Final Assignment Prospectus 1
Final Assignment Prospectus 1
Final Assignment Prospectus 1
Shelf prospectus
A shelf-prospectus is a single offering document allowing companies to make
multiple offerings as disclosed in the offering document within a prescribed time
and subject to prescribed conditions.
Purpose of prospectus
If a company wants to issue securities to general public, it has to issue a
prospectus. This prospectus provides the public with relevant information to
decide whether they should invest or not.
Approval of Prospectus
Prospectus must be approved by SECP prior to its issuance, publishing or
circulation (same applies to shelf prospectus and supplement).
Issuer or offeror shall submit a copy to SECP for approval at least 21 days
before the proposed date of publication of prospectus.
It shall be valid for 60 days from the date of approval (this time can be
extended by SECP after recording reasons in writing).
Availability of Prospectus
The prospectus in its full text or in such abridged form, shall be published
at least in one Urdu and one English daily newspaper. It shall not be
published in the newspapers less than seven days or more than thirty days
before the commencement of the public subscription.
A sufficient number of copies of the prospectus, as approved by the SECP,
shall be made available, free of charge, from the date of its publication in
the newspapers till the closing of the subscription:
at the registered office of the issuer,
with all the securities exchanges of the country,
with all the bankers to the issue,
the concerned share registrar,
the concerned ballotter and
the concerned credit rating agency, if any.
The prospectus along with subscription form shall be uploaded on the
website of the issuer and shall remain there from the date of its.
Timing of prospectus
A company may issue a prospectus at any point of time in its life.
A company may issue shares to public before commencement of business
A company may issue shares to public in the future at any time(s).
Existence of prospectus ends after the purpose is fulfilled (it is not like
memorandum or articles that are permanent documents).
The SECP may approve a prospectus if it contains such information and reports as
may be prescribed. Primarily, the prospectus must contain sufficient material to
enable any person to reach a decision on the investment in the securities of the
Acquisition of business
If the proceeds of the issue shall be used for the acquisition of any business or any
interest therein then the auditors (of that company whose shares or interest is
proposed to be purchased) shall report separately on last five year’s profits and
losses of that business or company and assets and liabilities of that business or
company at a date not earlier than 120 days of the prospectus.
Acquisition of subsidiary
Further If the proceeds of the issue shall be used for the acquisition of any
business or any interest therein, which shall make the other company as
subsidiary of the company, then the auditors (of that company whose shares or
interest is proposed to be purchased) shall report separately on last five year’s
profits and losses of that business or company and assets and liabilities of that
The report shall also explain that what difference would it have been on the profit
and loss of the company (issuing a prospectus) had the company always held
those shares in that company which are proposed to be purchased now.
Further if that other business or company has subsidiaries, the report shall
include the performance and assets and liabilities of that business as well.
Criminal liability for defective prospectus
A person commits an offence, who:
(a) Makes a misleading, incorrect, untrue or deceptive statement in a prospectus;
(b) Omits information or a statement from a prospectus that Securities Act, 2015
or any rule or regulation made under Securities Act, 2015, requires to be included
in the prospectus.
To whom?
to any person who acquires any of the securities, in reliance upon the prospectus,
to which the prospectus relates and suffers loss in respect of them as a result of
any incorrect, untrue or misleading statement in the prospectus or the omission
from it of any matter required to be included under Securities Act, 2015.
The prospectus is a very important document. Its main object is to invite the
general public for the purchase of shares or debenture. However, director,
promoter, person authorizing the issue of prospectus may escape from liability by
proving the defenses made available under the Ordinance.