DESIRO UK Electrical Multiple Unit Family
DESIRO UK Electrical Multiple Unit Family
DESIRO UK Electrical Multiple Unit Family
Siemens was the first train manufacturer The end vehicles are equipped with auto-
of electrical railway multiple units to be matic centre couplers which are designed
Fig. 2: Typical Interior view of the saloon awarded the Safety Case for EMUs to the for mechanical, pneumatic and electrical
showing 3+2 seating latest requirements. coupling.
25 kV 50 Hz
Fig. 3: M0 M0 M0 M0
3~ 3~ 3~ 3~
The main power circuit of the
dual voltage DESIRO UK EMU SAR
The design of the DESIRO UK interior Compact air conditioning units which are The modular DESIRO UK traction equip-
is bright, friendly and spacious. It was sited in the roof area of each vehicle allows ment is designed to meet the following
developed in close cooperation with desi- preheating of the fresh air, ventilation and principles:
gners who are experienced in the U.K. cooling. Vehicle heating is performed by • Identical components like traction motors
market requirements using materials which electrical heaters in the lower section of and traction converter semiconductor
have been tried and tested over many years the side wall. elements are used for all voltages occur-
in rail vehicles.
Bogies ring. This increases the fleet availability
The interior layout and configuration can and reduces spares holding.
be decided in consultation with the custo- The bogies are from the Service proven
Siemens SF 5000 family. • The proven-design SIBAS® microprocessor
control of the traction equipment ensures
A high level of security against vandalism The design of the bogies has concentrated an energy-optimised performance.
is offered through the careful design and on features such as stability, ride quality,
the selection of materials. The selected wheel unloading requirements and low
materials are to a large extent functional service costs.
proof against damage (e.g. single-pane
safety glass). The bogie frame is a fabricated steel con-
struction made of cold or hot rolled plates,
Passenger seating can be arranged in
forged and cast parts. It is a welded girder
groups facing or in rows.
construction consisting of two sideframes
All seating areas have longitudinal luggage and a transom section.
racks. Separate luggage areas can be pro-
vided as an option. The primary suspension is based on helical
steel spring sets. It is separated from the
Fluorescent lamps are built into the inte-
bogie frame by additional rubber elements
grated ceiling modules, providing illumina-
in order to isolate electrically, as well as to
tion to vestibules and saloon areas.
ensure low structure borne noise transmis-
One universal toilet per multiple unit, de-
signed in size and fittings to be disabled-
friendly, is integrated as a WC module. One Two air springs per bogie form the secon-
further standard-size WC module per mul- dary suspension. A rubber auxiliary spring
tiple unit can be supplied as an option in is arranged in series with each air spring.
4 and 5 vehicle units. The car body is connected to the bogie
Driver’s Cab with a bogie bolster. This enables an easy
exchange of bogies and reduces mainte-
The Driver's Cab has a front end which is
nance costs.
designed for through vehicle access. The
driver’s cab is separated from the passenger A traction centre provides the transmission
area by a fire protection door. A full width of longitudinal forces between bogie bol-
cab version is also available. ster and bogie frame. Fig. 4: Universal toilet
Fig. 5:
Example of train overview
• Regenerative braking allows electrical • 2 x braking resistors for DC 750 V and Passenger Information System
braking energy to be fed back into the dual voltage application. They are moun-
The Passenger Information system (PIS)
overhead network and to the auxiliary ted underfloor.
power supply whenever they are recep-
• 2 x three-phase asynchronous traction
tive. • 2 x front end displays
motors per powered bogie. The motors
Fig. 2 shows the DESIRO UK main power are of Siemens proven design 1TB2 type. • 2 x external displays per side
circuit including the traction system confi- The motors are self-ventilating. This al- • 1 x internal double sided display per
guration in a principle diagram. lows a compact and light weight design. vehicle
Power Supply On Board Power Supply • A sufficient number of cameras to super-
The power supply circuit comprises the Two auxiliary converter units using IGBT vise the passenger compartments as an
current collectors (i.e. one pantograph for technology provide a redundant capacity option.
AC 25kV lines; a sufficient number of 3rd feed both for the 3~ AC 400V system and Further equipment like external cameras
rail current collectors for DC 750V which the DC 110V system. DC 110V battery is and information / advertising screens in
are located on each side of the end car providing back-up auxiliary control and the passenger compartments can be instal-
bogies), surge arrestor, high speed circuit emergency circuit supply. led as options according to customer requi-
breakers and earthing disconnector. rements.
For AC 25kV and dual voltage a fluid cooled
The electro pneumatic braking system in-
main transformer is applied. The protection
corporates wheel slip protection.
of the transformer is guaranteed by a de-
tailed safety concept. Vehicle Control And Diagnosis System
the pulse width modulation converter Diagnostic data of the train can be
which is identical for both line voltages. transmitted online to the operation centre Internet:
Printed in Germany
141D6608 199629 DB 09022.0
Dispostelle 21700
Subject to change without prior notice
Order No. A19100-V800-B251-V2-7600