Axita Cotton LTD
Axita Cotton LTD
Axita Cotton LTD
A prospectus is a document issued by the company inviting the public and investors for
the subscription of its securities. A prospectus also helps in informing the investors about the
risk of investing in the company. A Prospectus is required to be issued only after the
incorporation of the company. These documents describe stocks, bonds and other types of
securities offered by the company. Mutual fund companies also provide a prospectus to
prospective clients, which include a report of the money’s strategies, the manager’s background,
the fund’s fee structure and a fund’s financial statements. A prospectus is always accompanied
by performance history and financial information of the company. The reason for accompanying
such information along with the prospectus is to make sure that, the investors are well aware of
the company’s background and overall performance and the investors do not fall into the prey
of investing in a bad company.
Section 2(70) of the Act defines prospectus as, “A prospectus means any document
described or issued as a prospectus and includes a red herring prospectus referred to in section
document inviting offers from the public for the subscription or purchase of any securities of a
body corporate.”
Thus, it is clear from the above definition of the prospectus that, a prospectus is a just an
invitation to offer securities to the public and not an offer in the contractual sense.
A public listed company who intends to offer shares or debentures can issue
A private company is prohibited from inviting the public to subscribe to their shares
and thus cannot issue a prospectus. However, a private company which has
converted itself into a public company may issue a prospectus to offer shares to the
Types of Prospectus under the Companies Act, 2013
Abridged Prospectus
Deemed Prospectus
According to Section 25(1) of the Act, where a company allots or agrees to allot any securities of
the company with a view to all or any of those securities being offered for sale to the public. Any
document by which such offer for sale to the public is made is deemed to be a prospectus by
implication of law.
Shelf Prospectus
According to Section 31 of the Act, Shelf prospectus is a prospectus in respect of which the
securities or class of securities included therein are issued for subscription in one or more
issues over a certain period without the issue of a further prospectus. Only the companies which
have been prescribed by the SEBI can issue a Shelf prospectus with the Registrar.
According to Section 32 of the Act, an RHP means a prospectus which does not have complete
particulars on the price of the securities offered and quantum of securities to be issued. A
company may issue an RHP prior to the issue of a prospectus. The company shall file RHP with
Registrar at least three days prior to the opening of the subscription list and the offer. An RHP
carries the same obligations as are applicable to a prospectus and any variation between the
RHP and a prospectus shall be highlighted as variations in the prospectus
Matters to be stated in a prospectus
Rule 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014:
The PAS Rules contained provisions with respect to the items required to be stated in the
prospectus for the purpose of issue and subsequent allotment of securities.
Rule 3 of the PAS Rules contained the information to be stated in the prospectus. Primary things
to be included in the prospectus have been inter alia mentioned herein:
1. the names, addresses and contact details of the corporate office of the issuer company,
compliance officer of the issuer company, merchant bankers and co-managers to the issue,
registrar to the issue, bankers to the issue, stock brokers to the issue, credit rating agency
for the issue, arrangers, if any, of the instrument, names and addresses of such other
persons as may be specified by the Securities and Exchange Board in its regulations
3. a declaration which shall be made by the Board or the Committee authorised by the
Board in the prospectus that the allotment letters shall be issued or application money
shall be refunded within fifteen days from the closure of the issue or such lesser time as
may be specified by Securities and Exchange Board or else the application money shall be
refunded to the applicants forthwith, failing which interest shall be due to be paid to the
applicants at the rate of fifteen per cent. per annum for the delayed period.
4. a statement given by the Board that all monies received out of the issue shall be
transferred to a separate bank account maintained with a Scheduled Bank
5. the details of all utilized and unutilised monies out of the monies collected in the
previous issue made by way of public offer shall be disclosed and continued to be disclosed
in the balance sheet till the time any part of the proceeds of such previous issue remains
unutilized indicating the purpose for which such monies have been utilized, and the
securities or other forms of financial assets in which such unutilized monies have been
6. the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the
underwriters and the amount underwritten by them
7. the consent of trustees, solicitors or advocates, merchant bankers to the issue, registrar
to the issue, lenders and experts
Apart from the above, the prospectus is also supposed to include the capital structure of the
company, objects of the issue, purpose for which there is a requirement of funds, funding plan,
source of promoter’s contribution, full particulars of the nature and interest of the directors etc.
Rule 4 of the PAS Rules contains details regarding the Reports to be set out in the Prospectus.
The relevant extract of the Rule has been stated herein for ready reference:
The following reports shall be set out with the prospectus, namely:—
(1) The reports by the auditors with respect to profits and losses and assets and liabilities.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this sub-rule, the report shall also include the amounts or
rates of dividends, if any, paid by the issuer company in respect of each class of shares for each
of the five financial years immediately preceding the year of issue of the prospectus, giving
particulars of each class of shares on which such dividends have been paid and particulars of
the cases in which no dividends have been paid in respect of any class of shares for any of those
years: Provided that if no accounts have been made up in respect of any part of the period of
five years ending on a date three months before the issue of the prospectus, a statement of that
fact accompanied by a statement of the accounts of the issuer company in respect of that part of
the said period up to a date not earlier than six months of the date of issue of the prospectus
indicating the profit or loss for that period and assets and liabilities position as at the end of that
period together with a certificate from the auditors that such accounts have been examined and
found correct and the said statement may indicate the nature of provision or adjustments made
or which are yet to be made.
