framework does not necessarily mean a set of instruction or
rules to be followed but rather presents a set of shared guidelines about roles and
responsibilities of various stakeholders in making the new curriculum a Practiced Curriculum.
The main objectives of the Curriculum Implementation Framework are to:
2. identify key implementers including partners to be engaged while defining their roles and
responsibilities with regard to:
e. providing feedback to the curriculum developers and policy makers for future
planning / revision of the curricula
This framework aims to assist those involved in the implementation of the curriculum to
understand the process of curriculum implementation as an integrated system in order that they
can formulate their own implementation plans as part of an overall implementation plan of the
Education & Literacy Department. It is not intended to be a mechanical guide on how to
complete an implementation plan, because it is not possible to formulate an implementation
plan using a mechanistic or template-driven approach. Nor is it intended to be used in isolation
from other implementation agencies as: implementation planning requires a much deeper
understanding of different management approaches than can be conveyed in a single guidance
The lead and partner (supporting) agencies and departments are strongly encouraged to refer
to this guide while developing their implementation plans. A step-by-step approach is not
essential to the planning process—planning is an iterative exercise, and multiple rounds are
After detailed consultations with key public as well as private sector stakeholders the following
process was agreed upon to facilitate the implementation of curriculum in Sindh:
and Dissemination
Curriculum dissemination is the process of effectively informing developers of learning materials
including textbooks, the teachers and teacher educators, educational administrators and
supervisors, the assessment and evaluation experts and other relevant stakeholders including
civil society. Customized resource materials and information about new or revised curriculums is
to be transmitted to all concerned as soon as it is approved and notified, so that they
understand and accept the desired change and make necessary preparations for
implementation of the curriculum.
The foremost task for the Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh is to
communicate the desired change to all those who bear a shared responsibility for making this
change happen at the level of schools. The education authorities will develop plans to bring
about the change in the schools under their supervision.
The Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh is committed to sustain efforts for
achieving increased awareness about curriculum by using new technologies as we need to
move beyond the traditional approach of posting the curriculum documents to relevant
stakeholders and hoping for change. Dissemination needs to focus more on building
understanding of the new approaches and informing the public at large on the importance and
relevance of the proposed change. The process of dissemination will encompass creation of
ownership and support for the reform by engaging the private sector in spreading the message
to as large a group of stakeholders as is necessary.
Following are the proposed steps to disseminate the new / revised curriculum to the relevant
stakeholders for implementation.
Develop a communication strategy as part of the communication plan of the Education &
Literacy Department, Government of Sindh.
Prepare and notify Phase-wise curriculum implementation schedule preferably according
to the developmental stages learning
Develop customized curriculum resource / support materials in easy and understandable
Mobilize print and electronic media by partnering with private sector for creating
awareness about the curriculum
Organize meetings, seminars/ workshops for all stakeholders for curriculum orientation
and Dissemination
Resource material (customized extracts, charts, leaflets, brochures etc.) produced to translate the
curriculum in an easy, understandable and implementable form.
Number of workshops/ seminars/ conferences/ meetings/ SMCs/ book fairs held with all stakeholders and
beneficiaries to disseminate information on the curriculum.
Increased use of technological innovations for creating awareness and soliciting support for the new
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
1. Develop Constitute technical Technical working Notification of 30-60 One-off E&LD RSU, Technical Assumption:
communication / committee to design group constituted Technical working days BCEWS Assistance The Government is committed
coordination plan/strategy group STBB, Financial to sustain efforts for achieving
plan/strategy for DSEs, increased awareness about
curriculum Draft plan / strategy Copy of the draft Media curriculum by using new
implementation designed plan / strategy groups, technologies.
Organize meeting(s) to Number of Record notes
share and agree on consultative
plan/strategy meetings held The notified plan / strategy shall
form the basis for the following
Plan / strategy Draft Plan / implementation steps in this
developed and strategy matrix.
