Pliometrico Mediciball Judô

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Power training for judo:

Plyometric training with medicine balls
Ray Takahashi
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario

ince its inception as an was reported to have been instru- improve performance results.
S Olympic event in 1964, judo
has developed immensely, both as
mental in Anton Geesink's Olympic
victory in 1964 (1). More recently, Explosive Power Training
an art and sport. Like most sports it was stated that the serious judoka One way to develop explosive
today, judo training has become needs a program that encompasses power is to use plyometric training
more sophisticated in recent years many types of training, including principles. Plyometrics are drills or
and many good technical books total body strength, power, aerobic exercises aimed at linking sheer
have been published as a result (1, and anaerobic capacity, muscular strength and speed of movement to
8). The bulk of literature, however, endurance, flexibility and judo skills produce an explosive-reactive
has focused primarily on judo tech- (4). movement often referred to as
niques in contrast to the training of The need for total body con- power (3). The principle behind
judoka for competition. Although ditioning reflects the nature of the plyometrics is the pre-loading or
judo is highly technical in nature, it activity encountered in the sport. stretching of the muscles, enabling
is commonly accepted that when all Judo involves gripping, standing a reflex contraction that is more
considerations are equal or nearly movements, throwing, ground forceful and powerful.
equal, victory will fall to the fighting and other situations often Although plyometrics have been
stronger opponent. found in one-on-one combative credited with exceptional perform-
activity. A major attraction in judo ance in the past, such as sprinter
The Need for Strength in Judo is the ippon throw, which ends the Valeri Borzov's 100-meter win in
In a combative sport such as match like the knock-out punch in 1972 and high jumper DWight
judo, overall body strength and the boxing. The attack must be execut- Stone's success, the use of plyo-
ability to attack quickly are distinct ed with precision and confidence. metrics in training programs has
advantages. Competitors are Many of the movements in standing been somewhat limited over the
matched by weight, so high judo, particularly throwing tech- years, partly due to its recent appli-
strength per unit of body mass is niques, require the ability to twist cation to Western sport, and also
preferred. The short, explosive the body and generate power from because it is not yet fully under-
bursts of activity associated with a certain position. Emphasis stood (7).
attack and defense require an should be placed on developing the Plyometric training is relevant to
emphasis on strength and power. torso, hip and stomach areas to any sport that requires power. For
The effectiveness and role of facilitate these movements. example, consider the wrestler initi-
strength in judo has been recog- A plyometric strength training ating a double-leg takedown, the
nized for some time. A compre- program with medicine balls in vari- volleyball player jumping to block
hensive view of strength training ous drills can be used by athletes the ball at the net, or the hockey
has been documented (5). A sys- and coaches to improve their train- player Winding up before a sl~Ip
tematic weight-training program ing methods, which may ultimately shot. Plyometric training is also

National Strength and

Conditioning Association Journal 66 Volume 14, Number 2, 1992
Table 1. Medicine Ball Exercises for Judo
Exercise Body Part;Muscle Group Application to Judo
Back throw Legs, hips, arms, shoulders, Lifts, back-bending throws
Straight over quadriceps, lower back, (e.g., "ura nage")
To one side trapezius, hip flexors

Chest pass Chest, arms, shoulders, wrists, Ground work, gripping,

Seated pectorals, lats, deltoids, trapezius arm control while standing

Sit-up Stomach, arms, shoulders, Ground defense from back position,

abdominals, lats, pectorals, deltoids overall body strength, general body
strength in stance

Torso throw Upper torso, arms, shoulders, Preparatory pulling (e.g., "kuzushi");
To front obliques, deltoids, trapezius front-bending throws (e.g., "seoi nage")
To side

Trunk pass Mid-torso, lower back, hips, Development of power for twisting
Back to back abdominals, obliques, lats, movements for throw entries
Side throw biceps, pectorals

applicable to judo, particularly programs. Medicine balls have upper body as well as implementing
because match activity is character- been used in some sports, such as sport-specific exercise routines" (3).
ized by qUick, explosive attacks track and field, where plyometrics Medicine ball drills can be imple-
occurring over a five-minute match have been devised primarily for merited directly in the "dojo," or
period. throWing and sprinting events. training room, allOWing for a con-
Plyometric training with venient method of monitoring train-
Training with Medicine Balls medicine balls is well suited to judo ing. Drills can simulate specific
Medicine balls have been widely for a variety of reasons. The actions not normally reproduced by
used in various athletic and recre- medicine ball "is weighted and standard weight-training equip-
ational activities, yet they are often serves as a way of eccentrically ment. One can move the balls
overlooked in combative training loading the musculature of the freely as a result, and they are par-

Figure 1. Starting Figure 2. Back throw Figures 3 and 4. Back throw - to one side
position: back throw action sequence

National Strength and

Volume 14, Number 2, 1992 67 Conditioning Association Journal
Figure 5. Chest pass - seated Figure 6. Chest pass - kneeling