(2) The reports relating to profits and losses for each of the five financial years or where five
financial years have not expired, for each of the financial year immediately preceding the issue
of the prospectus shall-
if the company has no subsidiaries, deal with the profits or losses of the company
(distinguishing items of a non-recurring nature) for each of the five financial years
immediately preceding the year of the issue of the prospectus; and
if the company has subsidiaries, deal separately with issuer company’s profits or losses
as provided in clause (a) and in addition, deal either –
as a whole with the combined profits or losses of its subsidiaries, so far as they concern
members of the issuer company; or
individually with the profits or losses of each subsidiary, so far as they concern
members of the issuer company; or
as a whole with the profits or losses of the company, and, so far as they concern
members of the issuer company, with the combined profits or losses of its subsidiaries.
(3) The reports made by the auditors in respect of the business of the company shall be stated
in the prospectus in the manner provided in sub-rule (2).
While Rule 5 of the PAS Rules contains other matters and reports to be included in the
prospectus and Rule 6 stipulates the period for which information is to be provided in certain
Rule 6 specifically provides “For the matters specified in rules 3 to 5, which require a company
to provide certain particulars or information relating to the preceding five financial years, it
shall be sufficient compliance for a company which has not completed five years, if such
company provides such particulars or information for all the previous years since its
The Amendment Act, 2017 has brought in changes in the extant Section 26 of the Companies
Act, 2013 (‘Act, 2013’). The amended text has been stated herein:
“Every prospectus issued by or on behalf of a public company either with reference to its
formation or subsequently, or by or on behalf of any person who is or has been engaged or
interested in the formation of a public company, shall be dated and signed and shall state such
information and set out such reports on financial information as may be specified by the
Securities and Exchange Board in consultation with the Central Government:
Provided that until the Securities and Exchange Board specifies the information and reports on
financial information under this sub-section, the regulations made by the Securities and
Exchange Board under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, in respect of such
financial information or reports on financial information shall apply.”
Nature of Amendment
As mentioned above, the amendment has been enforced for the purpose of omitting Rule 3, 4, 5
and 6 of the PAS Rules. Such omission has been done to align the Rules with the Amendment
Act, 2017.
The Amendment Act, 2017 specifically states that the prospectus shall contain such information
and reports therein as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) in
consultation with the Central Government. Accordingly, to maintain harmonisation and
uniformity between the Rules and the Amendment Act, 2017 such omission was necessary.
Impact of amendment
A vital point involved in the process of issue and allotment of securities is the information stated
in the prospectus. Prospectus serves as an open book to the investor, who makes his investment
decision on the basis of the information stated in such statement. Prospectus serves like an
invitation card. Accordingly, a company must frame its prospectus in a manner which attracts
the investors instantly. Rule 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the PAS Rules contains the detailed disclosure
contents in the prospectus.
Post such omission, companies coming up with public issue will be required to disclose such
information and reports as prescribed by SEBI.
As a matter of bringing in parity w.r.t. disclosure of information and reports while coming up
with public issue, companies will now be required to refer to the provisions of SEBI (Issue of
Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 or any amendment thereto.
Company was incorporated as “Axita Cotton Private Limited” at Ahmedabad on July 16,
2013, under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 vide Certificate of Incorporation issued
by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Consequent up on the
conversion of Company from Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company, the name of
Company was changed to “Axita Cotton Limited” and fresh Certificate of Incorporation
consequent up on the conversion from Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company
dated October 15, 2018 was issued by the Registrar of Companies, RoC – Ahmedabad.
Promoters: Mr. Nitinbhai Govindbhai Patel, Mr. Kushal Nitinbhai Patel and Mr. Amitkumar
Govindbhai Patel
Promoters Group: Mrs. Gitaben Nitinbhai, Mrs. Gitaben Amitbhai, Mrs. Pooja Kushal and Mr.
Krunalbhai Girishkumar
Since present issue is a fixed price issue, the allocation in the net offer to the public category in
terms of Regulation 253 of the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018 shall be made as follows:
a) Minimum of 35.06% of the net offer of shares to the Public (i.e. 582000 Equity Shares) shall
be made available for allotment to retail individual investors; and
b) The balance net offer of shares to the public (i.e. 1078000 Equity Shares) shall be made
available for allotment to Non-Institutional Investors, including Qualified Institution Buyers,
Corporate Bodies/ Institutions.
c) The unsubscribed portion in either of the categories specified in (a) or (b) above may be
allocated to the applicants in the other category.
Explanation: If the retails individual investor category is entitled to more than allocated
portion on proportionate basis, the retails individual investors shall be allocated that higher
Our Company shall ensure that out of total allocated shares to the Category “Non-Institutional
Investors, including Qualified Institution Buyers, Corporate Bodies/ Institutions”, at least 15%
of net offer of shares to the public shall be allocated to Non-Institutional Investors and not more
than 50% shall be allocated to Qualified Institution Buyers including allocation of 5% to Mutual
This Issue is being made in terms of Chapter IX of the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, as
amended from time to time.
The Issue has been authorized by the Board of Directors vide a resolution passed at its meeting
held on October 16, 2018, and by the shareholders of our Company, pursuant to section 62(1)
(C) of the Companies Act, 2013, vide a special resolution passed at the EoGM held on October
18, 2018.