The plan / strategy shall
Approval of plan / Plan / strategy Approval letter answer:
strategy from competent Approved
authority Who
Notification and What
Notification and Plan/strategy
dissemination of plan / distribution list How
notified and shared
strategy Websites of E&LD, When
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
2. Prepare and Prepare phase-wise Curriculum Curriculum 15 days One-off BCEWS E&LD, RSU, Guiding principles from
notify Phase- curriculum implementation implementation STBB, PITE, Communication Strategy as part
wise curriculum implementation schedule prepared schedule TTIs, BISE of the overall Communication
implementation schedule Plan of the Education & Literacy
schedule. Department.
Approval from the Curriculum Approval letter
competent authority Phase-wise implementation
could be according to the
schedule approved
Development Levels of
Notification and Learning:
Notify and disseminate Curriculum
curriculum implementation distribution list
Grades ECE-I-II
implementation schedule notified Grades III-V
schedule to and shared with Grades VI-VIII
stakeholders stakeholders Grades IX-X
Grades XI-XII
Number of press Copy of press
releases in leading releases
newspapers Website of E&LD,
3. Upload Identify the relevant Number of Addresses / URLs 30-45 Initially BCEWS E&LD,RSU, Human, The soft versions of curriculum
curriculum websites websites identified of the websites days one-off STBB, PITE Financial, documents shall be produced in
documents on then based Material formats which are easily
website Produce e-versions of Number of E-versions of the on the downloadable even where the
curriculum documents curriculum curriculum feedback speed of internet is low.
for websites documents for documents and
Upload curriculum websites produced revisions The existing IT resources and
documents on the and uploaded infrastructure in the lead and
identified websites partner organizations shall be
analyzed and strengthened
Update curriculum Number of Meeting notes accordingly.
information on websites coordination
meetings regarding
upkeep of identified
websites held
Number of
feedbacks received
Sindh Curriculum Implementation Framework (CIF)
Sindh Education Sector Support Programme (SESSP)
Page |8
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
5. Mobilise print Identify media (print and Number of media List of media Initially Ongoing E&LD BCEWS, Human, Guidelines from the
and electronic electronic) sources and sources and sources and 60 days RSU, STBB, Financial Communication Plan/strategy.
media for partners. partners identified. partners then as Print and
creating and electronic Network with private sector
institutions/bodies shall ensure
awareness Create links with Number of Meeting notes when media
about the required organization, wider access.
identified partners both meetings resulted
curriculum. in public and private in establishing links Publishers Book fairs e.g. Karachi
sectors Association, International Book Fair and
NGOs, CBOs, education expos provide an
Coordinate with Number of Minutes of the excellent opportunity to reach
Companies school systems, administrators,
identified partners both coordination meetings
in public and private teachers, parents, students,
meetings with
sectors on regular basis partners held publishers, printers, media
personnel etc.
Upload customized Number of Addresses of The existing setup for Public
curriculum extracts / key websites showing websites Relations in E&LD, RSU,
messages on relevant these material BCEWS, STBB shall be
websites (public and revisited as they shall play a
private sector). pivotal role in mobilizing print
and electronic media for
Publish curriculum Number of Newsletters creating awareness about the
extracts / key messages newsletters with key messages / aims of
in relevant newspapers, curriculum extracts curriculum.
newsletters / messages
published Use of mobile technology for
creating awareness about
curriculum shall be explored
Display these materials
Number of book List of book fairs,
fairs, education with the support of telecom
in book fairs, education expos
expos participated companies.
expos etc.
Target groups are interested
and willing to participate in the
Material Development
Curriculum implementation largely relies on development of learning materials including
textbooks. Textbook is arguably the mainstay of classroom teaching. It contains up to date, well
laid out, concise, easy to understand and relevant narrations on the subject. Content is one
feature of a textbook that concerns Curriculum. Its language, graphics, style, methodology,
quality of printing, cost and size also matter. Textual material development attends to all these
matters. In addition to textbooks, related support material is necessary to assist learners and
teachers in the learning process.
