KM (Assets)
KM (Assets)
KM (Assets)
Human Structural
assets assets
What is an asset?
Relationship Tangible
assets assets
What is an asset?
One may have landed a job because of the
Human Structural
assets strong recommendation or sponsorship of a well- assets
respected person; this is another example of
relational asset that contributed to regular income
A fruit tree that yields fruits every season is an
example of natural capital.
Relationship Tangible
assets assets
Human Assets?
Human Capital
Human Structural
assets assets
Relationship assets
Different team performance factors, based on your answers and on answers from
many other groups, fit into ICM categories.
What helps your team do its job well?
consists of -
Structural Relationship
assets assets
The fourth or tangible assets are
those measured by accountants and
entered into the accounting system of
an organization. assets
Skills and experiences
Attitudes, work ethic and values
Let us take a closer look
Skills and experiences
Attitudes, work ethic and values
Some KM authors define
b. Collecting and organizing work templates Set of work templates used in each activity in a
work process
3. Identifying knowledge gaps that most Select a performance indicator and measure it
affect work performance with versus without an input knowledge asset
Identifying knowledge assets relevant to a List of knowledge assets which are needed
work or business process inputs for each activity in a work process
KM is included in the latest version of ISO 9001 series. The ISO standards on KM (ISO 30401)
defined knowledge as "human and organizational asset enabling effective decisions and action in
Note that the International Organization for Standards uses "assets" (an accounting term) while
the ICM practitioners use "capital" (an economics term).
KM gurus define knowledge in terms of capacity for
effective action.
An action is "effective" if it produces the end results
intended, desired or valued by an individual, team or
Hence, we can now adopt the following basic KM
framework, where we see that the ultimate objective
of KM is to contribute to achieving a result valued by
an organization.
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Knowledge Valuable
assets results
Peter Drucker differentiates two ways that organizations use knowledge to
create value
Needed information are I get useful tips from my I know what works well
"at my fingertips" network. from past experience.
Which action (or actions) created value? Why? Which action (or actions) did not
create value? Why not?