The proceeds of the Issue, after deducting Issue related expenses, are estimated to be Rs.1000
Lakhs (the “Net Proceeds”). We intend to utilize the Net Proceeds towards the following object
(Collectively, herein referred to as the “Object”):
We propose to meet the requirement of funds for the stated objects of the Issue from the IPO
Proceeds. Hence, no amount is required to be raised through means other than the Issue
Proceeds. Accordingly, the requirements under Regulation 230(1)(e) of the SEBI ICDR
Regulations and Clause 9 (C) of Part A of Schedule VI of the SEBI ICDR Regulations (which
requires firm arrangements of finance through verifiable means for 75% of the stated means of
finance, excluding the Issue Proceeds and existing identifiable internal accruals) are not
Our fund requirements and deployment thereof are based on the estimates of our management.
These are based on current circumstances of our business and are subject to change in light of
changes in external circumstances or costs, or in our financial condition and business or
strategy. Our management, in response to the dynamic nature of the industry, will have the
discretion to revise its business plan from time to time and consequently our funding
requirement and deployment of funds may also change. This may also include rescheduling the
proposed utilization of Proceeds and increasing or decreasing expenditure for a particular
object vis-à-vis the utilization of Proceeds.
The Risk factors have been determined on the basis of their materiality. The following factors
have been considered for determining the materiality.
1. Some events may not be material individually but may be found material collectively.
2. Some events may have material impact qualitatively instead of quantitatively.
3. Some events may not be material at present but may be having material impact in the future.
The risk factors are disclosed as envisaged by the management along with the proposals to
address the risk if any. Unless specified or quantified in the relevant risk factors below, we are
not in a position to quantify the financial implication of any of the risks described in this section.
In this Draft Prospectus, any discrepancies in any table between total and the sums of the
amount listed are due to rounding off. Any percentage amounts, as set forth in “RISK FACTORS”
and elsewhere in this Draft Prospectus unless otherwise indicated, has been calculated on the
basis of the amount disclosed in our restated financial statements prepared in accordance with
Indian GAAP.
Unless otherwise specifically provided in the respective Risk factors given below, the amounts
of impact of risks specified hereunder, on our financial conditions, are not quantifiable.
2. Major portion of revenue is derived by our company is from goods sold to the Axita
Exports Private Limited and Aditya Oil Industries (Group Company/Entity).
The major portion of the revenue of our company is derived from the sales made to
Axita Exports Private Limited and Aditya Oil Industries (Group Company/Entity). The sale made
to these entities during the period ended/financial year ended on June 30, 2018, March 31,
2018, and 2017 amounted to ` 1008.60 Lakhs, ` 8495.06 Lakhs and ` 4507.20 Lakhs constituting
47.65%, 68.81% and 49.95% of total revenue from operations respectively. Our Company
entered into such transactions due to easy proximity and quick execution. However, there is no
assurance that we could not have obtained better and more favourable terms, if our company
has not entered into such related party transactions. Our Company may enter into such
transactions in future also and we cannot assure that in such an event there would be no
adverse effect on results of our operations.
4. Certain forms filed by our company with ROC are improper. Moreover, some of the
secretarial procedure has not been properly followed by our company. If the authorities
impose monetary penalties on us or take certain punitive actions against our Company in
relation to the same, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be
adversely affected.
We manage our internal compliance by monitoring and evaluating internal controls, and
ensuring all relevant statutory and regulatory compliances. However, there can be no assurance
that deficiencies in our internal controls will not arise, or that we will be able to implement, and
continue to maintain, adequate measures to rectify or mitigate any such deficiencies in our
internal controls, in a timely manner or at all. Moreover, certain forms filed by our Company are
not proper such as INC-22 for shifting of Registered Office, MGT-7 (Annual Return) in repsect of
the finanicial year 2014-15 & 2015-16. Moreover, certain secretarial procedure has not been
properly followed by our company w.r.t. increase in authorized capital.
Although no show cause notice have been issued against our Company till date in respect of
above, in the event of any cognizance being taken by the concerned authorities in respect of
above, penal actions may be taken against our Company and its directors, in such event the
financials of our Company and our directors may be adversely affected.
5. Our business requires us to obtain and renew certain registrations, licenses and
permits from government andregulatory authorities and the failure to obtain and renew
them in a timely manner may adversely affect our business operations.
Our business operations require us to obtain and renew from time to time, certain
approvals, licenses, registration and permits, some of which may expire and for which we may
have to make an application for obtaining the approval or its renewal. If we fail to maintain such
registrations and licenses or comply with applicable conditions, then such respective regulatory
can impose fine on our company or suspension and/or cancellation the approval/licenses which
may affect our business adversely.
Some of the permits, licenses and approvals etc. are granted for a fixed period of time and may
expire and for which we may have to make an application for obtaining the approval or its
renewal. Failure to renew, maintain or obtain the required permits or approvals in time may
result in the interruption of our operations and may have a material adverse effect on our
business. Moreover, there can be no assurance that the relevant authorities will issue or renew
any of such permits or approvals in time or at all. Further, certain statutory and regulatory
authority may put certain terms and conditions, which are required to be complied with by us.
Any default by our Company in complying with the same, may result in inter alia the
cancellation of such licenses, consents, authorizations and/or registrations, which may
adversely affect our operations.
