Anintroductiontoultrasound Equipmentandknobology: J. Luis Enriquez,, Teresa S. Wu

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A n I n t ro d u c t i o n t o U l t r a s o u n d

Equipment and Knobology

a, b
J. Luis Enriquez, MD *, Teresa S. Wu, MD

 Ultrasound  Equipment  Knobology  Probes  Transducers  Doppler  B-mode

 The use of ultrasonography in medical practice has evolved dramatically over the last few
decades and will continue to improve as technological advances are incorporated into
daily medical practice.
 Although ultrasound machine size and equipment have evolved, the basic principles and
fundamental functions have remained essentially the same.
 Becoming familiar with the machine and the controls used for image generation optimizes
the scans being performed and enhances the use of ultrasound in patient care.


The use of ultrasonography in medical practice has evolved dramatically over the last
few decades and will continue to improve as technological advances are incorporated
into daily medical practice. Although ultrasound (US) machine size and equipment
have changed over time, the basic principles and fundamental functions have
remained essentially the same. This article reviews the general US apparatus design,
the most common probe types available, and the system controls used to manipulate
the images obtained. A detailed discussion of the physics involved in medical ultraso-
nography is presented elsewhere in this issue of Critical Care Clinics.


The fundamental principle of ultrasonography can be traced to approximately

200 years ago when Lazzaro Spallanzani, an Italian biologist, theorized that bats
used echolocation to hunt in the dark.1 During the late 1800s, the concept of sound

The authors have no conflicts of interest or disclosures.

Department of Emergency Medicine, Maricopa Medical Center, 2601 East Roosevelt Street,
Phoenix, AZ 85008, USA; b EM Residency Program, Emergency Medicine, Maricopa Medical
Center, University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix, 2601 East Roosevelt Street,
Phoenix, AZ 85008, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Crit Care Clin 30 (2014) 25–45
0749-0704/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
26 Enriquez & Wu

was expressed mathematically by the English physicist Lord Raleigh.2 In 1880, the
piezoelectric effect of crystals was first described by Pierre and Jacques Curie.3 These
principles in physics were initially incorporated into industrial applications (eg, identi-
fying structural metal flaws) and eventually were applied in medical practice.1 The first
known published medical US application was in 1942 by the Viennese brothers, Karl
and Friederich Dussik.1 It was not until 1963 that the first real-time commercial US ma-
chine became available by Vidoson Siemens, Corp.
Almost 50 years after the first bulky US machine made its debut, compact and
portable US machines started making their way into standard bedside use. Many of
the popular US machines being used in patient care areas are no larger than small
laptop computers. As technology continues to evolve at a dramatic pace, there are
US machines being developed that are comparable with the size of an average cellular
phone (Figs. 1 and 2).4–6 Furthermore, there are applications for actual smart phones
that connect to a scanning probe enabling the operator to perform ultrasonography
without an actual US machine (Fig. 3).
The discussion here is limited to the compact, laptop size US machines used most
frequently for point-of-care (POC) scans in the acute care setting. There are a variety
of US machine brands (Figs. 4–6) available for POC US at the bedside. All of the ma-
chines include a user interface with a keyboard and, depending on the brand, a variety
of knobs, buttons, track ball, or touch screen for manipulation and storage of the images.
Deciding which US machine to purchase for POC scans depends not only on the price of
the machine, but also its durability, the life span of the battery, need for AC energy, boot-
up time, portability, and previous experience with a particular US machine brand.
Most of the US machines for POC use are attached to a cart that not only provides a
base for the machine itself, but also facilitates portability to different areas of the
department and hospital. These carts also have the space to store different probes,
cables for AC connection, sterile probe covers, bottles of gel, and other supplies
that can be used as needed during the scans (Fig. 7).
A secondary viewing screen can be attached to the cart, above the main US screen.
This secondary screen can be used for patient viewing or for bedside teaching (Fig. 8).


Although there are many US transducers designed for specific uses in medical prac-
tice, most of POC ultrasonography can be accomplished using one of four basic types
of probes: (1) curvilinear, (2) linear, (3) sector/phased, and (4) intracavity (Figs. 9–12).

