"He Sends His Angels Like The Winds, His Servants Like Flames of Fire." Hebrews 1:7
"He Sends His Angels Like The Winds, His Servants Like Flames of Fire." Hebrews 1:7
"He Sends His Angels Like The Winds, His Servants Like Flames of Fire." Hebrews 1:7
Greetings Conjurer!
This bundle details the spell-system for creating Kabbalistic mojo bags as introduced in my
YouTube video titled “How To Create a Kabbalistic Mojo Bag”
If you haven’t watched it yet then you will want to do so now. I give a full walkthrough of the
technique. To get started you will need to select a planet that is best suited to your magical
“In the Days and Hours of Saturn thou canst perform experiments to summon the Souls from
Hades, but only of those who have died a natural death. Similarly on these days and hours thou
canst operate to bring either good or bad fortune to buildings; to have familiar Spirits attend thee
in sleep; to cause good or ill success to business, possessions, goods, seeds, fruits, and similar
things, in order to acquire learning; to bring destruction and to give death, and to sow hatred and
The Days and Hours of Jupiter are proper for obtaining honours, acquiring riches; contracting
friendships, preserving health; and arriving at all that thou canst desire.
In the Days and Hours of Mars thou canst make experiments regarding war; to arrive at military
honour; to acquire courage; to overthrow enemies; and further to cause ruin, slaughter, cruelty,
discord; to wound and to give death.
The Days and Hours of the Sun are very good for: perfecting experiments regarding temporal
wealth, hope, gain, fortune, divination, the favour of princes, to dissolve hostile feeling, and to
make friends.
The Days and Hours of Venus are good for forming friendships; for kindness and love; for joyous
and pleasant undertakings, and for travelling.
The Days and Hours of Mercury are good to operate for eloquence and intelligence; promptitude
in business; science and divination; wonders; apparitions: and answers regarding the Future. Thou
canst also operate under this Planet for thefts; writings; deceit; and merchandise.
The Days and Hours of the Moon are good for embassies; voyages; envoys; messages; navigation;
reconciliation; love; and the acquisition of merchandise by water.”
Cornelius Agrippa describing the uses of the sigils and tables of the planets says:
The Saturn table and seal, "...doth help to bring forth, or birth, and to make a man safe, and
powerfull, and to cause success of petitions with princes, and powers..."
The Jupiter table and seal, "Conduceth to gain and riches, favor and love, peace and concord, and
to appease enemies, to confirm honours, dignities, and counsels; and dissolve enchantments..."
The Mars table and seal, "...makes a man potent in war, and judgments, and petitions, and terrible
to his enemies, and victorious against them..."
The Sun table and seal, "Renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in
all his works, and equals a man to Kings, and Princes, elevating him to high fortunes, inabling to
do whatsoever he pleaseth..."
The Venus table and seal, "Procureth concord, endeth strife, procureth the love of women [and
men], conduceth to conception, is good against barreness, causeth ability for generation, dissolves
enchantments, and causeth peace between men and women..."
The Mercury table and seal, "it renders the bearer thereof gratefull, and fortunate to do what he
pleaseth: it bringeth gain, and prevents poverty, conduceth to memory, understanding, and
divination, and to the understanding of occult things by dreams..."
The Moon table and seal, ""Renders the bearer thereof grateful, amiable, pleasant, cheerful,
honored, removing all malice, and ill will. It causeth security in a journey, increase of riches, and
health of body, drives away enemies and other evil things from what place thou pleaseth..."
Once you have selected a planet best suited to your magical objective you should print out the PDF
in this bundle that corresponds to the planet. It includes the entire spell script for each kind of mojo.
Follow along with the instructions - every step of the spell given in order, along with the pertinent
seals for invoking the powers of the planet (to be inscribed on Tablet of Lights); sigils for the angels
and spirits; Holy Names, orations and invocations to said at the appropriate time etc. Having all of
this at hand one document is extremely useful, you will find.
The only magical equipment (aside from the candles, herbs and oils) that you will need is a flat
ceramic dish or floor tile large enough for drawing the pentacle that gives the magician control over
the spirits of the planet. I refer to this as the Tablet of Lights. If you want to increase its magical
efficacy be sure to procure it in the hour of mercury when the moon is waxing. Consecrate it and
keep it wrapped in a white cloth when you are not using it. In addition to the Tablet you will need a
censer for burning planetary incense. The Key of Solomon specifies an earthenware dish of some
sort - whatever you choose make sure that it is heat proof because those self lighting charcoal
briquettes get very hot.
Holy Anointing oil can be used as an all purpose candle anointing oil for this form of “Solomonic
hoodoo” and there are many online suppliers that sell it made according to the biblical formula.
Similarly, planetary oils from reputable suppliers can be used provided they use a legitimate
formula. Alternatively, you can use essential oils to blend your own by following the planetary
Not all planetary herbs or plants are appropriate for use as incense. Most herbs and plants will stink
when you burn them. Not pleasing to the spirits at all! Incense is usually a fragrant bark, gum or
resin that releases a particular odour when burned. Refer to the correspondences pdf for some
suggestions. Alternatively, you could purchase a planetary incense blend from a reputable supplier,
provided this a well formulated.
Planetary Hours
Sirius Labs have an excellent app available for the iPhone that calculates the planetary hours based
on your location. I highly recommend it. There are other software applications for your PC that will
do the same. Or if you are mathematically inclined you can calculate these yourself.
The colour associations given in the spell scripts follow the Key of Solomon except for mercury
which in the KoS is given as mixed colours (rainbow). I opt here instead for orange (another
common attribution) because it’s generally easier to find orange candles. If you can easily find
rainbow coloured candles however then these should certainly be used instead.
Holy Water
I like using Holy Water collected at the Catholic church here in Amsterdam. There is something
powerful about the consecration and the fact that it comes from the church that makes it my
preferred choice. Alternatively you can use the exorcism provided in the Key for creating
Solomonic holy water.