Many of the Licenses and approvals are in the name of Axita Cotton Private Limited; the same
are required to be updated/changed with various government/semi government authorities
and various organizations.
6. Our Company, Directors, Promoters and Group Companies/Entities are involved in
certain tax related litigations, which if determined against us, can affect financial
conditions of our company.
Our Company, Directors, Promoters and Group Companies/Entities against whom
income tax department has raised Demand/Notices, any adverse decision against our Company
and or group Companies/Entities can affect our financial condition.
7. Certain qualifications have been noted by Peer Review Auditors in their report on the
Restated Financial Statements for non provision for Gratuity Payment as required under
the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.
Our Peer Review Auditors have provided certain qualifications in their report on the
Restated Financial Statements relating to the financial statements for our Company is as
As per Accounting Standard- 15 (Employee Benefits) issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, the company is required to assess its gratuity liability each year on
the basis of actuarial valuation and make provision for gratuity liability. However,
company has not provided for gratuity liability in the financial statement and has not
taken any actuarial valuation report. So we are not in position to provide effect in Restated
financial statements and to that extent the profit & loss account of the company does not
represent true & fair result of the company performance.
Our Company has not complied with accounting standards 15 and Section 4A of the Payment of
Gratuity Act, 1972, in the past. Although no show cause notice in respect of the same has been
received by the Company till date. Any penalty imposed for such non-compliance could affect
our financial conditions to that extent. In relation to gratuity we have not received any
notice/communication from the relevant authority, for the previous defaults till date. Further,
our Company has not obtain any insurance for its liability towards the payment for gratuity as
prescribed under Section 4A of the
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 from prescribed insurer till date.
8. The Company is dependent on few numbers of customers for sales from top 10
customers. Loss of any of this large customer may affect our revenues and profitability.
As per our books of Accounts, our top ten customers contributes almost 92.29% and
87.85% of our total sales for the period ended June 30, 2018 and for the year ended March 31,
2018 respectively. Out of which almost 47.65% and 68.81% was contributed by our group
company/entity – “Axita Exports Private Limited” and “Aditya Oil Industries” for the period
ended June 30, 2018 and for the year ended March 31, 2018 respectively.
Any decline in our quality standards, growing competition and any change in the demand, may
adversely affect our ability to retain them. We cannot assure that we shall generate the same
quantum of business, or any business at all, and the loss of business from one or more of them
may adversely affect our revenues and results of operations. However, the composition and
revenue generated from these customers might change as we continue to add new customers in
the normal course of business. Though we believe that we will not face substantial challenges in
maintaining our business relationship with them or finding new customers, there can be no
assurance that we will be able to maintain long term relationships with such customers or find
new customers in time.
9. Any adverse movement in the price of the raw material may affect the price of the
finished products and affect our profitability.
Seed Cotton (“Kapas”) is the main raw material used to produce cotton bales and cotton seeds.
The price of the Kapas is very volatile subject to price fluctuations resulting from weather,
natural disasters, domestic and foreign trade policies, shifts in supply and demand and other
factors beyond our control. Any adverse movement in the price of the Cotton will impact our
cost of production which we may not be able to pass on to the customer which may affect our
profitability of even lead to losses. Further any prolonged increase in kapas prices could have a
material adverse effect on our Company over a period of time and affect all our strategies and
future projections.
10. Being a production company, we have low net profit margins as compared to industry
As company is engaged in the production of Cotton Bales and Cotton Seed, we have in the past
reported net profit margins of 1.54%, 0.67%, 0.03%, 0.18%, -0.37% and 0.34% for the period
ended on June 30, 2018 and financial year ending March 31; 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014
respectively. Due to lower margins, we have lower EPS for our shareholders and may continue
to do so. If the margins do not increase over time, we may continue to earn lower profits on
higher revenues resulting in slower growth and affect overall financial condition. The
management believes that lower margins are mainly due to non-compromise on quality and
compliance which is beneficial in the long run. If we are unable to increase our margins, it may
affect our growth prospects, profitability, operations and overall financial condition along
with ability to absorb the fixed costs, if any, for the producers of new and innovative products.
11. Excessive dependence on Oriental Bank of Commerce for obtaining financial facilities.
Our entire fund based and non-fund based financial assistance has been sanctioned from
Oriental Bank of Commerce (“OBC”). As on date of offer document, OBC has sanctioned CC limit
of `1100 Lakhs with additional peak CC Limit of ` 400.00 Lakh. We have been sanctioned the
financial assistance on the security of assets and personal guarantee of our Promoter and
Promoter Group member. Any default under such arrangement or non-renewal or renewal of
the sanction non adverse term with such lender may result into difficulty in arranging of funds
for re-payment and may also adversely affect our operations and financials. Also we have
provided the collateral security of our registered office and factory for the above loan taken
from Oriental Bank of Commerce. For further details on the Credit Limits and other banking
facilities, please see para titled “INDEBTEDNESS” on page no. 85 of the Draft Prospectus. In case
of any default under our loan agreements, the personal guarantees provided by our Promoter
and Promoter Group Member may be invoked which could negatively impact on the reputation
and networth of our Promoter, which could subsequently affect our result of operations and
financial condition.
12. All our production facilities are located at Kadi, Gujarat. Any disruption in the
operations due to supply of power, fire outages or industrial accidents at the unit could
hamper or delay our ability to continue production and servicing.
