DESIRO UK Electrical Multiple Unit Family

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DESIRO UK Electrical Multiple Unit Family

Train Configuration of DESIRO UK Family

DESIRO® is the family of Siemens Multiple

Technical Information
Units for Commuter and Regional Transit.
Due to its modular design, a high flexibility
with regard to train configuration, per- 2 (Option), 3 to 5 vehicle EMU for DC 750V
3 to 5 vehicle EMU for AC 25kV / 50Hz
formance, equipment and comfort can be
3 to 5 vehicle dual-voltage EMU for DC 750V and AC 25kV / 50Hz
accomplished. DESIRO multiple units are
supplied as DMU for Germany & Denmark Gauge 1435 mm
and as EMU for Slovenia & Greece. Line Voltages AC 25kV / 50Hz (catenary) DC 750V (third rail)
Based on this successful modular Multiple Axle Arrangements B'o B'o + 2' 2'
Unit family, the DESIRO UK is specifically B'o B'o + 2' 2' + B'o B'o
designed to meet the requirements of the B'o B'o + 2' 2' + 2' 2' + B'o B'o
U.K. market. B'o B'o + 2' 2' + 2' 2' + 2' 2' + B'o B'o
869 vehicles of DESIRO UK multiple units Lengths 2 vehicle EMU (Option): 40678 mm
are being manufactured for the orders First 3 vehicle EMU: 61200 mm
Great Eastern and South West Trains. They 4 vehicle EMU: 81600 mm
will operate on the National Rail network 5 vehicle EMU: 102000 mm
in the London region. Width 2796 mm
Motor and trailer vehicles can be combined Floor height (ARL) 1157 mm
to form units comprising 3, 4 or 5 vehicles.
2 vehicle units are available as an option. Power at wheel AC25kV / DC750V = 1550kW / 1500kW
This increases the flexibility of the fleet and Wheel diameter new / worn 850 / 786 mm
allows optimum utilisation against specific
Maximum acceleration approx. 1.0 m/s2 (4-vehicle EMU)
route requirements.
Maximum speed 160 km/h
The modular designed state-of-the-art
propulsion system allows operation on Passengers: Seats (various options) Standees (@2 P. /m2)
DC 750V third rail or alternatively on the 2 vehicle EMU (Option): approx. 120 approx. 70
AC 25kV / 50Hz overhead network. 3 vehicle EMU: 210 approx. 84
4 vehicle EMU: 286 approx. 113
Additionally a dual-voltage variant 5 vehicle EMU: 368 approx. 140
(DC 750V / AC 25kV) is available as a
3, 4 or 5 vehicle EMU.
Fig. 1 (overleaf) gives an overview of
DESIRO UK train configurations.
efficient rail solutions
Fig. 1: DC 750 V (3rd rail) AC 25 kV 50 Hz (catenary)

Overview of the DESIRO UK

2 car EMU
train configurations as an option


Non powered bogie

Powered bogie Dual voltage EMU: DC 750 V (3rd rail) & AC 25 kV 50 Hz (catenary)

The DESIRO Philosophy Convertibility System Tests

Modularity is at the heart of the DESIRO Another major advantage of the new DESI- Siemens is to date the only railway system
philosophy. Each module comprises of se- RO UK is its flexibility with regard to opera- supplier to operate its own railway vehicle
veral prefabricated sub-modules of proven ting line voltages. The DESIRO UK EMU test track. Before delivery to the customer
design. Each has clearly defined mechanical vehicles are designed for easy changes the DESIRO UK trains undergo rigorous
and electrical interfaces which are combi-
from AC to DC line voltage or dual voltage testing at the Siemens Test Track at Weg-
ned to create a train as a whole system.
and visa-versa. This allows the customer berg-Wildenrath.
The Modular Structure to specify a single mode train at lower costs
Car Body
• enables parallel manufacture of modules and then upgrade the train to a dual mode
and submodules in order to reduce deli- application at a later date just by adding The car body shell is built as a self-support-
very times or replacing some of the main components. ing aluminium integral construction which
• reduces expensive component and Moreover it is possible to easily adapt the mainly uses large aluminium profiles. This
system integration tests reduces the car body weight and gives the
capacity of EMU's by omitting or adding
• allows a high flexibility when relating to trailer cars without major modifications. car body contour a smooth shape. T-slots
customer and infrastructure requirements in the profiles allow an easy integration of
For example extending a 3 vehicle to a 4
• allows easy replacement of modules and interior furnishing and underfloor compon-
vehicle EMU or reducing a 4 vehicle to a 3
sub-modules even after long operation ents into the car body. The aluminium
vehicle EMU.
periods. profiles are combined with the thermal
These are characteristic features of DESIRO insulation, reducing heat bridges to the
UK and offer a superb chance for flexibility minimum.
to all Train Operators.
The underframe consists of welded alumi-
Vehicle Layout
nium profiles. The major components of
DESIRO UK combines both functionality the traction and on-board supply systems
and highly aesthetical design. Components are fixed to the underframe with resiliant
are positioned to achieve optimum weight mount suspensions which protect the pas-
distribution in each vehicle. senger area from vibrations and noise.
Each vehicle is provided with 2 doorways The front end design was developed
per side, equipped with a double-leaf sli- in close cooperation with industrial desi-
ding plug door. gners to meet the U.K. requirements. The
All EMU configurations have a floor height windscreens are laminated.
of 1157 mm. An obstacle deflector is fitted to the body
Safety Case shell.