Fig. 1. Portable handheld ultrasound machine Acuson P-10. (Courtesy of Siemens Healthcare
Copyright 2013; with permission.)
Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 27

Fig. 2. Vscan handheld ultrasound. (Courtesy of General Electric Healthcare; with


Fig. 3. Ultrasound probe compatible with a smart phone. (Courtesy of Mobil US; with
28 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 4. SonoSite bedside ultrasound machine. (Courtesy of FUJIFILM Sonosite Inc; with

Fig. 5. General Electric bedside ultrasound machine.

Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 29

Fig. 6. Zonare bedside ultrasound machine. (Courtesy of Zonare Medical Systems Inc; with

Fig. 7. Universal stand for portable ultrasound machines. (Courtesy of FUJIFILM Sonosite Inc;
with permission.)
30 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 8. Ultrasound machine with teaching or secondary viewing screen mounted on the
portable stand.

The basic US transducer is composed of the head, the wire, and the connector. In
most machines, the transducer is interchangeable by detaching it completely from the
US machine base. Many POC US machines can be fitted with a transducer connector
that allows practitioners to select the appropriate probe for a study by simply pressing

Fig. 9. Low-frequency curvilinear transducer.

Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 31

Fig. 10. High-frequency linear array transducer.

a button or touching the probe icon on a screen. These transducer connectors enable
rapid interchangeability between probes without having to detach them individually
from the US machine (Fig. 13).
Technology is advancing rapidly and, by the end of 2012, Siemens Corporation un-
veiled the first wireless US probe. Having a cordless US probe is beneficial in prevent-
ing cord entanglement and potentially allowing for more mobility and range of
movement during a bedside scan. The disadvantages include risk of misplacing or
losing the cordless probe, and interface malfunctions between the signal from the
probe and the US machine.

Fig. 11. Low-frequency phased array transducer.

32 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 12. Higher-frequency intracavitary transducer.

When discussing the general US equipment that is used for POC scans, it is impor-
tant to know the standard names given to the various parts of the machine and
probes.7,8 The tip of the probe head is referred to as the footprint. The footprint is
the part of the probe that is in direct contact with the patient through an acoustic

Fig. 13. Triple transducer connector (TTC) on a SonoSite bedside ultrasound machine. (Cour-
tesy of FUJIFILM Sonosite Inc; with permission.)
Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 33

window (eg, US gel). Larger footprints provide a more expansive scanning area.
Smaller footprints are preferred for examinations that require maneuvering of the
probe in smaller anatomic regions (eg, intercostal spaces in pediatric patients, fonta-
nels, cardiac examinations, and so forth). The type of scan being performed and indi-
vidual patient characteristics determine which footprint is best suited for image
Piezoelectric crystals are located at the footprint of the probe and, except for the
sector probe, they are arranged according to the shape of the probe tip. The footprint
is a transmitter and receiver of the US beam during scanning. Most modern probes
use synthetic plumbium zirconium titanate, compared with quartz crystals that were
used in earlier units. These plumbium zirconium titanate crystals are integral in the im-
age quality obtained during the scan, and can be damaged or misaligned when probes
are dropped, crushed, or thrown against other objects.
Every US probe should have a probe marker along one side of the head of the probe.
This marker can be a colored light, dot, or a linear ridge that can be easily palpated
while handling the probe (Fig. 14). This marker becomes important for orientation of
the patient’s anatomy in relationship to the maker displayed on the US machine screen
(Fig. 15). In standard practice, this orientation marker should be pointed toward either
the patient’s right side or the patient’s head during the scan. The exceptions to this rule
occur during scans of a patient’s internal jugular vein during a central venous access
cannulation, and during some of the cardiac views (discussed elsewhere in this issue).
The fundamental principle of tissue penetration of the ultrasonic beam, expressed in
megahertz, determines the type of transducer that should be used. Higher-frequency
probes provide less penetration of the US waves through the tissue planes, but
generate higher-resolution images. High-frequency probes should be used to visualize
superficial structures, such as tendons, muscle, pulmonary pleura, vasculature, and
so forth. Conversely, probes with a lower spectrum of frequency should be used to
visualize deeper structures. The ability to visualize deeper structures comes at the
expense of resolution. Lower-frequency probes are useful in evaluating the abdominal
aorta, the gallbladder, the inferior vena cava (IVC), pelvic organs, and so forth.

