Morford J B - Constructivisim Implication JMTE V16n2
Morford J B - Constructivisim Implication JMTE V16n2
Morford J B - Constructivisim Implication JMTE V16n2
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James B. Morford is a graduate assistant for the World Music Center, West Virginia University, in
Morgantown. He can be reached at
The manner in which music should be taught is a source of continual—and often heated—debate.
Scholars have suggested that the practices that dominate current teaching may not represent the most
desirable method of instruction, particularly when addressing subjects such as music, which involve
the “affective domain” of learning (Abeles, Hoffer, & Klotman, 1994). If music educators are to
update their methods, then the challenge is to develop a viable alternative to current practices, which
may in turn require implementation of a fundamentally new philosophy of music education.
Some of the current trends in music education stem from the aesthetic philosophy, which gained
popularity in scholarly discourse in the 1970s and 1980s, most notably through the writings of Bennett
Reimer. Reimer (1989) suggested that the primary goal of music education was to develop emotional
“responsiveness to the power of the art of music,” and that any nonartistic functions of music were
secondary and only to be addressed when helpful. A significant response to the aesthetic philosophy
occurred with the introduction of the praxial philosophy of music education in the 1990s. Championed
by David Elliott (1996–1997), the praxial philosophy stressed that the importance of music is in doing
rather than responding, and that the “full range of attributes, meanings, expressions, references, and
cultural-ideological aspects” (p. 25) must be considered at all times.
While these developments served to update the practices of music educators through the
reexamination of what music is, and by extension, how it should be taught, the philosophy of
constructivism has concurrently developed into a possible source of fresh practices in music education
through the exploration of what learning is. Much of the music teacher training in America occurs
within highly structured postsecondary educational bodies (i.e., universities and colleges); therefore, it
may be within these institutions that the implementation of a new teaching philosophy is most needed.
This essay will discuss some fundamental aspects of the constructivist theory and explore the
implications of constructivism for educational design to illuminate existing and proposed applications
in postsecondary music instruction.
Constructivism exists in multiple manifestations in education; however, some general themes exist
for constructivist educators (Broomhead, 2005). Jackie Wiggins (2004), a leading practitioner and
This contemporary summary can be understood more thoroughly through an investigation of the
historical foundations and educational concepts of constructivism. The implications of these tenets for
postsecondary music education can then be investigated through exploration of the issues of relevance
and curricular design. Examples of practical applications of the theory can then be examined within
the context of the applied studio.
a self-regulatory process of struggling with the conflict between existing personal models of
the world and discrepant new insights, constructing new representations and models of reality
as a human meaning-making venture with culturally developed tools and symbols, and further
negotiating such meaning through cooperative social activity, discourse, and debate in
communities of practice. (p. ix)
Society and culture can thus be seen to provide both the sources of the building blocks of new
schemas and the point of interaction for existing schemas. Thus, we have Wiggins’ (2004) statement,
“People learn through constructing their own understanding as a result of their experiences and
interactions with others” (p. 88).
Educational Concepts
While a comprehensive theory of instruction based on the assumptions of the constructivist
epistemology has not been established, it is necessary to illuminate a few concepts that such a theory
might address before arriving at any possible implications of constructivism for postsecondary music
education and teacher training.
Jerome S. Bruner (1979b) states that “the structure of knowledge—its connectedness and the
derivations that make one follow from another—is the proper emphasis in education” (p. 120). From
this idea it follows that “the relationship between the learner and the subject matter should be the focus
of teaching rather than the content itself” (Rinaldo, 2004, p. 32). This suggests that “high-road
learning” (Maclellen, 2005), which emphasizes conceptual understanding, is the proper focus of
Constructivists focus most prevalently on the understanding of concepts and are interested in
performance “only insofar as it springs from, and thus demonstrates, such understanding” (Glasersfeld,
The way is, first, for the teacher to be intelligently aware of the capacities, needs, and past
experiences of those under instruction, and, secondly, to allow the suggestion made to develop
into a plan and project by means of the further suggestions contributed and organized into a
whole by members of the group. The plan, in other words is a co-operative enterprise, not a
dictation. The teacher’s suggestion . . . is a starting point to be developed into a plan through
contributions from the experience of all engaged in the learning process. . . . The essential point
is that the purpose grow and take shape through the process of social intelligence. (p. 85)
This interpretation of the role of the teacher agrees with Bruner’s (1979a) “hypothetical mode” of
teaching. In this mode, the students and teacher assume a cooperative role in manipulating the content
of the material that is explored. Bruner (1968) asserts that “instruction must facilitate and regulate the
exploration of alternatives on the part of the learner” (p. 43). It follows that the teacher “needs to take
account of what learners bring to the learning situation—their purposes and ideas” (Driver, 1995, p.
399). Constructivists demonstrate their adherence to these concepts by “promoting an environment in
which pupils can acquire knowledge through investigation of relevant questions” (Avriham, 2000, p.
Almost all of the above mentioned projects and similar ones have been carried out in
schools teaching compulsory conventional disciplinary (or interdisciplinary) curricula.
Learning experts have suggested that a constructivist classroom is the most productive environment
for fostering a high level of engagement in students (Wiggins, 2004), but conflict arises when the
subject matter is deemed relevant by anyone other than students (i.e., teachers, administrators, or
bodies of government). Intent engagement necessitates internal motivation on the part of the student,
and this motivation can only be guaranteed when the subject matter to be addressed is chosen by the
student because of his or her existing concept of its relevance.
If constructivism is to flourish within the American music education system, teachers trained in
constructivist programs must achieve a degree of success equal to—or perhaps greater than—that of
educators who have received training in more traditional settings. With this in mind, the existing trend
toward the use of behavioral objectives presents a subtle but substantial problem for constructivist
Constructivism dictates that successful instruction depends on the teacher’s ability to guide students
toward a conceptual understanding that can be demonstrated through, but is not necessarily indicated
by, the performance of appropriate behaviors. Constructivist educators, by definition, must focus on
building conceptual frameworks. The “why” and “how” of behaviors are more important than the
behaviors themselves. The success of constructivist educators could therefore seem less efficient than
direct instruction within the current system.
It is my belief that, while the theoretical foundations of its tenets are valid, an all-encompassing
shift to constructivism in postsecondary education is unlikely to occur. The implementation of true
constructivist principles requires a fundamental change in curricular design, and such a transformation
could negate nearly all the current practices in every field of education. However, as has been
illustrated, constructivism can be implemented on the smaller scale of individual courses. Thus, it is
my opinion that a comprehensive constructivist theory of education, should one be identified, will not
be introduced in its entirety; however, further implementations of constructivism may be able to
provide practical applications that can be integrated into the existing eclectic American educational
Abeles, H. F., Hoffer, C. R., & Klotman, R. H. (1994). Foundations of music education (2nd ed.). New
York: Schirmer.
Adler, M. (1970). Jean Piaget, school organization, and instruction. In I. J. Athey & D. O. Rubadeau
(Eds.), Educational implications of Piaget’s theory (pp. 1–12). Waltham, MA: Xerox College.
Avriham, A. (2000). Beyond constructivism: Autonomy-oriented education. Studies in Philosophy and
Education, 19, 465–489.
Barros, N. R. A. (1971). Applications of Piaget’s theory to education: A critical study (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Illinois, 1971). Dissertation Abstracts International, 32, 10A.
Broomhead, P. (2005). Shaping expressive performance: A problem solving approach. Music
Educators Journal, 91(5), 63–67.
Bruner, J. S. (1968). Toward a theory of instruction. New York: Norton.