Figure 7. Chest pass - kneeling Figure 8. Chest pass - standing

ticularly useful in the twisting move~ ground and keeping the arms in a chair with both feet flat on the
ments involved in judo throwing straight, back straight and head for- mat. Tie a belt around the chest to
techniques. Medicine balls also ward. The action sequence the back of the chair to prevent
keep the athlete aware of his or her (Figure 2) involves extending out excessive movement. The
center of gravity (6) and hence, of the squat position and thrusting medicine ball is held on either side
improve balance. the medicine ball over the head and away from the.chest. The ~th­
behind to a gym wall or partner. lete brings the ball toward the chest
Exercises with Medicine Balls The action is done as forcefully and and quickly throws it away. similar
The following exercises can be quickly as possible, concentrating to a basketball chest pass (Figure
easily incorporated into a regular on leg and hip extension and 5). The arms are extended in the
training session for judo. Each throwing the arms back, maintain- follow-through.
exercise involves muscular actions ing full extension. Standing chest pass. Start
used in judo, focusing on major Back throws to open side. standing, with one partner desig-
muscle groups. Table 1 shows the Start in a semi-squat position simi- nated as the passer and the other
name of each exercise, the major lar to that of the straight-over back as the catcher. the catcher catches
muscle groups used and their appli- throw. The action involves throw- the pass and throws the ball back to
cation to judo. ing the ball over one shoulder using the passer, so that he or she tan
a twisting action in the torso perform the passes as quickly as
Back throw straight over. Start (Figures 3 and 4). Alternate sides possible (Figure 8). The passer
in a semi-squat position (Figure 1), after one side has been completed. steps forward with the left and right
holding the medicine ball off the Seated chest pass. Start seated foot alternatively when passing.

National Strength and

Conditioning Association Journal 68 Volume 14. Number 2. 1992
Table 2. 12-week Training Program

Preparatory Phase Competitive Phase

Exercise Wee"'s 1-2 WeeJ<s 3-4 Weeks 5-6 Weeks 7-8 Weeks 9-10 Weeks 11-12
Sit-up 1 x 10-15 2 x 10-15 3 x 15-20 3 x 15-20 2 x 15-20 1 x 10~15
Chest pass (seated, 1 x l.':~-20 2 x 15-20 3 x 20-25 3 x 20-25 2 x 20-25 1 x 15-20
kneeling or standing)

Trunk pass 1 x 15-20 2 x 15-20 3 x 20-30 3 x 20-30 2 x 20-30 1 x 15-20

(back to back or side)
Back throw 1 x 1Q-15 2 x 10-15 3 x 10-20 3 x 10-20 2 x 10-20 1 x 10-15
(straight over or to side)
Torso throw 1 x 10-15 2 x 10-15 3 x 10-20 3 x 10-20 2 x 10-20 1 x 10-15
(to front or to side)
Frequency (per week) 1 2 2 2 1 1
Extra sets +1 option + 2 options + 2 options + 1 option
Testing Testing Testing

Decrease the time between the pass direction of the pass. Throwing the gram is divided into bi-weekly
and catch. ball to the side allows for more cycles, allowing for progressive
Sit-ups. Start in the upright torqlle in the trunk (Figure 12). loading and adaptation of the exer-
position, with feet interlocked with a Trunk back pass. Start with cises. The general structure of the
partner. One partner starts with the both partners standing back to back. program accounts for the build-up
ball ov~r the head and arms extend- The aim is to receive and pass the of volume between the fifth and
ed (Figure 9). The receiving part- ball around from side to side as eighth weeks, followed by a
ner catches the ball and falls back- quickly as possible. To facilitate decrease in conjunction with the
ward due to its momentum. This passing, one partner grips the ball competitive schedule.
works the abdominal muscles. Both on the top and bottom, and the Individual differences must be
partners sh9uld keep their arms other on each side (Figure 13). taken into account when establish-
extended and throw the ball in a When twisting, try to keep the hips ing the optimal number of repeti-
large arc to creqte as much momen- facing forward to avoid turning the tions and sets for each exercise.
tum with the bal1 as possible. entire body. Change directions and Frequency of tfilining should not
Torso throW$ to front. Start by alternate grips accordingly (figures exceed three times per week.
holding the medicine ball in front, 14 and 15). Other con~iderations and points of
with the top hand slightly behind Trunk pass side throw. Start information are:
the bqll and the bottom h!1nd sup- with a wide stance and a partner to A sound strength base should
porting the weight of the ball one ~ide. Initiate the pass by twist- be developed before starting a
(Figure 10). With the left hand on ing the torso slightly in the opposite plyometric strength program.
the bottom, ~wing the ball to the left direction and then quickly and force- It is important to learn the
side and quickly throw it to the fully passing the ball to the partner proper techriique of the exercis-
front, pushing with the right hand (Figures 16 and 17). A full body es before attempting to stress
placed behind the ball (Figure 11). twist with arms, hips and torso or overload the muscle groups.
The pushing action of the arm should be used. Change direction Warm-up adequately before
behind the ball is emphasized with of the pass when one side has been starting plyometric exercises. A
the trunk rotation to develop completed. proper cool-down is also
kuzushi, or arm strength, for break- required.
ing an opponent's balance upon General Training Program Intensity is a keY in plyometric
entering throws. Alternate sides The follOWing information will training. perform the exercises
after one sid~ has been completed. provide a starting guideline for sup- as quickly and forcefully as pos"
Torso throws to side. The plementary strength/power training sible. This will ensure a maxi-
action is ~imilar to the throw to the for judo. Table 2 shows a 12- mal reflex response in the mus-
front torso twist, with the difference week training program that uses the cular contraction. .
in the follow-through and change of exercises described above. The pro- Take adequate rests between

