Stats Assignment

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Name of Student: Paul Munroe

USI: 1032055
Name of Course: MNG 1203 Introductory Statistics
Name of Lecturer: Sydney Armstrong
Research Assignment
This assignment is researched based and it is to obtain information about students attending the
University of Guyana. A questionnaire will be given out to an amount of 50 persons (from which
the best results shall be drawn out)in order to gain information for the completion of this
assignment. Then it shall be analysed discussed and then come to a conclusion.
Method of Data Collection
The importance of a questionnaire is to gain much information as possible for the activity that is
benefiting from it. It can be one of the best ways to obtain information for a given assignment or
a research. Various questions are asked and persons being given options for them to choose
which is best and then they are given a choice to give their views on the top based on a particular
question. The method that is to be used to collect the information required for the assignment is
by the use of questionnaire. An amount of 50 will be distributed within the confinements of the
University of Guyana campus. The questionnaires will be distributed to the students who are:

 Within the cafeteria

 In a class (once class isn’t in session)
 Randomly walking

Once the questionnaires have been distributed it will be collected and from that it will be
presented on tables and represented by graph. And then from this it will be analysed and to the
point where conclusions and your findings are drawn out.
Presentation of Data

Age Tally Frequency Class Midpoint F(x) Percentage

16-21 26 15.5-21.5 18.5 481 52%
22-27 14 21.5-27.5 24.5 343 28%
28-33 6 27.5-33.5 30.5 183 12%
34-40 4 33.5-40.5 36.5 146 8%
Total 50 1153 100

Mean age of students = f(x)/n Range= Highest- Lowest

= 1153/50 =39-16

=23.06 =23

Class Width= Range/ #0f classes Class Width= Upper boundary-

= 23/4 Lower boundary

=5.75 =21.5-15-5

Analysis of Data
As it relates to a persons age and as it relates to University level education it does not have any
limits. At any age a person can come at a university to complete a diploma, degree, or masters.
From table 1 it can clearly be shown thet persons within the age range of 16-21 (with an amount
of 26 persons) total are the ones who are more porminent and most likely to attend university.
That can be represented as 52% of the total persons that answered the questionnaire. It is more
likely for a person to come into University after just completed high school as they are active
unlike some persons who just sit at home unoccupied and dormant. The age range that came in
with a 28% was 22-27 with an amount of 7 persons. For this area these persons are those that are
working and want to try something new as to earn a degree and have a sense of accomplishment.
An amount of 3 persons are those within the age range of 28-33 with a 12% vote. At this age
persons does exactly see it necessary to attend university as they already have a job, while others
do.For the final set of data pertaining to the age of students attending university it was where
only 2 persons answered for the age range 34-40 with a percentage of 8. Often times these
persons are most skeptical as to coming to university. They are more concerned to the views of
society and the amount of negative comments relating to it. It is no argument that it is young
people that are more involved and intrested in university. Situations may vary as to the reasons
why this is so. One of them is because of parents who wants to see their child succeed and have a
good lifefor themselves. Also it can be that parents wish that they were given that opportunity
and would have been grateful for it.
Discussion of Findings
From the researh that was conducted various information as it relates to the life of a University
student could be found. It is with no doubt that females are beginning to become more and more
pre-dominanat within the work industry and therefore having a sense of independence is prime
example. Woman see the need for them to educate and edify themselves more as compared to
men that is why there are more females than males at universities. The worlds’popualtion of
fmales are exponential and from that more women being all rounders when it comes to working.
It is more females than males attending university and huge gap in the distance/ range can also
be seen with a rate of 36-14. The reason for this is because males do not push themselves for
whatever they want to achieve, some do while most don’t. It is more of a mind situation where
some may have a sense of pride pertaining to university studies, or that they feel that they cannot
make it once entered, while others just don’t care. What has been found out also is that the age of
persons who attents university. For this simple psychology will tell you that fresh and active
minds tends to have a better chance of success faster as compared to dormant individuals. There
are persons that also have a job and at the same time attending the afternoon classes. Though the
time span for these individuals are extremely tight they still make a effort to come class because
it is a commitment. Although having a job and earning a salary to sustain yourself is what life is
solely based upon, some persons have a rush to wanting more, utilizing their time with
something better and having a sense of accomplishment. It was also found that is is more persons
of Indian decent are attending university. Reasons leading up to that varies e.g better financial
support systems, tardition, self empowerment etc.
From the information that was collected from the research it can be concluded that based on
questions with options that obtained the most votes that is it more girls attending university, 16-
21 is the most suited age to attend uinversity, more persons are enrolled in the social work
programme, most persons want to acheive a GPA of 4.0 as it relates to their confidence in their
work and majority of the students are in the second year of their studies.

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