In 2007, a National Policy on ‘Textbook and Learning Materials and Plan of Action’ was notified
in order to introduce a well regulated system of competitive publishing in Pakistan with the
objective of ‘improvement in the quality of education at all levels through better quality textbooks
at affordable prices’.
The main difference in the old and new approach was that the development of textbooks was no
longer done by the Textbook Boards but by private sector publishers. Textbook Boards were to
play the very vital role of regulation, facilitation and monitoring of the textbook development
However, due to the following reasons implementation of the new policy could not start in letter
and spirit in Sindh.
Issues related to the new role of Textbook Board vis-à-vis private publishers as per
National Textbook Policy.
Selection of textbooks from the multiple textbooks and its free distribution to schools.
Textbook authors’ comprehension of new revised competency based national curricula
and absence of overall guidelines for the authors to write quality textbooks.
Time-consuming review process of textbook manuscripts for quality assurance based on
a comprehensive textbook review criteria.
How can we increase the effectiveness of our textbooks is one of the questions that need to be
answered to enhance the quality of our education and students’ learning achievement. Some of
the main strategies / steps which shall lead towards this are suggested here.
Review the existing structures for textbook development in Sindh and develop a
Textbook and Learning Material Policy/Framework for Sindh
Develop new quality textbooks (Grades V-XII of textbooks at present) for Sindh
according to textbook development and review standards
Print and distribute the Certified Textbooks to schools at the start of the Academic Year
Develop a coordination and monitoring mechanism for the textbook development
and Dissemination
Number of quality textbooks developed based on new curriculum in every curriculum implementation phase
/ year.
Number of new textbooks reviewed and approved according to the prescribed procedures, criteria and
quality standards.
2.3 Number of teaching and learning materials (other than textbooks) produced based on new curriculum.
Notification &
Notification and Sindh Textbook
Policy notified and distribution list Assumption:
shared Sindh Textbook Board shall be
strengthened as a competent
facilitating, regulating and
monitoring authority to
improve efficiency in
managing authorship,
production, copyrights, printing
and distribution of textbooks
and learning material in a
timely manner.
Dissemination of Quality Number of Record notes of 5 days per Initially STBB BCEWS, Finances The dissemination and
Standards orientation orientation sessions session one-off PITE, shall be accessibility of these
sessions for stakeholders then on Directorate of managed by standards / regulations shall
need basis Education STBB make the textual material
development process more
transparent and accountable.
3 Prepare textbook Organize meeting of Number of Minutes of the 30 days One-off E&LD STBB, RSU, Development Levels of
development experts / stakeholders consultative meetings and BCEWS Learning:
schedule meetings held reporting Grades ECE-I-II
according to Schedules for Grades III-V
development Textbook Grades VI-VIII
levels development Grades IX-X
prepared Grades XI-XII
Number of adverts
in Sindhi, Urdu,
and English
6 Short list Technical and Financial Number of Evaluation report 30 days One-off STBB E&LD, More weightage shall be given
successful evaluation of publishers/firms/e BCEWS to Technical capacity of a
publishers/firms/ publishers/firms/educatio ducational book competing service provider
educational book nal book developers developers /publisher / firm / educational
developers and evaluated book developer than their
agree on terms financial capacity during the
and conditions evaluation.
for Textbook
Teacher Education
Change in the curriculum requires new or additional skills in Teacher Education programmes in
terms of provision of new knowledge and skills. This is because changes in the curriculum may
not be part of the existing repertoire of teacher skills. Teacher Education, therefore, becomes
essential in implementation of curriculum. After adoption of the change, teacher
education/training institutes (TEIs/TTIs) need to be informed of the change. Education &
Literacy Department and TEIs/TTIs review the new curriculum; identify the areas requiring
training and design teacher education programs for the required skills. Existing programs are
the first to adopt the change. Depending upon the nature and the extent of the change and
existing human resource and capacity of TEIs/TTIs, roll out of training programs may take time
but what is essential is the acknowledgement that this needs to be done as priority.