Fig. 14. Indicator marker on the side of the ultrasound probe.

34 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 15. Orientation marker on the left side of the ultrasound image.

The curvilinear or convex array probe (Fig. 16) has a frequency range of 2 to 5 MHz.
It provides a wide, fan-shaped scanning area on the US screen. This type of trans-
ducer is mostly used for evaluating deep structures in the abdomen and pelvis. Com-
mon clinical scenarios for this type of probe are patients with abdominal pain to
evaluate for abdominal aortic aneurysm or gallbladder pathology, abdominal pain in
pregnancy,9 or the focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST
The intracavitary probe also has a curvilinear crystal array with a wide view. How-
ever, the frequency is much higher (8–13 MHz) than other curved probes. Because
of the higher frequency, the resolution of the images is better. Examples of applica-
tions with this probe are oral pathology (eg, peritonsillar abscess)11 and transvaginal
pelvic evaluations (eg, ovarian torsion, pregnancy, and so forth) (Fig. 17).
The linear transducer has a rectangular footprint shape with a frequency range of 6
to 15 MHz (Fig. 18). This probe provides detailed anatomic resolution and is ideal for
evaluating superficial structures. A wide variety of pathology can be seen at the
bedside with this type of probe, such as deep venous thrombosis,12 musculoskeletal
trauma,13 subcutaneous foreign bodies and abscesses,14 testicular torsion,15 pneu-
mothorax,16 and ocular pathology.17,18 The linear array probe can also be used to
guide such procedures as venous access (central and peripheral);19 arthrocentesis;
needle aspirations; and lumbar punctures.20

Fig. 16. Curvilinear probe and corresponding ultrasound image.

Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 35

Fig. 17. Intracavitary probe and corresponding ultrasound image.

Fig. 18. Linear array transducer and corresponding ultrasound image.

Fig. 19. Phased array transducer and corresponding ultrasound image.

36 Enriquez & Wu

Table 1
Transducer type and clinical use

Probe Type Frequency (MHz) Applications

Curvilinear 2–5 FAST, renal, aorta, IVC, pelvic, bladder, bowel,
Linear 6–15 Ocular, trachea, thyroid, thoracic, vascular
access, DVT, MSK, soft tissue, appendicitis
Intracavitary 8–13 Peritonsillar abscess, pelvic
Phased array/sector 1–5 Cardiac, abdominal, renal, pediatric abdomen,
bladder, bowel, IVC

Abbreviations: DVT, deep venous thrombosis; FAST, focused assessment with sonography in
trauma; IVC, inferior vena cava; MSK, musculoskeletal.

The phased or sector array transducer has a frequency range of 1 to 5 MHz. The
crystal arrangement in the footprint is bundled in the center and fans out creating a
pielike image on the US machine screen (Fig. 19). Because of the smaller footprint,
this probe is commonly used for echocardiography and is particularly useful in the
evaluation of pediatric patients.21,22 The phased array probe can also be used for
the FAST examination in patients with tight intercostal spaces. The most commonly
used US probes and beside US applications are summarized in Table 1.
Some US machines allow the user to change the broadband frequency used during
the scan. For example, when using a multifrequency transducer, it is useful to be able
to scan at the lower or higher ends of the probe frequency. On the US machine, there
may be image optimization controls that allow the user to increase penetration (scan at
a lower frequency); increase resolution (scan at a higher frequency); or scan in general
settings (between the highest and lowest frequency available).


To produce US images for evaluation, the machine and probes work in concert to
transmit, receive, and depict sound waves. The US machine receives the beam signal
as amplitude, frequency, and the changes of the frequency over time. The two-
dimensional gray scale of the image is generated from the amplitude of the echoes.
The change of the frequency and wavelength of the US echoes from a target in motion
is known as the Doppler effect. Further information about the physics of bedside US
can be found in elsewhere in this issue.
Before beginning a scan, it is important to set up the US machine for the type of scan
being performed. Most modern-day US machines have standard presets for common
applications (eg, abdomen, obstetrics, vascular, musculoskeletal). These presets can
be selected by a menu available on the US machine, and are often programmable
based on the user’s preferences.
During the scan, real-time images of the tissue anatomy and motion can be obtained
in B-mode scanning, M-mode scanning, and with Doppler. B-mode, otherwise known
as “brightness” mode, displays a two-dimensional, gray scale image on the screen.
The gray scale of the image can be manipulated by adjusting the gain (Figs. 20–22).
By increasing the gain, the US machine allows processing of more incoming echoes,
thereby creating a brighter image. A darker image is obtained when the gain is
decreased (see Fig. 22). Gain can be adjusted in the nearfield, farfield, or overall field
of the screen display. Increasing the gain leads to a brighter image on the screen, but it
also increases image noise and artifact, with loss of contrast and finer details.
Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 37

Fig. 20. Evaluation of the liver with increased gain.

