Philmusieducrevi 26 1 06
Philmusieducrevi 26 1 06
Philmusieducrevi 26 1 06
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Philosophy of Music Education Review
The “nonidentical” is Adorno’s term for anything that cannot be grasped by a
concept or a system of concepts: sensual experience and events; emotions, under-
stood as unconscious but influential layers of the psychic system; emergent
results of interactions; the possibility of non-alienated and non-reified social
circumstances. Within practices of music pedagogy, the nonidentical is rele-
vant under all these aspects: the naming of musical issues does not encompass
(let alone substitute for) the musical phenomenon (and it is not self-evident
how to conceptualize appropriate deictic actions). Emotionality should not be
tamed (and it is an open question how to bring it to bear in a sensible way).
Emergent results of the interaction in music lessons are a problem for planning
classes, a planning which has to consider learning outcomes. The school system
is almost completely shaped by economics of education (and cannot easily try
to simulate processes of non-alienated and non-reified interactions between all
participants). Corresponding research has to focus on identities constituting
practices in music pedagogy; but it can develop a sensitivity to realizations of
Philosophy of Music Education Review 26, no. 1 (Spring 2018), pp. 82–98
Copyright © 2018, The Trustees of Indiana University • doi: 10.2979/philmusieducrevi.26.1.06
the nonidentical and induce new practices which are structured according to
Critical Theory. The paper is concerned with the complementarity of identities
and the nonidentical with regard to music pedagogy in a broader perspective,
classifying practices of music pedagogy within a system of this discipline–on
the basis of a logic of reflection.
of the relationships between the four classes of practices is dealt with by systematic
music pedagogy, itself belonging to the class of practices of research in music
pedagogy (empirical, historical, comparative, and systematic research).
But systems consist of the relations of ‘identities’; these are unfolded in the
explanation of the system by naming and analyzing them. If system philoso-
phy should run a chance in contemporary thought, the arguments of Theodor
W. Adorno–often regarded as the strongest opponent of system philosophy–have
to be rejected by stronger ones or at least relativized by other arguments. Adorno’s
main argument against system philosophy consists of a rejection of a focus on
identities without being aware of the ‘nonidentical.’ So the goal is to find a way to
consider the nonidentical from the perspective of the system of music pedagogy.
By doing so, ideas of Critical Theory can be reconstructed by the system. With a
certain dialectic, this thought must be articulated in a systemic context because
otherwise it tends to not exist at all if it is not formulated this way. This research
interest was criticized by Hermann J. Kaiser who discussed problems of thinking
in systems thirteen years ago. Apart from the repetition of Adorno’s thought that a
system is not apt to comprise the nonidentical,7 Kaiser summarizes further objec-
tions. The multi-perspectivity of knowledge, the heterogeneity of its orientations,
the multitude of references which transcend it, its measure which cannot any
longer be overlooked by one person would make the concept of a system obso-
lete. It is prone to a problematic self-superelevation.8 Nevertheless, explaining
the chances and problems of building a system of scientific music pedagogy is
worthwhile. By proposing a concept of the discipline and inviting colleagues
to participate in unfolding it, the search for identity of the discipline might be
fostered. The unfolding of the system outlined above should lead to new aspects
and questionings concerning the practices of music pedagogy, all the more if the
nonidentical is considered from the perspective of this system as well.
In the history of modern philosophy, the word “identity” has had several
meanings. It designated the unity of personal consciousness: that an “I”
remains the same in all its experiences. This meant the Kantian “I think,
which should be able to go with all my conceptions.” Then, again, identity
was what is legally the same in all rational beings–thought as logical univer-
sality–and besides, it was the equality with itself of every object of thought,
the simple A = A. Finally, epistemologically, it meant that subject and object
coincide, whatever their media.9
explained above) while (f. e.) composing is part of the concept of musical thinking.
This concept can only be explained after having composed–as a realization of the
complex nexus of the four dimensions of the musical sign (encompassing musi-
cal meaning).
According to Adorno, a similar relationship of complementarity can be stud-
ied with regard to the nonidentical displayed by nonconceptual aesthetical expe-
rience on the one hand and the conceptual interpretation of this experience
which reveals its societal truth on the other hand. Adorno explains this relation-
ship: “Aesthetic identity” as realized in aesthetic experience “seeks to aid the
nonidentical, which in reality is repressed by reality’s compulsion to identity.”18
But aesthetic experience that lives up to its name is not blind. It should become
The truth content of artworks is not what they mean but rather what decides
whether the work in itself is true or false, and only this truth of work-in-itself
is commensurable to philosophical interpretation and coincides–with
regard to the idea, in any case–with the idea of philosophical truth. For
contemporary consciousness, fixated on the tangible and unmediated, the
establishment of this relation to art obviously poses the greatest difficulties,
yet without this relation art’s truth content remains inaccessible: Aesthetic
experience is not genuine experience unless it becomes philosophy.19
In the following, the term ‘Critical Theory’ denotes the practice of nam-
ing social nuisances, as it was part of what its protagonists Adorno and Max
Horkheimer practiced as philosophers and sociologists. (Sometimes this practice
will be addressed as articulation of the “critical thought.”) Although Adorno him-
self argued against reification as a hypostatization of “the indirect as direct,”29 this
term will be used in the respective contexts–together with the term “alienation”.