National Strengt!t and

Volume 14, N!lmber 2, 1992 69 Conditioning Association Journal
Figure 9. Sit-ups Figure 10 and 11. Torso throw

Figure 12. Torso Figure 13;14 and 15. Trunk passes, back to back
throw, side to side

Figure 16 and 17. Trunk passes - ~ide throwing

National Strength and

Conditioning Association Journal 70 Volume 14, Number 2, 1992
Speed City
sets (usually three to four min- Summary
utes). The introduction of judo in the Catalog
Do not overload the resistance 1964 Olympic games elevated the
medicine ball weight} so that it competitiveness of the judoka, Featuring the top speed,
negates the effectiveness of the whereby training has become more
exercise. sophisticated. Strength has been agility and quickness
Training sessions can be sched- identified as an important compo- training equipment in
uled after a technique session or nent of judo, and strength-training the nation. Used by:
incorporated as part of a work- methods have been incorporated
out. Avoid plyometric training into the programs of serious • 30 Professional Teams
after heavy training sessions, judokas. A form of strength training • Top 10 NCAA Teams
because fatigue may affect the is plyometrics, which is based on • World Class Athletes
quality of training. the stretch-reflex contraction of the
During the competitive season, muscle, increasing power in the • Top Universities
training can be decreased to muscle groups used. The applica-
one session per week. tion of plyometrics to judo is war- JOIN THE CROWD!!
ranted given the short, explosive
Testing burst of activity encountered in Call
Two simple testing procedures
can be periodically incorporated
attack and defense during a match.
The use of medicine balls in a plyo-
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during a training program. metric program can be implement- Speed City Inc.
Medicine ball pass. This test ed easily during a judo practice ses- P.O. Box 1059
measures upper body strength. Use sion. Medicine ball exercises also
the seated medicine ball exercise provide a closer simulation of
described earlier (Figure 5). The actions used in judo, and a greater
distance from the chair to the point awareness of an external mass
of contact is used as the measure along with balance and center of
for determining performance. Any gravity. •
distance under 10 feet indicates the
need for a lighter ball.
Vertical jump. This test mea-
sures lower body strength. The ath- References
lete jumps from a flat-footed stand-
1. Adams, N. 1990. Grips. Wiltshire,
ing position and reaches as high as Great Britain: Crowood Press.
possible along a wall or pole. The 2. Chu, D.A. 1983. Plyometrics: the
fingers are dusted with chalk so that link between strength and speed.
the reach is easily marked. The dis- NSCA Journal. 5(2):20-21.
3. Chu, D.A. 1986. Practical considera-
tance between the jumped mark tions for utilizing plyometrics; part
and the standing reaching distance 2. NSCA Journal. 8(4):14-24.
is the athlete's jump reach height. 4. Fisher, R. 1981. The Complete
The best jump of three trials is used, Training Guide for Judo.
with approximately one minute of Ontario Ministry of Culture and
rest between jumps to ensure ade- 5. Ishikawa, T. and D.F. Draeger. 1962.
quate recovery of the muscle sys- Judo Training Methods: A New Soviet Training Device
tems. Source Book. Tokyo and The first training device designed to
Rutland, VT: Charles I. Tutle. significantly improve speed and technique.
Testing establishes the athlete's
6. Miller, J. 1987. Medicine ball training
baseline strengths and weaknesses for throwers. NSCA Journal. Small $60 Medium $70 Large $75
and provides data for an individual- 9(1):32-33. Individual Pkg. $190 ( 1 sm., 2 med.)
ized training program. Tests also 7. Radcliffe, J.C. and R.C. Farentinos. Team Pkg. $610 ( 4 small, 6 med.)
provide information on the effec- 1985. Plyometrics: Explosive
Power Training. Champaign, IL: -$rnSlrUctional Booklet with each order
tiveness of the program. Testing Human Kinetics.
can motivate the athletes and facili-
tate monitoring of training and
8. Sato, N. 1990. Ashiwwaza.
Wiltshire, Great Britain: Crowood
improvements. Press. The Strength & Speed Source
P.O. Box 51606, Knoxville, TN 37950

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Volume 14, Number 2, 1992 71

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