New textual material requires additional effort from teachers in learning the new material and
adopting them in their teaching. The change affects reach right down to the individual lesson
plans developed by the teachers. In most cases as witnessed in the past curriculum reviews a
change in the curriculum is confined to introduction of new textbooks while training of teachers
in adoption of new teaching methodologies is ignored. Implementation requires changes not
only in textbooks but also in parallel in teaching methodologies. Therefore more efforts are
required on part of the teachers training institutes to ensure that the required change is
communicated to the teachers accordingly and in due course of time.
The importance of effective communication with teachers, explaining the purpose of the change
and the potential for improving learning outcomes cannot be overemphasized. Teachers should
be treated as the most important actors in Curriculum Implementation. Their points of view and
conditions should not be ignored. It should be kept in view that the best possible results for
implementation may not be achieved by just passing out instructions to the teachers for the
change, but rather by taking teachers on board and convincing them about the need for the
A continuing professional development system is being designed in Sindh which will provide
continuous ongoing professional support to teachers at school level and also fosters their
participation in their own professional development through reflective practices and peer
learning ways.
Initial Teacher Education of teachers normally focuses on equipping the teachers with
necessary pedagogical skills to deliver a variety of contents at different age groups of learners.
The National Education Policy 2009 has the following provision for pre-service teacher
education in Pakistan;
Teacher education curriculum shall be adjusted to the needs of the school curriculum
and scheme of studies. The curriculum shall include training for student-centered
teaching and cross- curricular competencies.
Under the provisions of National Education Policy 2009, the existing initial teacher education
programmes are being replaced with Associate Degree and Bachelor of Education Degree in
Sindh. This means that newly established Sindh Higher Education Commission has to take over
the responsibility of preparing teachers for the whole system of school education. Therefore, the
liaison between Sindh HEC and STEDA is required to implement new curriculum effectively.
The steps to be taken to improve the quality of teacher education are proposed as under.
Exchange information about new curriculum with Sindh Higher Education Commission
and other related institutions responsible for teacher education in Sindh
Liaison with the concerned TEIs/TTIs for aligning teacher education curricula with
revised/new school curricula
Develop framework for training all teacher educators, education managers, supervisory
personnel and teachers on curriculum.
Develop training and support materials.
Plan and implement teacher training for the new curriculum.
Develop and implement continuous support system for enhanced professional
Agree upon steps to align pre-service training with the new curricula.
and Dissemination
All pre-service and in service teachers are trained and supported in applying the
Outcome 3
curriculum in their teaching learning process, assessment and evaluation.
3.1 Number of Teacher Educators trained in designing and delivering training programs as per the curriculum
3.2 Percentage increase in professional competence / development of teachers to apply the curriculum.
Number of teaching learning resources (teacher guides, lesson plans, supervision guides) developed as
per subject curriculum and disseminated.
Timeline Responsibility
S. Implementation
Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
No Steps / Strategies
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
Timeline Responsibility
S. Implementation
Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
No Steps / Strategies
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
2 Develop training and Identify the Need Report of need 120 days One-off / BCEWS PITE, STBB, Technical Need assessment in terms of
support / resources required resources assessment assessment need based DSE, DPS, Experts, resources and training
materials carried out TEIs/TTIs, Subject
NGOs, Experts, Training Resources (modules,
Review available Number of List of reviewed Financial manuals, lesson plans,
resources available resources Material personnel, logistics and other
(developed by resources training material)
other organization, identified and
Provinces) reviewed BCEWS will need additional
finances for material
Identify and train Number of List of experts development and printing.
experts in training material Workshop
development of developers reports Assumption:
training material identified and Standards of Certification
trained Programmes at STEDA are in
Develop / adapt / Number of Developed /
adopt training and training and adapted/
support material as support material adopted
agreed developed / material
adapted /
Approval of Number of Letter of
developed / training and approval
adapted /adopted support material
training and approved
support material
Timeline Responsibility
S. Implementation
Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
No Steps / Strategies
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
3 Conducting Training Design the training Training Training 30 days Ongoing BCEWS PITE Financial Guiding Principle:
of Teacher Educators schedule / outline schedule / Schedule / (need DSE Technical Provision of funds for conducting
(TOT) on curriculum outline of TOT outline based) TTIs, Experts TOT in the regular budget of
designed and Universities Material BCEWS.