Our production facilities is located at Kadi, Gujarat. There is a power cut off for 5 to 6
hours once in a week, generally on every Thursday. Any disruption in the operations due to
supply of power, fire outages or industrial accidents at the unit could hamper or delay our
ability to continue production and servicing. Any disruption or suspension in the production
process in this facility can significantly impact our ability to service customer needs and relation
with our customers and have a material adverse effect on our business, revenues, reputation,
results of operation and financial condition.
13. Our Company has taken unsecured loans that may be recalled by the Directors cum
Promoters and their relatives at any time.
Our Company have currently availed unsecured loans which may be called by such
lenders at any time. As at June 30, 2018, the unsecured loan amounting ` 499.43 Lakh were due
to our Directors cum Promoters and their relatives.
Moreover, as per books of accounts, as at October 31, 2018, company has already repaid
unsecured loan of ` 316.06 Lakhs to such lenders. In the event that such lenders seeks further
repayment of any such loan, our Company would need to find alternative sources of financing,
which may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. Also there is no formal
agreement with such lenders. As a result, any such demand may affect our business, cash flows,
financial condition and results of operations.
14. Our Company has not entered into any supply agreement for the major raw materials
required for production of our products. Volatility in the prices and non-availability of
these raw materials may have an adverse impact in our business.
Our major raw material for production of cotton bales and cotton seed is seed cotton
which we buy from suppliers; these raw materials are generally purchased from various
farmers, APMC Markets and traders. We do not have any agreement with the suppliers of raw
materials. Therefore, any significant increase in the prices of these raw materials due to any
reasons, and our inability to pass on increased costs of raw material to our customers or
reduction in demand from our customers, may adversely affect our sales and profitability.
15. Our revenues are significantly dependent upon sales of our main products that are
cotton bales and cotton seed.
Our core business is the production of cotton bales and cotton seed. Consequently, our
income is significantly dependent on sales of the cotton bales and cotton seed and over the
years, such sales have emerged as the major contributor to our revenue and business. Our
continued reliance on sales of our products for a significant portion of our revenue exposes us
to risks, including the potential reduction in the demand for such products in the future;
increased competition from domestic and regional producers; cost-effective technology;
fluctuations in the price and availability of the raw materials; changes in regulations and import
duties; and the cyclical nature of our customers’ businesses. One or more such reasons
may affect our revenues and income from sales of our products and thereby adversely affect our
business, profitability, cash flows and results of operations.
16. Our Company has allotted Equity Shares at a price lower than the Issue Price during
last 12 (twelve) months preceding the date of this Draft Prospectus.
During last 12 (twelve) months preceding the date of this Draft Prospectus, our Company has
made Right Issue - Allotment of 2300000 Fully Paid up Equity Shares of ` 10/- each, in the Ratio
of 23 Equity Shares for each 25 Equity Shares held on September 8, 2018, at ` 15/- per Equity
Share, i.e. at price lower than the Issue Price, details of which are
as follows;
The Equity Shares allotted to investors pursuant to this Issue is priced significantly higher due
to various reasons.
17. Our revenues derived from sales in the export market are limited to few regions. Our
growth strategy to expand into new geographic areas outside India and within India
poses risks. We may not be able to successfully manage some or all of such risks, which
may have a material adverse effect on our revenues, profits and financial condition.
Our operations have been geographically concentrated in the few of States of India. Our
export market is limited to a few regions like Bangladesh, Vietnam and Pakistan. Our total
export sales for the financial year 2017-18 amounted to approximately 13.45% of the total
sales. Our business is therefore to a small extent dependent on the general economic condition
and activity in the international market in which we operate along with the Government policies
relating to plastic industry in all these regions, including central, state and local government
policies in India. We may expand geographically in the domestic and international market, and
may not gain acceptance or be able to take advantage of any expansion opportunities outside
our current markets. This may place us at a competitive disadvantage and limit our growth
opportunities. We may face additional risks if we undertake operations in other geographic
areas in which we do not possess the same level of familiarity as competitors. For example,
expanding our scope by marketing our products in the regulated markets may prove difficult
due to the stringent norms and we may have to discontinue our activities in such areas. If we
undertake operations in different geographical locations than those currently is; we may be
affected by various factors, including but not limited to:
19. In the event there is any delay in the completion of the Issue, there would be a
corresponding delay in the completion of the objects of this Issue which would in turn
affect our revenues and results of operations.
If the schedule of implementation is delayed for any other reason
whatsoever, including any delay in the completion of the Issue, it may adversely affect our
revenues and results of operations.
20. Our business depends on our production facility and the loss of or shutdown of
operations of the production facility on any grounds could adversely affect our business
or results of operations.
Our production facilities are subject to operating risks such as the breakdown or failure
of equipment, power supply or processes, performance below expected levels of output, raw
material shortage or unsuitability, obsolescence, labour disputes, strikes, lock-outs, non-
availability of services of our external contractors, earthquakes and other natural disasters,
social unrests, industrial accidents, our ability to respond to technological advances and
emerging industry and safety standards and practices in the industries in which we operate and
propose to operate on a cost-effective and timely basis and any other factors which may or may
not be within our control and also we need to comply with the directives of relevant
government authorities. The occurrence of any of these risks could significantly affect our
operating results.