Siemens was the first train manufacturer The end vehicles are equipped with auto-
of electrical railway multiple units to be matic centre couplers which are designed
Fig. 2: Typical Interior view of the saloon awarded the Safety Case for EMUs to the for mechanical, pneumatic and electrical
showing 3+2 seating latest requirements. coupling.
25 kV 50 Hz
Fig. 3: M0 M0 M0 M0
3~ 3~ 3~ 3~
The main power circuit of the
dual voltage DESIRO UK EMU SAR





3rd rail 3rd rail

Bat: battery VCB: Vacuum circuit braker LF: line filter

ACU: auxiliary converter unit SAR: surge arrester TC: traction converter
powered bogie ED: earthing disconnector BR: braking resistor
trailer bogie HSCB: High speed circuit breaker Trafo: main transformer

Passenger Area Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Propulsion System

The design of the DESIRO UK interior Compact air conditioning units which are The modular DESIRO UK traction equip-
is bright, friendly and spacious. It was sited in the roof area of each vehicle allows ment is designed to meet the following
developed in close cooperation with desi- preheating of the fresh air, ventilation and principles:
gners who are experienced in the U.K. cooling. Vehicle heating is performed by • Identical components like traction motors
market requirements using materials which electrical heaters in the lower section of and traction converter semiconductor
have been tried and tested over many years the side wall. elements are used for all voltages occur-
in rail vehicles.
Bogies ring. This increases the fleet availability
The interior layout and configuration can and reduces spares holding.
be decided in consultation with the custo- The bogies are from the Service proven
Siemens SF 5000 family. • The proven-design SIBAS® microprocessor
control of the traction equipment ensures
A high level of security against vandalism The design of the bogies has concentrated an energy-optimised performance.
is offered through the careful design and on features such as stability, ride quality,
the selection of materials. The selected wheel unloading requirements and low
materials are to a large extent functional service costs.
proof against damage (e.g. single-pane
safety glass). The bogie frame is a fabricated steel con-
struction made of cold or hot rolled plates,
Passenger seating can be arranged in
forged and cast parts. It is a welded girder
groups facing or in rows.
construction consisting of two sideframes
All seating areas have longitudinal luggage and a transom section.
racks. Separate luggage areas can be pro-
vided as an option. The primary suspension is based on helical
steel spring sets. It is separated from the
Fluorescent lamps are built into the inte-
bogie frame by additional rubber elements
grated ceiling modules, providing illumina-
in order to isolate electrically, as well as to
tion to vestibules and saloon areas.
ensure low structure borne noise transmis-
One universal toilet per multiple unit, de-
signed in size and fittings to be disabled-
friendly, is integrated as a WC module. One Two air springs per bogie form the secon-
further standard-size WC module per mul- dary suspension. A rubber auxiliary spring
tiple unit can be supplied as an option in is arranged in series with each air spring.
4 and 5 vehicle units. The car body is connected to the bogie
Driver’s Cab with a bogie bolster. This enables an easy
exchange of bogies and reduces mainte-
The Driver's Cab has a front end which is
nance costs.
designed for through vehicle access. The
driver’s cab is separated from the passenger A traction centre provides the transmission
area by a fire protection door. A full width of longitudinal forces between bogie bol-
cab version is also available. ster and bogie frame. Fig. 4: Universal toilet
Fig. 5:
Example of train overview

• Regenerative braking allows electrical • 2 x braking resistors for DC 750 V and Passenger Information System
braking energy to be fed back into the dual voltage application. They are moun-
The Passenger Information system (PIS)
overhead network and to the auxiliary ted underfloor.
power supply whenever they are recep-
• 2 x three-phase asynchronous traction
tive. • 2 x front end displays
motors per powered bogie. The motors
Fig. 2 shows the DESIRO UK main power are of Siemens proven design 1TB2 type. • 2 x external displays per side
circuit including the traction system confi- The motors are self-ventilating. This al- • 1 x internal double sided display per
guration in a principle diagram. lows a compact and light weight design. vehicle
Power Supply On Board Power Supply • A sufficient number of cameras to super-
The power supply circuit comprises the Two auxiliary converter units using IGBT vise the passenger compartments as an
current collectors (i.e. one pantograph for technology provide a redundant capacity option.
AC 25kV lines; a sufficient number of 3rd feed both for the 3~ AC 400V system and Further equipment like external cameras
rail current collectors for DC 750V which the DC 110V system. DC 110V battery is and information / advertising screens in
are located on each side of the end car providing back-up auxiliary control and the passenger compartments can be instal-
bogies), surge arrestor, high speed circuit emergency circuit supply. led as options according to customer requi-
breakers and earthing disconnector. rements.
For AC 25kV and dual voltage a fluid cooled
The electro pneumatic braking system in-
main transformer is applied. The protection
corporates wheel slip protection.
of the transformer is guaranteed by a de-
tailed safety concept. Vehicle Control And Diagnosis System

Traction Equipment All multiple units of a trainset and their

major components are linked via the Train
The traction equipment of 3, 4 and 5 ve-
Communication Network (TCN) data bus
hicle EMU comprise the following systems:
system for vehicle control which allows
• 2 x independent Traction converters in monitoring of fault information from the Reg. No. 58893
IGBT technology. Each traction converter driver’s cab.
Siemens AG
has an input / precharging circuit for both Transportation Systems
The Central Control informs the driver
AC and DC application, a four quadrant Trains
about the status of the train via a cab dis- P.O. Box 32 40
chopper for AC 25 kV operation, the bra- 91050 Erlangen
king chopper for DC 750V operation and Germany

the pulse width modulation converter Diagnostic data of the train can be
which is identical for both line voltages. transmitted online to the operation centre Internet:
Printed in Germany
141D6608 199629 DB 09022.0
Dispostelle 21700
Subject to change without prior notice
Order No. A19100-V800-B251-V2-7600

The information in this document contains general

descriptions of the technical options available, which
do not always have to be present in individual cases.
The required features should therefore be specified in
DESIRO® is a istered trademark of Siemens AG. each individual case at the time of closing the contract.

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