Select qualified
Teacher Educators
Timeline Responsibility
S. Implementation
Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
No Steps / Strategies
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
4 Training of teachers Design phase-wise Design outline Phase-wise 90-120 Initially one- PITE BCEWS Financial Assumption:
and supervisory training and seek Training days off then DSE Resource Effective coordination amongst
personnel on schedules/outline approval of schedules / need based. Development Human development partners is in place.
curriculum training outline outline / Plans al Partners Resources
Physical and Training plans/programs endorsed
Design subject and Number of List of subject Technical by STEDA
level-wise batches teachers and and level-wise Resources
of teachers & supervisory batches
supervisory personnel Trainings may be planned in June-
personnel for categorized July and then in December
training (subject and
Timeline Responsibility
S. Implementation
Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
No Steps / Strategies
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
5 Develop and Conduct baseline Baseline study Baseline study 30-60 days On-off STEDA BCEWS Financial Analysis:
implement continuous and follow up designed and report DSE Resources There are 43 teacher training
support system for studies conducted PITE Human institutes out of which 28 are
enhanced Existing List of existing Resources offering pre-service teacher
professional resources for resources Public / Physical and education programs and the
competence continuous Private Technical remaining15 are supposed to
support system Institutions Resources provide technical support to in-
identified Development service teacher for improving their
Partners competencies in teaching learning
Discuss and agree Continuous Agreed upon process.
upon continuous support system continuous
support system developed and support system Assumption:
agreed. for teachers The GoS is committed to sustain
efforts for
Approve Continuous Approval letter 30 days One-off Establishing (Phase-wise)
continuous support support system and copy of the taluka-based centers for
system to apply approved support system continuous support of
curriculum. teachers at school level
Functionalizing existing
Explore and Resources for Resource Need Ongoing educational technology
channelize continuous mobilization based resource centers as part of
resources for the support system plan continuous support system
continuous support rationalized and
system allocated
Execute continuous Monitoring and Monitoring Tools Effective coordination amongst
support system evaluation tools Evaluation development partners is in place.
designed and Reports
Timeline Responsibility
S. Implementation
Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
No Steps / Strategies
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
and Dissemination
4.1 Key institutional partners oriented in assessment and examination based on curriculum framework.
Textbook authors, paper setters, teachers, supervisory personnel trained for improving the assessment and
examination practices as per curriculum framework.
Improved internal and external assessment and examinations are practiced to assess student learning
outcomes as specified in the curriculum.
4.4 Uniform assessment and examination system is introduced at classes V and VIII in each district.
Assessment and examination results are used for school performance evaluation and / or reviewing the
2. Develop Develop framework for Framework Framework 30 days One-off PEACE- STBB, BISEs, Financial The framework will guide on the
assessment and implementation developed BCEWS DG Colleges, Technical structure, frequency,
examination DSEs, DEOs, Assistance administration, weightage to
framework (SLO Director quarterly assessment,
based) to align Approval and notification Framework is Notification and Directorate of consolidation and sharing of data,
existing system of the framework from notified and distribution list Registration and its usage.
(internal & the competent authority disseminated Websites of of Private
external) with the Institutions, Framework shall help in identifying
curriculum Directorate of and establishing links with
standards. M&E-E&LD, partners for using assessment
representatio results for updating Curriculum,
n of private text books, teacher education, and
institutions, school environment
universities Assumption:
Establishment of Sindh
Examination Commission.