Fig. 21. Evaluation of the liver with normal gain.

Fig. 22. Evaluation of the liver with decreased gain.

38 Enriquez & Wu

As the US beam travels deeper into a medium, the returning echoes are attenuated,
resulting in less resolution. A feature known as time gain compensation allows the so-
nographer to adjust the image brightness at specific depths. The top row of buttons
controls nearfield gain, whereas the bottom row of buttons controls farfield gain
(Fig. 23). Advanced US machines may also have an “auto gain” button, which resets
the machine back to standard gain presets for the type of scan being performed.
Most US machines allow the user to freeze and save still images and to capture
video clips (Fig. 24). Having the ability to freeze an image on the US screen becomes
important when measurements are being obtained, or fine details of a scan are being
examined. These still images can be saved or printed for further review and archiving.
The ability to obtain video clips is another useful function of modern day US ma-
chines. Video clips are most often used in documenting cardiac wall motion; in moni-
toring needle trajectory during US-guided procedures; and evaluating dynamic
movement of organs during scans, such as the E-FAST examination. The length of
the video clips can be manually adjusted using standard control buttons and options
on the machine. The format of the video clips differs depending on the manufacturer
presets (eg, .mov, .mp4).
The still images or video clips can be stored on the US machine hard drive or trans-
ferred to a remote hard drive or system using various transfer methods. Most ma-
chines allow for the transfer of data by USB ports, FireWire, expansion cards,
Ethernet ports, or wireless portals. Newer US machines are equipped to transmit im-
ages for review and storage on systems with digital imaging and communication in
medicine (DICOM) capabilities.
In addition to B-mode capabilities, most machines also allow scanning in M-mode
(“motion” mode). M-mode obtains an image in the B-mode and displays it graphically
as changes over a period of time. Useful applications for this modality include assess-
ment of the IVC for intravascular volume, estimating wall movement and cardiac
contractility, and the evaluation of a pneumothorax (Fig. 25).
The use of the Doppler principle in POC ultrasonography includes color Doppler,
pulse wave Doppler, and color power Doppler. Color Doppler detects the overall blood

Fig. 23. Time gain compensation (TGC) control.

Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 39

Fig. 24. Freeze, save, and video clip buttons on an ultrasound machine.

flow and its direction of flow under a region of interrogation (eg, identification of ves-
sels close to an abscess before incision, or turbulent flow in an abdominal aortic aneu-
rysm) (Fig. 26). The energy of the returning echoes is displayed as an assigned color
on the US screen. By convention, echoes demonstrating flow toward the transducer
are seen in shades of red. Those representing flow away from the transducer are
seen as shades of blue. The color display is usually superimposed on the B-mode im-
age, thus allowing simultaneous visualization of anatomy and flow dynamics.
In pulse wave Doppler, the direction and velocity of the blood flow can be displayed
graphically and audibly (Fig. 27). If blood is moving away from the transducer, a lower
frequency (negative shift) is detected. If blood is moving toward the transducer, a
higher frequency (positive shift) is detected. This Doppler modality also provides infor-
mation about laminar versus turbulent flow (eg, flow within an abdominal aortic
Color power Doppler identifies the amplitude or power of the Doppler signals rather
than the frequency shifts. It is more sensitive than pulse wave Doppler to detect blood
flow in organs with typically low-flow states, such as the ovaries or testicles. Color po-
wer Doppler is particularly useful in the evaluation of ovarian or testicular torsion
(Fig. 28).

Fig. 25. M-mode evaluation of a pneumothorax. (Courtesy of Teresa Wu, MD, Associate Pro-
fessor, Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ.)
40 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 26. Color Doppler flow through the aorta farfield to the IVC and gallbladder. (Courtesy
of Zonare Medical Systems Inc; with permission.)


