Sociology through Heavy Metal
Sociology through Heavy Metal
Sociology through Heavy Metal
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Teaching Sociology.
This article demonstrates that popular music's potential as a tool for teaching
interactive introductorysociology courses is enhanced when a culturalanalysis
of a specific music genre is incorporatedinto the classroom. Using this type of
analysis as an integrative course theme promotes active learning as students
apply sociological ideas to explain empiricalreality. Using heavy metal music as
an example, I present a two-part model for integrating a cultural analysis of
this music and its subculture into the introductory course. Students first
conduct a sociologically grounded culturalanalysis of heavy metal music. Then
they expand this analysis during the rest of the course by applying new
concepts, theories, and research to explain this cultural object sociologically.
The article's final section discusses the applicationof this model in a range of
class contexts and provides student responses to its use in an introductory
sociology course.
Johnson State College
"aDemographic Categories:What is the basic social location of the "ideal-type"heavy metal fan?
bSocialGroups:With what human groups, organizations,and associationsis the heavy metal fan likely
to be involved?
"cLocalSensibility: To what kinds of values, beliefs, ideals, and folkways is the heavy metal fan
dSocial/CulturalExperience:At a more general level, where does the heavy metal fan "fit"into society
at large?
"disaffectedlosers"(a commonresponsein providesopportunitiesfor active learning.
phaseone). Rather,theybeginto understand Each application,highlightedin the Ap-
thismusicas a culturaladaptation toparticu- pendix,uses heavymetalas a case studyto
lar social circumstances,a point driven whichstudentscan applyconcepts,theories,
home in Gaines' (1991) ethnographicac- and research.In each case, playingaddi-
countof the lives of the heavy metal-loving tional song excerptsand examininglyrics
"burnouts" of Bergenfield,New Jersey(see (passedout in class)andvisuals(CD sleeves
Appendix, section I). As one studentcom- and album covers) stimulateclass discus-
mentedin her writeup on IronMaidenWeb sion. I also incorporate materialgatheredby
sites: students in their Internet assignmentanduse
video footage and written assignmentsto
I alwaysassumed thatheavymetalmusichad keep them actively involved in expanding
no realvalueandwas only for peoplewho the aforementioned culturalanalysis.Each
dropped outof highschoolandhadnoambition time studentsreturnto the analysisof heavy
to succeedin life. Listeningto thoseclipsyou the is to advancetheirunder-
played in class made me start to rethinkmy metal, of goal metal'sform and content
andvisitingthe websitesonlyrein- standing heavy
forcedthatchange. as a culturalobjectby examiningthe links
between the four corners of the cultural
Once studentscome to appreciateheavy diamondfromdifferenttheoretical,concep-
metal'sculturalsignificanceas "something tual, and empiricalangles. In the process,
that tells you where you came from and studentsgain a deeperunderstanding of the-
whereyou'regoing; a force thatnourishes, ories, concepts,and researchbecausethey
must applythemto heavy metalmusic and
heals, impartslife-wisdom,enrichesone's
innerlife, sensitizesthe humanspirit, and can considertheirutilityfor themselves.