A short explanation of concepts with which the exponents of Critical Theory the-
orized the “totally administered world” is given by Roger Behrens. After having
explained the ‘critique of instrumental reason’ in a separate chapter, his topics
are the context of delusion (universeller Verblendungszusammenhang), reducing
rationality to its instrumental aspect; alienation (cutting social relationships by
promoting the universality of possessive individualism); fetish as a main char-
acter of merchandise (Fetischcharakter der Ware), letting appear the economy
of exchange as natural and providing products with a social power, for instance
in the sense of status symbols; finally capitalism on the stage of its global power,
thematizing–attendant to Horkheimer and Adorno–the problems produced by
capitalism under the contemporary circumstances of globalization.30 Another
topic which is relevant for all forms of dealing with music is the concept of “cul-
ture industry”–a complex theorem which thematizes the “art of mass” with its
problems of quality.31
The nexus of main concepts of Critical Theory can be reconstructed in the
sense of the theory of reflection: reification (object) – alienation (individual) –
totally administrated society/culture industry (interaction) – instrumental reason/
context of delusion (universeller Verblendungszusammenhang) (sense). It seems
to be a punchline of Critical Theory that the critical point of view is generalized
in such a way that the observed phenomena build a holistic nexus; precisely
this is meant with the term “universeller Verblendungszusammenhang”. Adorno
has specified what the nexus of these concepts means with regard to musical
practices (from the “rational irrationality of art, evident in its technical proce-
dures” over culture industry down to dealing of the alienated subject with “rei-
fied artworks”).32
But is this point of view really a general or universal one in the sense of the
theory of reflection? The aforementioned main concepts of Critical Theory are
mutually constitutive; they form a holistic nexus. Nevertheless, their negativity
points to a positivity which has to be presumed because it facilitates the obser-
vation of negativity. This implies that the holistic nexus of the terms of Critical
Theory is (only) a concretization of the holistic conceptual system of scientific
music pedagogy: Society (as “context of delusion”) is used as an antonym of sense
which itself appears in traces of freedom and in non-alienated and non-reified
societal circumstances. In other words, Critical Theory opts for certain values (as
on all of these sorts of research. Given that it is basically not possible to realize a
non-alienated and non-reified togetherness in human practices, as long as iden-
tifying thinking distinguishes (groups of) persons and (classes of) things in a way
that entails unfreedom and unjustified objectification, research should not only
be conceived as reconstruction of existing practices but should ask for possibili-
ties of reducing alienation and reification, as well. On a first level, reconstruction
can be seen as a necessary determination of the status quo which can be modified
by focusing on positions–found by “dialectical subsumption”–that so far have
been neglected. Such a modification of the status quo remains in the realm of
affirmation. All this is a precondition of research on a second level which focuses
on empirical requirements of amelioration in terms of the two deficiencies men-
tioned above. The first kind of research can be called reflective, the second–with
an artificial word–proflective. The normative background of the latter has to be
explained with historical argumentation, considering first and foremost a his-
torical responsibility with regard to the history of 20th century. In so doing, sci-
ence is able to take over responsibility–which is in line with the rejection of an
alleged fact/value-dichotomy. Proflective research requires modernized forms of
the older action research.
In the given context, it is sufficient to give examples of proflective research. In
empirical as well as in comparative research, proflective aspects can be focused
by qualitative experiments. In historical research they can come into view by
using deconstructivist or discourse analysis. Systematic research displays a certain
affinity to proflective research questions which are thematized by many of the
‘turns’ proclaimed by cultural sciences in the last decades.
The plan to unfold scientific music pedagogy as a (holistic) system can and
should be pursued. This system–understood as a hyper-concept–finds its counter-
part not only in non-systemic empirical evidence (which today–after the decline
of speculative idealism–should be comprehended as a precondition of any sys-
temic approach). Adorno’s concept of the nonidentical, challenging each form
of systemic thinking, can–firstly–be reconstructed on the fundamental level of
designing the four dimensions of the sign. Secondly it can help to shape practices
that are relevant for music pedagogy themselves (cf. the example of Cage’s Five).
Consequences from Critical Theory in a broader perspective can firstly be drawn
with regard to ‘theoretical sensitivity’ in the realms of historic, comparative, and
systematic music pedagogy and secondly with regard to proflective research, the
latter realizing a counterpart of the reconstructive application of the holistic sys-
tem of scientific music pedagogy.