Although we take precautions to minimize the risk of any significant operational problems at
our facilities, our business, financial condition, results of operations and the trading price of our
Equity Shares may be adversely affected by any disruption of operations at our facilities,
including due to any of the factors mentioned above.
22. Our operations may be adversely affected by strikes, work stoppages or increased
wage demands by our employees or our contractors’ workforce or any other industrial
unrest or dispute.
While we have not experienced any industrial unrest or dispute in our production unit
in the past, we cannot be certain that we will not suffer any disruption to our operations due to
strikes, work stoppages or increased wage demands in the future. Further, if our work force in
our unit unionizes in the future, collective bargaining efforts by labour unions may
divert our management’s attention and result in increased costs. We may be unable to negotiate
acceptable collective wage settlement agreements with those workers who have chosen to be
represented by unions, which may lead to union initiated strikes or work stoppages. Any
shortage of skilled and experienced workers caused by such industrial unrest or
disputes may adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition.
Further, under Indian law, we may be held liable for wage payments or benefits and amenities
made available to “daily wage” workers. Any requirement to discharge such payment
obligations, benefits or amenities or to absorb a significant portion of the “daily wage” workers
on our own rolls may adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial
23. Any inability on our part to maintain quality standards could adversely impact our
business, results of operations and financial condition.
Quality control is vital element for our sector. Any rapid change in our customers’
expectation on account of changes in technology or any other reason and failure on our part to
meet their expectation could adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial
condition. Any failure on our part to successfully meet customer demand or preference may
negatively affect our business, results of operation and financial condition.
25. We have experienced negative cash flows in previous years / periods. Any operating
losses or negative cash flows in the future could adversely affect our results of operations
and financial condition.
Our Company had negative cash flows from our operating activities, investing activities
as well as financing activities in
the previous years as per the Restated Financial Statements and the same are summarized as
26. Our Object has not been appraised by any Bank or Financial Institution. Any
significant deviation in the Object could adversely impact our operations and
sustainability in absence of any independent monitoring agency.
We have estimated fund raising to the extent of ` 1051.20 Lakh to finance the ‘Objects of the
Issue’ (including Issue Expenses). The proposed objects for which the funds are being raised
have not been appraised by any Bank or Financial Institution and the fund requirements are
based primarily on management estimates. There is no guarantee that our estimates will prove
to be accurate and any significant deviation in the project cost could adversely impact our
operations and sustainability in the absence of any independent monitoring agency. For
27. There is no monitoring agency appointed by Our Company and the deployment of
funds are at the discretion of our Management and our Board of Directors, though it shall
be monitored by our Audit Committee.
As per SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, appointment of monitoring agency is required
only if Issue size exceeds ` 10,000 Lakh. Hence, we have not appointed any monitoring agency to
monitor the utilization of Issue proceeds. However, as per the Section 177 of the Companies Act,
2013 the Audit Committee of our Company would be monitoring the utilization of the Issue
28. Our company is using logo / trademark which is name of one of our promoter Mr.
Kushal Nitinbhai Patel and is are currently pending for registration. There is no formal
agreement is executed for using of such logo/trademark between our company and him.
At present we are using following logo/trademark, which is name of one of our
Promoter Mr. Kushal Nitinbhai Patel. There is no formal agreement executed between our
company and him. In future, he may disallowed our company to use
the said logo/trademark which is still pending for registration.
29. Our insurance coverage may not be adequate to protect us against all potential losses
to which we may be subject to and this may have a material adverse effect on our
While we believe that we maintain insurance coverage in amounts consistent with
industry norms. If any or all of our facilities are damaged in whole or in part and our operations
are interrupted for a sustained period, there can be no assurance that our insurance policies
will be adequate to cover the losses that may be incurred as a result of such interruption or the
cost of repairing or replacing the damaged facilities. If we suffer a large uninsured loss or any
insured loss suffered by us significantly exceeds our insurance coverage, our business, financial
condition and result of operations may be materially and adversely affected.
30. Our raw material and finished products both are highly flammable commodity. Any
adverse situation at our factory or godown can have an adverse effect on our operations
and profitability.
Cotton being a highly flammable commodity, every stage from procurement, processing,
storage and transportation to trading is fraught with an imminent danger of an instant fire. The
risk of fire hazard is increased due to increased automation and use of large volume of
machinery for material handling. Any spark generated at these places can not only generate fire
but also the same could propagate to other machines through cotton conveying. We maintain
standard fires and perils policies in respect of the buildings, plant and machinery, stocks of
goods, raw material and office equipment in our production facilities.
During the F.Y. 2015-16, fire was occurred in our production plant, resulting into loss of
operations for few days which affected our performance in the said financial year. Any such
incidents, if occurred in future at our factory, godown or at any other place could adversely
affect our business, financial condition, cash flows and results of operations.
32. We sell our products in highly competitive markets and our inability to compete
effectively may lead to lower market share or reduced operating margins, and adversely
affect our results of operations.
India is our primary market and we face competition in our business from local as well
as nationwide producers and suppliers of Cotton Bales and Cotton Seed. There are a large
number of players for production of same or similar products. Thus, competition in these
markets is based primarily on demand and price. As a result, to remain competitive in our
market, we must continuously strive to achieve operating efficiencies and secure our raw
materials requirements. If we fail to do so, other producers and suppliers of similar products
may be able to sell their products at prices lower than our prices, which would have an adverse
effect on our market share and results of operations.