Theoretical headbanging: Marx and
generallymakes life habitable"(Reynolds
Durkheim takeon heavymetal.WouldKarl
1997:109),theyarereadyto applysociolog-
ical ideasto expandthis culturalanalysisin Marx and Emile Durkheimhave been fans
newdirections.Whilethe culturalanalysisis of heavy metal music? When introducing
classical theory in the introductory course,I
pivotalto the course, studentsmustunder- students a sense of the historical
standthatthis approachis neitherrepresen- try to give
tativeof sociologyas a discipline,nor is it rootsof the MarxistandDurkheimian tradi-
the only way thatsociologistsstudyculture. tions and demonstrate the continued rele-
vance of a concept that lies at the heart of
Organizingthe class aroundtopicsandread- alienation and anomie. In the
each theory:
ings thatrepresentsociology'smethodologi- I linka discussionof students'
cal, theoretical,and topical diversity and caseof Marx,
integratingdiscussionsand illustrationsof
own alienatingwork experiencesto expres-
otherways to studyculture-such as semi- sions of angerandfrustration foundin heavy
metal music. In much psycho-social heavy
otics, ritualanalysis,ethnography, andorga-
nizationalstudies-ensuresthatstudentsare metal music, this rage is often directed atthe
introducedto the discipline and able to powerful, whose greed and hypocrisy are
thistypeof culturalanalysis. blamed for social injustice. Sometimes these
critiquesareaimedsquarelyat capitalism,as
in Queensryche's"Spreadingthe Disease"
Expandingthe CulturalAnalysisof Heavy
Metal:ApplyingSociologicalIdeas (1988):
The culturalanalysis described above serves
as a foundation for subsequent integrations Religionandsex arepowerplays
Manipulate thepeoplefor themoneytheypay
of heavy metal during the remainder of the Sellingskin,sellingGod
course. This section offers some examples The numberslook the same on their credit
of how the cultural analysis of heavy metal cards
music serves as a unifying course theme and Politicianssay no to drugs
Whilewe payfor warsin SouthAmerica to be the sign of the devil), and swaying
Fightingfire withemptywords together in unison. In light of the subsequent
Whilethebanksget fat structural breakdown in Russia and ethnic
Andthepoorstaypoor conflicts springing up across the former
Andtherichget rich
Soviet Union, heavy metal in this context
Andthecopsget paidto lookaway
As theone percentrulesAmerica offers a particularly salient case study for
discussing Durkheim's concern with con-
Faith No More's "War Pigs" (1989) and taining anomie and reinforcing social bonds
in modern societies. For students learning
Rage Against the Machine's leftist melding
of metal and rap (1992, 1996) also take aim about sociological theory for the first time,
at the same targets as Marx (the inside cover the opportunityto apply these new ideas to
of their Evil Empire album even features a understandan increasingly familiar cultural
makes Marx and Durkheim'sanalyses
collage of leftist tomes). The subsequent object
discussion centers on the degree to which of modernity more relevant and prepares
such social criticism parallels that of Marx them to appreciate each tradition'slegacy in
and whether this music has the potential to contemporary sociological scholarship.
combat false consciousness. Reconsidering Cultural inversions of power by thepow-
erless. Beginning with stratification, each
heavy metal in light of Marx's theory helps
students question heavy metal's unrelenting topic in the final section of the course
includes an application of theory, concepts,
cynicism and fatalism. It also helps students
and research to heavy metal music. I focus
explore the reasons that these themes res-
onate with people who feel acutely alienated my coverage of stratification,on poverty,
and drawn to music that rages against the using ethnographic studies by Anderson
"powersthat be." (1990), Duneier (1992), and McLeod
I begin the discussion of Durkheim by (1987), to help students see how structural
economic deprivation affects individuals at
asking students whether heavy metal might
the level of habitus. In different ways, each
serve to guard against anomie in modem
of these studies shows how people cope with
society. Songs like AC/DC's "For Those
About to Rock" (1981), Saxon's "Rockin' or resist class (and race) discrimination
deviant strategies based on inver-
Again" (1985), and Judas Priest's "United" through
(1980) can serve as examples of the way sions of the dominant culture: McLeod's
turn to drugs and crime;
heavy metal music evokes feelings of be- "HallwayHangers"
the inner-city African Americans studied by
longing and sharedcommitmentto the music
and its performers. Heavy metal concerts Anderson learn the often violent, "code of
further emphasize this collective feeling, the streets;" and the "sitting buddies" ob-
described by Weinstein (1991) as served by Duneier carve out a culture of
mutual respect in the midst of this street
community-building rituals. A series of
metal concerts held in the former culture. Heavy metal music, as a cultural