Number of Workshop
orientations held reports
4. Training of all Develop IT integrated Number of training Assessment One year One-off PEACE- RSU, STBB, Human, Duration:
stakeholders in Training Manual on manual on training BCEWS BISEs, DEOs, Financial, Orientation and trainings shall
aspects of Assessment assessment manual PITE and Logistic spread over 12 months.
assessment developed Assessment
Organize phase-wise Training workshops Workshop Teacher, Phase-wise trainings for LMTs
training workshops schedule / outline Reports Head and MTs shall be organized.
prepared Teacher,
Number of training Supervisory Stakeholders:
workshops held personnel paper setters, test item
(from private developers, textbook writers,
Impact analysis of Number of pre and Evaluation sector as reviewer, teacher, Head Teacher,
training post evaluation reports well) supervisory personnel,
reports prepared and moderators, head examiners
In other words, the instruments of feedback and evaluation may have a short term use: they
generate data which is then used to carry out any revisions that may be necessary in the
curriculum even prior to the next phase of new curriculum construction and implementation. No
major changes are ordinarily contemplated during curriculum implementation phase. Feedback
and evaluation is initiated in the form of studies and reviews. Data generated from the feedback
and evaluation mechanisms generates reports. These reports also inform the work of curriculum
construction that is undertaken at the beginning of the next phase of curriculum development.
This review is different from the one that may be carried out periodically and results in minor
and Dissemination
5.1 Standard procedures and tools developed for feedback and evaluation
5.2 Research studies conducted based on developed standard procedures and tools on regular basis.
5.3 Findings of the research studies shared and made accessible to stakeholders
Results of research studies used for informed decision making and implementation of education programs /
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
1 Sensitization of Mapping of institutional Number of List of identified 5 days One-off BCEWS RSU, Technical Orientation about purpose and
institutional stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders per then Need Directorate of Assistance scope of evaluation / feedback,
stakeholders on identified activity based M&E – E&LD, how it enriches decision making
importance of BCEWS, process about the next revision
curriculum Develop support material Number of support Copies of STBB, PITE, cycle of curriculum.
evaluation / material developed support material Development
feedback Partners Stakeholders:
Organize seminars, Number of Reports of SMC, BCEWS, TTIs, OC,
workshop orientations / workshops / PITE,BISE,STEDA,RSU,
workshops / seminars Universities, SAT, CBOs,
seminars held NGOs,
Number of relevant E&LD, GoS is committed to
stakeholders / strengthen the institutional
partners orientated capacity of BCEWS as Research
oriented institution.
2 Develop Constitute technical Technical working Notification of 30 days One-off BCEWS RSU, Financial Evaluation / feedback typically
conceptual committee to develop group constituted Technical Directorate of Technical concerned with:
framework for concept framework Draft plan / strategy working group M&E-E&LD, Assistance. Impact of curriculum on
Curriculum designed Copy of the draft Universities students, society, economy
Evaluation / conceptual STBB, PITE, Process through which
Feedback framework STEDA, curriculum was developed
SMCs Content and design of the
Organize meeting(s) to Number of Record notes BISE, TTIs curriculum compared with
share and agree on consultative Agreed upon recent educational changes
conceptual framework meetings held framework and advances
framework It provides the basis for
developed and curriculum policy decisions for
agreed. feedback on continuous
Approval of conceptual Conceptual Approval letter curriculum adjustments and
framework from framework processes of curriculum
competent authority approved implementation
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
3. Establish Design evaluation / Evaluation / Draft of 30-60 One-off BCEWS RSU, Financial Assumption:
Evaluation / feedback mechanism feedback evaluation / days Directorate of Technical The GoS is committed to sustain
feedback based on the conceptual mechanism drafted feedback M&E – E&LD, Assistance efforts for introducing research
mechanism framework mechanism Universities, and development in the
Organize consultative Number of Meeting reports STBB, PITE, curriculum construction and
meetings to share and meetings held Agreed upon STEDA, administration.
agree on the mechanism Evaluation / evaluation / SMCs
feedback feedback BISE, TTIs The mechanism shall answer:
mechanism mechanism
developed and Who, why, what, how, when
agreed. Purpose and scope of
evaluation / feedback
Approval of the Evaluation / Approval letter What type of data would we
mechanism form the feedback need?
competent authority mechanism Is there any existing data we
approved can access?