33. Our Contingent Liability and Commitments could affect our financial position.
As on June 30, 2018 we had Contingent Liability of `1160.00 Lakhs towards corporate
guarantee to Aditya Oil Industries (group entity). We have given corporate guarantee in relation
to certain debt facilities to our group entity which if claimed, may require us to pay the
guaranteed amount. In the event(s) of default under any of these loan arrangements, if not
cured or waived, could have a material adverse effect on us
Details of Contingent Liabilities and commitments are as follows:-
34. Activities involving our production process can be dangerous and any industrial
accident can cause injury to people or property in certain circumstances which could
have an adverse effect on our production schedules, costs, revenue and ability to meet
customer demand.
Our business involves production processes that can be potentially dangerous to our
employees. An accident may result in loss of life, destruction of property or equipment,
production or delivery delays, or may lead to suspension of our operations. While we believe we
maintain adequate insurance, interruptions in production as a result of an accident may
also increase our costs and reduce our revenue, and may require us to make substantial capital
expenditures to remedy the situation or to defend litigation that we or our senior management
may become involved in as a result, which may negatively affect our profitability, business,
financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Any negative publicity associated
therewith, may have a negative effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations
and prospects.
35. Our inability to effectively implement our business and growth strategy may have an
adverse effect on our operation and growth.
The success of our business will largely depend on our ability to effectively implement
our business and growth strategy. In the past we have generally been successful in execution of
our business but there can be no assurance that we will be able to execute our strategy on time
and within the estimated budget in the future. If we are unable to implement our business and
growth strategy, this may have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results
of operations.
36. We could be harmed by employee misconduct or errors that are difficult to detect and
any such incidences could adversely affect our financial condition, results of operations
and reputation.
Employee misconduct or errors could expose us to business risks or losses, including
regulatory sanctions and serious harm to our reputation. There can be no assurance that we will
be able to detect or deter such misconduct. Moreover, the precautions we take to prevent and
detect such activity may not be effective in all cases. Our employees and agents may also commit
errors that could subject us to claims and proceedings for alleged negligence, as well as
regulatory actions on account of which our business, financial condition, results of operations
and goodwill could be adversely affected.
37. Dependence upon transportation services for supply and transportation of our
products are subject to various uncertainties and risks, and delays in delivery may result
in rejection of products by customer.
We depend on transportation services to deliver our products from the raw material site to our
factory and from our factory to the site of the customer. We rely on third parties transportation
service providers to provide such services. Any disruptions of transportation services because
of weather related problems, strikes, lock-outs, inadequacies in road infrastructure or other
events could impair our procurement of raw materials and our ability to supply our products to
our customers. There is no assurance that such disruptions will not occur in the future. Any
such disruptions could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results
of operations.
38. Our Company has not carried out any independent appraisal of our working capital
Therefore, if our estimation is not accurate or the assumptions we have taken prove to
be not correct, we may be required to raise additional debt on terms that may not be totally
favorable to us. Our working capital requirements have been assessed based on the
management‘s estimates and the same have not been independently appraised or evaluated by
any bank or financial institution. Further, the estimates of our working capital requirement are
totally based on the experience of our management and Promoters. We cannot assure that these
estimates may be accurate. If these estimates prove to be wrong, we may be required to raise
additional debt, on terms that may not be totally favorable to our Company, which may in turn
adversely affect our profitability.
39. Certain data mentioned in this Draft Prospectus has not been independently verified.
We have not independently verified data from industry publications contained herein
and although we believe these sources to be reliable, we cannot assure that they are complete
or reliable. Such data may also be produced on a different basis from comparable information
compiled with regard to other countries. Therefore, discussions of matters relating to
India and its economy are subject to the limitation that the statistical and other data upon which
such discussions are based have not been verified by us and may be incomplete or unreliable.
40. Any Penalty or d emand raised by statutory authorities in future will affect our
financial position of theCompany.
Our Company is engaged in business of production of cotton bales and cotton yarn
which attracts tax liability such as Goods and Service Tax and professional tax as per the
applicable provisions of Law. However, we have deposited the required returns under various
applicable Acts but any demand or penalty raised by the concerned authority in future for
any previous year and current year will affect the financial position of the Company.
41. The requirements of being a public listed company may strain our resources and
impose additional requirements.
With the increased scrutiny of the affairs of a public listed company by shareholders,
regulators and the public at large, we will incur significant legal, accounting, corporate
governance and other expenses that we did not incur in the past. We will also be subject to the
provisions of the listing agreements signed with the Stock Exchange. In order to meet our
financial control and disclosure obligations, significant resources and management supervision
will be required. As a result, management’s attention may be diverted from other business
concerns, which could have an adverse effect on our business and operations. There can be no
assurance that we will be able to satisfy our reporting obligations and/or readily determine and
report any changes to our results of operations in a timely manner as other listed companies. In
addition, we will need to increase the strength of our management team and hire additional
legal and accounting staff with appropriate public company experience and accounting
knowledge and we cannot assure that we will be able to do so in a timely manner. Failure of our
Company to meet the listing requirements of stock exchange could lead to imposition of
huge penalties, if any including suspension of trading, imposed by Stock Exchange.
1. Global economic, political and social conditions may harm our ability to do business,
increase our costs and negatively affect our stock price.