Soviet Union in the early 1990s provides a resource of the relatively powerless, also
features symbolic inversions, particularlyof
particularlyvivid case of this unifying func-
tion. A clip of AC/DC performing "For the sources of power. Discussing death
Those About to Rock" (Isham 1991) at a metal, Harrell (1994) explains:
huge outdoor concert in Moscow makes a
Poweris afterall largelya matterof position-
poignant point about the bond that unites
ing. And the way thatrockmusicin general,
heavy metal fans and performers. During anddeathmetalin particular, placesthegroup,
this clip, the camera pans the jubilant audi- the fan, and the ideologyin oppositionto the
ence who celebrates its newfound cultural entrenched valuesof society...servesto elevate
freedom, embodied in heavy metal music, the metalheadto a positionof moralsuperior-
by singing along, pumping fists in the air, ity....Embracing symbols,attitudes,andterms
giving the metal salute (considered by some that many traditionallyregardto be "of the
powersof evil" is also an empoweringtech- songs by death metal bands such as Brutal
niquesinceit revolvesaroundboldexploration Truth's "Regression/Progression" (1992)
ratherthanfearof culturalevils.(P. 101) and "PlanetGraveyard"by Deceased (1992)
dwell on the environmental, social, and
Heavy metal's fixation on evil can be under- psychological devastation wrought by
stood as a condemnation of legitimate
modernity, while Metallica's ironicallytitled
sources of power that may oppress and "...and Justice for All"
(1988) describes the
alienate heavy metal fans. Given heavy irrationalside of formal
metal's popularity among less affluent
youth, the dark side of heavy metal can now Justiceis lost,justiceis raped,justiceis gone
be explored as a way for the disaffected to Pullingyourstrings,justiceis done
strike out against society by symbolically Seekingno truth,winningis all
inverting what the mainstreamholds sacred, Findit so grim,so true,so real
a process described by Weinstein (1991) as Lady justicehasbeenraped-Truthassassin
"transvaluation"(p. 262). Listening to songs Rolls of redtapesealyourlips
like AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" (1979), Now you're donein
Slayer's "Hell Awaits" (1985), or Judas
Priest's "Touchof Evil" (1990) andreexam- Weber's metaphorof the iron cage is also
reflected in the common heavy metal theme
ining the visual representations of evil in
of the rebellious individual'sstruggle against
heavy metal, with an understandingof the
effects of powerlessness and economic de- a repressive social order, such as those
depicted on concept albums like Queen-
privation on people's lived experience, is a
sryche's Operation Mindcrime (1988) and
powerful catalyst for discussing the ways
structural inequality shapes heavy metal's Rush's 2112 (1976). Applying Weber's and
discourse and the cultural tool kits available Ritzer's theories to heavy metal reveals an
to lower-income people. important sociological side of heavy metal's
discourse, which questions the supremacyof
Heavymetal and the iron cage of ratio- industrial
nality. Heavy metal's inversion of good and society and exposes the dark side
of modernity. The parallels between the
evil parallels the music's criticism of the
institutionsof modern society. Many heavy ideas of social theorists and heavy metal
artists help students understand that heavy
metal artists express the pessimistic view
metal is not just "mindless rebellion" or
that society is out of control and that the
inherent logic of "the system" threatens music for "troubled kids," and that the form
individualfreedom. To highlight this dimen- and content of this music require sociologi-
cal explanations.
sion, I ask studentsto apply Weber's analy-
sis of rationalization and Ritzer's (1996) Hot chicks, baby girls, and she-devils:
critique of "McDonaldization"to the music.
Sex, genderroles, and heavymetal.Depic-
The graphics on many heavy metal albums tions of women in heavy metal music are
represent the tension between techno-
almost universally sexist and in some cases
rationalmodernityand humanity. For exam- misogynous. Women are representedas one-
dimensional sex objects, the embodimentof
ple, the artworkon UFO's Obsession (1978)
album vividly contrasts individuality and evil, or childlike virgins. To broach the
I ask students to
bureaucraticconformity, while Sepultura's topic of gender roles,
Chaos A.D. album (1993) depicts a descent consider possible reasons for heavy metal's
generally derogatory depiction of women.
into a mechanical/organichell. The blurring
of nature and technology is depicted on the Typically, some students (usually male) for-
mulate a defense of the music on the
cover of Judas Priest's Painkiller (1990),
while the faceless dwellers of a bleak grounds that it reflects either natural or
social differences between the sexes, or it is
metropolis are featured on Sacred Reich's
"harmless entertainment," while others
Independent album (1993). In addition,
(usually female) condemn this aspect of the
music as degradingand stereotypical.This differencedue largelyto racialstereotyping.