Do we need other data
Disseminate the Number of Orientation / How do we go about getting
approved mechanism to orientation / meeting notes these?
stakeholders meetings held with Press releases, Analyze data
stakeholders distribution lists Generate and share reports
Number of press Websites of
releases appeared E&LD and of The approved evaluation /
in leading institutional feedback mechanism shall form
newspapers partners the basis for the subsequent
implementation steps in this
Number of support Copies of
material developed leaflets, matrix, This step is closely linked with
on the approved charts etc. implementation step 8 (page 36)
mechanism of Assessment and Examination.
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
a) Develop Identify experts Number of experts List of experts 6 months Annually BCEWS Directorate of Financial Experts:
tools for identified M&E – E&LD, Research Researchers, teacher recruiters,
feedback on Universities, experts teachers’ educators, curriculum
all aspects Analysis of existing The available Analysis report STBB, PITE, Material developers, advisers, textbook
of curriculum practices and tools practices and tools STEDA, (Software) writers.
implementati analyzed SMCs
on Organize consultative Number of meetings Meeting record BISE, TTIs Though it shall be done on
meetings / workshops to held annual basis, it should be
design and agree on Number of tools informed by and linked with the
tools agreed upon previously done research work
Develop tools Number of tools for Copies of Tools so that progression can be
(Questionnaires, videos, feedback on aspects determined.
checklist, interviews) developed
b) Piloting & Identify pilot areas Number of pilot areas List of pilot 6 months Annually BCEWS RSU, Human, After the pilot testing the tool can
validation of identified areas Directorate of Technical, be revised on meaningfulness,
tools M&E – E&LD, Financial, Language usage, ambiguity etc.
Select institutions Number of institutions List of identified Universities, Material
identified institutions STBB, PITE,
List and STEDA,
Identify field staff Number of field staff composition of SMCs
identified field staff BISE, TTIs
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
c) Training of Prepare selection criteria Selection criteria for Copy of the 60 days Annually BCEWS Directorate of Technical, Training of field staff shall be
field staff for field staff field staff prepared selection criteria M&E – E&LD, Material, contextualized as they would be
Selection of field staff Number of field staff List of staff Universities, Financial going to parts of the province
selected selected STBB, PITE, with unique features
Develop training toolkit / Training toolkit, Training toolkit, STEDA,
manual manual, orientation. manuals SMCs
Conduct training of field Number of trainings Training reports
staff held
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
e) Analyse data Organize data screening Number of entries Entries 60 days Annually BCEWS Directorate of Technical Achievement, demographic,
patterns (coding, entry, compiling) scrutinised (Data scrutinised that M&E – E&LD, Assistance, program, and perception data
Files - SPSSC) become part of Universities, Material are best analyzed through each
the report STBB, PITE, (software), of their own lenses. Then, when
STEDA, Financial brought all together by
Analyse data patterns Plan for analysis Copy of the SMCs comparing everything to the
developed and Analysis Plan BISE, TTIs achievement data, clear patterns
agreed can appear. These patterns help
Statistical data in developing improvement plans
available and strategies.
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
4. Develop Steering Organize consultative Number of Meeting notes 30-60 One-off BCEWS RSU, Technical Linkages with universities and
/ Coordination meetings to design a consultative days Directorate of Assistance research organizations shall
mechanism coordination mechanism meetings held M&E – E&LD, Material provide the BCEWS the much
(linkages with Coordination Copy of the Universities, Financial needed set of research skills and
partners (internal mechanism Coordination STBB, PITE, knowhow.
and external)) designed and mechanism STEDA,
agreed. SMCs Roles and structures of SMCs
BISE, TTIs shall be revisited and
Approval of coordination Coordination Approval letter strengthened to play their due
mechanism from mechanism role.
competent authority approved
Effective coordination amongst
Notification and Coordination Notification and partners shall ensure
dissemination of mechanism notified distribution list sustainability of feedback
coordination mechanism and shared Websites of process.