During bedside scans, it is often useful to obtain specific measurements of the struc-
ture being evaluated. For example, measurements of the IVC diameter are being used
to guide resuscitation attempts (Fig. 29). Most machines have a caliper button that al-
lows the user to measure the absolute distance between two points. The select key is
typically used to toggle between the two calipers. Once both calipers have been
aligned along the border of the object being measured, the distance between the cal-
ipers is displayed on the US screen (Fig. 30).

Fig. 27. Pulse wave Doppler flow through a vessel. (Courtesy of Teresa Wu, MD, Maricopa
Medical Center, University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ.)
Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 41

Fig. 28. Evaluation of ovarian torsion using color Doppler. (Courtesy of Mary Connell, MD,
Department of Radiology, Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ.)

Fig. 29. Measuring IVC diameter using bedside ultrasound. (Courtesy of Teresa Wu, MD,
Maricopa Medical Center, University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ.)

Fig. 30. Using the calipers to calculate the diameter of an enlarged common bile duct. Note
that the dimensions of the common bile duct are shown in the bottom left side of the image
(0.92  1.29 cm). (Courtesy of Teresa Wu, MD, Maricopa Medical Center, University of Ari-
zona, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ.)
42 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 31. Obtaining fetal heart rate using the calculations option during a bedside obstetric
ultrasound. (Courtesy of Teresa Wu, MD, Maricopa Medical Center, University of Arizona,
College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ.)

Many US machines have preset calculations available for the particular imaging
mode or examination type being used. For example, if an obstetric US is being per-
formed, common preset calculations include fetal heart rate, crown rump length,
biparietal diameter, and head circumference. Selecting the desired calculation from
the available menu provides automatic calculations of the region being measured
(Fig. 31).


The penetration of the US beam on a particular transducer can be altered by manip-

ulating the frequency of the probe and adjusting the depth or penetration button/knob
on the US machine. The depth and penetration achieved during the scan are displayed

Fig. 32. Depth hash marks on the side of an ultrasound machine. (Courtesy of Teresa Wu,
MD, Maricopa Medical Center, University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix,
Ultrasound Equipment and Knobology 43

Fig. 33. Adjust the depth of the scan so that the target structure is visualized within the
“focal zone” (middle and narrowest portion of the ultrasound beam). (Courtesy of Teresa
Wu, MD, Maricopa Medical Center, University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix,
Phoenix, AZ.)

as a scale on the left or right side of the US screen. By convention, these hash marks
are designated at 0.1-, 0.5-, and 1-cm increments (Fig. 32). During the initial part of a
scan, it is often useful to start with an increased depth for orientation purposes and to
evaluate surrounding structures. Once the target structure has been localized, scan-
ning depth should be decreased to minimize the display of irrelevant deeper struc-
tures. Scanning at increased depths reduces the frame rate and compromises
image quality.
In between the nearfield and farfield of the US beam is what is known as the “focal
zone.” This is the narrowest part of the beam and provides the greatest lateral resolu-
tion during the scan. It is important to manually adjust the depth of the scan so that the
target structure is visualized within the focal zone of the US beam (Fig. 33).
Many advanced US systems also provide the option to zoom in on or magnify an
area of particular interest. By zooming in on an object, the US field and processing
is restricted to that particular target area and assigned to the image matrix. Pressing
the zoom button on the US machine brings up a box on the screen. Using the track

Fig. 34. Using the zoom function to magnify the common bile duct and portal vein for anal-
ysis. (Courtesy of Teresa Wu, MD, Maricopa Medical Center, University of Arizona, College of
Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ.)
44 Enriquez & Wu

Fig. 35. Standard ultrasound controls, buttons, and knobs.

pad, this magnification box can be maneuvered over the area of interest. Pressing the
zoom button again enlarges the area that has been selected (Fig. 34).


Understanding basic US instrumentation and knobology is an important step in

learning how to perform bedside US examinations. Although US machines may differ
in some of their capabilities, the standard instrumentation and functionality remain
essentially the same (Fig. 35). Becoming familiar with the machine and the controls
used for image generation optimizes the scans being performed and enhances the
use of US in patient care.


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