spirited discussion leads to the two-part Instructorscan use this connectionto show
question:Howandwhy arewomenandmen how race often overridesclass status.Ac-
socially differentiatedin our society, and cordingto FeaginandSikes(1994), middle-
how mighta culturalobjectlike heavymetal class AfricanAmericanscan not alwaysuse
musicprovidea culturalresourcefor learn- their class to avoid racial discrimination,
ing and practicinggenderroles? Examples while heavy metal'sracialassociationwith
of heavy metal's constructionof sexuality whitenesselevates it above rap music in
and gender roles can help studentsthink mainstream mediadiscourse.At thispoint,I
aboutthe "functionality" of differentialmale do not returnto heavymetalmusic. Rather,
and femalegendersocializationundercur- I highlightsome of the similaritiesbetween
rentsocialandeconomicconditions. rap and heavy metal, focusingparticularly
Useful songs for this topic includeGuns on the marginalsociallocationof traditional
N' Roses' "SweetChild O' Mine"(1987), creatorsand receivers,recognizingthatthe
wherethe womanin questionis a virginal, commercialization of both genres has in-
childlike being and W.A.S.P.'s "Ball- volved a diversificationof artistsandaudi-
crusher"(1985), which depicts women as ence, andthe obsessionwithpower.Playing
emasculatingnymphomaniacs.Sexualityis excerptsof rap songs thatparallelsome of
similarlysimplifiedandequatedwithmales' the centralthemesin heavymetalis a useful
physical dominationand objectificationof way to introducethisconnectionbetweenthe
women, as in AC/DC's "Let Me Put My two culturalobjects. Too Short's "I Ain't
Love Into You" (1980), or Motley Crue's Nothin' But a Dog" (1992) offers sexist
"She Goes Down" (1989). Accordingto depictionsof women. "Amerikkka'sMost
Weinstein(1991), "Whatheavy metaltakes Wanted"(1990) by "gangsterrapper"Ice
seriouslyis power" (p. 35). The struggle Cube illustratesrap'stransvaluation of vio-
over the "secondshift" work in the dual- lence and justice, and Public Enemy's
income families studied by Hochschild "Fightthe Power"(1990)revealsrap'sradi-
(1989)exemplifiesa powerstrugglebetween cal critiqueof the whitepowerstructure.
men and womenthathelps studentsunder- The object in this final section of the
stand why heavy metal music empowers courseis notto embarkon an analysisof the
males at the expenseof women. Concepts rap genre, but to show that similarsocial
from Hochscild'sstudy, like "genderstrat- forces are responsiblefor bothheavy metal
egy" andpower"balancing," canbe applied andrap,andthatbothcanbe conceptualized
to heavy metalto help revealhow themu- andstudiedas typesof oppositionalorresis-
of womenandsexuality
sic's representations tantculture.As Martinez(1997)asserts,rap
relateto adolescentgendersocializationand can be understoodas a "validand strident
men'sresistanceto changinggenderrolesin form of oppositionalculturalexpression"
the faceof socio-economicrestructuring. where "raplyrics narratea bitingdistrust,
Menaceto society:Heavymetal,rap, and disillusionment with, and critiqueof major
race. An interestingrelationshipexists be- societal institutionsand government"(p.
tween heavy metal and rap music. Both 279). Indeed, heavy metal and rap allow
music genreshave a similarlylow cultural fans to symbolicallyexpress resistanceto
status(Bryson1996)andare populartargets dominantcultural forms, ideologies, and
of moral crusaders(Garofalo 1997), yet identities:a process wherebymarginalized
heavy metal is associated with whites and people-such as the working-class, women,
rap with African Americans. According to and gay and lesbian youth---use music and
Binder's (1993) analysis of media depictions other signifying practices to make "noise"
of the two genres in the United States, rap (Hebdige 1979:133) that challenges society's
music is framed as a greater cultural threat symbolic order (Fuchs 1998; Redhead 1997;
to mainstream society than heavy metal, a Wald 1998).