Global economic and political factors that are beyond our control, influence forecasts
and directly affect performance. These factors include interest rates, rates of economic growth,
fiscal and monetary policies of governments, change in regulatory framework, inflation,
deflation, foreign exchange fluctuations, consumer credit availability, consumer debt
levels, unemployment trends, terrorist threats and activities, worldwide military and domestic
disturbances and conflicts, and other matters that influence consumer confidence, spending and
2. Any changes in the regulatory framework could adversely affect our operations and
growth prospects
Our Company is subject to various regulations and policies.Our business and prospects
could be materially adversely affected by changes in any of these regulations and policies,
including the introduction of new laws, policies or regulations or changes in the interpretation
or application of existing laws, policies and regulations. There can be no assurance that our
Company will succeed in obtaining all requisite regulatory approvals in the future for our
operations or that compliance issues will not be raised in respect of our operations, either of
which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of
4. Our 100% Revenue is not derived from business in India and a decrease in economic
growth in India or could cause our business to suffer.
We do not derive 100% of our revenue from our operations in India and, consequently,
our performance and the quality and growth of our business are dependent on the health of the
economy of India. However, the Indian and exporting countries economy may be adversely
affected by factors such as adverse changes in liberalization policies, social disturbances,
terrorist attacks and other acts of violence or war, natural calamities or interest rates changes,
which may also affect the microfinance industry. Any such factor may contribute to a decrease
in economic growth in India which could adversely impact our business and financial
5. We are subject to risks arising from interest rate fluctuations, which could adversely
impact our business, financial condition and operating results.
Changes in interest rates could significantly affect our financial condition and results of
operations. If the interest rates for our existing or future borrowings increase significantly, our
cost of servicing such debt will increase. This may negatively impact our results of operations,
planned capital expenditures and cash flows.
6. The price of our Equity Shares may be volatile, or an active trading market for our
Equity Shares may not develop.
Prior to this Issue, there has been no public market for our Equity Shares. Our Company
and the Lead Manager have appointed Beeline Broking Limited as Designated Market maker for
the equity shares of our Company. However, the trading price of our Equity Shares may
fluctuate after this Issue due to a variety of factors, including our results of operations and the
performance of our business, competitive conditions, general economic, political and social
factors, the performance of the Indian and global economy and significant developments in
India’s fiscal regime, volatility in the Indian and global securities market, performance of our
competitors, the Indian Capital Markets and Finance industry, changes in the estimates of our
performance or recommendations by financial analysts and announcements by us or others
regarding contracts, acquisitions, strategic partnership, joint ventures, or capital commitments.
7. Taxes and other levies imposed by the Government of India or other State
Governments, as well as other financial policies and regulations, may have a material
adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Taxes and other levies imposed by the Central or State Governments in India that impact
our industry include customs duties, excise duties, sales tax, income tax and other taxes, duties
or surcharges introduced on a permanent or temporary basis from time to time. There can be
no assurance that these tax rates/slab will continue in the future. Further, with the
Introduction of the Goods and Services Act, tax rates and its implication may have material
impact on raw materials or on our Products. Any changes in these tax rates/slabs could
adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.
8. The Issue price of our Equity Shares may not be indicative of the market price of our
Equity Shares after the Issue and the market price of our Equity Shares may decline
below the issue price and you may not be able to sell your Equity Shares at or above the
Issue Price.
The Issue Price of our Equity Shares is ` 60/-. This price is be based on numerous factors
and may not be indicative of the market price of our Equity Shares after the Issue. The market
price of our Equity Shares could be subject to significant fluctuations after the Issue, and may
decline below the Issue Price. We cannot assure you that you will be able to sell your Equity
Shares at or above the Issue Price. Among the factors that could affect our share price include
without limitation the following;
Half yearly variations in the rate of growth of our financial indicators, such as earnings
per share, net income and revenues;
Changes in revenue or earnings estimates or publication of research reports by analysts;
Speculation in the press or investment community;
General market conditions; and
Domestic and international economic, legal and regulatory factors unrelated to our
9. You will not be able to sell immediately on Indian Stock Exchanges any of the Equity
Shares you purchase in the Issue until the Issue receives appropriate trading
The Equity Shares will be listed on the Stock Exchange. Pursuant to Indian regulations,
certain actions must be completed before the Equity Shares can be listed and trading may
commence. We cannot assure you that the Equity Shares will be credited to investor’s demat
accounts, or that trading in the Equity Shares will commence, within the time periods specified
in this Draft Prospectus. Any failure or delay in obtaining the approval would restrict your
ability to dispose of the Equity Shares. In accordance with section 40 of the Companies Act, in
the event that the permission of listing the Equity Shares is denied by the stock exchanges, we
are required to refund all monies collected to investors.
10. There is no guarantee that the Equity Shares issued pursuant to the Issue will be
listed on the SME Platform of BSE Limited in a timely manner, or at all.
In accordance with Indian law and practice, permission for listing and trading of the
Equity Shares issued pursuant to the Issue will not be granted until after the Equity Shares have
been issued and allotted. Approval for listing and trading will require all relevant documents
authorizing the issuing of Equity Shares to be submitted. There could be a failure or delay in
listing the Equity Shares on the SME Platform of BSE Limited. Any failure or delay in obtaining
the approval would restrict your ability to dispose of your Equity Shares.