Johannes Heinrichs, Das Geheimnis der Kategorien. Die Entschlüsselung von Kants
zentralem Lehrstück (Berlin: Maas, 2004; Tübingen: Francke, 1rst ed. 1986), 134 and 136–
138 (translation from German by Stefan Orgass). (Heinrichs distinguishes between “Ich”
(self), “Du” (you), “Es” (id, the object) and “Sinnmedium” (medium of sense), p. 139.
The divergent naming in this paper makes no difference as regards the methodology of
unfolding the system.
Ibid., 156f.
Thomas S. Kuhn, “Postscript–1969,” in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 50th
Anniversary Edition (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press 2012, 1962),
171–208: 181–186.
Historical research realizes the individual dimension of research, because the recon-
struction of the history of music pedagogy necessarily thematizes the (collective) identity
of the discipline. Comparative research (interactive dimension of research) asks for dif-
ferences between practices of (research in) music pedagogy in an inter- or transcultural
The naming of constitutive principles contrasts with Hermann J. Kaiser’s notion
that only regulative principles (in the sense of Immanuel Kant) can be maintained with
regard to music pedagogy as discipline. See Kaiser, “Spurensuche. Auf dem Wege zu einer
Systematischen Musikpädagogik,” in Musikpädagogische Forschung in Deutschland.
Dimensionen und Strategien (Musikpädagogische Forschung, ed. by Arbeitskreis
Musikpädagogische Forschung e. V., 24 (Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 2004), 57–84, here 79.)
Kaiser, “Spurensuche,” 72f.
Ibid., 72.
Theodor W. Adorno, Negative Dialectics, trans. E. B. Ashton (New York and London:
Continuum, 2007; New York, 1973), 142, annotation.
Up to the end of this paragraph: Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 150f. It is signifi-
cant that the last-mentioned realization of the nonidentical is not dealt with in the arti-
cle “Identität” (identity) written by Kuno Lorenz in the Enzyklopädie Philosophie und
Wissenschaftstheorie, vol. 3, 2nd, revised and basically supplemented edition, in connection
with Martin Carrier ed. by Jürgen Mittelstraß, Stuttgart and Weimar: J. B. Metzler’sche
Verlagsbuchhandlung & Carl Ernst Poeschel, 2008, 530–534. This realization of the non-
identical cannot be differentiated by analytical procedures, but presumes a certain moral
decision, that is: the standpoint articulated by Critical Theory. See below, annotation 33.
Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 150.
Adorno, “Vers une musique informelle,” in Quasi Una Fantasia. Essays on Modern
Music, trans Rodney Livingstone (London and Brooklyn, New York: Verso, 1998), 269–
322, here 322.
Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 150.
Up to the end of this paragraph: Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 150f.
Adorno, Minima Moralia. Reflections from the Damaged Life (1944–1947), trans.
Dennis Redmond (New York, NY: Prism Key Press, 2011), no. 29, 45–47: 47: “The whole
is the untrue.”
This paper presumes that the experiencing individual is able to observe the differ-
ence between concepts and non-conceptual contents. This requires that the content of
perception partly is conceptual and, of course, partly nonconceptual. That is: With regard
to certain (and not all) perceptions, language (not only but also analytical terminology)
clings to musical units and provides these units with meaningfulness. Cf. José Bermúdez
and Arnon Cahen, “Nonconceptual Mental Content,” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta, ed. (Fall 2015), 21f. and 35ff.
Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 12.
Adorno, Aesthetic Theory, translated, edited and with a translator’s introduction by
Robert Hullot-Kentor (London: Bloomsbury, 2013; London: The Athlone Press, 1997), 5.
Ibid., 179.
Up to the end of this paragraph: ibid., 332f. Here the additions in square brackets
(in italics). Adorno’s example is the beginning of the reprise in the first movement of
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (ibid., 332): “It resonates like an overwhelming ‘Thus it
is.’ The shudder is a response, colored by fear of the overwhelming; by its affirmation the
music at the same time speaks the truth about untruth.”
According to Adorno, the individual’s identification with musical “products of
the culture industry” (ibid., 333f.) has nothing to do with aesthetical experience in the
explained sense. Such an identification remains on the level of referring the music to one-
self–without asking for musical reasons in the context of historical and societal reflections
and critique.
Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 193f. “The fact that the subject’s cognitive achievements
are somatic in accordance with their own meaning affects not only the basic relation of
subject and object but the dignity of physicality. Physicality emerges at the ontical pole
of subjective cognition, as the core of that cognition. This dethrones the guiding idea of
epistemology: to constitute the body (. . .) mentally. Sensations are already, in themselves,
what the system would like to set forth as their formation by consciousness.” The naming
of an emotion (‘appraisal’) following a somatic reaction on music (‘impact’) will remain
‘pale’ because language structurally fails these emotions. As a consequence, the basis for