Letter To The Parents
Letter To The Parents
Letter To The Parents
My goal for this year is to help your child strive to be an independent and responsible learner. To
accomplish this goal, we will be making the most out of our class time. Your child will need to
work hard and do their best as I have high expectations for my second graders this year. There
will be days that your child has homework. There will also be days they did not have time to
finish an assignment in class. Neither is a grade; this ensures they understood the material
learned in class. This is where you can help. Homework and finishing assignments need to be
returned to school the next day.
Finally, I believe that communication is the key to your child’s success and to a great
parent/teacher relationship. I encourage you to contact me at any time with questions, concerns,
or comments. As you see, I will also do the best on my end by ensuring your child brings home
their weekly communication folder every night. You can always connect with me there. I am
available every day to talk with you between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. and between 3:00 p.m. and
4:00 p.m. Contact me at 555-123-1453 ext. 445 or email me at men48@pitt.edu if you have any
questions, concerns, or comments throughout the year.
Melissa Nye
Date: ___________