BCEWS shall coordinate and
Implementation of Number of Meeting notes communicate research areas /
coordination mechanism coordination topics to universities.
meetings held What is curriculum for
Number of excellence?
identified for What measure or means will
research indicate that students have
Number of reports Copies of achieved the competencies
produced and reports stated in the curriculum?
How will the teacher determine
whether students have learned
and identify further steps in the
teaching process?
Timeline Responsibility
Steps / Activities Indicators Data Source Resources Additional Information
Duration Frequency Lead Partners
5. Develop way Identify experts / working Number of experts List of experts 30 days One-off BCEWS E&LD, RSU, Technical Curriculum revision is aimed at
forward / group identified STBB, PITE, Assistance identifying the strengths and
framework for BISE, NGOs, Financial weakness of current curriculum
curriculum Analysis of existing The available Analysis reports CBOs, and to create a plan of action to
revision practices and tools practices and tools Development address areas needing
analyzed Partners improvement.
The information gained from data
Organize consultative Number of Meeting records analysis shall be used to guide
meetings / workshops to consultative Way forward / appropriate adjustments to the
design and agree on way meetings held framework curriculum documents. Such
forward / framework Way forward / adjustments incorporate the
framework strengths and address any
designed and apparent weakness of the
agreed. implemented curriculum.
Approval of way forward / Way forward / Approval letter Because of technological
framework from framework developments and the resulting
competent authority approved ease with which new information
can be shared, continuously
Notification and Way forward / Notification and evolving curriculum is now
dissemination of framework notified distribution list possible.
approved way forward / and shared
frameworks The Curriculum Revision
Framework shall stipulate the
parameters, guidelines, and
steps to be taken by relevant
stakeholders for managing the
revision process in a more logical
The E&LD, GoS is committed to
strengthen the institutional
capacity of BCEWS for its
extended tasks.
(a) devise school education standards in line with guidelines provided by the
Education and Literacy Department
(b) commission evidenced-based research to inform policy, curriculum design,
development and review, textbook and learning material development, and
assessment of and /or for learning
(c) develop, implement and evaluate curriculum by working closely with Sindh
Textbook Board, Directorates of School Education and other related line
(d) review textbooks and learning material for alignment with the school education
standards and curriculum goals
(e) develop training packages for TOTs / Master Trainers
(f) conduct training of TOTs / Master Trainers
The existing Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education shall conduct annual
examination of students at Secondary and Higher Secondary levels.
The Sindh Textbook Board shall continue to arrange for the production and publication of
textbooks and learning material for all stages and types of school education as per Sindh
Textbook Ordinance of 1970 and notified in the Sindh Government Gazette on November 26,
1970. It shall further be strengthened as an effective regulating and monitoring authority to
(a) ensuring performance and service standards at every stage of textbook and
learning material supply chain processes
(b) outsourcing textbook and learning material development and production as
packages in a transparent and competitive manner; and
(c) using EMIS supported technological innovations in the timely delivery and
tracking of textbooks and learning materials down to classroom level.
The Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority (STEDA) shall certify and accredit
teacher education programmes and ensure the quality of both pre and in-service
teacher education programmes to prepare professionally competent teachers to teach
curriculum effectively. It shall also be responsible for teacher licensing for promoting
culture of professionalism among teachers.
The Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE) shall implement pre-service teacher
education and continuous professional development programmes based on school education
standards and curriculum for developing professionally competent teachers, teacher educators,
and head teachers. PITE shall be responsible for academic supervision of teacher education
programmes, whereas all constituent teacher education institutes as well as PITE shall work
under the administrative control of Education and Literacy Department.
The Directorates of School Education through their District Education Officers shall monitor
implementation of curriculum and gather relevant information on the attainment of school
education standards and report to the Education and Literacy Department in a timely manner.
Public private partnership is a mutual collaboration between the government and the private
sector that could help reduce public spending, improve access, quality, equity and relevance in