Comparative Analysis of US Foreign Polic
Comparative Analysis of US Foreign Polic
Comparative Analysis of US Foreign Polic
The United States foreign policy has a single priority: American leadership in
global politics. Although this strategy has not changed for decades, albeit different
presidents, and juxtaposed Republican or Democratic Congress, further research reveals
that there appear methodological differences between two parties in their approach to
realize this very priority.
These differences are much evident after the collapse of the bipolar system as
the USA was choosing which way it would go. For this reason, analyzing four presidents’
foreign policy conducts: George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack
Obama, would be enough to come to an overall conclusion.
Although the Soviet Union hadn’t already collapsed when George H. Bush
became the US president, US was already claiming for a global leadership, claiming the
success of its system. Bush, the senior, who intended to bring traditional American values
and determination in his presidency, acted with conservatism and pragmatism
The conclusion is that the Democratic President’s foreign policy put the
emphasis on American soft power and diplomacy to realize main goals of the foreign
policy. The military option was a last reserve. The decisions were not always taken
determinedly. It is the weakest point of Clinton’s administration.
George Bush, the junior, conducted a foreign policy that used each and every
method to secure American vital interests. The high economic development allowed
Bush to conduct large-scale military operations overseas. After 9/11, neo-conservative
Republicans waged a war in Afghanistan. In 2003, US started another war in Iraq. The
reasons justified the means, meaning that Afghanistan was a hub for terrorists and US
should take the leadership to dismantle the terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda; Iraqi leader
possessed WMD and it was a threat for the security of the whole world. As with senior
Bush, the decisions were taken briskly and the propaganda was in the level of the
ideology. This allowed Bush to have little, if not zero, opposition from Democrats. The
main element of Bush era is that if US believed it had vital interests, it deployed any
means to secure these interests.
The main means of his foreign policy conduct is diplomacy. Whatever the
crisis it is, first diplomatic talks, and in case of their failure, limited military engagement
in the form of airstrikes are used. This is the case with Libya and Syria, where large-scale
military option was replaced with bombings. Obama didn’t wage a war even there was
evidence that Bashar Assad used chemical weapons against his citizens. This shows that
military intervention is not a good option in the eyes of Democrats.
Diplomatic talks with Iran are yet to be called “successful”. However, the
diplomat solution to Iran’s Nuclear Program is surely better option, given today’s Iran’s