Corrosion in Concrete
Corrosion in Concrete
Corrosion in Concrete
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The two most common causes of reinforcement corrosion are (i) localized
breakdown of the passive film on the steel by chloride ions and (ii) general
breakdown of passivity by neutralization of the concrete, predominantly by
reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide. Sound concrete is an ideal
environment for steel but the increased use of deicing salts and the increased
concentration of carbon dioxide in modern environments principally due to
industrial pollution, has resulted in corrosion of the rebar becoming the
primary cause of failure of this material. The scale of this problem has reached
alarming proportions in various parts of the world.
Information Module
Corrosion Control in Concrete
Given the importance of the costs associated with the corrosion of
infrastructures, it is extremely important that all possible methods applicable
to controlling corrosion in existing concrete bridges be developed so that these
structures will not deteriorate prematurely. Equally important is developing
methods to avoid this costly corrosion problem in all new concrete bridges to
be constructed in the future. Accordingly, the control methods can be divided
into two major areas:
The use of good construction design and procedures, adequate concrete cover
depth, corrosion-inhibiting admixture, and low-permeability concrete alone
will not abate the problem, because concrete has a tendency to crack
inordinately. Even corrosion-inhibiting admixture for concrete would likely not
be of use when the concrete cracked. This situation essentially leaves the
reinforcing steel itself as the last line of defense against corrosion. For this
very reason, the use of a barrier system on the reinforcing steel, such as epoxy
coating or other organic or even other possible metallic coatings, is even more
critical in abating this costly corrosion problem.
It is likely that there may never be any organic coating that can hold up to the
extreme combination of constant wetting and high temperature and high
humidity that reinforcing steel is often exposed to in the marine environments.
The many successful performance of embedded epoxy-coated steel bars in
different projects indicates that when used in exposure conditions that do not
keep the concrete constantly wet, the epoxy coating will provide a certain
degree of protection to the steel bars and, thereby, delay the initiation of
There are a number techniques that can be used to carry out such an assessment. All
these techniques can be used in isolation or combination to provide a “snapshot” of the
condition of a structure. However, if one is interested in the rate of deterioration of a
structure, it is useful to monitor the condition change with time. This is now being done
on new structures with long lifetime requirements and older structures when corrosion
damage has been found and repair is being deferred to cost, logistical or other reasons.
Half Cell Potentials: It is not economic to install half cells all over a
The Author has applied corrosion monitoring to different structures in the past two years.
These have included car parks, power station plant, wharves, and highway structures. In
one case inhibitors have been applied to reduce corrosion and the corrosion monitoring
system will be used to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and to produce
recommendations for further inhibitor treatment or other repair.
Limestone is the natural rock type from which cements and concretes are
derived. A limestone is a sedimentary rock composed of carbonates, namely
the minerals calcite (calcium carbonate; CaCO3) and dolomite (calcium
magnesium carbonate; CaMg[CO3]2), derived either chemically or organically.
Being natural materials, limestones can have a wide range of depositional
environment and components and can contain varying amounts of non-
carbonate material. The type of limestone calcined to produce lime for the
manufacture of cements and concretes can profoundly affect the durability and
properties of the material produced.
"Calx", lime in Latin provides the etymological root for calcium, calcite and
calcination. Strictly speaking, lime is calcium oxide. This is acquired by burning
limestone, which in simplest terms, removes the carbon from the calcium
carbonate (calcite). Lime forms the base for all cements and concretes.
However the composition of the limestone being variable, the true composition
of the lime is also variable, and the term may be generally used to described
calcined limestone in general. Lime may also referred to as 'quicklime',
'unslaked lime' or 'lump lime'.
Slaked Lime
Lime will only harden into a cement when water is added to it. The process is
called ëslakingí, hence ëslaked limeí, also referred to as ëlime puttyí.
An aggregate is material added to a cement. In this report, the term does not
include finely powdered additives to the cement such as ash. It is usually
composed of rock fragments, chosen for their strengthening properties and
occasionally for decorative reasons. Carefully chosen aggregates can make a
concrete or mortar resemble natural rock. Organic material, including grasses,
reeds and also bones can be used as aggregates, often in combination with rock
material. Aggregates can be sub classed into categories of fine aggregates -
that with dimensions less than 5 mm, and coarse aggregates - that with
dimensions greater than 5 mm.
Hydraulic Cements
Hydraulic cements are waterproof and will even set underwater. Consequently
most materials used in Roman and later periods for lining structures intended
to carry water and for construction in marine and riparian environments will be
hydraulic. Such materials are identified by the presence of finely pulverized
material added to the cement binder which will cause discoloration from white
to pale browns or pinks. Common additives, are volcanic ash or crushed
ceramic sherds. These materials are known as pozzolans.
The term "plaster" is one of the most universally used, describing a multitude
of products, usually those which will provide a smooth coat to a wall or other
surface. Plaster of Paris is powdered gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O, derived from rocks
distinctly different from limestones) which, with water added, will harden and
set. Lime plaster is simply a mixture of lime, water and sand, or just lime and
water in the case of whitewash. To avoid confusion, it is recommended that
these terms should be used in full to define compositional types.
Stucco, like plaster, is a term of complex use.
However it is entrenched in all literature as
describing two distinct materials. Firstly it is used
to refer to a fine white mortar composed of lime,
crushed marble and glue-like binding additive
(egg-white for example) typically used for making
good surfaces for painting frescoes or generally for
smoothing walls. Alternatively it is used to
describe decorative work in plaster of Paris. In this
report, stucco will be used to define the former
case alone. Nature of the Problem
In order to understand the mechanisms behind corrosion of reinforcing steel in
concrete, one has to examine the chemical reactions involved. In concrete, the
presence of abundant amount of calcium hydroxide and relatively small
amounts of alkali elements, such as sodium and potassium, gives concrete a
very high alkalinity-with pH of 12 to 13. It is widely accepted that, at the early
age of the concrete, this high alkalinity results in the transformation of a
surface layer of the embedded steel to a tightly adhering film, that is
comprised of an inner dense spinel phase in epitaxial orientation to the steel
substrate and an outer layer of ferric hydroxide. As long as this film is not
disturbed, it will keep the steel passive and protected from corrosion.
When a concrete structure is often exposed to deicing salts, salt splashes, salt
spray, or seawater, chloride ions from these will slowly penetrate into the
concrete, mostly through the pores in the hydrated cement paste. The chloride
ions will eventually reach the steel and then accumulate to beyond a certain
concentration level, at which the protective film is destroyed and the steel
begins to corrode, when oxygen and moisture are present in the steel-concrete
Corrosion can also occur even in the absence of chloride ions. For example,
when the concrete comes into contact with carbonic acid resulting from carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere, the ensuing carbonation of the calcium hydroxide in
the hydrated cement paste leads to reduction of the alkalinity, to pH as low as
8.5, thereby permitting corrosion of the embedded steel: